/* This file is part of Ext JS 4.2 Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Sencha Inc Contact: http://www.sencha.com/contact Commercial Usage Licensees holding valid commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the Commercial Software License Agreement provided with the Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a written agreement between you and Sencha. If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please contact the sales department at http://www.sencha.com/contact. Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314) */ var Ext = Ext || {}; if (!Ext.Direct) { Ext.Direct = {} } if (!Ext.Toolbar) { Ext.Toolbar = {} } if (!Ext.app) { Ext.app = {} } if (!Ext.app.domain) { Ext.app.domain = {} } if (!Ext.button) { Ext.button = {} } if (!Ext.chart) { Ext.chart = {} } if (!Ext.chart.axis) { Ext.chart.axis = {} } if (!Ext.chart.series) { Ext.chart.series = {} } if (!Ext.chart.theme) { Ext.chart.theme = {} } if (!Ext.container) { Ext.container = {} } if (!Ext.core) { Ext.core = {} } if (!Ext.data) { Ext.data = {} } if (!Ext.data.association) { Ext.data.association = {} } if (!Ext.data.flash) { Ext.data.flash = {} } if (!Ext.data.proxy) { Ext.data.proxy = {} } if (!Ext.data.reader) { Ext.data.reader = {} } if (!Ext.data.writer) { Ext.data.writer = {} } if (!Ext.dd) { Ext.dd = {} } if (!Ext.direct) { Ext.direct = {} } if (!Ext.dom) { Ext.dom = {} } if (!Ext.draw) { Ext.draw = {} } if (!Ext.draw.engine) { Ext.draw.engine = {} } if (!Ext.flash) { Ext.flash = {} } if (!Ext.form) { Ext.form = {} } if (!Ext.form.Action) { Ext.form.Action = {} } if (!Ext.form.action) { Ext.form.action = {} } if (!Ext.form.field) { Ext.form.field = {} } if (!Ext.fx) { Ext.fx = {} } if (!Ext.fx.target) { Ext.fx.target = {} } if (!Ext.grid) { Ext.grid = {} } if (!Ext.grid.column) { Ext.grid.column = {} } if (!Ext.grid.feature) { Ext.grid.feature = {} } if (!Ext.grid.header) { Ext.grid.header = {} } if (!Ext.grid.locking) { Ext.grid.locking = {} } if (!Ext.grid.plugin) { Ext.grid.plugin = {} } if (!Ext.grid.property) { Ext.grid.property = {} } if (!Ext.layout) { Ext.layout = {} } if (!Ext.layout.boxOverflow) { Ext.layout.boxOverflow = {} } if (!Ext.layout.component) { Ext.layout.component = {} } if (!Ext.layout.component.field) { Ext.layout.component.field = {} } if (!Ext.layout.container) { Ext.layout.container = {} } if (!Ext.layout.container.border) { Ext.layout.container.border = {} } if (!Ext.layout.container.boxOverflow) { Ext.layout.container.boxOverflow = {} } if (!Ext.list) { Ext.list = {} } if (!Ext.menu) { Ext.menu = {} } if (!Ext.panel) { Ext.panel = {} } if (!Ext.perf) { Ext.perf = {} } if (!Ext.picker) { Ext.picker = {} } if (!Ext.resizer) { Ext.resizer = {} } if (!Ext.rtl) { Ext.rtl = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.button) { Ext.rtl.button = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.dd) { Ext.rtl.dd = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.dom) { Ext.rtl.dom = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.form) { Ext.rtl.form = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.form.field) { Ext.rtl.form.field = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.grid) { Ext.rtl.grid = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.grid.column) { Ext.rtl.grid.column = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.grid.plugin) { Ext.rtl.grid.plugin = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.layout) { Ext.rtl.layout = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.layout.component) { Ext.rtl.layout.component = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.layout.component.field) { Ext.rtl.layout.component.field = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.layout.container) { Ext.rtl.layout.container = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.layout.container.boxOverflow) { Ext.rtl.layout.container.boxOverflow = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.panel) { Ext.rtl.panel = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.resizer) { Ext.rtl.resizer = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.selection) { Ext.rtl.selection = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.slider) { Ext.rtl.slider = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.tab) { Ext.rtl.tab = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.tip) { Ext.rtl.tip = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.tree) { Ext.rtl.tree = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.util) { Ext.rtl.util = {} } if (!Ext.rtl.view) { Ext.rtl.view = {} } if (!Ext.selection) { Ext.selection = {} } if (!Ext.slider) { Ext.slider = {} } if (!Ext.state) { Ext.state = {} } if (!Ext.tab) { Ext.tab = {} } if (!Ext.tip) { Ext.tip = {} } if (!Ext.toolbar) { Ext.toolbar = {} } if (!Ext.tree) { Ext.tree = {} } if (!Ext.tree.plugin) { Ext.tree.plugin = {} } if (!Ext.util) { Ext.util = {} } if (!Ext.ux) { Ext.ux = {} } if (!Ext.ux.form) { Ext.ux.form = {} } if (!Ext.view) { Ext.view = {} } if (!Ext.window) { Ext.window = {} } (function (j) { var l = [], m = ["constructor", "toString", "valueOf", "toLocaleString"], k = {}, p = {}, b = 0, h, c, o, g, a = function () { var r, q; c = Ext.Base; o = Ext.ClassManager; for (r = m.length; r-- > 0; ) { q = (1 << r); p[k[q] = m[r]] = q } for (r in p) { b |= p[r] } b = ~b; Function.prototype.$isFunction = 1; g = Ext.Class.getPreprocessor("config").fn; for (h in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(h)) { l.push(h) } } j.derive = d; return d.apply(this, arguments) }, e = function (y, u, x) { var r = x.enumerableMembers, v = y.prototype, t, w, s, q; if (!u) { return } for (t in u) { q = u[t]; if (q && q.$isFunction && !q.$isClass && q !== Ext.emptyFn && q !== Ext.identityFn) { v[t] = w = q; w.$owner = y; w.$name = t } else { v[t] = q } } for (s = 1; r; s <<= 1) { if (r & s) { r &= ~s; t = k[s]; v[t] = w = u[t]; w.$owner = y; w.$name = t } } }, n = function (u) { var q = function t() { return u.apply(this, arguments) || null }, s, r; q.prototype = Ext.Object.chain(u.prototype); for (s = l.length; s-- > 0; ) { r = l[s]; q[r] = c[r] } return q }, d = function (v, y, R, q, x, F, w, O, t, H, B) { var r = function A() { return this.constructor.apply(this, arguments) || null }, Q = r, s = { enumerableMembers: q & b, onCreated: B, onBeforeCreated: e, aliases: O }, E = R.alternateClassName || [], M = Ext.global, I, L, N, D, K, U, T, u, J, z, P, G, C, S; for (N = l.length; N-- > 0; ) { T = l[N]; r[T] = c[T] } if (R.$isFunction) { R = R(r) } s.data = R; z = R.statics, R.$className = v; if (R.$className) { r.$className = R.$className } r.extend(y); J = r.prototype; r.xtype = R.xtype = x[0]; if (x) { J.xtypes = x } J.xtypesChain = F; J.xtypesMap = w; R.alias = O; Q.triggerExtended(r, R, s); if (R.onClassExtended) { r.onExtended(R.onClassExtended, r); delete R.onClassExtended } if (z) { for (P in z) { if (z.hasOwnProperty(P)) { S = z[P]; if (S && S.$isFunction && !S.$isClass && S !== Ext.emptyFn && S !== Ext.identityFn) { r[P] = C = S; C.$owner = r; C.$name = P } r[P] = S } } } delete R.statics; if (R.inheritableStatics) { r.addInheritableStatics(R.inheritableStatics) } if (J.onClassExtended) { Q.onExtended(J.onClassExtended, Q); delete J.onClassExtended } if (R.config) { g(r, R) } s.onBeforeCreated(r, s.data, s); for (N = 0, K = t && t.length; N < K; ++N) { r.mixin.apply(r, t[N]) } for (N = 0, K = O.length; N < K; N++) { I = O[N]; o.setAlias(r, I) } if (R.singleton) { Q = new r() } if (!(E instanceof Array)) { E = [E] } for (N = 0, D = E.length; N < D; N++) { L = E[N]; o.classes[L] = Q; G = o.getName(Q); u = o.maps.nameToAlternates; if (G && G !== L) { o.maps.alternateToName[L] = G; E = u[G] || (u[G] = []); E.push(L) } } for (N = 0, K = H.length; N < K; N += 2) { U = H[N]; if (!U) { U = M } U[H[N + 1]] = Q } o.classes[v] = Q; G = o.getName(Q); u = o.maps.nameToAlternates; if (G && G !== v) { o.maps.alternateToName[v] = G; E = u[G] || (u[G] = []); E.push(v) } delete J.alternateClassName; if (s.onCreated) { s.onCreated.call(Q, Q) } if (v) { o.triggerCreated(v) } return Q }; j.derive = a } (Ext.cmd = {})); var Ext = Ext || {}; Ext._startTime = new Date().getTime(); (function () { var a = this, d = Object.prototype, b = d.toString, l = true, m = { toString: 1 }, g = function () {}, k = function () { var n = k.caller.caller; return n.$owner.prototype[n.$name].apply(this, arguments) }, e, j = /\S/, h, c = /\[object\s*(?:Array|Arguments|\w*Collection|\w*List|HTML\s+document\.all\s+class)\]/; Function.prototype.$extIsFunction = true; Ext.global = a; for (e in m) { l = null } if (l) { l = ["hasOwnProperty", "valueOf", "isPrototypeOf", "propertyIsEnumerable", "toLocaleString", "toString", "constructor"] } Ext.enumerables = l; Ext.apply = function (q, p, s) { if (s) { Ext.apply(q, s) } if (q && p && typeof p === "object") { var r, o, n; for (r in p) { q[r] = p[r] } if (l) { for (o = l.length; o--; ) { n = l[o]; if (p.hasOwnProperty(n)) { q[n] = p[n] } } } } return q }; Ext.buildSettings = Ext.apply({ baseCSSPrefix: "x-" }, Ext.buildSettings || {}); Ext.apply(Ext, { name: Ext.sandboxName || "Ext", emptyFn: g, identityFn: function (n) { return n }, emptyString: new String(), baseCSSPrefix: Ext.buildSettings.baseCSSPrefix, applyIf: function (o, n) { var p; if (o) { for (p in n) { if (o[p] === undefined) { o[p] = n[p] } } } return o }, iterate: function (n, p, o) { if (Ext.isEmpty(n)) { return } if (o === undefined) { o = n } if (Ext.isIterable(n)) { Ext.Array.each.call(Ext.Array, n, p, o) } else { Ext.Object.each.call(Ext.Object, n, p, o) } } }); Ext.apply(Ext, { extend: (function () { var n = d.constructor, o = function (q) { for (var p in q) { if (!q.hasOwnProperty(p)) { continue } this[p] = q[p] } }; return function (p, u, s) { if (Ext.isObject(u)) { s = u; u = p; p = s.constructor !== n ? s.constructor : function () { u.apply(this, arguments) } } var r = function () {}, q, t = u.prototype; r.prototype = t; q = p.prototype = new r(); q.constructor = p; p.superclass = t; if (t.constructor === n) { t.constructor = u } p.override = function (v) { Ext.override(p, v) }; q.override = o; q.proto = q; p.override(s); p.extend = function (v) { return Ext.extend(p, v) }; return p } } ()), override: function (q, r) { if (q.$isClass) { q.override(r) } else { if (typeof q == "function") { Ext.apply(q.prototype, r) } else { var n = q.self, o, p; if (n && n.$isClass) { for (o in r) { if (r.hasOwnProperty(o)) { p = r[o]; if (typeof p == "function") { p.$name = o; p.$owner = n; p.$previous = q.hasOwnProperty(o) ? q[o] : k } q[o] = p } } } else { Ext.apply(q, r) } } } return q } }); Ext.apply(Ext, { valueFrom: function (p, n, o) { return Ext.isEmpty(p, o) ? n : p }, typeOf: function (o) { var n, p; if (o === null) { return "null" } n = typeof o; if (n === "undefined" || n === "string" || n === "number" || n === "boolean") { return n } p = b.call(o); switch (p) { case "[object Array]": return "array"; case "[object Date]": return "date"; case "[object Boolean]": return "boolean"; case "[object Number]": return "number"; case "[object RegExp]": return "regexp" } if (n === "function") { return "function" } if (n === "object") { if (o.nodeType !== undefined) { if (o.nodeType === 3) { return (j).test(o.nodeValue) ? "textnode" : "whitespace" } else { return "element" } } return "object" } }, coerce: function (r, q) { var p = Ext.typeOf(r), o = Ext.typeOf(q), n = typeof r === "string"; if (p !== o) { switch (o) { case "string": return String(r); case "number": return Number(r); case "boolean": return n && (!r || r === "false") ? false : Boolean(r); case "null": return n && (!r || r === "null") ? null : r; case "undefined": return n && (!r || r === "undefined") ? undefined : r; case "date": return n && isNaN(r) ? Ext.Date.parse(r, Ext.Date.defaultFormat) : Date(Number(r)) } } return r }, isEmpty: function (n, o) { return (n === null) || (n === undefined) || (!o ? n === "" : false) || (Ext.isArray(n) && n.length === 0) }, isArray: ("isArray" in Array) ? Array.isArray : function (n) { return b.call(n) === "[object Array]" }, isDate: function (n) { return b.call(n) === "[object Date]" }, isObject: (b.call(null) === "[object Object]") ? function (n) { return n !== null && n !== undefined && b.call(n) === "[object Object]" && n.ownerDocument === undefined } : function (n) { return b.call(n) === "[object Object]" }, isSimpleObject: function (n) { return n instanceof Object && n.constructor === Object }, isPrimitive: function (o) { var n = typeof o; return n === "string" || n === "number" || n === "boolean" }, isFunction: function (n) { return !!(n && n.$extIsFunction) }, isNumber: function (n) { return typeof n === "number" && isFinite(n) }, isNumeric: function (n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n) }, isString: function (n) { return typeof n === "string" }, isBoolean: function (n) { return typeof n === "boolean" }, isElement: function (n) { return n ? n.nodeType === 1 : false }, isTextNode: function (n) { return n ? n.nodeName === "#text" : false }, isDefined: function (n) { return typeof n !== "undefined" }, isIterable: function (n) { if (!n || typeof n.length !== "number" || typeof n === "string" || n.$extIsFunction) { return false } if (!n.propertyIsEnumerable) { return !!n.item } if (n.hasOwnProperty("length") && !n.propertyIsEnumerable("length")) { return true } return c.test(b.call(n)) } }); Ext.apply(Ext, { clone: function (s) { var r, q, o, n, t, p; if (s === null || s === undefined) { return s } if (s.nodeType && s.cloneNode) { return s.cloneNode(true) } r = b.call(s); if (r === "[object Date]") { return new Date(s.getTime()) } if (r === "[object Array]") { q = s.length; t = []; while (q--) { t[q] = Ext.clone(s[q]) } } else { if (r === "[object Object]" && s.constructor === Object) { t = {}; for (p in s) { t[p] = Ext.clone(s[p]) } if (l) { for (o = l.length; o--; ) { n = l[o]; if (s.hasOwnProperty(n)) { t[n] = s[n] } } } } } return t || s }, getUniqueGlobalNamespace: function () { var o = this.uniqueGlobalNamespace, n; if (o === undefined) { n = 0; do { o = "ExtBox" + (++n) } while (Ext.global[o] !== undefined); Ext.global[o] = Ext; this.uniqueGlobalNamespace = o } return o }, functionFactoryCache: {}, cacheableFunctionFactory: function () { var s = this, p = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), o = s.functionFactoryCache, n, q, r; if (Ext.isSandboxed) { r = p.length; if (r > 0) { r--; p[r] = "var Ext=window." + Ext.name + ";" + p[r] } } n = p.join(""); q = o[n]; if (!q) { q = Function.prototype.constructor.apply(Function.prototype, p); o[n] = q } return q }, functionFactory: function () { var p = this, n = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), o; if (Ext.isSandboxed) { o = n.length; if (o > 0) { o--; n[o] = "var Ext=window." + Ext.name + ";" + n[o] } } return Function.prototype.constructor.apply(Function.prototype, n) }, Logger: { verbose: g, log: g, info: g, warn: g, error: function (n) { throw new Error(n) }, deprecate: g } }); Ext.type = Ext.typeOf; h = Ext.app; if (!h) { h = Ext.app = {} } Ext.apply(h, { namespaces: {}, collectNamespaces: function (p) { var n = Ext.app.namespaces, o; for (o in p) { if (p.hasOwnProperty(o)) { n[o] = true } } }, addNamespaces: function (p) { var q = Ext.app.namespaces, o, n; if (!Ext.isArray(p)) { p = [p] } for (o = 0, n = p.length; o < n; o++) { q[p[o]] = true } }, clearNamespaces: function () { Ext.app.namespaces = {} }, getNamespace: function (o) { var q = Ext.app.namespaces, n = "", p; for (p in q) { if (q.hasOwnProperty(p) && p.length > n.length && (p + "." === o.substring(0, p.length + 1))) { n = p } } return n === "" ? undefined : n } }) } ()); Ext.globalEval = Ext.global.execScript ? function (a) { execScript(a) } : function ($$code) { (function () { var Ext = this.Ext; eval($$code) } ()) }; (function () { var a = "", b; Ext.Version = b = Ext.extend(Object, { constructor: function (c) { var e, d; if (c instanceof b) { return c } this.version = this.shortVersion = String(c).toLowerCase().replace(/_/g, ".").replace(/[\-+]/g, ""); d = this.version.search(/([^\d\.])/); if (d !== -1) { this.release = this.version.substr(d, c.length); this.shortVersion = this.version.substr(0, d) } this.shortVersion = this.shortVersion.replace(/[^\d]/g, ""); e = this.version.split("."); this.major = parseInt(e.shift() || 0, 10); this.minor = parseInt(e.shift() || 0, 10); this.patch = parseInt(e.shift() || 0, 10); this.build = parseInt(e.shift() || 0, 10); return this }, toString: function () { return this.version }, valueOf: function () { return this.version }, getMajor: function () { return this.major || 0 }, getMinor: function () { return this.minor || 0 }, getPatch: function () { return this.patch || 0 }, getBuild: function () { return this.build || 0 }, getRelease: function () { return this.release || "" }, isGreaterThan: function (c) { return b.compare(this.version, c) === 1 }, isGreaterThanOrEqual: function (c) { return b.compare(this.version, c) >= 0 }, isLessThan: function (c) { return b.compare(this.version, c) === -1 }, isLessThanOrEqual: function (c) { return b.compare(this.version, c) <= 0 }, equals: function (c) { return b.compare(this.version, c) === 0 }, match: function (c) { c = String(c); return this.version.substr(0, c.length) === c }, toArray: function () { return [this.getMajor(), this.getMinor(), this.getPatch(), this.getBuild(), this.getRelease()] }, getShortVersion: function () { return this.shortVersion }, gt: function () { return this.isGreaterThan.apply(this, arguments) }, lt: function () { return this.isLessThan.apply(this, arguments) }, gtEq: function () { return this.isGreaterThanOrEqual.apply(this, arguments) }, ltEq: function () { return this.isLessThanOrEqual.apply(this, arguments) } }); Ext.apply(b, { releaseValueMap: { dev: -6, alpha: -5, a: -5, beta: -4, b: -4, rc: -3, "#": -2, p: -1, pl: -1 }, getComponentValue: function (c) { return !c ? 0 : (isNaN(c) ? this.releaseValueMap[c] || c : parseInt(c, 10)) }, compare: function (h, g) { var d, e, c; h = new b(h).toArray(); g = new b(g).toArray(); for (c = 0; c < Math.max(h.length, g.length); c++) { d = this.getComponentValue(h[c]); e = this.getComponentValue(g[c]); if (d < e) { return -1 } else { if (d > e) { return 1 } } } return 0 } }); Ext.apply(Ext, { versions: {}, lastRegisteredVersion: null, setVersion: function (d, c) { Ext.versions[d] = new b(c); Ext.lastRegisteredVersion = Ext.versions[d]; return this }, getVersion: function (c) { if (c === undefined) { return Ext.lastRegisteredVersion } return Ext.versions[c] }, deprecate: function (c, e, g, d) { if (b.compare(Ext.getVersion(c), e) < 1) { g.call(d) } } }); Ext.setVersion("core", a) } ()); Ext.String = (function () { var k = /^[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000]+|[\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000]+$/g, o = /('|\\)/g, j = /\{(\d+)\}/g, b = /([-.*+?\^${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, p = /^\s+|\s+$/g, l = /\s+/, n = /(^[^a-z]*|[^\w])/gi, e, a, h, d, g = function (r, q) { return e[q] }, m = function (r, q) { return (q in a) ? a[q] : String.fromCharCode(parseInt(q.substr(2), 10)) }, c = function (r, q) { if (r === null || r === undefined || q === null || q === undefined) { return false } return q.length <= r.length }; return { insert: function (t, u, r) { if (!t) { return u } if (!u) { return t } var q = t.length; if (!r && r !== 0) { r = q } if (r < 0) { r *= -1; if (r >= q) { r = 0 } else { r = q - r } } if (r === 0) { t = u + t } else { if (r >= t.length) { t += u } else { t = t.substr(0, r) + u + t.substr(r) } } return t }, startsWith: function (t, u, r) { var q = c(t, u); if (q) { if (r) { t = t.toLowerCase(); u = u.toLowerCase() } q = t.lastIndexOf(u, 0) === 0 } return q }, endsWith: function (u, r, t) { var q = c(u, r); if (q) { if (t) { u = u.toLowerCase(); r = r.toLowerCase() } q = u.indexOf(r, u.length - r.length) !== -1 } return q }, createVarName: function (q) { return q.replace(n, "") }, htmlEncode: function (q) { return (!q) ? q : String(q).replace(h, g) }, htmlDecode: function (q) { return (!q) ? q : String(q).replace(d, m) }, addCharacterEntities: function (r) { var q = [], u = [], s, t; for (s in r) { t = r[s]; a[s] = t; e[t] = s; q.push(t); u.push(s) } h = new RegExp("(" + q.join("|") + ")", "g"); d = new RegExp("(" + u.join("|") + "|&#[0-9]{1,5};)", "g") }, resetCharacterEntities: function () { e = {}; a = {}; this.addCharacterEntities({ "&": "&", ">": ">", "<": "<", """: '"', "'": "'" }) }, urlAppend: function (r, q) { if (!Ext.isEmpty(q)) { return r + (r.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&") + q } return r }, trim: function (q) { return q.replace(k, "") }, capitalize: function (q) { return q.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + q.substr(1) }, uncapitalize: function (q) { return q.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + q.substr(1) }, ellipsis: function (s, q, t) { if (s && s.length > q) { if (t) { var u = s.substr(0, q - 2), r = Math.max(u.lastIndexOf(" "), u.lastIndexOf("."), u.lastIndexOf("!"), u.lastIndexOf("?")); if (r !== -1 && r >= (q - 15)) { return u.substr(0, r) + "..." } } return s.substr(0, q - 3) + "..." } return s }, escapeRegex: function (q) { return q.replace(b, "\\$1") }, escape: function (q) { return q.replace(o, "\\$1") }, toggle: function (r, s, q) { return r === s ? q : s }, leftPad: function (r, s, t) { var q = String(r); t = t || " "; while (q.length < s) { q = t + q } return q }, format: function (r) { var q = Ext.Array.toArray(arguments, 1); return r.replace(j, function (s, t) { return q[t] }) }, repeat: function (u, t, r) { if (t < 1) { t = 0 } for (var q = [], s = t; s--; ) { q.push(u) } return q.join(r || "") }, splitWords: function (q) { if (q && typeof q == "string") { return q.replace(p, "").split(l) } return q || [] } } } ()); Ext.String.resetCharacterEntities(); Ext.htmlEncode = Ext.String.htmlEncode; Ext.htmlDecode = Ext.String.htmlDecode; Ext.urlAppend = Ext.String.urlAppend; Ext.Number = new function () { var b = this, c = (0.9).toFixed() !== "1", a = Math; Ext.apply(this, { constrain: function (h, g, e) { var d = parseFloat(h); return (d < g) ? g : ((d > e) ? e : d) }, snap: function (h, e, g, j) { var d; if (h === undefined || h < g) { return g || 0 } if (e) { d = h % e; if (d !== 0) { h -= d; if (d * 2 >= e) { h += e } else { if (d * 2 < -e) { h -= e } } } } return b.constrain(h, g, j) }, snapInRange: function (h, d, g, j) { var e; g = (g || 0); if (h === undefined || h < g) { return g } if (d && (e = ((h - g) % d))) { h -= e; e *= 2; if (e >= d) { h += d } } if (j !== undefined) { if (h > (j = b.snapInRange(j, d, g))) { h = j } } return h }, toFixed: c ? function (g, d) { d = d || 0; var e = a.pow(10, d); return (a.round(g * e) / e).toFixed(d) } : function (e, d) { return e.toFixed(d) }, from: function (e, d) { if (isFinite(e)) { e = parseFloat(e) } return !isNaN(e) ? e : d }, randomInt: function (e, d) { return a.floor(a.random() * (d - e + 1) + e) }, correctFloat: function (d) { return parseFloat(d.toPrecision(14)) } }); Ext.num = function () { return b.from.apply(this, arguments) } } (); (function () { var g = Array.prototype, p = g.slice, r = (function () { var B = [], e, A = 20; if (!B.splice) { return false } while (A--) { B.push("A") } B.splice(15, 0, "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F", "F"); e = B.length; B.splice(13, 0, "XXX"); if (e + 1 != B.length) { return false } return true } ()), k = "forEach" in g, v = "map" in g, q = "indexOf" in g, z = "every" in g, c = "some" in g, d = "filter" in g, o = (function () { var e = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].sort(function () { return 0 }); return e[0] === 1 && e[1] === 2 && e[2] === 3 && e[3] === 4 && e[4] === 5 } ()), l = true, a, x, u, w; try { if (typeof document !== "undefined") { p.call(document.getElementsByTagName("body")) } } catch (t) { l = false } function n(A, e) { return (e < 0) ? Math.max(0, A.length + e) : Math.min(A.length, e) } function y(H, G, A, K) { var L = K ? K.length : 0, C = H.length, I = n(H, G), F, J, B, e, D, E; if (I === C) { if (L) { H.push.apply(H, K) } } else { F = Math.min(A, C - I); J = I + F; B = J + L - F; e = C - J; D = C - F; if (B < J) { for (E = 0; E < e; ++E) { H[B + E] = H[J + E] } } else { if (B > J) { for (E = e; E--; ) { H[B + E] = H[J + E] } } } if (L && I === D) { H.length = D; H.push.apply(H, K) } else { H.length = D + L; for (E = 0; E < L; ++E) { H[I + E] = K[E] } } } return H } function j(C, e, B, A) { if (A && A.length) { if (e === 0 && !B) { C.unshift.apply(C, A) } else { if (e < C.length) { C.splice.apply(C, [e, B].concat(A)) } else { C.push.apply(C, A) } } } else { C.splice(e, B) } return C } function b(B, e, A) { return y(B, e, A) } function s(B, e, A) { B.splice(e, A); return B } function m(D, e, B) { var C = n(D, e), A = D.slice(e, n(D, C + B)); if (arguments.length < 4) { y(D, C, B) } else { y(D, C, B, p.call(arguments, 3)) } return A } function h(e) { return e.splice.apply(e, p.call(arguments, 1)) } x = r ? s : b; u = r ? j : y; w = r ? h : m; a = Ext.Array = { each: function (E, C, B, e) { E = a.from(E); var A, D = E.length; if (e !== true) { for (A = 0; A < D; A++) { if (C.call(B || E[A], E[A], A, E) === false) { return A } } } else { for (A = D - 1; A > -1; A--) { if (C.call(B || E[A], E[A], A, E) === false) { return A } } } return true }, forEach: k ? function (B, A, e) { B.forEach(A, e) } : function (D, B, A) { var e = 0, C = D.length; for (; e < C; e++) { B.call(A, D[e], e, D) } }, indexOf: q ? function (B, e, A) { return g.indexOf.call(B, e, A) } : function (D, B, C) { var e, A = D.length; for (e = (C < 0) ? Math.max(0, A + C) : C || 0; e < A; e++) { if (D[e] === B) { return e } } return -1 }, contains: q ? function (A, e) { return g.indexOf.call(A, e) !== -1 } : function (C, B) { var e, A; for (e = 0, A = C.length; e < A; e++) { if (C[e] === B) { return true } } return false }, toArray: function (B, D, e) { if (!B || !B.length) { return [] } if (typeof B === "string") { B = B.split("") } if (l) { return p.call(B, D || 0, e || B.length) } var C = [], A; D = D || 0; e = e ? ((e < 0) ? B.length + e : e) : B.length; for (A = D; A < e; A++) { C.push(B[A]) } return C }, pluck: function (E, e) { var A = [], B, D, C; for (B = 0, D = E.length; B < D; B++) { C = E[B]; A.push(C[e]) } return A }, map: v ? function (B, A, e) { return B.map(A, e) } : function (E, D, C) { var B = [], A = 0, e = E.length; for (; A < e; A++) { B[A] = D.call(C, E[A], A, E) } return B }, every: z ? function (B, A, e) { return B.every(A, e) } : function (D, B, A) { var e = 0, C = D.length; for (; e < C; ++e) { if (!B.call(A, D[e], e, D)) { return false } } return true }, some: c ? function (B, A, e) { return B.some(A, e) } : function (D, B, A) { var e = 0, C = D.length; for (; e < C; ++e) { if (B.call(A, D[e], e, D)) { return true } } return false }, equals: function (D, C) { var A = D.length, e = C.length, B; if (D === C) { return true } if (A !== e) { return false } for (B = 0; B < A; ++B) { if (D[B] !== C[B]) { return false } } return true }, clean: function (D) { var A = [], e = 0, C = D.length, B; for (; e < C; e++) { B = D[e]; if (!Ext.isEmpty(B)) { A.push(B) } } return A }, unique: function (D) { var C = [], e = 0, B = D.length, A; for (; e < B; e++) { A = D[e]; if (a.indexOf(C, A) === -1) { C.push(A) } } return C }, filter: d ? function (B, A, e) { return B.filter(A, e) } : function (E, C, B) { var A = [], e = 0, D = E.length; for (; e < D; e++) { if (C.call(B, E[e], e, E)) { A.push(E[e]) } } return A }, findBy: function (D, C, B) { var A = 0, e = D.length; for (; A < e; A++) { if (C.call(B || D, D[A], A)) { return D[A] } } return null }, from: function (B, A) { if (B === undefined || B === null) { return [] } if (Ext.isArray(B)) { return (A) ? p.call(B) : B } var e = typeof B; if (B && B.length !== undefined && e !== "string" && (e !== "function" || !B.apply)) { return a.toArray(B) } return [B] }, remove: function (B, A) { var e = a.indexOf(B, A); if (e !== -1) { x(B, e, 1) } return B }, include: function (A, e) { if (!a.contains(A, e)) { A.push(e) } }, clone: function (e) { return p.call(e) }, merge: function () { var e = p.call(arguments), C = [], A, B; for (A = 0, B = e.length; A < B; A++) { C = C.concat(e[A]) } return a.unique(C) }, intersect: function () { var e = [], B = p.call(arguments), M, K, G, J, N, C, A, I, L, D, H, F, E; if (!B.length) { return e } M = B.length; for (H = N = 0; H < M; H++) { C = B[H]; if (!J || C.length < J.length) { J = C; N = H } } J = a.unique(J); x(B, N, 1); A = J.length; M = B.length; for (H = 0; H < A; H++) { I = J[H]; D = 0; for (F = 0; F < M; F++) { K = B[F]; G = K.length; for (E = 0; E < G; E++) { L = K[E]; if (I === L) { D++; break } } } if (D === M) { e.push(I) } } return e }, difference: function (A, e) { var F = p.call(A), D = F.length, C, B, E; for (C = 0, E = e.length; C < E; C++) { for (B = 0; B < D; B++) { if (F[B] === e[C]) { x(F, B, 1); B--; D-- } } } return F }, slice: ([1, 2].slice(1, undefined).length ? function (B, A, e) { return p.call(B, A, e) } : function (B, A, e) { if (typeof A === "undefined") { return p.call(B) } if (typeof e === "undefined") { return p.call(B, A) } return p.call(B, A, e) }), sort: o ? function (A, e) { if (e) { return A.sort(e) } else { return A.sort() } } : function (G, F) { var D = G.length, C = 0, E, e, B, A; for (; C < D; C++) { B = C; for (e = C + 1; e < D; e++) { if (F) { E = F(G[e], G[B]); if (E < 0) { B = e } } else { if (G[e] < G[B]) { B = e } } } if (B !== C) { A = G[C]; G[C] = G[B]; G[B] = A } } return G }, flatten: function (B) { var A = []; function e(C) { var E, F, D; for (E = 0, F = C.length; E < F; E++) { D = C[E]; if (Ext.isArray(D)) { e(D) } else { A.push(D) } } return A } return e(B) }, min: function (E, D) { var A = E[0], e, C, B; for (e = 0, C = E.length; e < C; e++) { B = E[e]; if (D) { if (D(A, B) === 1) { A = B } } else { if (B < A) { A = B } } } return A }, max: function (E, D) { var e = E[0], A, C, B; for (A = 0, C = E.length; A < C; A++) { B = E[A]; if (D) { if (D(e, B) === -1) { e = B } } else { if (B > e) { e = B } } } return e }, mean: function (e) { return e.length > 0 ? a.sum(e) / e.length : undefined }, sum: function (D) { var A = 0, e, C, B; for (e = 0, C = D.length; e < C; e++) { B = D[e]; A += B } return A }, toMap: function (D, e, B) { var C = {}, A = D.length; if (!e) { while (A--) { C[D[A]] = A + 1 } } else { if (typeof e == "string") { while (A--) { C[D[A][e]] = A + 1 } } else { while (A--) { C[e.call(B, D[A])] = A + 1 } } } return C }, toValueMap: function (D, e, B) { var C = {}, A = D.length; if (!e) { while (A--) { C[D[A]] = D[A] } } else { if (typeof e == "string") { while (A--) { C[D[A][e]] = D[A] } } else { while (A--) { C[e.call(B, D[A])] = D[A] } } } return C }, erase: x, insert: function (B, A, e) { return u(B, A, 0, e) }, replace: u, splice: w, push: function (C) { var e = arguments.length, B = 1, A; if (C === undefined) { C = [] } else { if (!Ext.isArray(C)) { C = [C] } } for (; B < e; B++) { A = arguments[B]; Array.prototype.push[Ext.isIterable(A) ? "apply" : "call"](C, A) } return C } }; Ext.each = a.each; a.union = a.merge; Ext.min = a.min; Ext.max = a.max; Ext.sum = a.sum; Ext.mean = a.mean; Ext.flatten = a.flatten; Ext.clean = a.clean; Ext.unique = a.unique; Ext.pluck = a.pluck; Ext.toArray = function () { return a.toArray.apply(a, arguments) } } ()); Ext.Function = { flexSetter: function (a) { return function (d, c) { var e, g; if (d === null) { return this } if (typeof d !== "string") { for (e in d) { if (d.hasOwnProperty(e)) { a.call(this, e, d[e]) } } if (Ext.enumerables) { for (g = Ext.enumerables.length; g--; ) { e = Ext.enumerables[g]; if (d.hasOwnProperty(e)) { a.call(this, e, d[e]) } } } } else { a.call(this, d, c) } return this } }, bind: function (d, c, b, a) { if (arguments.length === 2) { return function () { return d.apply(c, arguments) } } var g = d, e = Array.prototype.slice; return function () { var h = b || arguments; if (a === true) { h = e.call(arguments, 0); h = h.concat(b) } else { if (typeof a == "number") { h = e.call(arguments, 0); Ext.Array.insert(h, a, b) } } return g.apply(c || Ext.global, h) } }, pass: function (c, a, b) { if (!Ext.isArray(a)) { if (Ext.isIterable(a)) { a = Ext.Array.clone(a) } else { a = a !== undefined ? [a] : [] } } return function () { var d = [].concat(a); d.push.apply(d, arguments); return c.apply(b || this, d) } }, alias: function (b, a) { return function () { return b[a].apply(b, arguments) } }, clone: function (a) { return function () { return a.apply(this, arguments) } }, createInterceptor: function (d, c, b, a) { var e = d; if (!Ext.isFunction(c)) { return d } else { a = Ext.isDefined(a) ? a : null; return function () { var h = this, g = arguments; c.target = h; c.method = d; return (c.apply(b || h || Ext.global, g) !== false) ? d.apply(h || Ext.global, g) : a } } }, createDelayed: function (e, c, d, b, a) { if (d || b) { e = Ext.Function.bind(e, d, b, a) } return function () { var h = this, g = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); setTimeout(function () { e.apply(h, g) }, c) } }, defer: function (e, c, d, b, a) { e = Ext.Function.bind(e, d, b, a); if (c > 0) { return setTimeout(Ext.supports.TimeoutActualLateness ? function () { e() } : e, c) } e(); return 0 }, createSequence: function (b, c, a) { if (!c) { return b } else { return function () { var d = b.apply(this, arguments); c.apply(a || this, arguments); return d } } }, createBuffered: function (e, b, d, c) { var a; return function () { var h = c || Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), g = d || this; if (a) { clearTimeout(a) } a = setTimeout(function () { e.apply(g, h) }, b) } }, createThrottled: function (e, b, d) { var g, a, c, j, h = function () { e.apply(d || this, c); g = Ext.Date.now() }; return function () { a = Ext.Date.now() - g; c = arguments; clearTimeout(j); if (!g || (a >= b)) { h() } else { j = setTimeout(h, b - a) } } }, interceptBefore: function (b, a, d, c) { var e = b[a] || Ext.emptyFn; return (b[a] = function () { var g = d.apply(c || this, arguments); e.apply(this, arguments); return g }) }, interceptAfter: function (b, a, d, c) { var e = b[a] || Ext.emptyFn; return (b[a] = function () { e.apply(this, arguments); return d.apply(c || this, arguments) }) } }; Ext.defer = Ext.Function.alias(Ext.Function, "defer"); Ext.pass = Ext.Function.alias(Ext.Function, "pass"); Ext.bind = Ext.Function.alias(Ext.Function, "bind"); (function () { var a = function () {}, b = Ext.Object = { chain: Object.create || function (d) { a.prototype = d; var c = new a(); a.prototype = null; return c }, toQueryObjects: function (e, k, d) { var c = b.toQueryObjects, j = [], g, h; if (Ext.isArray(k)) { for (g = 0, h = k.length; g < h; g++) { if (d) { j = j.concat(c(e + "[" + g + "]", k[g], true)) } else { j.push({ name: e, value: k[g] }) } } } else { if (Ext.isObject(k)) { for (g in k) { if (k.hasOwnProperty(g)) { if (d) { j = j.concat(c(e + "[" + g + "]", k[g], true)) } else { j.push({ name: e, value: k[g] }) } } } } else { j.push({ name: e, value: k }) } } return j }, toQueryString: function (g, d) { var h = [], e = [], l, k, m, c, n; for (l in g) { if (g.hasOwnProperty(l)) { h = h.concat(b.toQueryObjects(l, g[l], d)) } } for (k = 0, m = h.length; k < m; k++) { c = h[k]; n = c.value; if (Ext.isEmpty(n)) { n = "" } else { if (Ext.isDate(n)) { n = Ext.Date.toString(n) } } e.push(encodeURIComponent(c.name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(String(n))) } return e.join("&") }, fromQueryString: function (d, r) { var m = d.replace(/^\?/, "").split("&"), u = {}, s, k, w, n, q, g, o, p, c, h, t, l, v, e; for (q = 0, g = m.length; q < g; q++) { o = m[q]; if (o.length > 0) { k = o.split("="); w = decodeURIComponent(k[0]); n = (k[1] !== undefined) ? decodeURIComponent(k[1]) : ""; if (!r) { if (u.hasOwnProperty(w)) { if (!Ext.isArray(u[w])) { u[w] = [u[w]] } u[w].push(n) } else { u[w] = n } } else { h = w.match(/(\[):?([^\]]*)\]/g); t = w.match(/^([^\[]+)/); w = t[0]; l = []; if (h === null) { u[w] = n; continue } for (p = 0, c = h.length; p < c; p++) { v = h[p]; v = (v.length === 2) ? "" : v.substring(1, v.length - 1); l.push(v) } l.unshift(w); s = u; for (p = 0, c = l.length; p < c; p++) { v = l[p]; if (p === c - 1) { if (Ext.isArray(s) && v === "") { s.push(n) } else { s[v] = n } } else { if (s[v] === undefined || typeof s[v] === "string") { e = l[p + 1]; s[v] = (Ext.isNumeric(e) || e === "") ? [] : {} } s = s[v] } } } } } return u }, each: function (c, e, d) { for (var g in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(g)) { if (e.call(d || c, g, c[g], c) === false) { return } } } }, merge: function (k) { var h = 1, j = arguments.length, c = b.merge, e = Ext.clone, g, m, l, d; for (; h < j; h++) { g = arguments[h]; for (m in g) { l = g[m]; if (l && l.constructor === Object) { d = k[m]; if (d && d.constructor === Object) { c(d, l) } else { k[m] = e(l) } } else { k[m] = l } } } return k }, mergeIf: function (c) { var h = 1, j = arguments.length, e = Ext.clone, d, g, k; for (; h < j; h++) { d = arguments[h]; for (g in d) { if (!(g in c)) { k = d[g]; if (k && k.constructor === Object) { c[g] = e(k) } else { c[g] = k } } } } return c }, getKey: function (c, e) { for (var d in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(d) && c[d] === e) { return d } } return null }, getValues: function (d) { var c = [], e; for (e in d) { if (d.hasOwnProperty(e)) { c.push(d[e]) } } return c }, getKeys: (typeof Object.keys == "function") ? function (c) { if (!c) { return [] } return Object.keys(c) } : function (c) { var d = [], e; for (e in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(e)) { d.push(e) } } return d }, getSize: function (c) { var d = 0, e; for (e in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(e)) { d++ } } return d }, isEmpty: function (c) { for (var d in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(d)) { return false } } return true }, equals: (function () { var c = function (g, e) { var d; for (d in g) { if (g.hasOwnProperty(d)) { if (g[d] !== e[d]) { return false } } } return true }; return function (e, d) { if (e === d) { return true } if (e && d) { return c(e, d) && c(d, e) } else { if (!e && !d) { return e === d } else { return false } } } })(), classify: function (g) { var e = g, j = [], d = {}, c = function () { var l = 0, m = j.length, n; for (; l < m; l++) { n = j[l]; this[n] = new d[n]() } }, h, k; for (h in g) { if (g.hasOwnProperty(h)) { k = g[h]; if (k && k.constructor === Object) { j.push(h); d[h] = b.classify(k) } } } c.prototype = e; return c } }; Ext.merge = Ext.Object.merge; Ext.mergeIf = Ext.Object.mergeIf; Ext.urlEncode = function () { var c = Ext.Array.from(arguments), d = ""; if ((typeof c[1] === "string")) { d = c[1] + "&"; c[1] = false } return d + b.toQueryString.apply(b, c) }; Ext.urlDecode = function () { return b.fromQueryString.apply(b, arguments) } } ()); Ext.Date = new function () { var d = this, k = /(\\.)/g, a = /([gGhHisucUOPZ]|MS)/, e = /([djzmnYycU]|MS)/, j = /\\/gi, c = /\{(\d+)\}/g, g = new RegExp("\\/Date\\(([-+])?(\\d+)(?:[+-]\\d{4})?\\)\\/"), b = ["var me = this, dt, y, m, d, h, i, s, ms, o, O, z, zz, u, v, W, year, jan4, week1monday, daysInMonth, dayMatched,", "def = me.defaults,", "from = Ext.Number.from,", "results = String(input).match(me.parseRegexes[{0}]);", "if(results){", "{1}", "if(u != null){", "v = new Date(u * 1000);", "}else{", "dt = me.clearTime(new Date);", "y = from(y, from(def.y, dt.getFullYear()));", "m = from(m, from(def.m - 1, dt.getMonth()));", "dayMatched = d !== undefined;", "d = from(d, from(def.d, dt.getDate()));", "if (!dayMatched) {", "dt.setDate(1);", "dt.setMonth(m);", "dt.setFullYear(y);", "daysInMonth = me.getDaysInMonth(dt);", "if (d > daysInMonth) {", "d = daysInMonth;", "}", "}", "h = from(h, from(def.h, dt.getHours()));", "i = from(i, from(def.i, dt.getMinutes()));", "s = from(s, from(def.s, dt.getSeconds()));", "ms = from(ms, from(def.ms, dt.getMilliseconds()));", "if(z >= 0 && y >= 0){", "v = me.add(new Date(y < 100 ? 100 : y, 0, 1, h, i, s, ms), me.YEAR, y < 100 ? y - 100 : 0);", "v = !strict? v : (strict === true && (z <= 364 || (me.isLeapYear(v) && z <= 365))? me.add(v, me.DAY, z) : null);", "}else if(strict === true && !me.isValid(y, m + 1, d, h, i, s, ms)){", "v = null;", "}else{", "if (W) {", "year = y || (new Date()).getFullYear(),", "jan4 = new Date(year, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0),", "week1monday = new Date(jan4.getTime() - ((jan4.getDay() - 1) * 86400000));", "v = Ext.Date.clearTime(new Date(week1monday.getTime() + ((W - 1) * 604800000)));", "} else {", "v = me.add(new Date(y < 100 ? 100 : y, m, d, h, i, s, ms), me.YEAR, y < 100 ? y - 100 : 0);", "}", "}", "}", "}", "if(v){", "if(zz != null){", "v = me.add(v, me.SECOND, -v.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 - zz);", "}else if(o){", "v = me.add(v, me.MINUTE, -v.getTimezoneOffset() + (sn == '+'? -1 : 1) * (hr * 60 + mn));", "}", "}", "return v;"].join("\n"); function h(m) { var l = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return m.replace(c, function (n, o) { return l[o] }) } Ext.apply(d, { now: Date.now || function () { return +new Date() }, toString: function (l) { var m = Ext.String.leftPad; return l.getFullYear() + "-" + m(l.getMonth() + 1, 2, "0") + "-" + m(l.getDate(), 2, "0") + "T" + m(l.getHours(), 2, "0") + ":" + m(l.getMinutes(), 2, "0") + ":" + m(l.getSeconds(), 2, "0") }, getElapsed: function (m, l) { return Math.abs(m - (l || d.now())) }, useStrict: false, formatCodeToRegex: function (m, l) { var n = d.parseCodes[m]; if (n) { n = typeof n == "function" ? n() : n; d.parseCodes[m] = n } return n ? Ext.applyIf({ c: n.c ? h(n.c, l || "{0}") : n.c }, n) : { g: 0, c: null, s: Ext.String.escapeRegex(m) } }, parseFunctions: { MS: function (m, l) { var n = (m || "").match(g); return n ? new Date(((n[1] || "") + n[2]) * 1) : null }, time: function (m, l) { var n = parseInt(m, 10); if (n || n === 0) { return new Date(n) } return null }, timestamp: function (m, l) { var n = parseInt(m, 10); if (n || n === 0) { return new Date(n * 1000) } return null } }, parseRegexes: [], formatFunctions: { MS: function () { return "\\/Date(" + this.getTime() + ")\\/" }, time: function () { return this.getTime().toString() }, timestamp: function () { return d.format(this, "U") } }, y2kYear: 50, MILLI: "ms", SECOND: "s", MINUTE: "mi", HOUR: "h", DAY: "d", MONTH: "mo", YEAR: "y", defaults: {}, dayNames: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], monthNames: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], monthNumbers: { January: 0, Jan: 0, February: 1, Feb: 1, March: 2, Mar: 2, April: 3, Apr: 3, May: 4, June: 5, Jun: 5, July: 6, Jul: 6, August: 7, Aug: 7, September: 8, Sep: 8, October: 9, Oct: 9, November: 10, Nov: 10, December: 11, Dec: 11 }, defaultFormat: "m/d/Y", getShortMonthName: function (l) { return Ext.Date.monthNames[l].substring(0, 3) }, getShortDayName: function (l) { return Ext.Date.dayNames[l].substring(0, 3) }, getMonthNumber: function (l) { return Ext.Date.monthNumbers[l.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + l.substring(1, 3).toLowerCase()] }, formatContainsHourInfo: function (l) { return a.test(l.replace(k, "")) }, formatContainsDateInfo: function (l) { return e.test(l.replace(k, "")) }, unescapeFormat: function (l) { return l.replace(j, "") }, formatCodes: { d: "Ext.String.leftPad(this.getDate(), 2, '0')", D: "Ext.Date.getShortDayName(this.getDay())", j: "this.getDate()", l: "Ext.Date.dayNames[this.getDay()]", N: "(this.getDay() ? this.getDay() : 7)", S: "Ext.Date.getSuffix(this)", w: "this.getDay()", z: "Ext.Date.getDayOfYear(this)", W: "Ext.String.leftPad(Ext.Date.getWeekOfYear(this), 2, '0')", F: "Ext.Date.monthNames[this.getMonth()]", m: "Ext.String.leftPad(this.getMonth() + 1, 2, '0')", M: "Ext.Date.getShortMonthName(this.getMonth())", n: "(this.getMonth() + 1)", t: "Ext.Date.getDaysInMonth(this)", L: "(Ext.Date.isLeapYear(this) ? 1 : 0)", o: "(this.getFullYear() + (Ext.Date.getWeekOfYear(this) == 1 && this.getMonth() > 0 ? +1 : (Ext.Date.getWeekOfYear(this) >= 52 && this.getMonth() < 11 ? -1 : 0)))", Y: "Ext.String.leftPad(this.getFullYear(), 4, '0')", y: "('' + this.getFullYear()).substring(2, 4)", a: "(this.getHours() < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm')", A: "(this.getHours() < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM')", g: "((this.getHours() % 12) ? this.getHours() % 12 : 12)", G: "this.getHours()", h: "Ext.String.leftPad((this.getHours() % 12) ? this.getHours() % 12 : 12, 2, '0')", H: "Ext.String.leftPad(this.getHours(), 2, '0')", i: "Ext.String.leftPad(this.getMinutes(), 2, '0')", s: "Ext.String.leftPad(this.getSeconds(), 2, '0')", u: "Ext.String.leftPad(this.getMilliseconds(), 3, '0')", O: "Ext.Date.getGMTOffset(this)", P: "Ext.Date.getGMTOffset(this, true)", T: "Ext.Date.getTimezone(this)", Z: "(this.getTimezoneOffset() * -60)", c: function () { var q, o, n, m, p; for (q = "Y-m-dTH:i:sP", o = [], n = 0, m = q.length; n < m; ++n) { p = q.charAt(n); o.push(p == "T" ? "'T'" : d.getFormatCode(p)) } return o.join(" + ") }, U: "Math.round(this.getTime() / 1000)" }, isValid: function (u, l, t, q, o, p, n) { q = q || 0; o = o || 0; p = p || 0; n = n || 0; var r = d.add(new Date(u < 100 ? 100 : u, l - 1, t, q, o, p, n), d.YEAR, u < 100 ? u - 100 : 0); return u == r.getFullYear() && l == r.getMonth() + 1 && t == r.getDate() && q == r.getHours() && o == r.getMinutes() && p == r.getSeconds() && n == r.getMilliseconds() }, parse: function (m, o, l) { var n = d.parseFunctions; if (n[o] == null) { d.createParser(o) } return n[o].call(d, m, Ext.isDefined(l) ? l : d.useStrict) }, parseDate: function (m, n, l) { return d.parse(m, n, l) }, getFormatCode: function (m) { var l = d.formatCodes[m]; if (l) { l = typeof l == "function" ? l() : l; d.formatCodes[m] = l } return l || ("'" + Ext.String.escape(m) + "'") }, createFormat: function (p) { var o = [], l = false, n = "", m; for (m = 0; m < p.length; ++m) { n = p.charAt(m); if (!l && n == "\\") { l = true } else { if (l) { l = false; o.push("'" + Ext.String.escape(n) + "'") } else { o.push(d.getFormatCode(n)) } } } d.formatFunctions[p] = Ext.functionFactory("return " + o.join("+")) }, createParser: function (u) { var m = d.parseRegexes.length, v = 1, n = [], t = [], r = false, l = "", p = 0, q = u.length, s = [], o; for (; p < q; ++p) { l = u.charAt(p); if (!r && l == "\\") { r = true } else { if (r) { r = false; t.push(Ext.String.escape(l)) } else { o = d.formatCodeToRegex(l, v); v += o.g; t.push(o.s); if (o.g && o.c) { if (o.calcAtEnd) { s.push(o.c) } else { n.push(o.c) } } } } } n = n.concat(s); d.parseRegexes[m] = new RegExp("^" + t.join("") + "$", "i"); d.parseFunctions[u] = Ext.functionFactory("input", "strict", h(b, m, n.join(""))) }, parseCodes: { d: { g: 1, c: "d = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n", s: "(3[0-1]|[1-2][0-9]|0[1-9])" }, j: { g: 1, c: "d = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n", s: "(3[0-1]|[1-2][0-9]|[1-9])" }, D: function () { for (var l = [], m = 0; m < 7; l.push(d.getShortDayName(m)), ++m) {} return { g: 0, c: null, s: "(?:" + l.join("|") + ")" } }, l: function () { return { g: 0, c: null, s: "(?:" + d.dayNames.join("|") + ")" } }, N: { g: 0, c: null, s: "[1-7]" }, S: { g: 0, c: null, s: "(?:st|nd|rd|th)" }, w: { g: 0, c: null, s: "[0-6]" }, z: { g: 1, c: "z = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n", s: "(\\d{1,3})" }, W: { g: 1, c: "W = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n", s: "(\\d{2})" }, F: function () { return { g: 1, c: "m = parseInt(me.getMonthNumber(results[{0}]), 10);\n", s: "(" + d.monthNames.join("|") + ")" } }, M: function () { for (var l = [], m = 0; m < 12; l.push(d.getShortMonthName(m)), ++m) {} return Ext.applyIf({ s: "(" + l.join("|") + ")" }, d.formatCodeToRegex("F")) }, m: { g: 1, c: "m = parseInt(results[{0}], 10) - 1;\n", s: "(1[0-2]|0[1-9])" }, n: { g: 1, c: "m = parseInt(results[{0}], 10) - 1;\n", s: "(1[0-2]|[1-9])" }, t: { g: 0, c: null, s: "(?:\\d{2})" }, L: { g: 0, c: null, s: "(?:1|0)" }, o: { g: 1, c: "y = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n", s: "(\\d{4})" }, Y: { g: 1, c: "y = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n", s: "(\\d{4})" }, y: { g: 1, c: "var ty = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\ny = ty > me.y2kYear ? 1900 + ty : 2000 + ty;\n", s: "(\\d{1,2})" }, a: { g: 1, c: "if (/(am)/i.test(results[{0}])) {\nif (!h || h == 12) { h = 0; }\n} else { if (!h || h < 12) { h = (h || 0) + 12; }}", s: "(am|pm|AM|PM)", calcAtEnd: true }, A: { g: 1, c: "if (/(am)/i.test(results[{0}])) {\nif (!h || h == 12) { h = 0; }\n} else { if (!h || h < 12) { h = (h || 0) + 12; }}", s: "(AM|PM|am|pm)", calcAtEnd: true }, g: { g: 1, c: "h = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n", s: "(1[0-2]|[0-9])" }, G: { g: 1, c: "h = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n", s: "(2[0-3]|1[0-9]|[0-9])" }, h: { g: 1, c: "h = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n", s: "(1[0-2]|0[1-9])" }, H: { g: 1, c: "h = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n", s: "(2[0-3]|[0-1][0-9])" }, i: { g: 1, c: "i = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n", s: "([0-5][0-9])" }, s: { g: 1, c: "s = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n", s: "([0-5][0-9])" }, u: { g: 1, c: "ms = results[{0}]; ms = parseInt(ms, 10)/Math.pow(10, ms.length - 3);\n", s: "(\\d+)" }, O: { g: 1, c: ["o = results[{0}];", "var sn = o.substring(0,1),", "hr = o.substring(1,3)*1 + Math.floor(o.substring(3,5) / 60),", "mn = o.substring(3,5) % 60;", "o = ((-12 <= (hr*60 + mn)/60) && ((hr*60 + mn)/60 <= 14))? (sn + Ext.String.leftPad(hr, 2, '0') + Ext.String.leftPad(mn, 2, '0')) : null;\n"].join("\n"), s: "([+-]\\d{4})" }, P: { g: 1, c: ["o = results[{0}];", "var sn = o.substring(0,1),", "hr = o.substring(1,3)*1 + Math.floor(o.substring(4,6) / 60),", "mn = o.substring(4,6) % 60;", "o = ((-12 <= (hr*60 + mn)/60) && ((hr*60 + mn)/60 <= 14))? (sn + Ext.String.leftPad(hr, 2, '0') + Ext.String.leftPad(mn, 2, '0')) : null;\n"].join("\n"), s: "([+-]\\d{2}:\\d{2})" }, T: { g: 0, c: null, s: "[A-Z]{1,5}" }, Z: { g: 1, c: "zz = results[{0}] * 1;\nzz = (-43200 <= zz && zz <= 50400)? zz : null;\n", s: "([+-]?\\d{1,5})" }, c: function () { var o = [], m = [d.formatCodeToRegex("Y", 1), d.formatCodeToRegex("m", 2), d.formatCodeToRegex("d", 3), d.formatCodeToRegex("H", 4), d.formatCodeToRegex("i", 5), d.formatCodeToRegex("s", 6), { c: "ms = results[7] || '0'; ms = parseInt(ms, 10)/Math.pow(10, ms.length - 3);\n" }, { c: ["if(results[8]) {", "if(results[8] == 'Z'){", "zz = 0;", "}else if (results[8].indexOf(':') > -1){", d.formatCodeToRegex("P", 8).c, "}else{", d.formatCodeToRegex("O", 8).c, "}", "}"].join("\n") } ], p, n; for (p = 0, n = m.length; p < n; ++p) { o.push(m[p].c) } return { g: 1, c: o.join(""), s: [m[0].s, "(?:", "-", m[1].s, "(?:", "-", m[2].s, "(?:", "(?:T| )?", m[3].s, ":", m[4].s, "(?::", m[5].s, ")?", "(?:(?:\\.|,)(\\d+))?", "(Z|(?:[-+]\\d{2}(?::)?\\d{2}))?", ")?", ")?", ")?"].join("") } }, U: { g: 1, c: "u = parseInt(results[{0}], 10);\n", s: "(-?\\d+)" } }, dateFormat: function (l, m) { return d.format(l, m) }, isEqual: function (m, l) { if (m && l) { return (m.getTime() === l.getTime()) } return !(m || l) }, format: function (m, n) { var l = d.formatFunctions; if (!Ext.isDate(m)) { return "" } if (l[n] == null) { d.createFormat(n) } return l[n].call(m) + "" }, getTimezone: function (l) { return l.toString().replace(/^.* (?:\((.*)\)|([A-Z]{1,5})(?:[\-+][0-9]{4})?(?: -?\d+)?)$/, "$1$2").replace(/[^A-Z]/g, "") }, getGMTOffset: function (l, m) { var n = l.getTimezoneOffset(); return (n > 0 ? "-" : "+") + Ext.String.leftPad(Math.floor(Math.abs(n) / 60), 2, "0") + (m ? ":" : "") + Ext.String.leftPad(Math.abs(n % 60), 2, "0") }, getDayOfYear: function (o) { var n = 0, q = Ext.Date.clone(o), l = o.getMonth(), p; for (p = 0, q.setDate(1), q.setMonth(0); p < l; q.setMonth(++p)) { n += d.getDaysInMonth(q) } return n + o.getDate() - 1 }, getWeekOfYear: (function () { var l = 86400000, m = 7 * l; return function (o) { var p = Date.UTC(o.getFullYear(), o.getMonth(), o.getDate() + 3) / l, n = Math.floor(p / 7), q = new Date(n * m).getUTCFullYear(); return n - Math.floor(Date.UTC(q, 0, 7) / m) + 1 } } ()), isLeapYear: function (l) { var m = l.getFullYear(); return !!((m & 3) == 0 && (m % 100 || (m % 400 == 0 && m))) }, getFirstDayOfMonth: function (m) { var l = (m.getDay() - (m.getDate() - 1)) % 7; return (l < 0) ? (l + 7) : l }, getLastDayOfMonth: function (l) { return d.getLastDateOfMonth(l).getDay() }, getFirstDateOfMonth: function (l) { return new Date(l.getFullYear(), l.getMonth(), 1) }, getLastDateOfMonth: function (l) { return new Date(l.getFullYear(), l.getMonth(), d.getDaysInMonth(l)) }, getDaysInMonth: (function () { var l = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; return function (o) { var n = o.getMonth(); return n == 1 && d.isLeapYear(o) ? 29 : l[n] } } ()), getSuffix: function (l) { switch (l.getDate()) { case 1: case 21: case 31: return "st"; case 2: case 22: return "nd"; case 3: case 23: return "rd"; default: return "th" } }, clone: function (l) { return new Date(l.getTime()) }, isDST: function (l) { return new Date(l.getFullYear(), 0, 1).getTimezoneOffset() != l.getTimezoneOffset() }, clearTime: function (l, p) { if (p) { return Ext.Date.clearTime(Ext.Date.clone(l)) } var n = l.getDate(), m, o; l.setHours(0); l.setMinutes(0); l.setSeconds(0); l.setMilliseconds(0); if (l.getDate() != n) { for (m = 1, o = d.add(l, Ext.Date.HOUR, m); o.getDate() != n; m++, o = d.add(l, Ext.Date.HOUR, m)) {} l.setDate(n); l.setHours(o.getHours()) } return l }, add: function (o, n, r) { var s = Ext.Date.clone(o), l = Ext.Date, m, q, p = 0; if (!n || r === 0) { return s } q = r - parseInt(r, 10); r = parseInt(r, 10); if (r) { switch (n.toLowerCase()) { case Ext.Date.MILLI: s.setTime(s.getTime() + r); break; case Ext.Date.SECOND: s.setTime(s.getTime() + r * 1000); break; case Ext.Date.MINUTE: s.setTime(s.getTime() + r * 60 * 1000); break; case Ext.Date.HOUR: s.setTime(s.getTime() + r * 60 * 60 * 1000); break; case Ext.Date.DAY: s.setDate(s.getDate() + r); break; case Ext.Date.MONTH: m = o.getDate(); if (m > 28) { m = Math.min(m, Ext.Date.getLastDateOfMonth(Ext.Date.add(Ext.Date.getFirstDateOfMonth(o), Ext.Date.MONTH, r)).getDate()) } s.setDate(m); s.setMonth(o.getMonth() + r); break; case Ext.Date.YEAR: m = o.getDate(); if (m > 28) { m = Math.min(m, Ext.Date.getLastDateOfMonth(Ext.Date.add(Ext.Date.getFirstDateOfMonth(o), Ext.Date.YEAR, r)).getDate()) } s.setDate(m); s.setFullYear(o.getFullYear() + r); break } } if (q) { switch (n.toLowerCase()) { case Ext.Date.MILLI: p = 1; break; case Ext.Date.SECOND: p = 1000; break; case Ext.Date.MINUTE: p = 1000 * 60; break; case Ext.Date.HOUR: p = 1000 * 60 * 60; break; case Ext.Date.DAY: p = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; break; case Ext.Date.MONTH: m = d.getDaysInMonth(s); p = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * m; break; case Ext.Date.YEAR: m = (d.isLeapYear(s) ? 366 : 365); p = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * m; break } if (p) { s.setTime(s.getTime() + p * q) } } return s }, subtract: function (m, l, n) { return d.add(m, l, -n) }, between: function (m, o, l) { var n = m.getTime(); return o.getTime() <= n && n <= l.getTime() }, compat: function () { var m = window.Date, l, t = ["useStrict", "formatCodeToRegex", "parseFunctions", "parseRegexes", "formatFunctions", "y2kYear", "MILLI", "SECOND", "MINUTE", "HOUR", "DAY", "MONTH", "YEAR", "defaults", "dayNames", "monthNames", "monthNumbers", "getShortMonthName", "getShortDayName", "getMonthNumber", "formatCodes", "isValid", "parseDate", "getFormatCode", "createFormat", "createParser", "parseCodes"], q = ["dateFormat", "format", "getTimezone", "getGMTOffset", "getDayOfYear", "getWeekOfYear", "isLeapYear", "getFirstDayOfMonth", "getLastDayOfMonth", "getDaysInMonth", "getSuffix", "clone", "isDST", "clearTime", "add", "between"], r = t.length, n = q.length, o, u, v; for (v = 0; v < r; v++) { o = t[v]; m[o] = d[o] } for (l = 0; l < n; l++) { u = q[l]; m.prototype[u] = function () { var p = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); p.unshift(this); return d[u].apply(d, p) } } } }) } (); (function (a) { var d = [], b = function () {}, c = function (k, g, j, h) { var e = function () { var l = this.callParent(arguments); k.apply(this, arguments); return l }; e.$name = j; e.$owner = h; if (g) { e.$previous = g.$previous; g.$previous = e } return e }; Ext.apply(b, { $className: "Ext.Base", $isClass: true, create: function () { return Ext.create.apply(Ext, [this].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0))) }, extend: function (k) { var e = k.prototype, n, h, j, l, g, m; h = this.prototype = Ext.Object.chain(e); h.self = this; this.superclass = h.superclass = e; if (!k.$isClass) { n = Ext.Base.prototype; for (j in n) { if (j in h) { h[j] = n[j] } } } m = e.$inheritableStatics; if (m) { for (j = 0, l = m.length; j < l; j++) { g = m[j]; if (!this.hasOwnProperty(g)) { this[g] = k[g] } } } if (k.$onExtended) { this.$onExtended = k.$onExtended.slice() } h.config = new h.configClass(); h.initConfigList = h.initConfigList.slice(); h.initConfigMap = Ext.clone(h.initConfigMap); h.configMap = Ext.Object.chain(h.configMap) }, $onExtended: [], triggerExtended: function () { var h = this.$onExtended, g = h.length, e, j; if (g > 0) { for (e = 0; e < g; e++) { j = h[e]; j.fn.apply(j.scope || this, arguments) } } }, onExtended: function (g, e) { this.$onExtended.push({ fn: g, scope: e }); return this }, addConfig: function (j, n) { var p = this.prototype, o = Ext.Class.configNameCache, k = p.configMap, l = p.initConfigList, h = p.initConfigMap, m = p.config, e, g, q; for (g in j) { if (j.hasOwnProperty(g)) { if (!k[g]) { k[g] = true } q = j[g]; e = o[g].initialized; if (!h[g] && q !== null && !p[e]) { h[g] = true; l.push(g) } } } if (n) { Ext.merge(m, j) } else { Ext.mergeIf(m, j) } p.configClass = Ext.Object.classify(m) }, addStatics: function (e) { var h, g; for (g in e) { if (e.hasOwnProperty(g)) { h = e[g]; if (typeof h == "function" && !h.$isClass && h !== Ext.emptyFn && h !== Ext.identityFn) { h.$owner = this; h.$name = g } this[g] = h } } return this }, addInheritableStatics: function (g) { var k, e, j = this.prototype, h, l; k = j.$inheritableStatics; e = j.$hasInheritableStatics; if (!k) { k = j.$inheritableStatics = []; e = j.$hasInheritableStatics = {} } for (h in g) { if (g.hasOwnProperty(h)) { l = g[h]; this[h] = l; if (!e[h]) { e[h] = true; k.push(h) } } } return this }, addMembers: function (g) { var j = this.prototype, e = Ext.enumerables, m = [], k, l, h, n; for (h in g) { m.push(h) } if (e) { m.push.apply(m, e) } for (k = 0, l = m.length; k < l; k++) { h = m[k]; if (g.hasOwnProperty(h)) { n = g[h]; if (typeof n == "function" && !n.$isClass && n !== Ext.emptyFn && n !== Ext.identityFn) { n.$owner = this; n.$name = h } j[h] = n } } return this }, addMember: function (e, g) { if (typeof g == "function" && !g.$isClass && g !== Ext.emptyFn && g !== Ext.identityFn) { g.$owner = this; g.$name = e } this.prototype[e] = g; return this }, implement: function () { this.addMembers.apply(this, arguments) }, borrow: function (k, h) { var o = this.prototype, n = k.prototype, j, l, g, m, e; h = Ext.Array.from(h); for (j = 0, l = h.length; j < l; j++) { g = h[j]; e = n[g]; if (typeof e == "function") { m = Ext.Function.clone(e); m.$owner = this; m.$name = g; o[g] = m } else { o[g] = e } } return this }, override: function (g) { var o = this, q = Ext.enumerables, m = o.prototype, j = Ext.Function.clone, e, l, h, p, n, k; if (arguments.length === 2) { e = g; g = {}; g[e] = arguments[1]; q = null } do { n = []; p = null; for (e in g) { if (e == "statics") { p = g[e] } else { if (e == "inheritableStatics") { o.addInheritableStatics(g[e]) } else { if (e == "config") { o.addConfig(g[e], true) } else { n.push(e) } } } } if (q) { n.push.apply(n, q) } for (l = n.length; l--; ) { e = n[l]; if (g.hasOwnProperty(e)) { h = g[e]; if (typeof h == "function" && !h.$className && h !== Ext.emptyFn && h !== Ext.identityFn) { if (typeof h.$owner != "undefined") { h = j(h) } h.$owner = o; h.$name = e; k = m[e]; if (k) { h.$previous = k } } m[e] = h } } m = o; g = p } while (g); return this }, callParent: function (e) { var g; return (g = this.callParent.caller) && (g.$previous || ((g = g.$owner ? g : g.caller) && g.$owner.superclass.self[g.$name])).apply(this, e || d) }, callSuper: function (e) { var g; return (g = this.callSuper.caller) && ((g = g.$owner ? g : g.caller) && g.$owner.superclass.self[g.$name]).apply(this, e || d) }, mixin: function (g, h) { var l = this, s = h.prototype, n = l.prototype, r, m, j, k, q, p, o, e; if (typeof s.onClassMixedIn != "undefined") { s.onClassMixedIn.call(h, l) } if (!n.hasOwnProperty("mixins")) { if ("mixins" in n) { n.mixins = Ext.Object.chain(n.mixins) } else { n.mixins = {} } } for (r in s) { p = s[r]; if (r === "mixins") { Ext.merge(n.mixins, p) } else { if (r === "xhooks") { for (o in p) { e = p[o]; e.$previous = Ext.emptyFn; if (n.hasOwnProperty(o)) { c(e, n[o], o, l) } else { n[o] = c(e, null, o, l) } } } else { if (!(r === "mixinId" || r === "config") && (n[r] === undefined)) { n[r] = p } } } } m = s.$inheritableStatics; if (m) { for (j = 0, k = m.length; j < k; j++) { q = m[j]; if (!l.hasOwnProperty(q)) { l[q] = h[q] } } } if ("config" in s) { l.addConfig(s.config, false) } n.mixins[g] = s; return l }, getName: function () { return Ext.getClassName(this) }, createAlias: a(function (g, e) { this.override(g, function () { return this[e].apply(this, arguments) }) }), addXtype: function (k) { var g = this.prototype, j = g.xtypesMap, h = g.xtypes, e = g.xtypesChain; if (!g.hasOwnProperty("xtypesMap")) { j = g.xtypesMap = Ext.merge({}, g.xtypesMap || {}); h = g.xtypes = g.xtypes ? [].concat(g.xtypes) : []; e = g.xtypesChain = g.xtypesChain ? [].concat(g.xtypesChain) : []; g.xtype = k } if (!j[k]) { j[k] = true; h.push(k); e.push(k); Ext.ClassManager.setAlias(this, "widget." + k) } return this } }); b.implement({ isInstance: true, $className: "Ext.Base", configClass: Ext.emptyFn, initConfigList: [], configMap: {}, initConfigMap: {}, statics: function () { var g = this.statics.caller, e = this.self; if (!g) { return e } return g.$owner }, callParent: function (g) { var h, e = (h = this.callParent.caller) && (h.$previous || ((h = h.$owner ? h : h.caller) && h.$owner.superclass[h.$name])); return e.apply(this, g || d) }, callSuper: function (g) { var h, e = (h = this.callSuper.caller) && ((h = h.$owner ? h : h.caller) && h.$owner.superclass[h.$name]); return e.apply(this, g || d) }, self: b, constructor: function () { return this }, initConfig: function (h) { var n = h, m = Ext.Class.configNameCache, k = new this.configClass(), q = this.initConfigList, j = this.configMap, p, l, o, g, e; this.initConfig = Ext.emptyFn; this.initialConfig = n || {}; this.config = h = (n) ? Ext.merge(k, h) : k; if (n) { q = q.slice(); for (g in n) { if (j[g]) { if (n[g] !== null) { q.push(g); this[m[g].initialized] = false } } } } for (l = 0, o = q.length; l < o; l++) { g = q[l]; p = m[g]; e = p.initialized; if (!this[e]) { this[e] = true; this[p.set].call(this, h[g]) } } return this }, hasConfig: function (e) { return Boolean(this.configMap[e]) }, setConfig: function (j, n) { if (!j) { return this } var h = Ext.Class.configNameCache, e = this.config, m = this.configMap, l = this.initialConfig, g, k; n = Boolean(n); for (g in j) { if (n && l.hasOwnProperty(g)) { continue } k = j[g]; e[g] = k; if (m[g]) { this[h[g].set](k) } } return this }, getConfig: function (g) { var e = Ext.Class.configNameCache; return this[e[g].get]() }, getInitialConfig: function (g) { var e = this.config; if (!g) { return e } else { return e[g] } }, onConfigUpdate: function (l, n, o) { var p = this.self, h, k, e, j, m, g; l = Ext.Array.from(l); o = o || this; for (h = 0, k = l.length; h < k; h++) { e = l[h]; j = "update" + Ext.String.capitalize(e); m = this[j] || Ext.emptyFn; g = function () { m.apply(this, arguments); o[n].apply(o, arguments) }; g.$name = j; g.$owner = p; this[j] = g } }, destroy: function () { this.destroy = Ext.emptyFn } }); b.prototype.callOverridden = b.prototype.callParent; Ext.Base = b } (Ext.Function.flexSetter)); (function () { var c, b = Ext.Base, g = [], e, d; for (e in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(e)) { g.push(e) } } d = g.length; function a(j) { function h() { return this.constructor.apply(this, arguments) || null } return h } Ext.Class = c = function (j, k, h) { if (typeof j != "function") { h = k; k = j; j = null } if (!k) { k = {} } j = c.create(j, k); c.process(j, k, h); return j }; Ext.apply(c, { onBeforeCreated: function (j, k, h) { j.addMembers(k); h.onCreated.call(j, j) }, create: function (h, l) { var j, k; if (!h) { h = a() } for (k = 0; k < d; k++) { j = g[k]; h[j] = b[j] } return h }, process: function (h, p, l) { var k = p.preprocessors || c.defaultPreprocessors, s = this.preprocessors, v = { onBeforeCreated: this.onBeforeCreated }, u = [], w, o, n, t, m, r, q; delete p.preprocessors; for (n = 0, t = k.length; n < t; n++) { w = k[n]; if (typeof w == "string") { w = s[w]; o = w.properties; if (o === true) { u.push(w.fn) } else { if (o) { for (m = 0, r = o.length; m < r; m++) { q = o[m]; if (p.hasOwnProperty(q)) { u.push(w.fn); break } } } } } else { u.push(w) } } v.onCreated = l ? l : Ext.emptyFn; v.preprocessors = u; this.doProcess(h, p, v) }, doProcess: function (j, n, h) { var m = this, o = h.preprocessors, k = o.shift(), l = m.doProcess; for (; k; k = o.shift()) { if (k.call(m, j, n, h, l) === false) { return } } h.onBeforeCreated.apply(m, arguments) }, preprocessors: {}, registerPreprocessor: function (j, m, k, h, l) { if (!h) { h = "last" } if (!k) { k = [j] } this.preprocessors[j] = { name: j, properties: k || false, fn: m }; this.setDefaultPreprocessorPosition(j, h, l); return this }, getPreprocessor: function (h) { return this.preprocessors[h] }, getPreprocessors: function () { return this.preprocessors }, defaultPreprocessors: [], getDefaultPreprocessors: function () { return this.defaultPreprocessors }, setDefaultPreprocessors: function (h) { this.defaultPreprocessors = Ext.Array.from(h); return this }, setDefaultPreprocessorPosition: function (k, m, l) { var h = this.defaultPreprocessors, j; if (typeof m == "string") { if (m === "first") { h.unshift(k); return this } else { if (m === "last") { h.push(k); return this } } m = (m === "after") ? 1 : -1 } j = Ext.Array.indexOf(h, l); if (j !== -1) { Ext.Array.splice(h, Math.max(0, j + m), 0, k) } return this }, configNameCache: {}, getConfigNameMap: function (k) { var j = this.configNameCache, l = j[k], h; if (!l) { h = k.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + k.substr(1); l = j[k] = { internal: k, initialized: "_is" + h + "Initialized", apply: "apply" + h, update: "update" + h, set: "set" + h, get: "get" + h, doSet: "doSet" + h, changeEvent: k.toLowerCase() + "change" } } return l } }); c.registerPreprocessor("extend", function (j, l, q) { var m = Ext.Base, n = m.prototype, o = l.extend, h, p, k; delete l.extend; if (o && o !== Object) { h = o } else { h = m } p = h.prototype; if (!h.$isClass) { for (k in n) { if (!p[k]) { p[k] = n[k] } } } j.extend(h); j.triggerExtended.apply(j, arguments); if (l.onClassExtended) { j.onExtended(l.onClassExtended, j); delete l.onClassExtended } }, true); c.registerPreprocessor("statics", function (h, j) { h.addStatics(j.statics); delete j.statics }); c.registerPreprocessor("inheritableStatics", function (h, j) { h.addInheritableStatics(j.inheritableStatics); delete j.inheritableStatics }); c.registerPreprocessor("config", function (h, l) { var k = l.config, j = h.prototype; delete l.config; Ext.Object.each(k, function (o, x) { var v = c.getConfigNameMap(o), r = v.internal, m = v.initialized, w = v.apply, p = v.update, u = v.set, n = v.get, z = (u in j) || l.hasOwnProperty(u), q = (w in j) || l.hasOwnProperty(w), s = (p in j) || l.hasOwnProperty(p), y, t; if (x === null || (!z && !q && !s)) { j[r] = x; j[m] = true } else { j[m] = false } if (!z) { l[u] = function (C) { var B = this[r], A = this[w], D = this[p]; if (!this[m]) { this[m] = true } if (A) { C = A.call(this, C, B) } if (typeof C != "undefined") { this[r] = C; if (D && C !== B) { D.call(this, C, B) } } return this } } if (!(n in j) || l.hasOwnProperty(n)) { t = l[n] || false; if (t) { y = function () { return t.apply(this, arguments) } } else { y = function () { return this[r] } } l[n] = function () { var A; if (!this[m]) { this[m] = true; this[u](this.config[o]) } A = this[n]; if ("$previous" in A) { A.$previous = y } else { this[n] = y } return y.apply(this, arguments) } } }); h.addConfig(k, true) }); c.registerPreprocessor("mixins", function (l, p, h) { var j = p.mixins, m, k, n, o; delete p.mixins; Ext.Function.interceptBefore(h, "onCreated", function () { if (j instanceof Array) { for (n = 0, o = j.length; n < o; n++) { k = j[n]; m = k.prototype.mixinId || k.$className; l.mixin(m, k) } } else { for (var q in j) { if (j.hasOwnProperty(q)) { l.mixin(q, j[q]) } } } }) }); Ext.extend = function (k, l, j) { if (arguments.length === 2 && Ext.isObject(l)) { j = l; l = k; k = null } var h; if (!l) { throw new Error("[Ext.extend] Attempting to extend from a class which has not been loaded on the page.") } j.extend = l; j.preprocessors = ["extend", "statics", "inheritableStatics", "mixins", "config"]; if (k) { h = new c(k, j); h.prototype.constructor = k } else { h = new c(j) } h.prototype.override = function (p) { for (var n in p) { if (p.hasOwnProperty(n)) { this[n] = p[n] } } }; return h } } ()); (function (c, e, h, d, g) { function a() { function j() { return this.constructor.apply(this, arguments) || null } return j } var b = Ext.ClassManager = { classes: {}, existCache: {}, namespaceRewrites: [{ from: "Ext.", to: Ext } ], maps: { alternateToName: {}, aliasToName: {}, nameToAliases: {}, nameToAlternates: {} }, enableNamespaceParseCache: true, namespaceParseCache: {}, instantiators: [], isCreated: function (n) { var m = this.existCache, l, o, k, j, p; if (this.classes[n] || m[n]) { return true } j = g; p = this.parseNamespace(n); for (l = 0, o = p.length; l < o; l++) { k = p[l]; if (typeof k != "string") { j = k } else { if (!j || !j[k]) { return false } j = j[k] } } m[n] = true; this.triggerCreated(n); return true }, createdListeners: [], nameCreatedListeners: {}, triggerCreated: function (s) { var u = this.createdListeners, m = this.nameCreatedListeners, n = this.maps.nameToAlternates[s], t = [s], p, r, o, q, l, k; for (p = 0, r = u.length; p < r; p++) { l = u[p]; l.fn.call(l.scope, s) } if (n) { t.push.apply(t, n) } for (p = 0, r = t.length; p < r; p++) { k = t[p]; u = m[k]; if (u) { for (o = 0, q = u.length; o < q; o++) { l = u[o]; l.fn.call(l.scope, k) } delete m[k] } } }, onCreated: function (n, m, l) { var k = this.createdListeners, j = this.nameCreatedListeners, o = { fn: n, scope: m }; if (l) { if (this.isCreated(l)) { n.call(m, l); return } if (!j[l]) { j[l] = [] } j[l].push(o) } else { k.push(o) } }, parseNamespace: function (l) { var j = this.namespaceParseCache, m, o, q, k, t, s, r, n, p; if (this.enableNamespaceParseCache) { if (j.hasOwnProperty(l)) { return j[l] } } m = []; o = this.namespaceRewrites; q = g; k = l; for (n = 0, p = o.length; n < p; n++) { t = o[n]; s = t.from; r = t.to; if (k === s || k.substring(0, s.length) === s) { k = k.substring(s.length); if (typeof r != "string") { q = r } else { m = m.concat(r.split(".")) } break } } m.push(q); m = m.concat(k.split(".")); if (this.enableNamespaceParseCache) { j[l] = m } return m }, setNamespace: function (m, p) { var k = g, q = this.parseNamespace(m), o = q.length - 1, j = q[o], n, l; for (n = 0; n < o; n++) { l = q[n]; if (typeof l != "string") { k = l } else { if (!k[l]) { k[l] = {} } k = k[l] } } k[j] = p; return k[j] }, createNamespaces: function () { var k = g, p, m, n, l, o, q; for (n = 0, o = arguments.length; n < o; n++) { p = this.parseNamespace(arguments[n]); for (l = 0, q = p.length; l < q; l++) { m = p[l]; if (typeof m != "string") { k = m } else { if (!k[m]) { k[m] = {} } k = k[m] } } } return k }, set: function (j, n) { var m = this, p = m.maps, o = p.nameToAlternates, l = m.getName(n), k; m.classes[j] = m.setNamespace(j, n); if (l && l !== j) { p.alternateToName[j] = l; k = o[l] || (o[l] = []); k.push(j) } return this }, get: function (l) { var n = this.classes, j, p, k, m, o; if (n[l]) { return n[l] } j = g; p = this.parseNamespace(l); for (m = 0, o = p.length; m < o; m++) { k = p[m]; if (typeof k != "string") { j = k } else { if (!j || !j[k]) { return null } j = j[k] } } return j }, setAlias: function (j, k) { var m = this.maps.aliasToName, n = this.maps.nameToAliases, l; if (typeof j == "string") { l = j } else { l = this.getName(j) } if (k && m[k] !== l) { m[k] = l } if (!n[l]) { n[l] = [] } if (k) { Ext.Array.include(n[l], k) } return this }, addNameAliasMappings: function (j) { var o = this.maps.aliasToName, p = this.maps.nameToAliases, m, n, l, k; for (m in j) { n = p[m] || (p[m] = []); for (k = 0; k < j[m].length; k++) { l = j[m][k]; if (!o[l]) { o[l] = m; n.push(l) } } } return this }, addNameAlternateMappings: function (m) { var j = this.maps.alternateToName, p = this.maps.nameToAlternates, l, n, o, k; for (l in m) { n = p[l] || (p[l] = []); for (k = 0; k < m[l].length; k++) { o = m[l][k]; if (!j[o]) { j[o] = l; n.push(o) } } } return this }, getByAlias: function (j) { return this.get(this.getNameByAlias(j)) }, getNameByAlias: function (j) { return this.maps.aliasToName[j] || "" }, getNameByAlternate: function (j) { return this.maps.alternateToName[j] || "" }, getAliasesByName: function (j) { return this.maps.nameToAliases[j] || [] }, getName: function (j) { return j && j.$className || "" }, getClass: function (j) { return j && j.self || null }, create: function (k, m, j) { var l = a(); if (typeof m == "function") { m = m(l) } m.$className = k; return new c(l, m, function () { var n = m.postprocessors || b.defaultPostprocessors, u = b.postprocessors, v = [], t, p, s, o, r, q, w; delete m.postprocessors; for (p = 0, s = n.length; p < s; p++) { t = n[p]; if (typeof t == "string") { t = u[t]; q = t.properties; if (q === true) { v.push(t.fn) } else { if (q) { for (o = 0, r = q.length; o < r; o++) { w = q[o]; if (m.hasOwnProperty(w)) { v.push(t.fn); break } } } } } else { v.push(t) } } m.postprocessors = v; m.createdFn = j; b.processCreate(k, this, m) }) }, processCreate: function (m, k, o) { var n = this, j = o.postprocessors.shift(), l = o.createdFn; if (!j) { if (m) { n.set(m, k) } if (l) { l.call(k, k) } if (m) { n.triggerCreated(m) } return } if (j.call(n, m, k, o, n.processCreate) !== false) { n.processCreate(m, k, o) } }, createOverride: function (m, q, k) { var p = this, o = q.override, l = q.requires, j = q.uses, n = function () { var r, s; if (l) { s = l; l = null; Ext.Loader.require(s, n) } else { r = p.get(o); delete q.override; delete q.requires; delete q.uses; Ext.override(r, q); p.triggerCreated(m); if (j) { Ext.Loader.addUsedClasses(j) } if (k) { k.call(r) } } }; p.existCache[m] = true; p.onCreated(n, p, o); return p }, instantiateByAlias: function () { var k = arguments[0], j = h.call(arguments), l = this.getNameByAlias(k); if (!l) { l = this.maps.aliasToName[k]; Ext.syncRequire(l) } j[0] = l; return this.instantiate.apply(this, j) }, instantiate: function () { var l = arguments[0], n = typeof l, k = h.call(arguments, 1), m = l, o, j; if (n != "function") { if (n != "string" && k.length === 0) { k = [l]; l = l.xclass } j = this.get(l) } else { j = l } if (!j) { o = this.getNameByAlias(l); if (o) { l = o; j = this.get(l) } } if (!j) { o = this.getNameByAlternate(l); if (o) { l = o; j = this.get(l) } } if (!j) { Ext.syncRequire(l); j = this.get(l) } return this.getInstantiator(k.length)(j, k) }, dynInstantiate: function (k, j) { j = d(j, true); j.unshift(k); return this.instantiate.apply(this, j) }, getInstantiator: function (m) { var l = this.instantiators, n, k, j; n = l[m]; if (!n) { k = m; j = []; for (k = 0; k < m; k++) { j.push("a[" + k + "]") } n = l[m] = new Function("c", "a", "return new c(" + j.join(",") + ")") } return n }, postprocessors: {}, defaultPostprocessors: [], registerPostprocessor: function (k, n, l, j, m) { if (!j) { j = "last" } if (!l) { l = [k] } this.postprocessors[k] = { name: k, properties: l || false, fn: n }; this.setDefaultPostprocessorPosition(k, j, m); return this }, setDefaultPostprocessors: function (j) { this.defaultPostprocessors = d(j); return this }, setDefaultPostprocessorPosition: function (k, n, m) { var l = this.defaultPostprocessors, j; if (typeof n == "string") { if (n === "first") { l.unshift(k); return this } else { if (n === "last") { l.push(k); return this } } n = (n === "after") ? 1 : -1 } j = Ext.Array.indexOf(l, m); if (j !== -1) { Ext.Array.splice(l, Math.max(0, j + n), 0, k) } return this }, getNamesByExpression: function (q) { var o = this.maps.nameToAliases, r = [], j, n, l, k, s, m, p; if (q.indexOf("*") !== -1) { q = q.replace(/\*/g, "(.*?)"); s = new RegExp("^" + q + "$"); for (j in o) { if (o.hasOwnProperty(j)) { l = o[j]; if (j.search(s) !== -1) { r.push(j) } else { for (m = 0, p = l.length; m < p; m++) { n = l[m]; if (n.search(s) !== -1) { r.push(j); break } } } } } } else { k = this.getNameByAlias(q); if (k) { r.push(k) } else { k = this.getNameByAlternate(q); if (k) { r.push(k) } else { r.push(q) } } } return r } }; b.registerPostprocessor("alias", function (l, k, o) { var j = o.alias, m, n; for (m = 0, n = j.length; m < n; m++) { e = j[m]; this.setAlias(k, e) } }, ["xtype", "alias"]); b.registerPostprocessor("singleton", function (k, j, m, l) { if (m.singleton) { l.call(this, k, new j(), m) } else { return true } return false }); b.registerPostprocessor("alternateClassName", function (k, j, o) { var m = o.alternateClassName, l, n, p; if (!(m instanceof Array)) { m = [m] } for (l = 0, n = m.length; l < n; l++) { p = m[l]; this.set(p, j) } }); Ext.apply(Ext, { create: e(b, "instantiate"), widget: function (l, k) { var p = l, m, n, j, o; if (typeof p != "string") { k = l; p = k.xtype } else { k = k || {} } if (k.isComponent) { return k } m = "widget." + p; n = b.getNameByAlias(m); if (!n) { o = true } j = b.get(n); if (o || !j) { return b.instantiateByAlias(m, k) } return new j(k) }, createByAlias: e(b, "instantiateByAlias"), define: function (k, l, j) { if (l.override) { return b.createOverride.apply(b, arguments) } return b.create.apply(b, arguments) }, undefine: function (q) { var l = b.classes, s = b.maps, t = s.aliasToName, u = s.nameToAliases, w = s.alternateToName, o = s.nameToAlternates, j = u[q], r = o[q], m, v, k, n; delete b.namespaceParseCache[q]; delete u[q]; delete o[q]; delete l[q]; if (j) { for (n = j.length; n--; ) { delete t[j[n]] } } if (r) { for (n = r.length; n--; ) { delete w[r[n]] } } m = b.parseNamespace(q); v = m.length - 1; k = m[0]; for (n = 1; n < v; n++) { k = k[m[n]]; if (!k) { return } } try { delete k[m[v]] } catch (p) { k[m[v]] = undefined } }, getClassName: e(b, "getName"), getDisplayName: function (j) { if (j) { if (j.displayName) { return j.displayName } if (j.$name && j.$class) { return Ext.getClassName(j.$class) + "#" + j.$name } if (j.$className) { return j.$className } } return "Anonymous" }, getClass: e(b, "getClass"), namespace: e(b, "createNamespaces") }); Ext.createWidget = Ext.widget; Ext.ns = Ext.namespace; c.registerPreprocessor("className", function (j, k) { if (k.$className) { j.$className = k.$className } }, true, "first"); c.registerPreprocessor("alias", function (u, o) { var s = u.prototype, l = d(o.xtype), j = d(o.alias), v = "widget.", t = v.length, p = Array.prototype.slice.call(s.xtypesChain || []), m = Ext.merge({}, s.xtypesMap || {}), n, r, q, k; for (n = 0, r = j.length; n < r; n++) { q = j[n]; if (q.substring(0, t) === v) { k = q.substring(t); Ext.Array.include(l, k) } } u.xtype = o.xtype = l[0]; o.xtypes = l; for (n = 0, r = l.length; n < r; n++) { k = l[n]; if (!m[k]) { m[k] = true; p.push(k) } } o.xtypesChain = p; o.xtypesMap = m; Ext.Function.interceptAfter(o, "onClassCreated", function () { var w = s.mixins, y, x; for (y in w) { if (w.hasOwnProperty(y)) { x = w[y]; l = x.xtypes; if (l) { for (n = 0, r = l.length; n < r; n++) { k = l[n]; if (!m[k]) { m[k] = true; p.push(k) } } } } } }); for (n = 0, r = l.length; n < r; n++) { k = l[n]; Ext.Array.include(j, v + k) } o.alias = j }, ["xtype", "alias"]) } (Ext.Class, Ext.Function.alias, Array.prototype.slice, Ext.Array.from, Ext.global)); if (Ext._alternatesMetadata) { Ext.ClassManager.addNameAlternateMappings(Ext._alternatesMetadata); Ext._alternatesMetadata = null } if (Ext._aliasMetadata) { Ext.ClassManager.addNameAliasMappings(Ext._aliasMetadata); Ext._aliasMetadata = null } Ext.Loader = new function () { var l = this, b = Ext.ClassManager, u = Ext.Class, e = Ext.Function.flexSetter, p = Ext.Function.alias, a = Ext.Function.pass, d = Ext.Function.defer, h = Ext.Array.erase, o = ["extend", "mixins", "requires"], w = {}, n = [], c = /\/\.\//g, g = /\./g, k = 0; Ext.apply(l, { isInHistory: w, history: n, config: { enabled: false, scriptChainDelay: false, disableCaching: true, disableCachingParam: "_dc", garbageCollect: false, paths: { Ext: "." }, preserveScripts: true, scriptCharset: undefined }, setConfig: function (z, A) { if (Ext.isObject(z) && arguments.length === 1) { Ext.merge(l.config, z); if ("paths" in z) { Ext.app.collectNamespaces(z.paths) } } else { l.config[z] = (Ext.isObject(A)) ? Ext.merge(l.config[z], A) : A; if (z === "paths") { Ext.app.collectNamespaces(A) } } return l }, getConfig: function (z) { if (z) { return l.config[z] } return l.config }, setPath: e(function (z, A) { l.config.paths[z] = A; Ext.app.namespaces[z] = true; k++; return l }), addClassPathMappings: function (A) { var z; if (k == 0) { l.config.paths = A } else { for (z in A) { l.config.paths[z] = A[z] } } k++; return l }, getPath: function (z) { var B = "", C = l.config.paths, A = l.getPrefix(z); if (A.length > 0) { if (A === z) { return C[A] } B = C[A]; z = z.substring(A.length + 1) } if (B.length > 0) { B += "/" } return B.replace(c, "/") + z.replace(g, "/") + ".js" }, getPrefix: function (A) { var C = l.config.paths, B, z = ""; if (C.hasOwnProperty(A)) { return A } for (B in C) { if (C.hasOwnProperty(B) && B + "." === A.substring(0, B.length + 1)) { if (B.length > z.length) { z = B } } } return z }, isAClassNameWithAKnownPrefix: function (z) { var A = l.getPrefix(z); return A !== "" && A !== z }, require: function (B, A, z, C) { if (A) { A.call(z) } }, syncRequire: function () {}, exclude: function (z) { return { require: function (C, B, A) { return l.require(C, B, A, z) }, syncRequire: function (C, B, A) { return l.syncRequire(C, B, A, z) } } }, onReady: function (C, B, D, z) { var A; if (D !== false && Ext.onDocumentReady) { A = C; C = function () { Ext.onDocumentReady(A, B, z) } } C.call(B) } }); var r = [], s = {}, v = {}, t = {}, q = {}, x = [], y = [], j = {}, m = function (z, A) { return A.priority - z.priority }; Ext.apply(l, { documentHead: typeof document != "undefined" && (document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]), isLoading: false, queue: r, isClassFileLoaded: s, isFileLoaded: v, readyListeners: x, optionalRequires: y, requiresMap: j, numPendingFiles: 0, numLoadedFiles: 0, hasFileLoadError: false, classNameToFilePathMap: t, scriptsLoading: 0, syncModeEnabled: false, scriptElements: q, refreshQueue: function () { var D = r.length, A, C, z, B; if (!D && !l.scriptsLoading) { return l.triggerReady() } for (A = 0; A < D; A++) { C = r[A]; if (C) { B = C.requires; if (B.length > l.numLoadedFiles) { continue } for (z = 0; z < B.length; ) { if (b.isCreated(B[z])) { h(B, z, 1) } else { z++ } } if (C.requires.length === 0) { h(r, A, 1); C.callback.call(C.scope); l.refreshQueue(); break } } } return l }, injectScriptElement: function (z, G, D, I, B) { var H = document.createElement("script"), E = false, A = l.config, F = function () { if (!E) { E = true; H.onload = H.onreadystatechange = H.onerror = null; if (typeof A.scriptChainDelay == "number") { d(G, A.scriptChainDelay, I) } else { G.call(I) } l.cleanupScriptElement(H, A.preserveScripts === false, A.garbageCollect) } }, C = function (J) { d(D, 1, I); l.cleanupScriptElement(H, A.preserveScripts === false, A.garbageCollect) }; H.type = "text/javascript"; H.onerror = C; B = B || A.scriptCharset; if (B) { H.charset = B } if ("addEventListener" in H) { H.onload = F } else { if ("readyState" in H) { H.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.readyState == "loaded" || this.readyState == "complete") { F() } } } else { H.onload = F } } H.src = z; (l.documentHead || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]).appendChild(H); return H }, removeScriptElement: function (z) { if (q[z]) { l.cleanupScriptElement(q[z], true, !!l.getConfig("garbageCollect")); delete q[z] } return l }, cleanupScriptElement: function (B, A, C) { var D; B.onload = B.onreadystatechange = B.onerror = null; if (A) { Ext.removeNode(B); if (C) { for (D in B) { try { if (D != "src") { B[D] = null } delete B[D] } catch (z) {} } } } return l }, loadScript: function (I) { var C = l.getConfig(), B = typeof I == "string", A = B ? I : I.url, E = !B && I.onError, F = !B && I.onLoad, H = !B && I.scope, G = function () { l.numPendingFiles--; l.scriptsLoading--; if (E) { E.call(H, "Failed loading '" + A + "', please verify that the file exists") } if (l.numPendingFiles + l.scriptsLoading === 0) { l.refreshQueue() } }, D = function () { l.numPendingFiles--; l.scriptsLoading--; if (F) { F.call(H) } if (l.numPendingFiles + l.scriptsLoading === 0) { l.refreshQueue() } }, z; l.isLoading = true; l.numPendingFiles++; l.scriptsLoading++; z = C.disableCaching ? (A + "?" + C.disableCachingParam + "=" + Ext.Date.now()) : A; q[A] = l.injectScriptElement(z, D, G) }, loadScriptFile: function (A, H, F, K, z) { if (v[A]) { return l } var C = l.getConfig(), L = A + (C.disableCaching ? ("?" + C.disableCachingParam + "=" + Ext.Date.now()) : ""), B = false, J, D, I, E = ""; K = K || l; l.isLoading = true; if (!z) { I = function () {}; q[A] = l.injectScriptElement(L, H, I, K) } else { if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != "undefined") { J = new XMLHttpRequest() } else { J = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") } try { J.open("GET", L, false); J.send(null) } catch (G) { B = true } D = (J.status === 1223) ? 204 : (J.status === 0 && ((self.location || {}).protocol == "file:" || (self.location || {}).protocol == "ionp:")) ? 200 : J.status; B = B || (D === 0); if (B) {} else { if ((D >= 200 && D < 300) || (D === 304)) { if (!Ext.isIE) { E = "\n//@ sourceURL=" + A } Ext.globalEval(J.responseText + E); H.call(K) } else {} } J = null } }, syncRequire: function () { var z = l.syncModeEnabled; if (!z) { l.syncModeEnabled = true } l.require.apply(l, arguments); if (!z) { l.syncModeEnabled = false } l.refreshQueue() }, require: function (R, I, C, E) { var K = {}, B = {}, H = [], T = [], Q = [], A = [], G, S, M, L, z, F, P, O, N, J, D; if (E) { E = (typeof E === "string") ? [E] : E; for (O = 0, J = E.length; O < J; O++) { z = E[O]; if (typeof z == "string" && z.length > 0) { H = b.getNamesByExpression(z); for (N = 0, D = H.length; N < D; N++) { K[H[N]] = true } } } } R = (typeof R === "string") ? [R] : (R ? R : []); if (I) { if (I.length > 0) { G = function () { var V = [], U, W; for (U = 0, W = A.length; U < W; U++) { V.push(b.get(A[U])) } return I.apply(this, V) } } else { G = I } } else { G = Ext.emptyFn } C = C || Ext.global; for (O = 0, J = R.length; O < J; O++) { L = R[O]; if (typeof L == "string" && L.length > 0) { T = b.getNamesByExpression(L); D = T.length; for (N = 0; N < D; N++) { P = T[N]; if (K[P] !== true) { A.push(P); if (!b.isCreated(P) && !B[P]) { B[P] = true; Q.push(P) } } } } } if (Q.length > 0) { if (!l.config.enabled) { throw new Error("Ext.Loader is not enabled, so dependencies cannot be resolved dynamically. Missing required class" + ((Q.length > 1) ? "es" : "") + ": " + Q.join(", ")) } } else { G.call(C); return l } S = l.syncModeEnabled; if (!S) { r.push({ requires: Q.slice(), callback: G, scope: C }) } J = Q.length; for (O = 0; O < J; O++) { F = Q[O]; M = l.getPath(F); if (S && s.hasOwnProperty(F)) { if (!s[F]) { l.numPendingFiles--; l.removeScriptElement(M); delete s[F] } } if (!s.hasOwnProperty(F)) { s[F] = false; t[F] = M; l.numPendingFiles++; l.loadScriptFile(M, a(l.onFileLoaded, [F, M], l), a(l.onFileLoadError, [F, M], l), l, S) } } if (S) { G.call(C); if (J === 1) { return b.get(F) } } return l }, onFileLoaded: function (B, A) { var z = s[B]; l.numLoadedFiles++; s[B] = true; v[A] = true; if (!z) { l.numPendingFiles-- } if (l.numPendingFiles === 0) { l.refreshQueue() } }, onFileLoadError: function (B, A, z, C) { l.numPendingFiles--; l.hasFileLoadError = true }, addUsedClasses: function (B) { var z, A, C; if (B) { B = (typeof B == "string") ? [B] : B; for (A = 0, C = B.length; A < C; A++) { z = B[A]; if (typeof z == "string" && !Ext.Array.contains(y, z)) { y.push(z) } } } return l }, triggerReady: function () { var z, A = y; if (l.isLoading) { l.isLoading = false; if (A.length !== 0) { A = A.slice(); y.length = 0; l.require(A, l.triggerReady, l); return l } } Ext.Array.sort(x, m); while (x.length && !l.isLoading) { z = x.shift(); z.fn.call(z.scope) } return l }, onReady: function (C, B, D, z) { var A; if (D !== false && Ext.onDocumentReady) { A = C; C = function () { Ext.onDocumentReady(A, B, z) } } if (!l.isLoading) { C.call(B) } else { x.push({ fn: C, scope: B, priority: (z && z.priority) || 0 }) } }, historyPush: function (z) { if (z && s.hasOwnProperty(z) && !w[z]) { w[z] = true; n.push(z) } return l } }); Ext.disableCacheBuster = function (A, B) { var z = new Date(); z.setTime(z.getTime() + (A ? 10 * 365 : -1) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); z = z.toGMTString(); document.cookie = "ext-cache=1; expires=" + z + "; path=" + (B || "/") }; Ext.require = p(l, "require"); Ext.syncRequire = p(l, "syncRequire"); Ext.exclude = p(l, "exclude"); Ext.onReady = function (B, A, z) { l.onReady(B, A, true, z) }; u.registerPreprocessor("loader", function (P, D, O, N) { var K = this, I = [], z, J = b.getName(P), C, B, H, G, M, F, A, L, E; for (C = 0, H = o.length; C < H; C++) { F = o[C]; if (D.hasOwnProperty(F)) { A = D[F]; if (typeof A == "string") { I.push(A) } else { if (A instanceof Array) { for (B = 0, G = A.length; B < G; B++) { M = A[B]; if (typeof M == "string") { I.push(M) } } } else { if (typeof A != "function") { for (B in A) { if (A.hasOwnProperty(B)) { M = A[B]; if (typeof M == "string") { I.push(M) } } } } } } } } if (I.length === 0) { return } l.require(I, function () { for (C = 0, H = o.length; C < H; C++) { F = o[C]; if (D.hasOwnProperty(F)) { A = D[F]; if (typeof A == "string") { D[F] = b.get(A) } else { if (A instanceof Array) { for (B = 0, G = A.length; B < G; B++) { M = A[B]; if (typeof M == "string") { D[F][B] = b.get(M) } } } else { if (typeof A != "function") { for (var Q in A) { if (A.hasOwnProperty(Q)) { M = A[Q]; if (typeof M == "string") { D[F][Q] = b.get(M) } } } } } } } } N.call(K, P, D, O) }); return false }, true, "after", "className"); b.registerPostprocessor("uses", function (B, A, C) { var z = C.uses; if (z) { l.addUsedClasses(z) } }); b.onCreated(l.historyPush) } (); if (Ext._classPathMetadata) { Ext.Loader.addClassPathMappings(Ext._classPathMetadata); Ext._classPathMetadata = null } (function () { var a = document.getElementsByTagName("script"), b = a[a.length - 1], d = b.src, c = d.substring(0, d.lastIndexOf("/") + 1), e = Ext.Loader; e.setConfig({ enabled: true, disableCaching: true, paths: { Ext: c + "src" } }) })(); Ext._endTime = new Date().getTime(); if (Ext._beforereadyhandler) { Ext._beforereadyhandler() } Ext.Error = Ext.extend(Error, { statics: { ignore: false, raise: function (a) { a = a || {}; if (Ext.isString(a)) { a = { msg: a } } var c = this.raise.caller, b; if (c) { if (c.$name) { a.sourceMethod = c.$name } if (c.$owner) { a.sourceClass = c.$owner.$className } } if (Ext.Error.handle(a) !== true) { b = Ext.Error.prototype.toString.call(a); Ext.log({ msg: b, level: "error", dump: a, stack: true }); throw new Ext.Error(a) } }, handle: function () { return Ext.Error.ignore } }, name: "Ext.Error", constructor: function (a) { if (Ext.isString(a)) { a = { msg: a } } var b = this; Ext.apply(b, a); b.message = b.message || b.msg }, toString: function () { var c = this, b = c.sourceClass ? c.sourceClass : "", a = c.sourceMethod ? "." + c.sourceMethod + "(): " : "", d = c.msg || "(No description provided)"; return b + a + d } }); Ext.deprecated = function (a) { return Ext.emptyFn }; Ext.JSON = (new(function () { var me = this, encodingFunction, decodingFunction, useNative = null, useHasOwn = !!{} .hasOwnProperty, isNative = function () { if (useNative === null) { useNative = Ext.USE_NATIVE_JSON && window.JSON && JSON.toString() == "[object JSON]" } return useNative }, pad = function (n) { return n < 10 ? "0" + n : n }, doDecode = function (json) { return eval("(" + json + ")") }, doEncode = function (o, newline) { if (o === null || o === undefined) { return "null" } else { if (Ext.isDate(o)) { return Ext.JSON.encodeDate(o) } else { if (Ext.isString(o)) { return Ext.JSON.encodeString(o) } else { if (typeof o == "number") { return isFinite(o) ? String(o) : "null" } else { if (Ext.isBoolean(o)) { return String(o) } else { if (o.toJSON) { return o.toJSON() } else { if (Ext.isArray(o)) { return encodeArray(o, newline) } else { if (Ext.isObject(o)) { return encodeObject(o, newline) } else { if (typeof o === "function") { return "null" } } } } } } } } } return "undefined" }, m = { "\b": "\\b", "\t": "\\t", "\n": "\\n", "\f": "\\f", "\r": "\\r", '"': '\\"', "\\": "\\\\", "\v": "\\u000b" }, charToReplace = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\uffff]/g, encodeString = function (s) { return '"' + s.replace(charToReplace, function (a) { var c = m[a]; return typeof c === "string" ? c : "\\u" + ("0000" + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4) }) + '"' }, encodeArray = function (o, newline) { var a = ["[", ""], len = o.length, i; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { a.push(Ext.JSON.encodeValue(o[i]), ",") } a[a.length - 1] = "]"; return a.join("") }, encodeObject = function (o, newline) { var a = ["{", ""], i, val; for (i in o) { val = o[i]; if (!useHasOwn || o.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (typeof val === "function" || val === undefined) { continue } a.push(Ext.JSON.encodeValue(i), ":", Ext.JSON.encodeValue(val), ",") } } a[a.length - 1] = "}"; return a.join("") }; me.encodeString = encodeString; me.encodeValue = doEncode; me.encodeDate = function (o) { return '"' + o.getFullYear() + "-" + pad(o.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + pad(o.getDate()) + "T" + pad(o.getHours()) + ":" + pad(o.getMinutes()) + ":" + pad(o.getSeconds()) + '"' }; me.encode = function (o) { if (!encodingFunction) { encodingFunction = isNative() ? JSON.stringify : me.encodeValue } return encodingFunction(o) }; me.decode = function (json, safe) { if (!decodingFunction) { decodingFunction = isNative() ? JSON.parse : doDecode } try { return decodingFunction(json) } catch (e) { if (safe === true) { return null } Ext.Error.raise({ sourceClass: "Ext.JSON", sourceMethod: "decode", msg: "You're trying to decode an invalid JSON String: " + json }) } } })()); Ext.encode = Ext.JSON.encode; Ext.decode = Ext.JSON.decode; Ext.apply(Ext, { userAgent: navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), cache: {}, idSeed: 1000, windowId: "ext-window", documentId: "ext-document", isReady: false, enableGarbageCollector: true, enableListenerCollection: true, rootHierarchyState: {}, addCacheEntry: function (g, c, e) { e = e || c.dom; var a = Ext.cache, b = g || (c && c.id) || e.id, d = a[b] || (a[b] = { data: {}, events: {}, dom: e, skipGarbageCollection: !!(e.getElementById || e.navigator) }); if (c) { c.$cache = d; d.el = c } return d }, updateCacheEntry: function (a, b) { a.dom = b; if (a.el) { a.el.dom = b } return a }, id: function (a, c) { var b = this, d = ""; a = Ext.getDom(a, true) || {}; if (a === document) { a.id = b.documentId } else { if (a === window) { a.id = b.windowId } } if (!a.id) { if (b.isSandboxed) { d = Ext.sandboxName.toLowerCase() + "-" } a.id = d + (c || "ext-gen") + (++Ext.idSeed) } return a.id }, escapeId: (function () { var c = /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*$/i, d = /([\W]{1})/g, b = /^(\d)/g, a = function (h, g) { return "\\" + g }, e = function (h, g) { return "\\00" + g.charCodeAt(0).toString(16) + " " }; return function (g) { return c.test(g) ? g : g.replace(d, a).replace(b, e) } } ()), getBody: (function () { var a; return function () { return a || (a = Ext.get(document.body)) } } ()), getHead: (function () { var a; return function () { return a || (a = Ext.get(document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0])) } } ()), getDoc: (function () { var a; return function () { return a || (a = Ext.get(document)) } } ()), getOrientation: function () { return window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth ? "portrait" : "landscape" }, destroy: function () { var c = arguments.length, b, a; for (b = 0; b < c; b++) { a = arguments[b]; if (a) { if (Ext.isArray(a)) { this.destroy.apply(this, a) } else { if (a.isStore) { a.destroyStore() } else { if (Ext.isFunction(a.destroy)) { a.destroy() } else { if (a.dom) { a.remove() } } } } } } }, callback: function (g, e, c, b) { var d, a; if (Ext.isFunction(g)) { d = g } else { if (e && Ext.isString(g)) { d = e[g] } } if (d) { c = c || []; e = e || window; if (b) { Ext.defer(d, b, e, c) } else { a = d.apply(e, c) } } return a }, resolveMethod: function (b, a) { if (Ext.isFunction(b)) { return b } return a[b] }, htmlEncode: function (a) { return Ext.String.htmlEncode(a) }, htmlDecode: function (a) { return Ext.String.htmlDecode(a) }, urlAppend: function (a, b) { return Ext.String.urlAppend(a, b) } }); Ext.ns = Ext.namespace; window.undefined = window.undefined; (function () { var q = function (e) { return e.test(Ext.userAgent) }, v = document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat", H = function (T, S) { var e; return (T && (e = S.exec(Ext.userAgent))) ? parseFloat(e[1]) : 0 }, r = document.documentMode, a = q(/opera/), x = a && q(/version\/10\.5/), M = q(/\bchrome\b/), B = q(/webkit/), c = !M && q(/safari/), K = c && q(/applewebkit\/4/), I = c && q(/version\/3/), F = c && q(/version\/4/), l = c && q(/version\/5\.0/), E = c && q(/version\/5/), k = !a && q(/msie/), L = k && ((q(/msie 7/) && r != 8 && r != 9 && r != 10) || r == 7), J = k && ((q(/msie 8/) && r != 7 && r != 9 && r != 10) || r == 8), G = k && ((q(/msie 9/) && r != 7 && r != 8 && r != 10) || r == 9), h = k && ((q(/msie 10/) && r != 7 && r != 8 && r != 9) || r == 10), O = k && q(/msie 6/), b = !B && q(/gecko/), R = b && q(/rv:1\.9/), Q = b && q(/rv:2\.0/), P = b && q(/rv:5\./), t = b && q(/rv:10\./), A = R && q(/rv:1\.9\.0/), y = R && q(/rv:1\.9\.1/), w = R && q(/rv:1\.9\.2/), g = q(/windows|win32/), D = q(/macintosh|mac os x/), z = q(/linux/), n = null, o = H(true, /\bchrome\/(\d+\.\d+)/), j = H(true, /\bfirefox\/(\d+\.\d+)/), p = H(k, /msie (\d+\.\d+)/), u = H(a, /version\/(\d+\.\d+)/), d = H(c, /version\/(\d+\.\d+)/), C = H(B, /webkit\/(\d+\.\d+)/), s = /^https/i.test(window.location.protocol), m; try { document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true) } catch (N) {} m = function () {}; m.info = m.warn = m.error = Ext.emptyFn; Ext.setVersion("extjs", ""); Ext.apply(Ext, { SSL_SECURE_URL: s && k ? "javascript:''" : "about:blank", plainTableCls: Ext.buildSettings.baseCSSPrefix + "table-plain", plainListCls: Ext.buildSettings.baseCSSPrefix + "list-plain", enableNestedListenerRemoval: false, USE_NATIVE_JSON: false, getDom: function (T, S) { if (!T || !document) { return null } if (T.dom) { return T.dom } else { if (typeof T == "string") { var U = Ext.getElementById(T); if (U && k && S) { if (T == U.getAttribute("id")) { return U } else { return null } } return U } else { return T } } }, removeNode: O || L || J ? (function () { var e; return function (U) { if (U && U.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY") { (Ext.enableNestedListenerRemoval) ? Ext.EventManager.purgeElement(U) : Ext.EventManager.removeAll(U); var S = Ext.cache, T = U.id; if (S[T]) { delete S[T].dom; delete S[T] } if (J && U.parentNode) { U.parentNode.removeChild(U) } e = e || document.createElement("div"); e.appendChild(U); e.innerHTML = "" } } } ()) : function (T) { if (T && T.parentNode && T.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY") { (Ext.enableNestedListenerRemoval) ? Ext.EventManager.purgeElement(T) : Ext.EventManager.removeAll(T); var e = Ext.cache, S = T.id; if (e[S]) { delete e[S].dom; delete e[S] } T.parentNode.removeChild(T) } }, isStrict: v, isIEQuirks: k && (!v && (O || L || J || G)), isOpera: a, isOpera10_5: x, isWebKit: B, isChrome: M, isSafari: c, isSafari3: I, isSafari4: F, isSafari5: E, isSafari5_0: l, isSafari2: K, isIE: k, isIE6: O, isIE7: L, isIE7m: O || L, isIE7p: k && !O, isIE8: J, isIE8m: O || L || J, isIE8p: k && !(O || L), isIE9: G, isIE9m: O || L || J || G, isIE9p: k && !(O || L || J), isIE10: h, isIE10m: O || L || J || G || h, isIE10p: k && !(O || L || J || G), isGecko: b, isGecko3: R, isGecko4: Q, isGecko5: P, isGecko10: t, isFF3_0: A, isFF3_5: y, isFF3_6: w, isFF4: 4 <= j && j < 5, isFF5: 5 <= j && j < 6, isFF10: 10 <= j && j < 11, isLinux: z, isWindows: g, isMac: D, chromeVersion: o, firefoxVersion: j, ieVersion: p, operaVersion: u, safariVersion: d, webKitVersion: C, isSecure: s, BLANK_IMAGE_URL: (O || L) ? "//www.sencha.com/s.gif" : "", value: function (T, e, S) { return Ext.isEmpty(T, S) ? e : T }, escapeRe: function (e) { return e.replace(/([-.*+?\^${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1") }, addBehaviors: function (V) { if (!Ext.isReady) { Ext.onReady(function () { Ext.addBehaviors(V) }) } else { var S = {}, U, e, T; for (e in V) { if ((U = e.split("@"))[1]) { T = U[0]; if (!S[T]) { S[T] = Ext.select(T) } S[T].on(U[1], V[e]) } } S = null } }, getScrollbarSize: function (S) { if (!Ext.isReady) { return {} } if (S || !n) { var e = document.body, T = document.createElement("div"); T.style.width = T.style.height = "100px"; T.style.overflow = "scroll"; T.style.position = "absolute"; e.appendChild(T); n = { width: T.offsetWidth - T.clientWidth, height: T.offsetHeight - T.clientHeight }; e.removeChild(T) } return n }, getScrollBarWidth: function (S) { var e = Ext.getScrollbarSize(S); return e.width + 2 }, copyTo: function (S, U, W, V) { if (typeof W == "string") { W = W.split(/[,;\s]/) } var X, T = W ? W.length : 0, e; for (X = 0; X < T; X++) { e = W[X]; if (V || U.hasOwnProperty(e)) { S[e] = U[e] } } return S }, destroyMembers: function (U) { for (var T = 1, S = arguments, e = S.length; T < e; T++) { Ext.destroy(U[S[T]]); delete U[S[T]] } }, log: m, partition: function (e, V) { var W = [[], []], S, U, T = e.length; for (S = 0; S < T; S++) { U = e[S]; W[(V && V(U, S, e)) || (!V && U) ? 0 : 1].push(U) } return W }, invoke: function (e, V) { var X = [], W = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), S, U, T = e.length; for (S = 0; S < T; S++) { U = e[S]; if (U && typeof U[V] == "function") { X.push(U[V].apply(U, W)) } else { X.push(undefined) } } return X }, zip: function () { var Y = Ext.partition(arguments, function (Z) { return typeof Z != "function" }), V = Y[0], X = Y[1][0], e = Ext.max(Ext.pluck(V, "length")), U = [], W, T, S; for (W = 0; W < e; W++) { U[W] = []; if (X) { U[W] = X.apply(X, Ext.pluck(V, W)) } else { for (T = 0, S = V.length; T < S; T++) { U[W].push(V[T][W]) } } } return U }, toSentence: function (S, e) { var V = S.length, U, T; if (V <= 1) { return S[0] } else { U = S.slice(0, V - 1); T = S[V - 1]; return Ext.util.Format.format("{0} {1} {2}", U.join(", "), e || "and", T) } }, setGlyphFontFamily: function (e) { Ext._glyphFontFamily = e }, useShims: O }) } ()); Ext.application = function (a) { var c, d, b; if (typeof a === "string") { Ext.require(a, function () { c = Ext.ClassManager.get(a) }) } else { Ext.Loader.setPath(a.name, a.appFolder || "app"); if (d = a.paths) { for (b in d) { if (d.hasOwnProperty(b)) { Ext.Loader.setPath(b, d[b]) } } } a["paths processed"] = true; Ext.define(a.name + ".$application", Ext.apply({ extend: "Ext.app.Application" }, a), function () { c = this }) } Ext.onReady(function () { Ext.app.Application.instance = new c() }) }; (function () { Ext.ns("Ext.util"); var g = Ext.util.Format = {}, c = /<\/?[^>]+>/gi, j = /(?:)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:<\/script>)/ig, e = /\r?\n/g, b = /^#+$/, h = /[\d,\.#]+/, k = /[^\d\.#]/g, a, d = {}; Ext.apply(g, { thousandSeparator: ",", decimalSeparator: ".", currencyPrecision: 2, currencySign: "$", currencyAtEnd: false, undef: function (l) { return l !== undefined ? l : "" }, defaultValue: function (m, l) { return m !== undefined && m !== "" ? m : l }, substr: "ab".substr(-1) != "b" ? function (m, o, l) { var n = String(m); return (o < 0) ? n.substr(Math.max(n.length + o, 0), l) : n.substr(o, l) } : function (m, n, l) { return String(m).substr(n, l) }, lowercase: function (l) { return String(l).toLowerCase() }, uppercase: function (l) { return String(l).toUpperCase() }, usMoney: function (l) { return g.currency(l, "$", 2) }, currency: function (n, p, m, l) { var r = "", q = ",0", o = 0; n = n - 0; if (n < 0) { n = -n; r = "-" } m = Ext.isDefined(m) ? m : g.currencyPrecision; q += (m > 0 ? "." : ""); for (; o < m; o++) { q += "0" } n = g.number(n, q); if ((l || g.currencyAtEnd) === true) { return Ext.String.format("{0}{1}{2}", r, n, p || g.currencySign) } else { return Ext.String.format("{0}{1}{2}", r, p || g.currencySign, n) } }, date: function (l, m) { if (!l) { return "" } if (!Ext.isDate(l)) { l = new Date(Date.parse(l)) } return Ext.Date.dateFormat(l, m || Ext.Date.defaultFormat) }, dateRenderer: function (l) { return function (m) { return g.date(m, l) } }, stripTags: function (l) { return !l ? l : String(l).replace(c, "") }, stripScripts: function (l) { return !l ? l : String(l).replace(j, "") }, fileSize: (function () { var l = 1024, m = 1048576, n = 1073741824; return function (p) { var o; if (p < l) { if (p === 1) { o = "1 byte" } else { o = p + " bytes" } } else { if (p < m) { o = (Math.round(((p * 10) / l)) / 10) + " KB" } else { if (p < n) { o = (Math.round(((p * 10) / m)) / 10) + " MB" } else { o = (Math.round(((p * 10) / n)) / 10) + " GB" } } } return o } })(), math: (function () { var l = {}; return function (n, m) { if (!l[m]) { l[m] = Ext.functionFactory("v", "return v " + m + ";") } return l[m](n) } } ()), round: function (n, m) { var l = Number(n); if (typeof m == "number") { m = Math.pow(10, m); l = Math.round(n * m) / m } return l }, number: function (t, o) { if (!o) { return t } var n = d[o]; if (!n) { var q = o, y = g.thousandSeparator, u = g.decimalSeparator, m, r, s, p = 0, w, x, l; if (o.substr(o.length - 2) == "/i") { if (!a) { a = new RegExp("[^\\d\\" + g.decimalSeparator + "]", "g") } o = o.substr(0, o.length - 2); m = o.indexOf(y) != -1; r = o.replace(a, "").split(u) } else { m = o.indexOf(",") != -1; r = o.replace(k, "").split(".") } s = o.replace(h, ""); if (r.length > 2) {} else { if (r.length === 2) { p = r[1].length; x = b.test(r[1]) } } l = ["var utilFormat=Ext.util.Format,extNumber=Ext.Number,neg,fnum,parts" + (m ? ",thousandSeparator,thousands=[],j,n,i" : "") + (s ? ',formatString="' + o + '",formatPattern=/[\\d,\\.#]+/' : "") + (x ? ",trailingZeroes=/\\.?0+$/;" : ";") + 'return function(v){if(typeof v!=="number"&&isNaN(v=extNumber.from(v,NaN)))return"";neg=v<0;', "fnum=Ext.Number.toFixed(Math.abs(v), " + p + ");"]; if (m) { if (p) { l[l.length] = 'parts=fnum.split(".");'; l[l.length] = "fnum=parts[0];" } l[l.length] = "if(v>=1000) {"; l[l.length] = "thousandSeparator=utilFormat.thousandSeparator;thousands.length=0;j=fnum.length;n=fnum.length%3||3;for(i=0;i") }, capitalize: Ext.String.capitalize, ellipsis: Ext.String.ellipsis, format: Ext.String.format, htmlDecode: Ext.String.htmlDecode, htmlEncode: Ext.String.htmlEncode, leftPad: Ext.String.leftPad, trim: Ext.String.trim, parseBox: function (m) { m = m || 0; if (typeof m === "number") { return { top: m, right: m, bottom: m, left: m } } var n = m.split(" "), l = n.length; if (l == 1) { n[1] = n[2] = n[3] = n[0] } else { if (l == 2) { n[2] = n[0]; n[3] = n[1] } else { if (l == 3) { n[3] = n[1] } } } return { top: parseInt(n[0], 10) || 0, right: parseInt(n[1], 10) || 0, bottom: parseInt(n[2], 10) || 0, left: parseInt(n[3], 10) || 0 } }, escapeRegex: function (l) { return l.replace(/([\-.*+?\^${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1") } }) } ()); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.TaskRunner", Ext.Base, { interval: 10, timerId: null, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; if (typeof a == "number") { b.interval = a } else { if (a) { Ext.apply(b, a) } } b.tasks = []; b.timerFn = Ext.Function.bind(b.onTick, b) }, newTask: function (b) { var a = new Ext.util.TaskRunner.Task(b); a.manager = this; return a }, start: function (a) { var c = this, b = Ext.Date.now(); if (!a.pending) { c.tasks.push(a); a.pending = true } a.stopped = false; a.taskStartTime = b; a.taskRunTime = a.fireOnStart !== false ? 0 : a.taskStartTime; a.taskRunCount = 0; if (!c.firing) { if (a.fireOnStart !== false) { c.startTimer(0, b) } else { c.startTimer(a.interval, b) } } return a }, stop: function (a) { if (!a.stopped) { a.stopped = true; if (a.onStop) { a.onStop.call(a.scope || a, a) } } return a }, stopAll: function () { Ext.each(this.tasks, this.stop, this) }, firing: false, nextExpires: 1e+99, onTick: function () { var m = this, e = m.tasks, a = Ext.Date.now(), n = 1e+99, k = e.length, c, o, h, b, d, g; m.timerId = null; m.firing = true; for (h = 0; h < k || h < (k = e.length); ++h) { b = e[h]; if (!(g = b.stopped)) { c = b.taskRunTime + b.interval; if (c <= a) { d = 1; try { d = b.run.apply(b.scope || b, b.args || [++b.taskRunCount]) } catch (j) { try { if (b.onError) { d = b.onError.call(b.scope || b, b, j) } } catch (l) {} } b.taskRunTime = a; if (d === false || b.taskRunCount === b.repeat) { m.stop(b); g = true } else { g = b.stopped; c = a + b.interval } } if (!g && b.duration && b.duration <= (a - b.taskStartTime)) { m.stop(b); g = true } } if (g) { b.pending = false; if (!o) { o = e.slice(0, h) } } else { if (o) { o.push(b) } if (n > c) { n = c } } } if (o) { m.tasks = o } m.firing = false; if (m.tasks.length) { m.startTimer(n - a, Ext.Date.now()) } if (m.fireIdleEvent !== false) { Ext.EventManager.idleEvent.fire() } }, startTimer: function (e, c) { var d = this, b = c + e, a = d.timerId; if (a && d.nextExpires - b > d.interval) { clearTimeout(a); a = null } if (!a) { if (e < d.interval) { e = d.interval } d.timerId = setTimeout(d.timerFn, e); d.nextExpires = b } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "TaskRunner"], function () { var b = this, a = b.prototype; a.destroy = a.stopAll; Ext.util.TaskManager = Ext.TaskManager = new b(); b.Task = new Ext.Class({ isTask: true, stopped: true, fireOnStart: false, constructor: function (c) { Ext.apply(this, c) }, restart: function (c) { if (c !== undefined) { this.interval = c } this.manager.start(this) }, start: function (c) { if (this.stopped) { this.restart(c) } }, stop: function () { this.manager.stop(this) } }); a = b.Task.prototype; a.destroy = a.stop })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.TaskManager", Ext.util.TaskRunner, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.TaskManager"], singleton: true }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "TaskManager", Ext, "TaskManager"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.perf.Accumulator", Ext.Base, (function () { var c = null, h = Ext.global.chrome, d, b = function () { b = function () { return new Date().getTime() }; var m, n; if (Ext.isChrome && h && h.Interval) { m = new h.Interval(); m.start(); b = function () { return m.microseconds() / 1000 } } else { if (window.ActiveXObject) { try { n = new ActiveXObject("SenchaToolbox.Toolbox"); Ext.senchaToolbox = n; b = function () { return n.milliseconds } } catch (o) {} } else { if (Date.now) { b = Date.now } } } Ext.perf.getTimestamp = Ext.perf.Accumulator.getTimestamp = b; return b() }; function j(n, m) { n.sum += m; n.min = Math.min(n.min, m); n.max = Math.max(n.max, m) } function e(p) { var n = p ? p : (b() - this.time), o = this, m = o.accum; ++m.count; if (!--m.depth) { j(m.total, n) } j(m.pure, n - o.childTime); c = o.parent; if (c) { ++c.accum.childCount; c.childTime += n } } function a() { return { min: Number.MAX_VALUE, max: 0, sum: 0 } } function k(n, m) { return function () { var p = n.enter(), o = m.apply(this, arguments); p.leave(); return o } } function l(m) { return Math.round(m * 100) / 100 } function g(o, n, m, q) { var p = { avg: 0, min: q.min, max: q.max, sum: 0 }; if (o) { m = m || 0; p.sum = q.sum - n * m; p.avg = p.sum / o } return p } return { constructor: function (m) { var n = this; n.count = n.childCount = n.depth = n.maxDepth = 0; n.pure = a(); n.total = a(); n.name = m }, statics: { getTimestamp: b }, format: function (m) { if (!d) { d = new Ext.XTemplate(["{name} - {count} call(s)", '', '', " ({childCount} children)", "", '', " ({depth} deep)", "", '', ", {type}: {[this.time(values.sum)]} msec (", "avg={[this.time(values.sum / parent.count)]}", ")", "", ""].join(""), { time: function (o) { return Math.round(o * 100) / 100 } }) } var n = this.getData(m); n.name = this.name; n.pure.type = "Pure"; n.total.type = "Total"; n.times = [n.pure, n.total]; return d.apply(n) }, getData: function (m) { var n = this; return { count: n.count, childCount: n.childCount, depth: n.maxDepth, pure: g(n.count, n.childCount, m, n.pure), total: g(n.count, n.childCount, m, n.total) } }, enter: function () { var m = this, n = { accum: m, leave: e, childTime: 0, parent: c }; ++m.depth; if (m.maxDepth < m.depth) { m.maxDepth = m.depth } c = n; n.time = b(); return n }, monitor: function (o, n, m) { var p = this.enter(); if (m) { o.apply(n, m) } else { o.call(n) } p.leave() }, report: function () { Ext.log(this.format()) }, tap: function (u, w) { var v = this, p = typeof w == "string" ? [w] : w, t, x, r, q, o, n, m, s; s = function () { if (typeof u == "string") { t = Ext.global; q = u.split("."); for (r = 0, o = q.length; r < o; ++r) { t = t[q[r]] } } else { t = u } for (r = 0, o = p.length; r < o; ++r) { n = p[r]; x = n.charAt(0) == "!"; if (x) { n = n.substring(1) } else { x = !(n in t.prototype) } m = x ? t : t.prototype; m[n] = k(v, m[n]) } }; Ext.ClassManager.onCreated(s, v, u); return v } } } ()), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.perf, "Accumulator"], function () { Ext.perf.getTimestamp = this.getTimestamp })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.perf.Monitor", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, alternateClassName: "Ext.Perf", constructor: function () { this.accumulators = []; this.accumulatorsByName = {} }, calibrate: function () { var b = new Ext.perf.Accumulator("$"), g = b.total, c = Ext.perf.Accumulator.getTimestamp, e = 0, h, a, d; d = c(); do { h = b.enter(); h.leave(); ++e } while (g.sum < 100); a = c(); return (a - d) / e }, get: function (b) { var c = this, a = c.accumulatorsByName[b]; if (!a) { c.accumulatorsByName[b] = a = new Ext.perf.Accumulator(b); c.accumulators.push(a) } return a }, enter: function (a) { return this.get(a).enter() }, monitor: function (a, c, b) { this.get(a).monitor(c, b) }, report: function () { var c = this, b = c.accumulators, a = c.calibrate(); b.sort(function (e, d) { return (e.name < d.name) ? -1 : ((d.name < e.name) ? 1 : 0) }); c.updateGC(); Ext.log("Calibration: " + Math.round(a * 100) / 100 + " msec/sample"); Ext.each(b, function (d) { Ext.log(d.format(a)) }) }, getData: function (c) { var b = {}, a = this.accumulators; Ext.each(a, function (d) { if (c || d.count) { b[d.name] = d.getData() } }); return b }, reset: function () { Ext.each(this.accumulators, function (a) { var b = a; b.count = b.childCount = b.depth = b.maxDepth = 0; b.pure = { min: Number.MAX_VALUE, max: 0, sum: 0 }; b.total = { min: Number.MAX_VALUE, max: 0, sum: 0 } }) }, updateGC: function () { var a = this.accumulatorsByName.GC, b = Ext.senchaToolbox, c; if (a) { a.count = b.garbageCollectionCounter || 0; if (a.count) { c = a.pure; a.total.sum = c.sum = b.garbageCollectionMilliseconds; c.min = c.max = c.sum / a.count; c = a.total; c.min = c.max = c.sum / a.count } } }, watchGC: function () { Ext.perf.getTimestamp(); var a = Ext.senchaToolbox; if (a) { this.get("GC"); a.watchGarbageCollector(false) } }, setup: function (c) { if (!c) { c = { render: { "Ext.AbstractComponent": "render" }, layout: { "Ext.layout.Context": "run" } } } this.currentConfig = c; var d, g, b, e, a; for (d in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(d)) { g = c[d]; b = Ext.Perf.get(d); for (e in g) { if (g.hasOwnProperty(e)) { a = g[e]; b.tap(e, a) } } } } this.watchGC() } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.perf, "Monitor", Ext, "Perf"], 0)); Ext.is = { init: function (b) { var c = this.platforms, e = c.length, d, a; b = b || window.navigator; for (d = 0; d < e; d++) { a = c[d]; this[a.identity] = a.regex.test(b[a.property]) } this.Desktop = this.Mac || this.Windows || (this.Linux && !this.Android); this.Tablet = this.iPad; this.Phone = !this.Desktop && !this.Tablet; this.iOS = this.iPhone || this.iPad || this.iPod; this.Standalone = !!window.navigator.standalone }, platforms: [{ property: "platform", regex: /iPhone/i, identity: "iPhone" }, { property: "platform", regex: /iPod/i, identity: "iPod" }, { property: "userAgent", regex: /iPad/i, identity: "iPad" }, { property: "userAgent", regex: /Blackberry/i, identity: "Blackberry" }, { property: "userAgent", regex: /Android/i, identity: "Android" }, { property: "platform", regex: /Mac/i, identity: "Mac" }, { property: "platform", regex: /Win/i, identity: "Windows" }, { property: "platform", regex: /Linux/i, identity: "Linux" } ] }; Ext.is.init(); (function () { var a = function (g, e) { var d = g.ownerDocument.defaultView, h = (d ? d.getComputedStyle(g, null) : g.currentStyle) || g.style; return h[e] }, c = { "IE6-quirks": [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], "IE6-strict": [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], "IE7-quirks": [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], "IE7-strict": [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], "IE8-quirks": [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], "IE8-strict": [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1], "IE9-quirks": [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], "IE9-strict": [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], "IE10-quirks": [1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], "IE10-strict": [1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] }; function b() { var d = Ext.isIE6 ? "IE6" : Ext.isIE7 ? "IE7" : Ext.isIE8 ? "IE8" : Ext.isIE9 ? "IE9" : Ext.isIE10 ? "IE10" : ""; return d ? d + (Ext.isStrict ? "-strict" : "-quirks") : "" } Ext.supports = { init: function () { var l = this, p = document, j = l.toRun || l.tests, h = j.length, d = h && Ext.isReady && p.createElement("div"), e = [], m = b(), k, g, o; if (d) { d.innerHTML = ['
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for (; g < h; g++) { if (a(m, j[g] + "TransitionProperty")) { Ext.supports.CSS3Prefix = j[g]; Ext.supports.CSS3TransitionEnd = d[g]; e = true; break } } return e } }, { identity: "RightMargin", fn: function (e, g) { var d = e.defaultView; return !(d && d.getComputedStyle(g.firstChild.firstChild, null).marginRight != "0px") } }, { identity: "DisplayChangeInputSelectionBug", early: true, fn: function () { var d = Ext.webKitVersion; return 0 < d && d < 533 } }, { identity: "DisplayChangeTextAreaSelectionBug", early: true, fn: function () { var d = Ext.webKitVersion; return 0 < d && d < 534.24 } }, { identity: "TransparentColor", fn: function (e, g, d) { d = e.defaultView; return !(d && d.getComputedStyle(g.lastChild, null).backgroundColor != "transparent") } }, { identity: "ComputedStyle", fn: function (e, g, d) { d = e.defaultView; return d && d.getComputedStyle } }, { identity: "Svg", fn: function (d) { return !!d.createElementNS && !!d.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg").createSVGRect } }, { identity: "Canvas", fn: function (d) { return !!d.createElement("canvas").getContext } }, { identity: "Vml", fn: function (e) { var g = e.createElement("div"); g.innerHTML = ""; return (g.childNodes.length == 2) } }, { identity: "Float", fn: function (d, e) { return !!e.lastChild.style.cssFloat } }, { identity: "AudioTag", fn: function (d) { return !!d.createElement("audio").canPlayType } }, { identity: "History", fn: function () { var d = window.history; return !!(d && d.pushState) } }, { identity: "CSS3DTransform", fn: function () { return (typeof WebKitCSSMatrix != "undefined" && new WebKitCSSMatrix().hasOwnProperty("m41")) } }, { identity: "CSS3LinearGradient", fn: function (k, d) { var m = "background-image:", l = "-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, from(black), to(white))", j = "linear-gradient(left top, black, white)", h = "-moz-" + j, e = "-ms-" + j, g = "-o-" + j, n = [m + l, m + j, m + h, m + e, m + g]; d.style.cssText = n.join(";"); return (("" + d.style.backgroundImage).indexOf("gradient") !== -1) && !Ext.isIE9 } }, { identity: "CSS3BorderRadius", fn: function (h, j) { var e = ["borderRadius", "BorderRadius", "MozBorderRadius", "WebkitBorderRadius", "OBorderRadius", "KhtmlBorderRadius"], g = false, d; for (d = 0; d < e.length; d++) { if (document.body.style[e[d]] !== undefined) { return true } } return g } }, { identity: "GeoLocation", fn: function () { return (typeof navigator != "undefined" && "geolocation" in navigator) || (typeof google != "undefined" && typeof google.gears != "undefined") } }, { identity: "MouseEnterLeave", fn: function (d, e) { return ("onmouseenter" in e && "onmouseleave" in e) } }, { identity: "MouseWheel", fn: function (d, e) { return ("onmousewheel" in e) } }, { identity: "Opacity", fn: function (d, e) { if (Ext.isIE6 || Ext.isIE7 || Ext.isIE8) { return false } e.firstChild.style.cssText = "opacity:0.73"; return e.firstChild.style.opacity == "0.73" } }, { identity: "Placeholder", fn: function (d) { return "placeholder" in d.createElement("input") } }, { identity: "Direct2DBug", fn: function () { return Ext.isString(document.body.style.msTransformOrigin) && Ext.isIE10m } }, { identity: "BoundingClientRect", fn: function (d, e) { return Ext.isFunction(e.getBoundingClientRect) } }, { identity: "RotatedBoundingClientRect", fn: function () { var d = document.body, e = false, h = document.createElement("div"), g = h.style; if (h.getBoundingClientRect) { g.WebkitTransform = g.MozTransform = g.OTransform = g.transform = "rotate(90deg)"; g.width = "100px"; g.height = "30px"; d.appendChild(h); e = h.getBoundingClientRect().height !== 100; d.removeChild(h) } return e } }, { identity: "IncludePaddingInWidthCalculation", fn: function (d, e) { return e.childNodes[1].firstChild.offsetWidth == 210 } }, { identity: "IncludePaddingInHeightCalculation", fn: function (d, e) { return e.childNodes[1].firstChild.offsetHeight == 210 } }, { identity: "ArraySort", fn: function () { var d = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].sort(function () { return 0 }); return d[0] === 1 && d[1] === 2 && d[2] === 3 && d[3] === 4 && d[4] === 5 } }, { identity: "Range", fn: function () { return !!document.createRange } }, { identity: "CreateContextualFragment", fn: function () { var d = Ext.supports.Range ? document.createRange() : false; return d && !!d.createContextualFragment } }, { identity: "WindowOnError", fn: function () { return Ext.isIE || Ext.isGecko || Ext.webKitVersion >= 534.16 } }, { identity: "TextAreaMaxLength", fn: function () { var d = document.createElement("textarea"); return ("maxlength" in d) } }, { identity: "GetPositionPercentage", fn: function (d, e) { return a(e.childNodes[2], "left") == "10%" } }, { identity: "PercentageHeightOverflowBug", fn: function (h) { var d = false, g, e; if (Ext.getScrollbarSize().height) { e = h.createElement("div"); g = e.style; g.height = "50px"; g.width = "50px"; g.overflow = "auto"; g.position = "absolute"; e.innerHTML = ['
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"].join(""); h.body.appendChild(e); if (e.firstChild.offsetHeight === 50) { d = true } h.body.removeChild(e) } return d } }, { identity: "xOriginBug", fn: function (h, j) { j.innerHTML = '
'; var g = document.getElementById("b1").getBoundingClientRect(), e = document.getElementById("b2").getBoundingClientRect(), d = document.getElementById("b3").getBoundingClientRect(); return (e.left !== g.left && d.right !== g.right) } }, { identity: "ScrollWidthInlinePaddingBug", fn: function (h) { var d = false, g, e; e = h.createElement("div"); g = e.style; g.height = "50px"; g.width = "50px"; g.padding = "10px"; g.overflow = "hidden"; g.position = "absolute"; e.innerHTML = ''; h.body.appendChild(e); if (e.scrollWidth === 70) { d = true } h.body.removeChild(e); return d } } ] } } ()); Ext.supports.init(); Ext.util.DelayedTask = function (e, d, b, h) { var g = this, a, c = function () { clearInterval(g.id); g.id = null; e.apply(d, b || []); Ext.EventManager.idleEvent.fire() }; h = typeof h === "boolean" ? h : true; g.id = null; g.delay = function (k, m, l, j) { if (h) { g.cancel() } a = k || a, e = m || e; d = l || d; b = j || b; if (!g.id) { g.id = setInterval(c, a) } }; g.cancel = function () { if (g.id) { clearInterval(g.id); g.id = null } } }; (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.Event", Ext.Base, function () { var d = Array.prototype.slice, a = Ext.Array.insert, b = Ext.Array.toArray, c = Ext.util.DelayedTask; return { isEvent: true, suspended: 0, noOptions: {}, constructor: function (g, e) { this.name = e; this.observable = g; this.listeners = [] }, addListener: function (p, r, t) { var n = this, o, j, q, e, s, m, h, l, k, g; r = r || n.observable; if (!n.isListening(p, r)) { j = n.createListener(p, r, t); if (n.firing) { n.listeners = n.listeners.slice(0) } o = n.listeners; l = h = o.length; q = t && t.priority; s = n._highestNegativePriorityIndex; m = (s !== undefined); if (q) { e = (q < 0); if (!e || m) { for (k = (e ? s : 0); k < h; k++) { g = o[k].o ? o[k].o.priority || 0 : 0; if (g < q) { l = k; break } } } else { n._highestNegativePriorityIndex = l } } else { if (m) { l = s } } if (!e && l <= s) { n._highestNegativePriorityIndex++ } if (l === h) { n.listeners[h] = j } else { a(n.listeners, l, [j]) } } }, createListener: function (h, g, l) { g = g || this.observable; var j = this, k = { fn: h, scope: g, ev: j }, e = h; if (l) { k.o = l; if (l.single) { e = j.createSingle(e, k, l, g) } if (l.target) { e = j.createTargeted(e, k, l, g) } if (l.delay) { e = j.createDelayed(e, k, l, g) } if (l.buffer) { e = j.createBuffered(e, k, l, g) } } k.fireFn = e; return k }, findListener: function (k, j) { var h = this.listeners, e = h.length, l, g; while (e--) { l = h[e]; if (l) { g = l.scope; if (l.fn == k && (g == (j || this.observable))) { return e } } } return -1 }, isListening: function (g, e) { return this.findListener(g, e) !== -1 }, removeListener: function (j, h) { var l = this, g, n, m, e; g = l.findListener(j, h); if (g != -1) { n = l.listeners[g]; m = l._highestNegativePriorityIndex; if (l.firing) { l.listeners = l.listeners.slice(0) } if (n.task) { n.task.cancel(); delete n.task } e = n.tasks && n.tasks.length; if (e) { while (e--) { n.tasks[e].cancel() } delete n.tasks } l.listeners.splice(g, 1); if (m) { if (g < m) { l._highestNegativePriorityIndex-- } else { if (g === m && g === l.listeners.length) { delete l._highestNegativePriorityIndex } } } return true } return false }, clearListeners: function () { var g = this.listeners, e = g.length; while (e--) { this.removeListener(g[e].fn, g[e].scope) } }, suspend: function () { this.suspended += 1 }, resume: function () { if (this.suspended) { this.suspended-- } }, fire: function () { var l = this, j = l.listeners, k = j.length, h, g, m, e; if (!l.suspended && k > 0) { l.firing = true; g = arguments.length ? d.call(arguments, 0) : []; e = g.length; for (h = 0; h < k; h++) { m = j[h]; if (m.o) { g[e] = m.o } if (m && m.fireFn.apply(m.scope || l.observable, g) === false) { return (l.firing = false) } } } l.firing = false; return true }, createTargeted: function (g, h, j, e) { return function () { if (j.target === arguments[0]) { g.apply(e, arguments) } } }, createBuffered: function (g, h, j, e) { h.task = new c(); return function () { h.task.delay(j.buffer, g, e, b(arguments)) } }, createDelayed: function (g, h, j, e) { return function () { var k = new c(); if (!h.tasks) { h.tasks = [] } h.tasks.push(k); k.delay(j.delay || 10, g, e, b(arguments)) } }, createSingle: function (g, h, j, e) { return function () { var k = h.ev; if (k.removeListener(h.fn, e) && k.observable) { k.observable.hasListeners[k.name]-- } return g.apply(e, arguments) } } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "Event"], 0)); Ext.EventManager = new function () { var b = this, h = document, g = window, e = /\\/g, c = Ext.baseCSSPrefix, a = !Ext.isIE9 && "addEventListener" in h, j, d = function () { var p = h.body || h.getElementsByTagName("body")[0], l = [c + "body"], k = [], m = Ext.supports.CSS3LinearGradient, o = Ext.supports.CSS3BorderRadius, n; if (!p) { return false } n = p.parentNode; function q(r) { l.push(c + r) } if (Ext.isIE && Ext.isIE9m) { q("ie"); if (Ext.isIE6) { q("ie6") } else { q("ie7p"); if (Ext.isIE7) { q("ie7") } else { q("ie8p"); if (Ext.isIE8) { q("ie8") } else { q("ie9p"); if (Ext.isIE9) { q("ie9") } } } } if (Ext.isIE7m) { q("ie7m") } if (Ext.isIE8m) { q("ie8m") } if (Ext.isIE9m) { q("ie9m") } if (Ext.isIE7 || Ext.isIE8) { q("ie78") } } if (Ext.isIE10) { q("ie10") } if (Ext.isGecko) { q("gecko"); if (Ext.isGecko3) { q("gecko3") } if (Ext.isGecko4) { q("gecko4") } if (Ext.isGecko5) { q("gecko5") } } if (Ext.isOpera) { q("opera") } if (Ext.isWebKit) { q("webkit") } if (Ext.isSafari) { q("safari"); if (Ext.isSafari2) { q("safari2") } if (Ext.isSafari3) { q("safari3") } if (Ext.isSafari4) { q("safari4") } if (Ext.isSafari5) { q("safari5") } if (Ext.isSafari5_0) { q("safari5_0") } } if (Ext.isChrome) { q("chrome") } if (Ext.isMac) { q("mac") } if (Ext.isLinux) { q("linux") } if (!o) { q("nbr") } if (!m) { q("nlg") } if (n) { if (Ext.isStrict && (Ext.isIE6 || Ext.isIE7)) { Ext.isBorderBox = false } else { Ext.isBorderBox = true } if (!Ext.isBorderBox) { k.push(c + "content-box") } if (Ext.isStrict) { k.push(c + "strict") } else { k.push(c + "quirks") } Ext.fly(n, "_internal").addCls(k) } Ext.fly(p, "_internal").addCls(l); return true }; Ext.apply(b, { hasBoundOnReady: false, hasFiredReady: false, deferReadyEvent: 1, onReadyChain: [], readyEvent: (function () { j = new Ext.util.Event(); j.fire = function () { Ext._beforeReadyTime = Ext._beforeReadyTime || new Date().getTime(); j.self.prototype.fire.apply(j, arguments); Ext._afterReadytime = new Date().getTime() }; return j } ()), idleEvent: new Ext.util.Event(), isReadyPaused: function () { return (/[?&]ext-pauseReadyFire\b/i.test(location.search) && !Ext._continueFireReady) }, bindReadyEvent: function () { if (b.hasBoundOnReady) { return } if (h.readyState == "complete") { b.onReadyEvent({ type: h.readyState || "body" }) } else { h.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", b.onReadyEvent, false); g.addEventListener("load", b.onReadyEvent, false); b.hasBoundOnReady = true } }, onReadyEvent: function (k) { if (k && k.type) { b.onReadyChain.push(k.type) } if (b.hasBoundOnReady) { h.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", b.onReadyEvent, false); g.removeEventListener("load", b.onReadyEvent, false) } if (!Ext.isReady) { b.fireDocReady() } }, fireDocReady: function () { if (!Ext.isReady) { Ext._readyTime = new Date().getTime(); Ext.isReady = true; Ext.supports.init(); b.onWindowUnload(); j.onReadyChain = b.onReadyChain; if (Ext.isNumber(b.deferReadyEvent)) { Ext.Function.defer(b.fireReadyEvent, b.deferReadyEvent); b.hasDocReadyTimer = true } else { b.fireReadyEvent() } } }, fireReadyEvent: function () { b.hasDocReadyTimer = false; b.isFiring = true; while (j.listeners.length && !b.isReadyPaused()) { j.fire() } b.isFiring = false; b.hasFiredReady = true; Ext.EventManager.idleEvent.fire() }, onDocumentReady: function (m, l, k) { k = k || {}; k.single = true; j.addListener(m, l, k); if (!(b.isFiring || b.hasDocReadyTimer)) { if (Ext.isReady) { b.fireReadyEvent() } else { b.bindReadyEvent() } } }, stoppedMouseDownEvent: new Ext.util.Event(), propRe: /^(?:scope|delay|buffer|single|stopEvent|preventDefault|stopPropagation|normalized|args|delegate|freezeEvent)$/, getId: function (k) { var l; k = Ext.getDom(k); if (k === h || k === g) { l = k === h ? Ext.documentId : Ext.windowId } else { l = Ext.id(k) } if (!Ext.cache[l]) { Ext.addCacheEntry(l, null, k) } return l }, prepareListenerConfig: function (n, l, p) { var q = b.propRe, m, o, k; for (m in l) { if (l.hasOwnProperty(m)) { if (!q.test(m)) { o = l[m]; if (typeof o == "function") { k = [n, m, o, l.scope, l] } else { k = [n, m, o.fn, o.scope, o] } if (p) { b.removeListener.apply(b, k) } else { b.addListener.apply(b, k) } } } } }, mouseEnterLeaveRe: /mouseenter|mouseleave/, normalizeEvent: function (k, l) { if (b.mouseEnterLeaveRe.test(k) && !Ext.supports.MouseEnterLeave) { if (l) { l = Ext.Function.createInterceptor(l, b.contains) } k = k == "mouseenter" ? "mouseover" : "mouseout" } else { if (k == "mousewheel" && !Ext.supports.MouseWheel && !Ext.isOpera) { k = "DOMMouseScroll" } } return { eventName: k, fn: l } }, contains: function (l) { l = l.browserEvent || l; var k = l.currentTarget, m = b.getRelatedTarget(l); if (k && k.firstChild) { while (m) { if (m === k) { return false } m = m.parentNode; if (m && (m.nodeType != 1)) { m = null } } } return true }, addListener: function (o, q, t, v, w) { if (typeof q !== "string") { b.prepareListenerConfig(o, q); return } var n = o.dom || Ext.getDom(o), r, s, m, k, l, p, u; if (typeof t === "string") { t = Ext.resolveMethod(t, v || o) } w = w || {}; s = b.normalizeEvent(q, t); m = b.createListenerWrap(n, q, s.fn, v, w); k = b.getEventListenerCache(o.dom ? o : n, q); q = s.eventName; r = a || (Ext.isIE9 && !n.attachEvent); if (!r) { l = b.normalizeId(n); if (l) { p = Ext.cache[l][q]; if (p && p.firing) { k = b.cloneEventListenerCache(n, q) } } } u = !!w.capture; k.push({ fn: t, wrap: m, scope: v, capture: u }); if (!r) { if (k.length === 1) { l = b.normalizeId(n, true); t = Ext.Function.bind(b.handleSingleEvent, b, [l, q], true); Ext.cache[l][q] = { firing: false, fn: t }; n.attachEvent("on" + q, t) } } else { n.addEventListener(q, m, u) } if (n == h && q == "mousedown") { b.stoppedMouseDownEvent.addListener(m) } }, normalizeId: function (l, k) { var m; if (l === document) { m = Ext.documentId } else { if (l === window) { m = Ext.windowId } else { m = l.id } } if (!m && k) { m = b.getId(l) } return m }, handleSingleEvent: function (p, q, m) { var n = b.getEventListenerCache(q, m), l = Ext.cache[q][m], k, o; if (l.firing) { return } l.firing = true; for (o = 0, k = n.length; o < k; ++o) { n[o].wrap(p) } l.firing = false }, removeListener: function (t, v, w, y) { if (typeof v !== "string") { b.prepareListenerConfig(t, v, true); return } var r = Ext.getDom(t), m, n = t.dom ? t : Ext.get(r), k = b.getEventListenerCache(n, v), x = b.normalizeEvent(v).eventName, s = k.length, q, u, p, o, l; if (!r) { return } p = a || (Ext.isIE9 && !r.detachEvent); if (typeof w === "string") { w = Ext.resolveMethod(w, y || t) } while (s--) { o = k[s]; if (o && (!w || o.fn == w) && (!y || o.scope === y)) { l = o.wrap; if (l.task) { clearTimeout(l.task); delete l.task } q = l.tasks && l.tasks.length; if (q) { while (q--) { clearTimeout(l.tasks[q]) } delete l.tasks } if (!p) { m = b.normalizeId(r, true); u = Ext.cache[m][x]; if (u && u.firing) { k = b.cloneEventListenerCache(r, x) } if (k.length === 1) { w = u.fn; delete Ext.cache[m][x]; r.detachEvent("on" + x, w) } } else { r.removeEventListener(x, l, o.capture) } if (l && r == h && v == "mousedown") { b.stoppedMouseDownEvent.removeListener(l) } Ext.Array.erase(k, s, 1) } } }, removeAll: function (n) { var o = (typeof n === "string") ? n : n.id, l, m, k; if (o && (l = Ext.cache[o])) { m = l.events; for (k in m) { if (m.hasOwnProperty(k)) { b.removeListener(n, k) } } l.events = {} } }, purgeElement: function (n, l) { var p = Ext.getDom(n), m = 0, k, o; if (l) { b.removeListener(n, l) } else { b.removeAll(n) } if (p && p.childNodes) { o = p.childNodes; for (k = o.length; m < k; m++) { b.purgeElement(o[m], l) } } }, createListenerWrap: function (r, l, o, n, k) { k = k || {}; var p, q, m = function (t, s) { if (!q) { p = ["if(!" + Ext.name + ") {return;}"]; if (k.buffer || k.delay || k.freezeEvent) { if (k.freezeEvent) { p.push("e = X.EventObject.setEvent(e);") } p.push("e = new X.EventObjectImpl(e, " + (k.freezeEvent ? "true" : "false") + ");") } else { p.push("e = X.EventObject.setEvent(e);") } if (k.delegate) { p.push('var result, t = e.getTarget("' + (k.delegate + "").replace(e, "\\\\") + '", this);'); p.push("if(!t) {return;}") } else { p.push("var t = e.target, result;") } if (k.target) { p.push("if(e.target !== options.target) {return;}") } if (k.stopEvent) { p.push("e.stopEvent();") } else { if (k.preventDefault) { p.push("e.preventDefault();") } if (k.stopPropagation) { p.push("e.stopPropagation();") } } if (k.normalized === false) { p.push("e = e.browserEvent;") } if (k.buffer) { p.push("(wrap.task && clearTimeout(wrap.task));"); p.push("wrap.task = setTimeout(function() {") } if (k.delay) { p.push("wrap.tasks = wrap.tasks || [];"); p.push("wrap.tasks.push(setTimeout(function() {") } p.push("result = fn.call(scope || dom, e, t, options);"); if (k.single) { p.push("evtMgr.removeListener(dom, ename, fn, scope);") } if (l !== "mousemove" && l !== "unload") { p.push("if (evtMgr.idleEvent.listeners.length) {"); p.push("evtMgr.idleEvent.fire();"); p.push("}") } if (k.delay) { p.push("}, " + k.delay + "));") } if (k.buffer) { p.push("}, " + k.buffer + ");") } p.push("return result;"); q = Ext.cacheableFunctionFactory("e", "options", "fn", "scope", "ename", "dom", "wrap", "args", "X", "evtMgr", p.join("\n")) } return q.call(r, t, k, o, n, l, r, m, s, Ext, b) }; return m }, getEventCache: function (m) { var l, k, n; if (!m) { return [] } if (m.$cache) { l = m.$cache } else { if (typeof m === "string") { n = m } else { n = b.getId(m) } l = Ext.cache[n] } k = l.events || (l.events = {}); return k }, getEventListenerCache: function (m, k) { var l = b.getEventCache(m); return l[k] || (l[k] = []) }, cloneEventListenerCache: function (n, k) { var m = b.getEventCache(n), l; if (m[k]) { l = m[k].slice(0) } else { l = [] } m[k] = l; return l }, mouseLeaveRe: /(mouseout|mouseleave)/, mouseEnterRe: /(mouseover|mouseenter)/, stopEvent: function (k) { b.stopPropagation(k); b.preventDefault(k) }, stopPropagation: function (k) { k = k.browserEvent || k; if (k.stopPropagation) { k.stopPropagation() } else { k.cancelBubble = true } }, preventDefault: function (k) { k = k.browserEvent || k; if (k.preventDefault) { k.preventDefault() } else { k.returnValue = false; try { if (k.ctrlKey || k.keyCode > 111 && k.keyCode < 124) { k.keyCode = -1 } } catch (l) {} } }, getRelatedTarget: function (k) { k = k.browserEvent || k; var l = k.relatedTarget; if (!l) { if (b.mouseLeaveRe.test(k.type)) { l = k.toElement } else { if (b.mouseEnterRe.test(k.type)) { l = k.fromElement } } } return b.resolveTextNode(l) }, getPageX: function (k) { return b.getPageXY(k)[0] }, getPageY: function (k) { return b.getPageXY(k)[1] }, getPageXY: function (m) { m = m.browserEvent || m; var l = m.pageX, o = m.pageY, n = h.documentElement, k = h.body; if (!l && l !== 0) { l = m.clientX + (n && n.scrollLeft || k && k.scrollLeft || 0) - (n && n.clientLeft || k && k.clientLeft || 0); o = m.clientY + (n && n.scrollTop || k && k.scrollTop || 0) - (n && n.clientTop || k && k.clientTop || 0) } return [l, o] }, getTarget: function (k) { k = k.browserEvent || k; return b.resolveTextNode(k.target || k.srcElement) }, resolveTextNode: Ext.isGecko ? function (l) { if (l) { var k = HTMLElement.prototype.toString.call(l); if (k !== "[xpconnect wrapped native prototype]" && k !== "[object XULElement]") { return l.nodeType == 3 ? l.parentNode : l } } } : function (k) { return k && k.nodeType == 3 ? k.parentNode : k }, curWidth: 0, curHeight: 0, onWindowResize: function (n, m, l) { var k = b.resizeEvent; if (!k) { b.resizeEvent = k = new Ext.util.Event(); b.on(g, "resize", b.fireResize, null, { buffer: 100 }) } k.addListener(n, m, l) }, fireResize: function () { var k = Ext.Element.getViewWidth(), l = Ext.Element.getViewHeight(); if (b.curHeight != l || b.curWidth != k) { b.curHeight = l; b.curWidth = k; b.resizeEvent.fire(k, l) } }, removeResizeListener: function (m, l) { var k = b.resizeEvent; if (k) { k.removeListener(m, l) } }, onWindowUnload: function (n, m, l) { var k = b.unloadEvent; if (!k) { b.unloadEvent = k = new Ext.util.Event(); b.addListener(g, "unload", b.fireUnload) } if (n) { k.addListener(n, m, l) } }, fireUnload: function () { try { h = g = undefined; var p, l, n, m, k; b.unloadEvent.fire(); if (Ext.isGecko3) { p = Ext.ComponentQuery.query("gridview"); l = 0; n = p.length; for (; l < n; l++) { p[l].scrollToTop() } } k = Ext.cache; for (m in k) { if (k.hasOwnProperty(m)) { b.removeAll(m) } } } catch (o) {} }, removeUnloadListener: function (m, l) { var k = b.unloadEvent; if (k) { k.removeListener(m, l) } }, useKeyDown: Ext.isWebKit ? parseInt(navigator.userAgent.match(/AppleWebKit\/(\d+)/)[1], 10) >= 525 : !((Ext.isGecko && !Ext.isWindows) || Ext.isOpera), getKeyEvent: function () { return b.useKeyDown ? "keydown" : "keypress" } }); if (!a && document.attachEvent) { Ext.apply(b, { pollScroll: function () { var k = true; try { document.documentElement.doScroll("left") } catch (l) { k = false } if (k && document.body) { b.onReadyEvent({ type: "doScroll" }) } else { b.scrollTimeout = setTimeout(b.pollScroll, 20) } return k }, scrollTimeout: null, readyStatesRe: /complete/i, checkReadyState: function () { var k = document.readyState; if (b.readyStatesRe.test(k)) { b.onReadyEvent({ type: k }) } }, bindReadyEvent: function () { var k = true; if (b.hasBoundOnReady) { return } try { k = window.frameElement === undefined } catch (l) { k = false } if (!k || !h.documentElement.doScroll) { b.pollScroll = Ext.emptyFn } if (b.pollScroll() === true) { return } if (h.readyState == "complete") { b.onReadyEvent({ type: "already " + (h.readyState || "body") }) } else { h.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", b.checkReadyState); window.attachEvent("onload", b.onReadyEvent); b.hasBoundOnReady = true } }, onReadyEvent: function (k) { if (k && k.type) { b.onReadyChain.push(k.type) } if (b.hasBoundOnReady) { document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", b.checkReadyState); window.detachEvent("onload", b.onReadyEvent) } if (Ext.isNumber(b.scrollTimeout)) { clearTimeout(b.scrollTimeout); delete b.scrollTimeout } if (!Ext.isReady) { b.fireDocReady() } }, onReadyChain: [] }) } Ext.onReady = function (m, l, k) { Ext.Loader.onReady(m, l, true, k) }; Ext.onDocumentReady = b.onDocumentReady; b.on = b.addListener; b.un = b.removeListener; Ext.onReady(d) } (); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.Observable", Ext.Base, function (a) { var d = [], e = Array.prototype, g = e.slice, c = Ext.util.Event, b = function (h) { if (h instanceof b) { return h } this.observable = h; if (arguments[1].isObservable) { this.managedListeners = true } this.args = g.call(arguments, 1) }; b.prototype.destroy = function () { this.observable[this.managedListeners ? "mun" : "un"].apply(this.observable, this.args) }; return { statics: { releaseCapture: function (h) { h.fireEventArgs = this.prototype.fireEventArgs }, capture: function (l, j, h) { var k = function (m, n) { return j.apply(h, [m].concat(n)) }; this.captureArgs(l, k, h) }, captureArgs: function (k, j, h) { k.fireEventArgs = Ext.Function.createInterceptor(k.fireEventArgs, j, h) }, observe: function (h, j) { if (h) { if (!h.isObservable) { Ext.applyIf(h, new this()); this.captureArgs(h.prototype, h.fireEventArgs, h) } if (Ext.isObject(j)) { h.on(j) } } return h }, prepareClass: function (k, j) { if (!k.HasListeners) { var l = function () {}, h = k.superclass.HasListeners || (j && j.HasListeners) || a.HasListeners; k.prototype.HasListeners = k.HasListeners = l; l.prototype = k.hasListeners = new h() } } }, isObservable: true, eventsSuspended: 0, constructor: function (h) { var j = this; Ext.apply(j, h); if (!j.hasListeners) { j.hasListeners = new j.HasListeners() } j.events = j.events || {}; if (j.listeners) { j.on(j.listeners); j.listeners = null } if (j.bubbleEvents) { j.enableBubble(j.bubbleEvents) } }, onClassExtended: function (h) { if (!h.HasListeners) { a.prepareClass(h) } }, eventOptionsRe: /^(?:scope|delay|buffer|single|stopEvent|preventDefault|stopPropagation|normalized|args|delegate|element|destroyable|vertical|horizontal|freezeEvent|priority)$/, addManagedListener: function (p, l, n, q, r, k) { var m = this, o = m.managedListeners = m.managedListeners || [], j, h; if (typeof l !== "string") { h = arguments.length > 4 ? r : l; r = l; for (l in r) { if (r.hasOwnProperty(l)) { j = r[l]; if (!m.eventOptionsRe.test(l)) { m.addManagedListener(p, l, j.fn || j, j.scope || r.scope || q, j.fn ? j : h, true) } } } if (r && r.destroyable) { return new b(m, p, r) } } else { if (typeof n === "string") { q = q || m; n = Ext.resolveMethod(n, q) } o.push({ item: p, ename: l, fn: n, scope: q, options: r }); p.on(l, n, q, r); if (!k && r && r.destroyable) { return new b(m, p, l, n, q) } } }, removeManagedListener: function (q, l, o, r) { var n = this, s, j, p, h, m, k; if (typeof l !== "string") { s = l; for (l in s) { if (s.hasOwnProperty(l)) { j = s[l]; if (!n.eventOptionsRe.test(l)) { n.removeManagedListener(q, l, j.fn || j, j.scope || s.scope || r) } } } } else { p = n.managedListeners ? n.managedListeners.slice() : []; if (typeof o === "string") { r = r || n; o = Ext.resolveMethod(o, r) } for (m = 0, h = p.length; m < h; m++) { n.removeManagedListenerItem(false, p[m], q, l, o, r) } } }, fireEvent: function (h) { return this.fireEventArgs(h, g.call(arguments, 1)) }, fireEventArgs: function (h, k) { h = h.toLowerCase(); var n = this, l = n.events, m = l && l[h], j = true; if (m && n.hasListeners[h]) { j = n.continueFireEvent(h, k || d, m.bubble) } return j }, continueFireEvent: function (k, m, j) { var o = this, h, n, l = true; do { if (o.eventsSuspended) { if ((h = o.eventQueue)) { h.push([k, m, j]) } return l } else { n = o.events[k]; if (n && n !== true) { if ((l = n.fire.apply(n, m)) === false) { break } } } } while (j && (o = o.getBubbleParent())); return l }, getBubbleParent: function () { var j = this, h = j.getBubbleTarget && j.getBubbleTarget(); if (h && h.isObservable) { return h } return null }, addListener: function (l, n, m, k) { var p = this, j, o, h = 0; if (typeof l !== "string") { k = l; for (l in k) { if (k.hasOwnProperty(l)) { j = k[l]; if (!p.eventOptionsRe.test(l)) { p.addListener(l, j.fn || j, j.scope || k.scope, j.fn ? j : k) } } } if (k && k.destroyable) { return new b(p, k) } } else { l = l.toLowerCase(); o = p.events[l]; if (o && o.isEvent) { h = o.listeners.length } else { p.events[l] = o = new c(p, l) } if (typeof n === "string") { m = m || p; n = Ext.resolveMethod(n, m) } o.addListener(n, m, k); if (o.listeners.length !== h) { p.hasListeners._incr_(l) } if (k && k.destroyable) { return new b(p, l, n, m, k) } } }, removeListener: function (k, m, l) { var o = this, j, n, h; if (typeof k !== "string") { h = k; for (k in h) { if (h.hasOwnProperty(k)) { j = h[k]; if (!o.eventOptionsRe.test(k)) { o.removeListener(k, j.fn || j, j.scope || h.scope) } } } } else { k = k.toLowerCase(); n = o.events[k]; if (n && n.isEvent) { if (typeof m === "string") { l = l || o; m = Ext.resolveMethod(m, l) } if (n.removeListener(m, l)) { o.hasListeners._decr_(k) } } } }, clearListeners: function () { var k = this.events, h = this.hasListeners, l, j; for (j in k) { if (k.hasOwnProperty(j)) { l = k[j]; if (l.isEvent) { delete h[j]; l.clearListeners() } } } this.clearManagedListeners() }, clearManagedListeners: function () { var j = this.managedListeners || [], k = 0, h = j.length; for (; k < h; k++) { this.removeManagedListenerItem(true, j[k]) } this.managedListeners = [] }, removeManagedListenerItem: function (j, h, n, k, m, l) { if (j || (h.item === n && h.ename === k && (!m || h.fn === m) && (!l || h.scope === l))) { h.item.un(h.ename, h.fn, h.scope); if (!j) { Ext.Array.remove(this.managedListeners, h) } } }, addEvents: function (n) { var m = this, l = m.events || (m.events = {}), h, j, k; if (typeof n == "string") { for (j = arguments, k = j.length; k--; ) { h = j[k]; if (!l[h]) { l[h] = true } } } else { Ext.applyIf(m.events, n) } }, hasListener: function (h) { return !!this.hasListeners[h.toLowerCase()] }, suspendEvents: function (h) { this.eventsSuspended += 1; if (h && !this.eventQueue) { this.eventQueue = [] } }, suspendEvent: function (j) { var h = arguments.length, k, l; for (k = 0; k < h; k++) { l = this.events[arguments[k]]; if (l && l.suspend) { l.suspend() } } }, resumeEvent: function () { var h = arguments.length, j, k; for (j = 0; j < h; j++) { k = this.events[arguments[j]]; if (k && k.resume) { k.resume() } } }, resumeEvents: function () { var h = this, l = h.eventQueue, k, j; if (h.eventsSuspended && !--h.eventsSuspended) { delete h.eventQueue; if (l) { k = l.length; for (j = 0; j < k; j++) { h.continueFireEvent.apply(h, l[j]) } } } }, relayEvents: function (j, l, o) { var n = this, h = l.length, k = 0, m, p = {}; for (; k < h; k++) { m = l[k]; p[m] = n.createRelayer(o ? o + m : m) } n.mon(j, p, null, null, undefined); return new b(n, j, p) }, createRelayer: function (h, j) { var k = this; return function () { return k.fireEventArgs.call(k, h, j ? g.apply(arguments, j) : arguments) } }, enableBubble: function (p) { if (p) { var n = this, o = (typeof p == "string") ? arguments : p, m = o.length, k = n.events, j, l, h; for (h = 0; h < m; ++h) { j = o[h].toLowerCase(); l = k[j]; if (!l || typeof l == "boolean") { k[j] = l = new c(n, j) } n.hasListeners._incr_(j); l.bubble = true } } } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "Observable"], function () { var b = this, e = b.prototype, c = function () {}, g = function (h) { if (!h.HasListeners) { var j = h.prototype; b.prepareClass(h, this); h.onExtended(function (k) { b.prepareClass(k) }); if (j.onClassMixedIn) { Ext.override(h, { onClassMixedIn: function (k) { g.call(this, k); this.callParent(arguments) } }) } else { j.onClassMixedIn = function (k) { g.call(this, k) } } } }, a; c.prototype = { _decr_: function (h) { if (!--this[h]) { delete this[h] } }, _incr_: function (h) { if (this.hasOwnProperty(h)) { ++this[h] } else { this[h] = 1 } } }; e.HasListeners = b.HasListeners = c; b.createAlias({ on: "addListener", un: "removeListener", mon: "addManagedListener", mun: "removeManagedListener" }); b.observeClass = b.observe; Ext.globalEvents = a = new b({ events: { idle: Ext.EventManager.idleEvent, ready: Ext.EventManager.readyEvent } }); Ext.on = function () { return a.addListener.apply(a, arguments) }; Ext.un = function () { return a.removeListener.apply(a, arguments) }; function d(o) { var n = (this.methodEvents = this.methodEvents || {})[o], k, j, l, m = this, h; if (!n) { this.methodEvents[o] = n = {}; n.originalFn = this[o]; n.methodName = o; n.before = []; n.after = []; h = function (r, q, p) { if ((j = r.apply(q || m, p)) !== undefined) { if (typeof j == "object") { if (j.returnValue !== undefined) { k = j.returnValue } else { k = j } l = !!j.cancel } else { if (j === false) { l = true } else { k = j } } } }; this[o] = function () { var r = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), q, s, p; k = j = undefined; l = false; for (s = 0, p = n.before.length; s < p; s++) { q = n.before[s]; h(q.fn, q.scope, r); if (l) { return k } } if ((j = n.originalFn.apply(m, r)) !== undefined) { k = j } for (s = 0, p = n.after.length; s < p; s++) { q = n.after[s]; h(q.fn, q.scope, r); if (l) { return k } } return k } } return n } Ext.apply(e, { onClassMixedIn: g, beforeMethod: function (k, j, h) { d.call(this, k).before.push({ fn: j, scope: h }) }, afterMethod: function (k, j, h) { d.call(this, k).after.push({ fn: j, scope: h }) }, removeMethodListener: function (n, l, k) { var m = this.getMethodEvent(n), j, h; for (j = 0, h = m.before.length; j < h; j++) { if (m.before[j].fn == l && m.before[j].scope == k) { Ext.Array.erase(m.before, j, 1); return } } for (j = 0, h = m.after.length; j < h; j++) { if (m.after[j].fn == l && m.after[j].scope == k) { Ext.Array.erase(m.after, j, 1); return } } }, toggleEventLogging: function (h) { Ext.util.Observable[h ? "capture" : "releaseCapture"](this, function (j) { if (Ext.isDefined(Ext.global.console)) { Ext.global.console.log(j, arguments) } }) } }) })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.EventObjectImpl", Ext.Base, { BACKSPACE: 8, TAB: 9, NUM_CENTER: 12, ENTER: 13, RETURN: 13, SHIFT: 16, CTRL: 17, ALT: 18, PAUSE: 19, CAPS_LOCK: 20, ESC: 27, SPACE: 32, PAGE_UP: 33, PAGE_DOWN: 34, END: 35, HOME: 36, LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, DOWN: 40, PRINT_SCREEN: 44, INSERT: 45, DELETE: 46, ZERO: 48, ONE: 49, TWO: 50, THREE: 51, FOUR: 52, FIVE: 53, SIX: 54, SEVEN: 55, EIGHT: 56, NINE: 57, A: 65, B: 66, C: 67, D: 68, E: 69, F: 70, G: 71, H: 72, I: 73, J: 74, K: 75, L: 76, M: 77, N: 78, O: 79, P: 80, Q: 81, R: 82, S: 83, T: 84, U: 85, V: 86, W: 87, X: 88, Y: 89, Z: 90, CONTEXT_MENU: 93, NUM_ZERO: 96, NUM_ONE: 97, NUM_TWO: 98, NUM_THREE: 99, NUM_FOUR: 100, NUM_FIVE: 101, NUM_SIX: 102, NUM_SEVEN: 103, NUM_EIGHT: 104, NUM_NINE: 105, NUM_MULTIPLY: 106, NUM_PLUS: 107, NUM_MINUS: 109, NUM_PERIOD: 110, NUM_DIVISION: 111, F1: 112, F2: 113, F3: 114, F4: 115, F5: 116, F6: 117, F7: 118, F8: 119, F9: 120, F10: 121, F11: 122, F12: 123, WHEEL_SCALE: (function () { var a; if (Ext.isGecko) { a = 3 } else { if (Ext.isMac) { if (Ext.isSafari && Ext.webKitVersion >= 532) { a = 120 } else { a = 12 } a *= 3 } else { a = 120 } } return a } ()), clickRe: /(dbl)?click/, safariKeys: { 3: 13, 63234: 37, 63235: 39, 63232: 38, 63233: 40, 63276: 33, 63277: 34, 63272: 46, 63273: 36, 63275: 35 }, btnMap: Ext.isIE ? { 1: 0, 4: 1, 2: 2 } : { 0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2 }, constructor: function (a, b) { if (a) { this.setEvent(a.browserEvent || a, b) } }, setEvent: function (d, e) { var c = this, b, a; if (d === c || (d && d.browserEvent)) { return d } c.browserEvent = d; if (d) { b = d.button ? c.btnMap[d.button] : (d.which ? d.which - 1 : -1); if (c.clickRe.test(d.type) && b == -1) { b = 0 } a = { type: d.type, button: b, shiftKey: d.shiftKey, ctrlKey: d.ctrlKey || d.metaKey || false, altKey: d.altKey, keyCode: d.keyCode, charCode: d.charCode, target: Ext.EventManager.getTarget(d), relatedTarget: Ext.EventManager.getRelatedTarget(d), currentTarget: d.currentTarget, xy: (e ? c.getXY() : null) } } else { a = { button: -1, shiftKey: false, ctrlKey: false, altKey: false, keyCode: 0, charCode: 0, target: null, xy: [0, 0] } } Ext.apply(c, a); return c }, stopEvent: function () { this.stopPropagation(); this.preventDefault() }, preventDefault: function () { if (this.browserEvent) { Ext.EventManager.preventDefault(this.browserEvent) } }, stopPropagation: function () { var a = this.browserEvent; if (a) { if (a.type == "mousedown") { Ext.EventManager.stoppedMouseDownEvent.fire(this) } Ext.EventManager.stopPropagation(a) } }, getCharCode: function () { return this.charCode || this.keyCode }, getKey: function () { return this.normalizeKey(this.keyCode || this.charCode) }, normalizeKey: function (a) { return Ext.isWebKit ? (this.safariKeys[a] || a) : a }, getPageX: function () { return this.getX() }, getPageY: function () { return this.getY() }, getX: function () { return this.getXY()[0] }, getY: function () { return this.getXY()[1] }, getXY: function () { if (!this.xy) { this.xy = Ext.EventManager.getPageXY(this.browserEvent) } return this.xy }, getTarget: function (b, c, a) { if (b) { return Ext.fly(this.target).findParent(b, c, a) } return a ? Ext.get(this.target) : this.target }, getRelatedTarget: function (b, c, a) { if (b && this.relatedTarget) { return Ext.fly(this.relatedTarget).findParent(b, c, a) } return a ? Ext.get(this.relatedTarget) : this.relatedTarget }, correctWheelDelta: function (c) { var b = this.WHEEL_SCALE, a = Math.round(c / b); if (!a && c) { a = (c < 0) ? -1 : 1 } return a }, getWheelDeltas: function () { var d = this, c = d.browserEvent, b = 0, a = 0; if (Ext.isDefined(c.wheelDeltaX)) { b = c.wheelDeltaX; a = c.wheelDeltaY } else { if (c.wheelDelta) { a = c.wheelDelta } else { if (c.detail) { a = -c.detail; if (a > 100) { a = 3 } else { if (a < -100) { a = -3 } } if (Ext.isDefined(c.axis) && c.axis === c.HORIZONTAL_AXIS) { b = a; a = 0 } } } } return { x: d.correctWheelDelta(b), y: d.correctWheelDelta(a) } }, getWheelDelta: function () { var a = this.getWheelDeltas(); return a.y }, within: function (d, e, b) { if (d) { var c = e ? this.getRelatedTarget() : this.getTarget(), a; if (c) { a = Ext.fly(d, "_internal").contains(c); if (!a && b) { a = c == Ext.getDom(d) } return a } } return false }, isNavKeyPress: function () { var b = this, a = this.normalizeKey(b.keyCode); return (a >= 33 && a <= 40) || a == b.RETURN || a == b.TAB || a == b.ESC }, isSpecialKey: function () { var a = this.normalizeKey(this.keyCode); return (this.type == "keypress" && this.ctrlKey) || this.isNavKeyPress() || (a == this.BACKSPACE) || (a >= 16 && a <= 20) || (a >= 44 && a <= 46) }, getPoint: function () { var a = this.getXY(); return new Ext.util.Point(a[0], a[1]) }, hasModifier: function () { return this.ctrlKey || this.altKey || this.shiftKey || this.metaKey }, injectEvent: (function () { var d, e = {}, c; if (!Ext.isIE9m && document.createEvent) { d = { createHtmlEvent: function (l, j, h, g) { var k = l.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); k.initEvent(j, h, g); return k }, createMouseEvent: function (v, t, n, m, p, l, j, k, g, s, r, o, q) { var h = v.createEvent("MouseEvents"), u = v.defaultView || window; if (h.initMouseEvent) { h.initMouseEvent(t, n, m, u, p, l, j, l, j, k, g, s, r, o, q) } else { h = v.createEvent("UIEvents"); h.initEvent(t, n, m); h.view = u; h.detail = p; h.screenX = l; h.screenY = j; h.clientX = l; h.clientY = j; h.ctrlKey = k; h.altKey = g; h.metaKey = r; h.shiftKey = s; h.button = o; h.relatedTarget = q } return h }, createUIEvent: function (n, l, j, h, k) { var m = n.createEvent("UIEvents"), g = n.defaultView || window; m.initUIEvent(l, j, h, g, k); return m }, fireEvent: function (j, g, h) { j.dispatchEvent(h) }, fixTarget: function (g) { if (g == window && !g.dispatchEvent) { return document } return g } } } else { if (document.createEventObject) { c = { 0: 1, 1: 4, 2: 2 }; d = { createHtmlEvent: function (l, j, h, g) { var k = l.createEventObject(); k.bubbles = h; k.cancelable = g; return k }, createMouseEvent: function (u, t, n, m, p, l, j, k, g, s, r, o, q) { var h = u.createEventObject(); h.bubbles = n; h.cancelable = m; h.detail = p; h.screenX = l; h.screenY = j; h.clientX = l; h.clientY = j; h.ctrlKey = k; h.altKey = g; h.shiftKey = s; h.metaKey = r; h.button = c[o] || o; h.relatedTarget = q; return h }, createUIEvent: function (m, k, h, g, j) { var l = m.createEventObject(); l.bubbles = h; l.cancelable = g; return l }, fireEvent: function (j, g, h) { j.fireEvent("on" + g, h) }, fixTarget: function (g) { if (g == document) { return document.documentElement } return g } } } } Ext.Object.each({ load: [false, false], unload: [false, false], select: [true, false], change: [true, false], submit: [true, true], reset: [true, false], resize: [true, false], scroll: [true, false] }, function (j, k) { var h = k[0], g = k[1]; e[j] = function (n, l) { var m = d.createHtmlEvent(j, h, g); d.fireEvent(n, j, m) } }); function b(j, h) { var g = (j != "mousemove"); return function (n, k) { var m = k.getXY(), l = d.createMouseEvent(n.ownerDocument, j, true, g, h, m[0], m[1], k.ctrlKey, k.altKey, k.shiftKey, k.metaKey, k.button, k.relatedTarget); d.fireEvent(n, j, l) } } Ext.each(["click", "dblclick", "mousedown", "mouseup", "mouseover", "mousemove", "mouseout"], function (g) { e[g] = b(g, 1) }); Ext.Object.each({ focusin: [true, false], focusout: [true, false], activate: [true, true], focus: [false, false], blur: [false, false] }, function (j, k) { var h = k[0], g = k[1]; e[j] = function (n, l) { var m = d.createUIEvent(n.ownerDocument, j, h, g, 1); d.fireEvent(n, j, m) } }); if (!d) { e = {}; d = { fixTarget: Ext.identityFn } } function a(h, g) {} return function (k) { var j = this, h = e[j.type] || a, g = k ? (k.dom || k) : j.getTarget(); g = d.fixTarget(g); h(g, j) } } ()) }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext, "EventObjectImpl"], function () { Ext.EventObject = new Ext.EventObjectImpl() })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.dom.AbstractQuery", Ext.Base, { select: function (k, b) { var h = [], d, g, e, c, a; b = b || document; if (typeof b == "string") { b = document.getElementById(b) } k = k.split(","); for (g = 0, c = k.length; g < c; g++) { if (typeof k[g] == "string") { if (typeof k[g][0] == "@") { d = b.getAttributeNode(k[g].substring(1)); h.push(d) } else { d = b.querySelectorAll(k[g]); for (e = 0, a = d.length; e < a; e++) { h.push(d[e]) } } } } return h }, selectNode: function (b, a) { return this.select(b, a)[0] }, is: function (a, b) { if (typeof a == "string") { a = document.getElementById(a) } return this.select(b).indexOf(a) !== -1 } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.dom, "AbstractQuery"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.dom.AbstractHelper", Ext.Base, { emptyTags: /^(?:br|frame|hr|img|input|link|meta|range|spacer|wbr|area|param|col)$/i, confRe: /^(?:tag|children|cn|html|tpl|tplData)$/i, endRe: /end/i, styleSepRe: /\s*(?::|;)\s*/, attributeTransform: { cls: "class", htmlFor: "for" }, closeTags: {}, decamelizeName: (function () { var c = /([a-z])([A-Z])/g, b = {}; function a(d, g, e) { return g + "-" + e.toLowerCase() } return function (d) { return b[d] || (b[d] = d.replace(c, a)) } } ()), generateMarkup: function (j, b) { var h = this, g = typeof j, e, a, k, d, c; if (g == "string" || g == "number") { b.push(j) } else { if (Ext.isArray(j)) { for (d = 0; d < j.length; d++) { if (j[d]) { h.generateMarkup(j[d], b) } } } else { k = j.tag || "div"; b.push("<", k); for (e in j) { if (j.hasOwnProperty(e)) { a = j[e]; if (!h.confRe.test(e)) { if (typeof a == "object") { b.push(" ", e, '="'); h.generateStyles(a, b).push('"') } else { b.push(" ", h.attributeTransform[e] || e, '="', a, '"') } } } } if (h.emptyTags.test(k)) { b.push("/>") } else { b.push(">"); if ((a = j.tpl)) { a.applyOut(j.tplData, b) } if ((a = j.html)) { b.push(a) } if ((a = j.cn || j.children)) { h.generateMarkup(a, b) } c = h.closeTags; b.push(c[k] || (c[k] = "")) } } } return b }, generateStyles: function (e, c) { var b = c || [], d; for (d in e) { if (e.hasOwnProperty(d)) { b.push(this.decamelizeName(d), ":", e[d], ";") } } return c || b.join("") }, markup: function (a) { if (typeof a == "string") { return a } var b = this.generateMarkup(a, []); return b.join("") }, applyStyles: function (c, d) { if (d) { var b = 0, a; c = Ext.fly(c, "_applyStyles"); if (typeof d == "function") { d = d.call() } if (typeof d == "string") { d = Ext.util.Format.trim(d).split(this.styleSepRe); for (a = d.length; b < a; ) { c.setStyle(d[b++], d[b++]) } } else { if (Ext.isObject(d)) { c.setStyle(d) } } } }, insertHtml: function (c, g, d) { var h = {}, a, b, j, e; c = c.toLowerCase(); h.beforebegin = ["BeforeBegin", "previousSibling"]; h.afterend = ["AfterEnd", "nextSibling"]; b = g.ownerDocument.createRange(); a = "setStart" + (this.endRe.test(c) ? "After" : "Before"); if (h[c]) { b[a](g); j = b.createContextualFragment(d); g.parentNode.insertBefore(j, c == "beforebegin" ? g : g.nextSibling); return g[(c == "beforebegin" ? "previous" : "next") + "Sibling"] } else { e = (c == "afterbegin" ? "first" : "last") + "Child"; if (g.firstChild) { b[a](g[e]); j = b.createContextualFragment(d); if (c == "afterbegin") { g.insertBefore(j, g.firstChild) } else { g.appendChild(j) } } else { g.innerHTML = d } return g[e] } throw 'Illegal insertion point -> "' + c + '"' }, insertBefore: function (a, c, b) { return this.doInsert(a, c, b, "beforebegin") }, insertAfter: function (a, c, b) { return this.doInsert(a, c, b, "afterend", "nextSibling") }, insertFirst: function (a, c, b) { return this.doInsert(a, c, b, "afterbegin", "firstChild") }, append: function (a, c, b) { return this.doInsert(a, c, b, "beforeend", "", true) }, overwrite: function (a, c, b) { a = Ext.getDom(a); a.innerHTML = this.markup(c); return b ? Ext.get(a.firstChild) : a.firstChild }, doInsert: function (d, g, e, h, c, a) { var b = this.insertHtml(h, Ext.getDom(d), this.markup(g)); return e ? Ext.get(b, true) : b } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.dom, "AbstractHelper"], 0)); Ext.define("Ext.dom.AbstractElement_static", { override: "Ext.dom.AbstractElement", inheritableStatics: { unitRe: /\d+(px|em|%|en|ex|pt|in|cm|mm|pc)$/i, camelRe: /(-[a-z])/gi, msRe: /^-ms-/, cssRe: /([a-z0-9\-]+)\s*:\s*([^;\s]+(?:\s*[^;\s]+)*)?;?/gi, opacityRe: /alpha\(opacity=(.*)\)/i, propertyCache: {}, defaultUnit: "px", borders: { l: "border-left-width", r: "border-right-width", t: "border-top-width", b: "border-bottom-width" }, paddings: { l: "padding-left", r: "padding-right", t: "padding-top", b: "padding-bottom" }, margins: { l: "margin-left", r: "margin-right", t: "margin-top", b: "margin-bottom" }, addUnits: function (b, a) { if (typeof b == "number") { return b + (a || this.defaultUnit || "px") } if (b === "" || b == "auto" || b === undefined || b === null) { return b || "" } if (!this.unitRe.test(b)) { return b || "" } return b }, isAncestor: function (b, d) { var a = false; b = Ext.getDom(b); d = Ext.getDom(d); if (b && d) { if (b.contains) { return b.contains(d) } else { if (b.compareDocumentPosition) { return !!(b.compareDocumentPosition(d) & 16) } else { while ((d = d.parentNode)) { a = d == b || a } } } } return a }, parseBox: function (c) { c = c || 0; var a = typeof c, d, b; if (a === "number") { return { top: c, right: c, bottom: c, left: c } } else { if (a !== "string") { return c } } d = c.split(" "); b = d.length; if (b == 1) { d[1] = d[2] = d[3] = d[0] } else { if (b == 2) { d[2] = d[0]; d[3] = d[1] } else { if (b == 3) { d[3] = d[1] } } } return { top: parseFloat(d[0]) || 0, right: parseFloat(d[1]) || 0, bottom: parseFloat(d[2]) || 0, left: parseFloat(d[3]) || 0 } }, unitizeBox: function (g, e) { var d = this.addUnits, c = this.parseBox(g); return d(c.top, e) + " " + d(c.right, e) + " " + d(c.bottom, e) + " " + d(c.left, e) }, camelReplaceFn: function (b, c) { return c.charAt(1).toUpperCase() }, normalize: function (a) { if (a == "float") { a = Ext.supports.Float ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat" } return this.propertyCache[a] || (this.propertyCache[a] = a.replace(this.msRe, "ms-").replace(this.camelRe, this.camelReplaceFn)) }, getDocumentHeight: function () { return Math.max(!Ext.isStrict ? document.body.scrollHeight : document.documentElement.scrollHeight, this.getViewportHeight()) }, getDocumentWidth: function () { return Math.max(!Ext.isStrict ? document.body.scrollWidth : document.documentElement.scrollWidth, this.getViewportWidth()) }, getViewportHeight: function () { return window.innerHeight }, getViewportWidth: function () { return window.innerWidth }, getViewSize: function () { return { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight } }, getOrientation: function () { if (Ext.supports.OrientationChange) { return (window.orientation == 0) ? "portrait" : "landscape" } return (window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth) ? "portrait" : "landscape" }, fromPoint: function (a, b) { return Ext.get(document.elementFromPoint(a, b)) }, parseStyles: function (c) { var a = {}, b = this.cssRe, d; if (c) { b.lastIndex = 0; while ((d = b.exec(c))) { a[d[1]] = d[2] || "" } } return a } } }, function () { var c = document, b = null, a = c.compatMode == "CSS1Compat"; if (!("activeElement" in c) && c.addEventListener) { c.addEventListener("focus", function (e) { if (e && e.target) { b = (e.target == c) ? null : e.target } }, true) } function d(g, h, e) { return function () { g.selectionStart = h; g.selectionEnd = e } } this.addInheritableStatics({ getActiveElement: function () { var h; try { h = c.activeElement } catch (g) {} h = h || b; if (!h) { h = b = document.body } return h }, getRightMarginFixCleaner: function (l) { var h = Ext.supports, j = h.DisplayChangeInputSelectionBug, k = h.DisplayChangeTextAreaSelectionBug, m, e, n, g; if (j || k) { m = c.activeElement || b; e = m && m.tagName; if ((k && e == "TEXTAREA") || (j && e == "INPUT" && m.type == "text")) { if (Ext.dom.Element.isAncestor(l, m)) { n = m.selectionStart; g = m.selectionEnd; if (Ext.isNumber(n) && Ext.isNumber(g)) { return d(m, n, g) } } } } return Ext.emptyFn }, getViewWidth: function (e) { return e ? Ext.dom.Element.getDocumentWidth() : Ext.dom.Element.getViewportWidth() }, getViewHeight: function (e) { return e ? Ext.dom.Element.getDocumentHeight() : Ext.dom.Element.getViewportHeight() }, getDocumentHeight: function () { return Math.max(!a ? c.body.scrollHeight : c.documentElement.scrollHeight, Ext.dom.Element.getViewportHeight()) }, getDocumentWidth: function () { return Math.max(!a ? c.body.scrollWidth : c.documentElement.scrollWidth, Ext.dom.Element.getViewportWidth()) }, getViewportHeight: function () { return Ext.isIE9m ? (Ext.isStrict ? c.documentElement.clientHeight : c.body.clientHeight) : self.innerHeight }, getViewportWidth: function () { return (!Ext.isStrict && !Ext.isOpera) ? c.body.clientWidth : Ext.isIE9m ? c.documentElement.clientWidth : self.innerWidth }, serializeForm: function (j) { var k = j.elements || (document.forms[j] || Ext.getDom(j)).elements, u = false, t = encodeURIComponent, n = "", m = k.length, p, g, s, w, v, q, l, r, h; for (q = 0; q < m; q++) { p = k[q]; g = p.name; s = p.type; w = p.options; if (!p.disabled && g) { if (/select-(one|multiple)/i.test(s)) { r = w.length; for (l = 0; l < r; l++) { h = w[l]; if (h.selected) { v = h.hasAttribute ? h.hasAttribute("value") : h.getAttributeNode("value").specified; n += Ext.String.format("{0}={1}&", t(g), t(v ? h.value : h.text)) } } } else { if (!(/file|undefined|reset|button/i.test(s))) { if (!(/radio|checkbox/i.test(s) && !p.checked) && !(s == "submit" && u)) { n += t(g) + "=" + t(p.value) + "&"; u = /submit/i.test(s) } } } } } return n.substr(0, n.length - 1) } }) }); Ext.define("Ext.dom.AbstractElement_insertion", { override: "Ext.dom.AbstractElement", appendChild: function (d, c) { var g = this, j, b, h, a; if (d.nodeType || d.dom || typeof d == "string") { d = Ext.getDom(d); g.dom.appendChild(d); return !c ? Ext.get(d) : d } else { if (d.length) { j = Ext.fly(document.createDocumentFragment(), "_internal"); b = d.length; Ext.DomHelper.useDom = true; for (h = 0; h < b; h++) { j.appendChild(d[h], c) } Ext.DomHelper.useDom = a; g.dom.appendChild(j.dom); return c ? j.dom : j } else { return g.createChild(d, null, c) } } }, appendTo: function (a) { Ext.getDom(a).appendChild(this.dom); return this }, insertBefore: function (a) { a = Ext.getDom(a); a.parentNode.insertBefore(this.dom, a); return this }, insertAfter: function (a) { a = Ext.getDom(a); a.parentNode.insertBefore(this.dom, a.nextSibling); return this }, insertFirst: function (b, a) { b = b || {}; if (b.nodeType || b.dom || typeof b == "string") { b = Ext.getDom(b); this.dom.insertBefore(b, this.dom.firstChild); return !a ? Ext.get(b) : b } else { return this.createChild(b, this.dom.firstChild, a) } }, insertSibling: function (b, g, k) { var j = this, l = Ext.core.DomHelper, m = l.useDom, n = (g || "before").toLowerCase() == "after", d, a, c, h; if (Ext.isArray(b)) { a = Ext.fly(document.createDocumentFragment(), "_internal"); c = b.length; l.useDom = true; for (h = 0; h < c; h++) { d = a.appendChild(b[h], k) } l.useDom = m; j.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(a.dom, n ? j.dom.nextSibling : j.dom); return d } b = b || {}; if (b.nodeType || b.dom) { d = j.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(Ext.getDom(b), n ? j.dom.nextSibling : j.dom); if (!k) { d = Ext.get(d) } } else { if (n && !j.dom.nextSibling) { d = l.append(j.dom.parentNode, b, !k) } else { d = l[n ? "insertAfter" : "insertBefore"](j.dom, b, !k) } } return d }, replace: function (a) { a = Ext.get(a); this.insertBefore(a); a.remove(); return this }, replaceWith: function (a) { var b = this; if (a.nodeType || a.dom || typeof a == "string") { a = Ext.get(a); b.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(a.dom, b.dom) } else { a = Ext.core.DomHelper.insertBefore(b.dom, a) } delete Ext.cache[b.id]; Ext.removeNode(b.dom); b.id = Ext.id(b.dom = a); Ext.dom.AbstractElement.addToCache(b.isFlyweight ? new Ext.dom.AbstractElement(b.dom) : b); return b }, createChild: function (b, a, c) { b = b || { tag: "div" }; if (a) { return Ext.core.DomHelper.insertBefore(a, b, c !== true) } else { return Ext.core.DomHelper.append(this.dom, b, c !== true) } }, wrap: function (b, c, a) { var e = Ext.core.DomHelper.insertBefore(this.dom, b || { tag: "div" }, true), d = e; if (a) { d = Ext.DomQuery.selectNode(a, e.dom) } d.appendChild(this.dom); return c ? e.dom : e }, insertHtml: function (b, c, a) { var d = Ext.core.DomHelper.insertHtml(b, this.dom, c); return a ? Ext.get(d) : d } }); Ext.define("Ext.dom.AbstractElement_style", { override: "Ext.dom.AbstractElement" }, function () { var d = this, n = /\w/g, r = /\s+/, c = /^(?:transparent|(?:rgba[(](?:\s*\d+\s*[,]){3}\s*0\s*[)]))$/i, k = Ext.supports.ClassList, e = "padding", j = "margin", a = "border", s = "-left", b = "-right", p = "-top", l = "-bottom", q = "-width", m = { l: a + s + q, r: a + b + q, t: a + p + q, b: a + l + q }, g = { l: e + s, r: e + b, t: e + p, b: e + l }, o = { l: j + s, r: j + b, t: j + p, b: j + l }, h = new d.Fly(); Ext.override(d, { styleHooks: {}, addStyles: function (A, z) { var v = 0, y = (A || "").match(n), x, t = y.length, w, u = []; if (t == 1) { v = Math.abs(parseFloat(this.getStyle(z[y[0]])) || 0) } else { if (t) { for (x = 0; x < t; x++) { w = y[x]; u.push(z[w]) } u = this.getStyle(u); for (x = 0; x < t; x++) { w = y[x]; v += Math.abs(parseFloat(u[z[w]]) || 0) } } } return v }, addCls: (function () { var u = function (A) { var B = this, x = B.dom, v = B.trimRe, C = A, w, D, y, z, E; if (typeof(A) == "string") { A = A.replace(v, "").split(r) } if (x && A && !!(z = A.length)) { if (!x.className) { x.className = A.join(" ") } else { w = x.classList; if (w) { for (y = 0; y < z; ++y) { E = A[y]; if (E) { if (!w.contains(E)) { if (D) { D.push(E) } else { D = x.className.replace(v, ""); D = D ? [D, E] : [E] } } } } if (D) { x.className = D.join(" ") } } else { t(C) } } } return B }, t = function (w) { var x = this, y = x.dom, v; if (y && w && w.length) { v = Ext.Element.mergeClsList(y.className, w); if (v.changed) { y.className = v.join(" ") } } return x }; return k ? u : t })(), removeCls: function (v) { var w = this, y = w.dom, x, t, u; if (typeof(v) == "string") { v = v.replace(w.trimRe, "").split(r) } if (y && y.className && v && !!(t = v.length)) { x = y.classList; if (t === 1 && x) { if (v[0]) { x.remove(v[0]) } } else { u = Ext.Element.removeCls(y.className, v); if (u.changed) { y.className = u.join(" ") } } } return w }, radioCls: function (x) { var y = this.dom.parentNode.childNodes, u, w, t; x = Ext.isArray(x) ? x : [x]; for (w = 0, t = y.length; w < t; w++) { u = y[w]; if (u && u.nodeType == 1) { h.attach(u).removeCls(x) } } return this.addCls(x) }, toggleCls: (function () { var t = function (v) { var w = this, y = w.dom, x; if (y) { v = v.replace(w.trimRe, ""); if (v) { x = y.classList; if (x) { x.toggle(v) } else { u(v) } } } return w }, u = function (v) { return this.hasCls(v) ? this.removeCls(v) : this.addCls(v) }; return k ? t : u })(), hasCls: (function () { var t = function (w) { var y = this.dom, v = false, x; if (y && w) { x = y.classList; if (x) { v = x.contains(w) } else { v = u(w) } } return v }, u = function (v) { var w = this.dom; return w ? v && (" " + w.className + " ").indexOf(" " + v + " ") !== -1 : false }; return k ? t : u })(), replaceCls: function (u, t) { return this.removeCls(u).addCls(t) }, isStyle: function (t, u) { return this.getStyle(t) == u }, getStyle: function (F, A) { var B = this, w = B.dom, I = typeof F != "string", G = B.styleHooks, u = F, C = u, z = 1, y, H, E, D, v, t, x; if (I) { E = {}; u = C[0]; x = 0; if (!(z = C.length)) { return E } } if (!w || w.documentElement) { return E || "" } y = w.style; if (A) { t = y } else { t = w.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(w, null); if (!t) { A = true; t = y } } do { D = G[u]; if (!D) { G[u] = D = { name: d.normalize(u) } } if (D.get) { v = D.get(w, B, A, t) } else { H = D.name; v = t[H] } if (!I) { return v } E[u] = v; u = C[++x] } while (x < z); return E }, getStyles: function () { var u = Ext.Array.slice(arguments), t = u.length, v; if (t && typeof u[t - 1] == "boolean") { v = u.pop() } return this.getStyle(u, v) }, isTransparent: function (u) { var t = this.getStyle(u); return t ? c.test(t) : false }, setStyle: function (A, y) { var w = this, z = w.dom, t = w.styleHooks, v = z.style, u = A, x; if (typeof u == "string") { x = t[u]; if (!x) { t[u] = x = { name: d.normalize(u) } } y = (y == null) ? "" : y; if (x.set) { x.set(z, y, w) } else { v[x.name] = y } if (x.afterSet) { x.afterSet(z, y, w) } } else { for (u in A) { if (A.hasOwnProperty(u)) { x = t[u]; if (!x) { t[u] = x = { name: d.normalize(u) } } y = A[u]; y = (y == null) ? "" : y; if (x.set) { x.set(z, y, w) } else { v[x.name] = y } if (x.afterSet) { x.afterSet(z, y, w) } } } } return w }, getHeight: function (u) { var v = this.dom, t = u ? (v.clientHeight - this.getPadding("tb")) : v.offsetHeight; return t > 0 ? t : 0 }, getWidth: function (t) { var v = this.dom, u = t ? (v.clientWidth - this.getPadding("lr")) : v.offsetWidth; return u > 0 ? u : 0 }, setWidth: function (t) { var u = this; u.dom.style.width = d.addUnits(t); return u }, setHeight: function (t) { var u = this; u.dom.style.height = d.addUnits(t); return u }, getBorderWidth: function (t) { return this.addStyles(t, m) }, getPadding: function (t) { return this.addStyles(t, g) }, margins: o, applyStyles: function (v) { if (v) { var u, t, w = this.dom; if (typeof v == "function") { v = v.call() } if (typeof v == "string") { v = Ext.util.Format.trim(v).split(/\s*(?::|;)\s*/); for (u = 0, t = v.length; u < t; ) { w.style[d.normalize(v[u++])] = v[u++] } } else { if (typeof v == "object") { this.setStyle(v) } } } }, setSize: function (v, t) { var w = this, u = w.dom.style; if (Ext.isObject(v)) { t = v.height; v = v.width } u.width = d.addUnits(v); u.height = d.addUnits(t); return w }, getViewSize: function () { var t = document, u = this.dom; if (u == t || u == t.body) { return { width: d.getViewportWidth(), height: d.getViewportHeight() } } else { return { width: u.clientWidth, height: u.clientHeight } } }, getSize: function (u) { var t = this.dom; return { width: Math.max(0, u ? (t.clientWidth - this.getPadding("lr")) : t.offsetWidth), height: Math.max(0, u ? (t.clientHeight - this.getPadding("tb")) : t.offsetHeight) } }, repaint: function () { var t = this.dom; this.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "repaint"); setTimeout(function () { h.attach(t).removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "repaint") }, 1); return this }, getMargin: function (u) { var v = this, x = { t: "top", l: "left", r: "right", b: "bottom" }, t, y, w; if (!u) { w = []; for (t in v.margins) { if (v.margins.hasOwnProperty(t)) { w.push(v.margins[t]) } } y = v.getStyle(w); if (y && typeof y == "object") { for (t in v.margins) { if (v.margins.hasOwnProperty(t)) { y[x[t]] = parseFloat(y[v.margins[t]]) || 0 } } } return y } else { return v.addStyles(u, v.margins) } }, mask: function (u, y, C) { var z = this, v = z.dom, w = (z.$cache || z.getCache()).data, t = w.mask, D, B, A = "", x = Ext.baseCSSPrefix; z.addCls(x + "masked"); if (z.getStyle("position") == "static") { z.addCls(x + "masked-relative") } if (t) { t.remove() } if (y && typeof y == "string") { A = " " + y } else { A = " " + x + "mask-gray" } D = z.createChild({ cls: x + "mask" + ((C !== false) ? "" : (" " + x + "mask-gray")), html: u ? ('
' + u + "
") : "" }); B = z.getSize(); w.mask = D; if (v === document.body) { B.height = window.innerHeight; if (z.orientationHandler) { Ext.EventManager.unOrientationChange(z.orientationHandler, z) } z.orientationHandler = function () { B = z.getSize(); B.height = window.innerHeight; D.setSize(B) }; Ext.EventManager.onOrientationChange(z.orientationHandler, z) } D.setSize(B); if (Ext.is.iPad) { Ext.repaint() } }, unmask: function () { var u = this, w = (u.$cache || u.getCache()).data, t = w.mask, v = Ext.baseCSSPrefix; if (t) { t.remove(); delete w.mask } u.removeCls([v + "masked", v + "masked-relative"]); if (u.dom === document.body) { Ext.EventManager.unOrientationChange(u.orientationHandler, u); delete u.orientationHandler } } }); Ext.onReady(function () { var B = Ext.supports, t, z, x, u, A; function y(G, D, F, C) { var E = C[this.name] || ""; return c.test(E) ? "transparent" : E } function w(I, F, H, E) { var C = E.marginRight, D, G; if (C != "0px") { D = I.style; G = D.display; D.display = "inline-block"; C = (H ? E : I.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(I, null)).marginRight; D.display = G } return C } function v(J, G, I, F) { var C = F.marginRight, E, D, H; if (C != "0px") { E = J.style; D = d.getRightMarginFixCleaner(J); H = E.display; E.display = "inline-block"; C = (I ? F : J.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(J, "")).marginRight; E.display = H; D() } return C } t = d.prototype.styleHooks; if (B.init) { B.init() } if (!B.RightMargin) { t.marginRight = t["margin-right"] = { name: "marginRight", get: (B.DisplayChangeInputSelectionBug || B.DisplayChangeTextAreaSelectionBug) ? v : w } } if (!B.TransparentColor) { z = ["background-color", "border-color", "color", "outline-color"]; for (x = z.length; x--; ) { u = z[x]; A = d.normalize(u); t[u] = t[A] = { name: A, get: y } } } }) }); Ext.define("Ext.dom.AbstractElement_traversal", { override: "Ext.dom.AbstractElement", findParent: function (h, b, a) { var e = this.dom, c = document.documentElement, g = 0, d; b = b || 50; if (isNaN(b)) { d = Ext.getDom(b); b = Number.MAX_VALUE } while (e && e.nodeType == 1 && g < b && e != c && e != d) { if (Ext.DomQuery.is(e, h)) { return a ? Ext.get(e) : e } g++; e = e.parentNode } return null }, findParentNode: function (d, b, a) { var c = Ext.fly(this.dom.parentNode, "_internal"); return c ? c.findParent(d, b, a) : null }, up: function (c, a, b) { return this.findParentNode(c, a, !b) }, select: function (a, b) { return Ext.dom.Element.select(a, this.dom, b) }, query: function (a) { return Ext.DomQuery.select(a, this.dom) }, down: function (a, b) { var c = Ext.DomQuery.selectNode(a, this.dom); return b ? c : Ext.get(c) }, child: function (a, b) { var d, c = this, e; e = Ext.id(c.dom); e = Ext.escapeId(e); d = Ext.DomQuery.selectNode("#" + e + " > " + a, c.dom); return b ? d : Ext.get(d) }, parent: function (a, b) { return this.matchNode("parentNode", "parentNode", a, b) }, next: function (a, b) { return this.matchNode("nextSibling", "nextSibling", a, b) }, prev: function (a, b) { return this.matchNode("previousSibling", "previousSibling", a, b) }, first: function (a, b) { return this.matchNode("nextSibling", "firstChild", a, b) }, last: function (a, b) { return this.matchNode("previousSibling", "lastChild", a, b) }, matchNode: function (b, e, a, c) { if (!this.dom) { return null } var d = this.dom[e]; while (d) { if (d.nodeType == 1 && (!a || Ext.DomQuery.is(d, a))) { return !c ? Ext.get(d) : d } d = d[b] } return null }, isAncestor: function (a) { return this.self.isAncestor.call(this.self, this.dom, a) } }); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.dom.AbstractElement", Ext.Base, { trimRe: /^\s+|\s+$/g, whitespaceRe: /\s/, inheritableStatics: { trimRe: /^\s+|\s+$/g, whitespaceRe: /\s/, get: function (c) { var j = this, k = window.document, d = Ext.dom.Element, h, b, g, e, a; if (!c) { return null } if (c.isFly) { c = c.dom } if (typeof c == "string") { if (c == Ext.windowId) { return d.get(window) } else { if (c == Ext.documentId) { return d.get(k) } } h = Ext.cache[c]; if (h && h.skipGarbageCollection) { g = h.el; return g } if (!(e = k.getElementById(c))) { return null } if (h && h.el) { g = Ext.updateCacheEntry(h, e).el } else { g = new d(e, !!h) } return g } else { if (c.tagName) { if (!(a = c.id)) { a = Ext.id(c) } h = Ext.cache[a]; if (h && h.el) { g = Ext.updateCacheEntry(h, c).el } else { g = new d(c, !!h) } return g } else { if (c instanceof j) { if (c != j.docEl && c != j.winEl) { a = c.id; h = Ext.cache[a]; if (h) { Ext.updateCacheEntry(h, k.getElementById(a) || c.dom) } } return c } else { if (c.isComposite) { return c } else { if (Ext.isArray(c)) { return j.select(c) } else { if (c === k) { if (!j.docEl) { b = j.docEl = Ext.Object.chain(d.prototype); b.dom = k; b.el = b; b.id = Ext.id(k); j.addToCache(b) } return j.docEl } else { if (c === window) { if (!j.winEl) { j.winEl = Ext.Object.chain(d.prototype); j.winEl.dom = window; j.winEl.id = Ext.id(window); j.addToCache(j.winEl) } return j.winEl } } } } } } } return null }, addToCache: function (a, b) { if (a) { Ext.addCacheEntry(b, a) } return a }, addMethods: function () { this.override.apply(this, arguments) }, mergeClsList: function () { var m, k = {}, g, b, d, h, c, n = [], e = false, a = this.trimRe, l = this.whitespaceRe; for (g = 0, b = arguments.length; g < b; g++) { m = arguments[g]; if (Ext.isString(m)) { m = m.replace(a, "").split(l) } if (m) { for (d = 0, h = m.length; d < h; d++) { c = m[d]; if (!k[c]) { if (g) { e = true } k[c] = true } } } } for (c in k) { n.push(c) } n.changed = e; return n }, removeCls: function (a, b) { var h = {}, g, c, d, k = [], e = false, j = this.whitespaceRe; if (a) { if (Ext.isString(a)) { a = a.replace(this.trimRe, "").split(j) } for (g = 0, c = a.length; g < c; g++) { h[a[g]] = true } } if (b) { if (Ext.isString(b)) { b = b.split(j) } for (g = 0, c = b.length; g < c; g++) { d = b[g]; if (h[d]) { e = true; delete h[d] } } } for (d in h) { k.push(d) } k.changed = e; return k }, VISIBILITY: 1, DISPLAY: 2, OFFSETS: 3, ASCLASS: 4 }, constructor: function (a, b) { var c = this, d = typeof a == "string" ? document.getElementById(a) : a, e; c.el = c; if (!d) { return null } e = d.id; if (!b && e && Ext.cache[e]) { return Ext.cache[e].el } c.dom = d; c.id = e || Ext.id(d); c.self.addToCache(c) }, set: function (e, b) { var c = this.dom, a, d; for (a in e) { if (e.hasOwnProperty(a)) { d = e[a]; if (a == "style") { this.applyStyles(d) } else { if (a == "cls") { c.className = d } else { if (b !== false) { if (d === undefined) { c.removeAttribute(a) } else { c.setAttribute(a, d) } } else { c[a] = d } } } } } return this }, defaultUnit: "px", is: function (a) { return Ext.DomQuery.is(this.dom, a) }, getValue: function (a) { var b = this.dom.value; return a ? parseInt(b, 10) : b }, remove: function () { var a = this, b = a.dom; if (a.isAnimate) { a.stopAnimation() } if (b) { Ext.removeNode(b); delete a.dom } }, contains: function (a) { if (!a) { return false } var b = this, c = a.dom || a; return (c === b.dom) || Ext.dom.AbstractElement.isAncestor(b.dom, c) }, getAttribute: function (a, b) { var c = this.dom; return c.getAttributeNS(b, a) || c.getAttribute(b + ":" + a) || c.getAttribute(a) || c[a] }, update: function (a) { if (this.dom) { this.dom.innerHTML = a } return this }, setHTML: function (a) { if (this.dom) { this.dom.innerHTML = a } return this }, getHTML: function () { return this.dom ? this.dom.innerHTML : "" }, hide: function () { this.setVisible(false); return this }, show: function () { this.setVisible(true); return this }, setVisible: function (g, a) { var b = this, e = b.self, d = b.getVisibilityMode(), c = Ext.baseCSSPrefix; switch (d) { case e.VISIBILITY: b.removeCls([c + "hidden-display", c + "hidden-offsets"]); b[g ? "removeCls" : "addCls"](c + "hidden-visibility"); break; case e.DISPLAY: b.removeCls([c + "hidden-visibility", c + "hidden-offsets"]); b[g ? "removeCls" : "addCls"](c + "hidden-display"); break; case e.OFFSETS: b.removeCls([c + "hidden-visibility", c + "hidden-display"]); b[g ? "removeCls" : "addCls"](c + "hidden-offsets"); break } return b }, getVisibilityMode: function () { var b = (this.$cache || this.getCache()).data, a = b.visibilityMode; if (a === undefined) { b.visibilityMode = a = this.self.DISPLAY } return a }, setVisibilityMode: function (a) { (this.$cache || this.getCache()).data.visibilityMode = a; return this }, getCache: function () { var a = this, b = a.dom.id || Ext.id(a.dom); a.$cache = Ext.cache[b] || Ext.addCacheEntry(b, null, a.dom); return a.$cache } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.dom, "AbstractElement"], function () { var a = this; Ext.getDetachedBody = function () { var b = a.detachedBodyEl; if (!b) { b = document.createElement("div"); a.detachedBodyEl = b = new a.Fly(b); b.isDetachedBody = true } return b }; Ext.getElementById = function (d) { var c = document.getElementById(d), b; if (!c && (b = a.detachedBodyEl)) { c = b.dom.querySelector("#" + Ext.escapeId(d)) } return c }; Ext.get = function (b) { return Ext.dom.Element.get(b) }; this.addStatics({ Fly: new Ext.Class({ extend: a, isFly: true, constructor: function (b) { this.dom = b; this.el = this }, attach: function (b) { this.dom = b; this.$cache = b.id ? Ext.cache[b.id] : null; return this } }), _flyweights: {}, fly: function (e, c) { var d = null, b = a._flyweights; c = c || "_global"; e = Ext.getDom(e); if (e) { d = b[c] || (b[c] = new a.Fly()); d.dom = e; d.$cache = e.id ? Ext.cache[e.id] : null } return d } }); Ext.fly = function () { return a.fly.apply(a, arguments) }; (function (b) { b.destroy = b.remove; if (document.querySelector) { b.getById = function (e, c) { var d = document.getElementById(e) || this.dom.querySelector("#" + Ext.escapeId(e)); return c ? d : (d ? Ext.get(d) : null) } } else { b.getById = function (e, c) { var d = document.getElementById(e); return c ? d : (d ? Ext.get(d) : null) } } } (this.prototype)) })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.dom.Helper", Ext.dom.AbstractHelper, (function () { var b = "afterbegin", j = "afterend", a = "beforebegin", p = "beforeend", m = "", h = "
