When a user logs into your BPM Portal, you see a Severe Performance Degradation warning in the portalServer.log file. The following is the complete warning from the portalServer.log file:
15:52:33,598 WARNING [net.sf.ehcache.pool.sizeof.ObjectGraphWalker] (http-TESTBPM-DEV1.aurea.com/ The configured limit of 1,000 object references was reached while attempting to calculate the size of the object graph. Severe performance degradation could occur if the sizing operation continues. This can be avoided by setting the CacheManger or Cache <sizeOfPolicy> elements maxDepthExceededBehavior to "abort" or adding stop points with @IgnoreSizeOf annotations. If performance degradation is NOT an issue at the configured limit, raise the limit value using the CacheManager or Cache <sizeOfPolicy> elements maxDepth attribute. For more information, see the Ehcache configuration documentation.
Permissions to edit the sbm_ejb_cache.template, sbm_ejbweb_cache.template and sbm_web_cache.template files in the SBM_HOME\conf\resources\common\distcache\template\ehcache directory.
By default, the system will attempt to cache linked objects up to a maximum depth of 1000, if you have a group with over 1000 members you will get the warning when a user from that group logs in. You can increase this maximum depth limit in the cache to better suit your configuration by doing the following:
- Open the files sbm_ejb_cache.template, sbm_ejbweb_cache.template and sbm_web_cache.template files found in the SBM_HOME\conf\resources\common\distcache\template\ehcache directory in a text editor.
- In each of these files, add the value sizeOfPolicy with an increased maxDepth parameter like the increase to 2000 shown below for the sbm_web_cache.template file:
<ehcache xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<sizeOfPolicy maxDepth="2000" maxDepthExceededBehavior="continue"/> - After modifying these files, you will need to restart the Aurea Process server.
Once the increased sizeOfPolicy value is added to the sbm_ejb_cache.template, sbm_ejbweb_cache.template and sbm_web_cache.template files, you will no longer have this error in your log when certain users log in.