You would like to make the Search Tasks bar collapsed by default on My tasks page. In SBM 2021 R1 it is expanded by default but there is a way to change this.
There are 2 ways of making the Search Task panel collapsed by default.
Hard code
- Open bm/instance/main.js and bm/common/bmfilter_4x.js files.
- Search for the following code:
collapsed: BmUtil.isSearchPanelCollapse(),
- Replace the code with:
//collapsed: BmUtil.isSearchPanelCollapse(),
collapsed: true,
Add 'spc' request parameter in the URL
If you don't want to hardcode you may add spc=true parameter in the URL when you open My Tasks page like this: http://host:18793/sbm/bpmportal/myhome/bizsite.task?spc=true
Parameter spc = true/false controls it.