You are having an issue when accessing Administator->Applications->BizLogic in BPM Portal. It is not opening up correctly after data has been migrated. The error doesn't tell you which application has the issue.
The error message displayed is:
Following error occurred while performing the operation. "(PW22061) Error occurred while preparing Bizlogic application bean. context(ApplicationServiceUtil.prepareBLAppBean) Nested:Application name, version name and process type should not be null or empty" Please see the bpmportal.log file for further details.
The error is because some application directories are missing under SBM_HOME\ebmsapps.
Copy/deploy all the missing applications to the Server's SBM_HOME\ebmsapps folder.
In case there are many applications, you can use the attached GetMissingApp.jsp to list all the missing applications in the browser:
- Copy the attached GetMissingApp.jsp under SBM_HOME\webapps\deploy\sbm\bpmportal\myhome (on newer Aurea Process versions this is SBM_HOME\webapps\sbm\bpmportal\myhome)
- Open the GetMissingApp.jsp on the BPM Portal by accessing this URL:
- http://<ServerIP>:<ServerPORT>/sbm/bpmportal/myhome/GetMissingApp.jsp
- It will list the missing applications in your browser.
- Make sure all the applications listed are available under SBM_HOME\ebmsapps directory.
After copying the missing applications, restart your server.
After copying the missing applications, and restart your server, your applications should be listed correctly.