", c = m + "", o = "" + h, l = c + "", e = "" + o, q = document.createElement("div"), n = ["BeforeBegin", "previousSibling"], k = ["AfterEnd", "nextSibling"], d = { beforebegin: n, afterend: k }, g = { beforebegin: n, afterend: k, afterbegin: ["AfterBegin", "firstChild"], beforeend: ["BeforeEnd", "lastChild"] }; return { tableRe: /^(?:table|thead|tbody|tr|td)$/i, tableElRe: /td|tr|tbody|thead/i, useDom: false, createDom: function (r, x) { var s, A = document, v, y, t, z, w, u; if (Ext.isArray(r)) { s = A.createDocumentFragment(); for (w = 0, u = r.length; w < u; w++) { this.createDom(r[w], s) } } else { if (typeof r == "string") { s = A.createTextNode(r) } else { s = A.createElement(r.tag || "div"); v = !!s.setAttribute; for (y in r) { if (!this.confRe.test(y)) { t = r[y]; if (y == "cls") { s.className = t } else { if (v) { s.setAttribute(y, t) } else { s[y] = t } } } } Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(s, r.style); if ((z = r.children || r.cn)) { this.createDom(z, s) } else { if (r.html) { s.innerHTML = r.html } } } } if (x) { x.appendChild(s) } return s }, ieTable: function (w, r, x, v) { q.innerHTML = [r, x, v].join(""); var s = -1, u = q, t; while (++s < w) { u = u.firstChild } t = u.nextSibling; if (t) { t = u; u = document.createDocumentFragment(); while (t) { nx = t.nextSibling; u.appendChild(t); t = nx } } return u }, insertIntoTable: function (A, t, s, u) { var r, x, w = t == a, z = t == b, v = t == p, y = t == j; if (A == "td" && (z || v) || !this.tableElRe.test(A) && (w || y)) { return null } x = w ? s : y ? s.nextSibling : z ? s.firstChild : null; if (w || y) { s = s.parentNode } if (A == "td" || (A == "tr" && (v || z))) { r = this.ieTable(4, l, u, e) } else { if (((A == "tbody" || A == "thead") && (v || z)) || (A == "tr" && (w || y))) { r = this.ieTable(3, c, u, o) } else { r = this.ieTable(2, m, u, h) } } s.insertBefore(r, x); return r }, createContextualFragment: function (s) { var r = document.createDocumentFragment(), t, u; q.innerHTML = s; u = q.childNodes; t = u.length; while (t--) { r.appendChild(u[0]) } return r }, applyStyles: function (r, s) { if (s) { if (typeof s == "function") { s = s.call() } if (typeof s == "string") { s = Ext.dom.Element.parseStyles(s) } if (typeof s == "object") { Ext.fly(r, "_applyStyles").setStyle(s) } } }, createHtml: function (r) { return this.markup(r) }, doInsert: function (u, w, v, x, t, r) { u = u.dom || Ext.getDom(u); var s; if (this.useDom) { s = this.createDom(w, null); if (r) { u.appendChild(s) } else { (t == "firstChild" ? u : u.parentNode).insertBefore(s, u[t] || u) } } else { s = this.insertHtml(x, u, this.markup(w)) } return v ? Ext.get(s, true) : s }, overwrite: function (t, s, u) { var r; t = Ext.getDom(t); s = this.markup(s); if (Ext.isIE && this.tableRe.test(t.tagName)) { while (t.firstChild) { t.removeChild(t.firstChild) } if (s) { r = this.insertHtml("afterbegin", t, s); return u ? Ext.get(r) : r } return null } t.innerHTML = s; return u ? Ext.get(t.firstChild) : t.firstChild }, insertHtml: function (t, w, u) { var y, s, v, r, x; t = t.toLowerCase(); if (w.insertAdjacentHTML) { if (Ext.isIE && this.tableRe.test(w.tagName) && (x = this.insertIntoTable(w.tagName.toLowerCase(), t, w, u))) { return x } if ((y = g[t])) { if (Ext.global.MSApp && Ext.global.MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction) { MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction(function () { w.insertAdjacentHTML(y[0], u) }) } else { w.insertAdjacentHTML(y[0], u) } return w[y[1]] } } else { if (w.nodeType === 3) { t = t === "afterbegin" ? "beforebegin" : t; t = t === "beforeend" ? "afterend" : t } s = Ext.supports.CreateContextualFragment ? w.ownerDocument.createRange() : undefined; r = "setStart" + (this.endRe.test(t) ? "After" : "Before"); if (d[t]) { if (s) { s[r](w); x = s.createContextualFragment(u) } else { x = this.createContextualFragment(u) } w.parentNode.insertBefore(x, t == a ? w : w.nextSibling); return w[(t == a ? "previous" : "next") + "Sibling"] } else { v = (t == b ? "first" : "last") + "Child"; if (w.firstChild) { if (s) { s[r](w[v]); x = s.createContextualFragment(u) } else { x = this.createContextualFragment(u) } if (t == b) { w.insertBefore(x, w.firstChild) } else { w.appendChild(x) } } else { w.innerHTML = u } return w[v] } } }, createTemplate: function (s) { var r = this.markup(s); return new Ext.Template(r) } } })(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.dom, "Helper"], function () { Ext.ns("Ext.core"); Ext.DomHelper = Ext.core.DomHelper = new this() })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.Template", Ext.Base, { inheritableStatics: { from: function (b, a) { b = Ext.getDom(b); return new this(b.value || b.innerHTML, a || "") } }, constructor: function (d) { var g = this, b = arguments, a = [], c = 0, e = b.length, h; g.initialConfig = {}; if (e === 1 && Ext.isArray(d)) { b = d; e = b.length } if (e > 1) { for (; c < e; c++) { h = b[c]; if (typeof h == "object") { Ext.apply(g.initialConfig, h); Ext.apply(g, h) } else { a.push(h) } } } else { a.push(d) } g.html = a.join(""); if (g.compiled) { g.compile() } }, isTemplate: true, disableFormats: false, re: /\{([\w\-]+)(?:\:([\w\.]*)(?:\((.*?)?\))?)?\}/g, apply: function (a) { var h = this, d = h.disableFormats !== true, g = Ext.util.Format, c = h, b; if (h.compiled) { return h.compiled(a).join("") } function e(j, l, n, k) { if (n && d) { if (k) { k = [a[l]].concat(Ext.functionFactory("return [" + k + "];")()) } else { k = [a[l]] } if (n.substr(0, 5) == "this.") { return c[n.substr(5)].apply(c, k) } else { return g[n].apply(g, k) } } else { return a[l] !== undefined ? a[l] : "" } } b = h.html.replace(h.re, e); return b }, applyOut: function (a, b) { var c = this; if (c.compiled) { b.push.apply(b, c.compiled(a)) } else { b.push(c.apply(a)) } return b }, applyTemplate: function () { return this.apply.apply(this, arguments) }, set: function (a, c) { var b = this; b.html = a; b.compiled = null; return c ? b.compile() : b }, compileARe: /\\/g, compileBRe: /(\r\n|\n)/g, compileCRe: /'/g, compile: function () { var me = this, fm = Ext.util.Format, useFormat = me.disableFormats !== true, body, bodyReturn; function fn(m, name, format, args) { if (format && useFormat) { args = args ? "," + args : ""; if (format.substr(0, 5) != "this.") { format = "fm." + format + "(" } else { format = "this." + format.substr(5) + "(" } } else { args = ""; format = "(values['" + name + "'] == undefined ? '' : " } return "'," + format + "values['" + name + "']" + args + ") ,'" } bodyReturn = me.html.replace(me.compileARe, "\\\\").replace(me.compileBRe, "\\n").replace(me.compileCRe, "\\'").replace(me.re, fn); body = "this.compiled = function(values){ return ['" + bodyReturn + "'];};"; eval(body); return me }, insertFirst: function (b, a, c) { return this.doInsert("afterBegin", b, a, c) }, insertBefore: function (b, a, c) { return this.doInsert("beforeBegin", b, a, c) }, insertAfter: function (b, a, c) { return this.doInsert("afterEnd", b, a, c) }, append: function (b, a, c) { return this.doInsert("beforeEnd", b, a, c) }, doInsert: function (b, d, a, e) { var c = Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml(b, Ext.getDom(d), this.apply(a)); return e ? Ext.get(c) : c }, overwrite: function (c, a, d) { var b = Ext.DomHelper.overwrite(Ext.getDom(c), this.apply(a)); return d ? Ext.get(b) : b } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext, "Template"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.XTemplateParser", Ext.Base, { constructor: function (a) { Ext.apply(this, a) }, doTpl: Ext.emptyFn, parse: function (n) { var w = this, q = n.length, p = { elseif: "elif" }, r = w.topRe, c = w.actionsRe, e, d, k, o, h, l, j, v, u, b, g, a; w.level = 0; w.stack = d = []; for (e = 0; e < q; e = b) { r.lastIndex = e; o = r.exec(n); if (!o) { w.doText(n.substring(e, q)); break } u = o.index; b = r.lastIndex; if (e < u) { w.doText(n.substring(e, u)) } if (o[1]) { b = n.indexOf("%}", u + 2); w.doEval(n.substring(u + 2, b)); b += 2 } else { if (o[2]) { b = n.indexOf("]}", u + 2); w.doExpr(n.substring(u + 2, b)); b += 2 } else { if (o[3]) { w.doTag(o[3]) } else { if (o[4]) { g = null; while ((v = c.exec(o[4])) !== null) { k = v[2] || v[3]; if (k) { k = Ext.String.htmlDecode(k); h = v[1]; h = p[h] || h; g = g || {}; l = g[h]; if (typeof l == "string") { g[h] = [l, k] } else { if (l) { g[h].push(k) } else { g[h] = k } } } } if (!g) { if (w.elseRe.test(o[4])) { w.doElse() } else { if (w.defaultRe.test(o[4])) { w.doDefault() } else { w.doTpl(); d.push({ type: "tpl" }) } } } else { if (g["if"]) { w.doIf(g["if"], g); d.push({ type: "if" }) } else { if (g["switch"]) { w.doSwitch(g["switch"], g); d.push({ type: "switch" }) } else { if (g["case"]) { w.doCase(g["case"], g) } else { if (g.elif) { w.doElseIf(g.elif, g) } else { if (g["for"]) { ++w.level; if (a = w.propRe.exec(o[4])) { g.propName = a[1] || a[2] } w.doFor(g["for"], g); d.push({ type: "for", actions: g }) } else { if (g.foreach) { ++w.level; if (a = w.propRe.exec(o[4])) { g.propName = a[1] || a[2] } w.doForEach(g.foreach, g); d.push({ type: "foreach", actions: g }) } else { if (g.exec) { w.doExec(g.exec, g); d.push({ type: "exec", actions: g }) } } } } } } } } } else { if (o[0].length === 5) { d.push({ type: "tpl" }) } else { j = d.pop(); w.doEnd(j.type, j.actions); if (j.type == "for" || j.type == "foreach") { --w.level } } } } } } } }, topRe: /(?:(\{\%)|(\{\[)|\{([^{}]+)\})|(?:]*)\>)|(?:<\/tpl>)/g, actionsRe: /\s*(elif|elseif|if|for|foreach|exec|switch|case|eval|between)\s*\=\s*(?:(?:"([^"]*)")|(?:'([^']*)'))\s*/g, propRe: /prop=(?:(?:"([^"]*)")|(?:'([^']*)'))/, defaultRe: /^\s*default\s*$/, elseRe: /^\s*else\s*$/ }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext, "XTemplateParser"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.XTemplateCompiler", Ext.XTemplateParser, { useEval: Ext.isGecko, useIndex: Ext.isIE8m, useFormat: true, propNameRe: /^[\w\d\$]*$/, compile: function (a) { var c = this, b = c.generate(a); return c.useEval ? c.evalTpl(b) : (new Function("Ext", b))(Ext) }, generate: function (a) { var d = this, b = "var fm=Ext.util.Format,ts=Object.prototype.toString;", c; d.maxLevel = 0; d.body = ["var c0=values, a0=" + d.createArrayTest(0) + ", p0=parent, n0=xcount, i0=xindex, k0, v;\n"]; if (d.definitions) { if (typeof d.definitions === "string") { d.definitions = [d.definitions, b] } else { d.definitions.push(b) } } else { d.definitions = [b] } d.switches = []; d.parse(a); d.definitions.push((d.useEval ? "$=" : "return") + " function (" + d.fnArgs + ") {", d.body.join(""), "}"); c = d.definitions.join("\n"); d.definitions.length = d.body.length = d.switches.length = 0; delete d.definitions; delete d.body; delete d.switches; return c }, doText: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.body; c = c.replace(b.aposRe, "\\'").replace(b.newLineRe, "\\n"); if (b.useIndex) { a.push("out[out.length]='", c, "'\n") } else { a.push("out.push('", c, "')\n") } }, doExpr: function (b) { var a = this.body; a.push("if ((v=" + b + ") != null) out"); if (this.useIndex) { a.push("[out.length]=v+''\n") } else { a.push(".push(v+'')\n") } }, doTag: function (a) { var b = this.parseTag(a); if (b) { this.doExpr(b) } else { this.doText("{" + a + "}") } }, doElse: function () { this.body.push("} else {\n") }, doEval: function (a) { this.body.push(a, "\n") }, doIf: function (b, c) { var a = this; if (b === ".") { a.body.push("if (values) {\n") } else { if (a.propNameRe.test(b)) { a.body.push("if (", a.parseTag(b), ") {\n") } else { a.body.push("if (", a.addFn(b), a.callFn, ") {\n") } } if (c.exec) { a.doExec(c.exec) } }, doElseIf: function (b, c) { var a = this; if (b === ".") { a.body.push("else if (values) {\n") } else { if (a.propNameRe.test(b)) { a.body.push("} else if (", a.parseTag(b), ") {\n") } else { a.body.push("} else if (", a.addFn(b), a.callFn, ") {\n") } } if (c.exec) { a.doExec(c.exec) } }, doSwitch: function (b) { var a = this; if (b === ".") { a.body.push("switch (values) {\n") } else { if (a.propNameRe.test(b)) { a.body.push("switch (", a.parseTag(b), ") {\n") } else { a.body.push("switch (", a.addFn(b), a.callFn, ") {\n") } } a.switches.push(0) }, doCase: function (e) { var d = this, c = Ext.isArray(e) ? e : [e], g = d.switches.length - 1, a, b; if (d.switches[g]) { d.body.push("break;\n") } else { d.switches[g]++ } for (b = 0, g = c.length; b < g; ++b) { a = d.intRe.exec(c[b]); c[b] = a ? a[1] : ("'" + c[b].replace(d.aposRe, "\\'") + "'") } d.body.push("case ", c.join(": case "), ":\n") }, doDefault: function () { var a = this, b = a.switches.length - 1; if (a.switches[b]) { a.body.push("break;\n") } else { a.switches[b]++ } a.body.push("default:\n") }, doEnd: function (b, d) { var c = this, a = c.level - 1; if (b == "for" || b == "foreach") { if (d.exec) { c.doExec(d.exec) } c.body.push("}\n"); c.body.push("parent=p", a, ";values=r", a + 1, ";xcount=n" + a + ";xindex=i", a, "+1;xkey=k", a, ";\n") } else { if (b == "if" || b == "switch") { c.body.push("}\n") } } }, doFor: function (e, h) { var d = this, c, b = d.level, a = b - 1, g; if (e === ".") { c = "values" } else { if (d.propNameRe.test(e)) { c = d.parseTag(e) } else { c = d.addFn(e) + d.callFn } } if (d.maxLevel < b) { d.maxLevel = b; d.body.push("var ") } if (e == ".") { g = "c" + b } else { g = "a" + a + "?c" + a + "[i" + a + "]:c" + a } d.body.push("i", b, "=0,n", b, "=0,c", b, "=", c, ",a", b, "=", d.createArrayTest(b), ",r", b, "=values,p", b, ",k", b, ";\n", "p", b, "=parent=", g, "\n", "if (c", b, "){if(a", b, "){n", b, "=c", b, ".length;}else if (c", b, ".isMixedCollection){c", b, "=c", b, ".items;n", b, "=c", b, ".length;}else if(c", b, ".isStore){c", b, "=c", b, ".data.items;n", b, "=c", b, ".length;}else{c", b, "=[c", b, "];n", b, "=1;}}\n", "for (xcount=n", b, ";i", b, "1){ out.push("', h.between, '"); } \n') } }, doForEach: function (e, h) { var d = this, c, b = d.level, a = b - 1, g; if (e === ".") { c = "values" } else { if (d.propNameRe.test(e)) { c = d.parseTag(e) } else { c = d.addFn(e) + d.callFn } } if (d.maxLevel < b) { d.maxLevel = b; d.body.push("var ") } if (e == ".") { g = "c" + b } else { g = "a" + a + "?c" + a + "[i" + a + "]:c" + a } d.body.push("i", b, "=-1,n", b, "=0,c", b, "=", c, ",a", b, "=", d.createArrayTest(b), ",r", b, "=values,p", b, ",k", b, ";\n", "p", b, "=parent=", g, "\n", "for(k", b, " in c", b, "){\n", "xindex=++i", b, "+1;\n", "xkey=k", b, ";\n", "values=c", b, "[k", b, "];"); if (h.propName) { d.body.push(".", h.propName) } if (h.between) { d.body.push('if(xindex>1){ out.push("', h.between, '"); } \n') } }, createArrayTest: ("isArray" in Array) ? function (a) { return "Array.isArray(c" + a + ")" } : function (a) { return "ts.call(c" + a + ')==="[object Array]"' }, doExec: function (c, d) { var b = this, a = "f" + b.definitions.length; b.definitions.push("function " + a + "(" + b.fnArgs + ") {", " try { with(values) {", " " + c, " }} catch(e) {", "}", "}"); b.body.push(a + b.callFn + "\n") }, addFn: function (a) { var c = this, b = "f" + c.definitions.length; if (a === ".") { c.definitions.push("function " + b + "(" + c.fnArgs + ") {", " return values", "}") } else { if (a === "..") { c.definitions.push("function " + b + "(" + c.fnArgs + ") {", " return parent", "}") } else { c.definitions.push("function " + b + "(" + c.fnArgs + ") {", " try { with(values) {", " return(" + a + ")", " }} catch(e) {", "}", "}") } } return b }, parseTag: function (b) { var h = this, a = h.tagRe.exec(b), e, j, d, g, c; if (!a) { return null } e = a[1]; j = a[2]; d = a[3]; g = a[4]; if (e == ".") { if (!h.validTypes) { h.definitions.push("var validTypes={string:1,number:1,boolean:1};"); h.validTypes = true } c = 'validTypes[typeof values] || ts.call(values) === "[object Date]" ? values : ""' } else { if (e == "#") { c = "xindex" } else { if (e == "$") { c = "xkey" } else { if (e.substr(0, 7) == "parent.") { c = e } else { if (isNaN(e) && e.indexOf("-") == -1 && e.indexOf(".") != -1) { c = "values." + e } else { c = "values['" + e + "']" } } } } } if (g) { c = "(" + c + g + ")" } if (j && h.useFormat) { d = d ? "," + d : ""; if (j.substr(0, 5) != "this.") { j = "fm." + j + "(" } else { j += "(" } } else { return c } return j + c + d + ")" }, evalTpl: function ($) { eval($); return $ }, newLineRe: /\r\n|\r|\n/g, aposRe: /[']/g, intRe: /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/, tagRe: /^([\w-\.\#\$]+)(?:\:([\w\.]*)(?:\((.*?)?\))?)?(\s?[\+\-\*\/]\s?[\d\.\+\-\*\/\(\)]+)?$/ }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext, "XTemplateCompiler"], function () { var a = this.prototype; a.fnArgs = "out,values,parent,xindex,xcount,xkey"; a.callFn = ".call(this," + a.fnArgs + ")" })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.XTemplate", Ext.Template, { emptyObj: {}, apply: function (a, b) { return this.applyOut(a, [], b).join("") }, applyOut: function (a, b, d) { var g = this, c; if (!g.fn) { c = new Ext.XTemplateCompiler({ useFormat: g.disableFormats !== true, definitions: g.definitions }); g.fn = c.compile(g.html) } try { g.fn(b, a, d || g.emptyObj, 1, 1) } catch (h) {} return b }, compile: function () { return this }, statics: { getTpl: function (b, d) { var c = b[d], a; if (c && !c.isTemplate) { c = Ext.ClassManager.dynInstantiate("Ext.XTemplate", c); if (b.hasOwnProperty(d)) { a = b } else { for (a = b.self.prototype; a && !a.hasOwnProperty(d); a = a.superclass) {} } a[d] = c; c.owner = a } return c || null } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext, "XTemplate"], 0)); Ext.ns("Ext.core"); Ext.dom.Query = Ext.core.DomQuery = Ext.DomQuery = (function () { var DQ, doc = document, cache = {}, simpleCache = {}, valueCache = {}, useClassList = !!doc.documentElement.classList, useElementPointer = !!doc.documentElement.firstElementChild, useChildrenCollection = (function () { var d = doc.createElement("div"); d.innerHTML = "text"; return d.children && (d.children.length === 0) })(), nonSpace = /\S/, trimRe = /^\s+|\s+$/g, tplRe = /\{(\d+)\}/g, modeRe = /^(\s?[\/>+~]\s?|\s|$)/, tagTokenRe = /^(#)?([\w\-\*\|\\]+)/, nthRe = /(\d*)n\+?(\d*)/, nthRe2 = /\D/, startIdRe = /^\s*#/, isIE = window.ActiveXObject ? true : false, key = 30803, longHex = /\\([0-9a-fA-F]{6})/g, shortHex = /\\([0-9a-fA-F]{1,6})\s{0,1}/g, nonHex = /\\([^0-9a-fA-F]{1})/g, escapes = /\\/g, num, hasEscapes, supportsColonNsSeparator = (function () { var xmlDoc, xmlString = ''; if (window.DOMParser) { xmlDoc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(xmlString, "application/xml") } else { xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.loadXML(xmlString) } return !!xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("a:b").length })(), longHexToChar = function ($0, $1) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt($1, 16)) }, shortToLongHex = function ($0, $1) { while ($1.length < 6) { $1 = "0" + $1 } return "\\" + $1 }, charToLongHex = function ($0, $1) { num = $1.charCodeAt(0).toString(16); if (num.length === 1) { num = "0" + num } return "\\0000" + num }, unescapeCssSelector = function (selector) { return (hasEscapes) ? selector.replace(longHex, longHexToChar) : selector }, setupEscapes = function (path) { hasEscapes = (path.indexOf("\\") > -1); if (hasEscapes) { path = path.replace(shortHex, shortToLongHex).replace(nonHex, charToLongHex).replace(escapes, "\\\\") } return path }; eval("var batch = 30803, child, next, prev, byClassName;"); child = useChildrenCollection ? function child(parent, index) { return parent.children[index] } : function child(parent, index) { var i = 0, n = parent.firstChild; while (n) { if (n.nodeType == 1) { if (++i == index) { return n } } n = n.nextSibling } return null }; next = useElementPointer ? function (n) { return n.nextElementSibling } : function (n) { while ((n = n.nextSibling) && n.nodeType != 1) {} return n }; prev = useElementPointer ? function (n) { return n.previousElementSibling } : function (n) { while ((n = n.previousSibling) && n.nodeType != 1) {} return n }; function children(parent) { var n = parent.firstChild, nodeIndex = -1, nextNode; while (n) { nextNode = n.nextSibling; if (n.nodeType == 3 && !nonSpace.test(n.nodeValue)) { parent.removeChild(n) } else { n.nodeIndex = ++nodeIndex } n = nextNode } return this } byClassName = useClassList ? function (nodeSet, cls) { cls = unescapeCssSelector(cls); if (!cls) { return nodeSet } var result = [], ri = -1, i, ci, classList; for (i = 0; ci = nodeSet[i]; i++) { classList = ci.classList; if (classList) { if (classList.contains(cls)) { result[++ri] = ci } } else { if ((" " + ci.className + " ").indexOf(cls) !== -1) { result[++ri] = ci } } } return result } : function (nodeSet, cls) { cls = unescapeCssSelector(cls); if (!cls) { return nodeSet } var result = [], ri = -1, i, ci; for (i = 0; ci = nodeSet[i]; i++) { if ((" " + ci.className + " ").indexOf(cls) !== -1) { result[++ri] = ci } } return result }; function attrValue(n, attr) { if (!n.tagName && typeof n.length != "undefined") { n = n[0] } if (!n) { return null } if (attr == "for") { return n.htmlFor } if (attr == "class" || attr == "className") { return n.className } return n.getAttribute(attr) || n[attr] } function getNodes(ns, mode, tagName) { var result = [], ri = -1, cs, i, ni, j, ci, cn, utag, n, cj; if (!ns) { return result } tagName = tagName.replace("|", ":") || "*"; if (typeof ns.getElementsByTagName != "undefined") { ns = [ns] } if (!mode) { tagName = unescapeCssSelector(tagName); if (!supportsColonNsSeparator && DQ.isXml(ns[0]) && tagName.indexOf(":") !== -1) { for (i = 0; ni = ns[i]; i++) { cs = ni.getElementsByTagName(tagName.split(":").pop()); for (j = 0; ci = cs[j]; j++) { if (ci.tagName === tagName) { result[++ri] = ci } } } } else { for (i = 0; ni = ns[i]; i++) { cs = ni.getElementsByTagName(tagName); for (j = 0; ci = cs[j]; j++) { result[++ri] = ci } } } } else { if (mode == "/" || mode == ">") { utag = tagName.toUpperCase(); for (i = 0; ni = ns[i]; i++) { cn = ni.childNodes; for (j = 0; cj = cn[j]; j++) { if (cj.nodeName == utag || cj.nodeName == tagName || tagName == "*") { result[++ri] = cj } } } } else { if (mode == "+") { utag = tagName.toUpperCase(); for (i = 0; n = ns[i]; i++) { while ((n = n.nextSibling) && n.nodeType != 1) {} if (n && (n.nodeName == utag || n.nodeName == tagName || tagName == "*")) { result[++ri] = n } } } else { if (mode == "~") { utag = tagName.toUpperCase(); for (i = 0; n = ns[i]; i++) { while ((n = n.nextSibling)) { if (n.nodeName == utag || n.nodeName == tagName || tagName == "*") { result[++ri] = n } } } } } } } return result } function concat(a, b) { a.push.apply(a, b); return a } function byTag(cs, tagName) { if (cs.tagName || cs === doc) { cs = [cs] } if (!tagName) { return cs } var result = [], ri = -1, i, ci; tagName = tagName.toLowerCase(); for (i = 0; ci = cs[i]; i++) { if (ci.nodeType == 1 && ci.tagName.toLowerCase() == tagName) { result[++ri] = ci } } return result } function byId(cs, id) { id = unescapeCssSelector(id); if (cs.tagName || cs === doc) { cs = [cs] } if (!id) { return cs } var result = [], ri = -1, i, ci; for (i = 0; ci = cs[i]; i++) { if (ci && ci.id == id) { result[++ri] = ci; return result } } return result } function byAttribute(cs, attr, value, op, custom) { var result = [], ri = -1, useGetStyle = custom == "{", fn = DQ.operators[op], a, xml, hasXml, i, ci; value = unescapeCssSelector(value); for (i = 0; ci = cs[i]; i++) { if (ci.nodeType === 1) { if (!hasXml) { xml = DQ.isXml(ci); hasXml = true } if (!xml) { if (useGetStyle) { a = DQ.getStyle(ci, attr) } else { if (attr == "class" || attr == "className") { a = ci.className } else { if (attr == "for") { a = ci.htmlFor } else { if (attr == "href") { a = ci.getAttribute("href", 2) } else { a = ci.getAttribute(attr) } } } } } else { a = ci.getAttribute(attr) } if ((fn && fn(a, value)) || (!fn && a)) { result[++ri] = ci } } } return result } function byPseudo(cs, name, value) { value = unescapeCssSelector(value); return DQ.pseudos[name](cs, value) } function nodupIEXml(cs) { var d = ++key, r, i, len, c; cs[0].setAttribute("_nodup", d); r = [cs[0]]; for (i = 1, len = cs.length; i < len; i++) { c = cs[i]; if (!c.getAttribute("_nodup") != d) { c.setAttribute("_nodup", d); r[r.length] = c } } for (i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++) { cs[i].removeAttribute("_nodup") } return r } function nodup(cs) { if (!cs) { return [] } var len = cs.length, c, i, r = cs, cj, ri = -1, d, j; if (!len || typeof cs.nodeType != "undefined" || len == 1) { return cs } if (isIE && typeof cs[0].selectSingleNode != "undefined") { return nodupIEXml(cs) } d = ++key; cs[0]._nodup = d; for (i = 1; c = cs[i]; i++) { if (c._nodup != d) { c._nodup = d } else { r = []; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { r[++ri] = cs[j] } for (j = i + 1; cj = cs[j]; j++) { if (cj._nodup != d) { cj._nodup = d; r[++ri] = cj } } return r } } return r } function quickDiffIEXml(c1, c2) { var d = ++key, r = [], i, len; for (i = 0, len = c1.length; i < len; i++) { c1[i].setAttribute("_qdiff", d) } for (i = 0, len = c2.length; i < len; i++) { if (c2[i].getAttribute("_qdiff") != d) { r[r.length] = c2[i] } } for (i = 0, len = c1.length; i < len; i++) { c1[i].removeAttribute("_qdiff") } return r } function quickDiff(c1, c2) { var len1 = c1.length, d = ++key, r = [], i, len; if (!len1) { return c2 } if (isIE && typeof c1[0].selectSingleNode != "undefined") { return quickDiffIEXml(c1, c2) } for (i = 0; i < len1; i++) { c1[i]._qdiff = d } for (i = 0, len = c2.length; i < len; i++) { if (c2[i]._qdiff != d) { r[r.length] = c2[i] } } return r } function quickId(ns, mode, root, id) { if (ns == root) { id = unescapeCssSelector(id); var d = root.ownerDocument || root; return d.getElementById(id) } ns = getNodes(ns, mode, "*"); return byId(ns, id) } return DQ = { getStyle: function (el, name) { return Ext.fly(el, "_DomQuery").getStyle(name) }, compile: function (path, type) { type = type || "select"; var fn = ["var f = function(root) {\n var mode; ++batch; var n = root || document;\n"], lastPath, matchers = DQ.matchers, matchersLn = matchers.length, modeMatch, lmode = path.match(modeRe), tokenMatch, matched, j, t, m; path = setupEscapes(path); if (lmode && lmode[1]) { fn[fn.length] = 'mode="' + lmode[1].replace(trimRe, "") + '";'; path = path.replace(lmode[1], "") } while (path.substr(0, 1) == "/") { path = path.substr(1) } while (path && lastPath != path) { lastPath = path; tokenMatch = path.match(tagTokenRe); if (type == "select") { if (tokenMatch) { if (tokenMatch[1] == "#") { fn[fn.length] = 'n = quickId(n, mode, root, "' + tokenMatch[2] + '");' } else { fn[fn.length] = 'n = getNodes(n, mode, "' + tokenMatch[2] + '");' } path = path.replace(tokenMatch[0], "") } else { if (path.substr(0, 1) != "@") { fn[fn.length] = 'n = getNodes(n, mode, "*");' } } } else { if (tokenMatch) { if (tokenMatch[1] == "#") { fn[fn.length] = 'n = byId(n, "' + tokenMatch[2] + '");' } else { fn[fn.length] = 'n = byTag(n, "' + tokenMatch[2] + '");' } path = path.replace(tokenMatch[0], "") } } while (!(modeMatch = path.match(modeRe))) { matched = false; for (j = 0; j < matchersLn; j++) { t = matchers[j]; m = path.match(t.re); if (m) { fn[fn.length] = t.select.replace(tplRe, function (x, i) { return m[i] }); path = path.replace(m[0], ""); matched = true; break } } if (!matched) { Ext.Error.raise({ sourceClass: "Ext.DomQuery", sourceMethod: "compile", msg: 'Error parsing selector. Parsing failed at "' + path + '"' }) } } if (modeMatch[1]) { fn[fn.length] = 'mode="' + modeMatch[1].replace(trimRe, "") + '";'; path = path.replace(modeMatch[1], "") } } fn[fn.length] = "return nodup(n);\n}"; eval(fn.join("")); return f }, jsSelect: function (path, root, type) { root = root || doc; if (typeof root == "string") { root = doc.getElementById(root) } var paths = path.split(","), results = [], i, len, subPath, result; for (i = 0, len = paths.length; i < len; i++) { subPath = paths[i].replace(trimRe, ""); if (!cache[subPath]) { cache[subPath] = DQ.compile(subPath, type); if (!cache[subPath]) { Ext.Error.raise({ sourceClass: "Ext.DomQuery", sourceMethod: "jsSelect", msg: subPath + " is not a valid selector" }) } } else { setupEscapes(subPath) } result = cache[subPath](root); if (result && result !== doc) { results = results.concat(result) } } if (paths.length > 1) { return nodup(results) } return results }, isXml: function (el) { var docEl = (el ? el.ownerDocument || el : 0).documentElement; return docEl ? docEl.nodeName !== "HTML" : false }, select: doc.querySelectorAll ? function (path, root, type, single) { root = root || doc; if (!DQ.isXml(root)) { try { if (root.parentNode && (root.nodeType !== 9) && path.indexOf(",") === -1 && !startIdRe.test(path)) { path = "#" + Ext.escapeId(Ext.id(root)) + " " + path; root = root.parentNode } return single ? [root.querySelector(path)] : Ext.Array.toArray(root.querySelectorAll(path)) } catch (e) {} } return DQ.jsSelect.call(this, path, root, type) } : function (path, root, type) { return DQ.jsSelect.call(this, path, root, type) }, selectNode: function (path, root) { return Ext.DomQuery.select(path, root, null, true)[0] }, selectValue: function (path, root, defaultValue) { path = path.replace(trimRe, ""); if (!valueCache[path]) { valueCache[path] = DQ.compile(path, "select") } else { setupEscapes(path) } var n = valueCache[path](root), v; n = n[0] ? n[0] : n; if (typeof n.normalize == "function") { n.normalize() } v = (n && n.firstChild ? n.firstChild.nodeValue : null); return ((v === null || v === undefined || v === "") ? defaultValue : v) }, selectNumber: function (path, root, defaultValue) { var v = DQ.selectValue(path, root, defaultValue || 0); return parseFloat(v) }, is: function (el, ss) { if (typeof el == "string") { el = doc.getElementById(el) } var isArray = Ext.isArray(el), result = DQ.filter(isArray ? el : [el], ss); return isArray ? (result.length == el.length) : (result.length > 0) }, filter: function (els, ss, nonMatches) { ss = ss.replace(trimRe, ""); if (!simpleCache[ss]) { simpleCache[ss] = DQ.compile(ss, "simple") } else { setupEscapes(ss) } var result = simpleCache[ss](els); return nonMatches ? quickDiff(result, els) : result }, matchers: [{ re: /^\.([\w\-\\]+)/, select: useClassList ? 'n = byClassName(n, "{1}");' : 'n = byClassName(n, " {1} ");' }, { re: /^\:([\w\-]+)(?:\(((?:[^\s>\/]*|.*?))\))?/, select: 'n = byPseudo(n, "{1}", "{2}");' }, { re: /^(?:([\[\{])(?:@)?([\w\-]+)\s?(?:(=|.=)\s?['"]?(.*?)["']?)?[\]\}])/, select: 'n = byAttribute(n, "{2}", "{4}", "{3}", "{1}");' }, { re: /^#([\w\-\\]+)/, select: 'n = byId(n, "{1}");' }, { re: /^@([\w\-\.]+)/, select: 'return {firstChild:{nodeValue:attrValue(n, "{1}")}};' } ], operators: { "=": function (a, v) { return a == v }, "!=": function (a, v) { return a != v }, "^=": function (a, v) { return a && a.substr(0, v.length) == v }, "$=": function (a, v) { return a && a.substr(a.length - v.length) == v }, "*=": function (a, v) { return a && a.indexOf(v) !== -1 }, "%=": function (a, v) { return (a % v) === 0 }, "|=": function (a, v) { return a && (a == v || a.substr(0, v.length + 1) == v + "-") }, "~=": function (a, v) { return a && (" " + a + " ").indexOf(" " + v + " ") != -1 } }, pseudos: { "first-child": function (c) { var r = [], ri = -1, n, i, ci; for (i = 0; (ci = n = c[i]); i++) { while ((n = n.previousSibling) && n.nodeType != 1) {} if (!n) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r }, "last-child": function (c) { var r = [], ri = -1, n, i, ci; for (i = 0; (ci = n = c[i]); i++) { while ((n = n.nextSibling) && n.nodeType != 1) {} if (!n) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r }, "nth-child": function (c, a) { var r = [], ri = -1, m = nthRe.exec(a == "even" && "2n" || a == "odd" && "2n+1" || !nthRe2.test(a) && "n+" + a || a), f = (m[1] || 1) - 0, l = m[2] - 0, i, n, j, cn, pn; for (i = 0; n = c[i]; i++) { pn = n.parentNode; if (batch != pn._batch) { j = 0; for (cn = pn.firstChild; cn; cn = cn.nextSibling) { if (cn.nodeType == 1) { cn.nodeIndex = ++j } } pn._batch = batch } if (f == 1) { if (l === 0 || n.nodeIndex == l) { r[++ri] = n } } else { if ((n.nodeIndex + l) % f === 0) { r[++ri] = n } } } return r }, "only-child": function (c) { var r = [], ri = -1, i, ci; for (i = 0; ci = c[i]; i++) { if (!prev(ci) && !next(ci)) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r }, empty: function (c) { var r = [], ri = -1, i, ci, cns, j, cn, empty; for (i = 0; ci = c[i]; i++) { cns = ci.childNodes; j = 0; empty = true; while (cn = cns[j]) { ++j; if (cn.nodeType == 1 || cn.nodeType == 3) { empty = false; break } } if (empty) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r }, contains: function (c, v) { var r = [], ri = -1, i, ci; for (i = 0; ci = c[i]; i++) { if ((ci.textContent || ci.innerText || ci.text || "").indexOf(v) != -1) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r }, nodeValue: function (c, v) { var r = [], ri = -1, i, ci; for (i = 0; ci = c[i]; i++) { if (ci.firstChild && ci.firstChild.nodeValue == v) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r }, checked: function (c) { var r = [], ri = -1, i, ci; for (i = 0; ci = c[i]; i++) { if (ci.checked === true) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r }, not: function (c, ss) { return DQ.filter(c, ss, true) }, any: function (c, selectors) { var ss = selectors.split("|"), r = [], ri = -1, s, i, ci, j; for (i = 0; ci = c[i]; i++) { for (j = 0; s = ss[j]; j++) { if (DQ.is(ci, s)) { r[++ri] = ci; break } } } return r }, odd: function (c) { return this["nth-child"](c, "odd") }, even: function (c) { return this["nth-child"](c, "even") }, nth: function (c, a) { return c[a - 1] || [] }, first: function (c) { return c[0] || [] }, last: function (c) { return c[c.length - 1] || [] }, has: function (c, ss) { var s = DQ.select, r = [], ri = -1, i, ci; for (i = 0; ci = c[i]; i++) { if (s(ss, ci).length > 0) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r }, next: function (c, ss) { var is = DQ.is, r = [], ri = -1, i, ci, n; for (i = 0; ci = c[i]; i++) { n = next(ci); if (n && is(n, ss)) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r }, prev: function (c, ss) { var is = DQ.is, r = [], ri = -1, i, ci, n; for (i = 0; ci = c[i]; i++) { n = prev(ci); if (n && is(n, ss)) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r }, focusable: function (candidates) { var len = candidates.length, results = [], i = 0, c; for (; i < len; i++) { c = candidates[i]; if (Ext.fly(c, "_DomQuery").isFocusable()) { results.push(c) } } return results }, visible: function (candidates, deep) { var len = candidates.length, results = [], i = 0, c; for (; i < len; i++) { c = candidates[i]; if (Ext.fly(c, "_DomQuery").isVisible(deep)) { results.push(c) } } return results } } } } ()); Ext.query = Ext.DomQuery.select; Ext.define("Ext.dom.Element_anim", { override: "Ext.dom.Element", animate: function (b) { var d = this, c, e, a = d.dom.id || Ext.id(d.dom); if (!Ext.fx.Manager.hasFxBlock(a)) { if (b.listeners) { c = b.listeners; delete b.listeners } if (b.internalListeners) { b.listeners = b.internalListeners; delete b.internalListeners } e = new Ext.fx.Anim(d.anim(b)); if (c) { e.on(c) } Ext.fx.Manager.queueFx(e) } return d }, anim: function (a) { if (!Ext.isObject(a)) { return (a) ? {} : false } var b = this, c = a.duration || Ext.fx.Anim.prototype.duration, e = a.easing || "ease", d; if (a.stopAnimation) { b.stopAnimation() } Ext.applyIf(a, Ext.fx.Manager.getFxDefaults(b.id)); Ext.fx.Manager.setFxDefaults(b.id, { delay: 0 }); d = { target: b.dom, remove: a.remove, alternate: a.alternate || false, duration: c, easing: e, callback: a.callback, listeners: a.listeners, iterations: a.iterations || 1, scope: a.scope, block: a.block, concurrent: a.concurrent, delay: a.delay || 0, paused: true, keyframes: a.keyframes, from: a.from || {}, to: Ext.apply({}, a) }; Ext.apply(d.to, a.to); delete d.to.to; delete d.to.from; delete d.to.remove; delete d.to.alternate; delete d.to.keyframes; delete d.to.iterations; delete d.to.listeners; delete d.to.target; delete d.to.paused; delete d.to.callback; delete d.to.scope; delete d.to.duration; delete d.to.easing; delete d.to.concurrent; delete d.to.block; delete d.to.stopAnimation; delete d.to.delay; return d }, slideIn: function (d, c, e) { var h = this, b = h.dom, l = b.style, k, a, g, j; d = d || "t"; c = c || {}; k = function () { var q = this, p = c.listeners, o = Ext.fly(b, "_anim"), r, m, s, n; if (!e) { o.fixDisplay() } r = o.getBox(); if ((d == "t" || d == "b") && r.height === 0) { r.height = b.scrollHeight } else { if ((d == "l" || d == "r") && r.width === 0) { r.width = b.scrollWidth } } m = o.getStyles("width", "height", "left", "right", "top", "bottom", "position", "z-index", true); o.setSize(r.width, r.height); if (c.preserveScroll) { g = o.cacheScrollValues() } n = o.wrap({ id: Ext.id() + "-anim-wrap-for-" + o.dom.id, style: { visibility: e ? "visible" : "hidden" } }); j = n.dom.parentNode; n.setPositioning(o.getPositioning(true)); if (n.isStyle("position", "static")) { n.position("relative") } o.clearPositioning("auto"); n.clip(); if (g) { g() } o.setStyle({ visibility: "", position: "absolute" }); if (e) { n.setSize(r.width, r.height) } switch (d) { case "t": s = { from: { width: r.width + "px", height: "0px" }, to: { width: r.width + "px", height: r.height + "px" } }; l.bottom = "0px"; break; case "l": s = { from: { width: "0px", height: r.height + "px" }, to: { width: r.width + "px", height: r.height + "px" } }; h.anchorAnimX(d); break; case "r": s = { from: { x: r.x + r.width, width: "0px", height: r.height + "px" }, to: { x: r.x, width: r.width + "px", height: r.height + "px" } }; h.anchorAnimX(d); break; case "b": s = { from: { y: r.y + r.height, width: r.width + "px", height: "0px" }, to: { y: r.y, width: r.width + "px", height: r.height + "px" } }; break; case "tl": s = { from: { x: r.x, y: r.y, width: "0px", height: "0px" }, to: { width: r.width + "px", height: r.height + "px" } }; l.bottom = "0px"; h.anchorAnimX("l"); break; case "bl": s = { from: { y: r.y + r.height, width: "0px", height: "0px" }, to: { y: r.y, width: r.width + "px", height: r.height + "px" } }; h.anchorAnimX("l"); break; case "br": s = { from: { x: r.x + r.width, y: r.y + r.height, width: "0px", height: "0px" }, to: { x: r.x, y: r.y, width: r.width + "px", height: r.height + "px" } }; h.anchorAnimX("r"); break; case "tr": s = { from: { x: r.x + r.width, width: "0px", height: "0px" }, to: { x: r.x, width: r.width + "px", height: r.height + "px" } }; l.bottom = "0px"; h.anchorAnimX("r"); break } n.show(); a = Ext.apply({}, c); delete a.listeners; a = new Ext.fx.Anim(Ext.applyIf(a, { target: n, duration: 500, easing: "ease-out", from: e ? s.to : s.from, to: e ? s.from : s.to })); a.on("afteranimate", function () { var t = Ext.fly(b, "_anim"); t.setStyle(m); if (e) { if (c.useDisplay) { t.setDisplayed(false) } else { t.hide() } } if (n.dom) { if (n.dom.parentNode) { n.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(t.dom, n.dom) } else { j.appendChild(t.dom) } n.remove() } if (g) { g() } q.end() }); if (p) { a.on(p) } }; h.animate({ duration: c.duration ? Math.max(c.duration, 500) * 2 : 1000, listeners: { beforeanimate: k } }); return h }, slideOut: function (a, b) { return this.slideIn(a, b, true) }, puff: function (e) { var d = this, g = d.dom, b, c = d.getBox(), a = d.getStyles("width", "height", "left", "right", "top", "bottom", "position", "z-index", "font-size", "opacity", true); e = Ext.applyIf(e || {}, { easing: "ease-out", duration: 500, useDisplay: false }); b = function () { var h = Ext.fly(g, "_anim"); h.clearOpacity(); h.show(); this.to = { width: c.width * 2, height: c.height * 2, x: c.x - (c.width / 2), y: c.y - (c.height / 2), opacity: 0, fontSize: "200%" }; this.on("afteranimate", function () { var j = Ext.fly(g, "_anim"); if (j) { if (e.useDisplay) { j.setDisplayed(false) } else { j.hide() } j.setStyle(a); Ext.callback(e.callback, e.scope) } }) }; d.animate({ duration: e.duration, easing: e.easing, listeners: { beforeanimate: { fn: b } } }); return d }, switchOff: function (c) { var b = this, d = b.dom, a; c = Ext.applyIf(c || {}, { easing: "ease-in", duration: 500, remove: false, useDisplay: false }); a = function () { var k = Ext.fly(d, "_anim"), j = this, h = k.getSize(), l = k.getXY(), g, e; k.clearOpacity(); k.clip(); e = k.getPositioning(); g = new Ext.fx.Animator({ target: d, duration: c.duration, easing: c.easing, keyframes: { 33: { opacity: 0.3 }, 66: { height: 1, y: l[1] + h.height / 2 }, 100: { width: 1, x: l[0] + h.width / 2 } } }); g.on("afteranimate", function () { var m = Ext.fly(d, "_anim"); if (c.useDisplay) { m.setDisplayed(false) } else { m.hide() } m.clearOpacity(); m.setPositioning(e); m.setSize(h); j.end() }) }; b.animate({ duration: (Math.max(c.duration, 500) * 2), listeners: { beforeanimate: { fn: a } }, callback: c.callback, scope: c.scope }); return b }, frame: function (a, d, e) { var c = this, g = c.dom, b; a = a || "#C3DAF9"; d = d || 1; e = e || {}; b = function () { var l = Ext.fly(g, "_anim"), k = this, m, j, h; l.show(); m = l.getBox(); j = Ext.getBody().createChild({ id: l.dom.id + "-anim-proxy", style: { position: "absolute", "pointer-events": "none", "z-index": 35000, border: "0px solid " + a } }); h = new Ext.fx.Anim({ target: j, duration: e.duration || 1000, iterations: d, from: { top: m.y, left: m.x, borderWidth: 0, opacity: 1, height: m.height, width: m.width }, to: { top: m.y - 20, left: m.x - 20, borderWidth: 10, opacity: 0, height: m.height + 40, width: m.width + 40 } }); h.on("afteranimate", function () { j.remove(); k.end() }) }; c.animate({ duration: (Math.max(e.duration, 500) * 2) || 2000, listeners: { beforeanimate: { fn: b } }, callback: e.callback, scope: e.scope }); return c }, ghost: function (a, d) { var c = this, e = c.dom, b; a = a || "b"; b = function () { var k = Ext.fly(e, "_anim"), j = k.getWidth(), h = k.getHeight(), l = k.getXY(), g = k.getPositioning(), m = { opacity: 0 }; switch (a) { case "t": m.y = l[1] - h; break; case "l": m.x = l[0] - j; break; case "r": m.x = l[0] + j; break; case "b": m.y = l[1] + h; break; case "tl": m.x = l[0] - j; m.y = l[1] - h; break; case "bl": m.x = l[0] - j; m.y = l[1] + h; break; case "br": m.x = l[0] + j; m.y = l[1] + h; break; case "tr": m.x = l[0] + j; m.y = l[1] - h; break } this.to = m; this.on("afteranimate", function () { var n = Ext.fly(e, "_anim"); if (n) { n.hide(); n.clearOpacity(); n.setPositioning(g) } }) }; c.animate(Ext.applyIf(d || {}, { duration: 500, easing: "ease-out", listeners: { beforeanimate: b } })); return c }, highlight: function (d, b) { var j = this, e = j.dom, l = {}, h, m, g, c, a, k; if (e.tagName.match(j.tableTagRe)) { return j.select("div").highlight(d, b) } b = b || {}; c = b.listeners || {}; g = b.attr || "backgroundColor"; l[g] = d || "ffff9c"; if (!b.to) { m = {}; m[g] = b.endColor || j.getColor(g, "ffffff", "") } else { m = b.to } b.listeners = Ext.apply(Ext.apply({}, c), { beforeanimate: function () { h = e.style[g]; var n = Ext.fly(e, "_anim"); n.clearOpacity(); n.show(); a = c.beforeanimate; if (a) { k = a.fn || a; return k.apply(a.scope || c.scope || window, arguments) } }, afteranimate: function () { if (e) { e.style[g] = h } a = c.afteranimate; if (a) { k = a.fn || a; k.apply(a.scope || c.scope || window, arguments) } } }); j.animate(Ext.apply({}, b, { duration: 1000, easing: "ease-in", from: l, to: m })); return j }, pause: function (a) { var b = this; Ext.fx.Manager.setFxDefaults(b.id, { delay: a }); return b }, fadeIn: function (c) { var a = this, b = a.dom; a.animate(Ext.apply({}, c, { opacity: 1, internalListeners: { beforeanimate: function (e) { var d = Ext.fly(b, "_anim"); if (d.isStyle("display", "none")) { d.setDisplayed("") } else { d.show() } } } })); return this }, fadeOut: function (c) { var a = this, b = a.dom; c = Ext.apply({ opacity: 0, internalListeners: { afteranimate: function (e) { if (b && e.to.opacity === 0) { var d = Ext.fly(b, "_anim"); if (c.useDisplay) { d.setDisplayed(false) } else { d.hide() } } } } }, c); a.animate(c); return a }, scale: function (a, b, c) { this.animate(Ext.apply({}, c, { width: a, height: b })); return this }, shift: function (a) { this.animate(a); return this }, anchorAnimX: function (a) { var b = (a === "l") ? "right" : "left"; this.dom.style[b] = "0px" } }); Ext.define("Ext.dom.Element_dd", { override: "Ext.dom.Element", initDD: function (c, b, d) { var a = new Ext.dd.DD(Ext.id(this.dom), c, b); return Ext.apply(a, d) }, initDDProxy: function (c, b, d) { var a = new Ext.dd.DDProxy(Ext.id(this.dom), c, b); return Ext.apply(a, d) }, initDDTarget: function (c, b, d) { var a = new Ext.dd.DDTarget(Ext.id(this.dom), c, b); return Ext.apply(a, d) } }); Ext.define("Ext.dom.Element_fx", { override: "Ext.dom.Element" }, function () { var b = Ext.dom.Element, j = "visibility", g = "display", o = "none", e = "hidden", n = "visible", p = "offsets", k = "asclass", a = "nosize", c = "originalDisplay", d = "visibilityMode", h = "isVisible", m = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "hide-offsets", l = function (r) { var s = (r.$cache || r.getCache()).data, t = s[c]; if (t === undefined) { s[c] = t = "" } return t }, q = function (s) { var t = (s.$cache || s.getCache()).data, r = t[d]; if (r === undefined) { t[d] = r = b.VISIBILITY } return r }; b.override({ originalDisplay: "", visibilityMode: 1, setVisible: function (v, r) { var t = this, u = t.dom, s = q(t); if (typeof r == "string") { switch (r) { case g: s = b.DISPLAY; break; case j: s = b.VISIBILITY; break; case p: s = b.OFFSETS; break; case a: case k: s = b.ASCLASS; break } t.setVisibilityMode(s); r = false } if (!r || !t.anim) { if (s == b.DISPLAY) { return t.setDisplayed(v) } else { if (s == b.OFFSETS) { t[v ? "removeCls" : "addCls"](m) } else { if (s == b.VISIBILITY) { t.fixDisplay(); u.style.visibility = v ? "" : e } else { if (s == b.ASCLASS) { t[v ? "removeCls" : "addCls"](t.visibilityCls || b.visibilityCls) } } } } } else { if (v) { t.setOpacity(0.01); t.setVisible(true) } if (!Ext.isObject(r)) { r = { duration: 350, easing: "ease-in" } } t.animate(Ext.applyIf({ callback: function () { if (!v) { Ext.fly(u, "_internal").setVisible(false).setOpacity(1) } }, to: { opacity: (v) ? 1 : 0 } }, r)) } (t.$cache || t.getCache()).data[h] = v; return t }, hasMetrics: function () { var r = q(this); return this.isVisible() || (r == b.OFFSETS) || (r == b.VISIBILITY) }, toggle: function (r) { var s = this; s.setVisible(!s.isVisible(), s.anim(r)); return s }, setDisplayed: function (r) { if (typeof r == "boolean") { r = r ? l(this) : o } this.setStyle(g, r); return this }, fixDisplay: function () { var r = this; if (r.isStyle(g, o)) { r.setStyle(j, e); r.setStyle(g, l(r)); if (r.isStyle(g, o)) { r.setStyle(g, "block") } } }, hide: function (r) { if (typeof r == "string") { this.setVisible(false, r); return this } this.setVisible(false, this.anim(r)); return this }, show: function (r) { if (typeof r == "string") { this.setVisible(true, r); return this } this.setVisible(true, this.anim(r)); return this } }) }); Ext.define("Ext.dom.Element_position", { override: "Ext.dom.Element" }, function () { var y, r = this, n = "left", k = "right", q = "top", h = "bottom", o = "position", j = "static", z = "relative", v = "z-index", u = "BODY", c = "padding", t = "border", s = "-left", m = "-right", a = "-top", l = "-bottom", g = "-width", e = { l: t + s + g, r: t + m + g, t: t + a + g, b: t + l + g }, d = { l: c + s, r: c + m, t: c + a, b: c + l }, w = [d.l, d.r, d.t, d.b], b = [e.l, e.r, e.t, e.b], x = Math.round, A = document, p = function (B) { if (!y) { y = new Ext.Element.Fly() } y.attach(B); return y }; r.override({ pxRe: /^\d+(?:\.\d*)?px$/i, inheritableStatics: { getX: function (B) { return r.getXY(B)[0] }, getXY: function (D) { var G = A.body, C = A.documentElement, B = 0, E = 0, H = [0, 0], F, J; D = Ext.getDom(D); if (D != A && D != G) { if (Ext.isIE) { try { F = D.getBoundingClientRect(); E = C.clientTop || G.clientTop; B = C.clientLeft || G.clientLeft } catch (I) { F = { left: 0, top: 0 } } } else { F = D.getBoundingClientRect() } J = p(A).getScroll(); H = [x(F.left + J.left - B), x(F.top + J.top - E)] } return H }, getY: function (B) { return r.getXY(B)[1] }, setX: function (C, B) { r.setXY(C, [B, false]) }, setXY: function (C, D) { (C = Ext.fly(C, "_setXY")).position(); var E = C.translatePoints(D), B = C.dom.style, F; B.right = "auto"; for (F in E) { if (!isNaN(E[F])) { B[F] = E[F] + "px" } } }, setY: function (B, C) { r.setXY(B, [false, C]) } }, center: function (B) { return this.alignTo(B || A, "c-c") }, clearPositioning: function (B) { B = B || ""; return this.setStyle({ left: B, right: B, top: B, bottom: B, "z-index": "", position: j }) }, getAnchorToXY: function (E, B, D, C) { return E.getAnchorXY(B, D, C) }, getBottom: function (B) { return (B ? this.getLocalY() : this.getY()) + this.getHeight() }, getBorderPadding: function () { var B = this.getStyle(w), C = this.getStyle(b); return { beforeX: (parseFloat(C[e.l]) || 0) + (parseFloat(B[d.l]) || 0), afterX: (parseFloat(C[e.r]) || 0) + (parseFloat(B[d.r]) || 0), beforeY: (parseFloat(C[e.t]) || 0) + (parseFloat(B[d.t]) || 0), afterY: (parseFloat(C[e.b]) || 0) + (parseFloat(B[d.b]) || 0) } }, getCenterXY: function () { return this.getAlignToXY(A, "c-c") }, getLeft: function (B) { return B ? this.getLocalX() : this.getX() }, getLocalX: function () { var D = this, C = D.dom.offsetParent, B = D.getStyle("left"); if (!B || B === "auto") { B = 0 } else { if (D.pxRe.test(B)) { B = parseFloat(B) } else { B = D.getX(); if (C) { B -= r.getX(C) } } } return B }, getLocalXY: function () { var E = this, D = E.dom.offsetParent, C = E.getStyle(["left", "top"]), B = C.left, F = C.top; if (!B || B === "auto") { B = 0 } else { if (E.pxRe.test(B)) { B = parseFloat(B) } else { B = E.getX(); if (D) { B -= r.getX(D) } } } if (!F || F === "auto") { F = 0 } else { if (E.pxRe.test(F)) { F = parseFloat(F) } else { F = E.getY(); if (D) { F -= r.getY(D) } } } return [B, F] }, getLocalY: function () { var C = this, B = C.dom.offsetParent, D = C.getStyle("top"); if (!D || D === "auto") { D = 0 } else { if (C.pxRe.test(D)) { D = parseFloat(D) } else { D = C.getY(); if (B) { D -= r.getY(B) } } } return D }, getPageBox: function (D) { var G = this, E = G.dom, I = E.nodeName == u, J = I ? Ext.Element.getViewWidth() : E.offsetWidth, F = I ? Ext.Element.getViewHeight() : E.offsetHeight, L = G.getXY(), K = L[1], B = L[0] + J, H = L[1] + F, C = L[0]; if (D) { return new Ext.util.Region(K, B, H, C) } else { return { left: C, top: K, width: J, height: F, right: B, bottom: H } } }, getPositioning: function (C) { var B = this.getStyle(["left", "top", "position", "z-index"]), D = this.dom; if (C) { if (B.left === "auto") { B.left = D.offsetLeft + "px" } if (B.top === "auto") { B.top = D.offsetTop + "px" } } return B }, getRight: function (B) { return (B ? this.getLocalX() : this.getX()) + this.getWidth() }, getTop: function (B) { return B ? this.getLocalY() : this.getY() }, getX: function () { return r.getX(this.dom) }, getXY: function () { return r.getXY(this.dom) }, getY: function () { return r.getY(this.dom) }, moveTo: function (B, D, C) { return this.setXY([B, D], C) }, position: function (F, E, B, D) { var C = this; if (!F && C.isStyle(o, j)) { C.setStyle(o, z) } else { if (F) { C.setStyle(o, F) } } if (E) { C.setStyle(v, E) } if (B || D) { C.setXY([B || false, D || false]) } }, setBottom: function (B) { this.dom.style[h] = this.addUnits(B); return this }, setBounds: function (C, F, E, B, D) { return this.setBox({ x: C, y: F, width: E, height: B }, D) }, setLeft: function (B) { this.dom.style[n] = this.addUnits(B); return this }, setLeftTop: function (E, D) { var C = this, B = C.dom.style; B.left = C.addUnits(E); B.top = C.addUnits(D); return C }, setLocalX: function (B) { var C = this.dom.style; C.right = "auto"; C.left = (B === null) ? "auto" : B + "px" }, setLocalXY: function (B, D) { var C = this.dom.style; C.right = "auto"; if (B && B.length) { D = B[1]; B = B[0] } if (B === null) { C.left = "auto" } else { if (B !== undefined) { C.left = B + "px" } } if (D === null) { C.top = "auto" } else { if (D !== undefined) { C.top = D + "px" } } }, setLocalY: function (B) { this.dom.style.top = (B === null) ? "auto" : B + "px" }, setLocation: function (B, D, C) { return this.setXY([B, D], C) }, setPositioning: function (B) { return this.setStyle(B) }, setRight: function (B) { this.dom.style[k] = this.addUnits(B); return this }, setTop: function (B) { this.dom.style[q] = this.addUnits(B); return this }, setX: function (B, C) { return this.setXY([B, this.getY()], C) }, setXY: function (D, B) { var C = this; if (!B || !C.anim) { r.setXY(C.dom, D) } else { if (!Ext.isObject(B)) { B = {} } C.animate(Ext.applyIf({ to: { x: D[0], y: D[1] } }, B)) } return this }, setY: function (C, B) { return this.setXY([this.getX(), C], B) } }); r.getTrueXY = r.getXY }); Ext.define("Ext.dom.Element_scroll", { override: "Ext.dom.Element", isScrollable: function () { var a = this.dom; return a.scrollHeight > a.clientHeight || a.scrollWidth > a.clientWidth }, getScroll: function () { var c = this, h = c.dom, g = document, a = g.body, b = g.documentElement, e, d; if (h === g || h === a) { e = b.scrollLeft || (a ? a.scrollLeft : 0); d = b.scrollTop || (a ? a.scrollTop : 0) } else { e = h.scrollLeft; d = h.scrollTop } return { left: e, top: d } }, getScrollLeft: function () { var b = this.dom, a = document; if (b === a || b === a.body) { return this.getScroll().left } else { return b.scrollLeft } }, getScrollTop: function () { var b = this.dom, a = document; if (b === a || b === a.body) { return this.getScroll().top } else { return b.scrollTop } }, setScrollLeft: function (a) { this.dom.scrollLeft = a; return this }, setScrollTop: function (a) { this.dom.scrollTop = a; return this }, scrollBy: function (b, a, c) { var d = this, e = d.dom; if (b.length) { c = a; a = b[1]; b = b[0] } else { if (typeof b != "number") { c = a; a = b.y; b = b.x } } if (b) { d.scrollTo("left", d.constrainScrollLeft(e.scrollLeft + b), c) } if (a) { d.scrollTo("top", d.constrainScrollTop(e.scrollTop + a), c) } return d }, scrollTo: function (c, e, a) { var g = /top/i.test(c), d = this, j = g ? "scrollTop" : "scrollLeft", h = d.dom, b; if (!a || !d.anim) { h[j] = e; h[j] = e } else { b = { to: {} }; b.to[j] = e; if (Ext.isObject(a)) { Ext.applyIf(b, a) } d.animate(b) } return d }, scrollIntoView: function (b, e, c, h) { var n = this, l = n.dom, j = n.getOffsetsTo(b = Ext.getDom(b) || Ext.getBody().dom), g = j[0] + b.scrollLeft, o = j[1] + b.scrollTop, a = o + l.offsetHeight, p = g + l.offsetWidth, s = b.clientHeight, r = parseInt(b.scrollTop, 10), d = parseInt(b.scrollLeft, 10), k = r + s, q = d + b.clientWidth, m; if (h) { if (c) { c = Ext.apply({ listeners: { afteranimate: function () { n.scrollChildFly.attach(l).highlight() } } }, c) } else { n.scrollChildFly.attach(l).highlight() } } if (l.offsetHeight > s || o < r) { m = o } else { if (a > k) { m = a - s } } if (m != null) { n.scrollChildFly.attach(b).scrollTo("top", m, c) } if (e !== false) { m = null; if (l.offsetWidth > b.clientWidth || g < d) { m = g } else { if (p > q) { m = p - b.clientWidth } } if (m != null) { n.scrollChildFly.attach(b).scrollTo("left", m, c) } } return n }, scrollChildIntoView: function (b, a) { this.scrollChildFly.attach(Ext.getDom(b)).scrollIntoView(this, a) }, scroll: function (k, a, c) { if (!this.isScrollable()) { return false } var j = this, e = j.dom, h = k === "r" || k === "l" ? "left" : "top", b = false, d, g; if (k === "r") { a = -a } if (h === "left") { d = e.scrollLeft; g = j.constrainScrollLeft(d + a) } else { d = e.scrollTop; g = j.constrainScrollTop(d + a) } if (g !== d) { this.scrollTo(h, g, c); b = true } return b }, constrainScrollLeft: function (a) { var b = this.dom; return Math.max(Math.min(a, b.scrollWidth - b.clientWidth), 0) }, constrainScrollTop: function (a) { var b = this.dom; return Math.max(Math.min(a, b.scrollHeight - b.clientHeight), 0) } }, function () { this.prototype.scrollChildFly = new this.Fly(); this.prototype.scrolltoFly = new this.Fly() }); Ext.define("Ext.dom.Element_style", { override: "Ext.dom.Element" }, function () { var s = this, o = document.defaultView, q = /table-row|table-.*-group/, a = "_internal", u = "hidden", r = "height", h = "width", e = "isClipped", l = "overflow", n = "overflow-x", m = "overflow-y", v = "originalClip", b = /#document|body/i, w, g, p, d, t, j, x; if (!o || !o.getComputedStyle) { s.prototype.getStyle = function (C, B) { var O = this, J = O.dom, M = typeof C != "string", k = O.styleHooks, z = C, A = z, I = 1, E = B, N, F, y, D, H, K, G; if (M) { y = {}; z = A[0]; G = 0; if (!(I = A.length)) { return y } } if (!J || J.documentElement) { return y || "" } F = J.style; if (B) { K = F } else { K = J.currentStyle; if (!K) { E = true; K = F } } do { D = k[z]; if (!D) { k[z] = D = { name: s.normalize(z) } } if (D.get) { H = D.get(J, O, E, K) } else { N = D.name; if (D.canThrow) { try { H = K[N] } catch (L) { H = "" } } else { H = K ? K[N] : "" } } if (!M) { return H } y[z] = H; z = A[++G] } while (G < I); return y } } s.override({ getHeight: function (A, y) { var z = this, B = z.isStyle("display", "none"), k, C; if (B) { return 0 } k = z.dom.offsetHeight; if (Ext.supports.Direct2DBug) { C = z.adjustDirect2DDimension(r); if (y) { k += C } else { if (C > 0 && C < 0.5) { k++ } } } if (A) { k -= z.getBorderWidth("tb") + z.getPadding("tb") } return (k < 0) ? 0 : k }, getWidth: function (k, C) { var A = this, D = A.dom, B = A.isStyle("display", "none"), z, y, E; if (B) { return 0 } if (C && Ext.supports.BoundingClientRect) { z = D.getBoundingClientRect(); y = (A.vertical && !Ext.isIE9 && !Ext.supports.RotatedBoundingClientRect) ? (z.bottom - z.top) : (z.right - z.left) } else { y = D.offsetWidth } if (Ext.supports.Direct2DBug && !A.vertical) { E = A.adjustDirect2DDimension(h); if (C) { y += E } else { if (E > 0 && E < 0.5) { y++ } } } if (k) { y -= A.getBorderWidth("lr") + A.getPadding("lr") } return (y < 0) ? 0 : y }, setWidth: function (y, k) { var z = this; y = z.adjustWidth(y); if (!k || !z.anim) { z.dom.style.width = z.addUnits(y) } else { if (!Ext.isObject(k)) { k = {} } z.animate(Ext.applyIf({ to: { width: y } }, k)) } return z }, setHeight: function (k, y) { var z = this; k = z.adjustHeight(k); if (!y || !z.anim) { z.dom.style.height = z.addUnits(k) } else { if (!Ext.isObject(y)) { y = {} } z.animate(Ext.applyIf({ to: { height: k } }, y)) } return z }, applyStyles: function (k) { Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(this.dom, k); return this }, setSize: function (z, k, y) { var A = this; if (Ext.isObject(z)) { y = k; k = z.height; z = z.width } z = A.adjustWidth(z); k = A.adjustHeight(k); if (!y || !A.anim) { A.dom.style.width = A.addUnits(z); A.dom.style.height = A.addUnits(k) } else { if (y === true) { y = {} } A.animate(Ext.applyIf({ to: { width: z, height: k } }, y)) } return A }, getViewSize: function () { var z = this, A = z.dom, y = b.test(A.nodeName), k; if (y) { k = { width: s.getViewWidth(), height: s.getViewHeight() } } else { k = { width: A.clientWidth, height: A.clientHeight } } return k }, getSize: function (k) { return { width: this.getWidth(k), height: this.getHeight(k) } }, adjustWidth: function (k) { var y = this, z = (typeof k == "number"); if (z && y.autoBoxAdjust && !y.isBorderBox()) { k -= (y.getBorderWidth("lr") + y.getPadding("lr")) } return (z && k < 0) ? 0 : k }, adjustHeight: function (k) { var y = this, z = (typeof k == "number"); if (z && y.autoBoxAdjust && !y.isBorderBox()) { k -= (y.getBorderWidth("tb") + y.getPadding("tb")) } return (z && k < 0) ? 0 : k }, getColor: function (y, z, E) { var B = this.getStyle(y), A = E || E === "" ? E : "#", D, k, C = 0; if (!B || (/transparent|inherit/.test(B))) { return z } if (/^r/.test(B)) { B = B.slice(4, B.length - 1).split(","); k = B.length; for (; C < k; C++) { D = parseInt(B[C], 10); A += (D < 16 ? "0" : "") + D.toString(16) } } else { B = B.replace("#", ""); A += B.length == 3 ? B.replace(/^(\w)(\w)(\w)$/, "$1$1$2$2$3$3") : B } return (A.length > 5 ? A.toLowerCase() : z) }, setOpacity: function (y, k) { var z = this; if (!z.dom) { return z } if (!k || !z.anim) { z.setStyle("opacity", y) } else { if (typeof k != "object") { k = { duration: 350, easing: "ease-in" } } z.animate(Ext.applyIf({ to: { opacity: y } }, k)) } return z }, clearOpacity: function () { return this.setOpacity("") }, adjustDirect2DDimension: function (z) { var E = this, y = E.dom, C = E.getStyle("display"), B = y.style.display, F = y.style.position, D = z === h ? 0 : 1, k = y.currentStyle, A; if (C === "inline") { y.style.display = "inline-block" } y.style.position = C.match(q) ? "absolute" : "static"; A = (parseFloat(k[z]) || parseFloat(k.msTransformOrigin.split(" ")[D]) * 2) % 1; y.style.position = F; if (C === "inline") { y.style.display = B } return A }, clip: function () { var y = this, z = (y.$cache || y.getCache()).data, k; if (!z[e]) { z[e] = true; k = y.getStyle([l, n, m]); z[v] = { o: k[l], x: k[n], y: k[m] }; y.setStyle(l, u); y.setStyle(n, u); y.setStyle(m, u) } return y }, unclip: function () { var y = this, z = (y.$cache || y.getCache()).data, k; if (z[e]) { z[e] = false; k = z[v]; if (k.o) { y.setStyle(l, k.o) } if (k.x) { y.setStyle(n, k.x) } if (k.y) { y.setStyle(m, k.y) } } return y }, boxWrap: function (k) { k = k || Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "box"; var y = Ext.get(this.insertHtml("beforeBegin", "
" + Ext.String.format(s.boxMarkup, k) + "
")); Ext.DomQuery.selectNode("." + k + "-mc", y.dom).appendChild(this.dom); return y }, getComputedHeight: function () { var y = this, k = Math.max(y.dom.offsetHeight, y.dom.clientHeight); if (!k) { k = parseFloat(y.getStyle(r)) || 0; if (!y.isBorderBox()) { k += y.getFrameWidth("tb") } } return k }, getComputedWidth: function () { var y = this, k = Math.max(y.dom.offsetWidth, y.dom.clientWidth); if (!k) { k = parseFloat(y.getStyle(h)) || 0; if (!y.isBorderBox()) { k += y.getFrameWidth("lr") } } return k }, getFrameWidth: function (y, k) { return (k && this.isBorderBox()) ? 0 : (this.getPadding(y) + this.getBorderWidth(y)) }, addClsOnOver: function (z, C, y) { var A = this, B = A.dom, k = Ext.isFunction(C); A.hover(function () { if (k && C.call(y || A, A) === false) { return } Ext.fly(B, a).addCls(z) }, function () { Ext.fly(B, a).removeCls(z) }); return A }, addClsOnFocus: function (z, C, y) { var A = this, B = A.dom, k = Ext.isFunction(C); A.on("focus", function () { if (k && C.call(y || A, A) === false) { return false } Ext.fly(B, a).addCls(z) }); A.on("blur", function () { Ext.fly(B, a).removeCls(z) }); return A }, addClsOnClick: function (z, C, y) { var A = this, B = A.dom, k = Ext.isFunction(C); A.on("mousedown", function () { if (k && C.call(y || A, A) === false) { return false } Ext.fly(B, a).addCls(z); var E = Ext.getDoc(), D = function () { Ext.fly(B, a).removeCls(z); E.removeListener("mouseup", D) }; E.on("mouseup", D) }); return A }, getStyleSize: function () { var B = this, C = this.dom, y = b.test(C.nodeName), A, k, z; if (y) { return { width: s.getViewWidth(), height: s.getViewHeight() } } A = B.getStyle([r, h], true); if (A.width && A.width != "auto") { k = parseFloat(A.width); if (B.isBorderBox()) { k -= B.getFrameWidth("lr") } } if (A.height && A.height != "auto") { z = parseFloat(A.height); if (B.isBorderBox()) { z -= B.getFrameWidth("tb") } } return { width: k || B.getWidth(true), height: z || B.getHeight(true) } }, statics: { selectableCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "selectable", unselectableCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "unselectable" }, selectable: function () { var k = this; k.dom.unselectable = ""; k.removeCls(s.unselectableCls); k.addCls(s.selectableCls); return k }, unselectable: function () { var k = this; if (Ext.isOpera) { k.dom.unselectable = "on" } k.removeCls(s.selectableCls); k.addCls(s.unselectableCls); return k }, setVertical: function (B, y) { var A = this, z = s.prototype, k; A.vertical = true; if (y) { A.addCls(A.verticalCls = y) } A.setWidth = z.setHeight; A.setHeight = z.setWidth; if (!Ext.isIE9m) { A.getWidth = z.getHeight; A.getHeight = z.getWidth } A.styleHooks = (B === 270) ? s.prototype.verticalStyleHooks270 : s.prototype.verticalStyleHooks90 }, setHorizontal: function () { var y = this, k = y.verticalCls; delete y.vertical; if (k) { delete y.verticalCls; y.removeCls(k) } delete y.setWidth; delete y.setHeight; if (!Ext.isIE9m) { delete y.getWidth; delete y.getHeight } delete y.styleHooks } }); s.prototype.styleHooks = w = Ext.dom.AbstractElement.prototype.styleHooks; s.prototype.verticalStyleHooks90 = g = Ext.Object.chain(s.prototype.styleHooks); s.prototype.verticalStyleHooks270 = p = Ext.Object.chain(s.prototype.styleHooks); g.width = { name: "height" }; g.height = { name: "width" }; g["margin-top"] = { name: "marginLeft" }; g["margin-right"] = { name: "marginTop" }; g["margin-bottom"] = { name: "marginRight" }; g["margin-left"] = { name: "marginBottom" }; g["padding-top"] = { name: "paddingLeft" }; g["padding-right"] = { name: "paddingTop" }; g["padding-bottom"] = { name: "paddingRight" }; g["padding-left"] = { name: "paddingBottom" }; g["border-top"] = { name: "borderLeft" }; g["border-right"] = { name: "borderTop" }; g["border-bottom"] = { name: "borderRight" }; g["border-left"] = { name: "borderBottom" }; p.width = { name: "height" }; p.height = { name: "width" }; p["margin-top"] = { name: "marginRight" }; p["margin-right"] = { name: "marginBottom" }; p["margin-bottom"] = { name: "marginLeft" }; p["margin-left"] = { name: "marginTop" }; p["padding-top"] = { name: "paddingRight" }; p["padding-right"] = { name: "paddingBottom" }; p["padding-bottom"] = { name: "paddingLeft" }; p["padding-left"] = { name: "paddingTop" }; p["border-top"] = { name: "borderRight" }; p["border-right"] = { name: "borderBottom" }; p["border-bottom"] = { name: "borderLeft" }; p["border-left"] = { name: "borderTop" }; if (Ext.isIE7m) { w.fontSize = w["font-size"] = { name: "fontSize", canThrow: true }; w.fontStyle = w["font-style"] = { name: "fontStyle", canThrow: true }; w.fontFamily = w["font-family"] = { name: "fontFamily", canThrow: true } } if (Ext.isIEQuirks || Ext.isIE && Ext.ieVersion <= 8) { function c(A, y, z, k) { if (k[this.styleName] == "none") { return "0px" } return k[this.name] } d = ["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"]; t = d.length; while (t--) { j = d[t]; x = "border" + j + "Width"; w["border-" + j.toLowerCase() + "-width"] = w[x] = { name: x, styleName: "border" + j + "Style", get: c } } } Ext.getDoc().on("selectstart", function (B, D) { var C = document.documentElement, A = s.selectableCls, z = s.unselectableCls, k = D && D.tagName; k = k && k.toLowerCase(); if (k === "input" || k === "textarea") { return } while (D && D.nodeType === 1 && D !== C) { var y = Ext.fly(D); if (y.hasCls(A)) { return } if (y.hasCls(z)) { B.stopEvent(); return } D = D.parentNode } }) }); Ext.onReady(function () { var c = /alpha\(opacity=(.*)\)/i, b = /^\s+|\s+$/g, a = Ext.dom.Element.prototype.styleHooks; a.opacity = { name: "opacity", afterSet: function (g, e, d) { if (d.isLayer) { d.onOpacitySet(e) } } }; if (!Ext.supports.Opacity && Ext.isIE) { Ext.apply(a.opacity, { get: function (h) { var g = h.style.filter, e, d; if (g.match) { e = g.match(c); if (e) { d = parseFloat(e[1]); if (!isNaN(d)) { return d ? d / 100 : 0 } } } return 1 }, set: function (h, e) { var d = h.style, g = d.filter.replace(c, "").replace(b, ""); d.zoom = 1; if (typeof(e) == "number" && e >= 0 && e < 1) { e *= 100; d.filter = g + (g.length ? " " : "") + "alpha(opacity=" + e + ")" } else { d.filter = g } } }) } }); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.Positionable", Ext.Base, { _positionTopLeft: ["position", "top", "left"], _alignRe: /^([a-z]+)-([a-z]+)(\?)?$/, afterSetPosition: Ext.emptyFn, adjustForConstraints: function (c, b) { var a = this.getConstrainVector(b, c); if (a) { c[0] += a[0]; c[1] += a[1] } return c }, alignTo: function (c, a, g, b) { var e = this, d = e.el; return e.setXY(e.getAlignToXY(c, a, g), d.anim && !!b ? d.anim(b) : false) }, anchorTo: function (h, e, b, a, k, l) { var g = this, j = !Ext.isEmpty(k), c = function () { g.alignTo(h, e, b, a); Ext.callback(l, g) }, d = g.getAnchor(); g.removeAnchor(); Ext.apply(d, { fn: c, scroll: j }); Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(c, null); if (j) { Ext.EventManager.on(window, "scroll", c, null, { buffer: !isNaN(k) ? k : 50 }) } c(); return g }, calculateAnchorXY: function (g, j, h, d) { var k = this, c = k.el, l = document, e = c.dom == l.body || c.dom == l, m = Math.round, n, b, a; g = (g || "tl").toLowerCase(); d = d || {}; b = d.width || e ? Ext.Element.getViewWidth() : k.getWidth(); a = d.height || e ? Ext.Element.getViewHeight() : k.getHeight(); switch (g) { case "tl": n = [0, 0]; break; case "bl": n = [0, a]; break; case "tr": n = [b, 0]; break; case "c": n = [m(b * 0.5), m(a * 0.5)]; break; case "t": n = [m(b * 0.5), 0]; break; case "l": n = [0, m(a * 0.5)]; break; case "r": n = [b, m(a * 0.5)]; break; case "b": n = [m(b * 0.5), a]; break; case "tc": n = [m(b * 0.5), 0]; break; case "bc": n = [m(b * 0.5), a]; break; case "br": n = [b, a] } return [n[0] + j, n[1] + h] }, convertPositionSpec: Ext.identityFn, getAlignToXY: function (k, D, e) { var E = this, B = Ext.Element.getViewWidth() - 10, d = Ext.Element.getViewHeight() - 10, F = document, C = F.documentElement, p = F.body, A = (C.scrollLeft || p.scrollLeft || 0), w = (C.scrollTop || p.scrollTop || 0), a, h, t, g, u, v, r, s, z, q, o, b, c, j, m, n, l; k = Ext.get(k.el || k); if (!k || !k.dom) {} e = e || [0, 0]; D = (!D || D == "?" ? "tl-bl?" : (!(/-/).test(D) && D !== "" ? "tl-" + D : D || "tl-bl")).toLowerCase(); D = E.convertPositionSpec(D); a = D.match(E._alignRe); q = a[1]; o = a[2]; z = !!a[3]; h = E.getAnchorXY(q, true); t = E.getAnchorToXY(k, o, false); n = t[0] - h[0] + e[0]; l = t[1] - h[1] + e[1]; if (z) { g = E.getWidth(); u = E.getHeight(); v = k.getRegion(); b = q.charAt(0); c = q.charAt(q.length - 1); j = o.charAt(0); m = o.charAt(o.length - 1); r = ((b == "t" && j == "b") || (b == "b" && j == "t")); s = ((c == "r" && m == "l") || (c == "l" && m == "r")); if (n + g > B + A) { n = s ? v.left - g : B + A - g } if (n < A) { n = s ? v.right : A } if (l + u > d + w) { l = r ? v.top - u : d + w - u } if (l < w) { l = r ? v.bottom : w } } return [n, l] }, getAnchor: function () { var b = this.el, c = (b.$cache || b.getCache()).data, a; if (!b.dom) { return } a = c._anchor; if (!a) { a = c._anchor = {} } return a }, getAnchorXY: function (d, j, b) { var h = this, k = h.getXY(), a = h.el, m = document, c = a.dom == m.body || a.dom == m, l = a.getScroll(), g = c ? l.left : j ? 0 : k[0], e = c ? l.top : j ? 0 : k[1]; return h.calculateAnchorXY(d, g, e, b) }, getBox: function (d, j) { var e = this, n = j ? e.getLocalXY() : e.getXY(), k = n[0], g = n[1], l = e.getWidth(), b = e.getHeight(), c, a, m; if (d) { c = e.getBorderPadding(); a = c.beforeX; m = c.beforeY; k += a; g += m; l -= (a + c.afterX); b -= (m + c.afterY) } return { x: k, left: k, 0: k, y: g, top: g, 1: g, width: l, height: b, right: k + l, bottom: g + b } }, calculateConstrainedPosition: function (h, b, m, d) { var l = this, c, j = l.floatParent, e = j ? j.getTargetEl() : null, a, g, k, n = false; if (m && j) { a = e.getXY(); g = e.getBorderPadding(); a[0] += g.beforeX; a[1] += g.beforeY; if (b) { k = [b[0] + a[0], b[1] + a[1]] } } else { k = b } h = h || l.constrainTo || e || l.container || l.el.parent(); c = (l.constrainHeader ? l.header : l).getConstrainVector(h, k, d); if (c) { n = b || l.getPosition(m); n[0] += c[0]; n[1] += c[1] } return n }, getConstrainVector: function (e, c, a) { var j = this.getRegion(), b = [0, 0], g = (this.shadow && this.constrainShadow && !this.shadowDisabled) ? this.shadow.getShadowSize() : undefined, d = false, h = this.constraintInsets; if (!(e instanceof Ext.util.Region)) { e = Ext.get(e.el || e).getViewRegion() } if (h) { h = Ext.isObject(h) ? h : Ext.Element.parseBox(h); e.adjust(h.top, h.right, h.bottom, h.length) } if (c) { j.translateBy(c[0] - j.x, c[1] - j.y) } if (a) { j.right = j.left + a[0]; j.bottom = j.top + a[1] } if (g) { e.adjust(g[0], -g[1], -g[2], g[3]) } if (j.right > e.right) { d = true; b[0] = (e.right - j.right) } if (j.left + b[0] < e.left) { d = true; b[0] = (e.left - j.left) } if (j.bottom > e.bottom) { d = true; b[1] = (e.bottom - j.bottom) } if (j.top + b[1] < e.top) { d = true; b[1] = (e.top - j.top) } return d ? b : false }, getOffsetsTo: function (a) { var c = this.getXY(), b = Ext.fly(a.el || a, "_internal").getXY(); return [c[0] - b[0], c[1] - b[1]] }, getRegion: function () { var a = this.getBox(); return new Ext.util.Region(a.top, a.right, a.bottom, a.left) }, getViewRegion: function () { var g = this, c = g.el, a = c.dom.nodeName === "BODY", e, k, h, j, d, b, l; if (a) { k = c.getScroll(); d = k.left; j = k.top; b = Ext.dom.AbstractElement.getViewportWidth(); l = Ext.dom.AbstractElement.getViewportHeight() } else { e = g.getBorderPadding(); h = g.getXY(); d = h[0] + e.beforeX; j = h[1] + e.beforeY; b = g.getWidth(true); l = g.getHeight(true) } return new Ext.util.Region(j, d + b, j + l, d) }, move: function (k, b, c) { var g = this, n = g.getXY(), l = n[0], j = n[1], d = [l - b, j], m = [l + b, j], h = [l, j - b], a = [l, j + b], e = { l: d, left: d, r: m, right: m, t: h, top: h, up: h, b: a, bottom: a, down: a }; k = k.toLowerCase(); g.setXY([e[k][0], e[k][1]], c) }, removeAnchor: function () { var a = this.getAnchor(); if (a && a.fn) { Ext.EventManager.removeResizeListener(a.fn); if (a.scroll) { Ext.EventManager.un(window, "scroll", a.fn) } delete a.fn } return this }, setBox: function (e, a) { var g = this, b = g.el, k = e.x, j = e.y, n = [k, j], l = e.width, d = e.height, c = (g.constrain || g.constrainHeader), m = c && g.calculateConstrainedPosition(null, [k, j], false, [l, d]); if (m) { k = m[0]; j = m[1] } if (!a || !b.anim) { g.setSize(l, d); g.setXY([k, j]); g.afterSetPosition(k, j) } else { g.animate(Ext.applyIf({ to: { x: k, y: j, width: b.adjustWidth(l), height: b.adjustHeight(d) }, listeners: { afteranimate: Ext.Function.bind(g.afterSetPosition, g, [k, j]) } }, a)) } return g }, setRegion: function (b, a) { return this.setBox({ x: b.left, y: b.top, width: b.right - b.left, height: b.bottom - b.top }, a) }, translatePoints: function (a, c) { var b = this.translateXY(a, c); return { left: b.x, top: b.y } }, translateXY: function (h, e) { var d = this, b = d.el, j = b.getStyle(d._positionTopLeft), a = j.position == "relative", c = parseFloat(j.left), g = parseFloat(j.top), k = d.getXY(); if (Ext.isArray(h)) { e = h[1]; h = h[0] } if (isNaN(c)) { c = a ? 0 : b.dom.offsetLeft } if (isNaN(g)) { g = a ? 0 : b.dom.offsetTop } c = (typeof h == "number") ? h - k[0] + c : undefined; g = (typeof e == "number") ? e - k[1] + g : undefined; return { x: c, y: g } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "Positionable"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.dom.Element", Ext.dom.AbstractElement, function (a) { var b = "hidden", g = document, k = "visibility", c = "display", l = "none", e = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "masked", m = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "masked-relative", j = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "mask-msg", n = /^body/i, h, d = Ext.isStrict ? { select: 1 } : { input: 1, select: 1, textarea: 1 }, o = function (u) { var t = [], p = -1, s, q; for (s = 0; q = u[s]; s++) { if (q.scrollTop > 0 || q.scrollLeft > 0) { t[++p] = q } } return t }; return { alternateClassName: ["Ext.Element", "Ext.core.Element"], tableTagRe: /^(?:tr|td|table|tbody)$/i, addUnits: function () { return a.addUnits.apply(a, arguments) }, focus: function (s, r) { var p = this; r = r || p.dom; try { if (Number(s)) { Ext.defer(p.focus, s, p, [null, r]) } else { r.focus() } } catch (q) {} return p }, blur: function () { var p = this, r = p.dom; if (r !== document.body) { try { r.blur() } catch (q) {} return p } else { return p.focus(undefined, r) } }, isBorderBox: function () { var p = Ext.isBorderBox; if (p && Ext.isIE7m) { p = !((this.dom.tagName || "").toLowerCase()in d) } return p }, hover: function (q, p, s, r) { var t = this; t.on("mouseenter", q, s || t.dom, r); t.on("mouseleave", p, s || t.dom, r); return t }, getAttributeNS: function (q, p) { return this.getAttribute(p, q) }, getAttribute: (Ext.isIE && !(Ext.isIE9p && g.documentMode >= 9)) ? function (p, r) { var s = this.dom, q; if (r) { q = typeof s[r + ":" + p]; if (q != "undefined" && q != "unknown") { return s[r + ":" + p] || null } return null } if (p === "for") { p = "htmlFor" } return s[p] || null } : function (p, q) { var r = this.dom; if (q) { return r.getAttributeNS(q, p) || r.getAttribute(q + ":" + p) } return r.getAttribute(p) || r[p] || null }, cacheScrollValues: function () { var t = this, s, r, q, u = [], p = function () { for (q = 0; q < s.length; q++) { r = s[q]; r.scrollLeft = u[q][0]; r.scrollTop = u[q][1] } }; if (!Ext.DomQuery.pseudos.isScrolled) { Ext.DomQuery.pseudos.isScrolled = o } s = t.query(":isScrolled"); for (q = 0; q < s.length; q++) { r = s[q]; u[q] = [r.scrollLeft, r.scrollTop] } return p }, autoBoxAdjust: true, isVisible: function (p) { var r = this, s = r.dom, q = s.ownerDocument.documentElement; if (!h) { h = new a.Fly() } while (s !== q) { if (!s || s.nodeType === 11 || (h.attach(s)).isStyle(k, b) || h.isStyle(c, l)) { return false } if (!p) { break } s = s.parentNode } return true }, isDisplayed: function () { return !this.isStyle(c, l) }, enableDisplayMode: function (q) { var p = this; p.setVisibilityMode(a.DISPLAY); if (!Ext.isEmpty(q)) { (p.$cache || p.getCache()).data.originalDisplay = q } return p }, mask: function (p, z, w) { var B = this, s = B.dom, t = s.style.setExpression, v = (B.$cache || B.getCache()).data, r = v.maskShimEl, y = v.maskEl, q = v.maskMsg, u, x; if (!(n.test(s.tagName) && B.getStyle("position") == "static")) { B.addCls(m) } if (y) { y.remove() } if (q) { q.remove() } if (r) { r.remove() } if (Ext.isIE6) { r = Ext.DomHelper.append(s, { tag: "iframe", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "shim " + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "mask-shim" }, true); v.maskShimEl = r; r.setDisplayed(true) } Ext.DomHelper.append(s, [{ cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "mask", style: "top:0;left:0;" }, { cls: z ? j + " " + z : j, cn: { tag: "div", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "mask-msg-inner", cn: { tag: "div", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "mask-msg-text", html: p || "" } } } ]); q = Ext.get(s.lastChild); y = Ext.get(q.dom.previousSibling); v.maskMsg = q; v.maskEl = y; B.addCls(e); y.setDisplayed(true); if (typeof p == "string") { q.setDisplayed(true); q.center(B) } else { q.setDisplayed(false) } if (!Ext.supports.IncludePaddingInWidthCalculation && t) { try { y.dom.style.setExpression("width", 'this.parentNode.clientWidth + "px"'); u = 'this.parentNode.clientWidth + "px"'; if (r) { r.dom.style.setExpression("width", u) } y.dom.style.setExpression("width", u) } catch (A) {} } if (!Ext.supports.IncludePaddingInHeightCalculation && t) { try { x = "this.parentNode." + (s == g.body ? "scrollHeight" : "offsetHeight") + ' + "px"'; if (r) { r.dom.style.setExpression("height", x) } y.dom.style.setExpression("height", x) } catch (A) {} } else { if (Ext.isIE9m && !(Ext.isIE7 && Ext.isStrict) && B.getStyle("height") == "auto") { if (r) { r.setSize(undefined, w || B.getHeight()) } y.setSize(undefined, w || B.getHeight()) } } return y }, unmask: function () { var t = this, u = (t.$cache || t.getCache()).data, s = u.maskEl, q = u.maskShimEl, p = u.maskMsg, r; if (s) { r = s.dom.style; if (r.clearExpression) { r.clearExpression("width"); r.clearExpression("height") } if (s) { s.remove(); delete u.maskEl } if (p) { p.remove(); delete u.maskMsg } t.removeCls([e, m]); if (q) { r = q.dom.style; if (r.clearExpression) { r.clearExpression("width"); r.clearExpression("height") } q.remove(); delete u.maskShimEl } } }, isMasked: function () { var r = this, t = (r.$cache || r.getCache()).data, q = t.maskEl, p = t.maskMsg, s = false; if (q && q.isVisible()) { if (p) { p.center(r) } s = true } return s }, createShim: function () { var p = g.createElement("iframe"), q; p.frameBorder = "0"; p.className = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "shim"; p.src = Ext.SSL_SECURE_URL; q = Ext.get(this.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(p, this.dom)); q.autoBoxAdjust = false; return q }, addKeyListener: function (q, s, r) { var p; if (typeof q != "object" || Ext.isArray(q)) { p = { target: this, key: q, fn: s, scope: r } } else { p = { target: this, key: q.key, shift: q.shift, ctrl: q.ctrl, alt: q.alt, fn: s, scope: r } } return new Ext.util.KeyMap(p) }, addKeyMap: function (p) { return new Ext.util.KeyMap(Ext.apply({ target: this }, p)) }, on: function (p, s, r, q) { Ext.EventManager.on(this, p, s, r || this, q); return this }, un: function (p, r, q) { Ext.EventManager.un(this, p, r, q || this); return this }, removeAllListeners: function () { Ext.EventManager.removeAll(this); return this }, purgeAllListeners: function () { Ext.EventManager.purgeElement(this); return this }, select: function (p) { return a.select(p, false, this.dom) } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [[Ext.util.Positionable.prototype.mixinId || Ext.util.Positionable.$className, Ext.util.Positionable]], [Ext.dom, "Element", Ext, "Element", Ext.core, "Element"], function () { var DOC = document, EC = Ext.cache, Element = this, AbstractElement = Ext.dom.AbstractElement, focusRe = /^a|button|embed|iframe|input|object|select|textarea$/i, nonSpaceRe = /\S/, scriptTagRe = /(?:]*)?>)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:<\/script>)/ig, replaceScriptTagRe = /(?:)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:<\/script>)/ig, srcRe = /\ssrc=([\'\"])(.*?)\1/i, typeRe = /\stype=([\'\"])(.*?)\1/i, useDocForId = !Ext.isIE8m, internalFly; Element.boxMarkup = '
'; function garbageCollect() { if (!Ext.enableGarbageCollector) { clearInterval(Element.collectorThreadId) } else { var eid, d, o, t; for (eid in EC) { if (!EC.hasOwnProperty(eid)) { continue } o = EC[eid]; if (o.skipGarbageCollection) { continue } d = o.dom; if (d && (!d.parentNode || (!d.offsetParent && !Ext.getElementById(eid)))) { if (Ext.enableListenerCollection) { Ext.EventManager.removeAll(d) } delete EC[eid] } } if (Ext.isIE) { t = {}; for (eid in EC) { if (!EC.hasOwnProperty(eid)) { continue } t[eid] = EC[eid] } EC = Ext.cache = t } } } Element.collectorThreadId = setInterval(garbageCollect, 30000); Element.addMethods({ monitorMouseLeave: function (delay, handler, scope) { var me = this, timer, listeners = { mouseleave: function (e) { timer = setTimeout(Ext.Function.bind(handler, scope || me, [e]), delay) }, mouseenter: function () { clearTimeout(timer) }, freezeEvent: true }; me.on(listeners); return listeners }, swallowEvent: function (eventName, preventDefault) { var me = this, e, eLen, fn = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); if (preventDefault) { e.preventDefault() } }; if (Ext.isArray(eventName)) { eLen = eventName.length; for (e = 0; e < eLen; e++) { me.on(eventName[e], fn) } return me } me.on(eventName, fn); return me }, relayEvent: function (eventName, observable) { this.on(eventName, function (e) { observable.fireEvent(eventName, e) }) }, clean: function (forceReclean) { var me = this, dom = me.dom, data = (me.$cache || me.getCache()).data, n = dom.firstChild, ni = -1, nx; if (data.isCleaned && forceReclean !== true) { return me } while (n) { nx = n.nextSibling; if (n.nodeType == 3) { if (!(nonSpaceRe.test(n.nodeValue))) { dom.removeChild(n) } else { if (nx && nx.nodeType == 3) { n.appendData(Ext.String.trim(nx.data)); dom.removeChild(nx); nx = n.nextSibling; n.nodeIndex = ++ni } } } else { internalFly.attach(n).clean(); n.nodeIndex = ++ni } n = nx } data.isCleaned = true; return me }, load: function (options) { this.getLoader().load(options); return this }, getLoader: function () { var me = this, data = (me.$cache || me.getCache()).data, loader = data.loader; if (!loader) { data.loader = loader = new Ext.ElementLoader({ target: me }) } return loader }, syncContent: function (source) { source = Ext.getDom(source); var sourceNodes = source.childNodes, sourceLen = sourceNodes.length, dest = this.dom, destNodes = dest.childNodes, destLen = destNodes.length, i, destNode, sourceNode, nodeType, newAttrs, attLen, attName; if (Ext.isIE9m && dest.mergeAttributes) { dest.mergeAttributes(source, true); dest.src = source.src } else { newAttrs = source.attributes; attLen = newAttrs.length; for (i = 0; i < attLen; i++) { attName = newAttrs[i].name; if (attName !== "id") { dest.setAttribute(attName, newAttrs[i].value) } } } if (sourceLen !== destLen) { dest.innerHTML = source.innerHTML; return } for (i = 0; i < sourceLen; i++) { sourceNode = sourceNodes[i]; destNode = destNodes[i]; nodeType = sourceNode.nodeType; if (nodeType !== destNode.nodeType || (nodeType === 1 && sourceNode.tagName !== destNode.tagName)) { dest.innerHTML = source.innerHTML; return } if (nodeType === 3) { destNode.data = sourceNode.data } else { if (sourceNode.id && destNode.id !== sourceNode.id) { destNode.id = sourceNode.id } destNode.style.cssText = sourceNode.style.cssText; destNode.className = sourceNode.className; internalFly.attach(destNode).syncContent(sourceNode) } } }, update: function (html, loadScripts, callback) { var me = this, id, dom, interval; if (!me.dom) { return me } html = html || ""; dom = me.dom; if (loadScripts !== true) { dom.innerHTML = html; Ext.callback(callback, me); return me } id = Ext.id(); html += ''; interval = setInterval(function () { var hd, match, attrs, srcMatch, typeMatch, el, s; if (!(el = DOC.getElementById(id))) { return false } clearInterval(interval); Ext.removeNode(el); hd = Ext.getHead().dom; while ((match = scriptTagRe.exec(html))) { attrs = match[1]; srcMatch = attrs ? attrs.match(srcRe) : false; if (srcMatch && srcMatch[2]) { s = DOC.createElement("script"); s.src = srcMatch[2]; typeMatch = attrs.match(typeRe); if (typeMatch && typeMatch[2]) { s.type = typeMatch[2] } hd.appendChild(s) } else { if (match[2] && match[2].length > 0) { if (window.execScript) { window.execScript(match[2]) } else { window.eval(match[2]) } } } } Ext.callback(callback, me) }, 20); dom.innerHTML = html.replace(replaceScriptTagRe, ""); return me }, removeAllListeners: function () { this.removeAnchor(); Ext.EventManager.removeAll(this.dom); return this }, createProxy: function (config, renderTo, matchBox) { config = (typeof config == "object") ? config : { tag: "div", cls: config }; var me = this, proxy = renderTo ? Ext.DomHelper.append(renderTo, config, true) : Ext.DomHelper.insertBefore(me.dom, config, true); proxy.setVisibilityMode(Element.DISPLAY); proxy.hide(); if (matchBox && me.setBox && me.getBox) { proxy.setBox(me.getBox()) } return proxy }, needsTabIndex: function () { if (this.dom) { if ((this.dom.nodeName === "a") && (!this.dom.href)) { return true } return !focusRe.test(this.dom.nodeName) } }, isFocusable: function (asFocusEl) { var dom = this.dom, tabIndexAttr = dom.getAttributeNode("tabIndex"), tabIndex, nodeName = dom.nodeName, canFocus = false; if (tabIndexAttr && tabIndexAttr.specified) { tabIndex = tabIndexAttr.value } if (dom && !dom.disabled) { if (tabIndex == -1) { canFocus = Ext.FocusManager && Ext.FocusManager.enabled && asFocusEl } else { if (focusRe.test(nodeName)) { if ((nodeName !== "a") || dom.href) { canFocus = true } } else { canFocus = tabIndex != null && tabIndex >= 0 } } canFocus = canFocus && this.isVisible(true) } return canFocus } }); if (Ext.isIE) { Element.prototype.getById = function (id, asDom) { var dom = this.dom, cacheItem, el, ret; if (dom) { el = (useDocForId && DOC.getElementById(id)) || dom.all[id]; if (el) { if (asDom) { ret = el } else { cacheItem = EC[id]; if (cacheItem && cacheItem.el) { ret = Ext.updateCacheEntry(cacheItem, el).el } else { ret = new Element(el) } } return ret } } return asDom ? Ext.getDom(id) : Element.get(id) } } Element.createAlias({ addListener: "on", removeListener: "un", clearListeners: "removeAllListeners", focusable: "isFocusable" }); Element.Fly = AbstractElement.Fly = new Ext.Class({ extend: Element, isFly: true, constructor: function (dom) { this.dom = dom; this.el = this }, attach: AbstractElement.Fly.prototype.attach }); internalFly = new Element.Fly(); if (Ext.isIE) { Ext.getElementById = function (id) { var el = DOC.getElementById(id), detachedBodyEl; if (!el && (detachedBodyEl = AbstractElement.detachedBodyEl)) { el = detachedBodyEl.dom.all[id] } return el } } else { if (!DOC.querySelector) { Ext.getDetachedBody = Ext.getBody; Ext.getElementById = function (id) { return DOC.getElementById(id) } } } })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.dom.CompositeElementLite", Ext.Base, { alternateClassName: "Ext.CompositeElementLite", statics: { importElementMethods: function () { var b, c = Ext.dom.Element.prototype, a = this.prototype; for (b in c) { if (typeof c[b] == "function") { (function (d) { a[d] = a[d] || function () { return this.invoke(d, arguments) } }).call(a, b) } } } }, constructor: function (b, a) { this.elements = []; this.add(b, a); this.el = new Ext.dom.AbstractElement.Fly() }, isComposite: true, getElement: function (a) { return this.el.attach(a) }, transformElement: function (a) { return Ext.getDom(a) }, getCount: function () { return this.elements.length }, add: function (c, a) { var e = this.elements, b, d; if (!c) { return this } if (typeof c == "string") { c = Ext.dom.Element.selectorFunction(c, a) } else { if (c.isComposite) { c = c.elements } else { if (!Ext.isIterable(c)) { c = [c] } } } for (b = 0, d = c.length; b < d; ++b) { e.push(this.transformElement(c[b])) } return this }, invoke: function (d, a) { var g = this.elements, e = g.length, c, b; d = Ext.dom.Element.prototype[d]; for (b = 0; b < e; b++) { c = g[b]; if (c) { d.apply(this.getElement(c), a) } } return this }, item: function (b) { var c = this.elements[b], a = null; if (c) { a = this.getElement(c) } return a }, slice: function () { return this.elements.slice.apply(this.elements, arguments) }, addListener: function (b, j, h, g) { var d = this.elements, a = d.length, c, k; for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { k = d[c]; if (k) { Ext.EventManager.on(k, b, j, h || k, g) } } return this }, each: function (g, d) { var h = this, c = h.elements, a = c.length, b, j; for (b = 0; b < a; b++) { j = c[b]; if (j) { j = this.getElement(j); if (g.call(d || j, j, h, b) === false) { break } } } return h }, fill: function (a) { var b = this; b.elements = []; b.add(a); return b }, insert: function (b, a) { Ext.Array.insert(this.elements, b, a) }, filter: function (b) { var h = this, c = h.elements, g = c.length, d = [], e = 0, j = typeof b == "function", k, a; for (; e < g; e++) { a = c[e]; k = false; if (a) { a = h.getElement(a); if (j) { k = b.call(a, a, h, e) !== false } else { k = a.is(b) } if (k) { d.push(h.transformElement(a)) } } } h.elements = d; return h }, indexOf: function (a) { return Ext.Array.indexOf(this.elements, this.transformElement(a)) }, replaceElement: function (e, c, a) { var b = !isNaN(e) ? e : this.indexOf(e), g; if (b > -1) { c = Ext.getDom(c); if (a) { g = this.elements[b]; g.parentNode.insertBefore(c, g); Ext.removeNode(g) } Ext.Array.splice(this.elements, b, 1, c) } return this }, clear: function (d) { var c = this, b = c.elements, a = b.length - 1; if (d) { for (; a >= 0; a--) { Ext.removeNode(b[a]) } } this.elements = [] }, addElements: function (d, b) { if (!d) { return this } if (typeof d == "string") { d = Ext.dom.Element.selectorFunction(d, b) } var c = this.elements, a = d.length, g; for (g = 0; g < a; g++) { c.push(Ext.get(d[g])) } return this }, first: function () { return this.item(0) }, last: function () { return this.item(this.getCount() - 1) }, contains: function (a) { return this.indexOf(a) != -1 }, removeElement: function (e, j) { e = [].concat(e); var d = this, g = d.elements, c = e.length, h, b, a; for (a = 0; a < c; a++) { h = e[a]; if ((b = (g[h] || g[h = d.indexOf(h)]))) { if (j) { if (b.dom) { b.remove() } else { Ext.removeNode(b) } } Ext.Array.erase(g, h, 1) } } return d } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.dom, "CompositeElementLite", Ext, "CompositeElementLite"], function () { this.importElementMethods(); this.prototype.on = this.prototype.addListener; if (Ext.DomQuery) { Ext.dom.Element.selectorFunction = Ext.DomQuery.select } Ext.dom.Element.select = function (a, b) { var c; if (typeof a == "string") { c = Ext.dom.Element.selectorFunction(a, b) } else { if (a.length !== undefined) { c = a } else {} } return new Ext.CompositeElementLite(c) }; Ext.select = function () { return Ext.dom.Element.select.apply(Ext.dom.Element, arguments) } })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.dom.CompositeElement", Ext.dom.CompositeElementLite, { alternateClassName: "Ext.CompositeElement", getElement: function (a) { return a }, transformElement: function (a) { return Ext.get(a) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.dom, "CompositeElement", Ext, "CompositeElement"], function () { Ext.dom.Element.select = function (a, d, b) { var c; if (typeof a == "string") { c = Ext.dom.Element.selectorFunction(a, b) } else { if (a.length !== undefined) { c = a } else {} } return (d === true) ? new Ext.CompositeElement(c) : new Ext.CompositeElementLite(c) } })); Ext.select = Ext.Element.select; (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.HashMap", Ext.Base, { generation: 0, constructor: function (a) { a = a || {}; var c = this, b = a.keyFn; c.initialConfig = a; c.addEvents("add", "clear", "remove", "replace"); c.mixins.observable.constructor.call(c, a); c.clear(true); if (b) { c.getKey = b } }, getCount: function () { return this.length }, getData: function (a, b) { if (b === undefined) { b = a; a = this.getKey(b) } return [a, b] }, getKey: function (a) { return a.id }, add: function (a, c) { var b = this; if (arguments.length === 1) { c = a; a = b.getKey(c) } if (b.containsKey(a)) { return b.replace(a, c) } b.map[a] = c; ++b.length; b.generation++; if (b.hasListeners.add) { b.fireEvent("add", b, a, c) } return c }, replace: function (b, d) { var c = this, e = c.map, a; if (arguments.length === 1) { d = b; b = c.getKey(d) } if (!c.containsKey(b)) { c.add(b, d) } a = e[b]; e[b] = d; c.generation++; if (c.hasListeners.replace) { c.fireEvent("replace", c, b, d, a) } return d }, remove: function (b) { var a = this.findKey(b); if (a !== undefined) { return this.removeAtKey(a) } return false }, removeAtKey: function (a) { var b = this, c; if (b.containsKey(a)) { c = b.map[a]; delete b.map[a]; --b.length; b.generation++; if (b.hasListeners.remove) { b.fireEvent("remove", b, a, c) } return true } return false }, get: function (a) { var b = this.map; return b.hasOwnProperty(a) ? b[a] : undefined }, clear: function (a) { var b = this; if (a || b.generation) { b.map = {}; b.length = 0; b.generation = a ? 0 : b.generation + 1 } if (a !== true && b.hasListeners.clear) { b.fireEvent("clear", b) } return b }, containsKey: function (a) { var b = this.map; return b.hasOwnProperty(a) && b[a] !== undefined }, contains: function (a) { return this.containsKey(this.findKey(a)) }, getKeys: function () { return this.getArray(true) }, getValues: function () { return this.getArray(false) }, getArray: function (d) { var a = [], b, c = this.map; for (b in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(b)) { a.push(d ? b : c[b]) } } return a }, each: function (d, c) { var a = Ext.apply({}, this.map), b, e = this.length; c = c || this; for (b in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(b)) { if (d.call(c, b, a[b], e) === false) { break } } } return this }, clone: function () { var c = new this.self(this.initialConfig), b = this.map, a; c.suspendEvents(); for (a in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(a)) { c.add(a, b[a]) } } c.resumeEvents(); return c }, findKey: function (b) { var a, c = this.map; for (a in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(a) && c[a] === b) { return a } } return undefined } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.util, "HashMap"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.AbstractManager", Ext.Base, { typeName: "type", constructor: function (a) { Ext.apply(this, a || {}); this.all = new Ext.util.HashMap(); this.types = {} }, get: function (a) { return this.all.get(a) }, register: function (a) { this.all.add(a) }, unregister: function (a) { this.all.remove(a) }, registerType: function (b, a) { this.types[b] = a; a[this.typeName] = b }, isRegistered: function (a) { return this.types[a] !== undefined }, create: function (a, d) { var b = a[this.typeName] || a.type || d, c = this.types[b]; return new c(a) }, onAvailable: function (g, c, b) { var a = this.all, d, e; if (a.containsKey(g)) { d = a.get(g); c.call(b || d, d) } else { e = function (k, h, j) { if (h == g) { c.call(b || j, j); a.un("add", e) } }; a.on("add", e) } }, each: function (b, a) { this.all.each(b, a || this) }, getCount: function () { return this.all.getCount() } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext, "AbstractManager"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.ComponentManager", Ext.AbstractManager, { alternateClassName: "Ext.ComponentMgr", singleton: true, typeName: "xtype", create: function (a, b) { if (typeof a == "string") { return Ext.widget(a) } if (a.isComponent) { return a } return Ext.widget(a.xtype || b, a) }, registerType: function (b, a) { this.types[b] = a; a[this.typeName] = b; a.prototype[this.typeName] = b } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext, "ComponentManager", Ext, "ComponentMgr"], function () { Ext.getCmp = function (a) { return Ext.ComponentManager.get(a) } })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.ComponentQuery", Ext.Base, { singleton: true }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext, "ComponentQuery"], function () { var j = this, m = Ext.dom.Query.operators, p = /(\d*)n\+?(\d*)/, a = /\D/, n = ["var r = [],", "i = 0,", "it = items,", "l = it.length,", "c;", "for (; i < l; i++) {", "c = it[i];", "if (c.{0}) {", "r.push(c);", "}", "}", "return r;"].join(""), g = function (t, s) { return s.method.apply(this, [t].concat(s.args)) }, b = function (u, y) { var s = [], v = 0, x = u.length, w, t = y !== ">"; for (; v < x; v++) { w = u[v]; if (w.getRefItems) { s = s.concat(w.getRefItems(t)) } } return s }, h = function (t) { var s = [], u = 0, w = t.length, v; for (; u < w; u++) { v = t[u]; while (!!(v = v.getRefOwner())) { s.push(v) } } return s }, q = function (t, y, x) { if (y === "*") { return t.slice() } else { var s = [], u = 0, w = t.length, v; for (; u < w; u++) { v = t[u]; if (v.isXType(y, x)) { s.push(v) } } return s } }, l = function (t, w) { var s = [], u = 0, x = t.length, v; for (; u < x; u++) { v = t[u]; if (v.hasCls(w)) { s.push(v) } } return s }, r = function (A, B, v, u) { var E = [], z = 0, t = A.length, D, w, C, s, y, x; if (B.charAt(0) === "@") { D = true; B = B.substr(1) } if (B.charAt(0) === "?") { D = true; w = true; B = B.substr(1) } for (; z < t; z++) { C = A[z]; if (!D || C.hasOwnProperty(B)) { s = C[B]; if (w) { E.push(C) } else { if (v === "~=") { if (s) { if (!Ext.isArray(s)) { s = s.split(" ") } for (y = 0, x = s.length; y < x; y++) { if (m[v](Ext.coerce(s[y], u), u)) { E.push(C); break } } } } else { if (!u ? !!C[B] : m[v](Ext.coerce(s, u), u)) { E.push(C) } } } } } return E }, e = function (t, x) { var s = [], u = 0, w = t.length, v; for (; u < w; u++) { v = t[u]; if (v.getItemId() === x) { s.push(v) } } return s }, o = function (s, t, u) { return j.pseudos[t](s, u) }, k = /^(\s?([>\^])\s?|\s|$)/, d = /^(#)?([\w\-]+|\*)(?:\((true|false)\))?/, c = [{ re: /^\.([\w\-]+)(?:\((true|false)\))?/, method: q }, { re: /^(?:\[((?:@|\?)?[\w\-\$]*[^\^\$\*~%!])\s?(?:(=|.=)\s?['"]?(.*?)["']?)?\])/, method: r }, { re: /^#([\w\-]+)/, method: e }, { re: /^\:([\w\-]+)(?:\(((?:\{[^\}]+\})|(?:(?!\{)[^\s>\/]*?(?!\})))\))?/, method: o }, { re: /^(?:\{([^\}]+)\})/, method: n } ]; j.Query = Ext.extend(Object, { constructor: function (s) { s = s || {}; Ext.apply(this, s) }, execute: function (t) { var v = this.operations, w = 0, x = v.length, u, s; if (!t) { s = Ext.ComponentManager.all.getArray() } else { if (Ext.isIterable(t)) { s = t } else { if (t.isMixedCollection) { s = t.items } } } for (; w < x; w++) { u = v[w]; if (u.mode === "^") { s = h(s || [t]) } else { if (u.mode) { s = b(s || [t], u.mode) } else { s = g(s || b([t]), u) } } if (w === x - 1) { return s } } return [] }, is: function (u) { var t = this.operations, x = Ext.isArray(u) ? u : [u], s = x.length, y = t[t.length - 1], w, v; x = g(x, y); if (x.length === s) { if (t.length > 1) { for (v = 0, w = x.length; v < w; v++) { if (Ext.Array.indexOf(this.execute(), x[v]) === -1) { return false } } } return true } return false } }); Ext.apply(this, { cache: {}, pseudos: { not: function (y, s) { var z = Ext.ComponentQuery, w = 0, x = y.length, v = [], u = -1, t; for (; w < x; ++w) { t = y[w]; if (!z.is(t, s)) { v[++u] = t } } return v }, first: function (t) { var s = []; if (t.length > 0) { s.push(t[0]) } return s }, last: function (u) { var s = u.length, t = []; if (s > 0) { t.push(u[s - 1]) } return t }, focusable: function (t) { var s = t.length, v = [], u = 0, w; for (; u < s; u++) { w = t[u]; if (w.isFocusable()) { v.push(w) } } return v }, "nth-child": function (y, z) { var A = [], t = p.exec(z == "even" && "2n" || z == "odd" && "2n+1" || !a.test(z) && "n+" + z || z), x = (t[1] || 1) - 0, v = t[2] - 0, w, s, u; for (w = 0; s = y[w]; w++) { u = w + 1; if (x == 1) { if (v == 0 || u == v) { A.push(s) } } else { if ((u + v) % x == 0) { A.push(s) } } } return A } }, query: function (t, A) { var B = t.split(","), s = B.length, u = 0, v = [], C = [], z = {}, x, w, y; for (; u < s; u++) { t = Ext.String.trim(B[u]); x = this.cache[t] || (this.cache[t] = this.parse(t)); v = v.concat(x.execute(A)) } if (s > 1) { w = v.length; for (u = 0; u < w; u++) { y = v[u]; if (!z[y.id]) { C.push(y); z[y.id] = true } } v = C } return v }, is: function (t, s) { if (!s) { return true } var v = s.split(","), w = v.length, u = 0, x; for (; u < w; u++) { s = Ext.String.trim(v[u]); x = this.cache[s] || (this.cache[s] = this.parse(s)); if (x.is(t)) { return true } } return false }, parse: function (v) { var t = [], u = c.length, z, w, A, B, C, x, y, s; while (v && z !== v) { z = v; w = v.match(d); if (w) { A = w[1]; if (A === "#") { t.push({ method: e, args: [Ext.String.trim(w[2])] }) } else { if (A === ".") { t.push({ method: l, args: [Ext.String.trim(w[2])] }) } else { t.push({ method: q, args: [Ext.String.trim(w[2]), Boolean(w[3])] }) } } v = v.replace(w[0], "") } while (!(B = v.match(k))) { for (x = 0; v && x < u; x++) { y = c[x]; C = v.match(y.re); s = y.method; if (C) { t.push({ method: Ext.isString(y.method) ? Ext.functionFactory("items", Ext.String.format.apply(Ext.String, [s].concat(C.slice(1)))) : y.method, args: C.slice(1) }); v = v.replace(C[0], ""); break } if (x === (u - 1)) { Ext.Error.raise('Invalid ComponentQuery selector: "' + arguments[0] + '"') } } } if (B[1]) { t.push({ mode: B[2] || B[1] }); v = v.replace(B[0], "") } } return new j.Query({ operations: t }) } }) })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.ProtoElement", Ext.Base, (function () { var b = Ext.String.splitWords, a = Ext.Array.toMap; return { isProtoEl: true, clsProp: "cls", styleProp: "style", removedProp: "removed", styleIsText: false, constructor: function (c) { var d = this; Ext.apply(d, c); d.classList = b(d.cls); d.classMap = a(d.classList); delete d.cls; if (Ext.isFunction(d.style)) { d.styleFn = d.style; delete d.style } else { if (typeof d.style == "string") { d.style = Ext.Element.parseStyles(d.style) } else { if (d.style) { d.style = Ext.apply({}, d.style) } } } }, flush: function () { this.flushClassList = []; this.removedClasses = {}; delete this.style; delete this.unselectableAttr }, addCls: function (n) { var l = this, m = (typeof n === "string") ? b(n) : n, e = m.length, j = l.classList, d = l.classMap, g = l.flushClassList, h = 0, k; for (; h < e; ++h) { k = m[h]; if (!d[k]) { d[k] = true; j.push(k); if (g) { g.push(k); delete l.removedClasses[k] } } } return l }, hasCls: function (c) { return c in this.classMap }, removeCls: function (o) { var n = this, l = n.classList, g = (n.classList = []), j = a(b(o)), e = l.length, d = n.classMap, k = n.removedClasses, h, m; for (h = 0; h < e; ++h) { m = l[h]; if (j[m]) { if (k) { if (d[m]) { k[m] = true; Ext.Array.remove(n.flushClassList, m) } } delete d[m] } else { g.push(m) } } return n }, setStyle: function (g, e) { var d = this, c = d.style || (d.style = {}); if (typeof g == "string") { if (arguments.length === 1) { d.setStyle(Ext.Element.parseStyles(g)) } else { c[g] = e } } else { Ext.apply(c, g) } return d }, unselectable: function () { this.addCls(Ext.dom.Element.unselectableCls); if (Ext.isOpera) { this.unselectableAttr = true } }, writeTo: function (h) { var e = this, g = e.flushClassList || e.classList, d = e.removedClasses, c; if (e.styleFn) { c = Ext.apply({}, e.styleFn()); Ext.apply(c, e.style) } else { c = e.style } h[e.clsProp] = g.join(" "); if (c) { h[e.styleProp] = e.styleIsText ? Ext.DomHelper.generateStyles(c) : c } if (d) { d = Ext.Object.getKeys(d); if (d.length) { h[e.removedProp] = d.join(" ") } } if (e.unselectableAttr) { h.unselectable = "on" } return h } } } ()), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "ProtoElement"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.PluginManager", Ext.AbstractManager, { alternateClassName: "Ext.PluginMgr", singleton: true, typeName: "ptype", create: function (b, d, c) { var a; if (b.init) { a = b } else { if (c) { b = Ext.apply({}, b); b.cmp = c } else { c = b.cmp } if (b.xclass) { a = Ext.create(b) } else { a = Ext.ClassManager.getByAlias(("plugin." + (b.ptype || d))); if (typeof a === "function") { a = new a(b) } } } if (a && c && a.setCmp && !a.setCmpCalled) { a.setCmp(c); a.setCmpCalled = true } return a }, findByType: function (c, g) { var e = [], b = this.types, a, d; for (a in b) { if (!b.hasOwnProperty(a)) { continue } d = b[a]; if (d.type == c && (!g || (g === true && d.isDefault))) { e.push(d) } } return e } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext, "PluginManager", Ext, "PluginMgr"], function () { Ext.preg = function () { return Ext.PluginManager.registerType.apply(Ext.PluginManager, arguments) } })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.Filter", Ext.Base, { id: null, anyMatch: false, exactMatch: false, caseSensitive: false, disabled: false, operator: null, statics: { createFilterFn: function (a) { return a && a.length ? function (e) { var d = true, g = a.length, b, c; for (b = 0; d && b < g; b++) { c = a[b]; if (!c.disabled) { d = d && c.filterFn.call(c.scope || c, e) } } return d } : function () { return true } } }, operatorFns: { "<": function (a) { return Ext.coerce(this.getRoot(a)[this.property], this.value) < this.value }, "<=": function (a) { return Ext.coerce(this.getRoot(a)[this.property], this.value) <= this.value }, "=": function (a) { return Ext.coerce(this.getRoot(a)[this.property], this.value) == this.value }, ">=": function (a) { return Ext.coerce(this.getRoot(a)[this.property], this.value) >= this.value }, ">": function (a) { return Ext.coerce(this.getRoot(a)[this.property], this.value) > this.value }, "!=": function (a) { return Ext.coerce(this.getRoot(a)[this.property], this.value) != this.value } }, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; b.initialConfig = a; Ext.apply(b, a); b.filter = b.filter || b.filterFn; if (b.filter === undefined) { b.setValue(a.value) } }, setValue: function (b) { var a = this; a.value = b; if (a.property === undefined || a.value === undefined) {} else { a.filter = a.createFilterFn() } a.filterFn = a.filter }, setFilterFn: function (a) { this.filterFn = this.filter = a }, createFilterFn: function () { var a = this, c = a.createValueMatcher(), b = a.property; if (a.operator) { return a.operatorFns[a.operator] } else { return function (d) { var e = a.getRoot(d)[b]; return c === null ? e === null : c.test(e) } } }, getRoot: function (b) { var a = this.root; return a === undefined ? b : b[a] }, createValueMatcher: function () { var d = this, e = d.value, g = d.anyMatch, c = d.exactMatch, a = d.caseSensitive, b = Ext.String.escapeRegex; if (e === null) { return e } if (!e.exec) { e = String(e); if (g === true) { e = b(e) } else { e = "^" + b(e); if (c === true) { e += "$" } } e = new RegExp(e, a ? "" : "i") } return e }, serialize: function () { var b = this, a = Ext.apply({}, b.initialConfig); a.value = b.value; return a } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "Filter"], function () { this.prototype.operatorFns["=="] = this.prototype.operatorFns["="] })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.AbstractMixedCollection", Ext.Base, { isMixedCollection: true, generation: 0, indexGeneration: 0, constructor: function (b, a) { var c = this; if (arguments.length === 1 && Ext.isObject(b)) { c.initialConfig = b; Ext.apply(c, b) } else { c.allowFunctions = b === true; if (a) { c.getKey = a } c.initialConfig = { allowFunctions: c.allowFunctions, getKey: c.getKey } } c.items = []; c.map = {}; c.keys = []; c.indexMap = {}; c.length = 0; c.mixins.observable.constructor.call(c) }, allowFunctions: false, add: function (c, d) { var a = this.length, b; if (arguments.length === 1) { b = this.insert(a, c) } else { b = this.insert(a, c, d) } return b }, getKey: function (a) { return a.id }, replace: function (c, e) { var d = this, a, b; if (arguments.length == 1) { e = arguments[0]; c = d.getKey(e) } a = d.map[c]; if (typeof c == "undefined" || c === null || typeof a == "undefined") { return d.add(c, e) } d.generation++; b = d.indexOfKey(c); d.items[b] = e; d.map[c] = e; if (d.hasListeners.replace) { d.fireEvent("replace", c, a, e) } return e }, updateKey: function (g, h) { var d = this, e = d.map, c = d.indexMap, a = d.indexOfKey(g), b; if (a > -1) { b = e[g]; delete e[g]; delete c[g]; e[h] = b; c[h] = a; d.keys[a] = h; d.generation++ } }, addAll: function (c) { var b = this, a; if (arguments.length > 1 || Ext.isArray(c)) { b.insert(b.length, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments : c) } else { for (a in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(a)) { if (b.allowFunctions || typeof c[a] != "function") { b.add(a, c[a]) } } } } }, each: function (e, d) { var b = Ext.Array.push([], this.items), c = 0, a = b.length, g; for (; c < a; c++) { g = b[c]; if (e.call(d || g, g, c, a) === false) { break } } }, eachKey: function (e, d) { var g = this.keys, b = this.items, c = 0, a = g.length; for (; c < a; c++) { e.call(d || window, g[c], b[c], c, a) } }, findBy: function (e, d) { var g = this.keys, b = this.items, c = 0, a = b.length; for (; c < a; c++) { if (e.call(d || window, b[c], g[c])) { return b[c] } } return null }, find: function () { if (Ext.isDefined(Ext.global.console)) { Ext.global.console.warn("Ext.util.MixedCollection: find has been deprecated. Use findBy instead.") } return this.findBy.apply(this, arguments) }, insert: function (b, c, d) { var a; if (Ext.isIterable(c)) { a = this.doInsert(b, c, d) } else { if (arguments.length > 2) { a = this.doInsert(b, [c], [d]) } else { a = this.doInsert(b, [c]) } a = a[0] } return a }, doInsert: function (j, o, n) { var l = this, b, c, g, k = o.length, a = k, e = l.hasListeners.add, d, h = {}, m, q, p; if (n != null) { l.useLinearSearch = true } else { n = o; o = new Array(k); for (g = 0; g < k; g++) { o[g] = this.getKey(n[g]) } } l.suspendEvents(); for (g = 0; g < k; g++) { b = o[g]; c = l.indexOfKey(b); if (c !== -1) { if (c < j) { j-- } l.removeAt(c) } if (b != null) { if (h[b] != null) { m = true; a-- } h[b] = g } } l.resumeEvents(); if (m) { q = o; p = n; o = new Array(a); n = new Array(a); g = 0; for (b in h) { o[g] = q[h[b]]; n[g] = p[h[b]]; g++ } k = a } d = j === l.length && l.indexGeneration === l.generation; Ext.Array.insert(l.items, j, n); Ext.Array.insert(l.keys, j, o); l.length += k; l.generation++; if (d) { l.indexGeneration = l.generation } for (g = 0; g < k; g++, j++) { b = o[g]; if (b != null) { l.map[b] = n[g]; if (d) { l.indexMap[b] = j } } if (e) { l.fireEvent("add", j, n[g], b) } } return n }, remove: function (d) { var c = this, b, a; if (!c.useLinearSearch && (b = c.getKey(d))) { a = c.indexOfKey(b) } else { a = Ext.Array.indexOf(c.items, d) } return (a === -1) ? false : c.removeAt(a) }, removeAll: function (a) { var c = this, b; if (a || c.hasListeners.remove) { if (a) { for (b = a.length - 1; b >= 0; --b) { c.remove(a[b]) } } else { while (c.length) { c.removeAt(0) } } } else { c.length = c.items.length = c.keys.length = 0; c.map = {}; c.indexMap = {}; c.generation++; c.indexGeneration = c.generation } }, removeAt: function (a) { var c = this, d, b; if (a < c.length && a >= 0) { c.length--; d = c.items[a]; Ext.Array.erase(c.items, a, 1); b = c.keys[a]; if (typeof b != "undefined") { delete c.map[b] } Ext.Array.erase(c.keys, a, 1); if (c.hasListeners.remove) { c.fireEvent("remove", d, b) } c.generation++; return d } return false }, removeRange: function (h, a) { var j = this, b, k, g, e, c, d; if (h < j.length && h >= 0) { if (!a) { a = 1 } e = Math.min(h + a, j.length); a = e - h; d = e === j.length; c = d && j.indexGeneration === j.generation; for (g = h; g < e; g++) { k = j.keys[g]; if (k != null) { delete j.map[k]; if (c) { delete j.indexMap[k] } } } b = j.items[g - 1]; j.length -= a; j.generation++; if (c) { j.indexGeneration = j.generation } if (d) { j.items.length = j.keys.length = j.length } else { j.items.splice(h, a); j.keys.splice(h, a) } return b } return false }, removeAtKey: function (b) { var d = this, c = d.keys, a; if (b == null) { for (a = c.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) { if (c[a] == null) { d.removeAt(a) } } } else { return d.removeAt(d.indexOfKey(b)) } }, getCount: function () { return this.length }, indexOf: function (c) { var b = this, a; if (c != null) { if (!b.useLinearSearch && (a = b.getKey(c))) { return this.indexOfKey(a) } return Ext.Array.indexOf(b.items, c) } return -1 }, indexOfKey: function (a) { if (!this.map.hasOwnProperty(a)) { return -1 } if (this.indexGeneration !== this.generation) { this.rebuildIndexMap() } return this.indexMap[a] }, rebuildIndexMap: function () { var e = this, d = e.indexMap = {}, c = e.keys, a = c.length, b; for (b = 0; b < a; b++) { d[c[b]] = b } e.indexGeneration = e.generation }, get: function (b) { var d = this, a = d.map[b], c = a !== undefined ? a : (typeof b == "number") ? d.items[b] : undefined; return typeof c != "function" || d.allowFunctions ? c : null }, getAt: function (a) { return this.items[a] }, getByKey: function (a) { return this.map[a] }, contains: function (c) { var b = this, a; if (c != null) { if (!b.useLinearSearch && (a = b.getKey(c))) { return this.map[a] != null } return Ext.Array.indexOf(this.items, c) !== -1 } return false }, containsKey: function (a) { return this.map.hasOwnProperty(a) }, clear: function () { var a = this; if (a.generation) { a.length = 0; a.items = []; a.keys = []; a.map = {}; a.indexMap = {}; a.generation++; a.indexGeneration = a.generation } if (a.hasListeners.clear) { a.fireEvent("clear") } }, first: function () { return this.items[0] }, last: function () { return this.items[this.length - 1] }, sum: function (h, b, j, a) { var c = this.extractValues(h, b), g = c.length, e = 0, d; j = j || 0; a = (a || a === 0) ? a : g - 1; for (d = j; d <= a; d++) { e += c[d] } return e }, collect: function (k, e, h) { var l = this.extractValues(k, e), a = l.length, b = {}, c = [], j, g, d; for (d = 0; d < a; d++) { j = l[d]; g = String(j); if ((h || !Ext.isEmpty(j)) && !b[g]) { b[g] = true; c.push(j) } } return c }, extractValues: function (c, a) { var b = this.items; if (a) { b = Ext.Array.pluck(b, a) } return Ext.Array.pluck(b, c) }, hasRange: function (b, a) { return (a < this.length) }, getRange: function (j, b) { var h = this, d = h.items, c = [], a = d.length, g, e; if (a < 1) { return c } if (j > b) { e = true; g = j; j = b; b = g } if (j < 0) { j = 0 } if (b == null || b >= a) { b = a - 1 } c = d.slice(j, b + 1); if (e && c.length) { c.reverse() } return c }, filter: function (d, c, e, a) { var b = []; if (Ext.isString(d)) { b.push(new Ext.util.Filter({ property: d, value: c, anyMatch: e, caseSensitive: a })) } else { if (Ext.isArray(d) || d instanceof Ext.util.Filter) { b = b.concat(d) } } return this.filterBy(Ext.util.Filter.createFilterFn(b)) }, filterBy: function (e, d) { var j = this, a = new j.self(j.initialConfig), h = j.keys, b = j.items, g = b.length, c; a.getKey = j.getKey; for (c = 0; c < g; c++) { if (e.call(d || j, b[c], h[c])) { a.add(h[c], b[c]) } } return a }, findIndex: function (c, b, e, d, a) { if (Ext.isEmpty(b, false)) { return -1 } b = this.createValueMatcher(b, d, a); return this.findIndexBy(function (g) { return g && b.test(g[c]) }, null, e) }, findIndexBy: function (e, d, j) { var h = this, g = h.keys, b = h.items, c = j || 0, a = b.length; for (; c < a; c++) { if (e.call(d || h, b[c], g[c])) { return c } } return -1 }, createValueMatcher: function (c, e, a, b) { if (!c.exec) { var d = Ext.String.escapeRegex; c = String(c); if (e === true) { c = d(c) } else { c = "^" + d(c); if (b === true) { c += "$" } } c = new RegExp(c, a ? "" : "i") } return c }, clone: function () { var a = this, b = new this.self(a.initialConfig); b.add(a.keys, a.items); return b } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.util, "AbstractMixedCollection"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.Sorter", Ext.Base, { direction: "ASC", constructor: function (a) { var b = this; Ext.apply(b, a); b.updateSortFunction() }, createSortFunction: function (b) { var c = this, d = c.direction || "ASC", a = d.toUpperCase() == "DESC" ? -1 : 1; return function (g, e) { return a * b.call(c, g, e) } }, defaultSorterFn: function (d, c) { var b = this, a = b.transform, g = b.getRoot(d)[b.property], e = b.getRoot(c)[b.property]; if (a) { g = a(g); e = a(e) } return g > e ? 1 : (g < e ? -1 : 0) }, getRoot: function (a) { return this.root === undefined ? a : a[this.root] }, setDirection: function (b) { var a = this; a.direction = b ? b.toUpperCase() : b; a.updateSortFunction() }, toggle: function () { var a = this; a.direction = Ext.String.toggle(a.direction, "ASC", "DESC"); a.updateSortFunction() }, updateSortFunction: function (a) { var b = this; a = a || b.sorterFn || b.defaultSorterFn; b.sort = b.createSortFunction(a) }, serialize: function () { return { root: this.root, property: this.property, direction: this.direction } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "Sorter"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.Sortable", Ext.Base, { isSortable: true, defaultSortDirection: "ASC", statics: { createComparator: function (a) { return a && a.length ? function (d, c) { var b = a[0].sort(d, c), g = a.length, e = 1; for (; e < g; e++) { b = b || a[e].sort.call(this, d, c) } return b } : function () { return 0 } } }, initSortable: function () { var a = this, b = a.sorters; a.sorters = new Ext.util.AbstractMixedCollection(false, function (c) { return c.id || c.property }); if (b) { a.sorters.addAll(a.decodeSorters(b)) } }, sort: function (g, e, b, d) { var c = this, h, a; if (Ext.isArray(g)) { d = b; b = e; a = g } else { if (Ext.isObject(g)) { d = b; b = e; a = [g] } else { if (Ext.isString(g)) { h = c.sorters.get(g); if (!h) { h = { property: g, direction: e }; a = [h] } else { if (e === undefined) { h.toggle() } else { h.setDirection(e) } } } } } if (a && a.length) { a = c.decodeSorters(a); if (Ext.isString(b)) { if (b === "prepend") { c.sorters.insert(0, a) } else { c.sorters.addAll(a) } } else { c.sorters.clear(); c.sorters.addAll(a) } } if (d !== false) { c.fireEvent("beforesort", c, a); c.onBeforeSort(a); g = c.sorters.items; if (g.length) { c.doSort(c.generateComparator()) } } return g }, generateComparator: function () { var a = this.sorters.getRange(); return a.length ? this.createComparator(a) : this.emptyComparator }, emptyComparator: function () { return 0 }, onBeforeSort: Ext.emptyFn, decodeSorters: function (g) { if (!Ext.isArray(g)) { if (g === undefined) { g = [] } else { g = [g] } } var d = g.length, h = Ext.util.Sorter, a = this.model ? this.model.prototype.fields : null, e, b, c; for (c = 0; c < d; c++) { b = g[c]; if (!(b instanceof h)) { if (Ext.isString(b)) { b = { property: b } } Ext.applyIf(b, { root: this.sortRoot, direction: "ASC" }); if (b.fn) { b.sorterFn = b.fn } if (typeof b == "function") { b = { sorterFn: b } } if (a && !b.transform) { e = a.get(b.property); b.transform = e && e.sortType !== Ext.identityFn ? e.sortType : undefined } g[c] = new Ext.util.Sorter(b) } } return g }, getSorters: function () { return this.sorters.items }, getFirstSorter: function () { var c = this.sorters.items, a = c.length, b = 0, d; for (; b < a; ++b) { d = c[b]; if (!d.isGrouper) { return d } } return null } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "Sortable"], function () { this.prototype.createComparator = this.createComparator })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.MixedCollection", Ext.util.AbstractMixedCollection, { constructor: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); a.addEvents("sort"); a.mixins.sortable.initSortable.call(a) }, doSort: function (a) { this.sortBy(a) }, _sort: function (m, b, l) { var k = this, e, g, d = String(b).toUpperCase() == "DESC" ? -1 : 1, j = [], n = k.keys, h = k.items, a; l = l || function (o, c) { return o - c }; for (e = 0, g = h.length; e < g; e++) { j[j.length] = { key: n[e], value: h[e], index: e } } Ext.Array.sort(j, function (o, c) { return l(o[m], c[m]) * d || (o.index < c.index ? -1 : 1) }); for (e = 0, g = j.length; e < g; e++) { a = j[e]; h[e] = a.value; n[e] = a.key; k.indexMap[a.key] = e } k.generation++; k.indexGeneration = k.generation; k.fireEvent("sort", k) }, sortBy: function (b) { var j = this, a = j.items, h, g = j.keys, d, e = a.length, c; for (c = 0; c < e; c++) { a[c].$extCollectionIndex = c } Ext.Array.sort(a, function (l, k) { return b(l, k) || (l.$extCollectionIndex < k.$extCollectionIndex ? -1 : 1) }); for (c = 0; c < e; c++) { h = a[c]; d = j.getKey(h); g[c] = d; j.indexMap[d] = c; delete a.$extCollectionIndex } j.generation++; j.indexGeneration = j.generation; j.fireEvent("sort", j, a, g) }, findInsertionIndex: function (e, d) { var g = this, b = g.items, j = 0, a = b.length - 1, c, h; if (!d) { d = g.generateComparator() } while (j <= a) { c = (j + a) >> 1; h = d(e, b[c]); if (h >= 0) { j = c + 1 } else { if (h < 0) { a = c - 1 } } } return j }, reorder: function (d) { var h = this, b = h.items, c = 0, g = b.length, a = [], e = [], j; h.suspendEvents(); for (j in d) { a[d[j]] = b[j] } for (c = 0; c < g; c++) { if (d[c] == undefined) { e.push(b[c]) } } for (c = 0; c < g; c++) { if (a[c] == undefined) { a[c] = e.shift() } } h.clear(); h.addAll(a); h.resumeEvents(); h.fireEvent("sort", h) }, sortByKey: function (a, b) { this._sort("key", a, b || function (d, c) { var g = String(d).toUpperCase(), e = String(c).toUpperCase(); return g > e ? 1 : (g < e ? -1 : 0) }) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["sortable", Ext.util.Sortable]], [Ext.util, "MixedCollection"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.fx.target.Target", Ext.Base, { isAnimTarget: true, constructor: function (a) { this.target = a; this.id = this.getId() }, getId: function () { return this.target.id } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.fx.target, "Target"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.fx.target.Element", Ext.fx.target.Target, { type: "element", getElVal: function (b, a, c) { if (c == undefined) { if (a === "x") { c = b.getX() } else { if (a === "y") { c = b.getY() } else { if (a === "scrollTop") { c = b.getScroll().top } else { if (a === "scrollLeft") { c = b.getScroll().left } else { if (a === "height") { c = b.getHeight() } else { if (a === "width") { c = b.getWidth() } else { c = b.getStyle(a) } } } } } } } return c }, getAttr: function (a, c) { var b = this.target; return [[b, this.getElVal(b, a, c)]] }, setAttr: function (k) { var e = this.target, h = k.length, l, g, b, d, c, a; for (d = 0; d < h; d++) { l = k[d].attrs; for (g in l) { if (l.hasOwnProperty(g)) { a = l[g].length; for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { b = l[g][c]; this.setElVal(b[0], g, b[1]) } } } } }, setElVal: function (b, a, c) { if (a === "x") { b.setX(c) } else { if (a === "y") { b.setY(c) } else { if (a === "scrollTop") { b.scrollTo("top", c) } else { if (a === "scrollLeft") { b.scrollTo("left", c) } else { if (a === "width") { b.setWidth(c) } else { if (a === "height") { b.setHeight(c) } else { b.setStyle(a, c) } } } } } } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.fx.target, "Element"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.fx.target.ElementCSS", Ext.fx.target.Element, { setAttr: function (n, e) { var q = { attrs: [], duration: [], easing: [] }, m = n.length, g, p, k, l, c, b, h, d, a; for (h = 0; h < m; h++) { p = n[h]; c = p.duration; l = p.easing; p = p.attrs; for (k in p) { if (Ext.Array.indexOf(q.attrs, k) == -1) { q.attrs.push(k.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (j) { return "-" + j.toLowerCase() })); q.duration.push(c + "ms"); q.easing.push(l) } } } g = q.attrs.join(","); c = q.duration.join(","); l = q.easing.join(", "); for (h = 0; h < m; h++) { p = n[h].attrs; for (k in p) { a = p[k].length; for (d = 0; d < a; d++) { b = p[k][d]; b[0].setStyle(Ext.supports.CSS3Prefix + "TransitionProperty", e ? "" : g); b[0].setStyle(Ext.supports.CSS3Prefix + "TransitionDuration", e ? "" : c); b[0].setStyle(Ext.supports.CSS3Prefix + "TransitionTimingFunction", e ? "" : l); b[0].setStyle(k, b[1]); if (e) { b = b[0].dom.offsetWidth } else { b[0].on(Ext.supports.CSS3TransitionEnd, function () { this.setStyle(Ext.supports.CSS3Prefix + "TransitionProperty", null); this.setStyle(Ext.supports.CSS3Prefix + "TransitionDuration", null); this.setStyle(Ext.supports.CSS3Prefix + "TransitionTimingFunction", null) }, b[0], { single: true }) } } } } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.fx.target, "ElementCSS"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.fx.target.CompositeElement", Ext.fx.target.Element, { isComposite: true, constructor: function (a) { a.id = a.id || Ext.id(null, "ext-composite-"); this.callParent([a]) }, getAttr: function (a, j) { var b = [], h = this.target, g = h.elements, e = g.length, c, d; for (c = 0; c < e; c++) { d = g[c]; if (d) { d = h.getElement(d); b.push([d, this.getElVal(d, a, j)]) } } return b }, setAttr: function (n) { var l = this.target, m = n.length, b = l.elements, r = b.length, p, d, q, h, c, g, e, a; for (g = 0; g < m; g++) { q = n[g].attrs; for (h in q) { if (q.hasOwnProperty(h)) { a = q[h].length; for (e = 0; e < a; e++) { p = q[h][e][1]; for (d = 0; d < r; ++d) { el = b[d]; if (el) { el = l.getElement(el); this.setElVal(el, h, p) } } } } } } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.fx.target, "CompositeElement"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.fx.target.CompositeElementCSS", Ext.fx.target.CompositeElement, { setAttr: function () { return Ext.fx.target.ElementCSS.prototype.setAttr.apply(this, arguments) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.fx.target, "CompositeElementCSS"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.fx.target.Sprite", Ext.fx.target.Target, { type: "draw", getFromPrim: function (b, a) { var c; switch (a) { case "rotate": case "rotation": c = b.attr.rotation; return { x: c.x || 0, y: c.y || 0, degrees: c.degrees || 0 }; case "scale": case "scaling": c = b.attr.scaling; return { x: c.x || 1, y: c.y || 1, cx: c.cx || 0, cy: c.cy || 0 }; case "translate": case "translation": c = b.attr.translation; return { x: c.x || 0, y: c.y || 0 }; default: return b.attr[a] } }, getAttr: function (a, b) { return [[this.target, b != undefined ? b : this.getFromPrim(this.target, a)]] }, setAttr: function (m) { var g = m.length, k = [], b, e, p, r, q, o, n, d, c, l, h, a; for (d = 0; d < g; d++) { b = m[d].attrs; for (e in b) { p = b[e]; a = p.length; for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { q = p[c][0]; r = p[c][1]; if (e === "translate" || e === "translation") { n = { x: r.x, y: r.y } } else { if (e === "rotate" || e === "rotation") { l = r.x; if (isNaN(l)) { l = null } h = r.y; if (isNaN(h)) { h = null } n = { degrees: r.degrees, x: l, y: h } } else { if (e === "scale" || e === "scaling") { l = r.x; if (isNaN(l)) { l = null } h = r.y; if (isNaN(h)) { h = null } n = { x: l, y: h, cx: r.cx, cy: r.cy } } else { if (e === "width" || e === "height" || e === "x" || e === "y") { n = parseFloat(r) } else { n = r } } } } o = Ext.Array.indexOf(k, q); if (o == -1) { k.push([q, {} ]); o = k.length - 1 } k[o][1][e] = n } } } g = k.length; for (d = 0; d < g; d++) { k[d][0].setAttributes(k[d][1]) } this.target.redraw() } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.fx.target, "Sprite"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.fx.target.CompositeSprite", Ext.fx.target.Sprite, { getAttr: function (a, h) { var b = [], g = [].concat(this.target.items), e = g.length, d, c; for (d = 0; d < e; d++) { c = g[d]; b.push([c, h != undefined ? h : this.getFromPrim(c, a)]) } return b } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.fx.target, "CompositeSprite"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.fx.target.Component", Ext.fx.target.Target, { type: "component", getPropMethod: { top: function () { return this.getPosition(true)[1] }, left: function () { return this.getPosition(true)[0] }, x: function () { return this.getPosition()[0] }, y: function () { return this.getPosition()[1] }, height: function () { return this.getHeight() }, width: function () { return this.getWidth() }, opacity: function () { return this.el.getStyle("opacity") } }, setMethods: { top: "setPosition", left: "setPosition", x: "setPagePosition", y: "setPagePosition", height: "setSize", width: "setSize", opacity: "setOpacity" }, getAttr: function (a, b) { return [[this.target, b !== undefined ? b : this.getPropMethod[a].call(this.target)]] }, setAttr: function (s, g, b) { var q = this, p = s.length, v, n, c, k, e, m, d, r, u, l, a = {}, t; for (k = 0; k < p; k++) { v = s[k].attrs; for (n in v) { m = v[n].length; for (e = 0; e < m; e++) { c = v[n][e]; t = a[q.setMethods[n]] || (a[q.setMethods[n]] = {}); t.target = c[0]; t[n] = c[1] } } if (a.setPosition) { c = a.setPosition; d = (c.left === undefined) ? undefined : parseFloat(c.left); r = (c.top === undefined) ? undefined : parseFloat(c.top); c.target.setPosition(d, r) } if (a.setPagePosition) { c = a.setPagePosition; c.target.setPagePosition(c.x, c.y) } if (a.setSize) { c = a.setSize; u = (c.width === undefined) ? c.target.getWidth() : parseFloat(c.width); l = (c.height === undefined) ? c.target.getHeight() : parseFloat(c.height); c.target.el.setSize(u, l); if (b || q.dynamic) { Ext.globalEvents.on({ idle: Ext.Function.bind(c.target.setSize, c.target, [u, l]), single: true }) } } if (a.setOpacity) { c = a.setOpacity; c.target.el.setStyle("opacity", c.opacity) } } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.fx.target, "Component"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.fx.Queue", Ext.Base, { constructor: function () { this.targets = new Ext.util.HashMap(); this.fxQueue = {} }, getFxDefaults: function (a) { var b = this.targets.get(a); if (b) { return b.fxDefaults } return {} }, setFxDefaults: function (a, c) { var b = this.targets.get(a); if (b) { b.fxDefaults = Ext.apply(b.fxDefaults || {}, c) } }, stopAnimation: function (b) { var d = this, a = d.getFxQueue(b), c = a.length; while (c) { a[c - 1].end(); c-- } }, getActiveAnimation: function (b) { var a = this.getFxQueue(b); return (a && !!a.length) ? a[0] : false }, hasFxBlock: function (b) { var a = this.getFxQueue(b); return a && a[0] && a[0].block }, getFxQueue: function (b) { if (!b) { return false } var c = this, a = c.fxQueue[b], d = c.targets.get(b); if (!d) { return false } if (!a) { c.fxQueue[b] = []; if (d.type != "element") { d.target.on("destroy", function () { c.fxQueue[b] = [] }) } } return c.fxQueue[b] }, queueFx: function (d) { var c = this, e = d.target, a, b; if (!e) { return } a = c.getFxQueue(e.getId()); b = a.length; if (b) { if (d.concurrent) { d.paused = false } else { a[b - 1].on("afteranimate", function () { d.paused = false }) } } else { d.paused = false } d.on("afteranimate", function () { Ext.Array.remove(a, d); if (a.length === 0) { c.targets.remove(d.target) } if (d.remove) { if (e.type == "element") { var g = Ext.get(e.id); if (g) { g.remove() } } } }, c, { single: true }); a.push(d) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.fx, "Queue"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.fx.Manager", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, constructor: function () { var a = this; a.items = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); a.mixins.queue.constructor.call(a); a.taskRunner = new Ext.util.TaskRunner() }, interval: 16, forceJS: true, createTarget: function (d) { var b = this, c = !b.forceJS && Ext.supports.Transitions, a; b.useCSS3 = c; if (d) { if (d.tagName || Ext.isString(d) || d.isFly) { d = Ext.get(d); a = new Ext.fx.target["Element" + (c ? "CSS" : "")](d) } else { if (d.dom) { a = new Ext.fx.target["Element" + (c ? "CSS" : "")](d) } else { if (d.isComposite) { a = new Ext.fx.target["CompositeElement" + (c ? "CSS" : "")](d) } else { if (d.isSprite) { a = new Ext.fx.target.Sprite(d) } else { if (d.isCompositeSprite) { a = new Ext.fx.target.CompositeSprite(d) } else { if (d.isComponent) { a = new Ext.fx.target.Component(d) } else { if (d.isAnimTarget) { return d } else { return null } } } } } } } b.targets.add(a); return a } else { return null } }, addAnim: function (d) { var c = this, b = c.items, a = c.task; b.add(d.id, d); if (!a && b.length) { a = c.task = { run: c.runner, interval: c.interval, scope: c }; c.taskRunner.start(a) } }, removeAnim: function (d) { var c = this, b = c.items, a = c.task; b.removeAtKey(d.id); if (a && !b.length) { c.taskRunner.stop(a); delete c.task } }, runner: function () { var d = this, b = d.items.getRange(), c = 0, a = b.length, e; d.targetArr = {}; d.timestamp = new Date(); for (; c < a; c++) { e = b[c]; if (e.isReady()) { d.startAnim(e) } } for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { e = b[c]; if (e.isRunning()) { d.runAnim(e) } } d.applyPendingAttrs() }, startAnim: function (a) { a.start(this.timestamp) }, runAnim: function (d) { if (!d) { return } var c = this, g = c.useCSS3 && d.target.type == "element", a = c.timestamp - d.startTime, b = (a >= d.duration), e, h; e = this.collectTargetData(d, a, g, b); if (g) { d.target.setAttr(e.anims[d.id].attributes, true); c.collectTargetData(d, d.duration, g, b); d.paused = true; e = d.target.target; if (d.target.isComposite) { e = d.target.target.last() } h = {}; h[Ext.supports.CSS3TransitionEnd] = d.lastFrame; h.scope = d; h.single = true; e.on(h) } }, collectTargetData: function (c, a, e, g) { var b = c.target.getId(), d = this.targetArr[b]; if (!d) { d = this.targetArr[b] = { id: b, el: c.target, anims: {} } } d.anims[c.id] = { id: c.id, anim: c, elapsed: a, isLastFrame: g, attributes: [{ duration: c.duration, easing: (e && c.reverse) ? c.easingFn.reverse().toCSS3() : c.easing, attrs: c.runAnim(a) } ] }; return d }, applyPendingAttrs: function () { var e = this.targetArr, g, c, b, d, a; for (c in e) { if (e.hasOwnProperty(c)) { g = e[c]; for (a in g.anims) { if (g.anims.hasOwnProperty(a)) { b = g.anims[a]; d = b.anim; if (b.attributes && d.isRunning()) { g.el.setAttr(b.attributes, false, b.isLastFrame); if (b.isLastFrame) { d.lastFrame() } } } } } } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["queue", Ext.fx.Queue]], [Ext.fx, "Manager"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.fx.Animator", Ext.Base, { isAnimator: true, duration: 250, delay: 0, delayStart: 0, dynamic: false, easing: "ease", running: false, paused: false, damper: 1, iterations: 1, currentIteration: 0, keyframeStep: 0, animKeyFramesRE: /^(from|to|\d+%?)$/, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; a = Ext.apply(b, a || {}); b.config = a; b.id = Ext.id(null, "ext-animator-"); b.addEvents("beforeanimate", "keyframe", "afteranimate"); b.mixins.observable.constructor.call(b, a); b.timeline = []; b.createTimeline(b.keyframes); if (b.target) { b.applyAnimator(b.target); Ext.fx.Manager.addAnim(b) } }, sorter: function (d, c) { return d.pct - c.pct }, createTimeline: function (d) { var h = this, l = [], j = h.to || {}, b = h.duration, m, a, c, g, k, e; for (k in d) { if (d.hasOwnProperty(k) && h.animKeyFramesRE.test(k)) { e = { attrs: Ext.apply(d[k], j) }; if (k == "from") { k = 0 } else { if (k == "to") { k = 100 } } e.pct = parseInt(k, 10); l.push(e) } } Ext.Array.sort(l, h.sorter); g = l.length; for (c = 0; c < g; c++) { m = (l[c - 1]) ? b * (l[c - 1].pct / 100) : 0; a = b * (l[c].pct / 100); h.timeline.push({ duration: a - m, attrs: l[c].attrs }) } }, applyAnimator: function (d) { var h = this, j = [], l = h.timeline, g = l.length, b, e, a, k, c; if (h.fireEvent("beforeanimate", h) !== false) { for (c = 0; c < g; c++) { b = l[c]; k = b.attrs; e = k.easing || h.easing; a = k.damper || h.damper; delete k.easing; delete k.damper; b = new Ext.fx.Anim({ target: d, easing: e, damper: a, duration: b.duration, paused: true, to: k }); j.push(b) } h.animations = j; h.target = b.target; for (c = 0; c < g - 1; c++) { b = j[c]; b.nextAnim = j[c + 1]; b.on("afteranimate", function () { this.nextAnim.paused = false }); b.on("afteranimate", function () { this.fireEvent("keyframe", this, ++this.keyframeStep) }, h) } j[g - 1].on("afteranimate", function () { this.lastFrame() }, h) } }, start: function (d) { var e = this, c = e.delay, b = e.delayStart, a; if (c) { if (!b) { e.delayStart = d; return } else { a = d - b; if (a < c) { return } else { d = new Date(b.getTime() + c) } } } if (e.fireEvent("beforeanimate", e) !== false) { e.startTime = d; e.running = true; e.animations[e.keyframeStep].paused = false } }, lastFrame: function () { var c = this, a = c.iterations, b = c.currentIteration; b++; if (b < a) { c.startTime = new Date(); c.currentIteration = b; c.keyframeStep = 0; c.applyAnimator(c.target); c.animations[c.keyframeStep].paused = false } else { c.currentIteration = 0; c.end() } }, end: function () { var a = this; a.fireEvent("afteranimate", a, a.startTime, new Date() - a.startTime) }, isReady: function () { return this.paused === false && this.running === false && this.iterations > 0 }, isRunning: function () { return false } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.fx, "Animator"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.fx.CubicBezier", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, cubicBezierAtTime: function (p, d, b, o, n, j) { var k = 3 * d, m = 3 * (o - d) - k, a = 1 - k - m, h = 3 * b, l = 3 * (n - b) - h, q = 1 - h - l; function g(r) { return ((a * r + m) * r + k) * r } function c(r, u) { var s = e(r, u); return ((q * s + l) * s + h) * s } function e(r, z) { var y, w, u, s, v, t; for (u = r, t = 0; t < 8; t++) { s = g(u) - r; if (Math.abs(s) < z) { return u } v = (3 * a * u + 2 * m) * u + k; if (Math.abs(v) < 0.000001) { break } u = u - s / v } y = 0; w = 1; u = r; if (u < y) { return y } if (u > w) { return w } while (y < w) { s = g(u); if (Math.abs(s - r) < z) { return u } if (r > s) { y = u } else { w = u } u = (w - y) / 2 + y } return u } return c(p, 1 / (200 * j)) }, cubicBezier: function (b, e, a, c) { var d = function (g) { return Ext.fx.CubicBezier.cubicBezierAtTime(g, b, e, a, c, 1) }; d.toCSS3 = function () { return "cubic-bezier(" + [b, e, a, c].join(",") + ")" }; d.reverse = function () { return Ext.fx.CubicBezier.cubicBezier(1 - a, 1 - c, 1 - b, 1 - e) }; return d } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.fx, "CubicBezier"], 0)); Ext.require("Ext.fx.CubicBezier", function () { var e = Math, h = e.PI, d = e.pow, b = e.sin, g = e.sqrt, a = e.abs, c = 1.70158; Ext.define("Ext.fx.Easing", { singleton: true, linear: Ext.identityFn, ease: function (m) { var j = 0.07813 - m / 2, o = -0.25, p = g(0.0066 + j * j), s = p - j, l = d(a(s), 1 / 3) * (s < 0 ? -1 : 1), r = -p - j, k = d(a(r), 1 / 3) * (r < 0 ? -1 : 1), u = l + k + 0.25; return d(1 - u, 2) * 3 * u * 0.1 + (1 - u) * 3 * u * u + u * u * u }, easeIn: function (j) { return d(j, 1.7) }, easeOut: function (j) { return d(j, 0.48) }, easeInOut: function (s) { var m = 0.48 - s / 1.04, l = g(0.1734 + m * m), j = l - m, r = d(a(j), 1 / 3) * (j < 0 ? -1 : 1), p = -l - m, o = d(a(p), 1 / 3) * (p < 0 ? -1 : 1), k = r + o + 0.5; return (1 - k) * 3 * k * k + k * k * k }, backIn: function (j) { return j * j * ((c + 1) * j - c) }, backOut: function (j) { j = j - 1; return j * j * ((c + 1) * j + c) + 1 }, elasticIn: function (l) { if (l === 0 || l === 1) { return l } var k = 0.3, j = k / 4; return d(2, -10 * l) * b((l - j) * (2 * h) / k) + 1 }, elasticOut: function (j) { return 1 - Ext.fx.Easing.elasticIn(1 - j) }, bounceIn: function (j) { return 1 - Ext.fx.Easing.bounceOut(1 - j) }, bounceOut: function (o) { var k = 7.5625, m = 2.75, j; if (o < (1 / m)) { j = k * o * o } else { if (o < (2 / m)) { o -= (1.5 / m); j = k * o * o + 0.75 } else { if (o < (2.5 / m)) { o -= (2.25 / m); j = k * o * o + 0.9375 } else { o -= (2.625 / m); j = k * o * o + 0.984375 } } } return j } }, function () { var k = Ext.fx.Easing.self, j = k.prototype; k.implement({ "back-in": j.backIn, "back-out": j.backOut, "ease-in": j.easeIn, "ease-out": j.easeOut, "elastic-in": j.elasticIn, "elastic-out": j.elasticOut, "bounce-in": j.bounceIn, "bounce-out": j.bounceOut, "ease-in-out": j.easeInOut }) }) }); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.draw.Color", Ext.Base, { colorToHexRe: /(.*?)rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)/, rgbRe: /\s*rgb\s*\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*\)\s*/, hexRe: /\s*#([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]?)([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]?)([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]?)\s*/, lightnessFactor: 0.2, constructor: function (d, c, a) { var b = this, e = Ext.Number.constrain; b.r = e(d, 0, 255); b.g = e(c, 0, 255); b.b = e(a, 0, 255) }, getRed: function () { return this.r }, getGreen: function () { return this.g }, getBlue: function () { return this.b }, getRGB: function () { var a = this; return [a.r, a.g, a.b] }, getHSL: function () { var k = this, a = k.r / 255, j = k.g / 255, m = k.b / 255, n = Math.max(a, j, m), d = Math.min(a, j, m), o = n - d, e, p = 0, c = 0.5 * (n + d); if (d != n) { p = (c < 0.5) ? o / (n + d) : o / (2 - n - d); if (a == n) { e = 60 * (j - m) / o } else { if (j == n) { e = 120 + 60 * (m - a) / o } else { e = 240 + 60 * (a - j) / o } } if (e < 0) { e += 360 } if (e >= 360) { e -= 360 } } return [e, p, c] }, getLighter: function (b) { var a = this.getHSL(); b = b || this.lightnessFactor; a[2] = Ext.Number.constrain(a[2] + b, 0, 1); return this.fromHSL(a[0], a[1], a[2]) }, getDarker: function (a) { a = a || this.lightnessFactor; return this.getLighter(-a) }, toString: function () { var h = this, c = Math.round, e = c(h.r).toString(16), d = c(h.g).toString(16), a = c(h.b).toString(16); e = (e.length == 1) ? "0" + e : e; d = (d.length == 1) ? "0" + d : d; a = (a.length == 1) ? "0" + a : a; return ["#", e, d, a].join("") }, toHex: function (b) { if (Ext.isArray(b)) { b = b[0] } if (!Ext.isString(b)) { return "" } if (b.substr(0, 1) === "#") { return b } var e = this.colorToHexRe.exec(b), g, d, a, c; if (Ext.isArray(e)) { g = parseInt(e[2], 10); d = parseInt(e[3], 10); a = parseInt(e[4], 10); c = a | (d << 8) | (g << 16); return e[1] + "#" + ("000000" + c.toString(16)).slice(-6) } else { return b } }, fromString: function (j) { var c, e, d, a, h = parseInt; if ((j.length == 4 || j.length == 7) && j.substr(0, 1) === "#") { c = j.match(this.hexRe); if (c) { e = h(c[1], 16) >> 0; d = h(c[2], 16) >> 0; a = h(c[3], 16) >> 0; if (j.length == 4) { e += (e * 16); d += (d * 16); a += (a * 16) } } } else { c = j.match(this.rgbRe); if (c) { e = c[1]; d = c[2]; a = c[3] } } return (typeof e == "undefined") ? undefined : new Ext.draw.Color(e, d, a) }, getGrayscale: function () { return this.r * 0.3 + this.g * 0.59 + this.b * 0.11 }, fromHSL: function (g, o, d) { var a, b, c, e, k = [], n = Math.abs, j = Math.floor; if (o == 0 || g == null) { k = [d, d, d] } else { g /= 60; a = o * (1 - n(2 * d - 1)); b = a * (1 - n(g - 2 * j(g / 2) - 1)); c = d - a / 2; switch (j(g)) { case 0: k = [a, b, 0]; break; case 1: k = [b, a, 0]; break; case 2: k = [0, a, b]; break; case 3: k = [0, b, a]; break; case 4: k = [b, 0, a]; break; case 5: k = [a, 0, b]; break } k = [k[0] + c, k[1] + c, k[2] + c] } return new Ext.draw.Color(k[0] * 255, k[1] * 255, k[2] * 255) } }, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.draw, "Color"], function () { var a = this.prototype; this.addStatics({ fromHSL: function () { return a.fromHSL.apply(a, arguments) }, fromString: function () { return a.fromString.apply(a, arguments) }, toHex: function () { return a.toHex.apply(a, arguments) } }) })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.draw.Draw", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, pathToStringRE: /,?([achlmqrstvxz]),?/gi, pathCommandRE: /([achlmqstvz])[\s,]*((-?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[-+]?\d+)?\s*,?\s*)+)/ig, pathValuesRE: /(-?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[-+]?\d+)?)\s*,?\s*/ig, stopsRE: /^(\d+%?)$/, radian: Math.PI / 180, availableAnimAttrs: { along: "along", blur: null, "clip-rect": "csv", cx: null, cy: null, fill: "color", "fill-opacity": null, "font-size": null, height: null, opacity: null, path: "path", r: null, rotation: "csv", rx: null, ry: null, scale: "csv", stroke: "color", "stroke-opacity": null, "stroke-width": null, translation: "csv", width: null, x: null, y: null }, is: function (b, a) { a = String(a).toLowerCase(); return (a == "object" && b === Object(b)) || (a == "undefined" && typeof b == a) || (a == "null" && b === null) || (a == "array" && Array.isArray && Array.isArray(b)) || (Object.prototype.toString.call(b).toLowerCase().slice(8, -1)) == a }, ellipsePath: function (b) { var a = b.attr; return Ext.String.format("M{0},{1}A{2},{3},0,1,1,{0},{4}A{2},{3},0,1,1,{0},{1}z", a.x, a.y - a.ry, a.rx, a.ry, a.y + a.ry) }, rectPath: function (b) { var a = b.attr; if (a.radius) { return Ext.String.format("M{0},{1}l{2},0a{3},{3},0,0,1,{3},{3}l0,{5}a{3},{3},0,0,1,{4},{3}l{6},0a{3},{3},0,0,1,{4},{4}l0,{7}a{3},{3},0,0,1,{3},{4}z", a.x + a.radius, a.y, a.width - a.radius * 2, a.radius, -a.radius, a.height - a.radius * 2, a.radius * 2 - a.width, a.radius * 2 - a.height) } else { return Ext.String.format("M{0},{1}L{2},{1},{2},{3},{0},{3}z", a.x, a.y, a.width + a.x, a.height + a.y) } }, path2string: function () { return this.join(",").replace(Ext.draw.Draw.pathToStringRE, "$1") }, pathToString: function (a) { return a.join(",").replace(Ext.draw.Draw.pathToStringRE, "$1") }, parsePathString: function (a) { if (!a) { return null } var d = { a: 7, c: 6, h: 1, l: 2, m: 2, q: 4, s: 4, t: 2, v: 1, z: 0 }, c = [], b = this; if (b.is(a, "array") && b.is(a[0], "array")) { c = b.pathClone(a) } if (!c.length) { String(a).replace(b.pathCommandRE, function (g, e, k) { var j = [], h = e.toLowerCase(); k.replace(b.pathValuesRE, function (m, l) { l && j.push(+l) }); if (h == "m" && j.length > 2) { c.push([e].concat(Ext.Array.splice(j, 0, 2))); h = "l"; e = (e == "m") ? "l" : "L" } while (j.length >= d[h]) { c.push([e].concat(Ext.Array.splice(j, 0, d[h]))); if (!d[h]) { break } } }) } c.toString = b.path2string; return c }, mapPath: function (l, g) { if (!g) { return l } var h, e, c, k, a, d, b; l = this.path2curve(l); for (c = 0, k = l.length; c < k; c++) { b = l[c]; for (a = 1, d = b.length; a < d - 1; a += 2) { h = g.x(b[a], b[a + 1]); e = g.y(b[a], b[a + 1]); b[a] = h; b[a + 1] = e } } return l }, pathClone: function (g) { var c = [], a, e, b, d; if (!this.is(g, "array") || !this.is(g && g[0], "array")) { g = this.parsePathString(g) } for (b = 0, d = g.length; b < d; b++) { c[b] = []; for (a = 0, e = g[b].length; a < e; a++) { c[b][a] = g[b][a] } } c.toString = this.path2string; return c }, pathToAbsolute: function (c) { if (!this.is(c, "array") || !this.is(c && c[0], "array")) { c = this.parsePathString(c) } var k = [], m = 0, l = 0, o = 0, n = 0, g = 0, h = c.length, b, d, e, a; if (h && c[0][0] == "M") { m = +c[0][1]; l = +c[0][2]; o = m; n = l; g++; k[0] = ["M", m, l] } for (; g < h; g++) { b = k[g] = []; d = c[g]; if (d[0] != d[0].toUpperCase()) { b[0] = d[0].toUpperCase(); switch (b[0]) { case "A": b[1] = d[1]; b[2] = d[2]; b[3] = d[3]; b[4] = d[4]; b[5] = d[5]; b[6] = + (d[6] + m); b[7] = + (d[7] + l); break; case "V": b[1] = +d[1] + l; break; case "H": b[1] = +d[1] + m; break; case "M": o = +d[1] + m; n = +d[2] + l; default: e = 1; a = d.length; for (; e < a; e++) { b[e] = +d[e] + ((e % 2) ? m : l) } } } else { e = 0; a = d.length; for (; e < a; e++) { k[g][e] = d[e] } } switch (b[0]) { case "Z": m = o; l = n; break; case "H": m = b[1]; break; case "V": l = b[1]; break; case "M": d = k[g]; a = d.length; o = d[a - 2]; n = d[a - 1]; default: d = k[g]; a = d.length; m = d[a - 2]; l = d[a - 1] } } k.toString = this.path2string; return k }, pathToRelative: function (d) { if (!this.is(d, "array") || !this.is(d && d[0], "array")) { d = this.parsePathString(d) } var n = [], p = 0, o = 0, t = 0, s = 0, c = 0, a, q, h, g, e, m, u, l, b; if (d[0][0] == "M") { p = d[0][1]; o = d[0][2]; t = p; s = o; c++; n.push(["M", p, o]) } for (h = c, u = d.length; h < u; h++) { a = n[h] = []; q = d[h]; if (q[0] != q[0].toLowerCase()) { a[0] = q[0].toLowerCase(); switch (a[0]) { case "a": a[1] = q[1]; a[2] = q[2]; a[3] = q[3]; a[4] = q[4]; a[5] = q[5]; a[6] = + (q[6] - p).toFixed(3); a[7] = + (q[7] - o).toFixed(3); break; case "v": a[1] = + (q[1] - o).toFixed(3); break; case "m": t = q[1]; s = q[2]; default: for (g = 1, l = q.length; g < l; g++) { a[g] = + (q[g] - ((g % 2) ? p : o)).toFixed(3) } } } else { a = n[h] = []; if (q[0] == "m") { t = q[1] + p; s = q[2] + o } for (e = 0, b = q.length; e < b; e++) { n[h][e] = q[e] } } m = n[h].length; switch (n[h][0]) { case "z": p = t; o = s; break; case "h": p += +n[h][m - 1]; break; case "v": o += +n[h][m - 1]; break; default: p += +n[h][m - 2]; o += +n[h][m - 1] } } n.toString = this.path2string; return n }, path2curve: function (k) { var d = this, h = d.pathToAbsolute(k), c = h.length, j = { x: 0, y: 0, bx: 0, by: 0, X: 0, Y: 0, qx: null, qy: null }, b, a, g, e; for (b = 0; b < c; b++) { h[b] = d.command2curve(h[b], j); if (h[b].length > 7) { h[b].shift(); e = h[b]; while (e.length) { Ext.Array.splice(h, b++, 0, ["C"].concat(Ext.Array.splice(e, 0, 6))) } Ext.Array.erase(h, b, 1); c = h.length; b-- } a = h[b]; g = a.length; j.x = a[g - 2]; j.y = a[g - 1]; j.bx = parseFloat(a[g - 4]) || j.x; j.by = parseFloat(a[g - 3]) || j.y } return h }, interpolatePaths: function (r, l) { var j = this, d = j.pathToAbsolute(r), m = j.pathToAbsolute(l), n = { x: 0, y: 0, bx: 0, by: 0, X: 0, Y: 0, qx: null, qy: null }, a = { x: 0, y: 0, bx: 0, by: 0, X: 0, Y: 0, qx: null, qy: null }, b = function (p, s) { if (p[s].length > 7) { p[s].shift(); var t = p[s]; while (t.length) { Ext.Array.splice(p, s++, 0, ["C"].concat(Ext.Array.splice(t, 0, 6))) } Ext.Array.erase(p, s, 1); o = Math.max(d.length, m.length || 0) } }, c = function (v, u, s, p, t) { if (v && u && v[t][0] == "M" && u[t][0] != "M") { Ext.Array.splice(u, t, 0, ["M", p.x, p.y]); s.bx = 0; s.by = 0; s.x = v[t][1]; s.y = v[t][2]; o = Math.max(d.length, m.length || 0) } }, h, o, g, q, e, k; for (h = 0, o = Math.max(d.length, m.length || 0); h < o; h++) { d[h] = j.command2curve(d[h], n); b(d, h); (m[h] = j.command2curve(m[h], a)); b(m, h); c(d, m, n, a, h); c(m, d, a, n, h); g = d[h]; q = m[h]; e = g.length; k = q.length; n.x = g[e - 2]; n.y = g[e - 1]; n.bx = parseFloat(g[e - 4]) || n.x; n.by = parseFloat(g[e - 3]) || n.y; a.bx = (parseFloat(q[k - 4]) || a.x); a.by = (parseFloat(q[k - 3]) || a.y); a.x = q[k - 2]; a.y = q[k - 1] } return [d, m] }, command2curve: function (c, b) { var a = this; if (!c) { return ["C", b.x, b.y, b.x, b.y, b.x, b.y] } if (c[0] != "T" && c[0] != "Q") { b.qx = b.qy = null } switch (c[0]) { case "M": b.X = c[1]; b.Y = c[2]; break; case "A": c = ["C"].concat(a.arc2curve.apply(a, [b.x, b.y].concat(c.slice(1)))); break; case "S": c = ["C", b.x + (b.x - (b.bx || b.x)), b.y + (b.y - (b.by || b.y))].concat(c.slice(1)); break; case "T": b.qx = b.x + (b.x - (b.qx || b.x)); b.qy = b.y + (b.y - (b.qy || b.y)); c = ["C"].concat(a.quadratic2curve(b.x, b.y, b.qx, b.qy, c[1], c[2])); break; case "Q": b.qx = c[1]; b.qy = c[2]; c = ["C"].concat(a.quadratic2curve(b.x, b.y, c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4])); break; case "L": c = ["C"].concat(b.x, b.y, c[1], c[2], c[1], c[2]); break; case "H": c = ["C"].concat(b.x, b.y, c[1], b.y, c[1], b.y); break; case "V": c = ["C"].concat(b.x, b.y, b.x, c[1], b.x, c[1]); break; case "Z": c = ["C"].concat(b.x, b.y, b.X, b.Y, b.X, b.Y); break } return c }, quadratic2curve: function (b, d, h, e, a, c) { var g = 1 / 3, j = 2 / 3; return [g * b + j * h, g * d + j * e, g * a + j * h, g * c + j * e, a, c] }, rotate: function (b, h, a) { var d = Math.cos(a), c = Math.sin(a), g = b * d - h * c, e = b * c + h * d; return { x: g, y: e } }, arc2curve: function (s, af, H, F, z, n, g, r, ae, A) { var v = this, d = Math.PI, w = v.radian, E = d * 120 / 180, b = w * (+z || 0), M = [], J = Math, T = J.cos, a = J.sin, V = J.sqrt, u = J.abs, o = J.asin, I, O, N, aa, c, R, U, C, B, m, l, q, j, ad, e, ac, P, S, Q, ab, Z, Y, W, L, X, K, D, G, p; if (!A) { I = v.rotate(s, af, -b); s = I.x; af = I.y; I = v.rotate(r, ae, -b); r = I.x; ae = I.y; O = (s - r) / 2; N = (af - ae) / 2; aa = (O * O) / (H * H) + (N * N) / (F * F); if (aa > 1) { aa = V(aa); H = aa * H; F = aa * F } c = H * H; R = F * F; U = (n == g ? -1 : 1) * V(u((c * R - c * N * N - R * O * O) / (c * N * N + R * O * O))); C = U * H * N / F + (s + r) / 2; B = U * -F * O / H + (af + ae) / 2; m = o(((af - B) / F).toFixed(7)); l = o(((ae - B) / F).toFixed(7)); m = s < C ? d - m : m; l = r < C ? d - l : l; if (m < 0) { m = d * 2 + m } if (l < 0) { l = d * 2 + l } if (g && m > l) { m = m - d * 2 } if (!g && l > m) { l = l - d * 2 } } else { m = A[0]; l = A[1]; C = A[2]; B = A[3] } q = l - m; if (u(q) > E) { D = l; G = r; p = ae; l = m + E * (g && l > m ? 1 : -1); r = C + H * T(l); ae = B + F * a(l); M = v.arc2curve(r, ae, H, F, z, 0, g, G, p, [l, D, C, B]) } q = l - m; j = T(m); ad = a(m); e = T(l); ac = a(l); P = J.tan(q / 4); S = 4 / 3 * H * P; Q = 4 / 3 * F * P; ab = [s, af]; Z = [s + S * ad, af - Q * j]; Y = [r + S * ac, ae - Q * e]; W = [r, ae]; Z[0] = 2 * ab[0] - Z[0]; Z[1] = 2 * ab[1] - Z[1]; if (A) { return [Z, Y, W].concat(M) } else { M = [Z, Y, W].concat(M).join().split(","); L = []; K = M.length; for (X = 0; X < K; X++) { L[X] = X % 2 ? v.rotate(M[X - 1], M[X], b).y : v.rotate(M[X], M[X + 1], b).x } return L } }, rotateAndTranslatePath: function (k) { var c = k.rotation.degrees, d = k.rotation.x, b = k.rotation.y, o = k.translation.x, l = k.translation.y, n, g, a, m, e, h = []; if (!c && !o && !l) { return this.pathToAbsolute(k.attr.path) } o = o || 0; l = l || 0; n = this.pathToAbsolute(k.attr.path); for (g = n.length; g--; ) { a = h[g] = n[g].slice(); if (a[0] == "A") { m = this.rotatePoint(a[6], a[7], c, d, b); a[6] = m.x + o; a[7] = m.y + l } else { e = 1; while (a[e + 1] != null) { m = this.rotatePoint(a[e], a[e + 1], c, d, b); a[e] = m.x + o; a[e + 1] = m.y + l; e += 2 } } } return h }, rotatePoint: function (b, h, e, a, g) { if (!e) { return { x: b, y: h } } a = a || 0; g = g || 0; b = b - a; h = h - g; e = e * this.radian; var d = Math.cos(e), c = Math.sin(e); return { x: b * d - h * c + a, y: b * c + h * d + g } }, pathDimensions: function (o) { if (!o || !(o + "")) { return { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 } } o = this.path2curve(o); var m = 0, l = 0, e = [], b = [], h = 0, k = o.length, c, a, n, g, d, j; for (; h < k; h++) { c = o[h]; if (c[0] == "M") { m = c[1]; l = c[2]; e.push(m); b.push(l) } else { j = this.curveDim(m, l, c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5], c[6]); e = e.concat(j.min.x, j.max.x); b = b.concat(j.min.y, j.max.y); m = c[5]; l = c[6] } } a = Math.min.apply(0, e); n = Math.min.apply(0, b); g = Math.max.apply(0, e); d = Math.max.apply(0, b); return { x: Math.round(a), y: Math.round(n), path: o, width: Math.round(g - a), height: Math.round(d - n) } }, intersectInside: function (b, c, a) { return (a[0] - c[0]) * (b[1] - c[1]) > (a[1] - c[1]) * (b[0] - c[0]) }, intersectIntersection: function (o, n, g, d) { var c = [], b = g[0] - d[0], a = g[1] - d[1], l = o[0] - n[0], j = o[1] - n[1], m = g[0] * d[1] - g[1] * d[0], k = o[0] * n[1] - o[1] * n[0], h = 1 / (b * j - a * l); c[0] = (m * l - k * b) * h; c[1] = (m * j - k * a) * h; return c }, intersect: function (o, c) { var n = this, k = 0, m = c.length, h = c[m - 1], p = o, g, q, l, a, b, d; for (; k < m; ++k) { g = c[k]; b = p; p = []; q = b[b.length - 1]; d = 0; a = b.length; for (; d < a; d++) { l = b[d]; if (n.intersectInside(l, h, g)) { if (!n.intersectInside(q, h, g)) { p.push(n.intersectIntersection(q, l, h, g)) } p.push(l) } else { if (n.intersectInside(q, h, g)) { p.push(n.intersectIntersection(q, l, h, g)) } } q = l } h = g } return p }, bezier: function (h, g, n, m, e) { if (e === 0) { return h } else { if (e === 1) { return m } } var k = 1 - e, j = k * k * k, l = e / k; return j * (h + l * (3 * g + l * (3 * n + m * l))) }, bezierDim: function (t, q, n, m) { var v = [], g, j, p, h, u, e, w, k, o, l; if (t + 3 * n == m + 3 * q) { g = t - q; g /= 2 * (t - q - q + n); if (g < 1 && g > 0) { v.push(g) } } else { j = t - 3 * q + 3 * n - m; p = 2 * (t - q - q + n); h = t - q; u = p * p - 4 * j * h; e = j + j; if (u === 0) { g = p / e; if (g < 1 && g > 0) { v.push(g) } } else { if (u > 0) { w = Math.sqrt(u); g = (w + p) / e; if (g < 1 && g > 0) { v.push(g) } g = (p - w) / e; if (g < 1 && g > 0) { v.push(g) } } } } k = Math.min(t, m); o = Math.max(t, m); for (l = 0; l < v.length; l++) { k = Math.min(k, this.bezier(t, q, n, m, v[l])); o = Math.max(o, this.bezier(t, q, n, m, v[l])) } return [k, o] }, curveDim: function (b, a, d, c, l, k, h, e) { var j = this.bezierDim(b, d, l, h), g = this.bezierDim(a, c, k, e); return { min: { x: j[0], y: g[0] }, max: { x: j[1], y: g[1] } } }, getAnchors: function (e, d, l, k, w, v, r) { r = r || 4; var j = Math, q = j.PI, s = q / 2, n = j.abs, a = j.sin, b = j.cos, g = j.atan, u, t, h, m, p, o, y, x, c; u = (l - e) / r; t = (w - l) / r; if ((k >= d && k >= v) || (k <= d && k <= v)) { h = m = s } else { h = g((l - e) / n(k - d)); if (d < k) { h = q - h } m = g((w - l) / n(k - v)); if (v < k) { m = q - m } } c = s - ((h + m) % (q * 2)) / 2; if (c > s) { c -= q } h += c; m += c; p = l - u * a(h); o = k + u * b(h); y = l + t * a(m); x = k + t * b(m); if ((k > d && o < d) || (k < d && o > d)) { p += n(d - o) * (p - l) / (o - k); o = d } if ((k > v && x < v) || (k < v && x > v)) { y -= n(v - x) * (y - l) / (x - k); x = v } return { x1: p, y1: o, x2: y, y2: x } }, smooth: function (a, p) { var o = this.path2curve(a), c = [o[0]], g = o[0][1], e = o[0][2], q, s, t = 1, h = o.length, d = 1, l = g, k = e, w, v, u, m, r, n, b; for (; t < h; t++) { w = o[t]; v = w.length; u = o[t - 1]; m = u.length; r = o[t + 1]; n = r && r.length; if (w[0] == "M") { l = w[1]; k = w[2]; q = t + 1; while (o[q][0] != "C") { q++ } c.push(["M", l, k]); d = c.length; g = l; e = k; continue } if (w[v - 2] == l && w[v - 1] == k && (!r || r[0] == "M")) { b = c[d].length; s = this.getAnchors(u[m - 2], u[m - 1], l, k, c[d][b - 2], c[d][b - 1], p); c[d][1] = s.x2; c[d][2] = s.y2 } else { if (!r || r[0] == "M") { s = { x1: w[v - 2], y1: w[v - 1] } } else { s = this.getAnchors(u[m - 2], u[m - 1], w[v - 2], w[v - 1], r[n - 2], r[n - 1], p) } } c.push(["C", g, e, s.x1, s.y1, w[v - 2], w[v - 1]]); g = s.x2; e = s.y2 } return c }, findDotAtSegment: function (b, a, d, c, k, j, h, g, l) { var e = 1 - l; return { x: Math.pow(e, 3) * b + Math.pow(e, 2) * 3 * l * d + e * 3 * l * l * k + Math.pow(l, 3) * h, y: Math.pow(e, 3) * a + Math.pow(e, 2) * 3 * l * c + e * 3 * l * l * j + Math.pow(l, 3) * g } }, snapEnds: function (o, c, k, u) { if (Ext.isDate(o)) { return this.snapEndsByDate(o, c, k) } var e = (c - o) / k, b = Math.floor(Math.log(e) / Math.LN10) + 1, n = Math.pow(10, b), d, q, r = Math.round((e % n) * Math.pow(10, 2 - b)), s = [[0, 15], [10, 1], [20, 4], [25, 2], [50, 9], [100, 15]], a = 0, l, j, p, h, t = 1000000000, g = s.length; q = Math.floor(o / n) * n; if (o == q && q > 0) { q = Math.floor((o - (n / 10)) / n) * n } if (u) { for (p = 0; p < g; p++) { l = s[p][0]; j = (l - r) < 0 ? 1000000 : (l - r) / s[p][1]; if (j < t) { h = l; t = j } } e = Math.floor(e * Math.pow(10, -b)) * Math.pow(10, b) + h * Math.pow(10, b - 2); if (o < 0 && c >= 0) { d = 0; while (d > o) { d -= e; a++ } o = +d.toFixed(10); d = 0; while (d < c) { d += e; a++ } c = +d.toFixed(10) } else { d = o = q; while (d < c) { d += e; a++ } } c = +d.toFixed(10) } else { o = q; a = k } return { from: o, to: c, power: b, step: e, steps: a } }, snapEndsByDate: function (l, m, b, n) { var e = false, h = [[Ext.Date.MILLI, [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 250, 500]], [Ext.Date.SECOND, [1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30]], [Ext.Date.MINUTE, [1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30]], [Ext.Date.HOUR, [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12]], [Ext.Date.DAY, [1, 2, 7, 14]], [Ext.Date.MONTH, [1, 2, 3, 6]]], g = h.length, k = false, c, d, a, o; for (o = 0; o < g; o++) { c = h[o]; if (!k) { for (d = 0; d < c[1].length; d++) { if (m < Ext.Date.add(l, c[0], c[1][d] * b)) { e = [c[0], c[1][d]]; k = true; break } } } } if (!e) { a = this.snapEnds(l.getFullYear(), m.getFullYear() + 1, b, n); e = [Date.YEAR, Math.round(a.step)] } return this.snapEndsByDateAndStep(l, m, e, n) }, snapEndsByDateAndStep: function (m, n, a, p) { var o = [m.getFullYear(), m.getMonth(), m.getDate(), m.getHours(), m.getMinutes(), m.getSeconds(), m.getMilliseconds()], l, c, q, b, j, e, k, d, h = a[0], g = a[1]; if (p) { c = m } else { switch (h) { case Ext.Date.MILLI: c = new Date(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5], Math.floor(o[6] / g) * g); break; case Ext.Date.SECOND: c = new Date(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], Math.floor(o[5] / g) * g, 0); break; case Ext.Date.MINUTE: c = new Date(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3], Math.floor(o[4] / g) * g, 0, 0); break; case Ext.Date.HOUR: c = new Date(o[0], o[1], o[2], Math.floor(o[3] / g) * g, 0, 0, 0); break; case Ext.Date.DAY: c = new Date(o[0], o[1], Math.floor((o[2] - 1) / g) * g + 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); break; case Ext.Date.MONTH: c = new Date(o[0], Math.floor(o[1] / g) * g, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); break; default: c = new Date(Math.floor(o[0] / g) * g, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); break } } d = ((h === Ext.Date.MONTH) && (g == 1 / 2 || g == 1 / 3 || g == 1 / 4)); l = (d ? [] : 0); q = new Date(c); while (q < n) { if (d) { b = new Date(q); j = b.getFullYear(); e = b.getMonth(); k = b.getDate(); switch (g) { case 1 / 2: if (k >= 15) { k = 1; if (++e > 11) { j++ } } else { k = 15 } break; case 1 / 3: if (k >= 20) { k = 1; if (++e > 11) { j++ } } else { if (k >= 10) { k = 20 } else { k = 10 } } break; case 1 / 4: if (k >= 22) { k = 1; if (++e > 11) { j++ } } else { if (k >= 15) { k = 22 } else { if (k >= 8) { k = 15 } else { k = 8 } } } break } q.setYear(j); q.setMonth(e); q.setDate(k); l.push(new Date(q)) } else { q = Ext.Date.add(q, h, g); l++ } } if (p) { q = n } if (d) { return { from: +c, to: +q, steps: l } } else { return { from: +c, to: +q, step: (q - c) / l, steps: l } } }, sorter: function (d, c) { return d.offset - c.offset }, rad: function (a) { return a % 360 * Math.PI / 180 }, degrees: function (a) { return a * 180 / Math.PI % 360 }, withinBox: function (a, c, b) { b = b || {}; return (a >= b.x && a <= (b.x + b.width) && c >= b.y && c <= (b.y + b.height)) }, parseGradient: function (l) { var e = this, g = l.type || "linear", c = l.angle || 0, j = e.radian, m = l.stops, a = [], k, b, h, d; if (g == "linear") { b = [0, 0, Math.cos(c * j), Math.sin(c * j)]; h = 1 / (Math.max(Math.abs(b[2]), Math.abs(b[3])) || 1); b[2] *= h; b[3] *= h; if (b[2] < 0) { b[0] = -b[2]; b[2] = 0 } if (b[3] < 0) { b[1] = -b[3]; b[3] = 0 } } for (k in m) { if (m.hasOwnProperty(k) && e.stopsRE.test(k)) { d = { offset: parseInt(k, 10), color: Ext.draw.Color.toHex(m[k].color) || "#ffffff", opacity: m[k].opacity || 1 }; a.push(d) } } Ext.Array.sort(a, e.sorter); if (g == "linear") { return { id: l.id, type: g, vector: b, stops: a } } else { return { id: l.id, type: g, centerX: l.centerX, centerY: l.centerY, focalX: l.focalX, focalY: l.focalY, radius: l.radius, vector: b, stops: a } } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.draw, "Draw"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.fx.PropertyHandler", Ext.Base, { statics: { defaultHandler: { pixelDefaultsRE: /width|height|top$|bottom$|left$|right$/i, unitRE: /^(-?\d*\.?\d*){1}(em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc|%)*$/, scrollRE: /^scroll/i, computeDelta: function (k, c, a, g, j) { a = (typeof a == "number") ? a : 1; var h = this.unitRE, d = h.exec(k), b, e; if (d) { k = d[1]; e = d[2]; if (!this.scrollRE.test(j) && !e && this.pixelDefaultsRE.test(j)) { e = "px" } } k = +k || 0; d = h.exec(c); if (d) { c = d[1]; e = d[2] || e } c = +c || 0; b = (g != null) ? g : k; return { from: k, delta: (c - b) * a, units: e } }, get: function (o, b, a, n, k) { var m = o.length, d = [], e, h, l, c, g; for (e = 0; e < m; e++) { if (n) { h = n[e][1].from } if (Ext.isArray(o[e][1]) && Ext.isArray(b)) { l = []; c = 0; g = o[e][1].length; for (; c < g; c++) { l.push(this.computeDelta(o[e][1][c], b[c], a, h, k)) } d.push([o[e][0], l]) } else { d.push([o[e][0], this.computeDelta(o[e][1], b, a, h, k)]) } } return d }, set: function (l, g) { var h = l.length, c = [], d, a, k, e, b; for (d = 0; d < h; d++) { a = l[d][1]; if (Ext.isArray(a)) { k = []; b = 0; e = a.length; for (; b < e; b++) { k.push(a[b].from + a[b].delta * g + (a[b].units || 0)) } c.push([l[d][0], k]) } else { c.push([l[d][0], a.from + a.delta * g + (a.units || 0)]) } } return c } }, stringHandler: { computeDelta: function (e, b, d, c, a) { return { from: e, delta: b } }, get: function (o, b, a, n, k) { var m = o.length, d = [], e, h, l, c, g; for (e = 0; e < m; e++) { d.push([o[e][0], this.computeDelta(o[e][1], b, a, h, k)]) } return d }, set: function (l, g) { var h = l.length, c = [], d, a, k, e, b; for (d = 0; d < h; d++) { a = l[d][1]; c.push([l[d][0], a.delta]) } return c } }, color: { rgbRE: /^rgb\(([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\)$/i, hexRE: /^#?([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})$/i, hex3RE: /^#?([0-9A-F]{1})([0-9A-F]{1})([0-9A-F]{1})$/i, parseColor: function (e, a) { a = (typeof a == "number") ? a : 1; var g = false, c = [this.hexRE, this.rgbRE, this.hex3RE], d = c.length, j, b, k, h; for (h = 0; h < d; h++) { k = c[h]; b = (h % 2 === 0) ? 16 : 10; j = k.exec(e); if (j && j.length === 4) { if (h === 2) { j[1] += j[1]; j[2] += j[2]; j[3] += j[3] } g = { red: parseInt(j[1], b), green: parseInt(j[2], b), blue: parseInt(j[3], b) }; break } } return g || e }, computeDelta: function (h, a, e, c) { h = this.parseColor(h); a = this.parseColor(a, e); var g = c ? c : h, b = typeof g, d = typeof a; if (b == "string" || b == "undefined" || d == "string" || d == "undefined") { return a || g } return { from: h, delta: { red: Math.round((a.red - g.red) * e), green: Math.round((a.green - g.green) * e), blue: Math.round((a.blue - g.blue) * e) } } }, get: function (j, a, g, d) { var h = j.length, c = [], e, b; for (e = 0; e < h; e++) { if (d) { b = d[e][1].from } c.push([j[e][0], this.computeDelta(j[e][1], a, g, b)]) } return c }, set: function (k, e) { var g = k.length, c = [], d, b, a, h, j; for (d = 0; d < g; d++) { b = k[d][1]; if (b) { h = b.from; j = b.delta; b = (typeof b == "object" && "red" in b) ? "rgb(" + b.red + ", " + b.green + ", " + b.blue + ")" : b; b = (typeof b == "object" && b.length) ? b[0] : b; if (typeof b == "undefined") { return [] } a = typeof b == "string" ? b : "rgb(" + [(h.red + Math.round(j.red * e)) % 256, (h.green + Math.round(j.green * e)) % 256, (h.blue + Math.round(j.blue * e)) % 256].join(",") + ")"; c.push([k[d][0], a]) } } return c } }, object: { interpolate: function (d, b) { b = (typeof b == "number") ? b : 1; var a = {}, c; for (c in d) { a[c] = parseFloat(d[c]) * b } return a }, computeDelta: function (h, a, c, b) { h = this.interpolate(h); a = this.interpolate(a, c); var g = b ? b : h, e = {}, d; for (d in a) { e[d] = a[d] - g[d] } return { from: h, delta: e } }, get: function (j, a, g, d) { var h = j.length, c = [], e, b; for (e = 0; e < h; e++) { if (d) { b = d[e][1].from } c.push([j[e][0], this.computeDelta(j[e][1], a, g, b)]) } return c }, set: function (l, g) { var h = l.length, c = [], e = {}, d, j, k, b, a; for (d = 0; d < h; d++) { b = l[d][1]; j = b.from; k = b.delta; for (a in j) { e[a] = j[a] + k[a] * g } c.push([l[d][0], e]) } return c } }, path: { computeDelta: function (e, a, c, b) { c = (typeof c == "number") ? c : 1; var d; e = +e || 0; a = +a || 0; d = (b != null) ? b : e; return { from: e, delta: (a - d) * c } }, forcePath: function (a) { if (!Ext.isArray(a) && !Ext.isArray(a[0])) { a = Ext.draw.Draw.parsePathString(a) } return a }, get: function (b, l, a, q) { var c = this.forcePath(l), n = [], s = b.length, d, h, o, g, p, m, e, t, r; for (o = 0; o < s; o++) { r = this.forcePath(b[o][1]); g = Ext.draw.Draw.interpolatePaths(r, c); r = g[0]; c = g[1]; d = r.length; t = []; for (m = 0; m < d; m++) { g = [r[m][0]]; h = r[m].length; for (e = 1; e < h; e++) { p = q && q[0][1][m][e].from; g.push(this.computeDelta(r[m][e], c[m][e], a, p)) } t.push(g) } n.push([b[o][0], t]) } return n }, set: function (p, n) { var o = p.length, e = [], h, g, d, l, m, c, a, b; for (h = 0; h < o; h++) { c = p[h][1]; l = []; a = c.length; for (g = 0; g < a; g++) { m = [c[g][0]]; b = c[g].length; for (d = 1; d < b; d++) { m.push(c[g][d].from + c[g][d].delta * n) } l.push(m.join(",")) } e.push([p[h][0], l.join(",")]) } return e } } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.fx, "PropertyHandler"], function () { var b = ["outlineColor", "backgroundColor", "borderColor", "borderTopColor", "borderRightColor", "borderBottomColor", "borderLeftColor", "fill", "stroke"], c = b.length, a = 0, d; for (; a < c; a++) { d = b[a]; this[d] = this.color } b = ["cursor"]; c = b.length; a = 0; for (; a < c; a++) { d = b[a]; this[d] = this.stringHandler } })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.fx.Anim", Ext.Base, { isAnimation: true, duration: 250, delay: 0, delayStart: 0, dynamic: false, easing: "ease", damper: 1, bezierRE: /^(?:cubic-)?bezier\(([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^\)]+)\)/, reverse: false, running: false, paused: false, iterations: 1, alternate: false, currentIteration: 0, startTime: 0, frameCount: 0, constructor: function (a) { var b = this, c; a = a || {}; if (a.keyframes) { return new Ext.fx.Animator(a) } Ext.apply(b, a); if (b.from === undefined) { b.from = {} } b.propHandlers = {}; b.config = a; b.target = Ext.fx.Manager.createTarget(b.target); b.easingFn = Ext.fx.Easing[b.easing]; b.target.dynamic = b.dynamic; if (!b.easingFn) { b.easingFn = String(b.easing).match(b.bezierRE); if (b.easingFn && b.easingFn.length == 5) { c = b.easingFn; b.easingFn = Ext.fx.CubicBezier.cubicBezier(+c[1], +c[2], +c[3], +c[4]) } } b.id = Ext.id(null, "ext-anim-"); b.addEvents("beforeanimate", "afteranimate", "lastframe"); b.mixins.observable.constructor.call(b); Ext.fx.Manager.addAnim(b) }, setAttr: function (a, b) { return Ext.fx.Manager.items.get(this.id).setAttr(this.target, a, b) }, initAttrs: function () { var e = this, h = e.from, j = e.to, g = e.initialFrom || {}, c = {}, a, b, k, d; for (d in j) { if (j.hasOwnProperty(d)) { a = e.target.getAttr(d, h[d]); b = j[d]; if (!Ext.fx.PropertyHandler[d]) { if (Ext.isObject(b)) { k = e.propHandlers[d] = Ext.fx.PropertyHandler.object } else { k = e.propHandlers[d] = Ext.fx.PropertyHandler.defaultHandler } } else { k = e.propHandlers[d] = Ext.fx.PropertyHandler[d] } c[d] = k.get(a, b, e.damper, g[d], d) } } e.currentAttrs = c }, start: function (d) { var e = this, c = e.delay, b = e.delayStart, a; if (c) { if (!b) { e.delayStart = d; return } else { a = d - b; if (a < c) { return } else { d = new Date(b.getTime() + c) } } } if (e.fireEvent("beforeanimate", e) !== false) { e.startTime = d; if (!e.paused && !e.currentAttrs) { e.initAttrs() } e.running = true; e.frameCount = 0 } }, runAnim: function (m) { var j = this, l = j.currentAttrs, d = j.duration, c = j.easingFn, b = j.propHandlers, g = {}, h, k, e, a; if (m >= d) { m = d; a = true } if (j.reverse) { m = d - m } for (e in l) { if (l.hasOwnProperty(e)) { k = l[e]; h = a ? 1 : c(m / d); g[e] = b[e].set(k, h) } } j.frameCount++; return g }, lastFrame: function () { var c = this, a = c.iterations, b = c.currentIteration; b++; if (b < a) { if (c.alternate) { c.reverse = !c.reverse } c.startTime = new Date(); c.currentIteration = b; c.paused = false } else { c.currentIteration = 0; c.end(); c.fireEvent("lastframe", c, c.startTime) } }, endWasCalled: 0, end: function () { if (this.endWasCalled++) { return } var a = this; a.startTime = 0; a.paused = false; a.running = false; Ext.fx.Manager.removeAnim(a); a.fireEvent("afteranimate", a, a.startTime); Ext.callback(a.callback, a.scope, [a, a.startTime]) }, isReady: function () { return this.paused === false && this.running === false && this.iterations > 0 }, isRunning: function () { return this.paused === false && this.running === true && this.isAnimator !== true } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.fx, "Anim"], 0)); Ext.enableFx = true; (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.Animate", Ext.Base, { isAnimate: true, animate: function (a) { var b = this; if (Ext.fx.Manager.hasFxBlock(b.id)) { return b } Ext.fx.Manager.queueFx(new Ext.fx.Anim(b.anim(a))); return this }, anim: function (a) { if (!Ext.isObject(a)) { return (a) ? {} : false } var b = this; if (a.stopAnimation) { b.stopAnimation() } Ext.applyIf(a, Ext.fx.Manager.getFxDefaults(b.id)); return Ext.apply({ target: b, paused: true }, a) }, stopFx: Ext.Function.alias(Ext.util.Animate, "stopAnimation"), stopAnimation: function () { Ext.fx.Manager.stopAnimation(this.id); return this }, syncFx: function () { Ext.fx.Manager.setFxDefaults(this.id, { concurrent: true }); return this }, sequenceFx: function () { Ext.fx.Manager.setFxDefaults(this.id, { concurrent: false }); return this }, hasActiveFx: Ext.Function.alias(Ext.util.Animate, "getActiveAnimation"), getActiveAnimation: function () { return Ext.fx.Manager.getActiveAnimation(this.id) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "Animate"], function () { Ext.applyIf(Ext.Element.prototype, this.prototype); Ext.CompositeElementLite.importElementMethods() })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.ElementContainer", Ext.Base, { childEls: [], constructor: function () { var b = this, a; if (b.hasOwnProperty("childEls")) { a = b.childEls; delete b.childEls; b.addChildEls.apply(b, a) } }, destroy: function () { var e = this, d = e.getChildEls(), g, a, c, b; for (c = d.length; c--; ) { a = d[c]; if (typeof a != "string") { a = a.name } g = e[a]; if (g) { e[a] = null; g.remove() } } }, addChildEls: function () { var b = this, a = arguments; if (b.hasOwnProperty("childEls")) { b.childEls.push.apply(b.childEls, a) } else { b.childEls = b.getChildEls().concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(a)) } b.prune(b.childEls, false) }, applyChildEls: function (b, a) { var e = this, g = e.getChildEls(), j, k, d, c, h; j = (a || e.id) + "-"; for (d = g.length; d--; ) { k = g[d]; if (typeof k == "string") { h = b.getById(j + k) } else { if ((c = k.select)) { h = Ext.select(c, true, b.dom) } else { if ((c = k.selectNode)) { h = Ext.get(Ext.DomQuery.selectNode(c, b.dom)) } else { h = b.getById(k.id || (j + k.itemId)) } } k = k.name } e[k] = h } }, getChildEls: function () { var b = this, a; if (b.hasOwnProperty("childEls")) { return b.childEls } a = b.self; return a.$childEls || b.getClassChildEls(a) }, getClassChildEls: function (o) { var k = this, p = o.$childEls, m, d, b, j, n, h, a, c, e, g, l; if (!p) { g = o.superclass; if (g) { g = g.self; c = [g.$childEls || k.getClassChildEls(g)]; l = g.prototype.mixins || {} } else { c = []; l = {} } e = o.prototype; h = e.mixins; for (a in h) { if (h.hasOwnProperty(a) && !l.hasOwnProperty(a)) { n = h[a].self; c.push(n.$childEls || k.getClassChildEls(n)) } } c.push(e.hasOwnProperty("childEls") && e.childEls); for (d = 0, b = c.length; d < b; ++d) { m = c[d]; if (m && m.length) { if (!p) { p = m } else { if (!j) { j = true; p = p.slice(0) } p.push.apply(p, m) } } } o.$childEls = p = (p ? k.prune(p, !j) : []) } return p }, prune: function (c, e) { var b = c.length, d = {}, a; while (b--) { a = c[b]; if (typeof a != "string") { a = a.name } if (!d[a]) { d[a] = 1 } else { if (e) { e = false; c = c.slice(0) } Ext.Array.erase(c, b, 1) } } return c }, removeChildEls: function (g) { var e = this, a = e.getChildEls(), d = (e.childEls = []), h, b, c; for (b = 0, h = a.length; b < h; ++b) { c = a[b]; if (!g(c)) { d.push(c) } } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "ElementContainer"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.Renderable", Ext.Base, { frameCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "frame", frameIdRegex: /[\-]frame\d+[TMB][LCR]$/, frameElNames: ["TL", "TC", "TR", "ML", "MC", "MR", "BL", "BC", "BR"], frameTpl: ["{%this.renderDockedItems(out,values,0);%}", '', '
{parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-tl{frameElCls}" role="presentation">', '
{parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-tr{frameElCls}" role="presentation">', '
{parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-tc{frameElCls}" role="presentation">
', '
', '
', "
", '
{parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-ml{frameElCls}" role="presentation">', '
{parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-mr{frameElCls}" role="presentation">', '
{parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-mc{frameElCls}" role="presentation">', "{%this.applyRenderTpl(out, values)%}", "
", '
', '
', '', '
{parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-bl{frameElCls}" role="presentation">', '
{parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-br{frameElCls}" role="presentation">', '
{parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-bc{frameElCls}" role="presentation">
', '
', '
', "
", "{%this.renderDockedItems(out,values,1);%}"], frameTableTpl: ["{%this.renderDockedItems(out,values,0);%}", '', '', "", '', '', '', "", "", "", '', '", '', "", '', "", '', '', '', "", "", "
{parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-tl{frameElCls}" role="presentation"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-tc{frameElCls}" role="presentation"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-tr{frameElCls}" role="presentation">
{parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-ml{frameElCls}" role="presentation"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-mc{frameElCls}" role="presentation">', "{%this.applyRenderTpl(out, values)%}", " {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-mr{frameElCls}" role="presentation">
{parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-bl{frameElCls}" role="presentation"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-bc{frameElCls}" role="presentation"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-br{frameElCls}" role="presentation">
", "{%this.renderDockedItems(out,values,1);%}"], afterRender: function () { var d = this, e = {}, j = d.protoEl, h = d.el, c, g, a, b; d.finishRenderChildren(); if (d.contentEl) { g = Ext.baseCSSPrefix; a = g + "hide-"; b = Ext.get(d.contentEl); b.removeCls([g + "hidden", a + "display", a + "offsets", a + "nosize"]); d.getContentTarget().appendChild(b.dom) } j.writeTo(e); c = e.removed; if (c) { h.removeCls(c) } c = e.cls; if (c.length) { h.addCls(c) } c = e.style; if (e.style) { h.setStyle(c) } d.protoEl = null; if (!d.ownerCt) { d.updateLayout() } }, afterFirstLayout: function (b, j) { var d = this, h = d.x, e = d.y, c, a, g, k; if (!d.ownerLayout) { c = Ext.isDefined(h); a = Ext.isDefined(e) } if (d.floating && (!c || !a)) { if (d.floatParent) { g = d.floatParent.getTargetEl().getViewRegion(); k = d.el.getAlignToXY(d.floatParent.getTargetEl(), "c-c"); g.x = k[0] - g.x; g.y = k[1] - g.y } else { k = d.el.getAlignToXY(d.container, "c-c"); g = d.container.translateXY(k[0], k[1]) } h = c ? h : g.x; e = a ? e : g.y; c = a = true } if (c || a) { d.setPosition(h, e) } d.onBoxReady(b, j) }, applyRenderSelectors: function () { var d = this, b = d.renderSelectors, c = d.el, e = c.dom, a; d.applyChildEls(c); if (b) { for (a in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(a) && b[a]) { d[a] = Ext.get(Ext.DomQuery.selectNode(b[a], e)) } } } }, beforeRender: function () { var c = this, e = c.getTargetEl(), d = c.getOverflowEl(), b = c.getComponentLayout(), a = c.getOverflowStyle(); c.frame = c.frame || c.alwaysFramed; if (!b.initialized) { b.initLayout() } if (d) { d.setStyle(a); c.overflowStyleSet = true } c.setUI(c.ui); if (c.disabled) { c.disable(true) } }, doApplyRenderTpl: function (c, a) { var d = a.$comp, b; if (!d.rendered) { b = d.initRenderTpl(); b.applyOut(a.renderData, c) } }, doAutoRender: function () { var a = this; if (!a.rendered) { if (a.floating) { a.render(document.body) } else { a.render(Ext.isBoolean(a.autoRender) ? Ext.getBody() : a.autoRender) } } }, doRenderContent: function (a, c) { var b = c.$comp; if (b.html) { Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(b.html, a); delete b.html } if (b.tpl) { if (!b.tpl.isTemplate) { b.tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(b.tpl) } if (b.data) { b.tpl.applyOut(b.data, a); delete b.data } } }, doRenderFramingDockedItems: function (a, c, d) { var b = c.$comp; if (!b.rendered && b.doRenderDockedItems) { c.renderData.$skipDockedItems = true; b.doRenderDockedItems.call(this, a, c, d) } }, finishRender: function (a) { var d = this, b, e, c; if (!d.el || d.$pid) { if (d.container) { c = d.container.getById(d.id, true) } else { c = Ext.getDom(d.id) } if (!d.el) { d.wrapPrimaryEl(c) } else { delete d.$pid; if (!d.el.dom) { d.wrapPrimaryEl(d.el) } c.parentNode.insertBefore(d.el.dom, c); Ext.removeNode(c) } } else { if (!d.rendering) { b = d.initRenderTpl(); if (b) { e = d.initRenderData(); b.insertFirst(d.getTargetEl(), e) } } } if (!d.container) { d.container = Ext.get(d.el.dom.parentNode) } if (d.ctCls) { d.container.addCls(d.ctCls) } d.onRender(d.container, a); if (!d.overflowStyleSet) { d.getOverflowEl().setStyle(d.getOverflowStyle()) } d.el.setVisibilityMode(Ext.Element[d.hideMode.toUpperCase()]); if (d.overCls) { d.el.hover(d.addOverCls, d.removeOverCls, d) } if (d.hasListeners.render) { d.fireEvent("render", d) } d.afterRender(); if (d.hasListeners.afterrender) { d.fireEvent("afterrender", d) } d.initEvents(); if (d.hidden) { d.el.hide() } }, finishRenderChildren: function () { var a = this.getComponentLayout(); a.finishRender() }, getElConfig: function () { var j = this, l = j.autoEl, g = j.getFrameInfo(), b = { tag: "div", tpl: g ? j.initFramingTpl(g.table) : j.initRenderTpl() }, a = j.protoEl, c, e, h, m, d, k; j.initStyles(a); a.writeTo(b); a.flush(); if (Ext.isString(l)) { b.tag = l } else { Ext.apply(b, l) } b.id = j.id; if (b.tpl) { if (g) { e = j.frameElNames; h = e.length; b.tplData = k = j.getFrameRenderData(); k.renderData = j.initRenderData(); d = k.fgid; for (c = 0; c < h; c++) { m = e[c]; j.addChildEls({ name: "frame" + m, id: d + m }) } j.addChildEls({ name: "frameBody", id: d + "MC" }) } else { b.tplData = j.initRenderData() } } return b }, initFramingTpl: function (b) { var a = this.getFrameTpl(b); if (a && !a.applyRenderTpl) { this.setupFramingTpl(a) } return a }, setupFramingTpl: function (a) { a.applyRenderTpl = this.doApplyRenderTpl; a.renderDockedItems = this.doRenderFramingDockedItems }, getInsertPosition: function (a) { if (a !== undefined) { if (Ext.isNumber(a)) { a = this.container.dom.childNodes[a] } else { a = Ext.getDom(a) } } return a }, getRenderTree: function () { var a = this; if (!a.hasListeners.beforerender || a.fireEvent("beforerender", a) !== false) { a.beforeRender(); a.rendering = true; if (a.el) { return { tag: "div", id: (a.$pid = Ext.id()) } } return a.getElConfig() } return null }, initContainer: function (a) { var b = this; if (!a && b.el) { a = b.el.dom.parentNode; b.allowDomMove = false } b.container = a.dom ? a : Ext.get(a); return b.container }, initRenderData: function () { var a = this; return Ext.apply({ $comp: a, id: a.id, ui: a.ui, uiCls: a.uiCls, baseCls: a.baseCls, componentCls: a.componentCls, frame: a.frame, childElCls: "" }, a.renderData) }, initRenderTpl: function () { var a = this.getTpl("renderTpl"); if (a && !a.renderContent) { this.setupRenderTpl(a) } return a }, onRender: function (d, e) { var g = this, j = g.x, h = g.y, c = null, a, k, b = g.el; g.applyRenderSelectors(); g.rendering = null; g.rendered = true; if (j != null) { c = { x: j } } if (h != null) { (c = c || {}).y = h } if (!g.getFrameInfo() && Ext.isBorderBox) { a = g.width; k = g.height; if (typeof a === "number") { c = c || {}; c.width = a } if (typeof k === "number") { c = c || {}; c.height = k } } g.lastBox = b.lastBox = c }, render: function (c, b) { var e = this, d = e.el && (e.el = Ext.get(e.el)), h, a, g; Ext.suspendLayouts(); c = e.initContainer(c); g = e.getInsertPosition(b); if (!d) { a = e.getRenderTree(); if (e.ownerLayout && e.ownerLayout.transformItemRenderTree) { a = e.ownerLayout.transformItemRenderTree(a) } if (a) { if (g) { d = Ext.DomHelper.insertBefore(g, a) } else { d = Ext.DomHelper.append(c, a) } e.wrapPrimaryEl(d) } } else { if (!e.hasListeners.beforerender || e.fireEvent("beforerender", e) !== false) { e.beforeRender(); e.initStyles(d); if (e.allowDomMove !== false) { if (g) { c.dom.insertBefore(d.dom, g) } else { c.dom.appendChild(d.dom) } } } else { h = true } } if (d && !h) { e.finishRender(b) } Ext.resumeLayouts(!e.hidden && !c.isDetachedBody) }, ensureAttachedToBody: function (c) { var b = this, a; while (b.ownerCt) { b = b.ownerCt } if (b.container.isDetachedBody) { b.container = a = Ext.getBody(); a.appendChild(b.el.dom); if (c) { b.updateLayout() } if (typeof b.x == "number" || typeof b.y == "number") { b.setPosition(b.x, b.y) } } }, setupRenderTpl: function (a) { a.renderBody = a.renderContent = this.doRenderContent }, wrapPrimaryEl: function (a) { this.el = Ext.get(a, true) }, initFrame: function () { if (Ext.supports.CSS3BorderRadius || !this.frame) { return } var h = this, e = h.getFrameInfo(), a, c, d = h.frameElNames, g = d.length, b, j, k; if (e) { a = h.getFrameTpl(e.table); j = h.getFrameRenderData(); c = j.fgid; a.insertFirst(h.el, j); h.frameBody = h.el.down("." + h.frameCls + "-mc"); h.removeChildEls(function (l) { return l.id && h.frameIdRegex.test(l.id) }); for (b = 0; b < g; b++) { k = d[b]; h["frame" + k] = h.el.getById(c + k) } } }, getFrameRenderData: function () { var c = this, b = c.frameSize, a = (c.frameGenId || 0) + 1; c.frameGenId = a; return { $comp: c, fgid: c.id + "-frame" + a, ui: c.ui, uiCls: c.uiCls, frameCls: c.frameCls, baseCls: c.baseCls, top: !!b.top, left: !!b.left, right: !!b.right, bottom: !!b.bottom, frameElCls: "" } }, updateFrame: function () { if (Ext.supports.CSS3BorderRadius || !this.frame) { return } var e = this, h = e.frameSize && e.frameSize.table, g = e.frameTL, d = e.frameBL, c = e.frameML, a = e.frameMC, b; e.initFrame(); if (a) { if (e.frame) { b = e.frameMC.dom.className; a.insertAfter(e.frameMC); e.frameMC.remove(); e.frameBody = e.frameMC = a; a.dom.className = b; if (h) { e.el.query("> table")[1].remove() } else { if (g) { g.remove() } if (d) { d.remove() } if (c) { c.remove() } } } } else { if (e.frame) { e.applyRenderSelectors() } } }, getFrameInfo: function () { if (Ext.supports.CSS3BorderRadius || !this.frame) { return false } var x = this, p = x.frameInfoCache, e = x.getFramingInfoCls() + "-frameInfo", y = p[e], q = Math.max, o, l, t, n, z, g, k, b, c, m, h, s, u, j, a, d, w, r, v; if (y == null) { o = Ext.fly(x.getStyleProxy(e), "frame-style-el"); t = o.getStyle("font-family"); if (t) { t = t.split("-"); d = parseInt(t[1], 10); w = parseInt(t[2], 10); r = parseInt(t[3], 10); v = parseInt(t[4], 10); b = parseInt(t[5], 10); c = parseInt(t[6], 10); m = parseInt(t[7], 10); h = parseInt(t[8], 10); s = parseInt(t[9], 10); u = parseInt(t[10], 10); j = parseInt(t[11], 10); a = parseInt(t[12], 10); n = q(b, q(d, w)); z = q(c, q(w, r)); g = q(m, q(v, r)); k = q(h, q(d, v)); y = { table: t[0].charAt(0) === "t", vertical: t[0].charAt(1) === "v", top: n, right: z, bottom: g, left: k, width: k + z, height: n + g, maxWidth: q(n, z, g, k), border: { top: b, right: c, bottom: m, left: h, width: h + c, height: b + m }, padding: { top: s, right: u, bottom: j, left: a, width: a + u, height: s + j }, radius: { tl: d, tr: w, br: r, bl: v } } } else { y = false } p[e] = y } x.frame = !!y; x.frameSize = y; return y }, getFramingInfoCls: function () { return this.baseCls + "-" + this.ui }, getStyleProxy: function (b) { var a = this.styleProxyEl || (Ext.AbstractComponent.prototype.styleProxyEl = Ext.getBody().createChild({ style: { position: "absolute", top: "-10000px" } }, null, true)); a.className = b; return a }, getFrameTpl: function (a) { return this.getTpl(a ? "frameTableTpl" : "frameTpl") }, frameInfoCache: {} }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "Renderable"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.state.Provider", Ext.Base, { prefix: "ext-", constructor: function (a) { a = a || {}; var b = this; Ext.apply(b, a); b.addEvents("statechange"); b.state = {}; b.mixins.observable.constructor.call(b) }, get: function (b, a) { return typeof this.state[b] == "undefined" ? a : this.state[b] }, clear: function (a) { var b = this; delete b.state[a]; b.fireEvent("statechange", b, a, null) }, set: function (a, c) { var b = this; b.state[a] = c; b.fireEvent("statechange", b, a, c) }, decodeValue: function (g) { var c = this, l = /^(a|n|d|b|s|o|e)\:(.*)$/, b = l.exec(unescape(g)), h, d, a, k, e, j; if (!b || !b[1]) { return } d = b[1]; g = b[2]; switch (d) { case "e": return null; case "n": return parseFloat(g); case "d": return new Date(Date.parse(g)); case "b": return (g == "1"); case "a": h = []; if (g != "") { k = g.split("^"); e = k.length; for (j = 0; j < e; j++) { g = k[j]; h.push(c.decodeValue(g)) } } return h; case "o": h = {}; if (g != "") { k = g.split("^"); e = k.length; for (j = 0; j < e; j++) { g = k[j]; a = g.split("="); h[a[0]] = c.decodeValue(a[1]) } } return h; default: return g } }, encodeValue: function (e) { var g = "", d = 0, b, a, c; if (e == null) { return "e:1" } else { if (typeof e == "number") { b = "n:" + e } else { if (typeof e == "boolean") { b = "b:" + (e ? "1" : "0") } else { if (Ext.isDate(e)) { b = "d:" + e.toGMTString() } else { if (Ext.isArray(e)) { for (a = e.length; d < a; d++) { g += this.encodeValue(e[d]); if (d != a - 1) { g += "^" } } b = "a:" + g } else { if (typeof e == "object") { for (c in e) { if (typeof e[c] != "function" && e[c] !== undefined) { g += c + "=" + this.encodeValue(e[c]) + "^" } } b = "o:" + g.substring(0, g.length - 1) } else { b = "s:" + e } } } } } } return escape(b) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.state, "Provider"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.state.Manager", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, constructor: function () { this.provider = new Ext.state.Provider() }, setProvider: function (a) { this.provider = a }, get: function (b, a) { return this.provider.get(b, a) }, set: function (a, b) { this.provider.set(a, b) }, clear: function (a) { this.provider.clear(a) }, getProvider: function () { return this.provider } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.state, "Manager"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.state.Stateful", Ext.Base, { stateful: false, saveDelay: 100, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; a = a || {}; if (a.stateful !== undefined) { b.stateful = a.stateful } if (a.saveDelay !== undefined) { b.saveDelay = a.saveDelay } b.stateId = b.stateId || a.stateId; if (!b.stateEvents) { b.stateEvents = [] } if (a.stateEvents) { b.stateEvents.concat(a.stateEvents) } this.addEvents("beforestaterestore", "staterestore", "beforestatesave", "statesave"); b.mixins.observable.constructor.call(b); if (b.stateful !== false) { b.addStateEvents(b.stateEvents); b.initState() } }, addStateEvents: function (c) { var e = this, b, d, a; if (e.stateful && e.getStateId()) { if (typeof c == "string") { c = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0) } a = e.stateEventsByName || (e.stateEventsByName = {}); for (b = c.length; b--; ) { d = c[b]; if (!a[d]) { a[d] = 1; e.on(d, e.onStateChange, e) } } } }, onStateChange: function () { var c = this, a = c.saveDelay, d, b; if (!c.stateful) { return } if (a) { if (!c.stateTask) { d = Ext.state.Stateful; b = d.runner || (d.runner = new Ext.util.TaskRunner()); c.stateTask = b.newTask({ run: c.saveState, scope: c, interval: a, repeat: 1 }) } c.stateTask.start() } else { c.saveState() } }, saveState: function () { var b = this, d = b.stateful && b.getStateId(), a = b.hasListeners, c; if (d) { c = b.getState() || {}; if (!a.beforestatesave || b.fireEvent("beforestatesave", b, c) !== false) { Ext.state.Manager.set(d, c); if (a.statesave) { b.fireEvent("statesave", b, c) } } } }, getState: function () { return null }, applyState: function (a) { if (a) { Ext.apply(this, a) } }, getStateId: function () { var a = this; return a.stateId || (a.autoGenId ? null : a.id) }, initState: function () { var b = this, d = b.stateful && b.getStateId(), a = b.hasListeners, c; if (d) { c = Ext.state.Manager.get(d); if (c) { c = Ext.apply({}, c); if (!a.beforestaterestore || b.fireEvent("beforestaterestore", b, c) !== false) { b.applyState(c); if (a.staterestore) { b.fireEvent("staterestore", b, c) } } } } }, savePropToState: function (g, e, d) { var b = this, c = b[g], a = b.initialConfig; if (b.hasOwnProperty(g)) { if (!a || a[g] !== c) { if (e) { e[d || g] = c } return true } } return false }, savePropsToState: function (e, c) { var b = this, a, d; if (typeof e == "string") { b.savePropToState(e, c) } else { for (a = 0, d = e.length; a < d; ++a) { b.savePropToState(e[a], c) } } return c }, destroy: function () { var b = this, a = b.stateTask; if (a) { a.destroy(); b.stateTask = null } b.clearListeners() } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.state, "Stateful"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.AbstractComponent", Ext.Base, { statics: { AUTO_ID: 1000, pendingLayouts: null, layoutSuspendCount: 0, cancelLayout: function (a, c) { var b = this.runningLayoutContext || this.pendingLayouts; if (b) { b.cancelComponent(a, false, c) } }, flushLayouts: function () { var b = this, a = b.pendingLayouts; if (a && a.invalidQueue.length) { b.pendingLayouts = null; b.runningLayoutContext = a; Ext.override(a, { runComplete: function () { b.runningLayoutContext = null; var c = this.callParent(); if (Ext.globalEvents.hasListeners.afterlayout) { Ext.globalEvents.fireEvent("afterlayout") } return c } }); a.run() } }, resumeLayouts: function (a) { if (this.layoutSuspendCount && !--this.layoutSuspendCount) { if (a) { this.flushLayouts() } if (Ext.globalEvents.hasListeners.resumelayouts) { Ext.globalEvents.fireEvent("resumelayouts") } } }, suspendLayouts: function () { ++this.layoutSuspendCount }, updateLayout: function (b, e) { var c = this, a = c.runningLayoutContext, d; if (a) { a.queueInvalidate(b) } else { d = c.pendingLayouts || (c.pendingLayouts = new Ext.layout.Context()); d.queueInvalidate(b); if (!e && !c.layoutSuspendCount && !b.isLayoutSuspended()) { c.flushLayouts() } } } }, isComponent: true, getAutoId: function () { this.autoGenId = true; return ++Ext.AbstractComponent.AUTO_ID }, deferLayouts: false, autoGenId: false, renderTpl: "{%this.renderContent(out,values)%}", frameSize: null, tplWriteMode: "overwrite", baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "component", disabledCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "item-disabled", ui: "default", uiCls: [], hidden: false, disabled: false, draggable: false, floating: false, hideMode: "display", autoShow: false, autoRender: false, allowDomMove: true, rendered: false, componentLayoutCounter: 0, shrinkWrap: 2, weight: 0, maskOnDisable: true, _isLayoutRoot: false, contentPaddingProperty: "padding", horizontalPosProp: "left", borderBoxCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "border-box", constructor: function (c) { var e = this, d, a, b; if (c) { Ext.apply(e, c); b = e.xhooks; if (b) { delete e.xhooks; Ext.override(e, b) } } else { c = {} } e.initialConfig = c; e.mixins.elementCt.constructor.call(e); e.addEvents("beforeactivate", "activate", "beforedeactivate", "deactivate", "added", "disable", "enable", "beforeshow", "show", "beforehide", "hide", "removed", "beforerender", "render", "afterrender", "boxready", "beforedestroy", "destroy", "resize", "move", "focus", "blur"); e.getId(); e.setupProtoEl(); if (e.cls) { e.initialCls = e.cls; e.protoEl.addCls(e.cls) } if (e.style) { e.initialStyle = e.style; e.protoEl.setStyle(e.style) } e.renderData = e.renderData || {}; e.renderSelectors = e.renderSelectors || {}; if (e.plugins) { e.plugins = e.constructPlugins() } if (!e.hasListeners) { e.hasListeners = new e.HasListeners() } e.initComponent(); Ext.ComponentManager.register(e); e.mixins.observable.constructor.call(e); e.mixins.state.constructor.call(e, c); this.addStateEvents("resize"); if (e.plugins) { for (d = 0, a = e.plugins.length; d < a; d++) { e.plugins[d] = e.initPlugin(e.plugins[d]) } } e.loader = e.getLoader(); if (e.renderTo) { e.render(e.renderTo) } if (e.autoShow && !e.isContained) { e.show() } }, initComponent: function () { this.plugins = this.constructPlugins(); this.setSize(this.width, this.height) }, getState: function () { var b = this, c = null, a = b.getSizeModel(); if (a.width.configured) { c = b.addPropertyToState(c, "width") } if (a.height.configured) { c = b.addPropertyToState(c, "height") } return c }, addPropertyToState: function (e, d, c) { var b = this, a = arguments.length; if (a == 3 || b.hasOwnProperty(d)) { if (a < 3) { c = b[d] } if (c !== b.initialConfig[d]) { (e || (e = {}))[d] = c } } return e }, show: Ext.emptyFn, animate: function (c) { var u = this, g, m, l, a, d, b, t, q, n, e, r, o, j, p, s, k; c = c || {}; d = c.to || {}; if (Ext.fx.Manager.hasFxBlock(u.id)) { return u } g = Ext.isDefined(d.width); if (g) { a = Ext.Number.constrain(d.width, u.minWidth, u.maxWidth) } m = Ext.isDefined(d.height); if (m) { l = Ext.Number.constrain(d.height, u.minHeight, u.maxHeight) } if (!c.dynamic && (g || m)) { q = (c.from ? c.from.width : undefined) || u.getWidth(); n = q; e = (c.from ? c.from.height : undefined) || u.getHeight(); r = e; o = false; if (m && l > e) { r = l; o = true } if (g && a > q) { n = a; o = true } if (m || g) { k = u.el.getStyle("overtflow"); if (k !== "hidden") { u.el.setStyle("overflow", "hidden") } } if (o) { b = !Ext.isNumber(u.width); t = !Ext.isNumber(u.height); u.setSize(n, r); u.el.setSize(q, e); if (b) { delete u.width } if (t) { delete u.height } } if (g) { d.width = a } if (m) { d.height = l } } j = u.constrain; p = u.constrainHeader; if (j || p) { u.constrain = u.constrainHeader = false; s = c.callback; c.callback = function () { u.constrain = j; u.constrainHeader = p; if (s) { s.call(c.scope || u, arguments) } if (k !== "hidden") { u.el.setStyle("overflow", k) } } } return u.mixins.animate.animate.apply(u, arguments) }, setHiddenState: function (a) { var b = this.getHierarchyState(); this.hidden = a; if (a) { b.hidden = true } else { delete b.hidden } }, onHide: function () { if (this.ownerLayout) { this.updateLayout({ isRoot: false }) } }, onShow: function () { this.updateLayout({ isRoot: false }) }, constructPlugin: function (b) { var a = this; if (typeof b == "string") { b = Ext.PluginManager.create({}, b, a) } else { b = Ext.PluginManager.create(b, null, a) } return b }, constructPlugins: function () { var e = this, c = e.plugins, b, d, a; if (c) { b = []; if (!Ext.isArray(c)) { c = [c] } for (d = 0, a = c.length; d < a; d++) { b[d] = e.constructPlugin(c[d]) } } e.pluginsInitialized = true; return b }, initPlugin: function (a) { a.init(this); return a }, addPlugin: function (b) { var a = this; b = a.constructPlugin(b); if (a.plugins) { a.plugins.push(b) } else { a.plugins = [b] } if (a.pluginsInitialized) { a.initPlugin(b) } return b }, removePlugin: function (a) { Ext.Array.remove(this.plugins, a); a.destroy() }, findPlugin: function (d) { var b, a = this.plugins, c = a && a.length; for (b = 0; b < c; b++) { if (a[b].ptype === d) { return a[b] } } }, getPlugin: function (b) { var c, a = this.plugins, d = a && a.length; for (c = 0; c < d; c++) { if (a[c].pluginId === b) { return a[c] } } }, beforeLayout: Ext.emptyFn, updateAria: Ext.emptyFn, registerFloatingItem: function (b) { var a = this; if (!a.floatingDescendants) { a.floatingDescendants = new Ext.ZIndexManager(a) } a.floatingDescendants.register(b) }, unregisterFloatingItem: function (b) { var a = this; if (a.floatingDescendants) { a.floatingDescendants.unregister(b) } }, layoutSuspendCount: 0, suspendLayouts: function () { var a = this; if (!a.rendered) { return } if (++a.layoutSuspendCount == 1) { a.suspendLayout = true } }, resumeLayouts: function (b) { var a = this; if (!a.rendered) { return } if (!--a.layoutSuspendCount) { a.suspendLayout = false; if (b && !a.isLayoutSuspended()) { a.updateLayout(b) } } }, setupProtoEl: function () { var a = this.initCls(); this.protoEl = new Ext.util.ProtoElement({ cls: a.join(" ") }) }, initCls: function () { var b = this, a = [b.baseCls, b.getComponentLayout().targetCls]; if (Ext.isDefined(b.cmpCls)) { if (Ext.isDefined(Ext.global.console)) { Ext.global.console.warn("Ext.Component: cmpCls has been deprecated. Please use componentCls.") } b.componentCls = b.cmpCls; delete b.cmpCls } if (b.componentCls) { a.push(b.componentCls) } else { b.componentCls = b.baseCls } return a }, setUI: function (c) { var b = this, e = b.uiCls, d = b.activeUI, a; if (c === d) { return } if (d) { a = b.removeClsWithUI(e, true); if (a.length) { b.removeCls(a) } b.removeUIFromElement() } else { b.uiCls = [] } b.ui = c; b.activeUI = c; b.addUIToElement(); a = b.addClsWithUI(e, true); if (a.length) { b.addCls(a) } if (b.rendered) { b.updateLayout() } }, addClsWithUI: function (c, j) { var h = this, g = [], e = 0, d = h.uiCls = Ext.Array.clone(h.uiCls), b = h.activeUI, a, k; if (typeof c === "string") { c = (c.indexOf(" ") < 0) ? [c] : Ext.String.splitWords(c) } a = c.length; for (; e < a; e++) { k = c[e]; if (k && !h.hasUICls(k)) { d.push(k); if (b) { g = g.concat(h.addUIClsToElement(k)) } } } if (j !== true && b) { h.addCls(g) } return g }, removeClsWithUI: function (d, l) { var k = this, j = [], g = 0, a = Ext.Array, h = a.remove, e = k.uiCls = a.clone(k.uiCls), c = k.activeUI, b, m; if (typeof d === "string") { d = (d.indexOf(" ") < 0) ? [d] : Ext.String.splitWords(d) } b = d.length; for (g = 0; g < b; g++) { m = d[g]; if (m && k.hasUICls(m)) { h(e, m); if (c) { j = j.concat(k.removeUIClsFromElement(m)) } } } if (l !== true && c) { k.removeCls(j) } return j }, hasUICls: function (a) { var b = this, c = b.uiCls || []; return Ext.Array.contains(c, a) }, frameElementsArray: ["tl", "tc", "tr", "ml", "mc", "mr", "bl", "bc", "br"], addUIClsToElement: function (j) { var h = this, b = h.baseCls + "-" + h.ui + "-" + j, k = [Ext.baseCSSPrefix + j, h.baseCls + "-" + j, b], g, e, d, a, c; if (h.rendered && h.frame && !Ext.supports.CSS3BorderRadius) { g = h.frameElementsArray; e = g.length; for (d = 0; d < e; d++) { c = g[d]; a = h["frame" + c.toUpperCase()]; if (a) { a.addCls(b + "-" + c) } } } return k }, removeUIClsFromElement: function (j) { var h = this, b = h.baseCls + "-" + h.ui + "-" + j, k = [Ext.baseCSSPrefix + j, h.baseCls + "-" + j, b], g, e, d, a, c; if (h.rendered && h.frame && !Ext.supports.CSS3BorderRadius) { g = h.frameElementsArray; e = g.length; for (d = 0; d < e; d++) { c = g[d]; a = h["frame" + c.toUpperCase()]; if (a) { a.removeCls(b + "-" + c) } } } return k }, addUIToElement: function () { var g = this, b = g.baseCls + "-" + g.ui, a, e, c, d, h; g.addCls(b); if (g.rendered && g.frame && !Ext.supports.CSS3BorderRadius) { a = g.frameElementsArray; e = a.length; for (c = 0; c < e; c++) { h = a[c]; d = g["frame" + h.toUpperCase()]; if (d) { d.addCls(b + "-" + h) } } } }, removeUIFromElement: function () { var g = this, b = g.baseCls + "-" + g.ui, a, e, c, d, h; g.removeCls(b); if (g.rendered && g.frame && !Ext.supports.CSS3BorderRadius) { a = g.frameElementsArray; e = a.length; for (c = 0; c < e; c++) { h = a[c]; d = g["frame" + h.toUpperCase()]; if (d) { d.removeCls(b + "-" + h) } } } }, getTpl: function (a) { return Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(this, a) }, initStyles: function (l) { var g = this, c = Ext.Element, d = g.margin, e = g.border, m = g.cls, a = g.style, j = g.x, h = g.y, b, k; g.initPadding(l); if (d != null) { l.setStyle("margin", this.unitizeBox((d === true) ? 5 : d)) } if (e != null) { g.setBorder(e, l) } if (m && m != g.initialCls) { l.addCls(m); g.cls = g.initialCls = null } if (a && a != g.initialStyle) { l.setStyle(a); g.style = g.initialStyle = null } if (j != null) { l.setStyle(g.horizontalPosProp, (typeof j == "number") ? (j + "px") : j) } if (h != null) { l.setStyle("top", (typeof h == "number") ? (h + "px") : h) } if (Ext.isBorderBox && (!g.ownerCt || g.floating)) { l.addCls(g.borderBoxCls) } if (!g.getFrameInfo()) { b = g.width; k = g.height; if (b != null) { if (typeof b === "number") { if (Ext.isBorderBox) { l.setStyle("width", b + "px") } } else { l.setStyle("width", b) } } if (k != null) { if (typeof k === "number") { if (Ext.isBorderBox) { l.setStyle("height", k + "px") } } else { l.setStyle("height", k) } } } }, initPadding: function (c) { var a = this, b = a.padding; if (b != null) { if (a.layout && a.layout.managePadding && a.contentPaddingProperty === "padding") { c.setStyle("padding", 0) } else { c.setStyle("padding", this.unitizeBox((b === true) ? 5 : b)) } } }, parseBox: function (a) { return Ext.dom.Element.parseBox(a) }, unitizeBox: function (a) { return Ext.dom.Element.unitizeBox(a) }, setMargin: function (c, b) { var a = this; if (a.rendered) { if (!c && c !== 0) { c = "" } else { if (c === true) { c = 5 } c = this.unitizeBox(c) } a.getTargetEl().setStyle("margin", c); if (!b) { a.updateLayout() } } else { a.margin = c } }, initEvents: function () { var e = this, h = e.afterRenderEvents, b, d, g, c, a; if (h) { for (g in h) { d = e[g]; if (d && d.on) { b = h[g]; for (c = 0, a = b.length; c < a; ++c) { e.mon(d, b[c]) } } } } e.addFocusListener() }, addFocusListener: function () { var c = this, b = c.getFocusEl(), a; if (b) { if (b.isComponent) { return b.addFocusListener() } a = b.needsTabIndex(); if (!c.focusListenerAdded && (!a || Ext.FocusManager.enabled)) { if (a) { b.dom.tabIndex = -1 } b.on({ focus: c.onFocus, blur: c.onBlur, scope: c }); c.focusListenerAdded = true } } }, getFocusEl: Ext.emptyFn, isFocusable: function () { var b = this, a; if ((b.focusable !== false) && (a = b.getFocusEl()) && b.rendered && !b.destroying && !b.isDestroyed && !b.disabled && b.isVisible(true)) { return a.isFocusable(true) } }, beforeFocus: Ext.emptyFn, onFocus: function (d) { var c = this, b = c.focusCls, a = c.getFocusEl(); if (!c.disabled) { c.beforeFocus(d); if (b && a) { a.addCls(c.addClsWithUI(b, true)) } if (!c.hasFocus) { c.hasFocus = true; c.fireEvent("focus", c, d) } } }, beforeBlur: Ext.emptyFn, onBlur: function (d) { var c = this, b = c.focusCls, a = c.getFocusEl(); if (c.destroying) { return } c.beforeBlur(d); if (b && a) { a.removeCls(c.removeClsWithUI(b, true)) } if (c.validateOnBlur) { c.validate() } c.hasFocus = false; c.fireEvent("blur", c, d); c.postBlur(d) }, postBlur: Ext.emptyFn, is: function (a) { return Ext.ComponentQuery.is(this, a) }, up: function (d, e) { var c = this.getRefOwner(), b = typeof e === "string", h = typeof e === "number", a = e && e.isComponent, g = 0; if (d) { for (; c; c = c.getRefOwner()) { g++; if (d.isComponent) { if (c === d) { return c } } else { if (Ext.ComponentQuery.is(c, d)) { return c } } if (b && c.is(e)) { return } if (h && g === e) { return } if (a && c === e) { return } } } return c }, nextSibling: function (b) { var g = this.ownerCt, d, e, a, h; if (g) { d = g.items; a = d.indexOf(this) + 1; if (a) { if (b) { for (e = d.getCount(); a < e; a++) { if ((h = d.getAt(a)).is(b)) { return h } } } else { if (a < d.getCount()) { return d.getAt(a) } } } } return null }, previousSibling: function (b) { var e = this.ownerCt, d, a, g; if (e) { d = e.items; a = d.indexOf(this); if (a != -1) { if (b) { for (--a; a >= 0; a--) { if ((g = d.getAt(a)).is(b)) { return g } } } else { if (a) { return d.getAt(--a) } } } } return null }, previousNode: function (b, d) { var j = this, h = j.ownerCt, a, g, e, c; if (d && j.is(b)) { return j } if (h) { for (g = h.items.items, e = Ext.Array.indexOf(g, j) - 1; e > -1; e--) { c = g[e]; if (c.query) { a = c.query(b); a = a[a.length - 1]; if (a) { return a } } if (c.is(b)) { return c } } return h.previousNode(b, true) } return null }, nextNode: function (d, j) { var b = this, c = b.ownerCt, k, e, h, g, a; if (j && b.is(d)) { return b } if (c) { for (e = c.items.items, g = Ext.Array.indexOf(e, b) + 1, h = e.length; g < h; g++) { a = e[g]; if (a.is(d)) { return a } if (a.down) { k = a.down(d); if (k) { return k } } } return c.nextNode(d) } return null }, getId: function () { return this.id || (this.id = "ext-comp-" + (this.getAutoId())) }, getItemId: function () { return this.itemId || this.id }, getEl: function () { return this.el }, getTargetEl: function () { return this.frameBody || this.el }, getOverflowEl: function () { return this.getTargetEl() }, getOverflowStyle: function () { var e = this, b = null, d, c, a; if (typeof e.autoScroll === "boolean") { b = { overflow: a = e.autoScroll ? "auto" : "" }; e.scrollFlags = { overflowX: a, overflowY: a, x: true, y: true, both: true } } else { d = e.overflowX; c = e.overflowY; if (d !== undefined || c !== undefined) { b = { overflowX: d = d || "", overflowY: c = c || "" }; e.scrollFlags = { overflowX: d, overflowY: c, x: d = (d === "auto" || d === "scroll"), y: c = (c === "auto" || c === "scroll"), both: d && c } } else { e.scrollFlags = { overflowX: "", overflowY: "", x: false, y: false, both: false } } } if (b && Ext.isIE7m) { b.position = "relative" } return b }, isXType: function (b, a) { if (a) { return this.xtype === b } else { return this.xtypesMap[b] } }, getXTypes: function () { var c = this.self, d, b, a; if (!c.xtypes) { d = []; b = this; while (b) { a = b.xtypes; if (a !== undefined) { d.unshift.apply(d, a) } b = b.superclass } c.xtypeChain = d; c.xtypes = d.join("/") } return c.xtypes }, update: function (b, c, a) { var e = this, g = (e.tpl && !Ext.isString(b)), d; if (g) { e.data = b } else { e.html = Ext.isObject(b) ? Ext.DomHelper.markup(b) : b } if (e.rendered) { d = e.isContainer ? e.layout.getRenderTarget() : e.getTargetEl(); if (g) { e.tpl[e.tplWriteMode](d, b || {}) } else { d.update(e.html, c, a) } e.updateLayout() } }, setVisible: function (a) { return this[a ? "show" : "hide"]() }, isVisible: function (a) { var b = this, c; if (b.hidden || !b.rendered || b.isDestroyed) { c = true } else { if (a) { c = b.isHierarchicallyHidden() } } return !c }, isHierarchicallyHidden: function () { var d = this, c = false, b, a; for (; (b = d.ownerCt || d.floatParent); d = b) { a = b.getHierarchyState(); if (a.hidden) { c = true; break } if (d.getHierarchyState().collapseImmune) { if (b.collapsed && !d.collapseImmune) { c = true; break } } else { c = !!a.collapsed; break } } return c }, onBoxReady: function (b, a) { var c = this; if (c.disableOnBoxReady) { c.onDisable() } else { if (c.enableOnBoxReady) { c.onEnable() } } if (c.resizable) { c.initResizable(c.resizable) } if (c.draggable) { c.initDraggable() } if (c.hasListeners.boxready) { c.fireEvent("boxready", c, b, a) } }, enable: function (a) { var b = this; delete b.disableOnBoxReady; b.removeCls(b.disabledCls); if (b.rendered) { b.onEnable() } else { b.enableOnBoxReady = true } b.disabled = false; delete b.resetDisable; if (a !== true) { b.fireEvent("enable", b) } return b }, disable: function (a) { var b = this; delete b.enableOnBoxReady; b.addCls(b.disabledCls); if (b.rendered) { b.onDisable() } else { b.disableOnBoxReady = true } b.disabled = true; if (a !== true) { delete b.resetDisable; b.fireEvent("disable", b) } return b }, onEnable: function () { if (this.maskOnDisable) { this.el.dom.disabled = false; this.unmask() } }, onDisable: function () { var c = this, b = c.focusCls, a = c.getFocusEl(); if (b && a) { a.removeCls(c.removeClsWithUI(b, true)) } if (c.maskOnDisable) { c.el.dom.disabled = true; c.mask() } }, mask: function () { var b = this.lastBox, c = this.getMaskTarget(), a = []; if (b) { a[2] = b.height } c.mask.apply(c, a) }, unmask: function () { this.getMaskTarget().unmask() }, getMaskTarget: function () { return this.el }, isDisabled: function () { return this.disabled }, setDisabled: function (a) { return this[a ? "disable" : "enable"]() }, isHidden: function () { return this.hidden }, addCls: function (a) { var c = this, b = c.rendered ? c.el : c.protoEl; b.addCls.apply(b, arguments); return c }, addClass: function () { return this.addCls.apply(this, arguments) }, hasCls: function (a) { var c = this, b = c.rendered ? c.el : c.protoEl; return b.hasCls.apply(b, arguments) }, removeCls: function (a) { var c = this, b = c.rendered ? c.el : c.protoEl; b.removeCls.apply(b, arguments); return c }, addOverCls: function () { var a = this; if (!a.disabled) { a.el.addCls(a.overCls) } }, removeOverCls: function () { this.el.removeCls(this.overCls) }, addListener: function (b, g, e, a) { var h = this, d, c; if (Ext.isString(b) && (Ext.isObject(g) || a && a.element)) { if (a.element) { d = g; g = {}; g[b] = d; b = a.element; if (e) { g.scope = e } for (c in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(c)) { if (h.eventOptionsRe.test(c)) { g[c] = a[c] } } } } if (h[b] && h[b].on) { h.mon(h[b], g) } else { h.afterRenderEvents = h.afterRenderEvents || {}; if (!h.afterRenderEvents[b]) { h.afterRenderEvents[b] = [] } h.afterRenderEvents[b].push(g) } return } return h.mixins.observable.addListener.apply(h, arguments) }, removeManagedListenerItem: function (b, a, j, d, g, e) { var h = this, c = a.options ? a.options.element : null; if (c) { c = h[c]; if (c && c.un) { if (b || (a.item === j && a.ename === d && (!g || a.fn === g) && (!e || a.scope === e))) { c.un(a.ename, a.fn, a.scope); if (!b) { Ext.Array.remove(h.managedListeners, a) } } } } else { return h.mixins.observable.removeManagedListenerItem.apply(h, arguments) } }, getBubbleTarget: function () { return this.ownerCt }, isFloating: function () { return this.floating }, isDraggable: function () { return !!this.draggable }, isDroppable: function () { return !!this.droppable }, onAdded: function (a, c) { var b = this; b.ownerCt = a; if (b.hierarchyState) { b.hierarchyState.invalid = true; delete b.hierarchyState } if (b.hasListeners.added) { b.fireEvent("added", b, a, c) } }, onRemoved: function (b) { var a = this; if (a.hasListeners.removed) { a.fireEvent("removed", a, a.ownerCt) } delete a.ownerCt; delete a.ownerLayout }, beforeDestroy: Ext.emptyFn, onResize: function (c, a, b, e) { var d = this; if (d.floating && d.constrain) { d.doConstrain() } if (d.hasListeners.resize) { d.fireEvent("resize", d, c, a, b, e) } }, setSize: function (b, a) { var c = this; if (b && typeof b == "object") { a = b.height; b = b.width } if (typeof b == "number") { c.width = Ext.Number.constrain(b, c.minWidth, c.maxWidth) } else { if (b === null) { delete c.width } } if (typeof a == "number") { c.height = Ext.Number.constrain(a, c.minHeight, c.maxHeight) } else { if (a === null) { delete c.height } } if (c.rendered && c.isVisible()) { c.updateLayout({ isRoot: false }) } return c }, isLayoutRoot: function () { var a = this, b = a.ownerLayout; if (!b || a._isLayoutRoot || a.floating) { return true } return b.isItemLayoutRoot(a) }, isLayoutSuspended: function () { var a = this, b; while (a) { if (a.layoutSuspendCount || a.suspendLayout) { return true } b = a.ownerLayout; if (!b) { break } a = b.owner } return false }, updateLayout: function (c) { var d = this, e, b = d.lastBox, a = c && c.isRoot; if (b) { b.invalid = true } if (!d.rendered || d.layoutSuspendCount || d.suspendLayout) { return } if (d.hidden) { Ext.AbstractComponent.cancelLayout(d) } else { if (typeof a != "boolean") { a = d.isLayoutRoot() } } if (a || !d.ownerLayout || !d.ownerLayout.onContentChange(d)) { if (!d.isLayoutSuspended()) { e = (c && c.hasOwnProperty("defer")) ? c.defer : d.deferLayouts; Ext.AbstractComponent.updateLayout(d, e) } } }, getSizeModel: function (k) { var o = this, a = Ext.layout.SizeModel, d = o.componentLayout.ownerContext, b = o.width, q = o.height, r, c, g, e, h, p, m, n, l, j; if (d) { j = d.widthModel; h = d.heightModel } if (!j || !h) { g = ((r = typeof b) == "number"); e = ((c = typeof q) == "number"); l = o.floating || !(p = o.ownerLayout); if (l) { m = Ext.layout.Layout.prototype.autoSizePolicy; n = o.floating ? 3 : o.shrinkWrap; if (g) { j = a.configured } if (e) { h = a.configured } } else { m = p.getItemSizePolicy(o, k); n = p.isItemShrinkWrap(o) } if (d) { d.ownerSizePolicy = m } n = (n === true) ? 3 : (n || 0); if (l && n) { if (b && r == "string") { n &= 2 } if (q && c == "string") { n &= 1 } } if (n !== 3) { if (!k) { k = o.ownerCt && o.ownerCt.getSizeModel() } if (k) { n |= (k.width.shrinkWrap ? 1 : 0) | (k.height.shrinkWrap ? 2 : 0) } } if (!j) { if (!m.setsWidth) { if (g) { j = a.configured } else { j = (n & 1) ? a.shrinkWrap : a.natural } } else { if (m.readsWidth) { if (g) { j = a.calculatedFromConfigured } else { j = (n & 1) ? a.calculatedFromShrinkWrap : a.calculatedFromNatural } } else { j = a.calculated } } } if (!h) { if (!m.setsHeight) { if (e) { h = a.configured } else { h = (n & 2) ? a.shrinkWrap : a.natural } } else { if (m.readsHeight) { if (e) { h = a.calculatedFromConfigured } else { h = (n & 2) ? a.calculatedFromShrinkWrap : a.calculatedFromNatural } } else { h = a.calculated } } } } return j.pairsByHeightOrdinal[h.ordinal] }, isDescendant: function (a) { if (a.isContainer) { for (var b = this.ownerCt; b; b = b.ownerCt) { if (b === a) { return true } } } return false }, doComponentLayout: function () { this.updateLayout(); return this }, forceComponentLayout: function () { this.updateLayout() }, setComponentLayout: function (b) { var a = this.componentLayout; if (a && a.isLayout && a != b) { a.setOwner(null) } this.componentLayout = b; b.setOwner(this) }, getComponentLayout: function () { var a = this; if (!a.componentLayout || !a.componentLayout.isLayout) { a.setComponentLayout(Ext.layout.Layout.create(a.componentLayout, "autocomponent")) } return a.componentLayout }, afterComponentLayout: function (c, a, b, e) { var d = this; if (++d.componentLayoutCounter === 1) { d.afterFirstLayout(c, a) } if (c !== b || a !== e) { d.onResize(c, a, b, e) } }, beforeComponentLayout: function (b, a) { return true }, setPosition: function (a, e, b) { var c = this, d = c.beforeSetPosition.apply(c, arguments); if (d && c.rendered) { a = d.x; e = d.y; if (b) { if (a !== c.getLocalX() || e !== c.getLocalY()) { c.stopAnimation(); c.animate(Ext.apply({ duration: 1000, listeners: { afteranimate: Ext.Function.bind(c.afterSetPosition, c, [a, e]) }, to: { x: a, y: e } }, b)) } } else { c.setLocalXY(a, e); c.afterSetPosition(a, e) } } return c }, beforeSetPosition: function (a, e, b) { var d, c; if (a) { if (Ext.isNumber(c = a[0])) { b = e; e = a[1]; a = c } else { if ((c = a.x) !== undefined) { b = e; e = a.y; a = c } } } if (this.constrain || this.constrainHeader) { d = this.calculateConstrainedPosition(null, [a, e], true); if (d) { a = d[0]; e = d[1] } } d = { x: this.x = a, y: this.y = e, anim: b, hasX: a !== undefined, hasY: e !== undefined }; return (d.hasX || d.hasY) ? d : null }, afterSetPosition: function (a, c) { var b = this; b.onPosition(a, c); if (b.hasListeners.move) { b.fireEvent("move", b, a, c) } }, onPosition: Ext.emptyFn, setWidth: function (a) { return this.setSize(a) }, setHeight: function (a) { return this.setSize(undefined, a) }, getSize: function () { return this.el.getSize() }, getWidth: function () { return this.el.getWidth() }, getHeight: function () { return this.el.getHeight() }, getLoader: function () { var c = this, b = c.autoLoad ? (Ext.isObject(c.autoLoad) ? c.autoLoad : { url: c.autoLoad }) : null, a = c.loader || b; if (a) { if (!a.isLoader) { c.loader = new Ext.ComponentLoader(Ext.apply({ target: c, autoLoad: b }, a)) } else { a.setTarget(c) } return c.loader } return null }, setDocked: function (b, c) { var a = this; a.dock = b; if (c && a.ownerCt && a.rendered) { a.ownerCt.updateLayout() } return a }, setBorder: function (b, d) { var c = this, a = !!d; if (c.rendered || a) { if (!a) { d = c.el } if (!b) { b = 0 } else { if (b === true) { b = "1px" } else { b = this.unitizeBox(b) } } d.setStyle("border-width", b); if (!a) { c.updateLayout() } } c.border = b }, onDestroy: function () { var a = this; if (a.monitorResize && Ext.EventManager.resizeEvent) { Ext.EventManager.resizeEvent.removeListener(a.setSize, a) } Ext.destroy(a.componentLayout, a.loadMask, a.floatingDescendants) }, destroy: function () { var d = this, b = d.renderSelectors, a, c; if (!d.isDestroyed) { if (!d.hasListeners.beforedestroy || d.fireEvent("beforedestroy", d) !== false) { d.destroying = true; d.beforeDestroy(); if (d.floating) { delete d.floatParent; if (d.zIndexManager) { d.zIndexManager.unregister(d) } } else { if (d.ownerCt && d.ownerCt.remove) { d.ownerCt.remove(d, false) } } d.stopAnimation(); d.onDestroy(); Ext.destroy(d.plugins); if (d.hasListeners.destroy) { d.fireEvent("destroy", d) } Ext.ComponentManager.unregister(d); d.mixins.state.destroy.call(d); d.clearListeners(); if (d.rendered) { if (!d.preserveElOnDestroy) { d.el.remove() } d.mixins.elementCt.destroy.call(d); if (b) { for (a in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(a)) { c = d[a]; if (c) { delete d[a]; c.remove() } } } } delete d.el; delete d.frameBody; delete d.rendered } d.destroying = false; d.isDestroyed = true } } }, isDescendantOf: function (a) { return !!this.findParentBy(function (b) { return b === a }) }, getHierarchyState: function (a) { var e = this, j = (a && e.hierarchyStateInner) || e.hierarchyState, c = e.ownerCt, b, d, g, h; if (!j || j.invalid) { b = e.getRefOwner(); if (c) { h = e.ownerLayout === c.layout } e.hierarchyState = j = Ext.Object.chain(b ? b.getHierarchyState(h) : Ext.rootHierarchyState); e.initHierarchyState(j); if ((d = e.componentLayout).initHierarchyState) { d.initHierarchyState(j) } if (e.isContainer) { e.hierarchyStateInner = g = Ext.Object.chain(j); d = e.layout; if (d && d.initHierarchyState) { d.initHierarchyState(g, j) } if (a) { j = g } } } return j }, initHierarchyState: function (b) { var a = this; if (a.collapsed) { b.collapsed = true } if (a.hidden) { b.hidden = true } if (a.collapseImmune) { b.collapseImmune = true } }, getAnchorToXY: function (d, a, c, b) { return d.getAnchorXY(a, c, b) }, getBorderPadding: function () { return this.el.getBorderPadding() }, getLocalX: function () { return this.el.getLocalX() }, getLocalXY: function () { return this.el.getLocalXY() }, getLocalY: function () { return this.el.getLocalY() }, getX: function () { return this.el.getX() }, getXY: function () { return this.el.getXY() }, getY: function () { return this.el.getY() }, setLocalX: function (a) { this.el.setLocalX(a) }, setLocalXY: function (a, b) { this.el.setLocalXY(a, b) }, setLocalY: function (a) { this.el.setLocalY(a) }, setX: function (a, b) { this.el.setX(a, b) }, setXY: function (b, a) { this.el.setXY(b, a) }, setY: function (b, a) { this.el.setY(b, a) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["positionable", Ext.util.Positionable], ["observable", Ext.util.Observable], ["animate", Ext.util.Animate], ["elementCt", Ext.util.ElementContainer], ["renderable", Ext.util.Renderable], ["state", Ext.state.Stateful]], [Ext, "AbstractComponent"], function () { var a = this; a.createAlias({ on: "addListener", prev: "previousSibling", next: "nextSibling" }); Ext.resumeLayouts = function (b) { a.resumeLayouts(b) }; Ext.suspendLayouts = function () { a.suspendLayouts() }; Ext.batchLayouts = function (c, b) { a.suspendLayouts(); c.call(b); a.resumeLayouts(true) } })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.AbstractPlugin", Ext.Base, { disabled: false, isPlugin: true, constructor: function (a) { this.pluginConfig = a; Ext.apply(this, a) }, clonePlugin: function (a) { return new this.self(Ext.apply({}, a, this.pluginConfig)) }, setCmp: function (a) { this.cmp = a }, getCmp: function () { return this.cmp }, init: Ext.emptyFn, destroy: Ext.emptyFn, enable: function () { this.disabled = false }, disable: function () { this.disabled = true }, onClassExtended: function (b, d, a) { var c = d.alias; if (c && !d.ptype) { if (Ext.isArray(c)) { c = c[0] } b.prototype.ptype = c.split("plugin.")[1] } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext, "AbstractPlugin"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.Action", Ext.Base, { constructor: function (a) { this.initialConfig = a; this.itemId = a.itemId = (a.itemId || a.id || Ext.id()); this.items = [] }, isAction: true, setText: function (a) { this.initialConfig.text = a; this.callEach("setText", [a]) }, getText: function () { return this.initialConfig.text }, setIconCls: function (a) { this.initialConfig.iconCls = a; this.callEach("setIconCls", [a]) }, getIconCls: function () { return this.initialConfig.iconCls }, setDisabled: function (a) { this.initialConfig.disabled = a; this.callEach("setDisabled", [a]) }, enable: function () { this.setDisabled(false) }, disable: function () { this.setDisabled(true) }, isDisabled: function () { return this.initialConfig.disabled }, setHidden: function (a) { this.initialConfig.hidden = a; this.callEach("setVisible", [!a]) }, show: function () { this.setHidden(false) }, hide: function () { this.setHidden(true) }, isHidden: function () { return this.initialConfig.hidden }, setHandler: function (b, a) { this.initialConfig.handler = b; this.initialConfig.scope = a; this.callEach("setHandler", [b, a]) }, each: function (b, a) { Ext.each(this.items, b, a) }, callEach: function (g, c) { var b = this.items, d = 0, a = b.length, e; Ext.suspendLayouts(); for (; d < a; d++) { e = b[d]; e[g].apply(e, c) } Ext.resumeLayouts(true) }, addComponent: function (a) { this.items.push(a); a.on("destroy", this.removeComponent, this) }, removeComponent: function (a) { Ext.Array.remove(this.items, a) }, execute: function () { this.initialConfig.handler.apply(this.initialConfig.scope || Ext.global, arguments) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext, "Action"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.flash.BinaryXhr", Ext.Base, { statics: { flashPluginActivated: function () { Ext.data.flash.BinaryXhr.flashPluginActive = true; Ext.data.flash.BinaryXhr.flashPlugin = document.getElementById("ext-flash-polyfill"); Ext.globalEvents.fireEvent("flashready") }, flashPluginActive: false, flashPluginInjected: false, connectionIndex: 1, liveConnections: {}, flashPlugin: null, onFlashStateChange: function (d, c, b) { var a; a = this.liveConnections[Number(d)]; if (a) { a.onFlashStateChange(c, b) } }, registerConnection: function (b) { var a = this.connectionIndex; this.conectionIndex = this.connectionIndex + 1; this.liveConnections[a] = b; return a }, injectFlashPlugin: function () { var g, b, c, a, e = this, d, h; a = document.createElement("img"); a.setAttribute("src", window.location.protocol + "//www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif"); a.setAttribute("alt", "Get Adobe Flash player"); c = document.createElement("a"); c.setAttribute("href", "http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"); c.appendChild(a); b = document.createElement("p"); b.innerHTML = "To view this page ensure that Adobe Flash Player version 11.1.0 or greater is installed."; g = document.createElement("div"); g.setAttribute("id", "ext-flash-polyfill"); g.appendChild(b); g.appendChild(a); Ext.getBody().dom.appendChild(g); d = [Ext.Loader.getPath("Ext.data.Connection"), "../../../plugins/flash/swfobject.js"].join("/"); h = "/plugins/flash/FlashPlugin.swf"; if (Ext.flashPluginPath) { h = Ext.flashPluginPath } Ext.Loader.loadScript({ url: d, onLoad: function () { var k = "11.4.0"; var m = "playerProductInstall.swf"; var j = {}; var n = {}; n.quality = "high"; n.bgcolor = "#ffffff"; n.allowscriptaccess = "sameDomain"; n.allowfullscreen = "true"; var l = {}; l.id = "ext-flash-polyfill"; l.name = "polyfill"; l.align = "middle"; swfobject.embedSWF(h, "ext-flash-polyfill", "0", "0", k, m, j, n, l) }, onError: function () {}, scope: e }); Ext.globalEvents.addEvents("flashready"); Ext.data.flash.BinaryXhr.flashPluginInjected = true } }, readyState: 0, status: 0, statusText: "", responseBytes: null, javascriptId: null, constructor: function (a) { if (!Ext.data.flash.BinaryXhr.flashPluginInjected) { Ext.data.flash.BinaryXhr.injectFlashPlugin() } var b = this; Ext.apply(b, a); b.requestHeaders = {} }, abort: function () { var a = this; if (a.readyState == 4) { return } a.aborted = true; if (!Ext.data.flash.BinaryXhr.flashPluginActive) { Ext.globalEvents.removeListener("flashready", a.onFlashReady, a); return } Ext.data.flash.BinaryXhr.flashPlugin.abortRequest(a.javascriptId); delete Ext.data.flash.BinaryXhr.liveConnections[a.javascriptId] }, getAllResponseHeaders: function () { var a = []; Ext.Object.each(this.responseHeaders, function (b, c) { a.push(b + ": " + c) }); return a.join("\r\n") }, getResponseHeader: function (b) { var a = this.responseHeaders; return (a && a[b]) || null }, open: function (g, c, d, a, b) { var e = this; e.method = g; e.url = c; e.async = d !== false; e.user = a; e.password = b }, overrideMimeType: function (a) { this.mimeType = a }, send: function (a) { var b = this; b.body = a; if (!Ext.data.flash.BinaryXhr.flashPluginActive) { Ext.globalEvents.addListener("flashready", b.onFlashReady, b) } else { this.onFlashReady() } }, onFlashReady: function () { var c = this, b, a; c.javascriptId = Ext.data.flash.BinaryXhr.registerConnection(c); b = { method: c.method, url: c.url, user: c.user, password: c.password, mimeType: c.mimeType, requestHeaders: c.requestHeaders, body: c.body, javascriptId: c.javascriptId }; a = Ext.data.flash.BinaryXhr.flashPlugin.postBinary(b) }, setReadyState: function (b) { var a = this; if (a.readyState != b) { a.readyState = b; a.onreadystatechange() } }, setRequestHeader: function (b, a) { this.requestHeaders[b] = a }, onreadystatechange: Ext.emptyFn, parseData: function (b) { var a = this; this.status = b.status || 0; a.responseHeaders = {}; if (a.mimeType) { a.responseHeaders["content-type"] = a.mimeType } if (b.reason == "complete") { this.responseBytes = b.data; a.responseHeaders["content-length"] = b.data.length } else { if (b.reason == "error" || b.reason == "securityError") { this.statusText = b.text; a.responseHeaders["content-length"] = 0 } } }, onFlashStateChange: function (c, b) { var a = this; if (c == 4) { a.parseData(b); delete Ext.data.flash.BinaryXhr.liveConnections[a.javascriptId] } a.setReadyState(c) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.data.flash, "BinaryXhr"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.Connection", Ext.Base, { statics: { requestId: 0 }, url: null, async: true, method: null, username: "", password: "", disableCaching: true, withCredentials: false, binary: false, cors: false, isXdr: false, defaultXdrContentType: "text/plain", disableCachingParam: "_dc", timeout: 30000, useDefaultHeader: true, defaultPostHeader: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", useDefaultXhrHeader: true, defaultXhrHeader: "XMLHttpRequest", constructor: function (a) { a = a || {}; Ext.apply(this, a); this.requests = {}; this.mixins.observable.constructor.call(this) }, request: function (l) { l = l || {}; var g = this, k = l.scope || window, e = l.username || g.username, h = l.password || g.password || "", b, c, d, a, j; if (g.fireEvent("beforerequest", g, l) !== false) { c = g.setOptions(l, k); if (g.isFormUpload(l)) { g.upload(l.form, c.url, c.data, l); return null } if (l.autoAbort || g.autoAbort) { g.abort() } b = l.async !== false ? (l.async || g.async) : false; j = g.openRequest(l, c, b, e, h); if (!g.isXdr) { a = g.setupHeaders(j, l, c.data, c.params) } d = { id: ++Ext.data.Connection.requestId, xhr: j, headers: a, options: l, async: b, binary: l.binary || g.binary, timeout: setTimeout(function () { d.timedout = true; g.abort(d) }, l.timeout || g.timeout) }; g.requests[d.id] = d; g.latestId = d.id; if (b) { if (!g.isXdr) { j.onreadystatechange = Ext.Function.bind(g.onStateChange, g, [d]) } } if (g.isXdr) { g.processXdrRequest(d, j) } j.send(c.data); if (!b) { return g.onComplete(d) } return d } else { Ext.callback(l.callback, l.scope, [l, undefined, undefined]); return null } }, processXdrRequest: function (b, c) { var a = this; delete b.headers; b.contentType = b.options.contentType || a.defaultXdrContentType; c.onload = Ext.Function.bind(a.onStateChange, a, [b, true]); c.onerror = c.ontimeout = Ext.Function.bind(a.onStateChange, a, [b, false]) }, processXdrResponse: function (a, b) { a.getAllResponseHeaders = function () { return [] }; a.getResponseHeader = function () { return "" }; a.contentType = b.contentType || this.defaultXdrContentType }, upload: function (b, g, t, e) { b = Ext.getDom(b); e = e || {}; var o = Ext.id(), m = document.createElement("iframe"), c = [], d = "multipart/form-data", s = { target: b.target, method: b.method, encoding: b.encoding, enctype: b.enctype, action: b.action }, a = function (h, v) { j = document.createElement("input"); Ext.fly(j).set({ type: "hidden", value: v, name: h }); b.appendChild(j); c.push(j) }, j, l, q, u, p, k, n, r; Ext.fly(m).set({ id: o, name: o, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "hide-display", src: Ext.SSL_SECURE_URL }); document.body.appendChild(m); if (document.frames) { document.frames[o].name = o } Ext.fly(b).set({ target: o, method: "POST", enctype: d, encoding: d, action: g || s.action }); if (t) { l = Ext.Object.fromQueryString(t) || {}; for (u in l) { if (l.hasOwnProperty(u)) { q = l[u]; if (Ext.isArray(q)) { p = q.length; for (k = 0; k < p; k++) { a(u, q[k]) } } else { a(u, q) } } } } Ext.fly(m).on("load", Ext.Function.bind(this.onUploadComplete, this, [m, e]), null, { single: !Ext.isOpera }); b.submit(); Ext.fly(b).set(s); n = c.length; for (r = 0; r < n; r++) { Ext.removeNode(c[r]) } }, onUploadComplete: function (a, l) { var g = this, b = { responseText: "", responseXML: null }, j, k, h, c; try { h = a.contentWindow.document || a.contentDocument || window.frames[a.id].document; if (h) { if (Ext.isOpera && h.location == "about:blank") { return } if (h.body) { if ((c = h.body.firstChild) && /pre/i.test(c.tagName)) { b.responseText = c.textContent } else { if ((c = h.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0])) { b.responseText = c.value } else { b.responseText = h.body.textContent || h.body.innerText } } } b.responseXML = h.XMLDocument || h; j = l.success; k = true } } catch (d) { b.responseText = '{success:false,message:"' + Ext.String.trim(d.message || d.description) + '"}'; j = l.failure; k = false } g.fireEvent("requestcomplete", g, b, l); Ext.callback(j, l.scope, [b, l]); Ext.callback(l.callback, l.scope, [l, k, b]); setTimeout(function () { Ext.removeNode(a) }, 100) }, isFormUpload: function (a) { var b = this.getForm(a); if (b) { return (a.isUpload || (/multipart\/form-data/i).test(b.getAttribute("enctype"))) } return false }, getForm: function (a) { return Ext.getDom(a.form) || null }, setOptions: function (m, l) { var j = this, e = m.params || {}, h = j.extraParams, d = m.urlParams, c = m.url || j.url, k = m.jsonData, b, a, g; if (Ext.isFunction(e)) { e = e.call(l, m) } if (Ext.isFunction(c)) { c = c.call(l, m) } c = this.setupUrl(m, c); g = m.rawData || m.binaryData || m.xmlData || k || null; if (k && !Ext.isPrimitive(k)) { g = Ext.encode(g) } if (m.binaryData) { if (j.nativeBinaryPostSupport()) { g = (new Uint8Array(m.binaryData)); if ((Ext.isChrome && Ext.chromeVersion < 22) || Ext.isSafari || Ext.isGecko) { g = g.buffer } } } if (Ext.isObject(e)) { e = Ext.Object.toQueryString(e) } if (Ext.isObject(h)) { h = Ext.Object.toQueryString(h) } e = e + ((h) ? ((e) ? "&" : "") + h : ""); d = Ext.isObject(d) ? Ext.Object.toQueryString(d) : d; e = this.setupParams(m, e); b = (m.method || j.method || ((e || g) ? "POST" : "GET")).toUpperCase(); this.setupMethod(m, b); a = m.disableCaching !== false ? (m.disableCaching || j.disableCaching) : false; if (b === "GET" && a) { c = Ext.urlAppend(c, (m.disableCachingParam || j.disableCachingParam) + "=" + (new Date().getTime())) } if ((b == "GET" || g) && e) { c = Ext.urlAppend(c, e); e = null } if (d) { c = Ext.urlAppend(c, d) } return { url: c, method: b, data: g || e || null } }, setupUrl: function (b, a) { var c = this.getForm(b); if (c) { a = a || c.action } return a }, setupParams: function (a, d) { var c = this.getForm(a), b; if (c && !this.isFormUpload(a)) { b = Ext.Element.serializeForm(c); d = d ? (d + "&" + b) : b } return d }, setupMethod: function (a, b) { if (this.isFormUpload(a)) { return "POST" } return b }, setupHeaders: function (n, o, d, c) { var j = this, b = Ext.apply({}, o.headers || {}, j.defaultHeaders || {}), m = j.defaultPostHeader, k = o.jsonData, a = o.xmlData, l, g; if (!b["Content-Type"] && (d || c)) { if (d) { if (o.rawData) { m = "text/plain" } else { if (a && Ext.isDefined(a)) { m = "text/xml" } else { if (k && Ext.isDefined(k)) { m = "application/json" } } } } b["Content-Type"] = m } if (j.useDefaultXhrHeader && !b["X-Requested-With"]) { b["X-Requested-With"] = j.defaultXhrHeader } try { for (l in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(l)) { g = b[l]; n.setRequestHeader(l, g) } } } catch (h) { j.fireEvent("exception", l, g) } return b }, newRequest: function (a) { var b = this, c; if (a.binaryData) { if (b.nativeBinaryPostSupport()) { c = this.getXhrInstance() } else { c = new Ext.data.flash.BinaryXhr() } } else { if ((a.cors || b.cors) && Ext.isIE && Ext.ieVersion <= 9) { c = b.getXdrInstance(); b.isXdr = true } else { c = b.getXhrInstance() } } return c }, openRequest: function (c, a, d, h, b) { var e = this, g = e.newRequest(c); if (h) { g.open(a.method, a.url, d, h, b) } else { if (e.isXdr) { g.open(a.method, a.url) } else { g.open(a.method, a.url, d) } } if (c.binary || e.binary) { if (window.Uint8Array) { g.responseType = "arraybuffer" } else { if (g.overrideMimeType) { g.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined") } } } if (c.withCredentials || e.withCredentials) { g.withCredentials = true } return g }, getXdrInstance: function () { var a; if (Ext.ieVersion >= 8) { a = new XDomainRequest() } else { Ext.Error.raise({ msg: "Your browser does not support CORS" }) } return a }, getXhrInstance: (function () { var b = [function () { return new XMLHttpRequest() }, function () { return new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0") }, function () { return new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") }, function () { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") } ], c = 0, a = b.length, g; for (; c < a; ++c) { try { g = b[c]; g(); break } catch (d) {} } return g } ()), isLoading: function (a) { if (!a) { a = this.getLatest() } if (!(a && a.xhr)) { return false } var b = a.xhr.readyState; return ((a.xhr instanceof Ext.data.flash.BinaryXhr) && b != 4) || !(b === 0 || b == 4) }, abort: function (b) { var a = this, d; if (!b) { b = a.getLatest() } if (b && a.isLoading(b)) { d = b.xhr; try { d.onreadystatechange = null } catch (c) { d.onreadystatechange = Ext.emptyFn } d.abort(); a.clearTimeout(b); if (!b.timedout) { b.aborted = true } a.onComplete(b); a.cleanup(b) } }, abortAll: function () { var b = this.requests, a; for (a in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(a)) { this.abort(b[a]) } } }, getLatest: function () { var b = this.latestId, a; if (b) { a = this.requests[b] } return a || null }, onStateChange: function (c, a) { var b = this; if ((c.xhr && c.xhr.readyState == 4) || b.isXdr) { b.clearTimeout(c); b.onComplete(c, a); b.cleanup(c); Ext.EventManager.idleEvent.fire() } }, clearTimeout: function (a) { clearTimeout(a.timeout); delete a.timeout }, cleanup: function (a) { a.xhr = null; delete a.xhr }, onComplete: function (h, d) { var g = this, c = h.options, a, k, b; try { a = g.parseStatus(h.xhr.status) } catch (j) { a = { success: false, isException: false } } k = g.isXdr ? d : a.success; if (k) { b = g.createResponse(h); g.fireEvent("requestcomplete", g, b, c); Ext.callback(c.success, c.scope, [b, c]) } else { if (a.isException || h.aborted || h.timedout) { b = g.createException(h) } else { b = g.createResponse(h) } g.fireEvent("requestexception", g, b, c); Ext.callback(c.failure, c.scope, [b, c]) } Ext.callback(c.callback, c.scope, [c, k, b]); delete g.requests[h.id]; return b }, parseStatus: function (a) { a = a == 1223 ? 204 : a; var c = (a >= 200 && a < 300) || a == 304, b = false; if (!c) { switch (a) { case 12002: case 12029: case 12030: case 12031: case 12152: case 13030: b = true; break } } return { success: c, isException: b } }, createResponse: function (e) { var j = this, l = e.xhr, c = j.isXdr, b = {}, m = c ? [] : l.getAllResponseHeaders().replace(/\r\n/g, "\n").split("\n"), h = m.length, n, g, k, d, a; while (h--) { n = m[h]; g = n.indexOf(":"); if (g >= 0) { k = n.substr(0, g).toLowerCase(); if (n.charAt(g + 1) == " ") { ++g } b[k] = n.substr(g + 1) } } e.xhr = null; delete e.xhr; d = { request: e, requestId: e.id, status: l.status, statusText: l.statusText, getResponseHeader: function (o) { return b[o.toLowerCase()] }, getAllResponseHeaders: function () { return b } }; if (c) { j.processXdrResponse(d, l) } if (e.binary) { d.responseBytes = j.getByteArray(l) } else { d.responseText = l.responseText; d.responseXML = l.responseXML } l = null; return d }, createException: function (a) { return { request: a, requestId: a.id, status: a.aborted ? -1 : 0, statusText: a.aborted ? "transaction aborted" : "communication failure", aborted: a.aborted, timedout: a.timedout } }, getByteArray: function (k) { var c = k.response, j = k.responseBody, b, g, a, d; if (k instanceof Ext.data.flash.BinaryXhr) { b = k.responseBytes } else { if (window.Uint8Array) { b = c ? new Uint8Array(c) : [] } else { if (Ext.isIE9p) { try { b = new VBArray(j).toArray() } catch (h) { b = [] } } else { if (Ext.isIE) { if (!this.self.vbScriptInjected) { this.injectVBScript() } getIEByteArray(k.responseBody, b = []) } else { b = []; g = k.responseText; a = g.length; for (d = 0; d < a; d++) { b.push(g.charCodeAt(d) & 255) } } } } } return b }, injectVBScript: function () { var a = document.createElement("script"); a.type = "text/vbscript"; a.text = ["Function getIEByteArray(byteArray, out)", "Dim len, i", "len = LenB(byteArray)", "For i = 1 to len", "out.push(AscB(MidB(byteArray, i, 1)))", "Next", "End Function"].join("\n"); Ext.getHead().dom.appendChild(a); this.self.vbScriptInjected = true }, nativeBinaryPostSupport: function () { return Ext.isChrome || (Ext.isSafari && Ext.isDefined(window.Uint8Array)) || (Ext.isGecko && Ext.isDefined(window.Uint8Array)) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.data, "Connection"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.Ajax", Ext.data.Connection, { singleton: true, autoAbort: false }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext, "Ajax"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.Floating", Ext.Base, { focusOnToFront: true, shadow: "sides", constrain: false, constructor: function (b) { var a = this; a.fixed = a.fixed && !(Ext.isIE6 || Ext.isIEQuirks); a.el = new Ext.dom.Layer(Ext.apply({ preventSync: true, hideMode: a.hideMode, hidden: a.hidden, shadow: (typeof a.shadow != "undefined") ? a.shadow : "sides", shadowOffset: a.shadowOffset, constrain: false, fixed: a.fixed, shim: (a.shim === false) ? false : undefined }, a.floating), b); if (a.modal && !(Ext.FocusManager && Ext.FocusManager.enabled)) { a.mon(a.el, { keydown: a.onKeyDown, scope: a }) } a.mon(a.el, { mousedown: a.onMouseDown, scope: a }); a.floating = true; a.registerWithOwnerCt(); a.initHierarchyEvents() }, initHierarchyEvents: function () { var b = this, a = this.syncHidden; if (!b.hasHierarchyEventListeners) { b.mon(b.hierarchyEventSource, { hide: a, collapse: a, show: a, expand: a, added: a, scope: b }); b.hasHierarchyEventListeners = true } }, registerWithOwnerCt: function () { var c = this, b = c.ownerCt, a = c.zIndexParent; if (a) { a.unregisterFloatingItem(c) } a = c.zIndexParent = c.up("[floating]"); c.setFloatParent(b || a); delete c.ownerCt; if (a) { a.registerFloatingItem(c) } else { Ext.WindowManager.register(c) } }, onKeyDown: function (d) { var c = this, a, h, g, b; if (d.getKey() == Ext.EventObject.TAB) { a = d.shiftKey; h = c.el.query(":focusable"); g = h[0]; b = h[h.length - 1]; if (g && b && d.target === (a ? g : b)) { d.stopEvent(); (a ? b : g).focus(false, true) } } }, onMouseDown: function (b) { var a = this.focusTask; if (this.floating && (!a || !a.id)) { this.toFront(!!b.getTarget(":focusable")) } }, setFloatParent: function (b) { var a = this; a.floatParent = b; if ((a.constrain || a.constrainHeader) && !a.constrainTo) { a.constrainTo = b ? b.getTargetEl() : a.container } }, syncShadow: function () { if (this.floating) { this.el.sync(true) } }, onBeforeFloatLayout: function () { this.el.preventSync = true }, onAfterFloatLayout: function () { delete this.el.preventSync; this.syncShadow() }, syncHidden: function () { var c = this, d = c.hidden || !c.rendered, a = c.hierarchicallyHidden = c.isHierarchicallyHidden(), b = c.pendingShow; if (d !== a) { if (a) { c.hide(); c.pendingShow = true } else { if (b) { delete c.pendingShow; if (b.length) { c.show.apply(c, b) } else { c.show() } } } } }, setZIndex: function (a) { var b = this; b.el.setZIndex(a); a += 10; if (b.floatingDescendants) { a = Math.floor(b.floatingDescendants.setBase(a) / 100) * 100 + 10000 } return a }, doConstrain: function (a) { var b = this, c = b.calculateConstrainedPosition(a, null, true); if (c) { b.setPosition(c) } }, toFront: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.zIndexParent, d = b.preventFocusOnActivate; if (a && b.bringParentToFront !== false) { a.toFront(true) } if (!Ext.isDefined(c)) { c = !b.focusOnToFront } if (c) { b.preventFocusOnActivate = true } if (b.zIndexManager.bringToFront(b, c)) { if (!c) { b.focus(false, true) } } b.preventFocusOnActivate = d; return b }, setActive: function (b, c) { var a = this; if (b) { if (a.el.shadow && !a.maximized) { a.el.enableShadow(true) } if (!a.preventFocusOnActivate) { a.focus(false, true) } a.fireEvent("activate", a) } else { if (a.isWindow && (c && c.isWindow) && a.hideShadowOnDeactivate) { a.el.disableShadow() } a.fireEvent("deactivate", a) } }, toBack: function () { this.zIndexManager.sendToBack(this); return this }, center: function () { var a = this, b; if (a.isVisible()) { b = a.getAlignToXY(a.container, "c-c"); a.setPagePosition(b) } else { a.needsCenter = true } return a }, onFloatShow: function () { if (this.needsCenter) { this.center() } delete this.needsCenter }, fitContainer: function (c) { var g = this, e = g.floatParent, b = e ? e.getTargetEl() : g.container, a = b.getViewSize(false), d = e || (b.dom !== document.body) ? [0, 0] : b.getXY(); a.x = d[0]; a.y = d[1]; g.setBox(a, c) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "Floating"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.Component", Ext.AbstractComponent, { statics: { DIRECTION_TOP: "top", DIRECTION_RIGHT: "right", DIRECTION_BOTTOM: "bottom", DIRECTION_LEFT: "left", VERTICAL_DIRECTION_Re: /^(?:top|bottom)$/, INVALID_ID_CHARS_Re: /[\.,\s]/g }, resizeHandles: "all", floating: false, defaultAlign: "tl-bl?", toFrontOnShow: true, hideMode: "display", offsetsCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "hide-offsets", bubbleEvents: [], defaultComponentLayoutType: "autocomponent", constructor: function (a) { var b = this; a = a || {}; if (a.initialConfig) { if (a.isAction) { b.baseAction = a } a = a.initialConfig } else { if (a.tagName || a.dom || Ext.isString(a)) { a = { applyTo: a, id: a.id || a } } } b.callParent([a]); if (b.baseAction) { b.baseAction.addComponent(b) } }, initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); if (a.listeners) { a.on(a.listeners); a.listeners = null } a.enableBubble(a.bubbleEvents) }, afterRender: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); if (!(a.x && a.y) && (a.pageX || a.pageY)) { a.setPagePosition(a.pageX, a.pageY) } }, setAutoScroll: function (a) { var b = this; b.autoScroll = !!a; if (b.rendered) { b.getOverflowEl().setStyle(b.getOverflowStyle()) } b.updateLayout(); return b }, setOverflowXY: function (b, a) { var c = this, d = arguments.length; if (d) { c.overflowX = b || ""; if (d > 1) { c.overflowY = a || "" } } if (c.rendered) { c.getOverflowEl().setStyle(c.getOverflowStyle()) } c.updateLayout(); return c }, beforeRender: function () { var b = this, c = b.floating, a; if (c) { b.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "layer"); a = c.cls; if (a) { b.addCls(a) } } return b.callParent() }, beforeLayout: function () { this.callParent(arguments); if (this.floating) { this.onBeforeFloatLayout() } }, afterComponentLayout: function () { this.callParent(arguments); if (this.floating) { this.onAfterFloatLayout() } }, makeFloating: function (a) { this.mixins.floating.constructor.call(this, a) }, wrapPrimaryEl: function (a) { if (this.floating) { this.makeFloating(a) } else { this.callParent(arguments) } }, initResizable: function (a) { var b = this; a = Ext.apply({ target: b, dynamic: false, constrainTo: b.constrainTo || (b.floatParent ? b.floatParent.getTargetEl() : null), handles: b.resizeHandles }, a); a.target = b; b.resizer = new Ext.resizer.Resizer(a) }, getDragEl: function () { return this.el }, initDraggable: function () { var c = this, a = (c.resizer && c.resizer.el !== c.el) ? c.resizerComponent = new Ext.Component({ el: c.resizer.el, rendered: true, container: c.container }) : c, b = Ext.applyIf({ el: a.getDragEl(), constrainTo: (c.constrain || c.draggable.constrain) ? (c.constrainTo || (c.floatParent ? c.floatParent.getTargetEl() : c.container)) : undefined }, c.draggable); if (c.constrain || c.constrainDelegate) { b.constrain = c.constrain; b.constrainDelegate = c.constrainDelegate } c.dd = new Ext.util.ComponentDragger(a, b) }, scrollBy: function (b, a, c) { var d; if ((d = this.getTargetEl()) && d.dom) { d.scrollBy.apply(d, arguments) } }, setLoading: function (c, d) { var b = this, a = { target: b }; if (b.rendered) { Ext.destroy(b.loadMask); b.loadMask = null; if (c !== false && !b.collapsed) { if (Ext.isObject(c)) { Ext.apply(a, c) } else { if (Ext.isString(c)) { a.msg = c } } if (d) { Ext.applyIf(a, { useTargetEl: true }) } b.loadMask = new Ext.LoadMask(a); b.loadMask.show() } } return b.loadMask }, beforeSetPosition: function () { var b = this, c = b.callParent(arguments), a; if (c) { a = b.adjustPosition(c.x, c.y); c.x = a.x; c.y = a.y } return c || null }, afterSetPosition: function (b, a) { this.onPosition(b, a); this.fireEvent("move", this, b, a) }, showAt: function (a, d, b) { var c = this; if (!c.rendered && (c.autoRender || c.floating)) { c.x = a; c.y = d; return c.show() } if (c.floating) { c.setPosition(a, d, b) } else { c.setPagePosition(a, d, b) } c.show() }, showBy: function (b, d, c) { var a = this; if (a.floating && b) { a.show(); if (a.rendered && !a.hidden) { a.alignTo(b, d || a.defaultAlign, c) } } return a }, setPagePosition: function (a, g, b) { var c = this, d, e; if (Ext.isArray(a)) { g = a[1]; a = a[0] } c.pageX = a; c.pageY = g; if (c.floating) { if (c.isContainedFloater()) { e = c.floatParent.getTargetEl().getViewRegion(); if (Ext.isNumber(a) && Ext.isNumber(e.left)) { a -= e.left } if (Ext.isNumber(g) && Ext.isNumber(e.top)) { g -= e.top } } else { d = c.el.translateXY(a, g); a = d.x; g = d.y } c.setPosition(a, g, b) } else { d = c.el.translateXY(a, g); c.setPosition(d.x, d.y, b) } return c }, isContainedFloater: function () { return (this.floating && this.floatParent) }, updateBox: function (a) { this.setSize(a.width, a.height); this.setPagePosition(a.x, a.y); return this }, getOuterSize: function () { var a = this.el; return { width: a.getWidth() + a.getMargin("lr"), height: a.getHeight() + a.getMargin("tb") } }, adjustPosition: function (a, d) { var b = this, c; if (b.isContainedFloater()) { c = b.floatParent.getTargetEl().getViewRegion(); a += c.left; d += c.top } return { x: a, y: d } }, getPosition: function (a) { var b = this, d, c = b.isContainedFloater(), e; if ((a === true) && !c) { return [b.getLocalX(), b.getLocalY()] } d = b.getXY(); if ((a === true) && c) { e = b.floatParent.getTargetEl().getViewRegion(); d[0] -= e.left; d[1] -= e.top } return d }, getId: function () { var a = this, b; if (!a.id) { b = a.getXType(); if (b) { b = b.replace(Ext.Component.INVALID_ID_CHARS_Re, "-") } else { b = Ext.name.toLowerCase() + "-comp" } a.id = b + "-" + a.getAutoId() } return a.id }, show: function (d, a, b) { var c = this, e = c.rendered; if (c.hierarchicallyHidden || (c.floating && !e && c.isHierarchicallyHidden())) { if (!e) { c.initHierarchyEvents() } if (arguments.length > 1) { arguments[0] = null; c.pendingShow = arguments } else { c.pendingShow = true } } else { if (e && c.isVisible()) { if (c.toFrontOnShow && c.floating) { c.toFront() } } else { if (c.fireEvent("beforeshow", c) !== false) { c.hidden = false; delete this.getHierarchyState().hidden; Ext.suspendLayouts(); if (!e && (c.autoRender || c.floating)) { c.doAutoRender(); e = c.rendered } if (e) { c.beforeShow(); Ext.resumeLayouts(); c.onShow.apply(c, arguments); c.afterShow.apply(c, arguments) } else { Ext.resumeLayouts(true) } } else { c.onShowVeto() } } } return c }, onShowVeto: Ext.emptyFn, beforeShow: Ext.emptyFn, onShow: function () { var a = this; a.el.show(); a.callParent(arguments); if (a.floating) { if (a.maximized) { a.fitContainer() } else { if (a.constrain) { a.doConstrain() } } } }, getAnimateTarget: function (a) { a = a || this.animateTarget; if (a) { a = a.isComponent ? a.getEl() : Ext.get(a) } return a || null }, afterShow: function (h, b, e) { var g = this, j = g.el, a, c, d; h = g.getAnimateTarget(h); if (!g.ghost) { h = null } if (h) { c = { x: j.getX(), y: j.getY(), width: j.dom.offsetWidth, height: j.dom.offsetHeight }; a = { x: h.getX(), y: h.getY(), width: h.dom.offsetWidth, height: h.dom.offsetHeight }; j.addCls(g.offsetsCls); d = g.ghost(); d.el.stopAnimation(); d.setX(-10000); g.ghostBox = c; d.el.animate({ from: a, to: c, listeners: { afteranimate: function () { delete d.componentLayout.lastComponentSize; g.unghost(); delete g.ghostBox; j.removeCls(g.offsetsCls); g.onShowComplete(b, e) } } }) } else { g.onShowComplete(b, e) } g.fireHierarchyEvent("show") }, onShowComplete: function (a, b) { var c = this; if (c.floating) { c.toFront(); c.onFloatShow() } Ext.callback(a, b || c); c.fireEvent("show", c); delete c.hiddenByLayout }, hide: function (e, b, c) { var d = this, a; if (d.pendingShow) { delete d.pendingShow } if (!(d.rendered && !d.isVisible())) { a = (d.fireEvent("beforehide", d) !== false); if (d.hierarchicallyHidden || a) { d.hidden = true; d.getHierarchyState().hidden = true; if (d.rendered) { d.onHide.apply(d, arguments) } } } return d }, onHide: function (h, a, e) { var g = this, c, d, b; h = g.getAnimateTarget(h); if (!g.ghost) { h = null } if (h) { b = { x: h.getX(), y: h.getY(), width: h.dom.offsetWidth, height: h.dom.offsetHeight }; c = g.ghost(); c.el.stopAnimation(); d = g.getSize(); c.el.animate({ to: b, listeners: { afteranimate: function () { delete c.componentLayout.lastComponentSize; c.el.hide(); c.el.setSize(d); g.afterHide(a, e) } } }) } g.el.hide(); if (!h) { g.afterHide(a, e) } }, afterHide: function (a, b) { var c = this, d = Ext.Element.getActiveElement(); c.hiddenByLayout = null; Ext.AbstractComponent.prototype.onHide.call(c); if (d === c.el || c.el.contains(d)) { Ext.fly(d).blur() } Ext.callback(a, b || c); c.fireEvent("hide", c); c.fireHierarchyEvent("hide") }, onDestroy: function () { var a = this; if (a.rendered) { Ext.destroy(a.dd, a.resizer, a.proxy, a.proxyWrap, a.resizerComponent) } delete a.focusTask; a.callParent() }, deleteMembers: function () { var b = arguments, a = b.length, c = 0; for (; c < a; ++c) { delete this[b[c]] } }, focus: function (g, c, j, d) { var e = this, a, h, b; if (c) { if (!e.focusTask) { Ext.Component.prototype.focusTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(e.focus) } e.focusTask.delay(Ext.isNumber(c) ? c : 10, null, e, [g, false, j, d]); return e } if (e.focusTask) { e.focusTask.cancel() } if (e.rendered && !e.isDestroyed && e.isVisible(true) && (a = e.getFocusEl())) { if (a.isComponent) { return a.focus(g, c) } if ((h = a.dom)) { if (a.needsTabIndex()) { h.tabIndex = -1 } if (e.floating) { b = e.container.dom.scrollTop } a.focus(); if (g === true) { h.select() } Ext.callback(j, d) } if (e.floating) { e.toFront(true); if (b !== undefined) { e.container.dom.scrollTop = b } } } return e }, cancelFocus: function () { var a = this.focusTask; if (a) { a.cancel() } }, blur: function () { var a; if (this.rendered && (a = this.getFocusEl())) { a.blur() } return this }, getEl: function () { return this.el }, getResizeEl: function () { return this.el }, getPositionEl: function () { return this.el }, getActionEl: function () { return this.el }, getVisibilityEl: function () { return this.el }, getRefOwner: function () { return this.ownerCt || this.floatParent }, getBubbleTarget: function () { return this.getRefOwner() }, getContentTarget: function () { return this.el }, cloneConfig: function (c) { c = c || {}; var d = c.id || Ext.id(), a = Ext.applyIf(c, this.initialConfig), b; a.id = d; b = Ext.getClass(this); return new b(a) }, getXType: function () { return this.self.xtype }, findParentBy: function (a) { var b; for (b = this.getBubbleTarget(); b && !a(b, this); b = b.getBubbleTarget()) {} return b || null }, findParentByType: function (a) { return Ext.isFunction(a) ? this.findParentBy(function (b) { return b.constructor === a }) : this.up(a) }, bubble: function (c, b, a) { var d = this; while (d) { if (c.apply(b || d, a || [d]) === false) { break } d = d.getBubbleTarget() } return this }, getProxy: function () { var a = this, b; if (!a.proxy) { b = Ext.getBody(); a.proxy = a.el.createProxy(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "proxy-el", b, true) } return a.proxy }, fireHierarchyEvent: function (a) { this.hierarchyEventSource.fireEvent(a, this) }, onAdded: function () { this.callParent(arguments); if (this.hierarchyEventSource.hasListeners.added) { this.fireHierarchyEvent("added") } } }, 1, ["component", "box"], ["component", "box"], { component: true, box: true }, ["widget.box", "widget.component"], [["floating", Ext.util.Floating]], [Ext, "Component"], function () { this.hierarchyEventSource = this.prototype.hierarchyEventSource = new Ext.util.Observable({ events: { hide: true, show: true, collapse: true, expand: true, added: true } }) })); Ext.define("Ext.layout.container.border.Region", { override: "Ext.Component", initBorderRegion: function () { var a = this; if (!a._borderRegionInited) { a._borderRegionInited = true; a.addStateEvents(["changeregion", "changeweight"]); Ext.override(a, { getState: function () { var b = a.callParent(); b = a.addPropertyToState(b, "region"); b = a.addPropertyToState(b, "weight"); return b } }) } }, getOwningBorderContainer: function () { var a = this.getOwningBorderLayout(); return a && a.owner }, getOwningBorderLayout: function () { var a = this.ownerLayout; return (a && a.isBorderLayout) ? a : null }, setBorderRegion: function (l) { var k = this, c, d = k.region; if (l !== d) { c = k.getOwningBorderLayout(); if (c) { var g = c.regionFlags[l], m = k.placeholder, a = k.splitter, b = c.owner, o = c.regionMeta, e = k.collapsed || k.floated, n, j, h; if (k.fireEventArgs("beforechangeregion", [k, l]) === false) { return d } Ext.suspendLayouts(); k.region = l; Ext.apply(k, g); if (k.updateCollapseTool) { k.updateCollapseTool() } if (a) { Ext.apply(a, g); a.updateOrientation(); j = b.items; h = j.indexOf(k); if (h >= 0) { n = o[l].splitterDelta; if (j.getAt(h + n) !== a) { j.remove(a); h = j.indexOf(k); if (n > 0) { ++h } j.insert(h, a) } } } if (m) { if (e) { k.expand(false) } b.remove(m); k.placeholder = null; if (e) { k.collapse(null, false) } } b.updateLayout(); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); k.fireEventArgs("changeregion", [k, d]) } else { k.region = l } } return d }, setRegionWeight: function (d) { var c = this, b = c.getOwningBorderContainer(), e = c.placeholder, a = c.weight; if (d !== a) { if (c.fireEventArgs("beforechangeweight", [c, d]) !== false) { c.weight = d; if (e) { e.weight = d } if (b) { b.updateLayout() } c.fireEventArgs("changeweight", [c, a]) } } return a } }); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.ElementLoader", Ext.Base, { statics: { Renderer: { Html: function (a, b, c) { a.getTarget().update(b.responseText, c.scripts === true); return true } } }, url: null, params: null, baseParams: null, autoLoad: false, target: null, loadMask: false, ajaxOptions: null, scripts: false, isLoader: true, constructor: function (b) { var c = this, a; b = b || {}; Ext.apply(c, b); c.setTarget(c.target); c.addEvents("beforeload", "exception", "load"); c.mixins.observable.constructor.call(c); if (c.autoLoad) { a = c.autoLoad; if (a === true) { a = {} } c.load(a) } }, setTarget: function (b) { var a = this; b = Ext.get(b); if (a.target && a.target != b) { a.abort() } a.target = b }, getTarget: function () { return this.target || null }, abort: function () { var a = this.active; if (a !== undefined) { Ext.Ajax.abort(a.request); if (a.mask) { this.removeMask() } delete this.active } }, removeMask: function () { this.target.unmask() }, addMask: function (a) { this.target.mask(a === true ? null : a) }, load: function (c) { c = Ext.apply({}, c); var e = this, a = Ext.isDefined(c.loadMask) ? c.loadMask : e.loadMask, g = Ext.apply({}, c.params), b = Ext.apply({}, c.ajaxOptions), h = c.callback || e.callback, d = c.scope || e.scope || e; Ext.applyIf(b, e.ajaxOptions); Ext.applyIf(c, b); Ext.applyIf(g, e.params); Ext.apply(g, e.baseParams); Ext.applyIf(c, { url: e.url }); Ext.apply(c, { scope: e, params: g, callback: e.onComplete }); if (e.fireEvent("beforeload", e, c) === false) { return } if (a) { e.addMask(a) } e.active = { options: c, mask: a, scope: d, callback: h, success: c.success || e.success, failure: c.failure || e.failure, renderer: c.renderer || e.renderer, scripts: Ext.isDefined(c.scripts) ? c.scripts : e.scripts }; e.active.request = Ext.Ajax.request(c); e.setOptions(e.active, c) }, setOptions: Ext.emptyFn, onComplete: function (b, g, a) { var d = this, e = d.active, c; if (e) { c = e.scope; if (g) { g = d.getRenderer(e.renderer).call(d, d, a, e) !== false } if (g) { Ext.callback(e.success, c, [d, a, b]); d.fireEvent("load", d, a, b) } else { Ext.callback(e.failure, c, [d, a, b]); d.fireEvent("exception", d, a, b) } Ext.callback(e.callback, c, [d, g, a, b]); if (e.mask) { d.removeMask() } } delete d.active }, getRenderer: function (a) { if (Ext.isFunction(a)) { return a } return this.statics().Renderer.Html }, startAutoRefresh: function (a, b) { var c = this; c.stopAutoRefresh(); c.autoRefresh = setInterval(function () { c.load(b) }, a) }, stopAutoRefresh: function () { clearInterval(this.autoRefresh); delete this.autoRefresh }, isAutoRefreshing: function () { return Ext.isDefined(this.autoRefresh) }, destroy: function () { var a = this; a.stopAutoRefresh(); delete a.target; a.abort(); a.clearListeners() } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext, "ElementLoader"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.ComponentLoader", Ext.ElementLoader, { statics: { Renderer: { Data: function (a, b, d) { var g = true; try { a.getTarget().update(Ext.decode(b.responseText)) } catch (c) { g = false } return g }, Component: function (a, c, h) { var j = true, g = a.getTarget(), b = []; try { b = Ext.decode(c.responseText) } catch (d) { j = false } if (j) { g.suspendLayouts(); if (h.removeAll) { g.removeAll() } g.add(b); g.resumeLayouts(true) } return j } } }, target: null, loadMask: false, renderer: "html", setTarget: function (b) { var a = this; if (Ext.isString(b)) { b = Ext.getCmp(b) } if (a.target && a.target != b) { a.abort() } a.target = b }, removeMask: function () { this.target.setLoading(false) }, addMask: function (a) { this.target.setLoading(a) }, setOptions: function (b, a) { b.removeAll = Ext.isDefined(a.removeAll) ? a.removeAll : this.removeAll }, getRenderer: function (b) { if (Ext.isFunction(b)) { return b } var a = this.statics().Renderer; switch (b) { case "component": return a.Component; case "data": return a.Data; default: return Ext.ElementLoader.Renderer.Html } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext, "ComponentLoader"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.SizeModel", Ext.Base, { constructor: function (c) { var e = this, d = e.self, a = d.sizeModelsArray, b; Ext.apply(e, c); e[b = e.name] = true; e.fixed = !(e.auto = e.natural || e.shrinkWrap); a[e.ordinal = a.length] = d[b] = d.sizeModels[b] = e }, statics: { sizeModelsArray: [], sizeModels: {} }, calculated: false, configured: false, constrainedMax: false, constrainedMin: false, natural: false, shrinkWrap: false, calculatedFromConfigured: false, calculatedFromNatural: false, calculatedFromShrinkWrap: false, names: null }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.layout, "SizeModel"], function () { var e = this, a = e.sizeModelsArray, c, b, h, g, d; new e({ name: "calculated" }); new e({ name: "configured", names: { width: "width", height: "height" } }); new e({ name: "natural" }); new e({ name: "shrinkWrap" }); new e({ name: "calculatedFromConfigured", configured: true, names: { width: "width", height: "height" } }); new e({ name: "calculatedFromNatural", natural: true }); new e({ name: "calculatedFromShrinkWrap", shrinkWrap: true }); new e({ name: "constrainedMax", configured: true, constrained: true, names: { width: "maxWidth", height: "maxHeight" } }); new e({ name: "constrainedMin", configured: true, constrained: true, names: { width: "minWidth", height: "minHeight" } }); new e({ name: "constrainedDock", configured: true, constrained: true, constrainedByMin: true, names: { width: "dockConstrainedWidth", height: "dockConstrainedHeight" } }); for (c = 0, h = a.length; c < h; ++c) { d = a[c]; d.pairsByHeightOrdinal = g = []; for (b = 0; b < h; ++b) { g.push({ width: d, height: a[b] }) } } })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.Layout", Ext.Base, { isLayout: true, initialized: false, running: false, autoSizePolicy: { readsWidth: 1, readsHeight: 1, setsWidth: 0, setsHeight: 0 }, statics: { layoutsByType: {}, create: function (g, e) { var l = Ext.ClassManager, c = this.layoutsByType, d, h, b, a, j, k; if (!g || typeof g === "string") { j = g || e; b = {} } else { if (g.isLayout) { return g } else { b = g; j = g.type || e } } if (!(a = c[j])) { d = "layout." + j; h = l.getNameByAlias(d); if (!h) { k = true } a = l.get(h); if (k || !a) { return l.instantiateByAlias(d, b || {}) } c[j] = a } return new a(b) } }, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; b.id = Ext.id(null, b.type + "-"); Ext.apply(b, a); b.layoutCount = 0 }, beginLayout: Ext.emptyFn, beginLayoutCycle: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.context, d; if (b.lastWidthModel != c.widthModel) { if (b.lastWidthModel) { d = true } b.lastWidthModel = c.widthModel } if (b.lastHeightModel != c.heightModel) { if (b.lastWidthModel) { d = true } b.lastHeightModel = c.heightModel } if (d) { (a = c.context).clearTriggers(b, false); a.clearTriggers(b, true); b.triggerCount = 0 } }, finishedLayout: function (a) { this.lastWidthModel = a.widthModel; this.lastHeightModel = a.heightModel; this.ownerContext = null }, redoLayout: Ext.emptyFn, undoLayout: Ext.emptyFn, getAnimatePolicy: function () { return this.animatePolicy }, getItemSizePolicy: function (a) { return this.autoSizePolicy }, isItemBoxParent: function (a) { return false }, isItemLayoutRoot: function (d) { var c = d.getSizeModel(), b = c.width, a = c.height; if (!d.componentLayout.lastComponentSize && (b.calculated || a.calculated)) { return false } return !b.shrinkWrap && !a.shrinkWrap }, isItemShrinkWrap: function (a) { return a.shrinkWrap }, isRunning: function () { return !!this.ownerContext }, getItemsRenderTree: function (d, b) { var h = d.length, e, g, c, a; if (h) { a = []; for (e = 0; e < h; ++e) { g = d[e]; if (!g.rendered) { if (b && (b[g.id] !== undefined)) { c = b[g.id] } else { this.configureItem(g); c = g.getRenderTree(); if (b) { b[g.id] = c } } if (c) { a.push(c) } } } } return a }, finishRender: Ext.emptyFn, finishRenderItems: function (e, a) { var d = a.length, b, c; for (b = 0; b < d; b++) { c = a[b]; if (c.rendering) { c.finishRender(b); this.afterRenderItem(c) } } }, renderChildren: function () { var b = this, a = b.getLayoutItems(), c = b.getRenderTarget(); b.renderItems(a, c) }, renderItems: function (a, g) { var e = this, d = a.length, b = 0, c; if (d) { Ext.suspendLayouts(); for (; b < d; b++) { c = a[b]; if (c && !c.rendered) { e.renderItem(c, g, b) } else { if (!e.isValidParent(c, g, b)) { e.moveItem(c, g, b) } else { e.configureItem(c) } } } Ext.resumeLayouts(true) } }, isValidParent: function (g, h, b) { var c = g.el ? g.el.dom : Ext.getDom(g), e = (h && h.dom) || h, a = c.parentNode, d; if (a) { d = a.className; if (d && d.indexOf(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "resizable-wrap") !== -1) { c = c.parentNode } } if (c && e) { if (typeof b == "number") { b = this.getPositionOffset(b); return c === e.childNodes[b] } return c.parentNode === e } return false }, getPositionOffset: function (a) { return a }, configureItem: function (a) { a.ownerLayout = this }, renderItem: function (c, d, a) { var b = this; if (!c.rendered) { b.configureItem(c); c.render(d, a); b.afterRenderItem(c) } }, moveItem: function (b, c, a) { c = c.dom || c; if (typeof a == "number") { a = c.childNodes[a] } c.insertBefore(b.el.dom, a || null); b.container = Ext.get(c); this.configureItem(b) }, onContentChange: function () { this.owner.updateLayout(); return true }, initLayout: function () { this.initialized = true }, setOwner: function (a) { this.owner = a }, getLayoutItems: function () { return [] }, onAdd: function (a) { a.ownerLayout = this }, afterRenderItem: Ext.emptyFn, onRemove: Ext.emptyFn, onDestroy: Ext.emptyFn, afterRemove: function (e) { var d = this, c = e.el, b = d.owner, a; if (e.rendered) { a = [].concat(d.itemCls || []); if (b.itemCls) { a = Ext.Array.push(a, b.itemCls) } if (a.length) { c.removeCls(a) } } delete e.ownerLayout }, destroy: function () { var a = this, b; if (a.targetCls) { b = a.getTarget(); if (b) { b.removeCls(a.targetCls) } } a.onDestroy() }, sortWeightedItems: function (a, d) { for (var b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; ++b) { a[b].$i = b } Ext.Array.sort(a, function (g, e) { var h = e.weight - g.weight; if (!h) { h = g.$i - e.$i; if (g[d]) { h = -h } } return h }); for (b = 0; b < c; ++b) { delete a[b].$i } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.layout, "Layout"], function () { var a = this; a.prototype.sizeModels = a.sizeModels = Ext.layout.SizeModel.sizeModels })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.container.Container", Ext.layout.Layout, { alternateClassName: "Ext.layout.ContainerLayout", type: "container", beginCollapse: Ext.emptyFn, beginExpand: Ext.emptyFn, animatePolicy: null, childEls: ["overflowPadderEl"], renderTpl: ["{%this.renderBody(out,values)%}"], usesContainerHeight: true, usesContainerWidth: true, usesHeight: true, usesWidth: true, constructor: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.mixins.elementCt.constructor.call(this) }, destroy: function () { this.callParent(); this.mixins.elementCt.destroy.call(this) }, beginLayout: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); a.targetContext = a.paddingContext = a.getEl("getTarget", this); this.cacheChildItems(a) }, beginLayoutCycle: function (c, a) { var b = this; b.callParent(arguments); if (a) { if (b.usesContainerHeight) { ++c.consumersContainerHeight } if (b.usesContainerWidth) { ++c.consumersContainerWidth } } }, cacheChildItems: function (e) { var c = e.context, g = [], a = this.getVisibleItems(), d = a.length, b; e.childItems = g; e.visibleItems = a; for (b = 0; b < d; ++b) { g.push(c.getCmp(a[b])) } }, cacheElements: function () { var a = this.owner; this.applyChildEls(a.el, a.id) }, configureItem: function (c) { var b = this, d = b.itemCls, a = b.owner.itemCls, e; c.ownerLayout = b; if (d) { e = typeof d === "string" ? [d] : d } if (a) { e = Ext.Array.push(e || [], a) } if (e) { c.addCls(e) } }, doRenderBody: function (a, b) { this.renderItems(a, b); this.renderContent(a, b) }, doRenderContainer: function (b, e) { var c = e.$comp.layout, a = c.getRenderTpl(), d = c.getRenderData(); a.applyOut(d, b) }, doRenderItems: function (b, d) { var c = d.$layout, a = c.getRenderTree(); if (a) { Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(a, b) } }, finishRender: function () { var b = this, c, a; b.callParent(); b.cacheElements(); c = b.getRenderTarget(); a = b.getLayoutItems(); b.finishRenderItems(c, a) }, notifyOwner: function () { this.owner.afterLayout(this) }, getContainerSize: function (b, g) { var c = b.targetContext, e = c.getFrameInfo(), k = b.paddingContext.getPaddingInfo(), j = 0, l = 0, d, h, a, m; if (!b.widthModel.shrinkWrap) { ++l; a = g ? c.getDomProp("width") : c.getProp("width"); d = (typeof a == "number"); if (d) { ++j; a -= e.width + k.width; if (a < 0) { a = 0 } } } if (!b.heightModel.shrinkWrap) { ++l; m = g ? c.getDomProp("height") : c.getProp("height"); h = (typeof m == "number"); if (h) { ++j; m -= e.height + k.height; if (m < 0) { m = 0 } } } return { width: a, height: m, needed: l, got: j, gotAll: j == l, gotWidth: d, gotHeight: h } }, getPositionOffset: function (a) { if (!this.createsInnerCt) { var b = this.owner.itemNodeOffset; if (b) { a += b } } return a }, getLayoutItems: function () { var a = this.owner, b = a && a.items; return (b && b.items) || [] }, getRenderData: function () { var a = this.owner; return { $comp: a, $layout: this, ownerId: a.id } }, getRenderedItems: function () { var e = this, h = e.getRenderTarget(), a = e.getLayoutItems(), d = a.length, g = [], b, c; for (b = 0; b < d; b++) { c = a[b]; if (c.rendered && e.isValidParent(c, h, b)) { g.push(c) } } return g }, getRenderTarget: function () { return this.owner.getTargetEl() }, getElementTarget: function () { return this.getRenderTarget() }, getRenderTpl: function () { var a = this, b = Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(this, "renderTpl"); if (!b.renderContent) { a.owner.setupRenderTpl(b) } return b }, getRenderTree: function () { var a, c = this.owner.items, d, b = {}; do { d = c.generation; a = this.getItemsRenderTree(this.getLayoutItems(), b) } while (c.generation !== d); return a }, renderChildren: function () { var b = this, c = b.owner.items, e = b.getRenderTarget(), d, a; do { d = c.generation; a = b.getLayoutItems(); b.renderItems(a, e) } while (c.generation !== d) }, getScrollbarsNeeded: function (c, j, b, h) { var a = Ext.getScrollbarSize(), e = typeof c == "number", k = typeof j == "number", g = 0, d = 0; if (!a.width) { return 0 } if (k && j < h) { d = 2; c -= a.width } if (e && c < b) { g = 1; if (!d && k) { j -= a.height; if (j < h) { d = 2 } } } return d + g }, getTarget: function () { return this.owner.getTargetEl() }, getVisibleItems: function () { var g = this.getRenderTarget(), b = this.getLayoutItems(), e = b.length, a = [], c, d; for (c = 0; c < e; c++) { d = b[c]; if (d.rendered && this.isValidParent(d, g, c) && d.hidden !== true) { a.push(d) } } return a }, setupRenderTpl: function (b) { var a = this; b.renderBody = a.doRenderBody; b.renderContainer = a.doRenderContainer; b.renderItems = a.doRenderItems }, getContentTarget: function () { return this.owner.getDefaultContentTarget() } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.container"], [["elementCt", Ext.util.ElementContainer]], [Ext.layout.container, "Container", Ext.layout, "ContainerLayout"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.container.Auto", Ext.layout.container.Container, { type: "autocontainer", childEls: ["outerCt", "innerCt", "clearEl"], reserveScrollbar: false, managePadding: true, manageOverflow: false, lastOverflowAdjust: { width: 0, height: 0 }, renderTpl: ["{% if (!(Ext.isIEQuirks || Ext.isIE7m)) { %}", '', '
