After enabling SSL for Aurea Process server, you will need to enable SSL also for BPM Studio to be able to connect to the Server.
Following are the steps to import the SSL certificate to BPM studio:
- Obtain the client certificate from the Application Server where Aurea Process is running and SSL is enabled. This process is different, depending on the Application Server used and you will need to use your Application Server's documentation to find out how it should be done. For eg. the cacert file for WebLogic (which applies to both the Portal and EJB server) is located under:
- Save the obtained client certificate, eg. under the name of ExportCert.
- Run the below command to import the client certificate into the BPM Studio keystore:
$BPMStudio\jdk\bin\keytool -import -keystore BPMStudio\jdk\jre\lib\security\cacerts -file ExportCert -alias ClientCert
SSL debugging
In case you are facing difficulties with the SSL configuration or you need more information about how your SSL setup is working, you can enable SSL debugging by adding the following JVM parameter to the BPM Studio JVM "-Dssl.debug=true". Follow these steps to add this parameter to the BPM Studio launcher:
- Click on Start Menu -> Aurea -> Right-click on "Launch BPM Studio" -> More -> Open file location
- Right-click on Launch BPM Studio icon.
- On the Shortcut tab edit the Target value:
$BPMStudio_Home\eclipse\eclipse.exe -vm jdk\bin\javaw.exe -vmargs-Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=128m
$BPMStudio_Home\eclipse\eclipse.exe -vm jdk\bin\java.exe -vmargs-Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Dssl.debug=true
Note the following changes:
- javaw.exe changed to java.exe
- added -Dssl.debug=true