- Can JST API be used to load Java classes in a JSP which is outside of the SBM folder?
- How do I log into Aurea Process from an External JSP Webpage?
- WorkStepInstance and WorkItem API execution is failing in Adapter Workstep
- SBM API cannot be resolved in custom web application
- Getting a Failed to look-up from JNDI service error when using the Process Instance API on 2020 SP1 with TomEE
- How to access document dataslot within external JSPs?
BPM Portal
- Internet Explorer 11 does not correctly open .XLSX or .DOCX or .pptx extension files
- User Filters that filter on user-defined DataSlots migrated from 2015 SP1 to 2020 R1 are not working and can't be edited.
- Collapsing by default the Search Tasks section on My tasks page
- User Management Queues pagination results in header duplication
- Getting error while fetching documents from global documents DS
- Getting a Server Performance Degradation warning in the portalServer log when a user logs in.
BPM Studio
- Is It Safe To Delete The URL Provided As iiop Under The sbmUrl Field Of The ant.properties.ORIG File?
- Can permissions to update application group membership be restricted to specific administrator groups?
- Creating a Dynamic Web Project in BPM Studio fails with "Failed while installing Dynamic Web Module 3.0." error
- Invalid "Cannot parse date format" alert after migration to Aurea Process 2020 when using Adaplets
- Unable to deploy Common Resource Project using BPM Studio and AppDeployer
- Does AppPackager and AppDeployer in Enterprise Edition work the same way as in Standard Edition?
- Subprocess not starting because main (parent) process work step is suspended with NullPointerException
- "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist" error when starting BizLogic
- Preexisting Adapter call to an Oracle Stored Procedure failing after migration from 2015 SP1 to 2020 R1
- Authentication of published services
- Calling updateSlotValue() on an object dataslot fails with a ClassNotFoundException on Aurea Process 2020 R1 with JBoss EAP
- Email adapter unable to send mail when using an account with a password that has special characters
Installation and Configuration
- Setting Up A Workstep Performer From Group All To Group Any Through A Java Method
- Error with setupCluster on WebSphere: "Traceback (innermost last): File "<string>", line 111, in ?"
- Supported Cloud Platforms for Aurea Process
- JBoss admin server not getting started with error
- Unable to create an Aurea Process Instance with PostgreSQL and TomEE due to a "Failed to connect to broker" exception error
- Which UI Frameworks, Object Relational Mapping(ORM) library and JDBC drivers are used with Aurea Process 2020 R1?
- Unable to get managed connection for java:/jdbc/SBMCommonDB
- Aurea Process 2015 compatibility with Oracle Database 12c Release 2
- Configure Datasource in WebSphere with Oracle provided JDBC thin driver using TNS from tnsnames.ora
- Aurea Process database migration from Oracle to MS SQL
- New datasource creation on CX Process deployed over Websphere fails with existing data provider
- Updating the Database Schema User Password in an existing Websphere Cluster
- What is the impact on the Application if users are still processing instances in Aurea Process when a clustered environment is restarted
- Is Session failover supported in Enterprise Cloud or Enterprise On-premise?
- A node in Savvion 2015 SP1 with JBoss cluster is unable to start due to an Authentication Failure error
- Should Admin Server be restarted without restarting EJB and Portal Server in a clustered environment?