', "{%this.renderBody(out,values)%}", "
", "
", "{% } else if (values.shrinkWrapWidth) { %}", '', "", '", "", "
', "{%this.renderBody(out,values)%}", '
', "
", "{% } else { %}", '
', '
', "{%this.renderBody(out,values)%}", '
', "
", "
", "{% values.$layout.isShrinkWrapTpl = false %}", "{% } %}"], tableTpl: ['', "", '", "", "
', "
"], isShrinkWrapTpl: true, beginLayout: function (e) { var d = this, a, b, c, g; d.callParent(arguments); d.initContextItems(e); if (!d.isShrinkWrapTpl) { if (e.widthModel.shrinkWrap) { g = true } if (Ext.isStrict && Ext.isIE7) { c = d.getOverflowXStyle(e); if ((c === "auto" || c === "scroll") && e.paddingContext.getPaddingInfo().right) { g = true } } if (g) { d.insertTableCt(e) } } if (!d.isShrinkWrapTpl && Ext.isIE7 && Ext.isStrict && !d.clearElHasPadding) { a = e.paddingContext.getPaddingInfo().bottom; b = d.getOverflowYStyle(e); if (a && (b === "auto" || b === "scroll")) { d.clearEl.setStyle("height", a); d.clearElHasPadding = true } } }, beforeLayoutCycle: function (c) { var a = this.owner, d = a.hierarchyState, b = a.hierarchyStateInner; if (!d || d.invalid) { d = a.getHierarchyState(); b = a.hierarchyStateInner } if (c.widthModel.shrinkWrap && this.isShrinkWrapTpl) { b.inShrinkWrapTable = true } else { delete b.inShrinkWrapTable } }, beginLayoutCycle: function (h) { var m = this, c = m.outerCt, l = m.lastOuterCtWidth || "", k = m.lastOuterCtHeight || "", n = m.lastOuterCtTableLayout || "", b = h.state, o, g, j, p, d, a, e; m.callParent(arguments); j = p = d = ""; if (!h.widthModel.shrinkWrap && m.isShrinkWrapTpl) { if (Ext.isIE7m && Ext.isStrict) { g = m.getOverflowYStyle(h); if (g === "auto" || g === "scroll") { a = true } } if (!a) { j = "100%" } e = m.owner.hierarchyStateInner; o = m.getOverflowXStyle(h); d = (e.inShrinkWrapTable || o === "auto" || o === "scroll") ? "" : "fixed" } if (!h.heightModel.shrinkWrap && !Ext.supports.PercentageHeightOverflowBug) { p = "100%" } if ((j !== l) || m.hasOuterCtPxWidth) { c.setStyle("width", j); m.lastOuterCtWidth = j; m.hasOuterCtPxWidth = false } if (d !== n) { c.setStyle("table-layout", d); m.lastOuterCtTableLayout = d } if ((p !== k) || m.hasOuterCtPxHeight) { c.setStyle("height", p); m.lastOuterCtHeight = p; m.hasOuterCtPxHeight = false } if (m.hasInnerCtPxHeight) { m.innerCt.setStyle("height", ""); m.hasInnerCtPxHeight = false } b.overflowAdjust = b.overflowAdjust || m.lastOverflowAdjust }, calculate: function (c) { var a = this, b = c.state, e = a.getContainerSize(c, true), d = b.calculatedItems || (b.calculatedItems = a.calculateItems ? a.calculateItems(c, e) : true); a.setCtSizeIfNeeded(c, e); if (d && c.hasDomProp("containerChildrenSizeDone")) { a.calculateContentSize(c); if (e.gotAll) { if (a.manageOverflow && !c.state.secondPass && !a.reserveScrollbar) { a.calculateOverflow(c, e) } return } } a.done = false }, calculateContentSize: function (g) { var e = this, a = ((g.widthModel.shrinkWrap ? 1 : 0) | (g.heightModel.shrinkWrap ? 2 : 0)), c = (a & 1) || undefined, h = (a & 2) || undefined, d = 0, b = g.props; if (c) { if (isNaN(b.contentWidth)) { ++d } else { c = undefined } } if (h) { if (isNaN(b.contentHeight)) { ++d } else { h = undefined } } if (d) { if (c && !g.setContentWidth(e.measureContentWidth(g))) { e.done = false } if (h && !g.setContentHeight(e.measureContentHeight(g))) { e.done = false } } }, calculateOverflow: function (c) { var h = this, b, k, a, g, e, d, j; e = (h.getOverflowXStyle(c) === "auto"); d = (h.getOverflowYStyle(c) === "auto"); if (e || d) { a = Ext.getScrollbarSize(); j = c.overflowContext.el.dom; g = 0; if (j.scrollWidth > j.clientWidth) { g |= 1 } if (j.scrollHeight > j.clientHeight) { g |= 2 } b = (d && (g & 2)) ? a.width : 0; k = (e && (g & 1)) ? a.height : 0; if (b !== h.lastOverflowAdjust.width || k !== h.lastOverflowAdjust.height) { h.done = false; c.invalidate({ state: { overflowAdjust: { width: b, height: k }, overflowState: g, secondPass: true } }) } } }, completeLayout: function (a) { this.lastOverflowAdjust = a.state.overflowAdjust }, doRenderPadding: function (b, d) { var c = d.$layout, a = d.$layout.owner, e = a[a.contentPaddingProperty]; if (c.managePadding && e) { b.push("padding:", a.unitizeBox(e)) } }, finishedLayout: function (b) { var a = this.innerCt; this.callParent(arguments); if (Ext.isIEQuirks || Ext.isIE8m) { a.repaint() } if (Ext.isOpera) { a.setStyle("position", "relative"); a.dom.scrollWidth; a.setStyle("position", "") } }, getContainerSize: function (b, c) { var a = this.callParent(arguments), d = b.state.overflowAdjust; if (d) { a.width -= d.width; a.height -= d.height } return a }, getRenderData: function () { var a = this.owner, b = this.callParent(); if ((Ext.isIEQuirks || Ext.isIE7m) && ((a.shrinkWrap & 1) || (a.floating && !a.width))) { b.shrinkWrapWidth = true } return b }, getRenderTarget: function () { return this.innerCt }, getElementTarget: function () { return this.innerCt }, getOverflowXStyle: function (a) { return a.overflowXStyle || (a.overflowXStyle = this.owner.scrollFlags.overflowX || a.overflowContext.getStyle("overflow-x")) }, getOverflowYStyle: function (a) { return a.overflowYStyle || (a.overflowYStyle = this.owner.scrollFlags.overflowY || a.overflowContext.getStyle("overflow-y")) }, initContextItems: function (c) { var b = this, d = c.target, a = b.owner.customOverflowEl; c.outerCtContext = c.getEl("outerCt", b); c.innerCtContext = c.getEl("innerCt", b); if (a) { c.overflowContext = c.getEl(a) } else { c.overflowContext = c.targetContext } if (d[d.contentPaddingProperty] !== undefined) { c.paddingContext = b.isShrinkWrapTpl ? c.innerCtContext : c.outerCtContext } }, initLayout: function () { var c = this, b = Ext.getScrollbarSize().width, a = c.owner; c.callParent(); if (b && c.manageOverflow && !c.hasOwnProperty("lastOverflowAdjust")) { if (a.autoScroll || c.reserveScrollbar) { c.lastOverflowAdjust = { width: b, height: 0 } } } }, insertTableCt: function (b) { var h = this, a = h.owner, c = 0, e, g, k, d, j; e = Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(this, "tableTpl"); e.renderPadding = h.doRenderPadding; h.outerCt.dom.removeChild(h.innerCt.dom); g = document.createDocumentFragment(); k = h.innerCt.dom.childNodes; d = k.length; for (; c < d; c++) { g.appendChild(k[0]) } j = h.getTarget(); j.dom.innerHTML = e.apply({ $layout: h, ownerId: h.owner.id }); j.down("td").dom.appendChild(g); h.applyChildEls(a.el, a.id); h.isShrinkWrapTpl = true; b.removeEl(h.outerCt); b.removeEl(h.innerCt); h.initContextItems(b) }, measureContentHeight: function (b) { var a = this.outerCt.getHeight(), c = b.target; if (this.managePadding && (c[c.contentPaddingProperty] === undefined)) { a += b.targetContext.getPaddingInfo().height } return a }, measureContentWidth: function (d) { var g, c, b, a, e; if (this.chromeCellMeasureBug) { g = this.innerCt.dom; c = g.style; b = c.display; if (b == "table-cell") { c.display = ""; g.offsetWidth; c.display = b } } a = this.outerCt.getWidth(); e = d.target; if (this.managePadding && (e[e.contentPaddingProperty] === undefined)) { a += d.targetContext.getPaddingInfo().width } return a }, setCtSizeIfNeeded: function (d, o) { var t = this, m = o.width, j = o.height, g = d.paddingContext.getPaddingInfo(), k = t.getTarget(), e = t.getOverflowXStyle(d), l = t.getOverflowYStyle(d), p = (e === "auto" || e === "scroll"), n = (l === "auto" || l === "scroll"), q = Ext.getScrollbarSize(), r = t.isShrinkWrapTpl, b = t.manageOverflow, a, s, h, c; if (m && !d.widthModel.shrinkWrap && ((Ext.isIE7m && Ext.isStrict && r && n) || (Ext.isIEQuirks && !r && !p))) { if (!b) { if (n && (k.dom.scrollHeight > k.dom.clientHeight)) { m -= q.width } } d.outerCtContext.setProp("width", m + g.width); t.hasOuterCtPxWidth = true } if (j && !d.heightModel.shrinkWrap) { if (Ext.supports.PercentageHeightOverflowBug) { s = true } if (((Ext.isIE8 && Ext.isStrict) || Ext.isIE7m && Ext.isStrict && r)) { h = true; c = !Ext.isIE8 } if ((s || h) && p && (k.dom.scrollWidth > k.dom.clientWidth)) { j = Math.max(j - q.height, 0) } if (s) { d.outerCtContext.setProp("height", j + g.height); t.hasOuterCtPxHeight = true } if (h) { if (c) { j += g.height } d.innerCtContext.setProp("height", j); t.hasInnerCtPxHeight = true } } if (Ext.isIE7 && Ext.isStrict && !r && (l === "auto")) { a = (e === "auto") ? "overflow-x" : "overflow-y"; k.setStyle(a, "hidden"); k.setStyle(a, "auto") } }, setupRenderTpl: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); a.renderPadding = this.doRenderPadding }, getContentTarget: function () { return this.innerCt } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.auto", "layout.autocontainer"], 0, [Ext.layout.container, "Auto"], function () { this.prototype.chromeCellMeasureBug = Ext.isChrome && Ext.chromeVersion >= 26 })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.ZIndexManager", Ext.Base, { alternateClassName: "Ext.WindowGroup", statics: { zBase: 9000 }, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; b.list = {}; b.zIndexStack = []; b.front = null; if (a) { if (a.isContainer) { a.on("resize", b._onContainerResize, b); b.zseed = Ext.Number.from(b.rendered ? a.getEl().getStyle("zIndex") : undefined, b.getNextZSeed()); b.targetEl = a.getTargetEl(); b.container = a } else { Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(b._onContainerResize, b); b.zseed = b.getNextZSeed(); b.targetEl = Ext.get(a) } } else { Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(b._onContainerResize, b); b.zseed = b.getNextZSeed(); Ext.onDocumentReady(function () { b.targetEl = Ext.getBody() }) } }, getNextZSeed: function () { return (Ext.ZIndexManager.zBase += 10000) }, setBase: function (b) { this.zseed = b; var a = this.assignZIndices(); this._activateLast(); return a }, assignZIndices: function () { var c = this.zIndexStack, b = c.length, e = 0, h = this.zseed, d, g; for (; e < b; e++) { d = c[e]; if (d && !d.hidden) { h = d.setZIndex(h); if (d.modal) { g = d } } } if (g) { this._showModalMask(g) } return h }, _setActiveChild: function (b, a) { var c = this.front, d = b.preventFocusOnActivate; if (b !== c) { if (c && !c.destroying) { c.setActive(false, b) } this.front = b; if (b && b != a) { b.preventFocusOnActivate = b.preventFocusOnActivate || a && (a.preventFocusOnActivate || !a.focusOnToFront); b.setActive(true); if (b.modal) { this._showModalMask(b) } b.preventFocusOnActivate = d } } }, onComponentHide: function (a) { this._activateLast() }, _activateLast: function () { var d = this, a = d.zIndexStack, c = a.length - 1, b; for (; c >= 0 && a[c].hidden; --c) {} if ((b = a[c])) { d._setActiveChild(b, d.front); if (b.modal) { return } } else { if (d.front && !d.front.destroying) { d.front.setActive(false) } d.front = null } for (; c >= 0; --c) { b = a[c]; if (b.isVisible() && b.modal) { d._showModalMask(b); return } } d._hideModalMask() }, _showModalMask: function (b) { var d = this, h = b.el.getStyle("zIndex") - 4, c = b.floatParent ? b.floatParent.getTargetEl() : b.container, a = d.mask, g = d.maskShim, e; if (!a) { if (Ext.isIE6) { g = d.maskShim = Ext.getBody().createChild({ tag: "iframe", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "shim " + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "mask-shim" }); g.setVisibilityMode(Ext.Element.DISPLAY) } a = d.mask = Ext.getBody().createChild({ cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "mask", style: "height:0;width:0" }); a.setVisibilityMode(Ext.Element.DISPLAY); a.on("click", d._onMaskClick, d) } a.maskTarget = c; e = d.getMaskBox(); if (g) { g.setStyle("zIndex", h); g.show(); g.setBox(e) } a.setStyle("zIndex", h); a.show(); a.setBox(e) }, _hideModalMask: function () { var b = this.mask, a = this.maskShim; if (b && b.isVisible()) { b.maskTarget = undefined; b.hide(); if (a) { a.hide() } } }, _onMaskClick: function () { if (this.front) { this.front.focus() } }, getMaskBox: function () { var a = this.mask.maskTarget; if (a.dom === document.body) { return { height: Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight, Ext.dom.Element.getDocumentHeight()), width: Math.max(document.body.scrollWidth, document.documentElement.clientWidth), x: 0, y: 0 } } else { return a.getBox() } }, _onContainerResize: function () { var c = this, b = c.mask, a = c.maskShim, d; if (b && b.isVisible()) { b.hide(); if (a) { a.hide() } d = c.getMaskBox(); if (a) { a.setSize(d); a.show() } b.setSize(d); b.show() } }, register: function (b) { var c = this, a = b.afterHide; if (b.zIndexManager) { b.zIndexManager.unregister(b) } b.zIndexManager = c; c.list[b.id] = b; c.zIndexStack.push(b); b.afterHide = function () { a.apply(b, arguments); c.onComponentHide(b) } }, unregister: function (a) { var b = this, c = b.list; delete a.zIndexManager; if (c && c[a.id]) { delete c[a.id]; delete a.afterHide; Ext.Array.remove(b.zIndexStack, a); b._activateLast() } }, get: function (a) { return a.isComponent ? a : this.list[a] }, bringToFront: function (b, d) { var c = this, a = false, e = c.zIndexStack; b = c.get(b); if (b !== c.front) { Ext.Array.remove(e, b); if (b.preventBringToFront) { e.unshift(b) } else { e.push(b) } c.assignZIndices(); if (!d) { c._activateLast() } a = true; c.front = b; if (b.modal) { c._showModalMask(b) } } return a }, sendToBack: function (a) { var b = this; a = b.get(a); Ext.Array.remove(b.zIndexStack, a); b.zIndexStack.unshift(a); b.assignZIndices(); this._activateLast(); return a }, hideAll: function () { var b = this.list, a, c; for (c in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(c)) { a = b[c]; if (a.isComponent && a.isVisible()) { a.hide() } } } }, hide: function () { var d = 0, b = this.zIndexStack, a = b.length, c; this.tempHidden = []; for (; d < a; d++) { c = b[d]; if (c.isVisible()) { this.tempHidden.push(c); c.el.hide(); c.hidden = true } } }, show: function () { var c = 0, d = this.tempHidden, a = d ? d.length : 0, b; for (; c < a; c++) { b = d[c]; b.el.show(); b.hidden = false; b.setPosition(b.x, b.y) } delete this.tempHidden }, getActive: function () { return this.front }, getBy: function (g, e) { var h = [], d = 0, b = this.zIndexStack, a = b.length, c; for (; d < a; d++) { c = b[d]; if (g.call(e || c, c) !== false) { h.push(c) } } return h }, each: function (c, b) { var d = this.list, e, a; for (e in d) { if (d.hasOwnProperty(e)) { a = d[e]; if (a.isComponent && c.call(b || a, a) === false) { return } } } }, eachBottomUp: function (g, e) { var b = this.zIndexStack, d = 0, a = b.length, c; for (; d < a; d++) { c = b[d]; if (c.isComponent && g.call(e || c, c) === false) { return } } }, eachTopDown: function (e, d) { var a = this.zIndexStack, c = a.length, b; for (; c-- > 0; ) { b = a[c]; if (b.isComponent && e.call(d || b, b) === false) { return } } }, destroy: function () { var b = this, c = b.list, a, d; for (d in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(d)) { a = c[d]; if (a.isComponent) { a.destroy() } } } delete b.zIndexStack; delete b.list; delete b.container; delete b.targetEl } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext, "ZIndexManager", Ext, "WindowGroup"], function () { Ext.WindowManager = Ext.WindowMgr = new this() })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.Queryable", Ext.Base, { isQueryable: true, query: function (a) { a = a || "*"; return Ext.ComponentQuery.query(a, this) }, queryBy: function (g, e) { var c = [], b = this.getRefItems(true), d = 0, a = b.length, h; for (; d < a; ++d) { h = b[d]; if (g.call(e || h, h) !== false) { c.push(h) } } return c }, queryById: function (a) { return this.down("#" + a) }, child: function (a) { if (a && a.isComponent) { a = "#" + Ext.escapeId(a.getItemId()) } a = a || ""; return this.query("> " + a)[0] || null }, down: function (a) { if (a && a.isComponent) { a = "#" + Ext.escapeId(a.getItemId()) } a = a || ""; return this.query(a)[0] || null }, getRefItems: function () { return [] } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext, "Queryable"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.component.Component", Ext.layout.Layout, { type: "component", isComponentLayout: true, nullBox: {}, usesContentHeight: true, usesContentWidth: true, usesHeight: true, usesWidth: true, beginLayoutCycle: function (c, q) { var l = this, b = l.owner, e = c.ownerCtContext, g = c.heightModel, h = c.widthModel, j = b.el.dom === document.body, d = b.lastBox || l.nullBox, o = b.el.lastBox || l.nullBox, a = !j, n, p, m, k; l.callParent(arguments); if (q) { if (l.usesContentWidth) { ++c.consumersContentWidth } if (l.usesContentHeight) { ++c.consumersContentHeight } if (l.usesWidth) { ++c.consumersWidth } if (l.usesHeight) { ++c.consumersHeight } if (e && !e.hasRawContent) { n = b.ownerLayout; if (n.usesWidth) { ++c.consumersWidth } if (n.usesHeight) { ++c.consumersHeight } } } if (h.configured) { m = h.names.width; if (!j) { a = q ? b[m] !== o.width : h.constrained } c.setWidth(b[m], a) } else { if (c.isTopLevel) { if (h.calculated) { p = d.width; c.setWidth(p, p != o.width) } p = d.x; c.setProp("x", p, p != o.x) } } if (g.configured) { k = g.names.height; if (!j) { a = q ? b[k] !== o.height : g.constrained } c.setHeight(b[k], a) } else { if (c.isTopLevel) { if (g.calculated) { p = d.height; c.setHeight(p, p != o.height) } p = d.y; c.setProp("y", p, p != o.y) } } }, finishedLayout: function (b) { var h = this, k = b.children, a = h.owner, e, c, j, d, g; if (k) { e = k.length; for (c = 0; c < e; c++) { j = k[c]; j.el.lastBox = j.props } } b.previousSize = h.lastComponentSize; h.lastComponentSize = a.el.lastBox = g = b.props; d = a.lastBox || (a.lastBox = {}); d.x = g.x; d.y = g.y; d.width = g.width; d.height = g.height; d.invalid = false; h.callParent(arguments) }, notifyOwner: function (d) { var c = this, a = c.lastComponentSize, e = d.previousSize, b = [a.width, a.height]; if (e) { b.push(e.width, e.height) } c.owner.afterComponentLayout.apply(c.owner, b) }, getTarget: function () { return this.owner.el }, getRenderTarget: function () { return this.owner.el }, cacheTargetInfo: function (b) { var a = this, d = a.targetInfo, c; if (!d) { c = b.getEl("getTarget", a); a.targetInfo = d = { padding: c.getPaddingInfo(), border: c.getBorderInfo() } } return d }, measureAutoDimensions: function (n, j) { var u = this, a = u.owner, r = a.layout, d = n.heightModel, h = n.widthModel, c = n.boxParent, o = n.isBoxParent, b = n.props, k, v = { gotWidth: false, gotHeight: false, isContainer: (k = !n.hasRawContent) }, t = j || 3, q, e, l = 0, g = 0, m, p, s; if (h.shrinkWrap && n.consumersContentWidth) { ++l; q = !(t & 1); if (k) { if (q) { v.contentWidth = 0; v.gotWidth = true; ++g } else { if ((v.contentWidth = n.getProp("contentWidth")) !== undefined) { v.gotWidth = true; ++g } } } else { p = b.contentWidth; if (typeof p == "number") { v.contentWidth = p; v.gotWidth = true; ++g } else { if (q) { m = true } else { if (!n.hasDomProp("containerChildrenSizeDone")) { m = false } else { if (o || !c || c.widthModel.shrinkWrap) { m = true } else { m = c.hasDomProp("width") } } } if (m) { if (q) { s = 0 } else { if (r && r.measureContentWidth) { s = r.measureContentWidth(n) } else { s = u.measureContentWidth(n) } } if (!isNaN(v.contentWidth = s)) { n.setContentWidth(s, true); v.gotWidth = true; ++g } } } } } else { if (h.natural && n.consumersWidth) { ++l; p = b.width; if (typeof p == "number") { v.width = p; v.gotWidth = true; ++g } else { if (o || !c) { m = true } else { m = c.hasDomProp("width") } if (m) { if (!isNaN(v.width = u.measureOwnerWidth(n))) { n.setWidth(v.width, false); v.gotWidth = true; ++g } } } } } if (d.shrinkWrap && n.consumersContentHeight) { ++l; e = !(t & 2); if (k) { if (e) { v.contentHeight = 0; v.gotHeight = true; ++g } else { if ((v.contentHeight = n.getProp("contentHeight")) !== undefined) { v.gotHeight = true; ++g } } } else { p = b.contentHeight; if (typeof p == "number") { v.contentHeight = p; v.gotHeight = true; ++g } else { if (e) { m = true } else { if (!n.hasDomProp("containerChildrenSizeDone")) { m = false } else { if (a.noWrap) { m = true } else { if (!h.shrinkWrap) { m = (n.bodyContext || n).hasDomProp("width") } else { if (o || !c || c.widthModel.shrinkWrap) { m = true } else { m = c.hasDomProp("width") } } } } } if (m) { if (e) { s = 0 } else { if (r && r.measureContentHeight) { s = r.measureContentHeight(n) } else { s = u.measureContentHeight(n) } } if (!isNaN(v.contentHeight = s)) { n.setContentHeight(s, true); v.gotHeight = true; ++g } } } } } else { if (d.natural && n.consumersHeight) { ++l; p = b.height; if (typeof p == "number") { v.height = p; v.gotHeight = true; ++g } else { if (o || !c) { m = true } else { m = c.hasDomProp("width") } if (m) { if (!isNaN(v.height = u.measureOwnerHeight(n))) { n.setHeight(v.height, false); v.gotHeight = true; ++g } } } } } if (c) { n.onBoxMeasured() } v.gotAll = g == l; return v }, measureContentWidth: function (a) { return a.el.getWidth() - a.getFrameInfo().width }, measureContentHeight: function (a) { return a.el.getHeight() - a.getFrameInfo().height }, measureOwnerHeight: function (a) { return a.el.getHeight() }, measureOwnerWidth: function (a) { return a.el.getWidth() } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.layout.component, "Component"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.component.Auto", Ext.layout.component.Component, { type: "autocomponent", setHeightInDom: false, setWidthInDom: false, waitForOuterHeightInDom: false, waitForOuterWidthInDom: false, beginLayoutCycle: function (d, a) { var c = this, g = c.lastWidthModel, e = c.lastHeightModel, b = c.owner.el; c.callParent(arguments); if (g && g.fixed && d.widthModel.shrinkWrap) { b.setWidth(null) } if (e && e.fixed && d.heightModel.shrinkWrap) { b.setHeight(null) } }, calculate: function (h) { var g = this, e = g.measureAutoDimensions(h), b = h.heightModel, c = h.widthModel, d, a; if (e.gotWidth) { if (c.shrinkWrap) { g.publishOwnerWidth(h, e.contentWidth) } else { if (g.publishInnerWidth) { g.publishInnerWidth(h, e.width) } } } else { if (!c.auto && g.publishInnerWidth) { d = g.waitForOuterWidthInDom ? h.getDomProp("width") : h.getProp("width"); if (d === undefined) { g.done = false } else { g.publishInnerWidth(h, d) } } } if (e.gotHeight) { if (b.shrinkWrap) { g.publishOwnerHeight(h, e.contentHeight) } else { if (g.publishInnerHeight) { g.publishInnerHeight(h, e.height) } } } else { if (!b.auto && g.publishInnerHeight) { a = g.waitForOuterHeightInDom ? h.getDomProp("height") : h.getProp("height"); if (a === undefined) { g.done = false } else { g.publishInnerHeight(h, a) } } } if (!e.gotAll) { g.done = false } }, calculateOwnerHeightFromContentHeight: function (b, a) { return a + b.getFrameInfo().height }, calculateOwnerWidthFromContentWidth: function (b, a) { return a + b.getFrameInfo().width }, publishOwnerHeight: function (j, g) { var e = this, b = e.owner, a = e.calculateOwnerHeightFromContentHeight(j, g), h, d, c; if (isNaN(a)) { e.done = false } else { h = Ext.Number.constrain(a, b.minHeight, b.maxHeight); if (h == a) { d = e.setHeightInDom } else { c = e.sizeModels[(h < a) ? "constrainedMax" : "constrainedMin"]; a = h; if (j.heightModel.calculatedFromShrinkWrap) { j.heightModel = c } else { j.invalidate({ heightModel: c }) } } j.setHeight(a, d) } }, publishOwnerWidth: function (h, b) { var g = this, a = g.owner, e = g.calculateOwnerWidthFromContentWidth(h, b), j, d, c; if (isNaN(e)) { g.done = false } else { j = Ext.Number.constrain(e, a.minWidth, a.maxWidth); if (j == e) { d = g.setWidthInDom } else { c = g.sizeModels[(j < e) ? "constrainedMax" : "constrainedMin"]; e = j; if (h.widthModel.calculatedFromShrinkWrap) { h.widthModel = c } else { h.invalidate({ widthModel: c }) } } h.setWidth(e, d) } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.autocomponent"], 0, [Ext.layout.component, "Auto"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.container.AbstractContainer", Ext.Component, { renderTpl: "{%this.renderContainer(out,values)%}", suspendLayout: false, autoDestroy: true, defaultType: "panel", detachOnRemove: true, isContainer: true, layoutCounter: 0, baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "container", defaultLayoutType: "auto", initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.addEvents("afterlayout", "beforeadd", "beforeremove", "add", "remove"); a.callParent(); a.getLayout(); a.initItems() }, initItems: function () { var b = this, a = b.items; b.items = new Ext.util.AbstractMixedCollection(false, b.getComponentId); b.floatingItems = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, b.getComponentId); if (a) { if (!Ext.isArray(a)) { a = [a] } b.add(a) } }, getFocusEl: function () { return this.getTargetEl() }, finishRenderChildren: function () { this.callParent(); var a = this.getLayout(); if (a) { a.finishRender() } }, beforeRender: function () { var b = this, a = b.getLayout(), c; b.callParent(); if (!a.initialized) { a.initLayout() } c = a.targetCls; if (c) { b.applyTargetCls(c) } }, applyTargetCls: function (a) { this.addCls(a) }, afterComponentLayout: function () { var b = this.floatingItems.items, a = b.length, d, c; this.callParent(arguments); for (d = 0; d < a; d++) { c = b[d]; if (!c.rendered && c.autoShow) { c.show() } } }, onPosition: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.repositionFloatingItems() }, onResize: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.repositionFloatingItems() }, repositionFloatingItems: function () { var b = this.floatingItems.items, a = b.length, d, c; for (d = 0; d < a; d++) { c = b[d]; if (c.el && !c.hidden) { c.setPosition(c.x, c.y) } } }, setupRenderTpl: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); this.getLayout().setupRenderTpl(a) }, getDefaultContentTarget: function () { return this.el }, getContentTarget: function () { return this.getLayout().getContentTarget() }, setLayout: function (b) { var a = this.layout; if (a && a.isLayout && a != b) { a.setOwner(null) } this.layout = b; b.setOwner(this) }, getLayout: function () { var a = this; if (!a.layout || !a.layout.isLayout) { a.setLayout(Ext.layout.Layout.create(a.layout, a.self.prototype.layout || a.defaultLayoutType)) } return a.layout }, doLayout: function () { this.updateLayout(); return this }, afterLayout: function (b) { var a = this; ++a.layoutCounter; if (a.hasListeners.afterlayout) { a.fireEvent("afterlayout", a, b) } }, prepareItems: function (b, d) { if (Ext.isArray(b)) { b = b.slice() } else { b = [b] } var g = this, c = 0, a = b.length, e; for (; c < a; c++) { e = b[c]; if (e == null) { Ext.Array.erase(b, c, 1); --c; --a } else { if (d) { e = this.applyDefaults(e) } e.isContained = g; b[c] = g.lookupComponent(e); delete e.isContained; delete b[c].isContained } } return b }, applyDefaults: function (a) { var b = this.defaults; if (b) { if (Ext.isFunction(b)) { b = b.call(this, a) } if (Ext.isString(a)) { a = Ext.ComponentManager.get(a) } Ext.applyIf(a, b) } return a }, lookupComponent: function (a) { return (typeof a == "string") ? Ext.ComponentManager.get(a) : Ext.ComponentManager.create(a, this.defaultType) }, getComponentId: function (a) { return a.getItemId && a.getItemId() }, add: function () { var j = this, g = Ext.Array.slice(arguments), d = (typeof g[0] == "number") ? g.shift() : -1, c = j.getLayout(), l, h, b, a, m, k, e; if (g.length == 1 && Ext.isArray(g[0])) { h = g[0]; l = true } else { h = g } if (j.rendered) { Ext.suspendLayouts() } e = h = j.prepareItems(h, true); a = h.length; if (!l && a == 1) { e = h[0] } for (b = 0; b < a; b++) { m = h[b]; k = (d < 0) ? j.items.length : (d + b); if (m.floating) { j.floatingItems.add(m); m.onAdded(j, k); if (j.hasListeners.add) { j.fireEvent("add", j, m, k) } } else { if ((!j.hasListeners.beforeadd || j.fireEvent("beforeadd", j, m, k) !== false) && j.onBeforeAdd(m) !== false) { j.items.insert(k, m); m.onAdded(j, k); j.onAdd(m, k); c.onAdd(m, k); if (j.hasListeners.add) { j.fireEvent("add", j, m, k) } } } } j.updateLayout(); if (j.rendered) { Ext.resumeLayouts(true) } return e }, onAdd: Ext.emptyFn, onRemove: Ext.emptyFn, insert: function (c, b) { var a; if (b && b.isComponent) { a = this.items.indexOf(b); if (a !== -1) { return this.move(a, c) } } return this.add(c, b) }, move: function (b, d) { var a = this.items, c; if (b.isComponent) { b = a.indexOf(b) } c = a.removeAt(b); if (c === false) { return false } a.insert(d, c); this.onMove(c, b, d); this.updateLayout(); return c }, onMove: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeAdd: function (a) { if (a.ownerCt && a.ownerCt !== this) { a.ownerCt.remove(a, false) } }, remove: function (a, b) { var d = this, e = d.getComponent(a); if (e && (!d.hasListeners.beforeremove || d.fireEvent("beforeremove", d, e) !== false)) { d.doRemove(e, b); if (d.hasListeners.remove) { d.fireEvent("remove", d, e) } if (!d.destroying && !e.floating) { d.updateLayout() } } return e }, doRemove: function (c, b) { b = b === true || (b !== false && this.autoDestroy); var g = this, e = g.layout, a = e && g.rendered, d = c.destroying || b, h = c.floating; if (h) { g.floatingItems.remove(c) } else { g.items.remove(c) } if (a && !h) { if (e.running) { Ext.AbstractComponent.cancelLayout(c, d) } e.onRemove(c, d) } c.onRemoved(d); g.onRemove(c, d); if (b) { c.destroy() } else { if (a && !h) { e.afterRemove(c) } if (g.detachOnRemove && c.rendered) { g.detachComponent(c) } } }, detachComponent: function (a) { Ext.getDetachedBody().appendChild(a.getEl()) }, removeAll: function (c) { var h = this, e = h.items.items.slice().concat(h.floatingItems.items), b = [], d = 0, a = e.length, g; h.suspendLayouts(); for (; d < a; d++) { g = e[d]; h.remove(g, c); if (g.ownerCt !== h) { b.push(g) } } h.resumeLayouts(!!a); return b }, getRefItems: function (c) { var h = this, d = h.items.items, b = d.length, e = 0, g, a = []; for (; e < b; e++) { g = d[e]; a[a.length] = g; if (c && g.getRefItems) { a.push.apply(a, g.getRefItems(true)) } } d = h.floatingItems.items; b = d.length; for (e = 0; e < b; e++) { g = d[e]; a[a.length] = g; if (c && g.getRefItems) { a.push.apply(a, g.getRefItems(true)) } } return a }, cascade: function (l, m, a) { var k = this, e = k.items ? k.items.items : [], g = e.length, d = 0, j, h = a ? a.concat(k) : [k], b = h.length - 1; if (l.apply(m || k, h) !== false) { for (; d < g; d++) { j = e[d]; if (j.cascade) { j.cascade(l, m, a) } else { h[b] = j; l.apply(m || e, h) } } } return this }, isAncestor: function (a) { while (a) { if (a.ownerCt === this) { return true } a = a.ownerCt } }, getComponent: function (a) { if (Ext.isObject(a)) { a = a.getItemId() } var b = this.items.get(a); if (!b && typeof a != "number") { b = this.floatingItems.get(a) } return b }, contains: function (c, b) { var a = false; if (b) { this.cascade(function (d) { if (d.contains && d.contains(c)) { a = true; return false } }); return a } else { return this.items.contains(c) || this.floatingItems.contains(c) } }, nextChild: function (e, b) { var c = this, a, d = c.items.indexOf(e); if (d !== -1) { a = b ? Ext.ComponentQuery(b, c.items.items.slice(d + 1)) : c.items.getAt(d + 1); if (!a && c.ownerCt) { a = c.ownerCt.nextChild(c, b) } } return a }, prevChild: function (e, b) { var c = this, a, d = c.items.indexOf(e); if (d !== -1) { a = b ? Ext.ComponentQuery(b, c.items.items.slice(d + 1)) : c.items.getAt(d + 1); if (!a && c.ownerCt) { a = c.ownerCt.nextChild(c, b) } } return a }, enable: function () { this.callParent(arguments); var d = this.getChildItemsToDisable(), c = d.length, b, a; for (a = 0; a < c; a++) { b = d[a]; if (b.resetDisable) { b.enable() } } return this }, disable: function () { this.callParent(arguments); var d = this.getChildItemsToDisable(), c = d.length, b, a; for (a = 0; a < c; a++) { b = d[a]; if (b.resetDisable !== false && !b.disabled) { b.disable(); b.resetDisable = true } } return this }, getChildItemsToDisable: function () { return this.query("[isFormField],button") }, beforeDestroy: function () { var b = this, a = b.items, d = b.floatingItems, e; if (a) { while ((e = a.first())) { b.doRemove(e, true) } } if (d) { while ((e = d.first())) { b.doRemove(e, true) } } Ext.destroy(b.layout); b.callParent() } }, 0, 0, ["component", "box"], { component: true, box: true }, 0, [["queryable", Ext.Queryable]], [Ext.container, "AbstractContainer"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.container.Container", Ext.container.AbstractContainer, { alternateClassName: "Ext.Container", getChildByElement: function (e, a) { var h, c, b = 0, d = this.getRefItems(), g = d.length; e = Ext.getDom(e); for (; b < g; b++) { h = d[b]; c = h.getEl(); if (c && ((c.dom === e) || c.contains(e))) { return (a && h.getChildByElement) ? h.getChildByElement(e, a) : h } } return null } }, 0, ["container"], ["component", "container", "box"], { component: true, container: true, box: true }, ["widget.container"], 0, [Ext.container, "Container", Ext, "Container"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.container.Editor", Ext.layout.container.Container, { autoSizeDefault: { width: "field", height: "field" }, sizePolicies: { $: { $: { readsWidth: 1, readsHeight: 1, setsWidth: 0, setsHeight: 0 }, boundEl: { readsWidth: 1, readsHeight: 0, setsWidth: 0, setsHeight: 1 } }, boundEl: { $: { readsWidth: 0, readsHeight: 1, setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 0 }, boundEl: { readsWidth: 0, readsHeight: 0, setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 1 } } }, getItemSizePolicy: function (d) { var c = this, a = c.owner.autoSize, b = a && a.width, e = c.sizePolicies; e = e[b] || e.$; b = a && a.height; e = e[b] || e.$; return e }, calculate: function (g) { var e = this, b = e.owner, a = b.autoSize, d, c; if (a === true) { a = e.autoSizeDefault } if (a) { d = e.getDimension(b, a.width, "getWidth", b.width); c = e.getDimension(b, a.height, "getHeight", b.height) } g.childItems[0].setSize(d, c); g.setWidth(d); g.setHeight(c); g.setContentSize(d || b.field.getWidth(), c || b.field.getHeight()) }, getDimension: function (a, b, d, c) { switch (b) { case "boundEl": return a.boundEl[d](); case "field": return undefined; default: return c } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.editor"], 0, [Ext.layout.container, "Editor"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.Editor", Ext.container.Container, { layout: "editor", allowBlur: true, revertInvalid: true, value: "", alignment: "c-c?", offsets: [0, 0], shadow: "frame", constrain: false, swallowKeys: true, completeOnEnter: true, cancelOnEsc: true, updateEl: false, focusOnToFront: false, hidden: true, baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "editor", initComponent: function () { var a = this, b = a.field = Ext.ComponentManager.create(a.field, "textfield"); Ext.apply(b, { inEditor: true, msgTarget: b.msgTarget == "title" ? "title" : "qtip" }); a.mon(b, { scope: a, blur: a.onFieldBlur, specialkey: a.onSpecialKey }); if (b.grow) { a.mon(b, "autosize", a.onFieldAutosize, a, { delay: 1 }) } a.floating = { constrain: a.constrain }; a.items = b; a.callParent(arguments); a.addEvents("beforestartedit", "startedit", "beforecomplete", "complete", "canceledit", "specialkey") }, onFieldAutosize: function () { this.updateLayout() }, afterRender: function (b, a) { var c = this, e = c.field, d = e.inputEl; c.callParent(arguments); if (d) { d.dom.name = ""; if (c.swallowKeys) { d.swallowEvent(["keypress", "keydown"]) } } }, onSpecialKey: function (g, e) { var d = this, b = e.getKey(), a = d.completeOnEnter && b == e.ENTER, c = d.cancelOnEsc && b == e.ESC; if (a || c) { e.stopEvent(); Ext.defer(function () { if (a) { d.completeEdit() } else { d.cancelEdit() } if (g.triggerBlur) { g.triggerBlur(e) } }, 10) } d.fireEvent("specialkey", d, g, e) }, startEdit: function (a, c) { var b = this, d = b.field; b.completeEdit(); b.boundEl = Ext.get(a); c = Ext.isDefined(c) ? c : Ext.String.trim(b.boundEl.dom.innerText || b.boundEl.dom.innerHTML); if (!b.rendered) { if (b.ownerCt) { b.parentEl = b.ownerCt.el; b.parentEl.position() } b.render(b.parentEl || document.body) } if (b.fireEvent("beforestartedit", b, b.boundEl, c) !== false) { b.startValue = c; b.show(); d.suspendEvents(); d.reset(); d.setValue(c); d.resumeEvents(); b.realign(true); d.focus(); if (d.autoSize) { d.autoSize() } b.editing = true } }, realign: function (a) { var b = this; if (a === true) { b.updateLayout() } b.alignTo(b.boundEl, b.alignment, b.offsets) }, completeEdit: function (a) { var b = this, d = b.field, c; if (!b.editing) { return } if (d.assertValue) { d.assertValue() } c = b.getValue(); if (!d.isValid()) { if (b.revertInvalid !== false) { b.cancelEdit(a) } return } if (String(c) === String(b.startValue) && b.ignoreNoChange) { b.hideEdit(a); return } if (b.fireEvent("beforecomplete", b, c, b.startValue) !== false) { c = b.getValue(); if (b.updateEl && b.boundEl) { b.boundEl.update(c) } b.hideEdit(a); b.fireEvent("complete", b, c, b.startValue) } }, onShow: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (a.hideEl !== false) { a.boundEl.hide() } a.fireEvent("startedit", a, a.boundEl, a.startValue) }, cancelEdit: function (a) { var c = this, b = c.startValue, e = c.field, d; if (c.editing) { d = c.getValue(); e.suspendEvents(); c.setValue(b); e.resumeEvents(); c.hideEdit(a); c.fireEvent("canceledit", c, d, b) } }, hideEdit: function (a) { if (a !== true) { this.editing = false; this.hide() } }, onFieldBlur: function (d, c) { var a = this, b = Ext.Element.getActiveElement(); if (a.allowBlur === true && a.editing && a.selectSameEditor !== true) { a.completeEdit() } if (Ext.fly(b).isFocusable() || b.getAttribute("tabIndex")) { b.focus() } }, onHide: function () { var a = this, b = a.field; if (a.editing) { a.completeEdit(); return } if (b.hasFocus && b.triggerBlur) { b.triggerBlur() } if (b.collapse) { b.collapse() } if (a.hideEl !== false) { a.boundEl.show() } a.callParent(arguments) }, setValue: function (a) { this.field.setValue(a) }, getValue: function () { return this.field.getValue() }, beforeDestroy: function () { var a = this; Ext.destroy(a.field); delete a.field; delete a.parentEl; delete a.boundEl; a.callParent(arguments) } }, 0, ["editor"], ["editor", "component", "container", "box"], { editor: true, component: true, container: true, box: true }, ["widget.editor"], 0, [Ext, "Editor"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.KeyMap", Ext.Base, { alternateClassName: "Ext.KeyMap", eventName: "keydown", constructor: function (a) { var b = this; if ((arguments.length !== 1) || (typeof a === "string") || a.dom || a.tagName || a === document || a.isComponent) { b.legacyConstructor.apply(b, arguments); return } Ext.apply(b, a); b.bindings = []; if (!b.target.isComponent) { b.target = Ext.get(b.target) } if (b.binding) { b.addBinding(b.binding) } else { if (a.key) { b.addBinding(a) } } b.enable() }, legacyConstructor: function (b, d, a) { var c = this; Ext.apply(c, { target: Ext.get(b), eventName: a || c.eventName, bindings: [] }); if (d) { c.addBinding(d) } c.enable() }, addBinding: function (e) { var c = this, d = e.key, b, a; if (c.processing) { c.bindings = bindings.slice(0) } if (Ext.isArray(e)) { for (b = 0, a = e.length; b < a; b++) { c.addBinding(e[b]) } return } c.bindings.push(Ext.apply({ keyCode: c.processKeys(d) }, e)) }, removeBinding: function (g) { var e = this, h = e.bindings, a = h.length, b, d, c; if (e.processing) { e.bindings = h.slice(0) } c = e.processKeys(g.key); for (b = 0; b < a; ++b) { d = h[b]; if (d.fn === g.fn && d.scope === g.scope) { if (g.alt == d.alt && g.crtl == d.crtl && g.shift == d.shift) { if (Ext.Array.equals(d.keyCode, c)) { Ext.Array.erase(e.bindings, b, 1); return } } } } }, processKeys: function (g) { var h = false, d, e, b, a, c; if (Ext.isString(g)) { e = []; b = g.toUpperCase(); for (c = 0, a = b.length; c < a; ++c) { e.push(b.charCodeAt(c)) } g = e; h = true } if (!Ext.isArray(g)) { g = [g] } if (!h) { for (c = 0, a = g.length; c < a; ++c) { d = g[c]; if (Ext.isString(d)) { g[c] = d.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0) } } } return g }, handleTargetEvent: (function () { var a = /input|textarea/i; return function (g) { var e = this, j, c, b, h, d; if (e.enabled) { j = e.bindings; c = 0; b = j.length; g = e.processEvent.apply(e || e.processEventScope, arguments); if (e.ignoreInputFields) { h = g.target; d = h.contentEditable; if (a.test(h.tagName) || (d === "" || d === "true")) { return } } if (!g.getKey) { return g } e.processing = true; for (; c < b; ++c) { e.processBinding(j[c], g) } e.processing = false } } } ()), processEvent: Ext.identityFn, processBinding: function (g, a) { if (this.checkModifiers(g, a)) { var h = a.getKey(), k = g.fn || g.handler, l = g.scope || this, j = g.keyCode, b = g.defaultEventAction, c, e, d = new Ext.EventObjectImpl(a); for (c = 0, e = j.length; c < e; ++c) { if (h === j[c]) { if (k.call(l, h, a) !== true && b) { d[b]() } break } } } }, checkModifiers: function (j, g) { var d = ["shift", "ctrl", "alt"], c = 0, a = d.length, h, b; for (; c < a; ++c) { b = d[c]; h = j[b]; if (!(h === undefined || (h === g[b + "Key"]))) { return false } } return true }, on: function (b, d, c) { var h, a, e, g; if (Ext.isObject(b) && !Ext.isArray(b)) { h = b.key; a = b.shift; e = b.ctrl; g = b.alt } else { h = b } this.addBinding({ key: h, shift: a, ctrl: e, alt: g, fn: d, scope: c }) }, un: function (b, d, c) { var h, a, e, g; if (Ext.isObject(b) && !Ext.isArray(b)) { h = b.key; a = b.shift; e = b.ctrl; g = b.alt } else { h = b } this.removeBinding({ key: h, shift: a, ctrl: e, alt: g, fn: d, scope: c }) }, isEnabled: function () { return this.enabled }, enable: function () { var a = this; if (!a.enabled) { a.target.on(a.eventName, a.handleTargetEvent, a); a.enabled = true } }, disable: function () { var a = this; if (a.enabled) { a.target.removeListener(a.eventName, a.handleTargetEvent, a); a.enabled = false } }, setDisabled: function (a) { if (a) { this.disable() } else { this.enable() } }, destroy: function (c) { var a = this, b = a.target; a.bindings = []; a.disable(); if (c === true) { if (b.isComponent) { b.destroy() } else { b.remove() } } delete a.target } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "KeyMap", Ext, "KeyMap"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.KeyNav", Ext.Base, { alternateClassName: "Ext.KeyNav", statics: { keyOptions: { left: 37, right: 39, up: 38, down: 40, space: 32, pageUp: 33, pageDown: 34, del: 46, backspace: 8, home: 36, end: 35, enter: 13, esc: 27, tab: 9 } }, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; if (arguments.length === 2) { b.legacyConstructor.apply(b, arguments); return } b.setConfig(a) }, legacyConstructor: function (b, a) { this.setConfig(Ext.apply({ target: b }, a)) }, setConfig: function (b) { var e = this, c = { target: b.target, ignoreInputFields: b.ignoreInputFields, eventName: e.getKeyEvent("forceKeyDown" in b ? b.forceKeyDown : e.forceKeyDown, b.eventName) }, g, a, j, d, h; if (e.map) { e.map.destroy() } if (b.processEvent) { c.processEvent = b.processEvent; c.processEventScope = b.processEventScope || e } if (b.keyMap) { g = e.map = b.keyMap } else { g = e.map = new Ext.util.KeyMap(c); e.destroyKeyMap = true } a = Ext.util.KeyNav.keyOptions; j = b.scope || e; for (d in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(d)) { if (h = b[d]) { if (typeof h === "function") { h = { handler: h, defaultEventAction: (b.defaultEventAction !== undefined) ? b.defaultEventAction : e.defaultEventAction } } g.addBinding({ key: a[d], handler: Ext.Function.bind(e.handleEvent, h.scope || j, h.handler || h.fn, true), defaultEventAction: (h.defaultEventAction !== undefined) ? h.defaultEventAction : e.defaultEventAction }) } } } g.disable(); if (!b.disabled) { g.enable() } }, handleEvent: function (c, b, a) { return a.call(this, b) }, disabled: false, defaultEventAction: "stopEvent", forceKeyDown: false, eventName: "keypress", destroy: function (a) { if (this.destroyKeyMap) { this.map.destroy(a) } delete this.map }, enable: function () { if (this.map) { this.map.enable(); this.disabled = false } }, disable: function () { if (this.map) { this.map.disable() } this.disabled = true }, setDisabled: function (a) { this.map.setDisabled(a); this.disabled = a }, getKeyEvent: function (b, a) { if (b || (Ext.EventManager.useKeyDown && !a)) { return "keydown" } else { return a || this.eventName } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "KeyNav", Ext, "KeyNav"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.FocusManager", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, alternateClassName: ["Ext.FocusMgr"], enabled: false, focusElementCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "focus-element", focusFrameCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "focus-frame", whitelist: ["textfield"], constructor: function (a) { var b = this, c = Ext.ComponentQuery; b.mixins.observable.constructor.call(b, a); b.addEvents("beforecomponentfocus", "componentfocus", "disable", "enable"); b.focusTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(b.handleComponentFocus, b); Ext.override(Ext.AbstractComponent, { onFocus: function () { this.callParent(arguments); if (b.enabled && this.hasFocus) { Array.prototype.unshift.call(arguments, this); b.onComponentFocus.apply(b, arguments) } }, onBlur: function () { this.callParent(arguments); if (b.enabled && !this.hasFocus) { Array.prototype.unshift.call(arguments, this); b.onComponentBlur.apply(b, arguments) } }, onDestroy: function () { this.callParent(arguments); if (b.enabled) { Array.prototype.unshift.call(arguments, this); b.onComponentDestroy.apply(b, arguments) } } }); Ext.override(Ext.Component, { afterHide: function () { this.callParent(arguments); if (b.enabled) { Array.prototype.unshift.call(arguments, this); b.onComponentHide.apply(b, arguments) } } }); b.keyNav = new Ext.util.KeyNav(Ext.getDoc(), { disabled: true, scope: b, backspace: b.focusLast, enter: b.navigateIn, esc: b.navigateOut, tab: b.navigateSiblings, space: b.navigateIn, del: b.focusLast, left: b.navigateSiblings, right: b.navigateSiblings, down: b.navigateSiblings, up: b.navigateSiblings }); b.focusData = {}; b.subscribers = new Ext.util.HashMap(); b.focusChain = {}; Ext.apply(c.pseudos, { nextFocus: function (g, e, j) { j = j || 1; e = parseInt(e, 10); var d = g.length, h = e, k; for (; ; ) { if ((h += j) >= d) { h = 0 } else { if (h < 0) { h = d - 1 } } if (h === e) { return [] } if ((k = g[h]).isFocusable()) { return [k] } } return [] }, prevFocus: function (e, d) { return this.nextFocus(e, d, -1) }, root: function (e) { var d = e.length, h = [], g = 0, j; for (; g < d; g++) { j = e[g]; if (!j.ownerCt) { h.push(j) } } return h } }) }, addXTypeToWhitelist: function (b) { var a = this; if (Ext.isArray(b)) { Ext.Array.forEach(b, a.addXTypeToWhitelist, a); return } if (!Ext.Array.contains(a.whitelist, b)) { a.whitelist.push(b) } }, clearComponent: function (a) { clearTimeout(this.cmpFocusDelay); if (!a.isDestroyed) { a.blur() } }, disable: function () { var a = this; if (!a.enabled) { return } delete a.options; a.enabled = false; a.removeDOM(); a.keyNav.disable(); a.fireEvent("disable", a) }, enable: function (a) { var b = this; if (a === true) { a = { focusFrame: true } } b.options = a = a || {}; if (b.enabled) { return } b.enabled = true; b.initDOM(a); b.keyNav.enable(); b.focusEl.focus(); delete b.focusedCmp; b.fireEvent("enable", b) }, focusLast: function (b) { var a = this; if (a.isWhitelisted(a.focusedCmp)) { return true } if (a.previousFocusedCmp) { a.previousFocusedCmp.focus() } }, getRootComponents: function () { var b = Ext.ComponentQuery, a = b.query(":focusable:root:not([floating])"), c = b.query(":focusable:root[floating]"); c.sort(function (e, d) { return e.el.getZIndex() > d.el.getZIndex() }); return c.concat(a) }, initDOM: function (c) { var g = this, b = g.focusFrameCls, e = Ext.ComponentQuery.query("{getFocusEl()}:not([focusListenerAdded])"), d = 0, a = e.length; if (!Ext.isReady) { return Ext.onReady(g.initDOM, g) } for (; d < a; d++) { e[d].addFocusListener() } if (!g.focusEl) { g.focusEl = Ext.getBody(); g.focusEl.dom.tabIndex = -1 } if (!g.focusFrame && c.focusFrame) { g.focusFrame = Ext.getBody().createChild({ cls: b, children: [{ cls: b + "-top" }, { cls: b + "-bottom" }, { cls: b + "-left" }, { cls: b + "-right" } ], style: "top: -100px; left: -100px;" }); g.focusFrame.setVisibilityMode(Ext.Element.DISPLAY); g.focusFrame.hide().setLocalXY(0, 0) } }, isWhitelisted: function (a) { return a && Ext.Array.some(this.whitelist, function (b) { return a.isXType(b) }) }, navigateIn: function (g) { var c = this, a = c.focusedCmp, b, d; if (c.isWhitelisted(a)) { return true } if (!a) { b = c.getRootComponents()[0]; if (b) { if (b.getFocusEl() === c.focusEl) { c.focusEl.blur() } b.focus() } } else { d = a.hasFocus ? Ext.ComponentQuery.query(">:focusable", a)[0] : a; if (d) { d.focus() } else { if (Ext.isFunction(a.onClick)) { g.button = 0; a.onClick(g); if (a.isVisible(true)) { a.focus() } else { c.navigateOut() } } } } }, navigateOut: function (c) { var b = this, a; if (!b.focusedCmp || !(a = b.focusedCmp.up(":focusable"))) { b.focusEl.focus() } else { a.focus() } return true }, navigateSiblings: function (j, b, p) { var k = this, a = b || k, q = j.getKey(), g = Ext.EventObject, l = j.shiftKey || q == g.LEFT || q == g.UP, c = q == g.LEFT || q == g.RIGHT || q == g.UP || q == g.DOWN, h = l ? "prev" : "next", o, d, n, m; n = (a.focusedCmp && a.focusedCmp.comp) || a.focusedCmp; if (!n && !p) { return true } if (c && k.isWhitelisted(n)) { return true } if (!n || n.is(":root")) { m = k.getRootComponents() } else { p = p || n.up(); if (p) { m = p.getRefItems() } } if (m) { o = n ? Ext.Array.indexOf(m, n) : -1; d = Ext.ComponentQuery.query(":" + h + "Focus(" + o + ")", m)[0]; if (d && n !== d) { d.focus(); return d } } }, onComponentBlur: function (b, c) { var a = this; if (a.focusedCmp === b) { a.previousFocusedCmp = b; delete a.focusedCmp } if (a.focusFrame) { a.focusFrame.hide() } }, onComponentFocus: function (d, g) { var c = this, a = c.focusChain, b; if (!d.isFocusable()) { c.clearComponent(d); if (a[d.id]) { return } b = d.up(); if (b) { a[d.id] = true; b.focus() } return } c.focusChain = {}; c.focusTask.delay(10, null, null, [d, d.getFocusEl()]) }, handleComponentFocus: function (m, h) { var k = this, p, a, g, o, b, l, d, e, c, n, j; if (k.fireEvent("beforecomponentfocus", k, m, k.previousFocusedCmp) === false) { k.clearComponent(m); return } k.focusedCmp = m; if (k.shouldShowFocusFrame(m)) { p = "." + k.focusFrameCls + "-"; a = k.focusFrame; g = (h.dom ? h : h.el).getBox(); o = g.top; b = g.left; l = g.width; d = g.height; e = a.child(p + "top"); c = a.child(p + "bottom"); n = a.child(p + "left"); j = a.child(p + "right"); e.setWidth(l).setLocalXY(b, o); c.setWidth(l).setLocalXY(b, o + d - 2); n.setHeight(d - 2).setLocalXY(b, o + 2); j.setHeight(d - 2).setLocalXY(b + l - 2, o + 2); a.show() } k.fireEvent("componentfocus", k, m, k.previousFocusedCmp) }, onComponentHide: function (e) { var d = this, b = false, a = d.focusedCmp, c; if (a) { b = e.hasFocus || (e.isContainer && e.isAncestor(d.focusedCmp)) } d.clearComponent(e); if (b && (c = e.up(":focusable"))) { c.focus() } else { d.focusEl.focus() } }, onComponentDestroy: function () {}, removeDOM: function () { var a = this; if (a.enabled || a.subscribers.length) { return } Ext.destroy(a.focusFrame); delete a.focusEl; delete a.focusFrame }, removeXTypeFromWhitelist: function (b) { var a = this; if (Ext.isArray(b)) { Ext.Array.forEach(b, a.removeXTypeFromWhitelist, a); return } Ext.Array.remove(a.whitelist, b) }, setupSubscriberKeys: function (a, g) { var e = this, d = a.getFocusEl(), c = g.scope, b = { backspace: e.focusLast, enter: e.navigateIn, esc: e.navigateOut, scope: e }, h = function (j) { if (e.focusedCmp === a) { return e.navigateSiblings(j, e, a) } else { return e.navigateSiblings(j) } }; Ext.iterate(g, function (k, j) { b[k] = function (m) { var l = h(m); if (Ext.isFunction(j) && j.call(c || a, m, l) === true) { return true } return l } }, e); return new Ext.util.KeyNav(d, b) }, shouldShowFocusFrame: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.options || {}; if (!b.focusFrame || !c) { return false } if (a.focusFrame) { return true } if (b.focusData[c.id].focusFrame) { return true } return false } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext, "FocusManager", Ext, "FocusMgr"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.Img", Ext.Component, { autoEl: "img", baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "img", src: "", alt: "", title: "", imgCls: "", initComponent: function () { if (this.glyph) { this.autoEl = "div" } this.callParent() }, getElConfig: function () { var e = this, b = e.callParent(), g = Ext._glyphFontFamily, d = e.glyph, a, c; if (e.autoEl == "img") { a = b } else { if (e.glyph) { if (typeof d === "string") { c = d.split("@"); d = c[0]; g = c[1] } b.html = "&#" + d + ";"; if (g) { b.style = "font-family:" + g } } else { b.cn = [a = { tag: "img", id: e.id + "-img" } ] } } if (a) { if (e.imgCls) { a.cls = (a.cls ? a.cls + " " : "") + e.imgCls } a.src = e.src || Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL } if (e.alt) { (a || b).alt = e.alt } if (e.title) { (a || b).title = e.title } return b }, onRender: function () { var b = this, a; b.callParent(arguments); a = b.el; b.imgEl = (b.autoEl == "img") ? a : a.getById(b.id + "-img") }, onDestroy: function () { Ext.destroy(this.imgEl); this.imgEl = null; this.callParent() }, setSrc: function (c) { var a = this, b = a.imgEl; a.src = c; if (b) { b.dom.src = c || Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL } }, setGlyph: function (c) { var b = this, d = Ext._glyphFontFamily, a, e; if (c != b.glyph) { if (typeof c === "string") { a = c.split("@"); c = a[0]; d = a[1] } e = b.el.dom; e.innerHTML = "&#" + c + ";"; if (d) { e.style = "font-family:" + d } } } }, 0, ["image", "imagecomponent"], ["component", "image", "box", "imagecomponent"], { component: true, image: true, box: true, imagecomponent: true }, ["widget.image", "widget.imagecomponent"], 0, [Ext, "Img"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.Bindable", Ext.Base, { bindStore: function (b, c, a) { a = a || "store"; var d = this, e = d[a]; if (!c && e) { d.onUnbindStore(e, c, a); if (b !== e && e.autoDestroy) { e.destroyStore() } else { d.unbindStoreListeners(e) } } if (b) { b = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup(b); d.bindStoreListeners(b); d.onBindStore(b, c, a) } d[a] = b || null; return d }, getStore: function () { return this.store }, unbindStoreListeners: function (a) { var b = this.storeListeners; if (b) { a.un(b) } }, bindStoreListeners: function (a) { var c = this, b = Ext.apply({}, c.getStoreListeners(a)); if (!b.scope) { b.scope = c } c.storeListeners = b; a.on(b) }, getStoreListeners: Ext.emptyFn, onUnbindStore: Ext.emptyFn, onBindStore: Ext.emptyFn }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "Bindable"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.LoadMask", Ext.Component, { msg: "Loading...", msgCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "mask-loading", maskCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "mask", useMsg: true, useTargetEl: false, baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "mask-msg", childEls: ["msgEl", "msgTextEl"], renderTpl: ['
', '
', "
"], floating: { shadow: "frame" }, focusOnToFront: false, bringParentToFront: false, constructor: function (b) { var c = this, a; if (arguments.length === 2) { a = b; b = arguments[1] } else { a = b.target } if (!a.isComponent) { a = Ext.get(a); this.isElement = true } c.ownerCt = a; if (!this.isElement) { c.bindComponent(a) } c.callParent([b]); if (c.store) { c.bindStore(c.store, true) } }, bindComponent: function (a) { var c = this, b = { scope: this, resize: c.sizeMask, added: c.onComponentAdded, removed: c.onComponentRemoved }; if (a.floating) { b.move = c.sizeMask; c.activeOwner = a } else { if (a.ownerCt) { c.onComponentAdded(a.ownerCt) } else { c.preventBringToFront = true } } c.mon(a, b); c.mon(c.hierarchyEventSource, { show: c.onContainerShow, hide: c.onContainerHide, expand: c.onContainerExpand, collapse: c.onContainerCollapse, scope: c }) }, onComponentAdded: function (a) { var b = this; delete b.activeOwner; b.floatParent = a; if (!a.floating) { a = a.up("[floating]") } if (a) { b.activeOwner = a; b.mon(a, "move", b.sizeMask, b) } else { b.preventBringToFront = true } a = b.floatParent.ownerCt; if (b.rendered && b.isVisible() && a) { b.floatOwner = a; b.mon(a, "afterlayout", b.sizeMask, b, { single: true }) } }, onComponentRemoved: function (a) { var c = this, d = c.activeOwner, b = c.floatOwner; if (d) { c.mun(d, "move", c.sizeMask, c) } if (b) { c.mun(b, "afterlayout", c.sizeMask, c) } delete c.activeOwner; delete c.floatOwner }, afterRender: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.container = this.floatParent.getContentTarget() }, onContainerShow: function (a) { if (this.isActiveContainer(a)) { this.onComponentShow() } }, onContainerHide: function (a) { if (this.isActiveContainer(a)) { this.onComponentHide() } }, onContainerExpand: function (a) { if (this.isActiveContainer(a)) { this.onComponentShow() } }, onContainerCollapse: function (a) { if (this.isActiveContainer(a)) { this.onComponentHide() } }, isActiveContainer: function (a) { return this.isDescendantOf(a) }, onComponentHide: function () { var a = this; if (a.rendered && a.isVisible()) { a.hide(); a.showNext = true } }, onComponentShow: function () { if (this.showNext) { this.show() } delete this.showNext }, sizeMask: function () { var a = this, b; if (a.rendered && a.isVisible()) { a.center(); b = a.getMaskTarget(); a.getMaskEl().show().setSize(b.getSize()).alignTo(b, "tl-tl") } }, bindStore: function (a, b) { var c = this; c.mixins.bindable.bindStore.apply(c, arguments); a = c.store; if (a && a.isLoading()) { c.onBeforeLoad() } }, getStoreListeners: function (b) { var d = this.onLoad, c = this.onBeforeLoad, a = { cachemiss: c, cachefilled: d }; if (!b.proxy.isSynchronous) { a.beforeLoad = c; a.load = d } return a }, onDisable: function () { this.callParent(arguments); if (this.loading) { this.onLoad() } }, getOwner: function () { return this.ownerCt || this.floatParent }, getMaskTarget: function () { var a = this.getOwner(); return this.useTargetEl ? a.getTargetEl() : a.getEl() }, onBeforeLoad: function () { var c = this, a = c.getOwner(), b; if (!c.disabled) { c.loading = true; if (a.componentLayoutCounter) { c.maybeShow() } else { b = a.afterComponentLayout; a.afterComponentLayout = function () { a.afterComponentLayout = b; b.apply(a, arguments); c.maybeShow() } } } }, maybeShow: function () { var b = this, a = b.getOwner(); if (!a.isVisible(true)) { b.showNext = true } else { if (b.loading && a.rendered) { b.show() } } }, getMaskEl: function () { var a = this; return a.maskEl || (a.maskEl = a.el.insertSibling({ cls: a.maskCls, style: { zIndex: a.el.getStyle("zIndex") - 2 } }, "before")) }, onShow: function () { var b = this, a = b.msgEl; b.callParent(arguments); b.loading = true; if (b.useMsg) { a.show(); b.msgTextEl.update(b.msg) } else { a.parent().hide() } }, hide: function () { if (this.isElement) { this.ownerCt.unmask(); this.fireEvent("hide", this); return } delete this.showNext; return this.callParent(arguments) }, onHide: function () { this.callParent(); this.getMaskEl().hide() }, show: function () { if (this.isElement) { this.ownerCt.mask(this.useMsg ? this.msg : "", this.msgCls); this.fireEvent("show", this); return } return this.callParent(arguments) }, afterShow: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.sizeMask() }, setZIndex: function (b) { var c = this, a = c.activeOwner; if (a) { b = parseInt(a.el.getStyle("zIndex"), 10) + 1 } c.getMaskEl().setStyle("zIndex", b - 1); return c.mixins.floating.setZIndex.apply(c, arguments) }, onLoad: function () { this.loading = false; this.hide() }, onDestroy: function () { var a = this; if (a.isElement) { a.ownerCt.unmask() } Ext.destroy(a.maskEl); a.callParent() } }, 1, ["loadmask"], ["component", "box", "loadmask"], { component: true, box: true, loadmask: true }, ["widget.loadmask"], [["floating", Ext.util.Floating], ["bindable", Ext.util.Bindable]], [Ext, "LoadMask"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.association.Association", Ext.Base, { alternateClassName: "Ext.data.Association", primaryKey: "id", associationKeyFunction: null, defaultReaderType: "json", isAssociation: true, initialConfig: null, statics: { AUTO_ID: 1000, create: function (a) { if (Ext.isString(a)) { a = { type: a } } switch (a.type) { case "belongsTo": return new Ext.data.association.BelongsTo(a); case "hasMany": return new Ext.data.association.HasMany(a); case "hasOne": return new Ext.data.association.HasOne(a); default: } return a } }, constructor: function (d) { Ext.apply(this, d); var h = this, g = Ext.ModelManager.types, k = d.ownerModel, a = d.associatedModel, e = g[k], j = g[a], b = d.associationKey, c; if (b) { c = String(b).search(/[\[\.]/); if (c >= 0) { h.associationKeyFunction = Ext.functionFactory("obj", "return obj" + (c > 0 ? "." : "") + b) } } h.initialConfig = d; h.ownerModel = e; h.associatedModel = j; Ext.applyIf(h, { ownerName: k, associatedName: a }); h.associationId = "association" + (++h.statics().AUTO_ID) }, getReader: function () { var c = this, a = c.reader, b = c.associatedModel; if (a) { if (Ext.isString(a)) { a = { type: a } } if (a.isReader) { a.setModel(b) } else { Ext.applyIf(a, { model: b, type: c.defaultReaderType }) } c.reader = Ext.createByAlias("reader." + a.type, a) } return c.reader || null } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.data.association, "Association", Ext.data, "Association"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.ModelManager", Ext.AbstractManager, { alternateClassName: "Ext.ModelMgr", singleton: true, typeName: "mtype", associationStack: [], registerType: function (c, b) { var d = b.prototype, a; if (d && d.isModel) { a = b } else { if (!b.extend) { b.extend = "Ext.data.Model" } a = Ext.define(c, b) } this.types[c] = a; return a }, unregisterType: function (a) { delete this.types[a] }, onModelDefined: function (c) { var a = this.associationStack, g = a.length, e = [], b, d, h; for (d = 0; d < g; d++) { b = a[d]; if (b.associatedModel == c.modelName) { e.push(b) } } for (d = 0, g = e.length; d < g; d++) { h = e[d]; this.types[h.ownerModel].prototype.associations.add(Ext.data.association.Association.create(h)); Ext.Array.remove(a, h) } }, registerDeferredAssociation: function (a) { this.associationStack.push(a) }, getModel: function (b) { var a = b; if (typeof a == "string") { a = this.types[a] } return a }, create: function (b, a, d) { var c = typeof a == "function" ? a : this.types[a || b.name]; return new c(b, d) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext, "ModelManager", Ext, "ModelMgr"], function () { Ext.regModel = function () { return this.ModelManager.registerType.apply(this.ModelManager, arguments) } })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.component.ProgressBar", Ext.layout.component.Auto, { type: "progressbar", beginLayout: function (d) { var b = this, a, c; b.callParent(arguments); if (!d.textEls) { c = b.owner.textEl; if (c.isComposite) { d.textEls = []; c = c.elements; for (a = c.length; a--; ) { d.textEls[a] = d.getEl(Ext.get(c[a])) } } else { d.textEls = [d.getEl("textEl")] } } }, calculate: function (e) { var c = this, a, d, b; c.callParent(arguments); if (Ext.isNumber(b = e.getProp("width"))) { b -= e.getBorderInfo().width; d = e.textEls; for (a = d.length; a--; ) { d[a].setWidth(b) } } else { c.done = false } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.progressbar"], 0, [Ext.layout.component, "ProgressBar"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.ProgressBar", Ext.Component, { baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "progress", animate: false, text: "", waitTimer: null, childEls: ["bar"], renderTpl: ['', '
', "
", '
', '', '
', "
", "
", "
", "
"], componentLayout: "progressbar", initComponent: function () { this.callParent(); this.addEvents("update") }, initRenderData: function () { var a = this; return Ext.apply(a.callParent(), { internalText: !a.hasOwnProperty("textEl"), text: a.text || " ", percentage: a.value ? a.value * 100 : 0 }) }, onRender: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (a.textEl) { a.textEl = Ext.get(a.textEl); a.updateText(a.text) } else { a.textEl = a.el.select("." + a.baseCls + "-text") } }, updateProgress: function (d, e, a) { var c = this, b = c.value; c.value = d || 0; if (e) { c.updateText(e) } if (c.rendered && !c.isDestroyed) { if (a === true || (a !== false && c.animate)) { c.bar.stopAnimation(); c.bar.animate(Ext.apply({ from: { width: (b * 100) + "%" }, to: { width: (c.value * 100) + "%" } }, c.animate)) } else { c.bar.setStyle("width", (c.value * 100) + "%") } } c.fireEvent("update", c, c.value, e); return c }, updateText: function (b) { var a = this; a.text = b; if (a.rendered) { a.textEl.update(a.text) } return a }, applyText: function (a) { this.updateText(a) }, getText: function () { return this.text }, wait: function (c) { var b = this, a; if (!b.waitTimer) { a = b; c = c || {}; b.updateText(c.text); b.waitTimer = Ext.TaskManager.start({ run: function (d) { var e = c.increment || 10; d -= 1; b.updateProgress(((((d + e) % e) + 1) * (100 / e)) * 0.01, null, c.animate) }, interval: c.interval || 1000, duration: c.duration, onStop: function () { if (c.fn) { c.fn.apply(c.scope || b) } b.reset() }, scope: a }) } return b }, isWaiting: function () { return this.waitTimer !== null }, reset: function (a) { var b = this; b.updateProgress(0); b.clearTimer(); if (a === true) { b.hide() } return b }, clearTimer: function () { var a = this; if (a.waitTimer) { a.waitTimer.onStop = null; Ext.TaskManager.stop(a.waitTimer); a.waitTimer = null } }, onDestroy: function () { var b = this, a = b.bar; b.clearTimer(); if (b.rendered) { if (b.textEl.isComposite) { b.textEl.clear() } Ext.destroyMembers(b, "textEl", "progressBar"); if (a && b.animate) { a.stopAnimation() } } b.callParent() } }, 0, ["progressbar"], ["component", "progressbar", "box"], { component: true, progressbar: true, box: true }, ["widget.progressbar"], 0, [Ext, "ProgressBar"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.ShadowPool", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, markup: (function () { return Ext.String.format('', Ext.baseCSSPrefix, Ext.isIE && !Ext.supports.CSS3BoxShadow ? "ie" : "css") } ()), shadows: [], pull: function () { var a = this.shadows.shift(); if (!a) { a = Ext.get(Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml("beforeBegin", document.body.firstChild, this.markup)); a.autoBoxAdjust = false } return a }, push: function (a) { this.shadows.push(a) }, reset: function () { var c = [].concat(this.shadows), b, a = c.length; for (b = 0; b < a; b++) { c[b].remove() } this.shadows = [] } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext, "ShadowPool"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.Shadow", Ext.Base, { localXYNames: { get: "getLocalXY", set: "setLocalXY" }, constructor: function (b) { var c = this, d, e, a; Ext.apply(c, b); if (!Ext.isString(c.mode)) { c.mode = c.defaultMode } e = c.offset; a = Math.floor(e / 2); c.opacity = 50; switch (c.mode.toLowerCase()) { case "drop": if (Ext.supports.CSS3BoxShadow) { d = { t: e, l: e, h: -e, w: -e } } else { d = { t: -a, l: -a, h: -a, w: -a } } break; case "sides": if (Ext.supports.CSS3BoxShadow) { d = { t: e, l: 0, h: -e, w: 0 } } else { d = { t: - (1 + a), l: 1 + a - 2 * e, h: -1, w: a - 1 } } break; case "frame": if (Ext.supports.CSS3BoxShadow) { d = { t: 0, l: 0, h: 0, w: 0 } } else { d = { t: 1 + a - 2 * e, l: 1 + a - 2 * e, h: e - a - 1, w: e - a - 1 } } break; case "bottom": if (Ext.supports.CSS3BoxShadow) { d = { t: e, l: 0, h: -e, w: 0 } } else { d = { t: e, l: 0, h: 0, w: 0 } } break } c.adjusts = d }, getShadowSize: function () { var b = this, d = b.el ? b.offset : 0, a = [d, d, d, d], c = b.mode.toLowerCase(); if (b.el && c !== "frame") { a[0] = 0; if (c == "drop") { a[3] = 0 } } return a }, offset: 4, defaultMode: "drop", boxShadowProperty: (function () { var b = "boxShadow", a = document.documentElement.style; if (!("boxShadow" in a)) { if ("WebkitBoxShadow" in a) { b = "WebkitBoxShadow" } else { if ("MozBoxShadow" in a) { b = "MozBoxShadow" } } } return b } ()), show: function (d) { var b = this, a, c; d = Ext.get(d); a = (parseInt(d.getStyle("z-index"), 10) - 1) || 0; c = d[b.localXYNames.get](); if (!b.el) { b.el = Ext.ShadowPool.pull(); if (b.fixed) { b.el.dom.style.position = "fixed" } else { b.el.dom.style.position = "" } if (b.el.dom.nextSibling != d.dom) { b.el.insertBefore(d) } } b.el.setStyle("z-index", b.zIndex || a); if (Ext.isIE && !Ext.supports.CSS3BoxShadow) { b.el.dom.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.alpha(opacity=" + b.opacity + ") progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(pixelradius=" + (b.offset) + ")" } b.realign(c[0], c[1], d.dom.offsetWidth, d.dom.offsetHeight); b.el.dom.style.display = "block" }, isVisible: function () { return this.el ? true : false }, realign: function (c, n, k, g) { if (!this.el) { return } var b = this.adjusts, a = this.el, j = a.dom.style, d, e, h, m; a[this.localXYNames.set](c + b.l, n + b.t); d = Math.max(k + b.w, 0); e = Math.max(g + b.h, 0); h = d + "px"; m = e + "px"; if (j.width != h || j.height != m) { j.width = h; j.height = m; if (Ext.supports.CSS3BoxShadow) { j[this.boxShadowProperty] = "0 0 " + (this.offset + 2) + "px #888" } } }, hide: function () { var a = this; if (a.el) { a.el.dom.style.display = "none"; Ext.ShadowPool.push(a.el); delete a.el } }, setZIndex: function (a) { this.zIndex = a; if (this.el) { this.el.setStyle("z-index", a) } }, setOpacity: function (a) { if (this.el) { if (Ext.isIE && !Ext.supports.CSS3BoxShadow) { a = Math.floor(a * 100 / 2) / 100 } this.opacity = a; this.el.setOpacity(a) } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext, "Shadow"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.app.EventDomain", Ext.Base, { statics: { instances: {} }, isEventDomain: true, constructor: function () { var a = this; Ext.app.EventDomain.instances[a.type] = a; a.bus = {}; a.monitoredClasses = [] }, dispatch: function (g, m, k) { var l = this, h = l.bus, n = h[m], d, c, b, o, a, e, j; if (!n) { return true } for (d in n) { if (n.hasOwnProperty(d) && l.match(g, d)) { c = n[d]; for (b in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(b)) { o = c[b]; for (e = 0, j = o.length; e < j; e++) { a = o[e]; if (a.fire.apply(a, k) === false) { return false } } } } } } return true }, listen: function (n, g) { var l = this, j = l.bus, q = l.idProperty, p = l.monitoredClasses, e = p.length, d, s, h, c, r, b, o, a, k, m; for (c in n) { if (n.hasOwnProperty(c) && (k = n[c])) { if (q) { c = c === "*" ? c : c.substring(1) } for (m in k) { if (k.hasOwnProperty(m)) { r = null; b = k[m]; o = g; a = new Ext.util.Event(g, m); if (Ext.isObject(b)) { r = b; b = r.fn; o = r.scope || g; delete r.fn; delete r.scope } if (typeof b === "string") { b = o[b] } a.addListener(b, o, r); for (d = e; d-- > 0; ) { p[d].hasListeners._incr_(m) } s = j[m] || (j[m] = {}); s = s[c] || (s[c] = {}); h = s[g.id] || (s[g.id] = []); h.push(a) } } } } }, match: function (c, a) { var b = this.idProperty; if (b) { return a === "*" || c[b] === a } return false }, monitor: function (d) { var b = this, a = d.isInstance ? d : d.prototype, c = a.fireEventArgs; b.monitoredClasses.push(d); a.fireEventArgs = function (h, g) { var e = c.apply(this, arguments); if (e !== false) { e = b.dispatch(this, h, g) } return e } }, unlisten: function (e) { var b = this.bus, g, d, a, c; for (d in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(d) && (c = b[d])) { for (a in c) { g = c[a]; delete g[e] } } } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.app, "EventDomain"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.app.domain.Component", Ext.app.EventDomain, { singleton: true, type: "component", constructor: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); a.monitor(Ext.Component) }, match: function (b, a) { return b.is(a) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.app.domain, "Component"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.app.EventBus", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, constructor: function () { var b = this, a = Ext.app.EventDomain.instances; b.callParent(); b.domains = a; b.bus = a.component.bus }, control: function (b, a) { return this.domains.component.listen(b, a) }, listen: function (d, b) { var a = this.domains, c; for (c in d) { if (d.hasOwnProperty(c)) { a[c].listen(d[c], b) } } }, unlisten: function (c) { var a = Ext.app.EventDomain.instances, b; for (b in a) { a[b].unlisten(c) } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.app, "EventBus"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.StoreManager", Ext.util.MixedCollection, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.StoreMgr", "Ext.data.StoreMgr", "Ext.StoreManager"], singleton: true, register: function () { for (var a = 0, b; (b = arguments[a]); a++) { this.add(b) } }, unregister: function () { for (var a = 0, b; (b = arguments[a]); a++) { this.remove(this.lookup(b)) } }, lookup: function (c) { if (Ext.isArray(c)) { var b = ["field1"], e = !Ext.isArray(c[0]), g = c, d, a; if (e) { g = []; for (d = 0, a = c.length; d < a; ++d) { g.push([c[d]]) } } else { for (d = 2, a = c[0].length; d <= a; ++d) { b.push("field" + d) } } return new Ext.data.ArrayStore({ data: g, fields: b, autoDestroy: true, autoCreated: true, expanded: e }) } if (Ext.isString(c)) { return this.get(c) } else { return Ext.data.AbstractStore.create(c) } }, getKey: function (a) { return a.storeId } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.data, "StoreManager", Ext, "StoreMgr", Ext.data, "StoreMgr", Ext, "StoreManager"], function () { Ext.regStore = function (c, b) { var a; if (Ext.isObject(c)) { b = c } else { b.storeId = c } if (b instanceof Ext.data.Store) { a = b } else { a = new Ext.data.Store(b) } return Ext.data.StoreManager.register(a) }; Ext.getStore = function (a) { return Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup(a) } })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.app.domain.Global", Ext.app.EventDomain, { singleton: true, type: "global", constructor: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); a.monitor(Ext.globalEvents) }, listen: function (b, a) { this.callParent([{ global: b }, a]) }, match: function () { return true } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.app.domain, "Global"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.ResultSet", Ext.Base, { loaded: true, count: 0, total: 0, success: false, constructor: function (a) { Ext.apply(this, a); this.totalRecords = this.total; if (a.count === undefined) { this.count = this.records.length } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.data, "ResultSet"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.reader.Reader", Ext.Base, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.data.Reader", "Ext.data.DataReader"], totalProperty: "total", successProperty: "success", root: "", implicitIncludes: true, readRecordsOnFailure: true, isReader: true, applyDefaults: true, lastFieldGeneration: null, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; b.mixins.observable.constructor.call(b, a); b.fieldCount = 0; b.model = Ext.ModelManager.getModel(b.model); if (b.model && b.model.prototype.fields) { b.buildExtractors() } this.addEvents("exception") }, setModel: function (a, c) { var b = this; b.model = Ext.ModelManager.getModel(a); if (a) { b.buildExtractors(true) } if (c && b.proxy) { b.proxy.setModel(b.model, true) } }, read: function (a) { var b; if (a) { b = a.responseText ? this.getResponseData(a) : this.readRecords(a) } return b || this.nullResultSet }, readRecords: function (c) { var d = this, j, b, a, g, e, h, k; if (d.lastFieldGeneration !== d.model.prototype.fields.generation) { d.buildExtractors(true) } d.rawData = c; c = d.getData(c); j = true; b = 0; a = []; if (d.successProperty) { h = d.getSuccess(c); if (h === false || h === "false") { j = false } } if (d.messageProperty) { k = d.getMessage(c) } if (d.readRecordsOnFailure || j) { g = Ext.isArray(c) ? c : d.getRoot(c); if (g) { e = g.length } if (d.totalProperty) { h = parseInt(d.getTotal(c), 10); if (!isNaN(h)) { e = h } } if (g) { a = d.extractData(g); b = a.length } } return new Ext.data.ResultSet({ total: e || b, count: b, records: a, success: j, message: k }) }, extractData: function (k) { var j = this, b = j.model, a = k.length, d = new Array(a), e, c, h, g; if (!k.length && Ext.isObject(k)) { k = [k]; a = 1 } for (g = 0; g < a; g++) { c = k[g]; if (c.isModel) { d[g] = c } else { d[g] = h = new b(undefined, j.getId(c), c, e = {}); h.phantom = false; j.convertRecordData(e, c, h); if (j.implicitIncludes && h.associations.length) { j.readAssociated(h, c) } } } return d }, readAssociated: function (h, e) { var d = h.associations.items, g = 0, a = d.length, c, b, k, j; for (; g < a; g++) { c = d[g]; b = this.getAssociatedDataRoot(e, c.associationKeyFunction || c.associationKey || c.name); if (b) { j = c.getReader(); if (!j) { k = c.associatedModel.getProxy(); if (k) { j = k.getReader() } else { j = new this.constructor({ model: c.associatedName }) } } c.read(h, j, b) } } }, getAssociatedDataRoot: function (b, a) { if (Ext.isFunction(a)) { return a(b) } return b[a] }, getFields: function () { return this.model.prototype.fields.items }, getData: Ext.identityFn, getRoot: Ext.identityFn, getResponseData: function (a) {}, onMetaChange: function (e) { var d = this, b = e.fields || d.getFields(), c, a; d.metaData = e; d.root = e.root || d.root; d.idProperty = e.idProperty || d.idProperty; d.totalProperty = e.totalProperty || d.totalProperty; d.successProperty = e.successProperty || d.successProperty; d.messageProperty = e.messageProperty || d.messageProperty; a = e.clientIdProperty; if (d.model) { d.model.setFields(b, d.idProperty, a); d.setModel(d.model, true) } else { c = Ext.define("Ext.data.reader.Json-Model" + Ext.id(), { extend: "Ext.data.Model", fields: b, clientIdProperty: a }); if (d.idProperty) { c.idProperty = d.idProperty } d.setModel(c, true) } }, getIdProperty: function () { var b = this.model.prototype.idField, a = this.idProperty; if (!a && b && (a = b.mapping) == null) { a = b.name } return a }, buildExtractors: function (e) { var c = this, h = c.getIdProperty(), d = c.totalProperty, b = c.successProperty, g = c.messageProperty, a; if (e === true) { delete c.convertRecordData } if (c.convertRecordData) { return } if (d) { c.getTotal = c.createAccessor(d) } if (b) { c.getSuccess = c.createAccessor(b) } if (g) { c.getMessage = c.createAccessor(g) } if (h) { a = c.createAccessor(h); c.getId = function (j) { var k = a.call(c, j); return (k === undefined || k === "") ? null : k } } else { c.getId = function () { return null } } c.convertRecordData = c.buildRecordDataExtractor(); c.lastFieldGeneration = c.model.prototype.fields.generation }, recordDataExtractorTemplate: ["var me = this\n", " ,fields = me.model.prototype.fields\n", " ,value\n", " ,internalId\n", '', ' ,__field{#} = fields.map["{name}"]\n', "", ";\n", "return function(dest, source, record) {\n", '', '{% var fieldAccessExpression = this.createFieldAccessExpression(values, "__field" + xindex, "source");', " if (fieldAccessExpression) { %}", ' value = {[ this.createFieldAccessExpression(values, "__field" + xindex, "source") ]};\n', '', ' dest["{name}"] = value === undefined ? __field{#}.convert(__field{#}.defaultValue, record) : __field{#}.convert(value, record);\n', '', " if (value === undefined) {\n", " if (me.applyDefaults) {\n", '', ' dest["{name}"] = __field{#}.convert(__field{#}.defaultValue, record);\n', "", ' dest["{name}"] = __field{#}.defaultValue\n', "", " };\n", " } else {\n", '', ' dest["{name}"] = __field{#}.convert(value, record);\n', "", ' dest["{name}"] = value;\n', "", " };\n", "", " if (value !== undefined) {\n", '', ' dest["{name}"] = __field{#}.convert(value, record);\n', "", ' dest["{name}"] = value;\n', "", " }\n", "", "{% } else { %}", '', '', ' dest["{name}"] = __field{#}.convert(__field{#}.defaultValue, record);\n', "", ' dest["{name}"] = __field{#}.defaultValue\n', "", "", "{% } %}", "", '', ' if (record && (internalId = {[ this.createFieldAccessExpression({mapping: values.clientIdProp}, null, "source") ]})) {\n', ' record.{["internalId"]} = internalId;\n', " }\n", "", "};"], buildRecordDataExtractor: function () { var c = this, a = c.model.prototype, b = { clientIdProp: a.clientIdProperty, fields: a.fields.items }; c.recordDataExtractorTemplate.createFieldAccessExpression = function () { return c.createFieldAccessExpression.apply(c, arguments) }; return Ext.functionFactory(c.recordDataExtractorTemplate.apply(b)).call(c) }, destroyReader: function () { var a = this; delete a.proxy; delete a.model; delete a.convertRecordData; delete a.getId; delete a.getTotal; delete a.getSuccess; delete a.getMessage } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.data.reader, "Reader", Ext.data, "Reader", Ext.data, "DataReader"], function () { var a = this.prototype; Ext.apply(a, { nullResultSet: new Ext.data.ResultSet({ total: 0, count: 0, records: [], success: true, message: "" }), recordDataExtractorTemplate: new Ext.XTemplate(a.recordDataExtractorTemplate) }) })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.reader.Json", Ext.data.reader.Reader, { alternateClassName: "Ext.data.JsonReader", root: "", metaProperty: "metaData", useSimpleAccessors: false, readRecords: function (b) { var a = this, c; if (a.getMeta) { c = a.getMeta(b); if (c) { a.onMetaChange(c) } } else { if (b.metaData) { a.onMetaChange(b.metaData) } } a.jsonData = b; return a.callParent([b]) }, getResponseData: function (a) { var d, b; try { d = Ext.decode(a.responseText); return this.readRecords(d) } catch (c) { b = new Ext.data.ResultSet({ total: 0, count: 0, records: [], success: false, message: c.message }); this.fireEvent("exception", this, a, b); Ext.Logger.warn("Unable to parse the JSON returned by the server"); return b } }, buildExtractors: function () { var b = this, a = b.metaProperty; b.callParent(arguments); if (b.root) { b.getRoot = b.createAccessor(b.root) } else { b.getRoot = Ext.identityFn } if (a) { b.getMeta = b.createAccessor(a) } }, extractData: function (a) { var e = this.record, d = [], c, b; if (e) { c = a.length; if (!c && Ext.isObject(a)) { c = 1; a = [a] } for (b = 0; b < c; b++) { d[b] = a[b][e] } } else { d = a } return this.callParent([d]) }, createAccessor: (function () { var a = /[\[\.]/; return function (c) { if (Ext.isEmpty(c)) { return Ext.emptyFn } if (Ext.isFunction(c)) { return c } if (this.useSimpleAccessors !== true) { var b = String(c).search(a); if (b >= 0) { return Ext.functionFactory("obj", "return obj" + (b > 0 ? "." : "") + c) } } return function (d) { return d[c] } } } ()), createFieldAccessExpression: (function () { var a = /[\[\.]/; return function (o, d, e) { var b = o.mapping, m = b || b === 0, c = m ? b : o.name, p, g; if (b === false) { return } if (typeof c === "function") { p = d + ".mapping(" + e + ", this)" } else { if (this.useSimpleAccessors === true || ((g = String(c).search(a)) < 0)) { if (!m || isNaN(c)) { c = '"' + c + '"' } p = e + "[" + c + "]" } else { if (g === 0) { p = e + c } else { var j = c.split("."), l = j.length, k = 1, n = e + "." + j[0], h = [n]; for (; k < l; k++) { n += "." + j[k]; h.push(n) } p = h.join(" && ") } } } return p } } ()) }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["reader.json"], 0, [Ext.data.reader, "Json", Ext.data, "JsonReader"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.writer.Writer", Ext.Base, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.data.DataWriter", "Ext.data.Writer"], writeAllFields: true, nameProperty: "name", writeRecordId: true, isWriter: true, constructor: function (a) { Ext.apply(this, a) }, write: function (e) { var c = e.operation, b = c.records || [], a = b.length, d = 0, g = []; for (; d < a; d++) { g.push(this.getRecordData(b[d], c)) } return this.writeRecords(e, g) }, getRecordData: function (d, b) { var m = d.phantom === true, a = this.writeAllFields || m, g = d.fields, o = g.items, c = {}, l = d.clientIdProperty, k, j, n, e, h, p; if (a) { p = o.length; for (h = 0; h < p; h++) { j = o[h]; if (j.persist) { this.writeValue(c, j, d) } } } else { k = d.getChanges(); for (n in k) { if (k.hasOwnProperty(n)) { j = g.get(n); if (j.persist) { this.writeValue(c, j, d) } } } } if (m) { if (l && b && b.records.length > 1) { c[l] = d.internalId } } else { if (this.writeRecordId) { e = g.get(d.idProperty)[this.nameProperty] || d.idProperty; c[e] = d.getId() } } return c }, writeValue: function (e, g, b) { var c = g[this.nameProperty], a = this.dateFormat || g.dateWriteFormat || g.dateFormat, d = b.get(g.name); if (c == null) { c = g.name } if (g.serialize) { e[c] = g.serialize(d, b) } else { if (g.type === Ext.data.Types.DATE && a && Ext.isDate(d)) { e[c] = Ext.Date.format(d, a) } else { e[c] = d } } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["writer.base"], 0, [Ext.data.writer, "Writer", Ext.data, "DataWriter", Ext.data, "Writer"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.writer.Json", Ext.data.writer.Writer, { alternateClassName: "Ext.data.JsonWriter", root: undefined, encode: false, allowSingle: true, expandData: false, getExpandedData: function (d) { var b = d.length, e = 0, k, a, g, c, h, l = function (j, m) { var n = {}; n[j] = m; return n }; for (; e < b; e++) { k = d[e]; for (a in k) { if (k.hasOwnProperty(a)) { g = a.split("."); c = g.length - 1; if (c > 0) { h = k[a]; for (; c > 0; c--) { h = l(g[c], h) } k[g[0]] = k[g[0]] || {}; Ext.Object.merge(k[g[0]], h); delete k[a] } } } } return d }, writeRecords: function (b, c) { var a = this.root; if (this.expandData) { c = this.getExpandedData(c) } if (this.allowSingle && c.length === 1) { c = c[0] } if (this.encode) { if (a) { b.params[a] = Ext.encode(c) } else {} } else { b.jsonData = b.jsonData || {}; if (a) { b.jsonData[a] = c } else { b.jsonData = c } } return b } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["writer.json"], 0, [Ext.data.writer, "Json", Ext.data, "JsonWriter"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.proxy.Proxy", Ext.Base, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.data.DataProxy", "Ext.data.Proxy"], batchOrder: "create,update,destroy", batchActions: true, defaultReaderType: "json", defaultWriterType: "json", isProxy: true, isSynchronous: false, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; a = a || {}; b.proxyConfig = a; b.mixins.observable.constructor.call(b, a); if (b.model !== undefined && !(b.model instanceof Ext.data.Model)) { b.setModel(b.model) } else { if (b.reader) { b.setReader(b.reader) } if (b.writer) { b.setWriter(b.writer) } } }, setModel: function (a, b) { var c = this; c.model = Ext.ModelManager.getModel(a); c.setReader(this.reader); c.setWriter(this.writer); if (b && c.store) { c.store.setModel(c.model) } }, getModel: function () { return this.model }, setReader: function (a) { var c = this, b = true, d = c.reader; if (a === undefined || typeof a == "string") { a = { type: a }; b = false } if (a.isReader) { a.setModel(c.model) } else { if (b) { a = Ext.apply({}, a) } Ext.applyIf(a, { proxy: c, model: c.model, type: c.defaultReaderType }); a = Ext.createByAlias("reader." + a.type, a) } if (a !== d && a.onMetaChange) { a.onMetaChange = Ext.Function.createSequence(a.onMetaChange, this.onMetaChange, this) } c.reader = a; return c.reader }, getReader: function () { return this.reader }, onMetaChange: function (a) { this.fireEvent("metachange", this, a) }, setWriter: function (c) { var b = this, a = true; if (c === undefined || typeof c == "string") { c = { type: c }; a = false } if (!c.isWriter) { if (a) { c = Ext.apply({}, c) } Ext.applyIf(c, { model: b.model, type: b.defaultWriterType }); c = Ext.createByAlias("writer." + c.type, c) } b.writer = c; return b.writer }, getWriter: function () { return this.writer }, create: Ext.emptyFn, read: Ext.emptyFn, update: Ext.emptyFn, destroy: Ext.emptyFn, batch: function (p, m) { var l = this, k = l.batchActions, h, c, g, d, e, n, b, o, j; if (p.operations === undefined) { p = { operations: p, listeners: m } } if (p.batch) { if (Ext.isDefined(p.batch.runOperation)) { h = Ext.applyIf(p.batch, { proxy: l, listeners: {} }) } } else { p.batch = { proxy: l, listeners: p.listeners || {} } } if (!h) { h = new Ext.data.Batch(p.batch) } h.on("complete", Ext.bind(l.onBatchComplete, l, [p], 0)); g = l.batchOrder.split(","); d = g.length; for (n = 0; n < d; n++) { e = g[n]; c = p.operations[e]; if (c) { if (k) { h.add(new Ext.data.Operation({ action: e, records: c })) } else { o = c.length; for (b = 0; b < o; b++) { j = c[b]; h.add(new Ext.data.Operation({ action: e, records: [j] })) } } } } h.start(); return h }, onBatchComplete: function (a, b) { var c = a.scope || this; if (b.hasException) { if (Ext.isFunction(a.failure)) { Ext.callback(a.failure, c, [b, a]) } } else { if (Ext.isFunction(a.success)) { Ext.callback(a.success, c, [b, a]) } } if (Ext.isFunction(a.callback)) { Ext.callback(a.callback, c, [b, a]) } }, clone: function () { return new this.self(this.proxyConfig) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["proxy.proxy"], [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.data.proxy, "Proxy", Ext.data, "DataProxy", Ext.data, "Proxy"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.Operation", Ext.Base, { synchronous: true, action: undefined, filters: undefined, sorters: undefined, groupers: undefined, start: undefined, limit: undefined, batch: undefined, callback: undefined, scope: undefined, started: false, running: false, complete: false, success: undefined, exception: false, error: undefined, actionCommitRecordsRe: /^(?:create|update)$/i, actionSkipSyncRe: /^destroy$/i, constructor: function (a) { Ext.apply(this, a || {}) }, commitRecords: function (n) { var j = this, m = j.actionCommitRecordsRe.test(j.action), l, h, a, e, b, d, g, k, c; if (!j.actionSkipSyncRe.test(j.action)) { a = j.records; if (a && a.length) { if (m) { c = [] } if (a.length > 1) { if (j.action == "update" || a[0].clientIdProperty) { l = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); l.addAll(n); for (h = a.length; h--; ) { b = a[h]; e = l.findBy(j.matchClientRec, b); k = b.copyFrom(e); if (m) { c.push(k) } } } else { for (d = 0, g = a.length; d < g; ++d) { b = a[d]; e = n[d]; if (b && e) { k = j.updateRecord(b, e); if (m) { c.push(k) } } } } } else { k = j.updateRecord(a[0], n[0]); if (m) { c[0] = k } } if (m) { for (h = a.length; h--; ) { a[h].commit(false, c[h]) } } } } }, updateRecord: function (a, b) { if (b && (a.phantom || a.getId() === b.getId())) { return a.copyFrom(b) } return [] }, matchClientRec: function (c) { var a = this, b = a.getId(); if (b && c.getId() === b) { return true } return c.internalId === a.internalId }, setStarted: function () { this.started = true; this.running = true }, setCompleted: function () { this.complete = true; this.running = false }, setSuccessful: function () { this.success = true }, setException: function (a) { this.exception = true; this.success = false; this.running = false; this.error = a }, hasException: function () { return this.exception === true }, getError: function () { return this.error }, getRecords: function () { var a = this.getResultSet(); return this.records || (a ? a.records : null) }, getResultSet: function () { return this.resultSet }, isStarted: function () { return this.started === true }, isRunning: function () { return this.running === true }, isComplete: function () { return this.complete === true }, wasSuccessful: function () { return this.isComplete() && this.success === true }, setBatch: function (a) { this.batch = a }, allowWrite: function () { return this.action != "read" } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.data, "Operation"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.AbstractStore", Ext.Base, { statics: { create: function (a) { if (!a.isStore) { if (!a.type) { a.type = "store" } a = Ext.createByAlias("store." + a.type, a) } return a } }, onClassExtended: function (b, d, a) { var c = d.model, e; if (typeof c == "string") { e = a.onBeforeCreated; a.onBeforeCreated = function () { var h = this, g = arguments; Ext.require(c, function () { e.apply(h, g) }) } } }, remoteSort: false, remoteFilter: false, autoLoad: undefined, autoSync: false, batchUpdateMode: "operation", filterOnLoad: true, sortOnLoad: true, implicitModel: false, defaultProxyType: "memory", isDestroyed: false, isStore: true, sortRoot: "data", constructor: function (a) { var c = this, b; Ext.apply(c, a); c.removed = []; c.mixins.observable.constructor.apply(c, arguments); c.model = Ext.ModelManager.getModel(c.model); Ext.applyIf(c, { modelDefaults: null }); if (!c.model && c.fields) { c.model = Ext.define("Ext.data.Store.ImplicitModel-" + (c.storeId || Ext.id()), { extend: "Ext.data.Model", fields: c.fields, proxy: c.proxy || c.defaultProxyType }); delete c.fields; c.implicitModel = true } c.setProxy(c.proxy || c.model.getProxy()); if (!c.disableMetaChangeEvent) { c.proxy.on("metachange", c.onMetaChange, c) } if (c.id && !c.storeId) { c.storeId = c.id; delete c.id } if (c.storeId) { Ext.data.StoreManager.register(c) } c.mixins.sortable.initSortable.call(c); b = c.decodeFilters(c.filters); c.filters = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); c.filters.addAll(b) }, setProxy: function (a) { var b = this; if (a instanceof Ext.data.proxy.Proxy) { a.setModel(b.model) } else { if (Ext.isString(a)) { a = { type: a } } Ext.applyIf(a, { model: b.model }); a = Ext.createByAlias("proxy." + a.type, a) } b.proxy = a; return b.proxy }, getProxy: function () { return this.proxy }, onMetaChange: function (a, b) { this.fireEvent("metachange", this, b) }, create: function (e, c) { var d = this, a = Ext.ModelManager.create(Ext.applyIf(e, d.modelDefaults), d.model.modelName), b; c = c || {}; Ext.applyIf(c, { action: "create", records: [a] }); b = new Ext.data.Operation(c); d.proxy.create(b, d.onProxyWrite, d); return a }, read: function () { return this.load.apply(this, arguments) }, update: function (b) { var c = this, a; b = b || {}; Ext.applyIf(b, { action: "update", records: c.getUpdatedRecords() }); a = new Ext.data.Operation(b); return c.proxy.update(a, c.onProxyWrite, c) }, onProxyWrite: function (b) { var c = this, d = b.wasSuccessful(), a = b.getRecords(); switch (b.action) { case "create": c.onCreateRecords(a, b, d); break; case "update": c.onUpdateRecords(a, b, d); break; case "destroy": c.onDestroyRecords(a, b, d); break } if (d) { c.fireEvent("write", c, b); c.fireEvent("datachanged", c); c.fireEvent("refresh", c) } Ext.callback(b.callback, b.scope || c, [a, b, d]) }, onCreateRecords: Ext.emptyFn, onUpdateRecords: Ext.emptyFn, onDestroyRecords: function (b, a, c) { if (c) { this.removed = [] } }, destroy: function (b) { var c = this, a; b = b || {}; Ext.applyIf(b, { action: "destroy", records: c.getRemovedRecords() }); a = new Ext.data.Operation(b); return c.proxy.destroy(a, c.onProxyWrite, c) }, onBatchOperationComplete: function (b, a) { return this.onProxyWrite(a) }, onBatchComplete: function (c, a) { var g = this, b = c.operations, e = b.length, d; g.suspendEvents(); for (d = 0; d < e; d++) { g.onProxyWrite(b[d]) } g.resumeEvents(); g.fireEvent("datachanged", g); g.fireEvent("refresh", g) }, onBatchException: function (b, a) {}, filterNew: function (a) { return a.phantom === true && a.isValid() }, getNewRecords: function () { return [] }, getUpdatedRecords: function () { return [] }, getModifiedRecords: function () { return [].concat(this.getNewRecords(), this.getUpdatedRecords()) }, filterUpdated: function (a) { return a.dirty === true && a.phantom !== true && a.isValid() }, getRemovedRecords: function () { return this.removed }, filter: function (a, b) {}, decodeFilters: function (e) { if (!Ext.isArray(e)) { if (e === undefined) { e = [] } else { e = [e] } } var d = e.length, a = Ext.util.Filter, b, c; for (c = 0; c < d; c++) { b = e[c]; if (!(b instanceof a)) { Ext.apply(b, { root: "data" }); if (b.fn) { b.filterFn = b.fn } if (typeof b == "function") { b = { filterFn: b } } e[c] = new a(b) } } return e }, clearFilter: function (a) {}, isFiltered: function () {}, filterBy: function (b, a) {}, sync: function (c) { var e = this, b = {}, g = e.getNewRecords(), d = e.getUpdatedRecords(), a = e.getRemovedRecords(), h = false; if (g.length > 0) { b.create = g; h = true } if (d.length > 0) { b.update = d; h = true } if (a.length > 0) { b.destroy = a; h = true } if (h && e.fireEvent("beforesync", b) !== false) { c = c || {}; e.proxy.batch(Ext.apply(c, { operations: b, listeners: e.getBatchListeners() })) } return e }, getBatchListeners: function () { var b = this, a = { scope: b, exception: b.onBatchException }; if (b.batchUpdateMode == "operation") { a.operationcomplete = b.onBatchOperationComplete } else { a.complete = b.onBatchComplete } return a }, save: function () { return this.sync.apply(this, arguments) }, load: function (b) { var c = this, a; b = Ext.apply({ action: "read", filters: c.filters.items, sorters: c.getSorters() }, b); c.lastOptions = b; a = new Ext.data.Operation(b); if (c.fireEvent("beforeload", c, a) !== false) { c.loading = true; c.proxy.read(a, c.onProxyLoad, c) } return c }, reload: function (a) { return this.load(Ext.apply(this.lastOptions, a)) }, afterEdit: function (a, e) { var d = this, b, c; if (d.autoSync && !d.autoSyncSuspended) { for (b = e.length; b--; ) { if (a.fields.get(e[b]).persist) { c = true; break } } if (c) { d.sync() } } d.onUpdate(a, Ext.data.Model.EDIT, e); d.fireEvent("update", d, a, Ext.data.Model.EDIT, e) }, afterReject: function (a) { this.onUpdate(a, Ext.data.Model.REJECT, null); this.fireEvent("update", this, a, Ext.data.Model.REJECT, null) }, afterCommit: function (a, b) { if (!b) { b = null } this.onUpdate(a, Ext.data.Model.COMMIT, b); this.fireEvent("update", this, a, Ext.data.Model.COMMIT, b) }, onUpdate: Ext.emptyFn, onIdChanged: function (c, d, b, a) { this.fireEvent("idchanged", this, c, d, b, a) }, destroyStore: function () { var a, b = this; if (!b.isDestroyed) { b.clearListeners(); if (b.storeId) { Ext.data.StoreManager.unregister(b) } b.clearData(); b.data = b.tree = b.sorters = b.filters = b.groupers = null; if (b.reader) { b.reader.destroyReader() } b.proxy = b.reader = b.writer = null; b.isDestroyed = true; if (b.implicitModel) { a = Ext.getClassName(b.model); Ext.undefine(a); Ext.ModelManager.unregisterType(a) } else { b.model = null } } }, getState: function () { var e = this, c, a, b = !!e.groupers, g = [], h = [], d = []; if (b) { e.groupers.each(function (j) { g[g.length] = j.serialize(); c = true }) } if (e.sorters) { e.sorters.each(function (j) { if (b && !e.groupers.contains(j)) { h[h.length] = j.serialize(); c = true } }) } if (e.filters && e.statefulFilters) { e.filters.each(function (j) { d[d.length] = j.serialize(); c = true }) } if (c) { a = {}; if (g.length) { a.groupers = g } if (h.length) { a.sorters = h } if (d.length) { a.filters = d } return a } }, applyState: function (g) { var e = this, c = !!e.sorters, b = !!e.groupers, a = !!e.filters, d; if (b && g.groupers) { e.groupers.clear(); e.groupers.addAll(e.decodeGroupers(g.groupers)) } if (c && g.sorters) { e.sorters.clear(); e.sorters.addAll(e.decodeSorters(g.sorters)) } if (a && g.filters) { e.filters.clear(); e.filters.addAll(e.decodeFilters(g.filters)) } if (c && b) { e.sorters.insert(0, e.groupers.getRange()) } if (e.autoLoad && (e.remoteSort || e.remoteGroup || e.remoteFilter)) { if (e.autoLoad === true) { e.reload() } else { e.reload(e.autoLoad) } } if (a && e.filters.length && !e.remoteFilter) { e.filter(); d = e.sortOnFilter } if (c && e.sorters.length && !e.remoteSort && !d) { e.sort() } }, doSort: function (a) { var b = this; if (b.remoteSort) { b.load() } else { b.data.sortBy(a); b.fireEvent("datachanged", b); b.fireEvent("refresh", b) } b.fireEvent("sort", b, b.sorters.getRange()) }, clearData: Ext.emptyFn, getCount: Ext.emptyFn, getById: Ext.emptyFn, removeAll: Ext.emptyFn, isLoading: function () { return !!this.loading }, suspendAutoSync: function () { this.autoSyncSuspended = true }, resumeAutoSync: function () { this.autoSyncSuspended = false } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable], ["sortable", Ext.util.Sortable]], [Ext.data, "AbstractStore"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.app.domain.Store", Ext.app.EventDomain, { singleton: true, type: "store", idProperty: "storeId", constructor: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); a.monitor(Ext.data.AbstractStore) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.app.domain, "Store"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.app.Controller", Ext.Base, { statics: { strings: { model: { getter: "getModel", upper: "Model" }, view: { getter: "getView", upper: "View" }, controller: { getter: "getController", upper: "Controller" }, store: { getter: "getStore", upper: "Store" } }, controllerRegex: /^(.*)\.controller\./, createGetter: function (a, b) { return function () { return this[a](b) } }, getGetterName: function (c, a) { var d = "get", e = c.split("."), g = e.length, b; for (b = 0; b < g; b++) { d += Ext.String.capitalize(e[b]) } d += a; return d }, processDependencies: function (r, s, c, d, k) { if (!k || !k.length) { return } var l = this, q = l.strings[d], b, p, n, a, e, g, m, h; if (!Ext.isArray(k)) { k = [k] } for (e = 0, g = k.length; e < g; e++) { a = k[e]; b = l.getFullName(a, d, c); p = b.absoluteName; n = b.shortName; s.push(p); m = l.getGetterName(n, q.upper); r[m] = h = l.createGetter(q.getter, a); if (d !== "controller") { h["Ext.app.getter"] = true } } }, getFullName: function (c, e, d) { var a = c, b, g; if ((b = c.indexOf("@")) > 0) { a = c.substring(0, b); g = c.substring(b + 1) + "." + a } else { if (c.indexOf(".") > 0 && (Ext.ClassManager.isCreated(c) || Ext.Loader.isAClassNameWithAKnownPrefix(c))) { g = c } else { if (d) { g = d + "." + e + "." + c; a = c } else { g = c } } } return { absoluteName: g, shortName: a } } }, application: null, onClassExtended: function (b, c, a) { var d = a.onBeforeCreated; a.onBeforeCreated = function (n, h) { var g = Ext.app.Controller, l = g.controllerRegex, o = [], m, e, o, k, j; k = n.prototype; m = Ext.getClassName(n); e = h.$namespace || Ext.app.getNamespace(m) || ((j = l.exec(m)) && j[1]); if (e) { k.$namespace = e } g.processDependencies(k, o, e, "model", h.models); g.processDependencies(k, o, e, "view", h.views); g.processDependencies(k, o, e, "store", h.stores); g.processDependencies(k, o, e, "controller", h.controllers); Ext.require(o, Ext.Function.pass(d, arguments, this)) } }, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; b.mixins.observable.constructor.call(b, a); if (b.refs) { b.ref(b.refs) } b.eventbus = Ext.app.EventBus; b.initAutoGetters() }, initAutoGetters: function () { var b = this.self.prototype, c, a; for (c in b) { a = b[c]; if (a && a["Ext.app.getter"]) { a.call(this) } } }, doInit: function (b) { var a = this; if (!a._initialized) { a.init(b); a._initialized = true } }, finishInit: function (g) { var d = this, e = d.controllers, b, c, a; if (d._initialized && e && e.length) { for (c = 0, a = e.length; c < a; c++) { b = d.getController(e[c]); b.finishInit(g) } } }, init: Ext.emptyFn, onLaunch: Ext.emptyFn, ref: function (a) { var g = this, b = 0, e = a.length, h, d, c; a = Ext.Array.from(a); g.references = g.references || []; for (; b < e; b++) { h = a[b]; d = h.ref; c = "get" + Ext.String.capitalize(d); if (!g[c]) { g[c] = Ext.Function.pass(g.getRef, [d, h], g) } g.references.push(d.toLowerCase()) } }, addRef: function (a) { this.ref(a) }, getRef: function (d, g, a) { var c = this, e = c.refCache || (c.refCache = {}), b = e[d]; g = g || {}; a = a || {}; Ext.apply(g, a); if (g.forceCreate) { return Ext.ComponentManager.create(g, "component") } if (!b) { if (g.selector) { e[d] = b = Ext.ComponentQuery.query(g.selector)[0] } if (!b && g.autoCreate) { e[d] = b = Ext.ComponentManager.create(g, "component") } if (b) { b.on("beforedestroy", function () { e[d] = null }) } } return b }, hasRef: function (b) { var a = this.references; return a && Ext.Array.indexOf(a, b.toLowerCase()) !== -1 }, control: function (b, c, a) { var d = this, e = a, g; if (Ext.isString(b)) { g = {}; g[b] = c } else { g = b; e = c } d.eventbus.control(g, e || d) }, listen: function (b, a) { this.eventbus.listen(b, a || this) }, getController: function (c) { var a = this, b = a.application; if (c === a.id) { return a } return b && b.getController(c) }, getStore: function (c) { var a, b; a = (c.indexOf("@") == -1) ? c : c.split("@")[0]; b = Ext.StoreManager.get(a); if (!b) { c = Ext.app.Controller.getFullName(c, "store", this.$namespace); if (c) { b = Ext.create(c.absoluteName, { storeId: a }) } } return b }, getModel: function (b) { var a = Ext.app.Controller.getFullName(b, "model", this.$namespace); return a && Ext.ModelManager.getModel(a.absoluteName) }, getView: function (a) { var b = Ext.app.Controller.getFullName(a, "view", this.$namespace); return b && Ext.ClassManager.get(b.absoluteName) }, getApplication: function () { return this.application } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.app, "Controller"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.container.DockingContainer", Ext.Base, { isDockingContainer: true, defaultDockWeights: { top: { render: 1, visual: 1 }, left: { render: 3, visual: 5 }, right: { render: 5, visual: 7 }, bottom: { render: 7, visual: 3 } }, dockOrder: { top: -1, left: -1, right: 1, bottom: 1 }, horizontalDocks: 0, addDocked: function (a, g) { var e = this, b = 0, d, c; a = e.prepareItems(a); c = a.length; for (; b < c; b++) { d = a[b]; d.dock = d.dock || "top"; if (d.dock === "left" || d.dock === "right") { e.horizontalDocks++ } if (g !== undefined) { b += g; e.dockedItems.insert(b, d) } else { e.dockedItems.add(d) } d.onAdded(e, b); if (e.hasListeners.dockedadd) { e.fireEvent("dockedadd", e, d, b) } if (e.onDockedAdd !== Ext.emptyFn) { e.onDockedAdd(d) } } if (e.rendered && !e.suspendLayout) { e.updateLayout() } return a }, destroyDockedItems: function () { var a = this.dockedItems, b; if (a) { while ((b = a.first())) { this.removeDocked(b, true) } } }, doRenderDockedItems: function (c, g, h) { var e = g.$comp, d = e.componentLayout, b, a; if (d.getDockedItems && !g.$skipDockedItems) { b = d.getDockedItems("render", !h); a = b && d.getItemsRenderTree(b); if (a) { Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(a, c) } } }, getDockedComponent: function (a) { if (Ext.isObject(a)) { a = a.getItemId() } return this.dockedItems.get(a) }, getDockedItems: function (a, c) { var b = this.getComponentLayout().getDockedItems("render", c); if (a && b.length) { b = Ext.ComponentQuery.query(a, b) } return b }, getDockingRefItems: function (b, e) { var a = b && "*,* *", d = this.getDockedItems(a, true), c; d.push.apply(d, e); c = this.getDockedItems(a, false); d.push.apply(d, c); return d }, initDockingItems: function () { var b = this, a = b.dockedItems; b.dockedItems = new Ext.util.AbstractMixedCollection(false, b.getComponentId); if (a) { b.addDocked(a) } }, insertDocked: function (b, a) { this.addDocked(a, b) }, onDockedAdd: Ext.emptyFn, onDockedRemove: Ext.emptyFn, removeDocked: function (e, b) { var d = this, c, a; b = b === true || (b !== false && d.autoDestroy); if (!d.dockedItems.contains(e)) { return e } if (e.dock === "left" || e.dock === "right") { d.horizontalDocks-- } c = d.componentLayout; a = c && d.rendered; if (a) { c.onRemove(e) } d.dockedItems.remove(e); e.onRemoved(e.destroying || b); d.onDockedRemove(e); if (b) { e.destroy() } else { if (a) { c.afterRemove(e) } } if (d.hasListeners.dockedremove) { d.fireEvent("dockedremove", d, e) } if (!d.destroying && !d.suspendLayout) { d.updateLayout() } return e }, setupDockingRenderTpl: function (a) { a.renderDockedItems = this.doRenderDockedItems } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.container, "DockingContainer"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.toolbar.Fill", Ext.Component, { alternateClassName: "Ext.Toolbar.Fill", isFill: true, flex: 1 }, 0, ["tbfill"], ["component", "box", "tbfill"], { component: true, box: true, tbfill: true }, ["widget.tbfill"], 0, [Ext.toolbar, "Fill", Ext.Toolbar, "Fill"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.container.boxOverflow.None", Ext.Base, { alternateClassName: "Ext.layout.boxOverflow.None", constructor: function (b, a) { this.layout = b; Ext.apply(this, a) }, handleOverflow: Ext.emptyFn, clearOverflow: Ext.emptyFn, beginLayout: Ext.emptyFn, beginLayoutCycle: Ext.emptyFn, calculate: function (b) { var a = this, c = b.state.boxPlan, d; if (c && c.tooNarrow) { d = a.handleOverflow(b); if (d) { if (d.reservedSpace) { a.layout.publishInnerCtSize(b, d.reservedSpace) } } } else { a.clearOverflow() } }, completeLayout: Ext.emptyFn, finishedLayout: function (d) { var c = this, a = c.layout.owner, b, e; if (a.hasListeners.overflowchange) { b = a.query(">[hidden]"); e = b.length; if (e !== c.lastHiddenCount) { a.fireEvent("overflowchange", c.lastHiddenCount, e, b); c.lastHiddenCount = e } } }, onRemove: Ext.emptyFn, getItem: function (a) { return this.layout.owner.getComponent(a) }, getOwnerType: function (a) { var b; if (a.isToolbar) { b = "toolbar" } else { if (a.isTabBar) { b = "tabbar" } else { if (a.isMenu) { b = "menu" } else { b = a.getXType() } } } return b }, getPrefixConfig: Ext.emptyFn, getSuffixConfig: Ext.emptyFn, getOverflowCls: function () { return "" } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.layout.container.boxOverflow, "None", Ext.layout.boxOverflow, "None"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.toolbar.Item", Ext.Component, { alternateClassName: "Ext.Toolbar.Item", enable: Ext.emptyFn, disable: Ext.emptyFn, focus: Ext.emptyFn }, 0, ["tbitem"], ["tbitem", "component", "box"], { tbitem: true, component: true, box: true }, ["widget.tbitem"], 0, [Ext.toolbar, "Item", Ext.Toolbar, "Item"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.toolbar.Separator", Ext.toolbar.Item, { alternateClassName: "Ext.Toolbar.Separator", baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "toolbar-separator", focusable: false }, 0, ["tbseparator"], ["tbitem", "component", "box", "tbseparator"], { tbitem: true, component: true, box: true, tbseparator: true }, ["widget.tbseparator"], 0, [Ext.toolbar, "Separator", Ext.Toolbar, "Separator"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.button.Manager", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, alternateClassName: "Ext.ButtonToggleManager", groups: {}, pressedButton: null, buttonSelector: "." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "btn", init: function () { var a = this; if (!a.initialized) { Ext.getDoc().on({ keydown: a.onDocumentKeyDown, mouseup: a.onDocumentMouseUp, scope: a }); a.initialized = true } }, onDocumentKeyDown: function (c) { var a = c.getKey(), b; if (a === c.SPACE || a === c.ENTER) { b = c.getTarget(this.buttonSelector); if (b) { Ext.getCmp(b.id).onClick(c) } } }, onButtonMousedown: function (a, c) { var b = this.pressedButton; if (b) { b.onMouseUp(c) } this.pressedButton = a }, onDocumentMouseUp: function (b) { var a = this.pressedButton; if (a) { a.onMouseUp(b); this.pressedButton = null } }, toggleGroup: function (b, e) { if (e) { var d = this.groups[b.toggleGroup], c = d.length, a; for (a = 0; a < c; a++) { if (d[a] !== b) { d[a].toggle(false) } } } }, register: function (b) { var c = this, a = this.groups, d = a[b.toggleGroup]; c.init(); if (!b.toggleGroup) { return } if (!d) { d = a[b.toggleGroup] = [] } d.push(b); b.on("toggle", c.toggleGroup, c) }, unregister: function (a) { if (!a.toggleGroup) { return } var b = this, c = b.groups[a.toggleGroup]; if (c) { Ext.Array.remove(c, a); a.un("toggle", b.toggleGroup, b) } }, getPressed: function (d) { var c = this.groups[d], b = 0, a; if (c) { for (a = c.length; b < a; b++) { if (c[b].pressed === true) { return c[b] } } } return null } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.button, "Manager", Ext, "ButtonToggleManager"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.menu.Manager", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, alternateClassName: "Ext.menu.MenuMgr", menuSelector: "." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "menu", menus: {}, groups: {}, attached: false, lastShow: new Date(), init: function () { var a = this; a.active = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); Ext.getDoc().addKeyListener(27, function () { if (a.active.length > 0) { a.hideAll() } }, a) }, hideAll: function () { var c = this.active, b, a, d; if (c && c.length > 0) { b = Ext.Array.slice(c.items); d = b.length; for (a = 0; a < d; a++) { b[a].hide() } return true } return false }, onHide: function (a) { var b = this, c = b.active; c.remove(a); if (c.length < 1) { Ext.getDoc().un("mousedown", b.onMouseDown, b); b.attached = false } }, onShow: function (a) { var c = this, d = c.active, b = c.attached; c.lastShow = new Date(); d.add(a); if (!b) { Ext.getDoc().on("mousedown", c.onMouseDown, c, { buffer: Ext.isIE9m ? 10 : undefined }); c.attached = true } a.toFront() }, onBeforeHide: function (a) { if (a.activeChild) { a.activeChild.hide() } if (a.autoHideTimer) { clearTimeout(a.autoHideTimer); delete a.autoHideTimer } }, onBeforeShow: function (a) { var c = this.active, b = a.parentMenu; c.remove(a); if (!b && !a.allowOtherMenus) { this.hideAll() } else { if (b && b.activeChild && a != b.activeChild) { b.activeChild.hide() } } }, onMouseDown: function (g) { var b = this, d = b.active, a = b.lastShow, c = true; if (Ext.Date.getElapsed(a) > 50 && d.length > 0 && !g.getTarget(b.menuSelector)) { if (Ext.isIE9m && !Ext.getDoc().contains(g.target)) { c = false } if (c) { b.hideAll() } } }, register: function (b) { var a = this; if (!a.active) { a.init() } if (b.floating) { a.menus[b.id] = b; b.on({ beforehide: a.onBeforeHide, hide: a.onHide, beforeshow: a.onBeforeShow, show: a.onShow, scope: a }) } }, get: function (b) { var a = this.menus; if (typeof b == "string") { if (!a) { return null } return a[b] } else { if (b.isMenu) { return b } else { if (Ext.isArray(b)) { return new Ext.menu.Menu({ items: b }) } else { return Ext.ComponentManager.create(b, "menu") } } } }, unregister: function (d) { var a = this, b = a.menus, c = a.active; delete b[d.id]; c.remove(d); d.un({ beforehide: a.onBeforeHide, hide: a.onHide, beforeshow: a.onBeforeShow, show: a.onShow, scope: a }) }, registerCheckable: function (c) { var a = this.groups, b = c.group; if (b) { if (!a[b]) { a[b] = [] } a[b].push(c) } }, unregisterCheckable: function (c) { var a = this.groups, b = c.group; if (b) { Ext.Array.remove(a[b], c) } }, onCheckChange: function (d, g) { var a = this.groups, c = d.group, b = 0, j, e, h; if (c && g) { j = a[c]; e = j.length; for (; b < e; b++) { h = j[b]; if (h != d) { h.setChecked(false) } } } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.menu, "Manager", Ext.menu, "MenuMgr"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.ClickRepeater", Ext.util.Observable, { constructor: function (b, a) { var c = this; c.el = Ext.get(b); c.el.unselectable(); Ext.apply(c, a); c.callParent(); c.addEvents("mousedown", "click", "mouseup"); if (!c.disabled) { c.disabled = true; c.enable() } if (c.handler) { c.on("click", c.handler, c.scope || c) } }, interval: 20, delay: 250, preventDefault: true, stopDefault: false, timer: 0, enable: function () { if (this.disabled) { this.el.on("mousedown", this.handleMouseDown, this); if (Ext.isIE && !(Ext.isIE10p || (Ext.isStrict && Ext.isIE9))) { this.el.on("dblclick", this.handleDblClick, this) } if (this.preventDefault || this.stopDefault) { this.el.on("click", this.eventOptions, this) } } this.disabled = false }, disable: function (a) { if (a || !this.disabled) { clearTimeout(this.timer); if (this.pressedCls) { this.el.removeCls(this.pressedCls) } Ext.getDoc().un("mouseup", this.handleMouseUp, this); this.el.removeAllListeners() } this.disabled = true }, setDisabled: function (a) { this[a ? "disable" : "enable"]() }, eventOptions: function (a) { if (this.preventDefault) { a.preventDefault() } if (this.stopDefault) { a.stopEvent() } }, destroy: function () { this.disable(true); Ext.destroy(this.el); this.clearListeners() }, handleDblClick: function (a) { clearTimeout(this.timer); this.el.blur(); this.fireEvent("mousedown", this, a); this.fireEvent("click", this, a) }, handleMouseDown: function (a) { clearTimeout(this.timer); this.el.blur(); if (this.pressedCls) { this.el.addCls(this.pressedCls) } this.mousedownTime = new Date(); Ext.getDoc().on("mouseup", this.handleMouseUp, this); this.el.on("mouseout", this.handleMouseOut, this); this.fireEvent("mousedown", this, a); this.fireEvent("click", this, a); if (this.accelerate) { this.delay = 400 } a = new Ext.EventObjectImpl(a); this.timer = Ext.defer(this.click, this.delay || this.interval, this, [a]) }, click: function (a) { this.fireEvent("click", this, a); this.timer = Ext.defer(this.click, this.accelerate ? this.easeOutExpo(Ext.Date.getElapsed(this.mousedownTime), 400, -390, 12000) : this.interval, this, [a]) }, easeOutExpo: function (e, a, h, g) { return (e == g) ? a + h : h * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * e / g) + 1) + a }, handleMouseOut: function () { clearTimeout(this.timer); if (this.pressedCls) { this.el.removeCls(this.pressedCls) } this.el.on("mouseover", this.handleMouseReturn, this) }, handleMouseReturn: function () { this.el.un("mouseover", this.handleMouseReturn, this); if (this.pressedCls) { this.el.addCls(this.pressedCls) } this.click() }, handleMouseUp: function (a) { clearTimeout(this.timer); this.el.un("mouseover", this.handleMouseReturn, this); this.el.un("mouseout", this.handleMouseOut, this); Ext.getDoc().un("mouseup", this.handleMouseUp, this); if (this.pressedCls) { this.el.removeCls(this.pressedCls) } this.fireEvent("mouseup", this, a) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "ClickRepeater"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.component.Button", Ext.layout.component.Auto, { type: "button", htmlRE: /<.*>/, beginLayout: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.owner, d = a.text; b.callParent(arguments); c.btnWrapContext = c.getEl("btnWrap"); c.btnElContext = c.getEl("btnEl"); c.btnInnerElContext = c.getEl("btnInnerEl"); c.btnIconElContext = c.getEl("btnIconEl"); if (d && b.htmlRE.test(d)) { c.isHtmlText = true; a.btnInnerEl.setStyle("line-height", "normal"); a.btnInnerEl.setStyle("padding-top", "") } }, beginLayoutCycle: function (b) { var a = this.owner, c = this.lastWidthModel; this.callParent(arguments); if (c && !this.lastWidthModel.shrinkWrap && b.widthModel.shrinkWrap) { a.btnWrap.setStyle("height", ""); a.btnEl.setStyle("height", ""); a.btnInnerEl.setStyle("line-height", "") } }, calculate: function (d) { var h = this, c = h.owner, j = d.btnElContext, g = d.btnInnerElContext, m = d.btnWrapContext, e = Math.max, b, k, l, a; h.callParent(arguments); if (d.heightModel.shrinkWrap) { l = c.btnEl.getHeight(); if (d.isHtmlText) { h.centerInnerEl(d, l); h.ieCenterIcon(d, l) } } else { b = d.getProp("height"); if (b) { k = b - d.getFrameInfo().height - d.getPaddingInfo().height; l = k; if ((c.menu || c.split) && c.arrowAlign === "bottom") { l -= m.getPaddingInfo().bottom } a = l; if ((c.icon || c.iconCls || c.glyph) && (c.iconAlign === "top" || c.iconAlign === "bottom")) { a -= g.getPaddingInfo().height } m.setProp("height", e(0, k)); j.setProp("height", e(0, l)); if (d.isHtmlText) { h.centerInnerEl(d, l) } else { g.setProp("line-height", e(0, a) + "px") } h.ieCenterIcon(d, l) } else { if (b !== 0) { h.done = false } } } }, centerInnerEl: function (e, d) { var c = this, b = e.btnInnerElContext, a = c.owner.btnInnerEl.getHeight(); if (e.heightModel.shrinkWrap && (d < a)) { e.btnElContext.setHeight(a) } else { if (d > a) { b.setProp("padding-top", Math.round((d - a) / 2) + b.getPaddingInfo().top) } } }, ieCenterIcon: function (c, b) { var a = this.owner.iconAlign; if ((Ext.isIEQuirks || Ext.isIE6) && (a === "left" || a === "right")) { c.btnIconElContext.setHeight(b) } }, publishInnerWidth: function (b, a) { if (this.owner.getFrameInfo().table) { b.btnInnerElContext.setWidth(a - b.getFrameInfo().width - b.getPaddingInfo().width - b.btnWrapContext.getPaddingInfo().width) } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.button"], 0, [Ext.layout.component, "Button"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.TextMetrics", Ext.Base, { statics: { shared: null, measure: function (a, d, e) { var b = this, c = b.shared; if (!c) { c = b.shared = new b(a, e) } c.bind(a); c.setFixedWidth(e || "auto"); return c.getSize(d) }, destroy: function () { var a = this; Ext.destroy(a.shared); a.shared = null } }, constructor: function (a, d) { var c = this, b = Ext.getBody().createChild({ cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "textmetrics" }); c.measure = b; if (a) { c.bind(a) } b.position("absolute"); b.setLocalXY(-1000, -1000); b.hide(); if (d) { b.setWidth(d) } }, getSize: function (c) { var b = this.measure, a; b.update(c); a = b.getSize(); b.update(""); return a }, bind: function (a) { var b = this; b.el = Ext.get(a); b.measure.setStyle(b.el.getStyles("font-size", "font-style", "font-weight", "font-family", "line-height", "text-transform", "letter-spacing")) }, setFixedWidth: function (a) { this.measure.setWidth(a) }, getWidth: function (a) { this.measure.dom.style.width = "auto"; return this.getSize(a).width }, getHeight: function (a) { return this.getSize(a).height }, destroy: function () { var a = this; a.measure.remove(); delete a.el; delete a.measure } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "TextMetrics"], function () { Ext.Element.addMethods({ getTextWidth: function (c, b, a) { return Ext.Number.constrain(Ext.util.TextMetrics.measure(this.dom, Ext.value(c, this.dom.innerHTML, true)).width, b || 0, a || 1000000) } }) })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.button.Button", Ext.Component, { alternateClassName: "Ext.Button", isButton: true, componentLayout: "button", hidden: false, disabled: false, pressed: false, tabIndex: 0, enableToggle: false, menuAlign: "tl-bl?", showEmptyMenu: false, textAlign: "center", clickEvent: "click", preventDefault: true, handleMouseEvents: true, tooltipType: "qtip", baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "btn", pressedCls: "pressed", overCls: "over", focusCls: "focus", menuActiveCls: "menu-active", hrefTarget: "_blank", childEls: ["btnEl", "btnWrap", "btnInnerEl", "btnIconEl"], renderTpl: [' {splitCls}', '{childElCls}" unselectable="on">', '', '', "{text}", "", 'background-image:url({iconUrl});', 'font-family:{glyphFontFamily};">', '&#{glyph}; ', "", "", "", '', '', ""], scale: "small", allowedScales: ["small", "medium", "large"], iconAlign: "left", arrowAlign: "right", arrowCls: "arrow", maskOnDisable: false, shrinkWrap: 3, frame: true, _triggerRegion: {}, initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.autoEl = { tag: "a", role: "button", hidefocus: "on", unselectable: "on" }; a.addCls("x-unselectable"); a.callParent(arguments); a.addEvents("click", "toggle", "mouseover", "mouseout", "menushow", "menuhide", "menutriggerover", "menutriggerout", "textchange", "iconchange", "glyphchange"); if (a.menu) { a.split = true; a.menu = Ext.menu.Manager.get(a.menu); a.menu.ownerButton = a } if (a.url) { a.href = a.url } if (a.href && !a.hasOwnProperty("preventDefault")) { a.preventDefault = false } if (Ext.isString(a.toggleGroup) && a.toggleGroup !== "") { a.enableToggle = true } if (a.html && !a.text) { a.text = a.html; delete a.html } a.glyphCls = a.baseCls + "-glyph" }, getActionEl: function () { return this.el }, getFocusEl: function () { return this.el }, onDisable: function () { this.callParent(arguments) }, setComponentCls: function () { var b = this, a = b.getComponentCls(); if (!Ext.isEmpty(b.oldCls)) { b.removeClsWithUI(b.oldCls); b.removeClsWithUI(b.pressedCls) } b.oldCls = a; b.addClsWithUI(a) }, getComponentCls: function () { var b = this, a; if (b.iconCls || b.icon || b.glyph) { a = [b.text ? "icon-text-" + b.iconAlign : "icon"] } else { if (b.text) { a = ["noicon"] } else { a = [] } } if (b.pressed) { a[a.length] = b.pressedCls } return a }, beforeRender: function () { var b = this, c = b.autoEl, a = b.getHref(), d = b.hrefTarget; if (!b.disabled) { c.tabIndex = b.tabIndex } if (a) { c.href = a; if (d) { c.target = d } } b.callParent(); b.oldCls = b.getComponentCls(); b.addClsWithUI(b.oldCls); Ext.applyIf(b.renderData, b.getTemplateArgs()) }, onRender: function () { var c = this, d, a, b; c.doc = Ext.getDoc(); c.callParent(arguments); a = c.el; if (c.tooltip) { c.setTooltip(c.tooltip, true) } if (c.handleMouseEvents) { b = { scope: c, mouseover: c.onMouseOver, mouseout: c.onMouseOut, mousedown: c.onMouseDown }; if (c.split) { b.mousemove = c.onMouseMove } } else { b = { scope: c } } if (c.menu) { c.mon(c.menu, { scope: c, show: c.onMenuShow, hide: c.onMenuHide }); c.keyMap = new Ext.util.KeyMap({ target: c.el, key: Ext.EventObject.DOWN, handler: c.onDownKey, scope: c }) } if (c.repeat) { c.mon(new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(a, Ext.isObject(c.repeat) ? c.repeat : {}), "click", c.onRepeatClick, c) } else { if (b[c.clickEvent]) { d = true } else { b[c.clickEvent] = c.onClick } } c.mon(a, b); if (d) { c.mon(a, c.clickEvent, c.onClick, c) } Ext.button.Manager.register(c) }, getTemplateArgs: function () { var c = this, b = c.glyph, d = Ext._glyphFontFamily, a; if (typeof b === "string") { a = b.split("@"); b = a[0]; d = a[1] } return { innerCls: c.getInnerCls(), splitCls: c.getSplitCls(), iconUrl: c.icon, iconCls: c.iconCls, glyph: b, glyphCls: b ? c.glyphCls : "", glyphFontFamily: d, text: c.text || " " } }, setHref: function (a) { this.href = a; this.el.dom.href = this.getHref() }, getHref: function () { var b = this, a = b.href; return a ? Ext.urlAppend(a, Ext.Object.toQueryString(Ext.apply({}, b.params, b.baseParams))) : false }, setParams: function (a) { this.params = a; this.el.dom.href = this.getHref() }, getSplitCls: function () { var a = this; return a.split ? (a.baseCls + "-" + a.arrowCls) + " " + (a.baseCls + "-" + a.arrowCls + "-" + a.arrowAlign) : "" }, getInnerCls: function () { return this.textAlign ? this.baseCls + "-inner-" + this.textAlign : "" }, setIcon: function (b) { b = b || ""; var c = this, a = c.btnIconEl, d = c.icon || ""; c.icon = b; if (b != d) { if (a) { a.setStyle("background-image", b ? "url(" + b + ")" : ""); c.setComponentCls(); if (c.didIconStateChange(d, b)) { c.updateLayout() } } c.fireEvent("iconchange", c, d, b) } return c }, setIconCls: function (b) { b = b || ""; var d = this, a = d.btnIconEl, c = d.iconCls || ""; d.iconCls = b; if (c != b) { if (a) { a.removeCls(c); a.addCls(b); d.setComponentCls(); if (d.didIconStateChange(c, b)) { d.updateLayout() } } d.fireEvent("iconchange", d, c, b) } return d }, setGlyph: function (g) { g = g || 0; var e = this, b = e.btnIconEl, c = e.glyph, a, d; e.glyph = g; if (b) { if (typeof g === "string") { d = g.split("@"); g = d[0]; a = d[1] || Ext._glyphFontFamily } if (!g) { b.dom.innerHTML = "" } else { if (c != g) { b.dom.innerHTML = "&#" + g + ";" } } if (a) { b.setStyle("font-family", a) } } e.fireEvent("glyphchange", e, e.glyph, c); return e }, setTooltip: function (c, a) { var b = this; if (b.rendered) { if (!a || !c) { b.clearTip() } if (c) { if (Ext.quickTipsActive && Ext.isObject(c)) { Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.register(Ext.apply({ target: b.el.id }, c)); b.tooltip = c } else { b.el.dom.setAttribute(b.getTipAttr(), c) } } } else { b.tooltip = c } return b }, setTextAlign: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.btnEl; if (a) { a.removeCls(b.baseCls + "-inner-" + b.textAlign); a.addCls(b.baseCls + "-inner-" + c) } b.textAlign = c; return b }, getTipAttr: function () { return this.tooltipType == "qtip" ? "data-qtip" : "title" }, getRefItems: function (a) { var c = this.menu, b; if (c) { b = c.getRefItems(a); b.unshift(c) } return b || [] }, clearTip: function () { var b = this, a = b.el; if (Ext.quickTipsActive && Ext.isObject(b.tooltip)) { Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.unregister(a) } else { a.dom.removeAttribute(b.getTipAttr()) } }, beforeDestroy: function () { var a = this; if (a.rendered) { a.clearTip() } if (a.menu && a.destroyMenu !== false) { Ext.destroy(a.menu) } Ext.destroy(a.btnInnerEl, a.repeater); a.callParent() }, onDestroy: function () { var a = this; if (a.rendered) { a.doc.un("mouseover", a.monitorMouseOver, a); delete a.doc; Ext.destroy(a.keyMap); delete a.keyMap } Ext.button.Manager.unregister(a); a.callParent() }, setHandler: function (b, a) { this.handler = b; this.scope = a; return this }, setText: function (c) { c = c || ""; var b = this, a = b.text || ""; if (c != a) { b.text = c; if (b.rendered) { b.btnInnerEl.update(c || " "); b.setComponentCls(); if (Ext.isStrict && Ext.isIE8) { b.el.repaint() } b.updateLayout() } b.fireEvent("textchange", b, a, c) } return b }, didIconStateChange: function (a, c) { var b = Ext.isEmpty(c); return Ext.isEmpty(a) ? !b : b }, getText: function () { return this.text }, toggle: function (c, a) { var b = this; c = c === undefined ? !b.pressed : !!c; if (c !== b.pressed) { if (b.rendered) { b[c ? "addClsWithUI" : "removeClsWithUI"](b.pressedCls) } b.pressed = c; if (!a) { b.fireEvent("toggle", b, c); Ext.callback(b.toggleHandler, b.scope || b, [b, c]) } } return b }, maybeShowMenu: function () { var a = this; if (a.menu && !a.hasVisibleMenu() && !a.ignoreNextClick) { a.showMenu(true) } }, showMenu: function (b) { var a = this, c = a.menu; if (a.rendered) { if (a.tooltip && Ext.quickTipsActive && a.getTipAttr() != "title") { Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.getQuickTip().cancelShow(a.el) } if (c.isVisible()) { c.hide() } if (!b || a.showEmptyMenu || c.items.getCount() > 0) { c.showBy(a.el, a.menuAlign) } } return a }, hideMenu: function () { if (this.hasVisibleMenu()) { this.menu.hide() } return this }, hasVisibleMenu: function () { var a = this.menu; return a && a.rendered && a.isVisible() }, onRepeatClick: function (a, b) { this.onClick(b) }, onClick: function (b) { var a = this; if (a.preventDefault || (a.disabled && a.getHref()) && b) { b.preventDefault() } if (b.type !== "keydown" && b.button !== 0) { return } if (!a.disabled) { a.doToggle(); a.maybeShowMenu(); a.fireHandler(b) } }, fireHandler: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.handler; if (b.fireEvent("click", b, c) !== false) { if (a) { a.call(b.scope || b, b, c) } } }, doToggle: function () { var a = this; if (a.enableToggle && (a.allowDepress !== false || !a.pressed)) { a.toggle() } }, onMouseOver: function (b) { var a = this; if (!a.disabled && !b.within(a.el, true, true)) { a.onMouseEnter(b) } }, onMouseOut: function (b) { var a = this; if (!b.within(a.el, true, true)) { if (a.overMenuTrigger) { a.onMenuTriggerOut(b) } a.onMouseLeave(b) } }, onMouseMove: function (g) { var c = this, b = c.el, d = c.overMenuTrigger, h, a; if (c.split) { h = (c.arrowAlign === "right") ? g.getX() - c.getX() : g.getY() - b.getY(); a = c.getTriggerRegion(); if (h > a.begin && h < a.end) { if (!d) { c.onMenuTriggerOver(g) } } else { if (d) { c.onMenuTriggerOut(g) } } } }, getTriggerRegion: function () { var c = this, d = c._triggerRegion, b = c.getTriggerSize(), a = c.arrowAlign === "right" ? c.getWidth() : c.getHeight(); d.begin = a - b; d.end = a; return d }, getTriggerSize: function () { var d = this, c = d.triggerSize, b, a; if (c == null) { b = d.arrowAlign; a = b.charAt(0); c = d.triggerSize = d.el.getFrameWidth(a) + d.getBtnWrapFrameWidth(a); if (d.frameSize) { c = d.triggerSize += d.frameSize[b] } } return c }, getBtnWrapFrameWidth: function (a) { return this.btnWrap.getFrameWidth(a) }, addOverCls: function () { if (!this.disabled) { this.addClsWithUI(this.overCls) } }, removeOverCls: function () { this.removeClsWithUI(this.overCls) }, onMouseEnter: function (a) { this.fireEvent("mouseover", this, a) }, onMouseLeave: function (a) { this.fireEvent("mouseout", this, a) }, onMenuTriggerOver: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.arrowTooltip; b.overMenuTrigger = true; if (b.split && a) { b.btnWrap.dom.setAttribute(b.getTipAttr(), a) } b.fireEvent("menutriggerover", b, b.menu, c) }, onMenuTriggerOut: function (b) { var a = this; delete a.overMenuTrigger; if (a.split && a.arrowTooltip) { a.btnWrap.dom.setAttribute(a.getTipAttr(), "") } a.fireEvent("menutriggerout", a, a.menu, b) }, enable: function (a) { var b = this; b.callParent(arguments); b.removeClsWithUI("disabled"); if (b.rendered) { b.el.dom.setAttribute("tabIndex", b.tabIndex) } return b }, disable: function (a) { var b = this; b.callParent(arguments); b.addClsWithUI("disabled"); b.removeClsWithUI(b.overCls); if (b.rendered) { b.el.dom.removeAttribute("tabIndex") } if (b.btnInnerEl && Ext.isIE7m) { b.btnInnerEl.repaint() } return b }, setScale: function (c) { var a = this, b = a.ui.replace("-" + a.scale, ""); if (!Ext.Array.contains(a.allowedScales, c)) { throw ("#setScale: scale must be an allowed scale (" + a.allowedScales.join(", ") + ")") } a.scale = c; a.setUI(b) }, setUI: function (b) { var a = this; if (a.scale && !b.match(a.scale)) { b = b + "-" + a.scale } a.callParent([b]) }, onMouseDown: function (b) { var a = this; if (Ext.isIE) { a.getFocusEl().focus() } if (!a.disabled && b.button === 0) { Ext.button.Manager.onButtonMousedown(a, b); a.addClsWithUI(a.pressedCls) } }, onMouseUp: function (b) { var a = this; if (b.button === 0) { if (!a.pressed) { a.removeClsWithUI(a.pressedCls) } } }, onMenuShow: function (b) { var a = this; a.ignoreNextClick = 0; a.addClsWithUI(a.menuActiveCls); a.fireEvent("menushow", a, a.menu) }, onMenuHide: function (b) { var a = this; a.removeClsWithUI(a.menuActiveCls); a.ignoreNextClick = Ext.defer(a.restoreClick, 250, a); a.fireEvent("menuhide", a, a.menu); a.focus() }, restoreClick: function () { this.ignoreNextClick = 0 }, onDownKey: function (a, c) { var b = this; if (b.menu && !b.disabled) { b.showMenu(); c.stopEvent(); return false } } }, 0, ["button"], ["button", "component", "box"], { button: true, component: true, box: true }, ["widget.button"], [["queryable", Ext.Queryable]], [Ext.button, "Button", Ext, "Button"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.container.boxOverflow.Menu", Ext.layout.container.boxOverflow.None, { alternateClassName: "Ext.layout.boxOverflow.Menu", noItemsMenuText: '
', constructor: function (b) { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); a.triggerButtonCls = a.triggerButtonCls || Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "box-menu-after"; a.menuItems = [] }, beginLayout: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); this.clearOverflow(a) }, beginLayoutCycle: function (b, a) { this.callParent(arguments); if (!a) { this.clearOverflow(b); this.layout.cacheChildItems(b) } }, onRemove: function (a) { Ext.Array.remove(this.menuItems, a) }, getSuffixConfig: function () { var d = this, c = d.layout, a = c.owner, b = a.id; d.menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({ listeners: { scope: d, beforeshow: d.beforeMenuShow } }); d.menuTrigger = new Ext.button.Button({ id: b + "-menu-trigger", cls: Ext.layout.container.Box.prototype.innerCls + " " + d.triggerButtonCls + " " + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "toolbar-item", plain: a.usePlainButtons, ownerCt: a, ownerLayout: c, iconCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + d.getOwnerType(a) + "-more-icon", ui: a instanceof Ext.toolbar.Toolbar ? "default-toolbar" : "default", menu: d.menu, showEmptyMenu: true, getSplitCls: function () { return "" } }); return d.menuTrigger.getRenderTree() }, getOverflowCls: function () { return Ext.baseCSSPrefix + this.layout.direction + "-box-overflow-body" }, handleOverflow: function (d) { var c = this, b = c.layout, g = b.names, e = d.state.boxPlan, a = [null, null]; c.showTrigger(d); if (c.layout.direction !== "vertical") { a[g.heightIndex] = (e.maxSize - c.menuTrigger[g.getHeight]()) / 2; c.menuTrigger.setPosition.apply(c.menuTrigger, a) } return { reservedSpace: c.triggerTotalWidth } }, captureChildElements: function () { var a = this, c = a.menuTrigger, b = a.layout.names; if (c.rendering) { c.finishRender(); a.triggerTotalWidth = c[b.getWidth]() + c.el.getMargin(b.parallelMargins) } }, _asLayoutRoot: { isRoot: true }, clearOverflow: function (h) { var g = this, b = g.menuItems, e, c = 0, d = b.length, a = g.layout.owner, j = g._asLayoutRoot; a.suspendLayouts(); g.captureChildElements(); g.hideTrigger(); a.resumeLayouts(); for (; c < d; c++) { e = b[c]; e.suspendLayouts(); e.show(); e.resumeLayouts(j) } b.length = 0 }, showTrigger: function (c) { var o = this, k = o.layout, a = k.owner, n = k.names, r = n.x, e = n.width, p = c.state.boxPlan, b = p.targetSize[e], h = c.childItems, l = h.length, g = o.menuTrigger, q, j, d, m; g.suspendLayouts(); g.show(); g.resumeLayouts(o._asLayoutRoot); b -= o.triggerTotalWidth; a.suspendLayouts(); o.menuItems.length = 0; for (d = 0; d < l; d++) { q = h[d]; m = q.props; if (m[r] + m[e] > b) { j = q.target; o.menuItems.push(j); j.hide() } } a.resumeLayouts() }, hideTrigger: function () { var a = this.menuTrigger; if (a) { a.hide() } }, beforeMenuShow: function (j) { var h = this, b = h.menuItems, d = 0, a = b.length, g, e, c = function (l, k) { return l.isXType("buttongroup") && !(k instanceof Ext.toolbar.Separator) }; j.suspendLayouts(); h.clearMenu(); j.removeAll(); for (; d < a; d++) { g = b[d]; if (!d && (g instanceof Ext.toolbar.Separator)) { continue } if (e && (c(g, e) || c(e, g))) { j.add("-") } h.addComponentToMenu(j, g); e = g } if (j.items.length < 1) { j.add(h.noItemsMenuText) } j.resumeLayouts() }, createMenuConfig: function (c, a) { var d = this, b = Ext.apply({}, c.initialConfig), e = c.toggleGroup; Ext.copyTo(b, c, ["iconCls", "icon", "itemId", "disabled", "handler", "scope", "menu", "tabIndex"]); Ext.apply(b, { text: c.overflowText || c.text, hideOnClick: a, destroyMenu: false, listeners: {} }); if (c.isFormField) { b.value = c.getValue(); b.listeners.change = function (j, h, g) { c.setValue(h) } } else { if (e || c.enableToggle) { Ext.apply(b, { hideOnClick: false, group: e, checked: c.pressed, handler: function (g, h) { c.onClick(h) } }) } } if (c.isButton && !c.changeListenersAdded) { c.on({ textchange: d.onButtonAttrChange, iconchange: d.onButtonAttrChange, toggle: d.onButtonToggle }); c.changeListenersAdded = true } delete b.margin; delete b.ownerCt; delete b.xtype; delete b.id; delete b.itemId; return b }, onButtonAttrChange: function (a) { var b = a.overflowClone; b.suspendLayouts(); b.setText(a.text); b.setIcon(a.icon); b.setIconCls(a.iconCls); b.resumeLayouts(true) }, onButtonToggle: function (a, b) { if (a.overflowClone.checked !== b) { a.overflowClone.setChecked(b) } }, addComponentToMenu: function (g, c) { var e = this, d, b, a; if (c instanceof Ext.toolbar.Separator) { g.add("-") } else { if (c.isComponent) { if (c.isXType("splitbutton")) { c.overflowClone = g.add(e.createMenuConfig(c, true)) } else { if (c.isXType("button")) { c.overflowClone = g.add(e.createMenuConfig(c, !c.menu)) } else { if (c.isXType("buttongroup")) { b = c.items.items; a = b.length; for (d = 0; d < a; d++) { e.addComponentToMenu(g, b[d]) } } else { c.overflowClone = g.add(Ext.create(Ext.getClassName(c), e.createMenuConfig(c))) } } } } } }, clearMenu: function () { var e = this.menu, b, c, a, d; if (e && e.items) { b = e.items.items; a = b.length; for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { d = b[c]; if (d.setMenu) { d.setMenu(null) } } } }, destroy: function () { var a = this.menuTrigger; if (a && !this.layout.owner.items.contains(a)) { delete a.ownerCt } Ext.destroy(this.menu, a) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.layout.container.boxOverflow, "Menu", Ext.layout.boxOverflow, "Menu"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.container.boxOverflow.Scroller", Ext.layout.container.boxOverflow.None, { alternateClassName: "Ext.layout.boxOverflow.Scroller", animateScroll: false, scrollIncrement: 20, wheelIncrement: 10, scrollRepeatInterval: 60, scrollDuration: 400, scrollerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "box-scroller", constructor: function (c, a) { var b = this; b.layout = c; Ext.apply(b, a || {}); b.mixins.observable.constructor.call(b); b.addEvents("scroll"); b.scrollPosition = 0; b.scrollSize = 0 }, getPrefixConfig: function () { var d = this, c = d.layout, a = c.owner, b; d.initCSSClasses(); b = Ext.layout.container.Box.prototype.innerCls + " " + d.beforeCtCls; if (a.plain) { b += " " + d.scrollerCls + "-plain" } return { cls: b, cn: { id: a.id + c.names.beforeScrollerSuffix, cls: d.scrollerCls + " " + d.beforeScrollerCls, style: "display:none" } } }, getSuffixConfig: function () { var d = this, c = d.layout, a = c.owner, b = Ext.layout.container.Box.prototype.innerCls + " " + d.afterCtCls; if (a.plain) { b += " " + d.scrollerCls + "-plain" } return { cls: b, cn: { id: a.id + c.names.afterScrollerSuffix, cls: d.scrollerCls + " " + d.afterScrollerCls, style: "display:none" } } }, getOverflowCls: function () { return Ext.baseCSSPrefix + this.layout.direction + "-box-overflow-body" }, initCSSClasses: function () { var d = this, g = Ext.baseCSSPrefix, c = d.layout, h = c.names, a = h.beforeX, e = h.afterX, b = d.getOwnerType(c.owner); d.beforeCtCls = d.beforeCtCls || g + "box-scroller-" + a; d.afterCtCls = d.afterCtCls || g + "box-scroller-" + e; d.beforeScrollerCls = d.beforeScrollerCls || g + b + "-scroll-" + a; d.afterScrollerCls = d.afterScrollerCls || g + b + "-scroll-" + e }, beginLayout: function (b) { var a = this.layout; b.innerCtScrollPos = this.getScrollPosition(); this.callParent(arguments) }, completeLayout: function (c) { var b = this, e = c.state.boxPlan, d = b.layout.names, a; if (e && e.tooNarrow) { a = c.childItems[c.childItems.length - 1]; b.scrollSize = a.props[d.x] + a.props[d.width]; b.updateScrollButtons() } this.callParent(arguments) }, finishedLayout: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.layout, d = Math.min(b.getMaxScrollPosition(), c.innerCtScrollPos); a.innerCt[a.names.setScrollLeft](d) }, handleOverflow: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.layout.names.getWidth; b.showScrollers(); return { reservedSpace: b.beforeCt[a]() + b.afterCt[a]() } }, captureChildElements: function () { var e = this, c = e.layout.owner.el, g, j, b, a, d, h; if (!e.beforeCt) { h = "-hover"; a = "-pressed"; b = e.scrollerCls + h; d = e.scrollerCls + a; g = e.beforeScroller = c.getById(e.layout.owner.id + "-before-scroller"); j = e.afterScroller = c.getById(e.layout.owner.id + "-after-scroller"); e.beforeCt = g.up(""); e.afterCt = j.up(""); e.createWheelListener(); g.addClsOnOver(b); g.addClsOnOver(e.beforeScrollerCls + h); g.addClsOnClick(d); g.addClsOnClick(e.beforeScrollerCls + a); j.addClsOnOver(b); j.addClsOnOver(e.afterScrollerCls + h); j.addClsOnClick(d); j.addClsOnClick(e.afterScrollerCls + a); g.setVisibilityMode(Ext.Element.DISPLAY); j.setVisibilityMode(Ext.Element.DISPLAY); e.beforeRepeater = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(g, { interval: e.scrollRepeatInterval, handler: e.scrollLeft, scope: e }); e.afterRepeater = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(j, { interval: e.scrollRepeatInterval, handler: e.scrollRight, scope: e }) } }, createWheelListener: function () { var a = this; a.layout.innerCt.on({ mousewheel: function (b) { a.scrollBy(a.getWheelDelta(b) * a.wheelIncrement * -1, false) }, stopEvent: true }) }, getWheelDelta: function (a) { return a.getWheelDelta() }, clearOverflow: function () { this.hideScrollers() }, showScrollers: function () { var a = this; a.captureChildElements(); a.beforeScroller.show(); a.afterScroller.show(); a.layout.owner.addClsWithUI(a.layout.direction === "vertical" ? "vertical-scroller" : "scroller") }, hideScrollers: function () { var a = this; if (a.beforeScroller !== undefined) { a.beforeScroller.hide(); a.afterScroller.hide(); a.layout.owner.removeClsWithUI(a.layout.direction === "vertical" ? "vertical-scroller" : "scroller") } }, destroy: function () { var a = this; Ext.destroy(a.beforeRepeater, a.afterRepeater, a.beforeScroller, a.afterScroller, a.beforeCt, a.afterCt) }, scrollBy: function (b, a) { this.scrollTo(this.getScrollPosition() + b, a) }, getScrollAnim: function () { return { duration: this.scrollDuration, callback: this.updateScrollButtons, scope: this } }, updateScrollButtons: function () { var d = this, h, c, a, b, e, g = "-disabled"; if (d.beforeScroller == null || d.afterScroller == null) { return } h = d.atExtremeBefore() ? "addCls" : "removeCls"; c = d.atExtremeAfter() ? "addCls" : "removeCls"; e = d.scrollerCls + g; a = [e, d.beforeScrollerCls + g]; b = [e, d.afterScrollerCls + g]; d.beforeScroller[h](a); d.afterScroller[c](b); d.scrolling = false }, scrollLeft: function () { this.scrollBy(-this.scrollIncrement, false) }, scrollRight: function () { this.scrollBy(this.scrollIncrement, false) }, getScrollPosition: function () { var c = this, b = c.layout, a; if (isNaN(c.scrollPosition)) { a = b.innerCt[b.names.getScrollLeft]() } else { a = c.scrollPosition } return a }, getMaxScrollPosition: function () { var b = this, a = b.layout, c = b.scrollSize - a.innerCt[a.names.getWidth](); return (c < 0) ? 0 : c }, atExtremeBefore: function () { return !this.getScrollPosition() }, atExtremeAfter: function () { return this.getScrollPosition() >= this.getMaxScrollPosition() }, scrollTo: function (a, b) { var g = this, e = g.layout, h = e.names, d = g.getScrollPosition(), c = Ext.Number.constrain(a, 0, g.getMaxScrollPosition()); if (c != d && !g.scrolling) { g.scrollPosition = NaN; if (b === undefined) { b = g.animateScroll } e.innerCt[h.scrollTo](h.beforeScrollX, c, b ? g.getScrollAnim() : false); if (b) { g.scrolling = true } else { g.updateScrollButtons() } g.fireEvent("scroll", g, c, b ? g.getScrollAnim() : false) } }, scrollToItem: function (k, b) { var j = this, e = j.layout, c = e.owner, h = e.names, a, d, g; k = j.getItem(k); if (k !== undefined) { if (k == c.items.first()) { g = 0 } else { if (k === c.items.last()) { g = j.getMaxScrollPosition() } else { a = j.getItemVisibility(k); if (!a.fullyVisible) { d = k.getBox(false, true); g = d[h.x]; if (a.hiddenEnd) { g -= (j.layout.innerCt[h.getWidth]() - d[h.width]) } } } } if (g !== undefined) { j.scrollTo(g, b) } } }, getItemVisibility: function (k) { var h = this, b = h.getItem(k).getBox(true, true), c = h.layout, g = c.names, e = b[g.x], d = e + b[g.width], a = h.getScrollPosition(), j = a + c.innerCt[g.getWidth](); return { hiddenStart: e < a, hiddenEnd: d > j, fullyVisible: e > a && d < j } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.layout.container.boxOverflow, "Scroller", Ext.layout.boxOverflow, "Scroller"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.Offset", Ext.Base, { statics: { fromObject: function (a) { return new this(a.x, a.y) } }, constructor: function (a, b) { this.x = (a != null && !isNaN(a)) ? a : 0; this.y = (b != null && !isNaN(b)) ? b : 0; return this }, copy: function () { return new Ext.util.Offset(this.x, this.y) }, copyFrom: function (a) { this.x = a.x; this.y = a.y }, toString: function () { return "Offset[" + this.x + "," + this.y + "]" }, equals: function (a) { return (this.x == a.x && this.y == a.y) }, round: function (b) { if (!isNaN(b)) { var a = Math.pow(10, b); this.x = Math.round(this.x * a) / a; this.y = Math.round(this.y * a) / a } else { this.x = Math.round(this.x); this.y = Math.round(this.y) } }, isZero: function () { return this.x == 0 && this.y == 0 } }, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "Offset"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.Region", Ext.Base, { statics: { getRegion: function (a) { return Ext.fly(a).getRegion() }, from: function (a) { return new this(a.top, a.right, a.bottom, a.left) } }, constructor: function (d, g, a, c) { var e = this; e.y = e.top = e[1] = d; e.right = g; e.bottom = a; e.x = e.left = e[0] = c }, contains: function (b) { var a = this; return (b.x >= a.x && b.right <= a.right && b.y >= a.y && b.bottom <= a.bottom) }, intersect: function (h) { var g = this, d = Math.max(g.y, h.y), e = Math.min(g.right, h.right), a = Math.min(g.bottom, h.bottom), c = Math.max(g.x, h.x); if (a > d && e > c) { return new this.self(d, e, a, c) } else { return false } }, union: function (h) { var g = this, d = Math.min(g.y, h.y), e = Math.max(g.right, h.right), a = Math.max(g.bottom, h.bottom), c = Math.min(g.x, h.x); return new this.self(d, e, a, c) }, constrainTo: function (b) { var a = this, c = Ext.Number.constrain; a.top = a.y = c(a.top, b.y, b.bottom); a.bottom = c(a.bottom, b.y, b.bottom); a.left = a.x = c(a.left, b.x, b.right); a.right = c(a.right, b.x, b.right); return a }, adjust: function (d, g, a, c) { var e = this; e.top = e.y += d; e.left = e.x += c; e.right += g; e.bottom += a; return e }, getOutOfBoundOffset: function (a, b) { if (!Ext.isObject(a)) { if (a == "x") { return this.getOutOfBoundOffsetX(b) } else { return this.getOutOfBoundOffsetY(b) } } else { b = a; var c = new Ext.util.Offset(); c.x = this.getOutOfBoundOffsetX(b.x); c.y = this.getOutOfBoundOffsetY(b.y); return c } }, getOutOfBoundOffsetX: function (a) { if (a <= this.x) { return this.x - a } else { if (a >= this.right) { return this.right - a } } return 0 }, getOutOfBoundOffsetY: function (a) { if (a <= this.y) { return this.y - a } else { if (a >= this.bottom) { return this.bottom - a } } return 0 }, isOutOfBound: function (a, b) { if (!Ext.isObject(a)) { if (a == "x") { return this.isOutOfBoundX(b) } else { return this.isOutOfBoundY(b) } } else { b = a; return (this.isOutOfBoundX(b.x) || this.isOutOfBoundY(b.y)) } }, isOutOfBoundX: function (a) { return (a < this.x || a > this.right) }, isOutOfBoundY: function (a) { return (a < this.y || a > this.bottom) }, restrict: function (b, d, a) { if (Ext.isObject(b)) { var c; a = d; d = b; if (d.copy) { c = d.copy() } else { c = { x: d.x, y: d.y } } c.x = this.restrictX(d.x, a); c.y = this.restrictY(d.y, a); return c } else { if (b == "x") { return this.restrictX(d, a) } else { return this.restrictY(d, a) } } }, restrictX: function (b, a) { if (!a) { a = 1 } if (b <= this.x) { b -= (b - this.x) * a } else { if (b >= this.right) { b -= (b - this.right) * a } } return b }, restrictY: function (b, a) { if (!a) { a = 1 } if (b <= this.y) { b -= (b - this.y) * a } else { if (b >= this.bottom) { b -= (b - this.bottom) * a } } return b }, getSize: function () { return { width: this.right - this.x, height: this.bottom - this.y } }, copy: function () { return new this.self(this.y, this.right, this.bottom, this.x) }, copyFrom: function (b) { var a = this; a.top = a.y = a[1] = b.y; a.right = b.right; a.bottom = b.bottom; a.left = a.x = a[0] = b.x; return this }, toString: function () { return "Region[" + this.top + "," + this.right + "," + this.bottom + "," + this.left + "]" }, translateBy: function (a, c) { if (arguments.length == 1) { c = a.y; a = a.x } var b = this; b.top = b.y += c; b.right += a; b.bottom += c; b.left = b.x += a; return b }, round: function () { var a = this; a.top = a.y = Math.round(a.y); a.right = Math.round(a.right); a.bottom = Math.round(a.bottom); a.left = a.x = Math.round(a.x); return a }, equals: function (a) { return (this.top == a.top && this.right == a.right && this.bottom == a.bottom && this.left == a.left) } }, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "Region"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.dd.DragDropManager", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, alternateClassName: ["Ext.dd.DragDropMgr", "Ext.dd.DDM"], ids: {}, handleIds: {}, dragCurrent: null, dragOvers: {}, deltaX: 0, deltaY: 0, preventDefault: true, stopPropagation: true, initialized: false, locked: false, init: function () { this.initialized = true }, POINT: 0, INTERSECT: 1, mode: 0, notifyOccluded: false, dragCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "dd-drag-current", _execOnAll: function (c, b) { var d, a, e; for (d in this.ids) { for (a in this.ids[d]) { e = this.ids[d][a]; if (!this.isTypeOfDD(e)) { continue } e[c].apply(e, b) } } }, _onLoad: function () { this.init(); var a = Ext.EventManager; a.on(document, "mouseup", this.handleMouseUp, this, true); a.on(document, "mousemove", this.handleMouseMove, this, true); a.on(window, "unload", this._onUnload, this, true); a.on(window, "resize", this._onResize, this, true) }, _onResize: function (a) { this._execOnAll("resetConstraints", []) }, lock: function () { this.locked = true }, unlock: function () { this.locked = false }, isLocked: function () { return this.locked }, locationCache: {}, useCache: true, clickPixelThresh: 3, clickTimeThresh: 350, dragThreshMet: false, clickTimeout: null, startX: 0, startY: 0, regDragDrop: function (b, a) { if (!this.initialized) { this.init() } if (!this.ids[a]) { this.ids[a] = {} } this.ids[a][b.id] = b }, removeDDFromGroup: function (c, a) { if (!this.ids[a]) { this.ids[a] = {} } var b = this.ids[a]; if (b && b[c.id]) { delete b[c.id] } }, _remove: function (b) { for (var a in b.groups) { if (a && this.ids[a] && this.ids[a][b.id]) { delete this.ids[a][b.id] } } delete this.handleIds[b.id] }, regHandle: function (b, a) { if (!this.handleIds[b]) { this.handleIds[b] = {} } this.handleIds[b][a] = a }, isDragDrop: function (a) { return (this.getDDById(a)) ? true : false }, getRelated: function (g, b) { var e = [], d, c, a; for (d in g.groups) { for (c in this.ids[d]) { a = this.ids[d][c]; if (!this.isTypeOfDD(a)) { continue } if (!b || a.isTarget) { e[e.length] = a } } } return e }, isLegalTarget: function (e, d) { var b = this.getRelated(e, true), c, a; for (c = 0, a = b.length; c < a; ++c) { if (b[c].id == d.id) { return true } } return false }, isTypeOfDD: function (a) { return (a && a.__ygDragDrop) }, isHandle: function (b, a) { return (this.handleIds[b] && this.handleIds[b][a]) }, getDDById: function (c) { var b, a; for (b in this.ids) { a = this.ids[b][c]; if (a instanceof Ext.dd.DDTarget) { return a } } return null }, handleMouseDown: function (d, c) { var b = this, a; if (Ext.quickTipsActive) { Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.ddDisable() } if (b.dragCurrent) { b.handleMouseUp(d) } b.currentTarget = d.getTarget(); b.dragCurrent = c; a = c.getEl(); if (Ext.isIE9m && a.setCapture) { a.setCapture() } b.startX = d.getPageX(); b.startY = d.getPageY(); b.deltaX = b.startX - a.offsetLeft; b.deltaY = b.startY - a.offsetTop; b.dragThreshMet = false; b.clickTimeout = setTimeout(function () { b.startDrag(b.startX, b.startY) }, b.clickTimeThresh) }, startDrag: function (b, e) { var c = this, d = c.dragCurrent, a; clearTimeout(c.clickTimeout); if (d) { d.b4StartDrag(b, e); d.startDrag(b, e); a = d.getDragEl(); if (a) { Ext.fly(a).addCls(c.dragCls) } } c.dragThreshMet = true }, handleMouseUp: function (b) { var a = this; if (Ext.quickTipsActive) { Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.ddEnable() } if (!a.dragCurrent) { return } if (Ext.isIE && document.releaseCapture) { document.releaseCapture() } clearTimeout(a.clickTimeout); if (a.dragThreshMet) { a.fireEvents(b, true) } a.stopDrag(b); a.stopEvent(b) }, stopEvent: function (a) { if (this.stopPropagation) { a.stopPropagation() } if (this.preventDefault) { a.preventDefault() } }, stopDrag: function (d) { var b = this, c = b.dragCurrent, a; if (c) { if (b.dragThreshMet) { a = c.getDragEl(); if (a) { Ext.fly(a).removeCls(b.dragCls) } c.b4EndDrag(d); c.endDrag(d) } b.dragCurrent.onMouseUp(d) } b.dragCurrent = null; b.dragOvers = {} }, handleMouseMove: function (g) { var c = this, d = c.dragCurrent, b, a; if (!d) { return true } if (!c.dragThreshMet) { b = Math.abs(c.startX - g.getPageX()); a = Math.abs(c.startY - g.getPageY()); if (b > c.clickPixelThresh || a > c.clickPixelThresh) { c.startDrag(c.startX, c.startY) } } if (c.dragThreshMet) { d.b4Drag(g); d.onDrag(g); if (!d.moveOnly) { c.fireEvents(g, false) } } c.stopEvent(g); return true }, fireEvents: function (u, m) { var w = this, g = w.dragCurrent, c, o, s = u.getPoint(), d, l, n = [], h = [], k = [], a = [], v = [], t = [], j, b, q, r, p; if (!g || g.isLocked()) { return } if (!w.notifyOccluded && (!Ext.supports.PointerEvents || Ext.isIE10m || Ext.isOpera) && !(g.deltaX < 0 || g.deltaY < 0)) { c = g.getDragEl(); o = c.style.top; c.style.top = "-10000px"; j = u.getXY(); u.target = document.elementFromPoint(j[0], j[1]); c.style.top = o } for (q in w.dragOvers) { d = w.dragOvers[q]; if (!w.isTypeOfDD(d)) { continue } if (w.notifyOccluded) { if (!this.isOverTarget(s, d, w.mode)) { k.push(d) } } else { if (!u.within(d.getEl())) { k.push(d) } } h[q] = true; delete w.dragOvers[q] } for (p in g.groups) { if ("string" != typeof p) { continue } for (q in w.ids[p]) { d = w.ids[p][q]; if (w.isTypeOfDD(d) && (l = d.getEl()) && (d.isTarget) && (!d.isLocked()) && (Ext.fly(l).isVisible(true)) && ((d != g) || (g.ignoreSelf === false))) { if (w.notifyOccluded) { if ((d.zIndex = w.getZIndex(l)) !== -1) { b = true } n.push(d) } else { if (u.within(d.getEl())) { n.push(d); break } } } } } if (b) { Ext.Array.sort(n, w.byZIndex) } for (q = 0, r = n.length; q < r; q++) { d = n[q]; if (w.isOverTarget(s, d, w.mode)) { if (m) { v.push(d) } else { if (!h[d.id]) { t.push(d) } else { a.push(d) } w.dragOvers[d.id] = d } if (!w.notifyOccluded) { break } } } if (w.mode) { if (k.length) { g.b4DragOut(u, k); g.onDragOut(u, k) } if (t.length) { g.onDragEnter(u, t) } if (a.length) { g.b4DragOver(u, a); g.onDragOver(u, a) } if (v.length) { g.b4DragDrop(u, v); g.onDragDrop(u, v) } } else { for (q = 0, r = k.length; q < r; ++q) { g.b4DragOut(u, k[q].id); g.onDragOut(u, k[q].id) } for (q = 0, r = t.length; q < r; ++q) { g.onDragEnter(u, t[q].id) } for (q = 0, r = a.length; q < r; ++q) { g.b4DragOver(u, a[q].id); g.onDragOver(u, a[q].id) } for (q = 0, r = v.length; q < r; ++q) { g.b4DragDrop(u, v[q].id); g.onDragDrop(u, v[q].id) } } if (m && !v.length) { g.onInvalidDrop(u) } }, getZIndex: function (b) { var a = document.body, c, d = -1; b = Ext.getDom(b); while (b !== a) { if (!isNaN(c = Number(Ext.fly(b).getStyle("zIndex")))) { d = c } b = b.parentNode } return d }, byZIndex: function (b, a) { return b.zIndex < a.zIndex }, getBestMatch: function (c) { var e = null, b = c.length, d, a; if (b == 1) { e = c[0] } else { for (d = 0; d < b; ++d) { a = c[d]; if (a.cursorIsOver) { e = a; break } else { if (!e || e.overlap.getArea() < a.overlap.getArea()) { e = a } } } } return e }, refreshCache: function (b) { var a, c, d, e; for (a in b) { if ("string" != typeof a) { continue } for (c in this.ids[a]) { d = this.ids[a][c]; if (this.isTypeOfDD(d)) { e = this.getLocation(d); if (e) { this.locationCache[d.id] = e } else { delete this.locationCache[d.id] } } } } }, verifyEl: function (b) { if (b) { var a; if (Ext.isIE) { try { a = b.offsetParent } catch (c) {} } else { a = b.offsetParent } if (a) { return true } } return false }, getLocation: function (j) { if (!this.isTypeOfDD(j)) { return null } if (j.getRegion) { return j.getRegion() } var g = j.getEl(), n, d, c, p, o, q, a, m, h; try { n = Ext.Element.getXY(g) } catch (k) {} if (!n) { return null } d = n[0]; c = d + g.offsetWidth; p = n[1]; o = p + g.offsetHeight; q = p - j.padding[0]; a = c + j.padding[1]; m = o + j.padding[2]; h = d - j.padding[3]; return new Ext.util.Region(q, a, m, h) }, isOverTarget: function (k, a, c) { var e = this.locationCache[a.id], j, g, b, d, h; if (!e || !this.useCache) { e = this.getLocation(a); this.locationCache[a.id] = e } if (!e) { return false } a.cursorIsOver = e.contains(k); j = this.dragCurrent; if (!j || !j.getTargetCoord || (!c && !j.constrainX && !j.constrainY)) { return a.cursorIsOver } a.overlap = null; g = j.getTargetCoord(k.x, k.y); b = j.getDragEl(); d = new Ext.util.Region(g.y, g.x + b.offsetWidth, g.y + b.offsetHeight, g.x); h = d.intersect(e); if (h) { a.overlap = h; return (c) ? true : a.cursorIsOver } else { return false } }, _onUnload: function (b, a) { Ext.dd.DragDropManager.unregAll() }, unregAll: function () { if (this.dragCurrent) { this.stopDrag(); this.dragCurrent = null } this._execOnAll("unreg", []); for (var a in this.elementCache) { delete this.elementCache[a] } this.elementCache = {}; this.ids = {} }, elementCache: {}, getElWrapper: function (b) { var a = this.elementCache[b]; if (!a || !a.el) { a = this.elementCache[b] = new this.ElementWrapper(Ext.getDom(b)) } return a }, getElement: function (a) { return Ext.getDom(a) }, getCss: function (b) { var a = Ext.getDom(b); return (a) ? a.style : null }, ElementWrapper: function (a) { this.el = a || null; this.id = this.el && a.id; this.css = this.el && a.style }, getPosX: function (a) { return Ext.Element.getX(a) }, getPosY: function (a) { return Ext.Element.getY(a) }, swapNode: function (c, a) { if (c.swapNode) { c.swapNode(a) } else { var d = a.parentNode, b = a.nextSibling; if (b == c) { d.insertBefore(c, a) } else { if (a == c.nextSibling) { d.insertBefore(a, c) } else { c.parentNode.replaceChild(a, c); d.insertBefore(c, b) } } } }, getScroll: function () { var d = window.document, e = d.documentElement, a = d.body, c = 0, b = 0; if (Ext.isGecko4) { c = window.scrollYOffset; b = window.scrollXOffset } else { if (e && (e.scrollTop || e.scrollLeft)) { c = e.scrollTop; b = e.scrollLeft } else { if (a) { c = a.scrollTop; b = a.scrollLeft } } } return { top: c, left: b } }, getStyle: function (b, a) { return Ext.fly(b).getStyle(a) }, getScrollTop: function () { return this.getScroll().top }, getScrollLeft: function () { return this.getScroll().left }, moveToEl: function (a, c) { var b = Ext.Element.getXY(c); Ext.Element.setXY(a, b) }, numericSort: function (d, c) { return (d - c) }, _timeoutCount: 0, _addListeners: function () { if (document) { this._onLoad() } else { if (this._timeoutCount <= 2000) { setTimeout(this._addListeners, 10); if (document && document.body) { this._timeoutCount += 1 } } } }, handleWasClicked: function (a, c) { if (this.isHandle(c, a.id)) { return true } else { var b = a.parentNode; while (b) { if (this.isHandle(c, b.id)) { return true } else { b = b.parentNode } } } return false } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.dd, "DragDropManager", Ext.dd, "DragDropMgr", Ext.dd, "DDM"], function () { this._addListeners() })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.container.Box", Ext.layout.container.Container, { alternateClassName: "Ext.layout.BoxLayout", defaultMargins: { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 }, padding: 0, pack: "start", flex: undefined, stretchMaxPartner: undefined, alignRoundingMethod: "round", type: "box", scrollOffset: 0, itemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "box-item", targetCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "box-layout-ct", targetElCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "box-target", innerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "box-inner", availableSpaceOffset: 0, reserveOffset: true, manageMargins: true, createsInnerCt: true, childEls: ["innerCt", "targetEl"], renderTpl: ["{%var oc,l=values.$comp.layout,oh=l.overflowHandler;", "if (oh.getPrefixConfig!==Ext.emptyFn) {", "if(oc=oh.getPrefixConfig())dh.generateMarkup(oc, out)", "}%}", '", "{%if (oh.getSuffixConfig!==Ext.emptyFn) {", "if(oc=oh.getSuffixConfig())dh.generateMarkup(oc, out)", "}%}", { disableFormats: true, definitions: "var dh=Ext.DomHelper;" } ], constructor: function (a) { var c = this, b; c.callParent(arguments); c.flexSortFn = Ext.Function.bind(c.flexSort, c); c.initOverflowHandler(); b = typeof c.padding; if (b == "string" || b == "number") { c.padding = Ext.util.Format.parseBox(c.padding); c.padding.height = c.padding.top + c.padding.bottom; c.padding.width = c.padding.left + c.padding.right } }, _percentageRe: /^\s*(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\s*[%]\s*$/, getItemSizePolicy: function (p, q) { var l = this, j = l.sizePolicy, h = l.align, g = p.flex, n = h, k = l.names, b = p[k.width], o = p[k.height], d = l._percentageRe, c = d.test(b), e = (h == "stretch"), a = (h == "stretchmax"), m = l.constrainAlign; if (!q && (e || g || c || (m && !a))) { q = l.owner.getSizeModel() } if (e) { if (!d.test(o) && q[k.height].shrinkWrap) { n = "stretchmax" } } else { if (!a) { if (d.test(o)) { n = "stretch" } else { if (m && !q[k.height].shrinkWrap) { n = "stretchmax" } else { n = "" } } } } if (g || c) { if (!q[k.width].shrinkWrap) { j = j.flex } } return j[n] }, flexSort: function (n, m) { var k = this.names.maxWidth, e = this.names.minWidth, l = Infinity, j = n.target, q = m.target, r = 0, c, o, h, d, p, g; h = j[k] || l; d = q[k] || l; c = j[e] || 0; o = q[e] || 0; p = isFinite(c) || isFinite(o); g = isFinite(h) || isFinite(d); if (p || g) { if (g) { r = h - d } if (r === 0 && p) { r = o - c } } return r }, isItemBoxParent: function (a) { return true }, isItemShrinkWrap: function (a) { return true }, roundFlex: function (a) { return Math.ceil(a) }, beginCollapse: function (b) { var a = this; if (a.direction === "vertical" && b.collapsedVertical()) { b.collapseMemento.capture(["flex"]); delete b.flex } else { if (a.direction === "horizontal" && b.collapsedHorizontal()) { b.collapseMemento.capture(["flex"]); delete b.flex } } }, beginExpand: function (a) { a.collapseMemento.restore(["flex"]) }, beginLayout: function (d) { var c = this, a = c.owner, g = a.stretchMaxPartner, b = c.innerCt.dom.style, e = c.names; d.boxNames = e; c.overflowHandler.beginLayout(d); if (typeof g === "string") { g = Ext.getCmp(g) || a.query(g)[0] } d.stretchMaxPartner = g && d.context.getCmp(g); c.callParent(arguments); d.innerCtContext = d.getEl("innerCt", c); c.scrollParallel = a.scrollFlags[e.x]; c.scrollPerpendicular = a.scrollFlags[e.y]; if (c.scrollParallel) { c.scrollPos = a.getTargetEl().dom[e.scrollLeft] } b.width = ""; b.height = "" }, beginLayoutCycle: function (e, a) { var d = this, h = d.align, g = e.boxNames, b = d.pack, c = g.heightModel; d.overflowHandler.beginLayoutCycle(e, a); d.callParent(arguments); e.parallelSizeModel = e[g.widthModel]; e.perpendicularSizeModel = e[c]; e.boxOptions = { align: h = { stretch: h == "stretch", stretchmax: h == "stretchmax", center: h == g.center, bottom: h == g.afterY }, pack: b = { center: b == "center", end: b == "end" } }; if (h.stretch && e.perpendicularSizeModel.shrinkWrap) { h.stretchmax = true; h.stretch = false } h.nostretch = !(h.stretch || h.stretchmax); if (e.parallelSizeModel.shrinkWrap) { b.center = b.end = false } d.cacheFlexes(e); d.targetEl.setWidth(20000) }, cacheFlexes: function (k) { var u = this, l = k.boxNames, a = l.widthModel, d = l.heightModel, c = k.boxOptions.align.nostretch, o = 0, b = k.childItems, q = b.length, s = [], m = 0, j = l.minWidth, g = u._percentageRe, r = 0, t = 0, e, n, p, h; while (q--) { n = b[q]; e = n.target; if (n[a].calculated) { n.flex = p = e.flex; if (p) { o += p; s.push(n); m += e[j] || 0 } else { h = g.exec(e[l.width]); n.percentageParallel = parseFloat(h[1]) / 100; ++r } } if (c && n[d].calculated) { h = g.exec(e[l.height]); n.percentagePerpendicular = parseFloat(h[1]) / 100; ++t } } k.flexedItems = s; k.flexedMinSize = m; k.totalFlex = o; k.percentageWidths = r; k.percentageHeights = t; Ext.Array.sort(s, u.flexSortFn) }, calculate: function (e) { var c = this, b = c.getContainerSize(e), h = e.boxNames, d = e.state, g = d.boxPlan || (d.boxPlan = {}), a = e.targetContext; g.targetSize = b; if (!e.parallelSizeModel.shrinkWrap && !b[h.gotWidth]) { c.done = false; return } if (!d.parallelDone) { d.parallelDone = c.calculateParallel(e, h, g) } if (!d.perpendicularDone) { d.perpendicularDone = c.calculatePerpendicular(e, h, g) } if (d.parallelDone && d.perpendicularDone) { if (c.owner.dock && (Ext.isIE7m || Ext.isIEQuirks) && !c.owner.width && !c.horizontal) { g.isIEVerticalDock = true; g.calculatedWidth = g.maxSize + e.getPaddingInfo().width + e.getFrameInfo().width; if (a !== e) { g.calculatedWidth += a.getPaddingInfo().width } } c.publishInnerCtSize(e, c.reserveOffset ? c.availableSpaceOffset : 0); if (c.done && (e.childItems.length > 1 || e.stretchMaxPartner) && e.boxOptions.align.stretchmax && !d.stretchMaxDone) { c.calculateStretchMax(e, h, g); d.stretchMaxDone = true } c.overflowHandler.calculate(e) } else { c.done = false } }, calculateParallel: function (k, n, b) { var F = this, z = n.width, a = k.childItems, s = n.beforeX, d = n.afterX, q = n.setWidth, A = a.length, x = k.flexedItems, r = x.length, v = k.boxOptions.pack, m = F.padding, h = b.targetSize[z], B = 0, e = m[s], E = e + m[d] + F.scrollOffset + (F.reserveOffset ? F.availableSpaceOffset : 0), w = Ext.getScrollbarSize()[n.width], u, l, g, y, o, t, D, p, C, c, j; if (w && F.scrollPerpendicular && k.parallelSizeModel.shrinkWrap && !k.boxOptions.align.stretch && !k.perpendicularSizeModel.shrinkWrap) { if (!k.state.perpendicularDone) { return false } C = true } for (u = 0; u < A; ++u) { o = a[u]; l = o.marginInfo || o.getMarginInfo(); B += l[z]; if (!o[n.widthModel].calculated) { c = o.getProp(z); E += c; if (isNaN(E)) { return false } } } E += B; if (k.percentageWidths) { j = h - B; if (isNaN(j)) { return false } for (u = 0; u < A; ++u) { o = a[u]; if (o.percentageParallel) { c = Math.ceil(j * o.percentageParallel); c = o.setWidth(c); E += c } } } if (k.parallelSizeModel.shrinkWrap) { b.availableSpace = 0; b.tooNarrow = false } else { b.availableSpace = h - E; b.tooNarrow = b.availableSpace < k.flexedMinSize; if (b.tooNarrow && Ext.getScrollbarSize()[n.height] && F.scrollParallel && k.state.perpendicularDone) { k.state.perpendicularDone = false; for (u = 0; u < A; ++u) { a[u].invalidate() } } } p = E; g = b.availableSpace; y = k.totalFlex; for (u = 0; u < r; u++) { o = x[u]; t = o.flex; D = F.roundFlex((t / y) * g); D = o[q](D); p += D; g = Math.max(0, g - D); y -= t } if (v.center) { e += g / 2; if (e < 0) { e = 0 } } else { if (v.end) { e += g } } for (u = 0; u < A; ++u) { o = a[u]; l = o.marginInfo; e += l[s]; o.setProp(n.x, e); e += l[d] + o.props[z] } p += k.targetContext.getPaddingInfo()[z]; k.state.contentWidth = p; if (C && (k.peek(n.contentHeight) > b.targetSize[n.height])) { p += w; k[n.hasOverflowY] = true; k.target.componentLayout[n.setWidthInDom] = true; k[n.invalidateScrollY] = Ext.isStrict && Ext.isIE8 } k[n.setContentWidth](p); return true }, calculatePerpendicular: function (u, K, z) { var t = this, d = u.perpendicularSizeModel.shrinkWrap, b = z.targetSize, j = u.childItems, y = j.length, m = Math.max, l = K.height, n = K.setHeight, h = K.beforeY, s = K.y, H = t.padding, k = H[h], o = b[l] - k - H[K.afterY], E = u.boxOptions.align, p = E.stretch, q = E.stretchmax, N = E.center, M = E.bottom, G = t.constrainAlign, F = 0, B = 0, D = t.onBeforeConstrainInvalidateChild, A = t.onAfterConstrainInvalidateChild, a = Ext.getScrollbarSize().height, x, I, C, v, w, c, r, e, L, J, g; if (p || ((N || M) && !d)) { if (isNaN(o)) { return false } } if (t.scrollParallel && z.tooNarrow) { if (d) { J = true } else { o -= a; z.targetSize[l] -= a } } if (p) { c = o } else { for (I = 0; I < y; I++) { r = j[I]; v = (r.marginInfo || r.getMarginInfo())[l]; if (!(g = r.percentagePerpendicular)) { C = r.getProp(l) } else { ++B; if (d) { continue } else { C = g * o - v; C = r[K.setHeight](C) } } if (!d && G && r[K.heightModel].shrinkWrap && C > o) { r.invalidate({ before: D, after: A, layout: t, childHeight: o, names: K }); u.state.parallelDone = false } if (isNaN(F = m(F, C + v, r.target[K.minHeight] || 0))) { return false } } if (J) { F += a; u[K.hasOverflowX] = true; u.target.componentLayout[K.setHeightInDom] = true; u[K.invalidateScrollX] = Ext.isStrict && Ext.isIE8 } e = u.stretchMaxPartner; if (e) { u.setProp("maxChildHeight", F); L = e.childItems; if (L && L.length) { F = m(F, e.getProp("maxChildHeight")); if (isNaN(F)) { return false } } } u[K.setContentHeight](F + t.padding[l] + u.targetContext.getPaddingInfo()[l]); if (J) { F -= a } z.maxSize = F; if (q) { c = F } else { if (N || M || B) { if (G) { c = d ? F : o } else { c = d ? F : m(o, F) } c -= u.innerCtContext.getBorderInfo()[l] } } } for (I = 0; I < y; I++) { r = j[I]; v = r.marginInfo || r.getMarginInfo(); x = k + v[h]; if (p) { r[n](c - v[l]) } else { g = r.percentagePerpendicular; if (d && g) { v = r.marginInfo || r.getMarginInfo(); C = g * c - v[l]; C = r.setHeight(C) } if (N) { w = c - r.props[l]; if (w > 0) { x = k + Math[t.alignRoundingMethod](w / 2) } } else { if (M) { x = m(0, c - x - r.props[l]) } } } r.setProp(s, x) } return true }, onBeforeConstrainInvalidateChild: function (b, a) { var c = a.names.heightModel; if (!b[c].constrainedMin) { b[c] = Ext.layout.SizeModel.calculated } }, onAfterConstrainInvalidateChild: function (b, a) { var c = a.names; b.setProp(c.beforeY, 0); if (b[c.heightModel].calculated) { b[c.setHeight](a.childHeight) } }, calculateStretchMax: function (c, k, m) { var l = this, h = k.height, n = k.width, g = c.childItems, a = g.length, p = m.maxSize, o = l.onBeforeStretchMaxInvalidateChild, e = l.onAfterStretchMaxInvalidateChild, q, j, d, b; for (d = 0; d < a; ++d) { q = g[d]; j = q.props; b = p - q.getMarginInfo()[h]; if (b != j[h] || q[k.heightModel].constrained) { q.invalidate({ before: o, after: e, layout: l, childWidth: j[n], childHeight: b, childX: j.x, childY: j.y, names: k }) } } }, onBeforeStretchMaxInvalidateChild: function (b, a) { var c = a.names.heightModel; if (!b[c].constrainedMax) { b[c] = Ext.layout.SizeModel.calculated } }, onAfterStretchMaxInvalidateChild: function (d, c) { var e = c.names, a = c.childHeight, b = c.childWidth; d.setProp("x", c.childX); d.setProp("y", c.childY); if (d[e.heightModel].calculated) { d[e.setHeight](a) } if (d[e.widthModel].calculated) { d[e.setWidth](b) } }, completeLayout: function (b) { var k = this, j = b.boxNames, h = b.invalidateScrollX, g = b.invalidateScrollY, d, a, e, c, l; k.overflowHandler.completeLayout(b); if (h || g) { a = k.getTarget(); d = a.dom; l = d.style; if (h) { e = a.getStyle("overflowX"); if (e == "auto") { e = l.overflowX; l.overflowX = "scroll" } else { h = false } } if (g) { c = a.getStyle("overflowY"); if (c == "auto") { c = l.overflowY; l.overflowY = "scroll" } else { g = false } } if (h || g) { d.scrollWidth; if (h) { l.overflowX = e } if (g) { l.overflowY = c } } } if (k.scrollParallel) { k.owner.getTargetEl().dom[j.scrollLeft] = k.scrollPos } }, finishedLayout: function (a) { this.overflowHandler.finishedLayout(a); this.callParent(arguments); this.targetEl.setWidth(a.innerCtContext.props.width) }, publishInnerCtSize: function (a, d) { var j = this, h = a.boxNames, g = h.height, l = h.width, e = a.boxOptions.align, p = j.owner.dock, m = j.padding, k = a.state.boxPlan, c = k.targetSize, o = c[g], q = a.innerCtContext, b = (a.parallelSizeModel.shrinkWrap || (k.tooNarrow && j.scrollParallel) ? a.state.contentWidth - a.targetContext.getPaddingInfo()[l] : c[l]) - (d || 0), n; if (e.stretch) { n = o } else { n = k.maxSize + m[h.beforeY] + m[h.afterY] + q.getBorderInfo()[g]; if (!a.perpendicularSizeModel.shrinkWrap && (e.center || e.bottom)) { n = Math.max(o, n) } } q[h.setWidth](b); q[h.setHeight](n); if (isNaN(b + n)) { j.done = false } if (k.calculatedWidth && (p == "left" || p == "right")) { a.setWidth(k.calculatedWidth, true, true) } }, onRemove: function (a) { var b = this; b.callParent(arguments); if (b.overflowHandler) { b.overflowHandler.onRemove(a) } if (a.layoutMarginCap == b.id) { delete a.layoutMarginCap } }, initOverflowHandler: function () { var d = this, c = d.overflowHandler, b, a; if (typeof c == "string") { c = { type: c } } b = "None"; if (c && c.type !== undefined) { b = c.type } a = Ext.layout.container.boxOverflow[b]; if (a[d.type]) { a = a[d.type] } d.overflowHandler = Ext.create("Ext.layout.container.boxOverflow." + b, d, c) }, getRenderTarget: function () { return this.targetEl }, getElementTarget: function () { return this.innerCt }, destroy: function () { Ext.destroy(this.innerCt, this.overflowHandler); this.callParent(arguments) }, getRenderData: function () { var a = this.callParent(); a.targetElCls = this.targetElCls; return a } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.box"], 0, [Ext.layout.container, "Box", Ext.layout, "BoxLayout"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.container.HBox", Ext.layout.container.Box, { alternateClassName: "Ext.layout.HBoxLayout", align: "top", constrainAlign: false, type: "hbox", direction: "horizontal", horizontal: true, names: { beforeX: "left", beforeScrollX: "left", beforeScrollerSuffix: "-before-scroller", afterScrollerSuffix: "-after-scroller", leftCap: "Left", afterX: "right", width: "width", contentWidth: "contentWidth", minWidth: "minWidth", maxWidth: "maxWidth", widthCap: "Width", widthModel: "widthModel", widthIndex: 0, x: "x", scrollLeft: "scrollLeft", overflowX: "overflowX", hasOverflowX: "hasOverflowX", invalidateScrollX: "invalidateScrollX", parallelMargins: "lr", center: "middle", beforeY: "top", afterY: "bottom", height: "height", contentHeight: "contentHeight", minHeight: "minHeight", maxHeight: "maxHeight", heightCap: "Height", heightModel: "heightModel", heightIndex: 1, y: "y", overflowY: "overflowY", hasOverflowY: "hasOverflowY", invalidateScrollY: "invalidateScrollY", perpendicularMargins: "tb", getWidth: "getWidth", getHeight: "getHeight", setWidth: "setWidth", setHeight: "setHeight", gotWidth: "gotWidth", gotHeight: "gotHeight", setContentWidth: "setContentWidth", setContentHeight: "setContentHeight", setWidthInDom: "setWidthInDom", setHeightInDom: "setHeightInDom", getScrollLeft: "getScrollLeft", setScrollLeft: "setScrollLeft", scrollTo: "scrollTo" }, sizePolicy: { flex: { "": { readsWidth: 0, readsHeight: 1, setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 0 }, stretch: { readsWidth: 0, readsHeight: 0, setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 1 }, stretchmax: { readsWidth: 0, readsHeight: 1, setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 1 } }, "": { readsWidth: 1, readsHeight: 1, setsWidth: 0, setsHeight: 0 }, stretch: { readsWidth: 1, readsHeight: 0, setsWidth: 0, setsHeight: 1 }, stretchmax: { readsWidth: 1, readsHeight: 1, setsWidth: 0, setsHeight: 1 } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.hbox"], 0, [Ext.layout.container, "HBox", Ext.layout, "HBoxLayout"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.container.VBox", Ext.layout.container.Box, { alternateClassName: "Ext.layout.VBoxLayout", align: "left", constrainAlign: false, type: "vbox", direction: "vertical", horizontal: false, names: { beforeX: "top", beforeScrollX: "top", beforeScrollerSuffix: "-before-scroller", afterScrollerSuffix: "-after-scroller", leftCap: "Top", afterX: "bottom", width: "height", contentWidth: "contentHeight", minWidth: "minHeight", maxWidth: "maxHeight", widthCap: "Height", widthModel: "heightModel", widthIndex: 1, x: "y", scrollLeft: "scrollTop", overflowX: "overflowY", hasOverflowX: "hasOverflowY", invalidateScrollX: "invalidateScrollY", parallelMargins: "tb", center: "center", beforeY: "left", afterY: "right", height: "width", contentHeight: "contentWidth", minHeight: "minWidth", maxHeight: "maxWidth", heightCap: "Width", heightModel: "widthModel", heightIndex: 0, y: "x", overflowY: "overflowX", hasOverflowY: "hasOverflowX", invalidateScrollY: "invalidateScrollX", perpendicularMargins: "lr", getWidth: "getHeight", getHeight: "getWidth", setWidth: "setHeight", setHeight: "setWidth", gotWidth: "gotHeight", gotHeight: "gotWidth", setContentWidth: "setContentHeight", setContentHeight: "setContentWidth", setWidthInDom: "setHeightInDom", setHeightInDom: "setWidthInDom", getScrollLeft: "getScrollTop", setScrollLeft: "setScrollTop", scrollTo: "scrollTo" }, sizePolicy: { flex: { "": { readsWidth: 1, readsHeight: 0, setsWidth: 0, setsHeight: 1 }, stretch: { readsWidth: 0, readsHeight: 0, setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 1 }, stretchmax: { readsWidth: 1, readsHeight: 0, setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 1 } }, "": { readsWidth: 1, readsHeight: 1, setsWidth: 0, setsHeight: 0 }, stretch: { readsWidth: 0, readsHeight: 1, setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 0 }, stretchmax: { readsWidth: 1, readsHeight: 1, setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 0 } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.vbox"], 0, [Ext.layout.container, "VBox", Ext.layout, "VBoxLayout"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.toolbar.Toolbar", Ext.container.Container, { alternateClassName: "Ext.Toolbar", isToolbar: true, baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "toolbar", ariaRole: "toolbar", defaultType: "button", vertical: false, enableOverflow: false, menuTriggerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "toolbar-more-icon", trackMenus: true, itemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "toolbar-item", statics: { shortcuts: { "-": "tbseparator", " ": "tbspacer" }, shortcutsHV: { 0: { "->": { xtype: "tbfill", height: 0 } }, 1: { "->": { xtype: "tbfill", width: 0 } } } }, initComponent: function () { var a = this; if (!a.layout && a.enableOverflow) { a.layout = { overflowHandler: "Menu" } } if (a.dock === "right" || a.dock === "left") { a.vertical = true } a.layout = Ext.applyIf(Ext.isString(a.layout) ? { type: a.layout } : a.layout || {}, { type: a.vertical ? "vbox" : "hbox", align: a.vertical ? "stretchmax" : "middle" }); if (a.vertical) { a.addClsWithUI("vertical") } if (a.ui === "footer") { a.ignoreBorderManagement = true } a.callParent(); a.addEvents("overflowchange") }, getRefItems: function (a) { var e = this, b = e.callParent(arguments), d = e.layout, c; if (a && e.enableOverflow) { c = d.overflowHandler; if (c && c.menu) { b = b.concat(c.menu.getRefItems(a)) } } return b }, lookupComponent: function (e) { var d = arguments; if (typeof e == "string") { var b = Ext.toolbar.Toolbar, a = b.shortcutsHV[this.vertical ? 1 : 0][e] || b.shortcuts[e]; if (typeof a == "string") { e = { xtype: a } } else { if (a) { e = Ext.apply({}, a) } else { e = { xtype: "tbtext", text: e } } } this.applyDefaults(e); d = [e] } return this.callParent(d) }, applyDefaults: function (a) { if (!Ext.isString(a)) { a = this.callParent(arguments) } return a }, trackMenu: function (c, a) { if (this.trackMenus && c.menu) { var d = a ? "mun" : "mon", b = this; b[d](c, "mouseover", b.onButtonOver, b); b[d](c, "menushow", b.onButtonMenuShow, b); b[d](c, "menuhide", b.onButtonMenuHide, b) } }, onBeforeAdd: function (b) { var c = this, a = b.isButton; if (a && c.defaultButtonUI && b.ui === "default" && !b.hasOwnProperty("ui")) { b.ui = c.defaultButtonUI } else { if ((a || b.isFormField) && c.ui !== "footer") { b.ui = b.ui + "-toolbar"; b.addCls(b.baseCls + "-toolbar") } } if (b instanceof Ext.toolbar.Separator) { b.setUI((c.vertical) ? "vertical" : "horizontal") } c.callParent(arguments) }, onAdd: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); this.trackMenu(a) }, onRemove: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); this.trackMenu(a, true) }, getChildItemsToDisable: function () { return this.items.getRange() }, onButtonOver: function (a) { if (this.activeMenuBtn && this.activeMenuBtn != a) { this.activeMenuBtn.hideMenu(); a.showMenu(); this.activeMenuBtn = a } }, onButtonMenuShow: function (a) { this.activeMenuBtn = a }, onButtonMenuHide: function (a) { delete this.activeMenuBtn } }, 0, ["toolbar"], ["toolbar", "component", "container", "box"], { toolbar: true, component: true, container: true, box: true }, ["widget.toolbar"], 0, [Ext.toolbar, "Toolbar", Ext, "Toolbar"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.component.Dock", Ext.layout.component.Component, { alternateClassName: "Ext.layout.component.AbstractDock", type: "dock", horzAxisProps: { name: "horz", oppositeName: "vert", dockBegin: "left", dockEnd: "right", horizontal: true, marginBegin: "margin-left", maxSize: "maxWidth", minSize: "minWidth", pos: "x", setSize: "setWidth", shrinkWrapDock: "shrinkWrapDockWidth", size: "width", sizeModel: "widthModel" }, vertAxisProps: { name: "vert", oppositeName: "horz", dockBegin: "top", dockEnd: "bottom", horizontal: false, marginBegin: "margin-top", maxSize: "maxHeight", minSize: "minHeight", pos: "y", setSize: "setHeight", shrinkWrapDock: "shrinkWrapDockHeight", size: "height", sizeModel: "heightModel" }, initializedBorders: -1, horizontalCollapsePolicy: { width: true, x: true }, verticalCollapsePolicy: { height: true, y: true }, finishRender: function () { var b = this, c, a; b.callParent(); c = b.getRenderTarget(); a = b.getDockedItems(); b.finishRenderItems(c, a) }, isItemBoxParent: function (a) { return true }, isItemShrinkWrap: function (a) { return true }, noBorderClasses: [Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "docked-noborder-top", Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "docked-noborder-right", Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "docked-noborder-bottom", Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "docked-noborder-left"], noBorderClassesSides: { top: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "docked-noborder-top", right: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "docked-noborder-right", bottom: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "docked-noborder-bottom", left: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "docked-noborder-left" }, borderWidthProps: { top: "border-top-width", right: "border-right-width", bottom: "border-bottom-width", left: "border-left-width" }, handleItemBorders: function () { var m = this, a = m.owner, l, q, h = m.lastDockedItems, g = m.borders, b = a.dockedItems.generation, c = m.noBorderClassesSides, n = m.borderWidthProps, e, k, p, o, j, d = m.collapsed; if (m.initializedBorders == b || (a.border && !a.manageBodyBorders)) { return } m.initializedBorders = b; m.collapsed = false; m.lastDockedItems = q = m.getLayoutItems(); m.collapsed = d; l = { top: [], right: [], bottom: [], left: [] }; for (e = 0, k = q.length; e < k; e++) { p = q[e]; o = p.dock; if (p.ignoreBorderManagement) { continue } if (!l[o].satisfied) { l[o].push(p); l[o].satisfied = true } if (!l.top.satisfied && o !== "bottom") { l.top.push(p) } if (!l.right.satisfied && o !== "left") { l.right.push(p) } if (!l.bottom.satisfied && o !== "top") { l.bottom.push(p) } if (!l.left.satisfied && o !== "right") { l.left.push(p) } } if (h) { for (e = 0, k = h.length; e < k; e++) { p = h[e]; if (!p.isDestroyed && !p.ignoreBorderManagement && !a.manageBodyBorders) { p.removeCls(m.noBorderClasses) } } } if (g) { for (j in g) { if (a.manageBodyBorders && g[j].satisfied) { a.setBodyStyle(n[j], "") } } } for (j in l) { k = l[j].length; if (!a.manageBodyBorders) { for (e = 0; e < k; e++) { l[j][e].addCls(c[j]) } if ((!l[j].satisfied && !a.bodyBorder) || a.bodyBorder === false) { a.addBodyCls(c[j]) } } else { if (l[j].satisfied) { a.setBodyStyle(n[j], "1px") } } } m.borders = l }, beforeLayoutCycle: function (g) { var c = this, b = c.owner, h = c.sizeModels.shrinkWrap, e = b.shrinkWrapDock, d, a; if (b.collapsed) { if (b.collapsedVertical()) { a = true; g.measureDimensions = 1 } else { d = true; g.measureDimensions = 2 } } g.collapsedVert = a; g.collapsedHorz = d; if (a) { g.heightModel = h } else { if (d) { g.widthModel = h } } e = e === true ? 3 : (e || 0); g.shrinkWrapDockHeight = (e & 1) && g.heightModel.shrinkWrap; g.shrinkWrapDockWidth = (e & 2) && g.widthModel.shrinkWrap }, beginLayout: function (d) { var k = this, c = k.owner, o = k.getLayoutItems(), b = d.context, g = o.length, l, j, n, a, e, h, m; k.callParent(arguments); h = c.getCollapsed(); if (h !== k.lastCollapsedState && Ext.isDefined(k.lastCollapsedState)) { if (k.owner.collapsed) { d.isCollapsingOrExpanding = 1; c.addClsWithUI(c.collapsedCls) } else { d.isCollapsingOrExpanding = 2; c.removeClsWithUI(c.collapsedCls); d.lastCollapsedState = k.lastCollapsedState } } k.lastCollapsedState = h; d.dockedItems = l = []; for (j = 0; j < g; j++) { n = o[j]; if (n.rendered) { m = n.dock; a = b.getCmp(n); a.dockedAt = { x: 0, y: 0 }; a.offsets = e = Ext.Element.parseBox(n.offsets || 0); a.horizontal = m == "top" || m == "bottom"; e.width = e.left + e.right; e.height = e.top + e.bottom; l.push(a) } } d.bodyContext = d.getEl("body") }, beginLayoutCycle: function (b) { var e = this, l = b.dockedItems, d = l.length, a = e.owner, g = a.frameBody, k = e.lastHeightModel, c, j, h; e.callParent(arguments); if (e.owner.manageHeight) { if (e.lastBodyDisplay) { a.body.dom.style.display = e.lastBodyDisplay = "" } } else { if (e.lastBodyDisplay !== "inline-block") { a.body.dom.style.display = e.lastBodyDisplay = "inline-block" } if (k && k.shrinkWrap && !b.heightModel.shrinkWrap) { a.body.dom.style.marginBottom = "" } } if (b.widthModel.auto) { if (b.widthModel.shrinkWrap) { a.el.setWidth(null) } a.body.setWidth(null); if (g) { g.setWidth(null) } } if (b.heightModel.auto) { a.body.setHeight(null); if (g) { g.setHeight(null) } } if (b.collapsedVert) { b.setContentHeight(0) } else { if (b.collapsedHorz) { b.setContentWidth(0) } } for (c = 0; c < d; c++) { j = l[c].target; h = j.dock; if (h == "right") { j.setLocalX(0) } else { if (h != "left") { continue } } } }, calculate: function (d) { var m = this, c = m.measureAutoDimensions(d, d.measureDimensions), b = d.state, l = b.horzDone, e = b.vertDone, g = d.bodyContext, k, a, j, h, n; d.borderInfo || d.getBorderInfo(); d.paddingInfo || d.getPaddingInfo(); d.frameInfo || d.getFrameInfo(); g.borderInfo || g.getBorderInfo(); g.paddingInfo || g.getPaddingInfo(); if (!d.frameBorder) { if (!(k = d.framing)) { d.frameBorder = d.borderInfo; d.framePadding = d.paddingInfo } else { d.frameBorder = k.border; d.framePadding = k.padding } } a = !l && m.createAxis(d, c.contentWidth, d.widthModel, m.horzAxisProps, d.collapsedHorz); j = !e && m.createAxis(d, c.contentHeight, d.heightModel, m.vertAxisProps, d.collapsedVert); for (h = 0, n = d.dockedItems.length; n--; ++h) { if (a) { m.dockChild(d, a, n, h) } if (j) { m.dockChild(d, j, n, h) } } if (a && m.finishAxis(d, a)) { b.horzDone = l = a } if (j && m.finishAxis(d, j)) { b.vertDone = e = j } if (l && e && m.finishConstraints(d, l, e)) { m.finishPositions(d, l, e) } else { m.done = false } }, createAxis: function (q, k, e, n, d) { var v = this, u = 0, b = v.owner, g = b[n.maxSize], c = b[n.minSize] || 0, o = n.dockBegin, j = n.dockEnd, s = n.pos, m = n.size, l = g != null, p = e.shrinkWrap, a, t, r, h; if (p) { if (d) { h = 0 } else { a = q.bodyContext; h = k + a.borderInfo[m] } } else { t = q.frameBorder; r = q.framePadding; u = t[o] + r[o]; h = q.getProp(m) - (t[j] + r[j]) } return { shrinkWrap: e.shrinkWrap, sizeModel: e, initialBegin: u, begin: u, end: h, collapsed: d, horizontal: n.horizontal, ignoreFrameBegin: null, ignoreFrameEnd: null, initialSize: h - u, maxChildSize: 0, hasMinMaxConstraints: (c || l) && e.shrinkWrap, minSize: c, maxSize: l ? g : 1000000000, bodyPosProp: v.owner.manageHeight ? s : n.marginBegin, dockBegin: o, dockEnd: j, posProp: s, sizeProp: m, setSize: n.setSize, shrinkWrapDock: q[n.shrinkWrapDock], sizeModelName: n.sizeModel, dockedPixelsEnd: 0 } }, dockChild: function (b, c, m, e) { var g = this, a = b.dockedItems[c.shrinkWrap ? m : e], j = a.target, k = j.dock, d = c.sizeProp, h, l; if (j.ignoreParentFrame && b.isCollapsingOrExpanding) { a.clearMarginCache() } a.marginInfo || a.getMarginInfo(); if (k == c.dockBegin) { if (c.shrinkWrap) { h = g.dockOutwardBegin(b, a, j, c) } else { h = g.dockInwardBegin(b, a, j, c) } } else { if (k == c.dockEnd) { if (c.shrinkWrap) { h = g.dockOutwardEnd(b, a, j, c) } else { h = g.dockInwardEnd(b, a, j, c) } } else { if (c.shrinkWrapDock) { l = a.getProp(d) + a.marginInfo[d]; c.maxChildSize = Math.max(c.maxChildSize, l); h = 0 } else { h = g.dockStretch(b, a, j, c) } } } a.dockedAt[c.posProp] = h }, dockInwardBegin: function (b, a, k, d) { var g = d.begin, e = d.sizeProp, c = k.ignoreParentFrame, h, l, j; if (c) { d.ignoreFrameBegin = a; j = k.dock; h = b.frameBorder[j]; g -= h + b.framePadding[j] } if (!k.overlay) { l = a.getProp(e) + a.marginInfo[e]; d.begin += l; if (c) { d.begin -= h } } return g }, dockInwardEnd: function (e, d, c, b) { var j = b.sizeProp, a = d.getProp(j) + d.marginInfo[j], h = b.end - a, g; if (!c.overlay) { b.end = h } if (c.ignoreParentFrame) { b.ignoreFrameEnd = d; g = e.frameBorder[c.dock]; h += g + e.framePadding[c.dock]; b.end += g } return h }, dockOutwardBegin: function (e, d, c, b) { var h = b.begin, g = b.sizeProp, a; if (b.collapsed) { b.ignoreFrameBegin = b.ignoreFrameEnd = d } else { if (c.ignoreParentFrame) { b.ignoreFrameBegin = d } } if (!c.overlay) { a = d.getProp(g) + d.marginInfo[g]; h -= a; b.begin = h } return h }, dockOutwardEnd: function (e, d, c, b) { var h = b.end, g = b.sizeProp, a; a = d.getProp(g) + d.marginInfo[g]; if (b.collapsed) { b.ignoreFrameBegin = b.ignoreFrameEnd = d } else { if (c.ignoreParentFrame) { b.ignoreFrameEnd = d } } if (!c.overlay) { b.end = h + a; b.dockedPixelsEnd += a } return h }, dockStretch: function (c, b, n, d) { var o = n.dock, k = d.sizeProp, a = o == "top" || o == "bottom", j = c.frameBorder, e = b.offsets, m = c.framePadding, h = a ? "right" : "bottom", q = a ? "left" : "top", l = d.begin + e[q], g, p; if (n.stretch !== false) { p = d.end - l - e[h]; if (n.ignoreParentFrame) { l -= m[q] + j[q]; p += m[k] + j[k] } g = b.marginInfo; p -= g[k]; b[d.setSize](p) } return l }, finishAxis: function (n, e) { if (isNaN(e.maxChildSize)) { return false } var d = e.begin, q = e.end - d, h = e.collapsed, x = e.setSize, l = e.dockBegin, v = e.dockEnd, p = n.framePadding, s = n.frameBorder, g = s[l], t = n.framing, o = t && t[l], b = h ? 0 : p[l], k = e.sizeProp, u = e.ignoreFrameBegin, r = e.ignoreFrameEnd, a = n.bodyContext, m = Math.max(g + b - o, 0), c, y, w, j; if (e.shrinkWrap) { y = e.initialSize; if (t) { w = -d + g + b; c = w - o - m } else { c = -d; w = c + b } if (!h) { q += p[k] } if (u) { w -= g; c -= g; u.dockedAt[e.posProp] -= b } else { q += g } if (h) {} else { if (r) { r.dockedAt[e.posProp] += p[v] } else { q += s[v] } } e.size = q; if (!e.horizontal && !this.owner.manageHeight) { j = false } } else { if (t) { w = 0; c = d - o - m } else { w = -g; c = d - b - g } y = q } e.delta = w; a[x](y, j); a.setProp(e.bodyPosProp, c); return !isNaN(q) }, beforeInvalidateShrinkWrapDock: function (c, b) { var a = b.axis.sizeModelName; if (!c[a].constrainedMin) { c[a] = Ext.layout.SizeModel.calculated } }, afterInvalidateShrinkWrapDock: function (d, a) { var b = a.axis, c = a.layout, e; if (d[b.sizeModelName].calculated) { e = c.dockStretch(a.ownerContext, d, d.target, b); d.setProp(b.posProp, b.delta + e) } }, finishConstraints: function (l, c, q) { var t = this, s = t.sizeModels, p = c.shrinkWrap, r = q.shrinkWrap, a = t.owner, j, n, o, g, h, m, b, d, e, k; if (p) { m = c.size; b = c.collapsed ? 0 : c.minSize; d = c.maxSize; e = c.maxChildSize; k = Math.max(m, e); if (k > d) { h = s.constrainedMax; o = d } else { if (k < b) { h = s.constrainedMin; o = b } else { if (m < e) { h = s.constrainedDock; a.dockConstrainedWidth = o = e } else { o = m } } } } if (r) { m = q.size; b = q.collapsed ? 0 : q.minSize; d = q.maxSize; e = q.maxChildSize; k = Math.max(m, e + m - q.initialSize); if (k > d) { g = s.constrainedMax; n = d } else { if (k < b) { g = s.constrainedMin; n = b } else { if (m < e) { g = s.constrainedDock; a.dockConstrainedHeight = n = e } else { if (!l.collapsedVert && !a.manageHeight) { j = false; l.bodyContext.setProp("margin-bottom", q.dockedPixelsEnd) } n = m } } } } if (h || g) { if (h && g && h.constrainedMax && g.constrainedByMin) { l.invalidate({ widthModel: h }); return false } if (!l.widthModel.calculatedFromShrinkWrap && !l.heightModel.calculatedFromShrinkWrap) { l.invalidate({ widthModel: h, heightModel: g }); return false } } else { t.invalidateAxes(l, c, q) } if (p) { l.setWidth(o); if (h) { l.widthModel = h } } if (r) { l.setHeight(n, j); if (g) { l.heightModel = g } } return true }, invalidateAxes: function (g, a, l) { var p = this.beforeInvalidateShrinkWrapDock, b = this.afterInvalidateShrinkWrapDock, e = a.end - a.begin, s = l.initialSize, c = a.shrinkWrapDock && a.maxChildSize < e, m = l.shrinkWrapDock && l.maxChildSize < s, q, n, k, d, r, o, h, j; if (c || m) { if (m) { l.begin = l.initialBegin; l.end = l.begin + l.initialSize } q = g.dockedItems; for (k = 0, n = q.length; k < n; ++k) { d = q[k]; o = d.horizontal; h = null; if (c && o) { j = a.sizeProp; r = e; h = a } else { if (m && !o) { j = l.sizeProp; r = s; h = l } } if (h) { r -= d.getMarginInfo()[j]; if (r !== d.props[j]) { d.invalidate({ before: p, after: b, axis: h, ownerContext: g, layout: this }) } } } } }, finishPositions: function (d, a, h) { var k = d.dockedItems, c = k.length, g = a.delta, e = h.delta, j, b; for (j = 0; j < c; ++j) { b = k[j]; b.setProp("x", g + b.dockedAt.x); b.setProp("y", e + b.dockedAt.y) } }, finishedLayout: function (b) { var a = this, c = b.target; a.callParent(arguments); if (!b.animatePolicy) { if (b.isCollapsingOrExpanding === 1) { c.afterCollapse(false) } else { if (b.isCollapsingOrExpanding === 2) { c.afterExpand(false) } } } }, getAnimatePolicy: function (c) { var b = this, a, d; if (c.isCollapsingOrExpanding == 1) { a = b.lastCollapsedState } else { if (c.isCollapsingOrExpanding == 2) { a = c.lastCollapsedState } } if (a == "left" || a == "right") { d = b.horizontalCollapsePolicy } else { if (a == "top" || a == "bottom") { d = b.verticalCollapsePolicy } } return d }, getDockedItems: function (c, n) { var j = this, e = (c === "visual"), k = e ? Ext.ComponentQuery.query("[rendered]", j.owner.dockedItems.items) : j.owner.dockedItems.items, h = k && k.length && c !== false, b, m, l, g, d, a; if (n == null) { l = h && !e ? k.slice() : k } else { l = []; for (g = 0, a = k.length; g < a; ++g) { m = k[g].dock; d = (m == "top" || m == "left"); if (n ? d : !d) { l.push(k[g]) } } h = h && l.length } if (h) { b = (c = c || "render") == "render"; Ext.Array.sort(l, function (p, o) { var q, r; if (b && ((q = j.owner.dockOrder[p.dock]) !== (r = j.owner.dockOrder[o.dock]))) { if (!(q + r)) { return q - r } } q = j.getItemWeight(p, c); r = j.getItemWeight(o, c); if ((q !== undefined) && (r !== undefined)) { return q - r } return 0 }) } return l || [] }, getItemWeight: function (b, a) { var c = b.weight || this.owner.defaultDockWeights[b.dock]; return c[a] || c }, getLayoutItems: function () { var e = this, b, g, d, c, a; if (e.owner.collapsed) { a = e.owner.getCollapsedDockedItems() } else { b = e.getDockedItems("visual"); g = b.length; a = []; for (c = 0; c < g; c++) { d = b[c]; if (!d.hidden) { a.push(d) } } } return a }, measureContentWidth: function (a) { var b = a.bodyContext; return b.el.getWidth() - b.getBorderInfo().width }, measureContentHeight: function (a) { var b = a.bodyContext; return b.el.getHeight() - b.getBorderInfo().height }, redoLayout: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.owner; if (c.isCollapsingOrExpanding == 1) { if (a.reExpander) { a.reExpander.el.show() } a.addClsWithUI(a.collapsedCls); c.redo(true) } else { if (c.isCollapsingOrExpanding == 2) { a.removeClsWithUI(a.collapsedCls); c.bodyContext.redo() } } }, renderChildren: function () { var b = this, a = b.getDockedItems(), c = b.getRenderTarget(); b.handleItemBorders(); b.renderItems(a, c) }, renderItems: function (k, h) { var l = this, c = k.length, a = 0, b = 0, p = 0, m = l.getRenderTarget().dom.childNodes, n = m.length, g, d, e, o; for (g = 0, d = 0; g < n; g++) { e = m[g]; if (Ext.fly(e).hasCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "resizable-handle")) { break } for (d = 0; d < c; d++) { o = k[d]; if (o.rendered && o.el.dom === e) { break } } if (d === c) { p++ } } for (; a < c; a++, b++) { o = k[a]; if (a === b && (o.dock === "right" || o.dock === "bottom")) { b += p } if (o && !o.rendered) { l.renderItem(o, h, b) } else { if (!l.isValidParent(o, h, b)) { l.moveItem(o, h, b) } } } }, undoLayout: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.owner; if (c.isCollapsingOrExpanding == 1) { if (a.reExpander) { a.reExpander.el.hide() } a.removeClsWithUI(a.collapsedCls); c.undo(true) } else { if (c.isCollapsingOrExpanding == 2) { a.addClsWithUI(a.collapsedCls); c.bodyContext.undo() } } }, sizePolicy: { nostretch: { setsWidth: 0, setsHeight: 0 }, horz: { shrinkWrap: { setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 0, readsWidth: 1 }, stretch: { setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 0 } }, vert: { shrinkWrap: { setsWidth: 0, setsHeight: 1, readsHeight: 1 }, stretch: { setsWidth: 0, setsHeight: 1 } }, stretchV: { setsWidth: 0, setsHeight: 1 }, autoStretchH: { readsWidth: 1, setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 0 }, autoStretchV: { readsHeight: 1, setsWidth: 0, setsHeight: 1 } }, getItemSizePolicy: function (d, g) { var c = this, h = c.sizePolicy, e = c.owner.shrinkWrapDock, b, a; if (d.stretch === false) { return h.nostretch } b = d.dock; a = (b == "left" || b == "right"); e = e === true ? 3 : (e || 0); if (a) { h = h.vert; e = e & 1 } else { h = h.horz; e = e & 2 } if (e) { if (!g) { g = c.owner.getSizeModel() } if (g[a ? "height" : "width"].shrinkWrap) { return h.shrinkWrap } } return h.stretch }, configureItem: function (a, b) { this.callParent(arguments); a.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "docked"); a.addClsWithUI(this.getDockCls(a.dock)) }, getDockCls: function (a) { return "docked-" + a }, afterRemove: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); if (this.itemCls) { a.el.removeCls(this.itemCls + "-" + a.dock) } var b = a.el.dom; if (!a.destroying && b) { b.parentNode.removeChild(b) } this.childrenChanged = true }, borderCollapseMap: {}, getBorderCollapseTable: function () { var d = this, g = d.borderCollapseMap, a = d.owner, b = a.baseCls, e = a.ui, c; g = g[b] || (g[b] = {}); c = g[e]; if (!c) { b += "-" + e + "-outer-border-"; g[e] = c = [0, b + "l", b + "b", b + "bl", b + "r", b + "rl", b + "rb", b + "rbl", b + "t", b + "tl", b + "tb", b + "tbl", b + "tr", b + "trl", b + "trb", b + "trbl"] } return c } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.dock"], 0, [Ext.layout.component, "Dock", Ext.layout.component, "AbstractDock"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.panel.AbstractPanel", Ext.container.Container, { baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "panel", isPanel: true, contentPaddingProperty: "bodyPadding", shrinkWrapDock: false, componentLayout: "dock", childEls: ["body"], renderTpl: ["{% this.renderDockedItems(out,values,0); %}", (Ext.isIE7m || Ext.isIEQuirks) ? '
