Before installing, you would like to request a production or evaluation license key for your Aurea Process (aka CX Process or Savvion or SBM), or you would like to know who do you need to contact for an Aurea Process license key.
For Aurea Process evaluation or production license keys please contact your Account Manager (aka Account Executive). Once they reviewed your request our Support Team will share with you the required license keys.
The same applies if you need Maintenance/Subscription renewal.
Instructions for handling licensing requests and generating licenses
Accepting and redirecting licensing requests
- Customers contacting you directly for licenses should be redirected to their Account Managers.
- You should be getting license generation requests only from Account Managers (aka Account Executives / AE) or from the Deal Desk Team members (Toni Ugrina, Del Augustus, Jacq Reyes).
- For internal license requests from Aurea employees like the Professional Services team, you can create non-production licenses for use in a development or testing environment.
Prerequisites for license generation
- When receiving a license request (whoever is requesting it) the requestor should provide the following details:
- Customer Number (this is the Customer ID in SalesForce)
- Customer Name (company name)
- Product line (Aurea Process, Savvion)
- Version (the product version)
- License Type (Production, Evaluation)
- The number of physical CPUs in the system
- The number of cores per physical CPU
- The user limit
- Who to share with the generated license (Account Manager, Customer)
Generating the license
To generate a license for Savvion or Aurea Process you will need to do the following:
- Log in to https://license.aurea.com:8443
- Click on the Customer header and enter the details provided by the requestor. Please note that the Customer Number and Customer are mandatory fields.
- Click on the Productlines header and select the required Productline and Version for the license you are generating.
For more details on what productline and version to select when generating a license for a specific version of Aurea Process, please use the following table:Aurea Process Version Product Line Version 2015 or earlier
Savvion 7.5
2016 to 2020 Aurea Process 2016 2021 or newer Aurea Process 12.0 - Click on the Products [ <productline and version selected> ] header and enter the required details for the customer's license.
- Click on the License Generation header and verify that the selected product for license generation is correct. If provided enter the Maintenance start date
- Add a note with the Zendesk ticket for this license request.
- Click on the Generate Licenses button to generate the license.
- In the Generated Licenses window, click on the PDF License Summary link to download the generated License PDF file.
- Share the generated License PDF file as per the instructions provided by the requestor (either with the requestor or with the named contact person from the customer).
The required license files belicense.xml and license.xml are embedded in the PDF file and can be saved using a proper PDF reader like Adobe Reader.