You are trying to deploy a Common Resource Project using BPM Studio and AppDeployer to your cluster but it fails with a DeploymentException: A server error "Exception from service object: com/savvion/tools/deployment/AppName" has occurred. The following is the full build error from BPM Studio and AppDeployer:
[sbmappinstall] server count = 2
[sbmappinstall] Server Url = http://ghlx004ptlge.penske.com:18001/sbm/deployment
[sbmappinstall] Service connectreturned [name=return] [type=boolean] [value=true] [encodingStyleURI=null]
[sbmappinstall] Successfully connect to BizLogic server.
[sbmappinstall] Service commonAppNameExistsreturned [name=return] [type=boolean] [value=false] [encodingStyleURI=null]
[sbmappinstall] Service setAppTypereturned [name=return] [type=boolean] [value=true] [encodingStyleURI=null]
[sbmappinstall] Service setAppFlagsreturned [name=return] [type=boolean] [value=true] [encodingStyleURI=null]
[sbmappinstall] Fault generated Exception from service object: com/savvion/tools/deployment/Dummy
[sbmappinstall] Error while transferring App:com.savvion.tools.deployment.common.DeploymentException: A server error "Exception from service object: com/savvion/tools/deployment/Dummy" has occurred.
[for] /opt/cx2020/apppackager/build/deploy/testCommonRes.par/Field_CommonResource.xml: The following error occurred while executing this line:
[for] /opt/cx2020/apppackager/appbuild.xml:357: The following error occurred while executing this line:
[for] /opt/cx2020/apppackager/appbuild.xml:442: SBM App deployment failed.SBMAPPDeployer could not deploy the archive.
/opt/cx2020/apppackager/appbuild.xml:330: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/opt/cx2020/apppackager/appbuild.xml:343: Keepgoing execution: 1 of 1 iterations failed.
This error with deploying a common resource project occurs when there is a custom folder that is not mapped in the dir.map file in your project.
Please create a mapping in the dir.map for this custom folder like the example below for the custom folder bpmportal:
bpmportal =__sbmweb_archive/bpmportal
For more details on the dir.map file, please refer to the Using common resources section of the BPM Studio User's Guide include with you Aurea Process installation files or on Aurea Worx community site for your version of Aurea Process.