' : "", '
{bodyCls}', ' {baseCls}-body-{ui}', ' {parent.baseCls}-body-{parent.ui}-{.}', '{childElCls}"', ' style="{bodyStyle}">', "{%this.renderContainer(out,values);%}", "
", "{% this.renderDockedItems(out,values,1); %}"], bodyPosProps: { x: "x", y: "y" }, border: true, emptyArray: [], initComponent: function () { this.initBorderProps(); this.callParent() }, initBorderProps: function () { var a = this; if (a.frame && a.border && a.bodyBorder === undefined) { a.bodyBorder = false } if (a.frame && a.border && (a.bodyBorder === false || a.bodyBorder === 0)) { a.manageBodyBorders = true } }, beforeDestroy: function () { this.destroyDockedItems(); this.callParent() }, initItems: function () { this.callParent(); this.initDockingItems() }, initRenderData: function () { var a = this, b = a.callParent(); a.initBodyStyles(); a.protoBody.writeTo(b); delete a.protoBody; return b }, getComponent: function (a) { var b = this.callParent(arguments); if (b === undefined && !Ext.isNumber(a)) { b = this.getDockedComponent(a) } return b }, getProtoBody: function () { var b = this, a = b.protoBody; if (!a) { b.protoBody = a = new Ext.util.ProtoElement({ cls: b.bodyCls, style: b.bodyStyle, clsProp: "bodyCls", styleProp: "bodyStyle", styleIsText: true }) } return a }, initBodyStyles: function () { var b = this, a = b.getProtoBody(); if (b.bodyPadding !== undefined) { if (b.layout.managePadding) { a.setStyle("padding", 0) } else { a.setStyle("padding", this.unitizeBox((b.bodyPadding === true) ? 5 : b.bodyPadding)) } } b.initBodyBorder() }, initBodyBorder: function () { var a = this; if (a.frame && a.bodyBorder) { if (!Ext.isNumber(a.bodyBorder)) { a.bodyBorder = 1 } a.getProtoBody().setStyle("border-width", this.unitizeBox(a.bodyBorder)) } }, getCollapsedDockedItems: function () { var a = this; return a.header === false || a.collapseMode == "placeholder" ? a.emptyArray : [a.getReExpander()] }, setBodyStyle: function (b, d) { var c = this, a = c.rendered ? c.body : c.getProtoBody(); if (Ext.isFunction(b)) { b = b() } if (arguments.length == 1) { if (Ext.isString(b)) { b = Ext.Element.parseStyles(b) } a.setStyle(b) } else { a.setStyle(b, d) } return c }, addBodyCls: function (b) { var c = this, a = c.rendered ? c.body : c.getProtoBody(); a.addCls(b); return c }, removeBodyCls: function (b) { var c = this, a = c.rendered ? c.body : c.getProtoBody(); a.removeCls(b); return c }, addUIClsToElement: function (b) { var c = this, a = c.callParent(arguments); c.addBodyCls([Ext.baseCSSPrefix + b, c.baseCls + "-body-" + b, c.baseCls + "-body-" + c.ui + "-" + b]); return a }, removeUIClsFromElement: function (b) { var c = this, a = c.callParent(arguments); c.removeBodyCls([Ext.baseCSSPrefix + b, c.baseCls + "-body-" + b, c.baseCls + "-body-" + c.ui + "-" + b]); return a }, addUIToElement: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); a.addBodyCls(a.baseCls + "-body-" + a.ui) }, removeUIFromElement: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); a.removeBodyCls(a.baseCls + "-body-" + a.ui) }, getTargetEl: function () { return this.body }, applyTargetCls: function (a) { this.getProtoBody().addCls(a) }, getRefItems: function (a) { var b = this.callParent(arguments); return this.getDockingRefItems(a, b) }, setupRenderTpl: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); this.setupDockingRenderTpl(a) } }, 0, 0, ["component", "container", "box"], { component: true, container: true, box: true }, 0, [["docking", Ext.container.DockingContainer]], [Ext.panel, "AbstractPanel"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.panel.Header", Ext.container.Container, { isHeader: true, defaultType: "tool", indicateDrag: false, weight: -1, componentLayout: "body", childEls: ["body"], renderTpl: ['
{parent.baseCls}-body-{parent.ui}-{.}"', ' style="{bodyStyle}">', "{%this.renderContainer(out,values)%}", "
"], headingTpl: ['{title}'], shrinkWrap: 3, titlePosition: 0, headerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "header", initComponent: function () { var g = this, e = g.hasOwnProperty("titlePosition"), c = g.items, a = e ? g.titlePosition : (c ? c.length : 0), b = [g.orientation, g.getDockName()], d = g.ownerCt; g.addEvents("click", "dblclick"); g.indicateDragCls = g.headerCls + "-draggable"; g.title = g.title || " "; g.tools = g.tools || []; c = g.items = (c ? Ext.Array.slice(c) : []); g.orientation = g.orientation || "horizontal"; g.dock = (g.dock) ? g.dock : (g.orientation == "horizontal") ? "top" : "left"; if (d ? (!d.border && !d.frame) : !g.border) { b.push(g.orientation + "-noborder") } g.addClsWithUI(b); g.addCls([g.headerCls, g.headerCls + "-" + g.orientation]); if (g.indicateDrag) { g.addCls(g.indicateDragCls) } if (g.iconCls || g.icon || g.glyph) { g.initIconCmp(); if (!e && !c.length) { ++a } c.push(g.iconCmp) } g.titleCmp = new Ext.Component({ ariaRole: "heading", focusable: false, noWrap: true, flex: 1, rtl: g.rtl, id: g.id + "_hd", style: g.titleAlign ? ("text-align:" + g.titleAlign) : "", cls: g.headerCls + "-text-container " + g.baseCls + "-text-container " + g.baseCls + "-text-container-" + g.ui, renderTpl: g.getTpl("headingTpl"), renderData: { title: g.title, cls: g.baseCls, headerCls: g.headerCls, ui: g.ui }, childEls: ["textEl"], autoEl: { unselectable: "on" }, listeners: { render: g.onTitleRender, scope: g } }); g.layout = (g.orientation == "vertical") ? { type: "vbox", align: "center", alignRoundingMethod: "ceil" } : { type: "hbox", align: "middle", alignRoundingMethod: "floor" }; Ext.Array.push(c, g.tools); g.tools.length = 0; g.callParent(); if (c.length < a) { a = c.length } g.titlePosition = a; g.insert(a, g.titleCmp); g.on({ dblclick: g.onDblClick, click: g.onClick, element: "el", scope: g }) }, initIconCmp: function () { var c = this, b = [c.headerCls + "-icon", c.baseCls + "-icon", c.iconCls], a; if (c.glyph) { b.push(c.baseCls + "-glyph") } a = { focusable: false, src: Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL, cls: b, baseCls: c.baseCls + "-icon", id: c.id + "-iconEl", iconCls: c.iconCls, glyph: c.glyph }; if (!Ext.isEmpty(c.icon)) { delete a.iconCls; a.src = c.icon } c.iconCmp = new Ext.Img(a) }, beforeRender: function () { this.protoEl.unselectable(); this.callParent() }, afterLayout: function () { var b = this, e, a, c, d; if (b.orientation === "vertical") { b.adjustTitlePosition(); a = b.frameTR; if (a) { e = b.frameBR; c = b.frameTL; d = (b.getWidth() - a.getPadding("r") - ((c) ? c.getPadding("l") : b.el.getBorderWidth("l"))) + "px"; e.setStyle("background-position-x", d); a.setStyle("background-position-x", d) } if (Ext.isIE7 && Ext.isStrict && b.frame) { b.el.repaint() } } }, beforeLayout: function () { this.callParent(); this.syncBeforeAfterTitleClasses() }, adjustTitlePosition: function () { var b = this.titleCmp, a; if (!Ext.isIE9m && b) { a = b.el; a.setStyle("left", a.getWidth() + "px") } }, onTitleRender: function () { if (this.orientation === "vertical") { this.titleCmp.el.setVertical(90) } }, addUIClsToElement: function (b) { var e = this, a = e.callParent(arguments), d = [e.baseCls + "-body-" + b, e.baseCls + "-body-" + e.ui + "-" + b], g, c; if (e.bodyCls) { g = e.bodyCls.split(" "); for (c = 0; c < d.length; c++) { if (!Ext.Array.contains(g, d[c])) { g.push(d[c]) } } e.bodyCls = g.join(" ") } else { e.bodyCls = d.join(" ") } return a }, removeUIClsFromElement: function (b) { var e = this, a = e.callParent(arguments), d = [e.baseCls + "-body-" + b, e.baseCls + "-body-" + e.ui + "-" + b], g, c; if (e.bodyCls) { g = e.bodyCls.split(" "); for (c = 0; c < d.length; c++) { Ext.Array.remove(g, d[c]) } e.bodyCls = g.join(" ") } return a }, addUIToElement: function () { var b = this, c, a; b.callParent(arguments); a = b.baseCls + "-body-" + b.ui; if (b.rendered) { if (b.bodyCls) { b.body.addCls(b.bodyCls) } else { b.body.addCls(a) } } else { if (b.bodyCls) { c = b.bodyCls.split(" "); if (!Ext.Array.contains(c, a)) { c.push(a) } b.bodyCls = c.join(" ") } else { b.bodyCls = a } } if (b.titleCmp && b.titleCmp.rendered) { b.titleCmp.addCls(b.baseCls + "-text-container-" + b.ui) } }, removeUIFromElement: function () { var b = this, c, a; b.callParent(arguments); a = b.baseCls + "-body-" + b.ui; if (b.rendered) { if (b.bodyCls) { b.body.removeCls(b.bodyCls) } else { b.body.removeCls(a) } } else { if (b.bodyCls) { c = b.bodyCls.split(" "); Ext.Array.remove(c, a); b.bodyCls = c.join(" ") } else { b.bodyCls = a } } if (b.titleCmp && b.titleCmp.rendered) { b.titleCmp.removeCls(b.baseCls + "-text-container-" + b.ui) } }, onClick: function (a) { this.fireClickEvent("click", a) }, onDblClick: function (a) { this.fireClickEvent("dblclick", a) }, fireClickEvent: function (a, c) { var b = "." + Ext.panel.Tool.prototype.baseCls; if (!c.getTarget(b)) { this.fireEvent(a, this, c) } }, getFocusEl: function () { return this.el }, getTargetEl: function () { return this.body || this.frameBody || this.el }, applyTargetCls: function (a) { this.bodyTargetCls = a }, setTitle: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.titleCmp; b.title = c; if (a.rendered) { a.textEl.update(b.title || " "); a.updateLayout() } else { b.titleCmp.on({ render: function () { b.setTitle(c) }, single: true }) } }, getMinWidth: function () { var e = this, d = e.titleCmp.textEl.dom, a, g = e.tools, b, c; d.style.display = "inline"; a = d.offsetWidth; d.style.display = ""; if (g && (b = g.length)) { for (c = 0; c < b; c++) { if (g[c].el) { a += g[c].el.dom.offsetWidth } } } if (e.iconCmp) { a += e.iconCmp.el.dom.offsetWidth } return a + 10 }, setIconCls: function (a) { var b = this, d = !a || !a.length, c = b.iconCmp; b.iconCls = a; if (!b.iconCmp && !d) { b.initIconCmp(); b.insert(0, b.iconCmp) } else { if (c) { if (d) { b.iconCmp.destroy(); delete b.iconCmp } else { c.removeCls(c.iconCls); c.addCls(a); c.iconCls = a } } } }, setIcon: function (a) { var b = this, d = !a || !a.length, c = b.iconCmp; b.icon = a; if (!b.iconCmp && !d) { b.initIconCmp(); b.insert(0, b.iconCmp) } else { if (c) { if (d) { b.iconCmp.destroy(); delete b.iconCmp } else { c.setSrc(b.icon) } } } }, setGlyph: function (b) { var a = this, c = a.iconCmp; if (!a.iconCmp) { a.initIconCmp(); a.insert(0, a.iconCmp) } else { if (c) { if (b) { a.iconCmp.setGlyph(b) } else { a.iconCmp.destroy(); delete a.iconCmp } } } }, getTools: function () { return this.tools.slice() }, addTool: function (a) { this.add(Ext.ComponentManager.create(a, "tool")) }, syncBeforeAfterTitleClasses: function () { var j = this, h = j.items, e = h.items, b = j.titlePosition, a = e.length, g = h.generation, k = j.syncBeforeAfterGen, m, d, c, l; if (k === g) { return } j.syncBeforeAfterGen = g; for (c = 0; c < a; ++c) { l = e[c]; m = l.afterTitleCls || (l.afterTitleCls = l.baseCls + "-after-title"); d = l.beforeTitleCls || (l.beforeTitleCls = l.baseCls + "-before-title"); if (!j.title || c < b) { if (k) { l.removeCls(m) } l.addCls(d) } else { if (c > b) { if (k) { l.removeCls(d) } l.addCls(m) } } } }, onAdd: function (b, a) { var c = this.tools; this.callParent(arguments); if (b.isTool) { c.push(b); c[b.type] = b } }, initRenderData: function () { return Ext.applyIf(this.callParent(), { bodyCls: this.bodyCls, bodyTargetCls: this.bodyTargetCls, headerCls: this.headerCls }) }, getDockName: function () { return this.dock }, getFramingInfoCls: function () { var c = this, b = c.callParent(), a = c.ownerCt; if (!c.expanding && (a && a.collapsed) || c.isCollapsedExpander) { b += "-" + a.collapsedCls } return b + "-" + c.dock } }, 0, ["header"], ["component", "container", "box", "header"], { component: true, container: true, box: true, header: true }, ["widget.header"], 0, [Ext.panel, "Header"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.dd.DragDrop", Ext.Base, { constructor: function (c, a, b) { if (c) { this.init(c, a, b) } }, id: null, config: null, dragElId: null, handleElId: null, invalidHandleTypes: null, invalidHandleIds: null, invalidHandleClasses: null, startPageX: 0, startPageY: 0, groups: null, locked: false, lock: function () { this.locked = true }, moveOnly: false, unlock: function () { this.locked = false }, isTarget: true, padding: null, _domRef: null, __ygDragDrop: true, constrainX: false, constrainY: false, minX: 0, maxX: 0, minY: 0, maxY: 0, maintainOffset: false, xTicks: null, yTicks: null, primaryButtonOnly: true, available: false, hasOuterHandles: false, b4StartDrag: function (a, b) {}, startDrag: function (a, b) {}, b4Drag: function (a) {}, onDrag: function (a) {}, onDragEnter: function (a, b) {}, b4DragOver: function (a) {}, onDragOver: function (a, b) {}, b4DragOut: function (a) {}, onDragOut: function (a, b) {}, b4DragDrop: function (a) {}, onDragDrop: function (a, b) {}, onInvalidDrop: function (a) {}, b4EndDrag: function (a) {}, endDrag: function (a) {}, b4MouseDown: function (a) {}, onMouseDown: function (a) {}, onMouseUp: function (a) {}, onAvailable: function () {}, defaultPadding: { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }, constrainTo: function (j, g, o) { if (Ext.isNumber(g)) { g = { left: g, right: g, top: g, bottom: g } } g = g || this.defaultPadding; var l = Ext.get(this.getEl()).getBox(), a = Ext.get(j), n = a.getScroll(), k, d = a.dom, m, h, e; if (d == document.body) { k = { x: n.left, y: n.top, width: Ext.Element.getViewWidth(), height: Ext.Element.getViewHeight() } } else { m = a.getXY(); k = { x: m[0], y: m[1], width: d.clientWidth, height: d.clientHeight } } h = l.y - k.y; e = l.x - k.x; this.resetConstraints(); this.setXConstraint(e - (g.left || 0), k.width - e - l.width - (g.right || 0), this.xTickSize); this.setYConstraint(h - (g.top || 0), k.height - h - l.height - (g.bottom || 0), this.yTickSize) }, getEl: function () { if (!this._domRef) { this._domRef = Ext.getDom(this.id) } return this._domRef }, getDragEl: function () { return Ext.getDom(this.dragElId) }, init: function (c, a, b) { this.initTarget(c, a, b); Ext.EventManager.on(this.id, "mousedown", this.handleMouseDown, this) }, initTarget: function (c, a, b) { this.config = b || {}; this.DDMInstance = Ext.dd.DragDropManager; this.groups = {}; if (typeof c !== "string") { c = Ext.id(c) } this.id = c; this.addToGroup((a) ? a : "default"); this.handleElId = c; this.setDragElId(c); this.invalidHandleTypes = { A: "A" }; this.invalidHandleIds = {}; this.invalidHandleClasses = []; this.applyConfig(); this.handleOnAvailable() }, applyConfig: function () { this.padding = this.config.padding || [0, 0, 0, 0]; this.isTarget = (this.config.isTarget !== false); this.maintainOffset = (this.config.maintainOffset); this.primaryButtonOnly = (this.config.primaryButtonOnly !== false) }, handleOnAvailable: function () { this.available = true; this.resetConstraints(); this.onAvailable() }, setPadding: function (c, a, d, b) { if (!a && 0 !== a) { this.padding = [c, c, c, c] } else { if (!d && 0 !== d) { this.padding = [c, a, c, a] } else { this.padding = [c, a, d, b] } } }, setInitPosition: function (d, c) { var e = this.getEl(), b, a, g; if (!this.DDMInstance.verifyEl(e)) { return } b = d || 0; a = c || 0; g = Ext.Element.getXY(e); this.initPageX = g[0] - b; this.initPageY = g[1] - a; this.lastPageX = g[0]; this.lastPageY = g[1]; this.setStartPosition(g) }, setStartPosition: function (b) { var a = b || Ext.Element.getXY(this.getEl()); this.deltaSetXY = null; this.startPageX = a[0]; this.startPageY = a[1] }, addToGroup: function (a) { this.groups[a] = true; this.DDMInstance.regDragDrop(this, a) }, removeFromGroup: function (a) { if (this.groups[a]) { delete this.groups[a] } this.DDMInstance.removeDDFromGroup(this, a) }, setDragElId: function (a) { this.dragElId = a }, setHandleElId: function (a) { if (typeof a !== "string") { a = Ext.id(a) } this.handleElId = a; this.DDMInstance.regHandle(this.id, a) }, setOuterHandleElId: function (a) { if (typeof a !== "string") { a = Ext.id(a) } Ext.EventManager.on(a, "mousedown", this.handleMouseDown, this); this.setHandleElId(a); this.hasOuterHandles = true }, unreg: function () { Ext.EventManager.un(this.id, "mousedown", this.handleMouseDown, this); this._domRef = null; this.DDMInstance._remove(this) }, destroy: function () { this.unreg() }, isLocked: function () { return (this.DDMInstance.isLocked() || this.locked) }, handleMouseDown: function (c, b) { var a = this; if ((a.primaryButtonOnly && c.button != 0) || a.isLocked()) { return } a.DDMInstance.refreshCache(a.groups); if (a.hasOuterHandles || a.DDMInstance.isOverTarget(c.getPoint(), a)) { if (a.clickValidator(c)) { a.setStartPosition(); a.b4MouseDown(c); a.onMouseDown(c); a.DDMInstance.handleMouseDown(c, a); a.DDMInstance.stopEvent(c) } } }, clickValidator: function (b) { var a = b.getTarget(); return (this.isValidHandleChild(a) && (this.id == this.handleElId || this.DDMInstance.handleWasClicked(a, this.id))) }, addInvalidHandleType: function (a) { var b = a.toUpperCase(); this.invalidHandleTypes[b] = b }, addInvalidHandleId: function (a) { if (typeof a !== "string") { a = Ext.id(a) } this.invalidHandleIds[a] = a }, addInvalidHandleClass: function (a) { this.invalidHandleClasses.push(a) }, removeInvalidHandleType: function (a) { var b = a.toUpperCase(); delete this.invalidHandleTypes[b] }, removeInvalidHandleId: function (a) { if (typeof a !== "string") { a = Ext.id(a) } delete this.invalidHandleIds[a] }, removeInvalidHandleClass: function (b) { for (var c = 0, a = this.invalidHandleClasses.length; c < a; ++c) { if (this.invalidHandleClasses[c] == b) { delete this.invalidHandleClasses[c] } } }, isValidHandleChild: function (d) { var c = true, h, b, a; try { h = d.nodeName.toUpperCase() } catch (g) { h = d.nodeName } c = c && !this.invalidHandleTypes[h]; c = c && !this.invalidHandleIds[d.id]; for (b = 0, a = this.invalidHandleClasses.length; c && b < a; ++b) { c = !Ext.fly(d).hasCls(this.invalidHandleClasses[b]) } return c }, setXTicks: function (d, a) { this.xTicks = []; this.xTickSize = a; var c = {}, b; for (b = this.initPageX; b >= this.minX; b = b - a) { if (!c[b]) { this.xTicks[this.xTicks.length] = b; c[b] = true } } for (b = this.initPageX; b <= this.maxX; b = b + a) { if (!c[b]) { this.xTicks[this.xTicks.length] = b; c[b] = true } } Ext.Array.sort(this.xTicks, this.DDMInstance.numericSort) }, setYTicks: function (d, a) { this.yTicks = []; this.yTickSize = a; var c = {}, b; for (b = this.initPageY; b >= this.minY; b = b - a) { if (!c[b]) { this.yTicks[this.yTicks.length] = b; c[b] = true } } for (b = this.initPageY; b <= this.maxY; b = b + a) { if (!c[b]) { this.yTicks[this.yTicks.length] = b; c[b] = true } } Ext.Array.sort(this.yTicks, this.DDMInstance.numericSort) }, setXConstraint: function (c, b, a) { this.leftConstraint = c; this.rightConstraint = b; this.minX = this.initPageX - c; this.maxX = this.initPageX + b; if (a) { this.setXTicks(this.initPageX, a) } this.constrainX = true }, clearConstraints: function () { this.constrainX = false; this.constrainY = false; this.clearTicks() }, clearTicks: function () { this.xTicks = null; this.yTicks = null; this.xTickSize = 0; this.yTickSize = 0 }, setYConstraint: function (a, c, b) { this.topConstraint = a; this.bottomConstraint = c; this.minY = this.initPageY - a; this.maxY = this.initPageY + c; if (b) { this.setYTicks(this.initPageY, b) } this.constrainY = true }, resetConstraints: function () { if (this.initPageX || this.initPageX === 0) { var b = (this.maintainOffset) ? this.lastPageX - this.initPageX : 0, a = (this.maintainOffset) ? this.lastPageY - this.initPageY : 0; this.setInitPosition(b, a) } else { this.setInitPosition() } if (this.constrainX) { this.setXConstraint(this.leftConstraint, this.rightConstraint, this.xTickSize) } if (this.constrainY) { this.setYConstraint(this.topConstraint, this.bottomConstraint, this.yTickSize) } }, getTick: function (h, d) { if (!d) { return h } else { if (d[0] >= h) { return d[0] } else { var b, a, c, g, e; for (b = 0, a = d.length; b < a; ++b) { c = b + 1; if (d[c] && d[c] >= h) { g = h - d[b]; e = d[c] - h; return (e > g) ? d[b] : d[c] } } return d[d.length - 1] } } }, toString: function () { return ("DragDrop " + this.id) } }, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.dd, "DragDrop"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.dd.DD", Ext.dd.DragDrop, { constructor: function (c, a, b) { if (c) { this.init(c, a, b) } }, scroll: true, autoOffset: function (c, b) { var a = c - this.startPageX, d = b - this.startPageY; this.setDelta(a, d) }, setDelta: function (b, a) { this.deltaX = b; this.deltaY = a }, setDragElPos: function (c, b) { var a = this.getDragEl(); this.alignElWithMouse(a, c, b) }, alignElWithMouse: function (b, e, c) { var g = this.getTargetCoord(e, c), d = b.dom ? b : Ext.fly(b, "_dd"), m = d.getSize(), j = Ext.Element, k, a, l, h; if (!this.deltaSetXY) { k = this.cachedViewportSize = { width: j.getDocumentWidth(), height: j.getDocumentHeight() }; a = [Math.max(0, Math.min(g.x, k.width - m.width)), Math.max(0, Math.min(g.y, k.height - m.height))]; d.setXY(a); l = this.getLocalX(d); h = d.getLocalY(); this.deltaSetXY = [l - g.x, h - g.y] } else { k = this.cachedViewportSize; this.setLocalXY(d, Math.max(0, Math.min(g.x + this.deltaSetXY[0], k.width - m.width)), Math.max(0, Math.min(g.y + this.deltaSetXY[1], k.height - m.height))) } this.cachePosition(g.x, g.y); this.autoScroll(g.x, g.y, b.offsetHeight, b.offsetWidth); return g }, cachePosition: function (b, a) { if (b) { this.lastPageX = b; this.lastPageY = a } else { var c = Ext.Element.getXY(this.getEl()); this.lastPageX = c[0]; this.lastPageY = c[1] } }, autoScroll: function (m, l, e, n) { if (this.scroll) { var o = Ext.Element.getViewHeight(), b = Ext.Element.getViewWidth(), q = this.DDMInstance.getScrollTop(), d = this.DDMInstance.getScrollLeft(), k = e + l, p = n + m, j = (o + q - l - this.deltaY), g = (b + d - m - this.deltaX), c = 40, a = (document.all) ? 80 : 30; if (k > o && j < c) { window.scrollTo(d, q + a) } if (l < q && q > 0 && l - q < c) { window.scrollTo(d, q - a) } if (p > b && g < c) { window.scrollTo(d + a, q) } if (m < d && d > 0 && m - d < c) { window.scrollTo(d - a, q) } } }, getTargetCoord: function (c, b) { var a = c - this.deltaX, d = b - this.deltaY; if (this.constrainX) { if (a < this.minX) { a = this.minX } if (a > this.maxX) { a = this.maxX } } if (this.constrainY) { if (d < this.minY) { d = this.minY } if (d > this.maxY) { d = this.maxY } } a = this.getTick(a, this.xTicks); d = this.getTick(d, this.yTicks); return { x: a, y: d } }, applyConfig: function () { this.callParent(); this.scroll = (this.config.scroll !== false) }, b4MouseDown: function (a) { this.autoOffset(a.getPageX(), a.getPageY()) }, b4Drag: function (a) { this.setDragElPos(a.getPageX(), a.getPageY()) }, toString: function () { return ("DD " + this.id) }, getLocalX: function (a) { return a.getLocalX() }, setLocalXY: function (b, a, c) { b.setLocalXY(a, c) } }, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.dd, "DD"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.dd.DDProxy", Ext.dd.DD, { statics: { dragElId: "ygddfdiv" }, constructor: function (c, a, b) { if (c) { this.init(c, a, b); this.initFrame() } }, resizeFrame: true, centerFrame: false, createFrame: function () { var b = this, a = document.body, d, c; if (!a || !a.firstChild) { setTimeout(function () { b.createFrame() }, 50); return } d = this.getDragEl(); if (!d) { d = document.createElement("div"); d.id = this.dragElId; c = d.style; c.position = "absolute"; c.visibility = "hidden"; c.cursor = "move"; c.border = "2px solid #aaa"; c.zIndex = 999; a.insertBefore(d, a.firstChild) } }, initFrame: function () { this.createFrame() }, applyConfig: function () { this.callParent(); this.resizeFrame = (this.config.resizeFrame !== false); this.centerFrame = (this.config.centerFrame); this.setDragElId(this.config.dragElId || Ext.dd.DDProxy.dragElId) }, showFrame: function (e, d) { var c = this.getEl(), a = this.getDragEl(), b = a.style; this._resizeProxy(); if (this.centerFrame) { this.setDelta(Math.round(parseInt(b.width, 10) / 2), Math.round(parseInt(b.height, 10) / 2)) } this.setDragElPos(e, d); Ext.fly(a).show() }, _resizeProxy: function () { if (this.resizeFrame) { var a = this.getEl(); Ext.fly(this.getDragEl()).setSize(a.offsetWidth, a.offsetHeight) } }, b4MouseDown: function (b) { var a = b.getPageX(), c = b.getPageY(); this.autoOffset(a, c); this.setDragElPos(a, c) }, b4StartDrag: function (a, b) { this.showFrame(a, b) }, b4EndDrag: function (a) { Ext.fly(this.getDragEl()).hide() }, endDrag: function (c) { var b = this.getEl(), a = this.getDragEl(); a.style.visibility = ""; this.beforeMove(); b.style.visibility = "hidden"; Ext.dd.DDM.moveToEl(b, a); a.style.visibility = "hidden"; b.style.visibility = ""; this.afterDrag() }, beforeMove: function () {}, afterDrag: function () {}, toString: function () { return ("DDProxy " + this.id) } }, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.dd, "DDProxy"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.dd.StatusProxy", Ext.Component, { animRepair: false, childEls: ["ghost"], renderTpl: ['
'], repairCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "dd-drag-repair", constructor: function (a) { var b = this; a = a || {}; Ext.apply(b, { hideMode: "visibility", hidden: true, floating: true, id: b.id || Ext.id(), cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "dd-drag-proxy " + this.dropNotAllowed, shadow: a.shadow || false, renderTo: Ext.getDetachedBody() }); b.callParent(arguments); this.dropStatus = this.dropNotAllowed }, dropAllowed: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "dd-drop-ok", dropNotAllowed: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "dd-drop-nodrop", setStatus: function (a) { a = a || this.dropNotAllowed; if (this.dropStatus != a) { this.el.replaceCls(this.dropStatus, a); this.dropStatus = a } }, reset: function (b) { var c = this, a = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "dd-drag-proxy "; c.el.replaceCls(a + c.dropAllowed, a + c.dropNotAllowed); c.dropStatus = c.dropNotAllowed; if (b) { c.ghost.update("") } }, update: function (a) { if (typeof a == "string") { this.ghost.update(a) } else { this.ghost.update(""); a.style.margin = "0"; this.ghost.dom.appendChild(a) } var b = this.ghost.dom.firstChild; if (b) { Ext.fly(b).setStyle("float", "none") } }, getGhost: function () { return this.ghost }, hide: function (a) { this.callParent(); if (a) { this.reset(true) } }, stop: function () { if (this.anim && this.anim.isAnimated && this.anim.isAnimated()) { this.anim.stop() } }, sync: function () { this.el.sync() }, repair: function (c, d, a) { var b = this; b.callback = d; b.scope = a; if (c && b.animRepair !== false) { b.el.addCls(b.repairCls); b.el.hideUnders(true); b.anim = b.el.animate({ duration: b.repairDuration || 500, easing: "ease-out", to: { x: c[0], y: c[1] }, stopAnimation: true, callback: b.afterRepair, scope: b }) } else { b.afterRepair() } }, afterRepair: function () { var a = this; a.hide(true); a.el.removeCls(a.repairCls); if (typeof a.callback == "function") { a.callback.call(a.scope || a) } delete a.callback; delete a.scope } }, 1, 0, ["component", "box"], { component: true, box: true }, 0, 0, [Ext.dd, "StatusProxy"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.dd.DragSource", Ext.dd.DDProxy, { dropAllowed: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "dd-drop-ok", dropNotAllowed: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "dd-drop-nodrop", animRepair: true, repairHighlightColor: "c3daf9", constructor: function (b, a) { this.el = Ext.get(b); if (!this.dragData) { this.dragData = {} } Ext.apply(this, a); if (!this.proxy) { this.proxy = new Ext.dd.StatusProxy({ id: this.el.id + "-drag-status-proxy", animRepair: this.animRepair }) } this.callParent([this.el.dom, this.ddGroup || this.group, { dragElId: this.proxy.id, resizeFrame: false, isTarget: false, scroll: this.scroll === true } ]); this.dragging = false }, getDragData: function (a) { return this.dragData }, onDragEnter: function (c, d) { var b = Ext.dd.DragDropManager.getDDById(d), a; this.cachedTarget = b; if (this.beforeDragEnter(b, c, d) !== false) { if (b.isNotifyTarget) { a = b.notifyEnter(this, c, this.dragData); this.proxy.setStatus(a) } else { this.proxy.setStatus(this.dropAllowed) } if (this.afterDragEnter) { this.afterDragEnter(b, c, d) } } }, beforeDragEnter: function (b, a, c) { return true }, onDragOver: function (c, d) { var b = this.cachedTarget || Ext.dd.DragDropManager.getDDById(d), a; if (this.beforeDragOver(b, c, d) !== false) { if (b.isNotifyTarget) { a = b.notifyOver(this, c, this.dragData); this.proxy.setStatus(a) } if (this.afterDragOver) { this.afterDragOver(b, c, d) } } }, beforeDragOver: function (b, a, c) { return true }, onDragOut: function (b, c) { var a = this.cachedTarget || Ext.dd.DragDropManager.getDDById(c); if (this.beforeDragOut(a, b, c) !== false) { if (a.isNotifyTarget) { a.notifyOut(this, b, this.dragData) } this.proxy.reset(); if (this.afterDragOut) { this.afterDragOut(a, b, c) } } this.cachedTarget = null }, beforeDragOut: function (b, a, c) { return true }, onDragDrop: function (b, c) { var a = this.cachedTarget || Ext.dd.DragDropManager.getDDById(c); if (this.beforeDragDrop(a, b, c) !== false) { if (a.isNotifyTarget) { if (a.notifyDrop(this, b, this.dragData) !== false) { this.onValidDrop(a, b, c) } else { this.onInvalidDrop(a, b, c) } } else { this.onValidDrop(a, b, c) } if (this.afterDragDrop) { this.afterDragDrop(a, b, c) } } delete this.cachedTarget }, beforeDragDrop: function (b, a, c) { return true }, onValidDrop: function (b, a, c) { this.hideProxy(); if (this.afterValidDrop) { this.afterValidDrop(b, a, c) } }, getRepairXY: function (b, a) { return this.el.getXY() }, onInvalidDrop: function (c, b, d) { var a = this; if (!b) { b = c; c = null; d = b.getTarget().id } if (a.beforeInvalidDrop(c, b, d) !== false) { if (a.cachedTarget) { if (a.cachedTarget.isNotifyTarget) { a.cachedTarget.notifyOut(a, b, a.dragData) } a.cacheTarget = null } a.proxy.repair(a.getRepairXY(b, a.dragData), a.afterRepair, a); if (a.afterInvalidDrop) { a.afterInvalidDrop(b, d) } } }, afterRepair: function () { var a = this; if (Ext.enableFx) { a.el.highlight(a.repairHighlightColor) } a.dragging = false }, beforeInvalidDrop: function (b, a, c) { return true }, handleMouseDown: function (b) { if (this.dragging) { return } var a = this.getDragData(b); if (a && this.onBeforeDrag(a, b) !== false) { this.dragData = a; this.proxy.stop(); this.callParent(arguments) } }, onBeforeDrag: function (a, b) { return true }, onStartDrag: Ext.emptyFn, alignElWithMouse: function () { this.proxy.ensureAttachedToBody(true); return this.callParent(arguments) }, startDrag: function (a, b) { this.proxy.reset(); this.proxy.hidden = false; this.dragging = true; this.proxy.update(""); this.onInitDrag(a, b); this.proxy.show() }, onInitDrag: function (a, c) { var b = this.el.dom.cloneNode(true); b.id = Ext.id(); this.proxy.update(b); this.onStartDrag(a, c); return true }, getProxy: function () { return this.proxy }, hideProxy: function () { this.proxy.hide(); this.proxy.reset(true); this.dragging = false }, triggerCacheRefresh: function () { Ext.dd.DDM.refreshCache(this.groups) }, b4EndDrag: function (a) {}, endDrag: function (a) { this.onEndDrag(this.dragData, a) }, onEndDrag: function (a, b) {}, autoOffset: function (a, b) { this.setDelta(-12, -20) }, destroy: function () { this.callParent(); Ext.destroy(this.proxy) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.dd, "DragSource"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.panel.Proxy", Ext.Base, { alternateClassName: "Ext.dd.PanelProxy", moveOnDrag: true, constructor: function (a, b) { var c = this; c.panel = a; c.id = c.panel.id + "-ddproxy"; Ext.apply(c, b) }, insertProxy: true, setStatus: Ext.emptyFn, reset: Ext.emptyFn, update: Ext.emptyFn, stop: Ext.emptyFn, sync: Ext.emptyFn, getEl: function () { return this.ghost.el }, getGhost: function () { return this.ghost }, getProxy: function () { return this.proxy }, hide: function () { var a = this; if (a.ghost) { if (a.proxy) { a.proxy.remove(); delete a.proxy } a.panel.unghost(null, a.moveOnDrag); delete a.ghost } }, show: function () { var b = this, a; if (!b.ghost) { a = b.panel.getSize(); b.panel.el.setVisibilityMode(Ext.Element.DISPLAY); b.ghost = b.panel.ghost(); if (b.insertProxy) { b.proxy = b.panel.el.insertSibling({ cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "panel-dd-spacer" }); b.proxy.setSize(a) } } }, repair: function (b, c, a) { this.hide(); Ext.callback(c, a || this) }, moveProxy: function (a, b) { if (this.proxy) { a.insertBefore(this.proxy.dom, b) } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.panel, "Proxy", Ext.dd, "PanelProxy"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.panel.DD", Ext.dd.DragSource, { constructor: function (b, a) { var c = this; c.panel = b; c.dragData = { panel: b }; c.panelProxy = new Ext.panel.Proxy(b, a); c.proxy = c.panelProxy.proxy; c.callParent([b.el, a]); c.setupEl(b) }, setupEl: function (a) { var c = this, d = a.header, b = a.body; if (d) { c.setHandleElId(d.id); b = d.el } if (b) { b.setStyle("cursor", "move"); c.scroll = false } else { a.on("boxready", c.setupEl, c, { single: true }) } }, showFrame: Ext.emptyFn, startDrag: Ext.emptyFn, b4StartDrag: function (a, b) { this.panelProxy.show() }, b4MouseDown: function (b) { var a = b.getPageX(), c = b.getPageY(); this.autoOffset(a, c) }, onInitDrag: function (a, b) { this.onStartDrag(a, b); return true }, createFrame: Ext.emptyFn, getDragEl: function (b) { var a = this.panelProxy.ghost; if (a) { return a.el.dom } }, endDrag: function (a) { this.panelProxy.hide(); this.panel.saveState() }, autoOffset: function (a, b) { a -= this.startPageX; b -= this.startPageY; this.setDelta(a, b) }, onInvalidDrop: function (c, b, d) { var a = this; if (a.beforeInvalidDrop(c, b, d) !== false) { if (a.cachedTarget) { if (a.cachedTarget.isNotifyTarget) { a.cachedTarget.notifyOut(a, b, a.dragData) } a.cacheTarget = null } if (a.afterInvalidDrop) { a.afterInvalidDrop(b, d) } } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.panel, "DD"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.Memento", Ext.Base, (function () { function d(j, h, k, g) { j[g ? g + k : k] = h[k] } function c(h, g, j) { delete h[j] } function e(l, k, m, j) { var g = j ? j + m : m, h = l[g]; if (h || l.hasOwnProperty(g)) { a(k, m, h) } } function a(h, j, g) { if (Ext.isDefined(g)) { h[j] = g } else { delete h[j] } } function b(h, n, m, j, k) { if (n) { if (Ext.isArray(j)) { var l, g = j.length; for (l = 0; l < g; l++) { h(n, m, j[l], k) } } else { h(n, m, j, k) } } } return { data: null, target: null, constructor: function (h, g) { if (h) { this.target = h; if (g) { this.capture(g) } } }, capture: function (g, k, j) { var h = this; b(d, h.data || (h.data = {}), k || h.target, g, j) }, remove: function (g) { b(c, this.data, null, g) }, restore: function (h, g, k, j) { b(e, this.data, k || this.target, h, j); if (g !== false) { this.remove(h) } }, restoreAll: function (g, l) { var j = this, h = l || this.target, k = j.data, m; for (m in k) { if (k.hasOwnProperty(m)) { a(h, m, k[m]) } } if (g !== false) { delete j.data } } } } ()), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "Memento"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.panel.Panel", Ext.panel.AbstractPanel, { alternateClassName: "Ext.Panel", collapsedCls: "collapsed", animCollapse: Ext.enableFx, minButtonWidth: 75, collapsed: false, collapseFirst: true, hideCollapseTool: false, titleCollapse: undefined, floatable: true, collapsible: undefined, closable: false, closeAction: "destroy", placeholderCollapseHideMode: Ext.Element.VISIBILITY, preventHeader: false, header: undefined, headerPosition: "top", frame: false, frameHeader: true, manageHeight: true, constrain: false, constrainHeader: false, initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.addEvents("beforeclose", "close", "beforeexpand", "beforecollapse", "expand", "collapse", "titlechange", "iconchange", "iconclschange", "glyphchange", "float", "unfloat"); if (a.collapsible) { this.addStateEvents(["expand", "collapse"]) } if (a.unstyled) { a.setUI("plain") } if (a.frame) { a.setUI(a.ui + "-framed") } a.bridgeToolbars(); a.callParent(); a.collapseDirection = a.collapseDirection || a.headerPosition || Ext.Component.DIRECTION_TOP; a.hiddenOnCollapse = new Ext.dom.CompositeElement() }, beforeDestroy: function () { var a = this; Ext.destroy(a.placeholder, a.ghostPanel, a.dd); a.callParent() }, initAria: function () { this.callParent(); this.initHeaderAria() }, getFocusEl: function () { return this.el }, initHeaderAria: function () { var b = this, a = b.el, c = b.header; if (a && c) { a.dom.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", c.titleCmp.id) } }, getHeader: function () { return this.header }, setTitle: function (g) { var c = this, b = c.title, e = c.header, a = c.reExpander, d = c.placeholder; c.title = g; if (e) { if (e.isHeader) { e.setTitle(g) } else { e.title = g } } else { if (c.rendered) { c.updateHeader() } } if (a) { a.setTitle(g) } if (d && d.setTitle) { d.setTitle(g) } c.fireEvent("titlechange", c, g, b) }, setIconCls: function (a) { var c = this, b = c.iconCls, e = c.header, d = c.placeholder; c.iconCls = a; if (e) { if (e.isHeader) { e.setIconCls(a) } else { e.iconCls = a } } else { c.updateHeader() } if (d && d.setIconCls) { d.setIconCls(a) } c.fireEvent("iconclschange", c, a, b) }, setIcon: function (a) { var b = this, c = b.icon, e = b.header, d = b.placeholder; b.icon = a; if (e) { if (e.isHeader) { e.setIcon(a) } else { e.icon = a } } else { b.updateHeader() } if (d && d.setIcon) { d.setIcon(a) } b.fireEvent("iconchange", b, a, c) }, setGlyph: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.glyph, e = b.header, d = b.placeholder; b.glyph = c; if (e) { if (e.isHeader) { e.setGlyph(c) } else { e.glyph = c } } else { b.updateHeader() } if (d && d.setGlyph) { d.setIcon(c) } b.fireEvent("glyphchange", b, c, a) }, bridgeToolbars: function () { var a = this, g = [], c, b, e = a.minButtonWidth; function d(h, k, j) { if (Ext.isArray(h)) { h = { xtype: "toolbar", items: h } } else { if (!h.xtype) { h.xtype = "toolbar" } } h.dock = k; if (k == "left" || k == "right") { h.vertical = true } if (j) { h.layout = Ext.applyIf(h.layout || {}, { pack: { left: "start", center: "center" } [a.buttonAlign] || "end" }) } return h } if (a.tbar) { g.push(d(a.tbar, "top")); a.tbar = null } if (a.bbar) { g.push(d(a.bbar, "bottom")); a.bbar = null } if (a.buttons) { a.fbar = a.buttons; a.buttons = null } if (a.fbar) { c = d(a.fbar, "bottom", true); c.ui = "footer"; if (e) { b = c.defaults; c.defaults = function (h) { var j = b || {}; if ((!h.xtype || h.xtype === "button" || (h.isComponent && h.isXType("button"))) && !("minWidth" in j)) { j = Ext.apply({ minWidth: e }, j) } return j } } g.push(c); a.fbar = null } if (a.lbar) { g.push(d(a.lbar, "left")); a.lbar = null } if (a.rbar) { g.push(d(a.rbar, "right")); a.rbar = null } if (a.dockedItems) { if (!Ext.isArray(a.dockedItems)) { a.dockedItems = [a.dockedItems] } a.dockedItems = a.dockedItems.concat(g) } else { a.dockedItems = g } }, isPlaceHolderCollapse: function () { return this.collapseMode == "placeholder" }, onBoxReady: function () { this.callParent(); if (this.collapsed) { this.setHiddenDocked() } }, beforeRender: function () { var b = this, a; b.callParent(); b.initTools(); if (!(b.preventHeader || (b.header === false))) { b.updateHeader() } if (b.collapsed) { if (b.isPlaceHolderCollapse()) { if (!b.hidden) { b.setHiddenState(true); b.preventCollapseFire = true; b.placeholderCollapse(); delete b.preventCollapseFire; a = b.collapsed; b.collapsed = false } } else { b.beginCollapse(); b.addClsWithUI(b.collapsedCls) } } if (a) { b.collapsed = a } }, initTools: function () { var c = this, d = c.tools, b, a; c.tools = []; for (b = d && d.length; b; ) { --b; c.tools[b] = a = d[b]; a.toolOwner = c } if (c.collapsible && !(c.hideCollapseTool || c.header === false || c.preventHeader)) { c.collapseDirection = c.collapseDirection || c.headerPosition || "top"; c.collapseTool = c.expandTool = Ext.widget({ xtype: "tool", handler: c.toggleCollapse, scope: c }); c.updateCollapseTool(); if (c.collapseFirst) { c.tools.unshift(c.collapseTool) } } c.addTools(); if (c.closable) { c.addClsWithUI("closable"); c.addTool(Ext.widget({ xtype: "tool", type: "close", handler: Ext.Function.bind(c.close, c, []) })) } if (c.collapseTool && !c.collapseFirst) { c.addTool(c.collapseTool) } }, addTools: Ext.emptyFn, updateCollapseTool: function () { var b = this, a = b.collapseTool; if (a) { if (b.collapsed && !b.isPlaceHolderCollapse()) { a.setType("expand-" + b.getOppositeDirection(b.collapseDirection)) } else { a.setType("collapse-" + b.collapseDirection) } } }, close: function () { if (this.fireEvent("beforeclose", this) !== false) { this.doClose() } }, doClose: function () { this.fireEvent("close", this); this[this.closeAction]() }, updateHeader: function (d) { var c = this, h = c.header, g = c.title, e = c.tools, b = c.icon || c.iconCls, a = c.headerPosition === "left" || c.headerPosition === "right"; if (Ext.isObject(h) || (h !== false && (d || (g || b) || (e && e.length) || (c.collapsible && !c.titleCollapse)))) { if (h && h.isHeader) { h.show() } else { h = c.header = Ext.widget(Ext.apply({ xtype: "header", title: g, titleAlign: c.titleAlign, orientation: a ? "vertical" : "horizontal", dock: c.headerPosition || "top", textCls: c.headerTextCls, iconCls: c.iconCls, icon: c.icon, glyph: c.glyph, baseCls: c.baseCls + "-header", tools: e, ui: c.ui, id: c.id + "_header", overCls: c.headerOverCls, indicateDrag: c.draggable, frame: (c.frame || c.alwaysFramed) && c.frameHeader, ignoreParentFrame: c.frame || c.overlapHeader, ignoreBorderManagement: c.frame || c.ignoreHeaderBorderManagement, ownerCt: c, listeners: c.collapsible && c.titleCollapse ? { click: c.toggleCollapse, scope: c } : null }, c.header)); c.addDocked(h, 0) } c.initHeaderAria() } else { if (h) { h.hide() } } }, setUI: function (b) { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (a.header && a.header.rendered) { a.header.setUI(b) } }, getDefaultContentTarget: function () { return this.body }, getTargetEl: function () { var a = this; return a.body || a.protoBody || a.frameBody || a.el }, isVisible: function (a) { var b = this; if (b.collapsed && b.placeholder) { return b.placeholder.isVisible(a) } return b.callParent(arguments) }, onHide: function () { var a = this; if (a.collapsed && a.placeholder) { a.placeholder.hide() } else { a.callParent(arguments) } }, onShow: function () { var a = this; if (a.collapsed && a.isPlaceHolderCollapse()) { a.setHiddenState(true); a.placeholderCollapse() } else { a.callParent(arguments) } }, onRemoved: function (b) { var a = this; if (a.placeholder && !b) { a.ownerCt.remove(a.placeholder, false) } a.callParent(arguments) }, addTool: function (e) { if (!Ext.isArray(e)) { e = [e] } var d = this, g = d.header, c, a = e.length, b; for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { b = e[c]; b.toolOwner = d; if (g && g.isHeader) { g.addTool(b) } else { d.tools.push(b) } } d.updateHeader() }, getOppositeDirection: function (a) { var b = Ext.Component; switch (a) { case b.DIRECTION_TOP: return b.DIRECTION_BOTTOM; case b.DIRECTION_RIGHT: return b.DIRECTION_LEFT; case b.DIRECTION_BOTTOM: return b.DIRECTION_TOP; case b.DIRECTION_LEFT: return b.DIRECTION_RIGHT } }, getWidthAuthority: function () { if (this.collapsed && this.collapsedHorizontal()) { return 1 } return this.callParent() }, getHeightAuthority: function () { if (this.collapsed && this.collapsedVertical()) { return 1 } return this.callParent() }, collapsedHorizontal: function () { var a = this.getCollapsed(); return a === "left" || a === "right" }, collapsedVertical: function () { var a = this.getCollapsed(); return a === "top" || a === "bottom" }, restoreDimension: function () { var a = this.collapseDirection; return (a === "top" || a === "bottom") ? "height" : "width" }, getCollapsed: function () { var a = this; if (a.collapsed === true) { return a.collapseDirection } return a.collapsed }, getState: function () { var a = this, b = a.callParent(), c; b = a.addPropertyToState(b, "collapsed"); if (a.collapsed) { c = a.collapseMemento; c = c && c.data; if (a.collapsedVertical()) { if (b) { delete b.height } if (c) { b = a.addPropertyToState(b, "height", c.height) } } else { if (b) { delete b.width } if (c) { b = a.addPropertyToState(b, "width", c.width) } } } return b }, findReExpander: function (h) { var g = this, j = Ext.Component, e = g.dockedItems.items, a = e.length, b, d; if (g.collapseMode === "mini") { return } switch (h) { case j.DIRECTION_TOP: case j.DIRECTION_BOTTOM: for (d = 0; d < a; d++) { b = e[d]; if (!b.hidden) { if (b.isHeader && (!b.dock || b.dock === "top" || b.dock === "bottom")) { return b } } } break; case j.DIRECTION_LEFT: case j.DIRECTION_RIGHT: for (d = 0; d < a; d++) { b = e[d]; if (!b.hidden) { if (b.isHeader && (b.dock === "left" || b.dock === "right")) { return b } } } break; default: throw ("Panel#findReExpander must be passed a valid collapseDirection") } }, getReExpander: function (c) { var b = this, d = c || b.collapseDirection, a = b.reExpander || b.findReExpander(d); b.expandDirection = b.getOppositeDirection(d); if (!a) { b.reExpander = a = b.createReExpander(d, { dock: d, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "docked " + b.baseCls + "-" + b.ui + "-collapsed", isCollapsedExpander: true }); b.dockedItems.insert(0, a) } return a }, createReExpander: function (e, d) { var c = this, h = e === "left", b = e === "right", g = h || b, a = Ext.apply({ hideMode: "offsets", title: c.title || " ", titleAlign: c.titleAlign, orientation: g ? "vertical" : "horizontal", textCls: c.headerTextCls, icon: c.icon, iconCls: c.iconCls, glyph: c.glyph, baseCls: c.self.prototype.baseCls + "-header", ui: c.ui, frame: c.frame && c.frameHeader, ignoreParentFrame: c.frame || c.overlapHeader, indicateDrag: c.draggable, collapseImmune: true, ownerCt: c.ownerCt, ownerLayout: c.componentLayout, margin: c.margin }, d); if (c.collapseMode === "mini") { if (g) { a.width = 1 } else { a.height = 1 } } if (!c.hideCollapseTool) { if (h || (b && c.isPlaceHolderCollapse())) { a.titlePosition = 1 } a.tools = [{ xtype: "tool", type: "expand-" + c.getOppositeDirection(e), uiCls: ["top"], handler: c.toggleCollapse, scope: c } ] } a = new Ext.panel.Header(a); a.addClsWithUI(c.getHeaderCollapsedClasses(a)); return a }, getHeaderCollapsedClasses: function (d) { var b = this, c = b.collapsedCls, a; a = [c, c + "-" + d.getDockName()]; if (b.border && (!b.frame || (b.frame && Ext.supports.CSS3BorderRadius))) { a.push(c + "-border-" + d.getDockName()) } return a }, beginCollapse: function () { var e = this, c = e.lastBox, h = e.rendered, b = e.collapseMemento || (e.collapseMemento = new Ext.util.Memento(e)), d = e.getSizeModel(), g = e.header, a; b.capture(["height", "minHeight", "width", "minWidth"]); if (c) { b.capture(e.restoreDimension(), c, "last.") } if (e.collapsedVertical()) { if (d.width.shrinkWrap) { e.width = h ? e.getWidth() : e.width || e.minWidth || 100 } delete e.height; e.minHeight = 0 } else { if (e.collapsedHorizontal()) { if (d.height.shrinkWrap) { e.height = h ? e.getHeight() : e.height || e.minHeight || 100 } delete e.width; e.minWidth = 0 } } if (e.ownerCt) { e.ownerCt.getLayout().beginCollapse(e) } if (!e.isPlaceHolderCollapse() && g !== false) { if (g === (a = e.getReExpander())) { g.collapseImmune = true; g.getHierarchyState().collapseImmune = true; g.addClsWithUI(e.getHeaderCollapsedClasses(g)); if (g.rendered) { g.updateFrame() } } else { if (a.el) { a.el.show(); a.hidden = false } } } if (e.resizer) { e.resizer.disable() } }, beginExpand: function () { var e = this, d = e.lastBox, c = e.collapseMemento, a = this.restoreDimension(), g = e.header, b; if (c) { c.restore(["minHeight", "minWidth", a]); if (d) { c.restore(a, true, d, "last.") } } if (e.ownerCt) { e.ownerCt.getLayout().beginExpand(e) } if (!e.isPlaceHolderCollapse() && g !== false) { if (g === (b = e.getReExpander())) { delete g.collapseImmune; delete g.getHierarchyState().collapseImmune; g.removeClsWithUI(e.getHeaderCollapsedClasses(g)); if (g.rendered) { g.expanding = true; g.updateFrame(); delete g.expanding } } else { b.hidden = true; b.el.hide() } } if (e.resizer) { e.resizer.enable() } }, collapse: function (d, a) { var c = this, e = d || c.collapseDirection, b = c.ownerCt; if (c.isCollapsingOrExpanding) { return c } if (arguments.length < 2) { a = c.animCollapse } if (c.collapsed || c.fireEvent("beforecollapse", c, d, a) === false) { return c } if (b && c.isPlaceHolderCollapse()) { return c.placeholderCollapse(d, a) } c.collapsed = e; c.beginCollapse(); c.getHierarchyState().collapsed = true; c.fireHierarchyEvent("collapse"); return c.doCollapseExpand(1, a) }, doCollapseExpand: function (a, b) { var d = this, c = d.animCollapse, e = d.ownerLayout; d.animCollapse = b; d.isCollapsingOrExpanding = a; if (b) { d.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "animating-size") } if (e && !b) { e.onContentChange(d) } else { d.updateLayout({ isRoot: true }) } d.animCollapse = c; return d }, afterCollapse: function (b) { var a = this, c = a.ownerLayout; a.isCollapsingOrExpanding = 0; a.updateCollapseTool(); if (b) { a.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "animating-size") } if (c && b) { c.onContentChange(a) } a.setHiddenDocked(); a.fireEvent("collapse", a) }, setHiddenDocked: function () { var h = this, d = h.hiddenOnCollapse, c = h.getDockedItems(), a = c.length, e = 0, g, b; if (h.header !== false) { b = h.getReExpander() } d.add(h.body); for (; e < a; e++) { g = c[e]; if (g && g !== b && g.el) { d.add(g.el) } } d.setStyle("visibility", "hidden") }, restoreHiddenDocked: function () { var a = this.hiddenOnCollapse; a.setStyle("visibility", ""); a.clear() }, getPlaceholder: function (e) { var d = this, h = e || d.collapseDirection, c = null, g = d.placeholder, b = d.floatable, a = d.titleCollapse; if (!g) { if (b || (d.collapsible && a)) { c = { click: { fn: (!a && b) ? d.floatCollapsedPanel : d.toggleCollapse, element: "el", scope: d } } } d.placeholder = g = Ext.widget(d.createReExpander(h, { id: d.id + "-placeholder", listeners: c })) } if (!g.placeholderFor) { if (!g.isComponent) { d.placeholder = g = d.lookupComponent(g) } Ext.applyIf(g, { margins: d.margins, placeholderFor: d }); g.addCls([Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "region-collapsed-placeholder", Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "region-collapsed-" + h + "-placeholder", d.collapsedCls]) } return g }, placeholderCollapse: function (g, a) { var d = this, c = d.ownerCt, j = g || d.collapseDirection, b = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "border-region-slide-in", h = d.getPlaceholder(j), e; d.isCollapsingOrExpanding = 1; d.setHiddenState(true); d.collapsed = j; if (h.rendered) { if (h.el.dom.parentNode !== d.el.dom.parentNode) { d.el.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(h.el.dom, d.el.dom) } h.hidden = false; h.el.show(); c.updateLayout() } else { c.insert(c.items.indexOf(d), h) } if (d.rendered) { d.el.setVisibilityMode(d.placeholderCollapseHideMode); if (a) { d.el.addCls(b); h.el.hide(); e = d.convertCollapseDir(j); d.el.slideOut(e, { preserveScroll: true, duration: Ext.Number.from(a, Ext.fx.Anim.prototype.duration), listeners: { afteranimate: function () { d.el.removeCls(b); h.el.show().setStyle("display", "none").slideIn(e, { easing: "linear", duration: 100, listeners: { afteranimate: function () { h.focus(); d.isCollapsingOrExpanding = 0; d.fireEvent("collapse", d) } } }) } } }) } else { d.el.hide(); d.isCollapsingOrExpanding = 0; d.fireEvent("collapse", d) } } else { d.isCollapsingOrExpanding = 0; if (!d.preventCollapseFire) { d.fireEvent("collapse", d) } } return d }, floatCollapsedPanel: function () { var c = this, j = c.placeholder, h = j.getSize(), d, b = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "border-region-slide-in", g = c.collapsed, e = c.ownerCt || c, a; if (c.isSliding) { return } if (c.el.hasCls(b)) { c.slideOutFloatedPanel(); return } c.isSliding = true; j.el.hide(); j.hidden = true; c.el.show(); c.setHiddenState(false); c.collapsed = false; e.updateLayout(); d = c.getBox(false, true); j.el.show(); j.hidden = false; c.el.hide(); c.setHiddenState(true); c.collapsed = g; e.updateLayout(); c.slideOutTask = c.slideOutTask || new Ext.util.DelayedTask(c.slideOutFloatedPanel, c); j.el.on("mouseleave", c.onMouseLeaveFloated, c); c.el.on("mouseleave", c.onMouseLeaveFloated, c); j.el.on("mouseenter", c.onMouseEnterFloated, c); c.el.on("mouseenter", c.onMouseEnterFloated, c); c.el.addCls(b); c.floated = true; if (c.collapseTool) { c.collapseTool.el.hide() } switch (c.collapsed) { case "top": c.setLocalXY(d.x, d.y + h.height - 1); break; case "right": c.setLocalXY(d.x - h.width + 1, d.y); break; case "bottom": c.setLocalXY(d.x, d.y - h.height + 1); break; case "left": c.setLocalXY(d.x + h.width - 1, d.y); break } a = c.convertCollapseDir(c.collapsed); c.floatedFromCollapse = c.collapsed; c.collapsed = false; c.setHiddenState(false); c.el.slideIn(a, { preserveScroll: true, duration: Ext.Number.from(c.animCollapse, Ext.fx.Anim.prototype.duration), listeners: { afteranimate: function () { c.isSliding = false; c.fireEvent("float", c) } } }) }, onMouseLeaveFloated: function (a) { this.slideOutTask.delay(500) }, onMouseEnterFloated: function (a) { this.slideOutTask.cancel() }, isLayoutRoot: function () { if (this.floatedFromCollapse) { return true } return this.callParent() }, slideOutFloatedPanel: function () { var a = this, c = this.el, b; if (a.isSliding || a.isDestroyed) { return } a.isSliding = true; a.floated = false; a.slideOutFloatedPanelBegin(); if (typeof a.collapsed == "string") { b = a.convertCollapseDir(a.collapsed) } c.slideOut(b, { preserveScroll: true, duration: Ext.Number.from(a.animCollapse, Ext.fx.Anim.prototype.duration), listeners: { afteranimate: function () { a.slideOutFloatedPanelEnd(); a.el.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "border-region-slide-in") } } }) }, slideOutFloatedPanelBegin: function () { var b = this, c = b.placeholder.el, a = b.el; b.collapsed = b.floatedFromCollapse; b.setHiddenState(true); b.floatedFromCollapse = null; c.un("mouseleave", b.onMouseLeaveFloated, b); a.un("mouseleave", b.onMouseLeaveFloated, b); c.un("mouseenter", b.onMouseEnterFloated, b); a.un("mouseenter", b.onMouseEnterFloated, b) }, slideOutFloatedPanelEnd: function () { var a = this; if (a.collapseTool) { a.collapseTool.el.show() } a.slideOutTask.cancel(); a.isSliding = false; a.fireEvent("unfloat", a) }, expand: function (a) { var b = this; if (b.isCollapsingOrExpanding) { return b } if (!arguments.length) { a = b.animCollapse } if (!b.collapsed && !b.floatedFromCollapse) { return b } if (b.fireEvent("beforeexpand", b, a) === false) { return b } delete this.getHierarchyState().collapsed; if (b.isPlaceHolderCollapse()) { return b.placeholderExpand(a) } b.restoreHiddenDocked(); b.beginExpand(); b.collapsed = false; return b.doCollapseExpand(2, a) }, placeholderExpand: function (c) { var e = this, h = e.collapsed, d = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "border-region-slide-in", g, b, a = e.ownerLayout ? e.ownerLayout.centerRegion : null; if (Ext.AbstractComponent.layoutSuspendCount) { c = false } if (e.floatedFromCollapse) { b = e.getPosition(true); e.slideOutFloatedPanelBegin(); e.slideOutFloatedPanelEnd(); e.floated = false } if (c) { Ext.suspendLayouts(); e.placeholder.hide(); e.el.show(); e.collapsed = false; e.setHiddenState(false); if (a && !b) { a.hidden = true } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); a.hidden = false; e.el.addCls(d); e.isCollapsingOrExpanding = 2; if (b) { g = e.getXY(); e.setLocalXY(b[0], b[1]); e.setXY([g[0], g[1]], { duration: Ext.Number.from(c, Ext.fx.Anim.prototype.duration), listeners: { afteranimate: function () { e.el.removeCls(d); e.isCollapsingOrExpanding = 0; e.fireEvent("expand", e) } } }) } else { e.el.hide(); e.placeholder.el.show(); e.placeholder.hidden = false; e.setHiddenState(false); e.el.slideIn(e.convertCollapseDir(h), { preserveScroll: true, duration: Ext.Number.from(c, Ext.fx.Anim.prototype.duration), listeners: { afteranimate: function () { e.el.removeCls(d); e.placeholder.hide(); e.updateLayout(); e.isCollapsingOrExpanding = 0; e.fireEvent("expand", e) } } }) } } else { e.floated = e.collapsed = false; e.el.removeCls(d); Ext.suspendLayouts(); e.placeholder.hide(); e.show(); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); e.fireEvent("expand", e) } return e }, afterExpand: function (b) { var a = this, c = a.ownerLayout; a.isCollapsingOrExpanding = 0; a.updateCollapseTool(); if (b) { a.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "animating-size") } if (c && b) { c.onContentChange(a) } a.fireEvent("expand", a); a.fireHierarchyEvent("expand") }, setBorder: function (a, c) { if (c) { return } var b = this, d = b.header; if (!a) { a = 0 } else { if (a === true) { a = "1px" } else { a = b.unitizeBox(a) } } if (d) { if (d.isHeader) { d.setBorder(a) } else { d.border = a } } if (b.rendered && b.bodyBorder !== false) { b.body.setStyle("border-width", a) } b.updateLayout(); b.border = a }, toggleCollapse: function () { return (this.collapsed || this.floatedFromCollapse) ? this.expand() : this.collapse() }, getKeyMap: function () { return this.keyMap || (this.keyMap = new Ext.util.KeyMap(Ext.apply({ target: this.el }, this.keys))) }, initDraggable: function () { if (this.simpleDrag) { this.initSimpleDraggable() } else { this.dd = new Ext.panel.DD(this, Ext.isBoolean(this.draggable) ? null : this.draggable) } }, initSimpleDraggable: function () { var c = this, b, a; if (!c.header) { c.updateHeader(true) } if (c.header) { b = Ext.applyIf({ el: c.el, delegate: "#" + Ext.escapeId(c.header.id) }, c.draggable); if (c.constrain || c.constrainHeader) { b.constrain = c.constrain; b.constrainDelegate = c.constrainHeader; b.constrainTo = c.constrainTo || c.container } a = c.dd = new Ext.util.ComponentDragger(this, b); c.relayEvents(a, ["dragstart", "drag", "dragend"]); if (c.maximized) { a.disable() } } }, ghostTools: function () { var e = [], g = this.header, d = g ? g.query("tool[hidden=false]") : [], c, a, b; if (d.length) { c = 0; a = d.length; for (; c < a; c++) { b = d[c]; e.push({ type: b.type }) } } else { e = [{ type: "placeholder" } ] } return e }, ghost: function (a) { var d = this, b = d.ghostPanel, c = d.getBox(), e; if (!b) { b = new Ext.panel.Panel({ renderTo: Ext.getBody(), floating: { shadow: false }, frame: d.frame && !d.alwaysFramed, alwaysFramed: d.alwaysFramed, overlapHeader: d.overlapHeader, headerPosition: d.headerPosition, baseCls: d.baseCls, cls: d.baseCls + "-ghost " + (a || "") }); d.ghostPanel = b } else { b.el.show() } d.ghostPanel.hidden = false; b.floatParent = d.floatParent; if (d.floating) { b.zIndexManager.assignZIndices() } else { b.toFront() } if (!(d.preventHeader || (d.header === false))) { e = b.header; if (e) { e.suspendLayouts(); Ext.Array.forEach(e.query("tool"), e.remove, e); e.resumeLayouts() } b.addTool(d.ghostTools()); b.setTitle(d.title); if (d.iconCls) { b.setIconCls(d.iconCls) } else { if (d.icon) { b.setIcon(d.icon) } else { if (d.glyph) { b.setGlyph(d.glyph) } } } b.header.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "header-ghost") } b.setPagePosition(c.x, c.y); b.setSize(c.width, c.height); d.el.hide(); return b }, unghost: function (b, a) { var c = this; if (!c.ghostPanel) { return } if (b !== false) { c.el.show(); if (a !== false) { c.setPagePosition(c.ghostPanel.getXY()); if (c.hideMode == "offsets") { delete c.el.hideModeStyles } } Ext.defer(c.focus, 10, c) } c.ghostPanel.el.hide(); c.ghostPanel.hidden = true }, beginDrag: function () { if (this.floatingDescendants) { this.floatingDescendants.hide() } }, endDrag: function () { if (this.floatingDescendants) { this.floatingDescendants.show() } }, initResizable: function () { this.callParent(arguments); if (this.collapsed) { this.resizer.disable() } }, convertCollapseDir: function (a) { return a.substr(0, 1) } }, 0, ["panel"], ["panel", "component", "container", "box"], { panel: true, component: true, container: true, box: true }, ["widget.panel"], 0, [Ext.panel, "Panel", Ext, "Panel"], function () { this.prototype.animCollapse = Ext.enableFx })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.tip.Tip", Ext.panel.Panel, { alternateClassName: "Ext.Tip", minWidth: 40, maxWidth: 500, shadow: "sides", defaultAlign: "tl-bl?", constrainPosition: true, autoRender: true, hidden: true, baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tip", floating: { shadow: true, shim: true }, focusOnToFront: false, closeAction: "hide", ariaRole: "tooltip", alwaysFramed: true, frameHeader: false, initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.floating = Ext.apply({}, { shadow: a.shadow, constrain: a.constrainPosition }, a.self.prototype.floating); a.callParent(arguments); a.constrain = a.constrain || a.constrainPosition }, showAt: function (b) { var a = this; this.callParent(arguments); if (a.isVisible()) { a.setPagePosition(b[0], b[1]); if (a.constrainPosition || a.constrain) { a.doConstrain() } a.toFront(true) } }, initDraggable: function () { var a = this; a.draggable = { el: a.getDragEl(), delegate: a.header.el, constrain: a, constrainTo: a.el.dom.parentNode }; Ext.Component.prototype.initDraggable.call(a) }, ghost: undefined, unghost: undefined }, 0, 0, ["panel", "component", "container", "box"], { panel: true, component: true, container: true, box: true }, 0, 0, [Ext.tip, "Tip", Ext, "Tip"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.tip.ToolTip", Ext.tip.Tip, { alternateClassName: "Ext.ToolTip", autoHide: true, showDelay: 500, hideDelay: 200, dismissDelay: 5000, trackMouse: false, anchorToTarget: true, anchorOffset: 0, targetCounter: 0, quickShowInterval: 250, initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); a.lastActive = new Date(); a.setTarget(a.target); a.origAnchor = a.anchor }, onRender: function (b, a) { var c = this; c.callParent(arguments); c.anchorCls = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tip-anchor-" + c.getAnchorPosition(); c.anchorEl = c.el.createChild({ cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tip-anchor " + c.anchorCls }) }, setTarget: function (d) { var b = this, a = Ext.get(d), c; if (b.target) { c = Ext.get(b.target); b.mun(c, "mouseover", b.onTargetOver, b); b.mun(c, "mouseout", b.onTargetOut, b); b.mun(c, "mousemove", b.onMouseMove, b) } b.target = a; if (a) { b.mon(a, { freezeEvent: true, mouseover: b.onTargetOver, mouseout: b.onTargetOut, mousemove: b.onMouseMove, scope: b }) } if (b.anchor) { b.anchorTarget = b.target } }, onMouseMove: function (d) { var b = this, a = b.delegate ? d.getTarget(b.delegate) : b.triggerElement = true, c; if (a) { b.targetXY = d.getXY(); if (a === b.triggerElement) { if (!b.hidden && b.trackMouse) { c = b.getTargetXY(); if (b.constrainPosition) { c = b.el.adjustForConstraints(c, b.el.parent()) } b.setPagePosition(c) } } else { b.hide(); b.lastActive = new Date(0); b.onTargetOver(d) } } else { if ((!b.closable && b.isVisible()) && b.autoHide !== false) { b.hide() } } }, getTargetXY: function () { var k = this, d, c, o, a, j, m, e, n, l, b, h, g; if (k.delegate) { k.anchorTarget = k.triggerElement } if (k.anchor) { k.targetCounter++; c = k.getOffsets(); o = (k.anchorToTarget && !k.trackMouse) ? k.getAlignToXY(k.anchorTarget, k.getAnchorAlign()) : k.targetXY; a = Ext.Element.getViewWidth() - 5; j = Ext.Element.getViewHeight() - 5; m = document.documentElement; e = document.body; n = (m.scrollLeft || e.scrollLeft || 0) + 5; l = (m.scrollTop || e.scrollTop || 0) + 5; b = [o[0] + c[0], o[1] + c[1]]; h = k.getSize(); g = k.constrainPosition; k.anchorEl.removeCls(k.anchorCls); if (k.targetCounter < 2 && g) { if (b[0] < n) { if (k.anchorToTarget) { k.defaultAlign = "l-r"; if (k.mouseOffset) { k.mouseOffset[0] *= -1 } } k.anchor = "left"; return k.getTargetXY() } if (b[0] + h.width > a) { if (k.anchorToTarget) { k.defaultAlign = "r-l"; if (k.mouseOffset) { k.mouseOffset[0] *= -1 } } k.anchor = "right"; return k.getTargetXY() } if (b[1] < l) { if (k.anchorToTarget) { k.defaultAlign = "t-b"; if (k.mouseOffset) { k.mouseOffset[1] *= -1 } } k.anchor = "top"; return k.getTargetXY() } if (b[1] + h.height > j) { if (k.anchorToTarget) { k.defaultAlign = "b-t"; if (k.mouseOffset) { k.mouseOffset[1] *= -1 } } k.anchor = "bottom"; return k.getTargetXY() } } k.anchorCls = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tip-anchor-" + k.getAnchorPosition(); k.anchorEl.addCls(k.anchorCls); k.targetCounter = 0; return b } else { d = k.getMouseOffset(); return (k.targetXY) ? [k.targetXY[0] + d[0], k.targetXY[1] + d[1]] : d } }, getMouseOffset: function () { var a = this, b = a.anchor ? [0, 0] : [15, 18]; if (a.mouseOffset) { b[0] += a.mouseOffset[0]; b[1] += a.mouseOffset[1] } return b }, getAnchorPosition: function () { var b = this, a; if (b.anchor) { b.tipAnchor = b.anchor.charAt(0) } else { a = b.defaultAlign.match(/^([a-z]+)-([a-z]+)(\?)?$/); b.tipAnchor = a[1].charAt(0) } switch (b.tipAnchor) { case "t": return "top"; case "b": return "bottom"; case "r": return "right" } return "left" }, getAnchorAlign: function () { switch (this.anchor) { case "top": return "tl-bl"; case "left": return "tl-tr"; case "right": return "tr-tl"; default: return "bl-tl" } }, getOffsets: function () { var c = this, d, b, a = c.getAnchorPosition().charAt(0); if (c.anchorToTarget && !c.trackMouse) { switch (a) { case "t": b = [0, 9]; break; case "b": b = [0, -13]; break; case "r": b = [-13, 0]; break; default: b = [9, 0]; break } } else { switch (a) { case "t": b = [-15 - c.anchorOffset, 30]; break; case "b": b = [-19 - c.anchorOffset, -13 - c.el.dom.offsetHeight]; break; case "r": b = [-15 - c.el.dom.offsetWidth, -13 - c.anchorOffset]; break; default: b = [25, -13 - c.anchorOffset]; break } } d = c.getMouseOffset(); b[0] += d[0]; b[1] += d[1]; return b }, onTargetOver: function (d) { var c = this, b = c.delegate, a; if (c.disabled || d.within(c.target.dom, true)) { return } a = b ? d.getTarget(b) : true; if (a) { c.triggerElement = a; c.triggerEvent = d; c.clearTimer("hide"); c.targetXY = d.getXY(); c.delayShow() } }, delayShow: function () { var a = this; if (a.hidden && !a.showTimer) { if (Ext.Date.getElapsed(a.lastActive) < a.quickShowInterval) { a.show() } else { a.showTimer = Ext.defer(a.showFromDelay, a.showDelay, a) } } else { if (!a.hidden && a.autoHide !== false) { a.show() } } }, showFromDelay: function () { this.fromDelayShow = true; this.show(); delete this.fromDelayShow }, onShowVeto: function () { this.callParent(); delete this.triggerElement; this.clearTimer("show") }, onTargetOut: function (d) { var b = this, a = b.triggerElement, c = a === true ? b.target : a; if (b.disabled || !a || d.within(c, true)) { return } if (b.showTimer) { b.clearTimer("show"); b.triggerElement = null } if (b.autoHide !== false) { b.delayHide() } }, delayHide: function () { var a = this; if (!a.hidden && !a.hideTimer) { a.hideTimer = Ext.defer(a.hide, a.hideDelay, a) } }, hide: function () { var a = this; a.clearTimer("dismiss"); a.lastActive = new Date(); if (a.anchorEl) { a.anchorEl.hide() } a.callParent(arguments); delete a.triggerElement }, show: function () { var a = this; this.callParent(); if (this.hidden === false) { a.setPagePosition(-10000, -10000); if (a.anchor) { a.anchor = a.origAnchor } if (!a.calledFromShowAt) { a.showAt(a.getTargetXY()) } if (a.anchor) { a.syncAnchor(); a.anchorEl.show() } else { a.anchorEl.hide() } } }, showAt: function (b) { var a = this; a.lastActive = new Date(); a.clearTimers(); a.calledFromShowAt = true; if (!a.isVisible()) { this.callParent(arguments) } if (a.isVisible()) { a.setPagePosition(b[0], b[1]); if (a.constrainPosition || a.constrain) { a.doConstrain() } a.toFront(true); a.el.sync(true); if (a.dismissDelay && a.autoHide !== false) { a.dismissTimer = Ext.defer(a.hide, a.dismissDelay, a) } if (a.anchor) { a.syncAnchor(); if (!a.anchorEl.isVisible()) { a.anchorEl.show() } } else { a.anchorEl.hide() } } delete a.calledFromShowAt }, syncAnchor: function () { var c = this, a, b, d; switch (c.tipAnchor.charAt(0)) { case "t": a = "b"; b = "tl"; d = [20 + c.anchorOffset, 1]; break; case "r": a = "l"; b = "tr"; d = [-1, 12 + c.anchorOffset]; break; case "b": a = "t"; b = "bl"; d = [20 + c.anchorOffset, -1]; break; default: a = "r"; b = "tl"; d = [1, 12 + c.anchorOffset]; break } c.anchorEl.alignTo(c.el, a + "-" + b, d); c.anchorEl.setStyle("z-index", parseInt(c.el.getZIndex(), 10) || 0 + 1).setVisibilityMode(Ext.Element.DISPLAY) }, setPagePosition: function (a, c) { var b = this; b.callParent(arguments); if (b.anchor) { b.syncAnchor() } }, _timerNames: {}, clearTimer: function (a) { var b = this, d = b._timerNames, c = d[a] || (d[a] = a + "Timer"), e = b[c]; if (e) { clearTimeout(e); b[c] = null } }, clearTimers: function () { var a = this; a.clearTimer("show"); a.clearTimer("dismiss"); a.clearTimer("hide") }, onShow: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); a.mon(Ext.getDoc(), "mousedown", a.onDocMouseDown, a) }, onHide: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); a.mun(Ext.getDoc(), "mousedown", a.onDocMouseDown, a) }, onDocMouseDown: function (b) { var a = this; if (!a.closable && !b.within(a.el.dom)) { a.disable(); Ext.defer(a.doEnable, 100, a) } }, doEnable: function () { if (!this.isDestroyed) { this.enable() } }, onDisable: function () { this.callParent(); this.clearTimers(); this.hide() }, beforeDestroy: function () { var a = this; a.clearTimers(); Ext.destroy(a.anchorEl); delete a.anchorEl; delete a.target; delete a.anchorTarget; delete a.triggerElement; a.callParent() }, onDestroy: function () { Ext.getDoc().un("mousedown", this.onDocMouseDown, this); this.callParent() } }, 0, ["tooltip"], ["panel", "component", "container", "box", "tooltip"], { panel: true, component: true, container: true, box: true, tooltip: true }, ["widget.tooltip"], 0, [Ext.tip, "ToolTip", Ext, "ToolTip"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.tip.QuickTip", Ext.tip.ToolTip, { alternateClassName: "Ext.QuickTip", interceptTitles: false, title: " ", tagConfig: { namespace: "data-", attribute: "qtip", width: "qwidth", target: "target", title: "qtitle", hide: "hide", cls: "qclass", align: "qalign", anchor: "anchor", showDelay: "qshowDelay" }, initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.target = a.target || Ext.getDoc(); a.targets = a.targets || {}; a.callParent() }, register: function (c) { var h = Ext.isArray(c) ? c : arguments, d = 0, a = h.length, g, b, e; for (; d < a; d++) { c = h[d]; g = c.target; if (g) { if (Ext.isArray(g)) { for (b = 0, e = g.length; b < e; b++) { this.targets[Ext.id(g[b])] = c } } else { this.targets[Ext.id(g)] = c } } } }, unregister: function (a) { delete this.targets[Ext.id(a)] }, cancelShow: function (a) { var b = this, c = b.activeTarget; a = Ext.get(a).dom; if (b.isVisible()) { if (c && c.el == a) { b.hide() } } else { if (c && c.el == a) { b.clearTimer("show") } } }, getTipCfg: function (d) { var c = d.getTarget(), b = c.title, a; if (this.interceptTitles && b && Ext.isString(b)) { c.qtip = b; c.removeAttribute("title"); d.preventDefault(); return { text: b } } else { a = this.tagConfig; c = d.getTarget("[" + a.namespace + a.attribute + "]"); if (c) { return { target: c, text: c.getAttribute(a.namespace + a.attribute) } } } }, onTargetOver: function (j) { var l = this, k = j.getTarget(l.delegate), a, d, b, h, m, c, o, g, q, n, p; if (l.disabled) { return } l.targetXY = j.getXY(); if (!k || k.nodeType !== 1 || k == document.documentElement || k == document.body) { return } if (l.activeTarget && ((k == l.activeTarget.el) || Ext.fly(l.activeTarget.el).contains(k))) { if (l.targetTextEmpty()) { l.onShowVeto(); delete l.activeTarget } else { l.clearTimer("hide"); l.show() } return } if (k) { g = l.targets; for (p in g) { if (g.hasOwnProperty(p)) { n = g[p]; q = Ext.fly(n.target); if (q && (q.dom === k || q.contains(k))) { b = q.dom; break } } } if (b) { l.activeTarget = l.targets[b.id]; l.activeTarget.el = k; l.anchor = l.activeTarget.anchor; if (l.anchor) { l.anchorTarget = k } a = parseInt(l.activeTarget.showDelay, 10); if (a) { d = l.showDelay; l.showDelay = a } l.delayShow(); if (a) { l.showDelay = d } return } } b = Ext.fly(k, "_quicktip-target"); h = l.tagConfig; m = h.namespace; c = l.getTipCfg(j); if (c) { if (c.target) { k = c.target; b = Ext.fly(k, "_quicktip-target") } o = b.getAttribute(m + h.hide); l.activeTarget = { el: k, text: c.text, width: +b.getAttribute(m + h.width) || null, autoHide: o != "user" && o !== "false", title: b.getAttribute(m + h.title), cls: b.getAttribute(m + h.cls), align: b.getAttribute(m + h.align), showDelay: parseInt(b.getAttribute(m + h.showDelay), 10) }; l.anchor = b.getAttribute(m + h.anchor); if (l.anchor) { l.anchorTarget = k } a = parseInt(l.activeTarget.showDelay, 10); if (a) { d = l.showDelay; l.showDelay = a } l.delayShow(); if (a) { l.showDelay = d } } }, onTargetOut: function (g) { var c = this, d = c.activeTarget, a, b; if (d && g.within(c.activeTarget.el) && !c.getTipCfg(g)) { return } c.clearTimer("show"); delete c.activeTarget; if (c.autoHide !== false) { a = d && parseInt(d.hideDelay, 10); if (a) { b = c.hideDelay; c.hideDelay = a } c.delayHide(); if (a) { c.hideDelay = b } } }, targetTextEmpty: function () { var c = this, d = c.activeTarget, a = c.tagConfig, b, e; if (d) { b = d.el; if (b) { e = b.getAttribute(a.namespace + a.attribute); if (!e && !c.targets[d.target]) { return true } } } return false }, show: function () { var b = this, a = b.fromDelayShow; if (a && b.targetTextEmpty()) { b.onShowVeto(); delete b.activeTarget; return } b.callParent(arguments) }, showAt: function (d) { var b = this, c = b.activeTarget, e = b.header, a; if (c) { if (!b.rendered) { b.render(Ext.getBody()); b.activeTarget = c } b.suspendLayouts(); if (c.title) { b.setTitle(c.title); e.show() } else { if (e) { e.hide() } } b.update(c.text); b.autoHide = c.autoHide; b.dismissDelay = c.dismissDelay || b.dismissDelay; if (c.mouseOffset) { d[0] += c.mouseOffset[0]; d[1] += c.mouseOffset[1] } a = b.lastCls; if (a) { b.removeCls(a); delete b.lastCls } a = c.cls; if (a) { b.addCls(a); b.lastCls = a } b.setWidth(c.width); if (b.anchor) { b.constrainPosition = false } else { if (c.align) { d = b.getAlignToXY(c.el, c.align); b.constrainPosition = false } else { b.constrainPosition = true } } b.resumeLayouts(true) } b.callParent([d]) }, hide: function () { delete this.activeTarget; this.callParent() } }, 0, ["quicktip"], ["panel", "component", "container", "box", "quicktip", "tooltip"], { panel: true, component: true, container: true, box: true, quicktip: true, tooltip: true }, ["widget.quicktip"], 0, [Ext.tip, "QuickTip", Ext, "QuickTip"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.tip.QuickTipManager", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, alternateClassName: "Ext.QuickTips", disabled: false, init: function (e, b) { var d = this; if (!d.tip) { if (!Ext.isReady) { Ext.onReady(function () { Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.init(e, b) }); return } var a = Ext.apply({ disabled: d.disabled, id: "ext-quicktips-tip" }, b), c = a.className, g = a.xtype; if (c) { delete a.className } else { if (g) { c = "widget." + g; delete a.xtype } } if (e !== false) { a.renderTo = document.body } d.tip = Ext.create(c || "Ext.tip.QuickTip", a); Ext.quickTipsActive = true } }, destroy: function () { Ext.destroy(this.tip); this.tip = undefined }, ddDisable: function () { var a = this, b = a.tip; if (b && !a.disabled) { b.disable() } }, ddEnable: function () { var a = this, b = a.tip; if (b && !a.disabled) { b.enable() } }, enable: function () { var a = this, b = a.tip; if (b) { b.enable() } a.disabled = false }, disable: function () { var a = this, b = a.tip; if (b) { b.disable() } a.disabled = true }, isEnabled: function () { var a = this.tip; return a !== undefined && !a.disabled }, getQuickTip: function () { return this.tip }, register: function () { var a = this.tip; a.register.apply(a, arguments) }, unregister: function () { var a = this.tip; a.unregister.apply(a, arguments) }, tips: function () { var a = this.tip; a.register.apply(a, arguments) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.tip, "QuickTipManager", Ext, "QuickTips"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.app.Application", Ext.app.Controller, { scope: undefined, enableQuickTips: true, appFolder: "app", appProperty: "app", namespaces: [], autoCreateViewport: false, paths: null, onClassExtended: function (k, c, j) { var b = Ext.app.Controller, d = k.prototype, m = [], e, l, a, g, h; a = c.name || k.superclass.name; h = c.appFolder || k.superclass.appFolder; if (a) { c.$namespace = a; Ext.app.addNamespaces(a) } if (c.namespaces) { Ext.app.addNamespaces(c.namespaces) } if (!c["paths processed"]) { if (a && h) { Ext.Loader.setPath(a, h) } l = c.paths; if (l) { for (g in l) { if (l.hasOwnProperty(g)) { Ext.Loader.setPath(g, l[g]) } } } } else { delete c["paths processed"] } if (c.autoCreateViewport) { b.processDependencies(d, m, a, "view", ["Viewport"]) } if (m.length) { e = j.onBeforeCreated; j.onBeforeCreated = function (n, p) { var o = Ext.Array.clone(arguments); Ext.require(m, function () { return e.apply(this, o) }) } } }, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; b.callParent(arguments); b.doInit(b); b.initNamespace(); b.initControllers(); b.onBeforeLaunch(); b.finishInitControllers() }, initNamespace: function () { var c = this, a = c.appProperty, b; b = Ext.namespace(c.name); if (b) { b.getApplication = function () { return c }; if (a) { if (!b[a]) { b[a] = c } } } }, initControllers: function () { var c = this, d = Ext.Array.from(c.controllers); c.controllers = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); for (var a = 0, b = d.length; a < b; a++) { c.getController(d[a]) } }, finishInitControllers: function () { var c = this, d, b, a; d = c.controllers.getRange(); for (b = 0, a = d.length; b < a; b++) { d[b].finishInit(c) } }, launch: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeLaunch: function () { var b = this, e, g, d, a; if (b.enableQuickTips) { b.initQuickTips() } if (b.autoCreateViewport) { b.initViewport() } b.launch.call(b.scope || b); b.launched = true; b.fireEvent("launch", b); e = b.controllers.items; d = e.length; for (g = 0; g < d; g++) { a = e[g]; a.onLaunch(b) } }, getModuleClassName: function (a, b) { return Ext.app.Controller.getFullName(a, b, this.name).absoluteName }, initQuickTips: function () { Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.init() }, initViewport: function () { var a = this.getView("Viewport"); if (a) { a.create() } }, getController: function (b) { var d = this, e = d.controllers, c, a; a = e.get(b); if (!a) { c = d.getModuleClassName(b, "controller"); a = Ext.create(c, { application: d, id: b }); e.add(a); if (d._initialized) { a.doInit(d) } } return a }, getApplication: function () { return this } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.app, "Application"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.app.domain.Controller", Ext.app.EventDomain, { singleton: true, type: "controller", idProperty: "id", constructor: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); a.monitor(Ext.app.Controller) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.app.domain, "Controller"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.direct.Provider", Ext.Base, { isProvider: true, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; Ext.apply(b, a); Ext.applyIf(b, { id: Ext.id(null, "provider-") }); b.addEvents("connect", "disconnect", "data", "exception"); b.mixins.observable.constructor.call(b, a) }, isConnected: function () { return false }, connect: Ext.emptyFn, disconnect: Ext.emptyFn }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["direct.provider"], [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.direct, "Provider"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.app.domain.Direct", Ext.app.EventDomain, { singleton: true, type: "direct", idProperty: "id", constructor: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); a.monitor(Ext.direct.Provider) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.app.domain, "Direct"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.button.Split", Ext.button.Button, { alternateClassName: "Ext.SplitButton", arrowCls: "split", split: true, initComponent: function () { this.callParent(); this.addEvents("arrowclick") }, setArrowHandler: function (b, a) { this.arrowHandler = b; this.scope = a }, onClick: function (c, a) { var b = this; c.preventDefault(); if (!b.disabled) { if (b.overMenuTrigger) { b.maybeShowMenu(); b.fireEvent("arrowclick", b, c); if (b.arrowHandler) { b.arrowHandler.call(b.scope || b, b, c) } } else { b.doToggle(); b.fireHandler(c) } } } }, 0, ["splitbutton"], ["button", "component", "box", "splitbutton"], { button: true, component: true, box: true, splitbutton: true }, ["widget.splitbutton"], 0, [Ext.button, "Split", Ext, "SplitButton"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.button.Cycle", Ext.button.Split, { alternateClassName: "Ext.CycleButton", getButtonText: function (b) { var a = this, c = ""; if (b && a.showText === true) { if (a.prependText) { c += a.prependText } c += b.text; return c } return a.text }, setActiveItem: function (c, a) { var b = this; if (!Ext.isObject(c)) { c = b.menu.getComponent(c) } if (c) { if (!b.rendered) { b.text = b.getButtonText(c); b.iconCls = c.iconCls; b.glyph = c.glyph } else { b.setText(b.getButtonText(c)); b.setIconCls(c.iconCls); b.setGlyph(c.glyph) } b.activeItem = c; if (!c.checked) { c.setChecked(true, false) } if (b.forceIcon) { b.setIconCls(b.forceIcon) } if (b.forceGlyph) { b.setGlyph(b.forceGlyph) } if (!a) { b.fireEvent("change", b, c) } } }, getActiveItem: function () { return this.activeItem }, initComponent: function () { var g = this, e = 0, b, c, a, d; g.addEvents("change"); if (g.changeHandler) { g.on("change", g.changeHandler, g.scope || g); delete g.changeHandler } b = (g.menu.items || []).concat(g.items || []); g.menu = Ext.applyIf({ cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "cycle-menu", items: [] }, g.menu); a = b.length; for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { d = b[c]; d = Ext.applyIf({ group: g.id, itemIndex: c, checkHandler: g.checkHandler, scope: g, checked: d.checked || false }, d); g.menu.items.push(d); if (d.checked) { e = c } } g.itemCount = g.menu.items.length; g.callParent(arguments); g.on("click", g.toggleSelected, g); g.setActiveItem(e, g); if (g.width && g.showText) { g.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "cycle-fixed-width") } }, checkHandler: function (a, b) { if (b) { this.setActiveItem(a) } }, toggleSelected: function () { var c = this, a = c.menu, b; b = c.activeItem.next(":not([disabled])") || a.items.getAt(0); b.setChecked(true) } }, 0, ["cycle"], ["cycle", "button", "component", "box", "splitbutton"], { cycle: true, button: true, component: true, box: true, splitbutton: true }, ["widget.cycle"], 0, [Ext.button, "Cycle", Ext, "CycleButton"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.Callout", Ext.Base, { constructor: function (a) { if (a.callouts) { a.callouts.styles = Ext.applyIf(a.callouts.styles || {}, { color: "#000", font: "11px Helvetica, sans-serif" }); this.callouts = Ext.apply(this.callouts || {}, a.callouts); this.calloutsArray = [] } }, renderCallouts: function () { if (!this.callouts) { return } var v = this, m = v.items, a = v.chart.animate, u = v.callouts, h = u.styles, e = v.calloutsArray, b = v.chart.getChartStore(), s = b.getCount(), d = m.length / s, l = [], r, c, q, n, t, g, k, o; for (r = 0, c = 0; r < s; r++) { for (q = 0; q < d; q++) { t = m[c]; g = e[c]; k = b.getAt(r); o = (!u.filter || u.filter(k)); if (!o && !g) { c++; continue } if (!g) { e[c] = g = v.onCreateCallout(k, t, r, o, q, c) } for (n in g) { if (g[n] && g[n].setAttributes) { g[n].setAttributes(h, true) } } if (!o) { for (n in g) { if (g[n]) { if (g[n].setAttributes) { g[n].setAttributes({ hidden: true }, true) } else { if (g[n].setVisible) { g[n].setVisible(false) } } } } } if (u && u.renderer) { u.renderer(g, k) } v.onPlaceCallout(g, k, t, r, o, a, q, c, l); l.push(g); c++ } } this.hideCallouts(c) }, onCreateCallout: function (g, n, e, j) { var k = this, l = k.calloutsGroup, d = k.callouts, o = (d ? d.styles : undefined), c = (o ? o.width : 0), m = (o ? o.height : 0), h = k.chart, b = h.surface, a = { lines: false }; a.lines = b.add(Ext.apply({}, { type: "path", path: "M0,0", stroke: k.getLegendColor() || "#555" }, o)); if (d.items) { a.panel = new Ext.Panel({ style: "position: absolute;", width: c, height: m, items: d.items, renderTo: h.el }) } return a }, hideCallouts: function (b) { var d = this.calloutsArray, a = d.length, e, c; while (a-- > b) { e = d[a]; for (c in e) { if (e[c]) { e[c].hide(true) } } } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.chart, "Callout"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.draw.CompositeSprite", Ext.util.MixedCollection, { autoDestroy: false, isCompositeSprite: true, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; a = a || {}; Ext.apply(b, a); b.addEvents("mousedown", "mouseup", "mouseover", "mouseout", "click"); b.id = Ext.id(null, "ext-sprite-group-"); b.callParent() }, onClick: function (a) { this.fireEvent("click", a) }, onMouseUp: function (a) { this.fireEvent("mouseup", a) }, onMouseDown: function (a) { this.fireEvent("mousedown", a) }, onMouseOver: function (a) { this.fireEvent("mouseover", a) }, onMouseOut: function (a) { this.fireEvent("mouseout", a) }, attachEvents: function (b) { var a = this; b.on({ scope: a, mousedown: a.onMouseDown, mouseup: a.onMouseUp, mouseover: a.onMouseOver, mouseout: a.onMouseOut, click: a.onClick }) }, add: function (b, c) { var a = this.callParent(arguments); this.attachEvents(a); return a }, insert: function (a, b, c) { return this.callParent(arguments) }, remove: function (b) { var a = this; b.un({ scope: a, mousedown: a.onMouseDown, mouseup: a.onMouseUp, mouseover: a.onMouseOver, mouseout: a.onMouseOut, click: a.onClick }); return a.callParent(arguments) }, getBBox: function () { var e = 0, n, j, k = this.items, g = this.length, h = Infinity, c = h, m = -h, b = h, l = -h, d, a; for (; e < g; e++) { n = k[e]; if (n.el && !n.bboxExcluded) { j = n.getBBox(); c = Math.min(c, j.x); b = Math.min(b, j.y); m = Math.max(m, j.height + j.y); l = Math.max(l, j.width + j.x) } } return { x: c, y: b, height: m - b, width: l - c } }, setAttributes: function (c, e) { var d = 0, b = this.items, a = this.length; for (; d < a; d++) { b[d].setAttributes(c, e) } return this }, hide: function (d) { var c = 0, b = this.items, a = this.length; for (; c < a; c++) { b[c].hide(d) } return this }, show: function (d) { var c = 0, b = this.items, a = this.length; for (; c < a; c++) { b[c].show(d) } return this }, redraw: function () { var e = this, d = 0, c = e.items, b = e.getSurface(), a = e.length; if (b) { for (; d < a; d++) { b.renderItem(c[d]) } } return e }, setStyle: function (g) { var c = 0, b = this.items, a = this.length, e, d; for (; c < a; c++) { e = b[c]; d = e.el; if (d) { d.setStyle(g) } } }, addCls: function (e) { var d = 0, c = this.items, b = this.getSurface(), a = this.length; if (b) { for (; d < a; d++) { b.addCls(c[d], e) } } }, removeCls: function (e) { var d = 0, c = this.items, b = this.getSurface(), a = this.length; if (b) { for (; d < a; d++) { b.removeCls(c[d], e) } } }, getSurface: function () { var a = this.first(); if (a) { return a.surface } return null }, destroy: function () { var d = this, a = d.getSurface(), c = d.autoDestroy, b; if (a) { while (d.getCount() > 0) { b = d.first(); d.remove(b); a.remove(b, c) } } d.clearListeners() } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["animate", Ext.util.Animate]], [Ext.draw, "CompositeSprite"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.draw.Surface", Ext.Base, { separatorRe: /[, ]+/, enginePriority: ["Svg", "Vml"], statics: { create: function (b, d) { d = d || this.prototype.enginePriority; var c = 0, a = d.length; for (; c < a; c++) { if (Ext.supports[d[c]]) { return Ext.create("Ext.draw.engine." + d[c], b) } } return false }, save: function (a, b) { b = b || {}; var e = { "image/png": "Image", "image/jpeg": "Image", "image/svg+xml": "Svg" }, d = e[b.type] || "Svg", c = Ext.draw.engine[d + "Exporter"]; return c.generate(a, b) } }, availableAttrs: { blur: 0, "clip-rect": "0 0 1e9 1e9", cursor: "default", cx: 0, cy: 0, "dominant-baseline": "auto", fill: "none", "fill-opacity": 1, font: '10px "Arial"', "font-family": '"Arial"', "font-size": "10", "font-style": "normal", "font-weight": 400, gradient: "", height: 0, hidden: false, href: "http://sencha.com/", opacity: 1, path: "M0,0", radius: 0, rx: 0, ry: 0, scale: "1 1", src: "", stroke: "none", "stroke-dasharray": "", "stroke-linecap": "butt", "stroke-linejoin": "butt", "stroke-miterlimit": 0, "stroke-opacity": 1, "stroke-width": 1, target: "_blank", text: "", "text-anchor": "middle", title: "Ext Draw", width: 0, x: 0, y: 0, zIndex: 0 }, container: undefined, height: 352, width: 512, x: 0, y: 0, orderSpritesByZIndex: true, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; a = a || {}; Ext.apply(b, a); b.domRef = Ext.getDoc().dom; b.customAttributes = {}; b.addEvents("mousedown", "mouseup", "mouseover", "mouseout", "mousemove", "mouseenter", "mouseleave", "click", "dblclick"); b.mixins.observable.constructor.call(b); b.getId(); b.initGradients(); b.initItems(); if (b.renderTo) { b.render(b.renderTo); delete b.renderTo } b.initBackground(a.background) }, initSurface: Ext.emptyFn, renderItem: Ext.emptyFn, renderItems: Ext.emptyFn, setViewBox: function (b, d, c, a) { if (isFinite(b) && isFinite(d) && isFinite(c) && isFinite(a)) { this.viewBox = { x: b, y: d, width: c, height: a }; this.applyViewBox() } }, addCls: Ext.emptyFn, removeCls: Ext.emptyFn, setStyle: Ext.emptyFn, initGradients: function () { if (this.hasOwnProperty("gradients")) { var a = this.gradients, b = this.addGradient, d, c; if (a) { for (d = 0, c = a.length; d < c; d++) { if (b.call(this, a[d], d, c) === false) { break } } } } }, initItems: function () { var a = this.items; this.items = new Ext.draw.CompositeSprite(); this.items.autoDestroy = true; this.groups = new Ext.draw.CompositeSprite(); if (a) { this.add(a) } }, initBackground: function (b) { var d = this, c = d.width, a = d.height, e, g; if (Ext.isString(b)) { b = { fill: b } } if (b) { if (b.gradient) { g = b.gradient; e = g.id; d.addGradient(g); d.background = d.add({ type: "rect", x: 0, y: 0, width: c, height: a, fill: "url(#" + e + ")", zIndex: -1 }) } else { if (b.fill) { d.background = d.add({ type: "rect", x: 0, y: 0, width: c, height: a, fill: b.fill, zIndex: -1 }) } else { if (b.image) { d.background = d.add({ type: "image", x: 0, y: 0, width: c, height: a, src: b.image, zIndex: -1 }) } } } d.background.bboxExcluded = true } }, setSize: function (a, b) { this.applyViewBox() }, scrubAttrs: function (d) { var c, b = {}, a = {}, e = d.attr; for (c in e) { if (this.translateAttrs.hasOwnProperty(c)) { b[this.translateAttrs[c]] = e[c]; a[this.translateAttrs[c]] = true } else { if (this.availableAttrs.hasOwnProperty(c) && !a[c]) { b[c] = e[c] } } } return b }, onClick: function (a) { this.processEvent("click", a) }, onDblClick: function (a) { this.processEvent("dblclick", a) }, onMouseUp: function (a) { this.processEvent("mouseup", a) }, onMouseDown: function (a) { this.processEvent("mousedown", a) }, onMouseOver: function (a) { this.processEvent("mouseover", a) }, onMouseOut: function (a) { this.processEvent("mouseout", a) }, onMouseMove: function (a) { this.fireEvent("mousemove", a) }, onMouseEnter: Ext.emptyFn, onMouseLeave: Ext.emptyFn, addGradient: Ext.emptyFn, add: function () { var b = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), e, j = b.length > 1, a, d, c, h, g; if (j || Ext.isArray(b[0])) { a = j ? b : b[0]; d = []; for (c = 0, h = a.length; c < h; c++) { g = a[c]; g = this.add(g); d.push(g) } return d } e = this.prepareItems(b[0], true)[0]; this.insertByZIndex(e); this.onAdd(e); return e }, insertByZIndex: function (k) { var g = this, d = g.items.items, c = d.length, l = Math.ceil, h = k.attr.zIndex, j = c, b = j - 1, e = 0, a; if (g.orderSpritesByZIndex && c && h < d[b].attr.zIndex) { while (e <= b) { j = l((e + b) / 2); a = d[j].attr.zIndex; if (a > h) { b = j - 1 } else { if (a < h) { e = j + 1 } else { break } } } while (j < c && d[j].attr.zIndex <= h) { j++ } } g.items.insert(j, k); return j }, onAdd: function (d) { var g = d.group, b = d.draggable, a, e, c; if (g) { a = [].concat(g); e = a.length; for (c = 0; c < e; c++) { g = a[c]; this.getGroup(g).add(d) } delete d.group } if (b) { d.initDraggable() } }, remove: function (b, e) { if (b) { this.items.remove(b); var a = [].concat(this.groups.items), d = a.length, c; for (c = 0; c < d; c++) { a[c].remove(b) } b.onRemove(); if (e === true) { b.destroy() } } }, removeAll: function (d) { var a = this.items.items, c = a.length, b; for (b = c - 1; b > -1; b--) { this.remove(a[b], d) } }, onRemove: Ext.emptyFn, onDestroy: Ext.emptyFn, applyViewBox: function () { var d = this, m = d.viewBox, a = d.width || 1, h = d.height || 1, g, e, k, b, j, c, l; if (m && (a || h)) { g = m.x; e = m.y; k = m.width; b = m.height; j = h / b; c = a / k; l = Math.min(c, j); if (k * l < a) { g -= (a - k * l) / 2 / l } if (b * l < h) { e -= (h - b * l) / 2 / l } d.viewBoxShift = { dx: -g, dy: -e, scale: l }; if (d.background) { d.background.setAttributes(Ext.apply({}, { x: g, y: e, width: a / l, height: h / l }, { hidden: false }), true) } } else { if (d.background && a && h) { d.background.setAttributes(Ext.apply({ x: 0, y: 0, width: a, height: h }, { hidden: false }), true) } } }, getBBox: function (a, b) { var c = this["getPath" + a.type](a); if (b) { a.bbox.plain = a.bbox.plain || Ext.draw.Draw.pathDimensions(c); return a.bbox.plain } if (a.dirtyTransform) { this.applyTransformations(a, true) } a.bbox.transform = a.bbox.transform || Ext.draw.Draw.pathDimensions(Ext.draw.Draw.mapPath(c, a.matrix)); return a.bbox.transform }, transformToViewBox: function (a, d) { if (this.viewBoxShift) { var c = this, b = c.viewBoxShift; return [a / b.scale - b.dx, d / b.scale - b.dy] } else { return [a, d] } }, applyTransformations: function (b, d) { if (b.type == "text") { b.bbox.transform = 0; this.transform(b, false) } b.dirtyTransform = false; var c = this, a = b.attr; if (a.translation.x != null || a.translation.y != null) { c.translate(b) } if (a.scaling.x != null || a.scaling.y != null) { c.scale(b) } if (a.rotation.degrees != null) { c.rotate(b) } b.bbox.transform = 0; this.transform(b, d); b.transformations = [] }, rotate: function (a) { var e, b = a.attr.rotation.degrees, d = a.attr.rotation.x, c = a.attr.rotation.y; if (!Ext.isNumber(d) || !Ext.isNumber(c)) { e = this.getBBox(a, true); d = !Ext.isNumber(d) ? e.x + e.width / 2 : d; c = !Ext.isNumber(c) ? e.y + e.height / 2 : c } a.transformations.push({ type: "rotate", degrees: b, x: d, y: c }) }, translate: function (b) { var a = b.attr.translation.x || 0, c = b.attr.translation.y || 0; b.transformations.push({ type: "translate", x: a, y: c }) }, scale: function (b) { var e, a = b.attr.scaling.x || 1, g = b.attr.scaling.y || 1, d = b.attr.scaling.centerX, c = b.attr.scaling.centerY; if (!Ext.isNumber(d) || !Ext.isNumber(c)) { e = this.getBBox(b, true); d = !Ext.isNumber(d) ? e.x + e.width / 2 : d; c = !Ext.isNumber(c) ? e.y + e.height / 2 : c } b.transformations.push({ type: "scale", x: a, y: g, centerX: d, centerY: c }) }, rectPath: function (a, e, b, c, d) { if (d) { return [["M", a + d, e], ["l", b - d * 2, 0], ["a", d, d, 0, 0, 1, d, d], ["l", 0, c - d * 2], ["a", d, d, 0, 0, 1, -d, d], ["l", d * 2 - b, 0], ["a", d, d, 0, 0, 1, -d, -d], ["l", 0, d * 2 - c], ["a", d, d, 0, 0, 1, d, -d], ["z"]] } return [["M", a, e], ["l", b, 0], ["l", 0, c], ["l", -b, 0], ["z"]] }, ellipsePath: function (a, d, c, b) { if (b == null) { b = c } return [["M", a, d], ["m", 0, -b], ["a", c, b, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2 * b], ["a", c, b, 0, 1, 1, 0, -2 * b], ["z"]] }, getPathpath: function (a) { return a.attr.path }, getPathcircle: function (c) { var b = c.attr; return this.ellipsePath(b.x, b.y, b.radius, b.radius) }, getPathellipse: function (c) { var b = c.attr; return this.ellipsePath(b.x, b.y, b.radiusX || (b.width / 2) || 0, b.radiusY || (b.height / 2) || 0) }, getPathrect: function (c) { var b = c.attr; return this.rectPath(b.x || 0, b.y || 0, b.width || 0, b.height || 0, b.r || 0) }, getPathimage: function (c) { var b = c.attr; return this.rectPath(b.x || 0, b.y || 0, b.width, b.height) }, getPathtext: function (a) { var b = this.getBBoxText(a); return this.rectPath(b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height) }, createGroup: function (b) { var a = this.groups.get(b); if (!a) { a = new Ext.draw.CompositeSprite({ surface: this }); a.id = b || Ext.id(null, "ext-surface-group-"); this.groups.add(a) } return a }, getGroup: function (b) { var a; if (typeof b == "string") { a = this.groups.get(b); if (!a) { a = this.createGroup(b) } } else { a = b } return a }, prepareItems: function (a, c) { a = [].concat(a); var e, b, d; for (b = 0, d = a.length; b < d; b++) { e = a[b]; if (!(e instanceof Ext.draw.Sprite)) { e.surface = this; a[b] = this.createItem(e) } else { e.surface = this } } return a }, setText: Ext.emptyFn, createItem: Ext.emptyFn, getId: function () { return this.id || (this.id = Ext.id(null, "ext-surface-")) }, destroy: function () { var a = this; delete a.domRef; if (a.background) { a.background.destroy() } a.removeAll(true); Ext.destroy(a.groups.items) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.draw, "Surface"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.component.Draw", Ext.layout.component.Auto, { setHeightInDom: true, setWidthInDom: true, type: "draw", measureContentWidth: function (b) { var c = b.target, a = b.getPaddingInfo(), d = this.getBBox(b); if (!c.viewBox) { if (c.autoSize) { return d.width + a.width } else { return d.x + d.width + a.width } } else { if (b.heightModel.shrinkWrap) { return a.width } else { return d.width / d.height * (b.getProp("contentHeight") - a.height) + a.width } } }, measureContentHeight: function (b) { var c = b.target, a = b.getPaddingInfo(), d = this.getBBox(b); if (!b.target.viewBox) { if (c.autoSize) { return d.height + a.height } else { return d.y + d.height + a.height } } else { if (b.widthModel.shrinkWrap) { return a.height } else { return d.height / d.width * (b.getProp("contentWidth") - a.width) + a.height } } }, getBBox: function (a) { var b = a.surfaceBBox; if (!b) { b = a.target.surface.items.getBBox(); if (b.width === -Infinity && b.height === -Infinity) { b.width = b.height = b.x = b.y = 0 } a.surfaceBBox = b } return b }, publishInnerWidth: function (b, a) { b.setContentWidth(a - b.getFrameInfo().width, true) }, publishInnerHeight: function (b, a) { b.setContentHeight(a - b.getFrameInfo().height, true) }, finishedLayout: function (c) { var b = c.props, a = c.getPaddingInfo(); this.owner.setSurfaceSize(b.contentWidth - a.width, b.contentHeight - a.height); this.callParent(arguments) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.draw"], 0, [Ext.layout.component, "Draw"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.draw.Component", Ext.Component, { enginePriority: ["Svg", "Vml"], baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "surface", componentLayout: "draw", viewBox: true, shrinkWrap: 3, autoSize: false, initComponent: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.addEvents("mousedown", "mouseup", "mousemove", "mouseenter", "mouseleave", "click", "dblclick") }, onRender: function () { var d = this, k = d.viewBox, b = d.autoSize, h, c, a, j, g, e; d.callParent(arguments); if (d.createSurface() !== false) { c = d.surface.items; if (k || b) { h = c.getBBox(); a = h.width; j = h.height; g = h.x; e = h.y; if (d.viewBox) { d.surface.setViewBox(g, e, a, j) } else { d.autoSizeSurface() } } } }, autoSizeSurface: function () { var a = this.surface.items.getBBox(); this.setSurfaceSize(a.width, a.height) }, setSurfaceSize: function (b, a) { this.surface.setSize(b, a); if (this.autoSize) { var c = this.surface.items.getBBox(); this.surface.setViewBox(c.x, c.y - (+Ext.isOpera), b, a) } }, createSurface: function () { var d = this, b = Ext.applyIf({ renderTo: d.el, height: d.height, width: d.width, items: d.items }, d.initialConfig), a; delete b.listeners; if (!b.gradients) { b.gradients = d.gradients } a = Ext.draw.Surface.create(b, d.enginePriority); if (!a) { return false } d.surface = a; function c(e) { return function (g) { d.fireEvent(e, g) } } a.on({ scope: d, mouseup: c("mouseup"), mousedown: c("mousedown"), mousemove: c("mousemove"), mouseenter: c("mouseenter"), mouseleave: c("mouseleave"), click: c("click"), dblclick: c("dblclick") }) }, onDestroy: function () { Ext.destroy(this.surface); this.callParent(arguments) } }, 0, ["draw"], ["draw", "component", "box"], { draw: true, component: true, box: true }, ["widget.draw"], 0, [Ext.draw, "Component"], 0)); Ext.chart = Ext.chart || {}; (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.theme.Theme", Ext.Base, (function () { (function () { Ext.chart.theme = function (c, b) { c = c || {}; var m = 0, p = Ext.Date.now(), j, a, k, r, s, g, o, q, n = [], e, h; if (c.baseColor) { e = Ext.draw.Color.fromString(c.baseColor); h = e.getHSL()[2]; if (h < 0.15) { e = e.getLighter(0.3) } else { if (h < 0.3) { e = e.getLighter(0.15) } else { if (h > 0.85) { e = e.getDarker(0.3) } else { if (h > 0.7) { e = e.getDarker(0.15) } } } } c.colors = [e.getDarker(0.3).toString(), e.getDarker(0.15).toString(), e.toString(), e.getLighter(0.15).toString(), e.getLighter(0.3).toString()]; delete c.baseColor } if (c.colors) { a = c.colors.slice(); s = b.markerThemes; r = b.seriesThemes; j = a.length; b.colors = a; for (; m < j; m++) { k = a[m]; o = s[m] || {}; g = r[m] || {}; o.fill = g.fill = o.stroke = g.stroke = k; s[m] = o; r[m] = g } b.markerThemes = s.slice(0, j); b.seriesThemes = r.slice(0, j) } for (q in b) { if (q in c) { if (Ext.isObject(c[q]) && Ext.isObject(b[q])) { Ext.apply(b[q], c[q]) } else { b[q] = c[q] } } } if (c.useGradients) { a = b.colors || (function () { var d = []; for (m = 0, r = b.seriesThemes, j = r.length; m < j; m++) { d.push(r[m].fill || r[m].stroke) } return d } ()); for (m = 0, j = a.length; m < j; m++) { e = Ext.draw.Color.fromString(a[m]); if (e) { k = e.getDarker(0.1).toString(); e = e.toString(); q = "theme-" + e.substr(1) + "-" + k.substr(1) + "-" + p; n.push({ id: q, angle: 45, stops: { 0: { color: e.toString() }, 100: { color: k.toString() } } }); a[m] = "url(#" + q + ")" } } b.gradients = n; b.colors = a } Ext.apply(this, b) } } ()); return { theme: "Base", themeAttrs: false, initTheme: function (e) { var d = this, b = Ext.chart.theme, c, a; if (e) { e = e.split(":"); for (c in b) { if (c == e[0]) { a = e[1] == "gradients"; d.themeAttrs = new b[c]({ useGradients: a }); if (a) { d.gradients = d.themeAttrs.gradients } if (d.themeAttrs.background) { d.background = d.themeAttrs.background } return } } } } } })(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.chart.theme, "Theme"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.MaskLayer", Ext.Component, { constructor: function (a) { a = Ext.apply(a || {}, { style: "position:absolute;background-color:#ff9;cursor:crosshair;opacity:0.5;border:1px solid #00f;" }); this.callParent([a]) }, initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); a.addEvents("mousedown", "mouseup", "mousemove", "mouseenter", "mouseleave") }, initDraggable: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.dd.onStart = function (c) { var b = this, a = b.comp; this.startPosition = a.getPosition(true); if (a.ghost && !a.liveDrag) { b.proxy = a.ghost(); b.dragTarget = b.proxy.header.el } if (b.constrain || b.constrainDelegate) { b.constrainTo = b.calculateConstrainRegion() } } } }, 1, 0, ["component", "box"], { component: true, box: true }, 0, 0, [Ext.chart, "MaskLayer"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.Mask", Ext.Base, { constructor: function (a) { var b = this; b.addEvents("select"); if (a) { Ext.apply(b, a) } if (b.enableMask) { b.on("afterrender", function () { var c = new Ext.chart.MaskLayer({ renderTo: b.el, hidden: true }); c.el.on({ mousemove: function (d) { b.onMouseMove(d) }, mouseup: function (d) { b.onMouseUp(d) } }); c.initDraggable(); b.maskType = b.mask; b.mask = c; b.maskSprite = b.surface.add({ type: "path", path: ["M", 0, 0], zIndex: 1001, opacity: 0.6, hidden: true, stroke: "#00f", cursor: "crosshair" }) }, b, { single: true }) } }, onMouseUp: function (c) { var a = this, d = a.bbox || a.chartBBox, b; a.maskMouseDown = false; a.mouseDown = false; if (a.mouseMoved) { a.handleMouseEvent(c); a.mouseMoved = false; b = a.maskSelection; a.fireEvent("select", a, { x: b.x - d.x, y: b.y - d.y, width: b.width, height: b.height }) } }, onMouseDown: function (a) { this.handleMouseEvent(a) }, onMouseMove: function (a) { this.handleMouseEvent(a) }, handleMouseEvent: function (d) { var h = this, t = h.maskType, p = h.bbox || h.chartBBox, m = p.x, k = p.y, l = Math, c = l.floor, s = l.abs, b = l.min, j = l.max, o = c(k + p.height), a = c(m + p.width), q = d.getPageX() - h.el.getX(), n = d.getPageY() - h.el.getY(), g = h.maskMouseDown, r; q = j(q, m); n = j(n, k); q = b(q, a); n = b(n, o); if (d.type === "mousedown") { h.mouseDown = true; h.mouseMoved = false; h.maskMouseDown = { x: q, y: n } } else { h.mouseMoved = h.mouseDown; if (g && h.mouseDown) { if (t == "horizontal") { n = k; g.y = o } else { if (t == "vertical") { q = m; g.x = a } } a = g.x - q; o = g.y - n; r = ["M", q, n, "l", a, 0, 0, o, -a, 0, "z"]; h.maskSelection = { x: (a > 0 ? q : q + a) + h.el.getX(), y: (o > 0 ? n : n + o) + h.el.getY(), width: s(a), height: s(o) }; h.mask.updateBox(h.maskSelection); h.mask.show(); h.maskSprite.setAttributes({ hidden: true }, true) } else { if (t == "horizontal") { r = ["M", q, k, "L", q, o] } else { if (t == "vertical") { r = ["M", m, n, "L", a, n] } else { r = ["M", q, k, "L", q, o, "M", m, n, "L", a, n] } } h.maskSprite.setAttributes({ path: r, "stroke-width": t === true ? 1 : 1, hidden: false }, true) } } }, onMouseLeave: function (b) { var a = this; a.mouseMoved = false; a.mouseDown = false; a.maskMouseDown = false; a.mask.hide(); a.maskSprite.hide(true) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.chart, "Mask"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.Navigation", Ext.Base, { setZoom: function (p) { var t = this, o = t.axes.items, r, m, c, a = t.chartBBox, u = a.width, d = a.height, g = { x: p.x - t.el.getX(), y: p.y - t.el.getY(), width: p.width, height: p.height }, j, n, q, b, h, l, k, e, s; for (r = 0, m = o.length; r < m; r++) { c = o[r]; s = (c.position == "bottom" || c.position == "top"); if (c.type == "Category") { if (!h) { h = t.getChartStore(); l = h.data.items.length } j = g; e = c.length; k = Math.round(e / l); if (s) { q = (j.x ? Math.floor(j.x / k) + 1 : 0); b = (j.x + j.width) / k } else { q = (j.y ? Math.floor(j.y / k) + 1 : 0); b = (j.y + j.height) / k } } else { j = { x: g.x / u, y: g.y / d, width: g.width / u, height: g.height / d }; n = c.calcEnds(); if (s) { q = (n.to - n.from) * j.x + n.from; b = (n.to - n.from) * j.width + q } else { b = (n.to - n.from) * (1 - j.y) + n.from; q = b - (n.to - n.from) * j.height } } c.minimum = q; c.maximum = b; if (s) { if (c.doConstrain && t.maskType != "vertical") { c.doConstrain() } } else { if (c.doConstrain && t.maskType != "horizontal") { c.doConstrain() } } } t.redraw(false) }, restoreZoom: function () { var e = this, b = e.axes.items, a, d, c; e.setSubStore(null); for (a = 0, d = b.length; a < d; a++) { c = b[a]; delete c.minimum; delete c.maximum } e.redraw(false) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.chart, "Navigation"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.Shape", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, circle: function (a, b) { return a.add(Ext.apply({ type: "circle", x: b.x, y: b.y, stroke: null, radius: b.radius }, b)) }, line: function (a, b) { return a.add(Ext.apply({ type: "rect", x: b.x - b.radius, y: b.y - b.radius, height: 2 * b.radius, width: 2 * b.radius / 5 }, b)) }, square: function (a, b) { return a.add(Ext.applyIf({ type: "rect", x: b.x - b.radius, y: b.y - b.radius, height: 2 * b.radius, width: 2 * b.radius, radius: null }, b)) }, triangle: function (a, b) { b.radius *= 1.75; return a.add(Ext.apply({ type: "path", stroke: null, path: "M".concat(b.x, ",", b.y, "m0-", b.radius * 0.58, "l", b.radius * 0.5, ",", b.radius * 0.87, "-", b.radius, ",0z") }, b)) }, diamond: function (a, c) { var b = c.radius; b *= 1.5; return a.add(Ext.apply({ type: "path", stroke: null, path: ["M", c.x, c.y - b, "l", b, b, -b, b, -b, -b, b, -b, "z"] }, c)) }, cross: function (a, c) { var b = c.radius; b = b / 1.7; return a.add(Ext.apply({ type: "path", stroke: null, path: "M".concat(c.x - b, ",", c.y, "l", [-b, -b, b, -b, b, b, b, -b, b, b, -b, b, b, b, -b, b, -b, -b, -b, b, -b, -b, "z"]) }, c)) }, plus: function (a, c) { var b = c.radius / 1.3; return a.add(Ext.apply({ type: "path", stroke: null, path: "M".concat(c.x - b / 2, ",", c.y - b / 2, "l", [0, -b, b, 0, 0, b, b, 0, 0, b, -b, 0, 0, b, -b, 0, 0, -b, -b, 0, 0, -b, "z"]) }, c)) }, arrow: function (a, c) { var b = c.radius; return a.add(Ext.apply({ type: "path", path: "M".concat(c.x - b * 0.7, ",", c.y - b * 0.4, "l", [b * 0.6, 0, 0, -b * 0.4, b, b * 0.8, -b, b * 0.8, 0, -b * 0.4, -b * 0.6, 0], "z") }, c)) }, drop: function (b, a, g, e, c, d) { c = c || 30; d = d || 0; b.add({ type: "path", path: ["M", a, g, "l", c, 0, "A", c * 0.4, c * 0.4, 0, 1, 0, a + c * 0.7, g - c * 0.7, "z"], fill: "#000", stroke: "none", rotate: { degrees: 22.5 - d, x: a, y: g } }); d = (d + 90) * Math.PI / 180; b.add({ type: "text", x: a + c * Math.sin(d) - 10, y: g + c * Math.cos(d) + 5, text: e, "font-size": c * 12 / 40, stroke: "none", fill: "#fff" }) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.chart, "Shape"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.LegendItem", Ext.draw.CompositeSprite, { hiddenSeries: false, label: undefined, x: 0, y: 0, zIndex: 500, boldRe: /bold\s\d{1,}.*/i, constructor: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); this.createLegend(a) }, createLegend: function (b) { var d = this, c = d.series, a = b.yFieldIndex; d.label = d.createLabel(b); d.createSeriesMarkers(b); d.setAttributes({ hidden: false }, true); d.yFieldIndex = a; d.on("mouseover", d.onMouseOver, d); d.on("mouseout", d.onMouseOut, d); d.on("mousedown", d.onMouseDown, d); if (!c.visibleInLegend(a)) { d.hiddenSeries = true; d.label.setAttributes({ opacity: 0.5 }, true) } d.updatePosition({ x: 0, y: 0 }) }, getLabelText: function () { var d = this, c = d.series, a = d.yFieldIndex; function b(e) { var g = c[e]; return (Ext.isArray(g) ? g[a] : g) } return b("title") || b("yField") }, createLabel: function (a) { var c = this, b = c.legend; return c.add("label", c.surface.add({ type: "text", x: 20, y: 0, zIndex: (c.zIndex || 0) + 2, fill: b.labelColor, font: b.labelFont, text: c.getLabelText(), style: { cursor: "pointer" } })) }, createSeriesMarkers: function (c) { var j = this, g = c.yFieldIndex, e = j.series, d = e.type, a = j.surface, h = j.zIndex; if (d === "line" || d === "scatter") { if (d === "line") { var k = Ext.apply(e.seriesStyle, e.style); j.drawLine(0.5, 0.5, 16.5, 0.5, h, k, g) } if (e.showMarkers || d === "scatter") { var b = Ext.apply(e.markerStyle, e.markerConfig || {}, { fill: e.getLegendColor(g) }); j.drawMarker(8.5, 0.5, h, b) } } else { j.drawFilledBox(12, 12, h, g) } }, drawLine: function (j, g, k, h, d, l, c) { var e = this, a = e.surface, b = e.series; return e.add("line", a.add({ type: "path", path: "M" + j + "," + g + "L" + k + "," + h, zIndex: (d || 0) + 2, "stroke-width": b.lineWidth, "stroke-linejoin": "round", "stroke-dasharray": b.dash, stroke: l.stroke || b.getLegendColor(c) || "#000", style: { cursor: "pointer" } })) }, drawMarker: function (b, h, g, e) { var d = this, a = d.surface, c = d.series; return d.add("marker", Ext.chart.Shape[e.type](a, { fill: e.fill, x: b, y: h, zIndex: (g || 0) + 2, radius: e.radius || e.size, style: { cursor: "pointer" } })) }, drawFilledBox: function (e, b, h, c) { var g = this, a = g.surface, d = g.series; return g.add("box", a.add({ type: "rect", zIndex: (h || 0) + 2, x: 0, y: 0, width: e, height: b, fill: d.getLegendColor(c), style: { cursor: "pointer" } })) }, onMouseOver: function () { var a = this; a.label.setStyle({ "font-weight": "bold" }); a.series._index = a.yFieldIndex; a.series.highlightItem() }, onMouseOut: function () { var b = this, a = b.legend, c = b.boldRe; b.label.setStyle({ "font-weight": a.labelFont && c.test(a.labelFont) ? "bold" : "normal" }); b.series._index = b.yFieldIndex; b.series.unHighlightItem() }, onMouseDown: function () { var b = this, a = b.yFieldIndex; if (!b.hiddenSeries) { b.series.hideAll(a); b.label.setAttributes({ opacity: 0.5 }, true) } else { b.series.showAll(a); b.label.setAttributes({ opacity: 1 }, true) } b.hiddenSeries = !b.hiddenSeries; b.legend.chart.redraw() }, updatePosition: function (c) { var g = this, a = g.items, e = a.length, b = 0, d; if (!c) { c = g.legend } for (; b < e; b++) { d = a[b]; switch (d.type) { case "text": d.setAttributes({ x: 20 + c.x + g.x, y: c.y + g.y }, true); break; case "rect": d.setAttributes({ translate: { x: c.x + g.x, y: c.y + g.y - 6 } }, true); break; default: d.setAttributes({ translate: { x: c.x + g.x, y: c.y + g.y } }, true) } } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.chart, "LegendItem"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.Legend", Ext.Base, { visible: true, update: true, position: "bottom", x: 0, y: 0, labelColor: "#000", labelFont: "12px Helvetica, sans-serif", boxStroke: "#000", boxStrokeWidth: 1, boxFill: "#FFF", itemSpacing: 10, padding: 5, width: 0, height: 0, boxZIndex: 100, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; if (a) { Ext.apply(b, a) } b.items = []; b.isVertical = ("left|right|float".indexOf(b.position) !== -1); b.origX = b.x; b.origY = b.y }, create: function () { var e = this, a = e.chart.series.items, c, d, b; e.createBox(); if (e.rebuild !== false) { e.createItems() } if (!e.created && e.isDisplayed()) { e.created = true; for (c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++) { b = a[c]; b.on("titlechange", e.redraw, e) } } }, redraw: function () { var a = this; a.create(); a.updatePosition() }, isDisplayed: function () { return this.visible && this.chart.series.findIndex("showInLegend", true) !== -1 }, createItems: function () { var h = this, d = h.chart.series.items, g = h.items, e, c, l, a, k, b, m; h.removeItems(); for (c = 0, l = d.length; c < l; c++) { b = d[c]; if (b.showInLegend) { e = [].concat(b.yField); for (a = 0, k = e.length; a < k; a++) { m = h.createLegendItem(b, a); g.push(m) } } } h.alignItems() }, removeItems: function () { var d = this, b = d.items, a = b ? b.length : 0, c; if (a) { for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { b[c].destroy() } } b.length = [] }, alignItems: function () { var e = this, g = e.padding, a = e.isVertical, k = Math.floor, b, h, j, c, d; b = e.updateItemDimensions(); h = b.maxWidth; j = b.maxHeight; c = b.totalWidth; d = b.totalHeight; e.width = k((a ? h : c) + g * 2); e.height = k((a ? d : j) + g * 2) }, updateItemDimensions: function () { var s = this, j = s.items, g = s.padding, t = s.itemSpacing, p = 0, k = 0, d = 0, r = 0, b = s.isVertical, c = Math.floor, u = Math.max, e = 0, o, n, q, a, m, h; for (o = 0, n = j.length; o < n; o++) { q = j[o]; a = q.getBBox(); m = a.width; h = a.height; e = (o === 0 ? 0 : t); q.x = g + c(b ? 0 : d + e); q.y = g + c(b ? r + e : 0) + h / 2; d += e + m; r += e + h; p = u(p, m); k = u(k, h) } return { totalWidth: d, totalHeight: r, maxWidth: p, maxHeight: k } }, createLegendItem: function (b, a) { var c = this; return new Ext.chart.LegendItem({ legend: c, series: b, surface: c.chart.surface, yFieldIndex: a }) }, getBBox: function () { var a = this; return { x: Math.round(a.x) - a.boxStrokeWidth / 2, y: Math.round(a.y) - a.boxStrokeWidth / 2, width: a.width + a.boxStrokeWidth, height: a.height + a.boxStrokeWidth } }, createBox: function () { var b = this, a, c; if (b.boxSprite) { b.boxSprite.destroy() } c = b.getBBox(); if (isNaN(c.width) || isNaN(c.height)) { b.boxSprite = false; return } a = b.boxSprite = b.chart.surface.add(Ext.apply({ type: "rect", stroke: b.boxStroke, "stroke-width": b.boxStrokeWidth, fill: b.boxFill, zIndex: b.boxZIndex }, c)); a.redraw() }, calcPosition: function () { var j = this, l, k, n = j.width, m = j.height, h = j.chart, o = h.chartBBox, b = h.insetPadding, d = o.width - (b * 2), c = o.height - (b * 2), g = o.x + b, e = o.y + b, a = h.surface, p = Math.floor; switch (j.position) { case "left": l = b; k = p(e + c / 2 - m / 2); break; case "right": l = p(a.width - n) - b; k = p(e + c / 2 - m / 2); break; case "top": l = p(g + d / 2 - n / 2); k = b; break; case "bottom": l = p(g + d / 2 - n / 2); k = p(a.height - m) - b; break; default: l = p(j.origX) + b; k = p(j.origY) + b } return { x: l, y: k } }, updatePosition: function () { var d = this, b = d.items, g, c, a, e; if (d.isDisplayed()) { g = d.calcPosition(); d.x = g.x; d.y = g.y; for (c = 0, a = b.length; c < a; c++) { b[c].updatePosition() } e = d.getBBox(); if (isNaN(e.width) || isNaN(e.height)) { if (d.boxSprite) { d.boxSprite.hide(true) } } else { if (!d.boxSprite) { d.createBox() } d.boxSprite.setAttributes(e, true); d.boxSprite.show(true) } } }, toggle: function (b) { var e = this, d = 0, c = e.items, a = c.length; if (e.boxSprite) { if (b) { e.boxSprite.show(true) } else { e.boxSprite.hide(true) } } for (; d < a; ++d) { if (b) { c[d].show(true) } else { c[d].hide(true) } } e.visible = b } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.chart, "Legend"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.theme.Base", Ext.Base, { constructor: function (a) { var b = Ext.identityFn; Ext.chart.theme.call(this, a, { background: false, axis: { stroke: "#444", "stroke-width": 1 }, axisLabelTop: { fill: "#444", font: "12px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif", spacing: 2, padding: 5, renderer: b }, axisLabelRight: { fill: "#444", font: "12px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif", spacing: 2, padding: 5, renderer: b }, axisLabelBottom: { fill: "#444", font: "12px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif", spacing: 2, padding: 5, renderer: b }, axisLabelLeft: { fill: "#444", font: "12px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif", spacing: 2, padding: 5, renderer: b }, axisTitleTop: { font: "bold 18px Arial", fill: "#444" }, axisTitleRight: { font: "bold 18px Arial", fill: "#444", rotate: { x: 0, y: 0, degrees: 270 } }, axisTitleBottom: { font: "bold 18px Arial", fill: "#444" }, axisTitleLeft: { font: "bold 18px Arial", fill: "#444", rotate: { x: 0, y: 0, degrees: 270 } }, series: { "stroke-width": 0 }, seriesLabel: { font: "12px Arial", fill: "#333" }, marker: { stroke: "#555", radius: 3, size: 3 }, colors: ["#94ae0a", "#115fa6", "#a61120", "#ff8809", "#ffd13e", "#a61187", "#24ad9a", "#7c7474", "#a66111"], seriesThemes: [{ fill: "#115fa6" }, { fill: "#94ae0a" }, { fill: "#a61120" }, { fill: "#ff8809" }, { fill: "#ffd13e" }, { fill: "#a61187" }, { fill: "#24ad9a" }, { fill: "#7c7474" }, { fill: "#115fa6" }, { fill: "#94ae0a" }, { fill: "#a61120" }, { fill: "#ff8809" }, { fill: "#ffd13e" }, { fill: "#a61187" }, { fill: "#24ad9a" }, { fill: "#7c7474" }, { fill: "#a66111" } ], markerThemes: [{ fill: "#115fa6", type: "circle" }, { fill: "#94ae0a", type: "cross" }, { fill: "#115fa6", type: "plus" }, { fill: "#94ae0a", type: "circle" }, { fill: "#a61120", type: "cross" } ] }) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.chart.theme, "Base"], function () { var c = ["#b1da5a", "#4ce0e7", "#e84b67", "#da5abd", "#4d7fe6", "#fec935"], k = ["Green", "Sky", "Red", "Purple", "Blue", "Yellow"], h = 0, g = 0, b = c.length, a = Ext.chart.theme, d = [["#f0a50a", "#c20024", "#2044ba", "#810065", "#7eae29"], ["#6d9824", "#87146e", "#2a9196", "#d39006", "#1e40ac"], ["#fbbc29", "#ce2e4e", "#7e0062", "#158b90", "#57880e"], ["#ef5773", "#fcbd2a", "#4f770d", "#1d3eaa", "#9b001f"], ["#7eae29", "#fdbe2a", "#910019", "#27b4bc", "#d74dbc"], ["#44dce1", "#0b2592", "#996e05", "#7fb325", "#b821a1"]], e = d.length; for (; h < b; h++) { a[k[h]] = (function (j) { return Ext.extend(a.Base, { constructor: function (l) { a.Base.prototype.constructor.call(this, Ext.apply({ baseColor: j }, l)) } }) } (c[h])) } for (h = 0; h < e; h++) { a["Category" + (h + 1)] = (function (j) { return Ext.extend(a.Base, { constructor: function (l) { a.Base.prototype.constructor.call(this, Ext.apply({ colors: j }, l)) } }) } (d[h])) } })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.Chart", Ext.draw.Component, { viewBox: false, animate: false, legend: false, insetPadding: 10, background: false, constructor: function (b) { var c = this, a; b = Ext.apply({}, b); c.initTheme(b.theme || c.theme); if (c.gradients) { Ext.apply(b, { gradients: c.gradients }) } if (c.background) { Ext.apply(b, { background: c.background }) } if (b.animate) { a = { easing: "ease", duration: 500 }; if (Ext.isObject(b.animate)) { b.animate = Ext.applyIf(b.animate, a) } else { b.animate = a } } c.mixins.observable.constructor.call(c, b); if (b.enableMask) { c.mixins.mask.constructor.call(c) } c.mixins.navigation.constructor.call(c); c.callParent([b]) }, getChartStore: function () { return this.substore || this.store }, initComponent: function () { var b = this, c, a; b.callParent(); b.addEvents("itemmousedown", "itemmouseup", "itemmouseover", "itemmouseout", "itemclick", "itemdblclick", "itemdragstart", "itemdrag", "itemdragend", "beforerefresh", "refresh"); Ext.applyIf(b, { zoom: { width: 1, height: 1, x: 0, y: 0 } }); b.maxGutters = { left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, top: 0 }; b.store = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup(b.store); c = b.axes; b.axes = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, function (d) { return d.position }); if (c) { b.axes.addAll(c) } a = b.series; b.series = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, function (d) { return d.seriesId || (d.seriesId = Ext.id(null, "ext-chart-series-")) }); if (a) { b.series.addAll(a) } if (b.legend !== false) { b.legend = new Ext.chart.Legend(Ext.applyIf({ chart: b }, b.legend)) } b.on({ mousemove: b.onMouseMove, mouseleave: b.onMouseLeave, mousedown: b.onMouseDown, mouseup: b.onMouseUp, click: b.onClick, dblclick: b.onDblClick, scope: b }) }, afterComponentLayout: function (c, a, b, e) { var d = this; if (Ext.isNumber(c) && Ext.isNumber(a)) { if (c !== b || a !== e) { d.curWidth = c; d.curHeight = a; d.redraw(true); d.needsRedraw = false } else { if (d.needsRedraw) { d.redraw(); d.needsRedraw = false } } } this.callParent(arguments) }, redraw: function (c) { var k = this, j = k.series.items, g = j.length, b = k.axes.items, d = b.length, a = 0, h, n, m = k.chartBBox = { x: 0, y: 0, height: k.curHeight, width: k.curWidth }, l = k.legend, e; k.surface.setSize(m.width, m.height); for (h = 0; h < g; h++) { n = j[h]; if (!n.initialized) { e = k.initializeSeries(n, h, a) } else { e = n } e.onRedraw(); if (Ext.isArray(n.yField)) { a += n.yField.length } else { ++a } } for (h = 0; h < d; h++) { n = b[h]; if (!n.initialized) { k.initializeAxis(n) } } for (h = 0; h < d; h++) { b[h].processView() } for (h = 0; h < d; h++) { b[h].drawAxis(true) } if (l !== false && l.visible) { if (l.update || !l.created) { l.create() } } k.alignAxes(); if (l !== false && l.visible) { l.updatePosition() } k.getMaxGutters(); k.resizing = !!c; for (h = 0; h < d; h++) { b[h].drawAxis() } for (h = 0; h < g; h++) { k.drawCharts(j[h]) } k.resizing = false }, afterRender: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (a.categoryNames) { a.setCategoryNames(a.categoryNames) } a.bindStore(a.store, true); a.refresh(); if (a.surface.engine === "Vml") { a.on("added", a.onAddedVml, a); a.mon(a.hierarchyEventSource, "added", a.onContainerAddedVml, a) } }, onAddedVml: function () { this.needsRedraw = true }, onContainerAddedVml: function (a) { if (this.isDescendantOf(a)) { this.needsRedraw = true } }, getEventXY: function (d) { var c = this, b = this.surface.getRegion(), h = d.getXY(), a = h[0] - b.left, g = h[1] - b.top; return [a, g] }, onClick: function (a) { this.handleClick("itemclick", a) }, onDblClick: function (a) { this.handleClick("itemdblclick", a) }, handleClick: function (a, h) { var k = this, g = k.getEventXY(h), d = k.series.items, b, j, c, l; for (b = 0, j = d.length; b < j; b++) { c = d[b]; if (Ext.draw.Draw.withinBox(g[0], g[1], c.bbox)) { if (c.getItemForPoint) { l = c.getItemForPoint(g[0], g[1]); if (l) { c.fireEvent(a, l) } } } } }, onMouseDown: function (k) { var j = this, a = j.getEventXY(k), b = j.series.items, d, h, c, g; if (j.enableMask) { j.mixins.mask.onMouseDown.call(j, k) } for (d = 0, h = b.length; d < h; d++) { c = b[d]; if (Ext.draw.Draw.withinBox(a[0], a[1], c.bbox)) { if (c.getItemForPoint) { g = c.getItemForPoint(a[0], a[1]); if (g) { c.fireEvent("itemmousedown", g) } } } } }, onMouseUp: function (k) { var j = this, a = j.getEventXY(k), b = j.series.items, d, h, c, g; if (j.enableMask) { j.mixins.mask.onMouseUp.call(j, k) } for (d = 0, h = b.length; d < h; d++) { c = b[d]; if (Ext.draw.Draw.withinBox(a[0], a[1], c.bbox)) { if (c.getItemForPoint) { g = c.getItemForPoint(a[0], a[1]); if (g) { c.fireEvent("itemmouseup", g) } } } } }, onMouseMove: function (h) { var k = this, d = k.getEventXY(h), c = k.series.items, a, j, b, n, l, g, m; if (k.enableMask) { k.mixins.mask.onMouseMove.call(k, h) } for (a = 0, j = c.length; a < j; a++) { b = c[a]; if (Ext.draw.Draw.withinBox(d[0], d[1], b.bbox)) { if (b.getItemForPoint) { n = b.getItemForPoint(d[0], d[1]); l = b._lastItemForPoint; g = b._lastStoreItem; m = b._lastStoreField; if (n !== l || n && (n.storeItem != g || n.storeField != m)) { if (l) { b.fireEvent("itemmouseout", l); delete b._lastItemForPoint; delete b._lastStoreField; delete b._lastStoreItem } if (n) { b.fireEvent("itemmouseover", n); b._lastItemForPoint = n; b._lastStoreItem = n.storeItem; b._lastStoreField = n.storeField } } } } else { l = b._lastItemForPoint; if (l) { b.fireEvent("itemmouseout", l); delete b._lastItemForPoint; delete b._lastStoreField; delete b._lastStoreItem } } } }, onMouseLeave: function (h) { var g = this, a = g.series.items, c, d, b; if (g.enableMask) { g.mixins.mask.onMouseLeave.call(g, h) } for (c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++) { b = a[c]; delete b._lastItemForPoint } }, delayRefresh: function () { var a = this; if (!a.refreshTask) { a.refreshTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(a.refresh, a) } a.refreshTask.delay(a.refreshBuffer) }, refresh: function () { var a = this; if (a.rendered && a.curWidth !== undefined && a.curHeight !== undefined) { if (!a.isVisible(true)) { if (!a.refreshPending) { a.setShowListeners("mon"); a.refreshPending = true } return } if (a.fireEvent("beforerefresh", a) !== false) { a.redraw(); a.fireEvent("refresh", a) } } }, onShow: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (a.refreshPending) { a.delayRefresh(); a.setShowListeners("mun") } delete a.refreshPending }, setShowListeners: function (b) { var a = this; a[b](a.hierarchyEventSource, { scope: a, single: true, show: a.forceRefresh, expand: a.forceRefresh }) }, doRefresh: function () { this.setSubStore(null); this.refresh() }, forceRefresh: function (a) { var b = this; if (b.isDescendantOf(a) && b.refreshPending) { b.setShowListeners("mun"); b.delayRefresh() } delete b.refreshPending }, bindStore: function (a, b) { var c = this; c.mixins.bindable.bindStore.apply(c, arguments); if (c.store && !b) { c.refresh() } }, getStoreListeners: function () { var b = this.doRefresh, a = this.delayRefresh; return { refresh: b, add: a, bulkremove: a, update: a, clear: b } }, setSubStore: function (a) { this.substore = a }, initializeAxis: function (b) { var e = this, l = e.chartBBox, k = l.width, d = l.height, j = l.x, g = l.y, c = e.themeAttrs, a = { chart: e }; if (c) { a.axisStyle = Ext.apply({}, c.axis); a.axisLabelLeftStyle = Ext.apply({}, c.axisLabelLeft); a.axisLabelRightStyle = Ext.apply({}, c.axisLabelRight); a.axisLabelTopStyle = Ext.apply({}, c.axisLabelTop); a.axisLabelBottomStyle = Ext.apply({}, c.axisLabelBottom); a.axisTitleLeftStyle = Ext.apply({}, c.axisTitleLeft); a.axisTitleRightStyle = Ext.apply({}, c.axisTitleRight); a.axisTitleTopStyle = Ext.apply({}, c.axisTitleTop); a.axisTitleBottomStyle = Ext.apply({}, c.axisTitleBottom) } switch (b.position) { case "top": Ext.apply(a, { length: k, width: d, x: j, y: g }); break; case "bottom": Ext.apply(a, { length: k, width: d, x: j, y: d }); break; case "left": Ext.apply(a, { length: d, width: k, x: j, y: d }); break; case "right": Ext.apply(a, { length: d, width: k, x: k, y: d }); break } if (!b.chart) { Ext.apply(a, b); b = e.axes.replace(Ext.createByAlias("axis." + b.type.toLowerCase(), a)) } else { Ext.apply(b, a) } b.initialized = true }, getInsets: function () { var b = this, a = b.insetPadding; return { top: a, right: a, bottom: a, left: a } }, calculateInsets: function () { var k = this, n = k.legend, j = k.axes, g = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"], d, h, e, a, m, c, o; function b(p) { var l = j.findIndex("position", p); return (l < 0) ? null : j.getAt(l) } d = k.getInsets(); for (h = 0, e = g.length; h < e; h++) { a = g[h]; m = (a === "left" || a === "right"); c = b(a); if (n !== false) { if (n.position === a) { o = n.getBBox(); d[a] += (m ? o.width : o.height) + k.insetPadding } } if (c && c.bbox) { o = c.bbox; d[a] += (m ? o.width : o.height) } } return d }, alignAxes: function () { var g = this, a = g.axes.items, c, k, e, d, b, h, j; c = g.calculateInsets(); k = { x: c.left, y: c.top, width: g.curWidth - c.left - c.right, height: g.curHeight - c.top - c.bottom }; g.chartBBox = k; for (e = 0, d = a.length; e < d; e++) { b = a[e]; h = b.position; j = h === "left" || h === "right"; b.x = (h === "right" ? k.x + k.width : k.x); b.y = (h === "top" ? k.y : k.y + k.height); b.width = (j ? k.width : k.height); b.length = (j ? k.height : k.width) } }, initializeSeries: function (j, m, a) { var k = this, g = k.themeAttrs, d, h, o, q, p, n = [], e = (j instanceof Ext.chart.series.Series).i = 0, c, b; if (!j.initialized) { b = { chart: k, seriesId: j.seriesId }; if (g) { o = g.seriesThemes; p = g.markerThemes; d = Ext.apply({}, g.series); h = Ext.apply({}, g.marker); b.seriesStyle = Ext.apply(d, o[a % o.length]); b.seriesLabelStyle = Ext.apply({}, g.seriesLabel); b.markerStyle = Ext.apply(h, p[a % p.length]); if (g.colors) { b.colorArrayStyle = g.colors } else { n = []; for (c = o.length; i < c; i++) { q = o[i]; if (q.fill || q.stroke) { n.push(q.fill || q.stroke) } } if (n.length) { b.colorArrayStyle = n } } b.seriesIdx = m; b.themeIdx = a } if (e) { Ext.applyIf(j, b) } else { Ext.applyIf(b, j); j = k.series.replace(Ext.createByAlias("series." + j.type.toLowerCase(), b)) } } if (j.initialize) { j.initialize() } j.initialized = true; return j }, getMaxGutters: function () { var j = this, e = j.series.items, b, h, c, k, g = 0, a = 0, l = 0, d = 0; for (b = 0, h = e.length; b < h; b++) { k = e[b].getGutters(); if (k) { if (k.verticalAxis) { l = Math.max(l, k.lower); d = Math.max(d, k.upper) } else { g = Math.max(g, k.lower); a = Math.max(a, k.upper) } } } j.maxGutters = { left: g, right: a, bottom: l, top: d } }, drawAxis: function (a) { a.drawAxis() }, drawCharts: function (a) { a.triggerafterrender = false; a.drawSeries(); if (!this.animate) { a.fireEvent("afterrender") } }, save: function (a) { return Ext.draw.Surface.save(this.surface, a) }, destroy: function () { Ext.destroy(this.surface); this.bindStore(null); this.callParent(arguments) } }, 1, ["chart"], ["draw", "component", "chart", "box"], { draw: true, component: true, chart: true, box: true }, ["widget.chart"], [["themeManager", Ext.chart.theme.Theme], ["mask", Ext.chart.Mask], ["navigation", Ext.chart.Navigation], ["bindable", Ext.util.Bindable], ["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.chart, "Chart"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.Highlight", Ext.Base, { highlight: false, highlightCfg: { fill: "#fdd", "stroke-width": 5, stroke: "#f55" }, constructor: function (a) { if (a.highlight && (typeof a.highlight !== "boolean")) { this.highlightCfg = Ext.merge({}, this.highlightCfg, a.highlight) } }, highlightItem: function (l) { if (!l) { return } var g = this, k = l.sprite, a = Ext.merge({}, g.highlightCfg, g.highlight), d = g.chart.surface, c = g.chart.animate, b, j, h, e; if (!g.highlight || !k || k._highlighted) { return } if (k._anim) { k._anim.paused = true } k._highlighted = true; if (!k._defaults) { k._defaults = Ext.apply({}, k.attr); j = {}; h = {}; for (b in a) { if (!(b in k._defaults)) { k._defaults[b] = d.availableAttrs[b] } j[b] = k._defaults[b]; h[b] = a[b]; if (Ext.isObject(a[b])) { j[b] = {}; h[b] = {}; Ext.apply(k._defaults[b], k.attr[b]); Ext.apply(j[b], k._defaults[b]); for (e in k._defaults[b]) { if (!(e in a[b])) { h[b][e] = j[b][e] } else { h[b][e] = a[b][e] } } for (e in a[b]) { if (!(e in h[b])) { h[b][e] = a[b][e] } } } } k._from = j; k._to = h; k._endStyle = h } if (c) { k._anim = new Ext.fx.Anim({ target: k, from: k._from, to: k._to, duration: 150 }) } else { k.setAttributes(k._to, true) } }, unHighlightItem: function () { if (!this.highlight || !this.items) { return } var j = this, h = j.items, g = h.length, a = Ext.merge({}, j.highlightCfg, j.highlight), c = j.chart.animate, e = 0, d, b, k; for (; e < g; e++) { if (!h[e]) { continue } k = h[e].sprite; if (k && k._highlighted) { if (k._anim) { k._anim.paused = true } d = {}; for (b in a) { if (Ext.isObject(k._defaults[b])) { d[b] = Ext.apply({}, k._defaults[b]) } else { d[b] = k._defaults[b] } } if (c) { k._endStyle = d; k._anim = new Ext.fx.Anim({ target: k, to: d, duration: 150 }) } else { k.setAttributes(d, true) } delete k._highlighted } } }, cleanHighlights: function () { if (!this.highlight) { return } var d = this.group, c = this.markerGroup, b = 0, a; for (a = d.getCount(); b < a; b++) { delete d.getAt(b)._defaults } if (c) { for (a = c.getCount(); b < a; b++) { delete c.getAt(b)._defaults } } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.chart, "Highlight"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.Label", Ext.Base, { colorStringRe: /url\s*\(\s*#([^\/)]+)\s*\)/, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; b.label = Ext.applyIf(b.label || {}, { display: "none", stackedDisplay: "none", color: "#000", field: "name", minMargin: 50, font: "11px Helvetica, sans-serif", orientation: "horizontal", renderer: Ext.identityFn }); if (b.label.display !== "none") { b.labelsGroup = b.chart.surface.getGroup(b.seriesId + "-labels") } }, renderLabels: function () { var q = this, R = q.chart, A = R.gradients, t = q.items, M = R.animate, E = q.label, w = E.display, d = E.stackedDisplay, z = E.renderer, x = E.color, e = [].concat(E.field), s = q.labelsGroup, m = (s || 0) && s.length, b = q.chart.getChartStore(), r = b.getCount(), l = (t || 0) && t.length, H = l / r, D = (A || 0) && A.length, n = Ext.draw.Color, Q = [], p, P, J, c, C, O, L, g, h, v, y, K, S, u, U, G, F, a, B, T, I, o, N; if (w == "none" || !s) { return } if (l == 0) { while (m--) { Q.push(m) } } else { for (P = 0, J = 0, c = 0; P < r; P++) { C = 0; for (O = 0; O < H; O++) { y = t[J]; K = s.getAt(c); S = b.getAt(P); while (this.__excludes && this.__excludes[C]) { C++ } if (!y && K) { K.hide(true); c++ } if (y && e[O]) { if (!K) { K = q.onCreateLabel(S, y, P, w); if (!K) { break } } K.setAttributes({ fill: String(x) }, true); q.onPlaceLabel(K, S, y, P, w, M, C); c++; if (E.contrast && y.sprite) { u = y.sprite; if (M && u._endStyle) { a = u._endStyle.fill } else { if (M && u._to) { a = u._to.fill } else { a = u.attr.fill } } a = a || u.attr.fill; U = n.fromString(a); if (a && !U) { a = a.match(q.colorStringRe)[1]; for (L = 0; L < D; L++) { p = A[L]; if (p.id == a) { v = 0; g = 0; for (h in p.stops) { v++; g += n.fromString(p.stops[h].color).getGrayscale() } G = (g / v) / 255; break } } } else { G = U.getGrayscale() / 255 } if (K.isOutside) { G = 1 } F = n.fromString(K.attr.fill || K.attr.color).getHSL(); F[2] = G > 0.5 ? 0.2 : 0.8; K.setAttributes({ fill: String(n.fromHSL.apply({}, F)) }, true) } if (q.stacked && d && (y.totalPositiveValues || y.totalNegativeValues)) { T = (y.totalPositiveValues || 0); I = (y.totalNegativeValues || 0); B = T + I; if (d == "total") { o = z(B) } else { if (d == "balances") { if (T == 0 && I == 0) { o = z(0) } else { o = z(T); N = z(I) } } } if (o) { K = s.getAt(c); if (!K) { K = q.onCreateLabel(S, y, P, "over") } F = n.fromString(K.attr.color || K.attr.fill).getHSL(); K.setAttributes({ text: o, style: E.font, fill: String(n.fromHSL.apply({}, F)) }, true); q.onPlaceLabel(K, S, y, P, "over", M, C); c++ } if (N) { K = s.getAt(c); if (!K) { K = q.onCreateLabel(S, y, P, "under") } F = n.fromString(K.attr.color || K.attr.fill).getHSL(); K.setAttributes({ text: N, style: E.font, fill: String(n.fromHSL.apply({}, F)) }, true); q.onPlaceLabel(K, S, y, P, "under", M, C); c++ } } } J++; C++ } } m = s.length; while (m > c) { Q.push(c); c++ } } q.hideLabels(Q) }, hideLabels: function (b) { var a = this.labelsGroup, c = !!b && b.length; if (!a) { return } if (c === false) { c = a.getCount(); while (c--) { a.getAt(c).hide(true) } } else { while (c--) { a.getAt(b[c]).hide(true) } } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.chart, "Label"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.TipSurface", Ext.draw.Component, { spriteArray: false, renderFirst: true, constructor: function (a) { this.callParent([a]); if (a.sprites) { this.spriteArray = [].concat(a.sprites); delete a.sprites } }, onRender: function () { var c = this, b = 0, a = 0, d, e; this.callParent(arguments); e = c.spriteArray; if (c.renderFirst && e) { c.renderFirst = false; for (a = e.length; b < a; b++) { d = c.surface.add(e[b]); d.setAttributes({ hidden: false }, true) } } } }, 1, 0, ["draw", "component", "box"], { draw: true, component: true, box: true }, 0, 0, [Ext.chart, "TipSurface"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.Tip", Ext.Base, { constructor: function (b) { var c = this, a, d, e; if (b.tips) { c.tipTimeout = null; c.tipConfig = Ext.apply({}, b.tips, { renderer: Ext.emptyFn, constrainPosition: true, autoHide: true }); c.tooltip = new Ext.tip.ToolTip(c.tipConfig); c.chart.surface.on("mousemove", c.tooltip.onMouseMove, c.tooltip); c.chart.surface.on("mouseleave", function () { c.hideTip() }); if (c.tipConfig.surface) { a = c.tipConfig.surface; d = a.sprites; e = new Ext.chart.TipSurface({ id: "tipSurfaceComponent", sprites: d }); if (a.width && a.height) { e.setSize(a.width, a.height) } c.tooltip.add(e); c.spriteTip = e } } }, showTip: function (m) { var e = this, n, a, c, d, l, b, k, h, j, g; if (!e.tooltip) { return } clearTimeout(e.tipTimeout); n = e.tooltip; a = e.spriteTip; c = e.tipConfig; d = n.trackMouse; if (!d) { n.trackMouse = true; l = m.sprite; b = l.surface; k = Ext.get(b.getId()); if (k) { h = k.getXY(); j = h[0] + (l.attr.x || 0) + (l.attr.translation && l.attr.translation.x || 0); g = h[1] + (l.attr.y || 0) + (l.attr.translation && l.attr.translation.y || 0); n.targetXY = [j, g] } } if (a) { c.renderer.call(n, m.storeItem, m, a.surface) } else { c.renderer.call(n, m.storeItem, m) } n.show(); n.trackMouse = d }, hideTip: function (a) { var b = this.tooltip; if (!b) { return } clearTimeout(this.tipTimeout); this.tipTimeout = setTimeout(function () { b.hide() }, 0) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.chart, "Tip"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.axis.Abstract", Ext.Base, { constructor: function (a) { a = a || {}; var b = this, c = a.position || "left"; c = c.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + c.substring(1); a.label = Ext.apply(a["axisLabel" + c + "Style"] || {}, a.label || {}); a.axisTitleStyle = Ext.apply(a["axisTitle" + c + "Style"] || {}, a.labelTitle || {}); Ext.apply(b, a); b.fields = Ext.Array.from(b.fields); this.callParent(); b.labels = []; b.getId(); b.labelGroup = b.chart.surface.getGroup(b.axisId + "-labels") }, alignment: null, grid: false, steps: 10, x: 0, y: 0, minValue: 0, maxValue: 0, getId: function () { return this.axisId || (this.axisId = Ext.id(null, "ext-axis-")) }, processView: Ext.emptyFn, drawAxis: Ext.emptyFn, addDisplayAndLabels: Ext.emptyFn }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.chart.axis, "Abstract"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.axis.Axis", Ext.chart.axis.Abstract, { alternateClassName: "Ext.chart.Axis", hidden: false, forceMinMax: false, dashSize: 3, position: "bottom", skipFirst: false, length: 0, width: 0, adjustEnd: true, majorTickSteps: false, nullGutters: { lower: 0, upper: 0, verticalAxis: undefined }, applyData: Ext.emptyFn, getRange: function () { var C = this, p = C.chart, l = p.getChartStore(), E = l.data.items, o = p.series.items, D = C.position, y, a = Ext.chart.series, u = [], t = Infinity, x = -Infinity, c = C.position === "left" || C.position === "right" || C.position === "radial", z, n, d, w, v, m = E.length, g, B = {}, s = {}, A = true, q, h, e, b, r; q = C.fields; for (w = 0, n = q.length; w < n; w++) { s[q[w]] = true } for (z = 0, n = o.length; z < n; z++) { if (o[z].seriesIsHidden) { continue } if (!o[z].getAxesForXAndYFields) { continue } y = o[z].getAxesForXAndYFields(); if (y.xAxis && y.xAxis !== D && y.yAxis && y.yAxis !== D) { continue } if (a.Bar && o[z]instanceof a.Bar && !o[z].column) { q = c ? Ext.Array.from(o[z].xField) : Ext.Array.from(o[z].yField) } else { q = c ? Ext.Array.from(o[z].yField) : Ext.Array.from(o[z].xField) } if (C.fields.length) { for (w = 0, d = q.length; w < d; w++) { if (s[q[w]]) { break } } if (w == d) { continue } } if (g = o[z].stacked) { if (a.Bar && o[z]instanceof a.Bar) { if (o[z].column != c) { g = false; A = false } } else { if (!c) { g = false; A = false } } } if (g) { h = {}; for (w = 0; w < q.length; w++) { if (A && o[z].__excludes && o[z].__excludes[w]) { continue } if (!s[q[w]]) { Ext.Logger.warn("Field `" + q[w] + "` is not included in the " + D + " axis config.") } s[q[w]] = h[q[w]] = true } u.push({ fields: h, positiveValue: 0, negativeValue: 0 }) } else { if (!q || q.length == 0) { q = C.fields } for (w = 0; w < q.length; w++) { if (A && o[z].__excludes && o[z].__excludes[w]) { continue } s[q[w]] = B[q[w]] = true } } } for (z = 0; z < m; z++) { e = E[z]; for (v = 0; v < u.length; v++) { u[v].positiveValue = 0; u[v].negativeValue = 0 } for (b in s) { r = e.get(b); if (C.type == "Time" && typeof r == "string") { r = Date.parse(r) } if (isNaN(r)) { continue } if (r === undefined) { r = 0 } else { r = Number(r) } if (B[b]) { if (t > r) { t = r } if (x < r) { x = r } } for (v = 0; v < u.length; v++) { if (u[v].fields[b]) { if (r >= 0) { u[v].positiveValue += r; if (x < u[v].positiveValue) { x = u[v].positiveValue } if (t > 0) { t = 0 } } else { u[v].negativeValue += r; if (t > u[v].negativeValue) { t = u[v].negativeValue } if (x < 0) { x = 0 } } } } } } if (!isFinite(x)) { x = C.prevMax || 0 } if (!isFinite(t)) { t = C.prevMin || 0 } if (typeof t === "number") { t = Ext.Number.correctFloat(t) } if (typeof x === "number") { x = Ext.Number.correctFloat(x) } if (t != x && (x != Math.floor(x) || t != Math.floor(t))) { t = Math.floor(t); x = Math.floor(x) + 1 } if (!isNaN(C.minimum)) { t = C.minimum } if (!isNaN(C.maximum)) { x = C.maximum } if (t >= x) { t = Math.floor(t); x = t + 1 } return { min: t, max: x } }, calcEnds: function () { var h = this, d = h.getRange(), g = d.min, a = d.max, c, j, e, b; c = (Ext.isNumber(h.majorTickSteps) ? h.majorTickSteps + 1 : h.steps); j = !(Ext.isNumber(h.maximum) && Ext.isNumber(h.minimum) && Ext.isNumber(h.majorTickSteps) && h.majorTickSteps > 0); e = Ext.draw.Draw.snapEnds(g, a, c, j); if (Ext.isNumber(h.maximum)) { e.to = h.maximum; b = true } if (Ext.isNumber(h.minimum)) { e.from = h.minimum; b = true } if (h.adjustMaximumByMajorUnit) { e.to = Math.ceil(e.to / e.step) * e.step; b = true } if (h.adjustMinimumByMajorUnit) { e.from = Math.floor(e.from / e.step) * e.step; b = true } if (b) { e.steps = Math.ceil((e.to - e.from) / e.step) } h.prevMin = (g == a ? 0 : g); h.prevMax = a; return e }, drawAxis: function (N) { var m = this, P, H = m.x, G = m.y, T = m.dashSize, p = m.length, I = m.position, b = (I == "left" || I == "right"), k = [], j = (m.isNumericAxis), t = m.applyData(), z = t.step, D = t.steps, F = Ext.isArray(D), h = t.from, S = t.to, g = (S - h) || 1, Q, w, v, L, B = m.minorTickSteps || 0, A = m.minorTickSteps || 0, o = Math.max(B + 1, 0), n = Math.max(A + 1, 0), J = (I == "left" || I == "top" ? -1 : 1), d = T * J, c = m.chart.series.items, M = c[0], q = M ? M.nullGutters : m.nullGutters, O, R, r, E = 0, C = 0, a, K, u, s, e, l; m.from = h; m.to = S; if (m.hidden || (h > S)) { return } if ((F && (D.length == 0)) || (!F && isNaN(z))) { return } if (F) { D = Ext.Array.filter(D, function (y, x, U) { return (+y > +m.from && +y < +m.to) }, this); D = Ext.Array.union([m.from], D, [m.to]) } else { D = new Array(); for (s = +m.from; s < +m.to; s += z) { D.push(s) } D.push(+m.to) } C = D.length; for (P = 0, u = c.length; P < u; P++) { if (c[P].seriesIsHidden) { continue } if (!c[P].getAxesForXAndYFields) { continue } K = c[P].getAxesForXAndYFields(); if (!K.xAxis || !K.yAxis || (K.xAxis === I) || (K.yAxis === I)) { q = c[P].getGutters(); if ((q.verticalAxis !== undefined) && (q.verticalAxis != b)) { O = c[P].getPadding(); if (b) { q = { lower: O.bottom, upper: O.top, verticalAxis: true } } else { q = { lower: O.left, upper: O.right, verticalAxis: false } } } break } } if (j) { m.labels = [] } if (q) { if (b) { w = Math.floor(H); L = ["M", w + 0.5, G, "l", 0, -p]; Q = p - (q.lower + q.upper); for (a = 0; a < C; a++) { v = G - q.lower - (D[a] - D[0]) * Q / g; L.push("M", w, Math.floor(v) + 0.5, "l", d * 2, 0); k.push([w, Math.floor(v)]); if (j) { m.labels.push(D[a]) } } } else { v = Math.floor(G); L = ["M", H, v + 0.5, "l", p, 0]; Q = p - (q.lower + q.upper); for (a = 0; a < C; a++) { w = H + q.lower + (D[a] - D[0]) * Q / g; L.push("M", Math.floor(w) + 0.5, v, "l", 0, d * 2 + 1); k.push([Math.floor(w), v]); if (j) { m.labels.push(D[a]) } } } } R = (b ? A : B); if (Ext.isArray(R)) { if (R.length == 2) { r = +Ext.Date.add(new Date(), R[0], R[1]) - Date.now() } else { r = R[0] } } else { if (Ext.isNumber(R) && R > 0) { r = z / (R + 1) } } if (q && r) { for (a = 0; a < C - 1; a++) { e = +D[a]; l = +D[a + 1]; if (b) { for (value = e + r; value < l; value += r) { v = G - q.lower - (value - D[0]) * Q / g; L.push("M", w, Math.floor(v) + 0.5, "l", d, 0) } } else { for (value = e + r; value < l; value += r) { w = H + q.upper + (value - D[0]) * Q / g; L.push("M", Math.floor(w) + 0.5, v, "l", 0, d + 1) } } } } if (!m.axis) { m.axis = m.chart.surface.add(Ext.apply({ type: "path", path: L }, m.axisStyle)) } m.axis.setAttributes({ path: L }, true); m.inflections = k; if (!N && m.grid) { m.drawGrid() } m.axisBBox = m.axis.getBBox(); m.drawLabel() }, drawGrid: function () { var t = this, o = t.chart.surface, b = t.grid, d = b.odd, e = b.even, h = t.inflections, j = h.length - ((d || e) ? 0 : 1), u = t.position, c = t.chart.maxGutters, n = t.width - 2, p, q, r = 1, m = [], g, a, k, l = [], s = []; if (((c.bottom !== 0 || c.top !== 0) && (u == "left" || u == "right")) || ((c.left !== 0 || c.right !== 0) && (u == "top" || u == "bottom"))) { r = 0; j++ } for (; r < j; r++) { p = h[r]; q = h[r - 1]; if (d || e) { m = (r % 2) ? l : s; g = ((r % 2) ? d : e) || {}; a = (g.lineWidth || g["stroke-width"] || 0) / 2; k = 2 * a; if (u == "left") { m.push("M", q[0] + 1 + a, q[1] + 0.5 - a, "L", q[0] + 1 + n - a, q[1] + 0.5 - a, "L", p[0] + 1 + n - a, p[1] + 0.5 + a, "L", p[0] + 1 + a, p[1] + 0.5 + a, "Z") } else { if (u == "right") { m.push("M", q[0] - a, q[1] + 0.5 - a, "L", q[0] - n + a, q[1] + 0.5 - a, "L", p[0] - n + a, p[1] + 0.5 + a, "L", p[0] - a, p[1] + 0.5 + a, "Z") } else { if (u == "top") { m.push("M", q[0] + 0.5 + a, q[1] + 1 + a, "L", q[0] + 0.5 + a, q[1] + 1 + n - a, "L", p[0] + 0.5 - a, p[1] + 1 + n - a, "L", p[0] + 0.5 - a, p[1] + 1 + a, "Z") } else { m.push("M", q[0] + 0.5 + a, q[1] - a, "L", q[0] + 0.5 + a, q[1] - n + a, "L", p[0] + 0.5 - a, p[1] - n + a, "L", p[0] + 0.5 - a, p[1] - a, "Z") } } } } else { if (u == "left") { m = m.concat(["M", p[0] + 0.5, p[1] + 0.5, "l", n, 0]) } else { if (u == "right") { m = m.concat(["M", p[0] - 0.5, p[1] + 0.5, "l", -n, 0]) } else { if (u == "top") { m = m.concat(["M", p[0] + 0.5, p[1] + 0.5, "l", 0, n]) } else { m = m.concat(["M", p[0] + 0.5, p[1] - 0.5, "l", 0, -n]) } } } } } if (d || e) { if (l.length) { if (!t.gridOdd && l.length) { t.gridOdd = o.add({ type: "path", path: l }) } t.gridOdd.setAttributes(Ext.apply({ path: l, hidden: false }, d || {}), true) } if (s.length) { if (!t.gridEven) { t.gridEven = o.add({ type: "path", path: s }) } t.gridEven.setAttributes(Ext.apply({ path: s, hidden: false }, e || {}), true) } } else { if (m.length) { if (!t.gridLines) { t.gridLines = t.chart.surface.add({ type: "path", path: m, "stroke-width": t.lineWidth || 1, stroke: t.gridColor || "#ccc" }) } t.gridLines.setAttributes({ hidden: false, path: m }, true) } else { if (t.gridLines) { t.gridLines.hide(true) } } } }, getOrCreateLabel: function (c, g) { var d = this, b = d.labelGroup, e = b.getAt(c), a = d.chart.surface; if (e) { if (g != e.attr.text) { e.setAttributes(Ext.apply({ text: g }, d.label), true); e._bbox = e.getBBox() } } else { e = a.add(Ext.apply({ group: b, type: "text", x: 0, y: 0, text: g }, d.label)); a.renderItem(e); e._bbox = e.getBBox() } if (d.label.rotation) { e.setAttributes({ rotation: { degrees: 0 } }, true); e._ubbox = e.getBBox(); e.setAttributes(d.label, true) } else { e._ubbox = e._bbox } return e }, rect2pointArray: function (m) { var b = this.chart.surface, g = b.getBBox(m, true), n = [g.x, g.y], d = n.slice(), l = [g.x + g.width, g.y], a = l.slice(), k = [g.x + g.width, g.y + g.height], e = k.slice(), j = [g.x, g.y + g.height], c = j.slice(), h = m.matrix; n[0] = h.x.apply(h, d); n[1] = h.y.apply(h, d); l[0] = h.x.apply(h, a); l[1] = h.y.apply(h, a); k[0] = h.x.apply(h, e); k[1] = h.y.apply(h, e); j[0] = h.x.apply(h, c); j[1] = h.y.apply(h, c); return [n, l, k, j] }, intersect: function (c, a) { var d = this.rect2pointArray(c), b = this.rect2pointArray(a); return !!Ext.draw.Draw.intersect(d, b).length }, drawHorizontalLabels: function () { var D = this, e = D.label, z = Math.floor, v = Math.max, w = D.chart.axes, h = D.chart.insetPadding, g = D.chart.maxGutters, E = D.position, k = D.inflections, o = k.length, C = D.labels, s = 0, j, c, t, p, b, B = D.adjustEnd, a = w.findIndex("position", "left") != -1, n = w.findIndex("position", "right") != -1, A, r, m, q, l, u, d; m = o - 1; t = k[0]; d = D.getOrCreateLabel(0, D.label.renderer(C[0])); j = Math.floor(Math.abs(Math.sin(e.rotate && (e.rotate.degrees * Math.PI / 180) || 0))); for (u = 0; u < o; u++) { t = k[u]; r = D.label.renderer(C[u]); A = D.getOrCreateLabel(u, r); c = A._bbox; s = v(s, c.height + D.dashSize + D.label.padding); q = z(t[0] - (j ? c.height : c.width) / 2); if (B && g.left == 0 && g.right == 0) { if (u == 0 && !a) { q = t[0] } else { if (u == m && !n) { q = Math.min(q, t[0] - c.width + h) } } } if (E == "top") { l = t[1] - (D.dashSize * 2) - D.label.padding - (c.height / 2) } else { l = t[1] + (D.dashSize * 2) + D.label.padding + (c.height / 2) } A.setAttributes({ hidden: false, x: q, y: l }, true); if (u != 0 && (D.intersect(A, p) || D.intersect(A, d))) { if (u === m && b !== 0) { p.hide(true) } else { A.hide(true); continue } } p = A; b = u } return s }, drawVerticalLabels: function () { var C = this, g = C.inflections, D = C.position, k = g.length, p = C.chart, e = p.insetPadding, B = C.labels, v = 0, s = Math.max, u = Math.floor, c = Math.ceil, t = C.chart.axes, d = C.chart.maxGutters, b, q, l, a, o = t.findIndex("position", "top") != -1, w = t.findIndex("position", "bottom") != -1, A = C.adjustEnd, z, n, j = k - 1, m, h, r; for (r = 0; r < k; r++) { q = g[r]; n = C.label.renderer(B[r]); z = C.getOrCreateLabel(r, n); b = z._bbox; v = s(v, b.width + C.dashSize + C.label.padding); h = q[1]; if (A && (d.bottom + d.top) < b.height / 2) { if (r == j && !o) { h = Math.max(h, C.y - C.length + c(b.height / 2) - e) } else { if (r == 0 && !w) { h = C.y + d.bottom - u(b.height / 2) } } } if (D == "left") { m = q[0] - b.width - C.dashSize - C.label.padding - 2 } else { m = q[0] + C.dashSize + C.label.padding + 2 } z.setAttributes(Ext.apply({ hidden: false, x: m, y: h }, C.label), true); if (r != 0 && C.intersect(z, l)) { if (r === j && a !== 0) { l.hide(true) } else { z.hide(true); continue } } l = z; a = r } return v }, drawLabel: function () { var h = this, a = h.position, b = h.labelGroup, j = h.inflections, g = 0, e = 0, d, c; if (a == "left" || a == "right") { g = h.drawVerticalLabels() } else { e = h.drawHorizontalLabels() } d = b.getCount(); c = j.length; for (; c < d; c++) { b.getAt(c).hide(true) } h.bbox = {}; Ext.apply(h.bbox, h.axisBBox); h.bbox.height = e; h.bbox.width = g; if (Ext.isString(h.title)) { h.drawTitle(g, e) } }, setTitle: function (a) { this.title = a; this.drawLabel() }, drawTitle: function (m, n) { var h = this, g = h.position, b = h.chart.surface, c = h.displaySprite, l = h.title, e = (g == "left" || g == "right"), k = h.x, j = h.y, a, o, d; if (c) { c.setAttributes({ text: l }, true) } else { a = { type: "text", x: 0, y: 0, text: l }; c = h.displaySprite = b.add(Ext.apply(a, h.axisTitleStyle, h.labelTitle)); b.renderItem(c) } o = c.getBBox(); d = h.dashSize + h.label.padding; if (e) { j -= ((h.length / 2) - (o.height / 2)); if (g == "left") { k -= (m + d + (o.width / 2)) } else { k += (m + d + o.width - (o.width / 2)) } h.bbox.width += o.width + 10 } else { k += (h.length / 2) - (o.width * 0.5); if (g == "top") { j -= (n + d + (o.height * 0.3)) } else { j += (n + d + (o.height * 0.8)) } h.bbox.height += o.height + 10 } c.setAttributes({ translate: { x: k, y: j } }, true) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.chart.axis, "Axis", Ext.chart, "Axis"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.axis.Category", Ext.chart.axis.Axis, { alternateClassName: "Ext.chart.CategoryAxis", categoryNames: null, calculateCategoryCount: false, doConstrain: function () { var h = this, g = h.chart, c = g.getChartStore(), b = c.data.items, e = g.series.items, a = e.length, j = [], d; for (d = 0; d < a; d++) { if (e[d].type === "bar" && e[d].stacked) { return } } for (d = h.minimum; d < h.maximum; d++) { j.push(b[d]) } g.setSubStore(new Ext.data.Store({ model: c.model, data: j })) }, setLabels: function () { var m = this.chart.getChartStore(), c = m.data.items, k, h, e, j = this.fields, l = j.length, g, a, b; g = this.labels = []; for (k = 0, h = c.length; k < h; k++) { e = c[k]; for (b = 0; b < l; b++) { a = e.get(j[b]); g.push(a) } } }, applyData: function () { this.callParent(); this.setLabels(); var a = this.chart.getChartStore().getCount(); return { from: 0, to: a - 1, power: 1, step: 1, steps: a - 1 } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["axis.category"], 0, [Ext.chart.axis, "Category", Ext.chart, "CategoryAxis"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.axis.Gauge", Ext.chart.axis.Abstract, { position: "gauge", drawAxis: function (q) { var j = this.chart, a = j.surface, p = j.chartBBox, d = p.x + (p.width / 2), b = p.y + p.height, c = this.margin || 10, m = Math.min(p.width, 2 * p.height) / 2 + c, h = [], n, l = this.steps, e, g = Math.PI, o = Math.cos, k = Math.sin; if (this.sprites && !j.resizing) { this.drawLabel(); return } if (this.margin >= 0) { if (!this.sprites) { for (e = 0; e <= l; e++) { n = a.add({ type: "path", path: ["M", d + (m - c) * o(e / l * g - g), b + (m - c) * k(e / l * g - g), "L", d + m * o(e / l * g - g), b + m * k(e / l * g - g), "Z"], stroke: "#ccc" }); n.setAttributes({ hidden: false }, true); h.push(n) } } else { h = this.sprites; for (e = 0; e <= l; e++) { h[e].setAttributes({ path: ["M", d + (m - c) * o(e / l * g - g), b + (m - c) * k(e / l * g - g), "L", d + m * o(e / l * g - g), b + m * k(e / l * g - g), "Z"], stroke: "#ccc" }, true) } } } this.sprites = h; this.drawLabel(); if (this.title) { this.drawTitle() } }, drawTitle: function () { var e = this, d = e.chart, a = d.surface, g = d.chartBBox, c = e.titleSprite, b; if (!c) { e.titleSprite = c = a.add(Ext.apply({ type: "text", zIndex: 2 }, e.axisTitleStyle, e.labelTitle)) } c.setAttributes(Ext.apply({ text: e.title }, e.label || {}), true); b = c.getBBox(); c.setAttributes({ x: g.x + (g.width / 2) - (b.width / 2), y: g.y + g.height - (b.height / 2) - 4 }, true) }, setTitle: function (a) { this.title = a; this.drawTitle() }, drawLabel: function () { var l = this.chart, p = l.surface, b = l.chartBBox, j = b.x + (b.width / 2), h = b.y + b.height, m = this.margin || 10, d = Math.min(b.width, 2 * b.height) / 2 + 2 * m, u = Math.round, n = [], g, s = this.maximum || 0, k = this.minimum || 0, r = this.steps, q = 0, v, t = Math.PI, c = Math.cos, a = Math.sin, e = this.label, o = e.renderer || Ext.identityFn; if (!this.labelArray) { for (q = 0; q <= r; q++) { v = (q === 0 || q === r) ? 7 : 0; g = p.add({ type: "text", text: o(u(k + q / r * (s - k))), x: j + d * c(q / r * t - t), y: h + d * a(q / r * t - t) - v, "text-anchor": "middle", "stroke-width": 0.2, zIndex: 10, stroke: "#333" }); g.setAttributes({ hidden: false }, true); n.push(g) } } else { n = this.labelArray; for (q = 0; q <= r; q++) { v = (q === 0 || q === r) ? 7 : 0; n[q].setAttributes({ text: o(u(k + q / r * (s - k))), x: j + d * c(q / r * t - t), y: h + d * a(q / r * t - t) - v }, true) } } this.labelArray = n } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["axis.gauge"], 0, [Ext.chart.axis, "Gauge"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.axis.Numeric", Ext.chart.axis.Axis, { alternateClassName: "Ext.chart.NumericAxis", type: "Numeric", isNumericAxis: true, constructor: function (c) { var d = this, a = !!(c.label && c.label.renderer), b; d.callParent([c]); b = d.label; if (c.constrain == null) { d.constrain = (c.minimum != null && c.maximum != null) } if (!a) { b.renderer = function (e) { return d.roundToDecimal(e, d.decimals) } } }, roundToDecimal: function (a, c) { var b = Math.pow(10, c || 0); return Math.round(a * b) / b }, minimum: NaN, maximum: NaN, constrain: true, decimals: 2, scale: "linear", doConstrain: function () { var u = this, h = u.chart, b = h.getChartStore(), j = b.data.items, t, w, a, e = h.series.items, k = u.fields, c = k.length, g = u.calcEnds(), n = g.from, q = g.to, r, o, s = false, m, v = [], p; for (t = 0, w = j.length; t < w; t++) { p = true; a = j[t]; for (r = 0; r < c; r++) { m = a.get(k[r]); if (u.type == "Time" && typeof m == "string") { m = Date.parse(m) } if (+m < +n) { p = false; break } if (+m > +q) { p = false; break } } if (p) { v.push(a) } } h.setSubStore(new Ext.data.Store({ model: b.model, data: v })) }, position: "left", adjustMaximumByMajorUnit: false, adjustMinimumByMajorUnit: false, processView: function () { var e = this, d = e.chart, c = d.series.items, b, a; for (b = 0, a = c.length; b < a; b++) { if (c[b].stacked) { delete e.minimum; delete e.maximum; e.constrain = false; break } } if (e.constrain) { e.doConstrain() } }, applyData: function () { this.callParent(); return this.calcEnds() } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["axis.numeric"], 0, [Ext.chart.axis, "Numeric", Ext.chart, "NumericAxis"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.axis.Radial", Ext.chart.axis.Numeric, { position: "radial", drawAxis: function (u) { var m = this.chart, a = m.surface, t = m.chartBBox, q = m.getChartStore(), b = q.getCount(), e = t.x + (t.width / 2), c = t.y + (t.height / 2), p = Math.min(t.width, t.height) / 2, k = [], r, o = this.steps, g, d, h = Math.PI * 2, s = Math.cos, n = Math.sin; if (this.sprites && !m.resizing) { this.drawLabel(); return } if (!this.sprites) { for (g = 1; g <= o; g++) { r = a.add({ type: "circle", x: e, y: c, radius: Math.max(p * g / o, 0), stroke: "#ccc" }); r.setAttributes({ hidden: false }, true); k.push(r) } for (g = 0; g < b; g++) { r = a.add({ type: "path", path: ["M", e, c, "L", e + p * s(g / b * h), c + p * n(g / b * h), "Z"], stroke: "#ccc" }); r.setAttributes({ hidden: false }, true); k.push(r) } } else { k = this.sprites; for (g = 0; g < o; g++) { k[g].setAttributes({ x: e, y: c, radius: Math.max(p * (g + 1) / o, 0), stroke: "#ccc" }, true) } for (d = 0; d < b; d++) { k[g + d].setAttributes({ path: ["M", e, c, "L", e + p * s(d / b * h), c + p * n(d / b * h), "Z"], stroke: "#ccc" }, true) } } this.sprites = k; this.drawLabel() }, drawLabel: function () { var w = this.chart, c = w.series.items, r, B = w.surface, b = w.chartBBox, l = w.getChartStore(), J = l.data.items, p, k, o = b.x + (b.width / 2), n = b.y + (b.height / 2), h = Math.min(b.width, b.height) / 2, F = Math.max, I = Math.round, x = [], m, z = [], d, A = [], g, v = !this.maximum, H = this.maximum || 0, G = this.steps, E = 0, D, t, s, y = Math.PI * 2, e = Math.cos, a = Math.sin, C = this.label.display, q = C !== "none", u = 10; if (!q) { return } for (E = 0, p = c.length; E < p; E++) { r = c[E]; z.push(r.yField); g = r.xField } for (D = 0, p = J.length; D < p; D++) { k = J[D]; A.push(k.get(g)); if (v) { for (E = 0, d = z.length; E < d; E++) { H = F(+k.get(z[E]), H) } } } if (!this.labelArray) { if (C != "categories") { for (E = 1; E <= G; E++) { m = B.add({ type: "text", text: I(E / G * H), x: o, y: n - h * E / G, "text-anchor": "middle", "stroke-width": 0.1, stroke: "#333" }); m.setAttributes({ hidden: false }, true); x.push(m) } } if (C != "scale") { for (D = 0, G = A.length; D < G; D++) { t = e(D / G * y) * (h + u); s = a(D / G * y) * (h + u); m = B.add({ type: "text", text: A[D], x: o + t, y: n + s, "text-anchor": t * t <= 0.001 ? "middle" : (t < 0 ? "end" : "start") }); m.setAttributes({ hidden: false }, true); x.push(m) } } } else { x = this.labelArray; if (C != "categories") { for (E = 0; E < G; E++) { x[E].setAttributes({ text: I((E + 1) / G * H), x: o, y: n - h * (E + 1) / G, "text-anchor": "middle", "stroke-width": 0.1, stroke: "#333" }, true) } } if (C != "scale") { for (D = 0, G = A.length; D < G; D++) { t = e(D / G * y) * (h + u); s = a(D / G * y) * (h + u); if (x[E + D]) { x[E + D].setAttributes({ type: "text", text: A[D], x: o + t, y: n + s, "text-anchor": t * t <= 0.001 ? "middle" : (t < 0 ? "end" : "start") }, true) } } } } this.labelArray = x }, getRange: function () { var a = this.callParent(); a.min = 0; return a }, processView: function () { var h = this, c = h.chart.series.items, e, g, d, b, a = []; for (e = 0, g = c.length; e < g; e++) { d = c[e]; a.push(d.yField) } h.fields = a; b = h.calcEnds(); h.maximum = b.to; h.steps = b.steps } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["axis.radial"], 0, [Ext.chart.axis, "Radial"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.axis.Time", Ext.chart.axis.Numeric, { alternateClassName: "Ext.chart.TimeAxis", type: "Time", dateFormat: false, fromDate: false, toDate: false, step: [Ext.Date.DAY, 1], constrain: false, constructor: function (b) { var c = this, a, d, e; c.callParent([b]); a = c.label || {}; e = this.dateFormat; if (e) { if (a.renderer) { d = a.renderer; a.renderer = function (g) { g = d(g); return Ext.Date.format(new Date(d(g)), e) } } else { a.renderer = function (g) { return Ext.Date.format(new Date(g >> 0), e) } } } }, processView: function () { var a = this; if (a.fromDate) { a.minimum = +a.fromDate } if (a.toDate) { a.maximum = +a.toDate } if (a.constrain) { a.doConstrain() } }, calcEnds: function () { var c = this, a, b = c.step; if (b) { a = c.getRange(); a = Ext.draw.Draw.snapEndsByDateAndStep(new Date(a.min), new Date(a.max), Ext.isNumber(b) ? [Date.MILLI, b] : b); if (c.minimum) { a.from = c.minimum } if (c.maximum) { a.to = c.maximum } return a } else { return c.callParent(arguments) } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["axis.time"], 0, [Ext.chart.axis, "Time", Ext.chart, "TimeAxis"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.series.Series", Ext.Base, { type: null, title: null, showInLegend: true, renderer: function (e, a, c, d, b) { return c }, shadowAttributes: null, animating: false, nullGutters: { lower: 0, upper: 0, verticalAxis: undefined }, nullPadding: { left: 0, right: 0, width: 0, bottom: 0, top: 0, height: 0 }, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; if (a) { Ext.apply(b, a) } b.shadowGroups = []; b.mixins.labels.constructor.call(b, a); b.mixins.highlights.constructor.call(b, a); b.mixins.tips.constructor.call(b, a); b.mixins.callouts.constructor.call(b, a); b.addEvents({ scope: b, itemclick: true, itemmouseover: true, itemmouseout: true, itemmousedown: true, itemmouseup: true, mouseleave: true, afterdraw: true, titlechange: true }); b.mixins.observable.constructor.call(b, a); b.on({ scope: b, itemmouseover: b.onItemMouseOver, itemmouseout: b.onItemMouseOut, mouseleave: b.onMouseLeave }); if (b.style) { Ext.apply(b.seriesStyle, b.style) } }, onRedraw: Ext.emptyFn, eachRecord: function (c, b) { var a = this.chart; a.getChartStore().each(c, b) }, getRecordCount: function () { var b = this.chart, a = b.getChartStore(); return a ? a.getCount() : 0 }, isExcluded: function (a) { var b = this.__excludes; return !!(b && b[a]) }, setBBox: function (a) { var d = this, c = d.chart, b = c.chartBBox, h = a ? { left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, top: 0 } : c.maxGutters, e, g; e = { x: b.x, y: b.y, width: b.width, height: b.height }; d.clipBox = e; g = { x: (e.x + h.left) - (c.zoom.x * c.zoom.width), y: (e.y + h.bottom) - (c.zoom.y * c.zoom.height), width: (e.width - (h.left + h.right)) * c.zoom.width, height: (e.height - (h.bottom + h.top)) * c.zoom.height }; d.bbox = g }, onAnimate: function (b, a) { var c = this; b.stopAnimation(); if (c.animating) { return b.animate(Ext.applyIf(a, c.chart.animate)) } else { c.animating = true; return b.animate(Ext.apply(Ext.applyIf(a, c.chart.animate), { callback: function () { c.animating = false; c.fireEvent("afterrender") } })) } }, getGutters: function () { return this.nullGutters }, getPadding: function () { return this.nullPadding }, onItemMouseOver: function (b) { var a = this; if (b.series === a) { if (a.highlight) { a.highlightItem(b) } if (a.tooltip) { a.showTip(b) } } }, onItemMouseOut: function (b) { var a = this; if (b.series === a) { a.unHighlightItem(); if (a.tooltip) { a.hideTip(b) } } }, onMouseLeave: function () { var a = this; a.unHighlightItem(); if (a.tooltip) { a.hideTip() } }, getItemForPoint: function (a, j) { if (!this.items || !this.items.length || this.seriesIsHidden) { return null } var g = this, b = g.items, h = g.bbox, e, c, d; if (!Ext.draw.Draw.withinBox(a, j, h)) { return null } for (c = 0, d = b.length; c < d; c++) { if (b[c] && this.isItemInPoint(a, j, b[c], c)) { return b[c] } } return null }, isItemInPoint: function (a, d, c, b) { return false }, hideAll: function () { var h = this, g = h.items, m, e, d, c, a, k, b; h.seriesIsHidden = true; h._prevShowMarkers = h.showMarkers; h.showMarkers = false; h.hideLabels(0); for (d = 0, e = g.length; d < e; d++) { m = g[d]; k = m.sprite; if (k) { k.setAttributes({ hidden: true }, true) } if (k && k.shadows) { b = k.shadows; for (c = 0, a = b.length; c < a; ++c) { b[c].setAttributes({ hidden: true }, true) } } } }, showAll: function () { var a = this, b = a.chart.animate; a.chart.animate = false; a.seriesIsHidden = false; a.showMarkers = a._prevShowMarkers; a.drawSeries(); a.chart.animate = b }, hide: function () { if (this.items) { var h = this, b = h.items, d, c, a, g, e; if (b && b.length) { for (d = 0, g = b.length; d < g; ++d) { if (b[d].sprite) { b[d].sprite.hide(true); e = b[d].shadows || b[d].sprite.shadows; if (e) { for (c = 0, a = e.length; c < a; ++c) { e[c].hide(true) } } } } h.hideLabels() } } }, getLegendColor: function (a) { var b = this, d, c; if (b.seriesStyle) { d = b.seriesStyle.fill; c = b.seriesStyle.stroke; if (d && d != "none") { return d } if (c) { return c } } return (b.colorArrayStyle) ? b.colorArrayStyle[b.themeIdx % b.colorArrayStyle.length] : "#000" }, visibleInLegend: function (a) { var b = this.__excludes; if (b) { return !b[a] } return !this.seriesIsHidden }, setTitle: function (a, d) { var c = this, b = c.title; if (Ext.isString(a)) { d = a; a = 0 } if (Ext.isArray(b)) { b[a] = d } else { c.title = d } c.fireEvent("titlechange", d, a) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable], ["labels", Ext.chart.Label], ["highlights", Ext.chart.Highlight], ["tips", Ext.chart.Tip], ["callouts", Ext.chart.Callout]], [Ext.chart.series, "Series"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.series.Cartesian", Ext.chart.series.Series, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.chart.CartesianSeries", "Ext.chart.CartesianChart"], xField: null, yField: null, axis: "left", getLegendLabels: function () { var j = this, e = [], g, d, h, k = j.combinations, l, a, c, b; g = [].concat(j.yField); for (d = 0, h = g.length; d < h; d++) { l = j.title; e.push((Ext.isArray(l) ? l[d] : l) || g[d]) } if (k) { k = Ext.Array.from(k); for (d = 0, h = k.length; d < h; d++) { a = k[d]; c = e[a[0]]; b = e[a[1]]; e[a[1]] = c + " & " + b; e.splice(a[0], 1) } } return e }, eachYValue: function (b, e, d) { var j = this, h = j.getYValueAccessors(), c, g, a; for (c = 0, g = h.length; c < g; c++) { a = h[c]; e.call(d, a(b), c) } }, getYValueCount: function () { return this.getYValueAccessors().length }, combine: function (g, e) { var d = this, c = d.getYValueAccessors(), b = c[g], a = c[e]; c[e] = function (h) { return b(h) + a(h) }; c.splice(g, 1); d.callParent([g, e]) }, clearCombinations: function () { delete this.yValueAccessors; this.callParent() }, getYValueAccessors: function () { var e = this, a = e.yValueAccessors, g, c, b, d; if (!a) { a = e.yValueAccessors = []; g = [].concat(e.yField); for (b = 0, d = g.length; b < d; b++) { c = g[b]; a.push(function (h) { return h.get(c) }) } } return a }, getMinMaxXValues: function () { var l = this, k = l.chart, n = k.getChartStore(), d = n.data.items, h = l.getRecordCount(), e, j, g, c, m, a = l.xField, b; if (h > 0) { c = Infinity; m = -c; for (e = 0, j = d.length; e < j; e++) { g = d[e]; b = g.get(a); if (b > m) { m = b } if (b < c) { c = b } } if (c == Infinity) { c = 0 } if (m == -Infinity) { m = h - 1 } } else { c = m = 0 } return [c, m] }, getMinMaxYValues: function () { var l = this, k = l.chart, p = k.getChartStore(), c = p.data.items, g = l.getRecordCount(), d, j, e, h = l.stacked, b, m, o, n; function a(s, r) { if (!l.isExcluded(r)) { if (s < 0) { n += s } else { o += s } } } function q(s, r) { if (!l.isExcluded(r)) { if (s > m) { m = s } if (s < b) { b = s } } } if (g > 0) { b = Infinity; m = -b; for (d = 0, j = c.length; d < j; d++) { e = c[d]; if (h) { o = 0; n = 0; l.eachYValue(e, a); if (o > m) { m = o } if (n < b) { b = n } } else { l.eachYValue(e, q) } } if (b == Infinity) { b = 0 } if (m == -Infinity) { m = g - 1 } } else { b = m = 0 } return [b, m] }, getAxesForXAndYFields: function () { var m = this, l = m.chart.axes, d = [].concat(m.axis), c = {}, e = [].concat(m.yField), n = {}, o = [].concat(m.xField), j, b, a, h, k, g; g = m.type === "bar" && m.column === false; if (g) { j = e; e = o; o = j } if (Ext.Array.indexOf(d, "top") > -1) { b = "top" } else { if (Ext.Array.indexOf(d, "bottom") > -1) { b = "bottom" } else { if (l.get("top") && l.get("bottom")) { for (h = 0, k = o.length; h < k; h++) { n[o[h]] = true } j = [].concat(l.get("bottom").fields); for (h = 0, k = j.length; h < k; h++) { if (n[j[h]]) { b = "bottom"; break } } j = [].concat(l.get("top").fields); for (h = 0, k = j.length; h < k; h++) { if (n[j[h]]) { b = "top"; break } } } else { if (l.get("top")) { b = "top" } else { if (l.get("bottom")) { b = "bottom" } } } } } if (Ext.Array.indexOf(d, "left") > -1) { a = "left" } else { if (Ext.Array.indexOf(d, "right") > -1) { a = "right" } else { if (l.get("left") && l.get("right")) { for (h = 0, k = e.length; h < k; h++) { c[e[h]] = true } j = [].concat(l.get("right").fields); for (h = 0, k = j.length; h < k; h++) { if (c[j[h]]) { break } } j = [].concat(l.get("left").fields); for (h = 0, k = j.length; h < k; h++) { if (c[j[h]]) { a = "left"; break } } } else { if (l.get("left")) { a = "left" } else { if (l.get("right")) { a = "right" } } } } } return g ? { xAxis: a, yAxis: b } : { xAxis: b, yAxis: a } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.chart.series, "Cartesian", Ext.chart, "CartesianSeries", Ext.chart, "CartesianChart"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.series.Area", Ext.chart.series.Cartesian, { type: "area", stacked: true, style: {}, constructor: function (c) { this.callParent(arguments); var e = this, a = e.chart.surface, d, b; c.highlightCfg = Ext.Object.merge({}, { lineWidth: 3, stroke: "#55c", opacity: 0.8, color: "#f00" }, c.highlightCfg); Ext.apply(e, c, { __excludes: [] }); if (e.highlight) { e.highlightSprite = a.add({ type: "path", path: ["M", 0, 0], zIndex: 1000, opacity: 0.3, lineWidth: 5, hidden: true, stroke: "#444" }) } e.group = a.getGroup(e.seriesId) }, shrink: function (b, n, o) { var k = b.length, m = Math.floor(k / o), h, g, d = 0, l = this.areas.length, a = [], e = [], c = []; for (g = 0; g < l; ++g) { a[g] = 0 } for (h = 0; h < k; ++h) { d += +b[h]; for (g = 0; g < l; ++g) { a[g] += +n[h][g] } if (h % m == 0) { e.push(d / m); for (g = 0; g < l; ++g) { a[g] /= m } c.push(a); d = 0; for (g = 0, a = []; g < l; ++g) { a[g] = 0 } } } return { x: e, y: c } }, getBounds: function () { var j = this, N = j.chart, a = N.getChartStore(), M = a.data.items, J, G, x, v = [].concat(j.yField), A = v.length, z = [], D = [], g = Infinity, C = g, B = g, n = -g, m = -g, s = Math, w = s.min, e = s.max, p = j.getAxesForXAndYFields(), K = p.xAxis, u = p.yAxis, H, r, E, k, h, F, q, O, L, b, t, I, c, d, o, y; j.setBBox(); k = j.bbox; if (o = N.axes.get(K)) { if (o.type === "Time") { r = true } H = o.applyData(); C = H.from; n = H.to } if (o = N.axes.get(u)) { H = o.applyData(); B = H.from; m = H.to } if (j.xField && !Ext.isNumber(C)) { o = j.getMinMaxXValues(); r = true; C = o[0]; n = o[1] } if (j.yField && !Ext.isNumber(B)) { o = j.getMinMaxYValues(); B = o[0]; m = o[1] } if (!Ext.isNumber(B)) { B = 0 } if (!Ext.isNumber(m)) { m = 0 } G = M.length; if (G > 0 && r) { E = M[0].get(j.xField); if (typeof E != "number") { E = +E; if (isNaN(E)) { r = false } } } for (J = 0; J < G; J++) { x = M[J]; q = x.get(j.xField); O = []; if (typeof q != "number") { if (r) { q = +q } else { q = J } } z.push(q); b = 0; for (L = 0; L < A; L++) { if (j.__excludes[L]) { continue } d = x.get(v[L]); if (typeof d == "number") { O.push(d) } } D.push(O) } h = k.width / ((n - C) || 1); F = k.height / ((m - B) || 1); t = z.length; if ((t > k.width) && j.areas) { I = j.shrink(z, D, k.width); z = I.x; D = I.y } return { bbox: k, minX: C, minY: B, xValues: z, yValues: D, xScale: h, yScale: F, areasLen: A } }, getPaths: function () { var z = this, m = z.chart, c = m.getChartStore(), e = true, g = z.getBounds(), a = g.bbox, n = z.items = [], w = [], b, d = 0, p = [], s, j, k, h, q, u, l, A, r, v, o, t; j = g.xValues.length; for (s = 0; s < j; s++) { q = g.xValues[s]; u = g.yValues[s]; k = a.x + (q - g.minX) * g.xScale; if (t === undefined) { t = k } l = 0; d = 0; for (A = 0; A < g.areasLen; A++) { if (z.__excludes[A]) { continue } if (!w[A]) { w[A] = [] } v = u[d]; l += v; h = a.y + a.height - (l - g.minY) * g.yScale; if (!p[A]) { p[A] = ["M", k, h]; w[A].push(["L", k, h]) } else { p[A].push("L", k, h); w[A].push(["L", k, h]) } if (!n[A]) { n[A] = { pointsUp: [], pointsDown: [], series: z } } n[A].pointsUp.push([k, h]); d++ } } for (A = 0; A < g.areasLen; A++) { if (z.__excludes[A]) { continue } o = p[A]; if (A == 0 || e) { e = false; o.push("L", k, a.y + a.height, "L", t, a.y + a.height, "Z") } else { b = w[r]; b.reverse(); o.push("L", k, b[0][2]); for (s = 0; s < j; s++) { o.push(b[s][0], b[s][1], b[s][2]); n[A].pointsDown[j - s - 1] = [b[s][1], b[s][2]] } o.push("L", t, o[2], "Z") } r = A } return { paths: p, areasLen: g.areasLen } }, drawSeries: function () { var j = this, h = j.chart, l = h.getChartStore(), d = h.surface, c = h.animate, n = j.group, b = Ext.apply(j.seriesStyle, j.style), o = j.colorArrayStyle, r = o && o.length || 0, a = j.themeIdx, e, g, q, p, m, k; j.unHighlightItem(); j.cleanHighlights(); if (!l || !l.getCount() || j.seriesIsHidden) { j.hide(); j.items = []; return } q = j.getPaths(); if (!j.areas) { j.areas = [] } for (e = 0; e < q.areasLen; e++) { if (j.__excludes[e]) { continue } k = a + e; if (!j.areas[e]) { j.items[e].sprite = j.areas[e] = d.add(Ext.apply({}, { type: "path", group: n, path: q.paths[e], stroke: b.stroke || o[k % r], fill: o[k % r] }, b || {})) } g = j.areas[e]; p = q.paths[e]; if (c) { m = j.renderer(g, false, { path: p, fill: o[e % r], stroke: b.stroke || o[e % r] }, e, l); j.animation = j.onAnimate(g, { to: m }) } else { m = j.renderer(g, false, { path: p, hidden: false, fill: o[k % r], stroke: b.stroke || o[k % r] }, e, l); j.areas[e].setAttributes(m, true) } } j.renderLabels(); j.renderCallouts() }, onAnimate: function (b, a) { b.show(); return this.callParent(arguments) }, onCreateLabel: function (d, k, c, e) { return null; var g = this, h = g.labelsGroup, a = g.label, j = g.bbox, b = Ext.apply({}, a, g.seriesLabelStyle || {}); return g.chart.surface.add(Ext.apply({ type: "text", "text-anchor": "middle", group: h, x: Number(k.point[0]), y: j.y + j.height / 2 }, b || {})) }, onPlaceLabel: function (e, j, s, p, n, c, d) { var u = this, k = u.chart, r = k.resizing, t = u.label, q = t.renderer, b = t.field, a = u.bbox, h = Number(s.point[p][0]), g = Number(s.point[p][1]), o, m, l; e.setAttributes({ text: q(j.get(b[d]), e, j, s, p, n, c, d), hidden: true }, true); o = e.getBBox(); m = o.width / 2; l = o.height / 2; if (h < a.x + m) { h = a.x + m } else { if (h + m > a.x + a.width) { h = a.x + a.width - m } } g = g - l; if (g < a.y + l) { g += 2 * l } else { if (g + l > a.y + a.height) { g -= 2 * l } } if (u.chart.animate && !u.chart.resizing) { e.show(true); u.onAnimate(e, { to: { x: h, y: g } }) } else { e.setAttributes({ x: h, y: g }, true); if (r && u.animation) { u.animation.on("afteranimate", function () { e.show(true) }) } else { e.show(true) } } }, onPlaceCallout: function (m, r, J, G, F, d, k) { var M = this, s = M.chart, D = s.surface, H = s.resizing, L = M.callouts, t = M.items, v = (G == 0) ? false : t[G - 1].point, z = (G == t.length - 1) ? false : t[G + 1].point, c = J.point, A, g, N, K, o, q, b = (m && m.label ? m.label.getBBox() : { width: 0, height: 0 }), I = 30, C = 10, B = 3, h, e, j, w, u, E = M.clipRect, n, l; if (!b.width || !b.height) { return } if (!v) { v = c } if (!z) { z = c } K = (z[1] - v[1]) / (z[0] - v[0]); o = (c[1] - v[1]) / (c[0] - v[0]); q = (z[1] - c[1]) / (z[0] - c[0]); g = Math.sqrt(1 + K * K); A = [1 / g, K / g]; N = [-A[1], A[0]]; if (o > 0 && q < 0 && N[1] < 0 || o < 0 && q > 0 && N[1] > 0) { N[0] *= -1; N[1] *= -1 } else { if (Math.abs(o) < Math.abs(q) && N[0] < 0 || Math.abs(o) > Math.abs(q) && N[0] > 0) { N[0] *= -1; N[1] *= -1 } } n = c[0] + N[0] * I; l = c[1] + N[1] * I; h = n + (N[0] > 0 ? 0 : - (b.width + 2 * B)); e = l - b.height / 2 - B; j = b.width + 2 * B; w = b.height + 2 * B; if (h < E[0] || (h + j) > (E[0] + E[2])) { N[0] *= -1 } if (e < E[1] || (e + w) > (E[1] + E[3])) { N[1] *= -1 } n = c[0] + N[0] * I; l = c[1] + N[1] * I; h = n + (N[0] > 0 ? 0 : - (b.width + 2 * B)); e = l - b.height / 2 - B; j = b.width + 2 * B; w = b.height + 2 * B; m.lines.setAttributes({ path: ["M", c[0], c[1], "L", n, l, "Z"] }, true); m.box.setAttributes({ x: h, y: e, width: j, height: w }, true); m.label.setAttributes({ x: n + (N[0] > 0 ? B : - (b.width + B)), y: l }, true); for (u in m) { m[u].show(true) } }, isItemInPoint: function (j, h, m, c) { var g = this, b = m.pointsUp, d = m.pointsDown, q = Math.abs, o = false, l = false, e = Infinity, a, n, k; for (a = 0, n = b.length; a < n; a++) { k = [b[a][0], b[a][1]]; o = false; l = a == n - 1; if (e > q(j - k[0])) { e = q(j - k[0]); o = true; if (l) { ++a } } if (!o || (o && l)) { k = b[a - 1]; if (h >= k[1] && (!d.length || h <= (d[a - 1][1]))) { m.storeIndex = a - 1; m.storeField = g.yField[c]; m.storeItem = g.chart.getChartStore().getAt(a - 1); m._points = d.length ? [k, d[a - 1]] : [k]; return true } else { break } } } return false }, highlightSeries: function () { var a, c, b; if (this._index !== undefined) { a = this.areas[this._index]; if (a.__highlightAnim) { a.__highlightAnim.paused = true } a.__highlighted = true; a.__prevOpacity = a.__prevOpacity || a.attr.opacity || 1; a.__prevFill = a.__prevFill || a.attr.fill; a.__prevLineWidth = a.__prevLineWidth || a.attr.lineWidth; b = Ext.draw.Color.fromString(a.__prevFill); c = { lineWidth: (a.__prevLineWidth || 0) + 2 }; if (b) { c.fill = b.getLighter(0.2).toString() } else { c.opacity = Math.max(a.__prevOpacity - 0.3, 0) } if (this.chart.animate) { a.__highlightAnim = new Ext.fx.Anim(Ext.apply({ target: a, to: c }, this.chart.animate)) } else { a.setAttributes(c, true) } } }, unHighlightSeries: function () { var a; if (this._index !== undefined) { a = this.areas[this._index]; if (a.__highlightAnim) { a.__highlightAnim.paused = true } if (a.__highlighted) { a.__highlighted = false; a.__highlightAnim = new Ext.fx.Anim({ target: a, to: { fill: a.__prevFill, opacity: a.__prevOpacity, lineWidth: a.__prevLineWidth } }) } } }, highlightItem: function (c) { var b = this, a, d; if (!c) { this.highlightSeries(); return } a = c._points; d = a.length == 2 ? ["M", a[0][0], a[0][1], "L", a[1][0], a[1][1]] : ["M", a[0][0], a[0][1], "L", a[0][0], b.bbox.y + b.bbox.height]; b.highlightSprite.setAttributes({ path: d, hidden: false }, true) }, unHighlightItem: function (a) { if (!a) { this.unHighlightSeries() } if (this.highlightSprite) { this.highlightSprite.hide(true) } }, hideAll: function (a) { var b = this; a = (isNaN(b._index) ? a : b._index) || 0; b.__excludes[a] = true; b.areas[a].hide(true); b.redraw() }, showAll: function (a) { var b = this; a = (isNaN(b._index) ? a : b._index) || 0; b.__excludes[a] = false; b.areas[a].show(true); b.redraw() }, redraw: function () { var a = this, b; b = a.chart.legend.rebuild; a.chart.legend.rebuild = false; a.chart.redraw(); a.chart.legend.rebuild = b }, hide: function () { if (this.areas) { var h = this, b = h.areas, d, c, a, g, e; if (b && b.length) { for (d = 0, g = b.length; d < g; ++d) { if (b[d]) { b[d].hide(true) } } h.hideLabels() } } }, getLegendColor: function (a) { var b = this; a += b.themeIdx; return b.colorArrayStyle[a % b.colorArrayStyle.length] } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["series.area"], 0, [Ext.chart.series, "Area"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.series.Bar", Ext.chart.series.Cartesian, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.chart.BarSeries", "Ext.chart.BarChart", "Ext.chart.StackedBarChart"], type: "bar", column: false, style: {}, gutter: 38.2, groupGutter: 38.2, xPadding: 0, yPadding: 10, constructor: function (c) { this.callParent(arguments); var e = this, a = e.chart.surface, g = e.chart.shadow, d, b; c.highlightCfg = Ext.Object.merge({ lineWidth: 3, stroke: "#55c", opacity: 0.8, color: "#f00" }, c.highlightCfg); Ext.apply(e, c, { shadowAttributes: [{ "stroke-width": 6, "stroke-opacity": 0.05, stroke: "rgb(200, 200, 200)", translate: { x: 1.2, y: 1.2 } }, { "stroke-width": 4, "stroke-opacity": 0.1, stroke: "rgb(150, 150, 150)", translate: { x: 0.9, y: 0.9 } }, { "stroke-width": 2, "stroke-opacity": 0.15, stroke: "rgb(100, 100, 100)", translate: { x: 0.6, y: 0.6 } } ] }); e.group = a.getGroup(e.seriesId + "-bars"); if (g) { for (d = 0, b = e.shadowAttributes.length; d < b; d++) { e.shadowGroups.push(a.getGroup(e.seriesId + "-shadows" + d)) } } }, getPadding: function () { var c = this, b = c.xPadding, a = c.yPadding, d = {}; if (Ext.isNumber(b)) { d.left = b; d.right = b } else { if (Ext.isObject(b)) { d.left = b.left; d.right = b.right } else { d.left = 0; d.right = 0 } } d.width = d.left + d.right; if (Ext.isNumber(a)) { d.bottom = a; d.top = a } else { if (Ext.isObject(a)) { d.bottom = a.bottom; d.top = a.top } else { d.bottom = 0; d.top = 0 } } d.height = d.bottom + d.top; return d }, getBarGirth: function () { var d = this, a = d.chart.getChartStore(), b = d.column, c = a.getCount(), h = d.gutter / 100, g, e; if (d.style && d.style.width) { return d.style.width } g = d.getPadding(); e = (b ? "width" : "height"); return (d.chart.chartBBox[e] - g[e]) / (c * (h + 1) - h) }, getGutters: function () { var c = this, b = c.column, e = c.getPadding(), d = c.getBarGirth() / 2, g = Math.ceil((b ? e.left : e.bottom) + d), a = Math.ceil((b ? e.right : e.top) + d); return { lower: g, upper: a, verticalAxis: !b } }, getBounds: function () { var o = this, T = o.chart, b = T.getChartStore(), S = b.data.items, R, z, F, x = [].concat(o.yField), l, p = x.length, m = p, c = o.groupGutter / 100, K = o.column, P = o.getPadding(), N = o.stacked, v = o.getBarGirth(), A = K ? "width" : "height", w = Math, D = w.min, k = w.max, n = w.abs, I = o.getAxesForXAndYFields(), C = I.yAxis, J, t, M, h, s, Q, E, e, q, H, r, u, G, B, a, y, L, O, d, g; o.setBBox(true); q = o.bbox; if (o.__excludes) { for (O = 0, y = o.__excludes.length; O < y; O++) { if (o.__excludes[O]) { m-- } } } u = T.axes.get(C); if (u) { Q = u.applyData(); H = Q.from; r = Q.to } if (o.yField && !Ext.isNumber(H)) { G = o.getMinMaxYValues(); H = G[0]; r = G[1] } if (!Ext.isNumber(H)) { H = 0 } if (!Ext.isNumber(r)) { r = 0 } B = (K ? q.height - P.height : q.width - P.width) / (r - H); E = v; e = (v / ((N ? 1 : m) * (c + 1) - c)); if (A in o.style) { e = D(e, o.style[A]); E = e * ((N ? 1 : m) * (c + 1) - c) } a = (K) ? q.y + q.height - P.bottom : q.x + P.left; if (N) { y = [[], []]; for (R = 0, z = S.length; R < z; R++) { F = S[R]; y[0][R] = y[0][R] || 0; y[1][R] = y[1][R] || 0; for (O = 0; O < p; O++) { if (o.__excludes && o.__excludes[O]) { continue } L = F.get(x[O]); y[ + (L > 0)][R] += n(L) } } y[ + (r > 0)].push(n(r)); y[ + (H > 0)].push(n(H)); g = k.apply(w, y[0]); d = k.apply(w, y[1]); B = (K ? q.height - P.height : q.width - P.width) / (d + g); a = a + g * B * (K ? -1 : 1) } else { if (H / r < 0) { a = a - H * B * (K ? -1 : 1) } } if (o.boundColumn) { u = T.axes.get(I.xAxis); if (u) { Q = u.applyData(); J = Q.from; t = Q.to } if (o.xField && !Ext.isNumber(J)) { G = o.getMinMaxYValues(); J = G[0]; t = G[1] } if (!Ext.isNumber(J)) { J = 0 } if (!Ext.isNumber(t)) { t = 0 } s = o.getGutters(); M = (q.width - (s.lower + s.upper)) / ((t - J) || 1); h = q.x + s.lower; l = []; for (R = 0, z = S.length; R < z; R++) { F = S[R]; L = F.get(o.xField); l[R] = h + (L - J) * M - (e / 2) } } return { bars: x, barsLoc: l, bbox: q, shrunkBarWidth: E, barsLen: p, groupBarsLen: m, barWidth: v, groupBarWidth: e, scale: B, zero: a, padding: P, signed: H / r < 0, minY: H, maxY: r } }, getPaths: function () { var u = this, Z = u.chart, b = Z.getChartStore(), Y = b.data.items, W, E, L, G = u.bounds = u.getBounds(), y = u.items = [], P = Ext.isArray(u.yField) ? u.yField : [u.yField], m = u.gutter / 100, c = u.groupGutter / 100, T = Z.animate, N = u.column, w = u.group, n = Z.shadow, R = u.shadowGroups, Q = u.shadowAttributes, q = R.length, x = G.bbox, A = G.barWidth, K = G.shrunkBarWidth, V = u.getPadding(), S = u.stacked, v = G.barsLen, O = u.colorArrayStyle, k = O && O.length || 0, h = u.themeIdx, B = Math, o = B.max, I = B.min, t = B.abs, U, aa, e, J, D, a, l, s, r, p, g, ab, C, d, F, z, M, H, X; for (W = 0, E = Y.length; W < E; W++) { L = Y[W]; a = G.zero; l = G.zero; J = 0; D = 0; ab = C = 0; s = false; for (U = 0, g = 0; U < v; U++) { if (u.__excludes && u.__excludes[U]) { continue } aa = L.get(G.bars[U]); if (aa >= 0) { ab += aa } else { C += aa } e = Math.round((aa - o(G.minY, 0)) * G.scale); X = h + (v > 1 ? U : 0); r = { fill: O[X % k] }; if (N) { Ext.apply(r, { height: e, width: o(G.groupBarWidth, 0), x: (u.boundColumn ? G.barsLoc[W] : (x.x + V.left + (A - K) * 0.5 + W * A * (1 + m) + g * G.groupBarWidth * (1 + c) * !S)), y: a - e }) } else { M = (E - 1) - W; Ext.apply(r, { height: o(G.groupBarWidth, 0), width: e + (a == G.zero), x: a + (a != G.zero), y: (x.y + V.top + (A - K) * 0.5 + M * A * (1 + m) + g * G.groupBarWidth * (1 + c) * !S + 1) }) } if (e < 0) { if (N) { r.y = l; r.height = t(e) } else { r.x = l + e; r.width = t(e) } } if (S) { if (e < 0) { l += e * (N ? -1 : 1) } else { a += e * (N ? -1 : 1) } J += t(e); if (e < 0) { D += t(e) } } r.x = Math.floor(r.x) + 1; H = Math.floor(r.y); if (Ext.isIE8m && r.y > H) { H-- } r.y = H; r.width = Math.floor(r.width); r.height = Math.floor(r.height); y.push({ series: u, yField: P[U], storeItem: L, value: [L.get(u.xField), aa], attr: r, point: N ? [r.x + r.width / 2, aa >= 0 ? r.y : r.y + r.height] : [aa >= 0 ? r.x + r.width : r.x, r.y + r.height / 2] }); if (T && Z.resizing) { p = N ? { x: r.x, y: G.zero, width: r.width, height: 0 } : { x: G.zero, y: r.y, width: 0, height: r.height }; if (n && (S && !s || !S)) { s = true; for (d = 0; d < q; d++) { F = R[d].getAt(S ? W : (W * v + U)); if (F) { F.setAttributes(p, true) } } } z = w.getAt(W * v + U); if (z) { z.setAttributes(p, true) } } g++ } if (S && y.length) { y[W * g].totalDim = J; y[W * g].totalNegDim = D; y[W * g].totalPositiveValues = ab; y[W * g].totalNegativeValues = C } } if (S && g == 0) { for (W = 0, E = Y.length; W < E; W++) { for (d = 0; d < q; d++) { F = R[d].getAt(W); if (F) { F.hide(true) } } } } }, renderShadows: function (u, v, y, l) { var z = this, p = z.chart, s = p.surface, g = p.animate, x = z.stacked, a = z.shadowGroups, w = z.shadowAttributes, o = a.length, h = p.getChartStore(), d = z.column, r = z.items, b = [], m = l.zero, e, q, k, A, n, t, c; if ((x && (u % l.groupBarsLen === 0)) || !x) { t = u / l.groupBarsLen; for (e = 0; e < o; e++) { q = Ext.apply({}, w[e]); k = a[e].getAt(x ? t : u); Ext.copyTo(q, v, "x,y,width,height"); if (!k) { k = s.add(Ext.apply({ type: "rect", group: a[e] }, Ext.apply({}, y, q))) } if (x) { A = r[u].totalDim; n = r[u].totalNegDim; if (d) { q.y = m + n - A - 1; q.height = A } else { q.x = m - n; q.width = A } } c = z.renderer(k, h.getAt(t), q, u, h); c.hidden = !!v.hidden; if (g) { z.onAnimate(k, { to: c }) } else { k.setAttributes(c, true) } b.push(k) } } return b }, drawSeries: function () { var G = this, s = G.chart, m = s.getChartStore(), x = s.surface, k = s.animate, D = G.stacked, d = G.column, E = s.axes, y = G.getAxesForXAndYFields(), w = y.xAxis, n = y.yAxis, b = s.shadow, a = G.shadowGroups, r = a.length, p = G.group, g = G.seriesStyle, t, q, B, A, F, u, c, e, h, o, l, C, v, z; if (!m || !m.getCount() || G.seriesIsHidden) { G.hide(); G.items = []; return } l = Ext.apply({}, this.style, g); delete l.fill; delete l.x; delete l.y; delete l.width; delete l.height; G.unHighlightItem(); G.cleanHighlights(); G.boundColumn = (w && Ext.Array.contains(G.axis, w) && E.get(w) && E.get(w).isNumericAxis); G.getPaths(); o = G.bounds; t = G.items; F = d ? { y: o.zero, height: 0 } : { x: o.zero, width: 0 }; q = t.length; for (B = 0; B < q; B++) { u = p.getAt(B); C = t[B].attr; if (b) { t[B].shadows = G.renderShadows(B, C, F, o) } if (!u) { v = Ext.apply({}, F, C); v = Ext.apply(v, l || {}); u = x.add(Ext.apply({}, { type: "rect", group: p }, v)) } if (k) { c = G.renderer(u, m.getAt(B), C, B, m); u._to = c; z = G.onAnimate(u, { to: Ext.apply(c, l) }); if (b && D && (B % o.barsLen === 0)) { A = B / o.barsLen; for (e = 0; e < r; e++) { z.on("afteranimate", function () { this.show(true) }, a[e].getAt(A)) } } } else { c = G.renderer(u, m.getAt(B), Ext.apply(C, { hidden: false }), B, m); u.setAttributes(Ext.apply(c, l), true) } t[B].sprite = u } q = p.getCount(); for (A = B; A < q; A++) { p.getAt(A).hide(true) } if (G.stacked) { B = m.getCount() } if (b) { for (e = 0; e < r; e++) { h = a[e]; q = h.getCount(); for (A = B; A < q; A++) { h.getAt(A).hide(true) } } } G.renderLabels() }, onCreateLabel: function (e, l, d, g) { var h = this, a = h.chart.surface, k = h.labelsGroup, b = h.label, c = Ext.apply({}, b, h.seriesLabelStyle || {}), j; return a.add(Ext.apply({ type: "text", group: k }, c || {})) }, onPlaceLabel: function (J, Q, t, M, q, L, w) { var m = this, n = m.bounds, d = n.groupBarWidth, I = m.column, O = m.chart, v = O.chartBBox, D = O.resizing, p = t.value[0], R = t.value[1], l = t.attr, B = m.label, K = m.stacked, h = B.stackedDisplay, N = (B.orientation == "vertical"), j = [].concat(B.field), u = B.renderer, s, g, a, c, b = n.zero, r = "insideStart", P = "insideEnd", k = "outside", G = "over", o = "under", H = 4, F = 2, e = n.signed, E, C, A; if (q == r || q == P || q == k) { if (K && (q == k)) { J.hide(true); return } J.setAttributes({ style: undefined }); s = (Ext.isNumber(w) ? u(Q.get(j[w]), J, Q, t, M, q, L, w) : ""); J.setAttributes({ text: s }); g = m.getLabelSize(s, J.attr.style); a = g.width; c = g.height; if (I) { if (!a || !c || (K && (l.height < c))) { J.hide(true); return } E = l.x + (N ? d / 2 : (d - a) / 2); if (q == k) { var z = (R >= 0 ? (l.y - v.y) : (v.y + v.height - l.y - l.height)); if (z < c + F) { q = P } } if (!K && (q != k)) { if (c + F > l.height) { q = k } } if (!C) { C = l.y; if (R >= 0) { switch (q) { case r: C += l.height + (N ? -F : -c / 2); break; case P: C += (N ? c + H : c / 2); break; case k: C += (N ? -F : -c / 2); break } } else { switch (q) { case r: C += (N ? c + F : c / 2); break; case P: C += (N ? l.height - F : l.height - c / 2); break; case k: C += (N ? l.height + c + F : l.height + c / 2); break } } } } else { if (!a || !c || (K && !l.width)) { J.hide(true); return } C = l.y + (N ? (d + c) / 2 : d / 2); if (q == k) { var z = (R >= 0 ? (v.x + v.width - l.x - l.width) : (l.x - v.x)); if (z < a + H) { q = P } } if ((q != k) && !N) { if (a + H > l.width) { if (K) { if (c > l.width) { J.hide(true); return } E = l.x + l.width / 2; C = l.y + l.height - (l.height - a) / 2; N = true } else { q = k } } } if (!E) { E = l.x; if (R >= 0) { switch (q) { case r: E += (N ? a / 2 : H); break; case P: E += l.width + (N ? -a / 2 : -a - H); break; case k: E += l.width + (N ? a / 2 : H); break } } else { switch (q) { case r: E += l.width + (N ? -a / 2 : -a - H); break; case P: E += (N ? a / 2 : H); break; case k: E += (N ? -a / 2 : -a - H); break } } } } } else { if (q == G || q == o) { if (K && h) { s = J.attr.text; J.setAttributes({ style: Ext.applyIf((J.attr && J.attr.style) || {}, { "font-weight": "bold", "font-size": "14px" }) }); g = m.getLabelSize(s, J.attr.style); a = g.width; c = g.height; switch (q) { case G: if (I) { E = l.x + (N ? d / 2 : (d - a) / 2); C = b - (t.totalDim - t.totalNegDim) - c / 2 - F } else { E = b + (t.totalDim - t.totalNegDim) + H; C = l.y + (N ? (d + c) / 2 : d / 2) } break; case o: if (I) { E = l.x + (N ? d / 2 : (d - a) / 2); C = b + t.totalNegDim + c / 2 } else { E = b - t.totalNegDim - a - H; C = l.y + (N ? (d + c) / 2 : d / 2) } break } } } } if (E == undefined || C == undefined) { J.hide(true); return } J.isOutside = (q == k); J.setAttributes({ text: s }); A = { x: E, y: C }; if (N) { A.rotate = { x: E, y: C, degrees: 270 } } if (L && D) { if (I) { E = l.x + l.width / 2; C = b } else { E = b; C = l.y + l.height / 2 } J.setAttributes({ x: E, y: C }, true); if (N) { J.setAttributes({ rotate: { x: E, y: C, degrees: 270 } }, true) } } if (L) { m.onAnimate(J, { to: A }) } else { J.setAttributes(Ext.apply(A, { hidden: false }), true) } }, getLabelSize: function (j, g) { var m = this.testerLabel, a = this.label, d = Ext.apply({}, a, g, this.seriesLabelStyle || {}), b = a.orientation === "vertical", l, k, e, c; if (!m) { m = this.testerLabel = this.chart.surface.add(Ext.apply({ type: "text", opacity: 0 }, d)) } m.setAttributes({ style: g, text: j }, true); l = m.getBBox(); k = l.width; e = l.height; return { width: b ? e : k, height: b ? k : e } }, onAnimate: function (b, a) { b.show(); return this.callParent(arguments) }, isItemInPoint: function (a, d, b) { var c = b.sprite.getBBox(); return c.x <= a && c.y <= d && (c.x + c.width) >= a && (c.y + c.height) >= d }, hideAll: function (a) { var e = this.chart.axes, c = e.items, d = c.length, b = 0; a = (isNaN(this._index) ? a : this._index) || 0; if (!this.__excludes) { this.__excludes = [] } this.__excludes[a] = true; this.drawSeries(); for (b; b < d; b++) { c[b].drawAxis() } }, showAll: function (a) { var e = this.chart.axes, c = e.items, d = c.length, b = 0; a = (isNaN(this._index) ? a : this._index) || 0; if (!this.__excludes) { this.__excludes = [] } this.__excludes[a] = false; this.drawSeries(); for (b; b < d; b++) { c[b].drawAxis() } }, getLegendColor: function (a) { var c = this, b = c.colorArrayStyle.length; if (c.style && c.style.fill) { return c.style.fill } else { return c.colorArrayStyle[a % b] } }, highlightItem: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); this.renderLabels() }, unHighlightItem: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.renderLabels() }, cleanHighlights: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.renderLabels() } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["series.bar"], 0, [Ext.chart.series, "Bar", Ext.chart, "BarSeries", Ext.chart, "BarChart", Ext.chart, "StackedBarChart"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.series.Column", Ext.chart.series.Bar, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.chart.ColumnSeries", "Ext.chart.ColumnChart", "Ext.chart.StackedColumnChart"], type: "column", column: true, boundColumn: false, xPadding: 10, yPadding: 0 }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["series.column"], 0, [Ext.chart.series, "Column", Ext.chart, "ColumnSeries", Ext.chart, "ColumnChart", Ext.chart, "StackedColumnChart"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.series.Gauge", Ext.chart.series.Series, { type: "gauge", rad: Math.PI / 180, highlightDuration: 150, angleField: false, needle: false, donut: false, showInLegend: false, style: {}, constructor: function (b) { this.callParent(arguments); var h = this, g = h.chart, a = g.surface, j = g.store, k = g.shadow, d, c, e; Ext.apply(h, b, { shadowAttributes: [{ "stroke-width": 6, "stroke-opacity": 1, stroke: "rgb(200, 200, 200)", translate: { x: 1.2, y: 2 } }, { "stroke-width": 4, "stroke-opacity": 1, stroke: "rgb(150, 150, 150)", translate: { x: 0.9, y: 1.5 } }, { "stroke-width": 2, "stroke-opacity": 1, stroke: "rgb(100, 100, 100)", translate: { x: 0.6, y: 1 } } ] }); h.group = a.getGroup(h.seriesId); if (k) { for (d = 0, c = h.shadowAttributes.length; d < c; d++) { h.shadowGroups.push(a.getGroup(h.seriesId + "-shadows" + d)) } } a.customAttributes.segment = function (l) { return h.getSegment(l) } }, initialize: function () { var d = this, a = d.chart.getChartStore(), e = a.data.items, b = d.label, c = e.length; d.yField = []; if (b && b.field && c > 0) { d.yField.push(e[0].get(b.field)) } }, getSegment: function (b) { var D = this, C = D.rad, d = Math.cos, a = Math.sin, o = Math.abs, l = D.centerX, j = D.centerY, z = 0, w = 0, v = 0, t = 0, h = 0, g = 0, e = 0, c = 0, A = 0.01, n = b.endRho - b.startRho, s = b.startAngle, q = b.endAngle, k = (s + q) / 2 * C, m = b.margin || 0, u = o(q - s) > 180, E = Math.min(s, q) * C, B = Math.max(s, q) * C, p = false; l += m * d(k); j += m * a(k); z = l + b.startRho * d(E); h = j + b.startRho * a(E); w = l + b.endRho * d(E); g = j + b.endRho * a(E); v = l + b.startRho * d(B); e = j + b.startRho * a(B); t = l + b.endRho * d(B); c = j + b.endRho * a(B); if (o(z - v) <= A && o(h - e) <= A) { p = true } if (p) { return { path: [["M", z, h], ["L", w, g], ["A", b.endRho, b.endRho, 0, +u, 1, t, c], ["Z"]] } } else { return { path: [["M", z, h], ["L", w, g], ["A", b.endRho, b.endRho, 0, +u, 1, t, c], ["L", v, e], ["A", b.startRho, b.startRho, 0, +u, 0, z, h], ["Z"]] } } }, calcMiddle: function (q) { var l = this, m = l.rad, p = q.slice, o = l.centerX, n = l.centerY, k = p.startAngle, e = p.endAngle, j = Math.max(("rho" in p) ? p.rho : l.radius, l.label.minMargin), h = +l.donut, b = Math.min(k, e) * m, a = Math.max(k, e) * m, d = - (b + (a - b) / 2), g = o + (q.endRho + q.startRho) / 2 * Math.cos(d), c = n - (q.endRho + q.startRho) / 2 * Math.sin(d); q.middle = { x: g, y: c } }, drawSeries: function () { var w = this, U = w.chart, b = U.getChartStore(), A = w.group, Q = w.chart.animate, D = w.chart.axes.get(0), E = D && D.minimum || w.minimum || 0, I = D && D.maximum || w.maximum || 0, n = w.angleField || w.field || w.xField, K = U.surface, H = U.chartBBox, h = w.rad, c = +w.donut, V = {}, B = [], m = w.seriesStyle, a = w.seriesLabelStyle, g = w.colorArrayStyle, z = g && g.length || 0, k = Math.cos, s = Math.sin, t, e, d, v, r, C, M, F, G, J, S, R, l, T, x, o, O, P, q, y, u, N, L; Ext.apply(m, w.style || {}); w.setBBox(); y = w.bbox; if (w.colorSet) { g = w.colorSet; z = g.length } if (!b || !b.getCount() || w.seriesIsHidden) { w.hide(); w.items = []; return } e = w.centerX = H.x + (H.width / 2); d = w.centerY = H.y + H.height; w.radius = Math.min(e - H.x, d - H.y); w.slices = r = []; w.items = B = []; if (!w.value) { J = b.getAt(0); w.value = J.get(n) } M = w.value; if (w.needle) { N = { series: w, value: M, startAngle: -180, endAngle: 0, rho: w.radius }; u = -180 * (1 - (M - E) / (I - E)); r.push(N) } else { u = -180 * (1 - (M - E) / (I - E)); N = { series: w, value: M, startAngle: -180, endAngle: u, rho: w.radius }; L = { series: w, value: w.maximum - M, startAngle: u, endAngle: 0, rho: w.radius }; r.push(N, L) } for (S = 0, G = r.length; S < G; S++) { v = r[S]; C = A.getAt(S); t = Ext.apply({ segment: { startAngle: v.startAngle, endAngle: v.endAngle, margin: 0, rho: v.rho, startRho: v.rho * +c / 100, endRho: v.rho } }, Ext.apply(m, g && { fill: g[S % z] } || {})); F = Ext.apply({}, t.segment, { slice: v, series: w, storeItem: J, index: S }); B[S] = F; if (!C) { q = Ext.apply({ type: "path", group: A }, Ext.apply(m, g && { fill: g[S % z] } || {})); C = K.add(Ext.apply(q, t)) } v.sprite = v.sprite || []; F.sprite = C; v.sprite.push(C); if (Q) { t = w.renderer(C, J, t, S, b); C._to = t; w.onAnimate(C, { to: t }) } else { t = w.renderer(C, J, Ext.apply(t, { hidden: false }), S, b); C.setAttributes(t, true) } } if (w.needle) { u = u * Math.PI / 180; if (!w.needleSprite) { w.needleSprite = w.chart.surface.add({ type: "path", path: ["M", e + (w.radius * +c / 100) * k(u), d + -Math.abs((w.radius * +c / 100) * s(u)), "L", e + w.radius * k(u), d + -Math.abs(w.radius * s(u))], "stroke-width": 4, stroke: "#222" }) } else { if (Q) { w.onAnimate(w.needleSprite, { to: { path: ["M", e + (w.radius * +c / 100) * k(u), d + -Math.abs((w.radius * +c / 100) * s(u)), "L", e + w.radius * k(u), d + -Math.abs(w.radius * s(u))] } }) } else { w.needleSprite.setAttributes({ type: "path", path: ["M", e + (w.radius * +c / 100) * k(u), d + -Math.abs((w.radius * +c / 100) * s(u)), "L", e + w.radius * k(u), d + -Math.abs(w.radius * s(u))] }) } } w.needleSprite.setAttributes({ hidden: false }, true) } delete w.value }, setValue: function (a) { this.value = a; this.drawSeries() }, onCreateLabel: function (c, b, a, d) {}, onPlaceLabel: function (c, g, e, d, h, a, b) {}, onPlaceCallout: function () {}, onAnimate: function (b, a) { b.show(); return this.callParent(arguments) }, isItemInPoint: function (l, j, n, e) { var h = this, d = h.centerX, c = h.centerY, p = Math.abs, o = p(l - d), m = p(j - c), g = n.startAngle, a = n.endAngle, k = Math.sqrt(o * o + m * m), b = Math.atan2(j - c, l - d) / h.rad; return (e === 0) && (b >= g && b < a && k >= n.startRho && k <= n.endRho) }, getLegendColor: function (b) { var a = this.colorSet || this.colorArrayStyle; return a[b % a.length] } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["series.gauge"], 0, [Ext.chart.series, "Gauge"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.series.Line", Ext.chart.series.Cartesian, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.chart.LineSeries", "Ext.chart.LineChart"], type: "line", selectionTolerance: 20, showMarkers: true, markerConfig: {}, style: {}, smooth: false, defaultSmoothness: 3, fill: false, constructor: function (c) { this.callParent(arguments); var e = this, a = e.chart.surface, g = e.chart.shadow, d, b; c.highlightCfg = Ext.Object.merge({ "stroke-width": 3 }, c.highlightCfg); Ext.apply(e, c, { shadowAttributes: [{ "stroke-width": 6, "stroke-opacity": 0.05, stroke: "rgb(0, 0, 0)", translate: { x: 1, y: 1 } }, { "stroke-width": 4, "stroke-opacity": 0.1, stroke: "rgb(0, 0, 0)", translate: { x: 1, y: 1 } }, { "stroke-width": 2, "stroke-opacity": 0.15, stroke: "rgb(0, 0, 0)", translate: { x: 1, y: 1 } } ] }); e.group = a.getGroup(e.seriesId); if (e.showMarkers) { e.markerGroup = a.getGroup(e.seriesId + "-markers") } if (g) { for (d = 0, b = e.shadowAttributes.length; d < b; d++) { e.shadowGroups.push(a.getGroup(e.seriesId + "-shadows" + d)) } } }, shrink: function (b, k, l) { var h = b.length, j = Math.floor(h / l), g = 1, d = 0, a = 0, e = [+b[0]], c = [+k[0]]; for (; g < h; ++g) { d += +b[g] || 0; a += +k[g] || 0; if (g % j == 0) { e.push(d / j); c.push(a / j); d = 0; a = 0 } } return { x: e, y: c } }, drawSeries: function () { var ap = this, aC = ap.chart, W = aC.axes, ax = aC.getChartStore(), B = ax.data.items, au, Z = ax.getCount(), z = ap.chart.surface, aw = {}, V = ap.group, O = ap.showMarkers, aI = ap.markerGroup, H = aC.shadow, G = ap.shadowGroups, ac = ap.shadowAttributes, S = ap.smooth, s = G.length, aA = ["M"], X = ["M"], d = ["M"], b = ["M"], N = aC.markerIndex, ao = [].concat(ap.axis), an, aD = [], am = {}, ag = [], A = {}, M = false, U = [], aH = Ext.apply({}, ap.markerStyle), af = ap.seriesStyle, w = ap.colorArrayStyle, T = w && w.length || 0, P = Ext.isNumber, aE = ap.seriesIdx, k = ap.getAxesForXAndYFields(), n = k.xAxis, aG = k.yAxis, ae = n ? W.get(n).type : "", e = aG ? W.get(aG).type : "", ai, l, ah, aj, E, c, ak, L, K, h, g, v, t, ab, R, Q, aB, o, J, I, aJ, p, r, F, a, ad, al, D, az, C, ay, q, aF, av, at, Y, m, u, aq, ar, aa; if (ap.fireEvent("beforedraw", ap) === false) { return } if (!Z || ap.seriesIsHidden) { ap.hide(); ap.items = []; if (ap.line) { ap.line.hide(true); if (ap.line.shadows) { ai = ap.line.shadows; for (Q = 0, s = ai.length; Q < s; Q++) { l = ai[Q]; l.hide(true) } } if (ap.fillPath) { ap.fillPath.hide(true) } } ap.line = null; ap.fillPath = null; return } av = Ext.apply(aH || {}, ap.markerConfig, { fill: ap.seriesStyle.fill || w[ap.themeIdx % w.length] }); Y = av.type; delete av.type; at = af; if (!at["stroke-width"]) { at["stroke-width"] = 0.5 } u = "opacity" in at ? at.opacity : 1; aa = "opacity" in at ? at.opacity : 0.3; aq = "lineOpacity" in at ? at.lineOpacity : u; ar = "fillOpacity" in at ? at.fillOpacity : aa; if (N && aI && aI.getCount()) { for (R = 0; R < N; R++) { I = aI.getAt(R); aI.remove(I); aI.add(I); aJ = aI.getAt(aI.getCount() - 2); I.setAttributes({ x: 0, y: 0, translate: { x: aJ.attr.translation.x, y: aJ.attr.translation.y } }, true) } } ap.unHighlightItem(); ap.cleanHighlights(); ap.setBBox(); aw = ap.bbox; ap.clipRect = [aw.x, aw.y, aw.width, aw.height]; if (o = W.get(n)) { J = o.applyData(); D = J.from; az = J.to } if (o = W.get(aG)) { J = o.applyData(); C = J.from; ay = J.to } if (ap.xField && !Ext.isNumber(D)) { o = ap.getMinMaxXValues(); D = o[0]; az = o[1] } if (ap.yField && !Ext.isNumber(C)) { o = ap.getMinMaxYValues(); C = o[0]; ay = o[1] } if (isNaN(D)) { D = 0; ad = aw.width / ((Z - 1) || 1) } else { ad = aw.width / ((az - D) || (Z - 1) || 1) } if (isNaN(C)) { C = 0; al = aw.height / ((Z - 1) || 1) } else { al = aw.height / ((ay - C) || (Z - 1) || 1) } for (R = 0, aB = B.length; R < aB; R++) { au = B[R]; r = au.get(ap.xField); if (ae == "Time" && typeof r == "string") { r = Date.parse(r) } if (typeof r == "string" || typeof r == "object" && !Ext.isDate(r) || n && W.get(n) && W.get(n).type == "Category") { if (r in am) { r = am[r] } else { r = am[r] = R } } F = au.get(ap.yField); if (e == "Time" && typeof F == "string") { F = Date.parse(F) } if (typeof F == "undefined" || (typeof F == "string" && !F)) { continue } if (typeof F == "string" || typeof F == "object" && !Ext.isDate(F) || aG && W.get(aG) && W.get(aG).type == "Category") { F = R } U.push(R); aD.push(r); ag.push(F) } aB = aD.length; if (aB > aw.width) { a = ap.shrink(aD, ag, aw.width); aD = a.x; ag = a.y } ap.items = []; m = 0; aB = aD.length; for (R = 0; R < aB; R++) { r = aD[R]; F = ag[R]; if (F === false) { if (X.length == 1) { X = [] } M = true; ap.items.push(false); continue } else { L = (aw.x + (r - D) * ad).toFixed(2); K = ((aw.y + aw.height) - (F - C) * al).toFixed(2); if (M) { M = false; X.push("M") } X = X.concat([L, K]) } if ((typeof t == "undefined") && (typeof K != "undefined")) { t = K; v = L } if (!ap.line || aC.resizing) { aA = aA.concat([L, aw.y + aw.height / 2]) } if (aC.animate && aC.resizing && ap.line) { ap.line.setAttributes({ path: aA, opacity: aq }, true); if (ap.fillPath) { ap.fillPath.setAttributes({ path: aA, opacity: ar }, true) } if (ap.line.shadows) { ai = ap.line.shadows; for (Q = 0, s = ai.length; Q < s; Q++) { l = ai[Q]; l.setAttributes({ path: aA }, true) } } } if (O) { I = aI.getAt(m++); if (!I) { I = Ext.chart.Shape[Y](z, Ext.apply({ group: [V, aI], x: 0, y: 0, translate: { x: + (h || L), y: g || (aw.y + aw.height / 2) }, value: '"' + r + ", " + F + '"', zIndex: 4000 }, av)); I._to = { translate: { x: +L, y: +K } } } else { I.setAttributes({ value: '"' + r + ", " + F + '"', x: 0, y: 0, hidden: false }, true); I._to = { translate: { x: +L, y: +K } } } } ap.items.push({ series: ap, value: [r, F], point: [L, K], sprite: I, storeItem: ax.getAt(U[R]) }); h = L; g = K } if (X.length <= 1) { return } if (ap.smooth) { b = Ext.draw.Draw.smooth(X, P(S) ? S : ap.defaultSmoothness) } d = S ? b : X; if (aC.markerIndex && ap.previousPath) { aj = ap.previousPath; if (!S) { Ext.Array.erase(aj, 1, 2) } } else { aj = X } if (!ap.line) { ap.line = z.add(Ext.apply({ type: "path", group: V, path: aA, stroke: at.stroke || at.fill }, at || {})); ap; ap.line.setAttributes({ opacity: aq }, true); if (H) { ap.line.setAttributes(Ext.apply({}, ap.shadowOptions), true) } ap.line.setAttributes({ fill: "none", zIndex: 3000 }); if (!at.stroke && T) { ap.line.setAttributes({ stroke: w[ap.themeIdx % T] }, true) } if (H) { ai = ap.line.shadows = []; for (ah = 0; ah < s; ah++) { an = ac[ah]; an = Ext.apply({}, an, { path: aA }); l = z.add(Ext.apply({}, { type: "path", group: G[ah] }, an)); ai.push(l) } } } if (ap.fill) { c = d.concat([["L", L, aw.y + aw.height], ["L", v, aw.y + aw.height], ["L", v, t]]); if (!ap.fillPath) { ap.fillPath = z.add({ group: V, type: "path", fill: at.fill || w[ap.themeIdx % T], path: aA }) } } ab = O && aI.getCount(); if (aC.animate) { E = ap.fill; q = ap.line; ak = ap.renderer(q, false, { path: d }, R, ax); Ext.apply(ak, at || {}, { stroke: at.stroke || at.fill }); delete ak.fill; q.show(true); if (aC.markerIndex && ap.previousPath) { ap.animation = aF = ap.onAnimate(q, { to: ak, from: { path: aj } }) } else { ap.animation = aF = ap.onAnimate(q, { to: ak }) } if (H) { ai = q.shadows; for (Q = 0; Q < s; Q++) { ai[Q].show(true); if (aC.markerIndex && ap.previousPath) { ap.onAnimate(ai[Q], { to: { path: d }, from: { path: aj } }) } else { ap.onAnimate(ai[Q], { to: { path: d } }) } } } if (E) { ap.fillPath.show(true); ap.onAnimate(ap.fillPath, { to: Ext.apply({}, { path: c, fill: at.fill || w[ap.themeIdx % T], "stroke-width": 0, opacity: ar }, at || {}) }) } if (O) { m = 0; for (R = 0; R < aB; R++) { if (ap.items[R]) { p = aI.getAt(m++); if (p) { ak = ap.renderer(p, ax.getAt(R), p._to, R, ax); ap.onAnimate(p, { to: Ext.applyIf(ak, av || {}) }); p.show(true) } } } for (; m < ab; m++) { p = aI.getAt(m); p.hide(true) } } } else { ak = ap.renderer(ap.line, false, { path: d, hidden: false }, R, ax); Ext.apply(ak, at || {}, { stroke: at.stroke || at.fill }); delete ak.fill; ap.line.setAttributes(ak, true); ap.line.setAttributes({ opacity: aq }, true); if (H) { ai = ap.line.shadows; for (Q = 0; Q < s; Q++) { ai[Q].setAttributes({ path: d, hidden: false }, true) } } if (ap.fill) { ap.fillPath.setAttributes({ path: c, hidden: false, opacity: ar }, true) } if (O) { m = 0; for (R = 0; R < aB; R++) { if (ap.items[R]) { p = aI.getAt(m++); if (p) { ak = ap.renderer(p, ax.getAt(R), p._to, R, ax); p.setAttributes(Ext.apply(av || {}, ak || {}), true); if (!p.attr.hidden) { p.show(true) } } } } for (; m < ab; m++) { p = aI.getAt(m); p.hide(true) } } } if (aC.markerIndex) { if (ap.smooth) { Ext.Array.erase(X, 1, 2) } else { Ext.Array.splice(X, 1, 0, X[1], X[2]) } ap.previousPath = X } ap.renderLabels(); ap.renderCallouts(); ap.fireEvent("draw", ap) }, onCreateLabel: function (d, k, c, e) { var g = this, h = g.labelsGroup, a = g.label, j = g.bbox, b = Ext.apply({}, a, g.seriesLabelStyle || {}); return g.chart.surface.add(Ext.apply({ type: "text", "text-anchor": "middle", group: h, x: Number(k.point[0]), y: j.y + j.height / 2 }, b || {})) }, onPlaceLabel: function (h, l, v, s, q, d, e) { var z = this, m = z.chart, u = m.resizing, w = z.label, t = w.renderer, b = w.field, a = z.bbox, k = Number(v.point[0]), j = Number(v.point[1]), c = v.sprite.attr.radius, r, p, o, n, A, g; h.setAttributes({ text: t(l.get(b), h, l, v, s, q, d, e), hidden: true }, true); p = v.sprite.getBBox(); p.width = p.width || (c * 2); p.height = p.height || (c * 2); r = h.getBBox(); o = r.width / 2; n = r.height / 2; if (q == "rotate") { A = p.width / 2 + o + n / 2; if (k + A + o > a.x + a.width) { k -= A } else { k += A } h.setAttributes({ rotation: { x: k, y: j, degrees: -45 } }, true) } else { if (q == "under" || q == "over") { h.setAttributes({ rotation: { degrees: 0 } }, true); if (k < a.x + o) { k = a.x + o } else { if (k + o > a.x + a.width) { k = a.x + a.width - o } } g = p.height / 2 + n; j = j + (q == "over" ? -g : g); if (j < a.y + n) { j += 2 * g } else { if (j + n > a.y + a.height) { j -= 2 * g } } } } if (z.chart.animate && !z.chart.resizing) { h.show(true); z.onAnimate(h, { to: { x: k, y: j } }) } else { h.setAttributes({ x: k, y: j }, true); if (u && z.animation) { z.animation.on("afteranimate", function () { h.show(true) }) } else { h.show(true) } } }, highlightItem: function () { var b = this, a = b.line; b.callParent(arguments); if (a && !b.highlighted) { if (!("__strokeWidth" in a)) { a.__strokeWidth = parseFloat(a.attr["stroke-width"]) || 0 } if (a.__anim) { a.__anim.paused = true } a.__anim = new Ext.fx.Anim({ target: a, to: { "stroke-width": a.__strokeWidth + 3 } }); b.highlighted = true } }, unHighlightItem: function () { var c = this, a = c.line, b; c.callParent(arguments); if (a && c.highlighted) { b = a.__strokeWidth || parseFloat(a.attr["stroke-width"]) || 0; a.__anim = new Ext.fx.Anim({ target: a, to: { "stroke-width": b } }); c.highlighted = false } }, onPlaceCallout: function (m, r, J, G, F, d, k) { if (!F) { return } var M = this, s = M.chart, D = s.surface, H = s.resizing, L = M.callouts, t = M.items, v = G == 0 ? false : t[G - 1].point, z = (G == t.length - 1) ? false : t[G + 1].point, c = [+J.point[0], +J.point[1]], A, g, N, K, o, q, I = L.offsetFromViz || 30, C = L.offsetToSide || 10, B = L.offsetBox || 3, h, e, j, w, u, E = M.clipRect, b = { width: L.styles.width || 10, height: L.styles.height || 10 }, n, l; if (!v) { v = c } if (!z) { z = c } K = (z[1] - v[1]) / (z[0] - v[0]); o = (c[1] - v[1]) / (c[0] - v[0]); q = (z[1] - c[1]) / (z[0] - c[0]); g = Math.sqrt(1 + K * K); A = [1 / g, K / g]; N = [-A[1], A[0]]; if (o > 0 && q < 0 && N[1] < 0 || o < 0 && q > 0 && N[1] > 0) { N[0] *= -1; N[1] *= -1 } else { if (Math.abs(o) < Math.abs(q) && N[0] < 0 || Math.abs(o) > Math.abs(q) && N[0] > 0) { N[0] *= -1; N[1] *= -1 } } n = c[0] + N[0] * I; l = c[1] + N[1] * I; h = n + (N[0] > 0 ? 0 : - (b.width + 2 * B)); e = l - b.height / 2 - B; j = b.width + 2 * B; w = b.height + 2 * B; if (h < E[0] || (h + j) > (E[0] + E[2])) { N[0] *= -1 } if (e < E[1] || (e + w) > (E[1] + E[3])) { N[1] *= -1 } n = c[0] + N[0] * I; l = c[1] + N[1] * I; h = n + (N[0] > 0 ? 0 : - (b.width + 2 * B)); e = l - b.height / 2 - B; j = b.width + 2 * B; w = b.height + 2 * B; if (s.animate) { M.onAnimate(m.lines, { to: { path: ["M", c[0], c[1], "L", n, l, "Z"] } }); if (m.panel) { m.panel.setPosition(h, e, true) } } else { m.lines.setAttributes({ path: ["M", c[0], c[1], "L", n, l, "Z"] }, true); if (m.panel) { m.panel.setPosition(h, e) } } for (u in m) { m[u].show(true) } }, isItemInPoint: function (j, g, A, q) { var C = this, n = C.items, s = C.selectionTolerance, k = null, z, c, p, v, h, w, b, t, a, l, B, e, d, o, u, r, D = Math.sqrt, m = Math.abs; c = n[q]; z = q && n[q - 1]; if (q >= h) { z = n[h - 1] } p = z && z.point; v = c && c.point; w = z ? p[0] : v[0] - s; b = z ? p[1] : v[1]; t = c ? v[0] : p[0] + s; a = c ? v[1] : p[1]; e = D((j - w) * (j - w) + (g - b) * (g - b)); d = D((j - t) * (j - t) + (g - a) * (g - a)); o = Math.min(e, d); if (o <= s) { return o == e ? z : c } return false }, toggleAll: function (a) { var e = this, b, d, g, c; if (!a) { Ext.chart.series.Cartesian.prototype.hideAll.call(e) } else { Ext.chart.series.Cartesian.prototype.showAll.call(e) } if (e.line) { e.line.setAttributes({ hidden: !a }, true); if (e.line.shadows) { for (b = 0, c = e.line.shadows, d = c.length; b < d; b++) { g = c[b]; g.setAttributes({ hidden: !a }, true) } } } if (e.fillPath) { e.fillPath.setAttributes({ hidden: !a }, true) } }, hideAll: function () { this.toggleAll(false) }, showAll: function () { this.toggleAll(true) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["series.line"], 0, [Ext.chart.series, "Line", Ext.chart, "LineSeries", Ext.chart, "LineChart"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.series.Pie", Ext.chart.series.Series, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.chart.PieSeries", "Ext.chart.PieChart"], type: "pie", accuracy: 100000, rad: Math.PI * 2 / 100000, highlightDuration: 150, angleField: false, lengthField: false, donut: false, showInLegend: false, style: {}, constructor: function (b) { this.callParent(arguments); var h = this, g = h.chart, a = g.surface, j = g.store, k = g.shadow, d, c, e; b.highlightCfg = Ext.merge({ segment: { margin: 20 } }, b.highlightCfg); Ext.apply(h, b, { shadowAttributes: [{ "stroke-width": 6, "stroke-opacity": 1, stroke: "rgb(200, 200, 200)", translate: { x: 1.2, y: 2 } }, { "stroke-width": 4, "stroke-opacity": 1, stroke: "rgb(150, 150, 150)", translate: { x: 0.9, y: 1.5 } }, { "stroke-width": 2, "stroke-opacity": 1, stroke: "rgb(100, 100, 100)", translate: { x: 0.6, y: 1 } } ] }); h.group = a.getGroup(h.seriesId); if (k) { for (d = 0, c = h.shadowAttributes.length; d < c; d++) { h.shadowGroups.push(a.getGroup(h.seriesId + "-shadows" + d)) } } a.customAttributes.segment = function (m) { var l = h.getSegment(m); if (!l.path || l.path.length === 0) { l.path = ["M", 0, 0] } return l }; h.__excludes = h.__excludes || [] }, onRedraw: function () { this.initialize() }, initialize: function () { var d = this, a = d.chart.getChartStore(), e = a.data.items, b, c, g; d.yField = []; if (d.label.field) { for (b = 0, c = e.length; b < c; b++) { g = e[b]; d.yField.push(g.get(d.label.field)) } } }, getSegment: function (d) { var K = this, J = K.rad, j = Math.cos, a = Math.sin, q = K.centerX, o = K.centerY, F = 0, E = 0, D = 0, B = 0, m = 0, l = 0, k = 0, g = 0, z = 0, c = 0, w = 0, b = 0, H = 0.01, A = d.startAngle, v = d.endAngle, p = (A + v) / 2 * J, s = d.margin || 0, L = Math.min(A, v) * J, I = Math.max(A, v) * J, u = j(L), h = a(L), t = j(I), e = a(I), n = j(p), G = a(p), C = 0, r = 0.7071067811865476; if (I - L < H) { return { path: "" } } if (s !== 0) { q += s * n; o += s * G } E = q + d.endRho * u; l = o + d.endRho * h; B = q + d.endRho * t; g = o + d.endRho * e; w = q + d.endRho * n; b = o + d.endRho * G; if (d.startRho !== 0) { F = q + d.startRho * u; m = o + d.startRho * h; D = q + d.startRho * t; k = o + d.startRho * e; z = q + d.startRho * n; c = o + d.startRho * G; return { path: [["M", E, l], ["A", d.endRho, d.endRho, 0, 0, 1, w, b], ["L", w, b], ["A", d.endRho, d.endRho, 0, C, 1, B, g], ["L", B, g], ["L", D, k], ["A", d.startRho, d.startRho, 0, C, 0, z, c], ["L", z, c], ["A", d.startRho, d.startRho, 0, 0, 0, F, m], ["L", F, m], ["Z"]] } } else { return { path: [["M", q, o], ["L", E, l], ["A", d.endRho, d.endRho, 0, 0, 1, w, b], ["L", w, b], ["A", d.endRho, d.endRho, 0, C, 1, B, g], ["L", B, g], ["L", q, o], ["Z"]] } } }, calcMiddle: function (o) { var j = this, k = j.rad, n = o.slice, m = j.centerX, l = j.centerY, h = n.startAngle, d = n.endAngle, g = +j.donut, c = - (h + d) * k / 2, a = (o.endRho + o.startRho) / 2, e = m + a * Math.cos(c), b = l - a * Math.sin(c); o.middle = { x: e, y: b } }, drawSeries: function () { var s = this, a = s.chart.getChartStore(), W = a.data.items, I, x = s.group, S = s.chart.animate, k = s.angleField || s.field || s.xField, A = [].concat(s.lengthField), R = 0, X = s.chart, J = X.surface, G = X.chartBBox, g = X.shadow, Q = s.shadowGroups, P = s.shadowAttributes, aa = Q.length, K = A.length, B = 0, b = +s.donut, Z = [], y = [], u = 0, M = 0, t = 0, h = s.seriesStyle, e = s.colorArrayStyle, w = e && e.length || 0, o, Y, C, H, E, d, c, q, l = 0, r, n, z, L, D, ab, F, U, T, V, N, O, m, v; Ext.apply(h, s.style || {}); s.setBBox(); v = s.bbox; if (s.colorSet) { e = s.colorSet; w = e.length } if (!a || !a.getCount() || s.seriesIsHidden) { s.hide(); s.items = []; return } s.unHighlightItem(); s.cleanHighlights(); d = s.centerX = G.x + (G.width / 2); c = s.centerY = G.y + (G.height / 2); s.radius = Math.min(d - G.x, c - G.y); s.slices = n = []; s.items = y = []; for (U = 0, F = W.length; U < F; U++) { I = W[U]; if (this.__excludes && this.__excludes[U]) { continue } u += +I.get(k); if (A[0]) { for (T = 0, R = 0; T < K; T++) { R += +I.get(A[T]) } Z[U] = R; M = Math.max(M, R) } } u = u || 1; for (U = 0, F = W.length; U < F; U++) { I = W[U]; if (this.__excludes && this.__excludes[U]) { L = 0 } else { L = I.get(k); if (l == 0) { l = 1 } } if (l == 1) { l = 2; s.firstAngle = t = s.accuracy * L / u / 2; for (T = 0; T < U; T++) { n[T].startAngle = n[T].endAngle = s.firstAngle } } V = t - s.accuracy * L / u; r = { series: s, value: L, startAngle: t, endAngle: V, storeItem: I }; if (A[0]) { ab = +Z[U]; r.rho = Math.floor(s.radius / M * ab) } else { r.rho = s.radius } n[U] = r; (function () { t = V })() } if (g) { for (U = 0, F = n.length; U < F; U++) { r = n[U]; r.shadowAttrs = []; for (T = 0, B = 0, C = []; T < K; T++) { z = x.getAt(U * K + T); q = A[T] ? a.getAt(U).get(A[T]) / Z[U] * r.rho : r.rho; o = { segment: { startAngle: r.startAngle, endAngle: r.endAngle, margin: 0, rho: r.rho, startRho: B + (q * b / 100), endRho: B + q }, hidden: !r.value && (r.startAngle % s.accuracy) == (r.endAngle % s.accuracy) }; for (E = 0, C = []; E < aa; E++) { Y = P[E]; H = Q[E].getAt(U); if (!H) { H = X.surface.add(Ext.apply({}, { type: "path", group: Q[E], strokeLinejoin: "round" }, o, Y)) } Y = s.renderer(H, a.getAt(U), Ext.apply({}, o, Y), U, a); if (S) { s.onAnimate(H, { to: Y }) } else { H.setAttributes(Y, true) } C.push(H) } r.shadowAttrs[T] = C } } } for (U = 0, F = n.length; U < F; U++) { r = n[U]; for (T = 0, B = 0; T < K; T++) { z = x.getAt(U * K + T); q = A[T] ? a.getAt(U).get(A[T]) / Z[U] * r.rho : r.rho; o = Ext.apply({ segment: { startAngle: r.startAngle, endAngle: r.endAngle, margin: 0, rho: r.rho, startRho: B + (q * b / 100), endRho: B + q }, hidden: (!r.value && (r.startAngle % s.accuracy) == (r.endAngle % s.accuracy)) }, Ext.apply(h, e && { fill: e[(K > 1 ? T : U) % w] } || {})); D = Ext.apply({}, o.segment, { slice: r, series: s, storeItem: r.storeItem, index: U }); s.calcMiddle(D); if (g) { D.shadows = r.shadowAttrs[T] } y[U] = D; if (!z) { m = Ext.apply({ type: "path", group: x, middle: D.middle }, Ext.apply(h, e && { fill: e[(K > 1 ? T : U) % w] } || {})); z = J.add(Ext.apply(m, o)) } r.sprite = r.sprite || []; D.sprite = z; r.sprite.push(z); r.point = [D.middle.x, D.middle.y]; if (S) { o = s.renderer(z, a.getAt(U), o, U, a); z._to = o; z._animating = true; s.onAnimate(z, { to: o, listeners: { afteranimate: { fn: function () { this._animating = false }, scope: z } } }) } else { o = s.renderer(z, a.getAt(U), Ext.apply(o, { hidden: false }), U, a); z.setAttributes(o, true) } B += q } } F = x.getCount(); for (U = 0; U < F; U++) { if (!n[(U / K) >> 0] && x.getAt(U)) { x.getAt(U).hide(true) } } if (g) { aa = Q.length; for (E = 0; E < F; E++) { if (!n[(E / K) >> 0]) { for (T = 0; T < aa; T++) { if (Q[T].getAt(E)) { Q[T].getAt(E).hide(true) } } } } } s.renderLabels(); s.renderCallouts() }, onCreateLabel: function (g, l, e, h) { var j = this, k = j.labelsGroup, a = j.label, d = j.centerX, c = j.centerY, m = l.middle, b = Ext.apply(j.seriesLabelStyle || {}, a || {}); return j.chart.surface.add(Ext.apply({ type: "text", "text-anchor": "middle", group: k, x: m.x, y: m.y }, b)) }, onPlaceLabel: function (k, p, C, w, u, e, g) { var E = this, q = E.chart, B = q.resizing, D = E.label, z = D.renderer, c = D.field, m = E.centerX, l = E.centerY, F = C.middle, b = { x: F.x, y: F.y }, o = F.x - m, n = F.y - l, t = {}, d = 1, j = Math.atan2(n, o || 1), A = j * 180 / Math.PI, h, v, s, r; b.hidden = false; if (this.__excludes && this.__excludes[w]) { b.hidden = true } function a(x) { if (x < 0) { x += 360 } return x % 360 } k.setAttributes({ text: z(p.get(c), k, p, C, w, u, e, g) }, true); switch (u) { case "outside": d = Math.sqrt(o * o + n * n) * 2; k.setAttributes({ rotation: { degrees: 0 } }, true); v = k.getBBox(); s = v.width / 2 * Math.cos(j) + 4; r = v.height / 2 * Math.sin(j) + 4; d += Math.sqrt(s * s + r * r); b.x = d * Math.cos(j) + m; b.y = d * Math.sin(j) + l; break; case "rotate": A = a(A); A = (A > 90 && A < 270) ? A + 180 : A; h = k.attr.rotation.degrees; if (h != null && Math.abs(h - A) > 180 * 0.5) { if (A > h) { A -= 360 } else { A += 360 } A = A % 360 } else { A = a(A) } b.rotate = { degrees: A, x: b.x, y: b.y }; break; default: break } b.translate = { x: 0, y: 0 }; if (e && !B && (u != "rotate" || h != null)) { E.onAnimate(k, { to: b }) } else { k.setAttributes(b, true) } k._from = t }, onPlaceCallout: function (l, o, z, v, u, d, e) { var A = this, q = A.chart, j = A.centerX, h = A.centerY, B = z.middle, b = { x: B.x, y: B.y }, m = B.x - j, k = B.y - h, c = 1, n, g = Math.atan2(k, m || 1), a = (l && l.label ? l.label.getBBox() : { width: 0, height: 0 }), w = 20, t = 10, s = 10, r; if (!a.width || !a.height) { return } c = z.endRho + w; n = (z.endRho + z.startRho) / 2 + (z.endRho - z.startRho) / 3; b.x = c * Math.cos(g) + j; b.y = c * Math.sin(g) + h; m = n * Math.cos(g); k = n * Math.sin(g); if (q.animate) { A.onAnimate(l.lines, { to: { path: ["M", m + j, k + h, "L", b.x, b.y, "Z", "M", b.x, b.y, "l", m > 0 ? t : -t, 0, "z"] } }); A.onAnimate(l.box, { to: { x: b.x + (m > 0 ? t : - (t + a.width + 2 * s)), y: b.y + (k > 0 ? (-a.height - s / 2) : (-a.height - s / 2)), width: a.width + 2 * s, height: a.height + 2 * s } }); A.onAnimate(l.label, { to: { x: b.x + (m > 0 ? (t + s) : - (t + a.width + s)), y: b.y + (k > 0 ? -a.height / 4 : -a.height / 4) } }) } else { l.lines.setAttributes({ path: ["M", m + j, k + h, "L", b.x, b.y, "Z", "M", b.x, b.y, "l", m > 0 ? t : -t, 0, "z"] }, true); l.box.setAttributes({ x: b.x + (m > 0 ? t : - (t + a.width + 2 * s)), y: b.y + (k > 0 ? (-a.height - s / 2) : (-a.height - s / 2)), width: a.width + 2 * s, height: a.height + 2 * s }, true); l.label.setAttributes({ x: b.x + (m > 0 ? (t + s) : - (t + a.width + s)), y: b.y + (k > 0 ? -a.height / 4 : -a.height / 4) }, true) } for (r in l) { l[r].show(true) } }, onAnimate: function (b, a) { b.show(); return this.callParent(arguments) }, isItemInPoint: function (l, j, n, e) { var h = this, d = h.centerX, c = h.centerY, p = Math.abs, o = p(l - d), m = p(j - c), g = n.startAngle, a = n.endAngle, k = Math.sqrt(o * o + m * m), b = Math.atan2(j - c, l - d) / h.rad; if (b > h.firstAngle) { b -= h.accuracy } return (b <= g && b > a && k >= n.startRho && k <= n.endRho) }, hideAll: function (c) { var g, b, j, h, e, a, d; c = (isNaN(this._index) ? c : this._index) || 0; this.__excludes = this.__excludes || []; this.__excludes[c] = true; d = this.slices[c].sprite; for (e = 0, a = d.length; e < a; e++) { d[e].setAttributes({ hidden: true }, true) } if (this.slices[c].shadowAttrs) { for (g = 0, h = this.slices[c].shadowAttrs, b = h.length; g < b; g++) { j = h[g]; for (e = 0, a = j.length; e < a; e++) { j[e].setAttributes({ hidden: true }, true) } } } this.drawSeries() }, showAll: function (a) { a = (isNaN(this._index) ? a : this._index) || 0; this.__excludes[a] = false; this.drawSeries() }, highlightItem: function (s) { var u = this, t = u.rad, w, d, o, q, a, e, k, b, m, c, g, p, h, v, n, l, j; s = s || this.items[this._index]; this.unHighlightItem(); if (!s || u.animating || (s.sprite && s.sprite._animating)) { return } u.callParent([s]); if (!u.highlight) { return } if ("segment" in u.highlightCfg) { w = u.highlightCfg.segment; d = u.chart.animate; if (u.labelsGroup) { g = u.labelsGroup; p = u.label.display; h = g.getAt(s.index); v = (s.startAngle + s.endAngle) / 2 * t; n = w.margin || 0; l = n * Math.cos(v); j = n * Math.sin(v); if (Math.abs(l) < 1e-10) { l = 0 } if (Math.abs(j) < 1e-10) { j = 0 } if (d) { h.stopAnimation(); h.animate({ to: { translate: { x: l, y: j } }, duration: u.highlightDuration }) } else { h.setAttributes({ translate: { x: l, y: j } }, true) } } if (u.chart.shadow && s.shadows) { q = 0; a = s.shadows; k = a.length; for (; q < k; q++) { e = a[q]; b = {}; m = s.sprite._from.segment; for (c in m) { if (!(c in w)) { b[c] = m[c] } } o = { segment: Ext.applyIf(b, u.highlightCfg.segment) }; if (d) { e.stopAnimation(); e.animate({ to: o, duration: u.highlightDuration }) } else { e.setAttributes(o, true) } } } } }, unHighlightItem: function () { var w = this, l, e, d, k, t, s, r, q, x, m, c, a, v, n, b, g, u, h, o; if (!w.highlight) { return } if (("segment" in w.highlightCfg) && w.items) { l = w.items; e = w.chart.animate; d = !!w.chart.shadow; k = w.labelsGroup; t = l.length; s = 0; r = 0; q = w.label.display; for (; s < t; s++) { u = l[s]; if (!u) { continue } n = u.sprite; if (n && n._highlighted) { if (k) { h = k.getAt(u.index); o = Ext.apply({ translate: { x: 0, y: 0 } }, q == "rotate" ? { rotate: { x: h.attr.x, y: h.attr.y, degrees: h.attr.rotation.degrees } } : {}); if (e) { h.stopAnimation(); h.animate({ to: o, duration: w.highlightDuration }) } else { h.setAttributes(o, true) } } if (d) { b = u.shadows; x = b.length; for (; r < x; r++) { c = {}; a = u.sprite._to.segment; v = u.sprite._from.segment; Ext.apply(c, v); for (m in a) { if (!(m in v)) { c[m] = a[m] } } g = b[r]; if (e) { g.stopAnimation(); g.animate({ to: { segment: c }, duration: w.highlightDuration }) } else { g.setAttributes({ segment: c }, true) } } } } } } w.callParent(arguments) }, getLegendColor: function (a) { var b = this; return (b.colorSet && b.colorSet[a % b.colorSet.length]) || b.colorArrayStyle[a % b.colorArrayStyle.length] } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["series.pie"], 0, [Ext.chart.series, "Pie", Ext.chart, "PieSeries", Ext.chart, "PieChart"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.series.Radar", Ext.chart.series.Series, { type: "radar", rad: Math.PI / 180, showInLegend: false, style: {}, constructor: function (b) { this.callParent(arguments); var c = this, a = c.chart.surface; c.group = a.getGroup(c.seriesId); if (c.showMarkers) { c.markerGroup = a.getGroup(c.seriesId + "-markers") } }, drawSeries: function () { var u = this, b = u.chart.getChartStore(), N = b.data.items, O, E, v = u.group, P = u.chart, H = P.series.items, I, t, k, n = u.field || u.yField, G = P.surface, B = P.chartBBox, h = u.colorArrayStyle, e, c, w, J, p = 0, a = [], A = Math.max, j = Math.cos, q = Math.sin, o = Math.PI * 2, L = b.getCount(), g, K, F, D, C, M, r, m = u.seriesStyle, z = P.axes && P.axes.get(0), Q = !(z && z.maximum); u.setBBox(); p = Q ? 0 : (z.maximum || 0); Ext.apply(m, u.style || {}); if (!b || !b.getCount() || u.seriesIsHidden) { u.hide(); u.items = []; if (u.radar) { u.radar.hide(true) } u.radar = null; return } if (!m.stroke) { m.stroke = h[u.themeIdx % h.length] } u.unHighlightItem(); u.cleanHighlights(); e = u.centerX = B.x + (B.width / 2); c = u.centerY = B.y + (B.height / 2); u.radius = J = Math.min(B.width, B.height) / 2; u.items = w = []; if (Q) { for (I = 0, t = H.length; I < t; I++) { k = H[I]; a.push(k.yField) } for (O = 0; O < L; O++) { E = N[O]; for (M = 0, r = a.length; M < r; M++) { p = A(+E.get(a[M]), p) } } } p = p || 1; g = []; K = []; for (M = 0; M < L; M++) { E = N[M]; C = J * E.get(n) / p; F = C * j(M / L * o); D = C * q(M / L * o); if (M == 0) { K.push("M", F + e, D + c); g.push("M", 0.01 * F + e, 0.01 * D + c) } else { K.push("L", F + e, D + c); g.push("L", 0.01 * F + e, 0.01 * D + c) } w.push({ sprite: false, point: [e + F, c + D], storeItem: E, series: u }) } K.push("Z"); if (!u.radar) { u.radar = G.add(Ext.apply({ type: "path", group: v, path: g }, m || {})) } if (P.resizing) { u.radar.setAttributes({ path: g }, true) } if (P.animate) { u.onAnimate(u.radar, { to: Ext.apply({ path: K }, m || {}) }) } else { u.radar.setAttributes(Ext.apply({ path: K }, m || {}), true) } if (u.showMarkers) { u.drawMarkers() } u.renderLabels(); u.renderCallouts() }, drawMarkers: function () { var n = this, k = n.chart, a = k.surface, p = k.getChartStore(), b = Ext.apply({}, n.markerStyle || {}), j = Ext.apply(b, n.markerConfig, { fill: n.colorArrayStyle[n.themeIdx % n.colorArrayStyle.length] }), m = n.items, o = j.type, s = n.markerGroup, e = n.centerX, d = n.centerY, r, h, c, g, q; delete j.type; for (h = 0, c = m.length; h < c; h++) { r = m[h]; g = s.getAt(h); if (!g) { g = Ext.chart.Shape[o](a, Ext.apply({ group: s, x: 0, y: 0, translate: { x: e, y: d } }, j)) } else { g.show() } r.sprite = g; if (k.resizing) { g.setAttributes({ x: 0, y: 0, translate: { x: e, y: d } }, true) } g._to = { translate: { x: r.point[0], y: r.point[1] } }; q = n.renderer(g, p.getAt(h), g._to, h, p); q = Ext.applyIf(q || {}, j || {}); if (k.animate) { n.onAnimate(g, { to: q }) } else { g.setAttributes(q, true) } } }, isItemInPoint: function (c, g, e) { var b, d = 10, a = Math.abs; b = e.point; return (a(b[0] - c) <= d && a(b[1] - g) <= d) }, onCreateLabel: function (g, l, e, h) { var j = this, k = j.labelsGroup, a = j.label, d = j.centerX, c = j.centerY, b = Ext.apply({}, a, j.seriesLabelStyle || {}); return j.chart.surface.add(Ext.apply({ type: "text", "text-anchor": "middle", group: k, x: d, y: c }, b || {})) }, onPlaceLabel: function (h, o, v, s, q, d, e) { var A = this, p = A.chart, u = p.resizing, z = A.label, t = z.renderer, c = z.field, k = A.centerX, j = A.centerY, b = { x: Number(v.point[0]), y: Number(v.point[1]) }, m = b.x - k, l = b.y - j, g = Math.atan2(l, m || 1), n = g * 180 / Math.PI, r, w; function a(x) { if (x < 0) { x += 360 } return x % 360 } h.setAttributes({ text: t(o.get(c), h, o, v, s, q, d, e), hidden: true }, true); r = h.getBBox(); n = a(n); if ((n > 45 && n < 135) || (n > 225 && n < 315)) { w = (n > 45 && n < 135 ? 1 : -1); b.y += w * r.height / 2 } else { w = (n >= 135 && n <= 225 ? -1 : 1); b.x += w * r.width / 2 } if (u) { h.setAttributes({ x: k, y: j }, true) } if (d) { h.show(true); A.onAnimate(h, { to: b }) } else { h.setAttributes(b, true); h.show(true) } }, toggleAll: function (a) { var e = this, b, d, g, c; if (!a) { Ext.chart.series.Radar.superclass.hideAll.call(e) } else { Ext.chart.series.Radar.superclass.showAll.call(e) } if (e.radar) { e.radar.setAttributes({ hidden: !a }, true); if (e.radar.shadows) { for (b = 0, c = e.radar.shadows, d = c.length; b < d; b++) { g = c[b]; g.setAttributes({ hidden: !a }, true) } } } }, hideAll: function () { this.toggleAll(false); this.hideMarkers(0) }, showAll: function () { this.toggleAll(true) }, hideMarkers: function (a) { var d = this, c = d.markerGroup && d.markerGroup.getCount() || 0, b = a || 0; for (; b < c; b++) { d.markerGroup.getAt(b).hide(true) } }, getAxesForXAndYFields: function () { var c = this, b = c.chart, d = b.axes, a = [].concat(d && d.get(0)); return { yAxis: a } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["series.radar"], 0, [Ext.chart.series, "Radar"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.chart.series.Scatter", Ext.chart.series.Cartesian, { type: "scatter", constructor: function (c) { this.callParent(arguments); var e = this, g = e.chart.shadow, a = e.chart.surface, d, b; Ext.apply(e, c, { style: {}, markerConfig: {}, shadowAttributes: [{ "stroke-width": 6, "stroke-opacity": 0.05, stroke: "rgb(0, 0, 0)" }, { "stroke-width": 4, "stroke-opacity": 0.1, stroke: "rgb(0, 0, 0)" }, { "stroke-width": 2, "stroke-opacity": 0.15, stroke: "rgb(0, 0, 0)" } ] }); e.group = a.getGroup(e.seriesId); if (g) { for (d = 0, b = e.shadowAttributes.length; d < b; d++) { e.shadowGroups.push(a.getGroup(e.seriesId + "-shadows" + d)) } } }, getBounds: function () { var s = this, j = s.chart, d = j.getChartStore(), o = j.axes, l = s.getAxesForXAndYFields(), k = l.xAxis, e = l.yAxis, a, t, c, g, r, p, q, n, m, b, h; s.setBBox(); a = s.bbox; if (b = o.get(k)) { h = b.applyData(); r = h.from; q = h.to } if (b = o.get(e)) { h = b.applyData(); p = h.from; n = h.to } if (s.xField && !Ext.isNumber(r)) { b = s.getMinMaxXValues(); r = b[0]; q = b[1] } if (s.yField && !Ext.isNumber(p)) { b = s.getMinMaxYValues(); p = b[0]; n = b[1] } if (isNaN(r)) { r = 0; q = d.getCount() - 1; t = a.width / (d.getCount() - 1) } else { t = a.width / (q - r) } if (isNaN(p)) { p = 0; n = d.getCount() - 1; c = a.height / (d.getCount() - 1) } else { c = a.height / (n - p) } return { bbox: a, minX: r, minY: p, xScale: t, yScale: c } }, getPaths: function () { var z = this, n = z.chart, b = n.shadow, e = n.getChartStore(), B = e.data.items, s, l, d, j = z.group, g = z.bounds = z.getBounds(), a = z.bbox, C = g.xScale, c = g.yScale, v = g.minX, u = g.minY, A = a.x, w = a.y, h = a.height, o = z.items = [], q = [], m, k, r, t, p; for (s = 0, l = B.length; s < l; s++) { d = B[s]; r = d.get(z.xField); t = d.get(z.yField); if (typeof t == "undefined" || (typeof t == "string" && !t) || r == null || t == null) { continue } if (typeof r == "string" || typeof r == "object" && !Ext.isDate(r)) { r = s } if (typeof t == "string" || typeof t == "object" && !Ext.isDate(t)) { t = s } m = A + (r - v) * C; k = w + h - (t - u) * c; q.push({ x: m, y: k }); z.items.push({ series: z, value: [r, t], point: [m, k], storeItem: d }); if (n.animate && n.resizing) { p = j.getAt(s); if (p) { z.resetPoint(p); if (b) { z.resetShadow(p) } } } } return q }, resetPoint: function (a) { var b = this.bbox; a.setAttributes({ translate: { x: (b.x + b.width) / 2, y: (b.y + b.height) / 2 } }, true) }, resetShadow: function (c) { var g = this, e = c.shadows, j = g.shadowAttributes, d = g.shadowGroups.length, h = g.bbox, b, a; for (b = 0; b < d; b++) { a = Ext.apply({}, j[b]); if (a.translate) { a.translate.x += (h.x + h.width) / 2; a.translate.y += (h.y + h.height) / 2 } else { a.translate = { x: (h.x + h.width) / 2, y: (h.y + h.height) / 2 } } e[b].setAttributes(a, true) } }, createPoint: function (a, c) { var d = this, b = d.chart, e = d.group, g = d.bbox; return Ext.chart.Shape[c](b.surface, Ext.apply({}, { x: 0, y: 0, group: e, translate: { x: (g.x + g.width) / 2, y: (g.y + g.height) / 2 } }, a)) }, createShadow: function (n, g, k) { var j = this, h = j.chart, l = j.shadowGroups, d = j.shadowAttributes, a = l.length, o = j.bbox, c, m, b, e; n.shadows = b = []; for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { e = Ext.apply({}, d[c]); if (e.translate) { e.translate.x += (o.x + o.width) / 2; e.translate.y += (o.y + o.height) / 2 } else { Ext.apply(e, { translate: { x: (o.x + o.width) / 2, y: (o.y + o.height) / 2 } }) } Ext.apply(e, g); m = Ext.chart.Shape[k](h.surface, Ext.apply({}, { x: 0, y: 0, group: l[c] }, e)); b.push(m) } }, drawSeries: function () { var u = this, l = u.chart, h = l.getChartStore(), j = u.group, c = l.shadow, a = u.shadowGroups, q = u.shadowAttributes, r = a.length, m, n, o, k, p, t, e, g, b, d, s; t = Ext.apply(u.markerStyle, u.markerConfig); g = t.type || "circle"; delete t.type; if (!h || !h.getCount()) { u.hide(); u.items = []; return } u.unHighlightItem(); u.cleanHighlights(); n = u.getPaths(); k = n.length; for (p = 0; p < k; p++) { o = n[p]; m = j.getAt(p); Ext.apply(o, t); if (!m) { m = u.createPoint(o, g); if (c) { u.createShadow(m, t, g) } } b = m.shadows; if (l.animate) { d = u.renderer(m, h.getAt(p), { translate: o }, p, h); m._to = d; u.onAnimate(m, { to: d }); for (e = 0; e < r; e++) { s = Ext.apply({}, q[e]); d = u.renderer(b[e], h.getAt(p), Ext.apply({}, { hidden: false, translate: { x: o.x + (s.translate ? s.translate.x : 0), y: o.y + (s.translate ? s.translate.y : 0) } }, s), p, h); u.onAnimate(b[e], { to: d }) } } else { d = u.renderer(m, h.getAt(p), { translate: o }, p, h); m._to = d; m.setAttributes(d, true); for (e = 0; e < r; e++) { s = Ext.apply({}, q[e]); d = u.renderer(b[e], h.getAt(p), Ext.apply({}, { hidden: false, translate: { x: o.x + (s.translate ? s.translate.x : 0), y: o.y + (s.translate ? s.translate.y : 0) } }, s), p, h); b[e].setAttributes(d, true) } } u.items[p].sprite = m } k = j.getCount(); for (p = n.length; p < k; p++) { j.getAt(p).hide(true) } u.renderLabels(); u.renderCallouts() }, onCreateLabel: function (d, k, c, e) { var g = this, h = g.labelsGroup, a = g.label, b = Ext.apply({}, a, g.seriesLabelStyle), j = g.bbox; return g.chart.surface.add(Ext.apply({ type: "text", "text-anchor": "middle", group: h, x: Number(k.point[0]), y: j.y + j.height / 2 }, b)) }, onPlaceLabel: function (h, l, w, t, r, d, e) { var A = this, m = A.chart, v = m.resizing, z = A.label, u = z.renderer, b = z.field, a = A.bbox, k = Number(w.point[0]), j = Number(w.point[1]), c = w.sprite.attr.radius, s, p, o, n, B, g, q; h.setAttributes({ text: u(l.get(b), h, l, w, t, r, d, e), hidden: true }, true); p = w.sprite.getBBox(); p.width = p.width || (c * 2); p.height = p.height || (c * 2); s = h.getBBox(); o = s.width / 2; n = s.height / 2; if (r == "rotate") { B = p.width / 2 + o + n / 2; if (k + B + o > a.x + a.width) { k -= B } else { k += B } h.setAttributes({ rotation: { x: k, y: j, degrees: -45 } }, true) } else { if (r == "under" || r == "over") { h.setAttributes({ rotation: { degrees: 0 } }, true); if (k < a.x + o) { k = a.x + o } else { if (k + o > a.x + a.width) { k = a.x + a.width - o } } g = p.height / 2 + n; j = j + (r == "over" ? -g : g); if (j < a.y + n) { j += 2 * g } else { if (j + n > a.y + a.height) { j -= 2 * g } } } } if (!m.animate) { h.setAttributes({ x: k, y: j }, true); h.show(true) } else { if (v) { q = w.sprite.getActiveAnimation(); if (q) { q.on("afteranimate", function () { h.setAttributes({ x: k, y: j }, true); h.show(true) }) } else { h.show(true) } } else { A.onAnimate(h, { to: { x: k, y: j } }) } } }, onPlaceCallout: function (k, m, B, z, w, c, h) { var E = this, n = E.chart, u = n.surface, A = n.resizing, D = E.callouts, o = E.items, b = B.point, F, a = k.label.getBBox(), C = 30, t = 10, s = 3, e, d, g, r, q, v = E.bbox, l, j; F = [Math.cos(Math.PI / 4), -Math.sin(Math.PI / 4)]; l = b[0] + F[0] * C; j = b[1] + F[1] * C; e = l + (F[0] > 0 ? 0 : - (a.width + 2 * s)); d = j - a.height / 2 - s; g = a.width + 2 * s; r = a.height + 2 * s; if (e < v[0] || (e + g) > (v[0] + v[2])) { F[0] *= -1 } if (d < v[1] || (d + r) > (v[1] + v[3])) { F[1] *= -1 } l = b[0] + F[0] * C; j = b[1] + F[1] * C; e = l + (F[0] > 0 ? 0 : - (a.width + 2 * s)); d = j - a.height / 2 - s; g = a.width + 2 * s; r = a.height + 2 * s; if (n.animate) { E.onAnimate(k.lines, { to: { path: ["M", b[0], b[1], "L", l, j, "Z"] } }, true); E.onAnimate(k.box, { to: { x: e, y: d, width: g, height: r } }, true); E.onAnimate(k.label, { to: { x: l + (F[0] > 0 ? s : - (a.width + s)), y: j } }, true) } else { k.lines.setAttributes({ path: ["M", b[0], b[1], "L", l, j, "Z"] }, true); k.box.setAttributes({ x: e, y: d, width: g, height: r }, true); k.label.setAttributes({ x: l + (F[0] > 0 ? s : - (a.width + s)), y: j }, true) } for (q in k) { k[q].show(true) } }, onAnimate: function (b, a) { b.show(); return this.callParent(arguments) }, isItemInPoint: function (c, h, e) { var b, d = 10, a = Math.abs; function g(j) { var l = a(j[0] - c), k = a(j[1] - h); return Math.sqrt(l * l + k * k) } b = e.point; return (b[0] - d <= c && b[0] + d >= c && b[1] - d <= h && b[1] + d >= h) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["series.scatter"], 0, [Ext.chart.series, "Scatter"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.container.Table", Ext.layout.container.Container, { alternateClassName: "Ext.layout.TableLayout", monitorResize: false, type: "table", createsInnerCt: true, targetCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "table-layout-ct", tableCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "table-layout", cellCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "table-layout-cell", tableAttrs: null, getItemSizePolicy: function (a) { return this.autoSizePolicy }, initHierarchyState: function (a) { a.inShrinkWrapTable = true }, getLayoutItems: function () { var g = this, b = [], c = g.callParent(), e, a = c.length, d; for (d = 0; d < a; d++) { e = c[d]; if (!e.hidden) { b.push(e) } } return b }, getHiddenItems: function () { var b = [], c = this.owner.items.items, a = c.length, d = 0, e; for (; d < a; ++d) { e = c[d]; if (e.rendered && e.hidden) { b.push(e) } } return b }, renderChildren: function () { var l = this, k = l.getLayoutItems(), h = l.owner.getTargetEl().child("table", true).tBodies[0], r = h.rows, g = 0, j = k.length, e = l.getHiddenItems(), q, o, c, a, p, n, m, b, d; q = l.calculateCells(k); for (; g < j; g++) { o = q[g]; c = o.rowIdx; a = o.cellIdx; p = k[g]; n = r[c]; if (!n) { n = h.insertRow(c); if (l.trAttrs) { n.set(l.trAttrs) } } b = m = Ext.get(n.cells[a] || n.insertCell(a)); if (l.needsDivWrap()) { b = m.first() || m.createChild({ tag: "div" }); b.setWidth(null) } if (!p.rendered) { l.renderItem(p, b, 0) } else { if (!l.isValidParent(p, b, c, a, h)) { l.moveItem(p, b, 0) } } if (l.tdAttrs) { m.set(l.tdAttrs) } if (p.tdAttrs) { m.set(p.tdAttrs) } m.set({ colSpan: p.colspan || 1, rowSpan: p.rowspan || 1, id: p.cellId || "", cls: l.cellCls + " " + (p.cellCls || "") }); if (!q[g + 1] || q[g + 1].rowIdx !== c) { a++; while (n.cells[a]) { n.deleteCell(a) } } } c++; while (h.rows[c]) { h.deleteRow(c) } for (g = 0, j = e.length; g < j; ++g) { l.ensureInDocument(e[g].getEl()) } }, ensureInDocument: function (a) { var b = a.dom.parentNode; while (b) { if (b.tagName.toUpperCase() == "BODY") { return } b = b.parentNode } Ext.getDetachedBody().appendChild(a) }, calculate: function (g) { if (!g.hasDomProp("containerChildrenSizeDone")) { this.done = false } else { var c = g.targetContext, b = g.widthModel.shrinkWrap, a = g.heightModel.shrinkWrap, h = a || b, d = h && c.el.child("table", true), e = h && c.getPaddingInfo(); if (b) { g.setContentWidth(d.offsetWidth + e.width, true) } if (a) { g.setContentHeight(d.offsetHeight + e.height, true) } } }, finalizeLayout: function () { if (this.needsDivWrap()) { var b = this.getLayoutItems(), c, a = b.length, d; for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { d = b[c]; Ext.fly(d.el.dom.parentNode).setWidth(d.getWidth()) } } if (Ext.isIE6 || Ext.isIEQuirks) { this.owner.getTargetEl().child("table").repaint() } }, calculateCells: function (k) { var m = [], b = 0, d = 0, a = 0, h = this.columns || Infinity, n = [], e = 0, c, g = k.length, l; for (; e < g; e++) { l = k[e]; while (d >= h || n[d] > 0) { if (d >= h) { d = 0; a = 0; b++; for (c = 0; c < h; c++) { if (n[c] > 0) { n[c]-- } } } else { d++ } } m.push({ rowIdx: b, cellIdx: a }); for (c = l.colspan || 1; c; --c) { n[d] = l.rowspan || 1; ++d } ++a } return m }, getRenderTree: function () { var k = this, h = k.getLayoutItems(), o, p = [], q = Ext.apply({ tag: "table", role: "presentation", cls: k.tableCls, cellspacing: 0, cellpadding: 0, cn: { tag: "tbody", cn: p } }, k.tableAttrs), c = k.tdAttrs, d = k.needsDivWrap(), e, g = h.length, n, m, j, b, a, l; o = k.calculateCells(h); for (e = 0; e < g; e++) { n = h[e]; m = o[e]; b = m.rowIdx; a = m.cellIdx; j = p[b]; if (!j) { j = p[b] = { tag: "tr", cn: [] }; if (k.trAttrs) { Ext.apply(j, k.trAttrs) } } l = j.cn[a] = { tag: "td" }; if (c) { Ext.apply(l, c) } Ext.apply(l, { colSpan: n.colspan || 1, rowSpan: n.rowspan || 1, id: n.cellId || "", cls: k.cellCls + " " + (n.cellCls || "") }); if (d) { l = l.cn = { tag: "div" } } k.configureItem(n); l.cn = n.getRenderTree() } return q }, isValidParent: function (g, h, e, d) { var b, a, c; if (arguments.length === 3) { c = g.el.up("table"); return c && c.dom.parentNode === h.dom } b = this.owner.getTargetEl().child("table", true).tBodies[0]; a = b.rows[e].cells[d]; return g.el.dom.parentNode === a }, needsDivWrap: function () { return Ext.isOpera10_5 } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.table"], 0, [Ext.layout.container, "Table", Ext.layout, "TableLayout"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.container.ButtonGroup", Ext.panel.Panel, { alternateClassName: "Ext.ButtonGroup", baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "btn-group", layout: { type: "table" }, defaultType: "button", frame: true, frameHeader: false, titleAlign: "center", noTitleCls: "notitle", initComponent: function () { var a = this, b = a.columns; if (b) { a.layout = Ext.apply({}, { columns: b }, a.layout) } if (!a.title) { a.addClsWithUI(a.noTitleCls) } a.callParent(arguments) }, onBeforeAdd: function (a) { if (a.isButton) { if (this.defaultButtonUI && a.ui === "default" && !a.hasOwnProperty("ui")) { a.ui = this.defaultButtonUI } else { a.ui = a.ui + "-toolbar" } } this.callParent(arguments) }, applyDefaults: function (a) { if (!Ext.isString(a)) { a = this.callParent(arguments) } return a } }, 0, ["buttongroup"], ["buttongroup", "panel", "component", "container", "box"], { buttongroup: true, panel: true, component: true, container: true, box: true }, ["widget.buttongroup"], 0, [Ext.container, "ButtonGroup", Ext, "ButtonGroup"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.container.Monitor", Ext.Base, { target: null, selector: "", scope: null, addHandler: null, removeHandler: null, disabled: 0, constructor: function (a) { Ext.apply(this, a) }, bind: function (b) { var a = this; a.target = b; b.on("beforedestroy", a.disable, a); a.onContainerAdd(b) }, unbind: function () { var a = this, b = a.target; if (b) { b.un("beforedestroy", a.disable, a) } a.items = null }, disable: function () { ++this.disabled }, enable: function () { if (this.disabled > 0) { --this.disabled } }, handleAdd: function (b, a) { if (!this.disabled) { if (a.is(this.selector)) { this.onItemAdd(a.ownerCt, a) } if (a.isQueryable) { this.onContainerAdd(a) } } }, onItemAdd: function (c, b) { var e = this, a = e.items, d = e.addHandler; if (!e.disabled) { if (d) { d.call(e.scope || b, b) } if (a) { a.add(b) } } }, onItemRemove: function (c, b) { var e = this, a = e.items, d = e.removeHandler; if (!e.disabled) { if (d) { d.call(e.scope || b, b) } if (a) { a.remove(b) } } }, onContainerAdd: function (g, b) { var k = this, j, h, c = k.handleAdd, a = k.handleRemove, d, e; if (g.isContainer) { g.on("add", c, k); g.on("dockedadd", c, k); g.on("remove", a, k); g.on("dockedremove", a, k) } if (b !== true) { j = g.query(k.selector); for (d = 0, h = j.length; d < h; ++d) { e = j[d]; k.onItemAdd(e.ownerCt, e) } } j = g.query("container"); for (d = 0, h = j.length; d < h; ++d) { k.onContainerAdd(j[d], true) } }, handleRemove: function (b, a) { var c = this; if (!c.disabled) { if (a.is(c.selector)) { c.onItemRemove(b, a) } if (a.isQueryable) { c.onContainerRemove(b, a) } } }, onContainerRemove: function (e, c) { var h = this, b, d, a, g; if (!c.isDestroyed && !c.destroying && c.isContainer) { h.removeCtListeners(c); b = c.query(h.selector); for (d = 0, a = b.length; d < a; ++d) { g = b[d]; h.onItemRemove(g.ownerCt, g) } b = c.query("container"); for (d = 0, a = b.length; d < a; ++d) { h.removeCtListeners(b[d]) } } else { h.invalidateItems() } }, removeCtListeners: function (a) { var b = this; a.un("add", b.handleAdd, b); a.un("dockedadd", b.handleAdd, b); a.un("remove", b.handleRemove, b); a.un("dockedremove", b.handleRemove, b) }, getItems: function () { var b = this, a = b.items; if (!a) { a = b.items = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); a.addAll(b.target.query(b.selector)) } return a }, invalidateItems: function () { this.items = null } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.container, "Monitor"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.container.Viewport", Ext.container.Container, { alternateClassName: "Ext.Viewport", isViewport: true, ariaRole: "application", preserveElOnDestroy: true, viewportCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "viewport", initComponent: function () { var c = this, a = document.body.parentNode, b = c.el = Ext.getBody(); Ext.getScrollbarSize(); c.width = c.height = undefined; c.callParent(arguments); Ext.fly(a).addCls(c.viewportCls); if (c.autoScroll) { Ext.fly(a).setStyle(c.getOverflowStyle()); delete c.autoScroll } b.setHeight = b.setWidth = Ext.emptyFn; b.dom.scroll = "no"; c.allowDomMove = false; c.renderTo = c.el }, applyTargetCls: function (a) { this.el.addCls(a) }, onRender: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); a.width = Ext.Element.getViewportWidth(); a.height = Ext.Element.getViewportHeight() }, afterFirstLayout: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); setTimeout(function () { Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(a.fireResize, a) }, 1) }, fireResize: function (b, a) { if (b != this.width || a != this.height) { this.setSize(b, a) } }, initHierarchyState: function (a) { this.callParent([this.hierarchyState = Ext.rootHierarchyState]) }, beforeDestroy: function () { var a = this; a.removeUIFromElement(); a.el.removeCls(a.baseCls); Ext.fly(document.body.parentNode).removeCls(a.viewportCls); a.callParent() } }, 0, ["viewport"], ["viewport", "component", "container", "box"], { viewport: true, component: true, container: true, box: true }, ["widget.viewport"], 0, [Ext.container, "Viewport", Ext, "Viewport"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.IdGenerator", Ext.Base, { isGenerator: true, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; Ext.apply(b, a); if (b.id) { Ext.data.IdGenerator.all[b.id] = b } }, getRecId: function (a) { return a.modelName + "-" + a.internalId }, statics: { all: {}, get: function (a) { var c, d, b; if (typeof a == "string") { d = b = a; a = null } else { if (a.isGenerator) { return a } else { d = a.id || a.type; b = a.type } } c = this.all[d]; if (!c) { c = Ext.create("idgen." + b, a) } return c } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.data, "IdGenerator"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.SortTypes", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, none: Ext.identityFn, stripTagsRE: /<\/?[^>]+>/gi, asText: function (a) { return String(a).replace(this.stripTagsRE, "") }, asUCText: function (a) { return String(a).toUpperCase().replace(this.stripTagsRE, "") }, asUCString: function (a) { return String(a).toUpperCase() }, asDate: function (a) { if (!a) { return 0 } if (Ext.isDate(a)) { return a.getTime() } return Date.parse(String(a)) }, asFloat: function (a) { var b = parseFloat(String(a).replace(/,/g, "")); return isNaN(b) ? 0 : b }, asInt: function (a) { var b = parseInt(String(a).replace(/,/g, ""), 10); return isNaN(b) ? 0 : b } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.data, "SortTypes"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.Types", Ext.Base, { singleton: true }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.data, "Types"], function () { var a = Ext.data.SortTypes; Ext.apply(Ext.data.Types, { stripRe: /[\$,%]/g, AUTO: { sortType: a.none, type: "auto" }, STRING: { convert: function (c) { var b = this.useNull ? null : ""; return (c === undefined || c === null) ? b : String(c) }, sortType: a.asUCString, type: "string" }, INT: { convert: function (b) { if (typeof b == "number") { return parseInt(b) } return b !== undefined && b !== null && b !== "" ? parseInt(String(b).replace(Ext.data.Types.stripRe, ""), 10) : (this.useNull ? null : 0) }, sortType: a.none, type: "int" }, FLOAT: { convert: function (b) { if (typeof b === "number") { return b } return b !== undefined && b !== null && b !== "" ? parseFloat(String(b).replace(Ext.data.Types.stripRe, ""), 10) : (this.useNull ? null : 0) }, sortType: a.none, type: "float" }, BOOL: { convert: function (b) { if (typeof b === "boolean") { return b } if (this.useNull && (b === undefined || b === null || b === "")) { return null } return b === "true" || b == 1 }, sortType: a.none, type: "bool" }, DATE: { convert: function (c) { var d = this.dateReadFormat || this.dateFormat, b; if (!c) { return null } if (c instanceof Date) { return c } if (d) { return Ext.Date.parse(c, d) } b = Date.parse(c); return b ? new Date(b) : null }, sortType: a.asDate, type: "date" } }); Ext.apply(Ext.data.Types, { BOOLEAN: this.BOOL, INTEGER: this.INT, NUMBER: this.FLOAT }) })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.Field", Ext.Base, { isField: true, constructor: function (b) { var d = this, c = Ext.data.Types, a; if (Ext.isString(b)) { b = { name: b } } Ext.apply(d, b); a = d.sortType; if (d.type) { if (Ext.isString(d.type)) { d.type = c[d.type.toUpperCase()] || c.AUTO } } else { d.type = c.AUTO } if (Ext.isString(a)) { d.sortType = Ext.data.SortTypes[a] } else { if (Ext.isEmpty(a)) { d.sortType = d.type.sortType } } if (!b.hasOwnProperty("convert")) { d.convert = d.type.convert } else { if (!d.convert && d.type.convert && !b.hasOwnProperty("defaultValue")) { d.defaultValue = d.type.convert(d.defaultValue) } } if (b.convert) { d.hasCustomConvert = true } }, dateFormat: null, dateReadFormat: null, dateWriteFormat: null, useNull: false, defaultValue: "", mapping: null, sortType: null, sortDir: "ASC", allowBlank: true, persist: true }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["data.field"], 0, [Ext.data, "Field"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.Errors", Ext.util.MixedCollection, { isValid: function () { return this.length === 0 }, getByField: function (d) { var c = [], a, b; for (b = 0; b < this.length; b++) { a = this.items[b]; if (a.field == d) { c.push(a) } } return c } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.data, "Errors"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.validations", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, presenceMessage: "must be present", lengthMessage: "is the wrong length", formatMessage: "is the wrong format", inclusionMessage: "is not included in the list of acceptable values", exclusionMessage: "is not an acceptable value", emailMessage: "is not a valid email address", emailRe: /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/, presence: function (a, b) { if (arguments.length === 1) { b = a } return !!b || b === 0 || b === false }, length: function (b, e) { if (e === undefined || e === null) { return false } var d = e.length, c = b.min, a = b.max; if ((c && d < c) || (a && d > a)) { return false } else { return true } }, email: function (b, a) { return Ext.data.validations.emailRe.test(a) }, format: function (a, b) { return !!(a.matcher && a.matcher.test(b)) }, inclusion: function (a, b) { return a.list && Ext.Array.indexOf(a.list, b) != -1 }, exclusion: function (a, b) { return a.list && Ext.Array.indexOf(a.list, b) == -1 } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.data, "validations"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.Model", Ext.Base, { alternateClassName: "Ext.data.Record", compareConvertFields: function (a, d) { var c = a.convert && a.type && a.convert !== a.type.convert, b = d.convert && d.type && d.convert !== d.type.convert; if (c && !b) { return 1 } if (!c && b) { return -1 } return 0 }, itemNameFn: function (a) { return a.name }, onClassExtended: function (b, c, a) { var d = a.onBeforeCreated; a.onBeforeCreated = function (g, F) { var E = this, G = Ext.getClassName(g), t = g.prototype, z = g.prototype.superclass, j = F.validations || [], v = F.fields || [], h, o = F.associations || [], e = function (I, K) { var J = 0, H, L; if (I) { I = Ext.Array.from(I); for (H = I.length; J < H; ++J) { L = I[J]; if (!Ext.isObject(L)) { L = { model: L } } L.type = K; o.push(L) } } }, w = F.idgen, C = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, t.itemNameFn), A = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, t.itemNameFn), s = z.validations, D = z.fields, m = z.associations, B, y, q, r = [], p = "idProperty" in F ? F.idProperty : t.idProperty, n = p ? (p.isField ? p : new Ext.data.Field(p)) : null, k = false, x = function (J, I, H) { var K, L; if (C.events.add.firing) { L = J; K = I } else { K = H; L = I.originalIndex } K.originalIndex = L; if (n && ((K.mapping && (K.mapping === n.mapping)) || (K.name === n.name))) { t.idField = K; k = true; K.defaultValue = undefined } }, u = F.proxy, l = function () { C.sortBy(t.compareConvertFields) }; g.modelName = G; t.modelName = G; if (s) { j = s.concat(j) } F.validations = j; if (D) { v = D.items.concat(v) } C.on({ add: x, replace: x }); for (y = 0, q = v.length; y < q; ++y) { h = v[y]; C.add(h.isField ? h : new Ext.data.Field(h)) } if (n && !k) { t.idField = n; n.defaultValue = undefined; C.add(n) } l(); C.on({ add: l, replace: l }); F.fields = C; if (w) { F.idgen = Ext.data.IdGenerator.get(w) } e(F.belongsTo, "belongsTo"); delete F.belongsTo; e(F.hasMany, "hasMany"); delete F.hasMany; e(F.hasOne, "hasOne"); delete F.hasOne; if (m) { o = m.items.concat(o) } for (y = 0, q = o.length; y < q; ++y) { r.push("association." + o[y].type.toLowerCase()) } if (u) { if (!u.isProxy) { r.push("proxy." + (u.type || u)) } } else { if (!g.prototype.proxy) { g.prototype.proxy = g.prototype.defaultProxyType; r.push("proxy." + g.prototype.defaultProxyType) } } Ext.require(r, function () { Ext.ModelManager.registerType(G, g); for (y = 0, q = o.length; y < q; ++y) { B = o[y]; if (B.isAssociation) { B = Ext.applyIf({ ownerModel: G, associatedModel: B.model }, B.initialConfig) } else { Ext.apply(B, { ownerModel: G, associatedModel: B.model }) } if (Ext.ModelManager.getModel(B.model) === undefined) { Ext.ModelManager.registerDeferredAssociation(B) } else { A.add(Ext.data.association.Association.create(B)) } } F.associations = A; d.call(E, g, F, a); if (u && u.isProxy) { g.setProxy(u) } Ext.ModelManager.onModelDefined(g) }) } }, inheritableStatics: { setProxy: function (a) { if (!a.isProxy) { if (typeof a == "string") { a = { type: a } } a = Ext.createByAlias("proxy." + a.type, a) } a.setModel(this); this.proxy = this.prototype.proxy = a; return a }, getProxy: function () { var a = this.proxy; if (!a) { a = this.prototype.proxy; if (a.isProxy) { a = a.clone() } return this.setProxy(a) } return a }, setFields: function (g, n, m) { var k = this, a, b, l = false, e = k.prototype, c = e.fields, j = e.superclass.fields, h, d; if (n) { e.idProperty = n; b = n.isField ? n : new Ext.data.Field(n) } if (m) { e.clientIdProperty = m } if (c) { c.clear() } else { c = k.prototype.fields = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, function (o) { return o.name }) } if (j) { g = j.items.concat(g) } for (d = 0, h = g.length; d < h; d++) { a = new Ext.data.Field(g[d]); if (b && ((a.mapping && (a.mapping === b.mapping)) || (a.name === b.name))) { l = true; a.defaultValue = undefined } c.add(a) } if (b && !l) { b.defaultValue = undefined; c.add(b) } k.fields = c; return c }, getFields: function () { return this.prototype.fields.items }, load: function (e, b) { b = Ext.apply({}, b); b = Ext.applyIf(b, { action: "read", id: e }); var a = new Ext.data.Operation(b), c = b.scope || this, d; d = function (h) { var g = null, j = h.wasSuccessful(); if (j) { g = h.getRecords()[0]; if (!g.hasId()) { g.setId(e) } Ext.callback(b.success, c, [g, h]) } else { Ext.callback(b.failure, c, [g, h]) } Ext.callback(b.callback, c, [g, h, j]) }; this.getProxy().read(a, d, this) } }, statics: { PREFIX: "ext-record", AUTO_ID: 1, EDIT: "edit", REJECT: "reject", COMMIT: "commit", id: function (a) { var b = [this.PREFIX, "-", this.AUTO_ID++].join(""); a.phantom = true; a.internalId = b; return b } }, idgen: { isGenerator: true, type: "default", generate: function () { return null }, getRecId: function (a) { return a.modelName + "-" + a.internalId } }, editing: false, dirty: false, persistenceProperty: "data", evented: false, isModel: true, phantom: false, idProperty: "id", clientIdProperty: null, defaultProxyType: "ajax", emptyData: [], constructor: function (l, e, q, b) { var n = this, k = (e || e === 0), r, m, g, o, a, p, h, d, s = n.idProperty, c = n.idField, j; n.raw = q || l; n.modified = {}; d = n[n.persistenceProperty] = b || {}; n.data = n[n.persistenceProperty]; n.mixins.observable.constructor.call(n); if (!b) { if (l) { if (!k && s) { e = l[s]; r = (e || e === 0) } } else { l = n.emptyData } m = n.fields.items; g = m.length; j = 0; if (Ext.isArray(l)) { for (; j < g; j++) { o = m[j]; a = o.name; p = l[o.originalIndex]; if (p === undefined) { p = o.defaultValue } if (o.convert) { p = o.convert(p, n) } if (p !== undefined) { d[a] = p } } } else { for (; j < g; j++) { o = m[j]; a = o.name; p = l[a]; if (p === undefined) { p = o.defaultValue } if (o.convert) { p = o.convert(p, n) } if (p !== undefined) { d[a] = p } } } } n.stores = []; if (k) { r = true; d[s] = c && c.convert ? c.convert(e) : e } else { if (!r) { h = n.idgen.generate(); if (h != null) { n.preventInternalUpdate = true; n.setId(h); delete n.preventInternalUpdate } } } n.internalId = r ? e : Ext.data.Model.id(n); if (typeof n.init == "function") { n.init() } n.id = n.idgen.getRecId(n) }, get: function (a) { return this[this.persistenceProperty][a] }, _singleProp: {}, set: function (s, b) { var k = this, h = k[k.persistenceProperty], j = k.fields, r = k.modified, p = (typeof s == "string"), q, l, g, o, e, a, c, d, m, n; if (p) { n = k._singleProp; n[s] = b } else { n = s } for (a in n) { if (n.hasOwnProperty(a)) { m = n[a]; if (j && (l = j.get(a)) && l.convert) { m = l.convert(m, k) } q = h[a]; if (k.isEqual(q, m)) { continue } h[a] = m; (e || (e = [])).push(a); if (l && l.persist) { if (r.hasOwnProperty(a)) { if (k.isEqual(r[a], m)) { delete r[a]; k.dirty = false; for (o in r) { if (r.hasOwnProperty(o)) { k.dirty = true; break } } } } else { k.dirty = true; r[a] = q } } if (a == k.idProperty) { g = true; c = q; d = m } } } if (p) { delete n[s] } if (g) { k.changeId(c, d) } if (!k.editing && e) { k.afterEdit(e) } return e || null }, copyFrom: function (j) { var h = this, e = h.fields.items, m = e.length, b = [], k, c = 0, g, d, n = h.idProperty, a, l; if (j) { g = h[h.persistenceProperty]; d = j[j.persistenceProperty]; for (; c < m; c++) { k = e[c]; a = k.name; if (a != n) { l = d[a]; if (l !== undefined && !h.isEqual(g[a], l)) { g[a] = l; b.push(a) } } } if (h.phantom && !j.phantom) { h.beginEdit(); h.setId(j.getId()); h.endEdit(true); h.commit(true) } } return b }, isEqual: function (d, c) { if (d instanceof Date && c instanceof Date) { return d.getTime() === c.getTime() } return d === c }, beginEdit: function () { var b = this, a, c, d; if (!b.editing) { b.editing = true; b.dirtySave = b.dirty; d = b[b.persistenceProperty]; c = b.dataSave = {}; for (a in d) { if (d.hasOwnProperty(a)) { c[a] = d[a] } } d = b.modified; c = b.modifiedSave = {}; for (a in d) { if (d.hasOwnProperty(a)) { c[a] = d[a] } } } }, cancelEdit: function () { var a = this; if (a.editing) { a.editing = false; a.modified = a.modifiedSave; a[a.persistenceProperty] = a.dataSave; a.dirty = a.dirtySave; a.modifiedSave = a.dataSave = a.dirtySave = null } }, endEdit: function (a, d) { var c = this, b, e; a = a === true; if (c.editing) { c.editing = false; b = c.dataSave; c.modifiedSave = c.dataSave = c.dirtySave = null; if (!a) { if (!d) { d = c.getModifiedFieldNames(b) } e = c.dirty || d.length > 0; if (e) { c.afterEdit(d) } } } }, getModifiedFieldNames: function (d) { var c = this, e = c[c.persistenceProperty], a = [], b; d = d || c.dataSave; for (b in e) { if (e.hasOwnProperty(b)) { if (!c.isEqual(e[b], d[b])) { a.push(b) } } } return a }, getChanges: function () { var a = this.modified, b = {}, c; for (c in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(c)) { b[c] = this.get(c) } } return b }, isModified: function (a) { return this.modified.hasOwnProperty(a) }, setDirty: function () { var c = this, a = c.fields.items, g = a.length, e, b, d; c.dirty = true; for (d = 0; d < g; d++) { e = a[d]; if (e.persist) { b = e.name; c.modified[b] = c.get(b) } } }, reject: function (a) { var c = this, b = c.modified, d; for (d in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(d)) { if (typeof b[d] != "function") { c[c.persistenceProperty][d] = b[d] } } } c.dirty = false; c.editing = false; c.modified = {}; if (a !== true) { c.afterReject() } }, commit: function (a, c) { var b = this; b.phantom = b.dirty = b.editing = false; b.modified = {}; if (a !== true) { b.afterCommit(c) } }, copy: function (a) { var b = this; return new b.self(b.raw, a, null, Ext.apply({}, b[b.persistenceProperty])) }, setProxy: function (a) { if (!a.isProxy) { if (typeof a === "string") { a = { type: a } } a = Ext.createByAlias("proxy." + a.type, a) } a.setModel(this.self); this.proxy = a; return a }, getProxy: function () { return this.hasOwnProperty("proxy") ? this.proxy : this.self.getProxy() }, validate: function () { var k = new Ext.data.Errors(), c = this.validations, e = Ext.data.validations, b, d, j, a, h, g; if (c) { b = c.length; for (g = 0; g < b; g++) { d = c[g]; j = d.field || d.name; h = d.type; a = e[h](d, this.get(j)); if (!a) { k.add({ field: j, message: d.message || e[h + "Message"] }) } } } return k }, isValid: function () { return this.validate().isValid() }, save: function (l) { l = Ext.apply({}, l); var e = this, b = e.phantom ? "create" : "update", k = l.scope || e, h = e.stores, c = 0, d, g, a, j; Ext.apply(l, { records: [e], action: b }); a = new Ext.data.Operation(l); j = function (m) { var n = m.wasSuccessful(); if (n) { for (d = h.length; c < d; c++) { g = h[c]; g.fireEvent("write", g, m); g.fireEvent("datachanged", g) } Ext.callback(l.success, k, [e, m]) } else { Ext.callback(l.failure, k, [e, m]) } Ext.callback(l.callback, k, [e, m, n]) }; e.getProxy()[b](a, j, e); return e }, destroy: function (m) { m = Ext.apply({ records: [this], action: "destroy" }, m); var g = this, a = g.phantom !== true, l = m.scope || g, j, c = 0, e, h, d, b, k; b = new Ext.data.Operation(m); k = function (n) { d = [g, n]; j = Ext.Array.clone(g.stores); if (n.wasSuccessful()) { for (e = j.length; c < e; c++) { h = j[c]; if (h.remove) { h.remove(g, true) } h.fireEvent("bulkremove", h, [g], [h.indexOf(g)], false); if (a) { h.fireEvent("write", h, n) } } g.clearListeners(); Ext.callback(m.success, l, d) } else { Ext.callback(m.failure, l, d) } Ext.callback(m.callback, l, d) }; if (a) { g.getProxy().destroy(b, k, g) } else { b.complete = b.success = true; b.resultSet = g.getProxy().reader.nullResultSet; k(b) } return g }, getId: function () { return this.get(this.idField.name) }, getObservableId: function () { return this.id }, setId: function (a) { this.set(this.idProperty, a) }, changeId: function (g, b) { var e = this, d, c, a; if (!e.preventInternalUpdate) { d = e.hasId(g); c = e.hasId(b); a = e.internalId; e.phantom = !c; if (c !== d || (c && d)) { e.internalId = c ? b : Ext.data.Model.id(e) } e.fireEvent("idchanged", e, g, b, a); e.callStore("onIdChanged", g, b, a) } }, hasId: function (a) { if (arguments.length === 0) { a = this.getId() } return !!(a || a === 0) }, join: function (a) { var b = this; if (!b.stores.length) { b.stores[0] = a } else { Ext.Array.include(this.stores, a) } this.store = this.stores[0] }, unjoin: function (a) { Ext.Array.remove(this.stores, a); this.store = this.stores[0] || null }, afterEdit: function (a) { this.callStore("afterEdit", a) }, afterReject: function () { this.callStore("afterReject") }, afterCommit: function (a) { this.callStore("afterCommit", a) }, callStore: function (g) { var d = Ext.Array.clone(arguments), b = this.stores, e = 0, a = b.length, c; d[0] = this; for (; e < a; ++e) { c = b[e]; if (c && Ext.isFunction(c[g])) { c[g].apply(c, d) } } }, getData: function (c) { var d = this, a = d.fields.items, h = a.length, g = {}, b, e; for (e = 0; e < h; e++) { b = a[e].name; g[b] = d.get(b) } if (c === true) { Ext.apply(g, d.getAssociatedData()) } return g }, getAssociatedData: function () { return this.prepareAssociatedData({}, 1) }, prepareAssociatedData: function (w, z) { var y = this, t = y.associations.items, e = t.length, x = {}, q = [], v = [], m = [], p, b, a, n, g, l, k, u, h, c, s, r, d, A; for (s = 0; s < e; s++) { c = t[s]; u = c.associationId; k = w[u]; if (k && k !== z) { continue } w[u] = z; d = c.type; A = c.name; if (d == "hasMany") { p = y[c.storeName]; x[A] = []; if (p && p.getCount() > 0) { b = p.data.items; h = b.length; for (r = 0; r < h; r++) { a = b[r]; x[A][r] = a.getData(); q.push(a); v.push(A); m.push(r) } } } else { if (d == "belongsTo" || d == "hasOne") { a = y[c.instanceName]; if (a !== undefined) { x[A] = a.getData(); q.push(a); v.push(A); m.push(-1) } } } } for (s = 0, h = q.length; s < h; ++s) { a = q[s]; n = x[v[s]]; g = m[s]; l = a.prepareAssociatedData(w, z + 1); if (g === -1) { Ext.apply(n, l) } else { Ext.apply(n[g], l) } } return x } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.data, "Model", Ext.data, "Record"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.proxy.Server", Ext.data.proxy.Proxy, { alternateClassName: "Ext.data.ServerProxy", pageParam: "page", startParam: "start", limitParam: "limit", groupParam: "group", groupDirectionParam: "groupDir", sortParam: "sort", filterParam: "filter", directionParam: "dir", idParam: "id", simpleSortMode: false, simpleGroupMode: false, noCache: true, cacheString: "_dc", timeout: 30000, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; a = a || {}; b.callParent([a]); b.extraParams = a.extraParams || {}; b.api = Ext.apply({}, a.api || b.api); b.nocache = b.noCache }, create: function () { return this.doRequest.apply(this, arguments) }, read: function () { return this.doRequest.apply(this, arguments) }, update: function () { return this.doRequest.apply(this, arguments) }, destroy: function () { return this.doRequest.apply(this, arguments) }, setExtraParam: function (a, b) { this.extraParams[a] = b }, buildRequest: function (a) { var c = this, d = a.params = Ext.apply({}, a.params, c.extraParams), b; Ext.applyIf(d, c.getParams(a)); if (a.id !== undefined && d[c.idParam] === undefined) { d[c.idParam] = a.id } b = new Ext.data.Request({ params: d, action: a.action, records: a.records, operation: a, url: a.url, proxy: c }); b.url = c.buildUrl(b); a.request = b; return b }, processResponse: function (h, a, c, b, g, j) { var e = this, d, k; if (h === true) { d = e.getReader(); d.applyDefaults = a.action === "read"; k = d.read(e.extractResponseData(b)); if (k.success !== false) { Ext.apply(a, { response: b, resultSet: k }); a.commitRecords(k.records); a.setCompleted(); a.setSuccessful() } else { a.setException(k.message); e.fireEvent("exception", this, b, a) } } else { e.setException(a, b); e.fireEvent("exception", this, b, a) } if (typeof g == "function") { g.call(j || e, a) } e.afterRequest(c, h) }, setException: function (b, a) { b.setException({ status: a.status, statusText: a.statusText }) }, extractResponseData: Ext.identityFn, applyEncoding: function (a) { return Ext.encode(a) }, encodeSorters: function (d) { var b = [], c = d.length, a = 0; for (; a < c; a++) { b[a] = { property: d[a].property, direction: d[a].direction } } return this.applyEncoding(b) }, encodeFilters: function (d) { var b = [], c = d.length, a = 0; for (; a < c; a++) { b[a] = { property: d[a].property, value: d[a].value } } return this.applyEncoding(b) }, getParams: function (q) { var x = this, w = {}, t = Ext.isDefined, u = q.groupers, a = q.sorters, o = q.filters, j = q.page, h = q.start, v = q.limit, m = x.simpleSortMode, d = x.simpleGroupMode, s = x.pageParam, g = x.startParam, b = x.limitParam, c = x.groupParam, n = x.groupDirectionParam, e = x.sortParam, r = x.filterParam, p = x.directionParam, l, k; if (s && t(j)) { w[s] = j } if (g && t(h)) { w[g] = h } if (b && t(v)) { w[b] = v } l = c && u && u.length > 0; if (l) { if (d) { w[c] = u[0].property; w[n] = u[0].direction || "ASC" } else { w[c] = x.encodeSorters(u) } } if (e && a && a.length > 0) { if (m) { k = 0; if (a.length > 1 && l) { k = 1 } w[e] = a[k].property; w[p] = a[k].direction } else { w[e] = x.encodeSorters(a) } } if (r && o && o.length > 0) { w[r] = x.encodeFilters(o) } return w }, buildUrl: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.getUrl(c); if (b.noCache) { a = Ext.urlAppend(a, Ext.String.format("{0}={1}", b.cacheString, Ext.Date.now())) } return a }, getUrl: function (a) { return a.url || this.api[a.action] || this.url }, doRequest: function (a, c, b) {}, afterRequest: Ext.emptyFn, onDestroy: function () { Ext.destroy(this.reader, this.writer) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["proxy.server"], 0, [Ext.data.proxy, "Server", Ext.data, "ServerProxy"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.proxy.Ajax", Ext.data.proxy.Server, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.data.HttpProxy", "Ext.data.AjaxProxy"], actionMethods: { create: "POST", read: "GET", update: "POST", destroy: "POST" }, binary: false, doRequest: function (a, e, b) { var d = this.getWriter(), c = this.buildRequest(a); if (a.allowWrite()) { c = d.write(c) } Ext.apply(c, { binary: this.binary, headers: this.headers, timeout: this.timeout, scope: this, callback: this.createRequestCallback(c, a, e, b), method: this.getMethod(c), disableCaching: false }); Ext.Ajax.request(c); return c }, getMethod: function (a) { return this.actionMethods[a.action] }, createRequestCallback: function (d, a, e, b) { var c = this; return function (h, j, g) { c.processResponse(j, a, d, g, e, b) } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["proxy.ajax"], 0, [Ext.data.proxy, "Ajax", Ext.data, "HttpProxy", Ext.data, "AjaxProxy"], function () { Ext.data.HttpProxy = this })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.proxy.Client", Ext.data.proxy.Proxy, { alternateClassName: "Ext.data.ClientProxy", isSynchronous: true, clear: function () {} }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.data.proxy, "Client", Ext.data, "ClientProxy"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.proxy.Memory", Ext.data.proxy.Client, { alternateClassName: "Ext.data.MemoryProxy", constructor: function (a) { this.callParent([a]); this.setReader(this.reader) }, updateOperation: function (b, g, d) { var c = 0, e = b.getRecords(), a = e.length; for (c; c < a; c++) { e[c].commit() } b.setCompleted(); b.setSuccessful(); Ext.callback(g, d || this, [b]) }, create: function () { this.updateOperation.apply(this, arguments) }, update: function () { this.updateOperation.apply(this, arguments) }, destroy: function () { this.updateOperation.apply(this, arguments) }, read: function (c, j, k) { var g = this, h = c.resultSet = g.getReader().read(g.data), b = h.records, e = c.sorters, d = c.groupers, a = c.filters; c.setCompleted(); if (h.success) { if (a && a.length) { b = h.records = Ext.Array.filter(b, Ext.util.Filter.createFilterFn(a)) } if (d && d.length) { e = e ? e.concat(d) : e } if (e && e.length) { h.records = Ext.Array.sort(b, Ext.util.Sortable.createComparator(e)) } if (g.enablePaging && c.start !== undefined && c.limit !== undefined) { if (c.start >= h.total) { h.success = false; h.count = 0; h.records = [] } else { h.records = Ext.Array.slice(h.records, c.start, c.start + c.limit); h.count = h.records.length } } } if (h.success) { c.setSuccessful() } else { g.fireEvent("exception", g, null, c) } Ext.callback(j, k || g, [c]) }, clear: Ext.emptyFn }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["proxy.memory"], 0, [Ext.data.proxy, "Memory", Ext.data, "MemoryProxy"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.LruCache", Ext.util.HashMap, { constructor: function (a) { Ext.apply(this, a); this.callParent([a]) }, add: function (b, e) { var d = this, a = d.findKey(e), c; if (a) { d.unlinkEntry(c = d.map[a]); c.prev = d.last; c.next = null } else { c = { prev: d.last, next: null, key: b, value: e } } if (d.last) { d.last.next = c } else { d.first = c } d.last = c; d.callParent([b, c]); d.prune(); return e }, insertBefore: function (b, g, c) { var e = this, a, d; if (c = this.map[this.findKey(c)]) { a = e.findKey(g); if (a) { e.unlinkEntry(d = e.map[a]) } else { d = { prev: c.prev, next: c, key: b, value: g } } if (c.prev) { d.prev.next = d } else { e.first = d } d.next = c; c.prev = d; e.prune(); return g } else { return e.add(b, g) } }, get: function (a) { var b = this.map[a]; if (b) { if (b.next) { this.moveToEnd(b) } return b.value } }, removeAtKey: function (a) { this.unlinkEntry(this.map[a]); return this.callParent(arguments) }, clear: function (a) { this.first = this.last = null; return this.callParent(arguments) }, unlinkEntry: function (a) { if (a) { if (a.next) { a.next.prev = a.prev } else { this.last = a.prev } if (a.prev) { a.prev.next = a.next } else { this.first = a.next } a.prev = a.next = null } }, moveToEnd: function (a) { this.unlinkEntry(a); if (a.prev = this.last) { this.last.next = a } else { this.first = a } this.last = a }, getArray: function (c) { var a = [], b = this.first; while (b) { a.push(c ? b.key : b.value); b = b.next } return a }, each: function (c, b, a) { var g = this, e = a ? g.last : g.first, d = g.length; b = b || g; while (e) { if (c.call(b, e.key, e.value, d) === false) { break } e = a ? e.prev : e.next } return g }, findKey: function (b) { var a, c = this.map; for (a in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(a) && c[a].value === b) { return a } } return undefined }, clone: function () { var a = new this.self(this.initialConfig), c = this.map, b; a.suspendEvents(); for (b in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(b)) { a.add(b, c[b].value) } } a.resumeEvents(); return a }, prune: function () { var a = this, b = a.maxSize ? (a.length - a.maxSize) : 0; if (b > 0) { for (; a.first && b; b--) { a.removeAtKey(a.first.key) } } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "LruCache"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.PageMap", Ext.util.LruCache, { clear: function (a) { var b = this; b.pageMapGeneration = (b.pageMapGeneration || 0) + 1; b.callParent(arguments) }, forEach: function (k, m) { var h = this, d = Ext.Object.getKeys(h.map), a = d.length, c, b, l, e, g; for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { d[c] = Number(d[c]) } Ext.Array.sort(d); m = m || h; for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { l = d[c]; e = h.getPage(l); g = e.length; for (b = 0; b < g; b++) { if (k.call(m, e[b], (l - 1) * h.pageSize + b) === false) { return } } } }, findBy: function (c, b) { var d = this, a = null; b = b || d; d.forEach(function (g, e) { if (c.call(b, g, e)) { a = g; return false } }); return a }, findIndexBy: function (c, b) { var d = this, a = -1; b = b || d; d.forEach(function (g, e) { if (c.call(b, g)) { a = e; return false } }); return a }, getPageFromRecordIndex: function () { return Ext.data.Store.prototype.getPageFromRecordIndex.apply(this, arguments) }, addAll: function (a) { this.addPage(1, a) }, addPage: function (a, b) { var d = this, g = a + Math.floor((b.length - 1) / d.pageSize), c, e; for (c = 0; a <= g; a++, c += d.pageSize) { e = Ext.Array.slice(b, c, c + d.pageSize); d.add(a, e); d.fireEvent("pageAdded", a, e) } }, getCount: function () { var a = this.callParent(); if (a) { a = (a - 1) * this.pageSize + this.last.value.length } return a }, indexOf: function (a) { return a ? a.index : -1 }, insert: function () {}, remove: function () {}, removeAt: function () {}, getPage: function (a) { return this.get(a) }, hasRange: function (d, b) { var a = this.getPageFromRecordIndex(d), c = this.getPageFromRecordIndex(b); for (; a <= c; a++) { if (!this.hasPage(a)) { return false } } return true }, hasPage: function (a) { return !!this.get(a) }, getAt: function (a) { return this.getRange(a, a)[0] }, getRange: function (a, b) { if (!this.hasRange(a, b)) { Ext.Error.raise("PageMap asked for range which it does not have") } var j = this, m = j.getPageFromRecordIndex(a), e = j.getPageFromRecordIndex(b), c = (m - 1) * j.pageSize, o = (e * j.pageSize) - 1, k = m, p = [], n, h, l, d = 0, g; for (; k <= e; k++) { if (k == m) { n = a - c; l = true } else { n = 0; l = false } if (k == e) { h = j.pageSize - (o - b); l = true } if (l) { Ext.Array.push(p, Ext.Array.slice(j.getPage(k), n, h)) } else { Ext.Array.push(p, j.getPage(k)) } } for (g = p.length; d < g; d++) { p[d].index = a++ } return p } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.data, "PageMap"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.Group", Ext.util.Observable, { key: undefined, dirty: true, constructor: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.records = [] }, contains: function (a) { return Ext.Array.indexOf(this.records, a) !== -1 }, add: function (a) { Ext.Array.push(this.records, a); this.dirty = true }, remove: function (b) { if (!Ext.isArray(b)) { b = [b] } var a = b.length, c; for (c = 0; c < a; ++c) { Ext.Array.remove(this.records, b[c]) } this.dirty = true }, isDirty: function () { return this.dirty }, hasAggregate: function () { return !!this.aggregate }, setDirty: function () { this.dirty = true }, commit: function () { this.dirty = false }, isCollapsed: function () { return this.collapsed }, getAggregateRecord: function (a) { var b = this, c; if (a === true || b.dirty || !b.aggregate) { c = b.store.model; b.aggregate = new c(); b.aggregate.isSummary = true } return b.aggregate } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.data, "Group"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.Store", Ext.data.AbstractStore, { remoteSort: false, remoteFilter: false, remoteGroup: false, groupField: undefined, groupDir: "ASC", trailingBufferZone: 25, leadingBufferZone: 200, pageSize: undefined, currentPage: 1, clearOnPageLoad: true, loading: false, sortOnFilter: true, buffered: false, purgePageCount: 5, clearRemovedOnLoad: true, defaultPageSize: 25, defaultViewSize: 100, addRecordsOptions: { addRecords: true }, statics: { recordIdFn: function (a) { return a.internalId }, recordIndexFn: function (a) { return a.index }, grouperIdFn: function (a) { return a.id || a.property }, groupIdFn: function (a) { return a.key } }, constructor: function (b) { b = Ext.apply({}, b); var d = this, g = b.groupers || d.groupers, a = b.groupField || d.groupField, c, e; e = b.data || d.data; if (e) { d.inlineData = e; delete b.data } if (!g && a) { g = [{ property: a, direction: b.groupDir || d.groupDir } ]; if (b.getGroupString || (d.getGroupString !== Ext.data.Store.prototype.getGroupString)) { g[0].getGroupString = function (h) { return d.getGroupString(h) } } } delete b.groupers; d.groupers = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, Ext.data.Store.grouperIdFn); d.groupers.addAll(d.decodeGroupers(g)); d.groups = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, Ext.data.Store.groupIdFn); d.callParent([b]); if (d.buffered) { d.data = new Ext.data.PageMap({ store: d, keyFn: Ext.data.Store.recordIdFn, pageSize: d.pageSize, maxSize: d.purgePageCount, listeners: { clear: d.onPageMapClear, scope: d } }); d.pageRequests = {}; d.remoteSort = d.remoteGroup = d.remoteFilter = true; d.sortOnLoad = false; d.filterOnLoad = false } else { d.data = new Ext.util.MixedCollection({ getKey: Ext.data.Store.recordIdFn, maintainIndices: true }); d.data.pageSize = d.pageSize } if (d.remoteGroup) { d.remoteSort = true } d.sorters.insert(0, d.groupers.getRange()); c = d.proxy; e = d.inlineData; if (!d.buffered && !d.pageSize) { d.pageSize = d.defaultPageSize } if (e) { if (c instanceof Ext.data.proxy.Memory) { c.data = e; d.read() } else { d.add.apply(d, [e]) } if (d.sorters.items.length && !d.remoteSort) { d.group(null, null, true) } delete d.inlineData } else { if (d.autoLoad) { Ext.defer(d.load, 1, d, [typeof d.autoLoad === "object" ? d.autoLoad : undefined]) } } }, onBeforeSort: function () { var a = this.groupers; if (a.getCount() > 0) { this.sort(a.items, "prepend", false) } }, decodeGroupers: function (e) { if (!Ext.isArray(e)) { if (e === undefined) { e = [] } else { e = [e] } } var d = e.length, g = Ext.util.Grouper, b, c, a = []; for (c = 0; c < d; c++) { b = e[c]; if (!(b instanceof g)) { if (Ext.isString(b)) { b = { property: b } } b = Ext.apply({ root: "data", direction: "ASC" }, b); if (b.fn) { b.sorterFn = b.fn } if (typeof b == "function") { b = { sorterFn: b } } a.push(new g(b)) } else { a.push(b) } } return a }, group: function (e, g, c) { var d = this, b, a; if (e) { d.sorters.removeAll(d.groupers.items); if (Ext.isArray(e)) { a = e } else { if (Ext.isObject(e)) { a = [e] } else { if (Ext.isString(e)) { b = d.groupers.get(e); if (!b) { b = { property: e, direction: g || "ASC" }; a = [b] } else { if (g === undefined) { b.toggle() } else { b.setDirection(g) } } } } } if (a && a.length) { d.groupers.clear(); d.groupers.addAll(d.decodeGroupers(a)) } d.sorters.insert(0, d.groupers.items) } if (d.remoteGroup) { if (d.buffered) { d.data.clear(); d.loadPage(1, { groupChange: true }) } else { d.load({ scope: d, callback: c ? null : d.fireGroupChange }) } } else { d.doSort(d.generateComparator()); d.constructGroups(); if (!c) { d.fireGroupChange() } } }, getGroupField: function () { var b = this.groupers.first(), a; if (b) { a = b.property } return a }, constructGroups: function () { var e = this, g = this.data.items, c = g.length, b = e.groups, a, d, h, j; b.clear(); if (e.isGrouped()) { for (d = 0; d < c; ++d) { j = g[d]; a = e.getGroupString(j); h = b.get(a); if (!h) { h = new Ext.data.Group({ key: a, store: e }); b.add(a, h) } h.add(j) } } }, clearGrouping: function () { var c = this, d = c.groupers.items, b = d.length, a; for (a = 0; a < b; a++) { c.sorters.remove(d[a]) } c.groupers.clear(); if (c.remoteGroup) { if (c.buffered) { c.data.clear(); c.loadPage(1, { groupChange: true }) } else { c.load({ scope: c, callback: c.fireGroupChange }) } } else { c.groups.clear(); if (c.sorters.length) { c.sort() } else { c.fireEvent("datachanged", c); c.fireEvent("refresh", c) } c.fireGroupChange() } }, isGrouped: function () { return this.groupers.getCount() > 0 }, fireGroupChange: function () { this.fireEvent("groupchange", this, this.groupers) }, getGroups: function (b) { var d = this.data.items, a = d.length, c = [], k = {}, g, h, j, e; for (e = 0; e < a; e++) { g = d[e]; h = this.getGroupString(g); j = k[h]; if (j === undefined) { j = { name: h, children: [] }; c.push(j); k[h] = j } j.children.push(g) } return b ? k[b] : c }, getGroupsForGrouper: function (g, b) { var d = g.length, e = [], a, c, j, k, h; for (h = 0; h < d; h++) { j = g[h]; c = b.getGroupString(j); if (c !== a) { k = { name: c, grouper: b, records: [] }; e.push(k) } k.records.push(j); a = c } return e }, getGroupsForGrouperIndex: function (c, j) { var g = this, h = g.groupers, b = h.getAt(j), a = g.getGroupsForGrouper(c, b), e = a.length, d; if (j + 1 < h.length) { for (d = 0; d < e; d++) { a[d].children = g.getGroupsForGrouperIndex(a[d].records, j + 1) } } for (d = 0; d < e; d++) { a[d].depth = j } return a }, getGroupData: function (a) { var b = this; if (a !== false) { b.sort() } return b.getGroupsForGrouperIndex(b.data.items, 0) }, getGroupString: function (a) { var b = this.groupers.first(); if (b) { return b.getGroupString(a) } return "" }, insert: function (g, a) { var j = this, k = false, d, h, e, b = j.modelDefaults, c; if (!Ext.isIterable(a)) { c = a = [a] } else { c = [] } h = a.length; if (h) { for (d = 0; d < h; d++) { e = a[d]; if (!e.isModel) { e = j.createModel(e) } c[d] = e; if (b) { e.set(b) } e.join(j); k = k || e.phantom === true } j.data.insert(g, c); if (j.snapshot) { j.snapshot.addAll(c) } if (j.requireSort) { j.suspendEvents(); j.sort(); j.resumeEvents() } if (j.isGrouped()) { j.updateGroupsOnAdd(c) } j.fireEvent("add", j, c, g); j.fireEvent("datachanged", j); if (j.autoSync && k && !j.autoSyncSuspended) { j.sync() } } return c }, updateGroupsOnAdd: function (c) { var e = this, b = e.groups, a = c.length, d, j, g, h; for (d = 0; d < a; ++d) { h = c[d]; j = e.getGroupString(h); g = b.getByKey(j); if (!g) { g = b.add(new Ext.data.Group({ key: j, store: e })) } g.add(h) } }, updateGroupsOnRemove: function (c) { var e = this, b = e.groups, a = c.length, d, j, g, h; for (d = 0; d < a; ++d) { h = c[d]; j = e.getGroupString(h); g = b.getByKey(j); if (g) { g.remove(h); if (g.records.length === 0) { b.remove(g) } } } }, updateGroupsOnUpdate: function (e, c) { var j = this, a = j.getGroupField(), l = j.getGroupString(e), b = j.groups, g, d, h, k; if (c && Ext.Array.indexOf(c, a) !== -1) { if (j.buffered) { Ext.Error.raise({ msg: "Cannot move records between groups in a buffered store record" }) } h = b.items; for (d = 0, g = h.length; d < g; ++d) { k = h[d]; if (k.contains(e)) { k.remove(e); break } } k = b.getByKey(l); if (!k) { k = b.add(new Ext.data.Group({ key: l, store: j })) } k.add(e); j.data.remove(e); j.data.insert(j.data.findInsertionIndex(e, j.generateComparator()), e); for (d = 0, g = this.getCount(); d < g; d++) { j.data.items[d].index = d } } else { b.getByKey(l).setDirty() } }, add: function (a) { var d = this, b, c, e; if (Ext.isArray(a)) { b = a } else { b = arguments } c = b.length; e = !d.remoteSort && d.sorters && d.sorters.items.length; if (e && c === 1) { return [d.addSorted(d.createModel(b[0]))] } if (e) { d.requireSort = true } b = d.insert(d.data.length, b); delete d.requireSort; return b }, addSorted: function (a) { var c = this, b = c.data.findInsertionIndex(a, c.generateComparator()); c.insert(b, a); return a }, createModel: function (a) { if (!a.isModel) { a = Ext.ModelManager.create(a, this.model) } return a }, onUpdate: function (a, b, c) { if (this.isGrouped()) { this.updateGroupsOnUpdate(a, c) } }, each: function (e, c) { var g = this.data.items, b = g.length, a, h; for (h = 0; h < b; h++) { a = g[h]; if (e.call(c || a, a, h, b) === false) { break } } }, remove: function (o, l, p) { l = l === true; var t = this, j = false, d = t.snapshot, u = t.data, n = 0, c, q = [], s = [], e = [], r, m, g, b, k, h, a = !p && t.hasListeners.remove; if (o.isModel) { o = [o]; c = 1 } else { if (Ext.isIterable(o)) { c = o.length } else { if (typeof o === "object") { k = true; n = o.start; c = o.end + 1; h = c - n } } } if (!k) { for (n = 0; n < c; ++n) { b = o[n]; if (typeof b == "number") { g = b; b = u.getAt(g) } else { g = t.indexOf(b) } if (b && g > -1) { q.push({ record: b, index: g }) } if (d) { d.remove(b) } } q = Ext.Array.sort(q, function (w, v) { var y = w.index, x = v.index; return y === v.index2 ? 0 : (y < x ? -1 : 1) }); n = 0; c = q.length } for (; n < c; n++) { if (k) { b = u.getAt(n); g = n } else { r = q[n]; b = r.record; g = r.index } s.push(b); e.push(g); m = b.phantom !== true; if (!l && m) { b.removedFrom = g; t.removed.push(b) } b.unjoin(t); g -= n; j = j || m; if (!k) { u.removeAt(g); if (a) { t.fireEvent("remove", t, b, g, !!l) } } } if (k) { u.removeRange(o.start, h) } if (!p) { t.fireEvent("bulkremove", t, s, e, !!l); t.fireEvent("datachanged", t) } if (!l && t.autoSync && j && !t.autoSyncSuspended) { t.sync() } }, removeAt: function (a, c) { var b = this, d = b.getCount(); if (a <= d) { if (arguments.length === 1) { b.remove([a]) } else { if (c) { b.remove({ start: a, end: Math.min(a + c, d) - 1 }) } } } }, removeAll: function (b) { var c = this, a = c.snapshot, d = c.data; if (a) { a.removeAll(d.getRange()) } if (c.buffered) { if (d) { if (b) { c.suspendEvent("clear") } d.clear(); if (b) { c.resumeEvent("clear") } } } else { c.remove({ start: 0, end: c.getCount() - 1 }, false, b); if (b !== true) { c.fireEvent("clear", c) } } }, load: function (a) { var b = this; a = a || {}; if (typeof a == "function") { a = { callback: a } } a.groupers = a.groupers || b.groupers.items; a.page = a.page || b.currentPage; a.start = (a.start !== undefined) ? a.start : (a.page - 1) * b.pageSize; a.limit = a.limit || b.pageSize; a.addRecords = a.addRecords || false; if (b.buffered) { a.limit = b.viewSize || b.defaultViewSize; return b.loadToPrefetch(a) } return b.callParent([a]) }, reload: function (m) { var h = this, j, b, g, l, d, a, k, c, e = h.getCount(); if (!m) { m = {} } if (h.buffered) { delete h.totalCount; a = function () { if (h.rangeCached(j, b)) { h.loading = false; h.data.un("pageAdded", a); c = h.data.getRange(j, b); h.fireEvent("load", h, c, true) } }; k = Math.ceil((h.leadingBufferZone + h.trailingBufferZone) / 2); j = m.start || (e ? h.getAt(0).index : 0); b = j + (m.count || (e ? e : h.pageSize)) - 1; g = h.getPageFromRecordIndex(Math.max(j - k, 0)); l = h.getPageFromRecordIndex(b + k); h.data.clear(true); if (h.fireEvent("beforeload", h, m) !== false) { h.loading = true; h.data.on("pageAdded", a); for (d = g; d <= l; d++) { h.prefetchPage(d, m) } } } else { return h.callParent(arguments) } }, onProxyLoad: function (b) { var d = this, c = b.getResultSet(), a = b.getRecords(), e = b.wasSuccessful(); if (d.isDestroyed) { return } if (c) { d.totalCount = c.total } d.loading = false; if (e) { d.loadRecords(a, b) } if (d.hasListeners.load) { d.fireEvent("load", d, a, e) } if (d.hasListeners.read) { d.fireEvent("read", d, a, e) } Ext.callback(b.callback, b.scope || d, [a, b, e]) }, getNewRecords: function () { return this.data.filterBy(this.filterNew).items }, getUpdatedRecords: function () { return this.data.filterBy(this.filterUpdated).items }, filter: function (e, g) { if (Ext.isString(e)) { e = { property: e, value: g } } var d = this, a = d.decodeFilters(e), b, h = d.sorters.length && d.sortOnFilter && !d.remoteSort, c = a.length; for (b = 0; b < c; b++) { d.filters.replace(a[b]) } e = d.filters.items; if (e.length) { if (d.remoteFilter) { delete d.totalCount; if (d.buffered) { d.data.clear(); d.loadPage(1) } else { d.currentPage = 1; d.load() } } else { d.snapshot = d.snapshot || d.data.clone(); d.data = d.snapshot.filter(e); d.constructGroups(); if (h) { d.sort() } else { d.fireEvent("datachanged", d); d.fireEvent("refresh", d) } } d.fireEvent("filterchange", d, e) } }, clearFilter: function (a) { var b = this; b.filters.clear(); if (b.remoteFilter) { if (a) { return } delete b.totalCount; if (b.buffered) { b.data.clear(); b.loadPage(1) } else { b.currentPage = 1; b.load() } } else { if (b.isFiltered()) { b.data = b.snapshot; delete b.snapshot; b.constructGroups(); if (a !== true) { b.fireEvent("datachanged", b); b.fireEvent("refresh", b) } } } b.fireEvent("filterchange", b, b.filters.items) }, removeFilter: function (b, a) { var c = this; if (!c.remoteFilter && c.isFiltered()) { if (b instanceof Ext.util.Filter) { c.filters.remove(b) } else { c.filters.removeAtKey(b) } if (a !== false) { if (c.filters.length) { c.filter() } else { c.clearFilter() } } else { c.fireEvent("filterchange", c, c.filters.items) } } }, addFilter: function (g, a) { var e = this, b, c, d; b = e.decodeFilters(g); d = b.length; for (c = 0; c < d; c++) { e.filters.replace(b[c]) } if (a !== false && e.filters.length) { e.filter() } else { e.fireEvent("filterchange", e, e.filters.items) } }, isFiltered: function () { var a = this.snapshot; return !!(a && a !== this.data) }, filterBy: function (b, a) { var c = this; c.snapshot = c.snapshot || c.data.clone(); c.data = c.queryBy(b, a || c); c.fireEvent("datachanged", c); c.fireEvent("refresh", c) }, queryBy: function (b, a) { var c = this; return (c.snapshot || c.data).filterBy(b, a || c) }, query: function (h, g, j, a, e) { var d = this, b = d.createFilterFn(h, g, j, a, e), c = d.queryBy(b); if (!c) { c = new Ext.util.MixedCollection() } return c }, loadData: function (e, a) { var d = e.length, c = [], b; for (b = 0; b < d; b++) { c.push(this.createModel(e[b])) } this.loadRecords(c, a ? this.addRecordsOptions : undefined) }, loadRawData: function (e, b) { var d = this, a = d.proxy.reader.read(e), c = a.records; if (a.success) { d.totalCount = a.total; d.loadRecords(c, b ? d.addRecordsOptions : undefined) } }, loadRecords: function (b, c) { var h = this, d = 0, g = b.length, j, e, a = h.snapshot; if (c) { j = c.start; e = c.addRecords } if (!e) { delete h.snapshot; h.clearData(true) } else { if (a) { a.addAll(b) } } h.data.addAll(b); if (j !== undefined) { for (; d < g; d++) { b[d].index = j + d; b[d].join(h) } } else { for (; d < g; d++) { b[d].join(h) } } h.suspendEvents(); if (h.filterOnLoad && !h.remoteFilter) { h.filter() } if (h.sortOnLoad && !h.remoteSort) { h.sort(undefined, undefined, undefined, true) } h.resumeEvents(); if (h.isGrouped()) { h.constructGroups() } h.fireEvent("datachanged", h); h.fireEvent("refresh", h) }, loadPage: function (c, a) { var b = this; b.currentPage = c; a = Ext.apply({ page: c, start: (c - 1) * b.pageSize, limit: b.pageSize, addRecords: !b.clearOnPageLoad }, a); if (b.buffered) { a.limit = b.viewSize || b.defaultViewSize; return b.loadToPrefetch(a) } b.read(a) }, nextPage: function (a) { this.loadPage(this.currentPage + 1, a) }, previousPage: function (a) { this.loadPage(this.currentPage - 1, a) }, clearData: function (d) { var c = this, a, b; if (!c.buffered && c.data) { a = c.data.items; b = a.length; while (b--) { a[b].unjoin(c) } } if (c.data) { c.data.clear() } if (d !== true || c.clearRemovedOnLoad) { c.removed.length = 0 } }, loadToPrefetch: function (n) { var j = this, e, b, l, c = n, k = n.start, a = n.start + n.limit - 1, g = Math.min(a, n.start + (j.viewSize || n.limit) - 1), h = j.getPageFromRecordIndex(Math.max(k - j.trailingBufferZone, 0)), m = j.getPageFromRecordIndex(a + j.leadingBufferZone), d = function () { if (j.rangeCached(k, g)) { j.loading = false; b = j.data.getRange(k, g); j.data.un("pageAdded", d); if (j.hasListeners.guaranteedrange) { j.guaranteeRange(k, g, n.callback, n.scope) } if (n.callback) { n.callback.call(n.scope || j, b, k, a, n) } j.fireEvent("datachanged", j); j.fireEvent("refresh", j); j.fireEvent("load", j, b, true); if (n.groupChange) { j.fireGroupChange() } } }; if (j.fireEvent("beforeload", j, n) !== false) { delete j.totalCount; j.loading = true; if (n.callback) { c = Ext.apply({}, n); delete c.callback } j.on("prefetch", function (q, p, r, o) { if (r) { if ((l = j.getTotalCount())) { j.data.on("pageAdded", d); g = Math.min(g, l - 1); m = j.getPageFromRecordIndex(Math.min(g + j.leadingBufferZone, l - 1)); for (e = h + 1; e <= m; ++e) { j.prefetchPage(e, c) } } else { j.fireEvent("datachanged", j); j.fireEvent("refresh", j); j.fireEvent("load", j, p, true) } } else { j.fireEvent("load", j, p, false) } }, null, { single: true }); j.prefetchPage(h, c) } }, prefetch: function (c) { var e = this, a = e.pageSize, d, b; if (a) { if (e.lastPageSize && a != e.lastPageSize) { Ext.Error.raise("pageSize cannot be dynamically altered") } if (!e.data.pageSize) { e.data.pageSize = a } } else { e.pageSize = e.data.pageSize = a = c.limit } e.lastPageSize = a; if (!c.page) { c.page = e.getPageFromRecordIndex(c.start); c.start = (c.page - 1) * a; c.limit = Math.ceil(c.limit / a) * a } if (!e.pageRequests[c.page]) { c = Ext.apply({ action: "read", filters: e.filters.items, sorters: e.sorters.items, groupers: e.groupers.items, pageMapGeneration: e.data.pageMapGeneration }, c); b = new Ext.data.Operation(c); if (e.fireEvent("beforeprefetch", e, b) !== false) { d = e.proxy; e.pageRequests[c.page] = d.read(b, e.onProxyPrefetch, e); if (d.isSynchronous) { delete e.pageRequests[c.page] } } } return e }, onPageMapClear: function () { var d = this, c = d.wasLoading, a = d.pageRequests, b, e; if (d.data.events.pageadded) { d.data.events.pageadded.clearListeners() } d.loading = true; d.totalCount = 0; for (e in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(e)) { b = a[e]; delete a[e]; delete b.callback } } d.fireEvent("clear", d); d.loading = c }, prefetchPage: function (e, b) { var d = this, a = d.pageSize || d.defaultPageSize, g = (e - 1) * d.pageSize, c = d.totalCount; if (c !== undefined && d.getCount() === c) { return } d.prefetch(Ext.applyIf({ page: e, start: g, limit: a }, b)) }, onProxyPrefetch: function (b) { var d = this, c = b.getResultSet(), a = b.getRecords(), g = b.wasSuccessful(), e = b.page; if (b.pageMapGeneration === d.data.pageMapGeneration) { if (c) { d.totalCount = c.total; d.fireEvent("totalcountchange", d.totalCount) } if (e !== undefined) { delete d.pageRequests[e] } d.loading = false; d.fireEvent("prefetch", d, a, g, b); if (g) { d.cachePage(a, b.page) } Ext.callback(b.callback, b.scope || d, [a, b, g]) } }, cachePage: function (b, e) { var d = this, a = b.length, c; if (!Ext.isDefined(d.totalCount)) { d.totalCount = b.length; d.fireEvent("totalcountchange", d.totalCount) } for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { b[c].join(d) } d.data.addPage(e, b) }, rangeCached: function (b, a) { return this.data && this.data.hasRange(b, a) }, pageCached: function (a) { return this.data && this.data.hasPage(a) }, pagePending: function (a) { return !!this.pageRequests[a] }, rangeSatisfied: function (b, a) { return this.rangeCached(b, a) }, getPageFromRecordIndex: function (a) { return Math.floor(a / this.pageSize) + 1 }, onGuaranteedRange: function (d) { var e = this, b = e.getTotalCount(), g = d.prefetchStart, a = (d.prefetchEnd > b - 1) ? b - 1 : d.prefetchEnd, c; a = Math.max(0, a); c = e.data.getRange(g, a); if (d.fireEvent !== false) { e.fireEvent("guaranteedrange", c, g, a, d) } if (d.callback) { d.callback.call(d.scope || e, c, g, a, d) } }, guaranteeRange: function (e, a, d, c, b) { b = Ext.apply({ callback: d, scope: c }, b); this.getRange(e, a, b) }, prefetchRange: function (g, b) { var d = this, c, a, e; if (!d.rangeCached(g, b)) { c = d.getPageFromRecordIndex(g); a = d.getPageFromRecordIndex(b); d.data.maxSize = d.purgePageCount ? (a - c + 1) + d.purgePageCount : 0; for (e = c; e <= a; e++) { if (!d.pageCached(e)) { d.prefetchPage(e) } } } }, primeCache: function (d, a, c) { var b = this; if (c === -1) { d = Math.max(d - b.leadingBufferZone, 0); a = Math.min(a + b.trailingBufferZone, b.totalCount - 1) } else { if (c === 1) { d = Math.max(Math.min(d - b.trailingBufferZone, b.totalCount - b.pageSize), 0); a = Math.min(a + b.leadingBufferZone, b.totalCount - 1) } else { d = Math.min(Math.max(Math.floor(d - ((b.leadingBufferZone + b.trailingBufferZone) / 2)), 0), b.totalCount - b.pageSize); a = Math.min(Math.max(Math.ceil(a + ((b.leadingBufferZone + b.trailingBufferZone) / 2)), 0), b.totalCount - 1) } } b.prefetchRange(d, a) }, sort: function () { var a = this; if (a.buffered && a.remoteSort) { a.data.clear() } return a.callParent(arguments) }, doSort: function (b) { var e = this, a, d, c; if (e.remoteSort) { if (e.buffered) { e.data.clear(); e.loadPage(1) } else { e.load() } } else { e.data.sortBy(b); if (!e.buffered) { a = e.getRange(); d = a.length; for (c = 0; c < d; c++) { a[c].index = c } } e.fireEvent("datachanged", e); e.fireEvent("refresh", e) } }, find: function (e, d, h, g, a, c) { var b = this.createFilterFn(e, d, g, a, c); return b ? this.data.findIndexBy(b, null, h) : -1 }, findRecord: function () { var b = this, a = b.find.apply(b, arguments); return a !== -1 ? b.getAt(a) : null }, createFilterFn: function (d, c, e, a, b) { if (Ext.isEmpty(c)) { return false } c = this.data.createValueMatcher(c, e, a, b); return function (g) { return c.test(g.data[d]) } }, findExact: function (b, a, c) { return this.data.findIndexBy(function (d) { return d.isEqual(d.get(b), a) }, this, c) }, findBy: function (b, a, c) { return this.data.findIndexBy(b, a, c) }, collect: function (b, a, c) { var d = this, e = (c === true && d.snapshot) ? d.snapshot : d.data; return e.collect(b, "data", a) }, getCount: function () { return this.data.getCount() }, getTotalCount: function () { return this.totalCount || 0 }, getAt: function (a) { return this.data.getAt(a) }, getRange: function (c, g, l) { var h = this, j, b, d = h.totalCount - 1, e = h.lastRequestStart, a, k; l = Ext.apply({ prefetchStart: c, prefetchEnd: g }, l); if (h.buffered) { g = (g >= h.totalCount) ? d : g; j = c === 0 ? 0 : c - 1; b = g === d ? g : g + 1; h.lastRequestStart = c; if (h.rangeCached(j, b)) { h.onGuaranteedRange(l); k = h.data.getRange(c, g) } else { h.fireEvent("cachemiss", h, c, g); a = function (n, m) { if (h.rangeCached(j, b)) { h.fireEvent("cachefilled", h, c, g); h.data.un("pageAdded", a); h.onGuaranteedRange(l) } }; h.data.on("pageAdded", a); h.prefetchRange(c, g) } h.primeCache(c, g, c < e ? -1 : 1) } else { k = h.data.getRange(c, g); if (l.callback) { l.callback.call(l.scope || h, k, c, g, l) } } return k }, getById: function (b) { var a = (this.snapshot || this.data).findBy(function (c) { return c.getId() === b }); return a }, indexOf: function (a) { return this.data.indexOf(a) }, indexOfTotal: function (a) { var b = a.index; if (b || b === 0) { return b } return this.indexOf(a) }, indexOfId: function (a) { return this.indexOf(this.getById(a)) }, first: function (a) { var b = this; if (a && b.isGrouped()) { return b.aggregate(function (c) { return c.length ? c[0] : undefined }, b, true) } else { return b.data.first() } }, last: function (a) { var b = this; if (a && b.isGrouped()) { return b.aggregate(function (d) { var c = d.length; return c ? d[c - 1] : undefined }, b, true) } else { return b.data.last() } }, sum: function (c, a) { var b = this; if (a && b.isGrouped()) { return b.aggregate(b.getSum, b, true, [c]) } else { return b.getSum(b.data.items, c) } }, getSum: function (b, e) { var d = 0, c = 0, a = b.length; for (; c < a; ++c) { d += b[c].get(e) } return d }, count: function (a) { var b = this; if (a && b.isGrouped()) { return b.aggregate(function (c) { return c.length }, b, true) } else { return b.getCount() } }, min: function (c, a) { var b = this; if (a && b.isGrouped()) { return b.aggregate(b.getMin, b, true, [c]) } else { return b.getMin(b.data.items, c) } }, getMin: function (b, g) { var d = 1, a = b.length, e, c; if (a > 0) { c = b[0].get(g) } for (; d < a; ++d) { e = b[d].get(g); if (e < c) { c = e } } return c }, max: function (c, a) { var b = this; if (a && b.isGrouped()) { return b.aggregate(b.getMax, b, true, [c]) } else { return b.getMax(b.data.items, c) } }, getMax: function (c, g) { var d = 1, b = c.length, e, a; if (b > 0) { a = c[0].get(g) } for (; d < b; ++d) { e = c[d].get(g); if (e > a) { a = e } } return a }, average: function (c, a) { var b = this; if (a && b.isGrouped()) { return b.aggregate(b.getAverage, b, true, [c]) } else { return b.getAverage(b.data.items, c) } }, getAverage: function (b, e) { var c = 0, a = b.length, d = 0; if (b.length > 0) { for (; c < a; ++c) { d += b[c].get(e) } return d / a } return 0 }, aggregate: function (h, k, e, g) { g = g || []; if (e && this.isGrouped()) { var a = this.getGroups(), d = a.length, b = {}, j, c; for (c = 0; c < d; ++c) { j = a[c]; b[j.name] = this.getAggregate(h, k || this, j.children, g) } return b } else { return this.getAggregate(h, k, this.data.items, g) } }, getAggregate: function (d, c, a, b) { b = b || []; return d.apply(c || this, [a].concat(b)) }, onIdChanged: function (e, d, c, b) { var a = this.snapshot; if (a) { a.updateKey(b, c) } this.data.updateKey(b, c); this.callParent(arguments) }, commitChanges: function () { var c = this, d = c.getModifiedRecords(), a = d.length, b = 0; for (; b < a; b++) { d[b].commit() } c.removed.length = 0 }, filterNewOnly: function (a) { return a.phantom === true }, getRejectRecords: function () { return Ext.Array.push(this.data.filterBy(this.filterNewOnly).items, this.getUpdatedRecords()) }, rejectChanges: function () { var c = this, d = c.getRejectRecords(), a = d.length, b = 0, e; for (; b < a; b++) { e = d[b]; e.reject(); if (e.phantom) { c.remove(e) } } d = c.removed; a = d.length; for (b = 0; b < a; b++) { e = d[b]; c.insert(e.removedFrom || 0, e); e.reject() } c.removed.length = 0 } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["store.store"], 0, [Ext.data, "Store"], function () { Ext.regStore("ext-empty-store", { fields: [], proxy: "memory" }) })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.reader.Array", Ext.data.reader.Json, { alternateClassName: "Ext.data.ArrayReader", totalProperty: undefined, successProperty: undefined, createFieldAccessExpression: function (e, c, b) { var d = (e.mapping == null) ? e.originalIndex : e.mapping, a; if (typeof d === "function") { a = c + ".mapping(" + b + ", this)" } else { if (isNaN(d)) { d = '"' + d + '"' } a = b + "[" + d + "]" } return a } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["reader.array"], 0, [Ext.data.reader, "Array", Ext.data, "ArrayReader"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.ArrayStore", Ext.data.Store, { constructor: function (a) { a = Ext.apply({ proxy: { type: "memory", reader: "array" } }, a); this.callParent([a]) }, loadData: function (e, a) { if (this.expandData === true) { var d = [], b = 0, c = e.length; for (; b < c; b++) { d[d.length] = [e[b]] } e = d } this.callParent([e, a]) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["store.array"], 0, [Ext.data, "ArrayStore"], function () { Ext.data.SimpleStore = Ext.data.ArrayStore })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.Batch", Ext.Base, { autoStart: false, pauseOnException: false, current: -1, total: 0, isRunning: false, isComplete: false, hasException: false, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; b.mixins.observable.constructor.call(b, a); b.operations = []; b.exceptions = [] }, add: function (a) { this.total++; a.setBatch(this); this.operations.push(a); return this }, start: function (a) { var b = this; if (b.isRunning) { return b } b.exceptions.length = 0; b.hasException = false; b.isRunning = true; return b.runOperation(Ext.isDefined(a) ? a : b.current + 1) }, retry: function () { return this.start(this.current) }, runNextOperation: function () { return this.runOperation(this.current + 1) }, pause: function () { this.isRunning = false; return this }, runOperation: function (d) { var e = this, c = e.operations, b = c[d], a; if (b === undefined) { e.isRunning = false; e.isComplete = true; e.fireEvent("complete", e, c[c.length - 1]) } else { e.current = d; a = function (g) { var h = g.hasException(); if (h) { e.hasException = true; e.exceptions.push(g); e.fireEvent("exception", e, g) } if (h && e.pauseOnException) { e.pause() } else { g.setCompleted(); e.fireEvent("operationcomplete", e, g); e.runNextOperation() } }; b.setStarted(); e.proxy[b.action](b, a, e) } return e } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.data, "Batch"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.BufferStore", Ext.data.Store, { sortOnLoad: false, filterOnLoad: false, constructor: function () { Ext.Error.raise("The BufferStore class has been deprecated. Instead, specify the buffered config option on Ext.data.Store") } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["store.buffer"], 0, [Ext.data, "BufferStore"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.direct.Manager", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, exceptions: { TRANSPORT: "xhr", PARSE: "parse", DATA: "data", LOGIN: "login", SERVER: "exception" }, constructor: function () { var a = this; a.addEvents("event", "exception"); a.transactions = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); a.providers = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); a.mixins.observable.constructor.call(a) }, addProvider: function (g) { var d = this, b = arguments, e = d.relayers || (d.relayers = {}), c, a; if (b.length > 1) { for (c = 0, a = b.length; c < a; ++c) { d.addProvider(b[c]) } return } if (!g.isProvider) { g = Ext.create("direct." + g.type + "provider", g) } d.providers.add(g); g.on("data", d.onProviderData, d); if (g.relayedEvents) { e[g.id] = d.relayEvents(g, g.relayedEvents) } if (!g.isConnected()) { g.connect() } return g }, getProvider: function (a) { return a.isProvider ? a : this.providers.get(a) }, removeProvider: function (d) { var b = this, a = b.providers, c = b.relayers, e; d = d.isProvider ? d : a.get(d); if (d) { d.un("data", b.onProviderData, b); e = d.id; if (c[e]) { c[e].destroy(); delete c[e] } a.remove(d); return d } return null }, addTransaction: function (a) { this.transactions.add(a); return a }, removeTransaction: function (b) { var a = this; b = a.getTransaction(b); a.transactions.remove(b); return b }, getTransaction: function (a) { return typeof a === "object" ? a : this.transactions.get(a) }, onProviderData: function (e, d) { var c = this, b, a; if (Ext.isArray(d)) { for (b = 0, a = d.length; b < a; ++b) { c.onProviderData(e, d[b]) } return } if (d.name && d.name != "event" && d.name != "exception") { c.fireEvent(d.name, d) } else { if (d.status === false) { c.fireEvent("exception", d) } } c.fireEvent("event", d, e) }, parseMethod: function (c) { if (Ext.isString(c)) { var e = c.split("."), b = 0, a = e.length, d = Ext.global; while (d && b < a) { d = d[e[b]]; ++b } c = Ext.isFunction(d) ? d : null } return c || null } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.direct, "Manager"], function () { Ext.Direct = Ext.direct.Manager })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.proxy.Direct", Ext.data.proxy.Server, { alternateClassName: "Ext.data.DirectProxy", paramOrder: undefined, paramsAsHash: true, directFn: undefined, paramOrderRe: /[\s,|]/, constructor: function (b) { var c = this, a; c.callParent(arguments); a = c.paramOrder; if (Ext.isString(a)) { c.paramOrder = a.split(c.paramOrderRe) } }, resolveMethods: function () { var d = this, c = d.directFn, b = d.api, a = Ext.direct.Manager, e; if (c) { e = d.directFn = a.parseMethod(c); if (!Ext.isFunction(e)) { Ext.Error.raise("Cannot resolve directFn " + c) } } else { if (b) { for (c in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(c)) { e = b[c]; b[c] = a.parseMethod(e); if (!Ext.isFunction(b[c])) { Ext.Error.raise("Cannot resolve Direct api " + c + " method " + e) } } } } } d.methodsResolved = true }, doRequest: function (d, k, l) { var h = this, b = h.getWriter(), e = h.buildRequest(d), c = e.params, g = [], j, a; if (!h.methodsResolved) { h.resolveMethods() } j = h.api[e.action] || h.directFn; if (d.allowWrite()) { e = b.write(e) } if (d.action == "read") { a = j.directCfg.method; g = a.getArgs(c, h.paramOrder, h.paramsAsHash) } else { g.push(e.jsonData) } Ext.apply(e, { args: g, directFn: j }); g.push(h.createRequestCallback(e, d, k, l), h); j.apply(window, g) }, applyEncoding: Ext.identityFn, createRequestCallback: function (d, a, e, b) { var c = this; return function (h, g) { c.processResponse(g.status, a, d, g, e, b) } }, extractResponseData: function (a) { return Ext.isDefined(a.result) ? a.result : a.data }, setException: function (b, a) { b.setException(a.message) }, buildUrl: function () { return "" } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["proxy.direct"], 0, [Ext.data.proxy, "Direct", Ext.data, "DirectProxy"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.DirectStore", Ext.data.Store, { constructor: function (a) { a = Ext.apply({}, a); if (!a.proxy) { var b = { type: "direct", reader: { type: "json" } }; Ext.copyTo(b, a, "paramOrder,paramsAsHash,directFn,api,simpleSortMode"); Ext.copyTo(b.reader, a, "totalProperty,root,idProperty"); a.proxy = b } this.callParent([a]) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["store.direct"], 0, [Ext.data, "DirectStore"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.JsonP", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, requestCount: 0, requests: {}, timeout: 30000, disableCaching: true, disableCachingParam: "_dc", callbackKey: "callback", request: function (o) { o = Ext.apply({}, o); var k = this, d = Ext.isDefined(o.disableCaching) ? o.disableCaching : k.disableCaching, h = o.disableCachingParam || k.disableCachingParam, c = ++k.requestCount, m = o.callbackName || "callback" + c, j = o.callbackKey || k.callbackKey, n = Ext.isDefined(o.timeout) ? o.timeout : k.timeout, e = Ext.apply({}, o.params), b = o.url, a = Ext.name, g, l; if (d && !e[h]) { e[h] = Ext.Date.now() } o.params = e; e[j] = a + ".data.JsonP." + m; l = k.createScript(b, e, o); k.requests[c] = g = { url: b, params: e, script: l, id: c, scope: o.scope, success: o.success, failure: o.failure, callback: o.callback, callbackKey: j, callbackName: m }; if (n > 0) { g.timeout = setTimeout(Ext.bind(k.handleTimeout, k, [g]), n) } k.setupErrorHandling(g); k[m] = Ext.bind(k.handleResponse, k, [g], true); k.loadScript(g); return g }, abort: function (c) { var b = this, d = b.requests, a; if (c) { if (!c.id) { c = d[c] } b.handleAbort(c) } else { for (a in d) { if (d.hasOwnProperty(a)) { b.abort(d[a]) } } } }, setupErrorHandling: function (a) { a.script.onerror = Ext.bind(this.handleError, this, [a]) }, handleAbort: function (a) { a.errorType = "abort"; this.handleResponse(null, a) }, handleError: function (a) { a.errorType = "error"; this.handleResponse(null, a) }, cleanupErrorHandling: function (a) { a.script.onerror = null }, handleTimeout: function (a) { a.errorType = "timeout"; this.handleResponse(null, a) }, handleResponse: function (a, b) { var c = true; if (b.timeout) { clearTimeout(b.timeout) } delete this[b.callbackName]; delete this.requests[b.id]; this.cleanupErrorHandling(b); Ext.fly(b.script).remove(); if (b.errorType) { c = false; Ext.callback(b.failure, b.scope, [b.errorType]) } else { Ext.callback(b.success, b.scope, [a]) } Ext.callback(b.callback, b.scope, [c, a, b.errorType]); Ext.EventManager.idleEvent.fire() }, createScript: function (c, d, b) { var a = document.createElement("script"); a.setAttribute("src", Ext.urlAppend(c, Ext.Object.toQueryString(d))); a.setAttribute("async", true); a.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); return a }, loadScript: function (a) { Ext.getHead().appendChild(a.script) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.data, "JsonP"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.proxy.JsonP", Ext.data.proxy.Server, { alternateClassName: "Ext.data.ScriptTagProxy", defaultWriterType: "base", callbackKey: "callback", recordParam: "records", autoAppendParams: true, constructor: function () { this.addEvents("exception"); this.callParent(arguments) }, doRequest: function (a, g, b) { var d = this, c = d.buildRequest(a), e = c.params; Ext.apply(c, { callbackKey: d.callbackKey, timeout: d.timeout, scope: d, disableCaching: false, callback: d.createRequestCallback(c, a, g, b) }); if (d.autoAppendParams) { c.params = {} } c.jsonp = Ext.data.JsonP.request(c); c.params = e; a.setStarted(); d.lastRequest = c; return c }, createRequestCallback: function (d, a, e, b) { var c = this; return function (j, g, h) { delete c.lastRequest; c.processResponse(j, a, d, g, e, b) } }, setException: function (b, a) { b.setException(b.request.jsonp.errorType) }, buildUrl: function (h) { var k = this, a = k.callParent(arguments), d = h.records, e = k.getWriter(), g, c, b, j; if (e && h.operation.allowWrite()) { h = e.write(h) } g = h.params; c = g.filters, delete g.filters; if (c && c.length) { for (j = 0; j < c.length; j++) { b = c[j]; if (b.value) { g[b.property] = b.value } } } if ((!e || !e.encode) && Ext.isArray(d) && d.length > 0) { g[k.recordParam] = k.encodeRecords(d) } if (k.autoAppendParams) { a = Ext.urlAppend(a, Ext.Object.toQueryString(g)) } return a }, abort: function () { var a = this.lastRequest; if (a) { Ext.data.JsonP.abort(a.jsonp) } }, encodeRecords: function (b) { var d = [], c = 0, a = b.length; for (; c < a; c++) { d.push(Ext.encode(b[c].getData())) } return d } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["proxy.jsonp", "proxy.scripttag"], 0, [Ext.data.proxy, "JsonP", Ext.data, "ScriptTagProxy"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.JsonPStore", Ext.data.Store, { constructor: function (a) { a = Ext.apply({ proxy: { type: "jsonp", reader: "json" } }, a); this.callParent([a]) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["store.jsonp"], 0, [Ext.data, "JsonPStore"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.JsonStore", Ext.data.Store, { constructor: function (a) { a = Ext.apply({ proxy: { type: "ajax", reader: "json", writer: "json" } }, a); this.callParent([a]) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["store.json"], 0, [Ext.data, "JsonStore"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.NodeInterface", Ext.Base, { statics: { decorate: function (b) { var a, c, d; if (typeof b == "string") { b = Ext.ModelManager.getModel(b) } else { if (b.isModel) { b = Ext.ModelManager.getModel(b.modelName) } } if (b.prototype.isNode) { return } a = b.prototype.idProperty; c = b.prototype.fields.get(a); d = b.prototype.fields.get(a).type.type; b.override(this.getPrototypeBody()); this.applyFields(b, [{ name: "parentId", type: d, defaultValue: null, useNull: c.useNull }, { name: "index", type: "int", defaultValue: 0, persist: false, convert: null }, { name: "depth", type: "int", defaultValue: 0, persist: false, convert: null }, { name: "expanded", type: "bool", defaultValue: false, persist: false, convert: null }, { name: "expandable", type: "bool", defaultValue: true, persist: false, convert: null }, { name: "checked", type: "auto", defaultValue: null, persist: false, convert: null }, { name: "leaf", type: "bool", defaultValue: false }, { name: "cls", type: "string", defaultValue: "", persist: false, convert: null }, { name: "iconCls", type: "string", defaultValue: "", persist: false, convert: null }, { name: "icon", type: "string", defaultValue: "", persist: false, convert: null }, { name: "root", type: "boolean", defaultValue: false, persist: false, convert: null }, { name: "isLast", type: "boolean", defaultValue: false, persist: false, convert: null }, { name: "isFirst", type: "boolean", defaultValue: false, persist: false, convert: null }, { name: "allowDrop", type: "boolean", defaultValue: true, persist: false, convert: null }, { name: "allowDrag", type: "boolean", defaultValue: true, persist: false, convert: null }, { name: "loaded", type: "boolean", defaultValue: false, persist: false, convert: null }, { name: "loading", type: "boolean", defaultValue: false, persist: false, convert: null }, { name: "href", type: "string", defaultValue: "", persist: false, convert: null }, { name: "hrefTarget", type: "string", defaultValue: "", persist: false, convert: null }, { name: "qtip", type: "string", defaultValue: "", persist: false, convert: null }, { name: "qtitle", type: "string", defaultValue: "", persist: false, convert: null }, { name: "qshowDelay", type: "int", defaultValue: 0, persist: false, convert: null }, { name: "children", type: "auto", defaultValue: null, persist: false, convert: null } ]) }, applyFields: function (c, b) { var h = c.prototype, a = h.fields, g = a.keys, e = b.length, j, d; for (d = 0; d < e; d++) { j = b[d]; if (!Ext.Array.contains(g, j.name)) { a.add(new Ext.data.Field(j)) } } }, getPrototypeBody: function () { var a = { idchanged: true, append: true, remove: true, move: true, insert: true, beforeappend: true, beforeremove: true, beforemove: true, beforeinsert: true, expand: true, collapse: true, beforeexpand: true, beforecollapse: true, sort: true, rootchange: true }; return { isNode: true, constructor: function () { var b = this; b.callParent(arguments); b.firstChild = b.lastChild = b.parentNode = b.previousSibling = b.nextSibling = null; b.childNodes = []; return b }, createNode: function (b) { if (!b.isModel) { b = Ext.ModelManager.create(b, this.modelName) } if (!b.childNodes) { b.firstChild = b.lastChild = b.parentNode = b.previousSibling = b.nextSibling = null; b.childNodes = [] } return b }, isLeaf: function () { return this.get("leaf") === true }, setFirstChild: function (b) { this.firstChild = b }, setLastChild: function (b) { this.lastChild = b }, updateInfo: function (j, d) { var n = this, m = n.data.depth, p = {}, c = n.childNodes, h = c.length, k, g = n.phantom, e = n[n.persistenceProperty], l, b, o; if (!d) { Ext.Error.raise("NodeInterface expects update info to be passed") } for (l in d) { o = n.fields.get(l); b = d[l]; if (o && o.persist) { n.dirty = n.dirty || !n.isEqual(e[l], b) } e[l] = b } if (j) { n.commit(); n.phantom = g } if (n.data.depth !== m) { p = { depth: n.data.depth + 1 }; for (k = 0; k < h; k++) { c[k].updateInfo(j, p) } } }, isLast: function () { return this.get("isLast") }, isFirst: function () { return this.get("isFirst") }, hasChildNodes: function () { return !this.isLeaf() && this.childNodes.length > 0 }, isExpandable: function () { var b = this; if (b.get("expandable")) { return !(b.isLeaf() || (b.isLoaded() && !b.hasChildNodes())) } return false }, triggerUIUpdate: function () { this.afterEdit([]) }, appendChild: function (c, l, d) { var j = this, e, h, g, k, b, m = { isLast: true, parentId: j.getId(), depth: (j.data.depth || 0) + 1 }; if (Ext.isArray(c)) { j.callStore("suspendAutoSync"); for (e = 0, h = c.length - 1; e < h; e++) { j.appendChild(c[e], l, d) } j.callStore("resumeAutoSync"); j.appendChild(c[h], l, d) } else { c = j.createNode(c); if (l !== true && j.fireEventArgs("beforeappend", [j, c]) === false) { return false } g = j.childNodes.length; k = c.parentNode; if (k) { if (l !== true && c.fireEventArgs("beforemove", [c, k, j, g]) === false) { return false } k.removeChild(c, false, false, true) } Ext.suspendLayouts(); g = j.childNodes.length; if (g === 0) { j.setFirstChild(c) } j.childNodes[g] = c; c.parentNode = j; c.nextSibling = null; j.setLastChild(c); b = j.childNodes[g - 1]; if (b) { c.previousSibling = b; b.nextSibling = c; b.updateInfo(d, { isLast: false }); b.triggerUIUpdate() } else { c.previousSibling = null } m.isFirst = g === 0; m.index = g; c.updateInfo(d, m); if (!j.isLoaded()) { j.set("loaded", true) } else { if (j.childNodes.length === 1) { j.triggerUIUpdate() } } if (g && j.childNodes[g - 1].isExpanded()) { j.childNodes[g - 1].cascadeBy(j.triggerUIUpdate) } if (!c.isLeaf() && c.phantom) { c.set("loaded", true) } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); if (l !== true) { j.fireEventArgs("append", [j, c, g]); if (k) { c.fireEventArgs("move", [c, k, j, g]) } } return c } }, getOwnerTree: function () { var c = this, b; while (c.parentNode) { c = c.parentNode } b = c.store; if (b) { if (b.treeStore) { b = b.treeStore } if (b.tree) { return b.ownerTree } } return undefined }, removeChild: function (c, j, l, k) { var h = this, g = h.indexOf(c), e, d, b; if (g === -1 || (l !== true && h.fireEventArgs("beforeremove", [h, c, !!k]) === false)) { return false } Ext.suspendLayouts(); Ext.Array.erase(h.childNodes, g, 1); if (h.firstChild === c) { h.setFirstChild(c.nextSibling) } if (h.lastChild === c) { h.setLastChild(c.previousSibling) } if (b = c.previousSibling) { c.previousSibling.nextSibling = c.nextSibling } if (c.nextSibling) { c.nextSibling.previousSibling = c.previousSibling; if (g === 0) { c.nextSibling.updateInfo(false, { isFirst: true }) } for (e = g, d = h.childNodes.length; e < d; e++) { h.childNodes[e].updateInfo(false, { index: e }) } } else { if (b) { b.updateInfo(false, { isLast: true }); if (b.isExpanded()) { b.cascadeBy(h.triggerUIUpdate) } else { b.triggerUIUpdate() } } } if (!h.childNodes.length) { h.triggerUIUpdate() } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); if (l !== true) { c.removeContext = { parentNode: c.parentNode, previousSibling: c.previousSibling, nextSibling: c.nextSibling }; c.previousSibling = c.nextSibling = c.parentNode = null; h.fireEventArgs("remove", [h, c, !!k]); c.removeContext = null } if (j) { c.destroy(true) } else { c.clear() } return c }, copy: function (e, d) { var h = this, c = h.callParent(arguments), b = h.childNodes ? h.childNodes.length : 0, g; if (d) { for (g = 0; g < b; g++) { c.appendChild(h.childNodes[g].copy(undefined, true)) } } return c }, clear: function (b) { var c = this; c.parentNode = c.previousSibling = c.nextSibling = null; if (b) { c.firstChild = c.lastChild = null } }, destroy: function (c) { var e = this, d = e.destroyOptions, b = e.childNodes, g = b.length, h; if (c === true) { e.clear(true); for (h = 0; h < g; h++) { b[h].destroy(true) } e.childNodes = null; delete e.destroyOptions; e.callParent([d]) } else { e.destroyOptions = c; e.remove(true) } }, insertBefore: function (c, h, m) { var j = this, g = j.indexOf(h), k = c.parentNode, l = g, d, b, e; if (!h) { return j.appendChild(c) } if (c === h) { return false } c = j.createNode(c); if (m !== true && j.fireEventArgs("beforeinsert", [j, c, h]) === false) { return false } if (k === j && j.indexOf(c) < g) { l-- } if (k) { if (m !== true && c.fireEventArgs("beforemove", [c, k, j, g, h]) === false) { return false } k.removeChild(c, false, false, true) } if (l === 0) { j.setFirstChild(c) } Ext.Array.splice(j.childNodes, l, 0, c); c.parentNode = j; c.nextSibling = h; h.previousSibling = c; b = j.childNodes[l - 1]; if (b) { c.previousSibling = b; b.nextSibling = c } else { c.previousSibling = null } c.updateInfo(false, { parentId: j.getId(), index: l, isFirst: l === 0, isLast: false, depth: (j.data.depth || 0) + 1 }); for (e = l + 1, d = j.childNodes.length; e < d; e++) { j.childNodes[e].updateInfo(false, { index: e }) } if (!j.isLoaded()) { j.set("loaded", true) } else { if (j.childNodes.length === 1) { j.triggerUIUpdate() } } if (!c.isLeaf() && c.phantom) { c.set("loaded", true) } if (m !== true) { j.fireEventArgs("insert", [j, c, h]); if (k) { c.fireEventArgs("move", [c, k, j, l, h]) } } return c }, insertChild: function (b, d) { var c = this.childNodes[b]; if (c) { return this.insertBefore(d, c) } else { return this.appendChild(d) } }, remove: function (c, d) { var e = this, b = e.parentNode; if (b) { b.removeChild(e, c, d) } else { if (c) { e.destroy(true) } } return e }, removeAll: function (d, e, k) { var h = this, j = h.childNodes, c = 0, b = j.length, g; if (!b) { return } h.fireEventArgs("bulkremove", [h, j, false]); for (; c < b; ++c) { g = j[c]; g.removeContext = { parentNode: g.parentNode, previousSibling: g.previousSibling, nextSibling: g.nextSibling }; g.previousSibling = g.nextSibling = g.parentNode = null; h.fireEventArgs("remove", [h, g, false]); g.removeContext = null; if (d) { g.destroy(true) } else { g.removeAll(false, e, true) } } h.firstChild = h.lastChild = null; if (k) { h.childNodes = null } else { h.childNodes.length = 0; h.triggerUIUpdate() } return h }, getChildAt: function (b) { return this.childNodes[b] }, replaceChild: function (b, e, d) { var c = e ? e.nextSibling : null; this.removeChild(e, false, d); this.insertBefore(b, c, d); return e }, indexOf: function (b) { return Ext.Array.indexOf(this.childNodes, b) }, indexOfId: function (e) { var d = this.childNodes, b = d.length, c = 0; for (; c < b; ++c) { if (d[c].getId() === e) { return c } } return -1 }, getPath: function (e, d) { e = e || this.idProperty; d = d || "/"; var c = [this.get(e)], b = this.parentNode; while (b) { c.unshift(b.get(e)); b = b.parentNode } return d + c.join(d) }, getDepth: function () { return this.get("depth") }, bubble: function (d, c, b) { var e = this; while (e) { if (d.apply(c || e, b || [e]) === false) { break } e = e.parentNode } }, cascade: function () { if (Ext.isDefined(Ext.global.console)) { Ext.global.console.warn("Ext.data.Node: cascade has been deprecated. Please use cascadeBy instead.") } return this.cascadeBy.apply(this, arguments) }, cascadeBy: function (e, d, b) { if (e.apply(d || this, b || [this]) !== false) { var h = this.childNodes, g = h.length, c; for (c = 0; c < g; c++) { h[c].cascadeBy(e, d, b) } } }, eachChild: function (e, d, b) { var h = this.childNodes, g = h.length, c; for (c = 0; c < g; c++) { if (e.apply(d || this, b || [h[c]]) === false) { break } } }, findChild: function (c, d, b) { return this.findChildBy(function () { return this.get(c) == d }, null, b) }, findChildBy: function (j, h, c) { var g = this.childNodes, b = g.length, e = 0, k, d; for (; e < b; e++) { k = g[e]; if (j.call(h || k, k) === true) { return k } else { if (c) { d = k.findChildBy(j, h, c); if (d !== null) { return d } } } } return null }, contains: function (b) { return b.isAncestor(this) }, isAncestor: function (b) { var c = this.parentNode; while (c) { if (c === b) { return true } c = c.parentNode } return false }, sort: function (h, c, b) { var e = this.childNodes, g = e.length, d, k, j = { isFirst: true }; if (g > 0) { Ext.Array.sort(e, h); this.setFirstChild(e[0]); this.setLastChild(e[g - 1]); for (d = 0; d < g; d++) { k = e[d]; k.previousSibling = e[d - 1]; k.nextSibling = e[d + 1]; j.isLast = (d === g - 1); j.index = d; k.updateInfo(false, j); j.isFirst = false; if (c && !k.isLeaf()) { k.sort(h, true, true) } } if (b !== true) { this.fireEventArgs("sort", [this, e]) } } }, isExpanded: function () { return this.get("expanded") }, isLoaded: function () { return this.get("loaded") }, isLoading: function () { return this.get("loading") }, isRoot: function () { return !this.parentNode }, isVisible: function () { var b = this.parentNode; while (b) { if (!b.isExpanded()) { return false } b = b.parentNode } return true }, expand: function (c, g, d) { var e = this, b; if (!e.isLeaf()) { if (e.isLoading()) { e.on("expand", function () { e.expand(c, g, d) }, e, { single: true }) } else { if (!e.isExpanded()) { e.fireEventArgs("beforeexpand", [e, e.onChildNodesAvailable, e, [c, g, d]]) } else { if (c) { b = e.getOwnerTree(); e.expandChildren(true, b ? b.singleExpand : false, g, d) } else { Ext.callback(g, d || e, [e.childNodes]) } } } } else { Ext.callback(g, d || e) } }, onChildNodesAvailable: function (c, d, h, e) { var g = this, b; Ext.suspendLayouts(); g.set("expanded", true); g.fireEventArgs("expand", [g, g.childNodes, false]); if (d) { b = g.getOwnerTree(); g.expandChildren(true, b ? b.singleExpand : false, h, e) } else { Ext.callback(h, e || g, [g.childNodes]) } Ext.resumeLayouts(true) }, expandChildren: function (e, g, l, m) { var k = this, h, c = k.childNodes, b = [], j = g ? Math.min(c.length, 1) : c.length, d; for (h = 0; h < j; ++h) { d = c[h]; if (!d.isLeaf()) { b[b.length] = d } } j = b.length; for (h = 0; h < j; ++h) { b[h].expand(e) } if (l) { Ext.callback(l, m || k, [k.childNodes]) } }, collapse: function (d, k, g) { var h = this, c = h.isExpanded(), b = h.childNodes.length, e, j; if (!h.isLeaf() && ((!c && d) || h.fireEventArgs("beforecollapse", [h]) !== false)) { Ext.suspendLayouts(); if (h.isExpanded()) { if (d) { j = function () { for (e = 0; e < b; e++) { h.childNodes[e].setCollapsed(true) } }; if (k) { k = Ext.Function.createSequence(j, k) } else { k = j } } h.set("expanded", false); h.fireEventArgs("collapse", [h, h.childNodes, false, k ? Ext.Function.bind(k, g, [h.childNodes]) : null, null]); k = null } else { if (d) { for (e = 0; e < b; e++) { h.childNodes[e].setCollapsed(true) } } } Ext.resumeLayouts(true) } Ext.callback(k, g || h, [h.childNodes]) }, setCollapsed: function (c) { var e = this, b = e.childNodes.length, d; if (!e.isLeaf() && e.fireEventArgs("beforecollapse", [e, Ext.emptyFn]) !== false) { e.data.expanded = false; e.fireEventArgs("collapse", [e, e.childNodes, false, null, null]); if (c) { for (d = 0; d < b; d++) { e.childNodes[d].setCollapsed(true) } } } }, collapseChildren: function (d, k, l) { var j = this, g, b = j.childNodes, h = b.length, e = [], c; for (g = 0; g < h; ++g) { c = b[g]; if (!c.isLeaf() && c.isLoaded() && c.isExpanded()) { e.push(c) } } h = e.length; for (g = 0; g < h; ++g) { c = e[g]; if (g === h - 1) { c.collapse(d, k, l) } else { c.collapse(d) } } }, fireEventArgs: function (e, g) { var k = Ext.data.Model.prototype.fireEventArgs, c, j, b, h, d; if (a[e]) { for (j = this; c !== false && j; j = (d = j).parentNode) { if (j.hasListeners[e]) { c = k.call(j, e, g) } } b = d.rootOf; if (c !== false && b) { h = b.treeStore; if (h && h.hasListeners[e]) { c = h.fireEventArgs.call(h, e, g) } if (c !== false && b.hasListeners[e]) { c = b.fireEventArgs.call(b, e, g) } } return c } else { return k.apply(this, arguments) } }, serialize: function () { var c = Ext.data.writer.Json.prototype.getRecordData(this), g = this.childNodes, b = g.length, e, d; if (b > 0) { e = []; for (d = 0; d < b; d++) { e.push(g[d].serialize()) } c.children = e } return c } } } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.data, "NodeInterface"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.NodeStore", Ext.data.Store, { isNodeStore: true, node: null, recursive: false, rootVisible: false, isExpandingOrCollapsing: 0, constructor: function (a) { var c = this, b; a = a || {}; Ext.apply(c, a); a.proxy = { type: "proxy" }; c.callParent([a]); b = c.node; if (b) { c.node = null; c.setNode(b) } }, getTotalCount: function () { return this.getCount() }, setNode: function (b) { var a = this; if (a.node && a.node != b) { a.mun(a.node, { expand: a.onNodeExpand, collapse: a.onNodeCollapse, append: a.onNodeAppend, insert: a.onNodeInsert, bulkremove: a.onBulkRemove, remove: a.onNodeRemove, sort: a.onNodeSort, scope: a }); a.node = null } if (b) { Ext.data.NodeInterface.decorate(b.self); a.removeAll(); if (a.rootVisible) { a.add(b) } else { if (!b.isExpanded() && a.treeStore.autoLoad !== false) { b.expand() } } a.mon(b, { expand: a.onNodeExpand, collapse: a.onNodeCollapse, append: a.onNodeAppend, insert: a.onNodeInsert, bulkremove: a.onBulkRemove, remove: a.onNodeRemove, sort: a.onNodeSort, scope: a }); a.node = b; if (b.isExpanded() && b.isLoaded()) { a.onNodeExpand(b, b.childNodes, true) } } }, onNodeSort: function (b, c) { var a = this; if ((a.indexOf(b) !== -1 || (b === a.node && !a.rootVisible) && b.isExpanded())) { Ext.suspendLayouts(); a.onNodeCollapse(b, c, true); a.onNodeExpand(b, c, true); Ext.resumeLayouts(true) } }, onNodeExpand: function (e, c, b) { var g = this, a = g.indexOf(e) + 1, d = []; if (!b) { g.fireEvent("beforeexpand", e, c, a) } g.handleNodeExpand(e, c, d); g.insert(a, d); if (!b) { g.fireEvent("expand", e, c) } }, handleNodeExpand: function (e, b, d) { var h = this, g = b ? b.length : 0, c, a; if (!h.recursive && e !== h.node) { return } if (e !== this.node && !h.isVisible(e)) { return } if (g) { for (c = 0; c < g; c++) { a = b[c]; d.push(a); if (a.isExpanded()) { if (a.isLoaded()) { h.handleNodeExpand(a, a.childNodes, d) } else { a.set("expanded", false); a.expand() } } } } }, onBulkRemove: function (b, c, a) { this.onNodeCollapse(b, c, true) }, onNodeCollapse: function (e, c, k, j, l) { var d = this, h = d.indexOf(e) + 1, b, a, g, m; if (!d.recursive && e !== d.node) { return } if (!k) { d.fireEvent("beforecollapse", e, c, h, j, l) } if (c.length && d.data.contains(c[0])) { b = e; while (b.parentNode) { g = b.nextSibling; if (g) { m = true; a = d.indexOf(g); break } else { b = b.parentNode } } if (!m) { a = d.getCount() } d.removeAt(h, a - h) } if (!k) { d.fireEvent("collapse", e, c, h) } }, onNodeAppend: function (d, g, b) { var e = this, a, c; if (e.isVisible(g)) { if (b === 0) { a = d } else { c = g.previousSibling; while (c.isExpanded() && c.lastChild) { c = c.lastChild } a = c } e.insert(e.indexOf(a) + 1, g); if (!g.isLeaf() && g.isExpanded()) { if (g.isLoaded()) { e.onNodeExpand(g, g.childNodes, true) } else { if (!e.treeStore.fillCount) { g.set("expanded", false); g.expand() } } } } }, onNodeInsert: function (c, e, a) { var d = this, b = this.indexOf(a); if (b != -1 && d.isVisible(e)) { d.insert(b, e); if (!e.isLeaf() && e.isExpanded()) { if (e.isLoaded()) { d.onNodeExpand(e, e.childNodes, true) } else { e.set("expanded", false); e.expand() } } } }, onNodeRemove: function (b, d, a) { var c = this; if (c.indexOf(d) != -1) { if (!d.isLeaf() && d.isExpanded()) { d.parentNode = d.removeContext.parentNode; d.nextSibling = d.removeContext.nextSibling; c.onNodeCollapse(d, d.childNodes, true); d.parentNode = d.nextSibling = null } c.remove(d) } }, isVisible: function (b) { var a = b.parentNode; while (a) { if (a === this.node && a.data.expanded) { return true } if (!a.data.expanded) { return false } a = a.parentNode } return false } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["store.node"], 0, [Ext.data, "NodeStore"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.Request", Ext.Base, { action: undefined, params: undefined, method: "GET", url: undefined, constructor: function (a) { Ext.apply(this, a) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.data, "Request"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.SequentialIdGenerator", Ext.data.IdGenerator, { constructor: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); a.parts = [a.prefix, ""] }, prefix: "", seed: 1, generate: function () { var a = this, b = a.parts; b[1] = a.seed++; return b.join("") } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["idgen.sequential"], 0, [Ext.data, "SequentialIdGenerator"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.Tree", Ext.Base, { root: null, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; b.mixins.observable.constructor.call(b); if (a) { b.setRootNode(a) } b.on({ scope: b, idchanged: b.onNodeIdChanged, insert: b.onNodeInsert, append: b.onNodeAppend, remove: b.onNodeRemove }) }, getRootNode: function () { return this.root }, setRootNode: function (b) { var a = this; a.root = b; if (b.rootOf) { b.rootOf.removeRootNode() } else { if (b.parentNode) { b.parentNode.removeChild(b) } } b.rootOf = a; if (b.fireEventArgs("beforeappend", [null, b]) !== false) { b.set("root", true); b.updateInfo(true, { isFirst: true, isLast: true, depth: 0, index: 0, parentId: null }); a.nodeHash = {}; b.fireEvent("append", null, b); b.fireEvent("rootchange", b) } return b }, removeRootNode: function () { var b = this, a = b.root; a.set("root", false); a.fireEvent("remove", null, a, false); a.fireEvent("rootchange", null); a.rootOf = b.root = null; return a }, flatten: function () { return Ext.Object.getValues(this.nodeHash) }, onNodeInsert: function (a, b) { this.registerNode(b, true) }, onNodeAppend: function (a, b) { this.registerNode(b, true) }, onNodeRemove: function (a, b) { this.unregisterNode(b, true) }, onNodeIdChanged: function (d, e, b, a) { var c = this.nodeHash; c[d.internalId] = d; delete c[a] }, getNodeById: function (a) { return this.nodeHash[a] }, registerNode: function (g, a) { var e = this, c, d, b; e.nodeHash[g.internalId] = g; if (a === true) { c = g.childNodes; d = c.length; for (b = 0; b < d; b++) { e.registerNode(c[b], true) } } }, unregisterNode: function (g, a) { var e = this, c, d, b; delete e.nodeHash[g.internalId]; if (a === true) { c = g.childNodes; d = c.length; for (b = 0; b < d; b++) { e.unregisterNode(c[b], true) } } }, sort: function (b, a) { this.getRootNode().sort(b, a) }, filter: function (b, a) { this.getRootNode().filter(b, a) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["data.tree"], [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.data, "Tree"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.TreeModel", Ext.data.Model, {}, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.data, "TreeModel"], function () { Ext.data.NodeInterface.decorate(this) })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.TreeStore", Ext.data.AbstractStore, { clearOnLoad: true, clearRemovedOnLoad: true, nodeParam: "node", defaultRootId: "root", defaultRootText: "Root", defaultRootProperty: "children", rootProperty: "children", fillCount: 0, folderSort: false, constructor: function (c) { var e = this, b, a, d; c = Ext.apply({}, c); a = c.fields || e.fields; if (!a) { c.fields = [{ name: "text", type: "string" } ]; d = c.defaultRootProperty || e.defaultRootProperty; if (d !== e.defaultRootProperty) { c.fields.push({ name: d, type: "auto", defaultValue: null, persist: false }) } } e.callParent([c]); e.tree = new Ext.data.Tree(); e.tree.treeStore = e; e.tree.on({ scope: e, remove: e.onNodeRemove, beforeexpand: e.onBeforeNodeExpand, append: e.onNodeAdded, insert: e.onNodeAdded, sort: e.onNodeSort }); e.onBeforeSort(); b = e.root; if (b) { delete e.root; e.setRootNode(b) } if (Ext.isDefined(e.nodeParameter)) { if (Ext.isDefined(Ext.global.console)) { Ext.global.console.warn("Ext.data.TreeStore: nodeParameter has been deprecated. Please use nodeParam instead.") } e.nodeParam = e.nodeParameter; delete e.nodeParameter } }, setProxy: function (c) { var a, b; if (c instanceof Ext.data.proxy.Proxy) { b = Ext.isEmpty(c.getReader().root) } else { if (Ext.isString(c)) { b = true } else { a = c.reader; b = !(a && !Ext.isEmpty(a.root)) } } c = this.callParent(arguments); c.idParam = this.nodeParam; if (b) { a = c.getReader(); a.root = this.defaultRootProperty; a.buildExtractors(true) } return c }, onBeforeSort: function () { if (this.folderSort) { this.sort({ property: "leaf", direction: "ASC" }, "prepend", false) } }, onBeforeNodeExpand: function (a, j, k, e) { var g = this, d, h, c, b; if (a.isLoaded()) { b = [a.childNodes]; if (e) { b.push.apply(b, e) } Ext.callback(j, k || a, b) } else { if (h = (c = (a.raw || a[a.persistenceProperty])[(d = g.getProxy().getReader()).root])) { g.fillNode(a, d.extractData(h)); delete c[d.root]; b = [a.childNodes]; if (e) { b.push.apply(b, e) } Ext.callback(j, k || a, b) } else { if (a.isLoading()) { g.on("load", function () { b = [a.childNodes]; if (e) { b.push.apply(b, e) } Ext.callback(j, k || a, b) }, g, { single: true }) } else { g.read({ node: a, callback: function () { delete g.lastOptions.callback; b = [a.childNodes]; if (e) { b.push.apply(b, e) } Ext.callback(j, k || a, b) } }) } } } }, getNewRecords: function () { return Ext.Array.filter(this.tree.flatten(), this.filterNew) }, getUpdatedRecords: function () { return Ext.Array.filter(this.tree.flatten(), this.filterUpdated) }, onNodeRemove: function (b, d, a) { var c = this; d.unjoin(c); if (!d.phantom && !a) { Ext.Array.include(c.removed, d) } if (c.autoSync && !c.autoSyncSuspended && !a) { c.sync() } }, onNodeAdded: function (c, e) { var d = this, b = d.getProxy(), a = b.getReader(), g = e.raw || e[e.persistenceProperty], h; Ext.Array.remove(d.removed, e); e.join(d); if (!e.isLeaf() && !d.lazyFill) { h = a.getRoot(g); if (h) { d.fillNode(e, a.extractData(h)); delete g[a.root] } } if (d.autoSync && !d.autoSyncSuspended && (e.phantom || e.dirty)) { d.sync() } }, onNodeSort: function () { if (this.autoSync && !this.autoSyncSuspended) { this.sync() } }, setRootNode: function (a, e) { var d = this, c = d.model, b = c.prototype.idProperty; a = a || {}; if (!a.isModel) { a = Ext.apply({}, a); Ext.applyIf(a, { id: d.defaultRootId, text: d.defaultRootText, allowDrag: false }); if (a[b] === undefined) { a[b] = d.defaultRootId } Ext.data.NodeInterface.decorate(c); a = Ext.ModelManager.create(a, c) } else { if (a.isModel && !a.isNode) { Ext.data.NodeInterface.decorate(c) } } d.getProxy().getReader().buildExtractors(true); d.tree.setRootNode(a); if (e !== true && !a.isLoaded() && (d.autoLoad === true || a.isExpanded())) { a.data.expanded = false; a.expand() } return a }, getRootNode: function () { return this.tree.getRootNode() }, getNodeById: function (a) { return this.tree.getNodeById(a) }, getById: function (a) { return this.getNodeById(a) }, load: function (a) { a = a || {}; a.params = a.params || {}; var c = this, b = a.node || c.tree.getRootNode(); if (!b) { b = c.setRootNode({ expanded: true }, true) } a.id = b.getId(); if (c.clearOnLoad) { if (c.clearRemovedOnLoad) { c.clearRemoved(b) } c.tree.un("remove", c.onNodeRemove, c); b.removeAll(false); c.tree.on("remove", c.onNodeRemove, c) } Ext.applyIf(a, { node: b }); c.callParent([a]); if (c.loading && b) { b.set("loading", true) } return c }, clearRemoved: function (b) { var k = this, e = k.removed, a = b.getId(), d = e.length, c = d, n = {}, h = [], m = {}, j, g, l; if (b === k.getRootNode()) { k.removed = []; return } for (; c--; ) { j = e[c]; m[j.getId()] = j } for (c = d; c--; ) { j = e[c]; g = j; while (g && g.getId() !== a) { l = g.get("parentId"); g = g.parentNode || k.getNodeById(l) || m[l] } if (g) { n[j.getId()] = j } } for (c = 0; c < d; c++) { j = e[c]; if (!n[j.getId()]) { h.push(j) } } k.removed = h }, fillNode: function (b, c) { var h = this, e = c ? c.length : 0, g = h.sorters, d, k, j = false, a = e && h.sortOnLoad && !h.remoteSort && g && g.items && g.items.length, n, m, l; for (d = 1; d < e; d++) { n = c[d]; m = c[d - 1]; j = n[n.persistenceProperty].index != m[m.persistenceProperty].index; if (j) { break } } if (a) { if (j) { h.sorters.insert(0, h.indexSorter) } k = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); k.addAll(c); k.sort(h.sorters.items); c = k.items; h.sorters.remove(h.indexSorter) } else { if (j) { Ext.Array.sort(c, h.sortByIndex) } } b.set("loaded", true); l = h.fillCount === 0; if (l) { h.fireEvent("beforefill", h, b, c) } ++h.fillCount; if (c.length) { b.appendChild(c, undefined, true) } if (l) { h.fireEvent("fillcomplete", h, b, c) } --h.fillCount; return c }, sortByIndex: function (b, a) { return b[b.persistenceProperty].index - a[a.persistenceProperty].index }, onIdChanged: function (c, d, b, a) { this.tree.onNodeIdChanged(c, d, b, a); this.callParent(arguments) }, onProxyLoad: function (b) { var d = this, e = b.wasSuccessful(), a = b.getRecords(), c = b.node; d.loading = false; c.set("loading", false); if (e) { if (!d.clearOnLoad) { a = d.cleanRecords(c, a) } a = d.fillNode(c, a) } d.fireEvent("read", d, b.node, a, e); d.fireEvent("load", d, b.node, a, e); Ext.callback(b.callback, b.scope || d, [a, b, e]) }, cleanRecords: function (g, b) { var e = {}, j = g.childNodes, d = 0, a = j.length, c = [], h; for (; d < a; ++d) { e[j[d].getId()] = true } for (d = 0, a = b.length; d < a; ++d) { h = b[d]; if (!e[h.getId()]) { c.push(h) } } return c }, removeAll: function () { var a = this.getRootNode(); if (a) { a.destroy(true) } this.fireEvent("clear", this) }, doSort: function (a) { var b = this; if (b.remoteSort) { b.load() } else { b.tree.sort(a, true); b.fireEvent("datachanged", b); b.fireEvent("refresh", b) } b.fireEvent("sort", b, b.sorters.getRange()) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["store.tree"], 0, [Ext.data, "TreeStore"], function () { var a = this.prototype; a.indexSorter = new Ext.util.Sorter({ sorterFn: a.sortByIndex }) })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.UuidGenerator", Ext.data.IdGenerator, (function () { var h = Math.pow(2, 14), g = Math.pow(2, 16), e = Math.pow(2, 28), c = Math.pow(2, 32); function a(l, k) { var j = l.toString(16); if (j.length > k) { j = j.substring(j.length - k) } else { if (j.length < k) { j = Ext.String.leftPad(j, k, "0") } } return j } function d(l, k) { var j = Math.random() * (k - l + 1); return Math.floor(j) + l } function b(k) { if (typeof(k) == "number") { var j = Math.floor(k / c); return { lo: Math.floor(k - j * c), hi: j } } return k } return { id: "uuid", version: 4, constructor: function () { var j = this; j.callParent(arguments); j.parts = []; j.init() }, generate: function () { var k = this, l = k.parts, j = k.timestamp; l[0] = a(j.lo, 8); l[1] = a(j.hi & 65535, 4); l[2] = a(((j.hi >>> 16) & 4095) | (k.version << 12), 4); l[3] = a(128 | ((k.clockSeq >>> 8) & 63), 2) + a(k.clockSeq & 255, 2); l[4] = a(k.salt.hi, 4) + a(k.salt.lo, 8); if (k.version == 4) { k.init() } else { ++j.lo; if (j.lo >= c) { j.lo = 0; ++j.hi } } return l.join("-").toLowerCase() }, getRecId: function (j) { return j.getId() }, init: function () { var k = this, j, l; if (k.version == 4) { k.clockSeq = d(0, h - 1); j = k.salt || (k.salt = {}); l = k.timestamp || (k.timestamp = {}); j.lo = d(0, c - 1); j.hi = d(0, g - 1); l.lo = d(0, c - 1); l.hi = d(0, e - 1) } else { k.salt = b(k.salt); k.timestamp = b(k.timestamp); k.salt.hi |= 256 } }, reconfigure: function (j) { Ext.apply(this, j); this.init() } } } ()), 1, 0, 0, 0, ["idgen.uuid"], 0, [Ext.data, "UuidGenerator"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.reader.Xml", Ext.data.reader.Reader, { alternateClassName: "Ext.data.XmlReader", createAccessor: function (b) { var a = this; if (Ext.isEmpty(b)) { return Ext.emptyFn } if (Ext.isFunction(b)) { return b } return function (c) { return a.getNodeValue(Ext.DomQuery.selectNode(b, c)) } }, getNodeValue: function (a) { if (a) { if (typeof a.normalize === "function") { a.normalize() } a = a.firstChild; if (a) { return a.nodeValue } } return undefined }, getResponseData: function (a) { var c = a.responseXML, b, d; if (!c) { d = "XML data not found in the response"; b = new Ext.data.ResultSet({ total: 0, count: 0, records: [], success: false, message: d }); this.fireEvent("exception", this, a, b); Ext.Logger.warn(d); return b } return this.readRecords(c) }, getData: function (a) { return a.documentElement || a }, getRoot: function (b) { var c = b.nodeName, a = this.root; if (!a || (c && c == a)) { return b } else { if (Ext.DomQuery.isXml(b)) { return Ext.DomQuery.selectNode(a, b) } } }, extractData: function (a) { var b = this.record; if (b != a.nodeName) { a = Ext.DomQuery.select(b, a) } else { a = [a] } return this.callParent([a]) }, getAssociatedDataRoot: function (b, a) { return Ext.DomQuery.select(a, b)[0] }, readRecords: function (a) { if (Ext.isArray(a)) { a = a[0] } this.xmlData = a; return this.callParent([a]) }, createFieldAccessExpression: function (g, d, c) { var e = this.namespace, b, a; b = g.mapping || ((e ? e + "|" : "") + g.name); if (typeof b === "function") { a = d + ".mapping(" + c + ", this)" } else { a = 'me.getNodeValue(Ext.DomQuery.selectNode("' + b + '", ' + c + "))" } return a } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["reader.xml"], 0, [Ext.data.reader, "Xml", Ext.data, "XmlReader"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.writer.Xml", Ext.data.writer.Writer, { alternateClassName: "Ext.data.XmlWriter", documentRoot: "xmlData", defaultDocumentRoot: "xmlData", header: "", record: "record", writeRecords: function (a, b) { var h = this, d = [], c = 0, g = b.length, j = h.documentRoot, e = h.record, m = b.length !== 1, l, k; d.push(h.header || ""); if (!j && m) { j = h.defaultDocumentRoot } if (j) { d.push("<", j, ">") } for (; c < g; ++c) { l = b[c]; d.push("<", e, ">"); for (k in l) { if (l.hasOwnProperty(k)) { d.push("<", k, ">", l[k], "") } } d.push("") } if (j) { d.push("") } a.xmlData = d.join(""); return a } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["writer.xml"], 0, [Ext.data.writer, "Xml", Ext.data, "XmlWriter"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.XmlStore", Ext.data.Store, { constructor: function (a) { a = Ext.apply({ proxy: { type: "ajax", reader: "xml", writer: "xml" } }, a); this.callParent([a]) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["store.xml"], 0, [Ext.data, "XmlStore"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.association.BelongsTo", Ext.data.association.Association, { alternateClassName: "Ext.data.BelongsToAssociation", constructor: function (c) { this.callParent(arguments); var e = this, a = e.ownerModel.prototype, g = e.associatedName, d = e.getterName || "get" + g, b = e.setterName || "set" + g; Ext.applyIf(e, { name: g, foreignKey: g.toLowerCase() + "_id", instanceName: g + "BelongsToInstance", associationKey: g.toLowerCase() }); a[d] = e.createGetter(); a[b] = e.createSetter() }, createSetter: function () { var c = this, b = c.foreignKey, a = c.instanceName; return function (h, e, g) { var j = h && h.isModel, d = j ? h.getId() : h; if (j) { this[a] = h } else { if (this[a]instanceof Ext.data.Model && !this.isEqual(this.get(b), d)) { delete this[a] } } this.set(b, d); if (Ext.isFunction(e)) { e = { callback: e, scope: g || this } } if (Ext.isObject(e)) { return this.save(e) } } }, createGetter: function () { var d = this, e = d.associatedName, g = d.associatedModel, c = d.foreignKey, b = d.primaryKey, a = d.instanceName; return function (l, m) { l = l || {}; var k = this, n = k.get(c), o, h, j; if (l.reload === true || k[a] === undefined) { h = Ext.ModelManager.create({}, e); h.set(b, n); if (typeof l == "function") { l = { callback: l, scope: m || k } } o = l.success; l.success = function (p) { k[a] = p; if (o) { o.apply(this, arguments) } }; g.load(n, l); k[a] = h; return h } else { h = k[a]; j = [h]; m = m || l.scope || k; Ext.callback(l, m, j); Ext.callback(l.success, m, j); Ext.callback(l.failure, m, j); Ext.callback(l.callback, m, j); return h } } }, read: function (b, a, c) { b[this.instanceName] = a.read([c]).records[0] } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["association.belongsto"], 0, [Ext.data.association, "BelongsTo", Ext.data, "BelongsToAssociation"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.Inflector", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, plurals: [[(/(quiz)$/i), "$1zes"], [(/^(ox)$/i), "$1en"], [(/([m|l])ouse$/i), "$1ice"], [(/(matr|vert|ind)ix|ex$/i), "$1ices"], [(/(x|ch|ss|sh)$/i), "$1es"], [(/([^aeiouy]|qu)y$/i), "$1ies"], [(/(hive)$/i), "$1s"], [(/(?:([^f])fe|([lr])f)$/i), "$1$2ves"], [(/sis$/i), "ses"], [(/([ti])um$/i), "$1a"], [(/(buffal|tomat|potat)o$/i), "$1oes"], [(/(bu)s$/i), "$1ses"], [(/(alias|status|sex)$/i), "$1es"], [(/(octop|vir)us$/i), "$1i"], [(/(ax|test)is$/i), "$1es"], [(/^person$/), "people"], [(/^man$/), "men"], [(/^(child)$/), "$1ren"], [(/s$/i), "s"], [(/$/), "s"]], singulars: [[(/(quiz)zes$/i), "$1"], [(/(matr)ices$/i), "$1ix"], [(/(vert|ind)ices$/i), "$1ex"], [(/^(ox)en/i), "$1"], [(/(alias|status)es$/i), "$1"], [(/(octop|vir)i$/i), "$1us"], [(/(cris|ax|test)es$/i), "$1is"], [(/(shoe)s$/i), "$1"], [(/(o)es$/i), "$1"], [(/(bus)es$/i), "$1"], [(/([m|l])ice$/i), "$1ouse"], [(/(x|ch|ss|sh)es$/i), "$1"], [(/(m)ovies$/i), "$1ovie"], [(/(s)eries$/i), "$1eries"], [(/([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$/i), "$1y"], [(/([lr])ves$/i), "$1f"], [(/(tive)s$/i), "$1"], [(/(hive)s$/i), "$1"], [(/([^f])ves$/i), "$1fe"], [(/(^analy)ses$/i), "$1sis"], [(/((a)naly|(b)a|(d)iagno|(p)arenthe|(p)rogno|(s)ynop|(t)he)ses$/i), "$1$2sis"], [(/([ti])a$/i), "$1um"], [(/(n)ews$/i), "$1ews"], [(/people$/i), "person"], [(/s$/i), ""]], uncountable: ["sheep", "fish", "series", "species", "money", "rice", "information", "equipment", "grass", "mud", "offspring", "deer", "means"], singular: function (b, a) { this.singulars.unshift([b, a]) }, plural: function (b, a) { this.plurals.unshift([b, a]) }, clearSingulars: function () { this.singulars = [] }, clearPlurals: function () { this.plurals = [] }, isTransnumeral: function (a) { return Ext.Array.indexOf(this.uncountable, a) != -1 }, pluralize: function (g) { if (this.isTransnumeral(g)) { return g } var e = this.plurals, d = e.length, a, c, b; for (b = 0; b < d; b++) { a = e[b]; c = a[0]; if (c == g || (c.test && c.test(g))) { return g.replace(c, a[1]) } } return g }, singularize: function (g) { if (this.isTransnumeral(g)) { return g } var e = this.singulars, d = e.length, a, c, b; for (b = 0; b < d; b++) { a = e[b]; c = a[0]; if (c == g || (c.test && c.test(g))) { return g.replace(c, a[1]) } } return g }, classify: function (a) { return Ext.String.capitalize(this.singularize(a)) }, ordinalize: function (d) { var b = parseInt(d, 10), c = b % 10, a = b % 100; if (11 <= a && a <= 13) { return d + "th" } else { switch (c) { case 1: return d + "st"; case 2: return d + "nd"; case 3: return d + "rd"; default: return d + "th" } } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "Inflector"], function () { var b = { alumnus: "alumni", cactus: "cacti", focus: "foci", nucleus: "nuclei", radius: "radii", stimulus: "stimuli", ellipsis: "ellipses", paralysis: "paralyses", oasis: "oases", appendix: "appendices", index: "indexes", beau: "beaux", bureau: "bureaux", tableau: "tableaux", woman: "women", child: "children", man: "men", corpus: "corpora", criterion: "criteria", curriculum: "curricula", genus: "genera", memorandum: "memoranda", phenomenon: "phenomena", foot: "feet", goose: "geese", tooth: "teeth", antenna: "antennae", formula: "formulae", nebula: "nebulae", vertebra: "vertebrae", vita: "vitae" }, a; for (a in b) { this.plural(a, b[a]); this.singular(b[a], a) } })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.association.HasMany", Ext.data.association.Association, { alternateClassName: "Ext.data.HasManyAssociation", constructor: function (c) { var d = this, a, b; d.callParent(arguments); d.name = d.name || Ext.util.Inflector.pluralize(d.associatedName.toLowerCase()); a = d.ownerModel.prototype; b = d.name; Ext.applyIf(d, { storeName: b + "Store", foreignKey: d.ownerName.toLowerCase() + "_id" }); a[b] = d.createStore() }, createStore: function () { var h = this, j = h.associatedModel, c = h.storeName, d = h.foreignKey, a = h.primaryKey, g = h.filterProperty, b = h.autoLoad, e = h.storeConfig || {}; return function () { var n = this, l, m, k = {}; if (n[c] === undefined) { if (g) { m = { property: g, value: n.get(g), exactMatch: true } } else { m = { property: d, value: n.get(a), exactMatch: true } } k[d] = n.get(a); l = Ext.apply({}, e, { model: j, filters: [m], remoteFilter: false, modelDefaults: k, disableMetaChangeEvent: true }); n[c] = Ext.data.AbstractStore.create(l); if (b) { n[c].load() } } return n[c] } }, read: function (d, b, j) { var g = d[this.name](), c, e, a, h; g.add(b.read(j).records); c = this.associatedModel.prototype.associations.findBy(function (k) { return k.type === "belongsTo" && k.associatedName === d.$className }); if (c) { e = g.data.items; a = e.length; for (h = 0; h < a; h++) { e[h][c.instanceName] = d } } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["association.hasmany"], 0, [Ext.data.association, "HasMany", Ext.data, "HasManyAssociation"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.association.HasOne", Ext.data.association.Association, { alternateClassName: "Ext.data.HasOneAssociation", constructor: function (c) { this.callParent(arguments); var e = this, a = e.ownerModel.prototype, g = e.associatedName, d = e.getterName || "get" + g, b = e.setterName || "set" + g; Ext.applyIf(e, { name: g, foreignKey: g.toLowerCase() + "_id", instanceName: g + "HasOneInstance", associationKey: g.toLowerCase() }); a[d] = e.createGetter(); a[b] = e.createSetter() }, createSetter: function () { var c = this, b = c.foreignKey, a = c.instanceName; return function (h, e, g) { var j = h && h.isModel, d = j ? h.getId() : h; if (j) { this[a] = h } else { if (this[a]instanceof Ext.data.Model && !this.isEqual(this.get(b), d)) { delete this[a] } } this.set(b, d); if (Ext.isFunction(e)) { e = { callback: e, scope: g || this } } if (Ext.isObject(e)) { return this.save(e) } } }, createGetter: function () { var d = this, g = d.ownerModel, e = d.associatedName, h = d.associatedModel, c = d.foreignKey, b = d.primaryKey, a = d.instanceName; return function (m, n) { m = m || {}; var l = this, o = l.get(c), p, j, k; if (m.reload === true || l[a] === undefined) { j = Ext.ModelManager.create({}, e); j.set(b, o); if (typeof m == "function") { m = { callback: m, scope: n || l } } p = m.success; m.success = function (q) { l[a] = q; if (p) { p.apply(this, arguments) } }; h.load(o, m); l[a] = j; return j } else { j = l[a]; k = [j]; n = n || m.scope || l; Ext.callback(m, n, k); Ext.callback(m.success, n, k); Ext.callback(m.failure, n, k); Ext.callback(m.callback, n, k); return j } } }, read: function (c, a, e) { var b = this.associatedModel.prototype.associations.findBy(function (g) { return g.type === "belongsTo" && g.associatedName === c.$className }), d = a.read([e]).records[0]; c[this.instanceName] = d; if (b) { d[b.instanceName] = c } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["association.hasone"], 0, [Ext.data.association, "HasOne", Ext.data, "HasOneAssociation"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.proxy.WebStorage", Ext.data.proxy.Client, { alternateClassName: "Ext.data.WebStorageProxy", id: undefined, constructor: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); this.cache = {}; this.id = this.id || (this.store ? this.store.storeId : undefined); this.initialize() }, create: function (e, k, l) { var j = this, d = e.records, c = d.length, a = j.getIds(), b, h, g; e.setStarted(); if (j.isHierarchical === undefined) { j.isHierarchical = !!d[0].isNode; if (j.isHierarchical) { j.getStorageObject().setItem(j.getTreeKey(), true) } } for (g = 0; g < c; g++) { h = d[g]; if (h.phantom) { h.phantom = false; b = j.getNextId() } else { b = h.getId() } j.setRecord(h, b); h.commit(); a.push(b) } j.setIds(a); e.setCompleted(); e.setSuccessful(); if (typeof k == "function") { k.call(l || j, e) } }, read: function (g, m, o) { var l = this, e = [], j = 0, n = true, d = l.model, a, c, k, h, b; g.setStarted(); if (l.isHierarchical) { e = l.getTreeData() } else { a = l.getIds(); c = a.length; b = g.id; if (b) { h = l.getRecord(b); if (h !== null) { k = new d(h, b, h) } if (k) { e.push(k) } else { n = false } } else { for (; j < c; j++) { b = a[j]; h = l.getRecord(b); e.push(new d(h, b, h)) } } } if (n) { g.setSuccessful() } g.setCompleted(); g.resultSet = Ext.create("Ext.data.ResultSet", { records: e, total: e.length, loaded: true }); if (typeof m == "function") { m.call(o || l, g) } }, update: function (e, j, k) { var d = e.records, c = d.length, a = this.getIds(), h, b, g; e.setStarted(); for (g = 0; g < c; g++) { h = d[g]; this.setRecord(h); h.commit(); b = h.getId(); if (b !== undefined && Ext.Array.indexOf(a, b) == -1) { a.push(b) } } this.setIds(a); e.setCompleted(); e.setSuccessful(); if (typeof j == "function") { j.call(k || this, e) } }, destroy: function (d, k, l) { var g = this, c = d.records, a = g.getIds(), h = a.length, m = [], j = {}, e = c.length, b; d.setStarted(); for (; e--; ) { Ext.apply(j, g.removeRecord(c[e])) } for (e = 0; e < h; e++) { b = a[e]; if (!j[b]) { m.push(b) } } g.setIds(m); d.setCompleted(); d.setSuccessful(); if (typeof k == "function") { k.call(l || g, d) } }, getRecord: function (d) { var b = this, a = b.cache, c = !a[d] ? Ext.decode(b.getStorageObject().getItem(b.getRecordKey(d))) : a[d]; if (!c) { return null } a[d] = c; c[b.model.prototype.idProperty] = d; return c }, setRecord: function (k, c) { if (c) { k.setId(c) } else { c = k.getId() } var m = this, a = k.data, h = {}, j = m.model, l = j.prototype.fields.items, d = l.length, g = 0, n, b, e, o; for (; g < d; g++) { n = l[g]; b = n.name; if (n.persist) { h[b] = a[b] } } delete h[m.model.prototype.idProperty]; if (k.isNode && k.get("depth") === 1) { delete h.parentId } e = m.getStorageObject(); o = m.getRecordKey(c); m.cache[c] = h; e.removeItem(o); e.setItem(o, Ext.encode(h)) }, removeRecord: function (a) { var d = this, g = a.getId(), b = {}, c, e; b[g] = a; d.getStorageObject().removeItem(d.getRecordKey(g)); delete d.cache[g]; if (a.childNodes) { e = a.childNodes; for (c = e.length; c--; ) { Ext.apply(b, d.removeRecord(e[c])) } } return b }, getRecordKey: function (a) { if (a.isModel) { a = a.getId() } return Ext.String.format("{0}-{1}", this.id, a) }, getRecordCounterKey: function () { return Ext.String.format("{0}-counter", this.id) }, getTreeKey: function () { return Ext.String.format("{0}-tree", this.id) }, getIds: function () { var g = this, d = (g.getStorageObject().getItem(g.id) || "").split(","), b = g.model, e = d.length, a = b.prototype.fields.get(b.prototype.idProperty).type.type === "string", c; if (e == 1 && d[0] === "") { d = [] } else { for (c = 0; c < e; c++) { d[c] = a ? d[c] : +d[c] } } return d }, setIds: function (a) { var b = this.getStorageObject(), c = a.join(","); b.removeItem(this.id); if (!Ext.isEmpty(c)) { b.setItem(this.id, c) } }, getNextId: function () { var d = this, e = d.getStorageObject(), c = d.getRecordCounterKey(), b = d.model, a = b.prototype.fields.get(b.prototype.idProperty).type.type === "string", g; g = d.idGenerator.generate(); e.setItem(c, g); if (!a) { g = +g } return g }, getTreeData: function () { var n = this, a = n.getIds(), e = a.length, j = [], b = {}, o = [], k = 0, h = n.model, q = h.prototype.idProperty, g, m, p, l, d, c; for (; k < e; k++) { c = a[k]; m = n.getRecord(c); j.push(m); b[c] = m; if (!m.parentId) { o.push(m) } } g = o.length; Ext.Array.sort(j, n.sortByParentId); for (k = g; k < e; k++) { m = j[k]; l = m.parentId; if (!p || p[q] !== l) { p = b[l]; p.children = d = [] } d.push(m) } for (k = e; k--; ) { m = j[k]; if (!m.children && !m.leaf) { m.loaded = true } } for (k = g; k--; ) { m = o[k]; o[k] = new h(m, m[q], m) } return o }, sortByParentId: function (b, a) { return (b.parentId || 0) - (a.parentId || 0) }, initialize: function () { var b = this, a = b.getStorageObject(), c = +a.getItem(b.getRecordCounterKey()); a.setItem(b.id, a.getItem(b.id) || ""); if (a.getItem(b.getTreeKey())) { b.isHierarchical = true } b.idGenerator = new Ext.data.SequentialIdGenerator({ seed: c ? c + 1 : 1 }) }, clear: function () { var d = this, e = d.getStorageObject(), c = d.getIds(), a = c.length, b; for (b = 0; b < a; b++) { e.removeItem(d.getRecordKey(c[b])) } e.removeItem(d.getRecordCounterKey()); e.removeItem(d.getTreeKey()); e.removeItem(d.id); d.cache = {} }, getStorageObject: function () {} }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.data.proxy, "WebStorage", Ext.data, "WebStorageProxy"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.proxy.LocalStorage", Ext.data.proxy.WebStorage, { alternateClassName: "Ext.data.LocalStorageProxy", getStorageObject: function () { return window.localStorage } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["proxy.localstorage"], 0, [Ext.data.proxy, "LocalStorage", Ext.data, "LocalStorageProxy"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.proxy.Rest", Ext.data.proxy.Ajax, { alternateClassName: "Ext.data.RestProxy", actionMethods: { create: "POST", read: "GET", update: "PUT", destroy: "DELETE" }, appendId: true, batchActions: false, buildUrl: function (g) { var e = this, c = g.operation, b = c.records || [], a = b[0], h = e.format, d = e.getUrl(g), j = a ? a.getId() : c.id; if (e.appendId && e.isValidId(j)) { if (!d.match(/\/$/)) { d += "/" } d += j } if (h) { if (!d.match(/\.$/)) { d += "." } d += h } g.url = d; return e.callParent(arguments) }, isValidId: function (a) { return a || a === 0 } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["proxy.rest"], 0, [Ext.data.proxy, "Rest", Ext.data, "RestProxy"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.data.proxy.SessionStorage", Ext.data.proxy.WebStorage, { alternateClassName: "Ext.data.SessionStorageProxy", getStorageObject: function () { return window.sessionStorage } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["proxy.sessionstorage"], 0, [Ext.data.proxy, "SessionStorage", Ext.data, "SessionStorageProxy"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.dd.DDTarget", Ext.dd.DragDrop, { constructor: function (c, a, b) { if (c) { this.initTarget(c, a, b) } }, getDragEl: Ext.emptyFn, isValidHandleChild: Ext.emptyFn, startDrag: Ext.emptyFn, endDrag: Ext.emptyFn, onDrag: Ext.emptyFn, onDragDrop: Ext.emptyFn, onDragEnter: Ext.emptyFn, onDragOut: Ext.emptyFn, onDragOver: Ext.emptyFn, onInvalidDrop: Ext.emptyFn, onMouseDown: Ext.emptyFn, onMouseUp: Ext.emptyFn, setXConstraint: Ext.emptyFn, setYConstraint: Ext.emptyFn, resetConstraints: Ext.emptyFn, clearConstraints: Ext.emptyFn, clearTicks: Ext.emptyFn, setInitPosition: Ext.emptyFn, setDragElId: Ext.emptyFn, setHandleElId: Ext.emptyFn, setOuterHandleElId: Ext.emptyFn, addInvalidHandleClass: Ext.emptyFn, addInvalidHandleId: Ext.emptyFn, addInvalidHandleType: Ext.emptyFn, removeInvalidHandleClass: Ext.emptyFn, removeInvalidHandleId: Ext.emptyFn, removeInvalidHandleType: Ext.emptyFn, toString: function () { return ("DDTarget " + this.id) } }, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.dd, "DDTarget"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.dd.DragTracker", Ext.Base, { active: false, trackOver: false, tolerance: 5, autoStart: false, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; Ext.apply(b, a); b.addEvents("mouseover", "mouseout", "mousedown", "mouseup", "mousemove", "beforedragstart", "dragstart", "dragend", "drag"); b.dragRegion = new Ext.util.Region(0, 0, 0, 0); if (b.el) { b.initEl(b.el) } b.mixins.observable.constructor.call(b); if (b.disabled) { b.disable() } }, initEl: function (a) { var b = this; b.el = Ext.get(a); b.handle = Ext.get(b.delegate); b.delegate = b.handle ? undefined : b.delegate; if (!b.handle) { b.handle = b.el } b.handleListeners = { scope: b, delegate: b.delegate, mousedown: b.onMouseDown }; if (b.trackOver || b.overCls) { Ext.apply(b.handleListeners, { mouseover: b.onMouseOver, mouseout: b.onMouseOut }) } b.mon(b.handle, b.handleListeners) }, disable: function () { this.disabled = true }, enable: function () { this.disabled = false }, destroy: function () { var a = this; if (a.active) { a.endDrag({}) } a.clearListeners(); a.mun(a.handle, a.handleListeners); a.el = a.handle = null }, onMouseOver: function (c, b) { var a = this; if (!a.disabled) { if (Ext.EventManager.contains(c) || a.delegate) { a.mouseIsOut = false; if (a.overCls) { a.el.addCls(a.overCls) } a.fireEvent("mouseover", a, c, a.delegate ? c.getTarget(a.delegate, b) : a.handle) } } }, onMouseOut: function (b) { var a = this; if (a.mouseIsDown) { a.mouseIsOut = true } else { if (a.overCls) { a.el.removeCls(a.overCls) } a.fireEvent("mouseout", a, b) } }, onMouseDown: function (d, c) { var b = this, a; if (b.disabled || d.dragTracked) { return } b.dragTarget = b.delegate ? c : b.handle.dom; b.startXY = b.lastXY = d.getXY(); b.startRegion = Ext.fly(b.dragTarget).getRegion(); if (b.fireEvent("mousedown", b, d) === false || b.fireEvent("beforedragstart", b, d) === false || b.onBeforeStart(d) === false) { return } b.mouseIsDown = true; d.dragTracked = true; a = b.el.dom; if (Ext.isIE && a.setCapture) { a.setCapture() } if (b.preventDefault !== false) { d.preventDefault() } Ext.getDoc().on({ scope: b, mouseup: b.onMouseUp, mousemove: b.onMouseMove, selectstart: b.stopSelect }); if (b.autoStart) { b.timer = Ext.defer(b.triggerStart, b.autoStart === true ? 1000 : b.autoStart, b, [d]) } }, onMouseMove: function (g, d) { var b = this, c = g.getXY(), a = b.startXY; g.preventDefault(); b.lastXY = c; if (!b.active) { if (Math.max(Math.abs(a[0] - c[0]), Math.abs(a[1] - c[1])) > b.tolerance) { b.triggerStart(g) } else { return } } if (b.fireEvent("mousemove", b, g) === false) { b.onMouseUp(g) } else { b.onDrag(g); b.fireEvent("drag", b, g) } }, onMouseUp: function (b) { var a = this; a.mouseIsDown = false; if (a.mouseIsOut) { a.mouseIsOut = false; a.onMouseOut(b) } b.preventDefault(); if (Ext.isIE && document.releaseCapture) { document.releaseCapture() } a.fireEvent("mouseup", a, b); a.endDrag(b) }, endDrag: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.active; Ext.getDoc().un({ mousemove: b.onMouseMove, mouseup: b.onMouseUp, selectstart: b.stopSelect, scope: b }); b.clearStart(); b.active = false; if (a) { b.onEnd(c); b.fireEvent("dragend", b, c) } b._constrainRegion = Ext.EventObject.dragTracked = null }, triggerStart: function (b) { var a = this; a.clearStart(); a.active = true; a.onStart(b); a.fireEvent("dragstart", a, b) }, clearStart: function () { var a = this.timer; if (a) { clearTimeout(a); this.timer = null } }, stopSelect: function (a) { a.stopEvent(); return false }, onBeforeStart: function (a) {}, onStart: function (a) {}, onDrag: function (a) {}, onEnd: function (a) {}, getDragTarget: function () { return this.dragTarget }, getDragCt: function () { return this.el }, getConstrainRegion: function () { var a = this; if (a.constrainTo) { if (a.constrainTo instanceof Ext.util.Region) { return a.constrainTo } if (!a._constrainRegion) { a._constrainRegion = Ext.fly(a.constrainTo).getViewRegion() } } else { if (!a._constrainRegion) { a._constrainRegion = a.getDragCt().getViewRegion() } } return a._constrainRegion }, getXY: function (a) { return a ? this.constrainModes[a](this, this.lastXY) : this.lastXY }, getOffset: function (c) { var b = this.getXY(c), a = this.startXY; return [b[0] - a[0], b[1] - a[1]] }, constrainModes: { point: function (b, d) { var c = b.dragRegion, a = b.getConstrainRegion(); if (!a) { return d } c.x = c.left = c[0] = c.right = d[0]; c.y = c.top = c[1] = c.bottom = d[1]; c.constrainTo(a); return [c.left, c.top] }, dragTarget: function (c, g) { var b = c.startXY, e = c.startRegion.copy(), a = c.getConstrainRegion(), d; if (!a) { return g } e.translateBy(g[0] - b[0], g[1] - b[1]); if (e.right > a.right) { g[0] += d = (a.right - e.right); e.left += d } if (e.left < a.left) { g[0] += (a.left - e.left) } if (e.bottom > a.bottom) { g[1] += d = (a.bottom - e.bottom); e.top += d } if (e.top < a.top) { g[1] += (a.top - e.top) } return g } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.dd, "DragTracker"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.dd.DragZone", Ext.dd.DragSource, { constructor: function (c, b) { var d = this, a = d.containerScroll; d.callParent([c, b]); if (a) { c = d.scrollEl || c; c = Ext.get(c); if (Ext.isObject(a)) { c.ddScrollConfig = a } Ext.dd.ScrollManager.register(c) } }, getDragData: function (a) { return Ext.dd.Registry.getHandleFromEvent(a) }, onInitDrag: function (a, b) { this.proxy.update(this.dragData.ddel.cloneNode(true)); this.onStartDrag(a, b); return true }, getRepairXY: function (a) { return Ext.fly(this.dragData.ddel).getXY() }, destroy: function () { this.callParent(); if (this.containerScroll) { Ext.dd.ScrollManager.unregister(this.scrollEl || this.el) } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.dd, "DragZone"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.dd.ScrollManager", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, constructor: function () { var a = Ext.dd.DragDropManager; a.fireEvents = Ext.Function.createSequence(a.fireEvents, this.onFire, this); a.stopDrag = Ext.Function.createSequence(a.stopDrag, this.onStop, this); this.doScroll = Ext.Function.bind(this.doScroll, this); this.ddmInstance = a; this.els = {}; this.dragEl = null; this.proc = {} }, onStop: function (a) { var b = Ext.dd.ScrollManager; b.dragEl = null; b.clearProc() }, triggerRefresh: function () { if (this.ddmInstance.dragCurrent) { this.ddmInstance.refreshCache(this.ddmInstance.dragCurrent.groups) } }, doScroll: function () { if (this.ddmInstance.dragCurrent) { var a = this.proc, b = a.el, c = a.el.ddScrollConfig, d = c ? c.increment : this.increment; if (!this.animate) { if (b.scroll(a.dir, d)) { this.triggerRefresh() } } else { b.scroll(a.dir, d, true, this.animDuration, this.triggerRefresh) } } }, clearProc: function () { var a = this.proc; if (a.id) { clearInterval(a.id) } a.id = 0; a.el = null; a.dir = "" }, startProc: function (b, a) { this.clearProc(); this.proc.el = b; this.proc.dir = a; var d = b.ddScrollConfig ? b.ddScrollConfig.ddGroup : undefined, c = (b.ddScrollConfig && b.ddScrollConfig.frequency) ? b.ddScrollConfig.frequency : this.frequency; if (d === undefined || this.ddmInstance.dragCurrent.ddGroup == d) { this.proc.id = setInterval(this.doScroll, c) } }, onFire: function (h, l) { if (l || !this.ddmInstance.dragCurrent) { return } if (!this.dragEl || this.dragEl != this.ddmInstance.dragCurrent) { this.dragEl = this.ddmInstance.dragCurrent; this.refreshCache() } var m = h.getXY(), n = h.getPoint(), j = this.proc, g = this.els, b, d, a, k; for (b in g) { d = g[b]; a = d._region; k = d.ddScrollConfig ? d.ddScrollConfig : this; if (a && a.contains(n) && d.isScrollable()) { if (a.bottom - n.y <= k.vthresh) { if (j.el != d) { this.startProc(d, "down") } return } else { if (a.right - n.x <= k.hthresh) { if (j.el != d) { this.startProc(d, "left") } return } else { if (n.y - a.top <= k.vthresh) { if (j.el != d) { this.startProc(d, "up") } return } else { if (n.x - a.left <= k.hthresh) { if (j.el != d) { this.startProc(d, "right") } return } } } } } } this.clearProc() }, register: function (c) { if (Ext.isArray(c)) { for (var b = 0, a = c.length; b < a; b++) { this.register(c[b]) } } else { c = Ext.get(c); this.els[c.id] = c } }, unregister: function (c) { if (Ext.isArray(c)) { for (var b = 0, a = c.length; b < a; b++) { this.unregister(c[b]) } } else { c = Ext.get(c); delete this.els[c.id] } }, vthresh: 25, hthresh: 25, increment: 100, frequency: 500, animate: true, animDuration: 0.4, ddGroup: undefined, refreshCache: function () { var a = this.els, b; for (b in a) { if (typeof a[b] == "object") { a[b]._region = a[b].getRegion() } } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.dd, "ScrollManager"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.dd.DropTarget", Ext.dd.DDTarget, { constructor: function (b, a) { this.el = Ext.get(b); Ext.apply(this, a); if (this.containerScroll) { Ext.dd.ScrollManager.register(this.el) } this.callParent([this.el.dom, this.ddGroup || this.group, { isTarget: true } ]) }, dropAllowed: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "dd-drop-ok", dropNotAllowed: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "dd-drop-nodrop", isTarget: true, isNotifyTarget: true, notifyEnter: function (a, c, b) { if (this.overClass) { this.el.addCls(this.overClass) } return this.dropAllowed }, notifyOver: function (a, c, b) { return this.dropAllowed }, notifyOut: function (a, c, b) { if (this.overClass) { this.el.removeCls(this.overClass) } }, notifyDrop: function (a, c, b) { return false }, destroy: function () { this.callParent(); if (this.containerScroll) { Ext.dd.ScrollManager.unregister(this.el) } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.dd, "DropTarget"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.dd.Registry", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, constructor: function () { this.elements = {}; this.handles = {}; this.autoIdSeed = 0 }, getId: function (b, a) { if (typeof b == "string") { return b } var c = b.id; if (!c && a !== false) { c = "extdd-" + (++this.autoIdSeed); b.id = c } return c }, register: function (d, e) { e = e || {}; if (typeof d == "string") { d = document.getElementById(d) } e.ddel = d; this.elements[this.getId(d)] = e; if (e.isHandle !== false) { this.handles[e.ddel.id] = e } if (e.handles) { var c = e.handles, b, a; for (b = 0, a = c.length; b < a; b++) { this.handles[this.getId(c[b])] = e } } }, unregister: function (d) { var g = this.getId(d, false), e = this.elements[g], c, b, a; if (e) { delete this.elements[g]; if (e.handles) { c = e.handles; for (b = 0, a = c.length; b < a; b++) { delete this.handles[this.getId(c[b], false)] } } } }, getHandle: function (a) { if (typeof a != "string") { a = a.id } return this.handles[a] }, getHandleFromEvent: function (b) { var a = b.getTarget(); return a ? this.handles[a.id] : null }, getTarget: function (a) { if (typeof a != "string") { a = a.id } return this.elements[a] }, getTargetFromEvent: function (b) { var a = b.getTarget(); return a ? this.elements[a.id] || this.handles[a.id] : null } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.dd, "Registry"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.dd.DropZone", Ext.dd.DropTarget, { getTargetFromEvent: function (a) { return Ext.dd.Registry.getTargetFromEvent(a) }, onNodeEnter: function (d, a, c, b) {}, onNodeOver: function (d, a, c, b) { return this.dropAllowed }, onNodeOut: function (d, a, c, b) {}, onNodeDrop: function (d, a, c, b) { return false }, onContainerOver: function (a, c, b) { return this.dropNotAllowed }, onContainerDrop: function (a, c, b) { return false }, notifyEnter: function (a, c, b) { return this.dropNotAllowed }, notifyOver: function (a, c, b) { var d = this.getTargetFromEvent(c); if (!d) { if (this.lastOverNode) { this.onNodeOut(this.lastOverNode, a, c, b); this.lastOverNode = null } return this.onContainerOver(a, c, b) } if (this.lastOverNode != d) { if (this.lastOverNode) { this.onNodeOut(this.lastOverNode, a, c, b) } this.onNodeEnter(d, a, c, b); this.lastOverNode = d } return this.onNodeOver(d, a, c, b) }, notifyOut: function (a, c, b) { if (this.lastOverNode) { this.onNodeOut(this.lastOverNode, a, c, b); this.lastOverNode = null } }, notifyDrop: function (b, g, d) { var c = this, h = c.getTargetFromEvent(g), a = h ? c.onNodeDrop(h, b, g, d) : c.onContainerDrop(b, g, d); if (c.lastOverNode) { c.onNodeOut(c.lastOverNode, b, g, d); c.lastOverNode = null } return a }, triggerCacheRefresh: function () { Ext.dd.DDM.refreshCache(this.groups) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.dd, "DropZone"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.direct.Event", Ext.Base, { status: true, constructor: function (a) { Ext.apply(this, a) }, getName: function () { return this.name }, getData: function () { return this.data } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["direct.event"], 0, [Ext.direct, "Event"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.direct.RemotingEvent", Ext.direct.Event, { getTransaction: function () { var a = this; return a.transaction || Ext.direct.Manager.getTransaction(a.tid) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["direct.rpc"], 0, [Ext.direct, "RemotingEvent"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.direct.ExceptionEvent", Ext.direct.RemotingEvent, { status: false }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["direct.exception"], 0, [Ext.direct, "ExceptionEvent"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.direct.JsonProvider", Ext.direct.Provider, { parseResponse: function (a) { if (!Ext.isEmpty(a.responseText)) { if (Ext.isObject(a.responseText)) { return a.responseText } return Ext.decode(a.responseText) } return null }, createEvents: function (b) { var h = this, j = null, d = [], g, c, a; try { j = h.parseResponse(b) } catch (k) { g = new Ext.direct.ExceptionEvent({ data: k, xhr: b, code: Ext.direct.Manager.exceptions.PARSE, message: "Error parsing json response: \n\n " + k }); return [g] } if (Ext.isArray(j)) { for (c = 0, a = j.length; c < a; ++c) { d.push(h.createEvent(j[c])) } } else { if (Ext.isObject(j)) { d.push(h.createEvent(j)) } } return d }, createEvent: function (a) { if (typeof a !== "object" || !("type" in a)) { return new Ext.direct.ExceptionEvent({ data: a, code: Ext.direct.Manager.exceptions.DATA, message: "Invalid data: event type is not specified" }) } return Ext.create("direct." + a.type, a) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["direct.jsonprovider"], 0, [Ext.direct, "JsonProvider"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.direct.PollingProvider", Ext.direct.JsonProvider, { interval: 3000, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; b.callParent(arguments); b.addEvents("beforepoll", "poll") }, isConnected: function () { return !!this.pollTask }, connect: function () { var b = this, a = b.url; if (a && !b.pollTask) { b.pollTask = Ext.TaskManager.start({ run: b.runPoll, interval: b.interval, scope: b }); b.fireEvent("connect", b) } }, disconnect: function () { var a = this; if (a.pollTask) { Ext.TaskManager.stop(a.pollTask); delete a.pollTask; a.fireEvent("disconnect", a) } }, runPoll: function () { var b = this, a = b.url; if (b.fireEvent("beforepoll", b) !== false) { if (Ext.isFunction(a)) { a(b.baseParams) } else { Ext.Ajax.request({ url: a, callback: b.onData, scope: b, params: b.baseParams }) } b.fireEvent("poll", b) } }, onData: function (e, h, b) { var g = this, d, a, c; if (h) { c = g.createEvents(b); for (d = 0, a = c.length; d < a; ++d) { g.fireEvent("data", g, c[d]) } } else { c = new Ext.direct.ExceptionEvent({ data: null, code: Ext.direct.Manager.exceptions.TRANSPORT, message: "Unable to connect to the server.", xhr: b }); g.fireEvent("data", g, c) } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["direct.pollingprovider"], 0, [Ext.direct, "PollingProvider"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.direct.RemotingMethod", Ext.Base, { constructor: function (c) { var d = this, h = Ext.isDefined(c.params) ? c.params : c.len, b, a, e, g; d.name = c.name; d.formHandler = c.formHandler; if (Ext.isNumeric(h)) { d.len = h; d.ordered = true } else { d.params = {}; a = h.length; for (e = 0; e < a; e++) { g = h[e]; b = Ext.isObject(g) ? g.name : g; d.params[b] = true } } }, getArgs: function (g, b, h) { var e = this, c = [], d, a; if (e.ordered) { if (e.len > 0) { if (b) { for (d = 0, a = b.length; d < a; d++) { c.push(g[b[d]]) } } else { if (h) { c.push(g) } } } } else { c.push(g) } return c }, getCallData: function (e) { var g = this, c = null, d = g.len, b = g.params, h, j, a, k; if (g.ordered) { h = e[d]; j = e[d + 1]; k = e[d + 2]; if (d !== 0) { c = e.slice(0, d) } } else { c = Ext.apply({}, e[0]); h = e[1]; j = e[2]; k = e[3]; for (a in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(a) && !b[a]) { delete c[a] } } } return { data: c, callback: h, scope: j, options: k } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.direct, "RemotingMethod"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.direct.Transaction", Ext.Base, { alternateClassName: "Ext.Direct.Transaction", statics: { TRANSACTION_ID: 0 }, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; Ext.apply(b, a); b.id = b.tid = ++b.self.TRANSACTION_ID; b.retryCount = 0 }, send: function () { var a = this; a.provider.queueTransaction(a) }, retry: function () { var a = this; a.retryCount++; a.send() }, getProvider: function () { return this.provider } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["direct.transaction"], 0, [Ext.direct, "Transaction", Ext.Direct, "Transaction"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.direct.RemotingProvider", Ext.direct.JsonProvider, { enableBuffer: 10, maxRetries: 1, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; b.callParent(arguments); b.addEvents("beforecall", "call", "beforecallback"); b.namespace = (Ext.isString(b.namespace)) ? Ext.ns(b.namespace) : b.namespace || Ext.global; b.transactions = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); b.callBuffer = [] }, getNamespace: function (b, e) { var g, d, c, a; b = b || Ext.global; g = e.toString().split("."); for (c = 0, a = g.length; c < a; c++) { d = g[c]; b = b[d]; if (typeof b === "undefined") { return b } } return b }, createNamespaces: function (b, e) { var g, d; b = b || Ext.global; g = e.toString().split("."); for (var c = 0, a = g.length; c < a; c++) { d = g[c]; b[d] = b[d] || {}; b = b[d] } return b }, initAPI: function () { var j = this, e = j.actions, c = j.namespace, d, k, b, g, h, a; for (d in e) { if (e.hasOwnProperty(d)) { if (j.disableNestedActions) { k = c[d]; if (!k) { k = c[d] = {} } } else { k = j.getNamespace(c, d); if (!k) { k = j.createNamespaces(c, d) } } b = e[d]; for (g = 0, h = b.length; g < h; ++g) { a = new Ext.direct.RemotingMethod(b[g]); k[a.name] = j.createHandler(d, a) } } } }, createHandler: function (c, e) { var b = this, d = Array.prototype.slice, a; if (!e.formHandler) { a = function () { b.configureRequest(c, e, d.call(arguments, 0)) } } else { a = function (h, j, g) { b.configureFormRequest(c, e, h, j, g) } } a.directCfg = { action: c, method: e }; return a }, isConnected: function () { return !!this.connected }, connect: function () { var a = this; if (a.url) { a.initAPI(); a.connected = true; a.fireEvent("connect", a) } }, disconnect: function () { var a = this; if (a.connected) { a.connected = false; a.fireEvent("disconnect", a) } }, runCallback: function (g, c) { var e = !!c.status, d = e ? "success" : "failure", h, b, a; if (g && g.callback) { h = g.callback; b = g.callbackOptions; a = typeof c.result !== "undefined" ? c.result : c.data; if (Ext.isFunction(h)) { h(a, c, e, b) } else { Ext.callback(h[d], h.scope, [a, c, e, b]); Ext.callback(h.callback, h.scope, [a, c, e, b]) } } }, onData: function (l, j, c) { var g = this, d, e, k, a, b, h; if (j) { k = g.createEvents(c); for (d = 0, e = k.length; d < e; ++d) { a = k[d]; b = g.getTransaction(a); g.fireEvent("data", g, a); if (b && g.fireEvent("beforecallback", g, a, b) !== false) { g.runCallback(b, a, true); Ext.direct.Manager.removeTransaction(b) } } } else { h = [].concat(l.transaction); for (d = 0, e = h.length; d < e; ++d) { b = g.getTransaction(h[d]); if (b && b.retryCount < g.maxRetries) { b.retry() } else { a = new Ext.direct.ExceptionEvent({ data: null, transaction: b, code: Ext.direct.Manager.exceptions.TRANSPORT, message: "Unable to connect to the server.", xhr: c }); g.fireEvent("data", g, a); if (b && g.fireEvent("beforecallback", g, b) !== false) { g.runCallback(b, a, false); Ext.direct.Manager.removeTransaction(b) } } } } }, getTransaction: function (a) { return a && a.tid ? Ext.direct.Manager.getTransaction(a.tid) : null }, configureRequest: function (g, b, j) { var k = this, d, h, l, m, a, c, e; d = b.getCallData(j); h = d.data; l = d.callback; m = d.scope; a = d.options || {}; e = Ext.apply({}, { provider: k, args: j, action: g, method: b.name, data: h, callbackOptions: a, callback: m && Ext.isFunction(l) ? Ext.Function.bind(l, m) : l }); if (a.timeout) { Ext.applyIf(e, { timeout: a.timeout }) } c = new Ext.direct.Transaction(e); if (k.fireEvent("beforecall", k, c, b) !== false) { Ext.direct.Manager.addTransaction(c); k.queueTransaction(c); k.fireEvent("call", k, c, b) } }, getCallData: function (a) { return { action: a.action, method: a.method, data: a.data, type: "rpc", tid: a.id } }, sendRequest: function (h) { var g = this, e, b, j, d = g.enableUrlEncode, c, a; e = { url: g.url, callback: g.onData, scope: g, transaction: h, timeout: g.timeout }; if (h.timeout) { e.timeout = h.timeout } if (Ext.isArray(h)) { b = []; for (c = 0, a = h.length; c < a; ++c) { b.push(g.getCallData(h[c])) } } else { b = g.getCallData(h) } if (d) { j = {}; j[Ext.isString(d) ? d : "data"] = Ext.encode(b); e.params = j } else { e.jsonData = b } Ext.Ajax.request(e) }, queueTransaction: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.enableBuffer; if (c.form) { b.sendFormRequest(c); return } if (a === false || typeof c.timeout !== "undefined") { b.sendRequest(c); return } b.callBuffer.push(c); if (a) { if (!b.callTask) { b.callTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(b.combineAndSend, b) } b.callTask.delay(Ext.isNumber(a) ? a : 10) } else { b.combineAndSend() } }, combineAndSend: function () { var c = this, b = c.callBuffer, a = b.length; if (a > 0) { c.sendRequest(a == 1 ? b[0] : b); c.callBuffer = [] } }, configureFormRequest: function (e, a, b, j, k) { var h = this, c, g, d; c = new Ext.direct.Transaction({ provider: h, action: e, method: a.name, args: [b, j, k], callback: k && Ext.isFunction(j) ? Ext.Function.bind(j, k) : j, isForm: true }); if (h.fireEvent("beforecall", h, c, a) !== false) { Ext.direct.Manager.addTransaction(c); g = String(b.getAttribute("enctype")).toLowerCase() == "multipart/form-data"; d = { extTID: c.id, extAction: e, extMethod: a.name, extType: "rpc", extUpload: String(g) }; Ext.apply(c, { form: Ext.getDom(b), isUpload: g, params: j && Ext.isObject(j.params) ? Ext.apply(d, j.params) : d }); h.fireEvent("call", h, c, a); h.sendFormRequest(c) } }, sendFormRequest: function (b) { var a = this; Ext.Ajax.request({ url: a.url, params: b.params, callback: a.onData, scope: a, form: b.form, isUpload: b.isUpload, transaction: b }) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["direct.remotingprovider"], 0, [Ext.direct, "RemotingProvider"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.dom.Layer", Ext.Element, { alternateClassName: "Ext.Layer", statics: { shims: [] }, isLayer: true, localXYNames: { get: "getLocalXY", set: "setLocalXY" }, constructor: function (c, b) { c = c || {}; var d = this, e = Ext.DomHelper, h = c.parentEl, g = h ? Ext.getDom(h) : document.body, j = c.hideMode, a = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + (c.fixed && !(Ext.isIE6 || Ext.isIEQuirks) ? "fixed-layer" : "layer"); d.el = d; if (b) { d.dom = Ext.getDom(b) } if (!d.dom) { d.dom = e.append(g, c.dh || { tag: "div", cls: a }) } else { d.addCls(a); if (!d.dom.parentNode) { g.appendChild(d.dom) } } if (c.preventSync) { d.preventSync = true } if (c.id) { d.id = d.dom.id = c.id } else { d.id = Ext.id(d.dom) } Ext.Element.addToCache(d); if (c.cls) { d.addCls(c.cls) } d.constrain = c.constrain !== false; if (j) { d.setVisibilityMode(Ext.Element[j.toUpperCase()]); if (d.visibilityMode == Ext.Element.ASCLASS) { d.visibilityCls = c.visibilityCls } } else { if (c.useDisplay) { d.setVisibilityMode(Ext.Element.DISPLAY) } else { d.setVisibilityMode(Ext.Element.VISIBILITY) } } if (c.shadow) { d.shadowOffset = c.shadowOffset || 4; d.shadow = new Ext.Shadow({ offset: d.shadowOffset, mode: c.shadow, fixed: c.fixed }); d.disableShadow() } else { d.shadowOffset = 0 } d.useShim = c.shim !== false && Ext.useShims; if (c.hidden === true) { d.hide() } else { d.show() } }, getZIndex: function () { return parseInt((this.getShim() || this).getStyle("z-index"), 10) }, getShim: function () { var b = this, c, a; if (!b.useShim) { return null } if (!b.shim) { c = b.self.shims.shift(); if (!c) { c = b.createShim(); c.enableDisplayMode("block"); c.hide() } a = b.dom.parentNode; if (c.dom.parentNode != a) { a.insertBefore(c.dom, b.dom) } b.shim = c } return b.shim }, hideShim: function () { var a = this; if (a.shim) { a.shim.setDisplayed(false); a.self.shims.push(a.shim); delete a.shim } }, disableShadow: function () { var a = this; if (a.shadow && !a.shadowDisabled) { a.shadowDisabled = true; a.shadow.hide(); a.lastShadowOffset = a.shadowOffset; a.shadowOffset = 0 } }, enableShadow: function (a) { var b = this; if (b.shadow && b.shadowDisabled) { b.shadowDisabled = false; b.shadowOffset = b.lastShadowOffset; delete b.lastShadowOffset; if (a) { b.sync(true) } } }, sync: function (b) { var j = this, o = j.shadow, g, d, a, c, p, l, k, n, e, m; if (j.preventSync) { return } if (!j.updating && j.isVisible() && (o || j.useShim)) { c = j.getShim(); p = j[j.localXYNames.get](); l = p[0]; k = p[1]; n = j.dom.offsetWidth; e = j.dom.offsetHeight; if (o && !j.shadowDisabled) { if (b && !o.isVisible()) { o.show(j) } else { o.realign(l, k, n, e) } if (c) { m = c.getStyle("z-index"); if (m > j.zindex) { j.shim.setStyle("z-index", j.zindex - 2) } c.show(); if (o.isVisible()) { g = o.el.getXY(); d = c.dom.style; a = o.el.getSize(); if (Ext.supports.CSS3BoxShadow) { a.height += 6; a.width += 4; g[0] -= 2; g[1] -= 4 } d.left = (g[0]) + "px"; d.top = (g[1]) + "px"; d.width = (a.width) + "px"; d.height = (a.height) + "px" } else { c.setSize(n, e); c[j.localXYNames.set](l, k) } } } else { if (c) { m = c.getStyle("z-index"); if (m > j.zindex) { j.shim.setStyle("z-index", j.zindex - 2) } c.show(); c.setSize(n, e); c[j.localXYNames.set](l, k) } } } return j }, remove: function () { this.hideUnders(); this.callParent() }, beginUpdate: function () { this.updating = true }, endUpdate: function () { this.updating = false; this.sync(true) }, hideUnders: function () { if (this.shadow) { this.shadow.hide() } this.hideShim() }, constrainXY: function () { if (this.constrain) { var g = Ext.Element.getViewWidth(), b = Ext.Element.getViewHeight(), m = Ext.getDoc().getScroll(), l = this.getXY(), j = l[0], e = l[1], a = this.shadowOffset, k = this.dom.offsetWidth + a, c = this.dom.offsetHeight + a, d = false; if ((j + k) > g + m.left) { j = g - k - a; d = true } if ((e + c) > b + m.top) { e = b - c - a; d = true } if (j < m.left) { j = m.left; d = true } if (e < m.top) { e = m.top; d = true } if (d) { Ext.Layer.superclass.setXY.call(this, [j, e]); this.sync() } } return this }, getConstrainOffset: function () { return this.shadowOffset }, setVisible: function (e, b, d, h, g) { var c = this, a; a = function () { if (e) { c.sync(true) } if (h) { h() } }; if (!e) { c.hideUnders(true) } c.callParent([e, b, d, h, g]); if (!b) { a() } return c }, beforeFx: function () { this.beforeAction(); return this.callParent(arguments) }, afterFx: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.sync(this.isVisible()) }, beforeAction: function () { if (!this.updating && this.shadow) { this.shadow.hide() } }, setLeft: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); return this.sync() }, setTop: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); return this.sync() }, setLeftTop: function (b, a) { this.callParent(arguments); return this.sync() }, setLocalX: function () { this.callParent(arguments); return this.sync() }, setLocalXY: function () { this.callParent(arguments); return this.sync() }, setLocalY: function () { this.callParent(arguments); return this.sync() }, setXY: function (d, a, c, g, e) { var b = this; g = b.createCB(g); b.fixDisplay(); b.beforeAction(); b.callParent([d, a, c, g, e]); if (!a) { g() } return b }, createCB: function (c) { var a = this, b = a.shadow && a.shadow.isVisible(); return function () { a.constrainXY(); a.sync(b); if (c) { c() } } }, setX: function (a, b, c, e, d) { this.setXY([a, this.getY()], b, c, e, d); return this }, setY: function (e, a, b, d, c) { this.setXY([this.getX(), e], a, b, d, c); return this }, setSize: function (a, c, b, e, j, g) { var d = this; j = d.createCB(j); d.beforeAction(); d.callParent([a, c, b, e, j, g]); if (!b) { j() } return d }, setWidth: function (a, b, d, g, e) { var c = this; g = c.createCB(g); c.beforeAction(); c.callParent([a, b, d, g, e]); if (!b) { g() } return c }, setHeight: function (b, a, d, g, e) { var c = this; g = c.createCB(g); c.beforeAction(); c.callParent([b, a, d, g, e]); if (!a) { g() } return c }, setBounds: function (h, g, a, k, b, c, j, d) { var e = this; j = e.createCB(j); e.beforeAction(); if (!b) { Ext.Layer.superclass.setXY.call(e, [h, g]); Ext.Layer.superclass.setSize.call(e, a, k); j() } else { e.callParent([h, g, a, k, b, c, j, d]) } return e }, setZIndex: function (a) { var b = this; b.zindex = a; if (b.getShim()) { b.shim.setStyle("z-index", a++) } if (b.shadow) { b.shadow.setZIndex(a++) } return b.setStyle("z-index", a) }, onOpacitySet: function (a) { var b = this.shadow; if (b) { b.setOpacity(a) } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.dom, "Layer", Ext, "Layer"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.draw.Matrix", Ext.Base, { constructor: function (h, g, m, l, k, j) { if (h != null) { this.matrix = [[h, m, k], [g, l, j], [0, 0, 1]] } else { this.matrix = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]] } }, add: function (t, q, n, l, j, h) { var o = this, g = [[], [], []], s = [[t, n, j], [q, l, h], [0, 0, 1]], r, p, m, k; for (r = 0; r < 3; r++) { for (p = 0; p < 3; p++) { k = 0; for (m = 0; m < 3; m++) { k += o.matrix[r][m] * s[m][p] } g[r][p] = k } } o.matrix = g }, prepend: function (t, q, n, l, j, h) { var o = this, g = [[], [], []], s = [[t, n, j], [q, l, h], [0, 0, 1]], r, p, m, k; for (r = 0; r < 3; r++) { for (p = 0; p < 3; p++) { k = 0; for (m = 0; m < 3; m++) { k += s[r][m] * o.matrix[m][p] } g[r][p] = k } } o.matrix = g }, invert: function () { var k = this.matrix, j = k[0][0], h = k[1][0], o = k[0][1], n = k[1][1], m = k[0][2], l = k[1][2], g = j * n - h * o; return new Ext.draw.Matrix(n / g, -h / g, -o / g, j / g, (o * l - n * m) / g, (h * m - j * l) / g) }, clone: function () { var j = this.matrix, h = j[0][0], g = j[1][0], n = j[0][1], m = j[1][1], l = j[0][2], k = j[1][2]; return new Ext.draw.Matrix(h, g, n, m, l, k) }, translate: function (a, b) { this.prepend(1, 0, 0, 1, a, b) }, scale: function (b, e, a, d) { var c = this; if (e == null) { e = b } c.add(b, 0, 0, e, a * (1 - b), d * (1 - e)) }, rotate: function (c, b, h) { c = Ext.draw.Draw.rad(c); var e = this, g = +Math.cos(c).toFixed(9), d = +Math.sin(c).toFixed(9); e.add(g, d, -d, g, b - g * b + d * h, - (d * b) + h - g * h) }, x: function (a, c) { var b = this.matrix; return a * b[0][0] + c * b[0][1] + b[0][2] }, y: function (a, c) { var b = this.matrix; return a * b[1][0] + c * b[1][1] + b[1][2] }, get: function (b, a) { return +this.matrix[b][a].toFixed(4) }, toString: function () { var a = this; return [a.get(0, 0), a.get(0, 1), a.get(1, 0), a.get(1, 1), 0, 0].join() }, toSvg: function () { var a = this; return "matrix(" + [a.get(0, 0), a.get(1, 0), a.get(0, 1), a.get(1, 1), a.get(0, 2), a.get(1, 2)].join() + ")" }, toFilter: function (b, a) { var c = this; b = b || 0; a = a || 0; return "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(sizingMethod='auto expand', filterType='bilinear', M11=" + c.get(0, 0) + ", M12=" + c.get(0, 1) + ", M21=" + c.get(1, 0) + ", M22=" + c.get(1, 1) + ", Dx=" + (c.get(0, 2) + b) + ", Dy=" + (c.get(1, 2) + a) + ")" }, offset: function () { var a = this.matrix; return [(a[0][2] || 0).toFixed(4), (a[1][2] || 0).toFixed(4)] }, split: function () { function d(g) { return g[0] * g[0] + g[1] * g[1] } function b(g) { var h = Math.sqrt(d(g)); g[0] /= h; g[1] /= h } var a = this.matrix, c = { translateX: a[0][2], translateY: a[1][2] }, e; e = [[a[0][0], a[0][1]], [a[1][1], a[1][1]]]; c.scaleX = Math.sqrt(d(e[0])); b(e[0]); c.shear = e[0][0] * e[1][0] + e[0][1] * e[1][1]; e[1] = [e[1][0] - e[0][0] * c.shear, e[1][1] - e[0][1] * c.shear]; c.scaleY = Math.sqrt(d(e[1])); b(e[1]); c.shear /= c.scaleY; c.rotate = Math.asin(-e[0][1]); c.isSimple = !+c.shear.toFixed(9) && (c.scaleX.toFixed(9) == c.scaleY.toFixed(9) || !c.rotate); return c } }, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.draw, "Matrix"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.draw.SpriteDD", Ext.dd.DragSource, { constructor: function (b, a) { var d = this, c = b.el; d.sprite = b; d.el = c; d.dragData = { el: c, sprite: b }; d.callParent([c, a]); d.sprite.setStyle("cursor", "move") }, showFrame: Ext.emptyFn, createFrame: Ext.emptyFn, getDragEl: function (a) { return this.el }, getRegion: function () { var k = this, g = k.el, n, d, c, p, o, u, a, m, h, s, q; q = k.sprite; s = q.getBBox(); try { n = Ext.Element.getXY(g) } catch (j) {} if (!n) { return null } d = n[0]; c = d + s.width; p = n[1]; o = p + s.height; return new Ext.util.Region(p, c, o, d) }, startDrag: function (b, d) { var c = this, a = c.sprite.attr; c.prev = c.sprite.surface.transformToViewBox(b, d) }, onDrag: function (j) { var h = j.getXY(), g = this, d = g.sprite, a = d.attr, c, b; h = g.sprite.surface.transformToViewBox(h[0], h[1]); c = h[0] - g.prev[0]; b = h[1] - g.prev[1]; d.setAttributes({ translate: { x: a.translation.x + c, y: a.translation.y + b } }, true); g.prev = h }, setDragElPos: function () { return false } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.draw, "SpriteDD"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.draw.Sprite", Ext.Base, { dirty: false, dirtyHidden: false, dirtyTransform: false, dirtyPath: true, dirtyFont: true, zIndexDirty: true, isSprite: true, zIndex: 0, fontProperties: ["font", "font-size", "font-weight", "font-style", "font-family", "text-anchor", "text"], pathProperties: ["x", "y", "d", "path", "height", "width", "radius", "r", "rx", "ry", "cx", "cy"], constructor: function (a) { var b = this; a = Ext.merge({}, a || {}); b.id = Ext.id(null, "ext-sprite-"); b.transformations = []; Ext.copyTo(this, a, "surface,group,type,draggable"); b.bbox = {}; b.attr = { zIndex: 0, translation: { x: null, y: null }, rotation: { degrees: null, x: null, y: null }, scaling: { x: null, y: null, cx: null, cy: null } }; delete a.surface; delete a.group; delete a.type; delete a.draggable; b.setAttributes(a); b.addEvents("beforedestroy", "destroy", "render", "mousedown", "mouseup", "mouseover", "mouseout", "mousemove", "click"); b.mixins.observable.constructor.apply(this, arguments) }, initDraggable: function () { var a = this; if (!a.el) { a.surface.createSpriteElement(a) } a.dd = new Ext.draw.SpriteDD(a, Ext.isBoolean(a.draggable) ? null : a.draggable); a.on("beforedestroy", a.dd.destroy, a.dd) }, setAttributes: function (l, o) { var t = this, j = t.fontProperties, q = j.length, h = t.pathProperties, g = h.length, r = !!t.surface, a = r && t.surface.customAttributes || {}, c = t.attr, b = false, m, p, k, d, s, n, u, e; l = Ext.apply({}, l); for (m in a) { if (l.hasOwnProperty(m) && typeof a[m] == "function") { Ext.apply(l, a[m].apply(t, [].concat(l[m]))) } } if (!!l.hidden !== !!c.hidden) { t.dirtyHidden = true } for (p = 0; p < g; p++) { m = h[p]; if (m in l && l[m] !== c[m]) { t.dirtyPath = true; b = true; break } } if ("zIndex" in l) { t.zIndexDirty = true } if ("text" in l) { t.dirtyFont = true; b = true } for (p = 0; p < q; p++) { m = j[p]; if (m in l && l[m] !== c[m]) { t.dirtyFont = true; b = true; break } } k = l.translation || l.translate; delete l.translate; delete l.translation; d = c.translation; if (k) { if (("x" in k && k.x !== d.x) || ("y" in k && k.y !== d.y)) { t.dirtyTransform = true; d.x = k.x; d.y = k.y } } s = l.rotation || l.rotate; n = c.rotation; delete l.rotate; delete l.rotation; if (s) { if (("x" in s && s.x !== n.x) || ("y" in s && s.y !== n.y) || ("degrees" in s && s.degrees !== n.degrees)) { t.dirtyTransform = true; n.x = s.x; n.y = s.y; n.degrees = s.degrees } } u = l.scaling || l.scale; e = c.scaling; delete l.scale; delete l.scaling; if (u) { if (("x" in u && u.x !== e.x) || ("y" in u && u.y !== e.y) || ("cx" in u && u.cx !== e.cx) || ("cy" in u && u.cy !== e.cy)) { t.dirtyTransform = true; e.x = u.x; e.y = u.y; e.cx = u.cx; e.cy = u.cy } } if (!t.dirtyTransform && b) { if (c.scaling.x === null || c.scaling.y === null || c.rotation.y === null || c.rotation.y === null) { t.dirtyTransform = true } } Ext.apply(c, l); t.dirty = true; if (o === true && r) { t.redraw() } return this }, getBBox: function () { return this.surface.getBBox(this) }, setText: function (a) { return this.surface.setText(this, a) }, hide: function (a) { this.setAttributes({ hidden: true }, a); return this }, show: function (a) { this.setAttributes({ hidden: false }, a); return this }, remove: function () { if (this.surface) { this.surface.remove(this); return true } return false }, onRemove: function () { this.surface.onRemove(this) }, destroy: function () { var a = this; if (a.fireEvent("beforedestroy", a) !== false) { a.remove(); a.surface.onDestroy(a); a.clearListeners(); a.fireEvent("destroy") } }, redraw: function () { this.surface.renderItem(this); return this }, setStyle: function () { this.el.setStyle.apply(this.el, arguments); return this }, addCls: function (a) { this.surface.addCls(this, a); return this }, removeCls: function (a) { this.surface.removeCls(this, a); return this } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable], ["animate", Ext.util.Animate]], [Ext.draw, "Sprite"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.draw.Text", Ext.draw.Component, { text: "", focusable: false, viewBox: false, autoSize: true, baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "surface " + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "draw-text", initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.textConfig = Ext.apply({ type: "text", text: a.text, rotate: { degrees: a.degrees || 0 } }, a.textStyle); Ext.apply(a.textConfig, a.getStyles(a.styleSelectors || a.styleSelector)); a.initialConfig.items = [a.textConfig]; a.callParent(arguments) }, getStyles: function (d) { d = Ext.Array.from(d); var c = 0, b = d.length, g, e, h, a = {}; for (; c < b; c++) { g = Ext.util.CSS.getRule(d[c]); if (g) { e = g.style; if (e) { Ext.apply(a, { "font-family": e.fontFamily, "font-weight": e.fontWeight, "line-height": e.lineHeight, "font-size": e.fontSize, fill: e.color }) } } } return a }, setAngle: function (d) { var c = this, a, b; if (c.rendered) { a = c.surface; b = a.items.items[0]; c.degrees = d; b.setAttributes({ rotate: { degrees: d } }, true); if (c.autoSize || c.viewBox) { c.updateLayout() } } else { c.degrees = d } }, setText: function (d) { var c = this, a, b; if (c.rendered) { a = c.surface; b = a.items.items[0]; c.text = d || ""; a.remove(b); c.textConfig.type = "text"; c.textConfig.text = c.text; b = a.add(c.textConfig); b.setAttributes({ rotate: { degrees: c.degrees } }, true); if (c.autoSize || c.viewBox) { c.updateLayout() } } else { c.on({ render: function () { c.setText(d) }, single: true }) } } }, 0, ["text"], ["draw", "text", "component", "box"], { draw: true, text: true, component: true, box: true }, ["widget.text"], 0, [Ext.draw, "Text"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.draw.engine.ImageExporter", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, defaultUrl: "http://svg.sencha.io", supportedTypes: ["image/png", "image/jpeg"], widthParam: "width", heightParam: "height", typeParam: "type", svgParam: "svg", formCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "hide-display", generate: function (a, b) { b = b || {}; var e = this, c = b.type, d; if (Ext.Array.indexOf(e.supportedTypes, c) === -1) { return false } d = Ext.getBody().createChild({ tag: "form", method: "POST", action: b.url || e.defaultUrl, cls: e.formCls, children: [{ tag: "input", type: "hidden", name: b.widthParam || e.widthParam, value: b.width || a.width }, { tag: "input", type: "hidden", name: b.heightParam || e.heightParam, value: b.height || a.height }, { tag: "input", type: "hidden", name: b.typeParam || e.typeParam, value: c }, { tag: "input", type: "hidden", name: b.svgParam || e.svgParam } ] }); d.last(null, true).value = Ext.draw.engine.SvgExporter.generate(a); d.dom.submit(); d.remove(); return true } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.draw.engine, "ImageExporter"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.draw.engine.Svg", Ext.draw.Surface, { engine: "Svg", trimRe: /^\s+|\s+$/g, spacesRe: /\s+/, xlink: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", translateAttrs: { radius: "r", radiusX: "rx", radiusY: "ry", path: "d", lineWidth: "stroke-width", fillOpacity: "fill-opacity", strokeOpacity: "stroke-opacity", strokeLinejoin: "stroke-linejoin" }, parsers: {}, minDefaults: { circle: { cx: 0, cy: 0, r: 0, fill: "none", stroke: null, "stroke-width": null, opacity: null, "fill-opacity": null, "stroke-opacity": null }, ellipse: { cx: 0, cy: 0, rx: 0, ry: 0, fill: "none", stroke: null, "stroke-width": null, opacity: null, "fill-opacity": null, "stroke-opacity": null }, rect: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, rx: 0, ry: 0, fill: "none", stroke: null, "stroke-width": null, opacity: null, "fill-opacity": null, "stroke-opacity": null }, text: { x: 0, y: 0, "text-anchor": "start", "font-family": null, "font-size": null, "font-weight": null, "font-style": null, fill: "#000", stroke: null, "stroke-width": null, opacity: null, "fill-opacity": null, "stroke-opacity": null }, path: { d: "M0,0", fill: "none", stroke: null, "stroke-width": null, opacity: null, "fill-opacity": null, "stroke-opacity": null }, image: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, preserveAspectRatio: "none", opacity: null } }, createSvgElement: function (d, a) { var c = this.domRef.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", d), b; if (a) { for (b in a) { c.setAttribute(b, String(a[b])) } } return c }, createSpriteElement: function (a) { var b = this.createSvgElement(a.type); b.id = a.id; if (b.style) { b.style.webkitTapHighlightColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0)" } a.el = Ext.get(b); this.applyZIndex(a); a.matrix = new Ext.draw.Matrix(); a.bbox = { plain: 0, transform: 0 }; this.applyAttrs(a); this.applyTransformations(a); a.fireEvent("render", a); return b }, getBBoxText: function (j) { var k = {}, g, l, a, c, h, b; if (j && j.el) { b = j.el.dom; try { k = b.getBBox(); return k } catch (d) {} k = { x: k.x, y: Infinity, width: 0, height: 0 }; h = b.getNumberOfChars(); for (c = 0; c < h; c++) { g = b.getExtentOfChar(c); k.y = Math.min(g.y, k.y); l = g.y + g.height - k.y; k.height = Math.max(k.height, l); a = g.x + g.width - k.x; k.width = Math.max(k.width, a) } return k } }, hide: function () { Ext.get(this.el).hide() }, show: function () { Ext.get(this.el).show() }, hidePrim: function (a) { this.addCls(a, Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "hide-visibility") }, showPrim: function (a) { this.removeCls(a, Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "hide-visibility") }, getDefs: function () { return this._defs || (this._defs = this.createSvgElement("defs")) }, transform: function (k, a) { var h = this, j = new Ext.draw.Matrix(), e = k.transformations, d = e.length, c = 0, b, g; for (; c < d; c++) { b = e[c]; g = b.type; if (g == "translate") { j.translate(b.x, b.y) } else { if (g == "rotate") { j.rotate(b.degrees, b.x, b.y) } else { if (g == "scale") { j.scale(b.x, b.y, b.centerX, b.centerY) } } } } k.matrix = j; if (!a) { k.el.set({ transform: j.toSvg() }) } }, setSize: function (c, a) { var d = this, b = d.el; c = +c || d.width; a = +a || d.height; d.width = c; d.height = a; b.setSize(c, a); b.set({ width: c, height: a }); d.callParent([c, a]) }, getRegion: function () { var e = this.el.getXY(), c = this.bgRect.getXY(), b = Math.max, a = b(e[0], c[0]), d = b(e[1], c[1]); return { left: a, top: d, right: a + this.width, bottom: d + this.height } }, onRemove: function (a) { if (a.el) { a.el.destroy(); delete a.el } this.callParent(arguments) }, setViewBox: function (b, d, c, a) { if (isFinite(b) && isFinite(d) && isFinite(c) && isFinite(a)) { this.callParent(arguments); this.el.dom.setAttribute("viewBox", [b, d, c, a].join(" ")) } }, render: function (c) { var g = this, e, b, d, a, h, j; if (!g.el) { e = g.width || 0; b = g.height || 0; d = g.createSvgElement("svg", { xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", version: 1.1, width: e, height: b }); a = g.getDefs(); h = g.createSvgElement("rect", { width: "100%", height: "100%", fill: "#000", stroke: "none", opacity: 0 }); if (Ext.isSafari3) { j = g.createSvgElement("rect", { x: -10, y: -10, width: "110%", height: "110%", fill: "none", stroke: "#000" }) } d.appendChild(a); if (Ext.isSafari3) { d.appendChild(j) } d.appendChild(h); c.appendChild(d); g.el = Ext.get(d); g.bgRect = Ext.get(h); if (Ext.isSafari3) { g.webkitRect = Ext.get(j); g.webkitRect.hide() } g.el.on({ scope: g, mouseup: g.onMouseUp, mousedown: g.onMouseDown, mouseover: g.onMouseOver, mouseout: g.onMouseOut, mousemove: g.onMouseMove, mouseenter: g.onMouseEnter, mouseleave: g.onMouseLeave, click: g.onClick, dblclick: g.onDblClick }) } g.renderAll() }, onMouseEnter: function (a) { if (this.el.parent().getRegion().contains(a.getPoint())) { this.fireEvent("mouseenter", a) } }, onMouseLeave: function (a) { if (!this.el.parent().getRegion().contains(a.getPoint())) { this.fireEvent("mouseleave", a) } }, processEvent: function (b, g) { var d = g.getTarget(), a = this.surface, c; this.fireEvent(b, g); if (d.nodeName == "tspan" && d.parentNode) { d = d.parentNode } c = this.items.get(d.id); if (c) { c.fireEvent(b, c, g) } }, tuneText: function (k, l) { var a = k.el.dom, b = [], n, h, m, d, e, c, g, j; if (l.hasOwnProperty("text")) { m = k.tspans && Ext.Array.map(k.tspans, function (o) { return o.textContent }).join(""); if (!k.tspans || l.text != m) { b = this.setText(k, l.text); k.tspans = b } else { b = k.tspans || [] } } if (b.length) { n = this.getBBoxText(k).height; j = k.el.dom.getAttribute("x"); for (d = 0, e = b.length; d < e; d++) { g = (Ext.isFF3_0 || Ext.isFF3_5) ? 2 : 4; b[d].setAttribute("x", j); b[d].setAttribute("dy", d ? n * 1.2 : n / g) } k.dirty = true } }, setText: function (k, d) { var h = this, a = k.el.dom, b = [], m, j, l, e, g, c; while (a.firstChild) { a.removeChild(a.firstChild) } c = String(d).split("\n"); for (e = 0, g = c.length; e < g; e++) { l = c[e]; if (l) { j = h.createSvgElement("tspan"); j.appendChild(document.createTextNode(Ext.htmlDecode(l))); a.appendChild(j); b[e] = j } } return b }, renderAll: function () { this.items.each(this.renderItem, this) }, renderItem: function (a) { if (!this.el) { return } if (!a.el) { this.createSpriteElement(a) } if (a.zIndexDirty) { this.applyZIndex(a) } if (a.dirty) { this.applyAttrs(a); if (a.dirtyTransform) { this.applyTransformations(a) } } }, redraw: function (a) { a.dirty = a.zIndexDirty = true; this.renderItem(a) }, applyAttrs: function (r) { var m = this, c = r.el, q = r.group, j = r.attr, s = m.parsers, g = m.gradientsMap || {}, k = Ext.isSafari && !Ext.isStrict, e, h, l, p, d, o, b, a, n; if (q) { e = [].concat(q); l = e.length; for (h = 0; h < l; h++) { q = e[h]; m.getGroup(q).add(r) } delete r.group } p = m.scrubAttrs(r) || {}; r.bbox.plain = 0; r.bbox.transform = 0; if (r.type == "circle" || r.type == "ellipse") { p.cx = p.cx || p.x; p.cy = p.cy || p.y } else { if (r.type == "rect") { p.rx = p.ry = p.r } else { if (r.type == "path" && p.d) { p.d = Ext.draw.Draw.pathToString(Ext.draw.Draw.pathToAbsolute(p.d)) } } } r.dirtyPath = false; if (p["clip-rect"]) { m.setClip(r, p); delete p["clip-rect"] } if (r.type == "text" && p.font && r.dirtyFont) { c.set({ style: "font: " + p.font }) } if (r.type == "image") { c.dom.setAttributeNS(m.xlink, "href", p.src) } Ext.applyIf(p, m.minDefaults[r.type]); if (r.dirtyHidden) { (j.hidden) ? m.hidePrim(r) : m.showPrim(r); r.dirtyHidden = false } for (o in p) { if (p.hasOwnProperty(o) && p[o] != null) { if (k && ("color|stroke|fill".indexOf(o) > -1) && (p[o]in g)) { p[o] = g[p[o]] } if (o == "hidden" && r.type == "text") { continue } if (o in s) { c.dom.setAttribute(o, s[o](p[o], r, m)) } else { c.dom.setAttribute(o, p[o]) } } } if (r.type == "text") { m.tuneText(r, p) } r.dirtyFont = false; b = j.style; if (b) { c.setStyle(b) } r.dirty = false; if (Ext.isSafari3) { m.webkitRect.show(); setTimeout(function () { m.webkitRect.hide() }) } }, setClip: function (b, g) { var e = this, d = g["clip-rect"], a, c; if (d) { if (b.clip) { b.clip.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(b.clip.parentNode) } a = e.createSvgElement("clipPath"); c = e.createSvgElement("rect"); a.id = Ext.id(null, "ext-clip-"); c.setAttribute("x", d.x); c.setAttribute("y", d.y); c.setAttribute("width", d.width); c.setAttribute("height", d.height); a.appendChild(c); e.getDefs().appendChild(a); b.el.dom.setAttribute("clip-path", "url(#" + a.id + ")"); b.clip = c } }, applyZIndex: function (d) { var g = this, b = g.items, a = b.indexOf(d), e = d.el, c; if (g.el.dom.childNodes[a + 2] !== e.dom) { if (a > 0) { do { c = b.getAt(--a).el } while (!c && a > 0) } e.insertAfter(c || g.bgRect) } d.zIndexDirty = false }, createItem: function (a) { var b = new Ext.draw.Sprite(a); b.surface = this; return b }, addGradient: function (h) { h = Ext.draw.Draw.parseGradient(h); var e = this, d = h.stops.length, a = h.vector, l = Ext.isSafari && !Ext.isStrict, j, g, k, c, b; b = e.gradientsMap || {}; if (!l) { if (h.type == "linear") { j = e.createSvgElement("linearGradient"); j.setAttribute("x1", a[0]); j.setAttribute("y1", a[1]); j.setAttribute("x2", a[2]); j.setAttribute("y2", a[3]) } else { j = e.createSvgElement("radialGradient"); j.setAttribute("cx", h.centerX); j.setAttribute("cy", h.centerY); j.setAttribute("r", h.radius); if (Ext.isNumber(h.focalX) && Ext.isNumber(h.focalY)) { j.setAttribute("fx", h.focalX); j.setAttribute("fy", h.focalY) } } j.id = h.id; e.getDefs().appendChild(j); for (c = 0; c < d; c++) { g = h.stops[c]; k = e.createSvgElement("stop"); k.setAttribute("offset", g.offset + "%"); k.setAttribute("stop-color", g.color); k.setAttribute("stop-opacity", g.opacity); j.appendChild(k) } } else { b["url(#" + h.id + ")"] = h.stops[0].color } e.gradientsMap = b }, hasCls: function (a, b) { return b && (" " + (a.el.dom.getAttribute("class") || "") + " ").indexOf(" " + b + " ") != -1 }, addCls: function (e, h) { var g = e.el, d, a, c, b = [], j = g.getAttribute("class") || ""; if (!Ext.isArray(h)) { if (typeof h == "string" && !this.hasCls(e, h)) { g.set({ "class": j + " " + h }) } } else { for (d = 0, a = h.length; d < a; d++) { c = h[d]; if (typeof c == "string" && (" " + j + " ").indexOf(" " + c + " ") == -1) { b.push(c) } } if (b.length) { g.set({ "class": " " + b.join(" ") }) } } }, removeCls: function (k, g) { var h = this, b = k.el, d = b.getAttribute("class") || "", c, j, e, l, a; if (!Ext.isArray(g)) { g = [g] } if (d) { a = d.replace(h.trimRe, " ").split(h.spacesRe); for (c = 0, e = g.length; c < e; c++) { l = g[c]; if (typeof l == "string") { l = l.replace(h.trimRe, ""); j = Ext.Array.indexOf(a, l); if (j != -1) { Ext.Array.erase(a, j, 1) } } } b.set({ "class": a.join(" ") }) } }, destroy: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); if (a.el) { a.el.remove() } if (a._defs) { Ext.get(a._defs).destroy() } if (a.bgRect) { Ext.get(a.bgRect).destroy() } if (a.webkitRect) { Ext.get(a.webkitRect).destroy() } delete a.el } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.draw.engine, "Svg"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.draw.engine.SvgExporter", Ext.Base, function () { var b = /,/g, c = /(-?\d*\.?\d*){1}(em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc|%)\s('*.*'*)/, k = /rgb\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)/g, h = /rgba\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,([\d\.]+)\)/g, g, j, e, n, o = function (p) { g = p; j = g.length; e = g.width; n = g.height }, l = { path: function (t) { var q = t.attr, w = q.path, s = "", u, v, r; if (Ext.isArray(w[0])) { r = w.length; for (v = 0; v < r; v++) { s += w[v].join(" ") } } else { if (Ext.isArray(w)) { s = w.join(" ") } else { s = w.replace(b, " ") } } u = d({ d: s, fill: q.fill || "none", stroke: q.stroke, "fill-opacity": q.opacity, "stroke-width": q["stroke-width"], "stroke-opacity": q["stroke-opacity"], "z-index": q.zIndex, transform: t.matrix.toSvg() }); return "" }, text: function (v) { var s = v.attr, r = c.exec(s.font), x = (r && r[1]) || "12", q = (r && r[3]) || "Arial", w = s.text, u = (Ext.isFF3_0 || Ext.isFF3_5) ? 2 : 4, p = "", t; v.getBBox(); p += ''; p += Ext.htmlEncode(w) + ""; t = d({ x: s.x, y: s.y, "font-size": x, "font-family": q, "font-weight": s["font-weight"], "text-anchor": s["text-anchor"], fill: s.fill || "#000", "fill-opacity": s.opacity, transform: v.matrix.toSvg() }); return "" + p + "" }, rect: function (q) { var p = q.attr, r = d({ x: p.x, y: p.y, rx: p.rx, ry: p.ry, width: p.width, height: p.height, fill: p.fill || "none", "fill-opacity": p.opacity, stroke: p.stroke, "stroke-opacity": p["stroke-opacity"], "stroke-width": p["stroke-width"], transform: q.matrix && q.matrix.toSvg() }); return "" }, circle: function (q) { var p = q.attr, r = d({ cx: p.x, cy: p.y, r: p.radius, fill: p.translation.fill || p.fill || "none", "fill-opacity": p.opacity, stroke: p.stroke, "stroke-opacity": p["stroke-opacity"], "stroke-width": p["stroke-width"], transform: q.matrix.toSvg() }); return "" }, image: function (q) { var p = q.attr, r = d({ x: p.x - (p.width / 2 >> 0), y: p.y - (p.height / 2 >> 0), width: p.width, height: p.height, "xlink:href": p.src, transform: q.matrix.toSvg() }); return "" } }, a = function () { var p = ''; p += ''; return p }, m = function () { var x = '', q = "", I, G, w, r, H, K, A, y, u, z, C, p, L, v, F, D, J, E, t, s; w = g.items.items; G = w.length; H = function (P) { var W = P.childNodes, T = W.length, S = 0, Q, R, M = "", N, V, O, U; for (; S < T; S++) { N = W[S]; V = N.attributes; O = N.tagName; M += "<" + O; for (R = 0, Q = V.length; R < Q; R++) { U = V.item(R); M += " " + U.name + '="' + U.value + '"' } M += ">"; if (N.childNodes.length > 0) { M += H(N) } M += "" } return M }; if (g.getDefs) { q = H(g.getDefs()) } else { y = g.gradientsColl; if (y) { u = y.keys; z = y.items; C = 0; p = u.length } for (; C < p; C++) { L = u[C]; v = z[C]; r = g.gradientsColl.getByKey(L); q += ''; var B = r.colors.replace(k, "rgb($1|$2|$3)"); B = B.replace(h, "rgba($1|$2|$3|$4)"); K = B.split(","); for (F = 0, J = K.length; F < J; F++) { A = K[F].split(" "); B = Ext.draw.Color.fromString(A[1].replace(/\|/g, ",")); q += '' } q += "" } } x += "" + q + ""; x += l.rect({ attr: { width: "100%", height: "100%", fill: "#fff", stroke: "none", opacity: "0" } }); E = new Array(G); for (F = 0; F < G; F++) { E[F] = F } E.sort(function (N, M) { t = w[N].attr.zIndex || 0; s = w[M].attr.zIndex || 0; if (t == s) { return N - M } return t - s }); for (F = 0; F < G; F++) { I = w[E[F]]; if (!I.attr.hidden) { x += l[I.type](I) } } x += ""; return x }, d = function (r) { var q = "", p; for (p in r) { if (r.hasOwnProperty(p) && r[p] != null) { q += p + '="' + r[p] + '" ' } } return q }; return { singleton: true, generate: function (p, q) { q = q || {}; o(p); return a() + m() } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.draw.engine, "SvgExporter"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.draw.engine.Vml", Ext.draw.Surface, { engine: "Vml", map: { M: "m", L: "l", C: "c", Z: "x", m: "t", l: "r", c: "v", z: "x" }, bitesRe: /([clmz]),?([^clmz]*)/gi, valRe: /-?[^,\s\-]+/g, fillUrlRe: /^url\(\s*['"]?([^\)]+?)['"]?\s*\)$/i, pathlike: /^(path|rect)$/, NonVmlPathRe: /[ahqstv]/ig, partialPathRe: /[clmz]/g, fontFamilyRe: /^['"]+|['"]+$/g, baseVmlCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "vml-base", vmlGroupCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "vml-group", spriteCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "vml-sprite", measureSpanCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "vml-measure-span", zoom: 21600, coordsize: 1000, coordorigin: "0 0", zIndexShift: 0, orderSpritesByZIndex: false, path2vml: function (t) { var n = this, u = n.NonVmlPathRe, b = n.map, e = n.valRe, s = n.zoom, d = n.bitesRe, g = Ext.Function.bind(Ext.draw.Draw.pathToAbsolute, Ext.draw.Draw), m, o, c, a, k, q, h, l; if (String(t).match(u)) { g = Ext.Function.bind(Ext.draw.Draw.path2curve, Ext.draw.Draw) } else { if (!String(t).match(n.partialPathRe)) { m = String(t).replace(d, function (v, x, p) { var w = [], j = x.toLowerCase() == "m", r = b[x]; p.replace(e, function (y) { if (j && w.length === 2) { r += w + b[x == "m" ? "l" : "L"]; w = [] } w.push(Math.round(y * s)) }); return r + w }); return m } } o = g(t); m = []; for (k = 0, q = o.length; k < q; k++) { c = o[k]; a = o[k][0].toLowerCase(); if (a == "z") { a = "x" } for (h = 1, l = c.length; h < l; h++) { a += Math.round(c[h] * n.zoom) + (h != l - 1 ? "," : "") } m.push(a) } return m.join(" ") }, translateAttrs: { radius: "r", radiusX: "rx", radiusY: "ry", lineWidth: "stroke-width", fillOpacity: "fill-opacity", strokeOpacity: "stroke-opacity", strokeLinejoin: "stroke-linejoin" }, minDefaults: { circle: { fill: "none", stroke: null, "stroke-width": null, opacity: null, "fill-opacity": null, "stroke-opacity": null }, ellipse: { cx: 0, cy: 0, rx: 0, ry: 0, fill: "none", stroke: null, "stroke-width": null, opacity: null, "fill-opacity": null, "stroke-opacity": null }, rect: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, rx: 0, ry: 0, fill: "none", stroke: null, "stroke-width": null, opacity: null, "fill-opacity": null, "stroke-opacity": null }, text: { x: 0, y: 0, "text-anchor": "start", font: '10px "Arial"', fill: "#000", stroke: null, "stroke-width": null, opacity: null, "fill-opacity": null, "stroke-opacity": null }, path: { d: "M0,0", fill: "none", stroke: null, "stroke-width": null, opacity: null, "fill-opacity": null, "stroke-opacity": null }, image: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, preserveAspectRatio: "none", opacity: null } }, onMouseEnter: function (a) { this.fireEvent("mouseenter", a) }, onMouseLeave: function (a) { this.fireEvent("mouseleave", a) }, processEvent: function (b, g) { var d = g.getTarget(), a = this.surface, c; this.fireEvent(b, g); c = this.items.get(d.id); if (c) { c.fireEvent(b, c, g) } }, createSpriteElement: function (h) { var e = this, d = h.attr, g = h.type, k = e.zoom, b = h.vml || (h.vml = {}), l = Math.round, c = (g === "image") ? e.createNode("image") : e.createNode("shape"), m, j, a; c.coordsize = k + " " + k; c.coordorigin = d.coordorigin || "0 0"; Ext.get(c).addCls(e.spriteCls); if (g == "text") { b.path = m = e.createNode("path"); m.textpathok = true; b.textpath = a = e.createNode("textpath"); a.on = true; c.appendChild(a); c.appendChild(m) } c.id = h.id; h.el = Ext.get(c); h.el.setStyle("zIndex", -e.zIndexShift); e.el.appendChild(c); if (g !== "image") { j = e.createNode("skew"); j.on = true; c.appendChild(j); h.skew = j } h.matrix = new Ext.draw.Matrix(); h.bbox = { plain: null, transform: null }; this.applyAttrs(h); this.applyTransformations(h); h.fireEvent("render", h); return h.el }, getBBoxText: function (b) { var a = b.vml; return { x: a.X + (a.bbx || 0) - a.W / 2, y: a.Y - a.H / 2, width: a.W, height: a.H } }, applyAttrs: function (m) { var s = this, c = m.vml, j = m.group, a = m.attr, b = m.el, o = b.dom, p, u, r, n, k, q, l, t, e, d, h, g; if (j) { r = [].concat(j); k = r.length; for (n = 0; n < k; n++) { j = r[n]; s.getGroup(j).add(m) } delete m.group } q = s.scrubAttrs(m) || {}; if (m.zIndexDirty) { s.setZIndex(m) } Ext.applyIf(q, s.minDefaults[m.type]); if (m.type == "image") { Ext.apply(m.attr, { x: q.x, y: q.y, width: q.width, height: q.height }); b.setStyle({ width: q.width + "px", height: q.height + "px" }); o.src = q.src } if (o.href) { o.href = q.href } if (o.title) { o.title = q.title } if (o.target) { o.target = q.target } if (o.cursor) { o.cursor = q.cursor } if (m.dirtyHidden) { (q.hidden) ? s.hidePrim(m) : s.showPrim(m); m.dirtyHidden = false } if (m.dirtyPath) { if (m.type == "circle" || m.type == "ellipse") { e = q.x; d = q.y; h = q.rx || q.r || 0; g = q.ry || q.r || 0; o.path = Ext.String.format("ar{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{1},{4},{1}", Math.round((e - h) * s.zoom), Math.round((d - g) * s.zoom), Math.round((e + h) * s.zoom), Math.round((d + g) * s.zoom), Math.round(e * s.zoom)); m.dirtyPath = false } else { if (m.type !== "text" && m.type !== "image") { m.attr.path = q.path = s.setPaths(m, q) || q.path; o.path = s.path2vml(q.path); m.dirtyPath = false } } } if ("clip-rect" in q) { s.setClip(m, q) } if (m.type == "text") { s.setTextAttributes(m, q) } if (q.opacity || q["stroke-opacity"] || q.fill) { s.setFill(m, q) } if (q.stroke || q["stroke-opacity"] || q.fill) { s.setStroke(m, q) } p = a.style; if (p) { b.setStyle(p) } m.dirty = false }, setZIndex: function (e) { var h = this, j = e.attr.zIndex, b = h.zIndexShift, c, a, g, d; if (j < b) { c = h.items.items; a = c.length; for (d = 0; d < a; d++) { if ((j = c[d].attr.zIndex) && j < b) { b = j } } h.zIndexShift = b; for (d = 0; d < a; d++) { g = c[d]; if (g.el) { g.el.setStyle("zIndex", g.attr.zIndex - b) } g.zIndexDirty = false } } else { if (e.el) { e.el.setStyle("zIndex", j - b); e.zIndexDirty = false } } }, setPaths: function (c, d) { var a = c.attr, b = c.attr["stroke-width"] || 1; c.bbox.plain = null; c.bbox.transform = null; if (c.type == "circle") { a.rx = a.ry = d.r; return Ext.draw.Draw.ellipsePath(c) } else { if (c.type == "ellipse") { a.rx = d.rx; a.ry = d.ry; return Ext.draw.Draw.ellipsePath(c) } else { if (c.type == "rect") { a.rx = a.ry = d.r; return Ext.draw.Draw.rectPath(c) } else { if (c.type == "path" && a.path) { return Ext.draw.Draw.pathToAbsolute(a.path) } } } } return false }, setFill: function (l, e) { var h = this, c = l.el.dom, k = c.fill, b = false, g, j, a, m, d; if (!k) { k = c.fill = h.createNode("fill"); b = true } if (Ext.isArray(e.fill)) { e.fill = e.fill[0] } if (e.fill == "none") { k.on = false } else { if (typeof e.opacity == "number") { k.opacity = e.opacity } if (typeof e["fill-opacity"] == "number") { k.opacity = e["fill-opacity"] } k.on = true; if (typeof e.fill == "string") { a = e.fill.match(h.fillUrlRe); if (a) { a = a[1]; if (a.charAt(0) == "#") { j = h.gradientsColl.getByKey(a.substring(1)) } if (j) { m = e.rotation; d = - (j.angle + 270 + (m ? m.degrees : 0)) % 360; if (d === 0) { d = 180 } k.angle = d; k.type = "gradient"; k.method = "sigma"; if (k.colors) { k.colors.value = j.colors } else { k.colors = j.colors } } else { k.src = a; k.type = "tile" } } else { k.color = Ext.draw.Color.toHex(e.fill); k.src = ""; k.type = "solid" } } } if (b) { c.appendChild(k) } }, setStroke: function (b, h) { var e = this, d = b.el.dom, j = b.strokeEl, g = false, c, a; if (!j) { j = b.strokeEl = e.createNode("stroke"); g = true } if (Ext.isArray(h.stroke)) { h.stroke = h.stroke[0] } if (!h.stroke || h.stroke == "none" || h.stroke == 0 || h["stroke-width"] == 0) { j.on = false } else { j.on = true; if (h.stroke && !h.stroke.match(e.fillUrlRe)) { j.color = Ext.draw.Color.toHex(h.stroke) } j.dashstyle = h["stroke-dasharray"] ? "dash" : "solid"; j.joinstyle = h["stroke-linejoin"]; j.endcap = h["stroke-linecap"] || "round"; j.miterlimit = h["stroke-miterlimit"] || 8; c = parseFloat(h["stroke-width"] || 1) * 0.75; a = h["stroke-opacity"] || 1; if (Ext.isNumber(c) && c < 1) { j.weight = 1; j.opacity = a * c } else { j.weight = c; j.opacity = a } } if (g) { d.appendChild(j) } }, setClip: function (b, g) { var e = this, c = b.el, a = b.clipEl, d = String(g["clip-rect"]).split(e.separatorRe); if (!a) { a = b.clipEl = e.el.insertFirst(Ext.getDoc().dom.createElement("div")); a.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "vml-sprite") } if (d.length == 4) { d[2] = +d[2] + (+d[0]); d[3] = +d[3] + (+d[1]); a.setStyle("clip", Ext.String.format("rect({1}px {2}px {3}px {0}px)", d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3])); a.setSize(e.el.width, e.el.height) } else { a.setStyle("clip", "") } }, setTextAttributes: function (j, c) { var h = this, a = j.vml, e = a.textpath.style, g = h.span.style, k = h.zoom, l = Math.round, m = { fontSize: "font-size", fontWeight: "font-weight", fontStyle: "font-style" }, b, d; if (j.dirtyFont) { if (c.font) { e.font = g.font = c.font } if (c["font-family"]) { e.fontFamily = '"' + c["font-family"].split(",")[0].replace(h.fontFamilyRe, "") + '"'; g.fontFamily = c["font-family"] } for (b in m) { d = c[m[b]]; if (d) { e[b] = g[b] = d } } h.setText(j, c.text); if (a.textpath.string) { h.span.innerHTML = String(a.textpath.string).replace(/") } a.W = h.span.offsetWidth; a.H = h.span.offsetHeight + 2; if (c["text-anchor"] == "middle") { e["v-text-align"] = "center" } else { if (c["text-anchor"] == "end") { e["v-text-align"] = "right"; a.bbx = -Math.round(a.W / 2) } else { e["v-text-align"] = "left"; a.bbx = Math.round(a.W / 2) } } } a.X = c.x; a.Y = c.y; a.path.v = Ext.String.format("m{0},{1}l{2},{1}", Math.round(a.X * k), Math.round(a.Y * k), Math.round(a.X * k) + 1); j.bbox.plain = null; j.bbox.transform = null; j.dirtyFont = false }, setText: function (a, b) { a.vml.textpath.string = Ext.htmlDecode(b) }, hide: function () { this.el.hide() }, show: function () { this.el.show() }, hidePrim: function (a) { a.el.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "hide-visibility") }, showPrim: function (a) { a.el.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "hide-visibility") }, setSize: function (b, a) { var c = this; b = b || c.width; a = a || c.height; c.width = b; c.height = a; if (c.el) { if (b != undefined) { c.el.setWidth(b) } if (a != undefined) { c.el.setHeight(a) } } c.callParent(arguments) }, applyViewBox: function () { var g = this, h = g.viewBox, e = g.width, b = g.height, c, a, d; g.callParent(); if (h && (e || b)) { c = g.items.items; a = c.length; for (d = 0; d < a; d++) { g.applyTransformations(c[d]) } } }, onAdd: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); if (this.el) { this.renderItem(a) } }, onRemove: function (a) { if (a.el) { a.el.remove(); delete a.el } this.callParent(arguments) }, render: function (a) { var c = this, g = Ext.getDoc().dom, b; if (!c.createNode) { try { if (!g.namespaces.rvml) { g.namespaces.add("rvml", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml") } c.createNode = function (e) { return g.createElement("') } } catch (d) { c.createNode = function (e) { return g.createElement("<" + e + ' xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft.com:vml" class="rvml">') } } } if (!c.el) { b = g.createElement("div"); c.el = Ext.get(b); c.el.addCls(c.baseVmlCls); c.span = g.createElement("span"); Ext.get(c.span).addCls(c.measureSpanCls); b.appendChild(c.span); c.el.setSize(c.width || 0, c.height || 0); a.appendChild(b); c.el.on({ scope: c, mouseup: c.onMouseUp, mousedown: c.onMouseDown, mouseover: c.onMouseOver, mouseout: c.onMouseOut, mousemove: c.onMouseMove, mouseenter: c.onMouseEnter, mouseleave: c.onMouseLeave, click: c.onClick, dblclick: c.onDblClick }) } c.renderAll() }, renderAll: function () { this.items.each(this.renderItem, this) }, redraw: function (a) { a.dirty = true; this.renderItem(a) }, renderItem: function (a) { if (!this.el) { return } if (!a.el) { this.createSpriteElement(a) } if (a.dirty) { this.applyAttrs(a); if (a.dirtyTransform) { this.applyTransformations(a) } } }, rotationCompensation: function (d, c, a) { var b = new Ext.draw.Matrix(); b.rotate(-d, 0.5, 0.5); return { x: b.x(c, a), y: b.y(c, a) } }, transform: function (x, I) { var H = this, b = H.getBBox(x, true), j = b.x + b.width * 0.5, h = b.y + b.height * 0.5, B = new Ext.draw.Matrix(), q = x.transformations, v = q.length, C = 0, o = 0, d = 1, c = 1, n = "", g = x.el, E = g.dom, z = E.style, a = H.zoom, k = x.skew, D = H.viewBoxShift, G, F, s, l, r, p, A, w, u, t, e, m; for (; C < v; C++) { s = q[C]; l = s.type; if (l == "translate") { B.translate(s.x, s.y) } else { if (l == "rotate") { B.rotate(s.degrees, s.x, s.y); o += s.degrees } else { if (l == "scale") { B.scale(s.x, s.y, s.centerX, s.centerY); d *= s.x; c *= s.y } } } } x.matrix = B.clone(); if (I) { return } if (D) { B.prepend(D.scale, 0, 0, D.scale, D.dx * D.scale, D.dy * D.scale) } if (x.type != "image" && k) { k.origin = "0,0"; k.matrix = B.toString(); m = B.offset(); if (m[0] > 32767) { m[0] = 32767 } else { if (m[0] < -32768) { m[0] = -32768 } } if (m[1] > 32767) { m[1] = 32767 } else { if (m[1] < -32768) { m[1] = -32768 } } k.offset = m } else { z.filter = B.toFilter(); z.left = Math.min(B.x(b.x, b.y), B.x(b.x + b.width, b.y), B.x(b.x, b.y + b.height), B.x(b.x + b.width, b.y + b.height)) + "px"; z.top = Math.min(B.y(b.x, b.y), B.y(b.x + b.width, b.y), B.y(b.x, b.y + b.height), B.y(b.x + b.width, b.y + b.height)) + "px" } }, createItem: function (a) { return Ext.create("Ext.draw.Sprite", a) }, getRegion: function () { return this.el.getRegion() }, addCls: function (a, b) { if (a && a.el) { a.el.addCls(b) } }, removeCls: function (a, b) { if (a && a.el) { a.el.removeCls(b) } }, addGradient: function (g) { var d = this.gradientsColl || (this.gradientsColl = Ext.create("Ext.util.MixedCollection")), a = [], j = Ext.create("Ext.util.MixedCollection"), l, e, b, h, k, c; j.addAll(g.stops); j.sortByKey("ASC", function (n, m) { n = parseInt(n, 10); m = parseInt(m, 10); return n > m ? 1 : (n < m ? -1 : 0) }); l = j.keys; e = j.items; b = l.length; for (c = 0; c < b; c++) { h = l[c]; k = e[c]; a.push(h + "% " + k.color) } d.add(g.id, { colors: a.join(","), angle: g.angle }) }, destroy: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (a.el) { a.el.remove() } delete a.el } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.draw.engine, "Vml"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.flash.Component", Ext.Component, { alternateClassName: "Ext.FlashComponent", flashVersion: "9.0.115", backgroundColor: "#ffffff", wmode: "opaque", swfWidth: "100%", swfHeight: "100%", expressInstall: false, renderTpl: ['
'], initComponent: function () { this.callParent(); this.addEvents("success", "failure") }, beforeRender: function () { this.callParent(); Ext.applyIf(this.renderData, { swfId: this.getSwfId() }) }, afterRender: function () { var b = this, a = Ext.apply({}, b.flashParams), c = Ext.apply({}, b.flashVars); b.callParent(); a = Ext.apply({ allowScriptAccess: "always", bgcolor: b.backgroundColor, wmode: b.wmode }, a); c = Ext.apply({ allowedDomain: document.location.hostname }, c); new swfobject.embedSWF(b.url, b.getSwfId(), b.swfWidth, b.swfHeight, b.flashVersion, b.expressInstall ? b.statics.EXPRESS_INSTALL_URL : undefined, c, a, b.flashAttributes, Ext.bind(b.swfCallback, b)) }, swfCallback: function (b) { var a = this; if (b.success) { a.swf = Ext.get(b.ref); a.onSuccess(); a.fireEvent("success", a) } else { a.onFailure(); a.fireEvent("failure", a) } }, getSwfId: function () { return this.swfId || (this.swfId = "extswf" + this.getAutoId()) }, onSuccess: function () { this.swf.setStyle("visibility", "inherit") }, onFailure: Ext.emptyFn, beforeDestroy: function () { var b = this, a = b.swf; if (a) { swfobject.removeSWF(b.getSwfId()); Ext.destroy(a); delete b.swf } b.callParent() }, statics: { EXPRESS_INSTALL_URL: "http://swfobject.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/swfobject/expressInstall.swf" } }, 0, ["flash"], ["flash", "component", "box"], { flash: true, component: true, box: true }, ["widget.flash"], 0, [Ext.flash, "Component", Ext, "FlashComponent"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.action.Action", Ext.Base, { alternateClassName: "Ext.form.Action", submitEmptyText: true, constructor: function (a) { if (a) { Ext.apply(this, a) } var b = a.params; if (Ext.isString(b)) { this.params = Ext.Object.fromQueryString(b) } }, run: Ext.emptyFn, onFailure: function (a) { this.response = a; this.failureType = Ext.form.action.Action.CONNECT_FAILURE; this.form.afterAction(this, false) }, processResponse: function (a) { this.response = a; if (!a.responseText && !a.responseXML) { return true } return (this.result = this.handleResponse(a)) }, getUrl: function () { return this.url || this.form.url }, getMethod: function () { return (this.method || this.form.method || "POST").toUpperCase() }, getParams: function () { return Ext.apply({}, this.params, this.form.baseParams) }, createCallback: function () { var c = this, a, b = c.form; return { success: c.onSuccess, failure: c.onFailure, scope: c, timeout: (this.timeout * 1000) || (b.timeout * 1000), upload: b.fileUpload ? c.onSuccess : a } }, statics: { CLIENT_INVALID: "client", SERVER_INVALID: "server", CONNECT_FAILURE: "connect", LOAD_FAILURE: "load" } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.form.action, "Action", Ext.form, "Action"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.action.Load", Ext.form.action.Action, { alternateClassName: "Ext.form.Action.Load", type: "load", run: function () { Ext.Ajax.request(Ext.apply(this.createCallback(), { method: this.getMethod(), url: this.getUrl(), headers: this.headers, params: this.getParams() })) }, onSuccess: function (b) { var a = this.processResponse(b), c = this.form; if (a === true || !a.success || !a.data) { this.failureType = Ext.form.action.Action.LOAD_FAILURE; c.afterAction(this, false); return } c.clearInvalid(); c.setValues(a.data); c.afterAction(this, true) }, handleResponse: function (c) { var a = this.form.reader, b, d; if (a) { b = a.read(c); d = b.records && b.records[0] ? b.records[0].data : null; return { success: b.success, data: d } } return Ext.decode(c.responseText) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["formaction.load"], 0, [Ext.form.action, "Load", Ext.form.Action, "Load"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.action.Submit", Ext.form.action.Action, { alternateClassName: "Ext.form.Action.Submit", type: "submit", run: function () { var b = this, a = b.form; if (b.clientValidation === false || a.isValid()) { b.doSubmit() } else { b.failureType = Ext.form.action.Action.CLIENT_INVALID; a.afterAction(b, false) } }, doSubmit: function () { var e = this, b = Ext.apply(e.createCallback(), { url: e.getUrl(), method: e.getMethod(), headers: e.headers }), d = e.form, g = e.jsonSubmit || d.jsonSubmit, a = g ? "jsonData" : "params", c, h; if (d.hasUpload()) { h = e.buildForm(); b.form = h.formEl; b.isUpload = true } else { b[a] = e.getParams(g) } Ext.Ajax.request(b); if (h) { e.cleanup(h) } }, cleanup: function (h) { var e = h.formEl, d = h.uploadEls, b = h.uploadFields, a = b.length, c, g; for (c = 0; c < a; ++c) { g = b[c]; if (!g.clearOnSubmit) { g.restoreInput(d[c]) } } if (e) { Ext.removeNode(e) } }, getParams: function (d) { var c = false, b = this.callParent(), a = this.form.getValues(c, c, this.submitEmptyText !== c, d); return Ext.apply({}, a, b) }, buildForm: function () { var k = this, n = [], l, s, h = k.form, d = k.getParams(), c = [], a = [], g = h.getFields().items, e, j = g.length, m, r, p, q, o, b; for (e = 0; e < j; ++e) { m = g[e]; if (m.rendered && m.isFileUpload()) { c.push(m) } } for (r in d) { if (d.hasOwnProperty(r)) { p = d[r]; if (Ext.isArray(p)) { o = p.length; for (q = 0; q < o; q++) { n.push(k.getFieldConfig(r, p[q])) } } else { n.push(k.getFieldConfig(r, p)) } } } l = { tag: "form", action: k.getUrl(), method: k.getMethod(), target: k.target || "_self", style: "display:none", cn: n }; if (c.length) { l.encoding = l.enctype = "multipart/form-data" } s = Ext.DomHelper.append(Ext.getBody(), l); j = c.length; for (e = 0; e < j; ++e) { b = c[e].extractFileInput(); s.appendChild(b); a.push(b) } return { formEl: s, uploadFields: c, uploadEls: a } }, getFieldConfig: function (a, b) { return { tag: "input", type: "hidden", name: a, value: Ext.String.htmlEncode(b) } }, onSuccess: function (b) { var c = this.form, d = true, a = this.processResponse(b); if (a !== true && !a.success) { if (a.errors) { c.markInvalid(a.errors) } this.failureType = Ext.form.action.Action.SERVER_INVALID; d = false } c.afterAction(this, d) }, handleResponse: function (d) { var a = this.form, c = a.errorReader, g, l, h, j, b, m; if (c) { g = c.read(d); b = g.records; l = []; if (b) { for (h = 0, j = b.length; h < j; h++) { l[h] = b[h].data } } if (l.length < 1) { l = null } m = { success: g.success, errors: l } } else { try { m = Ext.decode(d.responseText) } catch (k) { m = { success: false, errors: [] } } } return m } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["formaction.submit"], 0, [Ext.form.action, "Submit", Ext.form.Action, "Submit"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.ComponentDragger", Ext.dd.DragTracker, { autoStart: 500, constructor: function (a, b) { this.comp = a; this.initialConstrainTo = b.constrainTo; this.callParent([b]) }, onStart: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.comp; b.startPosition = a.getXY(); if (a.ghost && !a.liveDrag) { b.proxy = a.ghost(); b.dragTarget = b.proxy.header.el } if (b.constrain || b.constrainDelegate) { b.constrainTo = b.calculateConstrainRegion() } if (a.beginDrag) { a.beginDrag() } }, calculateConstrainRegion: function () { var j = this, g = j.comp, h = j.initialConstrainTo, e = g.constraintInsets, k, b, d, c = j.proxy ? j.proxy.el : g.el, a = (!j.constrainDelegate && c.shadow && g.constrainShadow && !c.shadowDisabled) ? c.shadow.getShadowSize() : 0; if (!(h instanceof Ext.util.Region)) { k = Ext.fly(h); h = k.getViewRegion(); h.right = h.left + k.dom.clientWidth } else { h = h.copy() } if (e) { e = Ext.isObject(e) ? e : Ext.Element.parseBox(e); h.adjust(e.top, e.right, e.bottom, e.length) } if (a) { h.adjust(a[0], -a[1], -a[2], a[3]) } if (!j.constrainDelegate) { b = Ext.fly(j.dragTarget).getRegion(); d = c.getRegion(); h.adjust(b.top - d.top, b.right - d.right, b.bottom - d.bottom, b.left - d.left) } return h }, onDrag: function (c) { var b = this, a = (b.proxy && !b.comp.liveDrag) ? b.proxy : b.comp, d = b.getOffset(b.constrain || b.constrainDelegate ? "dragTarget" : null); a.setPagePosition(b.startPosition[0] + d[0], b.startPosition[1] + d[1]) }, onEnd: function (b) { var a = this.comp; if (a.isDestroyed || a.destroying) { return } if (this.proxy && !a.liveDrag) { a.unghost() } if (a.endDrag) { a.endDrag() } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "ComponentDragger"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.window.Window", Ext.panel.Panel, { alternateClassName: "Ext.Window", baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "window", resizable: true, draggable: true, constrain: false, constrainHeader: false, plain: false, minimizable: false, maximizable: false, minHeight: 50, minWidth: 50, expandOnShow: true, collapsible: false, closable: true, hidden: true, autoRender: true, hideMode: "offsets", floating: true, itemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "window-item", initialAlphaNum: /^[a-z0-9]/, overlapHeader: true, ignoreHeaderBorderManagement: true, alwaysFramed: true, isRootCfg: { isRoot: true }, isWindow: true, initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.frame = false; a.callParent(); a.addEvents("resize", "maximize", "minimize", "restore"); if (a.plain) { a.addClsWithUI("plain") } if (a.modal) { a.ariaRole = "dialog" } a.addStateEvents(["maximize", "restore", "resize", "dragend"]) }, getElConfig: function () { var b = this, a; a = b.callParent(); a.tabIndex = -1; return a }, getState: function () { var b = this, d = b.callParent() || {}, a = !!b.maximized, c = b.ghostBox, e; d.maximized = a; if (a) { e = b.restorePos } else { if (c) { e = [c.x, c.y] } else { e = b.getPosition() } } Ext.apply(d, { size: a ? b.restoreSize : b.getSize(), pos: e }); return d }, applyState: function (b) { var a = this; if (b) { a.maximized = b.maximized; if (a.maximized) { a.hasSavedRestore = true; a.restoreSize = b.size; a.restorePos = b.pos } else { Ext.apply(a, { width: b.size.width, height: b.size.height, x: b.pos[0], y: b.pos[1] }) } } }, onRender: function (b, a) { var c = this; c.callParent(arguments); c.focusEl = c.el; if (c.maximizable) { c.header.on({ scope: c, dblclick: c.toggleMaximize }) } }, afterRender: function () { var a = this, c = a.header, b; a.callParent(); if (a.maximized) { a.maximized = false; a.maximize(); if (c) { c.removeCls(c.indicateDragCls) } } if (a.closable) { b = a.getKeyMap(); b.on(27, a.onEsc, a) } else { b = a.keyMap } if (b && a.hidden) { b.disable() } }, initDraggable: function () { this.initSimpleDraggable() }, initResizable: function () { this.callParent(arguments); if (this.maximized) { this.resizer.disable() } }, onEsc: function (a, b) { if (!Ext.FocusManager || !Ext.FocusManager.enabled || Ext.FocusManager.focusedCmp === this) { b.stopEvent(); this.close() } }, beforeDestroy: function () { var a = this; if (a.rendered) { delete this.animateTarget; a.hide(); Ext.destroy(a.keyMap) } a.callParent() }, addTools: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); if (a.minimizable) { a.addTool({ type: "minimize", handler: Ext.Function.bind(a.minimize, a, []) }) } if (a.maximizable) { a.addTool({ type: "maximize", handler: Ext.Function.bind(a.maximize, a, []) }); a.addTool({ type: "restore", handler: Ext.Function.bind(a.restore, a, []), hidden: true }) } }, getFocusEl: function () { return this.getDefaultFocus() }, getDefaultFocus: function () { var c = this, b, d = c.defaultButton || c.defaultFocus, a; if (d !== undefined) { if (Ext.isNumber(d)) { b = c.query("button")[d] } else { if (Ext.isString(d)) { a = d; if (a.match(c.initialAlphaNum)) { b = c.down("#" + a) } if (!b) { b = c.down(a) } } else { if (d.focus) { b = d } } } } return b || c.el }, onFocus: function () { var b = this, a; if ((Ext.FocusManager && Ext.FocusManager.enabled) || ((a = b.getDefaultFocus()) === b)) { b.callParent(arguments) } else { a.focus() } }, onShow: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (a.expandOnShow) { a.expand(false) } a.syncMonitorWindowResize(); if (a.keyMap) { a.keyMap.enable() } }, doClose: function () { var a = this; if (a.hidden) { a.fireEvent("close", a); if (a.closeAction == "destroy") { this.destroy() } } else { a.hide(a.animateTarget, a.doClose, a) } }, afterHide: function () { var a = this; a.syncMonitorWindowResize(); if (a.keyMap) { a.keyMap.disable() } a.callParent(arguments) }, onWindowResize: function () { var b = this, a; if (b.maximized) { b.fitContainer() } else { a = b.getSizeModel(); if (a.width.natural || a.height.natural) { b.updateLayout() } b.doConstrain() } }, minimize: function () { this.fireEvent("minimize", this); return this }, resumeHeaderLayout: function (a) { this.header.resumeLayouts(a ? this.isRootCfg : null) }, afterCollapse: function () { var a = this, c = a.header, b = a.tools; if (c && a.maximizable) { c.suspendLayouts(); b.maximize.hide(); b.restore.hide(); this.resumeHeaderLayout(true) } if (a.resizer) { a.resizer.disable() } a.callParent(arguments) }, afterExpand: function () { var a = this, d = a.header, b = a.tools, c; if (d) { d.suspendLayouts(); if (a.maximized) { b.restore.show(); c = true } else { if (a.maximizable) { b.maximize.show(); c = true } } this.resumeHeaderLayout(c) } if (a.resizer) { a.resizer.enable() } a.callParent(arguments) }, maximize: function (a) { var b = this, e = b.header, c = b.tools, d; if (!b.maximized) { b.expand(false); if (!b.hasSavedRestore) { b.restoreSize = b.getSize(); b.restorePos = b.getPosition(true) } if (e) { e.suspendLayouts(); if (c.maximize) { c.maximize.hide(); d = true } if (c.restore) { c.restore.show(); d = true } if (b.collapseTool) { b.collapseTool.hide(); d = true } b.resumeHeaderLayout(d) } b.maximized = true; b.el.disableShadow(); if (b.dd) { b.dd.disable(); if (e) { e.removeCls(e.indicateDragCls) } } if (b.resizer) { b.resizer.disable() } b.el.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "window-maximized"); b.container.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "window-maximized-ct"); b.syncMonitorWindowResize(); b.fitContainer(a = (a || !!b.animateTarget) ? { callback: function () { b.fireEvent("maximize", b) } } : null); if (!a) { b.fireEvent("maximize", b) } } return b }, restore: function (b) { var c = this, d = c.tools, g = c.header, a = c.restoreSize, e; if (c.maximized) { c.hasSavedRestore = null; c.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "window-maximized"); if (g) { g.suspendLayouts(); if (d.restore) { d.restore.hide(); e = true } if (d.maximize) { d.maximize.show(); e = true } if (c.collapseTool) { c.collapseTool.show(); e = true } c.resumeHeaderLayout(e) } c.maximized = false; a.x = c.restorePos[0]; a.y = c.restorePos[1]; c.setBox(a, b = (b || !!c.animateTarget) ? { callback: function () { c.el.enableShadow(true); c.fireEvent("restore", c) } } : null); c.restorePos = c.restoreSize = null; if (c.dd) { c.dd.enable(); if (g) { g.addCls(g.indicateDragCls) } } if (c.resizer) { c.resizer.enable() } c.container.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "window-maximized-ct"); c.syncMonitorWindowResize(); if (!b) { c.el.enableShadow(true); c.fireEvent("restore", c) } } return c }, syncMonitorWindowResize: function () { var b = this, c = b._monitoringResize, d = b.monitorResize || b.constrain || b.constrainHeader || b.maximized, a = b.hidden || b.destroying || b.isDestroyed; if (d && !a) { if (!c) { Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(b.onWindowResize, b, { delay: 1 }); b._monitoringResize = true } } else { if (c) { Ext.EventManager.removeResizeListener(b.onWindowResize, b); b._monitoringResize = false } } }, toggleMaximize: function () { return this[this.maximized ? "restore" : "maximize"]() } }, 0, ["window"], ["panel", "window", "component", "container", "box"], { panel: true, window: true, component: true, container: true, box: true }, ["widget.window"], 0, [Ext.window, "Window", Ext, "Window"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.Labelable", Ext.Base, { autoEl: { tag: "table", cellpadding: 0 }, childEls: ["labelCell", "labelEl", "bodyEl", "sideErrorCell", "errorEl", "inputRow"], labelableRenderTpl: ['id="{id}"
class="{inputRowCls}">', '', '', "{beforeLabelTpl}", ' class="{labelCls}"', ' style="{labelStyle}"', ' unselectable="on"', ">", "{beforeLabelTextTpl}", '{fieldLabel}{labelSeparator}', "{afterLabelTextTpl}", "", "{afterLabelTpl}", "", "
", '', "{beforeBodyEl}", "", "{beforeLabelTpl}", '", "{afterLabelTpl}", "", "{beforeSubTpl}", "{[values.$comp.getSubTplMarkup(values)]}", "{afterSubTpl}", "", "{afterBodyEl}", "", "", '', "", "", '', "{afterBodyEl}", "", "", "", { disableFormats: true } ], activeErrorsTpl: undefined, htmlActiveErrorsTpl: ['', '
  • {.}
', "
"], plaintextActiveErrorsTpl: ['', '\n{.}', ""], isFieldLabelable: true, formItemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-item", labelCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-item-label", errorMsgCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-error-msg", baseBodyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-item-body", inputRowCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-item-input-row", fieldBodyCls: "", clearCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "clear", invalidCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-invalid", fieldLabel: undefined, labelAlign: "left", labelWidth: 100, labelPad: 5, labelSeparator: ":", hideLabel: false, hideEmptyLabel: true, preventMark: false, autoFitErrors: true, msgTarget: "qtip", noWrap: true, labelableInsertions: ["beforeBodyEl", "afterBodyEl", "beforeLabelTpl", "afterLabelTpl", "beforeSubTpl", "afterSubTpl", "beforeLabelTextTpl", "afterLabelTextTpl", "labelAttrTpl"], labelableRenderProps: ["allowBlank", "id", "labelAlign", "fieldBodyCls", "extraFieldBodyCls", "baseBodyCls", "clearCls", "labelSeparator", "msgTarget", "inputRowCls"], initLabelable: function () { var a = this, b = a.padding; if (b) { a.padding = undefined; a.extraMargins = Ext.Element.parseBox(b) } if (!a.activeErrorsTpl) { if (a.msgTarget == "title") { a.activeErrorsTpl = a.plaintextActiveErrorsTpl } else { a.activeErrorsTpl = a.htmlActiveErrorsTpl } } a.addCls(Ext.plainTableCls); a.addCls(a.formItemCls); a.lastActiveError = ""; a.addEvents("errorchange"); a.enableBubble("errorchange") }, trimLabelSeparator: function () { var c = this, d = c.labelSeparator, a = c.fieldLabel || "", b = a.substr(a.length - 1); return b === d ? a.slice(0, -1) : a }, getFieldLabel: function () { return this.trimLabelSeparator() }, setFieldLabel: function (b) { b = b || ""; var c = this, d = c.labelSeparator, a = c.labelEl; c.fieldLabel = b; if (c.rendered) { if (Ext.isEmpty(b) && c.hideEmptyLabel) { a.parent().setDisplayed("none") } else { if (d) { b = c.trimLabelSeparator() + d } a.update(b); a.parent().setDisplayed("") } c.updateLayout() } }, getInsertionRenderData: function (d, e) { var b = e.length, a, c; while (b--) { a = e[b]; c = this[a]; if (c) { if (typeof c != "string") { if (!c.isTemplate) { c = Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(this, a) } c = c.apply(d) } } d[a] = c || "" } return d }, getLabelableRenderData: function () { var b = this, c, d, a = b.labelAlign === "top"; if (!Ext.form.Labelable.errorIconWidth) { d = Ext.getBody().createChild({ style: "position:absolute", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-invalid-icon" }); Ext.form.Labelable.errorIconWidth = d.getWidth() + d.getMargin("l"); d.remove() } c = Ext.copyTo({ inFormLayout: b.ownerLayout && b.ownerLayout.type === "form", inputId: b.getInputId(), labelOnLeft: !a, hideLabel: !b.hasVisibleLabel(), fieldLabel: b.getFieldLabel(), labelCellStyle: b.getLabelCellStyle(), labelCellAttrs: b.getLabelCellAttrs(), labelCls: b.getLabelCls(), labelStyle: b.getLabelStyle(), bodyColspan: b.getBodyColspan(), externalError: !b.autoFitErrors, errorMsgCls: b.getErrorMsgCls(), errorIconWidth: Ext.form.Labelable.errorIconWidth }, b, b.labelableRenderProps, true); b.getInsertionRenderData(c, b.labelableInsertions); return c }, xhooks: { beforeRender: function () { var a = this; a.setFieldDefaults(a.getHierarchyState().fieldDefaults); if (a.ownerLayout) { a.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + a.ownerLayout.type + "-form-item") } }, onRender: function () { var c = this, d, a, b = {}; if (c.extraMargins) { d = c.el.getMargin(); for (a in d) { if (d.hasOwnProperty(a)) { b["margin-" + a] = (d[a] + c.extraMargins[a]) + "px" } } c.el.setStyle(b) } } }, hasVisibleLabel: function () { if (this.hideLabel) { return false } return !(this.hideEmptyLabel && !this.getFieldLabel()) }, getLabelWidth: function () { var a = this; if (!a.hasVisibleLabel()) { return 0 } return a.labelWidth + a.labelPad }, getBodyColspan: function () { var b = this, a; if (b.msgTarget === "side" && (!b.autoFitErrors || b.hasActiveError())) { a = 1 } else { a = 2 } if (b.labelAlign !== "top" && !b.hasVisibleLabel()) { a++ } return a }, getLabelCls: function () { var b = this.labelCls + " " + Ext.dom.Element.unselectableCls, a = this.labelClsExtra; return a ? b + " " + a : b }, getLabelCellStyle: function () { var b = this, a = b.hideLabel || (!b.getFieldLabel() && b.hideEmptyLabel); return a ? "display:none;" : "" }, getErrorMsgCls: function () { var b = this, a = (b.hideLabel || (!b.fieldLabel && b.hideEmptyLabel)); return b.errorMsgCls + (!a && b.labelAlign === "top" ? " " + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "lbl-top-err-icon" : "") }, getLabelCellAttrs: function () { var c = this, b = c.labelAlign, a = ""; if (b !== "top") { a = 'valign="top" halign="' + b + '" width="' + (c.labelWidth + c.labelPad) + '"' } return a + ' class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'field-label-cell"' }, getLabelStyle: function () { var c = this, b = c.labelPad, a = ""; if (c.labelAlign !== "top") { if (c.labelWidth) { a = "width:" + c.labelWidth + "px;" } if (b) { a += "margin-right:" + b + "px;" } } return a + (c.labelStyle || "") }, getSubTplMarkup: function () { return "" }, getInputId: function () { return "" }, getActiveError: function () { return this.activeError || "" }, hasActiveError: function () { return !!this.getActiveError() }, setActiveError: function (a) { this.setActiveErrors(a) }, getActiveErrors: function () { return this.activeErrors || [] }, setActiveErrors: function (a) { a = Ext.Array.from(a); this.activeError = a[0]; this.activeErrors = a; this.activeError = this.getTpl("activeErrorsTpl").apply({ errors: a, listCls: Ext.plainListCls }); this.renderActiveError() }, unsetActiveError: function () { delete this.activeError; delete this.activeErrors; this.renderActiveError() }, renderActiveError: function () { var c = this, b = c.getActiveError(), a = !!b; if (b !== c.lastActiveError) { c.fireEvent("errorchange", c, b); c.lastActiveError = b } if (c.rendered && !c.isDestroyed && !c.preventMark) { c.el[a ? "addCls" : "removeCls"](c.invalidCls); c.getActionEl().dom.setAttribute("aria-invalid", a); if (c.errorEl) { c.errorEl.dom.innerHTML = b } } }, setFieldDefaults: function (b) { var a; for (a in b) { if (!this.hasOwnProperty(a)) { this[a] = b[a] } } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.form, "Labelable"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.field.Field", Ext.Base, { isFormField: true, disabled: false, submitValue: true, validateOnChange: true, suspendCheckChange: 0, initField: function () { this.addEvents("change", "validitychange", "dirtychange"); this.initValue() }, initValue: function () { var a = this; a.value = a.transformOriginalValue(a.value); a.originalValue = a.lastValue = a.value; a.suspendCheckChange++; a.setValue(a.value); a.suspendCheckChange-- }, transformOriginalValue: Ext.identityFn, getName: function () { return this.name }, getValue: function () { return this.value }, setValue: function (b) { var a = this; a.value = b; a.checkChange(); return a }, isEqual: function (b, a) { return String(b) === String(a) }, isEqualAsString: function (b, a) { return String(Ext.value(b, "")) === String(Ext.value(a, "")) }, getSubmitData: function () { var a = this, b = null; if (!a.disabled && a.submitValue && !a.isFileUpload()) { b = {}; b[a.getName()] = "" + a.getValue() } return b }, getModelData: function () { var a = this, b = null; if (!a.disabled && !a.isFileUpload()) { b = {}; b[a.getName()] = a.getValue() } return b }, reset: function () { var a = this; a.beforeReset(); a.setValue(a.originalValue); a.clearInvalid(); delete a.wasValid }, beforeReset: Ext.emptyFn, resetOriginalValue: function () { this.originalValue = this.getValue(); this.checkDirty() }, checkChange: function () { if (!this.suspendCheckChange) { var c = this, b = c.getValue(), a = c.lastValue; if (!c.isEqual(b, a) && !c.isDestroyed) { c.lastValue = b; c.fireEvent("change", c, b, a); c.onChange(b, a) } } }, onChange: function (b, a) { if (this.validateOnChange) { this.validate() } this.checkDirty() }, isDirty: function () { var a = this; return !a.disabled && !a.isEqual(a.getValue(), a.originalValue) }, checkDirty: function () { var a = this, b = a.isDirty(); if (b !== a.wasDirty) { a.fireEvent("dirtychange", a, b); a.onDirtyChange(b); a.wasDirty = b } }, onDirtyChange: Ext.emptyFn, getErrors: function (a) { return [] }, isValid: function () { var a = this; return a.disabled || Ext.isEmpty(a.getErrors()) }, validate: function () { var a = this, b = a.isValid(); if (b !== a.wasValid) { a.wasValid = b; a.fireEvent("validitychange", a, b) } return b }, batchChanges: function (a) { try { this.suspendCheckChange++; a() } catch (b) { throw b } finally { this.suspendCheckChange-- } this.checkChange() }, isFileUpload: function () { return false }, extractFileInput: function () { return null }, markInvalid: Ext.emptyFn, clearInvalid: Ext.emptyFn }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.form.field, "Field"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.component.field.Field", Ext.layout.component.Auto, { type: "field", naturalSizingProp: "size", beginLayout: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.owner; b.callParent(arguments); c.labelStrategy = b.getLabelStrategy(); c.errorStrategy = b.getErrorStrategy(); c.labelContext = c.getEl("labelEl"); c.bodyCellContext = c.getEl("bodyEl"); c.inputContext = c.getEl("inputEl"); c.errorContext = c.getEl("errorEl"); if (Ext.isIE7m && Ext.isStrict && c.inputContext) { b.ieInputWidthAdjustment = c.inputContext.getPaddingInfo().width + c.inputContext.getBorderInfo().width } c.labelStrategy.prepare(c, a); c.errorStrategy.prepare(c, a) }, beginLayoutCycle: function (g) { var e = this, a = e.owner, c = g.widthModel, b = a[e.naturalSizingProp], d; e.callParent(arguments); if (c.shrinkWrap) { e.beginLayoutShrinkWrap(g) } else { if (c.natural) { if (typeof b == "number" && !a.inputWidth) { e.beginLayoutFixed(g, (d = b * 6.5 + 20), "px") } else { e.beginLayoutShrinkWrap(g) } g.setWidth(d, false) } else { e.beginLayoutFixed(g, "100", "%") } } }, beginLayoutFixed: function (c, b, e) { var a = c.target, d = a.inputEl, g = a.inputWidth; a.el.setStyle("table-layout", "fixed"); a.bodyEl.setStyle("width", b + e); if (d) { if (g) { d.setStyle("width", g + "px") } else { d.setStyle("width", a.stretchInputElFixed ? "100%" : "") } } c.isFixed = true }, beginLayoutShrinkWrap: function (b) { var a = b.target, c = a.inputEl, d = a.inputWidth; if (c && c.dom) { c.dom.removeAttribute("size"); if (d) { c.setStyle("width", d + "px") } else { c.setStyle("width", "") } } a.el.setStyle("table-layout", "auto"); a.bodyEl.setStyle("width", "") }, finishedLayout: function (b) { var a = this.owner; this.callParent(arguments); b.labelStrategy.finishedLayout(b, a); b.errorStrategy.finishedLayout(b, a) }, calculateOwnerHeightFromContentHeight: function (b, a) { return a }, measureContentHeight: function (a) { return a.el.getHeight() }, measureContentWidth: function (a) { return a.el.getWidth() }, measureLabelErrorHeight: function (a) { return a.labelStrategy.getHeight(a) + a.errorStrategy.getHeight(a) }, onFocus: function () { this.getErrorStrategy().onFocus(this.owner) }, getLabelStrategy: function () { var b = this, c = b.labelStrategies, a = b.owner.labelAlign; return c[a] || c.base }, getErrorStrategy: function () { var c = this, a = c.owner, d = c.errorStrategies, b = a.msgTarget; return !a.preventMark && Ext.isString(b) ? (d[b] || d.elementId) : d.none }, labelStrategies: (function () { var a = { prepare: function (e, b) { var c = b.labelCls + "-" + b.labelAlign, d = b.labelEl; if (d) { d.addCls(c) } }, getHeight: function () { return 0 }, finishedLayout: Ext.emptyFn }; return { base: a, top: Ext.applyIf({ getHeight: function (e) { var c = e.labelContext, d = c.props, b = d.height; if (b === undefined) { d.height = b = c.el.getHeight() } return b } }, a), left: a, right: a } } ()), errorStrategies: (function () { function d(h) { var j = Ext.layout.component.field.Field.tip, k; if (j && j.isVisible()) { k = j.activeTarget; if (k && k.el === h.getActionEl().dom) { j.toFront(true) } } } var c = Ext.applyIf, b = Ext.emptyFn, a = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-invalid-icon", g, e = { prepare: function (k, h) { var j = h.errorEl; if (j) { j.setDisplayed(false) } }, getHeight: function () { return 0 }, onFocus: b, finishedLayout: b }; return { none: e, side: c({ prepare: function (l, j) { var n = j.errorEl, k = j.sideErrorCell, h = j.hasActiveError(), m; if (!g) { g = (m = Ext.getBody().createChild({ style: "position:absolute", cls: a })).getWidth(); m.remove() } n.addCls(a); n.set({ "data-errorqtip": j.getActiveError() || "" }); if (j.autoFitErrors) { n.setDisplayed(h) } else { n.setVisible(h) } if (k && j.autoFitErrors) { k.setDisplayed(h) } j.bodyEl.dom.colSpan = j.getBodyColspan(); Ext.layout.component.field.Field.initTip() }, onFocus: d }, e), under: c({ prepare: function (k, h) { var l = h.errorEl, j = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-invalid-under"; l.addCls(j); l.setDisplayed(h.hasActiveError()) }, getHeight: function (l) { var h = 0, j, k; if (l.target.hasActiveError()) { j = l.errorContext; k = j.props; h = k.height; if (h === undefined) { k.height = h = j.el.getHeight() } } return h } }, e), qtip: c({ prepare: function (j, h) { Ext.layout.component.field.Field.initTip(); h.getActionEl().dom.setAttribute("data-errorqtip", h.getActiveError() || "") }, onFocus: d }, e), title: c({ prepare: function (j, h) { h.getActionEl().dom.setAttribute("title", h.getActiveError() || "") } }, e), elementId: c({ prepare: function (j, h) { var k = Ext.fly(h.msgTarget); if (k) { k.dom.innerHTML = h.getActiveError() || ""; k.setDisplayed(h.hasActiveError()) } } }, e) } } ()), statics: { initTip: function () { var a = this.tip; if (!a) { a = this.tip = Ext.create("Ext.tip.QuickTip", { ui: "form-invalid" }); a.tagConfig = Ext.apply({}, { attribute: "errorqtip" }, a.tagConfig) } }, destroyTip: function () { var a = this.tip; if (a) { a.destroy(); delete this.tip } } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.field"], 0, [Ext.layout.component.field, "Field"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.field.Base", Ext.Component, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.form.Field", "Ext.form.BaseField"], fieldSubTpl: [' name="{name}"
', ' value="{[Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(values.value)]}"', ' placeholder="{placeholder}"', '{%if (values.maxLength !== undefined){%} maxlength="{maxLength}"{%}%}', ' readonly="readonly"', ' disabled="disabled"', ' tabIndex="{tabIdx}"', ' style="{fieldStyle}"', ' class="{fieldCls} {typeCls} {editableCls} {inputCls}" autocomplete="off"/>', { disableFormats: true } ], subTplInsertions: ["inputAttrTpl"], inputType: "text", invalidText: "The value in this field is invalid", fieldCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-field", focusCls: "form-focus", dirtyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-dirty", checkChangeEvents: Ext.isIE && (!document.documentMode || document.documentMode < 9) ? ["change", "propertychange", "keyup"] : ["change", "input", "textInput", "keyup", "dragdrop"], checkChangeBuffer: 50, componentLayout: "field", readOnly: false, readOnlyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-readonly", validateOnBlur: true, hasFocus: false, baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "field", maskOnDisable: false, stretchInputElFixed: true, initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); a.subTplData = a.subTplData || {}; a.addEvents("specialkey", "writeablechange"); a.initLabelable(); a.initField(); if (!a.name) { a.name = a.getInputId() } if (a.readOnly) { a.addCls(a.readOnlyCls) } a.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-type-" + a.inputType) }, getInputId: function () { return this.inputId || (this.inputId = this.id + "-inputEl") }, getSubTplData: function () { var c = this, b = c.inputType, a = c.getInputId(), d; d = Ext.apply({ id: a, cmpId: c.id, name: c.name || a, disabled: c.disabled, readOnly: c.readOnly, value: c.getRawValue(), type: b, fieldCls: c.fieldCls, fieldStyle: c.getFieldStyle(), tabIdx: c.tabIndex, inputCls: c.inputCls, typeCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-" + (b === "password" ? "text" : b) }, c.subTplData); c.getInsertionRenderData(d, c.subTplInsertions); return d }, applyRenderSelectors: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); a.addChildEls("inputEl"); a.inputEl = a.el.getById(a.getInputId()) }, getSubTplMarkup: function () { return this.getTpl("fieldSubTpl").apply(this.getSubTplData()) }, initRenderTpl: function () { var a = this; if (!a.hasOwnProperty("renderTpl")) { a.renderTpl = a.getTpl("labelableRenderTpl") } return a.callParent() }, initRenderData: function () { return Ext.applyIf(this.callParent(), this.getLabelableRenderData()) }, setFieldStyle: function (a) { var b = this, c = b.inputEl; if (c) { c.applyStyles(a) } b.fieldStyle = a }, getFieldStyle: function () { return Ext.isObject(this.fieldStyle) ? Ext.DomHelper.generateStyles(this.fieldStyle) : this.fieldStyle || "" }, onRender: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.renderActiveError() }, getFocusEl: function () { return this.inputEl }, isFileUpload: function () { return this.inputType === "file" }, getSubmitData: function () { var a = this, b = null, c; if (!a.disabled && a.submitValue && !a.isFileUpload()) { c = a.getSubmitValue(); if (c !== null) { b = {}; b[a.getName()] = c } } return b }, getSubmitValue: function () { return this.processRawValue(this.getRawValue()) }, getRawValue: function () { var b = this, a = (b.inputEl ? b.inputEl.getValue() : Ext.value(b.rawValue, "")); b.rawValue = a; return a }, setRawValue: function (b) { var a = this; b = Ext.value(a.transformRawValue(b), ""); a.rawValue = b; if (a.inputEl) { a.inputEl.dom.value = b } return b }, transformRawValue: Ext.identityFn, valueToRaw: function (a) { return "" + Ext.value(a, "") }, rawToValue: Ext.identityFn, processRawValue: Ext.identityFn, getValue: function () { var a = this, b = a.rawToValue(a.processRawValue(a.getRawValue())); a.value = b; return b }, setValue: function (b) { var a = this; a.setRawValue(a.valueToRaw(b)); return a.mixins.field.setValue.call(a, b) }, onBoxReady: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); if (a.setReadOnlyOnBoxReady) { a.setReadOnly(a.readOnly) } }, onDisable: function () { var a = this, b = a.inputEl; a.callParent(); if (b) { b.dom.disabled = true; if (a.hasActiveError()) { a.clearInvalid(); a.needsValidateOnEnable = true } } }, onEnable: function () { var a = this, b = a.inputEl; a.callParent(); if (b) { b.dom.disabled = false; if (a.needsValidateOnEnable) { delete a.needsValidateOnEnable; a.forceValidation = true; a.isValid(); delete a.forceValidation } } }, setReadOnly: function (c) { var a = this, b = a.inputEl; c = !!c; a[c ? "addCls" : "removeCls"](a.readOnlyCls); a.readOnly = c; if (b) { b.dom.readOnly = c } else { if (a.rendering) { a.setReadOnlyOnBoxReady = true } } a.fireEvent("writeablechange", a, c) }, fireKey: function (a) { if (a.isSpecialKey()) { this.fireEvent("specialkey", this, new Ext.EventObjectImpl(a)) } }, initEvents: function () { var g = this, j = g.inputEl, b, k, c = g.checkChangeEvents, h, a = c.length, d; if (j) { g.mon(j, Ext.EventManager.getKeyEvent(), g.fireKey, g); b = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(g.checkChange, g); g.onChangeEvent = k = function () { b.delay(g.checkChangeBuffer) }; for (h = 0; h < a; h++) { d = c[h]; if (d === "propertychange") { g.usesPropertychange = true } g.mon(j, d, k) } } g.callParent() }, doComponentLayout: function () { var c = this, d = c.inputEl, a = c.usesPropertychange, b = "propertychange", e = c.onChangeEvent; if (a) { c.mun(d, b, e) } c.callParent(arguments); if (a) { c.mon(d, b, e) } }, onDirtyChange: function (a) { this[a ? "addCls" : "removeCls"](this.dirtyCls) }, isValid: function () { var b = this, a = b.disabled, c = b.forceValidation || !a; return c ? b.validateValue(b.processRawValue(b.getRawValue())) : a }, validateValue: function (b) { var a = this, d = a.getErrors(b), c = Ext.isEmpty(d); if (!a.preventMark) { if (c) { a.clearInvalid() } else { a.markInvalid(d) } } return c }, markInvalid: function (d) { var b = this, a = b.getActiveError(), c; b.setActiveErrors(Ext.Array.from(d)); c = b.getActiveError(); if (a !== c) { b.setError(c) } }, clearInvalid: function () { var b = this, a = b.hasActiveError(); delete b.needsValidateOnEnable; b.unsetActiveError(); if (a) { b.setError("") } }, setError: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.msgTarget, d; if (b.rendered) { if (a == "title" || a == "qtip") { if (b.rendered) { d = a == "qtip" ? "data-errorqtip" : "title" } b.getActionEl().dom.setAttribute(d, c || "") } else { b.updateLayout() } } }, renderActiveError: function () { var b = this, a = b.hasActiveError(); if (b.inputEl) { b.inputEl[a ? "addCls" : "removeCls"](b.invalidCls + "-field") } b.mixins.labelable.renderActiveError.call(b) }, getActionEl: function () { return this.inputEl || this.el } }, 0, ["field"], ["field", "component", "box"], { field: true, component: true, box: true }, ["widget.field"], [["labelable", Ext.form.Labelable], ["field", Ext.form.field.Field]], [Ext.form.field, "Base", Ext.form, "Field", Ext.form, "BaseField"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.field.VTypes", Ext.Base, (function () { var c = /^[a-zA-Z_]+$/, d = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/, b = /^(")?(?:[^\."])(?:(?:[\.])?(?:[\w\-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~]))*\1@(\w[\-\w]*\.){1,5}([A-Za-z]){2,6}$/, a = /(((^https?)|(^ftp)):\/\/((([\-\w]+\.)+\w{2,3}(\/[%\-\w]+(\.\w{2,})?)*(([\w\-\.\?\\\/+@&#;`~=%!]*)(\.\w{2,})?)*)|(localhost|LOCALHOST))\/?)/i; return { singleton: true, alternateClassName: "Ext.form.VTypes", email: function (e) { return b.test(e) }, emailText: 'This field should be an e-mail address in the format "user@example.com"', emailMask: /[\w.\-@'"!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~]/i, url: function (e) { return a.test(e) }, urlText: 'This field should be a URL in the format "http://www.example.com"', alpha: function (e) { return c.test(e) }, alphaText: "This field should only contain letters and _", alphaMask: /[a-z_]/i, alphanum: function (e) { return d.test(e) }, alphanumText: "This field should only contain letters, numbers and _", alphanumMask: /[a-z0-9_]/i } } ()), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.form.field, "VTypes", Ext.form, "VTypes"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.component.field.Text", Ext.layout.component.field.Field, { type: "textfield", canGrowWidth: true, beginLayoutCycle: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); if (a.heightModel.shrinkWrap) { a.inputContext.el.setStyle("height", "") } }, measureContentWidth: function (c) { var h = this, b = h.owner, a = h.callParent(arguments), g = c.inputContext, l, k, d, j, e; if (b.grow && h.canGrowWidth && !c.state.growHandled) { l = b.inputEl; k = Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(l.dom.value || (b.hasFocus ? "" : b.emptyText) || ""); k += b.growAppend; d = l.getTextWidth(k) + g.getFrameInfo().width; j = b.growMax; e = Math.min(j, a); j = Math.max(b.growMin, j, e); d = Ext.Number.constrain(d, b.growMin, j); g.setWidth(d); c.state.growHandled = true; g.domBlock(h, "width"); a = NaN } return a }, publishInnerHeight: function (b, a) { b.inputContext.setHeight(a - this.measureLabelErrorHeight(b)) }, beginLayoutFixed: function (d, a, e) { var b = this, c = b.ieInputWidthAdjustment; if (c) { b.adjustIEInputPadding(d); if (e === "px") { a -= c } } b.callParent(arguments) }, adjustIEInputPadding: function (a) { this.owner.bodyEl.setStyle("padding-right", this.ieInputWidthAdjustment + "px") } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.textfield"], 0, [Ext.layout.component.field, "Text"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.field.Text", Ext.form.field.Base, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.form.TextField", "Ext.form.Text"], size: 20, growMin: 30, growMax: 800, growAppend: "W", allowBlank: true, validateBlank: false, allowOnlyWhitespace: true, minLength: 0, maxLength: Number.MAX_VALUE, minLengthText: "The minimum length for this field is {0}", maxLengthText: "The maximum length for this field is {0}", blankText: "This field is required", regexText: "", emptyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-empty-field", requiredCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-required-field", componentLayout: "textfield", valueContainsPlaceholder: false, initComponent: function () { var a = this; if (a.allowOnlyWhitespace === false) { a.allowBlank = false } a.callParent(); a.addEvents("autosize", "keydown", "keyup", "keypress"); a.addStateEvents("change"); a.setGrowSizePolicy() }, setGrowSizePolicy: function () { if (this.grow) { this.shrinkWrap |= 1 } }, initEvents: function () { var b = this, a = b.inputEl; b.callParent(); if (b.selectOnFocus || b.emptyText) { b.mon(a, "mousedown", b.onMouseDown, b) } if (b.maskRe || (b.vtype && b.disableKeyFilter !== true && (b.maskRe = Ext.form.field.VTypes[b.vtype + "Mask"]))) { b.mon(a, "keypress", b.filterKeys, b) } if (b.enableKeyEvents) { b.mon(a, { scope: b, keyup: b.onKeyUp, keydown: b.onKeyDown, keypress: b.onKeyPress }) } }, isEqual: function (b, a) { return this.isEqualAsString(b, a) }, onChange: function (b, a) { this.callParent(arguments); this.autoSize() }, getSubTplData: function () { var b = this, c = b.getRawValue(), e = b.emptyText && c.length < 1, a = b.maxLength, d; if (b.enforceMaxLength) { if (a === Number.MAX_VALUE) { a = undefined } } else { a = undefined } if (e) { if (Ext.supports.Placeholder) { d = b.emptyText } else { c = b.emptyText; b.valueContainsPlaceholder = true } } return Ext.apply(b.callParent(), { maxLength: a, readOnly: b.readOnly, placeholder: d, value: c, fieldCls: b.fieldCls + ((e && (d || c)) ? " " + b.emptyCls : "") + (b.allowBlank ? "" : " " + b.requiredCls) }) }, afterRender: function () { this.autoSize(); this.callParent() }, onMouseDown: function (b) { var a = this; if (!a.hasFocus) { a.mon(a.inputEl, "mouseup", Ext.emptyFn, a, { single: true, preventDefault: true }) } }, processRawValue: function (b) { var a = this, d = a.stripCharsRe, c; if (d) { c = b.replace(d, ""); if (c !== b) { a.setRawValue(c); b = c } } return b }, onDisable: function () { this.callParent(); if (Ext.isIE) { this.inputEl.dom.unselectable = "on" } }, onEnable: function () { this.callParent(); if (Ext.isIE) { this.inputEl.dom.unselectable = "" } }, onKeyDown: function (a) { this.fireEvent("keydown", this, a) }, onKeyUp: function (a) { this.fireEvent("keyup", this, a) }, onKeyPress: function (a) { this.fireEvent("keypress", this, a) }, reset: function () { this.callParent(); this.applyEmptyText() }, applyEmptyText: function () { var b = this, a = b.emptyText, c; if (b.rendered && a) { c = b.getRawValue().length < 1 && !b.hasFocus; if (Ext.supports.Placeholder) { b.inputEl.dom.placeholder = a } else { if (c) { b.setRawValue(a); b.valueContainsPlaceholder = true } } if (c) { b.inputEl.addCls(b.emptyCls) } b.autoSize() } }, afterFirstLayout: function () { this.callParent(); if (Ext.isIE && this.disabled) { var a = this.inputEl; if (a) { a.dom.unselectable = "on" } } }, beforeFocus: function () { var b = this, c = b.inputEl, a = b.emptyText, d; b.callParent(arguments); if ((a && !Ext.supports.Placeholder) && (c.dom.value === b.emptyText && b.valueContainsPlaceholder)) { b.setRawValue(""); d = true; c.removeCls(b.emptyCls); b.valueContainsPlaceholder = false } else { if (Ext.supports.Placeholder) { b.inputEl.removeCls(b.emptyCls) } } if (b.selectOnFocus || d) { if (Ext.isWebKit) { if (!b.inputFocusTask) { b.inputFocusTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(b.focusInput, b) } b.inputFocusTask.delay(1) } else { c.dom.select() } } }, focusInput: function () { var a = this.inputEl; if (a) { a = a.dom; if (a) { a.select() } } }, onFocus: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (a.emptyText) { a.autoSize() } }, postBlur: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.applyEmptyText() }, filterKeys: function (c) { if (c.ctrlKey && !c.altKey) { return } var b = c.getKey(), a = String.fromCharCode(c.getCharCode()); if ((Ext.isGecko || Ext.isOpera) && (c.isNavKeyPress() || b === c.BACKSPACE || (b === c.DELETE && c.button === -1))) { return } if ((!Ext.isGecko && !Ext.isOpera) && c.isSpecialKey() && !a) { return } if (!this.maskRe.test(a)) { c.stopEvent() } }, getState: function () { return this.addPropertyToState(this.callParent(), "value") }, applyState: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); if (a.hasOwnProperty("value")) { this.setValue(a.value) } }, getRawValue: function () { var b = this, a = b.callParent(); if (a === b.emptyText && b.valueContainsPlaceholder) { a = "" } return a }, setValue: function (b) { var a = this, c = a.inputEl; if (c && a.emptyText && !Ext.isEmpty(b)) { c.removeCls(a.emptyCls); a.valueContainsPlaceholder = false } a.callParent(arguments); a.applyEmptyText(); return a }, getErrors: function (m) { var g = this, k = g.callParent(arguments), a = g.validator, d = g.vtype, h = Ext.form.field.VTypes, j = g.regex, l = Ext.String.format, b, e, c; m = m || g.processRawValue(g.getRawValue()); if (Ext.isFunction(a)) { b = a.call(g, m); if (b !== true) { k.push(b) } } e = g.allowOnlyWhitespace ? m : Ext.String.trim(m); if (e.length < 1 || (m === g.emptyText && g.valueContainsPlaceholder)) { if (!g.allowBlank) { k.push(g.blankText) } if (!g.validateBlank) { return k } c = true } if (!c && m.length < g.minLength) { k.push(l(g.minLengthText, g.minLength)) } if (m.length > g.maxLength) { k.push(l(g.maxLengthText, g.maxLength)) } if (d) { if (!h[d](m, g)) { k.push(g.vtypeText || h[d + "Text"]) } } if (j && !j.test(m)) { k.push(g.regexText || g.invalidText) } return k }, selectText: function (j, a) { var h = this, c = h.getRawValue(), d = true, g = h.inputEl.dom, e, b; if (c.length > 0) { j = j === e ? 0 : j; a = a === e ? c.length : a; if (g.setSelectionRange) { g.setSelectionRange(j, a) } else { if (g.createTextRange) { b = g.createTextRange(); b.moveStart("character", j); b.moveEnd("character", a - c.length); b.select() } } d = Ext.isGecko || Ext.isOpera } if (d) { h.focus() } }, autoSize: function () { var a = this; if (a.grow && a.rendered) { a.autoSizing = true; a.updateLayout() } }, afterComponentLayout: function () { var b = this, a; b.callParent(arguments); if (b.autoSizing) { a = b.inputEl.getWidth(); if (a !== b.lastInputWidth) { b.fireEvent("autosize", b, a); b.lastInputWidth = a; delete b.autoSizing } } }, onDestroy: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); if (a.inputFocusTask) { a.inputFocusTask.cancel(); a.inputFocusTask = null } } }, 0, ["textfield"], ["field", "textfield", "component", "box"], { field: true, textfield: true, component: true, box: true }, ["widget.textfield"], 0, [Ext.form.field, "Text", Ext.form, "TextField", Ext.form, "Text"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.component.field.TextArea", Ext.layout.component.field.Text, { type: "textareafield", canGrowWidth: false, naturalSizingProp: "cols", beginLayout: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); a.target.inputEl.setStyle("height", "") }, measureContentHeight: function (b) { var e = this, a = e.owner, l = e.callParent(arguments), c, j, h, g, d, k; if (a.grow && !b.state.growHandled) { c = b.inputContext; j = a.inputEl; d = j.getWidth(true); h = Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(j.dom.value) || " "; h += a.growAppend; h = h.replace(/\n/g, "
"); k = Ext.util.TextMetrics.measure(j, h, d).height + c.getBorderInfo().height + c.getPaddingInfo().height; k = Ext.Number.constrain(k, a.growMin, a.growMax); c.setHeight(k); b.state.growHandled = true; c.domBlock(e, "height"); l = NaN } return l } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.textareafield"], 0, [Ext.layout.component.field, "TextArea"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.field.TextArea", Ext.form.field.Text, { alternateClassName: "Ext.form.TextArea", fieldSubTpl: ['", { disableFormats: true } ], growMin: 60, growMax: 1000, growAppend: "\n-", cols: 20, rows: 4, enterIsSpecial: false, preventScrollbars: false, componentLayout: "textareafield", setGrowSizePolicy: Ext.emptyFn, returnRe: /\r/g, inputCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-textarea", getSubTplData: function () { var c = this, b = c.getFieldStyle(), a = c.callParent(); if (c.grow) { if (c.preventScrollbars) { a.fieldStyle = (b || "") + ";overflow:hidden;height:" + c.growMin + "px" } } Ext.applyIf(a, { cols: c.cols, rows: c.rows }); return a }, afterRender: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); a.needsMaxCheck = a.enforceMaxLength && a.maxLength !== Number.MAX_VALUE && !Ext.supports.TextAreaMaxLength; if (a.needsMaxCheck) { a.inputEl.on("paste", a.onPaste, a) } }, transformRawValue: function (a) { return this.stripReturns(a) }, transformOriginalValue: function (a) { return this.stripReturns(a) }, getValue: function () { return this.stripReturns(this.callParent()) }, valueToRaw: function (a) { a = this.stripReturns(a); return this.callParent([a]) }, stripReturns: function (a) { if (a && typeof a === "string") { a = a.replace(this.returnRe, "") } return a }, onPaste: function (b) { var a = this; if (!a.pasteTask) { a.pasteTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(a.pasteCheck, a) } a.pasteTask.delay(1) }, pasteCheck: function () { var b = this, c = b.getValue(), a = b.maxLength; if (c.length > a) { c = c.substr(0, a); b.setValue(c) } }, fireKey: function (d) { var b = this, a = d.getKey(), c; if (d.isSpecialKey() && (b.enterIsSpecial || (a !== d.ENTER || d.hasModifier()))) { b.fireEvent("specialkey", b, d) } if (b.needsMaxCheck && a !== d.BACKSPACE && a !== d.DELETE && !d.isNavKeyPress() && !b.isCutCopyPasteSelectAll(d, a)) { c = b.getValue(); if (c.length >= b.maxLength) { d.stopEvent() } } }, isCutCopyPasteSelectAll: function (b, a) { if (b.ctrlKey) { return a === b.A || a === b.C || a === b.V || a === b.X } return false }, autoSize: function () { var b = this, a; if (b.grow && b.rendered) { b.updateLayout(); a = b.inputEl.getHeight(); if (a !== b.lastInputHeight) { b.fireEvent("autosize", b, a); b.lastInputHeight = a } } }, initAria: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.getActionEl().dom.setAttribute("aria-multiline", true) }, beforeDestroy: function () { var a = this.pasteTask; if (a) { a.cancel(); this.pasteTask = null } this.callParent() } }, 0, ["textarea", "textareafield"], ["field", "textfield", "component", "textarea", "box", "textareafield"], { field: true, textfield: true, component: true, textarea: true, box: true, textareafield: true }, ["widget.textarea", "widget.textareafield"], 0, [Ext.form.field, "TextArea", Ext.form, "TextArea"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.field.Display", Ext.form.field.Base, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.form.DisplayField", "Ext.form.Display"], fieldSubTpl: ['
style="{fieldStyle}"', ' class="{fieldCls}">{value}
', { compiled: true, disableFormats: true } ], readOnly: true, fieldCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-display-field", fieldBodyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-display-field-body", htmlEncode: false, noWrap: false, validateOnChange: false, initEvents: Ext.emptyFn, submitValue: false, isDirty: function () { return false }, isValid: function () { return true }, validate: function () { return true }, getRawValue: function () { return this.rawValue }, setRawValue: function (b) { var a = this; b = Ext.value(b, ""); a.rawValue = b; if (a.rendered) { a.inputEl.dom.innerHTML = a.getDisplayValue(); a.updateLayout() } return b }, getDisplayValue: function () { var a = this, b = this.getRawValue(), c; if (a.renderer) { c = a.renderer.call(a.scope || a, b, a) } else { c = a.htmlEncode ? Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(b) : b } return c }, getSubTplData: function () { var a = this.callParent(arguments); a.value = this.getDisplayValue(); return a } }, 0, ["displayfield"], ["displayfield", "field", "component", "box"], { displayfield: true, field: true, component: true, box: true }, ["widget.displayfield"], 0, [Ext.form.field, "Display", Ext.form, "DisplayField", Ext.form, "Display"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.container.Anchor", Ext.layout.container.Auto, { alternateClassName: "Ext.layout.AnchorLayout", type: "anchor", defaultAnchor: "100%", parseAnchorRE: /^(r|right|b|bottom)$/i, manageOverflow: true, beginLayoutCycle: function (c) { var j = this, a = 0, g, k, e, d, b, h; j.callParent(arguments); e = c.childItems; b = e.length; for (d = 0; d < b; ++d) { k = e[d]; g = k.target.anchorSpec; if (g) { if (k.widthModel.calculated && g.right) { a |= 1 } if (k.heightModel.calculated && g.bottom) { a |= 2 } if (a == 3) { break } } } c.anchorDimensions = a }, calculateItems: function (h, a) { var q = this, l = h.childItems, g = l.length, o = a.gotHeight, j = a.gotWidth, e = a.height, c = a.width, b = (j ? 1 : 0) | (o ? 2 : 0), p = h.anchorDimensions, m, s, n, r, k, d; if (!p) { return true } for (k = 0; k < g; k++) { s = l[k]; n = s.getMarginInfo(); m = s.target.anchorSpec; if (j && s.widthModel.calculated) { d = m.right(c) - n.width; d = q.adjustWidthAnchor(d, s); s.setWidth(d) } if (o && s.heightModel.calculated) { r = m.bottom(e) - n.height; r = q.adjustHeightAnchor(r, s); s.setHeight(r) } } return (b & p) === p }, anchorFactory: { offset: function (a) { return function (b) { return b + a } }, ratio: function (a) { return function (b) { return Math.floor(b * a) } }, standard: function (a) { return function (b) { return b - a } } }, parseAnchor: function (c, g, b) { if (c && c != "none") { var d = this.anchorFactory, e; if (this.parseAnchorRE.test(c)) { return d.standard(b - g) } if (c.indexOf("%") != -1) { return d.ratio(parseFloat(c.replace("%", "")) * 0.01) } e = parseInt(c, 10); if (!isNaN(e)) { return d.offset(e) } } return null }, adjustWidthAnchor: function (b, a) { return b }, adjustHeightAnchor: function (b, a) { return b }, configureItem: function (g) { var e = this, a = e.owner, d = g.anchor, b, c, h; e.callParent(arguments); if (!g.anchor && g.items && !Ext.isNumber(g.width) && !(Ext.isIE6 && Ext.isStrict)) { g.anchor = d = e.defaultAnchor } if (a.anchorSize) { if (typeof a.anchorSize == "number") { c = a.anchorSize } else { c = a.anchorSize.width; h = a.anchorSize.height } } else { c = a.initialConfig.width; h = a.initialConfig.height } if (d) { b = d.split(" "); g.anchorSpec = { right: e.parseAnchor(b[0], g.initialConfig.width, c), bottom: e.parseAnchor(b[1], g.initialConfig.height, h) } } }, sizePolicy: { $: { readsWidth: 1, readsHeight: 1, setsWidth: 0, setsHeight: 0 }, b: { readsWidth: 1, readsHeight: 0, setsWidth: 0, setsHeight: 1 }, r: { $: { readsWidth: 0, readsHeight: 1, setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 0 }, b: { readsWidth: 0, readsHeight: 0, setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 1 } } }, getItemSizePolicy: function (c) { var e = c.anchorSpec, a = "$", d = this.sizePolicy, b; if (e) { b = this.owner.getSizeModel(); if (e.right && !b.width.shrinkWrap) { d = d.r } if (e.bottom && !b.height.shrinkWrap) { a = "b" } } return d[a] } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.anchor"], 0, [Ext.layout.container, "Anchor", Ext.layout, "AnchorLayout"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.window.MessageBox", Ext.window.Window, { OK: 1, YES: 2, NO: 4, CANCEL: 8, OKCANCEL: 9, YESNO: 6, YESNOCANCEL: 14, INFO: "fa fa-info-circle fa-msg-fix", WARNING: "fa fa-exclamation-triangle fa-msg-fix", QUESTION: 'fa fa-question-circle fa-msg-fix', ERROR: 'fa fa-times-circle fa-msg-fix', hideMode: "offsets", closeAction: "hide", resizable: false, title: " ", defaultMinWidth: 250, defaultMaxWidth: 600, defaultMinHeight: 110, defaultMaxHeight: 500, minWidth: null, maxWidth: null, minHeight: null, maxHeight: null, constrain: true, cls: [Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "message-box", Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "hide-offsets"], layout: { type: "vbox", align: "stretch" }, shrinkWrapDock: true, defaultTextHeight: 75, minProgressWidth: 250, minPromptWidth: 250, buttonText: { ok: "OK", yes: "Yes", no: "No", cancel: "Cancel" }, buttonIds: ["ok", "yes", "no", "cancel"], titleText: { confirm: "Confirm", prompt: "Prompt", wait: "Loading...", alert: "Attention" }, iconHeight: 35, iconWidth: 50, makeButton: function (a) { var b = this.buttonIds[a]; return new Ext.button.Button({ handler: this.btnCallback, itemId: b, scope: this, text: this.buttonText[b], minWidth: 75 }) }, btnCallback: function (a) { var b = this, c, d; if (b.cfg.prompt || b.cfg.multiline) { if (b.cfg.multiline) { d = b.textArea } else { d = b.textField } c = d.getValue(); d.reset() } b.hide(); b.userCallback(a.itemId, c, b.cfg) }, hide: function () { var b = this, a = b.cfg.cls; b.dd.endDrag(); b.progressBar.reset(); if (a) { b.removeCls(a) } b.callParent(arguments) }, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; b.callParent(arguments); b.minWidth = b.defaultMinWidth = (b.minWidth || b.defaultMinWidth); b.maxWidth = b.defaultMaxWidth = (b.maxWidth || b.defaultMaxWidth); b.minHeight = b.defaultMinHeight = (b.minHeight || b.defaultMinHeight); b.maxHeight = b.defaultMaxHeight = (b.maxHeight || b.defaultMaxHeight) }, initComponent: function (a) { var e = this, b = e.id, d, c; e.title = " "; e.topContainer = new Ext.container.Container({ layout: "hbox", padding: 10, style: { overflow: "hidden" }, items: [e.iconComponent = new Ext.Component({ width: e.iconWidth, height: e.iconHeight }), e.promptContainer = new Ext.container.Container({ flex: 1, layout: "anchor", items: [e.msg = new Ext.form.field.Display({ id: b + "-displayfield", cls: e.baseCls + "-text" }), e.textField = new Ext.form.field.Text({ id: b + "-textfield", anchor: "100%", enableKeyEvents: true, listeners: { keydown: e.onPromptKey, scope: e } }), e.textArea = new Ext.form.field.TextArea({ id: b + "-textarea", anchor: "100%", height: 75 })] })] }); e.progressBar = new Ext.ProgressBar({ id: b + "-progressbar", margins: "0 10 10 10" }); e.items = [e.topContainer, e.progressBar]; e.msgButtons = []; for (d = 0; d < 4; d++) { c = e.makeButton(d); e.msgButtons[c.itemId] = c; e.msgButtons.push(c) } e.bottomTb = new Ext.toolbar.Toolbar({ id: b + "-toolbar", ui: "footer", dock: "bottom", layout: { pack: "center" }, items: [e.msgButtons[0], e.msgButtons[1], e.msgButtons[2], e.msgButtons[3]] }); e.dockedItems = [e.bottomTb]; e.on("close", e.onClose, e); e.callParent() }, onClose: function () { var a = this.header.child("[type=close]"); a.itemId = "cancel"; this.btnCallback(a); delete a.itemId }, onPromptKey: function (a, c) { var b = this; if (c.keyCode === c.RETURN || c.keyCode === 10) { if (b.msgButtons.ok.isVisible()) { b.msgButtons.ok.handler.call(b, b.msgButtons.ok) } else { if (b.msgButtons.yes.isVisible()) { b.msgButtons.yes.handler.call(b, b.msgButtons.yes) } } } }, reconfigure: function (m) { var n = this, o = 0, k = true, a = n.buttonText, p = n.resizer, b, c, q, j, d, h, g, l, e; n.updateButtonText(); m = m || {}; n.cfg = m; if (m.width) { c = m.width } if (m.height) { q = m.height } n.minWidth = m.minWidth || n.defaultMinWidth; n.maxWidth = m.maxWidth || n.defaultMaxWidth; n.minHeight = m.minHeight || n.defaultMinHeight; n.maxHeight = m.maxHeight || n.defaultMaxHeight; if (p) { b = p.resizeTracker; p.minWidth = b.minWidth = n.minWidth; p.maxWidth = b.maxWidth = n.maxWidth; p.minHeight = b.minHeight = n.minHeight; p.maxHeight = b.maxHeight = n.maxHeight } delete n.defaultFocus; if (m.defaultFocus) { n.defaultFocus = m.defaultFocus } n.animateTarget = m.animateTarget || undefined; n.modal = m.modal !== false; n.setTitle(m.title || ""); n.setIconCls(m.iconCls || ""); if (Ext.isObject(m.buttons)) { n.buttonText = m.buttons; o = 0 } else { n.buttonText = m.buttonText || n.buttonText; o = Ext.isNumber(m.buttons) ? m.buttons : 0 } o = o | n.updateButtonText(); n.buttonText = a; Ext.suspendLayouts(); delete n.width; delete n.height; if (c || q) { if (c) { n.setWidth(c) } if (q) { n.setHeight(q) } } n.hidden = false; if (!n.rendered) { n.render(Ext.getBody()) } n.closable = m.closable !== false && !m.wait; n.header.child("[type=close]").setVisible(n.closable); if (!m.title && !n.closable && !m.iconCls) { n.header.hide() } else { n.header.show() } n.liveDrag = !m.proxyDrag; n.userCallback = Ext.Function.bind(m.callback || m.fn || Ext.emptyFn, m.scope || Ext.global); n.setIcon(m.icon, m.iconWidth, m.iconHeight); g = n.msg; if (m.msg) { g.setValue(m.msg); g.show() } else { g.hide() } d = n.textArea; h = n.textField; if (m.prompt || m.multiline) { n.multiline = m.multiline; if (m.multiline) { d.setValue(m.value); d.setHeight(m.defaultTextHeight || n.defaultTextHeight); d.show(); h.hide(); n.defaultFocus = d } else { h.setValue(m.value); d.hide(); h.show(); n.defaultFocus = h } } else { d.hide(); h.hide() } l = n.progressBar; if (m.progress || m.wait) { l.show(); n.updateProgress(0, m.progressText); if (m.wait === true) { l.wait(m.waitConfig) } } else { l.hide() } e = n.msgButtons; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (o & Math.pow(2, j)) { if (!n.defaultFocus) { n.defaultFocus = e[j] } e[j].show(); k = false } else { e[j].hide() } } if (k) { n.bottomTb.hide() } else { n.bottomTb.show() } Ext.resumeLayouts(true) }, updateButtonText: function () { var d = this, c = d.buttonText, b = 0, e, a; for (e in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(e)) { a = d.msgButtons[e]; if (a) { if (d.cfg && d.cfg.buttonText) { b = b | Math.pow(2, Ext.Array.indexOf(d.buttonIds, e)) } if (a.text != c[e]) { a.setText(c[e]) } } } } return b }, show: function (a) { var c = this, b; if (Ext.AbstractComponent.layoutSuspendCount) { Ext.on({ resumelayouts: function () { c.show(a) }, single: true }); return c } c.reconfigure(a); if (a.cls) { c.addCls(a.cls) } b = c.query("textfield:not([hidden]),textarea:not([hidden]),button:not([hidden])"); c.preventFocusOnActivate = !b.length; c.hidden = true; c.callParent(); return c }, onShow: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.center() }, updateText: function (a) { this.msg.setValue(a) }, setIcon: function (d, c, a) { var e = this, g = e.iconComponent, b = e.messageIconCls; if (b) { g.removeCls(b) } if (d) { g.show(); g.setSize(c || e.iconWidth, a || e.iconHeight); g.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "dlg-icon"); g.addCls(e.messageIconCls = d) } else { g.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "dlg-icon"); g.hide() } return e }, updateProgress: function (b, a, c) { this.progressBar.updateProgress(b, a); if (c) { this.updateText(c) } return this }, onEsc: function () { if (this.closable !== false) { this.callParent(arguments) } }, confirm: function (a, d, c, b) { if (Ext.isString(a)) { a = { title: a, icon: this.QUESTION, msg: d, buttons: this.YESNO, callback: c, scope: b } } return this.show(a) }, prompt: function (b, g, d, c, a, e) { if (Ext.isString(b)) { b = { prompt: true, title: b, minWidth: this.minPromptWidth, msg: g, buttons: this.OKCANCEL, callback: d, scope: c, multiline: a, value: e } } return this.show(b) }, wait: function (a, c, b) { if (Ext.isString(a)) { a = { title: c, msg: a, closable: false, wait: true, modal: true, minWidth: this.minProgressWidth, waitConfig: b } } return this.show(a) }, alert: function (a, d, c, b) { if (Ext.isString(a)) { a = { title: a, msg: d, buttons: this.OK, fn: c, scope: b, minWidth: this.minWidth } } return this.show(a) }, progress: function (a, c, b) { if (Ext.isString(a)) { a = { title: a, msg: c, progress: true, progressText: b } } return this.show(a) } }, 1, ["messagebox"], ["panel", "window", "messagebox", "component", "container", "box"], { panel: true, window: true, messagebox: true, component: true, container: true, box: true }, ["widget.messagebox"], 0, [Ext.window, "MessageBox"], function () { Ext.MessageBox = Ext.Msg = new this() })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.Basic", Ext.util.Observable, { alternateClassName: "Ext.form.BasicForm", constructor: function (b, c) { var d = this, a; d.owner = b; d.checkValidityTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(d.checkValidity, d); d.checkDirtyTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(d.checkDirty, d); d.monitor = new Ext.container.Monitor({ selector: "[isFormField]", scope: d, addHandler: d.onFieldAdd, removeHandler: d.onFieldRemove }); d.monitor.bind(b); Ext.apply(d, c); if (Ext.isString(d.paramOrder)) { d.paramOrder = d.paramOrder.split(/[\s,|]/) } a = d.reader; if (a && !a.isReader) { if (typeof a === "string") { a = { type: a } } d.reader = Ext.createByAlias("reader." + a.type, a) } a = d.errorReader; if (a && !a.isReader) { if (typeof a === "string") { a = { type: a } } d.errorReader = Ext.createByAlias("reader." + a.type, a) } d.addEvents("beforeaction", "actionfailed", "actioncomplete", "validitychange", "dirtychange"); d.callParent() }, initialize: function () { this.initialized = true; this.onValidityChange(!this.hasInvalidField()) }, timeout: 30, paramsAsHash: false, waitTitle: "Please Wait...", trackResetOnLoad: false, wasDirty: false, destroy: function () { var b = this, a = b.monitor; if (a) { a.unbind(); b.monitor = null } b.clearListeners(); b.checkValidityTask.cancel(); b.checkDirtyTask.cancel() }, onFieldAdd: function (b) { var a = this; a.mon(b, "validitychange", a.checkValidityDelay, a); a.mon(b, "dirtychange", a.checkDirtyDelay, a); if (a.initialized) { a.checkValidityDelay() } }, onFieldRemove: function (b) { var a = this; a.mun(b, "validitychange", a.checkValidityDelay, a); a.mun(b, "dirtychange", a.checkDirtyDelay, a); if (a.initialized) { a.checkValidityDelay() } }, getFields: function () { return this.monitor.getItems() }, getBoundItems: function () { var a = this._boundItems; if (!a || a.getCount() === 0) { a = this._boundItems = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); a.addAll(this.owner.query("[formBind]")) } return a }, hasInvalidField: function () { return !!this.getFields().findBy(function (c) { var a = c.preventMark, b; c.preventMark = true; b = c.isValid(); c.preventMark = a; return !b }) }, isValid: function () { var a = this, b; Ext.suspendLayouts(); b = a.getFields().filterBy(function (c) { return !c.validate() }); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); return b.length < 1 }, checkValidity: function () { var b = this, a = !b.hasInvalidField(); if (a !== b.wasValid) { b.onValidityChange(a); b.fireEvent("validitychange", b, a); b.wasValid = a } }, checkValidityDelay: function () { this.checkValidityTask.delay(10) }, onValidityChange: function (g) { var d = this.getBoundItems(), b, c, a, e; if (d) { b = d.items; a = b.length; for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { e = b[c]; if (e.disabled === g) { e.setDisabled(!g) } } } }, isDirty: function () { return !!this.getFields().findBy(function (a) { return a.isDirty() }) }, checkDirtyDelay: function () { this.checkDirtyTask.delay(10) }, checkDirty: function () { var a = this.isDirty(); if (a !== this.wasDirty) { this.fireEvent("dirtychange", this, a); this.wasDirty = a } }, hasUpload: function () { return !!this.getFields().findBy(function (a) { return a.isFileUpload() }) }, doAction: function (b, a) { if (Ext.isString(b)) { b = Ext.ClassManager.instantiateByAlias("formaction." + b, Ext.apply({}, a, { form: this })) } if (this.fireEvent("beforeaction", this, b) !== false) { this.beforeAction(b); Ext.defer(b.run, 100, b) } return this }, submit: function (a) { a = a || {}; var b = this, c; if (a.standardSubmit || b.standardSubmit) { c = "standardsubmit" } else { c = b.api ? "directsubmit" : "submit" } return b.doAction(c, a) }, load: function (a) { return this.doAction(this.api ? "directload" : "load", a) }, updateRecord: function (c) { c = c || this._record; if (!c) { return this } var b = c.fields.items, d = this.getFieldValues(), h = {}, g = 0, a = b.length, e; for (; g < a; ++g) { e = b[g].name; if (d.hasOwnProperty(e)) { h[e] = d[e] } } c.beginEdit(); c.set(h); c.endEdit(); return this }, loadRecord: function (a) { this._record = a; return this.setValues(a.getData()) }, getRecord: function () { return this._record }, beforeAction: function (c) { var g = this, b = c.waitMsg, k = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "mask-loading", d = g.getFields().items, e, j = d.length, h, a; for (e = 0; e < j; e++) { h = d[e]; if (h.isFormField && h.syncValue) { h.syncValue() } } if (b) { a = g.waitMsgTarget; if (a === true) { g.owner.el.mask(b, k) } else { if (a) { a = g.waitMsgTarget = Ext.get(a); a.mask(b, k) } else { g.floatingAncestor = g.owner.up("[floating]"); if (g.floatingAncestor) { g.savePreventFocusOnActivate = g.floatingAncestor.preventFocusOnActivate; g.floatingAncestor.preventFocusOnActivate = true } Ext.MessageBox.wait(b, c.waitTitle || g.waitTitle) } } } }, afterAction: function (c, e) { var a = this; if (c.waitMsg) { var b = Ext.MessageBox, d = a.waitMsgTarget; if (d === true) { a.owner.el.unmask() } else { if (d) { d.unmask() } else { b.hide() } } } if (a.floatingAncestor) { a.floatingAncestor.preventFocusOnActivate = a.savePreventFocusOnActivate } if (e) { if (c.reset) { a.reset() } Ext.callback(c.success, c.scope || c, [a, c]); a.fireEvent("actioncomplete", a, c) } else { Ext.callback(c.failure, c.scope || c, [a, c]); a.fireEvent("actionfailed", a, c) } }, findField: function (a) { return this.getFields().findBy(function (b) { return b.id === a || b.getName() === a }) }, markInvalid: function (k) { var d = this, h, a, b, g, c; function j(e, m) { var l = d.findField(e); if (l) { l.markInvalid(m) } } if (Ext.isArray(k)) { a = k.length; for (h = 0; h < a; h++) { b = k[h]; j(b.id, b.msg) } } else { if (k instanceof Ext.data.Errors) { a = k.items.length; for (h = 0; h < a; h++) { b = k.items[h]; j(b.field, b.message) } } else { for (c in k) { if (k.hasOwnProperty(c)) { g = k[c]; j(c, g, k) } } } } return this }, setValues: function (b) { var d = this, a, c, h, g; function e(j, l) { var k = d.findField(j); if (k) { k.setValue(l); if (d.trackResetOnLoad) { k.resetOriginalValue() } } } Ext.suspendLayouts(); if (Ext.isArray(b)) { c = b.length; for (a = 0; a < c; a++) { h = b[a]; e(h.id, h.value) } } else { Ext.iterate(b, e) } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); return this }, getValues: function (j, k, o, m) { var n = {}, g = this.getFields().items, h, p = g.length, e = Ext.isArray, l, d, c, b, a; for (h = 0; h < p; h++) { l = g[h]; if (!k || l.isDirty()) { d = l[m ? "getModelData" : "getSubmitData"](o); if (Ext.isObject(d)) { for (a in d) { if (d.hasOwnProperty(a)) { c = d[a]; if (o && c === "") { c = l.emptyText || "" } if (n.hasOwnProperty(a)) { b = n[a]; if (!e(b)) { b = n[a] = [b] } if (e(c)) { n[a] = b.concat(c) } else { b.push(c) } } else { n[a] = c } } } } } } if (j) { n = Ext.Object.toQueryString(n) } return n }, getFieldValues: function (a) { return this.getValues(false, a, false, true) }, clearInvalid: function () { Ext.suspendLayouts(); var b = this, a = b.getFields().items, c, d = a.length; for (c = 0; c < d; c++) { a[c].clearInvalid() } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); return b }, reset: function (b) { Ext.suspendLayouts(); var c = this, a = c.getFields().items, d, e = a.length; for (d = 0; d < e; d++) { a[d].reset() } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); if (b === true) { delete c._record } return c }, applyToFields: function (c) { var a = this.getFields().items, b, d = a.length; for (b = 0; b < d; b++) { Ext.apply(a[b], c) } return this }, applyIfToFields: function (c) { var a = this.getFields().items, b, d = a.length; for (b = 0; b < d; b++) { Ext.applyIf(a[b], c) } return this } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.form, "Basic", Ext.form, "BasicForm"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.FieldAncestor", Ext.Base, { xhooks: { initHierarchyState: function (a) { if (this.fieldDefaults) { if (a.fieldDefaults) { a.fieldDefaults = Ext.apply(Ext.Object.chain(a.fieldDefaults), this.fieldDefaults) } else { a.fieldDefaults = this.fieldDefaults } } } }, initFieldAncestor: function () { var a = this; a.addEvents("fieldvaliditychange", "fielderrorchange"); a.monitor = new Ext.container.Monitor({ scope: a, selector: "[isFormField]", addHandler: a.onChildFieldAdd, removeHandler: a.onChildFieldRemove }); a.initFieldDefaults() }, initMonitor: function () { this.monitor.bind(this) }, onChildFieldAdd: function (b) { var a = this; a.mon(b, "errorchange", a.handleFieldErrorChange, a); a.mon(b, "validitychange", a.handleFieldValidityChange, a) }, onChildFieldRemove: function (b) { var a = this; a.mun(b, "errorchange", a.handleFieldErrorChange, a); a.mun(b, "validitychange", a.handleFieldValidityChange, a) }, initFieldDefaults: function () { if (!this.fieldDefaults) { this.fieldDefaults = {} } }, handleFieldValidityChange: function (c, b) { var a = this; if (c !== a) { a.fireEvent("fieldvaliditychange", a, c, b); a.onFieldValidityChange(c, b) } }, handleFieldErrorChange: function (b, a) { var c = this; if (b !== c) { c.fireEvent("fielderrorchange", c, b, a); c.onFieldErrorChange(b, a) } }, onFieldValidityChange: Ext.emptyFn, onFieldErrorChange: Ext.emptyFn, beforeDestroy: function () { this.monitor.unbind(); this.callParent() } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.form, "FieldAncestor"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.component.field.FieldContainer", Ext.layout.component.field.Field, { type: "fieldcontainer", waitForOuterHeightInDom: true, waitForOuterWidthInDom: true, beginLayout: function (b) { var a = this.owner; this.callParent(arguments); b.hasRawContent = true; a.bodyEl.setStyle("height", ""); a.containerEl.setStyle("height", ""); b.containerElContext = b.getEl("containerEl") }, measureContentHeight: function (a) { return a.hasDomProp("containerLayoutDone") ? this.callParent(arguments) : NaN }, measureContentWidth: function (a) { return a.hasDomProp("containerLayoutDone") ? this.callParent(arguments) : NaN }, publishInnerWidth: function (c, b) { var d = c.bodyCellContext, a = d.el.getWidth(); d.setWidth(a, false); c.containerElContext.setWidth(a, false) }, publishInnerHeight: function (b, a) { var c = b.bodyCellContext, d = b.containerElContext; a -= this.measureLabelErrorHeight(b); c.setHeight(a); d.setHeight(a) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.fieldcontainer"], 0, [Ext.layout.component.field, "FieldContainer"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.FieldContainer", Ext.container.Container, { componentLayout: "fieldcontainer", componentCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-fieldcontainer", customOverflowEl: "containerEl", childEls: ["containerEl"], combineLabels: false, labelConnector: ", ", combineErrors: false, maskOnDisable: false, invalidCls: "", fieldSubTpl: '
', initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.initLabelable(); a.initFieldAncestor(); a.callParent(); a.initMonitor() }, getOverflowEl: function () { return this.containerEl }, onAdd: function (a) { var b = this; if (Ext.isGecko && b.layout.type === "absolute" && !b.hideLabel && b.labelAlign !== "top") { a.x += (b.labelWidth + b.labelPad) } b.callParent(arguments); if (b.combineLabels) { a.oldHideLabel = a.hideLabel; a.hideLabel = true } b.updateLabel() }, onRemove: function (a, b) { var c = this; c.callParent(arguments); if (!b) { if (c.combineLabels) { a.hideLabel = a.oldHideLabel } c.updateLabel() } }, initRenderTpl: function () { var a = this; if (!a.hasOwnProperty("renderTpl")) { a.renderTpl = a.getTpl("labelableRenderTpl") } return a.callParent() }, initRenderData: function () { var a = this, b = a.callParent(); b.containerElCls = a.containerElCls; return Ext.applyIf(b, a.getLabelableRenderData()) }, getFieldLabel: function () { var a = this.fieldLabel || ""; if (!a && this.combineLabels) { a = Ext.Array.map(this.query("[isFieldLabelable]"), function (b) { return b.getFieldLabel() }).join(this.labelConnector) } return a }, getSubTplData: function () { var a = this.initRenderData(); Ext.apply(a, this.subTplData); return a }, getSubTplMarkup: function () { var c = this, a = c.getTpl("fieldSubTpl"), b; if (!a.renderContent) { c.setupRenderTpl(a) } b = a.apply(c.getSubTplData()); return b }, updateLabel: function () { var b = this, a = b.labelEl; if (a) { b.setFieldLabel(b.getFieldLabel()) } }, onFieldErrorChange: function (e, b) { if (this.combineErrors) { var d = this, g = d.getActiveError(), c = Ext.Array.filter(d.query("[isFormField]"), function (h) { return h.hasActiveError() }), a = d.getCombinedErrors(c); if (a) { d.setActiveErrors(a) } else { d.unsetActiveError() } if (g !== d.getActiveError()) { d.doComponentLayout() } } }, getCombinedErrors: function (e) { var l = [], c, m = e.length, j, d, k, b, g, h; for (c = 0; c < m; c++) { j = e[c]; d = j.getActiveErrors(); b = d.length; for (k = 0; k < b; k++) { g = d[k]; h = j.getFieldLabel(); l.push((h ? h + ": " : "") + g) } } return l }, getTargetEl: function () { return this.containerEl }, applyTargetCls: function (b) { var a = this.containerElCls; this.containerElCls = a ? a + " " + b : b } }, 0, ["fieldcontainer"], ["component", "container", "fieldcontainer", "box"], { component: true, container: true, fieldcontainer: true, box: true }, ["widget.fieldcontainer"], [["labelable", Ext.form.Labelable], ["fieldAncestor", Ext.form.FieldAncestor]], [Ext.form, "FieldContainer"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.container.CheckboxGroup", Ext.layout.container.Container, { autoFlex: true, type: "checkboxgroup", createsInnerCt: true, childEls: ["innerCt"], renderTpl: ['', '', '", "", "
', "{% this.renderColumn(out,parent,xindex-1) %}", "
"], lastOwnerItemsGeneration: null, beginLayout: function (b) { var k = this, e, d, h, a, j, g = 0, m = 0, l = k.autoFlex, c = k.innerCt.dom.style; k.callParent(arguments); e = k.columnNodes; b.innerCtContext = b.getEl("innerCt", k); if (!b.widthModel.shrinkWrap) { d = e.length; if (k.columnsArray) { for (h = 0; h < d; h++) { a = k.owner.columns[h]; if (a < 1) { g += a; m++ } } for (h = 0; h < d; h++) { a = k.owner.columns[h]; if (a < 1) { j = ((a / g) * 100) + "%" } else { j = a + "px" } e[h].style.width = j } } else { for (h = 0; h < d; h++) { j = l ? (1 / d * 100) + "%" : ""; e[h].style.width = j; m++ } } if (!m) { c.tableLayout = "fixed"; c.width = "" } else { if (m < d) { c.tableLayout = "fixed"; c.width = "100%" } else { c.tableLayout = "auto"; if (l) { c.width = "100%" } else { c.width = "" } } } } else { c.tableLayout = "auto"; c.width = "" } }, cacheElements: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); a.rowEl = a.innerCt.down("tr"); a.columnNodes = a.rowEl.dom.childNodes }, calculate: function (h) { var e = this, c, b, a, j, d, g; if (!h.getDomProp("containerChildrenSizeDone")) { e.done = false } else { c = h.innerCtContext; b = h.widthModel.shrinkWrap; a = h.heightModel.shrinkWrap; j = a || b; d = c.el.dom; g = j && c.getPaddingInfo(); if (b) { h.setContentWidth(d.offsetWidth + g.width, true) } if (a) { h.setContentHeight(d.offsetHeight + g.height, true) } } }, doRenderColumn: function (d, m, g) { var j = m.$layout, c = j.owner, e = m.columnCount, h = c.items.items, b = h.length, n, a, k, l, o; if (c.vertical) { k = Math.ceil(b / e); a = g * k; b = Math.min(b, a + k); l = 1 } else { a = g; l = e } for (; a < b; a += l) { n = h[a]; j.configureItem(n); o = n.getRenderTree(); Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(o, d) } }, getColumnCount: function () { var b = this, a = b.owner, c = a.columns; if (b.columnsArray) { return c.length } if (Ext.isNumber(c)) { return c } return a.items.length }, getItemSizePolicy: function (a) { return this.autoSizePolicy }, getRenderData: function () { var k = this, g = k.callParent(), b = k.owner, h, d = k.getColumnCount(), a, c, j, l = k.autoFlex, e = 0, m = 0; if (k.columnsArray) { for (h = 0; h < d; h++) { a = k.owner.columns[h]; if (a < 1) { e += a; m++ } } } g.colCls = b.groupCls; g.columnCount = d; g.columns = []; for (h = 0; h < d; h++) { c = (g.columns[h] = {}); if (k.columnsArray) { a = k.owner.columns[h]; if (a < 1) { j = ((a / e) * 100) + "%" } else { j = a + "px" } c.style = "width:" + j } else { c.style = "width:" + (1 / d * 100) + "%"; m++ } } g.tableStyle = !m ? "table-layout:fixed;" : (m < d) ? "table-layout:fixed;width:100%" : (l) ? "table-layout:auto;width:100%" : "table-layout:auto;"; return g }, initLayout: function () { var b = this, a = b.owner; b.columnsArray = Ext.isArray(a.columns); b.autoColumns = !a.columns || a.columns === "auto"; b.vertical = a.vertical; b.callParent() }, isValidParent: function () { return true }, setupRenderTpl: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); a.renderColumn = this.doRenderColumn }, renderChildren: function () { var a = this, b = a.owner.items.generation; if (a.lastOwnerItemsGeneration !== b) { a.lastOwnerItemsGeneration = b; a.renderItems(a.getLayoutItems()) } }, renderItems: function (e) { var g = this, a = e.length, b, k, j, d, h, c; if (a) { Ext.suspendLayouts(); if (g.autoColumns) { g.addMissingColumns(a) } d = g.columnNodes.length; j = Math.ceil(a / d); for (b = 0; b < a; b++) { k = e[b]; h = g.getRenderRowIndex(b, j, d); c = g.getRenderColumnIndex(b, j, d); if (!k.rendered) { g.renderItem(k, h, c) } else { if (!g.isItemAtPosition(k, h, c)) { g.moveItem(k, h, c) } } } if (g.autoColumns) { g.removeExceedingColumns(a) } Ext.resumeLayouts(true) } }, isItemAtPosition: function (b, c, a) { return b.el.dom === this.getNodeAt(c, a) }, getRenderColumnIndex: function (b, a, c) { if (this.vertical) { return Math.floor(b / a) } else { return b % c } }, getRenderRowIndex: function (b, a, d) { var c = this; if (c.vertical) { return b % a } else { return Math.floor(b / d) } }, getNodeAt: function (b, a) { return this.columnNodes[a].childNodes[b] }, addMissingColumns: function (a) { var g = this, c = g.columnNodes.length, e, h, b, d; if (c < a) { e = a - c; h = g.rowEl; b = g.owner.groupCls; for (d = 0; d < e; d++) { h.createChild({ cls: b, tag: "td", vAlign: "top" }) } } }, removeExceedingColumns: function (a) { var e = this, b = e.columnNodes.length, d, g, c; if (b > a) { d = b - a; g = e.rowEl; for (c = 0; c < d; c++) { g.last().remove() } } }, renderItem: function (c, d, a) { var b = this; b.configureItem(c); c.render(Ext.get(b.columnNodes[a]), d); b.afterRenderItem(c) }, moveItem: function (d, g, b) { var c = this, a = c.columnNodes[b], e = a.childNodes[g]; a.insertBefore(d.el.dom, e || null) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.checkboxgroup"], 0, [Ext.layout.container, "CheckboxGroup"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.CheckboxManager", Ext.util.MixedCollection, { singleton: true, getByName: function (a, b) { return this.filterBy(function (c) { return c.name == a && c.getFormId() == b }) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.form, "CheckboxManager"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.field.Checkbox", Ext.form.field.Base, { alternateClassName: "Ext.form.Checkbox", componentLayout: "field", stretchInputElFixed: false, childEls: ["boxLabelEl"], fieldSubTpl: ["", "{beforeBoxLabelTpl}", '", "{afterBoxLabelTpl}", "", ' tabIndex="{tabIdx}"
', ' disabled="disabled"', ' style="{fieldStyle}"', ' {ariaAttrs}', ' class="{fieldCls} {typeCls} {inputCls} {childElCls}" autocomplete="off" hidefocus="true" />', "", "{beforeBoxLabelTpl}", '", "{afterBoxLabelTpl}", "", { disableFormats: true, compiled: true } ], subTplInsertions: ["beforeBoxLabelTpl", "afterBoxLabelTpl", "beforeBoxLabelTextTpl", "afterBoxLabelTextTpl", "boxLabelAttrTpl", "inputAttrTpl"], isCheckbox: true, focusCls: "form-checkbox-focus", extraFieldBodyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-cb-wrap", checked: false, checkedCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-cb-checked", boxLabelCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-cb-label", boxLabelAlign: "after", inputValue: "on", checkChangeEvents: [], inputType: "checkbox", inputTypeAttr: "button", onRe: /^on$/i, inputCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-cb", initComponent: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.getManager().add(this) }, initValue: function () { var b = this, a = !!b.checked; b.originalValue = b.lastValue = a; b.setValue(a) }, getElConfig: function () { var a = this; if (a.isChecked(a.rawValue, a.inputValue)) { a.addCls(a.checkedCls) } return a.callParent() }, getFieldStyle: function () { return Ext.isObject(this.fieldStyle) ? Ext.DomHelper.generateStyles(this.fieldStyle) : this.fieldStyle || "" }, getSubTplData: function () { var a = this; return Ext.apply(a.callParent(), { disabled: a.readOnly || a.disabled, boxLabel: a.boxLabel, boxLabelCls: a.boxLabelCls, boxLabelAlign: a.boxLabelAlign, inputTypeAttr: a.inputTypeAttr }) }, initEvents: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); a.mon(a.inputEl, "click", a.onBoxClick, a) }, setBoxLabel: function (a) { var b = this; b.boxLabel = a; if (b.rendered) { b.boxLabelEl.update(a) } }, onBoxClick: function (b) { var a = this; if (!a.disabled && !a.readOnly) { this.setValue(!this.checked) } }, getRawValue: function () { return this.checked }, getValue: function () { return this.checked }, getSubmitValue: function () { var a = this.uncheckedValue, b = Ext.isDefined(a) ? a : null; return this.checked ? this.inputValue : b }, isChecked: function (b, a) { return (b === true || b === "true" || b === "1" || b === 1 || (((Ext.isString(b) || Ext.isNumber(b)) && a) ? b == a : this.onRe.test(b))) }, setRawValue: function (c) { var b = this, d = b.inputEl, a = b.isChecked(c, b.inputValue); if (d) { b[a ? "addCls" : "removeCls"](b.checkedCls) } b.checked = b.rawValue = a; return a }, setValue: function (g) { var e = this, c, b, a, d; if (Ext.isArray(g)) { c = e.getManager().getByName(e.name, e.getFormId()).items; a = c.length; for (b = 0; b < a; ++b) { d = c[b]; d.setValue(Ext.Array.contains(g, d.inputValue)) } } else { e.callParent(arguments) } return e }, valueToRaw: function (a) { return a }, onChange: function (b, a) { var d = this, c = d.handler; if (c) { c.call(d.scope || d, d, b) } d.callParent(arguments) }, resetOriginalValue: function (b) { var g = this, d, e, a, c; if (!b) { d = g.getManager().getByName(g.name, g.getFormId()).items; a = d.length; for (c = 0; c < a; ++c) { e = d[c]; if (e !== g) { d[c].resetOriginalValue(true) } } } g.callParent() }, beforeDestroy: function () { this.callParent(); this.getManager().removeAtKey(this.id) }, getManager: function () { return Ext.form.CheckboxManager }, onEnable: function () { var a = this, b = a.inputEl; a.callParent(); if (b) { b.dom.disabled = a.readOnly } }, setReadOnly: function (c) { var a = this, b = a.inputEl; if (b) { b.dom.disabled = !!c || a.disabled } a.callParent(arguments) }, getFormId: function () { var b = this, a; if (!b.formId) { a = b.up("form"); if (a) { b.formId = a.id } } return b.formId } }, 0, ["checkbox", "checkboxfield"], ["field", "component", "checkbox", "box", "checkboxfield"], { field: true, component: true, checkbox: true, box: true, checkboxfield: true }, ["widget.checkbox", "widget.checkboxfield"], 0, [Ext.form.field, "Checkbox", Ext.form, "Checkbox"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.CheckboxGroup", Ext.form.FieldContainer, { columns: "auto", vertical: false, allowBlank: true, blankText: "You must select at least one item in this group", defaultType: "checkboxfield", groupCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-check-group", extraFieldBodyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-checkboxgroup-body", layout: "checkboxgroup", componentCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-checkboxgroup", initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); a.initField() }, initValue: function () { var b = this, a = b.value; b.originalValue = b.lastValue = a || b.getValue(); if (a) { b.setValue(a) } }, onAdd: function (e) { var d = this, b, a, c; if (e.isCheckbox) { d.mon(e, "change", d.checkChange, d) } else { if (e.isContainer) { b = e.items.items; for (c = 0, a = b.length; c < a; c++) { d.onAdd(b[c]) } } } d.callParent(arguments) }, onRemove: function (e) { var d = this, b, a, c; if (e.isCheckbox) { d.mun(e, "change", d.checkChange, d) } else { if (e.isContainer) { b = e.items.items; for (c = 0, a = b.length; c < a; c++) { d.onRemove(b[c]) } } } d.callParent(arguments) }, isEqual: function (b, a) { var c = Ext.Object.toQueryString; return c(b) === c(a) }, getErrors: function () { var a = []; if (!this.allowBlank && Ext.isEmpty(this.getChecked())) { a.push(this.blankText) } return a }, getBoxes: function (a) { return this.query("[isCheckbox]" + (a || "")) }, eachBox: function (b, a) { Ext.Array.forEach(this.getBoxes(), b, a || this) }, getChecked: function () { return this.getBoxes("[checked]") }, isDirty: function () { var c = this.getBoxes(), a, d = c.length; for (a = 0; a < d; a++) { if (c[a].isDirty()) { return true } } }, setReadOnly: function (e) { var c = this.getBoxes(), a, d = c.length; for (a = 0; a < d; a++) { c[a].setReadOnly(e) } this.readOnly = e }, reset: function () { var c = this, b = c.hasActiveError(), a = c.preventMark; c.preventMark = true; c.batchChanges(function () { var e = c.getBoxes(), d, g = e.length; for (d = 0; d < g; d++) { e[d].reset() } }); c.preventMark = a; c.unsetActiveError(); if (b) { c.updateLayout() } }, resetOriginalValue: function () { var d = this, c = d.getBoxes(), a, e = c.length; for (a = 0; a < e; a++) { c[a].resetOriginalValue() } d.originalValue = d.getValue(); d.checkDirty() }, setValue: function (h) { var g = this, d = g.getBoxes(), a, k = d.length, e, c, j; g.batchChanges(function () { for (a = 0; a < k; a++) { e = d[a]; c = e.getName(); j = false; if (h && h.hasOwnProperty(c)) { if (Ext.isArray(h[c])) { j = Ext.Array.contains(h[c], e.inputValue) } else { j = h[c] } } e.setValue(j) } }); return g }, getValue: function () { var d = {}, g = this.getBoxes(), c, k = g.length, h, e, a, j; for (c = 0; c < k; c++) { h = g[c]; e = h.getName(); a = h.inputValue; if (h.getValue()) { if (d.hasOwnProperty(e)) { j = d[e]; if (!Ext.isArray(j)) { j = d[e] = [j] } j.push(a) } else { d[e] = a } } } return d }, getSubmitData: function () { return null }, getModelData: function () { return null }, validate: function () { var a = this, d, c, b; if (a.disabled) { c = true } else { d = a.getErrors(); c = Ext.isEmpty(d); b = a.wasValid; if (c) { a.unsetActiveError() } else { a.setActiveError(d) } } if (c !== b) { a.wasValid = c; a.fireEvent("validitychange", a, c); a.updateLayout() } return c } }, 0, ["checkboxgroup"], ["checkboxgroup", "component", "container", "fieldcontainer", "box"], { checkboxgroup: true, component: true, container: true, fieldcontainer: true, box: true }, ["widget.checkboxgroup"], [["field", Ext.form.field.Field]], [Ext.form, "CheckboxGroup"], function () { this.borrow(Ext.form.field.Base, ["markInvalid", "clearInvalid", "setError"]) })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.FieldSet", Ext.container.Container, { collapsed: false, toggleOnTitleClick: true, baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "fieldset", layout: "anchor", componentLayout: "fieldset", autoEl: "fieldset", childEls: ["body"], renderTpl: ["{%this.renderLegend(out,values);%}", '
style="{bodyStyle}">', "{%this.renderContainer(out,values);%}", "
"], stateEvents: ["collapse", "expand"], maskOnDisable: false, beforeDestroy: function () { var b = this, a = b.legend; if (a) { delete a.ownerCt; a.destroy(); b.legend = null } b.callParent() }, initComponent: function () { var b = this, a = b.baseCls; b.initFieldAncestor(); b.callParent(); b.layout.managePadding = b.layout.manageOverflow = false; b.addEvents("beforeexpand", "beforecollapse", "expand", "collapse"); if (b.collapsed) { b.addCls(a + "-collapsed"); b.collapse() } if (b.title || b.checkboxToggle || b.collapsible) { b.addTitleClasses(); b.legend = Ext.widget(b.createLegendCt()) } b.initMonitor() }, initPadding: function (e) { var c = this, a = c.getProtoBody(), d = c.padding, b; if (d !== undefined) { if (Ext.isIEQuirks || Ext.isIE8m) { d = c.parseBox(d); b = Ext.Element.parseBox(0); b.top = d.top; d.top = 0; a.setStyle("padding", c.unitizeBox(b)) } e.setStyle("padding", c.unitizeBox(d)) } }, getProtoBody: function () { var b = this, a = b.protoBody; if (!a) { b.protoBody = a = new Ext.util.ProtoElement({ styleProp: "bodyStyle", styleIsText: true }) } return a }, initRenderData: function () { var a = this, b = a.callParent(); b.bodyTargetCls = a.bodyTargetCls; a.protoBody.writeTo(b); delete a.protoBody; return b }, getState: function () { var a = this.callParent(); a = this.addPropertyToState(a, "collapsed"); return a }, afterCollapse: Ext.emptyFn, afterExpand: Ext.emptyFn, collapsedHorizontal: function () { return true }, collapsedVertical: function () { return true }, createLegendCt: function () { var c = this, a = [], b = { xtype: "container", baseCls: c.baseCls + "-header", id: c.id + "-legend", autoEl: "legend", items: a, ownerCt: c, shrinkWrap: true, ownerLayout: c.componentLayout }; if (c.checkboxToggle) { a.push(c.createCheckboxCmp()) } else { if (c.collapsible) { a.push(c.createToggleCmp()) } } a.push(c.createTitleCmp()); return b }, createTitleCmp: function () { var b = this, a = { xtype: "component", html: b.title, cls: b.baseCls + "-header-text", id: b.id + "-legendTitle" }; if (b.collapsible && b.toggleOnTitleClick) { a.listeners = { click: { element: "el", scope: b, fn: b.toggle } }; a.cls += " " + b.baseCls + "-header-text-collapsible" } return (b.titleCmp = Ext.widget(a)) }, createCheckboxCmp: function () { var a = this, b = "-checkbox"; a.checkboxCmp = Ext.widget({ xtype: "checkbox", hideEmptyLabel: true, name: a.checkboxName || a.id + b, cls: a.baseCls + "-header" + b, id: a.id + "-legendChk", checked: !a.collapsed, listeners: { change: a.onCheckChange, scope: a } }); return a.checkboxCmp }, createToggleCmp: function () { var a = this; a.toggleCmp = Ext.widget({ xtype: "tool", height: 15, width: 15, type: "toggle", handler: a.toggle, id: a.id + "-legendToggle", scope: a }); return a.toggleCmp }, doRenderLegend: function (b, e) { var d = e.$comp, c = d.legend, a; if (c) { c.ownerLayout.configureItem(c); a = c.getRenderTree(); Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(a, b) } }, finishRender: function () { var a = this.legend; this.callParent(); if (a) { a.finishRender() } }, getCollapsed: function () { return this.collapsed ? "top" : false }, getCollapsedDockedItems: function () { var a = this.legend; return a ? [a] : [] }, setTitle: function (d) { var c = this, b = c.legend, a = c.baseCls; c.title = d; if (c.rendered) { if (!b) { c.legend = b = Ext.widget(c.createLegendCt()); c.addTitleClasses(); b.ownerLayout.configureItem(b); b.render(c.el, 0) } c.titleCmp.update(d) } else { if (b) { c.titleCmp.update(d) } else { c.addTitleClasses(); c.legend = Ext.widget(c.createLegendCt()) } } return c }, addTitleClasses: function () { var b = this, c = b.title, a = b.baseCls; if (c) { b.addCls(a + "-with-title") } if (c || b.checkboxToggle || b.collapsible) { b.addCls(a + "-with-header") } }, applyTargetCls: function (a) { this.bodyTargetCls = a }, getTargetEl: function () { return this.body || this.frameBody || this.el }, getDefaultContentTarget: function () { return this.body }, expand: function () { return this.setExpanded(true) }, collapse: function () { return this.setExpanded(false) }, setExpanded: function (b) { var c = this, d = c.checkboxCmp, a = b ? "expand" : "collapse"; if (!c.rendered || c.fireEvent("before" + a, c) !== false) { b = !!b; if (d) { d.setValue(b) } if (b) { c.removeCls(c.baseCls + "-collapsed") } else { c.addCls(c.baseCls + "-collapsed") } c.collapsed = !b; if (b) { delete c.getHierarchyState().collapsed } else { c.getHierarchyState().collapsed = true } if (c.rendered) { c.updateLayout({ isRoot: false }); c.fireEvent(a, c) } } return c }, getRefItems: function (a) { var c = this.callParent(arguments), b = this.legend; if (b) { c.unshift(b); if (a) { c.unshift.apply(c, b.getRefItems(true)) } } return c }, toggle: function () { this.setExpanded(!!this.collapsed) }, onCheckChange: function (b, a) { this.setExpanded(a) }, setupRenderTpl: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); a.renderLegend = this.doRenderLegend } }, 0, ["fieldset"], ["component", "container", "box", "fieldset"], { component: true, container: true, box: true, fieldset: true }, ["widget.fieldset"], [["fieldAncestor", Ext.form.FieldAncestor]], [Ext.form, "FieldSet"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.Label", Ext.Component, { autoEl: "label", maskOnDisable: false, getElConfig: function () { var a = this; a.html = a.text ? Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(a.text) : (a.html || ""); return Ext.apply(a.callParent(), { htmlFor: a.forId || "" }) }, setText: function (c, b) { var a = this; b = b !== false; if (b) { a.text = c; delete a.html } else { a.html = c; delete a.text } if (a.rendered) { a.el.dom.innerHTML = b !== false ? Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(c) : c; a.updateLayout() } return a } }, 0, ["label"], ["component", "label", "box"], { component: true, label: true, box: true }, ["widget.label"], 0, [Ext.form, "Label"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.Panel", Ext.panel.Panel, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.FormPanel", "Ext.form.FormPanel"], layout: "anchor", ariaRole: "form", basicFormConfigs: ["api", "baseParams", "errorReader", "jsonSubmit", "method", "paramOrder", "paramsAsHash", "reader", "standardSubmit", "timeout", "trackResetOnLoad", "url", "waitMsgTarget", "waitTitle"], initComponent: function () { var a = this; if (a.frame) { a.border = false } a.initFieldAncestor(); a.callParent(); a.relayEvents(a.form, ["beforeaction", "actionfailed", "actioncomplete", "validitychange", "dirtychange"]); if (a.pollForChanges) { a.startPolling(a.pollInterval || 500) } }, initItems: function () { this.callParent(); this.initMonitor(); this.form = this.createForm() }, afterFirstLayout: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.form.initialize() }, createForm: function () { var b = {}, d = this.basicFormConfigs, a = d.length, c = 0, e; for (; c < a; ++c) { e = d[c]; b[e] = this[e] } return new Ext.form.Basic(this, b) }, getForm: function () { return this.form }, loadRecord: function (a) { return this.getForm().loadRecord(a) }, getRecord: function () { return this.getForm().getRecord() }, updateRecord: function (a) { return this.getForm().updateRecord(a) }, getValues: function (d, b, c, a) { return this.getForm().getValues(d, b, c, a) }, isDirty: function () { return this.form.isDirty() }, isValid: function () { return this.form.isValid() }, hasInvalidField: function () { return this.form.hasInvalidField() }, beforeDestroy: function () { this.stopPolling(); this.form.destroy(); this.callParent() }, load: function (a) { this.form.load(a) }, submit: function (a) { this.form.submit(a) }, startPolling: function (b) { this.stopPolling(); var a = new Ext.util.TaskRunner(b); a.start({ interval: 0, run: this.checkChange, scope: this }); this.pollTask = a }, stopPolling: function () { var a = this.pollTask; if (a) { a.stopAll(); delete this.pollTask } }, checkChange: function () { var a = this.form.getFields().items, b, c = a.length; for (b = 0; b < c; b++) { a[b].checkChange() } } }, 0, ["form"], ["panel", "form", "component", "container", "box"], { panel: true, form: true, component: true, container: true, box: true }, ["widget.form"], [["fieldAncestor", Ext.form.FieldAncestor]], [Ext.form, "Panel", Ext, "FormPanel", Ext.form, "FormPanel"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.RadioManager", Ext.util.MixedCollection, { singleton: true, getByName: function (a, b) { return this.filterBy(function (c) { return c.name == a && c.getFormId() == b }) }, getWithValue: function (a, b, c) { return this.filterBy(function (d) { return d.name == a && d.inputValue == b && d.getFormId() == c }) }, getChecked: function (a, b) { return this.findBy(function (c) { return c.name == a && c.checked && c.getFormId() == b }) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.form, "RadioManager"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.field.Radio", Ext.form.field.Checkbox, { alternateClassName: "Ext.form.Radio", isRadio: true, focusCls: "form-radio-focus", inputType: "radio", ariaRole: "radio", formId: null, getGroupValue: function () { var a = this.getManager().getChecked(this.name, this.getFormId()); return a ? a.inputValue : null }, onBoxClick: function (b) { var a = this; if (!a.disabled && !a.readOnly) { this.setValue(true) } }, onRemoved: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.formId = null }, setValue: function (a) { var b = this, c; if (Ext.isBoolean(a)) { b.callParent(arguments) } else { c = b.getManager().getWithValue(b.name, a, b.getFormId()).getAt(0); if (c) { c.setValue(true) } } return b }, getSubmitValue: function () { return this.checked ? this.inputValue : null }, getModelData: function () { return this.getSubmitData() }, onChange: function (c, a) { var g = this, e, d, b, h; g.callParent(arguments); if (c) { h = g.getManager().getByName(g.name, g.getFormId()).items; d = h.length; for (e = 0; e < d; e++) { b = h[e]; if (b !== g) { b.setValue(false) } } } }, getManager: function () { return Ext.form.RadioManager } }, 0, ["radiofield", "radio"], ["field", "component", "radiofield", "checkbox", "radio", "box", "checkboxfield"], { field: true, component: true, radiofield: true, checkbox: true, radio: true, box: true, checkboxfield: true }, ["widget.radio", "widget.radiofield"], 0, [Ext.form.field, "Radio", Ext.form, "Radio"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.RadioGroup", Ext.form.CheckboxGroup, { allowBlank: true, blankText: "You must select one item in this group", defaultType: "radiofield", groupCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-radio-group", getBoxes: function (a) { return this.query("[isRadio]" + (a || "")) }, checkChange: function () { var b = this.getValue(), a = Ext.Object.getKeys(b)[0]; if (Ext.isArray(b[a])) { return } this.callParent(arguments) }, setValue: function (d) { var j, g, e, h, c, a, b; if (Ext.isObject(d)) { for (b in d) { if (d.hasOwnProperty(b)) { j = d[b]; g = this.items.first(); e = g ? g.getFormId() : null; h = Ext.form.RadioManager.getWithValue(b, j, e).items; a = h.length; for (c = 0; c < a; ++c) { h[c].setValue(true) } } } } return this } }, 0, ["radiogroup"], ["radiogroup", "checkboxgroup", "component", "container", "fieldcontainer", "box"], { radiogroup: true, checkboxgroup: true, component: true, container: true, fieldcontainer: true, box: true }, ["widget.radiogroup"], 0, [Ext.form, "RadioGroup"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.action.DirectLoad", Ext.form.action.Load, { alternateClassName: "Ext.form.Action.DirectLoad", type: "directload", run: function () { var e = this, d = e.form, c = d.api, b = c.load, g, a; if (typeof b !== "function") { c.load = b = Ext.direct.Manager.parseMethod(b) } g = b.directCfg.method; a = g.getArgs(e.getParams(), d.paramOrder, d.paramsAsHash); a.push(e.onComplete, e); b.apply(window, a) }, processResponse: function (a) { return (this.result = a) }, onComplete: function (b, a) { if (b) { this.onSuccess(b) } else { this.onFailure(null) } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["formaction.directload"], 0, [Ext.form.action, "DirectLoad", Ext.form.Action, "DirectLoad"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.action.DirectSubmit", Ext.form.action.Submit, { alternateClassName: "Ext.form.Action.DirectSubmit", type: "directsubmit", doSubmit: function () { var e = this, d = e.form, c = d.api, b = c.submit, h = Ext.Function.bind(e.onComplete, e), g = e.buildForm(), a; if (typeof b !== "function") { c.submit = b = Ext.direct.Manager.parseMethod(b) } if (e.timeout || d.timeout) { a = { timeout: e.timeout * 1000 || d.timeout * 1000 } } b.call(window, g.formEl, h, e, a); e.cleanup(g) }, processResponse: function (a) { return (this.result = a) }, onComplete: function (b, a) { if (b) { this.onSuccess(b) } else { this.onFailure(null) } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["formaction.directsubmit"], 0, [Ext.form.action, "DirectSubmit", Ext.form.Action, "DirectSubmit"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.action.StandardSubmit", Ext.form.action.Submit, { doSubmit: function () { var a = this.buildForm(); a.formEl.submit(); this.cleanup(a) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["formaction.standardsubmit"], 0, [Ext.form.action, "StandardSubmit"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.component.field.Trigger", Ext.layout.component.field.Field, { type: "triggerfield", borderWidths: {}, beginLayout: function (d) { var c = this, a = c.owner, b; d.triggerWrap = d.getEl("triggerWrap"); c.callParent(arguments); b = a.getTriggerStateFlags(); if (b != a.lastTriggerStateFlags) { a.lastTriggerStateFlags = b; c.updateEditState() } }, beginLayoutCycle: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); if (a.widthModel.shrinkWrap && !this.owner.inputWidth) { a.inputContext.el.setStyle("width", "") } }, beginLayoutFixed: function (g, c, h) { var d = this, a = g.target, e = d.ieInputWidthAdjustment || 0, j = "100%", b = a.triggerWrap; d.callParent(arguments); a.inputCell.setStyle("width", "100%"); if (e) { d.adjustIEInputPadding(g); if (h === "px") { if (a.inputWidth) { j = a.inputWidth - d.getExtraWidth(g) } else { j = c - e - d.getExtraWidth(g) } j += "px" } } a.inputEl.setStyle("width", j); j = a.inputWidth; if (j) { b.setStyle("width", j + (e) + "px") } else { b.setStyle("width", c + h) } b.setStyle("table-layout", "fixed") }, adjustIEInputPadding: function (a) { this.owner.inputCell.setStyle("padding-right", this.ieInputWidthAdjustment + "px") }, getExtraWidth: function (d) { var b = this, a = b.owner, e = b.borderWidths, c = a.ui + a.triggerEl.getCount(); if (!(c in e)) { e[c] = d.triggerWrap.getBorderInfo().width } return e[c] + a.getTriggerWidth() }, beginLayoutShrinkWrap: function (c) { var a = c.target, e = "", d = a.inputWidth, b = a.triggerWrap; this.callParent(arguments); if (d) { b.setStyle("width", d + "px"); d = (d - this.getExtraWidth(c)) + "px"; a.inputEl.setStyle("width", d); a.inputCell.setStyle("width", d) } else { a.inputCell.setStyle("width", e); a.inputEl.setStyle("width", e); b.setStyle("width", e); b.setStyle("table-layout", "auto") } }, getTextWidth: function () { var b = this, a = b.owner, d = a.inputEl, c; c = (d.dom.value || (a.hasFocus ? "" : a.emptyText) || "") + a.growAppend; return d.getTextWidth(c) }, publishOwnerWidth: function (c, b) { var a = this.owner; this.callParent(arguments); if (!a.grow && !a.inputWidth) { b -= this.getExtraWidth(c); if (a.labelAlign != "top") { b -= a.getLabelWidth() } c.inputContext.setWidth(b) } }, publishInnerHeight: function (b, a) { b.inputContext.setHeight(a - this.measureLabelErrorHeight(b)) }, measureContentWidth: function (h) { var g = this, b = g.owner, e = g.callParent(arguments), j = h.inputContext, d, a, c; if (b.grow && !h.state.growHandled) { d = g.getTextWidth() + h.inputContext.getFrameInfo().width; a = b.growMax; c = Math.min(a, e); a = Math.max(b.growMin, a, c); d = Ext.Number.constrain(d, b.growMin, a); j.setWidth(d); h.state.growHandled = true; j.domBlock(g, "width"); e = NaN } else { if (!b.inputWidth) { e -= g.getExtraWidth(h) } } return e }, updateEditState: function () { var c = this, a = c.owner, e = a.inputEl, d = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "trigger-noedit", b, g; if (c.owner.readOnly) { e.addCls(d); g = true; b = false } else { if (c.owner.editable) { e.removeCls(d); g = false } else { e.addCls(d); g = true } b = !c.owner.hideTrigger } a.triggerCell.setDisplayed(b); e.dom.readOnly = g } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.triggerfield"], 0, [Ext.layout.component.field, "Trigger"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.field.Trigger", Ext.form.field.Text, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.form.TriggerField", "Ext.form.TwinTriggerField", "Ext.form.Trigger"], childEls: [{ name: "triggerCell", select: "." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "trigger-cell" }, { name: "triggerEl", select: "." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-trigger" }, "triggerWrap", "inputCell"], triggerBaseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-trigger", triggerWrapCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-trigger-wrap", triggerNoEditCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "trigger-noedit", hideTrigger: false, editable: true, readOnly: false, repeatTriggerClick: false, autoSize: Ext.emptyFn, monitorTab: true, mimicing: false, triggerIndexRe: /trigger-index-(\d+)/, extraTriggerCls: "", componentLayout: "triggerfield", initComponent: function () { this.wrapFocusCls = this.triggerWrapCls + "-focus"; this.callParent(arguments) }, getSubTplMarkup: function (b) { var c = this, a = b.childElCls, d = c.callParent(arguments); return '" + c.getTriggerMarkup() + "
' + d + "
" }, getSubTplData: function () { var b = this, c = b.callParent(), d = b.readOnly === true, a = b.editable !== false; return Ext.apply(c, { editableCls: (d || !a) ? " " + b.triggerNoEditCls : "", readOnly: !a || d }) }, getLabelableRenderData: function () { var b = this, c = b.triggerWrapCls, a = b.callParent(arguments); return Ext.applyIf(a, { triggerWrapCls: c, triggerMarkup: b.getTriggerMarkup() }) }, getTriggerMarkup: function () { var e = this, c = 0, j = (e.readOnly || e.hideTrigger), a, g = e.triggerBaseCls, h = [], d = Ext.dom.Element.unselectableCls, b = "width:" + e.triggerWidth + "px;" + (j ? "display:none;" : ""), k = e.extraTriggerCls + " " + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "trigger-cell " + d; if (!e.trigger1Cls) { e.trigger1Cls = e.triggerCls } for (c = 0; (a = e["trigger" + (c + 1) + "Cls"]) || c < 1; c++) { h.push({ tag: "td", valign: "top", cls: k, style: b, cn: { cls: [Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "trigger-index-" + c, g, a].join(" "), role: "button" } }) } h[0].cn.cls += " " + g + "-first"; return Ext.DomHelper.markup(h) }, disableCheck: function () { return !this.disabled }, beforeRender: function () { var a = this, b = a.triggerBaseCls, c; if (!a.triggerWidth) { c = Ext.getBody().createChild({ style: "position: absolute;", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-trigger" }); Ext.form.field.Trigger.prototype.triggerWidth = c.getWidth(); c.remove() } a.callParent(); if (b != Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-trigger") { a.addChildEls({ name: "triggerEl", select: "." + b }) } a.lastTriggerStateFlags = a.getTriggerStateFlags() }, onRender: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); a.doc = Ext.getDoc(); a.initTrigger() }, getTriggerWidth: function () { var b = this, a = 0; if (b.triggerWrap && !b.hideTrigger && !b.readOnly) { a = b.triggerEl.getCount() * b.triggerWidth } return a }, setHideTrigger: function (a) { if (a != this.hideTrigger) { this.hideTrigger = a; this.updateLayout() } }, setEditable: function (a) { if (a != this.editable) { this.editable = a; this.updateLayout() } }, setReadOnly: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.readOnly; b.callParent(arguments); if (c != a) { b.updateLayout() } }, initTrigger: function () { var h = this, j = h.triggerWrap, l = h.triggerEl, a = h.disableCheck, d, c, b, g, k; if (h.repeatTriggerClick) { h.triggerRepeater = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(j, { preventDefault: true, handler: h.onTriggerWrapClick, listeners: { mouseup: h.onTriggerWrapMouseup, scope: h }, scope: h }) } else { h.mon(j, { click: h.onTriggerWrapClick, mouseup: h.onTriggerWrapMouseup, scope: h }) } l.setVisibilityMode(Ext.Element.DISPLAY); l.addClsOnOver(h.triggerBaseCls + "-over", a, h); d = l.elements; c = d.length; for (g = 0; g < c; g++) { b = d[g]; k = g + 1; b.addClsOnOver(h["trigger" + (k) + "Cls"] + "-over", a, h); b.addClsOnClick(h["trigger" + (k) + "Cls"] + "-click", a, h) } l.addClsOnClick(h.triggerBaseCls + "-click", a, h) }, onDestroy: function () { var a = this; Ext.destroyMembers(a, "triggerRepeater", "triggerWrap", "triggerEl"); delete a.doc; a.callParent() }, onFocus: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (!a.mimicing) { a.bodyEl.addCls(a.wrapFocusCls); a.mimicing = true; a.mon(a.doc, "mousedown", a.mimicBlur, a, { delay: 10 }); if (a.monitorTab) { a.on("specialkey", a.checkTab, a) } } }, checkTab: function (a, b) { if (!this.ignoreMonitorTab && b.getKey() == b.TAB) { this.triggerBlur() } }, getTriggerStateFlags: function () { var a = this, b = 0; if (a.readOnly) { b += 1 } if (a.editable) { b += 2 } if (a.hideTrigger) { b += 4 } return b }, onBlur: Ext.emptyFn, mimicBlur: function (a) { if (!this.isDestroyed && !this.bodyEl.contains(a.target) && this.validateBlur(a)) { this.triggerBlur(a) } }, triggerBlur: function (b) { var a = this; a.mimicing = false; a.mun(a.doc, "mousedown", a.mimicBlur, a); if (a.monitorTab && a.inputEl) { a.un("specialkey", a.checkTab, a) } Ext.form.field.Trigger.superclass.onBlur.call(a, b); if (a.bodyEl) { a.bodyEl.removeCls(a.wrapFocusCls) } }, validateBlur: function (a) { return true }, onTriggerWrapClick: function () { var d = this, e, b, a, c; c = arguments[d.triggerRepeater ? 1 : 0]; if (c && !d.readOnly && !d.disabled) { e = c.getTarget("." + d.triggerBaseCls, null); b = e && e.className.match(d.triggerIndexRe); if (b) { a = d["onTrigger" + (parseInt(b[1], 10) + 1) + "Click"] || d.onTriggerClick; if (a) { a.call(d, c) } } } }, onTriggerWrapMouseup: Ext.emptyFn, onTriggerClick: Ext.emptyFn }, 0, ["trigger", "triggerfield"], ["field", "trigger", "textfield", "component", "box", "triggerfield"], { field: true, trigger: true, textfield: true, component: true, box: true, triggerfield: true }, ["widget.trigger", "widget.triggerfield"], 0, [Ext.form.field, "Trigger", Ext.form, "TriggerField", Ext.form, "TwinTriggerField", Ext.form, "Trigger"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.field.Picker", Ext.form.field.Trigger, { alternateClassName: "Ext.form.Picker", matchFieldWidth: true, pickerAlign: "tl-bl?", openCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "pickerfield-open", editable: true, initComponent: function () { this.callParent(); this.addEvents("expand", "collapse", "select") }, initEvents: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); a.keyNav = new Ext.util.KeyNav(a.inputEl, { down: a.onDownArrow, esc: { handler: a.onEsc, scope: a, defaultEventAction: false }, scope: a, forceKeyDown: true }); if (!a.editable) { a.mon(a.inputEl, "click", a.onTriggerClick, a) } if (Ext.isGecko) { a.inputEl.dom.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off") } }, onEsc: function (a) { if (Ext.isIE) { a.preventDefault() } if (this.isExpanded) { this.collapse(); a.stopEvent() } }, onDownArrow: function (a) { if (!this.isExpanded) { this.onTriggerClick() } }, expand: function () { var c = this, a, b, d; if (c.rendered && !c.isExpanded && !c.isDestroyed) { c.expanding = true; a = c.bodyEl; b = c.getPicker(); d = c.collapseIf; b.show(); c.isExpanded = true; c.alignPicker(); a.addCls(c.openCls); c.mon(Ext.getDoc(), { mousewheel: d, mousedown: d, scope: c }); Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(c.alignPicker, c); c.fireEvent("expand", c); c.onExpand(); delete c.expanding } }, onExpand: Ext.emptyFn, alignPicker: function () { var b = this, a = b.getPicker(); if (b.isExpanded) { if (b.matchFieldWidth) { a.setWidth(b.bodyEl.getWidth()) } if (a.isFloating()) { b.doAlign() } } }, doAlign: function () { var d = this, c = d.picker, a = "-above", b; d.picker.alignTo(d.triggerWrap, d.pickerAlign, d.pickerOffset); b = c.el.getY() < d.inputEl.getY(); d.bodyEl[b ? "addCls" : "removeCls"](d.openCls + a); c[b ? "addCls" : "removeCls"](c.baseCls + a) }, collapse: function () { if (this.isExpanded && !this.isDestroyed) { var d = this, c = d.openCls, b = d.picker, e = Ext.getDoc(), g = d.collapseIf, a = "-above"; b.hide(); d.isExpanded = false; d.bodyEl.removeCls([c, c + a]); b.el.removeCls(b.baseCls + a); e.un("mousewheel", g, d); e.un("mousedown", g, d); Ext.EventManager.removeResizeListener(d.alignPicker, d); d.fireEvent("collapse", d); d.onCollapse() } }, onCollapse: Ext.emptyFn, collapseIf: function (b) { var a = this; if (!a.isDestroyed && !b.within(a.bodyEl, false, true) && !b.within(a.picker.el, false, true) && !a.isEventWithinPickerLoadMask(b)) { a.collapse() } }, getPicker: function () { var a = this; return a.picker || (a.picker = a.createPicker()) }, createPicker: Ext.emptyFn, onTriggerClick: function () { var a = this; if (!a.readOnly && !a.disabled) { if (a.isExpanded) { a.collapse() } else { a.expand() } a.inputEl.focus() } }, triggerBlur: function () { var a = this.picker; this.callParent(arguments); if (a && a.isVisible()) { a.hide() } }, mimicBlur: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.picker; if (!a || !c.within(a.el, false, true) && !b.isEventWithinPickerLoadMask(c)) { b.callParent(arguments) } }, onDestroy: function () { var b = this, a = b.picker; Ext.EventManager.removeResizeListener(b.alignPicker, b); Ext.destroy(b.keyNav); if (a) { delete a.pickerField; a.destroy() } b.callParent() }, isEventWithinPickerLoadMask: function (b) { var a = this.picker.loadMask; return a ? b.within(a.maskEl, false, true) || b.within(a.el, false, true) : false } }, 0, ["pickerfield"], ["field", "trigger", "textfield", "pickerfield", "component", "box", "triggerfield"], { field: true, trigger: true, textfield: true, pickerfield: true, component: true, box: true, triggerfield: true }, ["widget.pickerfield"], 0, [Ext.form.field, "Picker", Ext.form, "Picker"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.selection.Model", Ext.util.Observable, { alternateClassName: "Ext.AbstractSelectionModel", allowDeselect: undefined, toggleOnClick: true, selected: null, pruneRemoved: true, suspendChange: 0, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; a = a || {}; Ext.apply(b, a); b.addEvents("selectionchange", "focuschange"); b.modes = { SINGLE: true, SIMPLE: true, MULTI: true }; b.setSelectionMode(a.mode || b.mode); b.selected = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(null, b.getSelectionId); b.callParent(arguments) }, bindStore: function (a, b) { var c = this; c.mixins.bindable.bindStore.apply(c, arguments); if (c.store && !b) { c.refresh() } }, getStoreListeners: function () { var a = this; return { add: a.onStoreAdd, clear: a.onStoreClear, bulkremove: a.onStoreRemove, update: a.onStoreUpdate, load: a.onStoreLoad, idchanged: a.onModelIdChanged, refresh: a.onStoreRefresh } }, suspendChanges: function () { ++this.suspendChange }, resumeChanges: function () { if (this.suspendChange) { --this.suspendChange } }, selectAll: function (b) { var e = this, d = e.store.getRange(), c = 0, a = d.length, g = e.getSelection().length; e.suspendChanges(); for (; c < a; c++) { e.doSelect(d[c], true, b) } e.resumeChanges(); if (!b) { e.maybeFireSelectionChange(e.getSelection().length !== g) } }, deselectAll: function (k) { var g = this, b = g.getSelection(), h = {}, j = g.store, a = b.length, e, c, d; for (e = 0, c = b.length; e < c; e++) { d = b[e]; h[d.internalId] = j.indexOf(d) } b = Ext.Array.sort(b, function (n, l) { var o = h[n.internalId], m = h[l.internalId]; return o < m ? -1 : 1 }); g.suspendChanges(); g.doDeselect(b, k); g.resumeChanges(); if (!k) { g.maybeFireSelectionChange(g.getSelection().length !== a) } }, selectWithEvent: function (k, m) { var n = this, d = n.isSelected(k), g = m.shiftKey, a = m.ctrlKey, c = n.selectionStart, h = n.getSelection(), l = h.length, o = n.allowDeselect, b, j, p; switch (n.selectionMode) { case "MULTI": if (g && c) { n.selectRange(c, k, a) } else { if (a && d) { n.doDeselect(k, false) } else { if (a) { n.doSelect(k, true, false) } else { if (d && !g && !a && l > 1) { b = []; for (j = 0; j < l; ++j) { p = h[j]; if (p !== k) { b.push(p) } } n.doDeselect(b) } else { if (!d) { n.doSelect(k, false) } } } } } break; case "SIMPLE": if (d) { n.doDeselect(k) } else { n.doSelect(k, true) } break; case "SINGLE": if (o && !a) { o = n.toggleOnClick } if (o && d) { n.doDeselect(k) } else { n.doSelect(k, false) } break } if (!g) { if (n.isSelected(k)) { n.selectionStart = k } else { n.selectionStart = null } } }, afterKeyNavigate: function (g, d) { var h = this, c, a, b = h.isSelected(d), k = (h.selectionStart && h.isSelected(h.lastFocused)) ? h.selectionStart : (h.selectionStart = h.lastFocused), l = g.getCharCode(), m = l === g.SPACE, j = l === g.UP || l === g.PAGE_UP ? "up" : (l === g.DOWN || l === g.DOWN ? "down" : null); switch (h.selectionMode) { case "MULTI": if (m) { if (g.shiftKey) { h.selectRange(k, d, g.ctrlKey) } else { if (b) { h.doDeselect(d, g.ctrlKey); h.setLastFocused(null); h.setLastFocused(d) } else { h.doSelect(d, g.ctrlKey) } } } else { if (g.shiftKey && k) { a = h.store.indexOf(k); c = h.store.indexOf(d); if (j === "up" && a <= c) { h.deselectRange(h.lastFocused, c + 1) } else { if (j === "down" && a >= c) { h.deselectRange(h.lastFocused, c - 1) } else { if (k !== d) { h.selectRange(k, d, g.ctrlKey) } } } h.lastSelected = d; h.setLastFocused(d) } else { if (g.ctrlKey && b) { h.setLastFocused(d) } else { if (g.ctrlKey) { h.setLastFocused(d) } else { h.doSelect(d, false) } } } } break; case "SIMPLE": if (b) { h.doDeselect(d) } else { h.doSelect(d, true) } break; case "SINGLE": if (m) { if (b) { h.doDeselect(d); h.setLastFocused(d) } else { h.doSelect(d) } } else { if (g.ctrlKey) { h.setLastFocused(d) } else { if (h.allowDeselect && b) { h.doDeselect(d) } else { h.doSelect(d, false) } } } break } if (!g.shiftKey) { if (h.isSelected(d)) { h.selectionStart = d } } }, selectRange: function (m, d, n) { var j = this, l = j.store, c = j.selected.items, o, g, h, e, a, k, b; if (j.isLocked()) { return } o = j.normalizeRowRange(m, d); m = o[0]; d = o[1]; e = []; for (g = m; g <= d; g++) { if (!j.isSelected(l.getAt(g))) { e.push(l.getAt(g)) } } if (!n) { a = []; j.suspendChanges(); for (g = 0, h = c.length; g < h; ++g) { b = c[g]; k = l.indexOf(b); if (k < m || k > d) { a.push(b) } } for (g = 0, h = a.length; g < h; ++g) { j.doDeselect(a[g]) } j.resumeChanges() } j.doMultiSelect(e, true) }, deselectRange: function (e, d) { var j = this, c = j.store, a, h, g, b; if (j.isLocked()) { return } a = j.normalizeRowRange(e, d); e = a[0]; d = a[1]; g = []; for (h = e; h <= d; h++) { b = c.getAt(h); if (j.isSelected(b)) { g.push(b) } } j.doDeselect(g) }, normalizeRowRange: function (c, b) { var a = this.store, d; if (!Ext.isNumber(c)) { c = a.indexOf(c) } c = Math.max(0, c); if (!Ext.isNumber(b)) { b = a.indexOf(b) } b = Math.min(b, a.getCount() - 1); if (c > b) { d = b; b = c; c = d } return [c, b] }, onModelIdChanged: function (a, d, e, c, b) { this.selected.updateKey(b, c) }, select: function (b, c, a) { if (Ext.isDefined(b)) { this.doSelect(b, c, a) } }, deselect: function (b, a) { this.doDeselect(b, a) }, doSelect: function (c, e, b) { var d = this, a; if (d.locked || !d.store) { return } if (typeof c === "number") { a = d.store.getAt(c); if (!a) { return } c = [a] } if (d.selectionMode == "SINGLE" && c) { a = c.length ? c[0] : c; d.doSingleSelect(a, b) } else { d.doMultiSelect(c, e, b) } }, doMultiSelect: function (a, l, k) { var h = this, b = h.selected, j = false, m, d, g, e, c; if (h.locked) { return } a = !Ext.isArray(a) ? [a] : a; g = a.length; if (!l && b.getCount() > 0) { m = h.deselectDuringSelect(a, b.getRange(), k); if (m[0]) { h.maybeFireSelectionChange(m[1] > 0 && !k); return } } c = function () { b.add(e); j = true }; for (d = 0; d < g; d++) { e = a[d]; if (h.isSelected(e)) { continue } h.lastSelected = e; h.onSelectChange(e, true, k, c) } if (!h.preventFocus) { h.setLastFocused(e, k) } h.maybeFireSelectionChange(j && !k) }, deselectDuringSelect: function (d, a, j) { var h = this, g = a.length, c = 0, e = false, k, b; h.suspendChanges(); for (b = 0; b < g; ++b) { k = a[b]; if (!Ext.Array.contains(d, k)) { if (h.doDeselect(k, j)) { ++c } else { e = true } } } h.resumeChanges(); return [e, c] }, doDeselect: function (a, k) { var j = this, b = j.selected, d = 0, h, e, l = 0, g = 0, c; if (j.locked || !j.store) { return false } if (typeof a === "number") { e = j.store.getAt(a); if (!e) { return false } a = [e] } else { if (!Ext.isArray(a)) { a = [a] } } c = function () { ++g; b.remove(e) }; h = a.length; j.suspendChanges(); for (; d < h; d++) { e = a[d]; if (j.isSelected(e)) { if (j.lastSelected === e) { j.lastSelected = b.last(); if (j.lastFocused === e) { j.setLastFocused(null) } } ++l; j.onSelectChange(e, false, k, c) } } j.resumeChanges(); j.maybeFireSelectionChange(g > 0 && !k); return g === l }, doSingleSelect: function (a, b) { var d = this, g = false, c = d.selected, e; if (d.locked) { return } if (d.isSelected(a)) { return } if (c.getCount()) { d.suspendChanges(); if (!d.doDeselect(d.lastSelected, b)) { d.resumeChanges(); return } d.resumeChanges() } e = function () { c.add(a); d.lastSelected = a; g = true }; d.onSelectChange(a, true, b, e); if (g) { if (!b && !d.preventFocus) { d.setLastFocused(a) } d.maybeFireSelectionChange(!b) } }, setLastFocused: function (c, b) { var d = this, a = d.lastFocused; if (c !== a) { d.lastFocused = c; d.onLastFocusChanged(a, c, b) } }, isFocused: function (a) { return a === this.getLastFocused() }, maybeFireSelectionChange: function (a) { var b = this; if (a && !b.suspendChange) { b.fireEvent("selectionchange", b, b.getSelection()) } }, getLastSelected: function () { return this.lastSelected }, getLastFocused: function () { return this.lastFocused }, getSelection: function () { return this.selected.getRange() }, getSelectionMode: function () { return this.selectionMode }, setSelectionMode: function (a) { a = a ? a.toUpperCase() : "SINGLE"; this.selectionMode = this.modes[a] ? a : "SINGLE" }, isLocked: function () { return this.locked }, setLocked: function (a) { this.locked = !!a }, isRangeSelected: function (d, c) { var g = this, b = g.store, e, a; a = g.normalizeRowRange(d, c); d = a[0]; c = a[1]; for (e = d; e <= c; e++) { if (!g.isSelected(b.getAt(e))) { return false } } return true }, isSelected: function (a) { a = Ext.isNumber(a) ? this.store.getAt(a) : a; return this.selected.contains(a) }, hasSelection: function () { return this.selected.getCount() > 0 }, getSelectionId: function (a) { return a.internalId }, pruneIf: function () { var g = this, d = g.selected, c = [], a = d.length, b, e; if (g.pruneRemoved) { for (b = 0; b < a; b++) { e = d.getAt(b); if (!this.storeHasSelected(e)) { c.push(e) } } if (c.length) { for (b = 0, a = c.length; b < a; b++) { d.remove(c[b]) } g.maybeFireSelectionChange(true) } } }, storeHasSelected: function (b) { var d = this.store, c, a, g, e; if (b.hasId() && d.getById(b)) { return true } else { c = d.data.items; a = c.length; g = b.internalId; for (e = 0; e < a; ++e) { if (g === c[e].internalId) { return true } } } return false }, refresh: function () { var h = this, l = h.store, a, d = [], g = [], c = h.getSelection(), e = c.length, k, j, b = 0, m = h.getLastFocused(); if (!l) { return } for (; b < e; b++) { k = c[b]; if (l.indexOf(k) !== -1) { d.push(k) } else { if (!h.pruneRemoved) { a = l.getById(k.getId()); if (a) { d.push(a) } else { g.push(k) } } } if (h.mode === "SINGLE" && g.length) { break } } if (h.selected.getCount() != (d.length + g.length)) { j = true } h.clearSelections(); if (l.indexOf(m) !== -1) { h.setLastFocused(m, true) } if (d.length) { h.doSelect(d, false, true) } if (g.length) { h.selected.addAll(g); if (!h.lastSelected) { h.lastSelected = g[g.length - 1] } } h.maybeFireSelectionChange(j) }, clearSelections: function () { this.selected.clear(); this.lastSelected = null; this.setLastFocused(null) }, onStoreAdd: Ext.emptyFn, onStoreClear: function () { if (this.selected.getCount() > 0) { this.clearSelections(); this.maybeFireSelectionChange(true) } }, onStoreRemove: function (c, b, d, a) { var e = this; if (e.selectionStart && Ext.Array.contains(b, e.selectionStart)) { e.selectionStart = null } if (a || e.locked || !e.pruneRemoved) { return } e.deselectDeletedRecords(b) }, deselectDeletedRecords: function (b) { var g = this, d = g.selected, c, e = b.length, h = 0, a; for (c = 0; c < e; c++) { a = b[c]; if (d.remove(a)) { if (g.lastSelected == a) { g.lastSelected = null } if (g.getLastFocused() == a) { g.setLastFocused(null) } ++h } } if (h) { g.maybeFireSelectionChange(true) } }, getCount: function () { return this.selected.getCount() }, onUpdate: Ext.emptyFn, destroy: function () { this.clearListeners() }, onStoreUpdate: Ext.emptyFn, onStoreRefresh: Ext.emptyFn, onStoreLoad: Ext.emptyFn, onSelectChange: function (a, d, c, g) { var e = this, b = d ? "select" : "deselect"; if ((c || e.fireEvent("before" + b, e, a)) !== false && g() !== false) { if (!c) { e.fireEvent(b, e, a) } } }, onLastFocusChanged: function (b, a) { this.fireEvent("focuschange", this, b, a) }, onEditorKey: Ext.emptyFn, beforeViewRender: function (a) { this.views = this.views || []; this.views.push(a); this.bindStore(a.getStore(), true) }, bindComponent: Ext.emptyFn }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["bindable", Ext.util.Bindable]], [Ext.selection, "Model", Ext, "AbstractSelectionModel"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.selection.DataViewModel", Ext.selection.Model, { deselectOnContainerClick: true, enableKeyNav: true, constructor: function (a) { this.addEvents("beforedeselect", "beforeselect", "deselect", "select"); this.callParent(arguments) }, bindComponent: function (a) { var b = this, c = { refresh: b.refresh, scope: b }; b.view = a; b.bindStore(a.getStore()); c[a.triggerEvent] = b.onItemClick; c[a.triggerCtEvent] = b.onContainerClick; a.on(c); if (b.enableKeyNav) { b.initKeyNav(a) } }, onUpdate: function (b) { var a = this.view; if (a && this.isSelected(b)) { a.onItemSelect(b) } }, onItemClick: function (b, a, d, c, g) { this.selectWithEvent(a, g) }, onContainerClick: function () { if (this.deselectOnContainerClick) { this.deselectAll() } }, initKeyNav: function (a) { var b = this; if (!a.rendered) { a.on({ render: Ext.Function.bind(b.initKeyNav, b, [a]), single: true }); return } a.el.set({ tabIndex: -1 }); b.keyNav = new Ext.util.KeyNav({ target: a.el, ignoreInputFields: true, down: Ext.pass(b.onNavKey, [1], b), right: Ext.pass(b.onNavKey, [1], b), left: Ext.pass(b.onNavKey, [-1], b), up: Ext.pass(b.onNavKey, [-1], b), scope: b }) }, onNavKey: function (g) { g = g || 1; var e = this, b = e.view, d = e.getSelection()[0], c = e.view.store.getCount(), a; if (d) { a = b.indexOf(b.getNode(d)) + g } else { a = 0 } if (a < 0) { a = c - 1 } else { if (a >= c) { a = 0 } } e.select(a) }, onSelectChange: function (b, e, d, h) { var g = this, a = g.view, c = e ? "select" : "deselect"; if ((d || g.fireEvent("before" + c, g, b)) !== false && h() !== false) { if (a) { if (e) { a.onItemSelect(b) } else { a.onItemDeselect(b) } } if (!d) { g.fireEvent(c, g, b) } } }, onLastFocusChanged: function (d, b, c) { var a = this.view; if (a && !c && b) { a.focusNode(b); this.fireEvent("focuschange", this, d, b) } }, destroy: function () { Ext.destroy(this.keyNav); this.callParent() } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.selection, "DataViewModel"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.view.AbstractView", Ext.Component, { inheritableStatics: { getRecord: function (a) { return this.getBoundView(a).getRecord(a) }, getBoundView: function (a) { return Ext.getCmp(a.boundView) } }, deferInitialRefresh: true, itemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "dataview-item", loadingText: "Loading...", loadMask: true, loadingUseMsg: true, selectedItemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "item-selected", emptyText: "", deferEmptyText: true, trackOver: false, blockRefresh: false, preserveScrollOnRefresh: false, last: false, triggerEvent: "itemclick", triggerCtEvent: "containerclick", addCmpEvents: function () {}, initComponent: function () { var c = this, a = Ext.isDefined, d = c.itemTpl, b = {}; if (d) { if (Ext.isArray(d)) { d = d.join("") } else { if (Ext.isObject(d)) { b = Ext.apply(b, d.initialConfig); d = d.html } } if (!c.itemSelector) { c.itemSelector = "." + c.itemCls } d = Ext.String.format('
', c.itemCls, d); c.tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(d, b) } c.callParent(); c.tpl = c.getTpl("tpl"); if (c.overItemCls) { c.trackOver = true } c.addEvents("beforerefresh", "refresh", "viewready", "itemupdate", "itemadd", "itemremove"); c.addCmpEvents(); c.store = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup(c.store || "ext-empty-store"); if (!c.dataSource) { c.dataSource = c.store } c.bindStore(c.dataSource, true, "dataSource"); if (!c.all) { c.all = new Ext.CompositeElementLite() } c.scrollState = { top: 0, left: 0 }; c.on({ scroll: c.onViewScroll, element: "el", scope: c }) }, onRender: function () { var d = this, b = d.loadMask, c = d.getMaskStore(), a = { target: d, msg: d.loadingText, msgCls: d.loadingCls, useMsg: d.loadingUseMsg, store: c }; d.callParent(arguments); if (b && !c.proxy.isSynchronous) { if (Ext.isObject(b)) { a = Ext.apply(a, b) } d.loadMask = new Ext.LoadMask(a); d.loadMask.on({ scope: d, beforeshow: d.onMaskBeforeShow, hide: d.onMaskHide }) } }, finishRender: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (!a.up("[collapsed],[hidden]")) { a.doFirstRefresh(a.dataSource) } }, onBoxReady: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (!a.firstRefreshDone) { a.doFirstRefresh(a.dataSource) } }, getMaskStore: function () { return this.store }, onMaskBeforeShow: function () { var b = this, a = b.loadingHeight; if (a && a > b.getHeight()) { b.hasLoadingHeight = true; b.oldMinHeight = b.minHeight; b.minHeight = a; b.updateLayout() } }, onMaskHide: function () { var a = this; if (!a.destroying && a.hasLoadingHeight) { a.minHeight = a.oldMinHeight; a.updateLayout(); delete a.hasLoadingHeight } }, beforeRender: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.getSelectionModel().beforeViewRender(this) }, afterRender: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.getSelectionModel().bindComponent(this) }, getSelectionModel: function () { var a = this, b = "SINGLE"; if (a.simpleSelect) { b = "SIMPLE" } else { if (a.multiSelect) { b = "MULTI" } } if (!a.selModel || !a.selModel.events) { a.selModel = new Ext.selection.DataViewModel(Ext.apply({ allowDeselect: a.allowDeselect, mode: b }, a.selModel)) } if (!a.selModel.hasRelaySetup) { a.relayEvents(a.selModel, ["selectionchange", "beforeselect", "beforedeselect", "select", "deselect", "focuschange"]); a.selModel.hasRelaySetup = true } if (a.disableSelection) { a.selModel.locked = true } return a.selModel }, refresh: function () { var c = this, h, b, e, d, g, a; if (!c.rendered || c.isDestroyed) { return } if (!c.hasListeners.beforerefresh || c.fireEvent("beforerefresh", c) !== false) { h = c.getTargetEl(); a = c.getViewRange(); g = h.dom; if (!c.preserveScrollOnRefresh) { b = g.parentNode; e = g.style.display; g.style.display = "none"; d = g.nextSibling; b.removeChild(g) } if (c.refreshCounter) { c.clearViewEl() } else { c.fixedNodes = h.dom.childNodes.length; c.refreshCounter = 1 } c.tpl.append(h, c.collectData(a, c.all.startIndex)); if (a.length < 1) { if (!this.store.loading && (!c.deferEmptyText || c.hasFirstRefresh)) { Ext.core.DomHelper.insertHtml("beforeEnd", h.dom, c.emptyText) } c.all.clear() } else { c.collectNodes(h.dom); c.updateIndexes(0) } if (c.hasFirstRefresh) { if (c.refreshSelmodelOnRefresh !== false) { c.selModel.refresh() } else { c.selModel.pruneIf() } } c.hasFirstRefresh = true; if (!c.preserveScrollOnRefresh) { b.insertBefore(g, d); g.style.display = e } this.refreshSize(); c.fireEvent("refresh", c); if (!c.viewReady) { c.viewReady = true; c.fireEvent("viewready", c) } } }, collectNodes: function (a) { this.all.fill(Ext.query(this.getItemSelector(), Ext.getDom(a)), this.all.startIndex) }, getViewRange: function () { return this.dataSource.getRange() }, refreshSize: function () { var a = this.getSizeModel(); if (a.height.shrinkWrap || a.width.shrinkWrap) { this.updateLayout() } }, clearViewEl: function () { var b = this, a = b.getTargetEl(); if (b.fixedNodes) { while (a.dom.childNodes[b.fixedNodes]) { a.dom.removeChild(a.dom.childNodes[b.fixedNodes]) } } else { a.update("") } b.refreshCounter++ }, onViewScroll: Ext.emptyFn, onIdChanged: Ext.emptyFn, saveScrollState: function () { if (this.rendered) { var b = this.el.dom, a = this.scrollState; a.left = b.scrollLeft; a.top = b.scrollTop } }, restoreScrollState: function () { if (this.rendered) { var b = this.el.dom, a = this.scrollState; b.scrollLeft = a.left; b.scrollTop = a.top } }, prepareData: function (e, d, c) { var b, a, g; if (c) { b = c.getAssociatedData(); for (a in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(a)) { if (!g) { e = Ext.Object.chain(e); g = true } e[a] = b[a] } } } return e }, collectData: function (c, g) { var e = [], d = 0, a = c.length, b; for (; d < a; d++) { b = c[d]; e[d] = this.prepareData(b.data, g + d, b) } return e }, bufferRender: function (a, b) { var c = this, d = c.renderBuffer || (c.renderBuffer = document.createElement("div")); c.tpl.overwrite(d, c.collectData(a, b)); return Ext.DomQuery.select(c.getItemSelector(), d) }, getNodeContainer: function () { return this.getTargetEl() }, onUpdate: function (e, a) { var d = this, b, c; if (d.viewReady) { b = d.dataSource.indexOf(a); if (b > -1) { c = d.bufferRender([a], b)[0]; if (d.getNode(a)) { d.all.replaceElement(b, c, true); d.updateIndexes(b, b); d.selModel.onUpdate(a); if (d.hasListeners.itemupdate) { d.fireEvent("itemupdate", a, b, c) } return c } } } }, onAdd: function (c, b, d) { var e = this, a; if (e.rendered) { if (e.all.getCount() === 0) { e.refresh(); a = e.all.slice() } else { a = e.doAdd(b, d); if (e.refreshSelmodelOnRefresh !== false) { e.selModel.refresh() } e.updateIndexes(d); e.refreshSize() } if (e.hasListeners.itemadd) { e.fireEvent("itemadd", b, d, a) } } }, doAdd: function (c, d) { var j = this, b = j.bufferRender(c, d, true), g = j.all, h = g.getCount(), e, a; if (h === 0) { for (e = 0, a = b.length; e < a; e++) { this.getNodeContainer().appendChild(b[e]) } } else { if (d < h) { if (d === 0) { g.item(d).insertSibling(b, "before", true) } else { g.item(d - 1).insertSibling(b, "after", true) } } else { g.last().insertSibling(b, "after", true) } } g.insert(d, b); return b }, onRemove: function (j, b, d) { var g = this, h = g.hasListeners.itemremove, e, a, c; if (g.all.getCount()) { if (g.dataSource.getCount() === 0) { if (h) { for (e = d.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) { g.fireEvent("itemremove", b[e], d[e]) } } g.refresh() } else { for (e = d.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) { a = b[e]; c = d[e]; g.doRemove(a, c); if (h) { g.fireEvent("itemremove", a, c) } } g.updateIndexes(d[0]) } this.refreshSize() } }, doRemove: function (a, b) { this.all.removeElement(b, true) }, refreshNode: function (a) { this.onUpdate(this.dataSource, this.dataSource.getAt(a)) }, updateIndexes: function (e, d) { var b = this.all.elements, a = this.getViewRange(), c; e = e || 0; d = d || ((d === 0) ? 0 : (b.length - 1)); for (c = e; c <= d; c++) { b[c].viewIndex = c; b[c].viewRecordId = a[c].internalId; if (!b[c].boundView) { b[c].boundView = this.id } } }, getStore: function () { return this.store }, bindStore: function (a, b, d) { var c = this; c.mixins.bindable.bindStore.apply(c, arguments); if (!b) { c.getSelectionModel().bindStore(a) } if (c.componentLayoutCounter) { c.doFirstRefresh(a) } }, doFirstRefresh: function (a) { var b = this; b.firstRefreshDone = true; if (a && !a.loading) { if (b.deferInitialRefresh) { b.applyFirstRefresh() } else { b.refresh() } } }, applyFirstRefresh: function () { var a = this; if (a.isDestroyed) { return } if (a.up("[isCollapsingOrExpanding]")) { Ext.Function.defer(a.applyFirstRefresh, 100, a) } else { Ext.Function.defer(function () { if (!a.isDestroyed) { a.refresh() } }, 1) } }, onUnbindStore: function (a) { this.setMaskBind(null) }, onBindStore: function (a, b, c) { this.setMaskBind(a); if (!b && c === "store") { this.bindStore(a, false, "dataSource") } }, setMaskBind: function (b) { var a = this.loadMask; if (a && a.bindStore) { a.bindStore(b) } }, getStoreListeners: function () { var a = this; return { idchanged: a.onIdChanged, refresh: a.onDataRefresh, add: a.onAdd, bulkremove: a.onRemove, update: a.onUpdate, clear: a.refresh } }, onDataRefresh: function () { this.refreshView() }, refreshView: function () { var a = this, b = !a.firstRefreshDone && (!a.rendered || a.up("[collapsed],[isCollapsingOrExpanding],[hidden]")); if (b) { a.deferInitialRefresh = false } else { if (a.blockRefresh !== true) { a.firstRefreshDone = true; a.refresh() } } }, findItemByChild: function (a) { return Ext.fly(a).findParent(this.getItemSelector(), this.getTargetEl()) }, findTargetByEvent: function (a) { return a.getTarget(this.getItemSelector(), this.getTargetEl()) }, getSelectedNodes: function () { var b = [], a = this.selModel.getSelection(), d = a.length, c = 0; for (; c < d; c++) { b.push(this.getNode(a[c])) } return b }, getRecords: function (c) { var b = [], d = 0, a = c.length, e = this.dataSource.data; for (; d < a; d++) { b[b.length] = e.getByKey(c[d].viewRecordId) } return b }, getRecord: function (a) { return this.dataSource.data.getByKey(Ext.getDom(a).viewRecordId) }, isSelected: function (b) { var a = this.getRecord(b); return this.selModel.isSelected(a) }, select: function (b, c, a) { this.selModel.select(b, c, a) }, deselect: function (b, a) { this.selModel.deselect(b, a) }, getNode: function (a) { if ((!a && a !== 0) || !this.rendered) { return null } if (Ext.isString(a)) { return document.getElementById(a) } if (Ext.isNumber(a)) { return this.all.elements[a] } if (a.isModel) { return this.getNodeByRecord(a) } return a }, getNodeByRecord: function (a) { var c = this.all.elements, d = c.length, b = 0; for (; b < d; b++) { if (c[b].viewRecordId === a.internalId) { return c[b] } } return null }, getNodes: function (c, a) { var b = this.all; if (a === undefined) { a = b.getCount() } else { a++ } return b.slice(c || 0, a) }, indexOf: function (a) { a = this.getNode(a); if (!a && a !== 0) { return -1 } if (Ext.isNumber(a.viewIndex)) { return a.viewIndex } return this.all.indexOf(a) }, onDestroy: function () { var a = this; a.all.clear(); a.callParent(); a.bindStore(null); a.selModel.destroy() }, onItemSelect: function (a) { var b = this.getNode(a); if (b) { Ext.fly(b).addCls(this.selectedItemCls) } }, onItemDeselect: function (a) { var b = this.getNode(a); if (b) { Ext.fly(b).removeCls(this.selectedItemCls) } }, getItemSelector: function () { return this.itemSelector } }, 0, 0, ["component", "box"], { component: true, box: true }, 0, [["bindable", Ext.util.Bindable]], [Ext.view, "AbstractView"], function () { Ext.deprecate("extjs", "4.0", function () { Ext.view.AbstractView.override({ getSelectionCount: function () { if (Ext.global.console) { Ext.global.console.warn("DataView: getSelectionCount will be removed, please interact with the Ext.selection.DataViewModel") } return this.selModel.getSelection().length }, getSelectedRecords: function () { if (Ext.global.console) { Ext.global.console.warn("DataView: getSelectedRecords will be removed, please interact with the Ext.selection.DataViewModel") } return this.selModel.getSelection() }, select: function (a, b, d) { if (Ext.global.console) { Ext.global.console.warn("DataView: select will be removed, please access select through a DataView's SelectionModel, ie: view.getSelectionModel().select()") } var c = this.getSelectionModel(); return c.select.apply(c, arguments) }, clearSelections: function () { if (Ext.global.console) { Ext.global.console.warn("DataView: clearSelections will be removed, please access deselectAll through DataView's SelectionModel, ie: view.getSelectionModel().deselectAll()") } var a = this.getSelectionModel(); return a.deselectAll() } }) }) })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.view.View", Ext.view.AbstractView, { alternateClassName: "Ext.DataView", deferHighlight: Ext.isIE7m ? 100 : 0, mouseOverOutBuffer: 20, inputTagRe: /^textarea$|^input$/i, inheritableStatics: { EventMap: { mousedown: "MouseDown", mouseup: "MouseUp", click: "Click", dblclick: "DblClick", contextmenu: "ContextMenu", mouseover: "MouseOver", mouseout: "MouseOut", mouseenter: "MouseEnter", mouseleave: "MouseLeave", keydown: "KeyDown", focus: "Focus" } }, initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); if (a.mouseOverOutBuffer) { a.handleMouseOverOrOut = Ext.Function.createBuffered(a.handleMouseOverOrOut, a.mouseOverOutBuffer, a); a.lastMouseOverOutEvent = new Ext.EventObjectImpl() } else { if (a.deferHighlight) { a.setHighlightedItem = Ext.Function.createBuffered(a.setHighlightedItem, a.deferHighlight, a) } } }, addCmpEvents: function () { this.addEvents("beforeitemmousedown", "beforeitemmouseup", "beforeitemmouseenter", "beforeitemmouseleave", "beforeitemclick", "beforeitemdblclick", "beforeitemcontextmenu", "beforeitemkeydown", "itemmousedown", "itemmouseup", "itemmouseenter", "itemmouseleave", "itemclick", "itemdblclick", "itemcontextmenu", "itemkeydown", "beforecontainermousedown", "beforecontainermouseup", "beforecontainermouseover", "beforecontainermouseout", "beforecontainerclick", "beforecontainerdblclick", "beforecontainercontextmenu", "beforecontainerkeydown", "containermouseup", "containermouseover", "containermouseout", "containerclick", "containerdblclick", "containercontextmenu", "containerkeydown", "selectionchange", "beforeselect", "beforedeselect", "select", "deselect", "focuschange", "highlightitem", "unhighlightitem") }, getFocusEl: function () { return this.getTargetEl() }, afterRender: function () { var a = this, b = a.mouseOverOutBuffer ? a.onMouseOverOut : a.handleMouseOverOrOut; a.callParent(); a.mon(a.getTargetEl(), { scope: a, freezeEvent: true, click: a.handleEvent, mousedown: a.handleEvent, mouseup: a.handleEvent, dblclick: a.handleEvent, contextmenu: a.handleEvent, keydown: a.handleEvent, mouseover: b, mouseout: b }) }, onMouseOverOut: function (b) { var a = this; a.lastMouseOverOutEvent.setEvent(b.browserEvent, true); a.handleMouseOverOrOut(a.lastMouseOverOutEvent) }, handleMouseOverOrOut: function (d) { var c = this, b = d.type === "mouseout", g = b ? d.getRelatedTarget : d.getTarget, a = g.call(d, c.itemSelector) || g.call(d, c.dataRowSelector); if (!c.mouseOverItem || a !== c.mouseOverItem) { if (c.mouseOverItem) { d.item = c.mouseOverItem; d.newType = "mouseleave"; c.handleEvent(d) } c.mouseOverItem = a; if (c.mouseOverItem) { d.item = c.mouseOverItem; d.newType = "mouseenter"; c.handleEvent(d) } } }, handleEvent: function (c) { var b = this, a = c.type == "keydown" && c.getKey(); if (b.processUIEvent(c) !== false) { b.processSpecialEvent(c) } if (a === c.SPACE) { if (!b.inputTagRe.test(c.getTarget().tagName)) { c.stopEvent() } } }, processItemEvent: Ext.emptyFn, processContainerEvent: Ext.emptyFn, processSpecialEvent: Ext.emptyFn, processUIEvent: function (h) { if (!Ext.getBody().isAncestor(h.target)) { return } var j = this, l = h.getTarget(j.getItemSelector(), j.getTargetEl()), a = this.statics().EventMap, g, d, k = h.type, c = h.type, b; if (h.newType) { c = h.newType; l = h.item } if (!l && k == "keydown") { b = j.getSelectionModel(); d = b.lastFocused || b.getLastSelected(); if (d) { l = j.getNode(d, true) } } if (l) { if (!d) { d = j.getRecord(l) } g = j.indexInStore ? j.indexInStore(d) : j.indexOf(l); if (!d || j.processItemEvent(d, l, g, h) === false) { return false } if ((j["onBeforeItem" + a[c]](d, l, g, h) === false) || (j.fireEvent("beforeitem" + c, j, d, l, g, h) === false) || (j["onItem" + a[c]](d, l, g, h) === false)) { return false } j.fireEvent("item" + c, j, d, l, g, h) } else { if ((j.processContainerEvent(h) === false) || (j["onBeforeContainer" + a[k]](h) === false) || (j.fireEvent("beforecontainer" + k, j, h) === false) || (j["onContainer" + a[k]](h) === false)) { return false } j.fireEvent("container" + k, j, h) } return true }, onItemMouseEnter: function (a, c, b, d) { if (this.trackOver) { this.highlightItem(c) } }, onItemMouseLeave: function (a, c, b, d) { if (this.trackOver) { this.clearHighlight() } }, onItemMouseDown: Ext.emptyFn, onItemMouseUp: Ext.emptyFn, onItemFocus: Ext.emptyFn, onItemClick: Ext.emptyFn, onItemDblClick: Ext.emptyFn, onItemContextMenu: Ext.emptyFn, onItemKeyDown: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeItemMouseDown: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeItemMouseUp: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeItemFocus: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeItemMouseEnter: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeItemMouseLeave: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeItemClick: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeItemDblClick: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeItemContextMenu: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeItemKeyDown: Ext.emptyFn, onContainerMouseDown: Ext.emptyFn, onContainerMouseUp: Ext.emptyFn, onContainerMouseOver: Ext.emptyFn, onContainerMouseOut: Ext.emptyFn, onContainerClick: Ext.emptyFn, onContainerDblClick: Ext.emptyFn, onContainerContextMenu: Ext.emptyFn, onContainerKeyDown: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeContainerMouseDown: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeContainerMouseUp: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeContainerMouseOver: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeContainerMouseOut: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeContainerClick: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeContainerDblClick: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeContainerContextMenu: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeContainerKeyDown: Ext.emptyFn, setHighlightedItem: function (e) { var d = this, c = d.highlightedItem, g = d.overItemCls, a = d.beforeOverItemCls, b; if (c != e) { if (c) { Ext.fly(c).removeCls(g); b = c.previousSibling; if (a && b) { Ext.fly(b).removeCls(a) } d.fireEvent("unhighlightitem", d, c) } d.highlightedItem = e; if (e) { Ext.fly(e).addCls(d.overItemCls); b = e.previousSibling; if (a && b) { Ext.fly(b).addCls(a) } d.fireEvent("highlightitem", d, e) } } }, highlightItem: function (a) { this.setHighlightedItem(a) }, clearHighlight: function () { this.setHighlightedItem(undefined) }, onUpdate: function (b, a) { var g = this, e, c, d; if (g.viewReady) { e = g.getNode(a); c = g.callParent(arguments); d = g.highlightedItem; if (d && d === e) { delete g.highlightedItem; if (c) { g.highlightItem(c) } } } }, refresh: function () { this.clearHighlight(); this.callParent(arguments) }, focusNode: function (j) { var g = this, e = g.getNode(j, true), d = g.el, a = 0, b = 0, h = d.getRegion(), c; h.bottom = h.top + d.dom.clientHeight; h.right = h.left + d.dom.clientWidth; if (e) { c = Ext.fly(e).getRegion(); if (c.top < h.top) { a = c.top - h.top } else { if (c.bottom > h.bottom) { a = c.bottom - h.bottom } } if (c.left < h.left) { b = c.left - h.left } else { if (c.right > h.right) { b = c.right - h.right } } if (b || a) { g.scrollBy(b, a, false) } d.focus() } } }, 0, ["dataview"], ["component", "box", "dataview"], { component: true, box: true, dataview: true }, ["widget.dataview"], 0, [Ext.view, "View", Ext, "DataView"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.component.BoundList", Ext.layout.component.Auto, { type: "component", beginLayout: function (d) { var c = this, a = c.owner, b = a.pagingToolbar; c.callParent(arguments); if (a.floating) { d.savedXY = a.getXY(); a.setXY([0, -9999]) } if (b) { d.toolbarContext = d.context.getCmp(b) } d.listContext = d.getEl("listEl") }, beginLayoutCycle: function (b) { var a = this.owner; this.callParent(arguments); if (b.heightModel.auto) { a.el.setHeight("auto"); a.listEl.setHeight("auto") } }, getLayoutItems: function () { var a = this.owner.pagingToolbar; return a ? [a] : [] }, isValidParent: function () { return true }, finishedLayout: function (a) { var b = a.savedXY; this.callParent(arguments); if (b) { this.owner.setXY(b) } }, measureContentWidth: function (a) { return this.owner.listEl.getWidth() }, measureContentHeight: function (a) { return this.owner.listEl.getHeight() }, publishInnerHeight: function (c, a) { var b = c.toolbarContext, d = 0; if (b) { d = b.getProp("height") } if (d === undefined) { this.done = false } else { c.listContext.setHeight(a - c.getFrameInfo().height - d) } }, calculateOwnerHeightFromContentHeight: function (c) { var a = this.callParent(arguments), b = c.toolbarContext; if (b) { a += b.getProp("height") } return a } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.boundlist"], 0, [Ext.layout.component, "BoundList"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.toolbar.TextItem", Ext.toolbar.Item, { alternateClassName: "Ext.Toolbar.TextItem", text: "", renderTpl: "{text}", baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "toolbar-text", beforeRender: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); Ext.apply(a.renderData, { text: a.text }) }, setText: function (b) { var a = this; a.text = b; if (a.rendered) { a.el.update(b); a.updateLayout() } } }, 0, ["tbtext"], ["tbitem", "component", "box", "tbtext"], { tbitem: true, component: true, box: true, tbtext: true }, ["widget.tbtext"], 0, [Ext.toolbar, "TextItem", Ext.Toolbar, "TextItem"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.field.Spinner", Ext.form.field.Trigger, { alternateClassName: "Ext.form.Spinner", trigger1Cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-spinner-up", trigger2Cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-spinner-down", spinUpEnabled: true, spinDownEnabled: true, keyNavEnabled: true, mouseWheelEnabled: true, repeatTriggerClick: true, onSpinUp: Ext.emptyFn, onSpinDown: Ext.emptyFn, triggerTpl: '
', initComponent: function () { this.callParent(); this.addEvents("spin", "spinup", "spindown") }, onRender: function () { var b = this, a; b.callParent(arguments); a = b.triggerEl; b.spinUpEl = a.item(0); b.spinDownEl = a.item(1); b.triggerCell = b.spinUpEl.parent(); if (b.keyNavEnabled) { b.spinnerKeyNav = new Ext.util.KeyNav(b.inputEl, { scope: b, up: b.spinUp, down: b.spinDown }) } if (b.mouseWheelEnabled) { b.mon(b.bodyEl, "mousewheel", b.onMouseWheel, b) } }, getSubTplMarkup: function (b) { var c = this, a = b.childElCls, d = Ext.form.field.Base.prototype.getSubTplMarkup.apply(c, arguments); return '" + c.getTriggerMarkup() + "
' + d + "
" }, getTriggerMarkup: function () { return this.getTpl("triggerTpl").apply(this.getTriggerData()) }, getTriggerData: function () { var a = this, b = (a.readOnly || a.hideTrigger); return { triggerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "trigger-cell", triggerStyle: b ? "display:none" : "", spinnerUpCls: !a.spinUpEnabled ? a.trigger1Cls + "-disabled" : "", spinnerDownCls: !a.spinDownEnabled ? a.trigger2Cls + "-disabled" : "" } }, getTriggerWidth: function () { var b = this, a = 0; if (b.triggerWrap && !b.hideTrigger && !b.readOnly) { a = b.triggerWidth } return a }, onTrigger1Click: function () { this.spinUp() }, onTrigger2Click: function () { this.spinDown() }, onTriggerWrapMouseup: function () { this.inputEl.focus() }, spinUp: function () { var a = this; if (a.spinUpEnabled && !a.disabled) { a.fireEvent("spin", a, "up"); a.fireEvent("spinup", a); a.onSpinUp() } }, spinDown: function () { var a = this; if (a.spinDownEnabled && !a.disabled) { a.fireEvent("spin", a, "down"); a.fireEvent("spindown", a); a.onSpinDown() } }, setSpinUpEnabled: function (a) { var b = this, c = b.spinUpEnabled; b.spinUpEnabled = a; if (c !== a && b.rendered) { b.spinUpEl[a ? "removeCls" : "addCls"](b.trigger1Cls + "-disabled") } }, setSpinDownEnabled: function (a) { var b = this, c = b.spinDownEnabled; b.spinDownEnabled = a; if (c !== a && b.rendered) { b.spinDownEl[a ? "removeCls" : "addCls"](b.trigger2Cls + "-disabled") } }, onMouseWheel: function (b) { var a = this, c; if (a.hasFocus) { c = b.getWheelDelta(); if (c > 0) { a.spinUp() } else { if (c < 0) { a.spinDown() } } b.stopEvent() } }, onDestroy: function () { Ext.destroyMembers(this, "spinnerKeyNav", "spinUpEl", "spinDownEl"); this.callParent() } }, 0, ["spinnerfield"], ["field", "trigger", "textfield", "component", "box", "spinnerfield", "triggerfield"], { field: true, trigger: true, textfield: true, component: true, box: true, spinnerfield: true, triggerfield: true }, ["widget.spinnerfield"], 0, [Ext.form.field, "Spinner", Ext.form, "Spinner"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.field.Number", Ext.form.field.Spinner, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.form.NumberField", "Ext.form.Number"], allowExponential: true, allowDecimals: true, decimalSeparator: ".", submitLocaleSeparator: true, decimalPrecision: 2, minValue: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, maxValue: Number.MAX_VALUE, step: 1, minText: "The minimum value for this field is {0}", maxText: "The maximum value for this field is {0}", nanText: "{0} is not a valid number", negativeText: "The value cannot be negative", baseChars: "0123456789", autoStripChars: false, initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); a.setMinValue(a.minValue); a.setMaxValue(a.maxValue) }, getErrors: function (c) { var b = this, e = b.callParent(arguments), d = Ext.String.format, a; c = Ext.isDefined(c) ? c : this.processRawValue(this.getRawValue()); if (c.length < 1) { return e } c = String(c).replace(b.decimalSeparator, "."); if (isNaN(c)) { e.push(d(b.nanText, c)) } a = b.parseValue(c); if (b.minValue === 0 && a < 0) { e.push(this.negativeText) } else { if (a < b.minValue) { e.push(d(b.minText, b.minValue)) } } if (a > b.maxValue) { e.push(d(b.maxText, b.maxValue)) } return e }, rawToValue: function (b) { var a = this.fixPrecision(this.parseValue(b)); if (a === null) { a = b || null } return a }, valueToRaw: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.decimalSeparator; c = b.parseValue(c); c = b.fixPrecision(c); c = Ext.isNumber(c) ? c : parseFloat(String(c).replace(a, ".")); c = isNaN(c) ? "" : String(c).replace(".", a); return c }, getSubmitValue: function () { var a = this, b = a.callParent(); if (!a.submitLocaleSeparator) { b = b.replace(a.decimalSeparator, ".") } return b }, onChange: function () { this.toggleSpinners(); this.callParent(arguments) }, toggleSpinners: function () { var c = this, d = c.getValue(), b = d === null, a; if (c.spinUpEnabled || c.spinUpDisabledByToggle) { a = b || d < c.maxValue; c.setSpinUpEnabled(a, true) } if (c.spinDownEnabled || c.spinDownDisabledByToggle) { a = b || d > c.minValue; c.setSpinDownEnabled(a, true) } }, setMinValue: function (b) { var a = this, c; a.minValue = Ext.Number.from(b, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); a.toggleSpinners(); if (a.disableKeyFilter !== true) { c = a.baseChars + ""; if (a.allowExponential) { c += a.decimalSeparator + "e+-" } else { if (a.allowDecimals) { c += a.decimalSeparator } if (a.minValue < 0) { c += "-" } } c = Ext.String.escapeRegex(c); a.maskRe = new RegExp("[" + c + "]"); if (a.autoStripChars) { a.stripCharsRe = new RegExp("[^" + c + "]", "gi") } } }, setMaxValue: function (a) { this.maxValue = Ext.Number.from(a, Number.MAX_VALUE); this.toggleSpinners() }, parseValue: function (a) { a = parseFloat(String(a).replace(this.decimalSeparator, ".")); return isNaN(a) ? null : a }, fixPrecision: function (d) { var c = this, b = isNaN(d), a = c.decimalPrecision; if (b || !d) { return b ? "" : d } else { if (!c.allowDecimals || a <= 0) { a = 0 } } return parseFloat(Ext.Number.toFixed(parseFloat(d), a)) }, beforeBlur: function () { var b = this, a = b.parseValue(b.getRawValue()); if (!Ext.isEmpty(a)) { b.setValue(a) } }, setSpinUpEnabled: function (b, a) { this.callParent(arguments); if (!a) { delete this.spinUpDisabledByToggle } else { this.spinUpDisabledByToggle = !b } }, onSpinUp: function () { var a = this; if (!a.readOnly) { a.setSpinValue(Ext.Number.constrain(a.getValue() + a.step, a.minValue, a.maxValue)) } }, setSpinDownEnabled: function (b, a) { this.callParent(arguments); if (!a) { delete this.spinDownDisabledByToggle } else { this.spinDownDisabledByToggle = !b } }, onSpinDown: function () { var a = this; if (!a.readOnly) { a.setSpinValue(Ext.Number.constrain(a.getValue() - a.step, a.minValue, a.maxValue)) } }, setSpinValue: function (c) { var b = this, a; if (b.enforceMaxLength) { if (b.fixPrecision(c).toString().length > b.maxLength) { return } } b.setValue(c) } }, 0, ["numberfield"], ["field", "trigger", "textfield", "component", "box", "numberfield", "spinnerfield", "triggerfield"], { field: true, trigger: true, textfield: true, component: true, box: true, numberfield: true, spinnerfield: true, triggerfield: true }, ["widget.numberfield"], 0, [Ext.form.field, "Number", Ext.form, "NumberField", Ext.form, "Number"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.toolbar.Paging", Ext.toolbar.Toolbar, { alternateClassName: "Ext.PagingToolbar", displayInfo: false, prependButtons: false, displayMsg: "Displaying {0} - {1} of {2}", emptyMsg: "No data to display", beforePageText: "Page", afterPageText: "of {0}", firstText: "First Page", prevText: "Previous Page", nextText: "Next Page", lastText: "Last Page", refreshText: "Refresh", inputItemWidth: 30, getPagingItems: function () { var a = this; return [{ itemId: "first", tooltip: a.firstText, overflowText: a.firstText, iconCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tbar-page-first", disabled: true, handler: a.moveFirst, scope: a }, { itemId: "prev", tooltip: a.prevText, overflowText: a.prevText, iconCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tbar-page-prev", disabled: true, handler: a.movePrevious, scope: a }, "-", a.beforePageText, { xtype: "numberfield", itemId: "inputItem", name: "inputItem", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tbar-page-number", allowDecimals: false, minValue: 1, hideTrigger: true, enableKeyEvents: true, keyNavEnabled: false, selectOnFocus: true, submitValue: false, isFormField: false, width: a.inputItemWidth, margins: "-1 2 3 2", listeners: { scope: a, keydown: a.onPagingKeyDown, blur: a.onPagingBlur } }, { xtype: "tbtext", itemId: "afterTextItem", text: Ext.String.format(a.afterPageText, 1) }, "-", { itemId: "next", tooltip: a.nextText, overflowText: a.nextText, iconCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tbar-page-next", disabled: true, handler: a.moveNext, scope: a }, { itemId: "last", tooltip: a.lastText, overflowText: a.lastText, iconCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tbar-page-last", disabled: true, handler: a.moveLast, scope: a }, "-", { itemId: "refresh", tooltip: a.refreshText, overflowText: a.refreshText, iconCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tbar-loading", handler: a.doRefresh, scope: a } ] }, initComponent: function () { var b = this, c = b.getPagingItems(), a = b.items || b.buttons || []; if (b.prependButtons) { b.items = a.concat(c) } else { b.items = c.concat(a) } delete b.buttons; if (b.displayInfo) { b.items.push("->"); b.items.push({ xtype: "tbtext", itemId: "displayItem" }) } b.callParent(); b.addEvents("change", "beforechange"); b.on("beforerender", b.onLoad, b, { single: true }); b.bindStore(b.store || "ext-empty-store", true) }, updateInfo: function () { var e = this, c = e.child("#displayItem"), a = e.store, b = e.getPageData(), d, g; if (c) { d = a.getCount(); if (d === 0) { g = e.emptyMsg } else { g = Ext.String.format(e.displayMsg, b.fromRecord, b.toRecord, b.total) } c.setText(g) } }, onLoad: function () { var h = this, d, b, c, a, g, j, e; g = h.store.getCount(); j = g === 0; if (!j) { d = h.getPageData(); b = d.currentPage; c = d.pageCount; a = Ext.String.format(h.afterPageText, isNaN(c) ? 1 : c) } else { b = 0; c = 0; a = Ext.String.format(h.afterPageText, 0) } Ext.suspendLayouts(); e = h.child("#afterTextItem"); if (e) { e.setText(a) } e = h.getInputItem(); if (e) { e.setDisabled(j).setValue(b) } h.setChildDisabled("#first", b === 1 || j); h.setChildDisabled("#prev", b === 1 || j); h.setChildDisabled("#next", b === c || j); h.setChildDisabled("#last", b === c || j); h.setChildDisabled("#refresh", false); h.updateInfo(); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); if (h.rendered) { h.fireEvent("change", h, d) } }, setChildDisabled: function (a, b) { var c = this.child(a); if (c) { c.setDisabled(b) } }, getPageData: function () { var b = this.store, a = b.getTotalCount(); return { total: a, currentPage: b.currentPage, pageCount: Math.ceil(a / b.pageSize), fromRecord: ((b.currentPage - 1) * b.pageSize) + 1, toRecord: Math.min(b.currentPage * b.pageSize, a) } }, onLoadError: function () { if (!this.rendered) { return } this.setChildDisabled("#refresh", false) }, getInputItem: function () { return this.child("#inputItem") }, readPageFromInput: function (b) { var c = this.getInputItem(), d = false, a; if (c) { a = c.getValue(); d = parseInt(a, 10); if (!a || isNaN(d)) { c.setValue(b.currentPage); return false } } return d }, onPagingFocus: function () { var a = this.getInputItem(); if (a) { a.select() } }, onPagingBlur: function (c) { var b = this.getInputItem(), a; if (b) { a = this.getPageData().currentPage; b.setValue(a) } }, onPagingKeyDown: function (j, h) { var d = this, b = h.getKey(), c = d.getPageData(), a = h.shiftKey ? 10 : 1, g; if (b == h.RETURN) { h.stopEvent(); g = d.readPageFromInput(c); if (g !== false) { g = Math.min(Math.max(1, g), c.pageCount); if (d.fireEvent("beforechange", d, g) !== false) { d.store.loadPage(g) } } } else { if (b == h.HOME || b == h.END) { h.stopEvent(); g = b == h.HOME ? 1 : c.pageCount; j.setValue(g) } else { if (b == h.UP || b == h.PAGE_UP || b == h.DOWN || b == h.PAGE_DOWN) { h.stopEvent(); g = d.readPageFromInput(c); if (g) { if (b == h.DOWN || b == h.PAGE_DOWN) { a *= -1 } g += a; if (g >= 1 && g <= c.pageCount) { j.setValue(g) } } } } } }, beforeLoad: function () { if (this.rendered) { this.setChildDisabled("#refresh", true) } }, moveFirst: function () { if (this.fireEvent("beforechange", this, 1) !== false) { this.store.loadPage(1) } }, movePrevious: function () { var b = this, a = b.store.currentPage - 1; if (a > 0) { if (b.fireEvent("beforechange", b, a) !== false) { b.store.previousPage() } } }, moveNext: function () { var c = this, b = c.getPageData().pageCount, a = c.store.currentPage + 1; if (a <= b) { if (c.fireEvent("beforechange", c, a) !== false) { c.store.nextPage() } } }, moveLast: function () { var b = this, a = b.getPageData().pageCount; if (b.fireEvent("beforechange", b, a) !== false) { b.store.loadPage(a) } }, doRefresh: function () { var a = this, b = a.store.currentPage; if (a.fireEvent("beforechange", a, b) !== false) { a.store.loadPage(b) } }, getStoreListeners: function () { return { beforeload: this.beforeLoad, load: this.onLoad, exception: this.onLoadError } }, unbind: function (a) { this.bindStore(null) }, bind: function (a) { this.bindStore(a) }, onDestroy: function () { this.unbind(); this.callParent() } }, 0, ["pagingtoolbar"], ["toolbar", "component", "container", "pagingtoolbar", "box"], { toolbar: true, component: true, container: true, pagingtoolbar: true, box: true }, ["widget.pagingtoolbar"], [["bindable", Ext.util.Bindable]], [Ext.toolbar, "Paging", Ext, "PagingToolbar"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.view.BoundList", Ext.view.View, { alternateClassName: "Ext.BoundList", pageSize: 0, baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "boundlist", itemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "boundlist-item", listItemCls: "", shadow: false, trackOver: true, refreshed: 0, deferInitialRefresh: false, componentLayout: "boundlist", childEls: ["listEl"], renderTpl: ['
', "{%", "var me=values.$comp, pagingToolbar=me.pagingToolbar;", "if (pagingToolbar) {", "pagingToolbar.ownerLayout = me.componentLayout;", "Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(pagingToolbar.getRenderTree(), out);", "}", "%}", { disableFormats: true } ], initComponent: function () { var b = this, a = b.baseCls, c = b.itemCls; b.selectedItemCls = a + "-selected"; if (b.trackOver) { b.overItemCls = a + "-item-over" } b.itemSelector = "." + c; if (b.floating) { b.addCls(a + "-floating") } if (!b.tpl) { b.tpl = new Ext.XTemplate('
    ', '
  • ' + b.getInnerTpl(b.displayField) + "
  • ", "
") } else { if (!b.tpl.isTemplate) { b.tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(b.tpl) } } if (b.pageSize) { b.pagingToolbar = b.createPagingToolbar() } b.callParent() }, beforeRender: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (a.up("menu")) { a.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "menu") } }, getRefOwner: function () { return this.pickerField || this.callParent() }, getRefItems: function () { return this.pagingToolbar ? [this.pagingToolbar] : [] }, createPagingToolbar: function () { return Ext.widget("pagingtoolbar", { id: this.id + "-paging-toolbar", pageSize: this.pageSize, store: this.dataSource, border: false, ownerCt: this, ownerLayout: this.getComponentLayout() }) }, finishRenderChildren: function () { var a = this.pagingToolbar; this.callParent(arguments); if (a) { a.finishRender() } }, refresh: function () { var c = this, a = c.tpl, b = c.pagingToolbar, d = c.rendered; a.field = c.pickerField; a.store = c.store; c.callParent(); a.field = a.store = null; if (d && b && b.rendered && !c.preserveScrollOnRefresh) { c.el.appendChild(b.el) } if (d && Ext.isIE6 && Ext.isStrict) { c.listEl.repaint() } }, bindStore: function (a, b) { var c = this.pagingToolbar; this.callParent(arguments); if (c) { c.bindStore(a, b) } }, getTargetEl: function () { return this.listEl || this.el }, getInnerTpl: function (a) { return "{" + a + "}" }, onDestroy: function () { Ext.destroyMembers(this, "pagingToolbar", "listEl"); this.callParent() } }, 0, ["boundlist"], ["component", "boundlist", "box", "dataview"], { component: true, boundlist: true, box: true, dataview: true }, ["widget.boundlist"], [["queryable", Ext.Queryable]], [Ext.view, "BoundList", Ext, "BoundList"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.view.BoundListKeyNav", Ext.util.KeyNav, { constructor: function (b, a) { var c = this; c.boundList = a.boundList; c.callParent([b, Ext.apply({}, a, c.defaultHandlers)]) }, defaultHandlers: { up: function () { var e = this, b = e.boundList, d = b.all, g = b.highlightedItem, c = g ? b.indexOf(g) : -1, a = c > 0 ? c - 1 : d.getCount() - 1; e.highlightAt(a) }, down: function () { var e = this, b = e.boundList, d = b.all, g = b.highlightedItem, c = g ? b.indexOf(g) : -1, a = c < d.getCount() - 1 ? c + 1 : 0; e.highlightAt(a) }, pageup: function () {}, pagedown: function () {}, home: function () { this.highlightAt(0) }, end: function () { var a = this; a.highlightAt(a.boundList.all.getCount() - 1) }, enter: function (a) { this.selectHighlighted(a) } }, highlightAt: function (b) { var a = this.boundList, c = a.all.item(b); if (c) { c = c.dom; a.highlightItem(c); a.getTargetEl().scrollChildIntoView(c, false) } }, selectHighlighted: function (g) { var d = this, b = d.boundList, c = b.highlightedItem, a = b.getSelectionModel(); if (c) { a.selectWithEvent(b.getRecord(c), g) } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.view, "BoundListKeyNav"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.component.field.ComboBox", Ext.layout.component.field.Trigger, { type: "combobox", startingWidth: null, getTextWidth: function () { var h = this, b = h.owner, l = b.store, j = b.displayField, d = l.data.length, k = "", e = 0, c = 0, g, m, a; for (; e < d; e++) { m = l.getAt(e).data[j]; g = m.length; if (g > c) { c = g; k = m } } a = Math.max(h.callParent(arguments), b.inputEl.getTextWidth(k + b.growAppend)); if (!h.startingWidth || b.removingRecords) { h.startingWidth = a; if (a < b.growMin) { b.defaultListConfig.minWidth = b.growMin } b.removingRecords = false } return (a < h.startingWidth) ? h.startingWidth : a } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.combobox"], 0, [Ext.layout.component.field, "ComboBox"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.field.ComboBox", Ext.form.field.Picker, { alternateClassName: "Ext.form.ComboBox", componentLayout: "combobox", triggerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-arrow-trigger", hiddenName: "", hiddenDataCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "hide-display " + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-data-hidden", fieldSubTpl: ['', ' value="{[Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(values.value)]}"
', ' name="{name}"', ' placeholder="{placeholder}"', ' size="{size}"', ' maxlength="{maxLength}"', ' readonly="readonly"', ' disabled="disabled"', ' tabIndex="{tabIdx}"', ' style="{fieldStyle}"', "/>", { compiled: true, disableFormats: true } ], getSubTplData: function () { var a = this; Ext.applyIf(a.subTplData, { hiddenDataCls: a.hiddenDataCls }); return a.callParent(arguments) }, afterRender: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); a.setHiddenValue(a.value) }, multiSelect: false, delimiter: ", ", displayField: "text", triggerAction: "all", allQuery: "", queryParam: "query", queryMode: "remote", queryCaching: true, pageSize: 0, anyMatch: false, caseSensitive: false, autoSelect: true, typeAhead: false, typeAheadDelay: 250, selectOnTab: true, forceSelection: false, growToLongestValue: true, defaultListConfig: { loadingHeight: 70, minWidth: 70, maxHeight: 300, shadow: "sides" }, ignoreSelection: 0, removingRecords: null, resizeComboToGrow: function () { var a = this; return a.grow && a.growToLongestValue }, initComponent: function () { var e = this, c = Ext.isDefined, b = e.store, d = e.transform, a, g; Ext.applyIf(e.renderSelectors, { hiddenDataEl: "." + e.hiddenDataCls.split(" ").join(".") }); this.addEvents("beforequery", "select", "beforeselect", "beforedeselect"); if (d) { a = Ext.getDom(d); if (a) { if (!e.store) { b = Ext.Array.map(Ext.Array.from(a.options), function (h) { return [h.value, h.text] }) } if (!e.name) { e.name = a.name } if (!("value" in e)) { e.value = a.value } } } e.bindStore(b || "ext-empty-store", true); b = e.store; if (b.autoCreated) { e.queryMode = "local"; e.valueField = e.displayField = "field1"; if (!b.expanded) { e.displayField = "field2" } } if (!c(e.valueField)) { e.valueField = e.displayField } g = e.queryMode === "local"; if (!c(e.queryDelay)) { e.queryDelay = g ? 10 : 500 } if (!c(e.minChars)) { e.minChars = g ? 0 : 4 } if (!e.displayTpl) { e.displayTpl = new Ext.XTemplate('{[typeof values === "string" ? values : values["' + e.displayField + '"]]}' + e.delimiter + "") } else { if (Ext.isString(e.displayTpl)) { e.displayTpl = new Ext.XTemplate(e.displayTpl) } } e.callParent(); e.doQueryTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(e.doRawQuery, e); if (e.store.getCount() > 0) { e.setValue(e.value) } if (a) { e.render(a.parentNode, a); Ext.removeNode(a); delete e.renderTo } }, getStore: function () { return this.store }, beforeBlur: function () { this.doQueryTask.cancel(); this.assertValue() }, assertValue: function () { var b = this, c = b.getRawValue(), d, a; if (b.forceSelection) { if (b.multiSelect) { if (c !== b.getDisplayValue()) { b.setValue(b.lastSelection) } } else { d = b.findRecordByDisplay(c); if (d) { a = b.value; if (!b.findRecordByValue(a)) { b.select(d, true) } } else { b.setValue(b.lastSelection) } } } b.collapse() }, onTypeAhead: function () { var e = this, d = e.displayField, b = e.store.findRecord(d, e.getRawValue()), c = e.getPicker(), g, a, h; if (b) { g = b.get(d); a = g.length; h = e.getRawValue().length; c.highlightItem(c.getNode(b)); if (h !== 0 && h !== a) { e.setRawValue(g); e.selectText(h, g.length) } } }, resetToDefault: Ext.emptyFn, beforeReset: function () { this.callParent(); if (this.queryFilter && !this.queryFilter.disabled) { this.queryFilter.disabled = true; this.store.filter() } }, onUnbindStore: function (a) { var c = this, b = c.picker; if (c.queryFilter) { c.store.removeFilter(c.queryFilter) } if (!a && b) { b.bindStore(null) } }, onBindStore: function (a, c) { var b = this.picker; if (!c) { this.resetToDefault() } if (b) { b.bindStore(a) } }, getStoreListeners: function () { var a = this; return { beforeload: a.onBeforeLoad, clear: a.onClear, datachanged: a.onDataChanged, load: a.onLoad, exception: a.onException, remove: a.onRemove } }, onBeforeLoad: function () { ++this.ignoreSelection }, onDataChanged: function () { var a = this; if (a.resizeComboToGrow()) { a.updateLayout() } }, onClear: function () { var a = this; if (a.resizeComboToGrow()) { a.removingRecords = true; a.onDataChanged() } }, onRemove: function () { var a = this; if (a.resizeComboToGrow()) { a.removingRecords = true } }, onException: function () { if (this.ignoreSelection > 0) { --this.ignoreSelection } this.collapse() }, onLoad: function (b, a, d) { var c = this; if (c.ignoreSelection > 0) { --c.ignoreSelection } if (d && !b.lastOptions.rawQuery) { if (c.value == null) { if (c.store.getCount()) { c.doAutoSelect() } else { c.setValue(c.value) } } else { c.setValue(c.value) } } }, doRawQuery: function () { this.doQuery(this.getRawValue(), false, true) }, doQuery: function (e, b, d) { var c = this, a = c.beforeQuery({ query: e || "", rawQuery: d, forceAll: b, combo: c, cancel: false }); if (a === false || a.cancel) { return false } if (c.queryCaching && a.query === c.lastQuery) { c.expand() } else { c.lastQuery = a.query; if (c.queryMode === "local") { c.doLocalQuery(a) } else { c.doRemoteQuery(a) } } return true }, beforeQuery: function (a) { var b = this; if (b.fireEvent("beforequery", a) === false) { a.cancel = true } else { if (!a.cancel) { if (a.query.length < b.minChars && !a.forceAll) { a.cancel = true } } } return a }, doLocalQuery: function (a) { var b = this, c = a.query; if (!b.queryFilter) { b.queryFilter = new Ext.util.Filter({ id: b.id + "-query-filter", anyMatch: b.anyMatch, caseSensitive: b.caseSensitive, root: "data", property: b.displayField }); b.store.addFilter(b.queryFilter, false) } if (c || !a.forceAll) { b.queryFilter.disabled = false; b.queryFilter.setValue(b.enableRegEx ? new RegExp(c) : c) } else { b.queryFilter.disabled = true } b.store.filter(); if (b.store.getCount()) { b.expand() } else { b.collapse() } b.afterQuery(a) }, doRemoteQuery: function (b) { var c = this, a = function () { c.afterQuery(b) }; c.expand(); if (c.pageSize) { c.loadPage(1, { rawQuery: b.rawQuery, callback: a }) } else { c.store.load({ params: c.getParams(b.query), rawQuery: b.rawQuery, callback: a }) } }, afterQuery: function (a) { var b = this; if (b.store.getCount()) { if (b.typeAhead) { b.doTypeAhead() } if (b.getRawValue() !== b.getDisplayValue()) { b.ignoreSelection++; b.picker.getSelectionModel().deselectAll(); b.ignoreSelection-- } if (a.rawQuery) { b.syncSelection(); if (b.picker && !b.picker.getSelectionModel().hasSelection()) { b.doAutoSelect() } } else { b.doAutoSelect() } } }, loadPage: function (b, a) { this.store.loadPage(b, Ext.apply({ params: this.getParams(this.lastQuery) }, a)) }, onPageChange: function (b, a) { this.loadPage(a); return false }, getParams: function (c) { var b = {}, a = this.queryParam; if (a) { b[a] = c } return b }, doAutoSelect: function () { var b = this, a = b.picker, c, d; if (a && b.autoSelect && b.store.getCount() > 0) { c = a.getSelectionModel().lastSelected; d = a.getNode(c || 0); if (d) { a.highlightItem(d); a.listEl.scrollChildIntoView(d, false) } } }, doTypeAhead: function () { if (!this.typeAheadTask) { this.typeAheadTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.onTypeAhead, this) } if (this.lastKey != Ext.EventObject.BACKSPACE && this.lastKey != Ext.EventObject.DELETE) { this.typeAheadTask.delay(this.typeAheadDelay) } }, onTriggerClick: function () { var a = this; if (!a.readOnly && !a.disabled) { if (a.isExpanded) { a.collapse() } else { a.onFocus({}); if (a.triggerAction === "all") { a.doQuery(a.allQuery, true) } else { if (a.triggerAction === "last") { a.doQuery(a.lastQuery, true) } else { a.doQuery(a.getRawValue(), false, true) } } } a.inputEl.focus() } }, onPaste: function () { var a = this; if (!a.readOnly && !a.disabled && a.editable) { a.doQueryTask.delay(a.queryDelay) } }, onKeyUp: function (d, b) { var c = this, a = d.getKey(); if (!c.readOnly && !c.disabled && c.editable) { c.lastKey = a; if (!d.isSpecialKey() || a == d.BACKSPACE || a == d.DELETE) { c.doQueryTask.delay(c.queryDelay) } } if (c.enableKeyEvents) { c.callParent(arguments) } }, initEvents: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); if (!a.enableKeyEvents) { a.mon(a.inputEl, "keyup", a.onKeyUp, a) } a.mon(a.inputEl, "paste", a.onPaste, a) }, onDestroy: function () { Ext.destroy(this.listKeyNav); this.bindStore(null); this.callParent() }, onAdded: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (a.picker) { a.picker.ownerCt = a.up("[floating]"); a.picker.registerWithOwnerCt() } }, createPicker: function () { var c = this, b, a = Ext.apply({ xtype: "boundlist", pickerField: c, selModel: { mode: c.multiSelect ? "SIMPLE" : "SINGLE" }, floating: true, hidden: true, store: c.store, displayField: c.displayField, focusOnToFront: false, pageSize: c.pageSize, tpl: c.tpl }, c.listConfig, c.defaultListConfig); b = c.picker = Ext.widget(a); if (c.pageSize) { b.pagingToolbar.on("beforechange", c.onPageChange, c) } c.mon(b, { itemclick: c.onItemClick, refresh: c.onListRefresh, scope: c }); c.mon(b.getSelectionModel(), { beforeselect: c.onBeforeSelect, beforedeselect: c.onBeforeDeselect, selectionchange: c.onListSelectionChange, scope: c }); return b }, alignPicker: function () { var b = this, a = b.getPicker(), e = b.getPosition()[1] - Ext.getBody().getScroll().top, d = Ext.Element.getViewHeight() - e - b.getHeight(), c = Math.max(e, d); if (a.height) { delete a.height; a.updateLayout() } if (a.getHeight() > c - 5) { a.setHeight(c - 5) } b.callParent() }, onListRefresh: function () { if (!this.expanding) { this.alignPicker() } this.syncSelection() }, onItemClick: function (c, a) { var e = this, d = e.picker.getSelectionModel().getSelection(), b = e.valueField; if (!e.multiSelect && d.length) { if (a.get(b) === d[0].get(b)) { e.displayTplData = [a.data]; e.setRawValue(e.getDisplayValue()); e.collapse() } } }, onBeforeSelect: function (b, a) { return this.fireEvent("beforeselect", this, a, a.index) }, onBeforeDeselect: function (b, a) { return this.fireEvent("beforedeselect", this, a, a.index) }, onListSelectionChange: function (b, d) { var a = this, e = a.multiSelect, c = d.length > 0; if (!a.ignoreSelection && a.isExpanded) { if (!e) { Ext.defer(a.collapse, 1, a) } if (e || c) { a.setValue(d, false) } if (c) { a.fireEvent("select", a, d) } a.inputEl.focus() } }, onExpand: function () { var d = this, a = d.listKeyNav, c = d.selectOnTab, b = d.getPicker(); if (a) { a.enable() } else { a = d.listKeyNav = new Ext.view.BoundListKeyNav(this.inputEl, { boundList: b, forceKeyDown: true, tab: function (g) { if (c) { this.selectHighlighted(g); d.triggerBlur() } return true }, enter: function (j) { var g = b.getSelectionModel(), h = g.getCount(); this.selectHighlighted(j); if (!d.multiSelect && h === g.getCount()) { d.collapse() } } }) } if (c) { d.ignoreMonitorTab = true } Ext.defer(a.enable, 1, a); d.inputEl.focus() }, onCollapse: function () { var b = this, a = b.listKeyNav; if (a) { a.disable(); b.ignoreMonitorTab = false } }, select: function (e, b) { var d = this, c = d.picker, a = true, g; if (e && e.isModel && b === true && c) { g = !c.getSelectionModel().isSelected(e) } d.setValue(e, true); if (g) { d.fireEvent("select", d, e) } }, findRecord: function (d, c) { var b = this.store, a = b.findExact(d, c); return a !== -1 ? b.getAt(a) : false }, findRecordByValue: function (a) { return this.findRecord(this.valueField, a) }, findRecordByDisplay: function (a) { return this.findRecord(this.displayField, a) }, setValue: function (m, e) { var k = this, c = k.valueNotFoundText, n = k.inputEl, g, j, h, a, l = [], b = [], d = []; if (k.store.loading) { k.value = m; k.setHiddenValue(k.value); return k } m = Ext.Array.from(m); for (g = 0, j = m.length; g < j; g++) { h = m[g]; if (!h || !h.isModel) { h = k.findRecordByValue(h) } if (h) { l.push(h); b.push(h.data); d.push(h.get(k.valueField)) } else { if (!k.forceSelection) { d.push(m[g]); a = {}; a[k.displayField] = m[g]; b.push(a) } else { if (Ext.isDefined(c)) { b.push(c) } } } } k.setHiddenValue(d); k.value = k.multiSelect ? d : d[0]; if (!Ext.isDefined(k.value)) { k.value = null } k.displayTplData = b; k.lastSelection = k.valueModels = l; if (n && k.emptyText && !Ext.isEmpty(m)) { n.removeCls(k.emptyCls) } k.setRawValue(k.getDisplayValue()); k.checkChange(); if (e !== false) { k.syncSelection() } k.applyEmptyText(); return k }, setHiddenValue: function (j) { var e = this, a = e.hiddenName, d, b, k, h, g, c; if (!e.hiddenDataEl || !a) { return } j = Ext.Array.from(j); b = e.hiddenDataEl.dom; k = b.childNodes; h = k[0]; g = j.length; c = k.length; if (!h && g > 0) { e.hiddenDataEl.update(Ext.DomHelper.markup({ tag: "input", type: "hidden", name: a })); c = 1; h = b.firstChild } while (c > g) { b.removeChild(k[0]); --c } while (c < g) { b.appendChild(h.cloneNode(true)); ++c } for (d = 0; d < g; d++) { k[d].value = j[d] } }, getDisplayValue: function () { return this.displayTpl.apply(this.displayTplData) }, getValue: function () { var b = this, a = b.picker, d = b.getRawValue(), c = b.value; if (b.getDisplayValue() !== d) { c = d; b.value = b.displayTplData = b.valueModels = null; if (a) { b.ignoreSelection++; a.getSelectionModel().deselectAll(); b.ignoreSelection-- } } return c }, getSubmitValue: function () { var a = this.getValue(); if (Ext.isEmpty(a)) { a = "" } return a }, isEqual: function (e, d) { var b = Ext.Array.from, c, a; e = b(e); d = b(d); a = e.length; if (a !== d.length) { return false } for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { if (d[c] !== e[c]) { return false } } return true }, clearValue: function () { this.setValue([]) }, syncSelection: function () { var h = this, d = h.picker, g, c, b = h.valueModels || [], e = b.length, a, j; if (d) { g = []; for (a = 0; a < e; a++) { j = b[a]; if (j && j.isModel && h.store.indexOf(j) >= 0) { g.push(j) } } h.ignoreSelection++; c = d.getSelectionModel(); c.deselectAll(); if (g.length) { c.select(g, undefined, true) } h.ignoreSelection-- } }, onEditorTab: function (b) { var a = this.listKeyNav; if (this.selectOnTab && a) { a.selectHighlighted(b) } } }, 0, ["combobox", "combo"], ["field", "trigger", "combobox", "textfield", "pickerfield", "component", "combo", "box", "triggerfield"], { field: true, trigger: true, combobox: true, textfield: true, pickerfield: true, component: true, combo: true, box: true, triggerfield: true }, ["widget.combo", "widget.combobox"], [["bindable", Ext.util.Bindable]], [Ext.form.field, "ComboBox", Ext.form, "ComboBox"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.picker.Month", Ext.Component, { alternateClassName: "Ext.MonthPicker", childEls: ["bodyEl", "prevEl", "nextEl", "buttonsEl", "monthEl", "yearEl"], renderTpl: ['
', '
', '', '
', '{.}', "
", "
", "
", '
', '
', '
', '', "
", '
', '', "
", "
", '', '
', '{.}', "
", "
", "
", '
', "
", '', '
{%', "var me=values.$comp, okBtn=me.okBtn, cancelBtn=me.cancelBtn;", "okBtn.ownerLayout = cancelBtn.ownerLayout = me.componentLayout;", "okBtn.ownerCt = cancelBtn.ownerCt = me;", "Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(okBtn.getRenderTree(), out);", "Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(cancelBtn.getRenderTree(), out);", "%}
", "
"], okText: "OK", cancelText: "Cancel", baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "monthpicker", showButtons: true, measureWidth: 35, measureMaxHeight: 20, smallCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "monthpicker-small", totalYears: 10, yearOffset: 5, monthOffset: 6, initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.selectedCls = a.baseCls + "-selected"; a.addEvents("cancelclick", "monthclick", "monthdblclick", "okclick", "select", "yearclick", "yeardblclick"); if (a.small) { a.addCls(a.smallCls) } a.setValue(a.value); a.activeYear = a.getYear(new Date().getFullYear() - 4, -4); if (a.showButtons) { a.okBtn = new Ext.button.Button({ text: a.okText, handler: a.onOkClick, scope: a }); a.cancelBtn = new Ext.button.Button({ text: a.cancelText, handler: a.onCancelClick, scope: a }) } this.callParent() }, beforeRender: function () { var g = this, c = 0, b = [], a = Ext.Date.getShortMonthName, e = g.monthOffset, h = g.monthMargin, d = ""; g.callParent(); for (; c < e; ++c) { b.push(a(c), a(c + e)) } if (Ext.isDefined(h)) { d = "margin: 0 " + h + "px;" } Ext.apply(g.renderData, { months: b, years: g.getYears(), showButtons: g.showButtons, monthStyle: d }) }, afterRender: function () { var b = this, a = b.bodyEl, c = b.buttonsEl; b.callParent(); b.mon(a, "click", b.onBodyClick, b); b.mon(a, "dblclick", b.onBodyClick, b); b.years = a.select("." + b.baseCls + "-year a"); b.months = a.select("." + b.baseCls + "-month a"); b.backRepeater = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(b.prevEl, { handler: Ext.Function.bind(b.adjustYear, b, [-b.totalYears]) }); b.prevEl.addClsOnOver(b.baseCls + "-yearnav-prev-over"); b.nextRepeater = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(b.nextEl, { handler: Ext.Function.bind(b.adjustYear, b, [b.totalYears]) }); b.nextEl.addClsOnOver(b.baseCls + "-yearnav-next-over"); b.updateBody(); if (!Ext.isDefined(b.monthMargin)) { Ext.picker.Month.prototype.monthMargin = b.calculateMonthMargin() } }, calculateMonthMargin: function () { var d = this, b = d.monthEl, a = d.months, e = a.first(), c = e.getMargin("l"); while (c && d.getLargest() > d.measureMaxHeight) { --c; a.setStyle("margin", "0 " + c + "px") } return c }, getLargest: function (a) { var b = 0; this.months.each(function (d) { var c = d.getHeight(); if (c > b) { b = c } }); return b }, setValue: function (d) { var c = this, e = c.activeYear, g = c.monthOffset, b, a; if (!d) { c.value = [null, null] } else { if (Ext.isDate(d)) { c.value = [d.getMonth(), d.getFullYear()] } else { c.value = [d[0], d[1]] } } if (c.rendered) { b = c.value[1]; if (b !== null) { if ((b < e || b > e + c.yearOffset)) { c.activeYear = b - c.yearOffset + 1 } } c.updateBody() } return c }, getValue: function () { return this.value }, hasSelection: function () { var a = this.value; return a[0] !== null && a[1] !== null }, getYears: function () { var d = this, e = d.yearOffset, g = d.activeYear, a = g + e, c = g, b = []; for (; c < a; ++c) { b.push(c, c + e) } return b }, updateBody: function () { var j = this, e = j.years, b = j.months, n = j.getYears(), o = j.selectedCls, l = j.getYear(null), g = j.value[0], m = j.monthOffset, h, d, k, a, c; if (j.rendered) { e.removeCls(o); b.removeCls(o); d = e.elements; a = d.length; for (k = 0; k < a; k++) { c = Ext.fly(d[k]); h = n[k]; c.dom.innerHTML = h; if (h == l) { c.addCls(o) } } if (g !== null) { if (g < m) { g = g * 2 } else { g = (g - m) * 2 + 1 } b.item(g).addCls(o) } } }, getYear: function (a, c) { var b = this.value[1]; c = c || 0; return b === null ? a : b + c }, onBodyClick: function (d, b) { var c = this, a = d.type == "dblclick"; if (d.getTarget("." + c.baseCls + "-month")) { d.stopEvent(); c.onMonthClick(b, a) } else { if (d.getTarget("." + c.baseCls + "-year")) { d.stopEvent(); c.onYearClick(b, a) } } }, adjustYear: function (a) { if (typeof a != "number") { a = this.totalYears } this.activeYear += a; this.updateBody() }, onOkClick: function () { this.fireEvent("okclick", this, this.value) }, onCancelClick: function () { this.fireEvent("cancelclick", this) }, onMonthClick: function (c, a) { var b = this; b.value[0] = b.resolveOffset(b.months.indexOf(c), b.monthOffset); b.updateBody(); b.fireEvent("month" + (a ? "dbl" : "") + "click", b, b.value); b.fireEvent("select", b, b.value) }, onYearClick: function (c, a) { var b = this; b.value[1] = b.activeYear + b.resolveOffset(b.years.indexOf(c), b.yearOffset); b.updateBody(); b.fireEvent("year" + (a ? "dbl" : "") + "click", b, b.value); b.fireEvent("select", b, b.value) }, resolveOffset: function (a, b) { if (a % 2 === 0) { return (a / 2) } else { return b + Math.floor(a / 2) } }, beforeDestroy: function () { var a = this; a.years = a.months = null; Ext.destroyMembers(a, "backRepeater", "nextRepeater", "okBtn", "cancelBtn"); a.callParent() }, finishRenderChildren: function () { var a = this; this.callParent(arguments); if (this.showButtons) { a.okBtn.finishRender(); a.cancelBtn.finishRender() } }, onDestroy: function () { Ext.destroyMembers(this, "okBtn", "cancelBtn"); this.callParent() } }, 0, ["monthpicker"], ["monthpicker", "component", "box"], { monthpicker: true, component: true, box: true }, ["widget.monthpicker"], 0, [Ext.picker, "Month", Ext, "MonthPicker"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.picker.Date", Ext.Component, { alternateClassName: "Ext.DatePicker", childEls: ["innerEl", "eventEl", "prevEl", "nextEl", "middleBtnEl", "footerEl"], border: true, renderTpl: ['
', '", '', '', '', '", "", "", '', '', "{#:this.isEndOfWeek}", '", "", "", "
', '
', "
', '', "
", '', '', "", "
", { firstInitial: function (a) { return Ext.picker.Date.prototype.getDayInitial(a) }, isEndOfWeek: function (b) { b--; var a = b % 7 === 0 && b !== 0; return a ? '' : "" }, renderTodayBtn: function (a, b) { Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(a.$comp.todayBtn.getRenderTree(), b) }, renderMonthBtn: function (a, b) { Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(a.$comp.monthBtn.getRenderTree(), b) } } ], todayText: "Today", ariaTitle: "Date Picker: {0}", ariaTitleDateFormat: "F d, Y", todayTip: "{0} (Spacebar)", minText: "This date is before the minimum date", maxText: "This date is after the maximum date", disabledDaysText: "Disabled", disabledDatesText: "Disabled", nextText: "Next Month (Control+Right)", prevText: "Previous Month (Control+Left)", monthYearText: "Choose a month (Control+Up/Down to move years)", monthYearFormat: "F Y", startDay: 0, showToday: true, disableAnim: false, baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "datepicker", longDayFormat: "F d, Y", focusOnShow: false, focusOnSelect: true, initHour: 12, numDays: 42, initComponent: function () { var b = this, a = Ext.Date.clearTime; b.selectedCls = b.baseCls + "-selected"; b.disabledCellCls = b.baseCls + "-disabled"; b.prevCls = b.baseCls + "-prevday"; b.activeCls = b.baseCls + "-active"; b.cellCls = b.baseCls + "-cell"; b.nextCls = b.baseCls + "-prevday"; b.todayCls = b.baseCls + "-today"; if (!b.format) { b.format = Ext.Date.defaultFormat } if (!b.dayNames) { b.dayNames = Ext.Date.dayNames } b.dayNames = b.dayNames.slice(b.startDay).concat(b.dayNames.slice(0, b.startDay)); b.callParent(); b.value = b.value ? a(b.value, true) : a(new Date()); b.addEvents("select"); b.initDisabledDays() }, beforeRender: function () { var b = this, c = new Array(b.numDays), a = Ext.Date.format(new Date(), b.format); if (b.up("menu")) { b.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "menu") } b.monthBtn = new Ext.button.Split({ ownerCt: b, ownerLayout: b.getComponentLayout(), text: "", tooltip: b.monthYearText, listeners: { click: b.showMonthPicker, arrowclick: b.showMonthPicker, scope: b } }); if (b.showToday) { b.todayBtn = new Ext.button.Button({ ownerCt: b, ownerLayout: b.getComponentLayout(), text: Ext.String.format(b.todayText, a), tooltip: Ext.String.format(b.todayTip, a), tooltipType: "title", handler: b.selectToday, scope: b }) } b.callParent(); Ext.applyIf(b, { renderData: {} }); Ext.apply(b.renderData, { dayNames: b.dayNames, showToday: b.showToday, prevText: b.prevText, nextText: b.nextText, days: c }); b.protoEl.unselectable() }, finishRenderChildren: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); a.monthBtn.finishRender(); if (a.showToday) { a.todayBtn.finishRender() } }, onRender: function (b, a) { var c = this; c.callParent(arguments); c.cells = c.eventEl.select("tbody td"); c.textNodes = c.eventEl.query("tbody td a"); c.mon(c.eventEl, { scope: c, mousewheel: c.handleMouseWheel, click: { fn: c.handleDateClick, delegate: "a." + c.baseCls + "-date" } }) }, initEvents: function () { var c = this, a = Ext.Date, b = a.DAY; c.callParent(); c.prevRepeater = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(c.prevEl, { handler: c.showPrevMonth, scope: c, preventDefault: true, stopDefault: true }); c.nextRepeater = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(c.nextEl, { handler: c.showNextMonth, scope: c, preventDefault: true, stopDefault: true }); c.keyNav = new Ext.util.KeyNav(c.eventEl, Ext.apply({ scope: c, left: function (d) { if (d.ctrlKey) { c.showPrevMonth() } else { c.update(a.add(c.activeDate, b, -1)) } }, right: function (d) { if (d.ctrlKey) { c.showNextMonth() } else { c.update(a.add(c.activeDate, b, 1)) } }, up: function (d) { if (d.ctrlKey) { c.showNextYear() } else { c.update(a.add(c.activeDate, b, -7)) } }, down: function (d) { if (d.ctrlKey) { c.showPrevYear() } else { c.update(a.add(c.activeDate, b, 7)) } }, pageUp: function (d) { if (d.altKey) { c.showPrevYear() } else { c.showPrevMonth() } }, pageDown: function (d) { if (d.altKey) { c.showNextYear() } else { c.showNextMonth() } }, tab: function (d) { c.doCancelFieldFocus = true; c.handleTabClick(d); delete c.doCancelFieldFocus; return true }, enter: function (d) { d.stopPropagation(); return true }, home: function (d) { c.update(a.getFirstDateOfMonth(c.activeDate)) }, end: function (d) { c.update(a.getLastDateOfMonth(c.activeDate)) } }, c.keyNavConfig)); if (c.showToday) { c.todayKeyListener = c.eventEl.addKeyListener(Ext.EventObject.SPACE, c.selectToday, c) } c.update(c.value) }, handleTabClick: function (d) { var c = this, a = c.getSelectedDate(c.activeDate), b = c.handler; if (!c.disabled && a.dateValue && !Ext.fly(a.parentNode).hasCls(c.disabledCellCls)) { c.doCancelFocus = c.focusOnSelect === false; c.setValue(new Date(a.dateValue)); delete c.doCancelFocus; c.fireEvent("select", c, c.value); if (b) { b.call(c.scope || c, c, c.value) } c.onSelect() } }, getSelectedDate: function (a) { var d = this, j = a.getTime(), k = d.cells, l = d.selectedCls, g = k.elements, b, e = g.length, h; k.removeCls(l); for (b = 0; b < e; b++) { h = Ext.fly(g[b]); if (h.dom.firstChild.dateValue == j) { return h.dom.firstChild } } return null }, initDisabledDays: function () { var h = this, b = h.disabledDates, g = "(?:", a, j, c, e; if (!h.disabledDatesRE && b) { a = b.length - 1; c = b.length; for (j = 0; j < c; j++) { e = b[j]; g += Ext.isDate(e) ? "^" + Ext.String.escapeRegex(Ext.Date.dateFormat(e, h.format)) + "$" : e; if (j != a) { g += "|" } } h.disabledDatesRE = new RegExp(g + ")") } }, setDisabledDates: function (a) { var b = this; if (Ext.isArray(a)) { b.disabledDates = a; b.disabledDatesRE = null } else { b.disabledDatesRE = a } b.initDisabledDays(); b.update(b.value, true); return b }, setDisabledDays: function (a) { this.disabledDays = a; return this.update(this.value, true) }, setMinDate: function (a) { this.minDate = a; return this.update(this.value, true) }, setMaxDate: function (a) { this.maxDate = a; return this.update(this.value, true) }, setValue: function (a) { this.value = Ext.Date.clearTime(a, true); return this.update(this.value) }, getValue: function () { return this.value }, getDayInitial: function (a) { return a.substr(0, 1) }, focus: function () { this.update(this.activeDate) }, onEnable: function () { this.callParent(); this.setDisabledStatus(false); this.update(this.activeDate) }, onDisable: function () { this.callParent(); this.setDisabledStatus(true) }, setDisabledStatus: function (a) { var b = this; b.keyNav.setDisabled(a); b.prevRepeater.setDisabled(a); b.nextRepeater.setDisabled(a); if (b.showToday) { b.todayKeyListener.setDisabled(a); b.todayBtn.setDisabled(a) } }, getActive: function () { return this.activeDate || this.value }, runAnimation: function (c) { var b = this.monthPicker, a = { duration: 200, callback: function () { if (c) { b.hide() } else { b.show() } } }; if (c) { b.el.slideOut("t", a) } else { b.el.slideIn("t", a) } }, hideMonthPicker: function (a) { var c = this, b = c.monthPicker; if (b) { if (c.shouldAnimate(a)) { c.runAnimation(true) } else { b.hide() } } return c }, showMonthPicker: function (a) { var c = this, b; if (c.rendered && !c.disabled) { b = c.createMonthPicker(); b.setValue(c.getActive()); b.setSize(c.getSize()); b.setPosition(-1, -1); if (c.shouldAnimate(a)) { c.runAnimation(false) } else { b.show() } } return c }, shouldAnimate: function (a) { return Ext.isDefined(a) ? a : !this.disableAnim }, createMonthPicker: function () { var b = this, a = b.monthPicker; if (!a) { b.monthPicker = a = new Ext.picker.Month({ renderTo: b.el, floating: true, shadow: false, small: b.showToday === false, listeners: { scope: b, cancelclick: b.onCancelClick, okclick: b.onOkClick, yeardblclick: b.onOkClick, monthdblclick: b.onOkClick } }); if (!b.disableAnim) { a.el.setStyle("display", "none") } b.on("beforehide", Ext.Function.bind(b.hideMonthPicker, b, [false])) } return a }, onOkClick: function (b, e) { var d = this, g = e[0], c = e[1], a = new Date(c, g, d.getActive().getDate()); if (a.getMonth() !== g) { a = Ext.Date.getLastDateOfMonth(new Date(c, g, 1)) } d.setValue(a); d.hideMonthPicker() }, onCancelClick: function () { this.selectedUpdate(this.activeDate); this.hideMonthPicker() }, showPrevMonth: function (a) { return this.setValue(Ext.Date.add(this.activeDate, Ext.Date.MONTH, -1)) }, showNextMonth: function (a) { return this.setValue(Ext.Date.add(this.activeDate, Ext.Date.MONTH, 1)) }, showPrevYear: function () { return this.setValue(Ext.Date.add(this.activeDate, Ext.Date.YEAR, -1)) }, showNextYear: function () { return this.setValue(Ext.Date.add(this.activeDate, Ext.Date.YEAR, 1)) }, handleMouseWheel: function (a) { a.stopEvent(); if (!this.disabled) { var b = a.getWheelDelta(); if (b > 0) { this.showPrevMonth() } else { if (b < 0) { this.showNextMonth() } } } }, handleDateClick: function (d, a) { var c = this, b = c.handler; d.stopEvent(); if (!c.disabled && a.dateValue && !Ext.fly(a.parentNode).hasCls(c.disabledCellCls)) { c.doCancelFocus = c.focusOnSelect === false; c.setValue(new Date(a.dateValue)); delete c.doCancelFocus; c.fireEvent("select", c, c.value); if (b) { b.call(c.scope || c, c, c.value) } c.onSelect() } }, onSelect: function () { if (this.hideOnSelect) { this.hide() } }, selectToday: function () { var c = this, a = c.todayBtn, b = c.handler; if (a && !a.disabled) { c.setValue(Ext.Date.clearTime(new Date())); c.fireEvent("select", c, c.value); if (b) { b.call(c.scope || c, c, c.value) } c.onSelect() } return c }, selectedUpdate: function (a) { var d = this, j = a.getTime(), k = d.cells, l = d.selectedCls, g = k.elements, b, e = g.length, h; k.removeCls(l); for (b = 0; b < e; b++) { h = Ext.fly(g[b]); if (h.dom.firstChild.dateValue == j) { d.fireEvent("highlightitem", d, h); h.addCls(l); if (d.isVisible() && !d.doCancelFocus) { Ext.fly(h.dom.firstChild).focus(50) } break } } }, fullUpdate: function (A) { var E = this, g = E.cells.elements, d = E.textNodes, G = E.disabledCellCls, o = Ext.Date, w = 0, D = 0, e = E.isVisible(), m = +o.clearTime(A, true), z = +o.clearTime(new Date()), u = E.minDate ? o.clearTime(E.minDate, true) : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, v = E.maxDate ? o.clearTime(E.maxDate, true) : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, C = E.disabledDatesRE, t = E.disabledDatesText, H = E.disabledDays ? E.disabledDays.join("") : false, B = E.disabledDaysText, x = E.format, l = o.getDaysInMonth(A), q = o.getFirstDateOfMonth(A), h = q.getDay() - E.startDay, y = o.add(A, o.MONTH, -1), b = E.longDayFormat, k, r, a, F, n, p, c, j, s; if (h < 0) { h += 7 } l += h; k = o.getDaysInMonth(y) - h; r = new Date(y.getFullYear(), y.getMonth(), k, E.initHour); if (E.showToday) { F = o.clearTime(new Date()); a = (F < u || F > v || (C && x && C.test(o.dateFormat(F, x))) || (H && H.indexOf(F.getDay()) != -1)); if (!E.disabled) { E.todayBtn.setDisabled(a); E.todayKeyListener.setDisabled(a) } } n = function (I, J) { s = +o.clearTime(r, true); I.title = o.format(r, b); I.firstChild.dateValue = s; if (s == z) { J += " " + E.todayCls; I.title = E.todayText; E.todayElSpan = Ext.DomHelper.append(I.firstChild, { tag: "span", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "hide-clip", html: E.todayText }, true) } if (s == m) { J += " " + E.selectedCls; E.fireEvent("highlightitem", E, I); if (e && E.floating) { Ext.fly(I.firstChild).focus(50) } } if (s < u) { J += " " + G; I.title = E.minText } else { if (s > v) { J += " " + G; I.title = E.maxText } else { if (H && H.indexOf(r.getDay()) !== -1) { I.title = B; J += " " + G } else { if (C && x) { j = o.dateFormat(r, x); if (C.test(j)) { I.title = t.replace("%0", j); J += " " + G } } } } } I.className = J + " " + E.cellCls }; for (; w < E.numDays; ++w) { if (w < h) { p = (++k); c = E.prevCls } else { if (w >= l) { p = (++D); c = E.nextCls } else { p = w - h + 1; c = E.activeCls } } d[w].innerHTML = p; r.setDate(r.getDate() + 1); n(g[w], c) } E.monthBtn.setText(Ext.Date.format(A, E.monthYearFormat)) }, update: function (a, d) { var b = this, c = b.activeDate; if (b.rendered) { b.activeDate = a; if (!d && c && b.el && c.getMonth() == a.getMonth() && c.getFullYear() == a.getFullYear()) { b.selectedUpdate(a, c) } else { b.fullUpdate(a, c) } } return b }, beforeDestroy: function () { var a = this; if (a.rendered) { Ext.destroy(a.todayKeyListener, a.keyNav, a.monthPicker, a.monthBtn, a.nextRepeater, a.prevRepeater, a.todayBtn); delete a.textNodes; delete a.cells.elements } a.callParent() }, onShow: function () { this.callParent(arguments); if (this.focusOnShow) { this.focus() } } }, 0, ["datepicker"], ["datepicker", "component", "box"], { datepicker: true, component: true, box: true }, ["widget.datepicker"], 0, [Ext.picker, "Date", Ext, "DatePicker"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.field.Date", Ext.form.field.Picker, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.form.DateField", "Ext.form.Date"], format: "m/d/Y", altFormats: "m/d/Y|n/j/Y|n/j/y|m/j/y|n/d/y|m/j/Y|n/d/Y|m-d-y|m-d-Y|m/d|m-d|md|mdy|mdY|d|Y-m-d|n-j|n/j", disabledDaysText: "Disabled", disabledDatesText: "Disabled", minText: "The date in this field must be equal to or after {0}", maxText: "The date in this field must be equal to or before {0}", invalidText: "{0} is not a valid date - it must be in the format {1}", triggerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-date-trigger", showToday: true, useStrict: undefined, initTime: "12", initTimeFormat: "H", matchFieldWidth: false, startDay: 0, initComponent: function () { var d = this, b = Ext.isString, c, a; c = d.minValue; a = d.maxValue; if (b(c)) { d.minValue = d.parseDate(c) } if (b(a)) { d.maxValue = d.parseDate(a) } d.disabledDatesRE = null; d.initDisabledDays(); d.callParent() }, initValue: function () { var a = this, b = a.value; if (Ext.isString(b)) { a.value = a.rawToValue(b) } a.callParent() }, initDisabledDays: function () { if (this.disabledDates) { var b = this.disabledDates, a = b.length - 1, g = "(?:", h, e = b.length, c; for (h = 0; h < e; h++) { c = b[h]; g += Ext.isDate(c) ? "^" + Ext.String.escapeRegex(c.dateFormat(this.format)) + "$" : c; if (h !== a) { g += "|" } } this.disabledDatesRE = new RegExp(g + ")") } }, setDisabledDates: function (a) { var c = this, b = c.picker; c.disabledDates = a; c.initDisabledDays(); if (b) { b.setDisabledDates(c.disabledDatesRE) } }, setDisabledDays: function (a) { var b = this.picker; this.disabledDays = a; if (b) { b.setDisabledDays(a) } }, setMinValue: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.picker, d = (Ext.isString(c) ? b.parseDate(c) : c); b.minValue = d; if (a) { a.minText = Ext.String.format(b.minText, b.formatDate(b.minValue)); a.setMinDate(d) } }, setMaxValue: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.picker, d = (Ext.isString(c) ? b.parseDate(c) : c); b.maxValue = d; if (a) { a.maxText = Ext.String.format(b.maxText, b.formatDate(b.maxValue)); a.setMaxDate(d) } }, getErrors: function (q) { var j = this, p = Ext.String.format, k = Ext.Date.clearTime, o = j.callParent(arguments), n = j.disabledDays, d = j.disabledDatesRE, m = j.minValue, h = j.maxValue, g = n ? n.length : 0, e = 0, a, b, l, c; q = j.formatDate(q || j.processRawValue(j.getRawValue())); if (q === null || q.length < 1) { return o } a = q; q = j.parseDate(q); if (!q) { o.push(p(j.invalidText, a, Ext.Date.unescapeFormat(j.format))); return o } c = q.getTime(); if (m && c < k(m).getTime()) { o.push(p(j.minText, j.formatDate(m))) } if (h && c > k(h).getTime()) { o.push(p(j.maxText, j.formatDate(h))) } if (n) { l = q.getDay(); for (; e < g; e++) { if (l === n[e]) { o.push(j.disabledDaysText); break } } } b = j.formatDate(q); if (d && d.test(b)) { o.push(p(j.disabledDatesText, b)) } return o }, rawToValue: function (a) { return this.parseDate(a) || a || null }, valueToRaw: function (a) { return this.formatDate(this.parseDate(a)) }, safeParse: function (g, h) { var e = this, c = Ext.Date, a = null, b = e.useStrict, d; if (c.formatContainsHourInfo(h)) { a = c.parse(g, h, b) } else { d = c.parse(g + " " + e.initTime, h + " " + e.initTimeFormat, b); if (d) { a = c.clearTime(d) } } return a }, getSubmitValue: function () { var b = this.submitFormat || this.format, a = this.getValue(); return a ? Ext.Date.format(a, b) : "" }, parseDate: function (e) { if (!e || Ext.isDate(e)) { return e } var d = this, h = d.safeParse(e, d.format), b = d.altFormats, g = d.altFormatsArray, c = 0, a; if (!h && b) { g = g || b.split("|"); a = g.length; for (; c < a && !h; ++c) { h = d.safeParse(e, g[c]) } } return h }, formatDate: function (a) { return Ext.isDate(a) ? Ext.Date.dateFormat(a, this.format) : a }, createPicker: function () { var a = this, b = Ext.String.format; return new Ext.picker.Date({ pickerField: a, ownerCt: a.ownerCt, renderTo: document.body, floating: true, hidden: true, focusOnShow: true, minDate: a.minValue, maxDate: a.maxValue, disabledDatesRE: a.disabledDatesRE, disabledDatesText: a.disabledDatesText, disabledDays: a.disabledDays, disabledDaysText: a.disabledDaysText, format: a.format, showToday: a.showToday, startDay: a.startDay, minText: b(a.minText, a.formatDate(a.minValue)), maxText: b(a.maxText, a.formatDate(a.maxValue)), listeners: { scope: a, select: a.onSelect }, keyNavConfig: { esc: function () { a.collapse() } } }) }, onDownArrow: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); if (this.isExpanded) { this.getPicker().focus() } }, onSelect: function (a, c) { var b = this; b.setValue(c); b.fireEvent("select", b, c); b.collapse() }, onExpand: function () { var a = this.getValue(); this.picker.setValue(Ext.isDate(a) ? a : new Date()) }, onCollapse: function () { this.focus(false, 60) }, beforeBlur: function () { var c = this, a = c.parseDate(c.getRawValue()), b = c.focusTask; if (b) { b.cancel() } if (a) { c.setValue(a) } } }, 0, ["datefield"], ["field", "trigger", "textfield", "pickerfield", "component", "datefield", "box", "triggerfield"], { field: true, trigger: true, textfield: true, pickerfield: true, component: true, datefield: true, box: true, triggerfield: true }, ["widget.datefield"], 0, [Ext.form.field, "Date", Ext.form, "DateField", Ext.form, "Date"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.field.FileButton", Ext.button.Button, { childEls: ["btnEl", "btnWrap", "btnInnerEl", "btnIconEl", "fileInputEl"], inputCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-file-input", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-file-btn", preventDefault: false, renderTpl: [' {splitCls}', '{childElCls}" unselectable="on">', '', '', "{text}", "", 'background-image:url({iconUrl});', 'font-family:{glyphFontFamily};">', '&#{glyph}; ', "", "", "", ''], getTemplateArgs: function () { var a = this.callParent(); a.inputCls = this.inputCls; a.inputName = this.inputName; return a }, afterRender: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); a.fileInputEl.on("change", a.fireChange, a) }, fireChange: function (a) { this.fireEvent("change", this, a, this.fileInputEl.dom.value) }, createFileInput: function (a) { var b = this; b.fileInputEl = b.el.createChild({ name: b.inputName, id: !a ? b.id + "-fileInputEl" : undefined, cls: b.inputCls, tag: "input", type: "file", size: 1 }); b.fileInputEl.on("change", b.fireChange, b) }, reset: function (a) { if (a) { this.fileInputEl.remove() } this.createFileInput(!a) }, restoreInput: function (a) { this.fileInputEl.remove(); a = Ext.get(a); this.el.appendChild(a); this.fileInputEl = a }, onDisable: function () { this.callParent(); this.fileInputEl.dom.disabled = true }, onEnable: function () { this.callParent(); this.fileInputEl.dom.disabled = false } }, 0, ["filebutton"], ["filebutton", "button", "component", "box"], { filebutton: true, button: true, component: true, box: true }, ["widget.filebutton"], 0, [Ext.form.field, "FileButton"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.field.File", Ext.form.field.Trigger, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.form.FileUploadField", "Ext.ux.form.FileUploadField", "Ext.form.File"], buttonText: "Browse...", buttonOnly: false, buttonMargin: 3, clearOnSubmit: true, extraFieldBodyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-file-wrap", readOnly: true, triggerNoEditCls: "", componentLayout: "triggerfield", childEls: ["browseButtonWrap"], onRender: function () { var a = this, c = a.id, b; a.callParent(arguments); b = a.inputEl; b.dom.name = ""; a.button = new Ext.form.field.FileButton(Ext.apply({ renderTo: c + "-browseButtonWrap", ownerCt: a, ownerLayout: a.componentLayout, id: c + "-button", ui: a.ui, disabled: a.disabled, text: a.buttonText, style: a.buttonOnly ? "" : a.getButtonMarginProp() + a.buttonMargin + "px", inputName: a.getName(), listeners: { scope: a, change: a.onFileChange } }, a.buttonConfig)); a.fileInputEl = a.button.fileInputEl; if (a.buttonOnly) { a.inputCell.setDisplayed(false) } a.browseButtonWrap.dom.style.width = (a.browseButtonWrap.dom.lastChild.offsetWidth + a.button.getEl().getMargin("lr")) + "px"; if (Ext.isIE) { a.button.getEl().repaint() } }, getTriggerMarkup: function () { return '' }, onFileChange: function (a, c, b) { this.lastValue = null; Ext.form.field.File.superclass.setValue.call(this, b) }, setValue: Ext.emptyFn, reset: function () { var b = this, a = b.clearOnSubmit; if (b.rendered) { b.button.reset(a); b.fileInputEl = b.button.fileInputEl; if (a) { b.inputEl.dom.value = "" } } b.callParent() }, onShow: function () { this.callParent(); this.button.updateLayout() }, onDisable: function () { this.callParent(); this.button.disable() }, onEnable: function () { this.callParent(); this.button.enable() }, isFileUpload: function () { return true }, extractFileInput: function () { var a = this.button.fileInputEl.dom; this.reset(); return a }, restoreInput: function (b) { var a = this.button; a.restoreInput(b); this.fileInputEl = a.fileInputEl }, onDestroy: function () { Ext.destroyMembers(this, "button"); delete this.fileInputEl; this.callParent() }, getButtonMarginProp: function () { return "margin-left:" } }, 0, ["fileuploadfield", "filefield"], ["field", "trigger", "textfield", "component", "fileuploadfield", "filefield", "box", "triggerfield"], { field: true, trigger: true, textfield: true, component: true, fileuploadfield: true, filefield: true, box: true, triggerfield: true }, ["widget.filefield", "widget.fileuploadfield"], 0, [Ext.form.field, "File", Ext.form, "FileUploadField", Ext.ux.form, "FileUploadField", Ext.form, "File"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.field.Hidden", Ext.form.field.Base, { alternateClassName: "Ext.form.Hidden", inputType: "hidden", hideLabel: true, hidden: true, initComponent: function () { this.formItemCls += "-hidden"; this.callParent() }, isEqual: function (b, a) { return this.isEqualAsString(b, a) }, initEvents: Ext.emptyFn, setSize: Ext.emptyFn, setWidth: Ext.emptyFn, setHeight: Ext.emptyFn, setPosition: Ext.emptyFn, setPagePosition: Ext.emptyFn, markInvalid: Ext.emptyFn, clearInvalid: Ext.emptyFn }, 0, ["hidden", "hiddenfield"], ["field", "component", "hidden", "hiddenfield", "box"], { field: true, component: true, hidden: true, hiddenfield: true, box: true }, ["widget.hidden", "widget.hiddenfield"], 0, [Ext.form.field, "Hidden", Ext.form, "Hidden"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.picker.Color", Ext.Component, { alternateClassName: "Ext.ColorPalette", componentCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "color-picker", selectedCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "color-picker-selected", itemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "color-picker-item", value: null, clickEvent: "click", allowReselect: false, colors: ["000000", "993300", "333300", "003300", "003366", "000080", "333399", "333333", "800000", "FF6600", "808000", "008000", "008080", "0000FF", "666699", "808080", "FF0000", "FF9900", "99CC00", "339966", "33CCCC", "3366FF", "800080", "969696", "FF00FF", "FFCC00", "FFFF00", "00FF00", "00FFFF", "00CCFF", "993366", "C0C0C0", "FF99CC", "FFCC99", "FFFF99", "CCFFCC", "CCFFFF", "99CCFF", "CC99FF", "FFFFFF"], colorRe: /(?:^|\s)color-(.{6})(?:\s|$)/, renderTpl: ['', '', ' ', "", ""], initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); a.addEvents("select"); if (a.handler) { a.on("select", a.handler, a.scope, true) } }, initRenderData: function () { var a = this; return Ext.apply(a.callParent(), { itemCls: a.itemCls, colors: a.colors }) }, onRender: function () { var b = this, a = b.clickEvent; b.callParent(arguments); b.mon(b.el, a, b.handleClick, b, { delegate: "a" }); if (a != "click") { b.mon(b.el, "click", Ext.emptyFn, b, { delegate: "a", stopEvent: true }) } }, afterRender: function () { var a = this, b; a.callParent(arguments); if (a.value) { b = a.value; a.value = null; a.select(b, true) } }, handleClick: function (c, d) { var b = this, a; c.stopEvent(); if (!b.disabled) { a = d.className.match(b.colorRe)[1]; b.select(a.toUpperCase()) } }, select: function (b, a) { var d = this, g = d.selectedCls, e = d.value, c; b = b.replace("#", ""); if (!d.rendered) { d.value = b; return } if (b != e || d.allowReselect) { c = d.el; if (d.value) { c.down("a.color-" + e).removeCls(g) } c.down("a.color-" + b).addCls(g); d.value = b; if (a !== true) { d.fireEvent("select", d, b) } } }, clear: function () { var b = this, c = b.value, a; if (c && b.rendered) { a = b.el.down("a.color-" + c); a.removeCls(b.selectedCls) } b.value = null }, getValue: function () { return this.value || null } }, 0, ["colorpicker"], ["component", "box", "colorpicker"], { component: true, box: true, colorpicker: true }, ["widget.colorpicker"], 0, [Ext.picker, "Color", Ext, "ColorPalette"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.component.field.HtmlEditor", Ext.layout.component.field.FieldContainer, { type: "htmleditor", naturalHeight: 150, naturalWidth: 300, beginLayout: function (b) { var a = this.owner, c; if (Ext.isGecko) { c = a.textareaEl.dom; this.lastValue = c.value; c.value = "" } this.callParent(arguments); b.toolbarContext = b.context.getCmp(a.toolbar); b.inputCmpContext = b.context.getCmp(a.inputCmp); b.textAreaContext = b.getEl("textareaEl"); b.iframeContext = b.getEl("iframeEl") }, beginLayoutCycle: function (h) { var g = this, c = h.widthModel, b = h.heightModel, a = g.owner, e = a.iframeEl, d = a.textareaEl; g.callParent(arguments); if (c.shrinkWrap) { e.setStyle("width", ""); d.setStyle("width", "") } else { if (c.natural) { h.bodyCellContext.setWidth(g.naturalWidth) } } if (b.natural || b.shrinkWrap) { e.setHeight(g.naturalHeight); d.setHeight(g.naturalHeight) } }, finishedLayout: function () { var a = this.owner; this.callParent(arguments); if (Ext.isIE9m && Ext.isIEQuirks) { a.el.repaint() } if (Ext.isGecko) { a.textareaEl.dom.value = this.lastValue } }, publishOwnerWidth: function (b, a) { this.callParent(arguments); a -= b.inputCmpContext.getBorderInfo().width; b.textAreaContext.setWidth(a); b.iframeContext.setWidth(a) }, publishInnerWidth: function (e, c) { var b = e.inputCmpContext.getBorderInfo().width, d = Ext.isStrict && Ext.isIE8m, a = e.widthModel.natural; this.callParent(arguments); c = e.bodyCellContext.props.width - b; if (a) { if (d) { c -= 2 } e.textAreaContext.setWidth(c); e.iframeContext.setWidth(c) } else { if (d) { e.textAreaContext.setWidth(c) } } }, publishInnerHeight: function (c, a) { var d = c.toolbarContext.getProp("height"), b = this.owner.sourceEditMode; this.callParent(arguments); a = c.bodyCellContext.props.height; if (d !== undefined) { a -= d + c.inputCmpContext.getFrameInfo().height; if (Ext.isIE8 && Ext.isStrict) { a -= 2 } else { if (Ext.isIEQuirks && (Ext.isIE8 || Ext.isIE9)) { a -= 4 } } c.iframeContext.setHeight(a); c.textAreaContext.setHeight(a) } else { this.done = false } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.htmleditor"], 0, [Ext.layout.component.field, "HtmlEditor"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.field.HtmlEditor", Ext.form.FieldContainer, { alternateClassName: "Ext.form.HtmlEditor", componentLayout: "htmleditor", componentTpl: ["{beforeTextAreaTpl}", '", "{afterTextAreaTpl}", "{beforeIFrameTpl}", '', "{afterIFrameTpl}", { disableFormats: true } ], stretchInputElFixed: true, subTplInsertions: ["beforeTextAreaTpl", "afterTextAreaTpl", "beforeIFrameTpl", "afterIFrameTpl", "iframeAttrTpl", "inputAttrTpl"], enableFormat: true, enableFontSize: true, enableColors: true, enableAlignments: true, enableLists: true, enableSourceEdit: true, enableLinks: true, enableFont: true, createLinkText: "Please enter the URL for the link:", defaultLinkValue: "http://", fontFamilies: ["Arial", "Courier New", "Tahoma", "Times New Roman", "Verdana"], defaultValue: (Ext.isOpera || Ext.isIE6) ? " " : "​", extraFieldBodyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "html-editor-wrap", initialized: false, activated: false, sourceEditMode: false, iframePad: 3, hideMode: "offsets", maskOnDisable: true, containerElCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "html-editor-container", initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.addEvents("initialize", "activate", "beforesync", "beforepush", "sync", "push", "editmodechange"); a.items = [a.createToolbar(), a.createInputCmp()]; a.layout = { type: "vbox", align: "stretch" }; a.callParent(arguments); a.initField() }, createInputCmp: function () { this.inputCmp = Ext.widget(this.getInputCmpCfg()); return this.inputCmp }, getInputCmpCfg: function () { var a = this, c = a.id + "-inputCmp", b = { id: c, name: a.name, textareaCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "hidden", value: a.value, iframeName: Ext.id(), iframeSrc: Ext.SSL_SECURE_URL, iframeCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "htmleditor-iframe" }; a.getInsertionRenderData(b, a.subTplInsertions); return { flex: 1, xtype: "component", tpl: a.getTpl("componentTpl"), childEls: ["iframeEl", "textareaEl"], id: c, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "html-editor-input", data: b } }, createToolbar: function () { this.toolbar = Ext.widget(this.getToolbarCfg()); return this.toolbar }, getToolbarCfg: function () { var h = this, b = [], e, a = Ext.quickTipsActive && Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.isEnabled(), d = Ext.baseCSSPrefix, j, g; function c(m, k, l) { return { itemId: m, cls: d + "btn-icon", iconCls: d + "edit-" + m, enableToggle: k !== false, scope: h, handler: l || h.relayBtnCmd, clickEvent: "mousedown", tooltip: a ? h.buttonTips[m] || g : g, overflowText: h.buttonTips[m].title || g, tabIndex: -1 } } if (h.enableFont && !Ext.isSafari2) { j = Ext.widget("component", { itemId: "fontSelect", renderTpl: ['"], childEls: ["selectEl"], afterRender: function () { h.fontSelect = this.selectEl; Ext.Component.prototype.afterRender.apply(this, arguments) }, onDisable: function () { var k = this.selectEl; if (k) { k.dom.disabled = true } Ext.Component.prototype.onDisable.apply(this, arguments) }, onEnable: function () { var k = this.selectEl; if (k) { k.dom.disabled = false } Ext.Component.prototype.onEnable.apply(this, arguments) }, listeners: { change: function () { h.win.focus(); h.relayCmd("fontName", h.fontSelect.dom.value); h.deferFocus() }, element: "selectEl" } }); b.push(j, "-") } if (h.enableFormat) { b.push(c("bold"), c("italic"), c("underline")) } if (h.enableFontSize) { b.push("-", c("increasefontsize", false, h.adjustFont), c("decreasefontsize", false, h.adjustFont)) } if (h.enableColors) { b.push("-", { itemId: "forecolor", cls: d + "btn-icon", iconCls: d + "edit-forecolor", overflowText: h.buttonTips.forecolor.title, tooltip: a ? h.buttonTips.forecolor || g : g, tabIndex: -1, menu: Ext.widget("menu", { plain: true, items: [{ xtype: "colorpicker", allowReselect: true, focus: Ext.emptyFn, value: "000000", plain: true, clickEvent: "mousedown", handler: function (l, k) { h.relayCmd("forecolor", Ext.isWebKit || Ext.isIE ? "#" + k : k); this.up("menu").hide() } } ] }) }, { itemId: "backcolor", cls: d + "btn-icon", iconCls: d + "edit-backcolor", overflowText: h.buttonTips.backcolor.title, tooltip: a ? h.buttonTips.backcolor || g : g, tabIndex: -1, menu: Ext.widget("menu", { plain: true, items: [{ xtype: "colorpicker", focus: Ext.emptyFn, value: "FFFFFF", plain: true, allowReselect: true, clickEvent: "mousedown", handler: function (l, k) { if (Ext.isGecko) { h.execCmd("useCSS", false); h.execCmd("hilitecolor", "#" + k); h.execCmd("useCSS", true); h.deferFocus() } else { h.relayCmd(Ext.isOpera ? "hilitecolor" : "backcolor", Ext.isWebKit || Ext.isIE || Ext.isOpera ? "#" + k : k) } this.up("menu").hide() } } ] }) }) } if (h.enableAlignments) { b.push("-", c("justifyleft"), c("justifycenter"), c("justifyright")) } if (!Ext.isSafari2) { if (h.enableLinks) { b.push("-", c("createlink", false, h.createLink)) } if (h.enableLists) { b.push("-", c("insertorderedlist"), c("insertunorderedlist")) } if (h.enableSourceEdit) { b.push("-", c("sourceedit", true, function (k) { h.toggleSourceEdit(!h.sourceEditMode) })) } } for (e = 0; e < b.length; e++) { if (b[e].itemId !== "sourceedit") { b[e].disabled = true } } return { xtype: "toolbar", defaultButtonUI: h.defaultButtonUI, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "html-editor-tb", enableOverflow: true, items: b, listeners: { click: function (k) { k.preventDefault() }, element: "el" } } }, getMaskTarget: function () { return Ext.isGecko ? this.inputCmp.el : this.bodyEl }, setReadOnly: function (e) { var d = this, c = d.textareaEl, b = d.iframeEl, a; d.readOnly = e; if (c) { c.dom.readOnly = e } if (d.initialized) { a = d.getEditorBody(); if (Ext.isIE) { b.setDisplayed(false); a.contentEditable = !e; b.setDisplayed(true) } else { d.setDesignMode(!e) } if (a) { a.style.cursor = e ? "default" : "text" } d.disableItems(e) } }, getDocMarkup: function () { var b = this, a = b.iframeEl.getHeight() - b.iframePad * 2, c = Ext.isIE8m; return Ext.String.format((c ? "" : "") + '", b.iframePad, a, b.defaultFont) }, getEditorBody: function () { var a = this.getDoc(); return a.body || a.documentElement }, getDoc: function () { return (!Ext.isIE && this.iframeEl.dom.contentDocument) || this.getWin().document }, getWin: function () { return Ext.isIE ? this.iframeEl.dom.contentWindow : window.frames[this.iframeEl.dom.name] }, initDefaultFont: function () { var h = this, a = 0, j, b, k, e, d, g, c; if (!h.defaultFont) { b = h.textareaEl.getStyle("font-family"); b = Ext.String.capitalize(b.split(",")[0]); j = Ext.Array.clone(h.fontFamilies); Ext.Array.include(j, b); j.sort(); h.defaultFont = b; k = h.down("#fontSelect").selectEl.dom; for (d = 0, g = j.length; d < g; ++d) { b = j[d]; c = b.toLowerCase(); e = new Option(b, c); if (b == h.defaultFont) { a = d } e.style.fontFamily = c; if (Ext.isIE) { k.add(e) } else { k.options.add(e) } } k.options[a].selected = true } }, isEqual: function (b, a) { return this.isEqualAsString(b, a) }, afterRender: function () { var b = this, a = b.inputCmp; b.callParent(arguments); b.iframeEl = a.iframeEl; b.textareaEl = a.textareaEl; b.inputEl = b.iframeEl; if (b.enableFont) { b.initDefaultFont() } b.monitorTask = Ext.TaskManager.start({ run: b.checkDesignMode, scope: b, interval: 100 }); b.relayCmd("fontName", b.defaultFont) }, initFrameDoc: function () { var b = this, c, a; Ext.TaskManager.stop(b.monitorTask); c = b.getDoc(); b.win = b.getWin(); c.open(); c.write(b.getDocMarkup()); c.close(); a = { run: function () { var d = b.getDoc(); if (d.body || d.readyState === "complete") { Ext.TaskManager.stop(a); b.setDesignMode(true); Ext.defer(b.initEditor, 10, b) } }, interval: 10, duration: 10000, scope: b }; Ext.TaskManager.start(a) }, checkDesignMode: function () { var a = this, b = a.getDoc(); if (b && (!b.editorInitialized || a.getDesignMode() !== "on")) { a.initFrameDoc() } }, setDesignMode: function (c) { var a = this, b = a.getDoc(); if (b) { if (a.readOnly) { c = false } b.designMode = (/on|true/i).test(String(c).toLowerCase()) ? "on" : "off" } }, getDesignMode: function () { var a = this.getDoc(); return !a ? "" : String(a.designMode).toLowerCase() }, disableItems: function (d) { var b = this.getToolbar().items.items, c, a = b.length, e; for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { e = b[c]; if (e.getItemId() !== "sourceedit") { e.setDisabled(d) } } }, toggleSourceEdit: function (b) { var g = this, d = g.iframeEl, a = g.textareaEl, e = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "hidden", c = g.getToolbar().getComponent("sourceedit"); if (!Ext.isBoolean(b)) { b = !g.sourceEditMode } g.sourceEditMode = b; if (c.pressed !== b) { c.toggle(b) } if (b) { g.disableItems(true); g.syncValue(); d.addCls(e); a.removeCls(e); a.dom.removeAttribute("tabIndex"); a.focus(); g.inputEl = a } else { if (g.initialized) { g.disableItems(g.readOnly) } g.pushValue(); d.removeCls(e); a.addCls(e); a.dom.setAttribute("tabIndex", -1); g.deferFocus(); g.inputEl = d } g.fireEvent("editmodechange", g, b); g.updateLayout() }, createLink: function () { var a = prompt(this.createLinkText, this.defaultLinkValue); if (a && a !== "http://") { this.relayCmd("createlink", a) } }, clearInvalid: Ext.emptyFn, setValue: function (d) { var c = this, b = c.textareaEl, a = c.inputCmp; c.mixins.field.setValue.call(c, d); if (d === null || d === undefined) { d = "" } if (b) { b.dom.value = d } c.pushValue(); if (!c.rendered && c.inputCmp) { c.inputCmp.data.value = d } return c }, cleanHtml: function (a) { a = String(a); if (Ext.isWebKit) { a = a.replace(/\sclass="(?:Apple-style-span|Apple-tab-span|khtml-block-placeholder)"/gi, "") } if (a.charCodeAt(0) === parseInt(this.defaultValue.replace(/\D/g, ""), 10)) { a = a.substring(1) } return a }, syncValue: function () { var g = this, b, h, d, a, c, e; if (g.initialized) { b = g.getEditorBody(); d = b.innerHTML; e = g.textareaEl.dom; if (Ext.isWebKit) { a = b.getAttribute("style"); c = a.match(/text-align:(.*?);/i); if (c && c[1]) { d = '
' + d + "
" } } d = g.cleanHtml(d); if (g.fireEvent("beforesync", g, d) !== false) { if (Ext.isGecko && e.value === "" && d === "
") { d = "" } if (e.value !== d) { e.value = d; h = true } g.fireEvent("sync", g, d); if (h) { g.checkChange() } } } }, getValue: function () { var a = this, b; if (!a.sourceEditMode) { a.syncValue() } b = a.rendered ? a.textareaEl.dom.value : a.value; a.value = b; return b }, pushValue: function () { var b = this, a; if (b.initialized) { a = b.textareaEl.dom.value || ""; if (!b.activated && a.length < 1) { a = b.defaultValue } if (b.fireEvent("beforepush", b, a) !== false) { b.getEditorBody().innerHTML = a; if (Ext.isGecko) { b.setDesignMode(false); b.setDesignMode(true) } b.fireEvent("push", b, a) } } }, deferFocus: function () { this.focus(false, true) }, getFocusEl: function () { var a = this, b = a.win; return b && !a.sourceEditMode ? b : a.textareaEl }, focus: function (d, b) { var c = this, e, a; if (b) { if (!c.focusTask) { c.focusTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(c.focus) } c.focusTask.delay(Ext.isNumber(b) ? b : 10, null, c, [d, false]) } else { if (d) { if (c.textareaEl && c.textareaEl.dom) { e = c.textareaEl.dom.value } if (e && e.length) { c.execCmd("selectall", true) } } a = c.getFocusEl(); if (a && a.focus) { a.focus() } } return c }, initEditor: function () { try { var g = this, d = g.getEditorBody(), b = g.textareaEl.getStyles("font-size", "font-family", "background-image", "background-repeat", "background-color", "color"), j, c; b["background-attachment"] = "fixed"; d.bgProperties = "fixed"; Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(d, b); j = g.getDoc(); if (j) { try { Ext.EventManager.removeAll(j) } catch (h) {} } c = Ext.Function.bind(g.onEditorEvent, g); Ext.EventManager.on(j, { mousedown: c, dblclick: c, click: c, keyup: c, buffer: 100 }); c = g.onRelayedEvent; Ext.EventManager.on(j, { mousedown: c, mousemove: c, mouseup: c, click: c, dblclick: c, scope: g }); if (Ext.isGecko) { Ext.EventManager.on(j, "keypress", g.applyCommand, g) } if (g.fixKeys) { Ext.EventManager.on(j, "keydown", g.fixKeys, g) } if (g.fixKeysAfter) { Ext.EventManager.on(j, "keyup", g.fixKeysAfter, g) } if (Ext.isIE9 && Ext.isStrict) { Ext.EventManager.on(j.documentElement, "focus", g.focus, g) } if (Ext.isIE8m || (Ext.isIE9 && !Ext.isStrict)) { Ext.EventManager.on(j, "focusout", function () { g.savedSelection = j.selection.type !== "None" ? j.selection.createRange() : null }, g); Ext.EventManager.on(j, "focusin", function () { if (g.savedSelection) { g.savedSelection.select() } }, g) } Ext.EventManager.onWindowUnload(g.beforeDestroy, g); j.editorInitialized = true; g.initialized = true; g.pushValue(); g.setReadOnly(g.readOnly); g.fireEvent("initialize", g) } catch (a) {} }, beforeDestroy: function () { var a = this, d = a.monitorTask, c, g; if (d) { Ext.TaskManager.stop(d) } if (a.rendered) { Ext.EventManager.removeUnloadListener(a.beforeDestroy, a); try { c = a.getDoc(); if (c) { Ext.EventManager.removeAll(Ext.fly(c)); for (g in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty && c.hasOwnProperty(g)) { delete c[g] } } } } catch (b) {} delete a.iframeEl; delete a.textareaEl; delete a.toolbar; delete a.inputCmp } a.callParent() }, onRelayedEvent: function (c) { var b = this.iframeEl, d = Ext.Element.getTrueXY(b), e = c.getXY(), a = Ext.EventManager.getPageXY(c.browserEvent); c.xy = [d[0] + a[0], d[1] + a[1]]; c.injectEvent(b); c.xy = e }, onFirstFocus: function () { var c = this, b, a; c.activated = true; c.disableItems(c.readOnly); if (Ext.isGecko) { c.win.focus(); b = c.win.getSelection(); if (!b.focusNode || b.focusNode.nodeType !== 3) { a = b.getRangeAt(0); a.selectNodeContents(c.getEditorBody()); a.collapse(true); c.deferFocus() } try { c.execCmd("useCSS", true); c.execCmd("styleWithCSS", false) } catch (d) {} } c.fireEvent("activate", c) }, adjustFont: function (d) { var e = d.getItemId() === "increasefontsize" ? 1 : -1, c = this.getDoc().queryCommandValue("FontSize") || "2", a = Ext.isString(c) && c.indexOf("px") !== -1, b; c = parseInt(c, 10); if (a) { if (c <= 10) { c = 1 + e } else { if (c <= 13) { c = 2 + e } else { if (c <= 16) { c = 3 + e } else { if (c <= 18) { c = 4 + e } else { if (c <= 24) { c = 5 + e } else { c = 6 + e } } } } } c = Ext.Number.constrain(c, 1, 6) } else { b = Ext.isSafari; if (b) { e *= 2 } c = Math.max(1, c + e) + (b ? "px" : 0) } this.relayCmd("FontSize", c) }, onEditorEvent: function (a) { this.updateToolbar() }, updateToolbar: function () { var j = this, e, c, d, k, b, g, a, h; if (j.readOnly) { return } if (!j.activated) { j.onFirstFocus(); return } d = j.getToolbar().items.map; k = j.getDoc(); if (j.enableFont && !Ext.isSafari2) { g = k.queryCommandValue("fontName"); b = (g ? g.split(",")[0].replace(/^'/, "").replace(/'$/, "") : j.defaultFont).toLowerCase(); a = j.fontSelect.dom; if (b !== a.value || b != g) { a.value = b } } function m() { var l; for (e = 0, c = arguments.length, b; e < c; e++) { b = arguments[e]; try { l = k.queryCommandState(b) } catch (n) { l = false } d[b].toggle(l) } } if (j.enableFormat) { m("bold", "italic", "underline") } if (j.enableAlignments) { m("justifyleft", "justifycenter", "justifyright") } if (!Ext.isSafari2 && j.enableLists) { m("insertorderedlist", "insertunorderedlist") } h = j.toolbar.query("menu"); for (e = 0; e < h.length; e++) { h[e].hide() } j.syncValue() }, relayBtnCmd: function (a) { this.relayCmd(a.getItemId()) }, relayCmd: function (b, a) { Ext.defer(function () { var c = this; if (!this.isDestroyed) { c.win.focus(); c.execCmd(b, a); c.updateToolbar() } }, 10, this) }, execCmd: function (c, b) { var a = this, d = a.getDoc(); d.execCommand(c, false, (b == undefined ? null : b)); a.syncValue() }, applyCommand: function (d) { if (d.ctrlKey) { var a = this, g = d.getCharCode(), b; if (g > 0) { g = String.fromCharCode(g); switch (g) { case "b": b = "bold"; break; case "i": b = "italic"; break; case "u": b = "underline"; break } if (b) { a.win.focus(); a.execCmd(b); a.deferFocus(); d.preventDefault() } } } }, insertAtCursor: function (c) { var b = this, a; if (b.activated) { b.win.focus(); if (Ext.isIE) { a = b.getDoc().selection.createRange(); if (a) { a.pasteHTML(c); b.syncValue(); b.deferFocus() } } else { b.execCmd("InsertHTML", c); b.deferFocus() } } }, fixKeys: (function () { if (Ext.isIE) { return function (h) { var c = this, b = h.getKey(), g = c.getDoc(), j = c.readOnly, a, d; if (b === h.TAB) { h.stopEvent(); if (!j) { a = g.selection.createRange(); if (a) { if (a.collapse) { a.collapse(true); a.pasteHTML("    ") } c.deferFocus() } } } else { if (b === h.ENTER) { if (!j) { a = g.selection.createRange(); if (a) { d = a.parentElement(); if (!d || d.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "li") { h.stopEvent(); a.pasteHTML("
"); a.collapse(false); a.select() } } } } } } } if (Ext.isOpera) { return function (c) { var b = this, a = c.getKey(), d = b.readOnly; if (a === c.TAB) { c.stopEvent(); if (!d) { b.win.focus(); b.execCmd("InsertHTML", "    "); b.deferFocus() } } } } return null } ()), fixKeysAfter: (function () { if (Ext.isIE) { return function (d) { var b = this, a = d.getKey(), c = b.getDoc(), h = b.readOnly, g; if (!h && (a === d.BACKSPACE || a === d.DELETE)) { g = c.body.innerHTML; if (g === "


" || g === "


") { c.body.innerHTML = "" } } } } return null } ()), getToolbar: function () { return this.toolbar }, buttonTips: { bold: { title: "Bold (Ctrl+B)", text: "Make the selected text bold.", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "html-editor-tip" }, italic: { title: "Italic (Ctrl+I)", text: "Make the selected text italic.", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "html-editor-tip" }, underline: { title: "Underline (Ctrl+U)", text: "Underline the selected text.", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "html-editor-tip" }, increasefontsize: { title: "Grow Text", text: "Increase the font size.", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "html-editor-tip" }, decreasefontsize: { title: "Shrink Text", text: "Decrease the font size.", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "html-editor-tip" }, backcolor: { title: "Text Highlight Color", text: "Change the background color of the selected text.", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "html-editor-tip" }, forecolor: { title: "Font Color", text: "Change the color of the selected text.", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "html-editor-tip" }, justifyleft: { title: "Align Text Left", text: "Align text to the left.", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "html-editor-tip" }, justifycenter: { title: "Center Text", text: "Center text in the editor.", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "html-editor-tip" }, justifyright: { title: "Align Text Right", text: "Align text to the right.", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "html-editor-tip" }, insertunorderedlist: { title: "Bullet List", text: "Start a bulleted list.", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "html-editor-tip" }, insertorderedlist: { title: "Numbered List", text: "Start a numbered list.", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "html-editor-tip" }, createlink: { title: "Hyperlink", text: "Make the selected text a hyperlink.", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "html-editor-tip" }, sourceedit: { title: "Source Edit", text: "Switch to source editing mode.", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "html-editor-tip" } } }, 0, ["htmleditor"], ["htmleditor", "component", "container", "fieldcontainer", "box"], { htmleditor: true, component: true, container: true, fieldcontainer: true, box: true }, ["widget.htmleditor"], [["field", Ext.form.field.Field]], [Ext.form.field, "HtmlEditor", Ext.form, "HtmlEditor"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.picker.Time", Ext.view.BoundList, { increment: 15, format: "g:i A", displayField: "disp", initDate: [2008, 0, 1], componentCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "timepicker", loadMask: false, initComponent: function () { var c = this, a = Ext.Date, b = a.clearTime, d = c.initDate; c.absMin = b(new Date(d[0], d[1], d[2])); c.absMax = a.add(b(new Date(d[0], d[1], d[2])), "mi", (24 * 60) - 1); c.store = c.createStore(); c.store.addFilter(c.rangeFilter = new Ext.util.Filter({ id: "time-picker-filter" }), false); c.updateList(); c.callParent() }, setMinValue: function (a) { this.minValue = a; this.updateList() }, setMaxValue: function (a) { this.maxValue = a; this.updateList() }, normalizeDate: function (a) { var b = this.initDate; a.setFullYear(b[0], b[1], b[2]); return a }, updateList: function () { var c = this, b = c.normalizeDate(c.minValue || c.absMin), a = c.normalizeDate(c.maxValue || c.absMax); c.rangeFilter.setFilterFn(function (d) { var e = d.get("date"); return e >= b && e <= a }); c.store.filter() }, createStore: function () { var d = this, c = Ext.Date, e = [], b = d.absMin, a = d.absMax; while (b <= a) { e.push({ disp: c.dateFormat(b, d.format), date: b }); b = c.add(b, "mi", d.increment) } return new Ext.data.Store({ fields: ["disp", "date"], data: e }) }, focusNode: function (a) { return false } }, 0, ["timepicker"], ["timepicker", "component", "boundlist", "box", "dataview"], { timepicker: true, component: true, boundlist: true, box: true, dataview: true }, ["widget.timepicker"], 0, [Ext.picker, "Time"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.form.field.Time", Ext.form.field.ComboBox, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.form.TimeField", "Ext.form.Time"], triggerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-time-trigger", minText: "The time in this field must be equal to or after {0}", maxText: "The time in this field must be equal to or before {0}", invalidText: "{0} is not a valid time", format: "g:i A", altFormats: "g:ia|g:iA|g:i a|g:i A|h:i|g:i|H:i|ga|ha|gA|h a|g a|g A|gi|hi|gia|hia|g|H|gi a|hi a|giA|hiA|gi A|hi A", increment: 15, pickerMaxHeight: 300, selectOnTab: true, snapToIncrement: false, initDate: "1/1/2008", initDateFormat: "j/n/Y", ignoreSelection: 0, queryMode: "local", displayField: "disp", valueField: "date", initComponent: function () { var c = this, b = c.minValue, a = c.maxValue; if (b) { c.setMinValue(b) } if (a) { c.setMaxValue(a) } c.displayTpl = new Ext.XTemplate('{[typeof values === "string" ? values : this.formatDate(values["' + c.displayField + '"])]}' + c.delimiter + "", { formatDate: Ext.Function.bind(c.formatDate, c) }); this.callParent() }, transformOriginalValue: function (a) { if (Ext.isString(a)) { return this.rawToValue(a) } return a }, isEqual: function (b, a) { return Ext.Date.isEqual(b, a) }, setMinValue: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.picker; b.setLimit(c, true); if (a) { a.setMinValue(b.minValue) } }, setMaxValue: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.picker; b.setLimit(c, false); if (a) { a.setMaxValue(b.maxValue) } }, setLimit: function (b, g) { var a = this, e, c; if (Ext.isString(b)) { e = a.parseDate(b) } else { if (Ext.isDate(b)) { e = b } } if (e) { c = Ext.Date.clearTime(new Date(a.initDate)); c.setHours(e.getHours(), e.getMinutes(), e.getSeconds(), e.getMilliseconds()) } else { c = null } a[g ? "minValue" : "maxValue"] = c }, rawToValue: function (a) { return this.parseDate(a) || a || null }, valueToRaw: function (a) { return this.formatDate(this.parseDate(a)) }, getErrors: function (d) { var b = this, g = Ext.String.format, h = b.callParent(arguments), c = b.minValue, e = b.maxValue, a; d = b.formatDate(d || b.processRawValue(b.getRawValue())); if (d === null || d.length < 1) { return h } a = b.parseDate(d); if (!a) { h.push(g(b.invalidText, d, Ext.Date.unescapeFormat(b.format))); return h } if (c && a < c) { h.push(g(b.minText, b.formatDate(c))) } if (e && a > e) { h.push(g(b.maxText, b.formatDate(e))) } return h }, formatDate: function () { return Ext.form.field.Date.prototype.formatDate.apply(this, arguments) }, parseDate: function (e) { var d = this, h = e, b = d.altFormats, g = d.altFormatsArray, c = 0, a; if (e && !Ext.isDate(e)) { h = d.safeParse(e, d.format); if (!h && b) { g = g || b.split("|"); a = g.length; for (; c < a && !h; ++c) { h = d.safeParse(e, g[c]) } } } if (h && d.snapToIncrement) { h = new Date(Ext.Number.snap(h.getTime(), d.increment * 60 * 1000)) } return h }, safeParse: function (e, g) { var d = this, b = Ext.Date, c, a = null; if (b.formatContainsDateInfo(g)) { a = b.parse(e, g) } else { c = b.parse(d.initDate + " " + e, d.initDateFormat + " " + g); if (c) { a = c } } return a }, getSubmitValue: function () { var a = this, c = a.submitFormat || a.format, b = a.getValue(); return b ? Ext.Date.format(b, c) : null }, createPicker: function () { var b = this, a; b.listConfig = Ext.apply({ xtype: "timepicker", selModel: { mode: "SINGLE" }, cls: undefined, minValue: b.minValue, maxValue: b.maxValue, increment: b.increment, format: b.format, maxHeight: b.pickerMaxHeight }, b.listConfig); a = b.callParent(); b.bindStore(a.store); return a }, onItemClick: function (b, a) { var d = this, c = b.getSelectionModel().getSelection(); if (c.length > 0) { c = c[0]; if (c && Ext.Date.isEqual(a.get("date"), c.get("date"))) { d.collapse() } } }, onListSelectionChange: function (b, d) { if (d.length) { var a = this, c = d[0].get("date"); if (!a.ignoreSelection) { a.skipSync = true; a.setValue(c); a.skipSync = false; a.fireEvent("select", a, c); a.picker.clearHighlight(); a.collapse(); a.inputEl.focus() } } }, syncSelection: function () { var k = this, h = k.picker, c, g, l, b, j, e, a; if (h && !k.skipSync) { h.clearHighlight(); l = k.getValue(); g = h.getSelectionModel(); k.ignoreSelection++; if (l === null) { g.deselectAll() } else { if (Ext.isDate(l)) { b = h.store.data.items; e = b.length; for (j = 0; j < e; j++) { a = b[j]; if (Ext.Date.isEqual(a.get("date"), l)) { c = a; break } } g.select(c) } } k.ignoreSelection-- } }, postBlur: function () { var a = this, b = a.getValue(); a.callParent(arguments); if (a.wasValid && b) { a.setRawValue(a.formatDate(b)) } }, setValue: function () { this.getPicker(); return this.callParent(arguments) }, getValue: function () { return this.parseDate(this.callParent(arguments)) } }, 0, ["timefield"], ["field", "trigger", "combobox", "timefield", "textfield", "pickerfield", "component", "combo", "box", "triggerfield"], { field: true, trigger: true, combobox: true, timefield: true, textfield: true, pickerfield: true, component: true, combo: true, box: true, triggerfield: true }, ["widget.timefield"], 0, [Ext.form.field, "Time", Ext.form, "TimeField", Ext.form, "Time"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.CellContext", Ext.Base, { isCellContext: true, constructor: function (a) { this.view = a }, setPosition: function (c, a) { var b = this; if (arguments.length === 1) { if (c.view) { b.view = c.view } a = c.column; c = c.row } b.setRow(c); b.setColumn(a); return b }, setRow: function (b) { var a = this; if (b !== undefined) { if (typeof b === "number") { a.row = Math.max(Math.min(b, a.view.dataSource.getCount() - 1), 0); a.record = a.view.dataSource.getAt(b) } else { if (b.isModel) { a.record = b; a.row = a.view.indexOf(b) } else { if (b.tagName) { a.record = a.view.getRecord(b); a.row = a.view.indexOf(a.record) } } } } }, setColumn: function (b) { var c = this, a = c.view.ownerCt.columnManager; if (b !== undefined) { if (typeof b === "number") { c.column = b; c.columnHeader = a.getHeaderAtIndex(b) } else { if (b.isHeader) { c.columnHeader = b; c.column = a.getHeaderIndex(b) } } } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.grid, "CellContext"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.CellEditor", Ext.Editor, { constructor: function (a) { a = Ext.apply({}, a); if (a.field) { a.field.monitorTab = false } this.callParent([a]) }, onShow: function () { var a = this, b = a.boundEl.first(); if (b) { if (a.isForTree) { b = b.child(a.treeNodeSelector) } b.hide() } a.callParent(arguments) }, onHide: function () { var a = this, b = a.boundEl.first(); if (b) { if (a.isForTree) { b = b.child(a.treeNodeSelector) } b.show() } a.callParent(arguments) }, afterRender: function () { var a = this, b = a.field; a.callParent(arguments); if (b.isCheckbox) { b.mon(b.inputEl, { mousedown: a.onCheckBoxMouseDown, click: a.onCheckBoxClick, scope: a }) } }, onCheckBoxMouseDown: function () { this.completeEdit = Ext.emptyFn }, onCheckBoxClick: function () { delete this.completeEdit; this.field.focus(false, 10) }, realign: function (a) { var h = this, e = h.boundEl, j = e.first(), d = e.getWidth(), g = Ext.Array.clone(h.offsets), b = h.grid, c; if (h.isForTree) { c = h.getTreeNodeOffset(j); d -= Math.abs(c); g[0] += c } if (b.columnLines) { d -= e.getBorderWidth("rl") } if (a === true) { h.field.setWidth(d) } h.alignTo(j, h.alignment, g) }, getTreeNodeOffset: function (a) { return a.child(this.treeNodeSelector).getOffsetsTo(a)[0] }, onEditorTab: function (b) { var a = this.field; if (a.onEditorTab) { a.onEditorTab(b) } }, alignment: "l-l", hideEl: false, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "small-editor " + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-editor " + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-editor", treeNodeSelector: "." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-node-text", shim: false, shadow: false }, 1, 0, ["editor", "component", "container", "box"], { editor: true, component: true, container: true, box: true }, 0, 0, [Ext.grid, "CellEditor"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.ColumnComponentLayout", Ext.layout.component.Auto, { type: "columncomponent", setWidthInDom: true, beginLayout: function (b) { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); b.titleContext = b.getEl("titleEl"); b.triggerContext = b.getEl("triggerEl") }, beginLayoutCycle: function (d) { var b = this, a = b.owner; b.callParent(arguments); if (d.widthModel.shrinkWrap) { a.el.setWidth("") } var c = a.isLast && a.isSubHeader ? "0" : ""; if (c !== b.lastBorderRightWidth) { a.el.dom.style.borderRightWidth = b.lasBorderRightWidth = c } a.titleEl.setStyle({ paddingTop: "", paddingBottom: "" }) }, publishInnerHeight: function (d, k) { if (!k) { return } var g = this, b = g.owner, a = k - d.getBorderInfo().height, c = a, h, e, l, j; if (!b.noWrap && !d.hasDomProp("width")) { g.done = false; return } if (d.hasRawContent) { e = c; h = b.textEl.getHeight(); if (h) { c -= h; if (c > 0) { l = Math.floor(c / 2); j = c - l; d.titleContext.setProp("padding-top", l); d.titleContext.setProp("padding-bottom", j) } } } else { e = b.titleEl.getHeight(); d.setProp("innerHeight", a - e, false) } if ((Ext.isIE6 || Ext.isIEQuirks) && d.triggerContext) { d.triggerContext.setHeight(e) } }, measureContentHeight: function (a) { return a.el.dom.offsetHeight }, publishOwnerHeight: function (b, a) { this.callParent(arguments); if ((Ext.isIE6 || Ext.isIEQuirks) && b.triggerContext) { b.triggerContext.setHeight(a) } }, publishInnerWidth: function (a, b) { if (!a.hasRawContent) { a.setProp("innerWidth", b - a.getBorderInfo().width, false) } }, calculateOwnerHeightFromContentHeight: function (c, b) { var a = this.callParent(arguments); if (!c.hasRawContent) { if (this.owner.noWrap || c.hasDomProp("width")) { return b + this.owner.titleEl.getHeight() + c.getBorderInfo().height } return null } return a }, calculateOwnerWidthFromContentWidth: function (g, b) { var a = this.owner, e = Math.max(b, a.textEl.getWidth() + g.titleContext.getPaddingInfo().width), d = g.getPaddingInfo().width, c = this.getTriggerOffset(a, g); return e + d + c }, getTriggerOffset: function (a, c) { var b = 0; if (c.widthModel.shrinkWrap && !a.menuDisabled) { if (a.query(">:not([hidden])").length === 0) { b = a.self.triggerElWidth } } return b } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.columncomponent"], 0, [Ext.grid, "ColumnComponentLayout"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.ColumnLayout", Ext.layout.container.HBox, { type: "gridcolumn", reserveOffset: false, firstHeaderCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "column-header-first", lastHeaderCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "column-header-last", initLayout: function () { if (!this.scrollbarWidth) { this.self.prototype.scrollbarWidth = Ext.getScrollbarSize().width } this.grid = this.owner.up("[scrollerOwner]"); this.callParent() }, beginLayout: function (c) { var j = this, b = j.owner, a = j.grid, k = a.view, h = j.getVisibleItems(), g = h.length, d = j.firstHeaderCls, m = j.lastHeaderCls, e, l; if (a.lockable) { if (b.up("tablepanel") === k.normalGrid) { k = k.normalGrid.getView() } else { k = null } } for (e = 0; e < g; e++) { l = h[e]; l.isLast = false; l.removeCls([d, m]); if (e === 0) { l.addCls(d) } if (e === g - 1) { l.addCls(m); l.isLast = true } } j.callParent(arguments); if (!b.isColumn && Ext.getScrollbarSize().width && !a.collapsed && k && k.rendered && (c.viewTable = k.body.dom)) { c.viewContext = c.context.getCmp(k) } }, roundFlex: function (a) { return Math.floor(a) }, calculate: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); if (a.state.parallelDone && (!this.owner.forceFit || a.flexedItems.length)) { a.setProp("columnWidthsDone", true) } if (a.viewContext) { a.state.tableHeight = a.viewTable.offsetHeight } }, completeLayout: function (d) { var b = this, a = b.owner, c = d.state; b.callParent(arguments); if (!d.flexedItems.length && !c.flexesCalculated && a.forceFit && b.convertWidthsToFlexes(d)) { b.cacheFlexes(d); d.invalidate({ state: { flexesCalculated: true } }) } else { d.setProp("columnWidthsDone", true) } }, convertWidthsToFlexes: function (a) { var g = this, d = 0, h = g.sizeModels.calculated, c, e, b, k, j; c = a.childItems; e = c.length; for (b = 0; b < e; b++) { k = c[b]; j = k.target; d += k.props.width; if (!(j.fixed || j.resizable === false)) { j.flex = a.childItems[b].flex = k.props.width; j.width = null; k.widthModel = h } } return d !== a.props.width }, getContainerSize: function (e) { var d = this, a, c = e.viewContext, b; if (d.owner.isColumn) { a = d.getColumnContainerSize(e) } else { a = d.callParent(arguments); if (c && !c.heightModel.shrinkWrap && c.target.componentLayout.ownerContext) { b = c.getProp("height"); if (isNaN(b)) { d.done = false } else { if (e.state.tableHeight > b) { a.width -= Ext.getScrollbarSize().width; e.state.parallelDone = false; c.invalidate() } } } } return a }, getColumnContainerSize: function (g) { var j = g.paddingContext.getPaddingInfo(), b = 0, e = 0, h, d, c, a; if (!g.widthModel.shrinkWrap) { ++e; c = g.getProp("innerWidth"); h = (typeof c == "number"); if (h) { ++b; c -= j.width; if (c < 0) { c = 0 } } } if (!g.heightModel.shrinkWrap) { ++e; a = g.getProp("innerHeight"); d = (typeof a == "number"); if (d) { ++b; a -= j.height; if (a < 0) { a = 0 } } } return { width: c, height: a, needed: e, got: b, gotAll: b == e, gotWidth: h, gotHeight: d } }, publishInnerCtSize: function (e) { var d = this, c = e.state.boxPlan.targetSize, b = e.peek("contentWidth"), a; d.owner.tooNarrow = e.state.boxPlan.tooNarrow; if ((b != null) && !d.owner.isColumn) { c.width = b; a = d.owner.ownerCt.view; if (a.scrollFlags.y) { c.width += Ext.getScrollbarSize().width } } return d.callParent(arguments) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.gridcolumn"], 0, [Ext.grid, "ColumnLayout"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.ColumnManager", Ext.Base, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.grid.ColumnModel"], columns: null, constructor: function (b, a) { this.headerCt = b; if (a) { this.secondHeaderCt = a } }, getColumns: function () { if (!this.columns) { this.cacheColumns() } return this.columns }, getHeaderIndex: function (a) { if (a.isGroupHeader) { a = a.down(":not([isGroupHeader])") } return Ext.Array.indexOf(this.getColumns(), a) }, getHeaderAtIndex: function (a) { var b = this.getColumns(); return b.length ? b[a] : null }, getHeaderById: function (e) { var c = this.getColumns(), a = c.length, b, d; for (b = 0; b < a; ++b) { d = c[b]; if (d.getItemId() === e) { return d } } return null }, getVisibleHeaderClosestToIndex: function (b) { var a = this.getHeaderAtIndex(b); if (a && a.hidden) { a = a.next(":not([hidden])") || a.prev(":not([hidden])") } return a }, cacheColumns: function () { this.columns = this.headerCt.getVisibleGridColumns(); if (this.secondHeaderCt) { Ext.Array.push(this.columns, this.secondHeaderCt.getVisibleGridColumns()) } }, invalidate: function () { this.columns = null; if (this.rootColumns) { this.rootColumns.invalidate() } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.grid, "ColumnManager", Ext.grid, "ColumnModel"], function () { this.createAlias("indexOf", "getHeaderIndex") })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.container.Fit", Ext.layout.container.Container, { alternateClassName: "Ext.layout.FitLayout", itemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "fit-item", targetCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "layout-fit", type: "fit", defaultMargins: { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 }, manageMargins: true, sizePolicies: { 0: { readsWidth: 1, readsHeight: 1, setsWidth: 0, setsHeight: 0 }, 1: { readsWidth: 0, readsHeight: 1, setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 0 }, 2: { readsWidth: 1, readsHeight: 0, setsWidth: 0, setsHeight: 1 }, 3: { readsWidth: 0, readsHeight: 0, setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 1 } }, getItemSizePolicy: function (b, c) { var a = c || this.owner.getSizeModel(), d = (a.width.shrinkWrap ? 0 : 1) | (a.height.shrinkWrap ? 0 : 2); return this.sizePolicies[d] }, beginLayoutCycle: function (k, g) { var t = this, u = t.lastHeightModel && t.lastHeightModel.calculated, h = t.lastWidthModel && t.lastWidthModel.calculated, o = h || u, l = 0, m = 0, s, b, p, r, e, a, j, n, q, d; t.callParent(arguments); if (o && k.targetContext.el.dom.tagName.toUpperCase() != "TD") { o = h = u = false } b = k.childItems; e = b.length; for (p = 0; p < e; ++p) { r = b[p]; if (g) { s = r.target; j = s.minHeight; n = s.minWidth; if (n || j) { a = r.marginInfo || r.getMarginInfo(); j += a.height; n += a.height; if (l < j) { l = j } if (m < n) { m = n } } } if (o) { q = r.el.dom.style; if (u) { q.height = "" } if (h) { q.width = "" } } } if (g) { k.maxChildMinHeight = l; k.maxChildMinWidth = m } s = k.target; k.overflowX = (!k.widthModel.shrinkWrap && k.maxChildMinWidth && s.scrollFlags.x) || d; k.overflowY = (!k.heightModel.shrinkWrap && k.maxChildMinHeight && s.scrollFlags.y) || d }, calculate: function (g) { var o = this, l = g.childItems, d = l.length, c = o.getContainerSize(g), e = { length: d, ownerContext: g, targetSize: c }, r = g.widthModel.shrinkWrap, m = g.heightModel.shrinkWrap, k = g.overflowX, h = g.overflowY, n, b, p, j, a, q; if (k || h) { n = o.getScrollbarsNeeded(k && c.width, h && c.height, g.maxChildMinWidth, g.maxChildMinHeight); if (n) { b = Ext.getScrollbarSize(); if (n & 1) { c.height -= b.height } if (n & 2) { c.width -= b.width } } } for (j = 0; j < d; ++j) { e.index = j; o.fitItem(l[j], e) } if (m || r) { p = g.targetContext.getPaddingInfo(); if (r) { if (h && !c.gotHeight) { o.done = false } else { a = e.contentWidth + p.width; if (n & 2) { a += b.width } if (!g.setContentWidth(a)) { o.done = false } } } if (m) { if (k && !c.gotWidth) { o.done = false } else { q = e.contentHeight + p.height; if (n & 1) { q += b.height } if (!g.setContentHeight(q)) { o.done = false } } } } }, fitItem: function (b, c) { var a = this; if (b.invalid) { a.done = false; return } c.margins = b.getMarginInfo(); c.needed = c.got = 0; a.fitItemWidth(b, c); a.fitItemHeight(b, c); if (c.got != c.needed) { a.done = false } }, fitItemWidth: function (c, d) { var a, b; if (d.ownerContext.widthModel.shrinkWrap) { b = c.getProp("width") + d.margins.width; a = d.contentWidth; if (a === undefined) { d.contentWidth = b } else { d.contentWidth = Math.max(a, b) } } else { if (c.widthModel.calculated) { ++d.needed; if (d.targetSize.gotWidth) { ++d.got; this.setItemWidth(c, d) } } } this.positionItemX(c, d) }, fitItemHeight: function (c, d) { var b, a; if (d.ownerContext.heightModel.shrinkWrap) { a = c.getProp("height") + d.margins.height; b = d.contentHeight; if (b === undefined) { d.contentHeight = a } else { d.contentHeight = Math.max(b, a) } } else { if (c.heightModel.calculated) { ++d.needed; if (d.targetSize.gotHeight) { ++d.got; this.setItemHeight(c, d) } } } this.positionItemY(c, d) }, positionItemX: function (a, c) { var b = c.margins; if (c.index || b.left) { a.setProp("x", b.left) } if (b.width) { a.setProp("margin-right", b.width) } }, positionItemY: function (a, c) { var b = c.margins; if (c.index || b.top) { a.setProp("y", b.top) } if (b.height) { a.setProp("margin-bottom", b.height) } }, setItemHeight: function (a, b) { a.setHeight(b.targetSize.height - b.margins.height) }, setItemWidth: function (a, b) { a.setWidth(b.targetSize.width - b.margins.width) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.fit"], 0, [Ext.layout.container, "Fit", Ext.layout, "FitLayout"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.panel.Table", Ext.panel.Panel, { extraBaseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid", extraBodyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-body", layout: "fit", hasView: false, viewType: null, selType: "rowmodel", scroll: true, deferRowRender: true, sortableColumns: true, enableLocking: false, scrollerOwner: true, enableColumnMove: true, sealedColumns: false, enableColumnResize: true, rowLines: true, colLinesCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-with-col-lines", rowLinesCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-with-row-lines", noRowLinesCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-no-row-lines", hiddenHeaderCtCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-header-ct-hidden", hiddenHeaderCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-header-hidden", resizeMarkerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-resize-marker", emptyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-empty", initComponent: function () { var g = this, h = g.columns || g.colModel, b, e, a, c = g.store = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup(g.store || "ext-empty-store"), d; if (g.columnLines) { g.addCls(g.colLinesCls) } g.addCls(g.rowLines ? g.rowLinesCls : g.noRowLinesCls); if (h instanceof Ext.grid.header.Container) { h.isRootHeader = true; g.headerCt = h } else { if (g.enableLocking || g.hasLockedColumns(h)) { g.self.mixin("lockable", Ext.grid.locking.Lockable); g.injectLockable() } else { if (Ext.isArray(h)) { h = { items: h } } Ext.apply(h, { grid: g, forceFit: g.forceFit, sortable: g.sortableColumns, enableColumnMove: g.enableColumnMove, enableColumnResize: g.enableColumnResize, sealed: g.sealedColumns, isRootHeader: true }); if (Ext.isDefined(g.enableColumnHide)) { h.enableColumnHide = g.enableColumnHide } if (!g.headerCt) { g.headerCt = new Ext.grid.header.Container(h) } } } g.columns = g.headerCt.getGridColumns(); g.scrollTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(g.syncHorizontalScroll, g); g.addEvents("reconfigure", "viewready"); g.bodyCls = g.bodyCls || ""; g.bodyCls += (" " + g.extraBodyCls); g.cls = g.cls || ""; g.cls += (" " + g.extraBaseCls); delete g.autoScroll; if (!g.hasView) { d = g.headerCt.getGridColumns(); if (c.buffered && !c.remoteSort) { for (e = 0, a = d.length; e < a; e++) { d[e].sortable = false } } if (g.hideHeaders) { g.headerCt.height = 0; g.headerCt.hiddenHeaders = true; g.headerCt.addCls(g.hiddenHeaderCtCls); g.addCls(g.hiddenHeaderCls); if (Ext.isIEQuirks) { g.headerCt.style = { display: "none" } } } g.relayHeaderCtEvents(g.headerCt); g.features = g.features || []; if (!Ext.isArray(g.features)) { g.features = [g.features] } g.dockedItems = [].concat(g.dockedItems || []); g.dockedItems.unshift(g.headerCt); g.viewConfig = g.viewConfig || {}; b = g.getView(); g.items = [b]; g.hasView = true; if (!g.hideHeaders) { b.on({ scroll: { fn: g.onHorizontalScroll, element: "el", scope: g } }) } g.bindStore(c, true); g.mon(b, { viewready: g.onViewReady, refresh: g.onRestoreHorzScroll, scope: g }) } g.relayEvents(g.view, ["beforeitemmousedown", "beforeitemmouseup", "beforeitemmouseenter", "beforeitemmouseleave", "beforeitemclick", "beforeitemdblclick", "beforeitemcontextmenu", "itemmousedown", "itemmouseup", "itemmouseenter", "itemmouseleave", "itemclick", "itemdblclick", "itemcontextmenu", "beforecellclick", "cellclick", "beforecelldblclick", "celldblclick", "beforecellcontextmenu", "cellcontextmenu", "beforecellmousedown", "cellmousedown", "beforecellmouseup", "cellmouseup", "beforecellkeydown", "cellkeydown", "beforecontainermousedown", "beforecontainermouseup", "beforecontainermouseover", "beforecontainermouseout", "beforecontainerclick", "beforecontainerdblclick", "beforecontainercontextmenu", "containermouseup", "containermouseover", "containermouseout", "containerclick", "containerdblclick", "containercontextmenu", "selectionchange", "beforeselect", "select", "beforedeselect", "deselect"]); g.callParent(arguments); g.addStateEvents(["columnresize", "columnmove", "columnhide", "columnshow", "sortchange", "filterchange"]); if (!g.lockable && g.headerCt) { g.headerCt.on("afterlayout", g.onRestoreHorzScroll, g) } }, hasLockedColumns: function (c) { var b, a, d; if (Ext.isObject(c)) { c = c.items } for (b = 0, a = c.length; b < a; b++) { d = c[b]; if (!d.processed && d.locked) { return true } } }, relayHeaderCtEvents: function (a) { this.relayEvents(a, ["columnresize", "columnmove", "columnhide", "columnshow", "columnschanged", "sortchange", "headerclick", "headercontextmenu", "headertriggerclick"]) }, getState: function () { var b = this, c = b.callParent(), a = b.store.getState(); c = b.addPropertyToState(c, "columns", b.headerCt.getColumnsState()); if (a) { c.storeState = a } return c }, applyState: function (e) { var d = this, g = e.sort, a = e.storeState, b = d.store, c = e.columns; delete e.columns; d.callParent(arguments); if (c) { d.headerCt.applyColumnsState(c) } if (g) { if (b.remoteSort) { b.sort({ property: g.property, direction: g.direction, root: g.root }, null, false) } else { b.sort(g.property, g.direction) } } else { if (a) { b.applyState(a) } } }, getStore: function () { return this.store }, getView: function () { var a = this, b; if (!a.view) { b = a.getSelectionModel(); Ext.widget(Ext.apply({ grid: a, deferInitialRefresh: a.deferRowRender !== false, trackOver: a.trackMouseOver !== false, scroll: a.scroll, xtype: a.viewType, store: a.store, headerCt: a.headerCt, columnLines: a.columnLines, rowLines: a.rowLines, selModel: b, features: a.features, panel: a, emptyText: a.emptyText || "" }, a.viewConfig)); if (a.view.emptyText) { a.view.emptyText = '
' + a.view.emptyText + "
" } a.view.getComponentLayout().headerCt = a.headerCt; a.mon(a.view, { uievent: a.processEvent, scope: a }); b.view = a.view; a.headerCt.view = a.view } return a.view }, setAutoScroll: Ext.emptyFn, processEvent: function (h, k, l, a, j, d, c, m) { var g = this, b; if (j !== -1) { b = g.columnManager.getColumns()[j]; return b.processEvent.apply(b, arguments) } }, determineScrollbars: function () {}, invalidateScroller: function () {}, scrollByDeltaY: function (b, a) { this.getView().scrollBy(0, b, a) }, scrollByDeltaX: function (b, a) { this.getView().scrollBy(b, 0, a) }, afterCollapse: function () { var a = this; a.saveScrollPos(); a.saveScrollPos(); a.callParent(arguments) }, afterExpand: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); a.restoreScrollPos(); a.restoreScrollPos() }, saveScrollPos: Ext.emptyFn, restoreScrollPos: Ext.emptyFn, onHeaderResize: function () { this.delayScroll() }, onHeaderMove: function (e, g, a, b, d) { var c = this; if (c.optimizedColumnMove === false) { c.view.refresh() } else { c.view.moveColumn(b, d, a) } c.delayScroll() }, onHeaderHide: function (a, b) { this.view.refresh(); this.delayScroll() }, onHeaderShow: function (a, b) { this.view.refresh(); this.delayScroll() }, delayScroll: function () { var a = this.getScrollTarget().el; if (a) { this.scrollTask.delay(10, null, null, [a.dom.scrollLeft]) } }, onViewReady: function () { this.fireEvent("viewready", this) }, onRestoreHorzScroll: function () { var a = this.scrollLeftPos; if (a) { this.syncHorizontalScroll(a, true) } }, getScrollerOwner: function () { var a = this; if (!this.scrollerOwner) { a = this.up("[scrollerOwner]") } return a }, getLhsMarker: function () { var a = this; return a.lhsMarker || (a.lhsMarker = Ext.DomHelper.append(a.el, { cls: a.resizeMarkerCls }, true)) }, getRhsMarker: function () { var a = this; return a.rhsMarker || (a.rhsMarker = Ext.DomHelper.append(a.el, { cls: a.resizeMarkerCls }, true)) }, getSelectionModel: function () { var c = this, a = c.selModel, e, d, b; if (!a) { a = {}; e = true } if (!a.events) { b = a.selType || c.selType; e = !a.mode; a = c.selModel = Ext.create("selection." + b, a) } if (c.simpleSelect) { d = "SIMPLE" } else { if (c.multiSelect) { d = "MULTI" } } Ext.applyIf(a, { allowDeselect: c.allowDeselect }); if (d && e) { a.setSelectionMode(d) } if (!a.hasRelaySetup) { c.relayEvents(a, ["selectionchange", "beforeselect", "beforedeselect", "select", "deselect"]); a.hasRelaySetup = true } if (c.disableSelection) { a.locked = true } return a }, getScrollTarget: function () { var a = this.getScrollerOwner(), b = a.query("tableview"); return b[1] || b[0] }, onHorizontalScroll: function (a, b) { this.syncHorizontalScroll(b.scrollLeft) }, syncHorizontalScroll: function (d, b) { var c = this, a; b = b === true; if (c.rendered && (b || d !== c.scrollLeftPos)) { if (b) { a = c.getScrollTarget(); a.el.dom.scrollLeft = d } c.headerCt.el.dom.scrollLeft = d; c.scrollLeftPos = d } }, onStoreLoad: Ext.emptyFn, getEditorParent: function () { return this.body }, bindStore: function (b, c) { var d = this, a = d.getView(), e = b && b.buffered, g; d.store = b; g = d.findPlugin("bufferedrenderer"); if (g) { d.verticalScroller = g; if (g.store) { g.bindStore(b) } } else { if (e) { d.verticalScroller = g = d.addPlugin(Ext.apply({ ptype: "bufferedrenderer" }, d.initialConfig.verticalScroller)) } } if (a.store !== b) { if (c) { a.bindStore(b, false, "dataSource") } else { a.bindStore(b, false) } } d.mon(b, { load: d.onStoreLoad, scope: d }); d.storeRelayers = d.relayEvents(b, ["filterchange"]); if (g) { d.invalidateScrollerOnRefresh = false } if (d.invalidateScrollerOnRefresh !== undefined) { a.preserveScrollOnRefresh = !d.invalidateScrollerOnRefresh } }, unbindStore: function () { var b = this, a = b.store; if (a) { b.store = null; b.mun(a, { load: b.onStoreLoad, scope: b }); Ext.destroy(b.storeRelayers) } }, reconfigure: function (b, e) { var g = this, a = g.getView(), d, j = g.store, h = g.headerCt, c = h ? h.items.getRange() : g.columns; if (e) { e = Ext.Array.slice(e) } g.fireEvent("beforereconfigure", g, b, e, j, c); if (g.lockable) { g.reconfigureLockable(b, e) } else { Ext.suspendLayouts(); if (e) { delete g.scrollLeftPos; h.removeAll(); h.add(e) } if (b && (b = Ext.StoreManager.lookup(b)) !== j) { if (g.store) { g.unbindStore() } d = a.deferInitialRefresh; a.deferInitialRefresh = false; g.bindStore(b); a.deferInitialRefresh = d } else { g.getView().refresh() } h.setSortState(); Ext.resumeLayouts(true) } g.fireEvent("reconfigure", g, b, e, j, c) }, beforeDestroy: function () { var a = this.scrollTask; if (a) { a.cancel(); this.scrollTask = null } this.callParent() }, onDestroy: function () { if (this.lockable) { this.destroyLockable() } this.callParent() } }, 0, ["tablepanel"], ["panel", "component", "tablepanel", "container", "box"], { panel: true, component: true, tablepanel: true, container: true, box: true }, ["widget.tablepanel"], 0, [Ext.panel, "Table"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.CSS", Ext.Base, function () { var c, e = null, d = document, b = /(-[a-z])/gi, a = function (g, h) { return h.charAt(1).toUpperCase() }; return { singleton: true, rules: e, initialized: false, constructor: function () { c = this }, createStyleSheet: function (j, m) { var h, g = d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], l = d.createElement("style"); l.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); if (m) { l.setAttribute("id", m) } if (Ext.isIE) { g.appendChild(l); h = l.styleSheet; h.cssText = j } else { try { l.appendChild(d.createTextNode(j)) } catch (k) { l.cssText = j } g.appendChild(l); h = l.styleSheet ? l.styleSheet : (l.sheet || d.styleSheets[d.styleSheets.length - 1]) } c.cacheStyleSheet(h); return h }, removeStyleSheet: function (h) { var g = d.getElementById(h); if (g) { g.parentNode.removeChild(g) } }, swapStyleSheet: function (j, g) { var h; c.removeStyleSheet(j); h = d.createElement("link"); h.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); h.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); h.setAttribute("id", j); h.setAttribute("href", g); d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(h) }, refreshCache: function () { return c.getRules(true) }, cacheStyleSheet: function (m) { if (!e) { e = c.rules = {} } try { var p = m.cssRules || m.rules, l = p.length - 1, h = m.imports, g = h ? h.length : 0, o, k; for (k = 0; k < g; ++k) { c.cacheStyleSheet(h[k]) } for (; l >= 0; --l) { o = p[l]; if (o.styleSheet) { c.cacheStyleSheet(o.styleSheet) } c.cacheRule(o, m) } } catch (n) {} }, cacheRule: function (h, m) { if (h.styleSheet) { return c.cacheStyleSheet(h.styleSheet) } var l = h.selectorText, k, g; if (l) { l = l.split(","); k = l.length; for (g = 0; g < k; g++) { e[Ext.String.trim(l[g]).toLowerCase()] = { parentStyleSheet: m, cssRule: h } } } }, getRules: function (j) { var h = {}, g; if (e === null || j) { c.refreshCache() } for (g in e) { h[g] = e[g].cssRule } return h }, refreshCache: function () { var j = d.styleSheets, h = 0, g = j.length; e = c.rules = {}; for (; h < g; h++) { try { if (!j[h].disabled) { c.cacheStyleSheet(j[h]) } } catch (k) {} } }, getRule: function (h, k, j) { var l, g; if (!e || k) { c.refreshCache() } if (!Ext.isArray(h)) { g = e[h.toLowerCase()]; if (g && !j) { g = g.cssRule } return g || null } for (l = 0; l < h.length; l++) { if (e[h[l]]) { return j ? e[h[l].toLowerCase()] : e[h[l].toLowerCase()].cssRule } } return null }, createRule: function (m, h, k) { var g, l = m.cssRules || m.rules, j = l.length; if (m.insertRule) { m.insertRule(h + "{" + k + "}", j) } else { m.addRule(h, k || " ") } c.cacheRule(g = l[j], m); return g }, updateRule: function (g, l, k) { var m, h, j; if (!Ext.isArray(g)) { m = c.getRule(g); if (m) { if (arguments.length == 2) { j = Ext.Element.parseStyles(l); for (l in j) { m.style[l.replace(b, a)] = j[l] } } else { m.style[l.replace(b, a)] = k } return true } } else { for (h = 0; h < g.length; h++) { if (c.updateRule(g[h], l, k)) { return true } } } return false }, deleteRule: function (g) { var j = c.getRule(g, false, true), k, h; if (j) { k = j.parentStyleSheet; h = Ext.Array.indexOf(k.cssRules || k.rules, j.cssRule); if (k.deleteRule) { k.deleteRule(h) } else { k.removeRule(h) } delete e[g] } } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "CSS"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.view.TableLayout", Ext.layout.component.Auto, { type: "tableview", beginLayout: function (d) { var c = this, b = c.owner.lockingPartner, a = c.owner; c.callParent(arguments); if (b) { c.lockedGrid = c.owner.up("[lockable]"); c.lockedGrid.needsRowHeightSync = true; if (!d.lockingPartner) { d.lockingPartner = d.context.getItem(b, b.el); if (d.lockingPartner && !d.lockingPartner.lockingPartner) { d.lockingPartner.lockingPartner = d } } } d.headerContext = d.context.getCmp(c.headerCt); if (c.owner.body.dom) { d.bodyContext = d.getEl(c.owner.body) } if (Ext.isWebKit) { a.el.select(a.getBodySelector()).setStyle("table-layout", "auto") } }, calculate: function (g) { var e = this, c = e.lockingPartner, a = e.owner, d = 0, b; if (g.headerContext.hasProp("columnWidthsDone")) { if (!e.setColumnWidths(g)) { e.done = false; return } g.state.columnWidthsSynced = true; if (g.bodyContext) { b = e.owner.el.down("." + a.ownerCt.emptyCls, true); if (!b) { d = g.bodyContext.el.dom.offsetHeight; g.bodyContext.setHeight(d, false) } else { d = b.offsetHeight } g.setProp("contentHeight", d) } if (c && !c.state.columnWidthsSynced) { e.done = false } else { e.callParent(arguments) } } else { e.done = false } }, measureContentHeight: function (b) { var a = b.lockingPartner; if (!b.bodyContext || (b.state.columnWidthsSynced && (!a || a.state.columnWidthsSynced))) { return this.callParent(arguments) } }, setColumnWidths: function (d) { var n = this, c = n.owner, b = d.context, g = n.headerCt.getVisibleGridColumns(), e, k = 0, m = g.length, l = 0, a = 0, o, j, h = !Ext.isBorderBox; if (b) { b.currentLayout = n } for (k = 0; k < m; k++) { e = g[k]; o = b.getCmp(e); j = o.props.width; if (isNaN(j)) { o.getProp("width"); return false } l += j; if (h && c.columnLines) { if (!a) { a = b.getCmp(e).borderInfo.width || 1 } j -= a } c.body.select(c.getColumnSizerSelector(e)).setWidth(j) } c.el.select(c.getBodySelector()).setWidth(l); return true }, finishedLayout: function () { var b = this, a = b.owner; b.callParent(arguments); if (Ext.isWebKit) { a.el.select(a.getBodySelector()).setStyle("table-layout", "") } if (a.refreshCounter && b.lockedGrid && b.lockedGrid.syncRowHeight && b.lockedGrid.needsRowHeightSync) { b.lockedGrid.syncRowHeights(); b.lockedGrid.needsRowHeightSync = false } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.tableview"], 0, [Ext.view, "TableLayout"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.view.NodeCache", Ext.Base, { constructor: function (a) { this.view = a; this.clear(); this.el = new Ext.dom.AbstractElement.Fly() }, clear: function (e) { var c = this, d = this.elements, a, b; if (e) { for (a in d) { b = d[a]; b.parentNode.removeChild(b) } } c.elements = {}; c.count = c.startIndex = 0; c.endIndex = -1 }, fill: function (b, g) { var d = this, e = d.elements = {}, c, a = b.length; if (!g) { g = 0 } for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { e[g + c] = b[c] } d.startIndex = g; d.endIndex = g + a - 1; d.count = a; return this }, insert: function (g, b) { var d = this, e = d.elements, c, a = b.length; if (d.count) { if (g < d.count) { for (c = d.endIndex + a; c >= g + a; c--) { e[c] = e[c - a]; e[c].setAttribute("data-recordIndex", c) } } d.endIndex = d.endIndex + a } else { d.startIndex = g; d.endIndex = g + a - 1 } for (c = 0; c < a; c++, g++) { e[g] = b[c]; e[g].setAttribute("data-recordIndex", g) } d.count += a }, item: function (c, b) { var d = this.elements[c], a = null; if (d) { a = b ? this.elements[c] : this.el.attach(this.elements[c]) } return a }, first: function (a) { return this.item(this.startIndex, a) }, last: function (a) { return this.item(this.endIndex, a) }, getCount: function () { return this.count }, slice: function (e, b) { var d = this.elements, a = [], c; if (arguments.length < 2) { b = this.endIndex } else { b = Math.min(this.endIndex, b - 1) } for (c = e || this.startIndex; c <= b; c++) { a.push(d[c]) } return a }, replaceElement: function (d, c, a) { var e = this.elements, b = (typeof d === "number") ? d : this.indexOf(d); if (b > -1) { c = Ext.getDom(c); if (a) { d = e[b]; d.parentNode.insertBefore(c, d); Ext.removeNode(d); c.setAttribute("data-recordIndex", b) } this.elements[b] = c } return this }, indexOf: function (b) { var c = this.elements, a; b = Ext.getDom(b); for (a = this.startIndex; a <= this.endIndex; a++) { if (c[a] === b) { return a } } return -1 }, removeRange: function (b, g, d) { var j = this, a = j.elements, e, h, c, k; if (g === undefined) { g = j.count } else { g = Math.min(j.endIndex + 1, g + 1) } if (!b) { b = 0 } c = g - b; for (h = b, k = g; h < j.endIndex; h++, k++) { if (d && h < g) { Ext.removeNode(a[h]) } if (k <= j.endIndex) { e = a[h] = a[k]; e.setAttribute("data-recordIndex", h) } else { delete a[h] } } j.count -= c; j.endIndex -= c }, removeElement: function (m, c) { var h = this, l, k, a = h.elements, d, e, b = 0, g, j; if (Ext.isArray(m)) { l = m; m = []; e = l.length; for (b = 0; b < e; b++) { k = l[b]; if (typeof k !== "number") { k = h.indexOf(k) } if (k >= h.startIndex && k <= h.endIndex) { m[m.length] = k } } Ext.Array.sort(m); e = m.length } else { if (m < h.startIndex || m > h.endIndex) { return } e = 1; m = [m] } for (g = j = m[0], b = 0; g <= h.endIndex; g++, j++) { if (b < e && g === m[b]) { j++; b++; if (c) { Ext.removeNode(a[g]) } } if (j <= h.endIndex && j >= h.startIndex) { d = a[g] = a[j]; d.setAttribute("data-recordIndex", g) } else { delete a[g] } } h.endIndex -= e; h.count -= e }, scroll: function (e, l, c) { var k = this, a = k.elements, n = e.length, h, d, b, g, j = k.view.getNodeContainer(), m = document.createDocumentFragment(); if (l == -1) { for (h = (k.endIndex - c) + 1; h <= k.endIndex; h++) { d = a[h]; delete a[h]; d.parentNode.removeChild(d) } k.endIndex -= c; g = k.view.bufferRender(e, k.startIndex -= n); for (h = 0; h < n; h++) { a[k.startIndex + h] = g[h]; m.appendChild(g[h]) } j.insertBefore(m, j.firstChild) } else { b = k.startIndex + c; for (h = k.startIndex; h < b; h++) { d = a[h]; delete a[h]; d.parentNode.removeChild(d) } k.startIndex = h; g = k.view.bufferRender(e, k.endIndex + 1); for (h = 0; h < n; h++) { a[k.endIndex += 1] = g[h]; m.appendChild(g[h]) } j.appendChild(m) } k.count = k.endIndex - k.startIndex + 1 } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.view, "NodeCache"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.view.Table", Ext.view.View, { componentLayout: "tableview", baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-view", firstCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-first", lastCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-last", headerRowSelector: "tr." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-header-row", selectedItemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-row-selected", beforeSelectedItemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-row-before-selected", selectedCellCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-selected", focusedItemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-row-focused", beforeFocusedItemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-row-before-focused", tableFocusedFirstCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-table-focused-first", tableSelectedFirstCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-table-selected-first", tableOverFirstCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-table-over-first", overItemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-row-over", beforeOverItemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-row-before-over", altRowCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-row-alt", dirtyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-dirty-cell", rowClsRe: new RegExp("(?:^|\\s*)" + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-row-(first|last|alt)(?:\\s+|$)", "g"), cellRe: new RegExp(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-([^\\s]+) ", ""), positionBody: true, trackOver: true, getRowClass: null, stripeRows: true, markDirty: true, tpl: "{%values.view.tableTpl.applyOut(values, out)%}", tableTpl: ["{%", 'var view=values.view,tableCls=["' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + '" + view.id + "-table ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-table"];', "if (view.columnLines) tableCls[tableCls.length]=view.ownerCt.colLinesCls;", "if (view.rowLines) tableCls[tableCls.length]=view.ownerCt.rowLinesCls;", "%}", '', "{[view.renderColumnSizer(out)]}", "{[view.renderTHead(values, out)]}", "{[view.renderTFoot(values, out)]}", '', "{%", "view.renderRows(values.rows, values.viewStartIndex, out);", "%}", "", "", { priority: 0 } ], rowTpl: ["{%", 'var dataRowCls = values.recordIndex === -1 ? "" : " ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-data-row";', "%}", '', '{%', "parent.view.renderCell(values, parent.record, parent.recordIndex, xindex - 1, out, parent)", "%}", "", "", { priority: 0 } ], cellTpl: ['', '
', "", { priority: 0 } ], refreshSelmodelOnRefresh: false, tableValues: {}, rowValues: { itemClasses: [], rowClasses: [] }, cellValues: { classes: [Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell " + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-td"] }, renderBuffer: document.createElement("div"), constructor: function (a) { if (a.grid.isTree) { a.baseCls = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-view" } this.callParent([a]) }, initComponent: function () { var b = this, a = b.scroll; this.addEvents("beforecellclick", "cellclick", "beforecelldblclick", "celldblclick", "beforecellcontextmenu", "cellcontextmenu", "beforecellmousedown", "cellmousedown", "beforecellmouseup", "cellmouseup", "beforecellkeydown", "cellkeydown"); b.body = new Ext.dom.Element.Fly(); b.body.id = b.id + "gridBody"; b.autoScroll = undefined; if (!b.trackOver) { b.overItemCls = null; b.beforeOverItemCls = null } if (a === true || a === "both") { b.autoScroll = true } else { if (a === "horizontal") { b.overflowX = "auto" } else { if (a === "vertical") { b.overflowY = "auto" } } } b.selModel.view = b; b.headerCt.view = b; b.grid.view = b; b.initFeatures(b.grid); delete b.grid; b.tpl = b.getTpl("tpl"); b.itemSelector = b.getItemSelector(); b.all = new Ext.view.NodeCache(b); b.callParent() }, moveColumn: function (a, o, d) { var n = this, l = (d > 1) ? document.createDocumentFragment() : undefined, c = o, p = n.getGridColumns().length, h = p - 1, b = (n.firstCls || n.lastCls) && (o === 0 || o == p || a === 0 || a == h), g, e, s, k, m, r, q; if (n.rendered && o !== a) { s = n.el.query(n.getDataRowSelector()); if (o > a && l) { c -= d } for (g = 0, k = s.length; g < k; g++) { m = s[g]; r = m.childNodes; if (b) { if (r.length === 1) { Ext.fly(r[0]).addCls(n.firstCls); Ext.fly(r[0]).addCls(n.lastCls); continue } if (a === 0) { Ext.fly(r[0]).removeCls(n.firstCls); Ext.fly(r[1]).addCls(n.firstCls) } else { if (a === h) { Ext.fly(r[h]).removeCls(n.lastCls); Ext.fly(r[h - 1]).addCls(n.lastCls) } } if (o === 0) { Ext.fly(r[0]).removeCls(n.firstCls); Ext.fly(r[a]).addCls(n.firstCls) } else { if (o === p) { Ext.fly(r[h]).removeCls(n.lastCls); Ext.fly(r[a]).addCls(n.lastCls) } } } if (l) { for (e = 0; e < d; e++) { l.appendChild(r[a]) } m.insertBefore(l, r[c] || null) } else { m.insertBefore(r[a], r[c] || null) } } q = n.el.query(n.getBodySelector()); for (g = 0, k = q.length; g < k; g++) { m = q[g]; if (l) { for (e = 0; e < d; e++) { l.appendChild(m.childNodes[a]) } m.insertBefore(l, m.childNodes[c] || null) } else { m.insertBefore(m.childNodes[a], m.childNodes[c] || null) } } } }, scrollToTop: Ext.emptyFn, addElListener: function (a, c, b) { this.mon(this, a, c, b, { element: "el" }) }, getGridColumns: function () { return this.ownerCt.columnManager.getColumns() }, getHeaderAtIndex: function (a) { return this.ownerCt.columnManager.getHeaderAtIndex(a) }, getCell: function (a, b) { var c = this.getNode(a, true); return Ext.fly(c).down(b.getCellSelector()) }, getFeature: function (b) { var a = this.featuresMC; if (a) { return a.get(b) } }, findFeature: function (a) { if (this.features) { return Ext.Array.findBy(this.features, function (b) { if (b.ftype === a) { return true } }) } }, initFeatures: function (d) { var g = this, c, e, b, a; g.tableTpl = Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(this, "tableTpl"); g.rowTpl = Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(this, "rowTpl"); g.cellTpl = Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(this, "cellTpl"); g.featuresMC = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); e = g.features = g.constructFeatures(); a = e ? e.length : 0; for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { b = e[c]; b.view = g; b.grid = d; g.featuresMC.add(b); b.init(d) } }, renderTHead: function (b, c) { var e = b.view.headerFns, a, d; if (e) { for (d = 0, a = e.length; d < a; ++d) { e[d].call(this, b, c) } } }, addHeaderFn: function () { var a = this.headerFns; if (!a) { a = this.headerFns = [] } a.push(fn) }, renderTFoot: function (b, c) { var e = b.view.footerFns, a, d; if (e) { for (d = 0, a = e.length; d < a; ++d) { e[d].call(this, b, c) } } }, addFooterFn: function (a) { var b = this.footerFns; if (!b) { b = this.footerFns = [] } b.push(a) }, addTableTpl: function (a) { return this.addTpl("tableTpl", a) }, addRowTpl: function (a) { return this.addTpl("rowTpl", a) }, addCellTpl: function (a) { return this.addTpl("cellTpl", a) }, addTpl: function (e, d) { var c = this, a, b; d = Ext.Object.chain(d); if (!d.isTemplate) { d.applyOut = c.tplApplyOut } for (a = c[e]; d.priority < a.priority; a = a.nextTpl) { b = a } if (b) { b.nextTpl = d } else { c[e] = d } d.nextTpl = a; return d }, tplApplyOut: function (a, b) { if (this.before) { if (this.before(a, b) === false) { return } } this.nextTpl.applyOut(a, b); if (this.after) { this.after(a, b) } }, constructFeatures: function () { var g = this, e = g.features, d, b, c = 0, a; if (e) { b = []; a = e.length; for (; c < a; c++) { d = e[c]; if (!d.isFeature) { d = Ext.create("feature." + d.ftype, d) } b[c] = d } } return b }, beforeRender: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); if (!a.enableTextSelection) { a.protoEl.unselectable() } }, onViewScroll: function (b, a) { this.callParent(arguments); this.fireEvent("bodyscroll", b, a) }, createRowElement: function (a, b) { var c = this, d = c.renderBuffer; c.tpl.overwrite(d, c.collectData([a], b)); return Ext.fly(d).down(c.getNodeContainerSelector(), true).firstChild }, bufferRender: function (a, b) { var c = this, d = c.renderBuffer; c.tpl.overwrite(d, c.collectData(a, b)); return Ext.Array.toArray(Ext.fly(d).down(c.getNodeContainerSelector(), true).childNodes) }, collectData: function (a, b) { this.rowValues.view = this; return { view: this, rows: a, viewStartIndex: b, tableStyle: this.bufferedRenderer ? ("position:absolute;top:" + this.bufferedRenderer.bodyTop) : "" } }, collectNodes: function (a) { this.all.fill(this.getNodeContainer().childNodes, this.all.startIndex) }, refreshSize: function () { var c = this, b, a = c.getBodySelector(); if (a) { c.body.attach(c.el.child(a, true)) } if (!c.hasLoadingHeight) { b = c.up("tablepanel"); Ext.suspendLayouts(); c.callParent(); b.updateLayout(); Ext.resumeLayouts(true) } }, statics: { getBoundView: function (a) { return Ext.getCmp(a.getAttribute("data-boundView")) } }, getRecord: function (b) { b = this.getNode(b); if (b) { var a = b.getAttribute("data-recordIndex"); if (a) { a = parseInt(a, 10); if (a > -1) { return this.store.data.getAt(a) } } return this.dataSource.data.get(b.getAttribute("data-recordId")) } }, indexOf: function (a) { a = this.getNode(a, false); if (!a && a !== 0) { return -1 } return this.all.indexOf(a) }, indexInStore: function (b) { b = this.getNode(b, true); if (!b && b !== 0) { return -1 } var a = b.getAttribute("data-recordIndex"); if (a) { return parseInt(a, 10) } return this.dataSource.indexOf(this.getRecord(b)) }, renderRows: function (e, d, b) { var g = this.rowValues, a = e.length, c; g.view = this; g.columns = this.ownerCt.columnManager.getColumns(); for (c = 0; c < a; c++, d++) { g.itemClasses.length = g.rowClasses.length = 0; this.renderRow(e[c], d, b) } g.view = g.columns = g.record = null }, renderColumnSizer: function (b) { var d = this.getGridColumns(), a = d.length, c, g, e; for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { g = d[c]; e = g.hidden ? 0 : (g.lastBox ? g.lastBox.width : Ext.grid.header.Container.prototype.defaultWidth); b.push('') } }, renderRow: function (g, a, e) { var j = this, d = a === -1, h = j.selModel, m = j.rowValues, c = m.itemClasses, b = m.rowClasses, l, k = j.rowTpl; m.record = g; m.recordId = g.internalId; m.recordIndex = a; m.rowId = j.getRowId(g); m.itemCls = m.rowCls = ""; if (!m.columns) { m.columns = j.ownerCt.columnManager.getColumns() } c.length = b.length = 0; if (!d) { c[0] = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-row"; if (h && h.isRowSelected) { if (h.isRowSelected(a + 1)) { c.push(j.beforeSelectedItemCls) } if (h.isRowSelected(g)) { c.push(j.selectedItemCls) } } if (j.stripeRows && a % 2 !== 0) { b.push(j.altRowCls) } if (j.getRowClass) { l = j.getRowClass(g, a, null, j.dataSource); if (l) { b.push(l) } } } if (e) { k.applyOut(m, e) } else { return k.apply(m) } }, renderCell: function (c, g, e, j, d) { var l = this, h = l.selModel, k = l.cellValues, b = k.classes, a = g.data[c.dataIndex], n = l.cellTpl, o, m; k.record = g; k.column = c; k.recordIndex = e; k.columnIndex = j; k.cellIndex = j; k.align = c.align; k.tdCls = c.tdCls; k.innerCls = c.innerCls; k.style = k.tdAttr = ""; k.unselectableAttr = l.enableTextSelection ? "" : 'unselectable="on"'; if (c.renderer && c.renderer.call) { o = c.renderer.call(c.scope || l.ownerCt, a, k, g, e, j, l.dataSource, l); if (k.css) { g.cssWarning = true; k.tdCls += " " + k.css; delete k.css } } else { o = a } k.value = (o == null || o === "") ? " " : o; b[1] = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-" + c.getItemId(); m = 2; if (c.tdCls) { b[m++] = c.tdCls } if (l.markDirty && g.isModified(c.dataIndex)) { b[m++] = l.dirtyCls } if (c.isFirstVisible) { b[m++] = l.firstCls } if (c.isLastVisible) { b[m++] = l.lastCls } if (!l.enableTextSelection) { b[m++] = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "unselectable" } b[m++] = k.tdCls; if (h && h.isCellSelected && h.isCellSelected(l, e, j)) { b[m++] = (l.selectedCellCls) } b.length = m; k.tdCls = b.join(" "); n.applyOut(k, d); k.column = null }, getNode: function (c, b) { var d, a = this.callParent(arguments); if (a && a.tagName) { if (b) { if (!(d = Ext.fly(a)).is(this.dataRowSelector)) { return d.down(this.dataRowSelector, true) } } else { if (b === false) { if (!(d = Ext.fly(a)).is(this.itemSelector)) { return d.up(this.itemSelector, null, true) } } } } return a }, getRowId: function (a) { return this.id + "-record-" + a.internalId }, constructRowId: function (a) { return this.id + "-record-" + a }, getNodeById: function (b, a) { b = this.constructRowId(b); return this.retrieveNode(b, a) }, getNodeByRecord: function (a, b) { var c = this.getRowId(a); return this.retrieveNode(c, b) }, retrieveNode: function (e, c) { var a = this.el.getById(e, true), b = this.itemSelector, d; if (c === false && a) { if (!(d = Ext.fly(a)).is(b)) { return d.up(b, null, true) } } return a }, updateIndexes: Ext.emptyFn, bodySelector: "table", nodeContainerSelector: "tbody", itemSelector: "tr." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-row", dataRowSelector: "tr." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-data-row", cellSelector: "td." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell", sizerSelector: "col." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell", innerSelector: "div." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-inner", getNodeContainer: function () { return this.el.down(this.nodeContainerSelector, true) }, getBodySelector: function () { return this.bodySelector + "." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + this.id + "-table" }, getNodeContainerSelector: function () { return this.nodeContainerSelector }, getColumnSizerSelector: function (a) { return this.sizerSelector + "-" + a.getItemId() }, getItemSelector: function () { return this.itemSelector }, getDataRowSelector: function () { return this.dataRowSelector }, getCellSelector: function (b) { var a = this.cellSelector; if (b) { a += "-" + b.getItemId() } return a }, getCellInnerSelector: function (a) { return this.getCellSelector(a) + " " + this.innerSelector }, addRowCls: function (b, a) { var c = this.getNode(b, false); if (c) { Ext.fly(c).addCls(a) } }, removeRowCls: function (b, a) { var c = this.getNode(b, false); if (c) { Ext.fly(c).removeCls(a) } }, setHighlightedItem: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.highlightedItem; if (a && b.el.isAncestor(a) && b.isRowStyleFirst(a)) { b.getRowStyleTableEl(a).removeCls(b.tableOverFirstCls) } if (c && b.isRowStyleFirst(c)) { b.getRowStyleTableEl(c).addCls(b.tableOverFirstCls) } b.callParent(arguments) }, onRowSelect: function (b) { var a = this; a.addRowCls(b, a.selectedItemCls); if (a.isRowStyleFirst(b)) { a.getRowStyleTableEl(b).addCls(a.tableSelectedFirstCls) } else { a.addRowCls(b - 1, a.beforeSelectedItemCls) } }, onRowDeselect: function (b) { var a = this; a.removeRowCls(b, [a.selectedItemCls, a.focusedItemCls]); if (a.isRowStyleFirst(b)) { a.getRowStyleTableEl(b).removeCls([a.tableFocusedFirstCls, a.tableSelectedFirstCls]) } else { a.removeRowCls(b - 1, [a.beforeFocusedItemCls, a.beforeSelectedItemCls]) } }, onCellSelect: function (b) { var a = this.getCellByPosition(b); if (a) { a.addCls(this.selectedCellCls); this.scrollCellIntoView(a) } }, onCellDeselect: function (b) { var a = this.getCellByPosition(b, true); if (a) { Ext.fly(a).removeCls(this.selectedCellCls) } }, getCellByPosition: function (a, b) { if (a) { var c = this.getNode(a.row, true), d = this.ownerCt.columnManager.getHeaderAtIndex(a.column); if (d && c) { return Ext.fly(c).down(this.getCellSelector(d), b) } } return false }, getFocusEl: function () { var b = this, a; if (b.refreshCounter) { a = b.focusedRow; if (!(a && b.el.contains(a))) { if (b.all.getCount() && (a = b.getNode(b.all.item(0).dom, true))) { b.focusRow(a) } else { a = b.body } } } else { return b.el } return Ext.get(a) }, onRowFocus: function (d, b, a) { var c = this; if (b) { c.addRowCls(d, c.focusedItemCls); if (c.isRowStyleFirst(d)) { c.getRowStyleTableEl(d).addCls(c.tableFocusedFirstCls) } else { c.addRowCls(d - 1, c.beforeFocusedItemCls) } if (!a) { c.focusRow(d) } } else { c.removeRowCls(d, c.focusedItemCls); if (c.isRowStyleFirst(d)) { c.getRowStyleTableEl(d).removeCls(c.tableFocusedFirstCls) } else { c.removeRowCls(d - 1, c.beforeFocusedItemCls) } } if ((Ext.isIE6 || Ext.isIE7) && !c.ownerCt.rowLines) { c.repaintRow(d) } }, focus: function (d, b) { var c = this, a = Ext.isIE && !b, e; if (a) { e = c.el.dom.scrollLeft } this.callParent(arguments); if (a) { c.el.dom.scrollLeft = e } }, focusRow: function (g, b) { var d = this, c, e = d.ownerCt && d.ownerCt.collapsed, a; if (d.isVisible(true) && !e && (g = d.getNode(g, true))) { d.scrollRowIntoView(g); a = d.getRecord(g); c = d.indexInStore(g); d.selModel.setLastFocused(a); d.focusedRow = g; d.focus(false, b, function () { d.fireEvent("rowfocus", a, g, c) }) } }, scrollRowIntoView: function (a) { a = this.getNode(a, true); if (a) { Ext.fly(a).scrollIntoView(this.el, false) } }, focusCell: function (b) { var d = this, a = d.getCellByPosition(b), c = d.getRecord(b.row); d.focusRow(c); if (a) { d.scrollCellIntoView(a); d.fireEvent("cellfocus", c, a, b) } }, scrollCellIntoView: function (a) { if (a.row != null && a.column != null) { a = this.getCellByPosition(a) } if (a) { Ext.fly(a).scrollIntoView(this.el, true) } }, scrollByDelta: function (c, b) { b = b || "scrollTop"; var a = this.el.dom; a[b] = (a[b] += c) }, isDataRow: function (a) { return Ext.fly(a).hasCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-data-row") }, syncRowHeights: function (g, a) { g = Ext.get(g); a = Ext.get(a); g.dom.style.height = a.dom.style.height = ""; var d = this, e = d.rowTpl, b = g.dom.offsetHeight, c = a.dom.offsetHeight; if (b !== c) { while (e) { if (e.syncRowHeights) { if (e.syncRowHeights(g, a) === false) { break } } e = e.nextTpl } b = g.dom.offsetHeight; c = a.dom.offsetHeight; if (b !== c) { g = g.down("[data-recordId]") || g; a = a.down("[data-recordId]") || a; if (g && a) { g.dom.style.height = a.dom.style.height = ""; b = g.dom.offsetHeight; c = a.dom.offsetHeight; if (b > c) { g.setHeight(b); a.setHeight(b) } else { if (c > b) { g.setHeight(c); a.setHeight(c) } } } } } }, onIdChanged: function (a, h, g, c, b) { var e = this, d; if (e.viewReady) { d = e.getNodeById(b); if (d) { d.setAttribute("data-recordId", h.internalId); d.id = e.getRowId(h) } } }, onUpdate: function (g, c, m, r) { var v = this, o = v.rowTpl, j, s, b, l, n, t, u, e, p, q, k, d, w, h, a; if (v.viewReady) { b = v.getNodeByRecord(c, false); if (b) { p = v.overItemCls; q = v.overItemCls; k = v.focusedItemCls; d = v.beforeFocusedItemCls; w = v.selectedItemCls; h = v.beforeSelectedItemCls; j = v.indexInStore(c); s = Ext.fly(b, "_internal"); l = v.createRowElement(c, j); if (s.hasCls(p)) { Ext.fly(l).addCls(p) } if (s.hasCls(q)) { Ext.fly(l).addCls(q) } if (s.hasCls(k)) { Ext.fly(l).addCls(k) } if (s.hasCls(d)) { Ext.fly(l).addCls(d) } if (s.hasCls(w)) { Ext.fly(l).addCls(w) } if (s.hasCls(h)) { Ext.fly(l).addCls(h) } a = v.ownerCt.columnManager.getColumns(); if (Ext.isIE9m && b.mergeAttributes) { b.mergeAttributes(l, true) } else { n = l.attributes; t = n.length; for (e = 0; e < t; e++) { u = n[e].name; if (u !== "id") { b.setAttribute(u, n[e].value) } } } if (a.length) { v.updateColumns(c, v.getNode(b, true), v.getNode(l, true), a, r) } while (o) { if (o.syncContent) { if (o.syncContent(b, l) === false) { break } } o = o.nextTpl } v.fireEvent("itemupdate", c, j, b); v.refreshSize() } } }, updateColumns: function (d, c, j, b, q) { var u = this, k, r, s, g, m = b.length, n, e, a, l, h, p = u.editingPlugin || (u.lockingPartner && u.ownerCt.ownerLockable.view.editingPlugin), o = p && p.editing, t = u.getCellSelector(); if (c.mergeAttributes) { c.mergeAttributes(j, true) } else { k = j.attributes; r = k.length; for (g = 0; g < r; g++) { s = k[g].name; if (s !== "id") { c.setAttribute(s, k[g].value) } } } for (n = 0; n < m; n++) { e = b[n]; if (u.shouldUpdateCell(d, e, q)) { t = u.getCellSelector(e); a = Ext.DomQuery.selectNode(t, c); l = Ext.DomQuery.selectNode(t, j); if (o) { Ext.fly(a).syncContent(l) } else { h = a.parentNode; h.insertBefore(l, a); h.removeChild(a) } } } }, shouldUpdateCell: function (b, e, d) { if (e.hasCustomRenderer || !d) { return true } if (d) { var a = d.length, c, g; for (c = 0; c < a; ++c) { g = d[c]; if (g === e.dataIndex || g === b.idProperty) { return true } } } return false }, refresh: function () { var a = this, b = a.el && a.el.isAncestor(Ext.Element.getActiveElement()); a.callParent(arguments); a.headerCt.setSortState(); if (a.el && !a.all.getCount() && a.headerCt && a.headerCt.tooNarrow) { a.el.createChild({ style: "position:absolute;height:1px;width:1px;left:" + (a.headerCt.getFullWidth() - 1) + "px" }) } if (b) { a.selModel.onLastFocusChanged(null, a.selModel.lastFocused) } }, processItemEvent: function (g, s, o, k) { if (this.indexInStore(s) !== -1) { var m = this, p = k.getTarget(m.getCellSelector(), s), n, a = m.statics().EventMap, h = m.getSelectionModel(), l = k.type, b = m.features, j = b.length, c, r, q, d; if (l == "keydown" && !p && h.getCurrentPosition) { p = m.getCellByPosition(h.getCurrentPosition(), true) } if (p) { if (!p.parentNode) { return false } d = m.getHeaderByCell(p); n = Ext.Array.indexOf(m.getGridColumns(), d) } else { n = -1 } r = m.fireEvent("uievent", l, m, p, o, n, k, g, s); if (r === false || m.callParent(arguments) === false) { m.selModel.onVetoUIEvent(l, m, p, o, n, k, g, s); return false } for (c = 0; c < j; ++c) { q = b[c]; if (q.wrapsItem) { if (q.vetoEvent(g, s, o, k) === false) { m.processSpecialEvent(k); return false } } } if (l == "mouseover" || l == "mouseout") { return true } if (!p) { return true } return !((m["onBeforeCell" + a[l]](p, n, g, s, o, k) === false) || (m.fireEvent("beforecell" + l, m, p, n, g, s, o, k) === false) || (m["onCell" + a[l]](p, n, g, s, o, k) === false) || (m.fireEvent("cell" + l, m, p, n, g, s, o, k) === false)) } else { this.processSpecialEvent(k); return false } }, processSpecialEvent: function (j) { var m = this, c = m.features, l = c.length, n = j.type, d, o, g, h, b, k, a = m.ownerCt; m.callParent(arguments); if (n == "mouseover" || n == "mouseout") { return } for (d = 0; d < l; d++) { o = c[d]; if (o.hasFeatureEvent) { h = j.getTarget(o.eventSelector, m.getTargetEl()); if (h) { g = o.eventPrefix; b = o.getFireEventArgs("before" + g + n, m, h, j); k = o.getFireEventArgs(g + n, m, h, j); if ((m.fireEvent.apply(m, b) === false) || (a.fireEvent.apply(a, b) === false) || (m.fireEvent.apply(m, k) === false) || (a.fireEvent.apply(a, k) === false)) { return false } } } } return true }, onCellMouseDown: Ext.emptyFn, onCellMouseUp: Ext.emptyFn, onCellClick: Ext.emptyFn, onCellDblClick: Ext.emptyFn, onCellContextMenu: Ext.emptyFn, onCellKeyDown: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeCellMouseDown: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeCellMouseUp: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeCellClick: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeCellDblClick: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeCellContextMenu: Ext.emptyFn, onBeforeCellKeyDown: Ext.emptyFn, expandToFit: function (a) { this.autoSizeColumn(a) }, autoSizeColumn: function (a) { if (Ext.isNumber(a)) { a = this.getGridColumns[a] } if (a) { if (a.isGroupHeader) { a.autoSize(); return } delete a.flex; a.setWidth(this.getMaxContentWidth(a)) } }, getMaxContentWidth: function (d) { var g = this, m = g.el.query(d.getCellInnerSelector()), b = d.getWidth(), c = 0, e = m.length, k = Ext.supports.ScrollWidthInlinePaddingBug, a = g.body.select(g.getColumnSizerSelector(d)), h = Math.max, l, j; if (k && e > 0) { l = g.getCellPaddingAfter(m[0]) } a.setWidth(1); j = d.textEl.dom.offsetWidth + d.titleEl.getPadding("lr"); for (; c < e; c++) { j = h(j, m[c].scrollWidth) } if (k) { j += l } j = h(j, 40); a.setWidth(b); return j }, getPositionByEvent: function (g) { var d = this, b = g.getTarget(d.cellSelector), c = g.getTarget(d.itemSelector), a = d.getRecord(c), h = d.getHeaderByCell(b); return d.getPosition(a, h) }, getHeaderByCell: function (a) { if (a) { var b = a.className.match(this.cellRe); if (b && b[1]) { return this.ownerCt.columnManager.getHeaderById(b[1]) } } return false }, walkCells: function (l, m, h, n, a, p) { if (!l) { return false } var j = this, q = l.row, d = l.column, k = j.dataSource.getCount(), b = j.ownerCt.columnManager.getColumns().length - 1, o = q, g = d, c = j.ownerCt.columnManager.getHeaderAtIndex(d); if (!c || c.hidden || !k) { return false } h = h || {}; m = m.toLowerCase(); switch (m) { case "right": if (d === b) { if (n || q === k - 1) { return false } if (!h.ctrlKey) { o = j.walkRows(q, 1); if (o !== q) { g = 0 } } } else { if (!h.ctrlKey) { g = d + 1 } else { g = b } } break; case "left": if (d === 0) { if (n || q === 0) { return false } if (!h.ctrlKey) { o = j.walkRows(q, -1); if (o !== q) { g = b } } } else { if (!h.ctrlKey) { g = d - 1 } else { g = 0 } } break; case "up": if (q === 0) { return false } else { if (!h.ctrlKey) { o = j.walkRows(q, -1) } else { o = j.walkRows(-1, 1) } } break; case "down": if (q === k - 1) { return false } else { if (!h.ctrlKey) { o = j.walkRows(q, 1) } else { o = j.walkRows(k, -1) } } break } if (a && a.call(p || j, { row: o, column: g }) !== true) { return false } else { return new Ext.grid.CellContext(j).setPosition(o, g) } }, walkRows: function (j, a) { var d = this, e = 0, l = j, b, h = (d.dataSource.buffered ? d.dataSource.getTotalCount() : d.dataSource.getCount()) - 1, c = (a < 0) ? 0 : h, g = c ? 1 : -1, k = j; do { if (c ? k >= c : k <= 0) { return l || c } k += g; if ((b = Ext.fly(d.getNode(k, true))) && b.isVisible(true)) { e += g; l = k } } while (e !== a); return k }, walkRecs: function (b, a) { var h = this, j = 0, m = b, c, l = (h.store.buffered ? h.store.getTotalCount() : h.store.getCount()) - 1, e = (a < 0) ? 0 : l, k = e ? 1 : -1, g = h.store.indexOf(b), d; do { if (e ? g >= e : g <= 0) { return m } g += k; d = h.store.getAt(g); if ((c = Ext.fly(h.getNodeByRecord(d, true))) && c.isVisible(true)) { j += k; m = d } } while (j !== a); return m }, getFirstVisibleRowIndex: function () { var c = this, b = (c.dataSource.buffered ? c.dataSource.getTotalCount() : c.dataSource.getCount()), a = c.indexOf(c.all.first()) - 1; do { a += 1; if (a === b) { return } } while (!Ext.fly(c.getNode(a, true)).isVisible(true)); return a }, getLastVisibleRowIndex: function () { var b = this, a = b.indexOf(b.all.last()); do { a -= 1; if (a === -1) { return } } while (!Ext.fly(b.getNode(a, true)).isVisible(true)); return a }, getHeaderCt: function () { return this.headerCt }, getPosition: function (a, b) { return new Ext.grid.CellContext(this).setPosition(a, b) }, beforeDestroy: function () { var a = this; if (a.rendered) { a.el.removeAllListeners() } a.callParent(arguments) }, onDestroy: function () { var d = this, c = d.featuresMC, a, b; if (c) { for (b = 0, a = c.getCount(); b < a; ++b) { c.getAt(b).destroy() } } d.featuresMC = null; this.callParent(arguments) }, onAdd: function (c, a, b) { this.callParent(arguments); this.doStripeRows(b) }, onRemove: function (c, a, b) { this.callParent(arguments); this.doStripeRows(b[0]) }, doStripeRows: function (b, a) { var d = this, e, h, c, g; if (d.rendered && d.stripeRows) { e = d.getNodes(b, a); for (c = 0, h = e.length; c < h; c++) { g = e[c]; g.className = g.className.replace(d.rowClsRe, " "); b++; if (b % 2 === 0) { g.className += (" " + d.altRowCls) } } } }, repaintRow: function (d) { var c = this.getNode(d), b = c.childNodes, a = b.length; while (a--) { b[a].className = b[a].className } }, getRowStyleTableEl: function (b) { var a = this; if (!b.tagName) { b = this.getNode(b) } return (a.isGrouping ? Ext.fly(b) : this.el).down("table.x-grid-table") }, isRowStyleFirst: function (c) { var b = this, a; if (c === -1) { return false } if (!c.tagName) { a = c; c = this.getNode(c) } else { a = b.indexOf(c) } return (!a || b.isGrouping && Ext.fly(c).hasCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-group-row")) }, getCellPaddingAfter: function (a) { return Ext.fly(a).getPadding("r") } }, 1, ["tableview"], ["component", "box", "dataview", "tableview"], { component: true, box: true, dataview: true, tableview: true }, ["widget.tableview"], 0, [Ext.view, "Table"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.View", Ext.view.Table, { stripeRows: true, autoScroll: true }, 0, ["gridview"], ["component", "box", "dataview", "gridview", "tableview"], { component: true, box: true, dataview: true, gridview: true, tableview: true }, ["widget.gridview"], 0, [Ext.grid, "View"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.Panel", Ext.panel.Table, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.list.ListView", "Ext.ListView", "Ext.grid.GridPanel"], viewType: "gridview", lockable: false, rowLines: true }, 0, ["grid", "gridpanel"], ["panel", "component", "tablepanel", "container", "grid", "box", "gridpanel"], { panel: true, component: true, tablepanel: true, container: true, grid: true, box: true, gridpanel: true }, ["widget.grid", "widget.gridpanel"], 0, [Ext.grid, "Panel", Ext.list, "ListView", Ext, "ListView", Ext.grid, "GridPanel"], 0)); Ext.define("Ext.grid.plugin.BufferedRendererTableView", { override: "Ext.view.Table", onAdd: function (b, a, c) { var d = this, g = d.bufferedRenderer, e = d.all; if (d.rendered && g && (e.getCount() + a.length) > g.viewSize) { if (c < e.startIndex + g.viewSize && (c + a.length) > e.startIndex) { d.refreshView() } else { g.stretchView(d, g.getScrollHeight()) } } else { d.callParent([b, a, c]) } }, onRemove: function (b, a, d) { var c = this, e = c.bufferedRenderer; c.callParent([b, a, d]); if (c.rendered && e) { if (c.dataSource.getCount() > e.viewSize) { c.refreshView() } else { e.stretchView(c, e.getScrollHeight()) } } }, onDataRefresh: function () { var a = this; if (a.bufferedRenderer) { a.all.clear(); a.bufferedRenderer.onStoreClear() } a.callParent() } }); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.RowEditorButtons", Ext.container.Container, { frame: true, shrinkWrap: true, position: "bottom", constructor: function (b) { var d = this, a = b.rowEditor, e = Ext.baseCSSPrefix, c = a.editingPlugin; b = Ext.apply({ baseCls: e + "grid-row-editor-buttons", defaults: { xtype: "button", ui: a.buttonUI, scope: c, flex: 1, minWidth: Ext.panel.Panel.prototype.minButtonWidth }, items: [{ cls: e + "row-editor-update-button", itemId: "update", handler: c.completeEdit, text: a.saveBtnText, disabled: a.updateButtonDisabled }, { cls: e + "row-editor-cancel-button", handler: c.cancelEdit, text: a.cancelBtnText } ] }, b); d.callParent([b]); d.addClsWithUI(d.position) }, setButtonPosition: function (a) { var b = this; b.removeClsWithUI(b.position); b.position = a; b.addClsWithUI(a) }, getFramingInfoCls: function () { return this.baseCls + "-" + this.ui + "-" + this.position }, getFrameInfo: function () { var a = this.callParent(); a.top = true; return a } }, 1, ["roweditorbuttons"], ["component", "container", "box", "roweditorbuttons"], { component: true, container: true, box: true, roweditorbuttons: true }, ["widget.roweditorbuttons"], 0, [Ext.grid, "RowEditorButtons"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.RowEditor", Ext.form.Panel, { saveBtnText: "Update", cancelBtnText: "Cancel", errorsText: "Errors", dirtyText: "You need to commit or cancel your changes", lastScrollLeft: 0, lastScrollTop: 0, border: false, buttonUI: "default", hideMode: "offsets", initComponent: function () { var c = this, b = c.editingPlugin.grid, a = Ext.container.Container; c.cls = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-editor " + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-row-editor"; c.layout = { type: "hbox", align: "middle" }; c.lockable = b.lockable; if (c.lockable) { c.items = [c.lockedColumnContainer = new a({ id: b.id + "-locked-editor-cells", layout: { type: "hbox", align: "middle" }, margin: "0 1 0 0" }), c.normalColumnContainer = new a({ flex: 1, id: b.id + "-normal-editor-cells", layout: { type: "hbox", align: "middle" } })] } else { c.lockedColumnContainer = c.normalColumnContainer = c } c.callParent(arguments); if (c.fields) { c.addFieldsForColumn(c.fields, true); c.insertColumnEditor(c.fields); delete c.fields } c.mon(c.hierarchyEventSource, { scope: c, show: c.repositionIfVisible }); c.getForm().trackResetOnLoad = true }, onGridResize: function () { var c = this, e = c.getClientWidth(), a = c.editingPlugin.grid, d = a.body, b = c.getFloatingButtons(); c.setLocalX(d.getOffsetsTo(a)[0] + d.getBorderWidth("l") - a.el.getBorderWidth("l")); c.setWidth(e); b.setLocalX((e - b.getWidth()) / 2) }, onFieldRender: function (c) { var b = this, a = c.column; if (a.isVisible()) { b.syncFieldWidth(a) } else { if (!a.rendered) { b.view.headerCt.on({ afterlayout: Ext.Function.bind(b.syncFieldWidth, b, [a]), single: true }) } } }, syncFieldWidth: function (b) { var c = b.getEditor(), a; c._marginWidth = (c._marginWidth || c.el.getMargin("lr")); a = b.getWidth() - c._marginWidth; c.setWidth(a); if (c.xtype === "displayfield") { c.inputWidth = a } }, onFieldChange: function () { var c = this, b = c.getForm(), a = b.isValid(); if (c.errorSummary && c.isVisible()) { c[a ? "hideToolTip" : "showToolTip"]() } c.updateButton(a); c.isValid = a }, updateButton: function (b) { var a = this.floatingButtons; if (a) { a.child("#update").setDisabled(!b) } else { this.updateButtonDisabled = !b } }, afterRender: function () { var d = this, c = d.editingPlugin, b = c.grid, a = b.lockable ? b.normalGrid.view : b.view, e; d.callParent(arguments); d.scrollingView = a; d.scrollingViewEl = a.el; a.mon(d.scrollingViewEl, "scroll", d.onViewScroll, d); d.mon(d.el, { click: Ext.emptyFn, stopPropagation: true }); d.mon(b, { resize: d.onGridResize, scope: d }); d.el.swallowEvent(["keypress", "keydown"]); d.fieldScroller = d.normalColumnContainer.layout.innerCt; d.fieldScroller.dom.style.overflow = "hidden"; d.fieldScroller.on({ scroll: d.onFieldContainerScroll, scope: d }); d.keyNav = new Ext.util.KeyNav(d.el, { enter: c.completeEdit, esc: c.onEscKey, scope: c }); d.mon(c.view, { beforerefresh: d.onBeforeViewRefresh, refresh: d.onViewRefresh, itemremove: d.onViewItemRemove, scope: d }); d.preventReposition = true; Ext.Array.each(d.query("[isFormField]"), function (g) { if (g.column.isVisible()) { d.onColumnShow(g.column) } }, d); delete d.preventReposition }, onBeforeViewRefresh: function (b) { var c = this, a = b.el.dom; if (c.el.dom.parentNode === a) { a.removeChild(c.el.dom) } }, onViewRefresh: function (a) { var c = this, b = c.context, d; if (b && (d = a.getNode(b.record, true))) { b.row = d; c.reposition(); if (c.tooltip && c.tooltip.isVisible()) { c.tooltip.setTarget(b.row) } } else { c.editingPlugin.cancelEdit() } }, onViewItemRemove: function (a, b) { var c = this.context; if (c && a === c.record) { this.editingPlugin.cancelEdit() } }, onViewScroll: function () { var c = this, b = c.editingPlugin.view.el, d = c.scrollingViewEl, e = d.dom.scrollTop, j = d.getScrollLeft(), h = j !== c.lastScrollLeft, a = e !== c.lastScrollTop, g; c.lastScrollTop = e; c.lastScrollLeft = j; if (c.isVisible()) { g = Ext.getDom(c.context.row.id); if (g && b.contains(g)) { if (a) { c.context.row = g; c.reposition(null, true); if ((c.tooltip && c.tooltip.isVisible()) || c.hiddenTip) { c.repositionTip() } c.syncEditorClip() } } else { c.setLocalY(-400) } } if (c.rendered && h) { c.syncFieldsHorizontalScroll() } }, syncFieldsHorizontalScroll: function () { this.fieldScroller.setScrollLeft(this.lastScrollLeft) }, onFieldContainerScroll: function () { this.scrollingViewEl.setScrollLeft(this.fieldScroller.getScrollLeft()) }, onColumnResize: function (b, a) { var c = this; if (c.rendered) { c.onGridResize(); c.onViewScroll(); if (!b.isGroupHeader) { c.syncFieldWidth(b); c.repositionIfVisible() } } }, onColumnHide: function (a) { if (!a.isGroupHeader) { a.getEditor().hide(); this.repositionIfVisible() } }, onColumnShow: function (a) { var b = this; if (b.rendered && !a.isGroupHeader) { a.getEditor().show(); b.syncFieldWidth(a); if (!b.preventReposition) { this.repositionIfVisible() } } }, onColumnMove: function (c, a, k) { var h = this, d, b = 1, g, j, l, e = c.isLocked() ? h.lockedColumnContainer : h.normalColumnContainer; if (c.isGroupHeader) { Ext.suspendLayouts(); c = c.getGridColumns(); if (k > a) { k--; b = 0 } this.addFieldsForColumn(c); for (d = 0, g = c.length; d < g; d++, a += b, k += b) { j = c[d].getEditor(); l = e.items.indexOf(j); if (l === -1) { e.insert(k, j) } else { if (l != k) { e.move(a, k) } } } Ext.resumeLayouts(true) } else { if (k > a) { k-- } this.addFieldsForColumn(c); j = c.getEditor(); l = e.items.indexOf(j); if (l === -1) { e.insert(k, j) } else { if (l != k) { e.move(a, k) } } } }, onColumnAdd: function (a) { if (a.isGroupHeader) { a = a.getGridColumns() } this.addFieldsForColumn(a); this.insertColumnEditor(a); this.preventReposition = false }, insertColumnEditor: function (c) { var d = this, e, a, b; if (Ext.isArray(c)) { for (b = 0, a = c.length; b < a; b++) { d.insertColumnEditor(c[b]) } return } if (!c.getEditor) { return } e = c.isLocked() ? d.lockedColumnContainer : d.normalColumnContainer; e.insert(c.getVisibleIndex(), c.getEditor()) }, onColumnRemove: function (a, b) { b = b.isGroupHeader ? b.getGridColumns() : b; this.removeColumnEditor(b) }, removeColumnEditor: function (c) { var d = this, e, a, b; if (Ext.isArray(c)) { for (b = 0, a = c.length; b < a; b++) { d.removeColumnEditor(c[b]) } return } if (c.hasEditor()) { e = c.getEditor(); if (e && e.ownerCt) { e.ownerCt.remove(e, false) } } }, onColumnReplace: function (d, a, c, b) { this.onColumnRemove(b.ownerCt, b) }, getFloatingButtons: function () { var b = this, a = b.floatingButtons; if (!a) { b.floatingButtons = a = new Ext.grid.RowEditorButtons({ rowEditor: b }) } return a }, repositionIfVisible: function (d) { var b = this, a = b.view; if (d && (d == b || !d.el.isAncestor(a.el))) { return } if (b.isVisible() && a.isVisible(true)) { b.reposition() } }, getRefOwner: function () { return this.editingPlugin.grid }, getRefItems: function () { var b = this, a; if (b.lockable) { a = b.lockedColumnContainer.getRefItems(); a.push.apply(a, b.normalColumnContainer.getRefItems()) } else { a = b.callParent() } a.push.apply(a, b.getFloatingButtons().getRefItems()); return a }, reposition: function (k, g) { var h = this, b = h.context, l = b && Ext.get(b.row), c = 0, a, d, e, j; if (l && Ext.isElement(l.dom)) { e = h.syncButtonPosition(h.getScrollDelta()); if (!h.editingPlugin.grid.rowLines) { c = -parseInt(l.first().getStyle("border-bottom-width")) } a = h.calculateLocalRowTop(l); d = h.calculateEditorTop(a) + c; if (!g) { j = function () { if (e) { h.scrollingViewEl.scrollBy(0, e, true) } h.focusContextCell() } } h.syncEditorClip(); if (k) { h.animate(Ext.applyIf({ to: { top: d }, duration: k.duration || 125, callback: j }, k)) } else { h.setLocalY(d); if (j) { j() } } } }, getScrollDelta: function () { var e = this, d = e.scrollingViewEl.dom, c = e.context, b = e.body, a = 0; if (c) { a = Ext.fly(c.row).getOffsetsTo(d)[1] - b.getBorderPadding().beforeY; if (a > 0) { a = Math.max(a + e.getHeight() + e.floatingButtons.getHeight() - d.clientHeight - b.getBorderWidth("b"), 0) } } return a }, calculateLocalRowTop: function (b) { var a = this.editingPlugin.grid; return Ext.fly(b).getOffsetsTo(a)[1] - a.el.getBorderWidth("t") + this.lastScrollTop }, calculateEditorTop: function (a) { return a - this.body.getBorderPadding().beforeY - this.lastScrollTop }, getClientWidth: function () { var c = this, b = c.editingPlugin.grid, a; if (c.lockable) { a = b.lockedGrid.getWidth() + b.normalGrid.view.el.dom.clientWidth - 1 } else { a = b.view.el.dom.clientWidth } return a }, getEditor: function (a) { var b = this; if (Ext.isNumber(a)) { return b.query("[isFormField]")[a] } else { if (a.isHeader && !a.isGroupHeader) { return a.getEditor() } } }, addFieldsForColumn: function (c, a) { var e = this, b, d, g; if (Ext.isArray(c)) { for (b = 0, d = c.length; b < d; b++) { e.addFieldsForColumn(c[b], a) } return } if (c.getEditor) { g = c.getEditor(null, { xtype: "displayfield", getModelData: function () { return null } }); if (c.align === "right") { g.fieldStyle = "text-align:right" } if (c.xtype === "actioncolumn") { g.fieldCls += " " + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-action-col-field" } if (e.isVisible() && e.context) { if (g.is("displayfield")) { e.renderColumnData(g, e.context.record, c) } else { g.suspendEvents(); g.setValue(e.context.record.get(c.dataIndex)); g.resumeEvents() } } if (c.hidden) { e.onColumnHide(c) } else { if (c.rendered && !a) { e.onColumnShow(c) } } } }, loadRecord: function (d) { var j = this, a = j.getForm(), e = a.getFields(), h = e.items, b = h.length, c, g, k; for (c = 0; c < b; c++) { h[c].suspendEvents() } a.loadRecord(d); for (c = 0; c < b; c++) { h[c].resumeEvents() } k = a.isValid(); if (j.errorSummary) { if (k) { j.hideToolTip() } else { j.showToolTip() } } j.updateButton(k); g = j.query(">displayfield"); b = g.length; for (c = 0; c < b; c++) { j.renderColumnData(g[c], d) } }, renderColumnData: function (n, j, c) { var l = this, a = l.editingPlugin.grid, e = a.headerCt, m = l.scrollingView, p = m.dataSource, g = c || n.column, o = j.get(g.dataIndex), k = g.editRenderer || g.renderer, b, d, h; if (k) { b = { tdCls: "", style: "" }; d = p.indexOf(j); h = e.getHeaderIndex(g); o = k.call(g.scope || e.ownerCt, o, b, j, d, h, p, m) } n.setRawValue(o); n.resetOriginalValue() }, beforeEdit: function () { var a = this, b; if (a.isVisible() && a.errorSummary && !a.autoCancel && a.isDirty()) { b = a.getScrollDelta(); if (b) { a.scrollingViewEl.scrollBy(0, b, true) } a.showToolTip(); return false } }, startEdit: function (a, g) { var e = this, b = e.editingPlugin, d = b.grid, c = e.context = b.context; if (!e.rendered) { e.width = e.getClientWidth(); e.render(d.el, d.el.dom.firstChild); e.getFloatingButtons().render(e.el); e.onViewScroll() } else { e.syncFieldsHorizontalScroll() } if (e.isVisible()) { e.reposition(true) } else { e.show() } e.onGridResize(); c.grid.getSelectionModel().select(a); e.loadRecord(a) }, syncButtonPosition: function (d) { var b = this, a = b.getFloatingButtons(), c = b.scrollingViewEl.dom, e = this.getScrollDelta() - (c.scrollHeight - c.scrollTop - c.clientHeight); if (e > 0) { if (!b._buttonsOnTop) { a.setButtonPosition("top"); b._buttonsOnTop = true } d = 0 } else { if (b._buttonsOnTop) { a.setButtonPosition("bottom"); b._buttonsOnTop = false } } return d }, syncEditorClip: function () { var b = this, c = b.getScrollDelta(), a; if (c) { b.isOverflowing = true; a = b.floatingButtons.getHeight(); if (c > 0) { b.clipBottom(Math.max(b.getHeight() - c + a, -a)) } else { if (c < 0) { c = Math.abs(c); b.clipTop(Math.max(c, 0)) } } } else { if (b.isOverflowing) { b.clearClip(); b.isOverflowing = false } } }, focusContextCell: function () { var a = this.getEditor(this.context.column); if (a && a.focus) { a.focus() } }, cancelEdit: function () { var g = this, e = g.getForm(), a = e.getFields(), b = a.items, d = b.length, c; g.hide(); e.clearInvalid(); for (c = 0; c < d; c++) { b[c].suspendEvents() } e.reset(); for (c = 0; c < d; c++) { b[c].resumeEvents() } }, completeEdit: function () { var b = this, a = b.getForm(); if (!a.isValid()) { return false } a.updateRecord(b.context.record); b.hide(); return true }, onShow: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); a.reposition() }, onHide: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (a.tooltip) { a.hideToolTip() } if (a.context) { a.context.view.focusRow(a.context.record); a.context = null } }, isDirty: function () { var b = this, a = b.getForm(); return a.isDirty() }, getToolTip: function () { return this.tooltip || (this.tooltip = new Ext.tip.ToolTip({ cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-row-editor-errors", title: this.errorsText, autoHide: false, closable: true, closeAction: "disable", anchor: "left", anchorToTarget: false })) }, hideToolTip: function () { var a = this, b = a.getToolTip(); if (b.rendered) { b.disable() } a.hiddenTip = false }, showToolTip: function () { var a = this, b = a.getToolTip(); b.showAt([0, 0]); b.update(a.getErrors()); a.repositionTip(); b.enable() }, repositionTip: function () { var j = this, k = j.getToolTip(), c = j.context, m = Ext.get(c.row), l = j.scrollingViewEl, e = l.dom.clientHeight, g = j.lastScrollTop, h = g + e, b = m.getHeight(), a = m.getOffsetsTo(j.context.view.body)[1], d = a + b; if (d > g && a < h) { k.showAt(k.getAlignToXY(l, "tl-tr", [15, m.getOffsetsTo(l)[1]])); j.hiddenTip = false } else { k.hide(); j.hiddenTip = true } }, getErrors: function () { var d = this, e = [], a = d.query(">[isFormField]"), c = a.length, b; for (b = 0; b < c; b++) { e = e.concat(Ext.Array.map(a[b].getErrors(), d.createErrorListItem)) } if (!e.length && !d.autoCancel && d.isDirty()) { e[0] = d.createErrorListItem(d.dirtyText) } return '
    ' + e.join("") + "
" }, createErrorListItem: function (a) { return '
  • ' + a + "
  • " }, beforeDestroy: function () { Ext.destroy(this.floatingButtons, this.tooltip); this.callParent() }, clipBottom: function (a) { this.el.setStyle("clip", "rect(-1000px auto " + a + "px auto)") }, clipTop: function (a) { this.el.setStyle("clip", "rect(" + a + "px auto 1000px auto)") }, clearClip: function (a) { this.el.setStyle("clip", Ext.isIE8m || Ext.isIEQuirks ? "rect(-1000px auto 1000px auto)" : "auto") } }, 0, ["roweditor"], ["panel", "form", "component", "container", "roweditor", "box"], { panel: true, form: true, component: true, container: true, roweditor: true, box: true }, ["widget.roweditor"], 0, [Ext.grid, "RowEditor"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.view.DropZone", Ext.dd.DropZone, { indicatorHtml: '
    ', indicatorCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-drop-indicator", constructor: function (a) { var b = this; Ext.apply(b, a); if (!b.ddGroup) { b.ddGroup = "view-dd-zone-" + b.view.id } b.callParent([b.view.el]) }, fireViewEvent: function () { var b = this, a; b.lock(); a = b.view.fireEvent.apply(b.view, arguments); b.unlock(); return a }, getTargetFromEvent: function (k) { var j = k.getTarget(this.view.getItemSelector()), d, c, b, g, a, h; if (!j) { d = k.getPageY(); for (g = 0, c = this.view.getNodes(), a = c.length; g < a; g++) { b = c[g]; h = Ext.fly(b).getBox(); if (d <= h.bottom) { return b } } } return j }, getIndicator: function () { var a = this; if (!a.indicator) { a.indicator = new Ext.Component({ html: a.indicatorHtml, cls: a.indicatorCls, ownerCt: a.view, floating: true, shadow: false }) } return a.indicator }, getPosition: function (c, a) { var g = c.getXY()[1], b = Ext.fly(a).getRegion(), d; if ((b.bottom - g) >= (b.bottom - b.top) / 2) { d = "before" } else { d = "after" } return d }, containsRecordAtOffset: function (d, b, g) { if (!b) { return false } var a = this.view, c = a.indexOf(b), e = a.getNode(c + g, true), h = e ? a.getRecord(e) : null; return h && Ext.Array.contains(d, h) }, positionIndicator: function (b, c, d) { var g = this, j = g.view, h = g.getPosition(d, b), l = j.getRecord(b), a = c.records, k; if (!Ext.Array.contains(a, l) && (h == "before" && !g.containsRecordAtOffset(a, l, -1) || h == "after" && !g.containsRecordAtOffset(a, l, 1))) { g.valid = true; if (g.overRecord != l || g.currentPosition != h) { k = Ext.fly(b).getY() - j.el.getY() - 1; if (h == "after") { k += Ext.fly(b).getHeight() } g.getIndicator().setWidth(Ext.fly(j.el).getWidth()).showAt(0, k); g.overRecord = l; g.currentPosition = h } } else { g.invalidateDrop() } }, invalidateDrop: function () { if (this.valid) { this.valid = false; this.getIndicator().hide() } }, onNodeOver: function (c, a, g, d) { var b = this; if (!Ext.Array.contains(d.records, b.view.getRecord(c))) { b.positionIndicator(c, d, g) } return b.valid ? b.dropAllowed : b.dropNotAllowed }, notifyOut: function (c, a, g, d) { var b = this; b.callParent(arguments); b.overRecord = b.currentPosition = null; b.valid = false; if (b.indicator) { b.indicator.hide() } }, onContainerOver: function (a, h, g) { var d = this, b = d.view, c = b.dataSource.getCount(); if (c) { d.positionIndicator(b.all.last(), g, h) } else { d.overRecord = d.currentPosition = null; d.getIndicator().setWidth(Ext.fly(b.el).getWidth()).showAt(0, 0); d.valid = true } return d.dropAllowed }, onContainerDrop: function (a, c, b) { return this.onNodeDrop(a, null, c, b) }, onNodeDrop: function (j, a, h, g) { var d = this, c = false, b = { wait: false, processDrop: function () { d.invalidateDrop(); d.handleNodeDrop(g, d.overRecord, d.currentPosition); c = true; d.fireViewEvent("drop", j, g, d.overRecord, d.currentPosition) }, cancelDrop: function () { d.invalidateDrop(); c = true } }, k = false; if (d.valid) { k = d.fireViewEvent("beforedrop", j, g, d.overRecord, d.currentPosition, b); if (b.wait) { return } if (k !== false) { if (!c) { b.processDrop() } } } return k }, destroy: function () { Ext.destroy(this.indicator); delete this.indicator; this.callParent() } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.view, "DropZone"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.ViewDropZone", Ext.view.DropZone, { indicatorHtml: '
    ', indicatorCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-drop-indicator", handleNodeDrop: function (b, d, e) { var j = this.view, k = j.getStore(), h, a, c, g; if (b.copy) { a = b.records; b.records = []; for (c = 0, g = a.length; c < g; c++) { b.records.push(a[c].copy()) } } else { b.view.store.remove(b.records, b.view === j) } if (d && e) { h = k.indexOf(d); if (e !== "before") { h++ } k.insert(h, b.records) } else { k.add(b.records) } j.getSelectionModel().select(b.records) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.grid, "ViewDropZone"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.plugin.HeaderResizer", Ext.AbstractPlugin, { disabled: false, config: { dynamic: false }, colHeaderCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "column-header", minColWidth: 40, maxColWidth: 1000, wResizeCursor: "col-resize", eResizeCursor: "col-resize", init: function (a) { this.headerCt = a; a.on("render", this.afterHeaderRender, this, { single: true }) }, destroy: function () { if (this.tracker) { this.tracker.destroy() } }, afterHeaderRender: function () { var b = this.headerCt, a = b.el; b.mon(a, "mousemove", this.onHeaderCtMouseMove, this); this.tracker = new Ext.dd.DragTracker({ disabled: this.disabled, onBeforeStart: Ext.Function.bind(this.onBeforeStart, this), onStart: Ext.Function.bind(this.onStart, this), onDrag: Ext.Function.bind(this.onDrag, this), onEnd: Ext.Function.bind(this.onEnd, this), tolerance: 3, autoStart: 300, el: a }) }, onHeaderCtMouseMove: function (b, l) { var d = this, a, j, k, g, c, h; if (d.headerCt.dragging) { if (d.activeHd) { d.activeHd.el.dom.style.cursor = ""; delete d.activeHd } } else { j = b.getTarget("." + d.colHeaderCls, 3, true); if (j) { k = Ext.getCmp(j.id); if (k.isOnLeftEdge(b)) { g = k.previousNode("gridcolumn:not([hidden]):not([isGroupHeader])"); if (g) { h = d.headerCt.up("tablepanel"); c = g.up("tablepanel"); if (!((c === h) || ((h.ownerCt.isXType("tablepanel")) && h.ownerCt.view.lockedGrid === c))) { g = null } } } else { if (k.isOnRightEdge(b)) { g = k } else { g = null } } if (g) { if (g.isGroupHeader) { a = g.getGridColumns(); g = a[a.length - 1] } if (g && !(g.fixed || (g.resizable === false) || d.disabled)) { d.activeHd = g; k.el.dom.style.cursor = d.eResizeCursor; if (k.triggerEl) { k.triggerEl.dom.style.cursor = d.eResizeCursor } } } else { k.el.dom.style.cursor = ""; if (k.triggerEl) { k.triggerEl.dom.style.cursor = "" } d.activeHd = null } } } }, onBeforeStart: function (a) { this.dragHd = this.activeHd; if (!!this.dragHd && !this.headerCt.dragging) { this.tracker.constrainTo = this.getConstrainRegion(); return true } else { this.headerCt.dragging = false; return false } }, getConstrainRegion: function () { var c = this, a = c.dragHd.el, d = 0, b, e; if (c.headerCt.forceFit) { b = c.dragHd.nextNode("gridcolumn:not([hidden]):not([isGroupHeader])"); if (b) { if (!c.headerInSameGrid(b)) { b = null } d = b.getWidth() - c.minColWidth } } else { if ((e = c.dragHd.up("tablepanel")).isLocked) { d = c.dragHd.up("[scrollerOwner]").getWidth() - e.getWidth() - 30 } else { d = c.maxColWidth - a.getWidth() } } return c.adjustConstrainRegion(a.getRegion(), 0, d, 0, c.minColWidth) }, onStart: function (h) { var j = this, g = j.dragHd, b = g.el.getWidth(), d = g.getOwnerHeaderCt(), m, l, n, c, a, k, o; j.headerCt.dragging = true; j.origWidth = b; if (!j.dynamic) { n = c = d.up("tablepanel"); if (n.ownerLockable) { c = n.ownerLockable } m = j.getLeftMarkerX(c); a = c.getLhsMarker(); k = c.getRhsMarker(); o = n.body.getHeight() + d.getHeight(); l = d.getOffsetsTo(c)[1]; a.setLocalY(l); k.setLocalY(l); a.setHeight(o); k.setHeight(o); j.setMarkerX(a, m); j.setMarkerX(k, m + b) } }, onDrag: function (b) { var a = this, c; if (a.dynamic) { a.doResize() } else { c = this.headerCt.up("tablepanel"); if (c.ownerLockable) { c = c.ownerLockable } this.setMarkerX(this.getMovingMarker(c), this.calculateDragX(c)) } }, getMovingMarker: function (a) { return a.getRhsMarker() }, onEnd: function (a) { this.headerCt.dragging = false; if (this.dragHd) { if (!this.dynamic) { var b = this.headerCt.up("tablepanel"); if (b.ownerLockable) { b = b.ownerLockable } this.setMarkerX(b.getLhsMarker(), -9999); this.setMarkerX(b.getRhsMarker(), -9999) } this.doResize() } }, doResize: function () { var c = this, b = c.dragHd, a, d; if (b) { d = c.tracker.getOffset("point"); if (b.flex) { delete b.flex } Ext.suspendLayouts(); c.adjustColumnWidth(d[0]); if (c.headerCt.forceFit) { a = b.nextNode("gridcolumn:not([hidden]):not([isGroupHeader])"); if (a && !c.headerInSameGrid(a)) { a = null } if (a) { delete a.flex; a.setWidth(a.getWidth() - d[0]) } } Ext.resumeLayouts(true) } }, headerInSameGrid: function (b) { var a = this.dragHd.up("tablepanel"); return !!b.up(a) }, disable: function () { this.disabled = true; if (this.tracker) { this.tracker.disable() } }, enable: function () { this.disabled = false; if (this.tracker) { this.tracker.enable() } }, calculateDragX: function (a) { return this.tracker.getXY("point")[0] - a.getX() - a.el.getBorderWidth("l") }, getLeftMarkerX: function (a) { return this.dragHd.getX() - a.getX() - a.el.getBorderWidth("l") - 1 }, setMarkerX: function (b, a) { b.setLocalX(a) }, adjustConstrainRegion: function (g, d, e, a, c) { return g.adjust(d, e, a, c) }, adjustColumnWidth: function (a) { this.dragHd.setWidth(this.origWidth + a) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["plugin.gridheaderresizer"], 0, [Ext.grid.plugin, "HeaderResizer"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.header.DragZone", Ext.dd.DragZone, { colHeaderSelector: "." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "column-header", colInnerSelector: "." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "column-header-inner", maxProxyWidth: 120, constructor: function (a) { this.headerCt = a; this.ddGroup = this.getDDGroup(); this.callParent([a.el]); this.proxy.el.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-col-dd") }, getDDGroup: function () { return "header-dd-zone-" + this.headerCt.up("[scrollerOwner]").id }, getDragData: function (b) { if (b.getTarget(this.colInnerSelector)) { var d = b.getTarget(this.colHeaderSelector), a, c; if (d) { a = Ext.getCmp(d.id); if (!this.headerCt.dragging && a.draggable && !(a.isOnLeftEdge(b) || a.isOnRightEdge(b))) { c = document.createElement("div"); c.innerHTML = Ext.getCmp(d.id).text; return { ddel: c, header: a } } } } return false }, onBeforeDrag: function () { return !(this.headerCt.dragging || this.disabled) }, onInitDrag: function () { this.headerCt.dragging = true; this.callParent(arguments) }, onDragDrop: function () { this.headerCt.dragging = false; this.callParent(arguments) }, afterRepair: function () { this.callParent(); this.headerCt.dragging = false }, getRepairXY: function () { return this.dragData.header.el.getXY() }, disable: function () { this.disabled = true }, enable: function () { this.disabled = false } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.grid.header, "DragZone"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.header.DropZone", Ext.dd.DropZone, { colHeaderCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "column-header", proxyOffsets: [-4, -9], constructor: function (a) { this.headerCt = a; this.ddGroup = this.getDDGroup(); this.callParent([a.el]) }, getDDGroup: function () { return "header-dd-zone-" + this.headerCt.up("[scrollerOwner]").id }, getTargetFromEvent: function (a) { return a.getTarget("." + this.colHeaderCls) }, getTopIndicator: function () { if (!this.topIndicator) { this.self.prototype.topIndicator = Ext.DomHelper.append(Ext.getBody(), { cls: "col-move-top", html: " " }, true); this.self.prototype.indicatorXOffset = Math.floor((this.topIndicator.dom.offsetWidth + 1) / 2) } return this.topIndicator }, getBottomIndicator: function () { if (!this.bottomIndicator) { this.self.prototype.bottomIndicator = Ext.DomHelper.append(Ext.getBody(), { cls: "col-move-bottom", html: " " }, true) } return this.bottomIndicator }, getLocation: function (d, b) { var a = d.getXY()[0], c = Ext.fly(b).getRegion(), g; if ((c.right - a) <= (c.right - c.left) / 2) { g = "after" } else { g = "before" } return { pos: g, header: Ext.getCmp(b.id), node: b } }, positionIndicator: function (z, p, v) { var y = this, q = z.header, g = y.getLocation(v, p), k = g.header, d = g.pos, c, u, m, s, t, a, b, l, n, x, w, o, j, r, h; if (k === y.lastTargetHeader && d === y.lastDropPos) { return } c = q.nextSibling("gridcolumn:not([hidden])"); u = q.previousSibling("gridcolumn:not([hidden])"); y.lastTargetHeader = k; y.lastDropPos = d; if (!k.draggable && d === "before" && k.getIndex() === 0) { return false } z.dropLocation = g; if ((q !== k) && ((d === "before" && c !== k) || (d === "after" && u !== k)) && !k.isDescendantOf(q)) { o = Ext.dd.DragDropManager.getRelated(y); j = o.length; r = 0; for (; r < j; r++) { h = o[r]; if (h !== y && h.invalidateDrop) { h.invalidateDrop() } } y.valid = true; m = y.getTopIndicator(); s = y.getBottomIndicator(); if (d === "before") { t = "bc-tl"; a = "tc-bl" } else { t = "bc-tr"; a = "tc-br" } b = m.getAlignToXY(k.el, t); l = s.getAlignToXY(k.el, a); n = y.headerCt.el; x = n.getX() - y.indicatorXOffset; w = n.getX() + n.getWidth(); b[0] = Ext.Number.constrain(b[0], x, w); l[0] = Ext.Number.constrain(l[0], x, w); m.setXY(b); s.setXY(l); m.show(); s.show() } else { y.invalidateDrop() } }, invalidateDrop: function () { this.valid = false; this.hideIndicators() }, onNodeOver: function (c, h, g, d) { var j = this, l = d.header, a, m, b, k; if (d.header.el.dom === c) { a = false } else { d.isLock = d.isUnlock = false; m = j.getLocation(g, c).header; a = (l.ownerCt === m.ownerCt); if (!a && (!l.ownerCt.sealed && !m.ownerCt.sealed)) { a = true; b = l.up("tablepanel"); k = m.up("tablepanel"); d.isLock = k.isLocked && !b.isLocked; d.isUnlock = !k.isLocked && b.isLocked; if ((d.isUnlock && l.lockable === false) || (d.isLock && !l.isLockable())) { a = false } } } if (a) { j.positionIndicator(d, c, g) } else { j.valid = false } return j.valid ? j.dropAllowed : j.dropNotAllowed }, hideIndicators: function () { var a = this; a.getTopIndicator().hide(); a.getBottomIndicator().hide(); a.lastTargetHeader = a.lastDropPos = null }, onNodeOut: function () { this.hideIndicators() }, onNodeDrop: function (p, c, s, v) { if (this.valid) { var r = v.header, j = v.dropLocation, m = j.header, u = r.ownerCt, n = u.items.indexOf(r), a = m.ownerCt, q = a.items.indexOf(m), k = this.headerCt, d = k.columnManager, b = d.getHeaderIndex(r), t = d.getHeaderIndex(m), o = r.isGroupHeader ? r.query(":not([isGroupHeader])").length : 1, l = u === a, h, g; if (j.pos === "after") { q++; t += m.isGroupHeader ? m.query(":not([isGroupHeader])").length : 1 } if (v.isLock) { h = u.up("[scrollerOwner]"); h.lock(r, q); v.isLock = false; this.onNodeDrop(p, c, s, v) } else { if (v.isUnlock) { h = u.up("[scrollerOwner]"); h.unlock(r, q); v.isUnlock = false; this.onNodeDrop(p, c, s, v) } else { this.invalidateDrop(); g = r.getWidth(); if (l) { if (q === n) { k.onHeaderMoved(r, o, b, t); return } if (q > n) { q -= 1 } } Ext.suspendLayouts(); if (l) { a.move(n, q) } else { u.remove(r, false); a.insert(q, r) } if (a.isGroupHeader) { if (!l) { r.savedFlex = r.flex; delete r.flex; r.width = g } } else { if (r.savedFlex) { r.flex = r.savedFlex; delete r.width } } k.purgeCache(); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); k.onHeaderMoved(r, o, b, t) } } } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.grid.header, "DropZone"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.plugin.HeaderReorderer", Ext.AbstractPlugin, { init: function (a) { this.headerCt = a; a.on({ render: this.onHeaderCtRender, single: true, scope: this }) }, destroy: function () { Ext.destroy(this.dragZone, this.dropZone) }, onHeaderCtRender: function () { var a = this; a.dragZone = new Ext.grid.header.DragZone(a.headerCt); a.dropZone = new Ext.grid.header.DropZone(a.headerCt); if (a.disabled) { a.dragZone.disable() } }, enable: function () { this.disabled = false; if (this.dragZone) { this.dragZone.enable() } }, disable: function () { this.disabled = true; if (this.dragZone) { this.dragZone.disable() } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["plugin.gridheaderreorderer"], 0, [Ext.grid.plugin, "HeaderReorderer"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.header.Container", Ext.container.Container, { border: true, baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-header-ct", dock: "top", weight: 100, defaultType: "gridcolumn", detachOnRemove: false, defaultWidth: 100, sortAscText: "Sort Ascending", sortDescText: "Sort Descending", sortClearText: "Clear Sort", columnsText: "Columns", headerOpenCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "column-header-open", menuSortAscCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "hmenu-sort-asc", menuSortDescCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "hmenu-sort-desc", menuColsIcon: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "cols-icon", triStateSort: false, ddLock: false, dragging: false, sortable: true, enableColumnHide: true, initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.headerCounter = 0; a.plugins = a.plugins || []; if (!a.isColumn) { if (a.enableColumnResize) { a.resizer = new Ext.grid.plugin.HeaderResizer(); a.plugins.push(a.resizer) } if (a.enableColumnMove) { a.reorderer = new Ext.grid.plugin.HeaderReorderer(); a.plugins.push(a.reorderer) } } if (a.isColumn && (!a.items || a.items.length === 0)) { a.isContainer = false; a.layout = { type: "container", calculate: Ext.emptyFn } } else { a.layout = Ext.apply({ type: "gridcolumn", align: "stretch" }, a.initialConfig.layout); if (a.isRootHeader) { a.grid.columnManager = a.columnManager = new Ext.grid.ColumnManager(a) } } a.defaults = a.defaults || {}; Ext.applyIf(a.defaults, { triStateSort: a.triStateSort, sortable: a.sortable }); a.menuTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(a.updateMenuDisabledState, a); a.callParent(); a.addEvents("columnresize", "headerclick", "headercontextmenu", "headertriggerclick", "columnmove", "columnhide", "columnshow", "columnschanged", "sortchange", "menucreate") }, isLayoutRoot: function () { if (this.hiddenHeaders) { return false } return this.callParent() }, getOwnerHeaderCt: function () { var a = this; return a.isRootHeader ? a : a.up("[isRootHeader]") }, onDestroy: function () { var a = this; if (a.menu) { a.menu.un("hide", a.onMenuHide, a) } a.menuTask.cancel(); Ext.destroy(a.resizer, a.reorderer); a.callParent() }, applyColumnsState: function (e) { if (!e || !e.length) { return } var m = this, k = m.items.items, j = k.length, g = 0, b = e.length, l, d, a, h; for (l = 0; l < b; l++) { a = e[l]; for (h = j; h--; ) { d = k[h]; if (d.getStateId && d.getStateId() == a.id) { if (g !== h) { m.moveHeader(h, g) } if (d.applyColumnState) { d.applyColumnState(a) } ++g; break } } } }, getColumnsState: function () { var b = this, a = [], c; b.items.each(function (d) { c = d.getColumnState && d.getColumnState(); if (c) { a.push(c) } }); return a }, onAdd: function (b) { var a = this; if (!b.headerId) { b.headerId = b.initialConfig.id || Ext.id(null, "header-") } if (!b.getStateId()) { b.stateId = b.initialConfig.id || ("h" + (++a.headerCounter)) } a.callParent(arguments); a.onColumnsChanged() }, onMove: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.onColumnsChanged() }, onShow: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.onColumnsChanged() }, onColumnsChanged: function () { var a = this; while (a) { a.purgeCache(); if (a.isRootHeader) { break } a = a.ownerCt } if (a && a.rendered) { a.fireEvent("columnschanged", a) } }, onRemove: function (d) { var b = this, a = b.ownerCt; b.callParent(arguments); if (!b.destroying) { b.onColumnsChanged(); if (b.isGroupHeader && !b.items.getCount() && a) { b.detachComponent(d); Ext.suspendLayouts(); a.remove(b); Ext.resumeLayouts(true) } } }, applyDefaults: function (b) { var a; if (b && !b.isComponent && b.xtype == "rownumberer") { a = b } else { a = this.callParent(arguments); if (!b.isGroupHeader && !("width" in a) && !a.flex) { a.width = this.defaultWidth } } return a }, setSortState: function () { var a = this.up("[store]").store, c = a.getFirstSorter(), b; if (c) { b = this.down("gridcolumn[dataIndex=" + c.property + "]"); if (b) { b.setSortState(c.direction, false, true) } } else { this.clearOtherSortStates(null) } }, getHeaderMenu: function () { var b = this.getMenu(), a; if (b) { a = b.child("#columnItem"); if (a) { return a.menu } } return null }, onHeaderVisibilityChange: function (e, d) { var b = this, c = b.getHeaderMenu(), a; b.purgeCache(); if (c) { a = b.getMenuItemForHeader(c, e); if (a) { a.setChecked(d, true) } if (c.isVisible()) { b.menuTask.delay(50) } } }, updateMenuDisabledState: function (h) { var g = this, d = g.query(":not([hidden])"), c, a = d.length, e, b, j; if (!h) { h = g.getMenu() } for (c = 0; c < a; ++c) { e = d[c]; b = g.getMenuItemForHeader(h, e); if (b) { j = e.isHideable() ? "enable" : "disable"; if (b.menu) { j += "CheckChange" } b[j]() } } }, getMenuItemForHeader: function (a, b) { return b ? a.down("menucheckitem[headerId=" + b.id + "]") : null }, onHeaderShow: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.ownerCt; if (b.forceFit) { delete b.flex } b.onHeaderVisibilityChange(c, true); if (!c.isGroupHeader) { if (a) { a.onHeaderShow(b, c) } } b.fireEvent("columnshow", b, c); b.fireEvent("columnschanged", this) }, onHeaderHide: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.ownerCt; b.onHeaderVisibilityChange(c, false); if (!c.isGroupHeader) { if (a) { a.onHeaderHide(b, c) } } b.fireEvent("columnhide", b, c); b.fireEvent("columnschanged", this) }, tempLock: function () { this.ddLock = true; Ext.Function.defer(function () { this.ddLock = false }, 200, this) }, onHeaderResize: function (g, b, e) { var d = this, a = d.view, c = d.ownerCt; if (a && a.body.dom) { d.tempLock(); if (c) { c.onHeaderResize(d, g, b) } } d.fireEvent("columnresize", this, g, b) }, onHeaderClick: function (c, b, a) { c.fireEvent("headerclick", this, c, b, a); this.fireEvent("headerclick", this, c, b, a) }, onHeaderContextMenu: function (c, b, a) { c.fireEvent("headercontextmenu", this, c, b, a); this.fireEvent("headercontextmenu", this, c, b, a) }, onHeaderTriggerClick: function (d, c, a) { var b = this; if (d.fireEvent("headertriggerclick", b, d, c, a) !== false && b.fireEvent("headertriggerclick", b, d, c, a) !== false) { b.showMenuBy(a, d) } }, showMenuBy: function (b, g) { var d = this.getMenu(), e = d.down("#ascItem"), c = d.down("#descItem"), a; d.activeHeader = d.ownerButton = g; g.setMenuActive(true); a = g.sortable ? "enable" : "disable"; if (e) { e[a]() } if (c) { c[a]() } d.showBy(b) }, onMenuHide: function (a) { a.activeHeader.setMenuActive(false) }, moveHeader: function (a, b) { this.tempLock(); this.onHeaderMoved(this.move(a, b), 1, a, b) }, purgeCache: function () { var a = this, b = a.menu; a.gridDataColumns = a.hideableColumns = null; if (a.columnManager) { a.columnManager.invalidate() } if (b && b.hidden) { b.hide(); b.destroy(); a.menu = null } }, onHeaderMoved: function (g, a, c, e) { var d = this, b = d.ownerCt; if (b && b.onHeaderMove) { b.onHeaderMove(d, g, a, c, e) } d.fireEvent("columnmove", d, g, c, e) }, getMenu: function () { var a = this; if (!a.menu) { a.menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({ hideOnParentHide: false, items: a.getMenuItems(), listeners: { hide: a.onMenuHide, scope: a } }); a.fireEvent("menucreate", a, a.menu) } a.updateMenuDisabledState(a.menu); return a.menu }, getMenuItems: function () { var c = this, b = [], a = c.enableColumnHide ? c.getColumnMenu(c) : null; if (c.sortable) { b = [{ itemId: "ascItem", text: c.sortAscText, cls: c.menuSortAscCls, handler: c.onSortAscClick, scope: c }, { itemId: "descItem", text: c.sortDescText, cls: c.menuSortDescCls, handler: c.onSortDescClick, scope: c } ] } if (a && a.length) { if (c.sortable) { b.push("-") } b.push({ itemId: "columnItem", text: c.columnsText, cls: c.menuColsIcon, menu: a, hideOnClick: false }) } return b }, onSortAscClick: function () { var b = this.getMenu(), a = b.activeHeader; a.setSortState("ASC") }, onSortDescClick: function () { var b = this.getMenu(), a = b.activeHeader; a.setSortState("DESC") }, getColumnMenu: function (g) { var c = [], b = 0, e, a = g.query(">gridcolumn[hideable]"), h = a.length, d; for (; b < h; b++) { e = a[b]; d = new Ext.menu.CheckItem({ text: e.menuText || e.text, checked: !e.hidden, hideOnClick: false, headerId: e.id, menu: e.isGroupHeader ? this.getColumnMenu(e) : undefined, checkHandler: this.onColumnCheckChange, scope: this }); c.push(d); e.on({ destroy: Ext.Function.bind(d.destroy, d) }) } return c }, onColumnCheckChange: function (a, b) { var c = Ext.getCmp(a.headerId); c[b ? "show" : "hide"]() }, getColumnCount: function () { return this.getGridColumns().length }, getFullWidth: function () { var c = 0, b = this.getVisibleGridColumns(), e = b.length, a = 0, d; for (; a < e; a++) { d = b[a]; if (d.getDesiredWidth) { c += d.getDesiredWidth() || 0 } else { c += d.getWidth() } } return c }, clearOtherSortStates: function (a) { var c = this.getGridColumns(), d = c.length, b = 0; for (; b < d; b++) { if (c[b] !== a) { c[b].setSortState(null, true) } } }, getVisibleGridColumns: function () { var c = this.getGridColumns(), b = [], a = c.length, d; for (d = 0; d < a; d++) { if (!c[d].hidden) { b[b.length] = c[d] } } return b }, getGridColumns: function (h, a) { if (!h && this.gridDataColumns) { return this.gridDataColumns } var g = this, k = h || [], e, b, d, j, c; a = a || g.hidden; if (g.items) { e = g.items.items; for (b = 0, d = e.length; b < d; b++) { j = e[b]; if (j.isGroupHeader) { j.getGridColumns(k, a) } else { j.hiddenAncestor = a; k.push(j) } } } if (!h) { g.gridDataColumns = k } if (!h && d) { for (b = 0, d = k.length; b < d; b++) { j = k[b]; j.isFirstVisible = j.isLastVisible = false; if (!(j.hidden || j.hiddenAncestor)) { if (!c) { j.isFirstVisible = true } c = j } } if (c) { c.isLastVisible = true } } return k }, getHideableColumns: function () { var b = this, a = b.hideableColumns; if (!a) { a = b.hideableColumns = b.query("[hideable]") } return a }, getHeaderIndex: function (a) { return this.columnManager.getHeaderIndex(a) }, getHeaderAtIndex: function (a) { return this.columnManager.getHeaderAtIndex(a) }, getVisibleHeaderClosestToIndex: function (a) { return this.columnManager.getVisibleHeaderClosestToIndex(a) }, autoSizeColumn: function (b) { var a = this.view; if (a) { a.autoSizeColumn(b) } } }, 0, ["headercontainer"], ["component", "container", "box", "headercontainer"], { component: true, container: true, box: true, headercontainer: true }, ["widget.headercontainer"], 0, [Ext.grid.header, "Container"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.column.Column", Ext.grid.header.Container, { alternateClassName: "Ext.grid.Column", baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "column-header", hoverCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "column-header-over", handleWidth: 4, sortState: null, possibleSortStates: ["ASC", "DESC"], childEls: ["titleEl", "triggerEl", "textEl"], noWrap: true, renderTpl: '
    {%this.renderContainer(out,values)%}', dataIndex: null, text: " ", menuText: null, emptyCellText: " ", sortable: true, resizable: true, hideable: true, menuDisabled: false, renderer: false, editRenderer: false, align: "left", draggable: true, tooltipType: "qtip", initDraggable: Ext.emptyFn, tdCls: "", isHeader: true, isColumn: true, ascSortCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "column-header-sort-ASC", descSortCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "column-header-sort-DESC", componentLayout: "columncomponent", groupSubHeaderCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "group-sub-header", groupHeaderCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "group-header", clickTargetName: "titleEl", detachOnRemove: true, initResizable: Ext.emptyFn, initComponent: function () { var b = this, c, a; if (b.header != null) { b.text = b.header; b.header = null } if (!b.triStateSort) { b.possibleSortStates.length = 2 } if (b.columns != null) { b.isGroupHeader = true; b.items = b.columns; b.columns = b.flex = b.width = null; b.cls = (b.cls || "") + " " + b.groupHeaderCls; b.sortable = b.resizable = false; b.align = "center" } else { if (b.flex) { b.minWidth = b.minWidth || Ext.grid.plugin.HeaderResizer.prototype.minColWidth } } b.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "column-header-align-" + b.align); c = b.renderer; if (c) { if (typeof c == "string") { b.renderer = Ext.util.Format[c] } b.hasCustomRenderer = true } else { if (b.defaultRenderer) { b.scope = b; b.renderer = b.defaultRenderer } } b.callParent(arguments); a = { element: b.clickTargetName, click: b.onTitleElClick, contextmenu: b.onTitleElContextMenu, mouseenter: b.onTitleMouseOver, mouseleave: b.onTitleMouseOut, scope: b }; if (b.resizable) { a.dblclick = b.onTitleElDblClick } b.on(a) }, onAdd: function (a) { if (a.isColumn) { a.isSubHeader = true; a.addCls(this.groupSubHeaderCls) } if (this.hidden) { a.hide() } this.callParent(arguments) }, onRemove: function (a) { if (a.isSubHeader) { a.isSubHeader = false; a.removeCls(this.groupSubHeaderCls) } this.callParent(arguments) }, initRenderData: function () { var b = this, d = "", c = b.tooltip, a = b.tooltipType == "qtip" ? "data-qtip" : "title"; if (!Ext.isEmpty(c)) { d = a + '="' + c + '" ' } return Ext.applyIf(b.callParent(arguments), { text: b.text, menuDisabled: b.menuDisabled, tipMarkup: d }) }, applyColumnState: function (b) { var a = this; a.applyColumnsState(b.columns); if (b.hidden != null) { a.hidden = b.hidden } if (b.locked != null) { a.locked = b.locked } if (b.sortable != null) { a.sortable = b.sortable } if (b.width != null) { a.flex = null; a.width = b.width } else { if (b.flex != null) { a.width = null; a.flex = b.flex } } }, getColumnState: function () { var e = this, b = e.items.items, a = b ? b.length : 0, d, c = [], g = { id: e.getStateId() }; e.savePropsToState(["hidden", "sortable", "locked", "flex", "width"], g); if (e.isGroupHeader) { for (d = 0; d < a; d++) { c.push(b[d].getColumnState()) } if (c.length) { g.columns = c } } else { if (e.isSubHeader && e.ownerCt.hidden) { delete e.hidden } } if ("width" in g) { delete g.flex } return g }, getStateId: function () { return this.stateId || this.headerId }, setText: function (a) { this.text = a; if (this.rendered) { this.textEl.update(a) } }, getIndex: function () { return this.isGroupColumn ? false : this.getOwnerHeaderCt().getHeaderIndex(this) }, getVisibleIndex: function () { return this.isGroupColumn ? false : Ext.Array.indexOf(this.getOwnerHeaderCt().getVisibleGridColumns(), this) }, beforeRender: function () { var b = this, a = b.up("tablepanel"); b.callParent(); if (a && (!b.sortable || a.sortableColumns === false) && !b.groupable && !b.lockable && (a.enableColumnHide === false || !b.getOwnerHeaderCt().getHideableColumns().length)) { b.menuDisabled = true } b.protoEl.unselectable() }, afterRender: function () { var b = this, a = b.triggerEl, c; b.callParent(arguments); if (!Ext.isIE8 || !Ext.isStrict) { b.mon(b.getFocusEl(), { focus: b.onTitleMouseOver, blur: b.onTitleMouseOut, scope: b }) } if (a && b.self.triggerElWidth === undefined) { a.setStyle("display", "block"); b.self.triggerElWidth = a.getWidth(); a.setStyle("display", "") } b.keyNav = new Ext.util.KeyNav(b.el, { enter: b.onEnterKey, down: b.onDownKey, scope: b }) }, afterComponentLayout: function (d, a, c, g) { var e = this, b = e.getOwnerHeaderCt(); e.callParent(arguments); if (b && (c != null || e.flex) && d !== c) { b.onHeaderResize(e, d, true) } }, onDestroy: function () { var a = this; Ext.destroy(a.textEl, a.keyNav, a.field); a.keyNav = null; a.callParent(arguments) }, onTitleMouseOver: function () { this.titleEl.addCls(this.hoverCls) }, onTitleMouseOut: function () { this.titleEl.removeCls(this.hoverCls) }, onDownKey: function (a) { if (this.triggerEl) { this.onTitleElClick(a, this.triggerEl.dom || this.el.dom) } }, onEnterKey: function (a) { this.onTitleElClick(a, this.el.dom) }, onTitleElDblClick: function (g, a) { var c = this, b, d; if (c.isOnLeftEdge(g)) { b = c.previousNode("gridcolumn:not([hidden]):not([isGroupHeader])"); if (b && b.getOwnerHeaderCt() === c.getOwnerHeaderCt()) { b.autoSize() } } else { if (c.isOnRightEdge(g)) { if (c.isGroupHeader && g.getPoint().isContainedBy(c.layout.innerCt)) { d = c.query("gridcolumn:not([hidden]):not([isGroupHeader])"); this.getOwnerHeaderCt().autoSizeColumn(d[d.length - 1]); return } c.autoSize() } } }, autoSize: function () { var b = this, c, e, a, d; if (b.isGroupHeader) { c = b.query("gridcolumn:not([hidden]):not([isGroupHeader])"); e = c.length; d = this.getOwnerHeaderCt(); Ext.suspendLayouts(); for (a = 0; a < e; a++) { d.autoSizeColumn(c[a]) } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); return } this.getOwnerHeaderCt().autoSizeColumn(this) }, onTitleElClick: function (d, b) { var c = this, a = c.getOwnerHeaderCt(); if (a && !a.ddLock) { if (c.triggerEl && (d.target === c.triggerEl.dom || b === c.triggerEl.dom || d.within(c.triggerEl))) { a.onHeaderTriggerClick(c, d, b) } else { if (d.getKey() || (!c.isOnLeftEdge(d) && !c.isOnRightEdge(d))) { c.toggleSortState(); a.onHeaderClick(c, d, b) } } } }, onTitleElContextMenu: function (d, b) { var c = this, a = c.getOwnerHeaderCt(); if (a && !a.ddLock) { a.onHeaderContextMenu(c, d, b) } }, processEvent: function (g, b, a, c, d, h) { return this.fireEvent.apply(this, arguments) }, toggleSortState: function () { var b = this, a, c; if (b.sortable) { a = Ext.Array.indexOf(b.possibleSortStates, b.sortState); c = (a + 1) % b.possibleSortStates.length; b.setSortState(b.possibleSortStates[c]) } }, doSort: function (c) { var b = this.up("tablepanel"), a = b.store; if (b.ownerLockable && a.isNodeStore) { a = b.ownerLockable.lockedGrid.store } a.sort({ property: this.getSortParam(), direction: c }) }, getSortParam: function () { return this.dataIndex }, setSortState: function (g, e, c) { var d = this, h = d.ascSortCls, b = d.descSortCls, a = d.getOwnerHeaderCt(), j = d.sortState; g = g || null; if (!d.sorting && j !== g && (d.getSortParam() != null)) { if (g && !c) { d.sorting = true; d.doSort(g); d.sorting = false } switch (g) { case "DESC": d.addCls(b); d.removeCls(h); break; case "ASC": d.addCls(h); d.removeCls(b); break; default: d.removeCls([h, b]) } if (a && !d.triStateSort && !e) { a.clearOtherSortStates(d) } d.sortState = g; if (d.triStateSort || g != null) { a.fireEvent("sortchange", a, d, g) } } }, isHideable: function () { var a = { hideCandidate: this, result: this.hideable }; if (a.result) { this.ownerCt.bubble(this.hasOtherMenuEnabledChildren, null, [a]) } return a.result }, hasOtherMenuEnabledChildren: function (a) { var b, c; if (!this.isXType("headercontainer")) { a.result = false; return false } b = this.query(">:not([hidden]):not([menuDisabled])"); c = b.length; if (Ext.Array.contains(b, a.hideCandidate)) { c-- } if (c) { return false } a.hideCandidate = this }, isLockable: function () { var a = { result: this.lockable !== false }; if (a.result) { this.ownerCt.bubble(this.hasMultipleVisibleChildren, null, [a]) } return a.result }, isLocked: function () { return this.locked || !!this.up("[isColumn][locked]", "[isRootHeader]") }, hasMultipleVisibleChildren: function (a) { if (!this.isXType("headercontainer")) { a.result = false; return false } if (this.query(">:not([hidden])").length > 1) { return false } }, hide: function (c) { var j = this, e = j.getOwnerHeaderCt(), b = j.ownerCt, a, k, h, g, d; if (!j.isVisible()) { return j } if (!e) { j.callParent(); return j } if (e.forceFit) { j.visibleSiblingCount = e.getVisibleGridColumns().length - 1; if (j.flex) { j.savedWidth = j.getWidth(); j.flex = null } } a = b.isGroupHeader; if (a && !c) { h = b.query(">:not([hidden])"); if (h.length === 1 && h[0] == j) { j.ownerCt.hide(); return } } Ext.suspendLayouts(); if (j.isGroupHeader) { h = j.items.items; for (d = 0, g = h.length; d < g; d++) { k = h[d]; if (!k.hidden) { k.hide(true) } } } j.callParent(); e.onHeaderHide(j); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); return j }, show: function (g, h) { var n = this, k = n.getOwnerHeaderCt(), d = n.ownerCt, m, l, j, o, b, a, e, c, p = Ext.grid.header.Container.prototype.defaultWidth; if (n.isVisible()) { return n } if (!n.rendered) { n.hidden = false; return } a = k.el.getViewSize().width - (k.view.el.dom.scrollHeight > k.view.el.dom.clientHeight ? Ext.getScrollbarSize().width : 0); if (k.forceFit) { m = Ext.ComponentQuery.query(":not([flex])", k.getVisibleGridColumns()); if (m.length) { n.width = n.savedWidth || n.width || p } else { m = k.getVisibleGridColumns(); l = m.length; c = n.visibleSiblingCount; b = (n.savedWidth || n.width || p); b = Math.min(b * (c / l), p, Math.max(a - (l * p), p)); n.width = null; n.flex = b; a -= b; e = 0; for (j = 0; j < l; j++) { o = m[j]; o.flex = (o.width || o.getWidth()); e += o.flex; o.width = null } for (j = 0; j < l; j++) { o = m[j]; o.flex = o.flex / e * a } } } Ext.suspendLayouts(); if (n.isSubHeader && d.hidden) { d.show(false, true) } n.callParent(arguments); if (n.isGroupHeader && h !== true && !n.query(":not([hidden])").length) { m = n.items.items; for (j = 0, l = m.length; j < l; j++) { o = m[j]; if (o.hidden) { o.show(true) } } } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); d = n.getOwnerHeaderCt(); if (d) { d.onHeaderShow(n) } }, getDesiredWidth: function () { var a = this; if (a.rendered && a.componentLayout && a.componentLayout.lastComponentSize) { return a.componentLayout.lastComponentSize.width } else { if (a.flex) { return a.width } else { return a.width } } }, getCellSelector: function () { return "." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-" + this.getItemId() }, getCellInnerSelector: function () { return this.getCellSelector() + " ." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-inner" }, isOnLeftEdge: function (a) { return (a.getXY()[0] - this.getX() <= this.handleWidth) }, isOnRightEdge: function (a) { return (this.getX() + this.getWidth() - a.getXY()[0] <= this.handleWidth) }, setMenuActive: function (a) { this.titleEl[a ? "addCls" : "removeCls"](this.headerOpenCls) } }, 0, ["gridcolumn"], ["component", "gridcolumn", "container", "box", "headercontainer"], { component: true, gridcolumn: true, container: true, box: true, headercontainer: true }, ["widget.gridcolumn"], 0, [Ext.grid.column, "Column", Ext.grid, "Column"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.column.Action", Ext.grid.column.Column, { alternateClassName: "Ext.grid.ActionColumn", actionIdRe: new RegExp(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "action-col-(\\d+)"), altText: "", menuText: "Actions", sortable: false, innerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-inner-action-col", constructor: function (d) { var g = this, b = Ext.apply({}, d), c = b.items || g.items || [g], h, e, a; g.origRenderer = b.renderer || g.renderer; g.origScope = b.scope || g.scope; g.renderer = g.scope = b.renderer = b.scope = null; b.items = null; g.callParent([b]); g.items = c; for (e = 0, a = c.length; e < a; ++e) { if (c[e].getClass) { h = true; break } } if (g.origRenderer || h) { g.hasCustomRenderer = true } }, defaultRenderer: function (o, r, e, a, d, n, m) { var l = this, g = Ext.baseCSSPrefix, q = l.origScope || l, k = l.items, h = k.length, c = 0, p, j, b, s; j = Ext.isFunction(l.origRenderer) ? l.origRenderer.apply(q, arguments) || "" : ""; r.tdCls += " " + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "action-col-cell"; for (; c < h; c++) { p = k[c]; b = p.disabled || (p.isDisabled ? p.isDisabled.call(p.scope || q, m, a, d, p, e) : false); s = b ? null : (p.tooltip || (p.getTip ? p.getTip.apply(p.scope || q, arguments) : null)); if (!p.hasActionConfiguration) { p.stopSelection = l.stopSelection; p.disable = Ext.Function.bind(l.disableAction, l, [c], 0); p.enable = Ext.Function.bind(l.enableAction, l, [c], 0); p.hasActionConfiguration = true } j += '' + (p.altText || l.altText) + '" } return j }, enableAction: function (b, a) { var c = this; if (!b) { b = 0 } else { if (!Ext.isNumber(b)) { b = Ext.Array.indexOf(c.items, b) } } c.items[b].disabled = false; c.up("tablepanel").el.select("." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "action-col-" + b).removeCls(c.disabledCls); if (!a) { c.fireEvent("enable", c) } }, disableAction: function (b, a) { var c = this; if (!b) { b = 0 } else { if (!Ext.isNumber(b)) { b = Ext.Array.indexOf(c.items, b) } } c.items[b].disabled = true; c.up("tablepanel").el.select("." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "action-col-" + b).addCls(c.disabledCls); if (!a) { c.fireEvent("disable", c) } }, destroy: function () { delete this.items; delete this.renderer; return this.callParent(arguments) }, processEvent: function (k, n, p, b, l, h, d, r) { var j = this, g = h.getTarget(), c, q, m, o = k == "keydown" && h.getKey(), a; if (o && !Ext.fly(g).findParent(n.getCellSelector())) { g = Ext.fly(p).down("." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "action-col-icon", true) } if (g && (c = g.className.match(j.actionIdRe))) { q = j.items[parseInt(c[1], 10)]; a = q.disabled || (q.isDisabled ? q.isDisabled.call(q.scope || j.origScope || j, n, b, l, q, d) : false); if (q && !a) { if (k == "click" || (o == h.ENTER || o == h.SPACE)) { m = q.handler || j.handler; if (m) { m.call(q.scope || j.origScope || j, n, b, l, q, h, d, r) } } else { if (k == "mousedown" && q.stopSelection !== false) { return false } } } } return j.callParent(arguments) }, cascade: function (b, a) { b.call(a || this, this) }, getRefItems: function () { return [] } }, 1, ["actioncolumn"], ["component", "gridcolumn", "container", "actioncolumn", "box", "headercontainer"], { component: true, gridcolumn: true, container: true, actioncolumn: true, box: true, headercontainer: true }, ["widget.actioncolumn"], 0, [Ext.grid.column, "Action", Ext.grid, "ActionColumn"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.column.Boolean", Ext.grid.column.Column, { alternateClassName: "Ext.grid.BooleanColumn", trueText: "true", falseText: "false", undefinedText: " ", defaultRenderer: function (a) { if (a === undefined) { return this.undefinedText } if (!a || a === "false") { return this.falseText } return this.trueText } }, 0, ["booleancolumn"], ["booleancolumn", "component", "gridcolumn", "container", "box", "headercontainer"], { booleancolumn: true, component: true, gridcolumn: true, container: true, box: true, headercontainer: true }, ["widget.booleancolumn"], 0, [Ext.grid.column, "Boolean", Ext.grid, "BooleanColumn"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.column.CheckColumn", Ext.grid.column.Column, { alternateClassName: "Ext.ux.CheckColumn", align: "center", stopSelection: true, tdCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-checkcolumn", innerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-inner-checkcolumn", clickTargetName: "el", constructor: function () { this.addEvents("beforecheckchange", "checkchange"); this.scope = this; this.callParent(arguments) }, processEvent: function (h, k, o, b, j, d, c, p) { var g = this, n = h === "keydown" && d.getKey(), a = h == "mousedown"; if (!g.disabled && (a || (n == d.ENTER || n == d.SPACE))) { var l = g.dataIndex, m = !c.get(l); if (g.fireEvent("beforecheckchange", g, b, m) !== false) { c.set(l, m); g.fireEvent("checkchange", g, b, m); if (a) { d.stopEvent() } if (!g.stopSelection) { k.selModel.selectByPosition({ row: b, column: j }) } return false } else { return !g.stopSelection } } else { return g.callParent(arguments) } }, onEnable: function (a) { var b = this; b.callParent(arguments); b.up("tablepanel").el.select("." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-" + b.id).removeCls(b.disabledCls); if (!a) { b.fireEvent("enable", b) } }, onDisable: function (a) { var b = this; b.callParent(arguments); b.up("tablepanel").el.select("." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-" + b.id).addCls(b.disabledCls); if (!a) { b.fireEvent("disable", b) } }, renderer: function (b, c) { var d = Ext.baseCSSPrefix, a = [d + "grid-checkcolumn"]; if (this.disabled) { c.tdCls += " " + this.disabledCls } if (b) { a.push(d + "grid-checkcolumn-checked") } return '' } }, 1, ["checkcolumn"], ["checkcolumn", "component", "gridcolumn", "container", "box", "headercontainer"], { checkcolumn: true, component: true, gridcolumn: true, container: true, box: true, headercontainer: true }, ["widget.checkcolumn"], 0, [Ext.grid.column, "CheckColumn", Ext.ux, "CheckColumn"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.column.Date", Ext.grid.column.Column, { alternateClassName: "Ext.grid.DateColumn", initComponent: function () { if (!this.format) { this.format = Ext.Date.defaultFormat } this.callParent(arguments) }, defaultRenderer: function (a) { return Ext.util.Format.date(a, this.format) } }, 0, ["datecolumn"], ["component", "gridcolumn", "container", "datecolumn", "box", "headercontainer"], { component: true, gridcolumn: true, container: true, datecolumn: true, box: true, headercontainer: true }, ["widget.datecolumn"], 0, [Ext.grid.column, "Date", Ext.grid, "DateColumn"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.column.Number", Ext.grid.column.Column, { alternateClassName: "Ext.grid.NumberColumn", format: "0,000.00", defaultRenderer: function (a) { return Ext.util.Format.number(a, this.format) } }, 0, ["numbercolumn"], ["component", "gridcolumn", "container", "box", "headercontainer", "numbercolumn"], { component: true, gridcolumn: true, container: true, box: true, headercontainer: true, numbercolumn: true }, ["widget.numbercolumn"], 0, [Ext.grid.column, "Number", Ext.grid, "NumberColumn"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.column.RowNumberer", Ext.grid.column.Column, { alternateClassName: "Ext.grid.RowNumberer", text: " ", width: 23, sortable: false, draggable: false, autoLock: true, lockable: false, align: "right", constructor: function (a) { var b = this; b.width = b.width; b.callParent(arguments); b.scope = b }, resizable: false, hideable: false, menuDisabled: true, dataIndex: "", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "row-numberer", tdCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-row-numberer " + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-special", innerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-inner-row-numberer", rowspan: undefined, renderer: function (h, a, e, b, d, j) { var c = this.rowspan, g = j.currentPage, k = e.index; if (c) { a.tdAttr = 'rowspan="' + c + '"' } if (k == null) { k = b; if (g > 1) { k += (g - 1) * j.pageSize } } return k + 1 } }, 1, ["rownumberer"], ["rownumberer", "component", "gridcolumn", "container", "box", "headercontainer"], { rownumberer: true, component: true, gridcolumn: true, container: true, box: true, headercontainer: true }, ["widget.rownumberer"], 0, [Ext.grid.column, "RowNumberer", Ext.grid, "RowNumberer"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.column.Template", Ext.grid.column.Column, { alternateClassName: "Ext.grid.TemplateColumn", initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.tpl = (!Ext.isPrimitive(a.tpl) && a.tpl.compile) ? a.tpl : new Ext.XTemplate(a.tpl); a.hasCustomRenderer = true; a.callParent(arguments) }, defaultRenderer: function (c, d, a) { var b = Ext.apply({}, a.data, a.getAssociatedData()); return this.tpl.apply(b) } }, 0, ["templatecolumn"], ["templatecolumn", "component", "gridcolumn", "container", "box", "headercontainer"], { templatecolumn: true, component: true, gridcolumn: true, container: true, box: true, headercontainer: true }, ["widget.templatecolumn"], 0, [Ext.grid.column, "Template", Ext.grid, "TemplateColumn"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.feature.Feature", Ext.util.Observable, { wrapsItem: false, isFeature: true, disabled: false, hasFeatureEvent: true, eventPrefix: null, eventSelector: null, view: null, grid: null, constructor: function (a) { this.initialConfig = a; this.callParent(arguments) }, clone: function () { return new this.self(this.initialConfig) }, init: Ext.emptyFn, destroy: function () { this.clearListeners() }, getFireEventArgs: function (b, a, c, d) { return [b, a, c, d] }, vetoEvent: Ext.emptyFn, enable: function () { this.disabled = false }, disable: function () { this.disabled = true } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["feature.feature"], 0, [Ext.grid.feature, "Feature"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.feature.AbstractSummary", Ext.grid.feature.Feature, { summaryRowCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-row-summary", summaryTableCls: Ext.plainTableCls + " " + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-table", summaryRowSelector: "." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-row-summary", summaryRowTpl: { before: function (a, b) { if (a.record.isSummary) { this.summaryFeature.outputSummaryRecord(a.record, a, b); return false } }, priority: 1000 }, showSummaryRow: true, init: function () { var a = this; a.view.summaryFeature = a; a.rowTpl = a.view.self.prototype.rowTpl; a.view.addRowTpl(a.summaryRowTpl).summaryFeature = a }, toggleSummaryRow: function (a) { this.showSummaryRow = !!a }, outputSummaryRecord: function (g, l, d) { var h = l.view, a = h.rowValues, c = l.columns || h.headerCt.getVisibleGridColumns(), k = c.length, e, b, j = { view: h, record: g, rowStyle: "", rowClasses: [this.summaryRowCls], itemClasses: [], recordIndex: -1, rowId: h.getRowId(g), columns: c }; for (e = 0; e < k; e++) { b = c[e]; b.savedRenderer = b.renderer; if (b.summaryRenderer) { b.renderer = b.summaryRenderer } else { if (!b.summaryType) { b.renderer = Ext.emptyFn } } if (!b.dataIndex) { b.dataIndex = b.id } } h.rowValues = j; h.self.prototype.rowTpl.applyOut(j, d); h.rowValues = a; for (e = 0; e < k; e++) { b = c[e]; b.renderer = b.savedRenderer; b.savedRenderer = null } }, getSummary: function (b, c, e, d) { var a = d.records; if (c) { if (Ext.isFunction(c)) { return b.getAggregate(c, null, a, [e]) } switch (c) { case "count": return a.length; case "min": return b.getMin(a, e); case "max": return b.getMax(a, e); case "sum": return b.getSum(a, e); case "average": return b.getAverage(a, e); default: return "" } } }, generateSummaryData: function () { var l = this, o = l.view.store, c = o.groups.items, h = o.proxy.reader, j = c.length, a = l.getGroupField(), e = {}, k = l.lockingPartner, d, p, g, m, r, b, q, n; if (l.remoteRoot && h.rawData) { b = true; n = {}; m = h.root; h.root = l.remoteRoot; h.buildExtractors(true); r = h.getRoot(h.rawData) || []; j = r.length; if (!h.convertRecordData) { h.buildExtractors() } for (d = 0; d < j; ++d) { q = {}; h.convertRecordData(q, r[d]); n[q[a]] = q } h.root = m; h.buildExtractors(true) } for (d = 0; d < j; ++d) { p = c[d]; if (b || p.isDirty() || !p.hasAggregate()) { if (b) { g = l.populateRemoteRecord(p, n) } else { g = l.populateRecord(p) } if (!k || (l.view.ownerCt === l.view.ownerCt.ownerLockable.normalGrid)) { p.commit() } } else { g = p.getAggregateRecord() } e[p.key] = g } return e }, populateRemoteRecord: function (e, c) { var a = e.getAggregateRecord(true), b = c[e.key], d; a.beginEdit(); for (d in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(d)) { if (d !== a.idProperty) { a.set(d, b[d]) } } } a.endEdit(true); a.commit(true); return a }, populateRecord: function (k) { var g = this, h = g.grid.ownerLockable ? g.grid.ownerLockable.view : g.view, j = g.view.store, d = k.getAggregateRecord(), b = h.headerCt.getGridColumns(), e = b.length, c, a, l; d.beginEdit(); for (c = 0; c < e; ++c) { a = b[c]; l = a.dataIndex || a.id; d.set(l, g.getSummary(j, a.summaryType, l, k)) } d.endEdit(true); d.commit(); return d } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["feature.abstractsummary"], 0, [Ext.grid.feature, "AbstractSummary"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.feature.GroupStore", Ext.util.Observable, { isStore: true, constructor: function (c, a) { var b = this; b.superclass.constructor.apply(b, arguments); b.groupingFeature = c; b.bindStore(a); b.processStore(a); b.view.dataSource = b }, bindStore: function (a) { var b = this; if (b.store) { Ext.destroy(b.storeListeners); b.store = null } if (a) { b.storeListeners = a.on({ bulkremove: b.onBulkRemove, add: b.onAdd, update: b.onUpdate, refresh: b.onRefresh, clear: b.onClear, scope: b, destroyable: true }); b.store = a } }, processStore: function (h) { var g = this, a = h.getGroups(), k = a.length, d, l, m, c = g.data, j = g.groupingFeature.groupCache, b = g.groupingFeature.clearGroupCache(), e = g.groupingFeature.startCollapsed; if (c) { c.clear() } else { c = g.data = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, Ext.data.Store.recordIdFn) } if (h.getCount()) { g.groupingFeature.startCollapsed = false; for (d = 0; d < k; d++) { l = a[d]; b[l.name] = l; l.isCollapsed = e || (j[l.name] && j[l.name].isCollapsed); if (l.isCollapsed) { l.placeholder = m = new h.model(null, "group-" + l.name + "-placeholder"); m.set(g.getGroupField(), l.name); m.rows = m.children = l.children; m.isCollapsedPlaceholder = true; c.add(m) } else { c.insert(g.data.length, l.children) } } } }, isCollapsed: function (a) { return this.groupingFeature.groupCache[a].isCollapsed }, isInCollapsedGroup: function (a) { var b; if (this.store.isGrouped() && (b = this.groupingFeature.groupCache[a.get(this.getGroupField())])) { return b.isCollapsed || false } return false }, getCount: function () { return this.data.getCount() }, getTotalCount: function () { return this.data.getCount() }, rangeCached: function (b, a) { return a < this.getCount() }, getRange: function (d, b, c) { var a = this.data.getRange(d, b); if (c && c.callback) { c.callback.call(c.scope || this, a, d, b, c) } return a }, getAt: function (a) { return this.getRange(a, a)[0] }, getById: function (a) { return this.store.getById(a) }, expandGroup: function (c) { var b = this, a; if (typeof c === "string") { c = b.groupingFeature.groupCache[c] } if (c && c.children.length && (a = b.indexOf(c.children[0], true, true)) !== -1) { c.isCollapsed = false; b.isExpandingOrCollapsing = 1; b.data.removeAt(a); b.fireEvent("bulkremove", b, [b.getGroupPlaceholder(c)], [a]); b.data.insert(a, c.children); b.fireEvent("add", b, c.children, a); b.fireEvent("groupexpand", b, c); b.isExpandingOrCollapsing = 0 } }, collapseGroup: function (h) { var e = this, d, k, c, b, a, g; if (typeof h === "string") { h = e.groupingFeature.groupCache[h] } if (h && (a = h.children.length) && (d = e.indexOf(h.children[0], true)) !== -1) { h.isCollapsed = true; e.isExpandingOrCollapsing = 2; e.data.removeRange(d, a); g = new Array(a); for (c = 0, b = d; c < a; c++, b++) { g[c] = b } e.fireEvent("bulkremove", e, h.children, g); e.data.insert(d, k = e.getGroupPlaceholder(h)); e.fireEvent("add", e, [k], d); e.fireEvent("groupcollapse", e, h); e.isExpandingOrCollapsing = 0 } }, getGroupPlaceholder: function (a) { if (!a.placeholder) { var b = a.placeholder = new this.store.model(null, "group-" + a.name + "-placeholder"); b.set(this.getGroupField(), a.name); b.rows = b.children = a.children; b.isCollapsedPlaceholder = true } return a.placeholder }, indexOf: function (d, j, b) { var e = this, a, h, c, k, g, l = 0; if (d && (b || !e.isInCollapsedGroup(d))) { a = e.store.getGroups(); h = a.length; for (c = 0; c < h; c++) { k = a[c]; if (k.name === this.store.getGroupString(d)) { g = Ext.Array.indexOf(k.children, d); return l + g } l += (j && e.isCollapsed(k.name)) ? 1 : k.children.length } } return -1 }, indexOfTotal: function (a) { var b = a.index; if (b || b === 0) { return b } return this.istore.ndexOf(a) }, onRefresh: function (a) { this.processStore(this.store); this.fireEvent("refresh", this) }, onBulkRemove: function (b, a, c) { this.processStore(this.store); this.fireEvent("refresh", this) }, onClear: function (b, a, c) { this.processStore(this.store); this.fireEvent("clear", this) }, onAdd: function (b, a, c) { this.processStore(this.store); this.fireEvent("refresh", this) }, onUpdate: function (c, a, b, h) { var g = this, d = g.groupingFeature.getRecordGroup(a), j, e; if (c.isGrouped()) { if (h && Ext.Array.contains(h, g.groupingFeature.getGroupField())) { return g.onRefresh(g.store) } if (d.isCollapsed) { g.fireEvent("update", g, d.placeholder) } else { Ext.suspendLayouts(); g.fireEvent("update", g, a, b, h); j = d.children[0]; e = d.children[d.children.length - 1]; if (j !== a) { g.fireEvent("update", g, j, "edit") } if (e !== a && e !== j) { g.fireEvent("update", g, e, "edit") } Ext.resumeLayouts(true) } } else { g.fireEvent("update", g, a, b, h) } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.grid.feature, "GroupStore"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.feature.Grouping", Ext.grid.feature.Feature, { eventPrefix: "group", groupCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-group-hd", eventSelector: "." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-group-hd", refreshData: {}, groupInfo: {}, wrapsItem: true, groupHeaderTpl: "{columnName}: {name}", depthToIndent: 17, collapsedCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-group-collapsed", hdCollapsedCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-group-hd-collapsed", hdNotCollapsibleCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-group-hd-not-collapsible", collapsibleCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-group-hd-collapsible", ctCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "group-hd-container", groupByText: "Group by this field", showGroupsText: "Show in groups", hideGroupedHeader: false, startCollapsed: false, enableGroupingMenu: true, enableNoGroups: true, collapsible: true, expandTip: "Click to expand. CTRL key collapses all others", collapseTip: "Click to collapse. CTRL/click collapses all others", showSummaryRow: false, tableTpl: { before: function (a) { if (this.groupingFeature.disabled || a.rows.length === 1 && a.rows[0].isSummary) { return } this.groupingFeature.setup(a.rows, a.view.rowValues) }, after: function (a) { if (this.groupingFeature.disabled || a.rows.length === 1 && a.rows[0].isSummary) { return } this.groupingFeature.cleanup(a.rows, a.view.rowValues) }, priority: 200 }, groupTpl: ["{%", "var me = this.groupingFeature;", "if (me.disabled) {", "values.needsWrap = false;", "} else {", "me.setupRowData(values.record, values.recordIndex, values);", "values.needsWrap = !me.disabled && (values.isFirstRow || values.summaryRecord);", "}", "%}", '', ' ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-group-row">', '', '', "{%", 'var groupTitleStyle = (!values.view.lockingPartner || (values.view.ownerCt === values.view.ownerCt.ownerLockable.lockedGrid) || (values.view.lockingPartner.headerCt.getVisibleGridColumns().length === 0)) ? "" : "visibility:hidden";', "%}", '
    ', '
    ', '{[values.groupHeaderTpl.apply(values.groupInfo, parent) || " "]}', "
    ", "
    ", "
    ", '', ' ', Ext.baseCSSPrefix, 'grid-table-summary"', 'border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width:100%">', "{[values.view.renderColumnSizer(out)]}", '', "{%", "values.itemClasses.length = 0;", "this.nextTpl.applyOut(values, out, parent);", "%}", "", '', "{%me.outputSummaryRecord(values.summaryRecord, values, out);%}", "", "
    ", "
    ", "", "", "", "{%this.nextTpl.applyOut(values, out, parent);%}", "", { priority: 200, syncRowHeights: function (d, k) { d = Ext.fly(d, "syncDest"); k = Ext.fly(k, "sycSrc"); var b = this.owner, e = d.down(b.eventSelector, true), g, h = d.down(b.summaryRowSelector, true), c, a, j; if (e && (g = k.down(b.eventSelector, true))) { e.style.height = g.style.height = ""; if ((a = e.offsetHeight) > (j = g.offsetHeight)) { Ext.fly(g).setHeight(a) } else { if (j > a) { Ext.fly(e).setHeight(j) } } } if (h && (c = k.down(b.summaryRowSelector, true))) { h.style.height = c.style.height = ""; if ((a = h.offsetHeight) > (j = c.offsetHeight)) { Ext.fly(c).setHeight(a) } else { if (j > a) { Ext.fly(h).setHeight(j) } } } }, syncContent: function (b, h) { b = Ext.fly(b, "syncDest"); h = Ext.fly(h, "sycSrc"); var a = this.owner, d = b.down(a.eventSelector, true), c = h.down(a.eventSelector, true), g = b.down(a.summaryRowSelector, true), e = h.down(a.summaryRowSelector, true); if (d && c) { Ext.fly(d).syncContent(c) } if (g && e) { Ext.fly(g).syncContent(e) } } } ], constructor: function () { this.groupCache = {}; this.callParent(arguments) }, init: function (b) { var c = this, a = c.view; a.isGrouping = true; if (c.lockingPartner && c.lockingPartner.groupCache) { c.groupCache = c.lockingPartner.groupCache } c.mixins.summary.init.call(c); c.callParent(arguments); a.headerCt.on({ columnhide: c.onColumnHideShow, columnshow: c.onColumnHideShow, columnmove: c.onColumnMove, scope: c }); a.addTableTpl(c.tableTpl).groupingFeature = c; a.addRowTpl(Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(c, "groupTpl")).groupingFeature = c; a.preserveScrollOnRefresh = true; if (a.store.buffered) { c.collapsible = false } else { if (this.lockingPartner && this.lockingPartner.dataSource) { c.dataSource = a.dataSource = this.lockingPartner.dataSource } else { c.dataSource = a.dataSource = new Ext.grid.feature.GroupStore(c, a.store) } } c.grid.on({ reconfigure: c.onReconfigure }); a.on({ afterrender: c.afterViewRender, scope: c, single: true }) }, clearGroupCache: function () { var b = this, a = b.groupCache = {}; if (b.lockingPartner) { b.lockingPartner.groupCache = a } return a }, vetoEvent: function (a, c, d, b) { if (b.type !== "mouseover" && b.type !== "mouseout" && b.type !== "mouseenter" && b.type !== "mouseleave" && b.getTarget(this.eventSelector)) { return false } }, enable: function () { var c = this, a = c.view, b = a.store, d; c.lastGroupField = c.getGroupField(); a.isGrouping = true; if (c.lastGroupIndex) { c.block(); b.group(c.lastGroupIndex); c.unblock() } c.callParent(); d = c.view.headerCt.getMenu().down("#groupToggleMenuItem"); if (d) { d.setChecked(true, true) } c.refreshIf() }, disable: function () { var d = this, a = d.view, b = a.store, e, c; a.isGrouping = false; c = b.groupers.first(); if (c) { d.lastGroupIndex = c.property; d.block(); b.clearGrouping(); d.unblock() } d.callParent(); e = d.view.headerCt.getMenu().down("#groupToggleMenuItem"); if (e) { e.setChecked(false, true) } d.refreshIf() }, refreshIf: function () { var b = this.grid.ownerCt, a = this.view; if (!a.store.remoteGroup && !this.blockRefresh) { if (b && b.lockable) { b.view.refresh() } else { a.refresh() } } }, afterViewRender: function () { var b = this, a = b.view; a.on({ scope: b, groupclick: b.onGroupClick }); if (b.enableGroupingMenu) { b.injectGroupingMenu() } b.pruneGroupedHeader(); b.lastGroupField = b.getGroupField(); b.block(); b.onGroupChange(); b.unblock() }, injectGroupingMenu: function () { var a = this, b = a.view.headerCt; b.showMenuBy = a.showMenuBy; b.getMenuItems = a.getMenuItems() }, onColumnHideShow: function (c, g) { var k = this.view, b = k.headerCt, a = b.getMenu(), e = a.down("#groupMenuItem"), l = b.getGridColumns().length, j, h, d; if (e) { if (b.getVisibleGridColumns().length > 1) { e.enable() } else { e.disable() } } if (k.rendered) { j = k.el.query("." + this.ctCls); for (d = 0, h = j.length; d < h; ++d) { j[d].colSpan = l } } }, onColumnMove: function () { var h = this, c = h.view.store, b, e, a, d, j, g; if (c.isGrouped()) { b = c.getGroups(); a = b.length; for (e = 0; e < a; e++) { d = b[e]; j = d.children[0]; g = d.children[d.children.length - 1]; c.fireEvent("update", c, j, "edit", null); if (g !== j) { c.fireEvent("update", c, g, "edit", null) } } } }, showMenuBy: function (b, h) { var g = this.getMenu(), c = g.down("#groupMenuItem"), a = h.groupable === false || this.view.headerCt.getVisibleGridColumns().length < 2 ? "disable" : "enable", e = g.down("#groupToggleMenuItem"), d = this.view.store.isGrouped(); c[a](); if (e) { e.setChecked(d, true); e[d ? "enable" : "disable"]() } Ext.grid.header.Container.prototype.showMenuBy.apply(this, arguments) }, getMenuItems: function () { var g = this, c = g.groupByText, e = g.disabled || !g.getGroupField(), a = g.showGroupsText, d = g.enableNoGroups, b = g.view.headerCt.getMenuItems; return function () { var h = b.call(this); h.push("-", { iconCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "group-by-icon", itemId: "groupMenuItem", text: c, handler: g.onGroupMenuItemClick, scope: g }); if (d) { h.push({ itemId: "groupToggleMenuItem", text: a, checked: !e, checkHandler: g.onGroupToggleMenuItemClick, scope: g }) } return h } }, onGroupMenuItemClick: function (c, g) { var d = this, h = c.parentMenu, j = h.activeHeader, a = d.view, b = a.store; d.lastGroupIndex = null; d.block(); d.enable(); b.group(j.dataIndex); d.pruneGroupedHeader(); d.unblock(); d.refreshIf() }, block: function (a) { this.blockRefresh = this.view.blockRefresh = true; if (this.lockingPartner && !a) { this.lockingPartner.block(true) } }, unblock: function (a) { this.blockRefresh = this.view.blockRefresh = false; if (this.lockingPartner && !a) { this.lockingPartner.unblock(true) } }, onGroupToggleMenuItemClick: function (a, b) { this[b ? "enable" : "disable"]() }, pruneGroupedHeader: function () { var a = this, b = a.getGroupedHeader(); if (a.hideGroupedHeader && b) { Ext.suspendLayouts(); if (a.prunedHeader && a.prunedHeader !== b) { a.prunedHeader.show() } a.prunedHeader = b; b.hide(); Ext.resumeLayouts(true) } }, getHeaderNode: function (a) { return Ext.get(this.createGroupId(a)) }, getGroup: function (b) { var a = this.groupCache, c = a[b]; if (!c) { c = a[b] = { isCollapsed: false } } return c }, isExpanded: function (a) { return !this.getGroup(a).isCollapsed }, expand: function (b, a) { this.doCollapseExpand(false, b, a) }, expandAll: function () { var e = this, a = e.view, d = e.groupCache, g, c = e.lockingPartner, b; for (g in d) { if (d.hasOwnProperty(g)) { d[g].isCollapsed = false } } Ext.suspendLayouts(); a.suspendEvent("beforerefresh", "refresh"); if (c) { b = c.view; b.suspendEvent("beforerefresh", "refresh") } e.dataSource.onRefresh(); a.resumeEvent("beforerefresh", "refresh"); if (c) { b.resumeEvent("beforerefresh", "refresh") } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); for (g in d) { if (d.hasOwnProperty(g)) { e.afterCollapseExpand(false, g); if (c) { c.afterCollapseExpand(false, g) } } } }, collapse: function (b, a) { this.doCollapseExpand(true, b, a) }, isAllCollapsed: function () { var b = this, a = b.groupCache, c; for (c in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(c)) { if (!a[c].isCollapsed) { return false } } } return true }, isAllExpanded: function () { var b = this, a = b.groupCache, c; for (c in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(c)) { if (a[c].isCollapsed) { return false } } } return true }, collapseAll: function () { var e = this, a = e.view, d = e.groupCache, g, c = e.lockingPartner, b; for (g in d) { if (d.hasOwnProperty(g)) { d[g].isCollapsed = true } } Ext.suspendLayouts(); a.suspendEvent("beforerefresh", "refresh"); if (c) { b = c.view; b.suspendEvent("beforerefresh", "refresh") } e.dataSource.onRefresh(); a.resumeEvent("beforerefresh", "refresh"); if (c) { b.resumeEvent("beforerefresh", "refresh") } if (c && !c.isAllCollapsed()) { c.collapseAll() } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); for (g in d) { if (d.hasOwnProperty(g)) { e.afterCollapseExpand(true, g); if (c) { c.afterCollapseExpand(true, g) } } } }, doCollapseExpand: function (e, g, a) { var c = this, b = c.lockingPartner, d = c.groupCache[g]; if (d.isCollapsed != e) { Ext.suspendLayouts(); if (e) { c.dataSource.collapseGroup(d) } else { c.dataSource.expandGroup(d) } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); c.afterCollapseExpand(e, g, a); if (b) { b.afterCollapseExpand(e, g, false) } } }, afterCollapseExpand: function (d, g, b) { var c = this, a = c.view, e; e = Ext.get(this.getHeaderNode(g)); a.fireEvent(d ? "groupcollapse" : "groupexpand", a, e, g); if (b) { e.up(a.getItemSelector()).scrollIntoView(a.el, null, true) } }, onGroupChange: function () { var d = this, e = d.getGroupField(), c, a, b; if (d.hideGroupedHeader) { if (d.lastGroupField) { c = d.getMenuItem(d.lastGroupField); if (c) { c.setChecked(true) } } if (e) { a = d.view.headerCt.getVisibleGridColumns(); b = ((a.length === 1) && (a[0].dataIndex == e)); c = d.getMenuItem(e); if (c && !b) { c.setChecked(false) } } } d.refreshIf(); d.lastGroupField = e }, getMenuItem: function (b) { var a = this.view, d = a.headerCt.down("gridcolumn[dataIndex=" + b + "]"), c = a.headerCt.getMenu(); return d ? c.down("menuitem[headerId=" + d.id + "]") : null }, onGroupKey: function (c, b) { var a = this, d = a.getGroupName(b.target); if (d) { a.onGroupClick(a.view, b.target, d, b) } }, onGroupClick: function (a, j, l, k) { var h = this, d = h.groupCache, b = !h.isExpanded(l), c; if (h.collapsible) { if (k.ctrlKey) { Ext.suspendLayouts(); for (c in d) { if (c === l) { if (b) { h.expand(l) } } else { h.doCollapseExpand(true, c, false) } } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); return } if (b) { h.expand(l) } else { h.collapse(l) } } }, setupRowData: function (j, m, o) { var k = this, e = k.refreshData, b = k.groupInfo, h = e.header, c = e.groupField, l = k.view.dataSource, a, n, d, g; o.isCollapsedGroup = false; o.summaryRecord = null; if (e.doGrouping) { a = k.view.store.groupers.first(); if (j.children) { n = a.getGroupString(j.children[0]); o.isFirstRow = o.isLastRow = true; o.itemClasses.push(k.hdCollapsedCls); o.isCollapsedGroup = true; o.groupInfo = b; b.groupField = c; b.name = n; b.groupValue = j.children[0].get(c); b.columnName = h ? h.text : c; o.collapsibleCls = k.collapsible ? k.collapsibleCls : k.hdNotCollapsibleCls; o.groupId = k.createGroupId(n); b.rows = b.children = j.children; if (k.showSummaryRow) { o.summaryRecord = e.summaryData[n] } return } n = a.getGroupString(j); o.isFirstRow = m === 0; if (!o.isFirstRow) { d = l.getAt(m - 1); if (d) { o.isFirstRow = !d.isEqual(a.getGroupString(d), n) } } o.isLastRow = m == l.getTotalCount() - 1; if (!o.isLastRow) { g = l.getAt(m + 1); if (g) { o.isLastRow = !g.isEqual(a.getGroupString(g), n) } } if (o.isFirstRow) { b.groupField = c; b.name = n; b.groupValue = j.get(c); b.columnName = h ? h.text : c; o.collapsibleCls = k.collapsible ? k.collapsibleCls : k.hdNotCollapsibleCls; o.groupId = k.createGroupId(n); if (!k.isExpanded(n)) { o.itemClasses.push(k.hdCollapsedCls); o.isCollapsedGroup = true } if (l.buffered) { b.rows = b.children = [] } else { b.rows = b.children = k.getRecordGroup(j).children } o.groupInfo = b } if (o.isLastRow) { if (k.showSummaryRow) { o.summaryRecord = e.summaryData[n] } } } }, setup: function (d, e) { var b = this, c = b.refreshData, a = !b.disabled && b.view.store.isGrouped(); b.skippedRows = 0; if (e.view.bufferedRenderer) { e.view.bufferedRenderer.variableRowHeight = true } c.groupField = b.getGroupField(); c.header = b.getGroupedHeader(c.groupField); c.doGrouping = a; e.groupHeaderTpl = Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(b, "groupHeaderTpl"); if (a && b.showSummaryRow) { c.summaryData = b.generateSummaryData() } }, cleanup: function (b, c) { var a = this.refreshData; c.groupInfo = c.groupHeaderTpl = c.isFirstRow = null; a.groupField = a.header = null }, getGroupName: function (b) { var d = this, a = d.view, c = d.eventSelector, e, h, g; h = Ext.fly(b).findParent(c); if (!h) { g = Ext.fly(b).findParent(a.itemSelector); if (g) { h = g.down(c, true) } } if (h) { e = h.id.split(a.id + "-hd-"); if (e.length === 2) { return Ext.htmlDecode(e[1]) } } }, getRecordGroup: function (a) { var b = this.view.store.groupers.first(); if (b) { return this.groupCache[b.getGroupString(a)] } }, createGroupId: function (a) { return this.view.id + "-hd-" + Ext.htmlEncode(a) }, createGroupCls: function (a) { return this.view.id + "-" + Ext.htmlEncode(a) + "-item" }, getGroupField: function () { return this.view.store.getGroupField() }, getGroupedHeader: function (b) { var d = this, e = d.view.headerCt, c = d.lockingPartner, a, g; b = b || this.getGroupField(); if (b) { a = "[dataIndex=" + b + "]"; g = e.down(a); if (!g && c) { g = c.view.headerCt.down(a) } } return g || null }, getFireEventArgs: function (b, a, d, c) { return [b, a, d, this.getGroupName(d), c] }, destroy: function () { var a = this, b = a.dataSource; a.view = a.prunedHeader = a.grid = a.groupCache = a.dataSource = null; a.callParent(); if (b) { b.bindStore(null) } }, onReconfigure: function (d, a, c, g, b) { var e = d; if (a && a !== g) { if (a.buffered !== g.buffered) { Ext.Error.raise("Cannot reconfigure grouping switching between buffered and non-buffered stores") } if (a.buffered) { e.bindStore(a); e.dataSource.processStore(a) } } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["feature.grouping"], [["summary", Ext.grid.feature.AbstractSummary]], [Ext.grid.feature, "Grouping"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.feature.GroupingSummary", Ext.grid.feature.Grouping, { showSummaryRow: true, vetoEvent: function (b, d, g, c) { var a = this.callParent(arguments); if (a !== false) { if (c.getTarget(this.summaryRowSelector)) { a = false } } return a } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["feature.groupingsummary"], 0, [Ext.grid.feature, "GroupingSummary"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.feature.RowBody", Ext.grid.feature.Feature, { rowBodyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-row-body", rowBodyHiddenCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-row-body-hidden", rowBodyTdSelector: "td." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-rowbody", eventPrefix: "rowbody", eventSelector: "tr." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-rowbody-tr", tableTpl: { before: function (b, c) { var a = b.view, d = a.rowValues; this.rowBody.setup(b.rows, d) }, after: function (b, c) { var a = b.view, d = a.rowValues; this.rowBody.cleanup(b.rows, d) }, priority: 100 }, extraRowTpl: ["{%", "values.view.rowBodyFeature.setupRowData(values.record, values.recordIndex, values);", "this.nextTpl.applyOut(values, out, parent);", "%}", '', '', '
    ', "", "", { priority: 100, syncRowHeights: function (g, c) { var a = this.owner, b = Ext.fly(g).down(a.eventSelector, true), h, d, e; if (b && (h = Ext.fly(c).down(a.eventSelector, true))) { if ((d = b.offsetHeight) > (e = h.offsetHeight)) { Ext.fly(h).setHeight(d) } else { if (e > d) { Ext.fly(b).setHeight(e) } } } }, syncContent: function (b, e) { var a = this.owner, c = Ext.fly(b).down(a.eventSelector, true), d; if (c && (d = Ext.fly(e).down(a.eventSelector, true))) { Ext.fly(c).syncContent(d) } } } ], init: function (b) { var c = this, a = c.view; a.rowBodyFeature = c; if (!a.findFeature("rowwrap")) { b.mon(a, { element: "el", mousedown: c.onMouseDown, scope: c }); c.mon(b.getStore(), "remove", c.onStoreRemove, c) } a.headerCt.on({ columnschanged: c.onColumnsChanged, scope: c }); a.addTableTpl(c.tableTpl).rowBody = c; a.addRowTpl(Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(this, "extraRowTpl")); c.callParent(arguments) }, onStoreRemove: function (b, d, c) { var a = this.view, e; if (a.rendered) { e = a.getNode(c); if (e) { e = Ext.fly(e).next(this.eventSelector); if (e) { e.remove() } } } }, onMouseDown: function (c) { var b = this, a = c.getTarget(b.eventSelector); if (a && Ext.fly(a = a.previousSibling).is(b.view.getItemSelector())) { c.target = a; b.view.handleEvent(c) } }, getSelectedRow: function (a, c) { var b = a.getNode(c, false); if (b) { return Ext.fly(b).down(this.eventSelector) } return null }, onColumnsChanged: function (d) { var b = this.view.el.query(this.rowBodyTdSelector), e = d.getVisibleGridColumns().length, a = b.length, c; for (c = 0; c < a; ++c) { b[c].colSpan = e } }, setupRowData: function (a, c, b) { if (this.getAdditionalData) { Ext.apply(b, this.getAdditionalData(a.data, c, a, b)) } }, setup: function (a, b) { b.rowBodyCls = this.rowBodyCls; b.rowBodyColspan = b.view.getGridColumns().length }, cleanup: function (a, b) { b.rowBodyCls = b.rowBodyColspan = b.rowBody = null } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["feature.rowbody"], 0, [Ext.grid.feature, "RowBody"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.feature.RowWrap", Ext.grid.feature.Feature, { rowWrapTd: "td." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-rowwrap", hasFeatureEvent: false, tableTpl: { before: function (a, b) { if (a.view.bufferedRenderer) { a.view.bufferedRenderer.variableRowHeight = true } }, priority: 200 }, wrapTpl: ['', '', '', "{[values.view.renderColumnSizer(out)]}", "{%", "values.itemClasses.length = 0;", "this.nextTpl.applyOut(values, out, parent)", "%}", "
    ", "", "", { priority: 200 } ], init: function (a) { var b = this; b.view.addTableTpl(b.tableTpl); b.view.addRowTpl(Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(b, "wrapTpl")); b.view.headerCt.on({ columnhide: b.onColumnHideShow, columnshow: b.onColumnHideShow, scope: b }) }, onColumnHideShow: function () { var b = this.view, c = b.el.query(this.rowWrapTd), e = b.headerCt.getVisibleGridColumns().length, a = c.length, d; for (d = 0; d < a; ++d) { c[d].colSpan = e } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["feature.rowwrap"], 0, [Ext.grid.feature, "RowWrap"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.feature.Summary", Ext.grid.feature.AbstractSummary, { dock: undefined, dockedSummaryCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "docked-summary", panelBodyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "summary-", init: function (b) { var c = this, a = c.view; c.callParent(arguments); if (c.dock) { b.headerCt.on({ afterlayout: c.onStoreUpdate, scope: c }); b.on({ beforerender: function () { var d = [c.summaryTableCls]; if (a.columnLines) { d[d.length] = a.ownerCt.colLinesCls } c.summaryBar = b.addDocked({ childEls: ["innerCt"], renderTpl: ['
    ', '', '', "
    ", "
    "], style: "overflow:hidden", itemId: "summaryBar", cls: [c.dockedSummaryCls, c.dockedSummaryCls + "-" + c.dock], xtype: "component", dock: c.dock, weight: 10000000 })[0] }, afterrender: function () { b.body.addCls(c.panelBodyCls + c.dock); a.mon(a.el, { scroll: c.onViewScroll, scope: c }); c.onStoreUpdate() }, single: true }); b.headerCt.afterComponentLayout = Ext.Function.createSequence(b.headerCt.afterComponentLayout, function () { c.summaryBar.innerCt.setWidth(this.getFullWidth() + Ext.getScrollbarSize().width) }) } else { c.view.addFooterFn(c.renderTFoot) } b.on({ columnmove: c.onStoreUpdate, scope: c }); a.mon(a.store, { update: c.onStoreUpdate, datachanged: c.onStoreUpdate, scope: c }) }, renderTFoot: function (b, c) { var a = b.view, d = a.findFeature("summary"); if (d.showSummaryRow) { c.push(""); d.outputSummaryRecord(d.createSummaryRecord(a), b, c); c.push("") } }, vetoEvent: function (a, c, d, b) { return !b.getTarget(this.summaryRowSelector) }, onViewScroll: function () { this.summaryBar.el.dom.scrollLeft = this.view.el.dom.scrollLeft }, createSummaryRecord: function (a) { var d = a.headerCt.getVisibleGridColumns(), h = { records: a.store.getRange() }, g = d.length, c, e, b = this.summaryRecord || (this.summaryRecord = new a.store.model(null, a.id + "-summary-record")); b.beginEdit(); for (c = 0; c < g; c++) { e = d[c]; if (!e.dataIndex) { e.dataIndex = e.id } b.set(e.dataIndex, this.getSummary(a.store, e.summaryType, e.dataIndex, h)) } b.endEdit(true); b.commit(true); b.isSummary = true; return b }, onStoreUpdate: function () { var g = this, b = g.view, a = g.createSummaryRecord(b), d = b.createRowElement(a, -1), c, e, h; if (!b.rendered) { return } if (g.dock) { c = g.summaryBar.el.down("." + g.summaryRowCls, true) } else { c = g.view.getNode(a) } if (c) { h = c.parentNode; h.insertBefore(d, c); h.removeChild(c); e = g.lockingPartner; if (e && e.grid.rendered && !g.calledFromLockingPartner) { e.calledFromLockingPartner = true; e.onStoreUpdate(); e.calledFromLockingPartner = false } } if (g.dock) { g.onColumnHeaderLayout() } }, onColumnHeaderLayout: function () { var b = this.view, d = b.headerCt.getVisibleGridColumns(), g, a = d.length, c, h = this.summaryBar.el, e; for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { g = d[c]; e = h.down(b.getCellSelector(g)); if (e) { if (g.hidden) { e.setDisplayed(false) } else { e.setDisplayed(true); e.setWidth(g.width || (g.lastBox ? g.lastBox.width : 100)) } } } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["feature.summary"], 0, [Ext.grid.feature, "Summary"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.locking.HeaderContainer", Ext.grid.header.Container, { constructor: function (d) { var c = this, a, b, h = [], g = d.lockedGrid, e = d.normalGrid; c.lockable = d; c.callParent(); g.columnManager.rootColumns = e.columnManager.rootColumns = d.columnManager = c.columnManager = new Ext.grid.ColumnManager(g.headerCt, e.headerCt); a = g.headerCt.events; for (b in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(b)) { h.push(b) } } c.relayEvents(g.headerCt, h); c.relayEvents(e.headerCt, h) }, getRefItems: function () { return this.lockable.lockedGrid.headerCt.getRefItems().concat(this.lockable.normalGrid.headerCt.getRefItems()) }, getGridColumns: function () { return this.lockable.lockedGrid.headerCt.getGridColumns().concat(this.lockable.normalGrid.headerCt.getGridColumns()) }, getColumnsState: function () { var b = this, a = b.lockable.lockedGrid.headerCt.getColumnsState(), c = b.lockable.normalGrid.headerCt.getColumnsState(); return a.concat(c) }, applyColumnsState: function (h) { var p = this, e = p.lockable.lockedGrid, g = e.headerCt, n = p.lockable.normalGrid.headerCt, q = Ext.Array.toValueMap(g.items.items, "headerId"), j = Ext.Array.toValueMap(n.items.items, "headerId"), m = [], o = [], l = 1, b = h.length, k, a, d, c; for (k = 0; k < b; k++) { c = h[k]; d = q[c.id]; a = d || j[c.id]; if (a) { if (a.applyColumnState) { a.applyColumnState(c) } if (a.locked === undefined) { a.locked = !!d } if (a.locked) { m.push(a); if (!a.hidden && typeof a.width == "number") { l += a.width } } else { o.push(a) } } } if (m.length + o.length == g.items.getCount() + n.items.getCount()) { g.removeAll(false); n.removeAll(false); g.add(m); n.add(o); e.setWidth(l) } } }, 1, 0, ["component", "container", "box", "headercontainer"], { component: true, container: true, box: true, headercontainer: true }, 0, 0, [Ext.grid.locking, "HeaderContainer"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.locking.View", Ext.Base, { alternateClassName: "Ext.grid.LockingView", isLockingView: true, eventRelayRe: /^(beforeitem|beforecontainer|item|container|cell|refresh)/, constructor: function (c) { var g = this, j = [], a = g.eventRelayRe, b = c.locked.getView(), h = c.normal.getView(), d, e; Ext.apply(g, { lockedView: b, normalView: h, lockedGrid: c.locked, normalGrid: c.normal, panel: c.panel }); g.mixins.observable.constructor.call(g, c); d = b.events; for (e in d) { if (d.hasOwnProperty(e) && a.test(e)) { j.push(e) } } g.relayEvents(b, j); g.relayEvents(h, j); h.on({ scope: g, itemmouseleave: g.onItemMouseLeave, itemmouseenter: g.onItemMouseEnter }); b.on({ scope: g, itemmouseleave: g.onItemMouseLeave, itemmouseenter: g.onItemMouseEnter }); g.panel.on({ render: g.onPanelRender, scope: g }) }, onPanelRender: function () { var c = this, b = c.loadMask, a = { target: c.panel, msg: c.loadingText, msgCls: c.loadingCls, useMsg: c.loadingUseMsg, store: c.panel.store }; c.el = c.panel.body; c.fireEvent("render", c); if (b) { if (Ext.isObject(b)) { a = Ext.apply(a, b) } c.loadMask = new Ext.LoadMask(a) } }, getGridColumns: function () { var a = this.lockedGrid.headerCt.getVisibleGridColumns(); return a.concat(this.normalGrid.headerCt.getVisibleGridColumns()) }, getEl: function (a) { return this.getViewForColumn(a).getEl() }, getViewForColumn: function (b) { var a = this.lockedView, c; a.headerCt.cascade(function (d) { if (d === b) { c = true; return false } }); return c ? a : this.normalView }, onItemMouseEnter: function (c, b) { var g = this, d = g.lockedView, a = g.normalView, e; if (c.trackOver) { if (c !== d) { a = d } e = a.getNode(b, false); a.highlightItem(e) } }, onItemMouseLeave: function (c, b) { var e = this, d = e.lockedView, a = e.normalView; if (c.trackOver) { if (c !== d) { a = d } a.clearHighlight() } }, relayFn: function (c, b) { b = b || []; var a = this.lockedView; a[c].apply(a, b); a = this.normalView; a[c].apply(a, b) }, getSelectionModel: function () { return this.panel.getSelectionModel() }, getStore: function () { return this.panel.store }, getNode: function (b, a) { return this.normalView.getNode(b, a) }, getCell: function (b, c) { var a = this.getViewForColumn(c), d = a.getNode(b, true); return Ext.fly(d).down(c.getCellSelector()) }, indexOf: function (b) { var a = this.lockedView.indexOf(b); if (!a) { a = this.normalView.indexOf(b) } return a }, focus: function () { var b = this.getSelectionModel().getCurrentPosition(), a = b ? b.view : this.normalView; a.focus() }, focusRow: function (a) { this.normalView.focusRow(a) }, focusCell: function (a) { a.view.focusCell(a) }, isVisible: function (a) { return this.panel.isVisible(a) }, getRecord: function (b) { var a = this.lockedView.getRecord(b); if (!a) { a = this.normalView.getRecord(b) } return a }, scrollBy: function () { var a = this.normalView; a.scrollBy.apply(a, arguments) }, addElListener: function (a, c, b) { this.relayFn("addElListener", arguments) }, refreshNode: function () { this.relayFn("refreshNode", arguments) }, refresh: function () { this.relayFn("refresh", arguments) }, bindStore: function () { this.relayFn("bindStore", arguments) }, addRowCls: function () { this.relayFn("addRowCls", arguments) }, removeRowCls: function () { this.relayFn("removeRowCls", arguments) }, destroy: function () { var b = this, a = b.loadMask; b.clearListeners(); if (a && a.bindStore) { a.bindStore(null) } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.grid.locking, "View", Ext.grid, "LockingView"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.locking.Lockable", Ext.Base, { alternateClassName: "Ext.grid.Lockable", syncRowHeight: true, headerCounter: 0, scrollDelta: 40, lockedGridCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-inner-locked", unlockText: "Unlock", lockText: "Lock", bothCfgCopy: ["invalidateScrollerOnRefresh", "hideHeaders", "enableColumnHide", "enableColumnMove", "enableColumnResize", "sortableColumns", "columnLines", "rowLines"], normalCfgCopy: ["verticalScroller", "verticalScrollDock", "verticalScrollerType", "scroll"], lockedCfgCopy: [], determineXTypeToCreate: function (e) { var c = this, h, d, b, g, a; if (c.subGridXType) { h = c.subGridXType } else { if (!e) { return "gridpanel" } d = this.getXTypes().split("/"); b = d.length; g = d[b - 1]; a = d[b - 2]; if (a !== "tablepanel") { h = a } else { h = g } } return h }, injectLockable: function () { this.lockable = true; this.hasView = true; var o = this, a = Ext.getScrollbarSize().height, p = o.store = Ext.StoreManager.lookup(o.store), k = o.getSelectionModel(), l, b, e, m, h, d, c, j, r, g, n, q = o.findPlugin("bufferedrenderer"); l = o.constructLockableFeatures(); if (o.features) { o.features = null } b = o.constructLockablePlugins(); o.plugins = b.topPlugins; e = Ext.apply({ id: o.id + "-locked", isLocked: true, ownerLockable: o, xtype: o.determineXTypeToCreate(true), store: p, scrollerOwner: false, animate: false, scroll: a ? false : "vertical", selModel: k, border: false, cls: o.lockedGridCls, isLayoutRoot: function () { return false }, features: l.lockedFeatures, plugins: b.lockedPlugins }, o.lockedGridConfig); m = Ext.apply({ id: o.id + "-normal", isLocked: false, ownerLockable: o, xtype: o.determineXTypeToCreate(), store: p, scrollerOwner: false, selModel: k, border: false, isLayoutRoot: function () { return false }, features: l.normalFeatures, plugins: b.normalPlugins }, o.normalGridConfig); o.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-locked"); Ext.copyTo(m, o, o.bothCfgCopy, true); Ext.copyTo(e, o, o.bothCfgCopy, true); Ext.copyTo(m, o, o.normalCfgCopy, true); Ext.copyTo(e, o, o.lockedCfgCopy, true); for (h = 0; h < o.normalCfgCopy.length; h++) { delete o[o.normalCfgCopy[h]] } for (h = 0; h < o.lockedCfgCopy.length; h++) { delete o[o.lockedCfgCopy[h]] } o.addEvents("processcolumns", "lockcolumn", "unlockcolumn"); o.addStateEvents(["lockcolumn", "unlockcolumn"]); d = o.processColumns(o.columns); e.width = d.lockedWidth + Ext.num(k.headerWidth, 0) + (d.locked.items.length ? 1 : 0); e.columns = d.locked; m.columns = d.normal; m.flex = 1; e.viewConfig = o.lockedViewConfig || {}; e.viewConfig.loadingUseMsg = false; e.viewConfig.loadMask = false; if (a) { e.viewConfig.style = "border-bottom:" + a + "px solid #f6f6f6;" + (e.viewConfig.style || "") } m.viewConfig = o.normalViewConfig || {}; m.viewConfig.loadMask = false; Ext.applyIf(e.viewConfig, o.viewConfig); Ext.applyIf(m.viewConfig, o.viewConfig); o.lockedGrid = Ext.ComponentManager.create(e); if (o.isTree) { o.lockedGrid.getView().animate = false; m.store = o.lockedGrid.view.store; m.deferRowRender = false; m.viewConfig.stripeRows = o.lockedGrid.view.stripeRows; m.rowLines = o.lockedGrid.rowLines } r = o.lockedGrid.getView(); m.viewConfig.lockingPartner = r; o.normalGrid = Ext.ComponentManager.create(m); r.lockingPartner = g = o.normalGrid.getView(); o.view = new Ext.grid.locking.View({ loadingText: g.loadingText, loadingCls: g.loadingCls, loadingUseMsg: g.loadingUseMsg, loadMask: o.loadMask !== false, locked: o.lockedGrid, normal: o.normalGrid, panel: o }); n = q ? {} : { scroll: { fn: o.onLockedViewScroll, element: "el", scope: o } }; if (a) { o.lockedGrid.on({ afterlayout: o.afterLockedViewLayout, scope: o }); r.getOverflowStyle(); if (r.scrollFlags.y) { o.lockedGrid.headerCt.forceFit = true } else { n.mousewheel = { fn: o.onLockedViewMouseWheel, element: "el", scope: o } } } r.on(n); n = q ? {} : { scroll: { fn: o.onNormalViewScroll, element: "el", scope: o }, scope: o }; g.on(n); c = o.lockedGrid.headerCt; j = o.normalGrid.headerCt; o.headerCt = o.view.headerCt = new Ext.grid.locking.HeaderContainer(o); c.lockedCt = true; c.lockableInjected = true; j.lockableInjected = true; c.on({ add: { buffer: 1, scope: o, fn: o.onLockedHeaderAdd }, columnshow: o.onLockedHeaderShow, columnhide: o.onLockedHeaderHide, sortchange: o.onLockedHeaderSortChange, columnresize: o.onLockedHeaderResize, scope: o }); j.on({ sortchange: o.onNormalHeaderSortChange, scope: o }); o.modifyHeaderCt(); o.items = [o.lockedGrid, o.normalGrid]; o.relayHeaderCtEvents(c); o.relayHeaderCtEvents(j); o.storeRelayers = o.relayEvents(p, ["filterchange"]); o.layout = { type: "hbox", align: "stretch" } }, getLockingViewConfig: function () { return { xclass: "Ext.grid.locking.View", locked: this.lockedGrid, normal: this.normalGrid, panel: this } }, processColumns: function (c) { var e, h, b, k = this.dummyHdrCtr || (this.self.prototype.dummyHdrCtr = new Ext.grid.header.Container()), j = [], d = [], a = { itemId: "lockedHeaderCt", stretchMaxPartner: "^^>>#normalHeaderCt", items: j }, g = { itemId: "normalHeaderCt", stretchMaxPartner: "^^>>#lockedHeaderCt", items: d }, l = { lockedWidth: 0, locked: a, normal: g }; if (Ext.isObject(c)) { Ext.applyIf(a, c); Ext.applyIf(g, c); Ext.apply(k, c); c = c.items } for (e = 0, h = c.length; e < h; ++e) { b = c[e]; if (!b.isComponent) { b = k.lookupComponent(k.applyDefaults(b)) } b.processed = true; if (b.locked || b.autoLock) { if (!b.hidden) { l.lockedWidth += this.getColumnWidth(b) || k.defaultWidth } j.push(b) } else { d.push(b) } if (!b.headerId) { b.headerId = (b.initialConfig || b).id || ("h" + (++this.headerCounter)) } } this.fireEvent("processcolumns", this, j, d); return l }, getColumnWidth: function (e) { var b = e.width || 0, d, a, c; if (!b && e.isGroupHeader) { d = e.items.items; a = d.length; for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { b += this.getColumnWidth(d[c]) } } return b }, afterLockedViewLayout: function () { var c = this, b = c.lockedGrid.getView(), a = b.el.dom, d = (c.normalGrid.headerCt.tooNarrow ? Ext.getScrollbarSize().height : 0); if (b.scrollFlags.x && a.scrollWidth > a.clientWidth) { d = 0 } b.el.dom.style.borderBottomWidth = d + "px"; if (!Ext.isBorderBox) { b.el.setHeight(b.lastBox.height) } }, onLockedViewMouseWheel: function (j) { var d = this, h = -d.scrollDelta, a = h * j.getWheelDeltas().y, b = d.lockedGrid.getView().el.dom, c, g; if (!d.ignoreMousewheel) { if (b) { c = b.scrollTop !== b.scrollHeight - b.clientHeight; g = b.scrollTop !== 0 } if ((a < 0 && g) || (a > 0 && c)) { j.stopEvent(); b.scrollTop += a; d.normalGrid.getView().el.dom.scrollTop = b.scrollTop; d.onNormalViewScroll() } } }, onLockedViewScroll: function () { var e = this, d = e.lockedGrid.getView(), c = e.normalGrid.getView(), h = c.el.dom, g = d.el.dom, a, b; if (h.scrollTop !== g.scrollTop) { h.scrollTop = g.scrollTop; if (e.store.buffered) { b = d.el.child("table", true); a = c.el.child("table", true); a.style.position = "absolute"; a.style.top = b.style.top } } }, onNormalViewScroll: function () { var e = this, d = e.lockedGrid.getView(), c = e.normalGrid.getView(), h = c.el.dom, g = d.el.dom, a, b; if (h.scrollTop !== g.scrollTop) { g.scrollTop = h.scrollTop; if (e.store.buffered) { b = d.el.child("table", true); a = c.el.child("table", true); b.style.position = "absolute"; b.style.top = a.style.top } } }, syncRowHeights: function () { var e = this, a, d = e.lockedGrid.getView(), b = e.normalGrid.getView(), g = d.all.slice(), j = b.all.slice(), c = g.length, h; if (j.length === c) { for (a = 0; a < c; a++) { b.syncRowHeights(g[a], j[a]) } h = b.el.dom.scrollTop; b.el.dom.scrollTop = h; d.el.dom.scrollTop = h } }, modifyHeaderCt: function () { var a = this; a.lockedGrid.headerCt.getMenuItems = a.getMenuItems(a.lockedGrid.headerCt.getMenuItems, true); a.normalGrid.headerCt.getMenuItems = a.getMenuItems(a.normalGrid.headerCt.getMenuItems, false); a.lockedGrid.headerCt.showMenuBy = Ext.Function.createInterceptor(a.lockedGrid.headerCt.showMenuBy, a.showMenuBy); a.normalGrid.headerCt.showMenuBy = Ext.Function.createInterceptor(a.normalGrid.headerCt.showMenuBy, a.showMenuBy) }, onUnlockMenuClick: function () { this.unlock() }, onLockMenuClick: function () { this.lock() }, showMenuBy: function (b, g) { var e = this.getMenu(), c = e.down("#unlockItem"), d = e.down("#lockItem"), a = c.prev(); if (g.lockable === false) { a.hide(); c.hide(); d.hide() } else { a.show(); c.show(); d.show(); if (!c.initialConfig.disabled) { c.setDisabled(g.lockable === false) } if (!d.initialConfig.disabled) { d.setDisabled(!g.isLockable()) } } }, getMenuItems: function (g, c) { var h = this, j = h.unlockText, a = h.lockText, k = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "hmenu-unlock", b = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "hmenu-lock", e = Ext.Function.bind(h.onUnlockMenuClick, h), d = Ext.Function.bind(h.onLockMenuClick, h); return function () { var l = g.call(this); l.push("-", { itemId: "unlockItem", cls: k, text: j, handler: e, disabled: !c }); l.push({ itemId: "lockItem", cls: b, text: a, handler: d, disabled: c }); return l } }, syncLockedWidth: function () { var e = this, b = e.lockedGrid, d = b.view, c = d.el.dom, h = e.normalGrid, g = b.headerCt.getVisibleGridColumns().length, a = h.headerCt.getVisibleGridColumns().length; Ext.suspendLayouts(); if (a) { h.show(); if (g) { if (!b.headerCt.forceFit) { delete b.flex; b.setWidth(b.headerCt.getFullWidth()) } b.addCls(e.lockedGridCls); b.show() } else { b.getView().refresh(); b.hide() } d.el.setStyle(d.getOverflowStyle()); e.ignoreMousewheel = d.scrollFlags.y } else { h.hide(); c.style.borderBottomWidth = "0"; b.flex = 1; delete b.width; b.removeCls(e.lockedGridCls); b.show(); d.el.setStyle(h.view.getOverflowStyle()); e.ignoreMousewheel = true } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); return [g, a] }, onLockedHeaderAdd: function () { if (!this.ignoreAddLockedColumn) { this.syncLockedWidth() } }, onLockedHeaderResize: function () { this.syncLockedWidth() }, onLockedHeaderHide: function () { this.syncLockedWidth() }, onLockedHeaderShow: function () { this.syncLockedWidth() }, onLockedHeaderSortChange: function (b, c, a) { if (a) { this.normalGrid.headerCt.clearOtherSortStates(null, true) } }, onNormalHeaderSortChange: function (b, c, a) { if (a) { this.lockedGrid.headerCt.clearOtherSortStates(null, true) } }, lock: function (c, k) { var e = this, d = e.normalGrid, b = e.lockedGrid, g = d.headerCt, h = b.headerCt, j, a; c = c || g.getMenu().activeHeader; a = c.ownerCt; if (!c.isLockable()) { return } if (c.flex) { c.width = c.getWidth(); c.flex = null } Ext.suspendLayouts(); a.remove(c, false); c.locked = true; e.ignoreAddLockedColumn = true; if (Ext.isDefined(k)) { h.insert(k, c) } else { h.add(c) } e.ignoreAddLockedColumn = false; j = e.syncLockedWidth(); if (j[0]) { b.getView().refresh() } if (j[1]) { d.getView().refresh() } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); e.fireEvent("lockcolumn", e, c) }, unlock: function (b, e) { var d = this, g = d.normalGrid, j = d.lockedGrid, h = g.headerCt, c = j.headerCt, a; if (!Ext.isDefined(e)) { e = 0 } b = b || c.getMenu().activeHeader; Ext.suspendLayouts(); b.ownerCt.remove(b, false); b.locked = false; h.insert(e, b); a = d.syncLockedWidth(); if (a[0]) { j.getView().refresh() } if (a[1]) { g.getView().refresh() } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); d.fireEvent("unlockcolumn", d, b) }, reconfigureLockable: function (a, b) { var c = this, g = c.store, e = c.lockedGrid, d = c.normalGrid; Ext.suspendLayouts(); if (b) { e.headerCt.removeAll(); d.headerCt.removeAll(); b = c.processColumns(b); c.ignoreAddLockedColumn = true; e.headerCt.add(b.locked.items); c.ignoreAddLockedColumn = false; d.headerCt.add(b.normal.items); c.syncLockedWidth() } if (a && a !== g) { a = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup(a); c.store = a; e.bindStore(a); d.bindStore(a) } else { e.getView().refresh(); d.getView().refresh() } Ext.resumeLayouts(true) }, constructLockableFeatures: function () { var e = this.features, c, d, g, h, b = 0, a; if (e) { g = []; h = []; a = e.length; for (; b < a; b++) { c = e[b]; if (!c.isFeature) { c = Ext.create("feature." + c.ftype, c) } switch (c.lockableScope) { case "locked": g.push(c); break; case "normal": h.push(c); break; default: c.lockableScope = "both"; g.push(c); h.push(d = c.clone()); d.lockingPartner = c; c.lockingPartner = d } } } return { normalFeatures: h, lockedFeatures: g } }, constructLockablePlugins: function () { var c = this.plugins, g, b, a, j, k, d, e = 0, h; if (c) { j = []; k = []; d = []; h = c.length; for (; e < h; e++) { g = c[e]; switch (g.lockableScope) { case "both": k.push(a = g.clonePlugin()); d.push(b = g.clonePlugin()); a.lockingPartner = b; b.lockingPartner = a; Ext.destroy(g); break; case "locked": k.push(g); break; case "normal": d.push(g); break; default: j.push(g) } } } return { topPlugins: j, normalPlugins: d, lockedPlugins: k } }, destroyLockable: function () { Ext.destroy(this.view) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.grid.locking, "Lockable", Ext.grid, "Lockable"], function () { this.borrow(Ext.AbstractComponent, ["constructPlugin"]) })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.tree.View", Ext.view.Table, { isTreeView: true, loadingCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-tree-loading", expandedCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-tree-node-expanded", leafCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-tree-node-leaf", expanderSelector: "." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-expander", checkboxSelector: "." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-checkbox", expanderIconOverCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-expander-over", nodeAnimWrapCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-animator-wrap", blockRefresh: true, loadMask: false, rootVisible: true, deferInitialRefresh: false, expandDuration: 250, collapseDuration: 250, toggleOnDblClick: true, stripeRows: false, uiFields: ["expanded", "loaded", "checked", "expandable", "leaf", "icon", "iconCls", "loading", "qtip", "qtitle"], treeRowTpl: ["{%", "this.processRowValues(values);", "this.nextTpl.applyOut(values, out, parent);", 'delete values.rowAttr["data-qtip"];', 'delete values.rowAttr["data-qtitle"];', "%}", { priority: 10, processRowValues: function (d) { var b = d.record, a = d.view, e = b.get("qtip"), c = b.get("qttle"); d.rowAttr = {}; if (e) { d.rowAttr["data-qtip"] = e } if (c) { d.rowAttr["data-qtitle"] = c } if (b.isExpanded()) { d.rowClasses.push(a.expandedCls) } if (b.isLeaf()) { d.rowClasses.push(a.leafCls) } if (b.isLoading()) { d.rowClasses.push(a.loadingCls) } } } ], initComponent: function () { var b = this, c = b.panel.getStore(), a = b.store; if (b.initialConfig.animate === undefined) { b.animate = Ext.enableFx } if (!a || a === c) { b.store = a = new Ext.data.NodeStore({ treeStore: c, recursive: true, rootVisible: b.rootVisible }) } if (b.node) { b.setRootNode(b.node) } b.animQueue = {}; b.animWraps = {}; b.addEvents("afteritemexpand", "afteritemcollapse", "nodedragover"); b.callParent(arguments); b.addRowTpl(Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(b, "treeRowTpl")) }, onBeforeFill: function (b, a) { this.store.suspendEvents() }, onFillComplete: function (e, d, b) { var c = this, a = c.store, g = a.indexOf(b[0]); a.resumeEvents(); d.triggerUIUpdate(); if (!b.length || g === -1) { return } c.onAdd(c.store, b, g); c.refreshPartner() }, onBeforeSort: function () { this.store.suspendEvents() }, onSort: function (a) { if (a.isStore) { this.store.resumeEvents(); this.refresh(); this.refreshPartner() } }, refreshPartner: function () { var a = this.lockingPartner; if (a) { a.refresh() } }, getMaskStore: function () { return this.panel.getStore() }, afterRender: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); a.el.on({ scope: a, delegate: a.expanderSelector, mouseover: a.onExpanderMouseOver, mouseout: a.onExpanderMouseOut, click: { delegate: a.checkboxSelector, fn: a.onCheckboxChange, scope: a } }) }, afterComponentLayout: function () { this.callParent(arguments); var a = this.stretcher; if (a) { a.setWidth((this.getWidth() - Ext.getScrollbarSize().width)) } }, processUIEvent: function (a) { if (a.getTarget("." + this.nodeAnimWrapCls, this.el)) { return false } return this.callParent(arguments) }, onClear: function () { this.store.removeAll() }, setRootNode: function (b) { var a = this; a.store.setNode(b); a.node = b }, onCheckboxChange: function (d, a) { var c = this, b = d.getTarget(c.getItemSelector(), c.getTargetEl()); if (b) { c.onCheckChange(c.getRecord(b)) } }, onCheckChange: function (a) { var b = a.get("checked"); if (Ext.isBoolean(b)) { b = !b; a.set("checked", b); this.fireEvent("checkchange", a, b) } }, getChecked: function () { var a = []; this.node.cascadeBy(function (b) { if (b.get("checked")) { a.push(b) } }); return a }, isItemChecked: function (a) { return a.get("checked") }, createAnimWrap: function (a, b) { var g = this, e = g.getNode(a), d, c, h = []; g.renderColumnSizer(h); c = Ext.get(e); d = c.insertSibling({ tag: "tr", html: ['', '
    ', '', h.join(""), "
    ", "
    ", ""].join("") }, "after"); return { record: a, node: e, el: d, expanding: false, collapsing: false, animating: false, animateEl: d.down("div"), targetEl: d.down("tbody") } }, getAnimWrap: function (d, a) { if (!this.animate) { return null } var b = this.animWraps, c = b[d.internalId]; if (a !== false) { while (!c && d) { d = d.parentNode; if (d) { c = b[d.internalId] } } } return c }, doAdd: function (c, h) { var j = this, a = j.bufferRender(c, h, true), e = c[0], k = e.parentNode, l = j.all, n, d = j.getAnimWrap(k), m, b, g; if (!d || !d.expanding) { return j.callParent(arguments) } k = d.record; m = d.targetEl; b = m.dom.childNodes; g = b.length; n = h - j.indexInStore(k) - 1; if (!g || n >= g) { m.appendChild(a) } else { Ext.fly(b[n]).insertSibling(a, "before", true) } l.insert(h, a); if (d.isAnimating) { j.onExpand(k) } }, onRemove: function (g, a, b) { var d = this, e, c; if (d.viewReady) { e = d.store.getCount() === 0; if (e) { d.refresh() } else { for (c = b.length - 1; c >= 0; --c) { d.doRemove(a[c], b[c]) } } if (d.hasListeners.itemremove) { for (c = b.length - 1; c >= 0; --c) { d.fireEvent("itemremove", a[c], b[c]) } } } }, doRemove: function (a, c) { var h = this, d = h.all, b = h.getAnimWrap(a), g = d.item(c), e = g ? g.dom : null; if (!e || !b || !b.collapsing) { return h.callParent(arguments) } b.targetEl.dom.insertBefore(e, b.targetEl.dom.firstChild); d.removeElement(c) }, onBeforeExpand: function (d, b, c) { var e = this, a; if (e.rendered && e.all.getCount() && e.animate) { if (e.getNode(d)) { a = e.getAnimWrap(d, false); if (!a) { a = e.animWraps[d.internalId] = e.createAnimWrap(d); a.animateEl.setHeight(0) } else { if (a.collapsing) { a.targetEl.select(e.itemSelector).remove() } } a.expanding = true; a.collapsing = false } } }, onExpand: function (k) { var j = this, g = j.animQueue, a = k.getId(), c = j.getNode(k), h = c ? j.indexOf(c) : -1, e, b, l, d = Ext.isIEQuirks ? 1 : 0; if (j.singleExpand) { j.ensureSingleExpand(k) } if (h === -1) { return } e = j.getAnimWrap(k, false); if (!e) { k.isExpandingOrCollapsing = false; j.fireEvent("afteritemexpand", k, h, c); j.refreshSize(); return } b = e.animateEl; l = e.targetEl; b.stopAnimation(); g[a] = true; b.dom.style.height = d + "px"; b.animate({ from: { height: d }, to: { height: l.getHeight() }, duration: j.expandDuration, listeners: { afteranimate: function () { var m = l.query(j.itemSelector); if (m.length) { e.el.insertSibling(m, "before", true) } e.el.remove(); j.refreshSize(); delete j.animWraps[e.record.internalId]; delete g[a] } }, callback: function () { k.isExpandingOrCollapsing = false; j.fireEvent("afteritemexpand", k, h, c) } }); e.isAnimating = true }, onBeforeCollapse: function (e, b, c, h, d) { var g = this, a; if (g.rendered && g.all.getCount()) { if (g.animate) { if (Ext.Array.contains(e.stores, g.store)) { a = g.getAnimWrap(e); if (!a) { a = g.animWraps[e.internalId] = g.createAnimWrap(e, c) } else { if (a.expanding) { a.targetEl.select(this.itemSelector).remove() } } a.expanding = false; a.collapsing = true; a.callback = h; a.scope = d } } else { g.onCollapseCallback = h; g.onCollapseScope = d } } }, onCollapse: function (d) { var g = this, a = g.animQueue, j = d.getId(), e = g.getNode(d), c = e ? g.indexOf(e) : -1, b = g.getAnimWrap(d), h; if (!g.all.getCount() || !Ext.Array.contains(d.stores, g.store)) { return } if (!b) { d.isExpandingOrCollapsing = false; g.fireEvent("afteritemcollapse", d, c, e); g.refreshSize(); Ext.callback(g.onCollapseCallback, g.onCollapseScope); g.onCollapseCallback = g.onCollapseScope = null; return } h = b.animateEl; a[j] = true; h.stopAnimation(); h.animate({ to: { height: Ext.isIEQuirks ? 1 : 0 }, duration: g.collapseDuration, listeners: { afteranimate: function () { b.el.remove(); g.refreshSize(); delete g.animWraps[b.record.internalId]; delete a[j] } }, callback: function () { d.isExpandingOrCollapsing = false; g.fireEvent("afteritemcollapse", d, c, e); Ext.callback(b.callback, b.scope); b.callback = b.scope = null } }); b.isAnimating = true }, isAnimating: function (a) { return !!this.animQueue[a.getId()] }, expand: function (d, c, h, e) { var g = this, b = !!g.animate, a; if (!b || !d.isExpandingOrCollapsing) { if (!d.isLeaf()) { d.isExpandingOrCollapsing = b } Ext.suspendLayouts(); a = d.expand(c, h, e); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); return a } }, collapse: function (c, b, g, d) { var e = this, a = !!e.animate; if (!a || !c.isExpandingOrCollapsing) { if (!c.isLeaf()) { c.isExpandingOrCollapsing = a } return c.collapse(b, g, d) } }, toggle: function (b, a, d, c) { if (b.isExpanded()) { this.collapse(b, a, d, c) } else { this.expand(b, a, d, c) } }, onItemDblClick: function (a, e, c) { var d = this, b = d.editingPlugin; d.callParent(arguments); if (d.toggleOnDblClick && a.isExpandable() && !(b && b.clicksToEdit === 2)) { d.toggle(a) } }, onBeforeItemMouseDown: function (a, c, b, d) { if (d.getTarget(this.expanderSelector, c)) { return false } return this.callParent(arguments) }, onItemClick: function (a, c, b, d) { if (d.getTarget(this.expanderSelector, c) && a.isExpandable()) { this.toggle(a, d.ctrlKey); return false } return this.callParent(arguments) }, onExpanderMouseOver: function (b, a) { b.getTarget(this.cellSelector, 10, true).addCls(this.expanderIconOverCls) }, onExpanderMouseOut: function (b, a) { b.getTarget(this.cellSelector, 10, true).removeCls(this.expanderIconOverCls) }, getStoreListeners: function () { var b = this, a = b.callParent(arguments); return Ext.apply(a, { beforeexpand: b.onBeforeExpand, expand: b.onExpand, beforecollapse: b.onBeforeCollapse, collapse: b.onCollapse, write: b.onStoreWrite, datachanged: b.onStoreDataChanged }) }, onBindStore: function () { var a = this, b = a.getTreeStore(); a.callParent(arguments); a.mon(b, { scope: a, beforefill: a.onBeforeFill, fillcomplete: a.onFillComplete }); if (!b.remoteSort) { a.mon(b, { scope: a, beforesort: a.onBeforeSort, sort: a.onSort }) } }, onUnbindStore: function () { var a = this, b = a.getTreeStore(); a.callParent(arguments); a.mun(b, { scope: a, beforefill: a.onBeforeFill, fillcomplete: a.onFillComplete }); if (!b.remoteSort) { a.mun(b, { scope: a, beforesort: a.onBeforeSort, sort: a.onSort }) } }, getTreeStore: function () { return this.panel.store }, ensureSingleExpand: function (b) { var a = b.parentNode; if (a) { a.eachChild(function (c) { if (c !== b && c.isExpanded()) { c.collapse() } }) } }, shouldUpdateCell: function (b, e, d) { if (d) { var c = 0, a = d.length; for (; c < a; ++c) { if (Ext.Array.contains(this.uiFields, d[c])) { return true } } } return this.callParent(arguments) }, onStoreWrite: function (b, a) { var c = this.panel.store; c.fireEvent("write", c, a) }, onStoreDataChanged: function (b, a) { var c = this.panel.store; c.fireEvent("datachanged", c) } }, 0, ["treeview"], ["component", "treeview", "box", "dataview", "tableview"], { component: true, treeview: true, box: true, dataview: true, tableview: true }, ["widget.treeview"], 0, [Ext.tree, "View"], 0)); Ext.define("Ext.grid.plugin.BufferedRendererTreeView", { override: "Ext.tree.View", onRemove: function (b, a, d) { var c = this; if (c.rendered && c.bufferedRenderer) { c.refreshView() } else { c.callParent([b, a, d]) } } }); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.plugin.BufferedRenderer", Ext.AbstractPlugin, { lockableScope: "both", percentageFromEdge: 0.35, variableRowHeight: false, numFromEdge: 8, trailingBufferZone: 10, leadingBufferZone: 20, synchronousRender: true, scrollToLoadBuffer: 200, viewSize: 0, rowHeight: 21, position: 0, lastScrollDirection: 1, bodyTop: 0, init: function (c) { var d = this, a = c.view, b = { scroll: { fn: d.onViewScroll, element: "el", scope: d }, boxready: d.onViewResize, resize: d.onViewResize, refresh: d.onViewRefresh, scope: d, destroyable: true }; if (!d.variableRowHeight && c.ownerLockable) { c.ownerLockable.syncRowHeight = false } if (c.isTree || c.ownerLockable && c.ownerLockable.isTree) { a.blockRefresh = false; a.loadMask = true } if (a.positionBody) { b.refresh = d.onViewRefresh } d.grid = c; d.view = a; a.bufferedRenderer = d; a.preserveScrollOnRefresh = true; d.bindStore(a.dataSource); a.getViewRange = function () { return d.getViewRange() }; d.position = 0; d.gridListeners = c.on("reconfigure", d.onReconfigure, d); d.viewListeners = a.on(b) }, bindStore: function (a) { var b = this; if (b.store) { b.unbindStore() } b.storeListeners = a.on({ scope: b, clear: b.onStoreClear, destroyable: true }); b.store = a; if (b.view.componentLayout.layoutCount) { b.onViewResize(b.view, 0, b.view.getHeight()) } }, onReconfigure: function (b, a) { if (a && a !== this.store) { this.bindStore(a) } }, unbindStore: function () { this.storeListeners.destroy(); this.store = null }, onStoreClear: function () { var a = this; if (a.view.rendered && !a.store.isDestroyed) { if (a.scrollTop !== 0) { a.ignoreNextScrollEvent = true; a.view.el.dom.scrollTop = a.bodyTop = a.scrollTop = 0 } a.position = a.scrollHeight = 0; a.lastScrollDirection = a.scrollOffset = null; delete a.rowHeight } }, onViewRefresh: function () { var c = this, a = c.view, d = c.scrollHeight, b; if (a.all.getCount()) { delete c.rowHeight } b = c.getScrollHeight(); if (!d || b != d) { c.stretchView(a, b) } if (c.scrollTop !== a.el.dom.scrollTop) { c.onViewScroll() } else { c.setBodyTop(c.bodyTop); if (a.all.getCount()) { c.viewSize = 0; c.onViewResize(a, null, a.getHeight()) } } }, onViewResize: function (c, e, a, b, h) { if (!h || a !== h) { var g = this, d; d = Math.ceil(a / g.rowHeight) + g.trailingBufferZone + g.leadingBufferZone; g.viewSize = g.setViewSize(d) } }, stretchView: function (b, a) { var e = this, d = (e.store.buffered ? e.store.getTotalCount() : e.store.getCount()); if (e.stretcher) { e.stretcher.dom.style.marginTop = (a - 1) + "px" } else { var c = b.el; if (b.refreshCounter) { b.fixedNodes++ } if (d && (e.view.all.endIndex === d - 1)) { a = e.bodyTop + b.body.dom.offsetHeight } this.stretcher = c.createChild({ style: { width: "1px", height: "1px", marginTop: (a - 1) + "px", left: 0, position: "absolute" } }, c.dom.firstChild) } }, setViewSize: function (h) { if (h !== this.viewSize) { this.scrollTop = this.view.el.dom.scrollTop; var e = this, b = e.store, d = e.view.all.getCount(), g, a, c = e.lockingPartner; e.viewSize = b.viewSize = h; if (d) { g = e.view.all.startIndex; a = Math.min(g + h - 1, (b.buffered ? b.getTotalCount() : b.getCount()) - 1); if (c) { c.disable() } e.renderRange(g, a); if (c) { c.enable() } } } return h }, getViewRange: function () { var b = this, c = b.view.all, a = b.store; if (a.data.getCount()) { return a.getRange(c.startIndex, c.startIndex + (b.viewSize || b.store.defaultViewSize) - 1) } else { return [] } }, scrollTo: function (k, c, n, p) { var g = this, j = g.view, o = j.el.dom, l = g.store, h = l.buffered ? l.getTotalCount() : l.getCount(), e, b, d, a, m; k = Math.min(Math.max(k, 0), h - 1); e = Math.max(Math.min(k - ((g.leadingBufferZone + g.trailingBufferZone) / 2), h - g.viewSize + 1), 0); m = e * g.rowHeight; b = Math.min(e + g.viewSize - 1, h - 1); l.getRange(e, b, { callback: function (r, s, q) { g.renderRange(s, q, true); d = l.data.getRange(k, k)[0]; a = j.getNode(d, false); j.body.dom.style.top = m + "px"; g.position = g.scrollTop = o.scrollTop = m = Math.min(Math.max(0, m - j.body.getOffsetsTo(a)[1]), o.scrollHeight - o.clientHeight); if (Ext.isIE) { o.scrollTop = m } if (c) { j.selModel.select(d) } if (n) { n.call(p || g, k, d) } } }) }, onViewScroll: function (d, l) { var g = this, j = g.store, k = (j.buffered ? j.getTotalCount() : j.getCount()), c, a, b = g.scrollTop = g.view.el.dom.scrollTop, h = false; if (g.ignoreNextScrollEvent) { g.ignoreNextScrollEvent = false; return } if (!(g.disabled || k < g.viewSize)) { c = b - g.position; a = c > 0 ? 1 : -1; if (Math.abs(c) >= 20 || (a !== g.lastScrollDirection)) { g.lastScrollDirection = a; g.handleViewScroll(g.lastScrollDirection); h = true } } if (!h) { if (g.lockingPartner && g.lockingPartner.scrollTop !== b) { g.lockingPartner.view.el.dom.scrollTop = b } } }, handleViewScroll: function (h) { var e = this, g = e.view.all, b = e.store, j = e.viewSize, a = (b.buffered ? b.getTotalCount() : b.getCount()), d, c; if (h == -1) { if (g.startIndex) { if ((e.getFirstVisibleRowIndex() - g.startIndex) < e.numFromEdge) { d = Math.max(0, e.getLastVisibleRowIndex() + e.trailingBufferZone - j) } } } else { if (g.endIndex < a - 1) { if ((g.endIndex - e.getLastVisibleRowIndex()) < e.numFromEdge) { d = Math.max(0, e.getFirstVisibleRowIndex() - e.trailingBufferZone) } } } if (d != null) { c = Math.min(d + j - 1, a - 1); if (d !== g.startIndex || c !== g.endIndex) { e.renderRange(d, c); return } } if (e.lockingPartner && e.lockingPartner.view.el && e.lockingPartner.scrollTop !== e.scrollTop) { e.lockingPartner.view.el.dom.scrollTop = e.scrollTop } }, renderRange: function (e, a, d) { var c = this, b = c.store; if (b.rangeCached(e, a)) { c.cancelLoad(); if (c.synchronousRender || d) { c.onRangeFetched(null, e, a) } else { if (!c.renderTask) { c.renderTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(c.onRangeFetched, c, null, false) } c.renderTask.delay(1, null, null, [null, e, a]) } } else { c.attemptLoad(e, a) } }, onRangeFetched: function (h, b, e, c) { var k = this, m = k.view, d, o = m.all, a, n = 0, g = b * k.rowHeight, l, j = k.lockingPartner; if (m.isDestroyed) { return } if (!h) { h = k.store.getRange(b, e); if (!h) { return } } if (b > o.endIndex || e < o.startIndex) { o.clear(true); l = g } if (!o.getCount()) { m.doAdd(h, b) } else { if (e > o.endIndex) { a = Math.max(b - o.startIndex, 0); if (k.variableRowHeight) { n = o.item(o.startIndex + a, true).offsetTop } o.scroll(Ext.Array.slice(h, o.endIndex + 1 - b), 1, a, b, e); if (k.variableRowHeight) { l = k.bodyTop + n } else { l = g } } else { a = Math.max(o.endIndex - e, 0); d = o.startIndex; o.scroll(Ext.Array.slice(h, 0, o.startIndex - b), -1, a, b, e); if (k.variableRowHeight) { l = k.bodyTop - o.item(d, true).offsetTop } else { l = g } } } k.position = k.scrollTop; if (m.positionBody) { k.setBodyTop(l, g) } if (j && !j.disabled && !c) { j.onRangeFetched(h, b, e, true); if (j.scrollTop !== k.scrollTop) { j.view.el.dom.scrollTop = k.scrollTop } } }, setBodyTop: function (d, g) { var e = this, b = e.view, c = e.store, a = b.body.dom, h; d = Math.floor(d); if (g !== undefined) { h = d - g; d = g } a.style.position = "absolute"; a.style.top = (e.bodyTop = d) + "px"; if (h) { e.scrollTop = e.position = b.el.dom.scrollTop -= h } if (b.all.endIndex === (c.buffered ? c.getTotalCount() : c.getCount()) - 1) { e.stretchView(b, e.bodyTop + a.offsetHeight) } }, getFirstVisibleRowIndex: function (k, c, b, g) { var h = this, j = h.view, m = j.all, a = m.elements, d = j.el.dom.clientHeight, e, l; if (m.getCount() && h.variableRowHeight) { if (!arguments.length) { k = m.startIndex; c = m.endIndex; b = h.scrollTop; g = b + d; if (h.bodyTop > g || h.bodyTop + j.body.getHeight() < b) { return Math.floor(h.scrollTop / h.rowHeight) } e = k + Math.min(h.numFromEdge + ((h.lastScrollDirection == -1) ? h.leadingBufferZone : h.trailingBufferZone), Math.floor((c - k) / 2)) } else { e = k + Math.floor((c - k) / 2) } l = h.bodyTop + a[e].offsetTop; if (l + a[e].offsetHeight < b) { return h.getFirstVisibleRowIndex(e + 1, c, b, g) } if (l <= b) { return e } else { if (e !== k) { return h.getFirstVisibleRowIndex(k, e - 1, b, g) } } } return Math.floor(h.scrollTop / h.rowHeight) }, getLastVisibleRowIndex: function (l, c, b, g) { var j = this, k = j.view, n = k.all, a = n.elements, d = k.el.dom.clientHeight, e, m, h; if (n.getCount() && j.variableRowHeight) { if (!arguments.length) { l = n.startIndex; c = n.endIndex; b = j.scrollTop; g = b + d; if (j.bodyTop > g || j.bodyTop + k.body.getHeight() < b) { return Math.floor(j.scrollTop / j.rowHeight) + Math.ceil(d / j.rowHeight) } e = c - Math.min(j.numFromEdge + ((j.lastScrollDirection == 1) ? j.leadingBufferZone : j.trailingBufferZone), Math.floor((c - l) / 2)) } else { e = l + Math.floor((c - l) / 2) } m = j.bodyTop + a[e].offsetTop; if (m > g) { return j.getLastVisibleRowIndex(l, e - 1, b, g) } h = m + a[e].offsetHeight; if (h >= g) { return e } else { if (e !== c) { return j.getLastVisibleRowIndex(e + 1, c, b, g) } } } return j.getFirstVisibleRowIndex() + Math.ceil(d / j.rowHeight) }, getScrollHeight: function () { var d = this, a = d.view, b = d.store, c = !d.hasOwnProperty("rowHeight"), e = d.store.getCount(); if (!e) { return 0 } if (c) { if (a.all.getCount()) { d.rowHeight = Math.floor(a.body.getHeight() / a.all.getCount()) } } return this.scrollHeight = Math.floor((b.buffered ? b.getTotalCount() : b.getCount()) * d.rowHeight) }, attemptLoad: function (c, a) { var b = this; if (b.scrollToLoadBuffer) { if (!b.loadTask) { b.loadTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(b.doAttemptLoad, b, []) } b.loadTask.delay(b.scrollToLoadBuffer, b.doAttemptLoad, b, [c, a]) } else { b.store.getRange(c, a, { callback: b.onRangeFetched, scope: b, fireEvent: false }) } }, cancelLoad: function () { if (this.loadTask) { this.loadTask.cancel() } }, doAttemptLoad: function (b, a) { this.store.getRange(b, a, { callback: this.onRangeFetched, scope: this, fireEvent: false }) }, destroy: function () { var b = this, a = b.view; if (a && a.el) { a.el.un("scroll", b.onViewScroll, b) } Ext.destroy(b.viewListeners, b.storeListeners, b.gridListeners) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["plugin.bufferedrenderer"], 0, [Ext.grid.plugin, "BufferedRenderer"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.plugin.Editing", Ext.AbstractPlugin, { clicksToEdit: 2, triggerEvent: undefined, relayedEvents: ["beforeedit", "edit", "validateedit", "canceledit"], defaultFieldXType: "textfield", editStyle: "", constructor: function (a) { var b = this; b.addEvents("beforeedit", "edit", "validateedit", "canceledit"); b.callParent(arguments); b.mixins.observable.constructor.call(b); b.on("edit", function (c, d) { b.fireEvent("afteredit", c, d) }) }, init: function (a) { var b = this; b.grid = a; b.view = a.view; b.initEvents(); b.mon(a, { reconfigure: b.onReconfigure, scope: b, beforerender: { fn: b.onReconfigure, single: true, scope: b } }); a.relayEvents(b, b.relayedEvents); if (b.grid.ownerLockable) { b.grid.ownerLockable.relayEvents(b, b.relayedEvents) } a.isEditable = true; a.editingPlugin = a.view.editingPlugin = b }, onReconfigure: function () { var a = this.grid; a = a.ownerLockable ? a.ownerLockable : a; this.initFieldAccessors(a.getView().getGridColumns()) }, destroy: function () { var b = this, a = b.grid; Ext.destroy(b.keyNav); b.clearListeners(); if (a) { b.removeFieldAccessors(a.columnManager.getColumns()); a.editingPlugin = a.view.editingPlugin = b.grid = b.view = b.editor = b.keyNav = null } }, getEditStyle: function () { return this.editStyle }, initFieldAccessors: function (a) { if (a.isGroupHeader) { a = a.getGridColumns() } else { if (!Ext.isArray(a)) { a = [a] } } var d = this, g, e = a.length, b; for (g = 0; g < e; g++) { b = a[g]; if (!b.getEditor) { b.getEditor = function (c, h) { return d.getColumnField(this, h) } } if (!b.hasEditor) { b.hasEditor = function () { return d.hasColumnField(this) } } if (!b.setEditor) { b.setEditor = function (c) { d.setColumnField(this, c) } } } }, removeFieldAccessors: function (a) { if (a.isGroupHeader) { a = a.getGridColumns() } else { if (!Ext.isArray(a)) { a = [a] } } var e, d = a.length, b; for (e = 0; e < d; e++) { b = a[e]; b.getEditor = b.hasEditor = b.setEditor = null } }, getColumnField: function (b, a) { var c = b.field; if (!(c && c.isFormField)) { c = b.field = this.createColumnField(b, a) } return c }, hasColumnField: function (a) { return !!a.field }, setColumnField: function (a, b) { a.field = b; a.field = this.createColumnField(a) }, createColumnField: function (b, a) { var c = b.field; if (!c && b.editor) { c = b.editor; b.editor = null } if (!c && a) { c = a } if (c) { if (c.isFormField) { c.column = b } else { if (Ext.isString(c)) { c = { name: b.dataIndex, xtype: c, column: b } } else { c = Ext.apply({ name: b.dataIndex, column: b }, c) } c = Ext.ComponentManager.create(c, this.defaultFieldXType) } b.field = c } return c }, initEvents: function () { var a = this; a.initEditTriggers(); a.initCancelTriggers() }, initCancelTriggers: Ext.emptyFn, initEditTriggers: function () { var b = this, a = b.view; if (b.triggerEvent == "cellfocus") { b.mon(a, "cellfocus", b.onCellFocus, b) } else { if (b.triggerEvent == "rowfocus") { b.mon(a, "rowfocus", b.onRowFocus, b) } else { if (a.getSelectionModel().isCellModel) { a.onCellFocus = Ext.Function.bind(b.beforeViewCellFocus, b) } b.mon(a, b.triggerEvent || ("cell" + (b.clicksToEdit === 1 ? "click" : "dblclick")), b.onCellClick, b) } } b.initAddRemoveHeaderEvents(); a.on("render", b.initKeyNavHeaderEvents, b, { single: true }) }, beforeViewCellFocus: function (a) { if (this.view.selModel.keyNavigation || !this.editing || !this.isCellEditable || !this.isCellEditable(a.row, a.columnHeader)) { this.view.focusCell.apply(this.view, arguments) } }, onRowFocus: function (a, c, b) { this.startEdit(c, 0) }, onCellFocus: function (c, b, a) { this.startEdit(a.row, a.column) }, onCellClick: function (c, a, j, b, h, d, g) { if (!c.expanderSelector || !g.getTarget(c.expanderSelector)) { this.startEdit(b, c.ownerCt.columnManager.getHeaderAtIndex(j)) } }, initAddRemoveHeaderEvents: function () { var a = this; a.mon(a.grid.headerCt, { scope: a, add: a.onColumnAdd, remove: a.onColumnRemove, columnmove: a.onColumnMove }) }, initKeyNavHeaderEvents: function () { var a = this; a.keyNav = Ext.create("Ext.util.KeyNav", a.view.el, { enter: a.onEnterKey, esc: a.onEscKey, scope: a }) }, onColumnAdd: function (a, b) { this.initFieldAccessors(b) }, onColumnRemove: function (a, b) { this.removeFieldAccessors(b) }, onColumnMove: function (d, b, a, c) { this.initFieldAccessors(b) }, onEnterKey: function (h) { var d = this, c = d.grid, b = c.getSelectionModel(), a, j, g; if (b.getCurrentPosition && (j = b.getCurrentPosition())) { a = j.record; g = j.columnHeader } else { a = b.getLastSelected(); g = c.columnManager.getHeaderAtIndex(0) } if (a && g) { d.startEdit(a, g) } }, onEscKey: function (a) { return this.cancelEdit() }, beforeEdit: Ext.emptyFn, startEdit: function (b, e) { var d = this, c, a = d.grid.lockable ? d.grid : d.view; if (!a.componentLayoutCounter) { a.on({ boxready: Ext.Function.bind(d.startEdit, d, [b, e]), single: true }); return false } if (d.grid.collapsed || !d.grid.view.isVisible(true)) { return false } c = d.getEditingContext(b, e); if (c == null) { return false } if (!d.preventBeforeCheck) { if (d.beforeEdit(c) === false || d.fireEvent("beforeedit", d, c) === false || c.cancel) { return false } } d.editing = true; return c }, getEditingContext: function (b, g) { var e = this, c = e.grid, a = e.view, h = a.getNode(b, true), d, j; if (!h) { return } g = c.columnManager.getVisibleHeaderClosestToIndex(Ext.isNumber(g) ? g : g.getVisibleIndex()); if (!g) { return } j = g.getVisibleIndex(); if (Ext.isNumber(b)) { d = b; b = a.getRecord(h) } else { d = a.indexOf(h) } if (!b) { return } return { grid: c, view: a, store: a.dataSource, record: b, field: g.dataIndex, value: b.get(g.dataIndex), row: h, column: g, rowIdx: d, colIdx: j } }, cancelEdit: function () { var a = this; a.editing = false; a.fireEvent("canceledit", a, a.context) }, completeEdit: function () { var a = this; if (a.editing && a.validateEdit()) { a.fireEvent("edit", a, a.context) } a.context = null; a.editing = false }, validateEdit: function () { var b = this, a = b.context; return b.fireEvent("validateedit", b, a) !== false && !a.cancel } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["editing.editing"], [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.grid.plugin, "Editing"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing", Ext.grid.plugin.Editing, { lockableScope: "both", init: function (a) { var c = this, b = c.lockingPartner; c.callParent(arguments); if (b) { if (b.editors) { c.editors = b.editors } else { c.editors = b.editors = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, function (d) { return d.editorId }) } } else { c.editors = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, function (d) { return d.editorId }) } }, onReconfigure: function (c, a, b) { if (b) { this.editors.clear() } this.callParent() }, destroy: function () { var a = this; if (a.editors) { a.editors.each(Ext.destroy, Ext); a.editors.clear() } a.callParent(arguments) }, onBodyScroll: function () { var c = this, b = c.getActiveEditor(), a = c.view.el.getScroll(); if (b && b.editing && b.editingPlugin === c) { if (a.top !== c.scroll.top) { if (b.field) { if (b.field.triggerBlur) { b.field.triggerBlur() } else { b.field.blur() } } } else { b.realign() } } c.scroll = a }, initCancelTriggers: function () { var c = this, b = c.grid, a = b.view; c.mon(a, "bodyscroll", c.onBodyScroll, c); c.mon(b, { columnresize: c.cancelEdit, columnmove: c.cancelEdit, scope: c }) }, isCellEditable: function (a, d) { var c = this, b = c.getEditingContext(a, d); if (c.grid.view.isVisible(true) && b) { d = b.column; a = b.record; if (d && c.getEditor(a, d)) { return true } } }, startEdit: function (a, e, c) { var d = this, b; if (!c) { d.preventBeforeCheck = true; c = d.callParent(arguments); delete d.preventBeforeCheck; if (c === false) { return false } } if (c && d.grid.view.isVisible(true)) { a = c.record; e = c.column; d.completeEdit(); if (e && !e.getEditor(a)) { return false } d.context = c; c.originalValue = c.value = a.get(e.dataIndex); if (d.beforeEdit(c) === false || d.fireEvent("beforeedit", d, c) === false || c.cancel) { return false } b = d.getEditor(a, e); d.grid.view.cancelFocus(); d.view.scrollCellIntoView(d.getCell(a, e)); if (b) { d.showEditor(b, c, c.value); return true } return false } }, showEditor: function (e, a, h) { var g = this, d = a.record, c = a.column, b = g.grid.getSelectionModel(), j = b.getCurrentPosition(), k = j && j.view; if (k && k !== g.view) { return g.lockingPartner.showEditor(e, g.lockingPartner.getEditingContext(j.record, j.columnHeader), h) } g.setEditingContext(a); g.setActiveEditor(e); g.setActiveRecord(d); g.setActiveColumn(c); if (b.selectByPosition && (!j || j.column !== a.colIdx || j.row !== a.rowIdx)) { b.selectByPosition({ row: a.rowIdx, column: a.colIdx, view: g.view }) } e.startEdit(g.getCell(d, c), h, a); g.editing = true; g.scroll = g.view.el.getScroll() }, completeEdit: function () { var a = this.getActiveEditor(); if (a) { a.completeEdit(); this.editing = false } }, setEditingContext: function (a) { this.context = a; if (this.lockingPartner) { this.lockingPartner.context = a } }, setActiveEditor: function (a) { this.activeEditor = a; if (this.lockingPartner) { this.lockingPartner.activeEditor = a } }, getActiveEditor: function () { return this.activeEditor }, setActiveColumn: function (a) { this.activeColumn = a; if (this.lockingPartner) { this.lockingPartner.activeColumn = a } }, getActiveColumn: function () { return this.activeColumn }, setActiveRecord: function (a) { this.activeRecord = a; if (this.lockingPartner) { this.lockingPartner.activeRecord = a } }, getActiveRecord: function () { return this.activeRecord }, getEditor: function (a, e) { var h = this, g = h.editors, d = e.getItemId(), c = g.getByKey(d), b = h.grid.ownerLockable || h.grid; if (!c) { c = e.getEditor(a); if (!c) { return false } if (c instanceof Ext.grid.CellEditor) { c.floating = true } else { c = new Ext.grid.CellEditor({ floating: true, editorId: d, field: c }) } b.add(c); c.on({ scope: h, specialkey: h.onSpecialKey, complete: h.onEditComplete, canceledit: h.cancelEdit }); e.on("removed", h.cancelActiveEdit, h); g.add(c) } if (e.isTreeColumn) { c.isForTree = e.isTreeColumn; c.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-cell-editor") } c.grid = h.grid; c.editingPlugin = h; return c }, cancelActiveEdit: function (b) { var a = this.context; if (a && a.column === b) { this.cancelEdit() } }, setColumnField: function (b, c) { var a = this.editors.getByKey(b.getItemId()); Ext.destroy(a, b.field); this.editors.removeAtKey(b.getItemId()); this.callParent(arguments) }, getCell: function (a, b) { return this.grid.getView().getCell(a, b) }, onSpecialKey: function (a, c, b) { var d; if (b.getKey() === b.TAB) { b.stopEvent(); if (a) { a.onEditorTab(b) } d = a.up("tablepanel").getSelectionModel(); if (d.onEditorTab) { return d.onEditorTab(a.editingPlugin, b) } } }, onEditComplete: function (c, h, b) { var g = this, e = g.getActiveColumn(), d = g.context, a; if (e) { a = d.record; g.setActiveEditor(null); g.setActiveColumn(null); g.setActiveRecord(null); d.value = h; if (!g.validateEdit()) { return } if (!a.isEqual(h, b)) { a.set(e.dataIndex, h) } d.view.focus(false, true); g.fireEvent("edit", g, d); g.editing = false } }, cancelEdit: function () { var b = this, a = b.getActiveEditor(); b.setActiveEditor(null); b.setActiveColumn(null); b.setActiveRecord(null); if (a) { a.cancelEdit(); b.context.view.focus(); b.callParent(arguments); return } return true }, startEditByPosition: function (a) { if (!a.isCellContext) { a = new Ext.grid.CellContext(this.view).setPosition(a) } a.setColumn(this.view.getHeaderCt().getVisibleHeaderClosestToIndex(a.column).getIndex()); return this.startEdit(a.record, a.columnHeader) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["plugin.cellediting"], 0, [Ext.grid.plugin, "CellEditing"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.plugin.DivRenderer", Ext.AbstractPlugin, { tableTpl: ['
    ', "{%", "values.view.renderRows(values.rows, values.viewStartIndex, out);", "%}", "
    ", { priority: 0 } ], rowTpl: ["{%", 'var dataRowCls = values.recordIndex === -1 ? "" : " ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-data-row";', "%}", '
    ", '{%', "parent.view.renderCell(values, parent.record, parent.recordIndex, xindex - 1, out, parent)", "%}", "", "
    ", { priority: 0 } ], cellTpl: ['
    ', '
    ', "
    ", { priority: 0 } ], selectors: { bodySelector: "div", nodeContainerSelector: "div", itemSelector: "dl." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-row", dataRowSelector: "dl." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-data-row", cellSelector: "dt." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell", innerSelector: "div." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-inner", getNodeContainerSelector: function () { return this.getBodySelector() }, getNodeContainer: function () { return this.el.getById(this.id + "-table", true) } }, init: function (b) { var a = b.getView(); a.tableTpl = Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(this, "tableTpl"); a.rowTpl = Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(this, "rowTpl"); a.cellTpl = Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(this, "cellTpl"); Ext.apply(a, this.selectors) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["plugin.divrenderer"], 0, [Ext.grid.plugin, "DivRenderer"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.plugin.DragDrop", Ext.AbstractPlugin, { dragText: "{0} selected row{1}", ddGroup: "GridDD", enableDrop: true, enableDrag: true, containerScroll: false, init: function (a) { a.on("render", this.onViewRender, this, { single: true }) }, destroy: function () { Ext.destroy(this.dragZone, this.dropZone) }, enable: function () { var a = this; if (a.dragZone) { a.dragZone.unlock() } if (a.dropZone) { a.dropZone.unlock() } a.callParent() }, disable: function () { var a = this; if (a.dragZone) { a.dragZone.lock() } if (a.dropZone) { a.dropZone.lock() } a.callParent() }, onViewRender: function (a) { var b = this, c; if (b.enableDrag) { if (b.containerScroll) { c = a.getEl() } b.dragZone = new Ext.view.DragZone({ view: a, ddGroup: b.dragGroup || b.ddGroup, dragText: b.dragText, containerScroll: b.containerScroll, scrollEl: c }) } if (b.enableDrop) { b.dropZone = new Ext.grid.ViewDropZone({ view: a, ddGroup: b.dropGroup || b.ddGroup }) } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["plugin.gridviewdragdrop"], 0, [Ext.grid.plugin, "DragDrop"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing", Ext.grid.plugin.Editing, { lockableScope: "top", editStyle: "row", autoCancel: true, errorSummary: true, constructor: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (!a.clicksToMoveEditor) { a.clicksToMoveEditor = a.clicksToEdit } a.autoCancel = !!a.autoCancel }, destroy: function () { Ext.destroy(this.editor); this.callParent(arguments) }, startEdit: function (a, e) { var d = this, c = d.getEditor(), b; if (c.beforeEdit() !== false) { b = d.callParent(arguments); if (b) { d.context = b; if (d.lockingPartner) { d.lockingPartner.cancelEdit() } c.startEdit(b.record, b.column, b); return true } } return false }, cancelEdit: function () { var a = this; if (a.editing) { a.getEditor().cancelEdit(); a.callParent(arguments); return } return true }, completeEdit: function () { var a = this; if (a.editing && a.validateEdit()) { a.editing = false; a.fireEvent("edit", a, a.context) } }, validateEdit: function () { var l = this, h = l.editor, b = l.context, g = b.record, n = {}, d = {}, k = h.query(">[isFormField]"), j, c = k.length, a, m; for (j = 0; j < c; j++) { m = k[j]; a = m.name; n[a] = m.getValue(); d[a] = g.get(a) } Ext.apply(b, { newValues: n, originalValues: d }); return l.callParent(arguments) && l.getEditor().completeEdit() }, getEditor: function () { var a = this; if (!a.editor) { a.editor = a.initEditor() } return a.editor }, initEditor: function () { return new Ext.grid.RowEditor(this.initEditorConfig()) }, initEditorConfig: function () { var h = this, c = h.grid, j = h.view, d = c.headerCt, e = ["saveBtnText", "cancelBtnText", "errorsText", "dirtyText"], k, a = e.length, g = { autoCancel: h.autoCancel, errorSummary: h.errorSummary, fields: d.getGridColumns(), hidden: true, view: j, editingPlugin: h }, l; for (k = 0; k < a; k++) { l = e[k]; if (Ext.isDefined(h[l])) { g[l] = h[l] } } return g }, initEditTriggers: function () { var b = this, a = b.view, c = b.clicksToMoveEditor === 1 ? "click" : "dblclick"; b.callParent(arguments); if (b.clicksToMoveEditor !== b.clicksToEdit) { b.mon(a, "cell" + c, b.moveEditorByClick, b) } a.on({ render: function () { b.mon(b.grid.headerCt, { scope: b, columnresize: b.onColumnResize, columnhide: b.onColumnHide, columnshow: b.onColumnShow }) }, single: true }) }, startEditByClick: function () { var a = this; if (!a.editing || a.clicksToMoveEditor === a.clicksToEdit) { a.callParent(arguments) } }, moveEditorByClick: function () { var a = this; if (a.editing) { a.superclass.onCellClick.apply(a, arguments) } }, onColumnAdd: function (a, c) { if (c.isHeader) { var d = this, b; d.initFieldAccessors(c); b = d.editor; if (b && b.onColumnAdd) { b.onColumnAdd(c) } } }, onColumnRemove: function (a, c) { if (c.isHeader) { var d = this, b = d.getEditor(); if (b && b.onColumnRemove) { b.onColumnRemove(a, c) } d.removeFieldAccessors(c) } }, onColumnResize: function (a, d, c) { if (d.isHeader) { var e = this, b = e.getEditor(); if (b && b.onColumnResize) { b.onColumnResize(d, c) } } }, onColumnHide: function (a, c) { var d = this, b = d.getEditor(); if (b && b.onColumnHide) { b.onColumnHide(c) } }, onColumnShow: function (a, c) { var d = this, b = d.getEditor(); if (b && b.onColumnShow) { b.onColumnShow(c) } }, onColumnMove: function (a, d, c, g) { var e = this, b = e.getEditor(); e.initFieldAccessors(d); if (b && b.onColumnMove) { b.onColumnMove(d, c, g) } }, setColumnField: function (b, d) { var c = this, a = c.getEditor(); a.removeField(b); c.callParent(arguments); c.getEditor().setField(b) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["plugin.rowediting"], 0, [Ext.grid.plugin, "RowEditing"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.plugin.RowExpander", Ext.AbstractPlugin, { lockableScope: "normal", rowBodyTpl: null, expandOnEnter: true, expandOnDblClick: true, selectRowOnExpand: false, rowBodyTrSelector: ".x-grid-rowbody-tr", rowBodyHiddenCls: "x-grid-row-body-hidden", rowCollapsedCls: "x-grid-row-collapsed", addCollapsedCls: { before: function (a, b) { var c = this.rowExpander; if (!c.recordsExpanded[a.record.internalId]) { a.itemClasses.push(c.rowCollapsedCls) } }, priority: 500 }, setCmp: function (b) { var d = this, a, c; d.callParent(arguments); d.recordsExpanded = {}; d.rowBodyTpl = Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(d, "rowBodyTpl"); a = this.rowBodyTpl; c = [{ ftype: "rowbody", lockableScope: "normal", recordsExpanded: d.recordsExpanded, rowBodyHiddenCls: d.rowBodyHiddenCls, rowCollapsedCls: d.rowCollapsedCls, setupRowData: d.getRowBodyFeatureData, setup: d.setup, getRowBodyContents: function (e) { return a.applyTemplate(e.getData()) } }, { ftype: "rowwrap", lockableScope: "normal" } ]; if (b.features) { b.features = Ext.Array.push(c, b.features) } else { b.features = c } }, init: function (c) { var e = this, b = c, a, d; e.callParent(arguments); e.grid = c; a = e.view = c.getView(); e.addExpander(); e.bindView(a); a.addRowTpl(e.addCollapsedCls).rowExpander = e; if (c.ownerLockable) { b = c.ownerLockable; b.syncRowHeight = false; d = b.lockedGrid.getView(); e.bindView(d); d.addRowTpl(e.addCollapsedCls).rowExpander = e; b.mon(b, "columnschanged", e.refreshRowHeights, e); b.mon(b.store, "datachanged", e.refreshRowHeights, e) } b.on("beforereconfigure", e.beforeReconfigure, e); if (c.ownerLockable && !c.rowLines) { a.on("rowfocus", e.refreshRowHeights, e) } }, beforeReconfigure: function (d, a, c, e, b) { var g = this.getHeaderConfig(); g.locked = true; c.unshift(g) }, addExpander: function () { var b = this, a = b.grid, c = b.getHeaderConfig(); if (a.ownerLockable) { a = a.ownerLockable.lockedGrid; a.width += c.width } a.headerCt.insert(0, c) }, getRowBodyFeatureData: function (b, a, d) { var c = this; c.self.prototype.setupRowData.apply(c, arguments); d.rowBody = c.getRowBodyContents(b); d.rowBodyCls = c.recordsExpanded[b.internalId] ? "" : c.rowBodyHiddenCls }, setup: function (b, c) { var a = this; a.self.prototype.setup.apply(a, arguments); if (!a.grid.ownerLockable) { c.rowBodyColspan -= 1 } }, bindView: function (a) { if (this.expandOnEnter) { a.on("itemkeydown", this.onKeyDown, this) } if (this.expandOnDblClick) { a.on("itemdblclick", this.onDblClick, this) } }, onKeyDown: function (k, g, l, a, h) { if (h.getKey() == h.ENTER) { var b = k.store, c = k.getSelectionModel().getSelection(), j = c.length, d = 0; for (; d < j; d++) { a = b.indexOf(c[d]); this.toggleRow(a, c[d]) } } }, onDblClick: function (b, a, g, c, d) { this.toggleRow(c, a) }, toggleRow: function (b, e) { var h = this, k = h.view, c = k.getNode(b), n = Ext.fly(c, "_rowExpander"), g = n.down(h.rowBodyTrSelector, true), d = n.hasCls(h.rowCollapsedCls), l = d ? "removeCls" : "addCls", j, a, m; Ext.suspendLayouts(); n[l](h.rowCollapsedCls); Ext.fly(g)[l](h.rowBodyHiddenCls); h.recordsExpanded[e.internalId] = d; k.refreshSize(); if (h.grid.ownerLockable) { j = h.grid.ownerLockable; m = j.getView(); k = j.lockedGrid.view; a = n.getHeight(); n = Ext.fly(k.getNode(b), "_rowExpander"); n.setHeight(a); n[l](h.rowCollapsedCls); k.refreshSize() } else { m = k } m.fireEvent(d ? "expandbody" : "collapsebody", n.dom, e, g); Ext.resumeLayouts(true) }, refreshRowHeights: function () { Ext.globalEvents.on({ idle: this.doRefreshRowHeights, scope: this, single: true }) }, doRefreshRowHeights: function () { var h = this, k = h.recordsExpanded, j, e, l = h.grid.ownerLockable.lockedGrid.view, a = h.grid.ownerLockable.normalGrid.view, c, d, g, b; for (j in k) { if (k.hasOwnProperty(j)) { e = this.view.store.data.get(j); d = l.getNode(e, false); c = a.getNode(e, false); d.style.height = c.style.height = ""; g = d.offsetHeight; b = c.offsetHeight; if (b > g) { d.style.height = b + "px" } else { if (g > b) { c.style.height = g + "px" } } } } }, getHeaderConfig: function () { var a = this; return { width: 24, lockable: false, sortable: false, resizable: false, draggable: false, hideable: false, menuDisabled: true, tdCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-special", innerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-inner-row-expander", renderer: function (c, b) { if (!a.grid.ownerLockable) { b.tdAttr += ' rowspan="2"' } return '
    ' }, processEvent: function (h, d, b, k, g, j, c) { if (h == "mousedown" && j.getTarget(".x-grid-row-expander")) { a.toggleRow(k, c); return a.selectRowOnExpand } } } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["plugin.rowexpander"], 0, [Ext.grid.plugin, "RowExpander"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.property.Grid", Ext.grid.Panel, { alternateClassName: "Ext.grid.PropertyGrid", valueField: "value", nameField: "name", inferTypes: true, enableColumnMove: false, columnLines: true, stripeRows: false, trackMouseOver: false, clicksToEdit: 1, enableHdMenu: false, gridCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "property-grid", initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.source = a.source || {}; a.addCls(a.gridCls); a.plugins = a.plugins || []; a.plugins.push(new Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing({ clicksToEdit: a.clicksToEdit, startEdit: function (b, c) { return this.self.prototype.startEdit.call(this, b, a.headerCt.child("#" + a.valueField)) } })); a.selModel = { selType: "cellmodel", onCellSelect: function (b) { if (b.column != 1) { b.column = 1 } return this.self.prototype.onCellSelect.call(this, b) } }; a.sourceConfig = Ext.apply({}, a.sourceConfig); if (!a.store) { a.propStore = a.store = new Ext.grid.property.Store(a, a.source) } a.configure(a.sourceConfig); if (a.sortableColumns) { a.store.sort("name", "ASC") } a.columns = new Ext.grid.property.HeaderContainer(a, a.store); a.addEvents("beforepropertychange", "propertychange"); a.callParent(); a.getView().walkCells = this.walkCells; a.editors = { date: new Ext.grid.CellEditor({ field: new Ext.form.field.Date({ selectOnFocus: true }) }), string: new Ext.grid.CellEditor({ field: new Ext.form.field.Text({ selectOnFocus: true }) }), number: new Ext.grid.CellEditor({ field: new Ext.form.field.Number({ selectOnFocus: true }) }), "boolean": new Ext.grid.CellEditor({ field: new Ext.form.field.ComboBox({ editable: false, store: [[true, a.headerCt.trueText], [false, a.headerCt.falseText]] }) }) }; a.store.on("update", a.onUpdate, a) }, configure: function (b) { var h = this, k = h.store, d = 0, e = h.store.getCount(), l = h.nameField, m = h.valueField, a, j, c, g; h.configureLegacy(b); if (h.inferTypes) { for (; d < e; ++d) { c = k.getAt(d); a = c.get(l); if (!h.getConfig(a, "type")) { j = c.get(m); if (Ext.isDate(j)) { g = "date" } else { if (Ext.isNumber(j)) { g = "number" } else { if (Ext.isBoolean(j)) { g = "boolean" } else { g = "string" } } } h.setConfig(a, "type", g) } } } }, getConfig: function (e, d, a) { var c = this.sourceConfig[e], b; if (c) { b = c[d] } return b || a }, setConfig: function (e, b, c) { var a = this.sourceConfig, d = a[e]; if (!d) { d = a[e] = { __copied: true } } else { if (!d.__copied) { d = Ext.apply({ __copied: true }, d); a[e] = d } } d[b] = c; return c }, configureLegacy: function (a) { var c = this, e, b, d; c.copyLegacyObject(a, c.customRenderers, "renderer"); c.copyLegacyObject(a, c.customEditors, "editor"); c.copyLegacyObject(a, c.propertyNames, "displayName") }, copyLegacyObject: function (a, e, c) { var b, d; for (b in e) { if (e.hasOwnProperty(b)) { if (!a[b]) { a[b] = {} } a[b][c] = e[b] } } }, onUpdate: function (d, a, c) { var g = this, b, e; if (g.rendered && c == Ext.data.Model.EDIT) { b = a.get(g.valueField); e = a.modified.value; if (g.fireEvent("beforepropertychange", g.source, a.getId(), b, e) !== false) { if (g.source) { g.source[a.getId()] = b } a.commit(); g.fireEvent("propertychange", g.source, a.getId(), b, e) } else { a.reject() } } }, walkCells: function (h, g, d, c, a, b) { if (g == "left") { g = "up" } else { if (g == "right") { g = "down" } } h = Ext.view.Table.prototype.walkCells.call(this, h, g, d, c, a, b); if (h && !h.column) { h.column = 1 } return h }, getCellEditor: function (a, d) { var g = this, h = a.get(g.nameField), j = a.get(g.valueField), c = g.getConfig(h, "editor"), b = g.getConfig(h, "type"), e = g.editors; if (c) { if (!(c instanceof Ext.grid.CellEditor)) { if (!(c instanceof Ext.form.field.Base)) { c = Ext.ComponentManager.create(c, "textfield") } c = g.setConfig(h, "editor", new Ext.grid.CellEditor({ field: c })) } } else { if (b) { switch (b) { case "date": c = e.date; break; case "number": c = e.number; break; case "boolean": c = g.editors["boolean"]; break; default: c = e.string } } else { if (Ext.isDate(j)) { c = e.date } else { if (Ext.isNumber(j)) { c = e.number } else { if (Ext.isBoolean(j)) { c = e["boolean"] } else { c = e.string } } } } } c.editorId = h; return c }, beforeDestroy: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); a.destroyEditors(a.editors); a.destroyEditors(a.customEditors); delete a.source }, destroyEditors: function (b) { for (var a in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(a)) { Ext.destroy(b[a]) } } }, setSource: function (b, c) { var a = this; a.source = b; if (c !== undefined) { a.sourceConfig = Ext.apply({}, c); a.configure(a.sourceConfig) } a.propStore.setSource(b) }, getSource: function () { return this.propStore.getSource() }, setProperty: function (c, b, a) { this.propStore.setValue(c, b, a) }, removeProperty: function (a) { this.propStore.remove(a) } }, 0, ["propertygrid"], ["panel", "propertygrid", "component", "tablepanel", "container", "grid", "box", "gridpanel"], { panel: true, propertygrid: true, component: true, tablepanel: true, container: true, grid: true, box: true, gridpanel: true }, ["widget.propertygrid"], 0, [Ext.grid.property, "Grid", Ext.grid, "PropertyGrid"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.property.HeaderContainer", Ext.grid.header.Container, { alternateClassName: "Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel", nameWidth: 115, nameText: "Name", valueText: "Value", dateFormat: "m/j/Y", trueText: "true", falseText: "false", nameColumnCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-property-name", nameColumnInnerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-inner-property-name", constructor: function (b, a) { var c = this; c.grid = b; c.store = a; c.callParent([{ isRootHeader: true, enableColumnResize: Ext.isDefined(b.enableColumnResize) ? b.enableColumnResize : c.enableColumnResize, enableColumnMove: Ext.isDefined(b.enableColumnMove) ? b.enableColumnMove : c.enableColumnMove, items: [{ header: c.nameText, width: b.nameColumnWidth || c.nameWidth, sortable: b.sortableColumns, dataIndex: b.nameField, renderer: Ext.Function.bind(c.renderProp, c), itemId: b.nameField, menuDisabled: true, tdCls: c.nameColumnCls, innerCls: c.nameColumnInnerCls }, { header: c.valueText, renderer: Ext.Function.bind(c.renderCell, c), getEditor: Ext.Function.bind(c.getCellEditor, c), sortable: b.sortableColumns, flex: 1, fixed: true, dataIndex: b.valueField, itemId: b.valueField, menuDisabled: true } ] } ]) }, getCellEditor: function (a) { return this.grid.getCellEditor(a, this) }, renderProp: function (a) { return this.getPropertyName(a) }, renderCell: function (h, e, g) { var c = this, b = c.grid, d = b.getConfig(g.get(b.nameField), "renderer"), a = h; if (d) { return d.apply(c, arguments) } if (Ext.isDate(h)) { a = c.renderDate(h) } else { if (Ext.isBoolean(h)) { a = c.renderBool(h) } } return Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(a) }, renderDate: Ext.util.Format.date, renderBool: function (a) { return this[a ? "trueText" : "falseText"] }, getPropertyName: function (a) { return this.grid.getConfig(a, "displayName", a) } }, 1, 0, ["component", "container", "box", "headercontainer"], { component: true, container: true, box: true, headercontainer: true }, 0, 0, [Ext.grid.property, "HeaderContainer", Ext.grid, "PropertyColumnModel"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.property.Property", Ext.data.Model, { alternateClassName: "Ext.PropGridProperty", fields: [{ name: "name", type: "string" }, { name: "value" } ], idProperty: "name" }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.grid.property, "Property", Ext, "PropGridProperty"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.grid.property.Store", Ext.data.Store, { alternateClassName: "Ext.grid.PropertyStore", sortOnLoad: false, constructor: function (a, c) { var b = this; b.grid = a; b.source = c; b.callParent([{ data: c, model: Ext.grid.property.Property, proxy: b.getProxy() } ]) }, getProxy: function () { if (!this.proxy) { Ext.grid.property.Store.prototype.proxy = new Ext.data.proxy.Memory({ model: Ext.grid.property.Property, reader: this.getReader() }) } return this.proxy }, getReader: function () { if (!this.reader) { Ext.grid.property.Store.prototype.reader = new Ext.data.reader.Reader({ model: Ext.grid.property.Property, buildExtractors: Ext.emptyFn, read: function (a) { return this.readRecords(a) }, readRecords: function (b) { var d, c, a = { records: [], success: true }; for (c in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(c)) { d = b[c]; if (this.isEditableValue(d)) { a.records.push(new Ext.grid.property.Property({ name: c, value: d }, c)) } } } a.total = a.count = a.records.length; return new Ext.data.ResultSet(a) }, isEditableValue: function (a) { return Ext.isPrimitive(a) || Ext.isDate(a) || a === null } }) } return this.reader }, setSource: function (a) { var b = this; b.source = a; b.suspendEvents(); b.removeAll(); b.proxy.data = a; b.load(); b.resumeEvents(); b.fireEvent("datachanged", b); b.fireEvent("refresh", b) }, getProperty: function (a) { return Ext.isNumber(a) ? this.getAt(a) : this.getById(a) }, setValue: function (e, c, a) { var b = this, d = b.getRec(e); if (d) { d.set("value", c); b.source[e] = c } else { if (a) { b.source[e] = c; d = new Ext.grid.property.Property({ name: e, value: c }, e); b.add(d) } } }, remove: function (b) { var a = this.getRec(b); if (a) { this.callParent([a]); delete this.source[b] } }, getRec: function (a) { return this.getById(a) }, getSource: function () { return this.source } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.grid.property, "Store", Ext.grid, "PropertyStore"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.ClassList", Ext.Base, (function () { var b = Ext.String.splitWords, a = Ext.Array.toMap; return { dirty: false, constructor: function (c) { this.owner = c; this.map = a(this.classes = b(c.el.className)) }, add: function (c) { var d = this; if (!d.map[c]) { d.map[c] = true; d.classes.push(c); if (!d.dirty) { d.dirty = true; d.owner.markDirty() } } }, addMany: function (c) { Ext.each(b(c), this.add, this) }, contains: function (c) { return this.map[c] }, flush: function () { this.owner.el.className = this.classes.join(" "); this.dirty = false }, remove: function (c) { var d = this; if (d.map[c]) { delete d.map[c]; d.classes = Ext.Array.filter(d.classes, function (e) { return e != c }); if (!d.dirty) { d.dirty = true; d.owner.markDirty() } } }, removeMany: function (d) { var e = this, c = a(b(d)); e.classes = Ext.Array.filter(e.classes, function (g) { if (!c[g]) { return true } delete e.map[g]; if (!e.dirty) { e.dirty = true; e.owner.markDirty() } return false }) } } } ()), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.layout, "ClassList"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.Queue", Ext.Base, { constructor: function () { this.clear() }, add: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.getKey(c); if (!b.map[a]) { ++b.length; b.items.push(c); b.map[a] = c } return c }, clear: function () { var b = this, a = b.items; b.items = []; b.map = {}; b.length = 0; return a }, contains: function (b) { var a = this.getKey(b); return this.map.hasOwnProperty(a) }, getCount: function () { return this.length }, getKey: function (a) { return a.id }, remove: function (e) { var d = this, c = d.getKey(e), a = d.items, b; if (d.map[c]) { b = Ext.Array.indexOf(a, e); Ext.Array.erase(a, b, 1); delete d.map[c]; --d.length } return e } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "Queue"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.ContextItem", Ext.Base, { heightModel: null, widthModel: null, sizeModel: null, optOut: false, ownerSizePolicy: null, boxChildren: null, boxParent: null, isBorderBoxValue: null, children: [], dirty: null, dirtyCount: 0, hasRawContent: true, isContextItem: true, isTopLevel: false, consumersContentHeight: 0, consumersContentWidth: 0, consumersContainerHeight: 0, consumersContainerWidth: 0, consumersHeight: 0, consumersWidth: 0, ownerCtContext: null, remainingChildDimensions: 0, props: null, state: null, wrapsComponent: false, constructor: function (s) { var t = this, q = Ext.layout.SizeModel.sizeModels, l = q.configured, k = q.shrinkWrap, b, r, o, n, g, d, u, e, p, m, c, j, h, a; Ext.apply(t, s); b = t.el; t.id = b.id; t.flushedProps = {}; t.props = g = {}; t.styles = {}; u = t.target; if (!u.isComponent) { r = b.lastBox } else { t.wrapsComponent = true; t.framing = u.frameSize || null; t.isComponentChild = u.ownerLayout && u.ownerLayout.isComponentLayout; r = u.lastBox; o = u.ownerCt; if (o && (n = o.el && t.context.items[o.el.id])) { t.ownerCtContext = n } t.sizeModel = d = u.getSizeModel(n && n.widthModel.pairsByHeightOrdinal[n.heightModel.ordinal]); t.widthModel = j = d.width; t.heightModel = h = d.height; if (r && r.invalid === false) { m = (u.width === (e = r.width)); c = (u.height === (p = r.height)); if (j === k && h === k) { a = true } else { if (j === l && m) { a = h === k || (h === l && c) } } if (a) { t.optOut = true; g.width = e; g.height = p } } } t.lastBox = r }, init: function (j, c) { var t = this, a = t.props, d = t.dirty, l = t.ownerCtContext, p = t.target.ownerLayout, h = !t.state, u = j || h, e, o, m, q, b, v, w = t.heightModel, g = t.widthModel, k, r, s = 0; t.dirty = t.invalid = false; t.props = {}; t.remainingChildDimensions = 0; if (t.boxChildren) { t.boxChildren.length = 0 } if (!h) { t.clearAllBlocks("blocks"); t.clearAllBlocks("domBlocks") } if (!t.wrapsComponent) { return u } v = t.target; t.state = {}; if (h) { if (v.beforeLayout && v.beforeLayout !== Ext.emptyFn) { v.beforeLayout() } if (!l && (q = v.ownerCt)) { l = t.context.items[q.el.id] } if (l) { t.ownerCtContext = l; t.isBoxParent = v.ownerLayout.isItemBoxParent(t) } else { t.isTopLevel = true } t.frameBodyContext = t.getEl("frameBody") } else { l = t.ownerCtContext; t.isTopLevel = !l; e = t.children; for (o = 0, m = e.length; o < m; ++o) { e[o].init(true) } } t.hasRawContent = !(v.isContainer && v.items.items.length > 0); if (j) { t.widthModel = t.heightModel = null; b = v.getSizeModel(l && l.widthModel.pairsByHeightOrdinal[l.heightModel.ordinal]); if (h) { t.sizeModel = b } t.widthModel = b.width; t.heightModel = b.height; if (l && !t.isComponentChild) { l.remainingChildDimensions += 2 } } else { if (a) { t.recoverProp("x", a, d); t.recoverProp("y", a, d); if (t.widthModel.calculated) { t.recoverProp("width", a, d) } else { if ("width" in a) { ++s } } if (t.heightModel.calculated) { t.recoverProp("height", a, d) } else { if ("height" in a) { ++s } } if (l && !t.isComponentChild) { l.remainingChildDimensions += s } } } if (a && p && p.manageMargins) { t.recoverProp("margin-top", a, d); t.recoverProp("margin-right", a, d); t.recoverProp("margin-bottom", a, d); t.recoverProp("margin-left", a, d) } if (c) { k = c.heightModel; r = c.widthModel; if (r && k && g && w) { if (g.shrinkWrap && w.shrinkWrap) { if (r.constrainedMax && k.constrainedMin) { k = null } } } if (r) { t.widthModel = r } if (k) { t.heightModel = k } if (c.state) { Ext.apply(t.state, c.state) } } return u }, initContinue: function (e) { var g = this, d = g.ownerCtContext, a = g.target, c = g.widthModel, h = a.getHierarchyState(), b; if (c.fixed) { h.inShrinkWrapTable = false } else { delete h.inShrinkWrapTable } if (e) { if (d && c.shrinkWrap) { b = d.isBoxParent ? d : d.boxParent; if (b) { b.addBoxChild(g) } } else { if (c.natural) { g.boxParent = d } } } return e }, initDone: function (d) { var b = this, a = b.props, c = b.state; if (b.remainingChildDimensions === 0) { a.containerChildrenSizeDone = true } if (d) { a.containerLayoutDone = true } if (b.boxChildren && b.boxChildren.length && b.widthModel.shrinkWrap) { b.el.setWidth(10000); c.blocks = (c.blocks || 0) + 1 } }, initAnimation: function () { var b = this, c = b.target, a = b.ownerCtContext; if (a && a.isTopLevel) { b.animatePolicy = c.ownerLayout.getAnimatePolicy(b) } else { if (!a && c.isCollapsingOrExpanding && c.animCollapse) { b.animatePolicy = c.componentLayout.getAnimatePolicy(b) } } if (b.animatePolicy) { b.context.queueAnimation(b) } }, addCls: function (a) { this.getClassList().addMany(a) }, removeCls: function (a) { this.getClassList().removeMany(a) }, addBlock: function (b, d, e) { var c = this, g = c[b] || (c[b] = {}), a = g[e] || (g[e] = {}); if (!a[d.id]) { a[d.id] = d; ++d.blockCount; ++c.context.blockCount } }, addBoxChild: function (d) { var c = this, b, a = d.widthModel; d.boxParent = this; d.measuresBox = a.shrinkWrap ? d.hasRawContent : a.natural; if (d.measuresBox) { b = c.boxChildren; if (b) { b.push(d) } else { c.boxChildren = [d] } } }, addPositionStyles: function (d, b) { var a = b.x, e = b.y, c = 0; if (a !== undefined) { d.left = a + "px"; ++c } if (e !== undefined) { d.top = e + "px"; ++c } return c }, addTrigger: function (g, h) { var e = this, a = h ? "domTriggers" : "triggers", j = e[a] || (e[a] = {}), b = e.context, d = b.currentLayout, c = j[g] || (j[g] = {}); if (!c[d.id]) { c[d.id] = d; ++d.triggerCount; c = b.triggers[h ? "dom" : "data"]; (c[d.id] || (c[d.id] = [])).push({ item: this, prop: g }); if (e.props[g] !== undefined) { if (!h || !(e.dirty && (g in e.dirty))) { ++d.firedTriggers } } } }, boxChildMeasured: function () { var b = this, c = b.state, a = (c.boxesMeasured = (c.boxesMeasured || 0) + 1); if (a == b.boxChildren.length) { c.clearBoxWidth = 1; ++b.context.progressCount; b.markDirty() } }, borderNames: ["border-top-width", "border-right-width", "border-bottom-width", "border-left-width"], marginNames: ["margin-top", "margin-right", "margin-bottom", "margin-left"], paddingNames: ["padding-top", "padding-right", "padding-bottom", "padding-left"], trblNames: ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"], cacheMissHandlers: { borderInfo: function (a) { var b = a.getStyles(a.borderNames, a.trblNames); b.width = b.left + b.right; b.height = b.top + b.bottom; return b }, marginInfo: function (a) { var b = a.getStyles(a.marginNames, a.trblNames); b.width = b.left + b.right; b.height = b.top + b.bottom; return b }, paddingInfo: function (b) { var a = b.frameBodyContext || b, c = a.getStyles(b.paddingNames, b.trblNames); c.width = c.left + c.right; c.height = c.top + c.bottom; return c } }, checkCache: function (a) { return this.cacheMissHandlers[a](this) }, clearAllBlocks: function (a) { var c = this[a], b; if (c) { for (b in c) { this.clearBlocks(a, b) } } }, clearBlocks: function (c, g) { var h = this[c], b = h && h[g], d, e, a; if (b) { delete h[g]; d = this.context; for (a in b) { e = b[a]; --d.blockCount; if (!--e.blockCount && !e.pending && !e.done) { d.queueLayout(e) } } } }, block: function (a, b) { this.addBlock("blocks", a, b) }, domBlock: function (a, b) { this.addBlock("domBlocks", a, b) }, fireTriggers: function (b, g) { var h = this[b], d = h && h[g], c = this.context, e, a; if (d) { for (a in d) { e = d[a]; ++e.firedTriggers; if (!e.done && !e.blockCount && !e.pending) { c.queueLayout(e) } } } }, flush: function () { var b = this, a = b.dirty, c = b.state, d = b.el; b.dirtyCount = 0; if (b.classList && b.classList.dirty) { b.classList.flush() } if ("attributes" in b) { d.set(b.attributes); delete b.attributes } if ("innerHTML" in b) { d.innerHTML = b.innerHTML; delete b.innerHTML } if (c && c.clearBoxWidth) { c.clearBoxWidth = 0; b.el.setStyle("width", null); if (!--c.blocks) { b.context.queueItemLayouts(b) } } if (a) { delete b.dirty; b.writeProps(a, true) } }, flushAnimations: function () { var p = this, c = p.previousSize, m, o, e, h, g, d, k, n, l, a, b; if (c) { m = p.target; o = m.layout && m.layout.animate; if (o) { e = Ext.isNumber(o) ? o : o.duration } h = Ext.Object.getKeys(p.animatePolicy); g = Ext.apply({}, { from: {}, to: {}, duration: e || Ext.fx.Anim.prototype.duration }, o); for (d = 0, k = 0, n = h.length; k < n; k++) { l = h[k]; a = c[l]; b = p.peek(l); if (a != b) { l = p.translateProps[l] || l; g.from[l] = a; g.to[l] = b; ++d } } if (d) { if (p.isCollapsingOrExpanding === 1) { m.componentLayout.undoLayout(p) } else { p.writeProps(g.from) } p.el.animate(g); Ext.fx.Manager.getFxQueue(p.el.id)[0].on({ afteranimate: function () { if (p.isCollapsingOrExpanding === 1) { m.componentLayout.redoLayout(p); m.afterCollapse(true) } else { if (p.isCollapsingOrExpanding === 2) { m.afterExpand(true) } } } }) } } }, getBorderInfo: function () { var a = this, b = a.borderInfo; if (!b) { a.borderInfo = b = a.checkCache("borderInfo") } return b }, getClassList: function () { return this.classList || (this.classList = new Ext.layout.ClassList(this)) }, getEl: function (c, a) { var e = this, g, d, b; if (c) { if (c.dom) { d = c } else { g = e.target; if (a) { g = a } d = g[c]; if (typeof d == "function") { d = d.call(g); if (d === e.el) { return this } } } if (d) { b = e.context.getEl(e, d) } } return b || null }, getFrameInfo: function () { var c = this, d = c.frameInfo, b, a; if (!d) { b = c.framing; a = c.getBorderInfo(); c.frameInfo = d = b ? { top: b.top + a.top, right: b.right + a.right, bottom: b.bottom + a.bottom, left: b.left + a.left, width: b.width + a.width, height: b.height + a.height } : a } return d }, getMarginInfo: function () { var d = this, h = d.marginInfo, b, a, g, e, c; if (!h) { if (!d.wrapsComponent) { h = d.checkCache("marginInfo") } else { b = d.target; e = b.ownerLayout; c = e ? e.id : null; a = e && e.manageMargins; h = b.margin$; if (h && h.ownerId !== c) { h = null } if (!h) { h = d.parseMargins(b, b.margin) || d.checkCache("marginInfo"); if (a) { g = d.parseMargins(b, b.margins, e.defaultMargins); if (g) { h = { top: h.top + g.top, right: h.right + g.right, bottom: h.bottom + g.bottom, left: h.left + g.left } } d.setProp("margin-top", 0); d.setProp("margin-right", 0); d.setProp("margin-bottom", 0); d.setProp("margin-left", 0) } h.ownerId = c; b.margin$ = h } h.width = h.left + h.right; h.height = h.top + h.bottom } d.marginInfo = h } return h }, clearMarginCache: function () { delete this.marginInfo; delete this.target.margin$ }, getPaddingInfo: function () { var a = this, b = a.paddingInfo; if (!b) { a.paddingInfo = b = a.checkCache("paddingInfo") } return b }, getProp: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.props[c]; b.addTrigger(c); return a }, getDomProp: function (c) { var b = this, a = (b.dirty && (c in b.dirty)) ? undefined : b.props[c]; b.addTrigger(c, true); return a }, getStyle: function (a) { var c = this, b = c.styles, e, d; if (a in b) { d = b[a] } else { e = c.styleInfo[a]; d = c.el.getStyle(a); if (e && e.parseInt) { d = parseInt(d, 10) || 0 } b[a] = d } return d }, getStyles: function (p, b) { var m = this, e = m.styles, q = {}, g = 0, d = p.length, k, j, l, a, c, h, r, o; b = b || p; for (k = 0; k < d; ++k) { a = p[k]; if (a in e) { q[b[k]] = e[a]; ++g; if (k && g == 1) { j = p.slice(0, k); l = b.slice(0, k) } } else { if (g) { (j || (j = [])).push(a); (l || (l = [])).push(b[k]) } } } if (g < d) { j = j || p; l = l || b; h = m.styleInfo; r = m.el.getStyle(j); for (k = j.length; k--; ) { a = j[k]; c = h[a]; o = r[a]; if (c && c.parseInt) { o = parseInt(o, 10) || 0 } q[l[k]] = o; e[a] = o } } return q }, hasProp: function (a) { return this.getProp(a) != null }, hasDomProp: function (a) { return this.getDomProp(a) != null }, invalidate: function (a) { this.context.queueInvalidate(this, a) }, markDirty: function () { if (++this.dirtyCount == 1) { this.context.queueFlush(this) } }, onBoxMeasured: function () { var a = this.boxParent, b = this.state; if (a && a.widthModel.shrinkWrap && !b.boxMeasured && this.measuresBox) { b.boxMeasured = 1; a.boxChildMeasured() } }, parseMargins: function (a, e, d) { if (e === true) { e = 5 } var c = typeof e, b; if (c == "string" || c == "number") { b = a.parseBox(e) } else { if (e || d) { b = { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 }; if (d) { Ext.apply(b, this.parseMargins(a, d)) } if (e) { e = Ext.apply(b, a.parseBox(e)) } } } return b }, peek: function (a) { return this.props[a] }, recoverProp: function (g, b, a) { var e = this, d = e.props, c; if (g in b) { d[g] = b[g]; if (a && g in a) { c = e.dirty || (e.dirty = {}); c[g] = a[g] } } }, redo: function (b) { var e = this, c, a, d; e.revertProps(e.props); if (b && e.wrapsComponent) { if (e.childItems) { for (d = 0, c = e.childItems, a = c.length; d < a; d++) { c[d].redo(b) } } for (d = 0, c = e.children, a = c.length; d < a; d++) { c[d].redo() } } }, removeEl: function (b, a) { var d = this, e, c; if (b) { if (b.dom) { c = b } else { e = d.target; if (a) { e = a } c = e[b]; if (typeof c == "function") { c = c.call(e); if (c === d.el) { return this } } } if (c) { d.context.removeEl(d, c) } } }, revertProps: function (d) { var a, b = this.flushedProps, c = {}; for (a in d) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(a)) { c[a] = d[a] } } this.writeProps(c) }, setAttribute: function (a, c) { var b = this; if (!b.attributes) { b.attributes = {} } b.attributes[a] = c; b.markDirty() }, setBox: function (b) { var a = this; if ("left" in b) { a.setProp("x", b.left) } if ("top" in b) { a.setProp("y", b.top) } a.setSize(b.width, b.height) }, setContentHeight: function (a, b) { if (!b && this.hasRawContent) { return 1 } return this.setProp("contentHeight", a) }, setContentWidth: function (b, a) { if (!a && this.hasRawContent) { return 1 } return this.setProp("contentWidth", b) }, setContentSize: function (c, a, b) { return this.setContentWidth(c, b) + this.setContentHeight(a, b) == 2 }, setProp: function (d, c, a) { var b = this, h = typeof c, g, e; if (h == "undefined" || (h === "number" && isNaN(c))) { return 0 } if (b.props[d] === c) { return 1 } b.props[d] = c; ++b.context.progressCount; if (a === false) { b.fireTriggers("domTriggers", d); b.clearBlocks("domBlocks", d) } else { e = b.styleInfo[d]; if (e) { if (!b.dirty) { b.dirty = {} } if (d == "width" || d == "height") { g = b.isBorderBoxValue; if (g === null) { b.isBorderBoxValue = g = !!b.el.isBorderBox() } if (!g) { b.borderInfo || b.getBorderInfo(); b.paddingInfo || b.getPaddingInfo() } } b.dirty[d] = c; b.markDirty() } } b.fireTriggers("triggers", d); b.clearBlocks("blocks", d); return 1 }, setHeight: function (l, a) { var g = this, d = g.target, c = g.ownerCtContext, h, e, b, k, j; if (l < 0) { l = 0 } if (!g.wrapsComponent) { if (!g.setProp("height", l, a)) { return NaN } } else { b = g.collapsedVert ? 0 : (d.minHeight || 0); l = Ext.Number.constrain(l, b, d.maxHeight); k = g.props.height; if (!g.setProp("height", l, a)) { return NaN } if (c && !g.isComponentChild && isNaN(k)) { j = --c.remainingChildDimensions; if (!j) { c.setProp("containerChildrenSizeDone", true) } } h = g.frameBodyContext; if (h) { e = g.getFrameInfo(); h.setHeight(l - e.height, a) } } return l }, setWidth: function (b, a) { var j = this, g = j.target, e = j.ownerCtContext, k, h, d, c, l; if (b < 0) { b = 0 } if (!j.wrapsComponent) { if (!j.setProp("width", b, a)) { return NaN } } else { d = j.collapsedHorz ? 0 : (g.minWidth || 0); b = Ext.Number.constrain(b, d, g.maxWidth); c = j.props.width; if (!j.setProp("width", b, a)) { return NaN } if (e && !j.isComponentChild && isNaN(c)) { l = --e.remainingChildDimensions; if (!l) { e.setProp("containerChildrenSizeDone", true) } } k = j.frameBodyContext; if (k) { h = j.getFrameInfo(); k.setWidth(b - h.width, a) } } return b }, setSize: function (c, a, b) { this.setWidth(c, b); this.setHeight(a, b) }, translateProps: { x: "left", y: "top" }, undo: function (b) { var e = this, c, a, d; e.revertProps(e.lastBox); if (b && e.wrapsComponent) { if (e.childItems) { for (d = 0, c = e.childItems, a = c.length; d < a; d++) { c[d].undo(b) } } for (d = 0, c = e.children, a = c.length; d < a; d++) { c[d].undo() } } }, unsetProp: function (b) { var a = this.dirty; delete this.props[b]; if (a) { delete a[b] } }, writeProps: function (e, d) { if (!(e && typeof e == "object")) { return } var x = this, c = x.el, j = {}, h = 0, b = x.styleInfo, w, k, o, q = e.width, m = e.height, v = x.isBorderBoxValue, y = x.target, s = Math.max, u = 0, l = 0, g, a, p, r, t, n; if ("displayed" in e) { c.setDisplayed(e.displayed) } for (k in e) { if (d) { x.fireTriggers("domTriggers", k); x.clearBlocks("domBlocks", k); x.flushedProps[k] = 1 } w = b[k]; if (w && w.dom) { if (w.suffix && (o = parseInt(e[k], 10))) { j[k] = o + w.suffix } else { j[k] = e[k] } ++h } } if ("x" in e || "y" in e) { if (y.isComponent) { y.setPosition(e.x, e.y) } else { h += x.addPositionStyles(j, e) } } if (!v && (q > 0 || m > 0)) { if (!x.frameBodyContext) { u = x.paddingInfo.width; l = x.paddingInfo.height } if (q) { q = s(parseInt(q, 10) - (x.borderInfo.width + u), 0); j.width = q + "px"; ++h } if (m) { m = s(parseInt(m, 10) - (x.borderInfo.height + l), 0); j.height = m + "px"; ++h } } if (x.wrapsComponent && Ext.isIE9 && Ext.isStrict) { if ((g = q !== undefined && x.hasOverflowY) || (a = m !== undefined && x.hasOverflowX)) { p = x.isAbsolute; if (p === undefined) { p = false; n = x.target.getTargetEl(); t = n.getStyle("position"); if (t == "absolute") { t = n.getStyle("box-sizing"); p = (t == "border-box") } x.isAbsolute = p } if (p) { r = Ext.getScrollbarSize(); if (g) { q = parseInt(q, 10) + r.width; j.width = q + "px"; ++h } if (a) { m = parseInt(m, 10) + r.height; j.height = m + "px"; ++h } } } } if (h) { c.setStyle(j) } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.layout, "ContextItem"], function () { var c = { dom: true, parseInt: true, suffix: "px" }, b = { dom: true }, a = { dom: false }; this.prototype.styleInfo = { containerChildrenSizeDone: a, containerLayoutDone: a, displayed: a, done: a, x: a, y: a, columnWidthsDone: a, left: c, top: c, right: c, bottom: c, width: c, height: c, "border-top-width": c, "border-right-width": c, "border-bottom-width": c, "border-left-width": c, "margin-top": c, "margin-right": c, "margin-bottom": c, "margin-left": c, "padding-top": c, "padding-right": c, "padding-bottom": c, "padding-left": c, "line-height": b, display: b } })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.Context", Ext.Base, { remainingLayouts: 0, state: 0, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; Ext.apply(b, a); b.items = {}; b.layouts = {}; b.blockCount = 0; b.cycleCount = 0; b.flushCount = 0; b.calcCount = 0; b.animateQueue = b.newQueue(); b.completionQueue = b.newQueue(); b.finalizeQueue = b.newQueue(); b.finishQueue = b.newQueue(); b.flushQueue = b.newQueue(); b.invalidateData = {}; b.layoutQueue = b.newQueue(); b.invalidQueue = []; b.triggers = { data: {}, dom: {} } }, callLayout: function (b, a) { this.currentLayout = b; b[a](this.getCmp(b.owner)) }, cancelComponent: function (j, a, m) { var p = this, h = j, l = !j.isComponent, b = l ? h.length : 1, d, c, o, n, g, s, q, r, t, e; for (d = 0; d < b; ++d) { if (l) { j = h[d] } if (m && j.ownerCt) { e = this.items[j.ownerCt.el.id]; if (e) { Ext.Array.remove(e.childItems, p.getCmp(j)) } } if (!a) { q = p.invalidQueue; o = q.length; if (o) { p.invalidQueue = s = []; for (c = 0; c < o; ++c) { r = q[c]; t = r.item.target; if (t != j && !t.isDescendant(j)) { s.push(r) } } } } g = j.componentLayout; p.cancelLayout(g); if (g.getLayoutItems) { n = g.getLayoutItems(); if (n.length) { p.cancelComponent(n, true) } } if (j.isContainer && !j.collapsed) { g = j.layout; p.cancelLayout(g); n = g.getVisibleItems(); if (n.length) { p.cancelComponent(n, true) } } } }, cancelLayout: function (b) { var a = this; a.completionQueue.remove(b); a.finalizeQueue.remove(b); a.finishQueue.remove(b); a.layoutQueue.remove(b); if (b.running) { a.layoutDone(b) } b.ownerContext = null }, clearTriggers: function (g, h) { var a = g.id, e = this.triggers[h ? "dom" : "data"], j = e && e[a], b = (j && j.length) || 0, d, k, c; for (d = 0; d < b; ++d) { c = j[d]; k = c.item; e = h ? k.domTriggers : k.triggers; delete e[c.prop][a] } }, flush: function () { var d = this, a = d.flushQueue.clear(), c = a.length, b; if (c) { ++d.flushCount; for (b = 0; b < c; ++b) { a[b].flush() } } }, flushAnimations: function () { var d = this, b = d.animateQueue.clear(), a = b.length, c; if (a) { for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { if (b[c].target.animate !== false) { b[c].flushAnimations() } } Ext.fx.Manager.runner() } }, flushInvalidates: function () { var h = this, a = h.invalidQueue, g = a && a.length, b, e, d, c; h.invalidQueue = []; if (g) { e = []; for (c = 0; c < g; ++c) { b = (d = a[c]).item.target; if (!b.container.isDetachedBody) { e.push(b); if (d.options) { h.invalidateData[b.id] = d.options } } } h.invalidate(e, null) } }, flushLayouts: function (h, a, c) { var g = this, j = c ? g[h].items : g[h].clear(), e = j.length, b, d; if (e) { for (b = 0; b < e; ++b) { d = j[b]; if (!d.running) { g.callLayout(d, a) } } g.currentLayout = null } }, getCmp: function (a) { return this.getItem(a, a.el) }, getEl: function (b, a) { var c = this.getItem(a, a); if (!c.parent) { c.parent = b; if (b.children.length) { b.children.push(c) } else { b.children = [c] } } return c }, getItem: function (d, b) { var e = b.id, a = this.items, c = a[e] || (a[e] = new Ext.layout.ContextItem({ context: this, target: d, el: b })); return c }, handleFailure: function () { var c = this.layouts, b, a; Ext.failedLayouts = (Ext.failedLayouts || 0) + 1; for (a in c) { b = c[a]; if (c.hasOwnProperty(a)) { b.running = false; b.ownerContext = null } } }, invalidate: function (k, n) { var p = this, m = !k.isComponent, c, a, g, l, q, o, b, h, j, e, d; for (g = 0, b = m ? k.length : 1; g < b; ++g) { l = m ? k[g] : k; if (l.rendered && !l.hidden) { q = p.getCmp(l); h = l.componentLayout; a = !h.ownerContext; j = (l.isContainer && !l.collapsed) ? l.layout : null; e = p.invalidateData[q.id]; delete p.invalidateData[q.id]; d = q.init(n, e); if (e) { p.processInvalidate(e, q, "before") } if (h.beforeLayoutCycle) { h.beforeLayoutCycle(q) } if (j && j.beforeLayoutCycle) { j.beforeLayoutCycle(q) } d = q.initContinue(d); c = true; if (h.getLayoutItems) { h.renderChildren(); o = h.getLayoutItems(); if (o.length) { p.invalidate(o, true) } } if (j) { c = false; j.renderChildren(); o = j.getVisibleItems(); if (o.length) { p.invalidate(o, true) } } q.initDone(c); p.resetLayout(h, q, a); if (j) { p.resetLayout(j, q, a) } q.initAnimation(); if (e) { p.processInvalidate(e, q, "after") } } } p.currentLayout = null }, layoutDone: function (a) { var b = a.ownerContext; a.running = false; if (a.isComponentLayout) { if (b.measuresBox) { b.onBoxMeasured() } b.setProp("done", true) } else { b.setProp("containerLayoutDone", true) } --this.remainingLayouts; ++this.progressCount }, newQueue: function () { return new Ext.util.Queue() }, processInvalidate: function (b, e, a) { if (b[a]) { var d = this, c = d.currentLayout; d.currentLayout = b.layout || null; b[a](e, b); d.currentLayout = c } }, queueAnimation: function (a) { this.animateQueue.add(a) }, queueCompletion: function (a) { this.completionQueue.add(a) }, queueFinalize: function (a) { this.finalizeQueue.add(a) }, queueFlush: function (a) { this.flushQueue.add(a) }, chainFns: function (a, j, g) { var d = this, c = a.layout, e = j.layout, b = a[g], h = j[g]; return function (k) { var l = d.currentLayout; if (b) { d.currentLayout = c; b.call(a.scope || a, k, a) } d.currentLayout = e; h.call(j.scope || j, k, j); d.currentLayout = l } }, queueInvalidate: function (l, m) { var h = this, k = [], j = h.invalidQueue, g = j.length, d, b, e, a, c; if (l.isComponent) { l = h.getCmp(d = l) } else { d = l.target } l.invalid = true; while (g--) { b = j[g]; e = b.item.target; if (d.isDescendant(e)) { return } if (e == d) { if (!(a = b.options)) { b.options = m } else { if (m) { if (m.widthModel) { a.widthModel = m.widthModel } if (m.heightModel) { a.heightModel = m.heightModel } if (!(c = a.state)) { a.state = m.state } else { if (m.state) { Ext.apply(c, m.state) } } if (m.before) { a.before = h.chainFns(a, m, "before") } if (m.after) { a.after = h.chainFns(a, m, "after") } } } return } if (!e.isDescendant(d)) { k.push(b) } } k.push({ item: l, options: m }); h.invalidQueue = k }, queueItemLayouts: function (c) { var a = c.isComponent ? c : c.target, b = a.componentLayout; if (!b.pending && !b.invalid && !b.done) { this.queueLayout(b) } b = a.layout; if (b && !b.pending && !b.invalid && !b.done) { this.queueLayout(b) } }, queueLayout: function (a) { this.layoutQueue.add(a); a.pending = true }, removeEl: function (d, c) { var e = c.id, b = d.children, a = this.items; if (b) { Ext.Array.remove(b, a[e]) } delete a[e] }, resetLayout: function (b, c, d) { var a = this; a.currentLayout = b; b.done = false; b.pending = true; b.firedTriggers = 0; a.layoutQueue.add(b); if (d) { a.layouts[b.id] = b; b.running = true; if (b.finishedLayout) { a.finishQueue.add(b) } ++a.remainingLayouts; ++b.layoutCount; b.ownerContext = c; b.beginCount = 0; b.blockCount = 0; b.calcCount = 0; b.triggerCount = 0; if (!b.initialized) { b.initLayout() } b.beginLayout(c) } else { ++b.beginCount; if (!b.running) { ++a.remainingLayouts; b.running = true; if (b.isComponentLayout) { c.unsetProp("done") } a.completionQueue.remove(b); a.finalizeQueue.remove(b) } } b.beginLayoutCycle(c, d) }, run: function () { var c = this, b = false, a = 100; c.flushInvalidates(); c.state = 1; c.totalCount = c.layoutQueue.getCount(); c.flush(); while ((c.remainingLayouts || c.invalidQueue.length) && a--) { if (c.invalidQueue.length) { c.flushInvalidates() } if (c.runCycle()) { b = false } else { if (!b) { c.flush(); b = true; c.flushLayouts("completionQueue", "completeLayout") } else { if (!c.invalidQueue.length) { c.state = 2; break } } } if (!(c.remainingLayouts || c.invalidQueue.length)) { c.flush(); c.flushLayouts("completionQueue", "completeLayout"); c.flushLayouts("finalizeQueue", "finalizeLayout") } } return c.runComplete() }, runComplete: function () { var a = this; a.state = 2; if (a.remainingLayouts) { a.handleFailure(); return false } a.flush(); a.flushLayouts("finishQueue", "finishedLayout", true); a.flushLayouts("finishQueue", "notifyOwner"); a.flush(); a.flushAnimations(); return true }, runCycle: function () { var c = this, d = c.layoutQueue.clear(), b = d.length, a; ++c.cycleCount; c.progressCount = 0; for (a = 0; a < b; ++a) { c.runLayout(c.currentLayout = d[a]) } c.currentLayout = null; return c.progressCount > 0 }, runLayout: function (b) { var a = this, c = a.getCmp(b.owner); b.pending = false; if (c.state.blocks) { return } b.done = true; ++b.calcCount; ++a.calcCount; b.calculate(c); if (b.done) { a.layoutDone(b); if (b.completeLayout) { a.queueCompletion(b) } if (b.finalizeLayout) { a.queueFinalize(b) } } else { if (!b.pending && !b.invalid && !(b.blockCount + b.triggerCount - b.firedTriggers)) { a.queueLayout(b) } } }, setItemSize: function (h, g, b) { var d = h, a = 1, c, e; if (h.isComposite) { d = h.elements; a = d.length; h = d[0] } else { if (!h.dom && !h.el) { a = d.length; h = d[0] } } for (e = 0; e < a; ) { c = this.get(h); c.setSize(g, b); h = d[++e] } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.layout, "Context"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.component.Body", Ext.layout.component.Auto, { type: "body", beginLayout: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); a.bodyContext = a.getEl("body") }, beginLayoutCycle: function (d, b) { var c = this, g = c.lastWidthModel, e = c.lastHeightModel, a = c.owner.body; c.callParent(arguments); if (g && g.fixed && d.widthModel.shrinkWrap) { a.setWidth(null) } if (e && e.fixed && d.heightModel.shrinkWrap) { a.setHeight(null) } }, calculateOwnerHeightFromContentHeight: function (c, b) { var a = this.callParent(arguments); if (c.targetContext != c) { a += c.getPaddingInfo().height } return a }, calculateOwnerWidthFromContentWidth: function (c, a) { var b = this.callParent(arguments); if (c.targetContext != c) { b += c.getPaddingInfo().width } return b }, measureContentWidth: function (a) { return a.bodyContext.setWidth(a.bodyContext.el.dom.offsetWidth, false) }, measureContentHeight: function (a) { return a.bodyContext.setHeight(a.bodyContext.el.dom.offsetHeight, false) }, publishInnerHeight: function (c, a) { var d = a - c.getFrameInfo().height, b = c.targetContext; if (b != c) { d -= c.getPaddingInfo().height } return c.bodyContext.setHeight(d, !c.heightModel.natural) }, publishInnerWidth: function (d, c) { var a = c - d.getFrameInfo().width, b = d.targetContext; if (b != d) { a -= d.getPaddingInfo().width } d.bodyContext.setWidth(a, !d.widthModel.natural) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.body"], 0, [Ext.layout.component, "Body"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.component.FieldSet", Ext.layout.component.Body, { type: "fieldset", defaultCollapsedWidth: 100, beforeLayoutCycle: function (a) { if (a.target.collapsed) { a.heightModel = this.sizeModels.shrinkWrap } }, beginLayoutCycle: function (b) { var c = b.target, a; this.callParent(arguments); if (c.collapsed) { b.setContentHeight(0); b.restoreMinHeight = c.minHeight; delete c.minHeight; if (b.widthModel.shrinkWrap) { a = c.lastComponentSize; b.setContentWidth((a && a.contentWidth) || this.defaultCollapsedWidth) } } }, finishedLayout: function (c) { var a = this.owner, b = c.restoreMinHeight; this.callParent(arguments); if (b) { a.minHeight = b } }, calculateOwnerHeightFromContentHeight: function (d, c) { var a = d.getBorderInfo(), b = d.target.legend; return d.getProp("contentHeight") + d.getPaddingInfo().height + ((Ext.isIEQuirks || Ext.isIE8m) ? d.bodyContext.getPaddingInfo().top : 0) + (b ? b.getHeight() : a.top) + a.bottom }, publishInnerHeight: function (c, a) { var b = c.target.legend; if (b) { a -= b.getHeight() } this.callParent([c, a]) }, getLayoutItems: function () { var a = this.owner.legend; return a ? [a] : [] } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.fieldset"], 0, [Ext.layout.component, "FieldSet"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.component.field.Slider", Ext.layout.component.field.Field, { type: "sliderfield", beginLayout: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); a.endElContext = a.getEl("endEl"); a.innerElContext = a.getEl("innerEl"); a.bodyElContext = a.getEl("bodyEl") }, publishInnerHeight: function (d, a) { var e = a - this.measureLabelErrorHeight(d), c, b; if (this.owner.vertical) { c = d.endElContext.getPaddingInfo(); b = d.inputContext.getPaddingInfo(); d.innerElContext.setHeight(e - b.height - c.height) } else { d.bodyElContext.setHeight(e) } }, publishInnerWidth: function (d, c) { if (!this.owner.vertical) { var b = d.endElContext.getPaddingInfo(), a = d.inputContext.getPaddingInfo(); d.innerElContext.setWidth(c - a.left - b.right - d.labelContext.getProp("width")) } }, beginLayoutFixed: function (d, a, e) { var b = this, c = b.ieInputWidthAdjustment; if (c) { b.owner.bodyEl.setStyle("padding-right", c + "px") } b.callParent(arguments) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.sliderfield"], 0, [Ext.layout.component.field, "Slider"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.container.Absolute", Ext.layout.container.Anchor, { alternateClassName: "Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout", targetCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "abs-layout-ct", itemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "abs-layout-item", ignoreOnContentChange: true, type: "absolute", adjustWidthAnchor: function (c, b) { var d = this.targetPadding, a = b.getStyle("left"); return c - a + d.left }, adjustHeightAnchor: function (b, a) { var c = this.targetPadding, d = a.getStyle("top"); return b - d + c.top }, isItemLayoutRoot: function (a) { return this.ignoreOnContentChange || this.callParent(arguments) }, isItemShrinkWrap: function (a) { return true }, beginLayout: function (b) { var a = this, c = a.getTarget(); a.callParent(arguments); if (c.dom !== document.body) { c.position() } a.targetPadding = b.targetContext.getPaddingInfo() }, isItemBoxParent: function (a) { return true }, onContentChange: function () { if (this.ignoreOnContentChange) { return false } return this.callParent(arguments) }, calculateContentSize: function (m, k) { var u = this, d = (k || 0) | ((m.widthModel.shrinkWrap ? 1 : 0) | (m.heightModel.shrinkWrap ? 2 : 0)), c = (d & 1) || undefined, h = (d & 2) || undefined, b = m.childItems, g = b.length, r = 0, p = 0, l = 0, e = m.props, t, j, n, o, s, a, q; if (c) { if (isNaN(e.contentWidth)) { ++l } else { c = undefined } } if (h) { if (isNaN(e.contentHeight)) { ++l } else { h = undefined } } if (l) { for (s = 0; s < g; ++s) { n = b[s]; j = n.target; o = h && n.getProp("height"); q = c && n.getProp("width"); a = n.getMarginInfo(); o += a.bottom; q += a.right; r = Math.max(r, (j.y || 0) + o); p = Math.max(p, (j.x || 0) + q); if (isNaN(r) && isNaN(p)) { u.done = false; return } } if (c || h) { t = m.targetContext.getPaddingInfo() } if (c && !m.setContentWidth(p + t.width)) { u.done = false } if (h && !m.setContentHeight(r + t.height)) { u.done = false } } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.absolute"], 0, [Ext.layout.container, "Absolute", Ext.layout, "AbsoluteLayout"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.container.Accordion", Ext.layout.container.VBox, { alternateClassName: "Ext.layout.AccordionLayout", targetCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "accordion-layout-ct", itemCls: [Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "box-item", Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "accordion-item"], align: "stretch", fill: true, titleCollapse: true, hideCollapseTool: false, collapseFirst: undefined, animate: true, activeOnTop: false, multi: false, defaultAnimatePolicy: { y: true, height: true }, constructor: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (!a.multi && a.animate) { a.animatePolicy = Ext.apply({}, a.defaultAnimatePolicy) } else { a.animatePolicy = null } }, beforeRenderItems: function (h) { var j = this, g = h.length, c = 0, b = j.owner, k = j.collapseFirst, a = Ext.isDefined(k), l = j.getExpanded(true)[0], e = j.multi, d; for (; c < g; c++) { d = h[c]; if (!d.rendered) { if (!e || d.collapsible !== false) { d.collapsible = true } if (d.collapsible) { if (a) { d.collapseFirst = k } if (j.hideCollapseTool) { d.hideCollapseTool = j.hideCollapseTool; d.titleCollapse = true } else { if (j.titleCollapse && d.titleCollapse === undefined) { d.titleCollapse = j.titleCollapse } } } delete d.hideHeader; delete d.width; d.title = d.title || " "; d.addBodyCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "accordion-body"); if (!e) { if (l) { d.collapsed = l !== d } else { if (d.hasOwnProperty("collapsed") && d.collapsed === false) { l = d } else { d.collapsed = true } } b.mon(d, { show: j.onComponentShow, beforeexpand: j.onComponentExpand, beforecollapse: j.onComponentCollapse, scope: j }) } b.mon(d, "beforecollapse", j.onComponentCollapse, j); d.headerOverCls = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "accordion-hd-over" } } if (!e) { if (!l) { if (g) { h[0].collapsed = false } } else { if (j.activeOnTop) { l.collapsed = false; j.configureItem(l); if (b.items.indexOf(l) > 0) { b.insert(0, l) } } } } }, getItemsRenderTree: function (a) { this.beforeRenderItems(a); return this.callParent(arguments) }, renderItems: function (a, b) { this.beforeRenderItems(a); this.callParent(arguments) }, configureItem: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); a.animCollapse = a.border = false; if (this.fill) { a.flex = 1 } }, beginLayout: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); this.updatePanelClasses(a) }, updatePanelClasses: function (e) { var c = e.visibleItems, d = c.length, a = true, b, h, g; for (b = 0; b < d; b++) { h = c[b]; g = h.header; g.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "accordion-hd"); if (a) { g.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "accordion-hd-sibling-expanded") } else { g.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "accordion-hd-sibling-expanded") } if (b + 1 == d && h.collapsed) { g.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "accordion-hd-last-collapsed") } else { g.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "accordion-hd-last-collapsed") } a = h.collapsed } }, onComponentExpand: function (c) { var j = this, b = j.owner, g = j.multi, a = j.animate, k = !g && !j.animate && j.activeOnTop, h, l, e, d; if (!j.processing) { j.processing = true; d = b.deferLayouts; b.deferLayouts = true; h = g ? [] : j.getExpanded(); l = h.length; for (e = 0; e < l; e++) { h[e].collapse() } if (k) { Ext.suspendLayouts(); b.insert(0, c); Ext.resumeLayouts() } b.deferLayouts = d; j.processing = false } }, onComponentCollapse: function (d) { var e = this, a = e.owner, g, c, b; if (e.owner.items.getCount() === 1) { return false } if (!e.processing) { e.processing = true; b = a.deferLayouts; a.deferLayouts = true; g = d.next() || d.prev(); if (e.multi) { c = e.getExpanded(); if (c.length === 1) { g.expand() } } else { if (g) { g.expand() } } a.deferLayouts = b; e.processing = false } }, onComponentShow: function (a) { this.onComponentExpand(a) }, getExpanded: function (h) { var b = this.owner.items.items, a = b.length, d = 0, c = [], g, e; for (; d < a; ++d) { e = b[d]; if (h) { g = e.hasOwnProperty("collapsed") && e.collapsed === false } else { g = !e.collapsed } if (g) { c.push(e) } } return c } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.accordion"], 0, [Ext.layout.container, "Accordion", Ext.layout, "AccordionLayout"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.resizer.Splitter", Ext.Component, { childEls: ["collapseEl"], renderTpl: ['', '
     ', "
    ", "
    "], baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "splitter", collapsedClsInternal: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "splitter-collapsed", canResize: true, collapsible: false, collapseOnDblClick: true, defaultSplitMin: 40, defaultSplitMax: 1000, collapseTarget: "next", horizontal: false, vertical: false, size: 5, getTrackerConfig: function () { return { xclass: "Ext.resizer.SplitterTracker", el: this.el, splitter: this } }, beforeRender: function () { var a = this, b = a.getCollapseTarget(); a.callParent(); if (b.collapsed) { a.addCls(a.collapsedClsInternal) } if (!a.canResize) { a.addCls(a.baseCls + "-noresize") } Ext.applyIf(a.renderData, { collapseDir: a.getCollapseDirection(), collapsible: a.collapsible || b.collapsible }); a.protoEl.unselectable() }, onRender: function () { var b = this, a; b.callParent(arguments); if (b.performCollapse !== false) { if (b.renderData.collapsible) { b.mon(b.collapseEl, "click", b.toggleTargetCmp, b) } if (b.collapseOnDblClick) { b.mon(b.el, "dblclick", b.toggleTargetCmp, b) } } b.mon(b.getCollapseTarget(), { collapse: b.onTargetCollapse, expand: b.onTargetExpand, beforeexpand: b.onBeforeTargetExpand, beforecollapse: b.onBeforeTargetCollapse, scope: b }); if (b.canResize) { b.tracker = Ext.create(b.getTrackerConfig()); b.relayEvents(b.tracker, ["beforedragstart", "dragstart", "dragend"]) } a = b.collapseEl; if (a) { a.lastCollapseDirCls = b.collapseDirProps[b.collapseDirection].cls } }, getCollapseDirection: function () { var g = this, c = g.collapseDirection, e, a, b, d; if (!c) { e = g.collapseTarget; if (e.isComponent) { c = e.collapseDirection } if (!c) { d = g.ownerCt.layout.type; if (e.isComponent) { b = g.ownerCt.items; a = Number(b.indexOf(e) === b.indexOf(g) - 1) << 1 | Number(d === "hbox") } else { a = Number(g.collapseTarget === "prev") << 1 | Number(d === "hbox") } c = ["bottom", "right", "top", "left"][a] } g.collapseDirection = c } g.setOrientation((c === "top" || c === "bottom") ? "horizontal" : "vertical"); return c }, getCollapseTarget: function () { var a = this; return a.collapseTarget.isComponent ? a.collapseTarget : a.collapseTarget === "prev" ? a.previousSibling() : a.nextSibling() }, setCollapseEl: function (b) { var a = this.collapseEl; if (a) { a.setDisplayed(b) } }, onBeforeTargetExpand: function (a) { this.setCollapseEl("none") }, onBeforeTargetCollapse: function () { this.setCollapseEl("none") }, onTargetCollapse: function (a) { this.el.addCls([this.collapsedClsInternal, this.collapsedCls]); this.setCollapseEl("") }, onTargetExpand: function (a) { this.el.removeCls([this.collapsedClsInternal, this.collapsedCls]); this.setCollapseEl("") }, collapseDirProps: { top: { cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "layout-split-top" }, right: { cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "layout-split-right" }, bottom: { cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "layout-split-bottom" }, left: { cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "layout-split-left" } }, orientationProps: { horizontal: { opposite: "vertical", fixedAxis: "height", stretchedAxis: "width" }, vertical: { opposite: "horizontal", fixedAxis: "width", stretchedAxis: "height" } }, applyCollapseDirection: function () { var c = this, b = c.collapseEl, d = c.collapseDirProps[c.collapseDirection], a; if (b) { a = b.lastCollapseDirCls; if (a) { b.removeCls(a) } b.addCls(b.lastCollapseDirCls = d.cls) } }, applyOrientation: function () { var e = this, c = e.orientation, d = e.orientationProps[c], g = e.size, b = d.fixedAxis, h = d.stretchedAxis, a = e.baseCls + "-"; e[c] = true; e[d.opposite] = false; if (!e.hasOwnProperty(b) || e[b] === "100%") { e[b] = g } if (!e.hasOwnProperty(h) || e[h] === g) { e[h] = "100%" } e.removeCls(a + d.opposite); e.addCls(a + c) }, setOrientation: function (a) { var b = this; if (b.orientation !== a) { b.orientation = a; b.applyOrientation() } }, updateOrientation: function () { delete this.collapseDirection; this.getCollapseDirection(); this.applyCollapseDirection() }, toggleTargetCmp: function (d, b) { var c = this.getCollapseTarget(), g = c.placeholder, a; if (Ext.isFunction(c.expand) && Ext.isFunction(c.collapse)) { if (g && !g.hidden) { a = true } else { a = !c.hidden } if (a) { if (c.collapsed) { c.expand() } else { if (c.collapseDirection) { c.collapse() } else { c.collapse(this.renderData.collapseDir) } } } } }, setSize: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (Ext.isIE && a.el) { a.el.repaint() } }, beforeDestroy: function () { Ext.destroy(this.tracker); this.callParent() } }, 0, ["splitter"], ["component", "box", "splitter"], { component: true, box: true, splitter: true }, ["widget.splitter"], 0, [Ext.resizer, "Splitter"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.resizer.BorderSplitter", Ext.resizer.Splitter, { collapseTarget: null, getTrackerConfig: function () { var a = this.callParent(); a.xclass = "Ext.resizer.BorderSplitterTracker"; return a } }, 0, ["bordersplitter"], ["bordersplitter", "component", "box", "splitter"], { bordersplitter: true, component: true, box: true, splitter: true }, ["widget.bordersplitter"], 0, [Ext.resizer, "BorderSplitter"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.container.Border", Ext.layout.container.Container, { alternateClassName: "Ext.layout.BorderLayout", targetCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "border-layout-ct", itemCls: [Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "border-item", Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "box-item"], type: "border", isBorderLayout: true, padding: undefined, percentageRe: /(\d+)%/, horzMarginProp: "left", padOnContainerProp: "left", padNotOnContainerProp: "right", axisProps: { horz: { borderBegin: "west", borderEnd: "east", horizontal: true, posProp: "x", sizeProp: "width", sizePropCap: "Width" }, vert: { borderBegin: "north", borderEnd: "south", horizontal: false, posProp: "y", sizeProp: "height", sizePropCap: "Height" } }, centerRegion: null, manageMargins: true, panelCollapseAnimate: true, panelCollapseMode: "placeholder", regionWeights: { north: 20, south: 10, center: 0, west: -10, east: -20 }, beginAxis: function (m, b, w) { var u = this, c = u.axisProps[w], r = !c.horizontal, l = c.sizeProp, p = 0, a = m.childItems, g = a.length, t, q, o, h, s, e, k, n, d, v, j; for (q = 0; q < g; ++q) { o = a[q]; s = o.target; o.layoutPos = {}; if (s.region) { o.region = e = s.region; o.isCenter = s.isCenter; o.isHorz = s.isHorz; o.isVert = s.isVert; o.weight = s.weight || u.regionWeights[e] || 0; b[s.id] = o; if (s.isCenter) { t = o; h = s.flex; m.centerRegion = t; continue } if (r !== o.isVert) { continue } o.reverseWeighting = (e == c.borderEnd); n = s[l]; d = typeof n; if (!s.collapsed) { if (d == "string" && (k = u.percentageRe.exec(n))) { o.percentage = parseInt(k[1], 10) } else { if (s.flex) { p += o.flex = s.flex } } } } } if (t) { v = t.target; if ((j = v.placeholderFor)) { if (!h && r === j.collapsedVertical()) { h = 0; t.collapseAxis = w } } else { if (v.collapsed && (r === v.collapsedVertical())) { h = 0; t.collapseAxis = w } } } if (h == null) { h = 1 } p += h; return Ext.apply({ before: r ? "top" : "left", totalFlex: p }, c) }, beginLayout: function (d) { var l = this, k = l.getLayoutItems(), e = l.padding, m = typeof e, p = false, q, o, b, h, g, a, c, j, n; if (e) { if (m == "string" || m == "number") { e = Ext.util.Format.parseBox(e) } } else { e = d.getEl("getTargetEl").getPaddingInfo(); p = true } d.outerPad = e; d.padOnContainer = p; for (h = 0, b = k.length; h < b; ++h) { o = k[h]; a = l.getSplitterTarget(o); if (a) { c = undefined; j = !!o.hidden; if (!a.split) { if (a.isCollapsingOrExpanding) { c = !!a.collapsed } } else { if (j !== a.hidden) { c = !a.hidden } } if (c) { o.show() } else { if (c === false) { o.hide() } } } } l.callParent(arguments); k = d.childItems; b = k.length; g = {}; d.borderAxisHorz = l.beginAxis(d, g, "horz"); d.borderAxisVert = l.beginAxis(d, g, "vert"); for (h = 0; h < b; ++h) { q = k[h]; a = l.getSplitterTarget(q.target); if (a) { n = g[a.id]; if (!n) { n = d.getEl(a.el, l); n.region = a.region } q.collapseTarget = a = n; q.weight = a.weight; q.reverseWeighting = a.reverseWeighting; a.splitter = q; q.isHorz = a.isHorz; q.isVert = a.isVert } } l.sortWeightedItems(k, "reverseWeighting"); l.setupSplitterNeighbors(k) }, calculate: function (d) { var m = this, a = m.getContainerSize(d), j = d.childItems, c = j.length, b = d.borderAxisHorz, k = d.borderAxisVert, e = d.outerPad, o = d.padOnContainer, h, q, l, p, n, g; b.begin = e[m.padOnContainerProp]; k.begin = e.top; n = b.end = b.flexSpace = a.width + (o ? e[m.padOnContainerProp] : -e[m.padNotOnContainerProp]); g = k.end = k.flexSpace = a.height + (o ? e.top : -e.bottom); for (h = 0; h < c; ++h) { q = j[h]; l = q.getMarginInfo(); if (q.isHorz || q.isCenter) { b.addUnflexed(l.width); n -= l.width } if (q.isVert || q.isCenter) { k.addUnflexed(l.height); g -= l.height } if (!q.flex && !q.percentage) { if (q.isHorz || (q.isCenter && q.collapseAxis === "horz")) { p = q.getProp("width"); b.addUnflexed(p); if (q.collapseTarget) { n -= p } } else { if (q.isVert || (q.isCenter && q.collapseAxis === "vert")) { p = q.getProp("height"); k.addUnflexed(p); if (q.collapseTarget) { g -= p } } } } } for (h = 0; h < c; ++h) { q = j[h]; l = q.getMarginInfo(); if (q.percentage) { if (q.isHorz) { p = Math.ceil(n * q.percentage / 100); p = q.setWidth(p); b.addUnflexed(p) } else { if (q.isVert) { p = Math.ceil(g * q.percentage / 100); p = q.setHeight(p); k.addUnflexed(p) } } } } for (h = 0; h < c; ++h) { q = j[h]; if (!q.isCenter) { m.calculateChildAxis(q, b); m.calculateChildAxis(q, k) } } if (m.finishAxis(d, k) + m.finishAxis(d, b) < 2) { m.done = false } else { m.finishPositions(j) } }, calculateChildAxis: function (m, c) { var a = m.collapseTarget, h = "set" + c.sizePropCap, e = c.sizeProp, d = m.getMarginInfo()[e], k, b, g, j, l; if (a) { k = a.region } else { k = m.region; g = m.flex } b = k == c.borderBegin; if (!b && k != c.borderEnd) { m[h](c.end - c.begin - d); j = c.begin } else { if (g) { l = Math.ceil(c.flexSpace * (g / c.totalFlex)); l = m[h](l) } else { if (m.percentage) { l = m.peek(e) } else { l = m.getProp(e) } } l += d; if (b) { j = c.begin; c.begin += l } else { c.end = j = c.end - l } } m.layoutPos[c.posProp] = j }, finishAxis: function (d, c) { var b = c.end - c.begin, a = d.centerRegion; if (a) { a["set" + c.sizePropCap](b - a.getMarginInfo()[c.sizeProp]); a.layoutPos[c.posProp] = c.begin } return Ext.isNumber(b) ? 1 : 0 }, finishPositions: function (e) { var c = e.length, b, a, d = this.horzMarginProp; for (b = 0; b < c; ++b) { a = e[b]; a.setProp("x", a.layoutPos.x + a.marginInfo[d]); a.setProp("y", a.layoutPos.y + a.marginInfo.top) } }, getLayoutItems: function () { var a = this.owner, e = (a && a.items && a.items.items) || [], d = e.length, b = [], c = 0, g, h; for (; c < d; c++) { g = e[c]; h = g.placeholderFor; if (g.hidden || ((!g.floated || g.isCollapsingOrExpanding === 2) && !(h && h.isCollapsingOrExpanding === 2))) { b.push(g) } } return b }, getPlaceholder: function (a) { return a.getPlaceholder && a.getPlaceholder() }, getSplitterTarget: function (b) { var a = b.collapseTarget; if (a && a.collapsed) { return a.placeholder || a } return a }, isItemBoxParent: function (a) { return true }, isItemShrinkWrap: function (a) { return true }, insertSplitter: function (d, c, g, b) { var h = d.region, e = Ext.apply({ xtype: "bordersplitter", collapseTarget: d, id: d.id + "-splitter", hidden: g, canResize: d.splitterResize !== false, splitterFor: d }, b), a = c + ((h === "south" || h === "east") ? 0 : 1); if (d.collapseMode === "mini") { e.collapsedCls = d.collapsedCls } d.splitter = this.owner.add(a, e) }, onAdd: function (e, b) { var d = this, j = e.placeholderFor, h = e.region, c, g, a; d.callParent(arguments); if (h) { Ext.apply(e, d.regionFlags[h]); if (e.initBorderRegion) { e.initBorderRegion() } if (h === "center") { d.centerRegion = e } else { c = e.split; g = !!e.hidden; if (typeof c === "object") { a = c; c = true } if ((e.isHorz || e.isVert) && (c || e.collapseMode == "mini")) { d.insertSplitter(e, b, g || !c, a) } } if (!e.hasOwnProperty("collapseMode")) { e.collapseMode = d.panelCollapseMode } if (!e.hasOwnProperty("animCollapse")) { if (e.collapseMode !== "placeholder") { e.animCollapse = false } else { e.animCollapse = d.panelCollapseAnimate } } } else { if (j) { Ext.apply(e, d.regionFlags[j.region]); e.region = j.region; e.weight = j.weight } } }, onDestroy: function () { this.centerRegion = null; this.callParent() }, onRemove: function (b) { var a = this, d = b.region, c = b.splitter; if (d) { if (b.isCenter) { a.centerRegion = null } delete b.isCenter; delete b.isHorz; delete b.isVert; if (c) { a.owner.doRemove(c, true); delete b.splitter } } a.callParent(arguments) }, regionMeta: { center: { splitterDelta: 0 }, north: { splitterDelta: 1 }, south: { splitterDelta: -1 }, west: { splitterDelta: 1 }, east: { splitterDelta: -1 } }, regionFlags: { center: { isCenter: true, isHorz: false, isVert: false }, north: { isCenter: false, isHorz: false, isVert: true, collapseDirection: "top" }, south: { isCenter: false, isHorz: false, isVert: true, collapseDirection: "bottom" }, west: { isCenter: false, isHorz: true, isVert: false, collapseDirection: "left" }, east: { isCenter: false, isHorz: true, isVert: false, collapseDirection: "right" } }, setupSplitterNeighbors: function (m) { var p = {}, e = m.length, o = this.touchedRegions, h, g, a, l, d, k, n, b, c; for (h = 0; h < e; ++h) { k = m[h].target; n = k.region; if (k.isCenter) { a = k } else { if (n) { c = o[n]; for (g = 0, l = c.length; g < l; ++g) { d = p[c[g]]; if (d) { d.neighbors.push(k) } } if (k.placeholderFor) { b = k.placeholderFor.splitter } else { b = k.splitter } if (b) { b.neighbors = [] } p[n] = b } } } if (a) { c = o.center; for (g = 0, l = c.length; g < l; ++g) { d = p[c[g]]; if (d) { d.neighbors.push(a) } } } }, touchedRegions: { center: ["north", "south", "east", "west"], north: ["north", "east", "west"], south: ["south", "east", "west"], east: ["east", "north", "south"], west: ["west", "north", "south"] }, sizePolicies: { vert: { readsWidth: 0, readsHeight: 1, setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 0 }, horz: { readsWidth: 1, readsHeight: 0, setsWidth: 0, setsHeight: 1 }, flexAll: { readsWidth: 0, readsHeight: 0, setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 1 } }, getItemSizePolicy: function (e) { var d = this, a = this.sizePolicies, c, b, g, h; if (e.isCenter) { h = e.placeholderFor; if (h) { if (h.collapsedVertical()) { return a.vert } return a.horz } if (e.collapsed) { if (e.collapsedVertical()) { return a.vert } return a.horz } return a.flexAll } c = e.collapseTarget; if (c) { return c.isVert ? a.vert : a.horz } if (e.region) { if (e.isVert) { b = e.height; g = a.vert } else { b = e.width; g = a.horz } if (e.flex || (typeof b == "string" && d.percentageRe.test(b))) { return a.flexAll } return g } return d.autoSizePolicy } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.border"], 0, [Ext.layout.container, "Border", Ext.layout, "BorderLayout"], function () { var a = { addUnflexed: function (c) { this.flexSpace = Math.max(this.flexSpace - c, 0) } }, b = this.prototype.axisProps; Ext.apply(b.horz, a); Ext.apply(b.vert, a) })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.container.Card", Ext.layout.container.Fit, { alternateClassName: "Ext.layout.CardLayout", type: "card", hideInactive: true, deferredRender: false, getRenderTree: function () { var a = this, b = a.getActiveItem(); if (b) { if (b.hasListeners.beforeactivate && b.fireEvent("beforeactivate", b) === false) { b = a.activeItem = a.owner.activeItem = null } else { if (b.hasListeners.activate) { b.on({ boxready: function () { b.fireEvent("activate", b) }, single: true }) } } if (a.deferredRender) { if (b) { return a.getItemsRenderTree([b]) } } else { return a.callParent(arguments) } } }, renderChildren: function () { var a = this, b = a.getActiveItem(); if (!a.deferredRender) { a.callParent() } else { if (b) { a.renderItems([b], a.getRenderTarget()) } } }, isValidParent: function (c, d, a) { var b = c.el ? c.el.dom : Ext.getDom(c); return (b && b.parentNode === (d.dom || d)) || false }, getActiveItem: function () { var b = this, a = b.parseActiveItem(b.activeItem || (b.owner && b.owner.activeItem)); if (a && b.owner.items.indexOf(a) != -1) { b.activeItem = a } else { b.activeItem = null } return b.activeItem }, parseActiveItem: function (a) { if (a && a.isComponent) { return a } else { if (typeof a == "number" || a === undefined) { return this.getLayoutItems()[a || 0] } else { return this.owner.getComponent(a) } } }, configureItem: function (a) { if (a === this.getActiveItem()) { a.hidden = false } else { a.hidden = true } this.callParent(arguments) }, onRemove: function (a) { var b = this; if (a === b.activeItem) { b.activeItem = null } }, getAnimation: function (b, a) { var c = (b || {}).cardSwitchAnimation; if (c === false) { return false } return c || a.cardSwitchAnimation }, getNext: function () { var c = arguments[0], a = this.getLayoutItems(), b = Ext.Array.indexOf(a, this.activeItem); return a[b + 1] || (c ? a[0] : false) }, next: function () { var b = arguments[0], a = arguments[1]; return this.setActiveItem(this.getNext(a), b) }, getPrev: function () { var c = arguments[0], a = this.getLayoutItems(), b = Ext.Array.indexOf(a, this.activeItem); return a[b - 1] || (c ? a[a.length - 1] : false) }, prev: function () { var b = arguments[0], a = arguments[1]; return this.setActiveItem(this.getPrev(a), b) }, setActiveItem: function (b) { var e = this, a = e.owner, d = e.activeItem, g = a.rendered, c; b = e.parseActiveItem(b); c = a.items.indexOf(b); if (c == -1) { c = a.items.items.length; Ext.suspendLayouts(); b = a.add(b); Ext.resumeLayouts() } if (b && d != b) { if (b.fireEvent("beforeactivate", b, d) === false) { return false } if (d && d.fireEvent("beforedeactivate", d, b) === false) { return false } if (g) { Ext.suspendLayouts(); if (!b.rendered) { e.renderItem(b, e.getRenderTarget(), a.items.length) } if (d) { if (e.hideInactive) { d.hide(); d.hiddenByLayout = true } d.fireEvent("deactivate", d, b) } if (b.hidden) { b.show() } if (!b.hidden) { e.activeItem = b } Ext.resumeLayouts(true) } else { e.activeItem = b } b.fireEvent("activate", b, d); return e.activeItem } return false } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.card"], 0, [Ext.layout.container, "Card", Ext.layout, "CardLayout"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.container.Column", Ext.layout.container.Auto, { alternateClassName: "Ext.layout.ColumnLayout", type: "column", itemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "column", targetCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "column-layout-ct", columnWidthSizePolicy: { readsWidth: 0, readsHeight: 1, setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 0 }, createsInnerCt: true, manageOverflow: true, isItemShrinkWrap: function (a) { return true }, getItemSizePolicy: function (a, b) { if (a.columnWidth) { if (!b) { b = this.owner.getSizeModel() } if (!b.width.shrinkWrap) { return this.columnWidthSizePolicy } } return this.autoSizePolicy }, calculateItems: function (d, a) { var o = this, e = d.targetContext, n = d.childItems, l = n.length, b = 0, g = a.gotWidth, j, p, h, c, k, m; if (g === false) { e.domBlock(o, "width"); j = true } else { if (g) { p = a.width } else { return true } } for (h = 0; h < l; ++h) { c = n[h]; k = c.getMarginInfo().width; if (!c.widthModel.calculated) { m = c.getProp("width"); if (typeof m != "number") { c.block(o, "width"); j = true } b += m + k } } if (!j) { p = (p < b) ? 0 : p - b; for (h = 0; h < l; ++h) { c = n[h]; if (c.widthModel.calculated) { k = c.marginInfo.width; m = c.target.columnWidth; m = Math.floor(m * p) - k; m = c.setWidth(m); b += m + k } } d.setContentWidth(b + d.paddingContext.getPaddingInfo().width) } return !j }, setCtSizeIfNeeded: function (b, d) { var a = this, c = b.paddingContext.getPaddingInfo(); a.callParent(arguments); if ((Ext.isIEQuirks || Ext.isIE7m) && a.isShrinkWrapTpl && c.right) { b.outerCtContext.setProp("width", d.width + c.left) } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.column"], 0, [Ext.layout.container, "Column", Ext.layout, "ColumnLayout"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.layout.container.Form", Ext.layout.container.Container, { alternateClassName: "Ext.layout.FormLayout", tableCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "form-layout-table", type: "form", createsInnerCt: true, manageOverflow: true, lastOverflowAdjust: { width: 0, height: 0 }, childEls: ["formTable"], padRow: '', renderTpl: ['', "{%this.renderBody(out,values)%}", "
    ", "{%this.renderPadder(out,values)%}"], getRenderData: function () { var a = this.callParent(); a.tableCls = this.tableCls; return a }, calculate: function (g) { var e = this, j = e.getContainerSize(g, true), a, h, b = 0, d, c = g.sizeModel.height.shrinkWrap; if (c) { if (g.hasDomProp("containerChildrenSizeDone")) { g.setProp("contentHeight", e.formTable.dom.offsetHeight + g.targetContext.getPaddingInfo().height) } else { e.done = false } } if (j.gotWidth) { a = e.formTable.dom.offsetWidth; h = g.childItems; for (d = h.length; b < d; ++b) { h[b].setWidth(a, false) } } else { e.done = false } }, getRenderTarget: function () { return this.formTable }, getRenderTree: function () { var d = this, b = d.callParent(arguments), c, a; for (c = 0, a = b.length; c < a; c++) { b[c] = d.transformItemRenderTree(b[c]) } return b }, transformItemRenderTree: function (a) { if (a.tag && a.tag == "table") { a.tag = "tbody"; delete a.cellspacing; delete a.cellpadding; if (Ext.isIE6) { a.cn = this.padRow } return a } return { tag: "tbody", cn: { tag: "tr", cn: { tag: "td", colspan: 3, style: "width:100%", cn: a } } } }, isValidParent: function (b, c, a) { return true }, isItemShrinkWrap: function (a) { return ((a.shrinkWrap === true) ? 3 : a.shrinkWrap || 0) & 2 }, getItemSizePolicy: function (a) { return { setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 0 } }, beginLayoutCycle: function (b, a) { var c = this.overflowPadderEl; if (c) { c.setStyle("display", "none") } if (!b.state.overflowAdjust) { b.state.overflowAdjust = this.lastOverflowAdjust } }, calculateOverflow: function (o, s, g) { var w = this, n = o.targetContext, l = w.manageOverflow, c = o.state, m = c.overflowAdjust, e, k, b, p, a, t, j, r, d, q, u, h, v; if (l && !c.secondPass && !w.reserveScrollbar) { h = (w.getOverflowXStyle(o) === "auto"); v = (w.getOverflowYStyle(o) === "auto"); if (!s.gotWidth) { h = false } if (!s.gotHeight) { v = false } if (h || v) { t = Ext.getScrollbarSize(); j = o.peek("contentWidth"); r = o.peek("contentHeight"); p = n.getPaddingInfo(); j -= p.width; r -= p.height; d = s.width; q = s.height; u = w.getScrollbarsNeeded(d, q, j, r); c.overflowState = u; if (typeof g == "number") { u &= ~g } m = { width: (h && (u & 2)) ? t.width : 0, height: (v && (u & 1)) ? t.height : 0 }; if (m.width !== w.lastOverflowAdjust.width || m.height !== w.lastOverflowAdjust.height) { w.done = false; o.invalidate({ state: { overflowAdjust: m, overflowState: c.overflowState, secondPass: true } }) } } } if (!w.done) { return } b = o.padElContext || (o.padElContext = o.getEl("overflowPadderEl", w)); if (b) { u = c.overflowState; e = o.peek("contentWidth"); k = 1; if (u) { p = n.getPaddingInfo(); a = w.scrollRangeFlags; if ((u & 2) && (a & 1)) { k += p.bottom } if ((u & 1) && (a & 4)) { e += p.right } b.setProp("display", ""); b.setSize(e, k) } else { b.setProp("display", "none") } } }, completeLayout: function (a) { this.lastOverflowAdjust = a.state.overflowAdjust }, doRenderPadder: function (b, d) { var c = d.$layout, a = c.owner, e = c.getScrollRangeFlags(); if (c.manageOverflow) { if (e & 5) { b.push('
    '); c.scrollRangeFlags = e } } }, getContainerSize: function (d, j, b) { var e = d.targetContext, h = e.getFrameInfo(), m = e.getPaddingInfo(), l = 0, n = 0, a = b ? null : d.state.overflowAdjust, g, k, c, o; if (!d.widthModel.shrinkWrap) { ++n; c = j ? e.getDomProp("width") : e.getProp("width"); g = (typeof c == "number"); if (g) { ++l; c -= h.width + m.width; if (a) { c -= a.width } } } if (!d.heightModel.shrinkWrap) { ++n; o = j ? e.getDomProp("height") : e.getProp("height"); k = (typeof o == "number"); if (k) { ++l; o -= h.height + m.height; if (a) { o -= a.height } } } return { width: c, height: o, needed: n, got: l, gotAll: l == n, gotWidth: g, gotHeight: k } }, getOverflowXStyle: function (b) { var a = this; return a.overflowXStyle || (a.overflowXStyle = a.owner.scrollFlags.overflowX || b.targetContext.getStyle("overflow-x")) }, getOverflowYStyle: function (b) { var a = this; return a.overflowYStyle || (a.overflowYStyle = a.owner.scrollFlags.overflowY || b.targetContext.getStyle("overflow-y")) }, getScrollRangeFlags: (function () { var a = -1; return function () { if (a < 0) { var g = Ext.getBody().createChild({ cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "border-box", style: { width: "100px", height: "100px", padding: "10px", overflow: "auto" }, children: [{ style: { border: "1px solid red", width: "150px", height: "150px", margin: "0 5px 5px 0" } } ] }), d = g.dom.scrollHeight, c = g.dom.scrollWidth, e = { 175: 0, 165: 1, 170: 2, 160: 3 }, b = { 175: 0, 165: 4, 170: 8, 160: 12 }; a = (e[d] || 0) | (b[c] || 0); g.remove() } return a } } ()), initLayout: function () { var b = this, a = Ext.getScrollbarSize().width; b.callParent(); if (a && b.manageOverflow && !b.hasOwnProperty("lastOverflowAdjust")) { if (b.owner.scrollFlags.y || b.reserveScrollbar) { b.lastOverflowAdjust = { width: a, height: 0 } } } }, setupRenderTpl: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); a.renderPadder = this.doRenderPadder } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["layout.form"], 0, [Ext.layout.container, "Form", Ext.layout, "FormLayout"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.menu.Item", Ext.Component, { alternateClassName: "Ext.menu.TextItem", activeCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "menu-item-active", ariaRole: "menuitem", canActivate: true, clickHideDelay: 0, destroyMenu: true, disabledCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "menu-item-disabled", hideOnClick: true, isMenuItem: true, menuAlign: "tl-tr?", menuExpandDelay: 200, menuHideDelay: 200, tooltipType: "qtip", arrowCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "menu-item-arrow", childEls: ["itemEl", "iconEl", "textEl", "arrowEl"], renderTpl: ['', "{text}", "", ' target="{hrefTarget}"', ' hidefocus="true"', ' unselectable="on"', '', ' tabIndex="{tabIndex}"', "", ">", '", '{text}', '', "", ""], maskOnDisable: false, activate: function () { var a = this; if (!a.activated && a.canActivate && a.rendered && !a.isDisabled() && a.isVisible()) { a.el.addCls(a.activeCls); a.focus(); a.activated = true; a.fireEvent("activate", a) } }, getFocusEl: function () { return this.itemEl }, deactivate: function () { var a = this; if (a.activated) { a.el.removeCls(a.activeCls); a.blur(); a.hideMenu(); a.activated = false; a.fireEvent("deactivate", a) } }, deferHideMenu: function () { if (this.menu.isVisible()) { this.menu.hide() } }, cancelDeferHide: function () { clearTimeout(this.hideMenuTimer) }, deferHideParentMenus: function () { var a; Ext.menu.Manager.hideAll(); if (!Ext.Element.getActiveElement()) { a = this.up(":not([hidden])"); if (a) { a.focus() } } }, expandMenu: function (a) { var b = this; if (b.menu) { b.cancelDeferHide(); if (a === 0) { b.doExpandMenu() } else { clearTimeout(b.expandMenuTimer); b.expandMenuTimer = Ext.defer(b.doExpandMenu, Ext.isNumber(a) ? a : b.menuExpandDelay, b) } } }, doExpandMenu: function () { var a = this, b = a.menu; if (a.activated && (!b.rendered || !b.isVisible())) { a.parentMenu.activeChild = b; b.parentItem = a; b.parentMenu = a.parentMenu; b.showBy(a, a.menuAlign) } }, getRefItems: function (a) { var c = this.menu, b; if (c) { b = c.getRefItems(a); b.unshift(c) } return b || [] }, hideMenu: function (a) { var b = this; if (b.menu) { clearTimeout(b.expandMenuTimer); b.hideMenuTimer = Ext.defer(b.deferHideMenu, Ext.isNumber(a) ? a : b.menuHideDelay, b) } }, initComponent: function () { var b = this, c = Ext.baseCSSPrefix, a = [c + "menu-item"], d; b.addEvents("activate", "click", "deactivate", "textchange", "iconchange"); if (b.plain) { a.push(c + "menu-item-plain") } if (b.cls) { a.push(b.cls) } b.cls = a.join(" "); if (b.menu) { d = b.menu; delete b.menu; b.setMenu(d) } b.callParent(arguments) }, onClick: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.clickHideDelay; if (!b.href) { c.stopEvent() } if (b.disabled) { return } if (b.hideOnClick) { if (!a) { b.deferHideParentMenus() } else { b.deferHideParentMenusTimer = Ext.defer(b.deferHideParentMenus, a, b) } } Ext.callback(b.handler, b.scope || b, [b, c]); b.fireEvent("click", b, c); if (!b.hideOnClick) { b.focus() } }, onRemoved: function () { var a = this; if (a.activated && a.parentMenu.activeItem === a) { a.parentMenu.deactivateActiveItem() } a.callParent(arguments); a.parentMenu = a.ownerButton = null }, beforeDestroy: function () { var a = this; if (a.rendered) { a.clearTip() } a.callParent() }, onDestroy: function () { var a = this; clearTimeout(a.expandMenuTimer); a.cancelDeferHide(); clearTimeout(a.deferHideParentMenusTimer); a.setMenu(null); a.callParent(arguments) }, beforeRender: function () { var d = this, h = Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL, c = d.glyph, g = Ext._glyphFontFamily, b, a, e; d.callParent(); if (d.iconAlign === "right") { a = d.checkChangeDisabled ? d.disabledCls : ""; e = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "menu-item-icon-right " + d.iconCls } else { a = (d.iconCls || "") + (d.checkChangeDisabled ? " " + d.disabledCls : ""); e = d.menu ? d.arrowCls : "" } if (typeof c === "string") { b = c.split("@"); c = b[0]; g = b[1] } Ext.applyIf(d.renderData, { href: d.href || "#", hrefTarget: d.hrefTarget, icon: d.icon, iconCls: a, glyph: c, glyphCls: c ? Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "menu-item-glyph" : undefined, glyphFontFamily: g, hasIcon: !!(d.icon || d.iconCls || c), iconAlign: d.iconAlign, plain: d.plain, text: d.text, arrowCls: e, blank: h, tabIndex: d.tabIndex }) }, onRender: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (a.tooltip) { a.setTooltip(a.tooltip, true) } }, setMenu: function (e, d) { var c = this, b = c.menu, a = c.arrowEl; if (b) { delete b.parentItem; delete b.parentMenu; delete b.ownerItem; if (d === true || (d !== false && c.destroyMenu)) { Ext.destroy(b) } } if (e) { c.menu = Ext.menu.Manager.get(e); c.menu.ownerItem = c } else { c.menu = null } if (c.rendered && !c.destroying && a) { a[c.menu ? "addCls" : "removeCls"](c.arrowCls) } }, setHandler: function (b, a) { this.handler = b || null; this.scope = a }, setIcon: function (b) { var a = this.iconEl, c = this.icon; if (a) { a.src = b || Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL } this.icon = b; this.fireEvent("iconchange", this, c, b) }, setIconCls: function (b) { var d = this, a = d.iconEl, c = d.iconCls; if (a) { if (d.iconCls) { a.removeCls(d.iconCls) } if (b) { a.addCls(b) } } d.iconCls = b; d.fireEvent("iconchange", d, c, b) }, setText: function (d) { var c = this, b = c.textEl || c.el, a = c.text; c.text = d; if (c.rendered) { b.update(d || ""); c.ownerCt.updateLayout() } c.fireEvent("textchange", c, a, d) }, getTipAttr: function () { return this.tooltipType == "qtip" ? "data-qtip" : "title" }, clearTip: function () { if (Ext.quickTipsActive && Ext.isObject(this.tooltip)) { Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.unregister(this.itemEl) } }, setTooltip: function (c, a) { var b = this; if (b.rendered) { if (!a) { b.clearTip() } if (Ext.quickTipsActive && Ext.isObject(c)) { Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.register(Ext.apply({ target: b.itemEl.id }, c)); b.tooltip = c } else { b.itemEl.dom.setAttribute(b.getTipAttr(), c) } } else { b.tooltip = c } return b } }, 0, ["menuitem"], ["component", "menuitem", "box"], { component: true, menuitem: true, box: true }, ["widget.menuitem"], [["queryable", Ext.Queryable]], [Ext.menu, "Item", Ext.menu, "TextItem"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.menu.CheckItem", Ext.menu.Item, { checkedCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "menu-item-checked", uncheckedCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "menu-item-unchecked", groupCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "menu-group-icon", hideOnClick: false, checkChangeDisabled: false, childEls: ["itemEl", "iconEl", "textEl", "checkEl"], showCheckbox: true, renderTpl: ['', "{text}", "", "{%var showCheckbox = values.showCheckbox,", ' rightCheckbox = showCheckbox && values.hasIcon && (values.iconAlign !== "left"), textCls = rightCheckbox ? "' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'right-check-item-text" : "";%}', 'target="{hrefTarget}" hidefocus="true" unselectable="on"', '', ' tabIndex="{tabIndex}"', "", ">", '{%if (values.hasIcon && (values.iconAlign !== "left")) {%}', '", "{%} else if (showCheckbox){%}", '', "{%}%}", 'style="margin-right: 17px;" >{text}', "{%if (rightCheckbox) {%}", '', "{%} else if (values.arrowCls) {%}", '', "{%}%}", "", ""], initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.checked = !!a.checked; a.addEvents("beforecheckchange", "checkchange"); a.callParent(arguments); Ext.menu.Manager.registerCheckable(a); if (a.group) { a.showCheckbox = false; if (!(a.iconCls || a.icon || a.glyph)) { a.iconCls = a.groupCls } if (a.initialConfig.hideOnClick !== false) { a.hideOnClick = true } } }, beforeRender: function () { this.callParent(); this.renderData.showCheckbox = this.showCheckbox }, afterRender: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); a.checked = !a.checked; a.setChecked(!a.checked, true); if (a.checkChangeDisabled) { a.disableCheckChange() } }, disableCheckChange: function () { var b = this, a = b.checkEl; if (a) { a.addCls(b.disabledCls) } if (!(Ext.isIE10p || (Ext.isIE9 && Ext.isStrict)) && b.rendered) { b.el.repaint() } b.checkChangeDisabled = true }, enableCheckChange: function () { var b = this, a = b.checkEl; if (a) { a.removeCls(b.disabledCls) } b.checkChangeDisabled = false }, onClick: function (b) { var a = this; if (!a.disabled && !a.checkChangeDisabled && !(a.checked && a.group)) { a.setChecked(!a.checked) } this.callParent([b]) }, onDestroy: function () { Ext.menu.Manager.unregisterCheckable(this); this.callParent(arguments) }, setChecked: function (c, a) { var b = this; if (b.checked !== c && (a || b.fireEvent("beforecheckchange", b, c) !== false)) { if (b.el) { b.el[c ? "addCls" : "removeCls"](b.checkedCls)[!c ? "addCls" : "removeCls"](b.uncheckedCls) } b.checked = c; Ext.menu.Manager.onCheckChange(b, c); if (!a) { Ext.callback(b.checkHandler, b.scope, [b, c]); b.fireEvent("checkchange", b, c) } } } }, 0, ["menucheckitem"], ["component", "menucheckitem", "menuitem", "box"], { component: true, menucheckitem: true, menuitem: true, box: true }, ["widget.menucheckitem"], 0, [Ext.menu, "CheckItem"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.menu.KeyNav", Ext.util.KeyNav, { constructor: function (a) { var b = this; b.menu = a.target; b.callParent([Ext.apply({ down: b.down, enter: b.enter, esc: b.escape, left: b.left, right: b.right, space: b.enter, tab: b.tab, up: b.up }, a)]) }, down: function (b) { var a = this, c = a.menu.focusedItem; if (c && b.getKey() == Ext.EventObject.DOWN && a.isWhitelisted(c)) { return true } a.focusNextItem(1) }, enter: function (b) { var c = this.menu, a = c.focusedItem; if (c.activeItem) { c.onClick(b) } else { if (a && a.isFormField) { return true } } }, escape: function (a) { Ext.menu.Manager.hideAll() }, focusNextItem: function (b) { var a = this.menu, e = a.items, h = a.focusedItem, g = h ? e.indexOf(h) : -1, j = g + b, d = e.length, c = 0, k; while (c < d && j !== g) { if (j < 0) { j = d - 1 } else { if (j >= d) { j = 0 } } k = e.getAt(j); if (a.canActivateItem(k)) { a.setActiveItem(k); break } j += b; ++c } }, isWhitelisted: function (a) { return Ext.FocusManager.isWhitelisted(a) }, left: function (a) { var b = this.menu, c = b.focusedItem; if (c && this.isWhitelisted(c)) { return true } b.hide(); if (b.parentMenu) { b.parentMenu.focus() } }, right: function (c) { var d = this.menu, g = d.focusedItem, a = d.activeItem, b; if (g && this.isWhitelisted(g)) { return true } if (a) { b = d.activeItem.menu; if (b) { a.expandMenu(0); b.setActiveItem(b.child(":focusable")) } } }, tab: function (b) { var a = this; if (b.shiftKey) { a.up(b) } else { a.down(b) } }, up: function (b) { var a = this, c = a.menu.focusedItem; if (c && b.getKey() == Ext.EventObject.UP && a.isWhitelisted(c)) { return true } a.focusNextItem(-1) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.menu, "KeyNav"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.menu.Separator", Ext.menu.Item, { canActivate: false, focusable: false, hideOnClick: false, plain: true, separatorCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "menu-item-separator", text: " ", beforeRender: function (a, c) { var b = this; b.callParent(); b.addCls(b.separatorCls) } }, 0, ["menuseparator"], ["component", "menuseparator", "menuitem", "box"], { component: true, menuseparator: true, menuitem: true, box: true }, ["widget.menuseparator"], 0, [Ext.menu, "Separator"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.menu.Menu", Ext.panel.Panel, { enableKeyNav: true, allowOtherMenus: false, ariaRole: "menu", floating: true, constrain: true, hidden: true, hideMode: "visibility", ignoreParentClicks: false, isMenu: true, showSeparator: true, minWidth: undefined, defaultMinWidth: 120, initComponent: function () { var b = this, d = Ext.baseCSSPrefix, a = [d + "menu"], c = b.bodyCls ? [b.bodyCls] : [], e = b.floating !== false; b.addEvents("click", "mouseenter", "mouseleave", "mouseover"); Ext.menu.Manager.register(b); if (b.plain) { a.push(d + "menu-plain") } b.cls = a.join(" "); c.push(d + "menu-body", Ext.dom.Element.unselectableCls); b.bodyCls = c.join(" "); if (!b.layout) { b.layout = { type: "vbox", align: "stretchmax", overflowHandler: "Scroller" } } if (e) { if (b.minWidth === undefined) { b.minWidth = b.defaultMinWidth } } else { b.hidden = !!b.initialConfig.hidden; b.constrain = false } b.callParent(arguments) }, registerWithOwnerCt: function () { if (this.floating) { this.ownerCt = null; Ext.WindowManager.register(this) } }, initHierarchyEvents: Ext.emptyFn, isVisible: function () { return this.callParent() }, getHierarchyState: function () { var a = this.callParent(); a.hidden = this.hidden; return a }, beforeRender: function () { this.callParent(arguments); if (!this.getSizeModel().width.shrinkWrap) { this.layout.align = "stretch" } }, onBoxReady: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (a.showSeparator) { a.iconSepEl = a.layout.getElementTarget().insertFirst({ cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "menu-icon-separator", html: " " }) } a.mon(a.el, { click: a.onClick, mouseover: a.onMouseOver, scope: a }); a.mouseMonitor = a.el.monitorMouseLeave(100, a.onMouseLeave, a); if (a.enableKeyNav) { a.keyNav = new Ext.menu.KeyNav({ target: a, keyMap: a.getKeyMap() }) } }, getRefOwner: function () { return this.parentMenu || this.ownerButton || this.callParent(arguments) }, canActivateItem: function (a) { return a && !a.isDisabled() && a.isVisible() && (a.canActivate || a.getXTypes().indexOf("menuitem") < 0) }, deactivateActiveItem: function (b) { var c = this, d = c.activeItem, a = c.focusedItem; if (d) { d.deactivate(); if (!d.activated) { delete c.activeItem } } if (a && b) { a.blur(); delete c.focusedItem } }, getFocusEl: function () { return this.focusedItem || this.el }, hide: function () { this.deactivateActiveItem(true); this.callParent(arguments) }, getItemFromEvent: function (a) { return this.getChildByElement(a.getTarget()) }, lookupComponent: function (b) { var a = this; if (typeof b == "string") { b = a.lookupItemFromString(b) } else { if (Ext.isObject(b)) { b = a.lookupItemFromObject(b) } } b.minWidth = b.minWidth || a.minWidth; return b }, lookupItemFromObject: function (c) { var b = this, d = Ext.baseCSSPrefix, a; if (!c.isComponent) { if (!c.xtype) { c = Ext.create("Ext.menu." + (Ext.isBoolean(c.checked) ? "Check" : "") + "Item", c) } else { c = Ext.ComponentManager.create(c, c.xtype) } } if (c.isMenuItem) { c.parentMenu = b } if (!c.isMenuItem && !c.dock) { a = [d + "menu-item-cmp"]; if (!b.plain && (c.indent !== false || c.iconCls === "no-icon")) { a.push(d + "menu-item-indent") } if (c.rendered) { c.el.addCls(a) } else { c.cls = (c.cls || "") + " " + a.join(" ") } } return c }, lookupItemFromString: function (a) { return (a == "separator" || a == "-") ? new Ext.menu.Separator() : new Ext.menu.Item({ canActivate: false, hideOnClick: false, plain: true, text: a }) }, onClick: function (c) { var b = this, a; if (b.disabled) { c.stopEvent(); return } a = (c.type === "click") ? b.getItemFromEvent(c) : b.activeItem; if (a && a.isMenuItem) { if (!a.menu || !b.ignoreParentClicks) { a.onClick(c) } else { c.stopEvent() } } if (!a || a.disabled) { a = undefined } b.fireEvent("click", b, a, c) }, onDestroy: function () { var a = this; Ext.menu.Manager.unregister(a); a.parentMenu = a.ownerButton = null; if (a.rendered) { a.el.un(a.mouseMonitor); Ext.destroy(a.keyNav); a.keyNav = null } a.callParent(arguments) }, onMouseLeave: function (b) { var a = this; a.deactivateActiveItem(); if (a.disabled) { return } a.fireEvent("mouseleave", a, b) }, onMouseOver: function (h) { var g = this, j = h.getRelatedTarget(), b = !g.el.contains(j), d = g.getItemFromEvent(h), c = g.parentMenu, a = g.parentItem; if (b && c) { c.setActiveItem(a); a.cancelDeferHide(); c.mouseMonitor.mouseenter() } if (g.disabled) { return } if (d && !d.activated) { g.setActiveItem(d); if (d.activated && d.expandMenu) { d.expandMenu() } } if (b) { g.fireEvent("mouseenter", g, h) } g.fireEvent("mouseover", g, d, h) }, setActiveItem: function (b) { var a = this; if (b && (b != a.activeItem)) { a.deactivateActiveItem(); if (a.canActivateItem(b)) { if (b.activate) { b.activate(); if (b.activated) { a.activeItem = b; a.focusedItem = b; a.focus() } } else { b.focus(); a.focusedItem = b } } b.el.scrollIntoView(a.layout.getRenderTarget()) } }, showBy: function (b, d, c) { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (!a.hidden) { a.setVerticalPosition() } return a }, beforeShow: function () { var b = this, a; if (b.floating) { b.savedMaxHeight = b.maxHeight; a = b.container.getViewSize().height; b.maxHeight = Math.min(b.maxHeight || a, a) } b.callParent(arguments) }, afterShow: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (a.floating) { a.maxHeight = a.savedMaxHeight } }, setVerticalPosition: function () { var d = this, g, e = d.getY(), h = e, k = d.getHeight(), b = Ext.Element.getViewportHeight().height, c = d.el.parent(), a = c.getViewSize().height, j = e - c.getScroll().top; c = null; if (d.floating) { g = d.maxHeight ? d.maxHeight : a - j; if (k > a) { h = e - j } else { if (g < k) { h = e - (k - g) } else { if ((e + k) > b) { h = b - k } } } } d.setY(h) } }, 0, ["menu"], ["panel", "component", "container", "menu", "box"], { panel: true, component: true, container: true, menu: true, box: true }, ["widget.menu"], 0, [Ext.menu, "Menu"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.menu.ColorPicker", Ext.menu.Menu, { hideOnClick: true, pickerId: null, initComponent: function () { var b = this, a = Ext.apply({}, b.initialConfig); delete a.listeners; Ext.apply(b, { plain: true, showSeparator: false, items: Ext.applyIf({ cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "menu-color-item", id: b.pickerId, xtype: "colorpicker" }, a) }); b.callParent(arguments); b.picker = b.down("colorpicker"); b.relayEvents(b.picker, ["select"]); if (b.hideOnClick) { b.on("select", b.hidePickerOnSelect, b) } }, hidePickerOnSelect: function () { Ext.menu.Manager.hideAll() } }, 0, ["colormenu"], ["panel", "component", "container", "menu", "colormenu", "box"], { panel: true, component: true, container: true, menu: true, colormenu: true, box: true }, ["widget.colormenu"], 0, [Ext.menu, "ColorPicker"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.menu.DatePicker", Ext.menu.Menu, { hideOnClick: true, pickerId: null, initComponent: function () { var b = this, a = Ext.apply({}, b.initialConfig); delete a.listeners; Ext.apply(b, { showSeparator: false, plain: true, border: false, bodyPadding: 0, items: Ext.applyIf({ cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "menu-date-item", id: b.pickerId, xtype: "datepicker" }, a) }); b.callParent(arguments); b.picker = b.down("datepicker"); b.relayEvents(b.picker, ["select"]); if (b.hideOnClick) { b.on("select", b.hidePickerOnSelect, b) } }, hidePickerOnSelect: function () { Ext.menu.Manager.hideAll() } }, 0, ["datemenu"], ["panel", "datemenu", "component", "container", "menu", "box"], { panel: true, datemenu: true, component: true, container: true, menu: true, box: true }, ["widget.datemenu"], 0, [Ext.menu, "DatePicker"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.panel.Tool", Ext.Component, { isTool: true, baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tool", disabledCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tool-disabled", toolPressedCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tool-pressed", toolOverCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tool-over", ariaRole: "button", childEls: ["toolEl"], renderTpl: [''], toolOwner: null, tooltipType: "qtip", stopEvent: true, height: 15, width: 15, initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.addEvents("click"); a.type = a.type || a.id; Ext.applyIf(a.renderData, { baseCls: a.baseCls, blank: Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL, type: a.type }); a.tooltip = a.tooltip || a.qtip; a.callParent() }, afterRender: function () { var b = this, a; b.callParent(arguments); b.el.on({ click: b.onClick, mousedown: b.onMouseDown, mouseover: b.onMouseOver, mouseout: b.onMouseOut, scope: b }); if (b.tooltip) { if (Ext.quickTipsActive && Ext.isObject(b.tooltip)) { Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.register(Ext.apply({ target: b.id }, b.tooltip)) } else { a = b.tooltipType == "qtip" ? "data-qtip" : "title"; b.el.dom.setAttribute(a, b.tooltip) } } }, getFocusEl: function () { return this.el }, setType: function (a) { var b = this, c = b.type; b.type = a; if (b.rendered) { if (c) { b.toolEl.removeCls(b.baseCls + "-" + c) } b.toolEl.addCls(b.baseCls + "-" + a) } else { b.renderData.type = a } return b }, onClick: function (c, b) { var a = this; if (a.disabled) { return false } a.el.removeCls(a.toolPressedCls); a.el.removeCls(a.toolOverCls); if (a.stopEvent !== false) { c.stopEvent() } if (a.handler) { Ext.callback(a.handler, a.scope || a, [c, b, a.ownerCt, a]) } else { if (a.callback) { Ext.callback(a.callback, a.scope || a, [a.toolOwner || a.ownerCt, a, c]) } } a.fireEvent("click", a, c); return true }, onDestroy: function () { if (Ext.quickTipsActive && Ext.isObject(this.tooltip)) { Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.unregister(this.id) } this.callParent() }, onMouseDown: function () { if (this.disabled) { return false } this.el.addCls(this.toolPressedCls) }, onMouseOver: function () { if (this.disabled) { return false } this.el.addCls(this.toolOverCls) }, onMouseOut: function () { this.el.removeCls(this.toolOverCls) } }, 0, ["tool"], ["component", "tool", "box"], { component: true, tool: true, box: true }, ["widget.tool"], 0, [Ext.panel, "Tool"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.resizer.SplitterTracker", Ext.dd.DragTracker, { enabled: true, overlayCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "resizable-overlay", createDragOverlay: function () { var a; a = this.overlay = Ext.getBody().createChild({ cls: this.overlayCls, html: " " }); a.unselectable(); a.setSize(Ext.Element.getViewWidth(true), Ext.Element.getViewHeight(true)); a.show() }, getPrevCmp: function () { var a = this.getSplitter(); return a.previousSibling(":not([hidden])") }, getNextCmp: function () { var a = this.getSplitter(); return a.nextSibling(":not([hidden])") }, onBeforeStart: function (j) { var d = this, g = d.getPrevCmp(), a = d.getNextCmp(), c = d.getSplitter().collapseEl, h = j.getTarget(), b; if (!g || !a) { return false } if (c && h === d.getSplitter().collapseEl.dom) { return false } if (a.collapsed || g.collapsed) { return false } d.prevBox = g.getEl().getBox(); d.nextBox = a.getEl().getBox(); d.constrainTo = b = d.calculateConstrainRegion(); if (!b) { return false } return b }, onStart: function (b) { var a = this.getSplitter(); this.createDragOverlay(); a.addCls(a.baseCls + "-active") }, calculateConstrainRegion: function () { var h = this, a = h.getSplitter(), j = a.getWidth(), k = a.defaultSplitMin, b = a.orientation, e = h.prevBox, l = h.getPrevCmp(), c = h.nextBox, g = h.getNextCmp(), n, m, d; if (b === "vertical") { d = { prevCmp: l, nextCmp: g, prevBox: e, nextBox: c, defaultMin: k, splitWidth: j }; n = new Ext.util.Region(e.y, h.getVertPrevConstrainRight(d), e.bottom, h.getVertPrevConstrainLeft(d)); m = new Ext.util.Region(c.y, h.getVertNextConstrainRight(d), c.bottom, h.getVertNextConstrainLeft(d)) } else { n = new Ext.util.Region(e.y + (l.minHeight || k), e.right, (l.maxHeight ? e.y + l.maxHeight : c.bottom - (g.minHeight || k)) + j, e.x); m = new Ext.util.Region((g.maxHeight ? c.bottom - g.maxHeight : e.y + (l.minHeight || k)) - j, c.right, c.bottom - (g.minHeight || k), c.x) } return n.intersect(m) }, performResize: function (n, h) { var p = this, a = p.getSplitter(), j = a.orientation, q = p.getPrevCmp(), o = p.getNextCmp(), b = a.ownerCt, l = b.query(">[flex]"), m = l.length, c = j === "vertical", k = 0, g = c ? "width" : "height", d = 0, r, s; for (; k < m; k++) { r = l[k]; s = c ? r.getWidth() : r.getHeight(); d += s; r.flex = s } h = c ? h[0] : h[1]; if (q) { s = p.prevBox[g] + h; if (q.flex) { q.flex = s } else { q[g] = s } } if (o) { s = p.nextBox[g] - h; if (o.flex) { o.flex = s } else { o[g] = s } } b.updateLayout() }, endDrag: function () { var a = this; if (a.overlay) { a.overlay.remove(); delete a.overlay } a.callParent(arguments) }, onEnd: function (c) { var a = this, b = a.getSplitter(); b.removeCls(b.baseCls + "-active"); a.performResize(c, a.getResizeOffset()) }, onDrag: function (g) { var c = this, h = c.getOffset("dragTarget"), d = c.getSplitter(), b = d.getEl(), a = d.orientation; if (a === "vertical") { b.setX(c.startRegion.left + h[0]) } else { b.setY(c.startRegion.top + h[1]) } }, getSplitter: function () { return this.splitter }, getVertPrevConstrainRight: function (a) { return (a.prevCmp.maxWidth ? a.prevBox.x + a.prevCmp.maxWidth : a.nextBox.right - (a.nextCmp.minWidth || a.defaultMin)) + a.splitWidth }, getVertPrevConstrainLeft: function (a) { return a.prevBox.x + (a.prevCmp.minWidth || a.defaultMin) }, getVertNextConstrainRight: function (a) { return a.nextBox.right - (a.nextCmp.minWidth || a.defaultMin) }, getVertNextConstrainLeft: function (a) { return (a.nextCmp.maxWidth ? a.nextBox.right - a.nextCmp.maxWidth : a.prevBox.x + (a.prevBox.minWidth || a.defaultMin)) - a.splitWidth }, getResizeOffset: function () { return this.getOffset("dragTarget") } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.resizer, "SplitterTracker"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.resizer.BorderSplitterTracker", Ext.resizer.SplitterTracker, { getPrevCmp: null, getNextCmp: null, calculateConstrainRegion: function () { var y = this, a = y.splitter, o = a.collapseTarget, d = a.defaultSplitMin, h = a.vertical ? "Width" : "Height", c = "min" + h, u = "max" + h, j = "get" + h, t = a.neighbors, e = t.length, n = o.el.getBox(), g = n.x, p = n.y, x = n.right, k = n.bottom, r = a.vertical ? (x - g) : (k - p), w, l, m, v, s, q, b; m = (o[c] || Math.min(r, d)) - r; v = o[u]; if (!v) { v = 1000000000 } else { v -= r } b = r; for (w = 0; w < e; ++w) { l = t[w]; r = l[j](); s = r - l[u]; q = r - (l[c] || Math.min(r, d)); if (!isNaN(s)) { if (m < s) { m = s } } if (v > q) { v = q } } if (v - m < 2) { return null } n = new Ext.util.Region(p, x, k, g); y.constraintAdjusters[y.getCollapseDirection()](n, m, v, a); y.dragInfo = { minRange: m, maxRange: v, targetSize: b }; return n }, constraintAdjusters: { left: function (c, a, b, d) { c[0] = c.x = c.left = c.right + a; c.right += b + d.getWidth() }, top: function (c, a, b, d) { c[1] = c.y = c.top = c.bottom + a; c.bottom += b + d.getHeight() }, bottom: function (c, a, b, d) { c.bottom = c.top - a; c.top -= b + d.getHeight() }, right: function (c, a, b, d) { c.right = c.left - a; c[0] = c.x = c.left = c.x - b + d.getWidth() } }, onBeforeStart: function (h) { var k = this, b = k.splitter, a = b.collapseTarget, m = b.neighbors, d = k.getSplitter().collapseEl, j = h.getTarget(), c = m.length, g, l; if (d && j === b.collapseEl.dom) { return false } if (a.collapsed) { return false } for (g = 0; g < c; ++g) { l = m[g]; if (l.collapsed && l.isHorz === a.isHorz) { return false } } if (!(k.constrainTo = k.calculateConstrainRegion())) { return false } return true }, performResize: function (k, j) { var l = this, b = l.splitter, h = b.getCollapseDirection(), a = b.collapseTarget, g = l.splitAdjusters[b.vertical ? "horz" : "vert"], m = j[g.index], d = l.dragInfo, c; if (h == "right" || h == "bottom") { m = -m } m = Math.min(Math.max(d.minRange, m), d.maxRange); if (m) { (c = b.ownerCt).suspendLayouts(); g.adjustTarget(a, d.targetSize, m); c.resumeLayouts(true) } }, splitAdjusters: { horz: { index: 0, adjustTarget: function (b, a, c) { b.flex = null; b.setSize(a + c) } }, vert: { index: 1, adjustTarget: function (b, a, c) { b.flex = null; b.setSize(undefined, a + c) } } }, getCollapseDirection: function () { return this.splitter.getCollapseDirection() } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.resizer, "BorderSplitterTracker"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.resizer.Handle", Ext.Component, { handleCls: "", baseHandleCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "resizable-handle", region: "", beforeRender: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); a.protoEl.unselectable(); a.addCls(a.baseHandleCls, a.baseHandleCls + "-" + a.region, a.handleCls) } }, 0, 0, ["component", "box"], { component: true, box: true }, 0, 0, [Ext.resizer, "Handle"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.resizer.ResizeTracker", Ext.dd.DragTracker, { dynamic: true, preserveRatio: false, constrainTo: null, proxyCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "resizable-proxy", constructor: function (b) { var d = this, c, a, e; if (!b.el) { if (b.target.isComponent) { d.el = b.target.getEl() } else { d.el = b.target } } this.callParent(arguments); if (d.preserveRatio && d.minWidth && d.minHeight) { c = d.minWidth / d.el.getWidth(); a = d.minHeight / d.el.getHeight(); if (a > c) { d.minWidth = d.el.getWidth() * a } else { d.minHeight = d.el.getHeight() * c } } if (d.throttle) { e = Ext.Function.createThrottled(function () { Ext.resizer.ResizeTracker.prototype.resize.apply(d, arguments) }, d.throttle); d.resize = function (h, j, g) { if (g) { Ext.resizer.ResizeTracker.prototype.resize.apply(d, arguments) } else { e.apply(null, arguments) } } } }, onBeforeStart: function (a) { this.startBox = this.target.getBox() }, getDynamicTarget: function () { var a = this, b = a.target; if (a.dynamic) { return b } else { if (!a.proxy) { a.proxy = a.createProxy(b) } } a.proxy.show(); return a.proxy }, createProxy: function (c) { var b, a = this.proxyCls; if (c.isComponent) { b = c.getProxy().addCls(a) } else { b = c.createProxy({ tag: "div", cls: a, id: c.id + "-rzproxy" }, Ext.getBody()) } b.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "proxy-el"); return b }, onStart: function (a) { this.activeResizeHandle = Ext.get(this.getDragTarget().id); if (!this.dynamic) { this.resize(this.startBox, { horizontal: "none", vertical: "none" }) } }, onDrag: function (a) { if (this.dynamic || this.proxy) { this.updateDimensions(a) } }, updateDimensions: function (t, n) { var u = this, c = u.activeResizeHandle.region, g = u.getOffset(u.constrainTo ? "dragTarget" : null), l = u.startBox, h, q = 0, v = 0, k, r, a = 0, x = 0, w, o = g[0] < 0 ? "right" : "left", s = g[1] < 0 ? "down" : "up", j, b, d, p, m; c = u.convertRegionName(c); switch (c) { case "south": v = g[1]; b = 2; break; case "north": v = -g[1]; x = -v; b = 2; break; case "east": q = g[0]; b = 1; break; case "west": q = -g[0]; a = -q; b = 1; break; case "northeast": v = -g[1]; x = -v; q = g[0]; j = [l.x, l.y + l.height]; b = 3; break; case "southeast": v = g[1]; q = g[0]; j = [l.x, l.y]; b = 3; break; case "southwest": q = -g[0]; a = -q; v = g[1]; j = [l.x + l.width, l.y]; b = 3; break; case "northwest": v = -g[1]; x = -v; q = -g[0]; a = -q; j = [l.x + l.width, l.y + l.height]; b = 3; break } d = { width: l.width + q, height: l.height + v, x: l.x + a, y: l.y + x }; k = Ext.Number.snap(d.width, u.widthIncrement); r = Ext.Number.snap(d.height, u.heightIncrement); if (k != d.width || r != d.height) { switch (c) { case "northeast": d.y -= r - d.height; break; case "north": d.y -= r - d.height; break; case "southwest": d.x -= k - d.width; break; case "west": d.x -= k - d.width; break; case "northwest": d.x -= k - d.width; d.y -= r - d.height } d.width = k; d.height = r } if (d.width < u.minWidth || d.width > u.maxWidth) { d.width = Ext.Number.constrain(d.width, u.minWidth, u.maxWidth); if (a) { d.x = l.x + (l.width - d.width) } } else { u.lastX = d.x } if (d.height < u.minHeight || d.height > u.maxHeight) { d.height = Ext.Number.constrain(d.height, u.minHeight, u.maxHeight); if (x) { d.y = l.y + (l.height - d.height) } } else { u.lastY = d.y } if (u.preserveRatio || t.shiftKey) { h = u.startBox.width / u.startBox.height; p = Math.min(Math.max(u.minHeight, d.width / h), u.maxHeight); m = Math.min(Math.max(u.minWidth, d.height * h), u.maxWidth); if (b == 1) { d.height = p } else { if (b == 2) { d.width = m } else { w = Math.abs(j[0] - this.lastXY[0]) / Math.abs(j[1] - this.lastXY[1]); if (w > h) { d.height = p } else { d.width = m } if (c == "northeast") { d.y = l.y - (d.height - l.height) } else { if (c == "northwest") { d.y = l.y - (d.height - l.height); d.x = l.x - (d.width - l.width) } else { if (c == "southwest") { d.x = l.x - (d.width - l.width) } } } } } } if (v === 0) { s = "none" } if (q === 0) { o = "none" } u.resize(d, { horizontal: o, vertical: s }, n) }, getResizeTarget: function (a) { return a ? this.target : this.getDynamicTarget() }, resize: function (c, e, a) { var b = this, d = b.getResizeTarget(a); d.setBox(c); if (b.originalTarget && (b.dynamic || a)) { b.originalTarget.setBox(c) } }, onEnd: function (a) { this.updateDimensions(a, true); if (this.proxy) { this.proxy.hide() } }, convertRegionName: function (a) { return a } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.resizer, "ResizeTracker"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.resizer.Resizer", Ext.Base, { alternateClassName: "Ext.Resizable", handleCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "resizable-handle", pinnedCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "resizable-pinned", overCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "resizable-over", wrapCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "resizable-wrap", delimiterRe: /(?:\s*[,;]\s*)|\s+/, dynamic: true, handles: "s e se", height: null, width: null, heightIncrement: 0, widthIncrement: 0, minHeight: 20, minWidth: 20, maxHeight: 10000, maxWidth: 10000, pinned: false, preserveRatio: false, transparent: false, possiblePositions: { n: "north", s: "south", e: "east", w: "west", se: "southeast", sw: "southwest", nw: "northwest", ne: "northeast" }, constructor: function (b) { var m = this, j, q, s, r = m.handles, c, p, g, d = 0, o, n = [], h, a, e, l, k = Ext.dom.Element.unselectableCls; m.addEvents("beforeresize", "resizedrag", "resize"); if (Ext.isString(b) || Ext.isElement(b) || b.dom) { j = b; b = arguments[1] || {}; b.target = j } m.mixins.observable.constructor.call(m, b); j = m.target; if (j) { if (j.isComponent) { j.addClsWithUI("resizable"); m.el = j.getEl(); if (j.minWidth) { m.minWidth = j.minWidth } if (j.minHeight) { m.minHeight = j.minHeight } if (j.maxWidth) { m.maxWidth = j.maxWidth } if (j.maxHeight) { m.maxHeight = j.maxHeight } if (j.floating) { if (!m.hasOwnProperty("handles")) { m.handles = "n ne e se s sw w nw" } } } else { m.el = m.target = Ext.get(j) } } else { m.target = m.el = Ext.get(m.el) } s = m.el.dom.tagName.toUpperCase(); if (s == "TEXTAREA" || s == "IMG" || s == "TABLE") { m.originalTarget = m.target; q = m.el; e = q.getBox(); m.target = m.el = m.el.wrap({ cls: m.wrapCls, id: m.el.id + "-rzwrap", style: q.getStyles("margin-top", "margin-bottom") }); m.el.setPositioning(q.getPositioning()); q.clearPositioning(); m.el.setBox(e); q.setStyle("position", "absolute") } m.el.position(); if (m.pinned) { m.el.addCls(m.pinnedCls) } m.resizeTracker = new Ext.resizer.ResizeTracker({ disabled: m.disabled, target: m.target, constrainTo: m.constrainTo, overCls: m.overCls, throttle: m.throttle, originalTarget: m.originalTarget, delegate: "." + m.handleCls, dynamic: m.dynamic, preserveRatio: m.preserveRatio, heightIncrement: m.heightIncrement, widthIncrement: m.widthIncrement, minHeight: m.minHeight, maxHeight: m.maxHeight, minWidth: m.minWidth, maxWidth: m.maxWidth }); m.resizeTracker.on({ mousedown: m.onBeforeResize, drag: m.onResize, dragend: m.onResizeEnd, scope: m }); if (m.handles == "all") { m.handles = "n s e w ne nw se sw" } r = m.handles = m.handles.split(m.delimiterRe); p = m.possiblePositions; g = r.length; c = m.handleCls + " " + m.handleCls + "-{0}"; if (m.target.isComponent) { l = m.target.baseCls; c += " " + l + "-handle " + l + "-handle-{0}"; if (Ext.supports.CSS3BorderRadius) { c += " " + l + "-handle-{0}-br" } } h = Ext.isIE6 ? ' style="height:' + m.el.getHeight() + 'px"' : ""; for (; d < g; d++) { if (r[d] && p[r[d]]) { o = p[r[d]]; if (o === "east" || o === "west") { a = h } else { a = "" } n.push('
    ") } } Ext.DomHelper.append(m.el, n.join("")); for (d = 0; d < g; d++) { if (r[d] && p[r[d]]) { o = p[r[d]]; m[o] = m.el.getById(m.el.id + "-" + o + "-handle"); m[o].region = o; if (m.transparent) { m[o].setOpacity(0) } } } if (Ext.isNumber(m.width)) { m.width = Ext.Number.constrain(m.width, m.minWidth, m.maxWidth) } if (Ext.isNumber(m.height)) { m.height = Ext.Number.constrain(m.height, m.minHeight, m.maxHeight) } if (m.width !== null || m.height !== null) { if (m.originalTarget) { m.originalTarget.setWidth(m.width); m.originalTarget.setHeight(m.height) } m.resizeTo(m.width, m.height) } m.forceHandlesHeight() }, disable: function () { this.resizeTracker.disable() }, enable: function () { this.resizeTracker.enable() }, onBeforeResize: function (b, c) { var a = this.el.getBox(); return this.fireEvent("beforeresize", this, a.width, a.height, c) }, onResize: function (c, d) { var b = this, a = b.el.getBox(); b.forceHandlesHeight(); return b.fireEvent("resizedrag", b, a.width, a.height, d) }, onResizeEnd: function (c, d) { var b = this, a = b.el.getBox(); b.forceHandlesHeight(); return b.fireEvent("resize", b, a.width, a.height, d) }, resizeTo: function (b, a) { var c = this; c.target.setSize(b, a); c.fireEvent("resize", c, b, a, null) }, getEl: function () { return this.el }, getTarget: function () { return this.target }, destroy: function () { var e = this, d, c = e.handles, a = c.length, b = e.possiblePositions, g; e.resizeTracker.destroy(); for (d = 0; d < a; d++) { if (g = e[b[c[d]]]) { g.remove() } } }, forceHandlesHeight: function () { var a = this, b; if (Ext.isIE6) { b = a.east; if (b) { b.setHeight(a.el.getHeight()) } b = a.west; if (b) { b.setHeight(a.el.getHeight()) } a.el.repaint() } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.resizer, "Resizer", Ext, "Resizable"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.selection.CellModel", Ext.selection.Model, { isCellModel: true, enableKeyNav: true, preventWrap: false, noSelection: { row: -1, column: -1 }, constructor: function () { this.addEvents("deselect", "select"); this.callParent(arguments) }, bindComponent: function (a) { var c = this, b = a.ownerCt; c.primaryView = a; c.views = c.views || []; c.views.push(a); c.bindStore(a.getStore(), true); a.on({ cellmousedown: c.onMouseDown, refresh: c.onViewRefresh, scope: c }); if (b.optimizedColumnMove !== false) { b.on("columnmove", c.onColumnMove, c) } if (c.enableKeyNav) { c.initKeyNav(a) } }, initKeyNav: function (a) { var b = this; if (!a.rendered) { a.on("render", Ext.Function.bind(b.initKeyNav, b, [a], 0), b, { single: true }); return } a.el.set({ tabIndex: -1 }); b.keyNav = new Ext.util.KeyNav({ target: a.el, ignoreInputFields: true, up: b.onKeyUp, down: b.onKeyDown, right: b.onKeyRight, left: b.onKeyLeft, tab: b.onKeyTab, scope: b }) }, getHeaderCt: function () { var b = this.getCurrentPosition(), a = b ? b.view : this.primaryView; return a.headerCt }, onKeyUp: function (a) { this.doMove("up", a) }, onKeyDown: function (a) { this.doMove("down", a) }, onKeyLeft: function (a) { this.doMove("left", a) }, onKeyRight: function (a) { this.doMove("right", a) }, doMove: function (b, a) { this.keyNavigation = true; this.move(b, a); this.keyNavigation = false }, onVetoUIEvent: Ext.emptyFn, select: function (h, e, b) { var d = this, g, c = d.getCurrentPosition(), a = d.view.store; if (h || h === 0) { if (h.isModel) { g = a.indexOf(h); if (g !== -1) { h = { row: g, column: c ? c.column : 0 } } else { h = null } } else { if (typeof h === "number") { h = { row: h, column: 0 } } } } if (h) { d.selectByPosition(h, b) } else { d.deselect() } }, deselect: function (a, b) { this.selectByPosition(null, b) }, move: function (a, d) { var c = this, g = c.getCurrentPosition(), b; if (g) { b = g.view.walkCells(g, a, d, c.preventWrap); if (b) { b.view = g.view; return c.setCurrentPosition(b) } } }, getCurrentPosition: function () { return this.selecting ? this.nextSelection : this.selection }, setCurrentPosition: function (d, a) { var c = this, b = c.selection; c.lastSelection = b; if (b) { if (d && (d.record === b.record && d.columnHeader === b.columnHeader && d.view === b.view)) { d = null } else { c.onCellDeselect(c.selection, a) } } if (d) { c.nextSelection = new Ext.grid.CellContext(c.primaryView).setPosition(d); c.selecting = true; c.onCellSelect(c.nextSelection, a); c.selecting = false; return (c.selection = c.nextSelection) } }, isCellSelected: function (a, e, c) { var d = this, b, g = d.getCurrentPosition(); if (g && g.view === a) { b = new Ext.grid.CellContext(a).setPosition({ row: e, column: c }); return (b.record === g.record) && (b.columnHeader === g.columnHeader) } }, onStoreRemove: function (k, b, e) { var h = this, j = h.getCurrentPosition(), c, a = b.length, g, d = 0; h.callParent(arguments); if (j) { if (e[0] > j.row) { return } for (c = 0; c < a; c++) { g = e[c]; if (g < j.row) { d++ } else { break } } if (d) { j.setRow(j.row - d) } } }, onMouseDown: function (c, a, g, b, j, d, h) { if (d !== -1) { this.setCurrentPosition({ view: c, row: j, column: g }) } }, onCellSelect: function (a, b) { if (a && a.row !== undefined && a.row > -1) { this.doSelect(a.record, false, b) } }, onCellDeselect: function (a, b) { if (a && a.row !== undefined) { this.doDeselect(a.record, b) } }, onSelectChange: function (b, e, d, h) { var g = this, j, c, a; if (e) { j = g.nextSelection; c = "select" } else { j = g.lastSelection || g.noSelection; c = "deselect" } a = j.view || g.primaryView; if ((d || g.fireEvent("before" + c, g, b, j.row, j.column)) !== false && h() !== false) { if (e) { a.focusRow(b, true); a.onCellSelect(j) } else { a.onCellDeselect(j); delete g.selection } if (!d) { g.fireEvent(c, g, b, j.row, j.column) } } }, onKeyTab: function (d, b) { var c = this, g = c.getCurrentPosition(), a; if (g) { a = g.view.editingPlugin; if (a && c.wasEditing) { c.onEditorTab(a, d) } else { c.move(d.shiftKey ? "left" : "right", d) } } }, onEditorTab: function (b, g) { var c = this, d = g.shiftKey ? "left" : "right", a = c.move(d, g); if (a) { if (b.startEdit(a.record, a.columnHeader)) { c.wasEditing = false } else { c.wasEditing = true } } }, refresh: function () { var b = this.getCurrentPosition(), a; if (b && (a = this.store.indexOf(this.selected.last())) !== -1) { b.row = a } }, onColumnMove: function (d, e, b, c) { var a = d.up("tablepanel"); if (a) { this.onViewRefresh(a.view) } }, onUpdate: function (a) { var b = this, c; if (b.isSelected(a)) { c = b.selecting ? b.nextSelection : b.selection; b.view.onCellSelect(c) } }, onViewRefresh: function (b) { var c = this, g = c.getCurrentPosition(), e = b.headerCt, a, d; if (g && g.view === b) { a = g.record; d = g.columnHeader; if (!d.isDescendantOf(e)) { d = e.queryById(d.id) || e.down('[text="' + d.text + '"]') || e.down('[dataIndex="' + d.dataIndex + '"]') } if (d && (b.store.indexOfId(a.getId()) !== -1)) { c.setCurrentPosition({ row: a, column: d, view: b }) } } }, selectByPosition: function (a, b) { this.setCurrentPosition(a, b) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["selection.cellmodel"], 0, [Ext.selection, "CellModel"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.selection.RowModel", Ext.selection.Model, { deltaScroll: 5, enableKeyNav: true, ignoreRightMouseSelection: false, constructor: function () { this.addEvents("beforedeselect", "beforeselect", "deselect", "select"); this.views = []; this.callParent(arguments) }, bindComponent: function (a) { var b = this; a.on({ itemmousedown: b.onRowMouseDown, itemclick: b.onRowClick, scope: b }); if (b.enableKeyNav) { b.initKeyNav(a) } }, initKeyNav: function (a) { var b = this; if (!a.rendered) { a.on("render", Ext.Function.bind(b.initKeyNav, b, [a], 0), b, { single: true }); return } a.el.set({ tabIndex: -1 }); b.keyNav = new Ext.util.KeyNav({ target: a, ignoreInputFields: true, eventName: "itemkeydown", processEvent: function (d, c, h, e, g) { g.record = c; g.recordIndex = e; return g }, up: b.onKeyUp, down: b.onKeyDown, right: b.onKeyRight, left: b.onKeyLeft, pageDown: b.onKeyPageDown, pageUp: b.onKeyPageUp, home: b.onKeyHome, end: b.onKeyEnd, space: b.onKeySpace, enter: b.onKeyEnter, scope: b }) }, onUpdate: function (b) { var d = this, a = d.view, c; if (a && d.isSelected(b)) { c = a.indexOf(b); a.onRowSelect(c); if (b === d.lastFocused) { a.onRowFocus(c, true) } } }, getRowsVisible: function () { var e = false, a = this.views[0], d = a.all.first(), b, c; if (d) { b = d.getHeight(); c = a.el.getHeight(); e = Math.floor(c / b) } return e }, onKeyEnd: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.views[0]; if (a.bufferedRenderer) { a.bufferedRenderer.scrollTo(b.store.getCount() - 1, false, function (e, d) { b.afterKeyNavigate(c, d) }) } else { b.afterKeyNavigate(c, a.getRecord(a.all.getCount() - 1)) } }, onKeyHome: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.views[0]; if (a.bufferedRenderer) { a.bufferedRenderer.scrollTo(0, false, function (e, d) { b.afterKeyNavigate(c, d) }) } else { b.afterKeyNavigate(c, a.getRecord(0)) } }, onKeyPageUp: function (g) { var d = this, a = d.views[0], h = d.getRowsVisible(), c, b; if (h) { if (a.bufferedRenderer) { c = Math.max(g.recordIndex - h, 0); (d.lastKeyEvent || (d.lastKeyEvent = new Ext.EventObjectImpl())).setEvent(g.browserEvent); a.bufferedRenderer.scrollTo(c, false, d.afterBufferedScrollTo, d) } else { b = a.walkRecs(g.record, -h); d.afterKeyNavigate(g, b) } } }, onKeyPageDown: function (g) { var d = this, a = d.views[0], h = d.getRowsVisible(), c, b; if (h) { if (a.bufferedRenderer) { c = Math.min(g.recordIndex + h, d.store.getCount() - 1); (d.lastKeyEvent || (d.lastKeyEvent = new Ext.EventObjectImpl())).setEvent(g.browserEvent); a.bufferedRenderer.scrollTo(c, false, d.afterBufferedScrollTo, d) } else { b = a.walkRecs(g.record, h); d.afterKeyNavigate(g, b) } } }, onKeySpace: function (b) { var a = this.lastFocused; if (a) { this.afterKeyNavigate(b, a) } }, onKeyEnter: Ext.emptyFn, onKeyUp: function (b) { var a = this.views[0].walkRecs(b.record, -1); if (a) { this.afterKeyNavigate(b, a) } }, onKeyDown: function (b) { var a = this.views[0].walkRecs(b.record, 1); if (a) { this.afterKeyNavigate(b, a) } }, afterBufferedScrollTo: function (b, a) { this.afterKeyNavigate(this.lastKeyEvent, a) }, scrollByDeltaX: function (d) { var a = this.views[0], c = a.up(), b = c.horizontalScroller; if (b) { b.scrollByDeltaX(d) } }, onKeyLeft: function (a) { this.scrollByDeltaX(-this.deltaScroll) }, onKeyRight: function (a) { this.scrollByDeltaX(this.deltaScroll) }, onRowMouseDown: function (b, a, g, c, h) { var d = this; if (c !== -1) { if (!d.allowRightMouseSelection(h)) { return } if (!d.isSelected(a)) { d.mousedownAction = true; d.processSelection(b, a, g, c, h) } else { d.mousedownAction = false } } }, onVetoUIEvent: function (g, c, a, j, d, h, b) { if (g == "mousedown") { this.mousedownAction = !this.isSelected(b) } }, onRowClick: function (b, a, d, c, g) { if (this.mousedownAction) { this.mousedownAction = false } else { this.processSelection(b, a, d, c, g) } }, processSelection: function (b, a, d, c, g) { this.selectWithEvent(a, g) }, allowRightMouseSelection: function (a) { var b = this.ignoreRightMouseSelection && a.button !== 0; if (b) { b = this.hasSelection() } return !b }, onSelectChange: function (g, c, k, a) { var j = this, l = j.views, d = l.length, b = l[0].indexOf(g), h = c ? "select" : "deselect", e = 0; if ((k || j.fireEvent("before" + h, j, g, b)) !== false && a() !== false) { for (; e < d; e++) { if (c) { l[e].onRowSelect(b, k) } else { l[e].onRowDeselect(b, k) } } if (!k) { j.fireEvent(h, j, g, b) } } }, onLastFocusChanged: function (h, c, b) { var a = this.views, g = a.length, e, d = 0; if (h) { e = a[0].indexOf(h); if (e != -1) { for (; d < g; d++) { a[d].onRowFocus(e, false, true) } } } if (c) { e = a[0].indexOf(c); if (e != -1) { for (d = 0; d < g; d++) { a[d].onRowFocus(e, true, b) } } } this.callParent(arguments) }, onEditorTab: function (d, j) { var g = this, c = g.views[0], b = d.getActiveRecord(), k = d.getActiveColumn(), a = c.getPosition(b, k), h = j.shiftKey ? "left" : "right"; do { a = c.walkCells(a, h, j, g.preventWrap) } while (a && (!a.columnHeader.getEditor(b) || !d.startEditByPosition(a))) }, getCurrentPosition: function () { var a = this.selected.items[0]; if (a) { return new Ext.grid.CellContext(this.view).setPosition(this.store.indexOf(a), 0) } }, selectByPosition: function (a) { this.select(this.store.getAt(a.row)) }, selectNext: function (h, c) { var g = this, b = g.store, e = g.getSelection(), a = e[e.length - 1], d = g.views[0].indexOf(a) + 1, j; if (d === b.getCount() || d === 0) { j = false } else { g.doSelect(d, h, c); j = true } return j }, selectPrevious: function (g, b) { var e = this, d = e.getSelection(), a = d[0], c = e.views[0].indexOf(a) - 1, h; if (c < 0) { h = false } else { e.doSelect(c, g, b); h = true } return h }, isRowSelected: function (a, b) { return this.isSelected(a) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["selection.rowmodel"], 0, [Ext.selection, "RowModel"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.selection.TreeModel", Ext.selection.RowModel, { constructor: function (a) { this.callParent(arguments); if (this.pruneRemoved) { this.pruneRemoved = false; this.pruneRemovedNodes = true } }, bindStore: function (a, b) { var c = this; c.callParent(arguments); if (c.pruneRemovedNodes) { c.view.mon(c.treeStore, { remove: c.onNodeRemove, scope: c }) } }, onNodeRemove: function (b, c, a) { if (!a) { this.deselectDeletedRecords([c]) } }, onKeyRight: function (b, a) { this.navExpand(b, a) }, navExpand: function (d, b) { var c = this.getLastFocused(), a = this.view; if (c) { if (c.isExpanded()) { this.onKeyDown(d, b) } else { if (c.isExpandable()) { if (!a.isTreeView) { a = a.lockingPartner } a.expand(c) } } } }, onKeyLeft: function (b, a) { this.navCollapse(b, a) }, navCollapse: function (h, c) { var d = this, g = this.getLastFocused(), b = this.view, a; if (g) { a = g.parentNode; if (g.isExpanded()) { if (!b.isTreeView) { b = b.lockingPartner } b.collapse(g) } else { if (a && !a.isRoot()) { if (h.shiftKey) { d.selectRange(a, g, h.ctrlKey, "up"); d.setLastFocused(a) } else { if (h.ctrlKey) { d.setLastFocused(a) } else { d.select(a) } } } } } }, onKeySpace: function (b, a) { if (b.record.data.checked != null) { this.toggleCheck(b) } else { this.callParent(arguments) } }, onKeyEnter: function (b, a) { if (b.record.data.checked != null) { this.toggleCheck(b) } else { this.callParent(arguments) } }, toggleCheck: function (c) { var a = this.view, b = this.getLastSelected(); c.stopEvent(); if (b) { if (!a.isTreeView) { a = a.lockingPartner } a.onCheckChange(b) } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["selection.treemodel"], 0, [Ext.selection, "TreeModel"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.slider.Thumb", Ext.Base, { topZIndex: 10000, constructor: function (a) { var b = this; Ext.apply(b, a || {}, { cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "slider-thumb", constrain: false }); b.callParent([a]) }, render: function () { var a = this; a.el = a.slider.innerEl.insertFirst(a.getElConfig()); a.onRender() }, onRender: function () { if (this.disabled) { this.disable() } this.initEvents() }, getElConfig: function () { var c = this, b = c.slider, a = {}; a[b.vertical ? "bottom" : b.horizontalProp] = b.calculateThumbPosition(b.normalizeValue(c.value)) + "%"; return { style: a, id: this.id, cls: this.cls } }, move: function (c, b) { var g = this, d = g.el, e = g.slider, a = e.vertical ? "bottom" : e.horizontalProp, j, h; c += "%"; if (!b) { d.dom.style[a] = c } else { j = {}; j[a] = c; if (!Ext.supports.GetPositionPercentage) { h = {}; h[a] = d.dom.style[a] } new Ext.fx.Anim({ target: d, duration: 350, from: h, to: j }) } }, bringToFront: function () { this.el.setStyle("zIndex", this.topZIndex) }, sendToBack: function () { this.el.setStyle("zIndex", "") }, enable: function () { var a = this; a.disabled = false; if (a.el) { a.el.removeCls(a.slider.disabledCls) } }, disable: function () { var a = this; a.disabled = true; if (a.el) { a.el.addCls(a.slider.disabledCls) } }, initEvents: function () { var b = this, a = b.el; b.tracker = new Ext.dd.DragTracker({ onBeforeStart: Ext.Function.bind(b.onBeforeDragStart, b), onStart: Ext.Function.bind(b.onDragStart, b), onDrag: Ext.Function.bind(b.onDrag, b), onEnd: Ext.Function.bind(b.onDragEnd, b), tolerance: 3, autoStart: 300, overCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "slider-thumb-over" }); b.tracker.initEl(a) }, onBeforeDragStart: function (a) { if (this.disabled) { return false } else { this.slider.promoteThumb(this); return true } }, onDragStart: function (c) { var b = this, a = b.slider; a.onDragStart(b, c); b.el.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "slider-thumb-drag"); b.dragging = b.slider.dragging = true; b.dragStartValue = b.value; a.fireEvent("dragstart", a, c, b) }, onDrag: function (h) { var d = this, c = d.slider, b = d.index, g = d.getValueFromTracker(), a, j; if (g !== undefined) { if (d.constrain) { a = c.thumbs[b + 1]; j = c.thumbs[b - 1]; if (j !== undefined && g <= j.value) { g = j.value } if (a !== undefined && g >= a.value) { g = a.value } } c.setValue(b, g, false); c.fireEvent("drag", c, h, d) } }, getValueFromTracker: function () { var a = this.slider, b = a.getTrackpoint(this.tracker.getXY()); if (b !== undefined) { return a.reversePixelValue(b) } }, onDragEnd: function (d) { var b = this, a = b.slider, c = b.value; a.onDragEnd(b, d); b.el.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "slider-thumb-drag"); b.dragging = a.dragging = false; a.fireEvent("dragend", a, d); if (b.dragStartValue != c) { a.fireEvent("changecomplete", a, c, b) } }, destroy: function () { Ext.destroy(this.tracker) } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.slider, "Thumb"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.slider.Tip", Ext.tip.Tip, { minWidth: 10, offsets: null, align: null, position: "", defaultVerticalPosition: "left", defaultHorizontalPosition: "top", isSliderTip: true, init: function (c) { var b = this, d, a; if (!b.position) { b.position = c.vertical ? b.defaultVerticalPosition : b.defaultHorizontalPosition } switch (b.position) { case "top": a = [0, -10]; d = "b-t?"; break; case "bottom": a = [0, 10]; d = "t-b?"; break; case "left": a = [-10, 0]; d = "r-l?"; break; case "right": a = [10, 0]; d = "l-r?" } if (!b.align) { b.align = d } if (!b.offsets) { b.offsets = a } c.on({ scope: b, dragstart: b.onSlide, drag: b.onSlide, dragend: b.hide, destroy: b.destroy }) }, onSlide: function (c, d, a) { var b = this; b.show(); b.update(b.getText(a)); b.el.alignTo(a.el, b.align, b.offsets) }, getText: function (a) { return String(a.value) } }, 0, ["slidertip"], ["panel", "component", "container", "slidertip", "box"], { panel: true, component: true, container: true, slidertip: true, box: true }, ["widget.slidertip"], 0, [Ext.slider, "Tip"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.slider.Multi", Ext.form.field.Base, { alternateClassName: "Ext.slider.MultiSlider", childEls: ["endEl", "innerEl"], fieldSubTpl: ['
    ', '", "
    ", { renderThumbs: function (g, e) { var j = e.$comp, h = 0, c = j.thumbs, b = c.length, d, a; for (; h < b; h++) { d = c[h]; a = d.getElConfig(); a.id = j.id + "-thumb-" + h; Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(a, g) } }, disableFormats: true } ], horizontalProp: "left", vertical: false, minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, decimalPrecision: 0, keyIncrement: 1, increment: 0, clickRange: [5, 15], clickToChange: true, animate: true, dragging: false, constrainThumbs: true, componentLayout: "sliderfield", useTips: true, tipText: null, ariaRole: "slider", initValue: function () { var e = this, c = Ext.value, b = c(e.values, [c(e.value, c(e.minValue, 0))]), d = 0, a = b.length; e.originalValue = b; for (; d < a; d++) { e.addThumb(b[d]) } }, initComponent: function () { var e = this, c, d, g, b, a; e.thumbs = []; e.keyIncrement = Math.max(e.increment, e.keyIncrement); e.addEvents("beforechange", "change", "changecomplete", "dragstart", "drag", "dragend"); e.callParent(); if (e.useTips) { if (Ext.isObject(e.useTips)) { c = Ext.apply({}, e.useTips) } else { c = e.tipText ? { getText: e.tipText } : {} } a = e.plugins = e.plugins || []; b = a.length; for (g = 0; g < b; g++) { if (a[g].isSliderTip) { d = true; break } } if (!d) { e.plugins.push(new Ext.slider.Tip(c)) } } }, addThumb: function (c) { var b = this, a = new Ext.slider.Thumb({ ownerCt: b, ownerLayout: b.getComponentLayout(), value: c, slider: b, index: b.thumbs.length, constrain: b.constrainThumbs, disabled: !!b.readOnly }); b.thumbs.push(a); if (b.rendered) { a.render() } return a }, promoteThumb: function (c) { var a = this.thumbs, e = a.length, g, b, d; for (d = 0; d < e; d++) { b = a[d]; if (b == c) { b.bringToFront() } else { b.sendToBack() } } }, getSubTplData: function () { var a = this; return Ext.apply(a.callParent(), { $comp: a, vertical: a.vertical ? Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "slider-vert" : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "slider-horz", minValue: a.minValue, maxValue: a.maxValue, value: a.value, childElCls: "" }) }, onRender: function () { var e = this, b = e.thumbs, a = b.length, d = 0, c; e.callParent(arguments); for (d = 0; d < a; d++) { c = b[d]; c.el = e.el.getById(e.id + "-thumb-" + d); c.onRender() } }, initEvents: function () { var a = this; a.mon(a.el, { scope: a, mousedown: a.onMouseDown, keydown: a.onKeyDown }) }, onDragStart: Ext.emptyFn, onDragEnd: Ext.emptyFn, getTrackpoint: function (h) { var g = this, d = g.vertical, c = g.innerEl, b, a, e; if (d) { e = "top"; b = c.getHeight() } else { e = g.horizontalProp; b = c.getWidth() } h = g.transformTrackPoints(c.translatePoints(h)); a = Ext.Number.constrain(h[e], 0, b); return d ? b - a : a }, transformTrackPoints: Ext.identityFn, onMouseDown: function (j) { var d = this, h = false, c = 0, b = d.thumbs, a = b.length, g; if (d.disabled) { return } for (; c < a; c++) { h = h || j.target == b[c].el.dom } if (d.clickToChange && !h) { g = d.getTrackpoint(j.getXY()); if (g !== undefined) { d.onClickChange(g) } } d.focus() }, onClickChange: function (d) { var c = this, a, b; a = c.getNearest(d); if (!a.disabled) { b = a.index; c.setValue(b, Ext.util.Format.round(c.reversePixelValue(d), c.decimalPrecision), undefined, true) } }, getNearest: function (j) { var k = this, g = k.reversePixelValue(j), l = k.getRange() + 5, b = null, e = k.thumbs, c = 0, d = e.length, a, m, h; for (; c < d; c++) { a = k.thumbs[c]; m = a.value; h = Math.abs(m - g); if (Math.abs(h <= l)) { b = a; l = h } } return b }, onKeyDown: function (c) { var b = this, a, d; if (b.disabled || b.thumbs.length !== 1) { c.preventDefault(); return } a = c.getKey(); switch (a) { case c.UP: case c.RIGHT: c.stopEvent(); d = c.ctrlKey ? b.maxValue : b.getValue(0) + b.keyIncrement; b.setValue(0, d, undefined, true); break; case c.DOWN: case c.LEFT: c.stopEvent(); d = c.ctrlKey ? b.minValue : b.getValue(0) - b.keyIncrement; b.setValue(0, d, undefined, true); break; default: c.preventDefault() } }, normalizeValue: function (b) { var c = this, a = c.zeroBasedSnapping ? "snap" : "snapInRange"; b = Ext.Number[a](b, c.increment, c.minValue, c.maxValue); b = Ext.util.Format.round(b, c.decimalPrecision); b = Ext.Number.constrain(b, c.minValue, c.maxValue); return b }, setMinValue: function (g) { var e = this, b = e.thumbs, a = b.length, c, d; e.minValue = g; if (e.rendered) { e.inputEl.dom.setAttribute("aria-valuemin", g) } for (d = 0; d < a; ++d) { c = b[d]; if (c.value < g) { e.setValue(d, g, false) } } e.syncThumbs() }, setMaxValue: function (g) { var e = this, b = e.thumbs, a = b.length, c, d; e.maxValue = g; if (e.rendered) { e.inputEl.dom.setAttribute("aria-valuemax", g) } for (d = 0; d < a; ++d) { c = b[d]; if (c.value > g) { e.setValue(d, g, false) } } e.syncThumbs() }, setValue: function (e, k, b, d) { var j = this, h = j.thumbs, a, g, c, l; if (Ext.isArray(e)) { l = e; b = k; for (c = 0, g = l.length; c < g; ++c) { a = h[c]; if (a) { j.setValue(c, l[c], b) } } return j } a = j.thumbs[e]; k = j.normalizeValue(k); if (k !== a.value && j.fireEvent("beforechange", j, k, a.value, a) !== false) { a.value = k; if (j.rendered) { j.inputEl.set({ "aria-valuenow": k, "aria-valuetext": k }); a.move(j.calculateThumbPosition(k), Ext.isDefined(b) ? b !== false : j.animate); j.fireEvent("change", j, k, a); j.checkDirty(); if (d) { j.fireEvent("changecomplete", j, k, a) } } } return j }, calculateThumbPosition: function (a) { var b = this, c = b.minValue, d = (a - c) / b.getRange() * 100; if (isNaN(d)) { d = c } return d }, getRatio: function () { var b = this, d = b.innerEl, a = b.vertical ? d.getHeight() : d.getWidth(), c = b.getRange(); return c === 0 ? a : (a / c) }, getRange: function () { return this.maxValue - this.minValue }, reversePixelValue: function (a) { return this.minValue + (a / this.getRatio()) }, reversePercentageValue: function (a) { return this.minValue + this.getRange() * (a / 100) }, onDisable: function () { var g = this, d = 0, b = g.thumbs, a = b.length, c, e, h; g.callParent(); for (; d < a; d++) { c = b[d]; e = c.el; c.disable(); if (Ext.isIE) { h = e.getXY(); e.hide(); g.innerEl.addCls(g.disabledCls).dom.disabled = true; if (!g.thumbHolder) { g.thumbHolder = g.endEl.createChild({ cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "slider-thumb " + g.disabledCls }) } g.thumbHolder.show().setXY(h) } } }, onEnable: function () { var g = this, d = 0, b = g.thumbs, a = b.length, c, e; this.callParent(); for (; d < a; d++) { c = b[d]; e = c.el; c.enable(); if (Ext.isIE) { g.innerEl.removeCls(g.disabledCls).dom.disabled = false; if (g.thumbHolder) { g.thumbHolder.hide() } e.show(); g.syncThumbs() } } }, syncThumbs: function () { if (this.rendered) { var a = this.thumbs, c = a.length, b = 0; for (; b < c; b++) { a[b].move(this.calculateThumbPosition(a[b].value)) } } }, getValue: function (a) { return Ext.isNumber(a) ? this.thumbs[a].value : this.getValues() }, getValues: function () { var c = [], d = 0, b = this.thumbs, a = b.length; for (; d < a; d++) { c.push(b[d].value) } return c }, getSubmitValue: function () { var a = this; return (a.disabled || !a.submitValue) ? null : a.getValue() }, reset: function () { var e = this, b = [].concat(e.originalValue), c = 0, d = b.length, g; for (; c < d; c++) { g = b[c]; e.setValue(c, g) } e.clearInvalid(); delete e.wasValid }, setReadOnly: function (e) { var d = this, b = d.thumbs, a = b.length, c = 0; d.callParent(arguments); e = d.readOnly; for (; c < a; ++c) { if (e) { b[c].disable() } else { b[c].enable() } } }, beforeDestroy: function () { var e = this, b = e.thumbs, d = 0, a = b.length, c; Ext.destroy(e.innerEl, e.endEl, e.focusEl); for (; d < a; d++) { c = b[d]; Ext.destroy(c) } e.callParent() } }, 0, ["multislider"], ["multislider", "field", "component", "box"], { multislider: true, field: true, component: true, box: true }, ["widget.multislider"], 0, [Ext.slider, "Multi", Ext.slider, "MultiSlider"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.tab.Tab", Ext.button.Button, { isTab: true, baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tab", closeElOverCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tab-close-btn-over", activeCls: "active", closableCls: "closable", closable: true, closeText: "Close Tab", active: false, childEls: ["closeEl"], scale: false, position: "top", initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.addEvents("activate", "deactivate", "beforeclose", "close"); a.callParent(arguments); if (a.card) { a.setCard(a.card) } a.overCls = ["over", a.position + "-over"] }, getTemplateArgs: function () { var b = this, a = b.callParent(); a.closable = b.closable; a.closeText = b.closeText; return a }, getFramingInfoCls: function () { return this.baseCls + "-" + this.ui + "-" + this.position }, beforeRender: function () { var b = this, a = b.up("tabbar"), c = b.up("tabpanel"); b.callParent(); b.addClsWithUI(b.position); if (b.active) { b.addClsWithUI([b.activeCls, b.position + "-" + b.activeCls]) } b.syncClosableUI(); if (!b.minWidth) { b.minWidth = (a) ? a.minTabWidth : b.minWidth; if (!b.minWidth && c) { b.minWidth = c.minTabWidth } if (b.minWidth && b.iconCls) { b.minWidth += 25 } } if (!b.maxWidth) { b.maxWidth = (a) ? a.maxTabWidth : b.maxWidth; if (!b.maxWidth && c) { b.maxWidth = c.maxTabWidth } } }, onRender: function () { var a = this; a.setElOrientation(); a.callParent(arguments); if (a.closable) { a.closeEl.addClsOnOver(a.closeElOverCls) } a.keyNav = new Ext.util.KeyNav(a.el, { enter: a.onEnterKey, del: a.onDeleteKey, scope: a }) }, setElOrientation: function () { var a = this.position; if (a === "left" || a === "right") { this.el.setVertical(a === "right" ? 90 : 270) } }, enable: function (a) { var b = this; b.callParent(arguments); b.removeClsWithUI(b.position + "-disabled"); return b }, disable: function (a) { var b = this; b.callParent(arguments); b.addClsWithUI(b.position + "-disabled"); return b }, onDestroy: function () { var a = this; Ext.destroy(a.keyNav); delete a.keyNav; a.callParent(arguments) }, setClosable: function (a) { var b = this; a = (!arguments.length || !!a); if (b.closable != a) { b.closable = a; if (b.card) { b.card.closable = a } b.syncClosableUI(); if (b.rendered) { b.syncClosableElements(); b.updateLayout() } } }, syncClosableElements: function () { var a = this, b = a.closeEl; if (a.closable) { if (!b) { b = a.closeEl = a.btnWrap.insertSibling({ tag: "a", cls: a.baseCls + "-close-btn", href: "#", title: a.closeText }, "after") } b.addClsOnOver(a.closeElOverCls) } else { if (b) { b.remove(); delete a.closeEl } } }, syncClosableUI: function () { var b = this, a = [b.closableCls, b.closableCls + "-" + b.position]; if (b.closable) { b.addClsWithUI(a) } else { b.removeClsWithUI(a) } }, setCard: function (a) { var b = this; b.card = a; b.setText(b.title || a.title); b.setIconCls(b.iconCls || a.iconCls); b.setIcon(b.icon || a.icon); b.setGlyph(b.glyph || a.glyph) }, onCloseClick: function () { var a = this; if (a.fireEvent("beforeclose", a) !== false) { if (a.tabBar) { if (a.tabBar.closeTab(a) === false) { return } } else { a.fireClose() } } }, fireClose: function () { this.fireEvent("close", this) }, onEnterKey: function (b) { var a = this; if (a.tabBar) { a.tabBar.onClick(b, a.el) } }, onDeleteKey: function (a) { if (this.closable) { this.onCloseClick() } }, activate: function (b) { var a = this; a.active = true; a.addClsWithUI([a.activeCls, a.position + "-" + a.activeCls]); if (b !== true) { a.fireEvent("activate", a) } }, deactivate: function (b) { var a = this; a.active = false; a.removeClsWithUI([a.activeCls, a.position + "-" + a.activeCls]); if (b !== true) { a.fireEvent("deactivate", a) } } }, 0, ["tab"], ["button", "component", "tab", "box"], { button: true, component: true, tab: true, box: true }, ["widget.tab"], 0, [Ext.tab, "Tab"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.Point", Ext.util.Region, { statics: { fromEvent: function (a) { a = a.browserEvent || a; a = (a.changedTouches && a.changedTouches.length > 0) ? a.changedTouches[0] : a; return new this(a.pageX, a.pageY) } }, constructor: function (a, b) { this.callParent([b, a, b, a]) }, toString: function () { return "Point[" + this.x + "," + this.y + "]" }, equals: function (a) { return (this.x == a.x && this.y == a.y) }, isWithin: function (b, a) { if (!Ext.isObject(a)) { a = { x: a, y: a } } return (this.x <= b.x + a.x && this.x >= b.x - a.x && this.y <= b.y + a.y && this.y >= b.y - a.y) }, isContainedBy: function (a) { if (!(a instanceof Ext.util.Region)) { a = Ext.get(a.el || a).getRegion() } return a.contains(this) }, roundedEquals: function (a) { return (Math.round(this.x) == Math.round(a.x) && Math.round(this.y) == Math.round(a.y)) } }, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "Point"], function () { this.prototype.translate = Ext.util.Region.prototype.translateBy })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.tab.Bar", Ext.panel.Header, { baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tab-bar", isTabBar: true, defaultType: "tab", plain: false, childEls: ["body", "strip"], renderTpl: ['
    {baseCls}-body-{ui} {parent.baseCls}-body-{parent.ui}-{.}" style="{bodyStyle}">', "{%this.renderContainer(out,values)%}", "
    ", '
    {baseCls}-strip-{ui}', ' {parent.baseCls}-strip-{parent.ui}-{.}', '">', "
    "], _reverseDockNames: { left: "right", right: "left" }, initComponent: function () { var a = this; if (a.plain) { a.addCls(a.baseCls + "-plain") } a.addClsWithUI(a.orientation); a.addEvents("change"); a.callParent(arguments); Ext.merge(a.layout, a.initialConfig.layout); a.layout.align = (a.orientation == "vertical") ? "left" : "top"; a.layout.overflowHandler = new Ext.layout.container.boxOverflow.Scroller(a.layout); a.remove(a.titleCmp); delete a.titleCmp; Ext.apply(a.renderData, { bodyCls: a.bodyCls, dock: a.dock }) }, onRender: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(); if (a.orientation === "vertical" && (Ext.isIE8 || Ext.isIE9) && Ext.isStrict) { a.el.on({ mousemove: a.onMouseMove, scope: a }) } }, afterRender: function () { var a = this.layout; this.callParent(); if (Ext.isIE9 && Ext.isStrict && this.orientation === "vertical") { a.innerCt.on("scroll", function () { a.innerCt.dom.scrollLeft = 0 }) } }, afterLayout: function () { this.adjustTabPositions(); this.callParent(arguments) }, adjustTabPositions: function () { var a = this.items.items, b = a.length, c; if (!Ext.isIE9m) { if (this.dock === "right") { while (b--) { c = a[b]; if (c.isVisible()) { c.el.setStyle("left", c.lastBox.width + "px") } } } else { if (this.dock === "left") { while (b--) { c = a[b]; if (c.isVisible()) { c.el.setStyle("left", -c.lastBox.height + "px") } } } } } }, getLayout: function () { var a = this; a.layout.type = (a.orientation === "horizontal") ? "hbox" : "vbox"; return a.callParent(arguments) }, onAdd: function (a) { a.position = this.dock; this.callParent(arguments) }, onRemove: function (a) { var b = this; if (a === b.previousTab) { b.previousTab = null } b.callParent(arguments) }, afterComponentLayout: function (b) { var c = this, a = c.needsScroll; c.callParent(arguments); if (a) { c.layout.overflowHandler.scrollToItem(c.activeTab) } delete c.needsScroll }, onClick: function (h, g) { var d = this, k = d.tabPanel, j, c, b, a; if (h.getTarget("." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "box-scroller")) { return } if (d.orientation === "vertical" && (Ext.isIE8 || Ext.isIE9) && Ext.isStrict) { a = d.getTabInfoFromPoint(h.getXY()); c = a.tab; b = a.close } else { j = h.getTarget("." + Ext.tab.Tab.prototype.baseCls); c = j && Ext.getCmp(j.id); b = c && c.closeEl && (g === c.closeEl.dom) } if (b) { h.preventDefault() } if (c && c.isDisabled && !c.isDisabled()) { if (c.closable && b) { c.onCloseClick() } else { if (k) { k.setActiveTab(c.card) } else { d.setActiveTab(c) } c.focus() } } }, onMouseMove: function (g) { var d = this, b = d._overTab, a, c; if (g.getTarget("." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "box-scroller")) { return } a = d.getTabInfoFromPoint(g.getXY()); c = a.tab; if (c !== b) { if (b && b.rendered) { b.onMouseLeave(g); d._overTab = null } if (c) { c.onMouseEnter(g); d._overTab = c; if (!c.disabled) { d.el.setStyle("cursor", "pointer") } } else { d.el.setStyle("cursor", "default") } } }, onMouseLeave: function (b) { var a = this._overTab; if (a && a.rendered) { a.onMouseLeave(b) } }, getTabInfoFromPoint: function (g) { var A = this, w = A.items.items, e = w.length, o = A.layout.innerCt, u = o.getXY(), t = new Ext.util.Point(g[0], g[1]), v = 0, x, b, a, p, y, j, h, d, r, l, k, n, m, s, q, z, c; for (; v < e; v++) { x = w[v].lastBox; l = u[0] + x.x; k = u[1] - o.dom.scrollTop + x.y; n = x.width; m = x.height; b = new Ext.util.Region(k, l + n, k + m, l); if (b.contains(t)) { c = w[v]; a = c.closeEl; if (a) { y = a.getXY(); d = a.getWidth(); r = a.getHeight(); if (A._isTabReversed === undefined) { A._isTabReversed = q = (c.btnWrap.dom.currentStyle.filter.indexOf("rotation=2") !== -1) } z = q ? this._reverseDockNames[A.dock] : A.dock; if (z === "right") { j = l + n - ((y[1] - k) + a.getHeight()); h = k + (y[0] - l) } else { j = l + (y[1] - k); h = k + l + m - y[0] - a.getWidth() } s = new Ext.util.Region(h, j + d, h + r, j); p = s.contains(t) } break } } return { tab: c, close: p } }, closeTab: function (c) { var d = this, b = c.card, e = d.tabPanel, a; if (b && b.fireEvent("beforeclose", b) === false) { return false } a = d.findNextActivatable(c); Ext.suspendLayouts(); if (e && b) { delete c.ownerCt; b.fireEvent("close", b); e.remove(b); if (!e.getComponent(b)) { c.fireClose(); d.remove(c) } else { c.ownerCt = d; Ext.resumeLayouts(true); return false } } if (a) { if (e) { e.setActiveTab(a.card) } else { d.setActiveTab(a) } a.focus() } Ext.resumeLayouts(true) }, findNextActivatable: function (a) { var b = this; if (a.active && b.items.getCount() > 1) { return (b.previousTab && b.previousTab !== a && !b.previousTab.disabled) ? b.previousTab : (a.next("tab[disabled=false]") || a.prev("tab[disabled=false]")) } }, setActiveTab: function (b, a) { var c = this; if (!b.disabled && b !== c.activeTab) { if (c.activeTab) { if (c.activeTab.isDestroyed) { c.previousTab = null } else { c.previousTab = c.activeTab; c.activeTab.deactivate() } } b.activate(); c.activeTab = b; c.needsScroll = true; if (!a) { c.fireEvent("change", c, b, b.card); c.updateLayout() } } } }, 0, ["tabbar"], ["component", "tabbar", "container", "box", "header"], { component: true, tabbar: true, container: true, box: true, header: true }, ["widget.tabbar"], 0, [Ext.tab, "Bar"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.tree.Column", Ext.grid.column.Column, { tdCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-treecolumn", autoLock: true, lockable: false, draggable: false, hideable: false, iconCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-icon", checkboxCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-checkbox", elbowCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-elbow", expanderCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-expander", textCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-node-text", innerCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-cell-inner-treecolumn", isTreeColumn: true, cellTpl: ['', 'lineempty"/>', "", '-end-plus {expanderCls}"/>', '', 'aria-checked="true" ', 'class="{childCls} {checkboxCls} {checkboxCls}-checked"/>', "", 'leafparent {iconCls}"', 'style="background-image:url({icon})"/>', '', '{value}', "", '{value}', ""], initComponent: function () { var a = this; a.origRenderer = a.renderer; a.origScope = a.scope || window; a.renderer = a.treeRenderer; a.scope = a; a.callParent() }, treeRenderer: function (m, a, e, b, d, n, k) { var j = this, p = e.get("cls"), h = j.origRenderer, c = e.data, l = e.parentNode, o = k.rootVisible, q = [], g; if (p) { a.tdCls += " " + p } while (l && (o || l.data.depth > 0)) { g = l.data; q[o ? g.depth : g.depth - 1] = g.isLast ? 0 : 1; l = l.parentNode } return j.getTpl("cellTpl").apply({ record: e, baseIconCls: j.iconCls, iconCls: c.iconCls, icon: c.icon, checkboxCls: j.checkboxCls, checked: c.checked, elbowCls: j.elbowCls, expanderCls: j.expanderCls, textCls: j.textCls, leaf: c.leaf, expandable: e.isExpandable(), isLast: c.isLast, blankUrl: Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL, href: c.href, hrefTarget: c.hrefTarget, lines: q, metaData: a, childCls: j.getChildCls ? j.getChildCls() + " " : "", value: h ? h.apply(j.origScope, arguments) : m }) } }, 0, ["treecolumn"], ["component", "gridcolumn", "container", "treecolumn", "box", "headercontainer"], { component: true, gridcolumn: true, container: true, treecolumn: true, box: true, headercontainer: true }, ["widget.treecolumn"], 0, [Ext.tree, "Column"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.selection.CheckboxModel", Ext.selection.RowModel, { mode: "MULTI", injectCheckbox: 0, checkOnly: false, showHeaderCheckbox: undefined, checkSelector: "." + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-row-checker", headerWidth: 24, checkerOnCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-hd-checker-on", constructor: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); if (a.mode === "SINGLE" && a.showHeaderCheckbox !== true) { a.showHeaderCheckbox = false } }, beforeViewRender: function (b) { var c = this, a; c.callParent(arguments); if (!c.hasLockedHeader() || b.headerCt.lockedCt) { if (c.showHeaderCheckbox !== false) { b.headerCt.on("headerclick", c.onHeaderClick, c) } c.addCheckbox(b, true); a = b.ownerCt; if (b.headerCt.lockedCt) { a = a.ownerCt } c.mon(a, "reconfigure", c.onReconfigure, c) } }, bindComponent: function (a) { var b = this; b.sortable = false; b.callParent(arguments) }, hasLockedHeader: function () { var a = this.views, c = a.length, b; for (b = 0; b < c; b++) { if (a[b].headerCt.lockedCt) { return true } } return false }, addCheckbox: function (a, b) { var c = this, d = c.injectCheckbox, e = a.headerCt; if (d !== false) { if (d == "first") { d = 0 } else { if (d == "last") { d = e.getColumnCount() } } Ext.suspendLayouts(); if (a.getStore().buffered) { c.showHeaderCheckbox = false } e.add(d, c.getHeaderConfig()); Ext.resumeLayouts() } if (b !== true) { a.refresh() } }, onReconfigure: function (c, a, b) { if (b) { this.addCheckbox(this.views[0]) } }, toggleUiHeader: function (e) { var b = this.views[0], d = b.headerCt, c = d.child("gridcolumn[isCheckerHd]"), a = this.checkerOnCls; if (c) { if (e) { c.addCls(a) } else { c.removeCls(a) } } }, onHeaderClick: function (c, g, b) { if (g.isCheckerHd) { b.stopEvent(); var a = this, d = g.el.hasCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-hd-checker-on"); a.preventFocus = true; if (d) { a.deselectAll() } else { a.selectAll() } delete a.preventFocus } }, getHeaderConfig: function () { var a = this, b = a.showHeaderCheckbox !== false; return { isCheckerHd: b, text: " ", clickTargetName: "el", width: a.headerWidth, sortable: false, draggable: false, resizable: false, hideable: false, menuDisabled: true, dataIndex: "", cls: b ? Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "column-header-checkbox " : "", renderer: Ext.Function.bind(a.renderer, a), editRenderer: a.editRenderer || a.renderEmpty, locked: a.hasLockedHeader() } }, renderEmpty: function () { return " " }, refresh: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.updateHeaderState() }, renderer: function (h, c, b, j, e, d, a) { var g = Ext.baseCSSPrefix; c.tdCls = g + "grid-cell-special " + g + "grid-cell-row-checker"; return '
    ' }, processSelection: function (b, a, h, d, j) { var g = this, c = j.getTarget(g.checkSelector), k; if (g.checkOnly && !c) { return } if (c) { k = g.getSelectionMode(); if (k !== "SINGLE") { g.setSelectionMode("SIMPLE") } g.selectWithEvent(a, j); g.setSelectionMode(k) } else { g.selectWithEvent(a, j) } }, onSelectChange: function () { this.callParent(arguments); if (!this.suspendChange) { this.updateHeaderState() } }, onStoreLoad: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.updateHeaderState() }, onStoreAdd: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.updateHeaderState() }, onStoreRemove: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.updateHeaderState() }, onStoreRefresh: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.updateHeaderState() }, maybeFireSelectionChange: function (a) { if (a && !this.suspendChange) { this.updateHeaderState() } this.callParent(arguments) }, resumeChanges: function () { this.callParent(); if (!this.suspendChange) { this.updateHeaderState() } }, updateHeaderState: function () { var g = this, h = g.store, e = h.getCount(), j = g.views, k = false, a = 0, b, d, c; if (!h.buffered && e > 0) { b = g.selected; k = true; for (c = 0, d = b.getCount(); c < d; ++c) { if (!g.storeHasSelected(b.getAt(c))) { break } ++a } k = e === a } if (j && j.length) { g.toggleUiHeader(k) } } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["selection.checkboxmodel"], 0, [Ext.selection, "CheckboxModel"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.slider.Single", Ext.slider.Multi, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.Slider", "Ext.form.SliderField", "Ext.slider.SingleSlider", "Ext.slider.Slider"], getValue: function () { return this.callParent([0]) }, setValue: function (d, b) { var c = arguments, a = c.length; if (a == 1 || (a <= 3 && typeof c[1] != "number")) { c = Ext.toArray(c); c.unshift(0) } return this.callParent(c) }, getNearest: function () { return this.thumbs[0] } }, 0, ["slider", "sliderfield"], ["slider", "multislider", "field", "component", "sliderfield", "box"], { slider: true, multislider: true, field: true, component: true, sliderfield: true, box: true }, ["widget.slider", "widget.sliderfield"], 0, [Ext.slider, "Single", Ext, "Slider", Ext.form, "SliderField", Ext.slider, "SingleSlider", Ext.slider, "Slider"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.state.CookieProvider", Ext.state.Provider, { constructor: function (a) { var b = this; b.path = "/"; b.expires = new Date(Ext.Date.now() + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7)); b.domain = null; b.secure = false; b.callParent(arguments); b.state = b.readCookies() }, set: function (a, c) { var b = this; if (typeof c == "undefined" || c === null) { b.clear(a); return } b.setCookie(a, c); b.callParent(arguments) }, clear: function (a) { this.clearCookie(a); this.callParent(arguments) }, readCookies: function () { var e = {}, k = document.cookie + ";", d = /\s?(.*?)=(.*?);/g, j = this.prefix, a = j.length, h, b, g; while ((h = d.exec(k)) != null) { b = h[1]; g = h[2]; if (b && b.substring(0, a) == j) { e[b.substr(a)] = this.decodeValue(g) } } return e }, setCookie: function (a, c) { var b = this; document.cookie = b.prefix + a + "=" + b.encodeValue(c) + ((b.expires == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + b.expires.toGMTString())) + ((b.path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + b.path)) + ((b.domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + b.domain)) + ((b.secure == true) ? "; secure" : "") }, clearCookie: function (a) { var b = this; document.cookie = b.prefix + a + "=null; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT" + ((b.path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + b.path)) + ((b.domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + b.domain)) + ((b.secure == true) ? "; secure" : "") } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.state, "CookieProvider"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.state.LocalStorageProvider", Ext.state.Provider, { constructor: function () { var a = this; a.callParent(arguments); a.store = a.getStorageObject(); if (a.store) { a.state = a.readLocalStorage() } else { a.state = {} } }, readLocalStorage: function () { var c = this.store, e = 0, a = c.length, h = this.prefix, b = h.length, g = {}, d; for (; e < a; ++e) { d = c.key(e); if (d.substring(0, b) == h) { g[d.substr(b)] = this.decodeValue(c.getItem(d)) } } return g }, set: function (a, c) { var b = this; b.clear(a); if (typeof c == "undefined" || c === null) { return } b.store.setItem(b.prefix + a, b.encodeValue(c)); b.callParent(arguments) }, clear: function (a) { this.store.removeItem(this.prefix + a); this.callParent(arguments) }, getStorageObject: function () { if (Ext.supports.LocalStorage) { return window.localStorage } return false } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, ["state.localstorage"], 0, [Ext.state, "LocalStorageProvider"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.tab.Panel", Ext.panel.Panel, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.TabPanel"], tabPosition: "top", removePanelHeader: true, plain: false, itemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tabpanel-child", minTabWidth: undefined, maxTabWidth: undefined, deferredRender: true, initComponent: function () { var d = this, c = [].concat(d.dockedItems || []), a = d.activeTab || (d.activeTab = 0), b = d.tabPosition; d.layout = new Ext.layout.container.Card(Ext.apply({ owner: d, deferredRender: d.deferredRender, itemCls: d.itemCls, activeItem: a }, d.layout)); d.tabBar = new Ext.tab.Bar(Ext.apply({ ui: d.ui, dock: d.tabPosition, orientation: (b == "top" || b == "bottom") ? "horizontal" : "vertical", plain: d.plain, cardLayout: d.layout, tabPanel: d }, d.tabBar)); c.push(d.tabBar); d.dockedItems = c; d.addEvents("beforetabchange", "tabchange"); d.callParent(arguments); a = d.activeTab = d.getComponent(a); if (a) { d.tabBar.setActiveTab(a.tab, true) } }, setActiveTab: function (a) { var c = this, b; a = c.getComponent(a); if (a) { b = c.getActiveTab(); if (b !== a && c.fireEvent("beforetabchange", c, a, b) === false) { return false } if (!a.isComponent) { Ext.suspendLayouts(); a = c.add(a); Ext.resumeLayouts() } c.activeTab = a; Ext.suspendLayouts(); c.layout.setActiveItem(a); a = c.activeTab = c.layout.getActiveItem(); if (a && a !== b) { c.tabBar.setActiveTab(a.tab); Ext.resumeLayouts(true); if (b !== a) { c.fireEvent("tabchange", c, a, b) } } else { Ext.resumeLayouts(true) } return a } }, getActiveTab: function () { var b = this, a = b.getComponent(b.activeTab); if (a && b.items.indexOf(a) != -1) { b.activeTab = a } else { b.activeTab = null } return b.activeTab }, getTabBar: function () { return this.tabBar }, onAdd: function (e, c) { var d = this, b = e.tabConfig || {}, a = { xtype: "tab", ui: d.tabBar.ui, card: e, disabled: e.disabled, closable: e.closable, hidden: e.hidden && !e.hiddenByLayout, tooltip: e.tooltip, tabBar: d.tabBar, position: d.tabPosition, closeText: e.closeText }; b = Ext.applyIf(b, a); e.tab = d.tabBar.insert(c, b); e.on({ scope: d, enable: d.onItemEnable, disable: d.onItemDisable, beforeshow: d.onItemBeforeShow, iconchange: d.onItemIconChange, iconclschange: d.onItemIconClsChange, titlechange: d.onItemTitleChange }); if (e.isPanel) { if (d.removePanelHeader) { if (e.rendered) { if (e.header) { e.header.hide() } } else { e.header = false } } if (e.isPanel && d.border) { e.setBorder(false) } } }, onItemEnable: function (a) { a.tab.enable() }, onItemDisable: function (a) { a.tab.disable() }, onItemBeforeShow: function (a) { if (a !== this.activeTab) { this.setActiveTab(a); return false } }, onItemIconChange: function (b, a) { b.tab.setIcon(a) }, onItemIconClsChange: function (b, a) { b.tab.setIconCls(a) }, onItemTitleChange: function (a, b) { a.tab.setText(b) }, doRemove: function (d, b) { var c = this, a; if (c.destroying || c.items.getCount() == 1) { c.activeTab = null } else { if ((a = c.tabBar.items.indexOf(c.tabBar.findNextActivatable(d.tab))) !== -1) { c.setActiveTab(a) } } this.callParent(arguments); delete d.tab.card; delete d.tab }, onRemove: function (b, c) { var a = this; b.un({ scope: a, enable: a.onItemEnable, disable: a.onItemDisable, beforeshow: a.onItemBeforeShow }); if (!a.destroying && b.tab.ownerCt === a.tabBar) { a.tabBar.remove(b.tab) } } }, 0, ["tabpanel"], ["tabpanel", "panel", "component", "container", "box"], { tabpanel: true, panel: true, component: true, container: true, box: true }, ["widget.tabpanel"], 0, [Ext.tab, "Panel", Ext, "TabPanel"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.toolbar.Spacer", Ext.Component, { alternateClassName: "Ext.Toolbar.Spacer", baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "toolbar-spacer", focusable: false }, 0, ["tbspacer"], ["component", "box", "tbspacer"], { component: true, box: true, tbspacer: true }, ["widget.tbspacer"], 0, [Ext.toolbar, "Spacer", Ext.Toolbar, "Spacer"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.tree.Panel", Ext.panel.Table, { alternateClassName: ["Ext.tree.TreePanel", "Ext.TreePanel"], viewType: "treeview", selType: "treemodel", treeCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-panel", deferRowRender: false, rowLines: false, lines: true, useArrows: false, singleExpand: false, ddConfig: { enableDrag: true, enableDrop: true }, rootVisible: true, displayField: "text", root: null, normalCfgCopy: ["displayField", "root", "singleExpand", "useArrows", "lines", "rootVisible", "scroll"], lockedCfgCopy: ["displayField", "root", "singleExpand", "useArrows", "lines", "rootVisible"], isTree: true, arrowCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-arrows", linesCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-lines", noLinesCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-no-lines", autoWidthCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "autowidth-table", constructor: function (a) { a = a || {}; if (a.animate === undefined) { a.animate = Ext.isBoolean(this.animate) ? this.animate : Ext.enableFx } this.enableAnimations = a.animate; delete a.animate; this.callParent([a]) }, initComponent: function () { var d = this, b = [d.treeCls], c = d.store, a; if (d.useArrows) { b.push(d.arrowCls); d.lines = false } if (d.lines) { b.push(d.linesCls) } else { if (!d.useArrows) { b.push(d.noLinesCls) } } if (Ext.isString(c)) { c = d.store = Ext.StoreMgr.lookup(c) } else { if (!c || Ext.isObject(c) && !c.isStore) { c = d.store = new Ext.data.TreeStore(Ext.apply({ root: d.root, fields: d.fields, model: d.model, folderSort: d.folderSort }, c)) } else { if (d.root) { c = d.store = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup(c); c.setRootNode(d.root); if (d.folderSort !== undefined) { c.folderSort = d.folderSort; c.sort() } } } } d.viewConfig = Ext.apply({ rootVisible: d.rootVisible, animate: d.enableAnimations, singleExpand: d.singleExpand, node: c.getRootNode(), hideHeaders: d.hideHeaders }, d.viewConfig); if (!d.columns) { if (d.initialConfig.hideHeaders === undefined) { d.hideHeaders = true } d.addCls(d.autoWidthCls); d.columns = [{ xtype: "treecolumn", text: "Name", width: Ext.isIE6 ? "100%" : 10000, dataIndex: d.displayField } ] } if (d.cls) { b.push(d.cls) } d.cls = b.join(" "); d.callParent(); d.selModel.treeStore = d.store; a = d.getView(); d.relayEvents(a, ["checkchange", "afteritemexpand", "afteritemcollapse"]); if (!a.isLockingView) { if (!a.rootVisible && !d.getRootNode()) { d.setRootNode({ expanded: true }) } } }, bindStore: function (a, b) { var c = this; c.store = a; c.storeListeners = c.mon(a, { destroyable: true, load: c.onStoreLoad, rootchange: c.onRootChange, clear: c.onClear, scope: c }); c.storeRelayers = c.relayEvents(a, ["beforeload", "load"]); c.storeRelayers1 = c.mon(a, { destroyable: true, append: c.createRelayer("itemappend"), remove: c.createRelayer("itemremove"), move: c.createRelayer("itemmove", [0, 4]), insert: c.createRelayer("iteminsert"), beforeappend: c.createRelayer("beforeitemappend"), beforeremove: c.createRelayer("beforeitemremove"), beforemove: c.createRelayer("beforeitemmove"), beforeinsert: c.createRelayer("beforeiteminsert"), expand: c.createRelayer("itemexpand", [0, 1]), collapse: c.createRelayer("itemcollapse", [0, 1]), beforeexpand: c.createRelayer("beforeitemexpand", [0, 1]), beforecollapse: c.createRelayer("beforeitemcollapse", [0, 1]) }); a.ownerTree = c; if (!b) { c.view.setRootNode(c.getRootNode()) } }, unbindStore: function () { var b = this, a = b.store; if (a) { Ext.destroy(b.storeListeners, b.storeRelayers, b.storeRelayers1); delete a.ownerTree } }, onClear: function () { this.view.onClear() }, setRootNode: function () { return this.store.setRootNode.apply(this.store, arguments) }, getRootNode: function () { return this.store.getRootNode() }, onRootChange: function (a) { this.view.setRootNode(a) }, getChecked: function () { return this.getView().getChecked() }, isItemChecked: function (a) { return a.get("checked") }, expandNode: function (b, a, d, c) { return this.getView().expand(b, a, d, c || this) }, collapseNode: function (b, a, d, c) { return this.getView().collapse(b, a, d, c || this) }, expandAll: function (e, c) { var d = this, a = d.getRootNode(), b = d.enableAnimations; if (a) { if (!b) { Ext.suspendLayouts() } a.expand(true, e, c || d); if (!b) { Ext.resumeLayouts(true) } } }, collapseAll: function (g, d) { var e = this, b = e.getRootNode(), c = e.enableAnimations, a = e.getView(); if (b) { if (!c) { Ext.suspendLayouts() } d = d || e; if (a.rootVisible) { b.collapse(true, g, d) } else { b.collapseChildren(true, g, d) } if (!c) { Ext.resumeLayouts(true) } } }, expandPath: function (m, g, a, h, l) { var d = this, c = d.getRootNode(), b = 1, e = d.getView(), k, j; g = g || d.getRootNode().idProperty; a = a || "/"; if (Ext.isEmpty(m)) { Ext.callback(h, l || d, [false, null]); return } k = m.split(a); if (c.get(g) != k[1]) { Ext.callback(h, l || d, [false, c]); return } j = function () { if (++b === k.length) { Ext.callback(h, l || d, [true, c]); return } var n = c.findChild(g, k[b]); if (!n) { Ext.callback(h, l || d, [false, c]); return } c = n; c.expand(false, j) }; c.expand(false, j) }, selectPath: function (k, d, a, g, j) { var b = this, c, h, e; d = d || b.getRootNode().idProperty; a = a || "/"; h = k.split(a); e = h.pop(); if (h.length > 1) { b.expandPath(h.join(a), d, a, function (n, m) { var l = m; if (n && m) { m = m.findChild(d, e); if (m) { b.getSelectionModel().select(m); Ext.callback(g, j || b, [true, m]); return } } Ext.callback(g, j || b, [false, l]) }, b) } else { c = b.getRootNode(); if (c.getId() === e) { b.getSelectionModel().select(c); Ext.callback(g, j || b, [true, c]) } else { Ext.callback(g, j || b, [false, null]) } } } }, 1, ["treepanel"], ["panel", "component", "tablepanel", "container", "box", "treepanel"], { panel: true, component: true, tablepanel: true, container: true, box: true, treepanel: true }, ["widget.treepanel"], 0, [Ext.tree, "Panel", Ext.tree, "TreePanel", Ext, "TreePanel"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.view.DragZone", Ext.dd.DragZone, { containerScroll: false, constructor: function (b) { var e = this, a, d, c; Ext.apply(e, b); if (!e.ddGroup) { e.ddGroup = "view-dd-zone-" + e.view.id } a = e.view; d = a.ownerCt; if (d) { c = d.getTargetEl().dom } else { c = a.el.dom.parentNode } e.callParent([c]); e.ddel = Ext.get(document.createElement("div")); e.ddel.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "grid-dd-wrap") }, init: function (c, a, b) { this.initTarget(c, a, b); this.view.mon(this.view, { itemmousedown: this.onItemMouseDown, scope: this }) }, onValidDrop: function (b, a, c) { this.callParent(); b.el.focus() }, onItemMouseDown: function (b, a, d, c, g) { if (!this.isPreventDrag(g, a, d, c)) { if (b.focusRow) { b.focusRow(a) } this.handleMouseDown(g) } }, isPreventDrag: function (a) { return false }, getDragData: function (c) { var a = this.view, b = c.getTarget(a.getItemSelector()); if (b) { return { copy: a.copy || (a.allowCopy && c.ctrlKey), event: new Ext.EventObjectImpl(c), view: a, ddel: this.ddel, item: b, records: a.getSelectionModel().getSelection(), fromPosition: Ext.fly(b).getXY() } } }, onInitDrag: function (b, h) { var e = this, g = e.dragData, d = g.view, a = d.getSelectionModel(), c = d.getRecord(g.item); if (!a.isSelected(c)) { a.select(c, true) } g.records = a.getSelection(); e.ddel.update(e.getDragText()); e.proxy.update(e.ddel.dom); e.onStartDrag(b, h); return true }, getDragText: function () { var a = this.dragData.records.length; return Ext.String.format(this.dragText, a, a == 1 ? "" : "s") }, getRepairXY: function (b, a) { return a ? a.fromPosition : false } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.view, "DragZone"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.tree.ViewDragZone", Ext.view.DragZone, { isPreventDrag: function (b, a) { return (a.get("allowDrag") === false) || !!b.getTarget(this.view.expanderSelector) }, getDragText: function () { var a = this.dragData.records, b = a.length, d = a[0].get(this.displayField), c = "s"; if (b === 1 && d) { return d } else { if (!d) { c = "" } } return Ext.String.format(this.dragText, b, c) }, afterRepair: function () { var h = this, a = h.view, j = a.selectedItemCls, b = h.dragData.records, g, e = b.length, c = Ext.fly, d; if (Ext.enableFx && h.repairHighlight) { for (g = 0; g < e; g++) { d = a.getNode(b[g]); c(d.firstChild).highlight(h.repairHighlightColor, { listeners: { beforeanimate: function () { if (a.isSelected(d)) { c(d).removeCls(j) } }, afteranimate: function () { if (a.isSelected(d)) { c(d).addCls(j) } } } }) } } h.dragging = false } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.tree, "ViewDragZone"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.tree.ViewDropZone", Ext.view.DropZone, { allowParentInserts: false, allowContainerDrops: false, appendOnly: false, expandDelay: 500, indicatorCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-ddindicator", expandNode: function (b) { var a = this.view; this.expandProcId = false; if (!b.isLeaf() && !b.isExpanded()) { a.expand(b); this.expandProcId = false } }, queueExpand: function (a) { this.expandProcId = Ext.Function.defer(this.expandNode, this.expandDelay, this, [a]) }, cancelExpand: function () { if (this.expandProcId) { clearTimeout(this.expandProcId); this.expandProcId = false } }, getPosition: function (g, b) { var k = this.view, c = k.getRecord(b), h = g.getPageY(), l = c.isLeaf(), a = false, j = Ext.fly(b).getRegion(), d; if (c.isRoot()) { return "append" } if (this.appendOnly) { return l ? false : "append" } if (!this.allowParentInserts) { a = c.hasChildNodes() && c.isExpanded() } d = (j.bottom - j.top) / (l ? 2 : 3); if (h >= j.top && h < (j.top + d)) { return "before" } else { if (!a && (l || (h >= (j.bottom - d) && h <= j.bottom))) { return "after" } else { return "append" } } }, isValidDropPoint: function (b, j, n, k, g) { if (!b || !g.item) { return false } var o = this.view, l = o.getRecord(b), d = g.records, a = d.length, m = d.length, c, h; if (!(l && j && a)) { return false } for (c = 0; c < m; c++) { h = d[c]; if (h.isNode && h.contains(l)) { return false } } if (j === "append" && l.get("allowDrop") === false) { return false } else { if (j != "append" && l.parentNode.get("allowDrop") === false) { return false } } if (Ext.Array.contains(d, l)) { return false } return o.fireEvent("nodedragover", l, j, g, k) !== false }, onNodeOver: function (a, j, g, c) { var d = this.getPosition(g, a), b = this.dropNotAllowed, k = this.view, h = k.getRecord(a), l = this.getIndicator(), m = 0; this.cancelExpand(); if (d == "append" && !this.expandProcId && !Ext.Array.contains(c.records, h) && !h.isLeaf() && !h.isExpanded()) { this.queueExpand(h) } if (this.isValidDropPoint(a, d, j, g, c)) { this.valid = true; this.currentPosition = d; this.overRecord = h; l.setWidth(Ext.fly(a).getWidth()); m = Ext.fly(a).getY() - Ext.fly(k.el).getY() - 1; if (d == "before") { b = h.isFirst() ? Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-drop-ok-above" : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-drop-ok-between"; l.showAt(0, m); j.proxy.show() } else { if (d == "after") { b = h.isLast() ? Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-drop-ok-below" : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-drop-ok-between"; m += Ext.fly(a).getHeight(); l.showAt(0, m); j.proxy.show() } else { b = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "tree-drop-ok-append"; l.hide() } } } else { this.valid = false } this.currentCls = b; return b }, onNodeOut: function (d, a, c, b) { this.valid = false; this.getIndicator().hide() }, onContainerOver: function (a, c, b) { return c.getTarget("." + this.indicatorCls) ? this.currentCls : this.dropNotAllowed }, notifyOut: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this.cancelExpand() }, handleNodeDrop: function (g, n, j) { var p = this, a = p.view, k = n ? n.parentNode : a.panel.getRootNode(), b = a.getStore().treeStore.model, c, e, m, h, d, l, o, q; if (g.copy) { c = g.records; g.records = []; for (e = 0, m = c.length; e < m; e++) { h = c[e]; if (h.isNode) { g.records.push(h.copy(undefined, true)) } else { g.records.push(new b(h.data, h.getId())) } } } p.cancelExpand(); if (j == "before") { d = k.insertBefore; l = [null, n]; n = k } else { if (j == "after") { if (n.nextSibling) { d = k.insertBefore; l = [null, n.nextSibling] } else { d = k.appendChild; l = [null] } n = k } else { if (!(n.isExpanded() || n.isLoading())) { o = true } d = n.appendChild; l = [null] } } q = function () { var r, s; Ext.suspendLayouts(); a.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(); for (e = 0, m = g.records.length; e < m; e++) { h = g.records[e]; if (!h.isNode) { if (h.isModel) { h = new b(h.data, h.getId()) } else { h = new b(h) } g.records[e] = h } l[0] = h; d.apply(n, l) } if (p.sortOnDrop) { n.sort(n.getOwnerTree().store.generateComparator()) } Ext.resumeLayouts(true); if (Ext.enableFx && p.dropHighlight) { r = p.dropHighlightColor; for (e = 0; e < m; e++) { s = a.getNode(g.records[e]); if (s) { Ext.fly(s).highlight(r) } } } }; if (o) { n.expand(false, q) } else { if (n.isLoading()) { n.on({ expand: q, delay: 1, single: true }) } else { q() } } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.tree, "ViewDropZone"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.tree.plugin.TreeViewDragDrop", Ext.AbstractPlugin, { dragText: "{0} selected node{1}", allowParentInserts: false, allowContainerDrops: false, appendOnly: false, ddGroup: "TreeDD", containerScroll: false, expandDelay: 1000, enableDrop: true, enableDrag: true, nodeHighlightColor: "c3daf9", nodeHighlightOnDrop: Ext.enableFx, nodeHighlightOnRepair: Ext.enableFx, displayField: "text", init: function (a) { a.on("render", this.onViewRender, this, { single: true }) }, destroy: function () { Ext.destroy(this.dragZone, this.dropZone) }, onViewRender: function (a) { var b = this, c; if (b.enableDrag) { if (b.containerScroll) { c = a.getEl() } b.dragZone = new Ext.tree.ViewDragZone({ view: a, ddGroup: b.dragGroup || b.ddGroup, dragText: b.dragText, displayField: b.displayField, repairHighlightColor: b.nodeHighlightColor, repairHighlight: b.nodeHighlightOnRepair, scrollEl: c }) } if (b.enableDrop) { b.dropZone = new Ext.tree.ViewDropZone({ view: a, ddGroup: b.dropGroup || b.ddGroup, allowContainerDrops: b.allowContainerDrops, appendOnly: b.appendOnly, allowParentInserts: b.allowParentInserts, expandDelay: b.expandDelay, dropHighlightColor: b.nodeHighlightColor, dropHighlight: b.nodeHighlightOnDrop, sortOnDrop: b.sortOnDrop, containerScroll: b.containerScroll }) } } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, ["plugin.treeviewdragdrop"], 0, [Ext.tree.plugin, "TreeViewDragDrop"], function () { var a = this.prototype; a.nodeHighlightOnDrop = a.nodeHighlightOnRepair = Ext.enableFx })); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.Cookies", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, set: function (c, e) { var a = arguments, j = arguments.length, b = (j > 2) ? a[2] : null, h = (j > 3) ? a[3] : "/", d = (j > 4) ? a[4] : null, g = (j > 5) ? a[5] : false; document.cookie = c + "=" + escape(e) + ((b === null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + b.toGMTString())) + ((h === null) ? "" : ("; path=" + h)) + ((d === null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + d)) + ((g === true) ? "; secure" : "") }, get: function (d) { var b = d + "=", g = b.length, a = document.cookie.length, e = 0, c = 0; while (e < a) { c = e + g; if (document.cookie.substring(e, c) == b) { return this.getCookieVal(c) } e = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", e) + 1; if (e === 0) { break } } return null }, clear: function (a, b) { if (this.get(a)) { b = b || "/"; document.cookie = a + "=; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT; path=" + b } }, getCookieVal: function (b) { var a = document.cookie.indexOf(";", b); if (a == -1) { a = document.cookie.length } return unescape(document.cookie.substring(b, a)) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "Cookies"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.Grouper", Ext.util.Sorter, { isGrouper: true, getGroupString: function (a) { return a.get(this.property) } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [Ext.util, "Grouper"], 0)); (Ext.cmd.derive("Ext.util.History", Ext.Base, { singleton: true, alternateClassName: "Ext.History", useTopWindow: true, fieldId: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "history-field", iframeId: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "history-frame", constructor: function () { var a = this; a.oldIEMode = Ext.isIE7m || !Ext.isStrict && Ext.isIE8; a.iframe = null; a.hiddenField = null; a.ready = false; a.currentToken = null; a.mixins.observable.constructor.call(a) }, getHash: function () { var a = window.location.href, b = a.indexOf("#"); return b >= 0 ? a.substr(b + 1) : null }, setHash: function (d) { var a = this, c = a.useTopWindow ? window.top : window; try { c.location.hash = d } catch (b) {} }, doSave: function () { this.hiddenField.value = this.currentToken }, handleStateChange: function (a) { this.currentToken = a; this.fireEvent("change", a) }, updateIFrame: function (b) { var a = '
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    ", d; try { d = this.iframe.contentWindow.document; d.open(); d.write(a); d.close(); return true } catch (c) { return false } }, checkIFrame: function () { var d = this, b = d.iframe.contentWindow, e, c, a, g; if (!b || !b.document) { Ext.Function.defer(this.checkIFrame, 10, this); return } e = b.document; c = e.getElementById("state"); a = c ? c.innerText : null; g = d.getHash(); Ext.TaskManager.start({ run: function () { var l = b.document, k = l.getElementById("state"), h = k ? k.innerText : null, j = d.getHash(); if (h !== a) { a = h; d.handleStateChange(h); d.setHash(h); g = h; d.doSave() } else { if (j !== g) { g = j; d.updateIFrame(j) } } }, interval: 50, scope: d }); d.ready = true; d.fireEvent("ready", d) }, startUp: function () { var a = this, b; a.currentToken = a.hiddenField.value || this.getHash(); if (a.oldIEMode) { a.checkIFrame() } else { b = a.getHash(); Ext.TaskManager.start({ run: function () { var c = a.getHash(); if (c !== b) { b = c; a.handleStateChange(b); a.doSave() } }, interval: 50, scope: a }); a.ready = true; a.fireEvent("ready", a) } }, init: function (d, b) { var c = this, a = Ext.DomHelper; if (c.ready) { Ext.callback(d, b, [c]); return } if (!Ext.isReady) { Ext.onReady(function () { c.init(d, b) }); return } c.hiddenField = Ext.getDom(c.fieldId); if (!c.hiddenField) { c.hiddenField = Ext.getBody().createChild({ id: Ext.id(), tag: "form", cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "hide-display", children: [{ tag: "input", type: "hidden", id: c.fieldId } ] }, false, true).firstChild } if (c.oldIEMode) { c.iframe = Ext.getDom(c.iframeId); if (!c.iframe) { c.iframe = a.append(c.hiddenField.parentNode, { tag: "iframe", id: c.iframeId, src: Ext.SSL_SECURE_URL }) } } c.addEvents("ready", "change"); if (d) { c.on("ready", d, b, { single: true }) } c.startUp() }, add: function (a, c) { var b = this; if (c !== false) { if (b.getToken() === a) { return true } } if (b.oldIEMode) { return b.updateIFrame(a) } else { b.setHash(a); return true } }, back: function () { window.history.go(-1) }, forward: function () { window.history.go(1) }, getToken: function () { return this.ready ? this.currentToken : this.getHash() } }, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [["observable", Ext.util.Observable]], [Ext.util, "History", Ext, "History"], 0));